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30 Best CEOs of the Year 2020
The aim of becoming a successful CEO is not for the faint hearted, and if you ask a business professional to pin down the qualities of a successful CEO, he/she will give you an endless list. But that is very difficult to become one. What separates a great CEO from the rest of the pack? That we will read in this edition. For every talented, dedicated and high-achieving professional, the ultimate goal is to become a successful CEO. Anyone who starts their own company can hold this prestigious title. It takes an outstanding leadership quality to truly become what it means to be a CEO. So, are you sure you have what it takes to be a successful CEO?
Succeeding as a CEO takes hard work and persistence because, unfortunately, a CEO has to wear many caps and there is no fairy who magically bestows success. Most successful CEOs follow incomparable patterns but also share some basic characteristics.

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30 Best CEOs of the Year 2020