On the CoverCHRIST and Christites on the ascendancy in both curricular, cocurricular and extra curricular achievements
OUR LEADING LIGHT JESUS CHRIST The teacher, who taught the world love, peace and compassion OUR CORNERSTONE
OUR PATRON ST. KURJAKOSE ELIAS CHAVAR_A - He firmly believed in empowering all children of God through Education.He successfully liberated education from the clutches of the privileged and gave it to whoever needed it. thus bringing a change into a rigid stratified society.
VISIONExcellence and ServiceMISSIONCHRIST is a nurturing groundfor an individual's holisticdevelopment to make effectivecontribution to the society in adynamic environment.
OUR LEADING LIGHT DEANERY oF CoMMERCE AND MANAGBMBNT 01 Jesus Christ 02 St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara 35 Institute of Management 03 Vision, Mission and Core Values 40 Department of Commerce 41 Department of Management Studies PERSPECTIVES 42 Department of Hotel Management OS The Chancellor 43 Department of Professional Studies 06 The Vice Chancellor 45 School of Business Studies and Social Sciences 07 The Registrar GROUND BREAKERS SPOTLIGHT ON 49 Centre for Advanced Research and I>EANERY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SciENcES 08 Department of English Training (CART) 10 Department of Media Studies 11 DepartmentofLanguages so Centre for Concept Design (CCD) 13 Department of Economics 14 Department of International Studies and History 51 Centre for Counselling 15 Department of Sociology and Social Work 52 Centre for Publications 17 Theatre in Education 53 Centre for Digital Innovation (CD!) 18 Department of Theatre Studies 54 Centre for Sustainable Education and 19 Department of Performing Arts 20 Department of Western Music Development 21 Department of Psychology 55 Centre for Social Action 22 SchoolofEducation 56 Centre for Academic and I>EANERY OF SciENCE Professional Support (CAPS) 25 Department of Electronics and Physics 57 Centre for Research 26 DepartmentofCh~try 58 Student Council 27 Department of Life Sciences 58 Office of Information Processing and 28 Department of Mathematics 29 Department of Statistics Management 30 Department of Computer Science 59 Office of Examination 31 Faculty of Engineering (CUFE) 60 Office of International Affairs 62 Office of Student Welfare 33 School of Architecture 63 Library and Information Centre 64 Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum 34 School of Law 66 IT Services 68 Association of Christian Christites (ACq_ . CHRJSTITE 2018 69 National Cadet Corps (NCC) 70 Physical Education 72 CHRIST Alumni Association PORTRAIT 73 Interview with Dr. Iven Jose IMPRINT 2017-18 76 Convocation 77 Rank Holders 79 Basha Utsav & Ethnic Day 80 Rector's Day and Christmas Celebrations 81 Gratitude and Farewell Day 82 THEALBUM2018 128 AFTERWORD
Dr Fr George Edayadiyil, CMI ChancellorI take great pride in penning this message on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of CHRIST (Deemed to beUniversity) and wish to recall the incredible journey that the institution has taken in the past five decades.From its humble beginnings as an establishment catering to the pre-university requirements of the studentsof Bengaluru, the college has grown over the years, offering a world-class platform to students aspiring to begraduates in a plethora of specialisations through rigorous training, industrial exposure and research. Whilethe initial goal was to provide the best education to the local population, the institution did not take long toemerge as a noteworthy establishment in south India and within a few years, one of the country's premierinstitutions offering educational opportunities not just for Indians but students of other nationalities as well.We are proud of the contributions of our dedicated staff members- teaching and non-teaching, our students,alumni and well-wishers, who have all, in the last 50 years, changed the course of the Institution's history.True to the vision of our founding father, St.Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the CMI congregation has stood bytheir commitment to education and nation building and has been instrumental in making every milestone inthe last five decades, relevant and significant. I thank my predecessors and every other CMI member whohave been, directly or otherwise, associated with this temple of knowledge over the years, for their invaluablecontributions and countless man-hours spent in polishing this gem of an Institution and making it what it is.While we take pride in the state-of-the-art facilities provided on all our campuses, the memory of the modestinception of the Institution shall always remain with us as a constant reminder that our greatest asset is ourstaff and students and I am proud that we have always upheld our motto of \"Excellence and Service\". Bycalling to mind our successful journey so far, I also wish to remind you of the miles to go and heights to beconquered yet and I am sure the CHRIST family shall take the torch forward, with their heads held high andhearts ever strong.I congratulate the Management, Staff and Students of CHRIST (Deemed to be University) on this auspiciousoccasion and thank God Almighty for His grace and blessings. CHRJSTITE 2018
Col Dr Fr Thomas C Mathew Vice Chancellor \"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved\". -William Jennings Bryan It is a very momentous occasion for the CMI as the golden jubilee of CHRIST (Deemed to be University) evokes memories. As we review the history of 50 years, we have enough reason to thank God for all his blessings. It is an occasion to recall the marvellous journey from its very humble beginning on 15 July 1969 as an affiliated college, inaugurating the one year Pre University Programme with the vision of 'Excellence and Service' and four programmes, 379 students, 20 teaching and 8 non-teaching staff. This is also an opportunity to introspect and reflect on the achievements and laurels we have gained and to garner strength to meet the challenges and goals that lie ahead. The festivities planned are spread throughout the year which will make this year a memorable one in the history of CHRIST. Much has been achieved, but much more remains to be done. We need to continue the legacy of good work given to us by our pioneers with dedication and commitment. I salute the Fathers and Collaborators who have laboured for the development of this institution to meet the continuing need of offering quality education to the masses. Certainly this is not a celebration of the buildings but of people who made it come alive. Holding strong to the vision of Excellence and Service, this golden jubilee year is another step towards making our existence meaningful. I seek the Almighty's blessings on the Management, Staff and Students in their endeavours for the coming years. Let's take pride in how far we have come and have faith in how far we can go! Best Wishes~ CHRJSTITE 2018
Dr Anil Joseph Pinto RegistrarWe have seen many minds being shaped by CHRIST the Institution and many more innovative ideasshaping the Institution with the big and small steps that we took in the last 50 years. Ushering in the50th year in 2018 therefore brings us great memories of the past and bright dreams for the future. Theinstitution takes great pride in tracing the incredible journey that has chiselled out a promising futurefor all of us. It is intriguing at times to travel back in time to discover how the many apprehensions wehave had were the seeds of the dreams realised today.The dynamism and positivity of the people who entered the Institution and contributed their mite hasbeen its strength. Upholding its core values, the institution has always kept the flames of the CHRISTITEspirit alive. Change has been the only catalyst that has brought success to the Institution. With changehave come the initiative, dynamism, thirst for knowledge and the pursuit of excellence that was alwaysthe hallmark of CHRIST (Deemed to be University). We are steadily marching forward to embrace anew milieu of responsibilities and a shared vision of the CHRIST fraternity.To quote Wilhelm Von Humboldt, \" Besides the pleasure derived from acquired knowledge, therelurks in the mind of man, and tinged with a shade of sadness, an unsatisfactory longing for somethingbeyond the present, a striving towards regions yet unknown and unopened.\" I believe that it is thislonging for the unknown and the thirst for the unopened that motivates all of us \"To strive, to seekand not to yield.\" (Tennyson). The institution is moving towards another promising phase of growthand I urge the entire CHRIST fraternity to put their best foot forward and take the Institution togreater heights. CHRJSTITE 2018
DEPARTMENT OFENGLISH The English Studies program has organised many three colleges and over 200 students. The Literati was also events during the academic year 2017-18. proud to introduce Young Literat- the annual academic The first year CEP and PSEng students performed and participated in One Act Play festival, 'Masquerades' in and non-academic essay writing competition. the month of July, 2017. The exercise was a component of internal assessment for the paper British Literature. As an organisation of, for and by the English students, The English Studies students of second year BA organised the Literati planned workshops that would enhance its an exhibition on American Literature in the month members' and students' literary skills. It organised a of August, 2017. The display stalls were based on the Poetry Workshop, led by renowned spoken word poet perceptive and learning gained from their classroom Mr. Daniel Sukumar, open to all students in the campus. learning. The final year students of the elective paper, It also conducted a workshop on Micro-Fiction by Mr. 'Introduction to English Language Teaching' organised a Sudeep Pagedar. The Literati also conducted a gamut lecture demonstration for the MA students on language of departmental and intra-association activities like teaching tools and materials. Symphonia, film screenings, book talks and creative writing competitions. The Literati is the English Students' association. With three clubs and over 100 members, The Literati The students of MA in English with Communication organised a plethora of activities in the academic year Studies also organised a large array of academic events with the formal inauguration of the Scholars' Forum, an 2017-18. The Literati's flagship eventJabberwocky- the all-inclusive knowledge sharing space. Numerous guest lectures were organized for the students, covering wide- annual department festival, with the theme of 'Literary ranging topics from an interdisciplinary perspective. An Generations' was organised in the month of August experiential learning tour to JanpathLoka (Karnataka 2017. Events ranging from Slam poetry and Air-crash to Folk Art Museum) was arranged for second-year Cosplay and art events, saw participation of more than students to augment their learning of Folk art and~ CHRJSTITE 2018
culture. Guided NET sessions were organized by the writing and formatting papers, citations, plagiarism anddepartment to help the students. A series of 25 eclectic ethics in research writing. The scholars also got a scope tosessions was organized as part of Scholars' Forum for the interact with the resource person and clarify their doubts.odd semester and even semester together. Knowledge Following the APA workshop, a workshop on MLA wassharing sessions by eminent scholars and practitioners on conducted on the 16th of March 2018. The aim of theliterature, cinema, yoga, ayurveda, soft skills, theatre and workshop was to familiarize the scholars with the MLAfashion were organized together with student research rules and regulations. The session was interactive and thepresentations, extempore and other extra-curricular scholars benefitted immensely from the session.activities. The Forum provided the much needed space toexplore and experiment with diverse fields. Many cultural The Department of English, CHRIST (Deemed to beevents also found a special space in the academic calendar. University), in collaboration with the Regional Institute ofChristmas potluck, Alumni meet, fellowship games and English, South India, organized a two day national seminarJabberwocky brought the festive mood with much on Macaulay to Globalization: Shifting Perspectives ofenthusiasm from the students. English Classrooms in Indian Higher Education in the 21st Century on the 10 thru 11 of November, 2017. MA students organized the one-day annual seminar, The seminar saw the presences of eminent resourceMelangeon \"Re-visiting the Panchabhuta: A Trope in people from the fields of English Language EducationIndian Literature(s) and Arts\" on 8 February 2018. Dr and Linguistics. There were two keynote addressesN. Gopalak:rishnan, Director, Indian Institute of Scientific on the first day of the seminar. The first keynoteHeritage delivered the keynote address while Yuva address was delivered by Prof G.N. Devy followed byKala Bharathi Dr Rekha Raju, Expert Panel Member - the second keynote address by Dr Amol Padwad. DrMohiniyattam, Cultural Ministry, Government of India, Venkateshwaran, Ex Director, RIE; Dr Amritavalli, EFLU,addressed the gathering as Chief Guest. Eminent resource Retd., Dr Rajendra Chenny, Kuvempu University, Drpersons like Fr. Augustine Thottak:ara (Indian Philosophy), Padmini Baruah, Guahatilniversity and Dr Don Adams,Mr. C. B. Ramkumar (Architecture and Sustainable living), Florida State University were other eminent personalitiesDr Krishnak:umar (Ayurveda), Mr. Vasu Dixit (Music) who were part of the various events of the seminar.and Ms. Aabha Hanjura (Sufi music) graced the occasion One of the highlights of the seminar was a workshopwith their esteemed presence. Research presentations by conducted on exploratory action research by Dr Padministudents and scholars added to the nuanced reading of the Baruah. The paper presenters came from various partsidea of Panchabhuta of the country including Delhi and Goa. The issues and concerns discussed in the seminar helped to understand The Department of English, CHRIST (Deemed to the various nuances of the position of English as abe) University, has been successfully running the MPhil language in Indiain English Program since its inception. The year 2017witnessed quite a few programs and workshops that CHRISTITE 2018 ~were conducted for the studentspursuing their Mphil with thedepartment. A seminar coursewas conducted by ProfessorDon Adams, A Fulbright visitingprofessor from Florida StateUniversity, USA, in the month ofJanuary. The course was spreadover a week and catered to theresearch interests of the students.This seminar course was followedby a workshop on APA. The twohour workshop included differentcomponents of APA, including
DEPARTMENT OF and advertising fields addressed the students and briefed them about MEDIA STUDIES various possibilities and added to their classroom learning. To facilitate The Department of Media Studies initiated, around 40 more exposure to latest media buzz, C-Hive sessions aimed to bridge the academia industry students also participated in various gap were during the year 2017-18. Some of the key events for this year included national level seminar Media Meet tests organized by other institutions on Big Data with S S Rajamouli as chief guest and as part of Utsav-a national level student film festival, Tinu Anand and won accolades for the graced the event as chief guest. To encourage research department. Department also hosted culture among post graduate student of the department, speakers like Sadanand Menon, students presented their research papers every Saturday Paranajoy Guha Thakurta, Dr. Peter in the presence of industry expert to validate and connect Schneller, and Sashi Kumar. with the industry need. Eminent speakers from print, broadcast, photography, films, corporate communication~ CHRISTITE 2018
. _ SPOTLIGHT ONDEPARTMENT OFLANGUAGES A multilingual Poets' Meet was conducted on 10 July Hitier, Course Director, Alliance Fran~aise de Bangalore;2017 in the KE Auditorium, Block 4. Hindi, Kannada, Ms. Krusha Khakhar, Manager, Campus France, and DrSanskrit, Tamil and French poems were composed Anil Pinto, Registrar.and recited by budding student poets from 1 semesterlanguage classes. Expose 2017, an exhibit of charts on An international resource person from Canada, Dr.French culture was organized on the occasion of the Brenda Beck delivered guest lectures on Folk StudiesFrench national day. Fr. Jose CC, Director of Student to the II year French students on 13 and 18 NovemberAffairs inaugurated the stall. Dr Axel Beier , Director of 2017. On 11 January 2018, Bhasha Samvad, a panelGoethe Institut along with the Head of Languages, Goethe discussion, was arranged for the 4sem BA/BSc and BComlnstitut and the Registrar, Dr Pinto visited the exposition. language students respectively on Folk Art forms. The topics presented by the students Girish Karnad's play Department of Languages conducted Bhasha Samvad, 'Thuglaq' and Hindi Theatre as a form of Art\" provokeda panel discussion on paintings through a guest talk and the discussions. Likewise on Monday 22 January 2018a live demo by an in-house French student artist Shravan between 9 and 1Oam & 3 and 4pm, the panel discussionKumar from 3 JPEng. On the 18 August 2017 the was conducted for the 2 sem BCom/BBA and BA/BScdepartment held a meeting on the upcoming DELF Exams respectively on Folk art forms of Andhra Pradesh andin the presence of Dr, Anil Pinto, the Registrar, Christ Tamil Nadu (FRENCH STUDENTS). This academic eventUniversity, Mr. Emmanuel Samson, Cooperation Officer, was conducted in KE Auditorium and in Campus View.French Institute and Laure, Course Director, AllianceFran~aise, Bangalore. On 21 February 2018, the Department of Languages conducted Multi lingual Inter-collegiate Competitions The Faculty of the Department of Languages had named Bhasha Surabhi, to celebrate the occasion of Mathrutaken up a 4 hour intensive training program on Intimate Bhasha Diwas between 1.30 and 4.30pm. Each departmentInteractive Theatre which is an emerging trend in the conducted literary and cultural competitions in theirevolving world of theatre. On 22 November 2017, a respective languages in different venues within the CampusDiploma award ceremony was held between for the first holding different titles namely Jagruti (Hindi), Incharabatch of French students from Christ who had passed (Kannada), Susamskruti (Sanskrit), Indira Vizha (Tamil) andtheir DELF A1. Organized by the Department of French, Joie de Vivre (French). More than 10 different collegesthe ceremony saw the presence of Mr Emmanuel Samson, participated in this Fest. Vagartha, multi lingual onlineAttache for Cooperation in French Language, French magazine consisting Indian Languages and La Jeunesse, theInstitute in India, Embassy of France in India; Ms Laure online French Magazine was released in March 2018. CHRJSTITE 2018 ~
HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES The undergraduate students learning Indian languages even semester, Department of Sanskrit arranged a guestas their second language were trained by the experts from lecture by Geetha Madhusudan, from Jain University onThe Centre for Internet and Society, to write articles for the topic \" Multiple disciplinary approaches to SanskritWikipedia To continue the change from the traditional Literature\" on 14 February 2018. On 21 Februarymode of learning languages to the digital mode, the 2018, an intercollegiate competition was organized andDepartment of Languages in association with Centre for invitations were sent to several colleges. Students fromInternet & Society and Access to Knowledge Programme many colleges attended and won prizes in the literaryorganized an orientation programme for first year UG competitions. Mount Carmel College bagged most prizesstudents. in the competitions. Bhasha Parishat conducted two panel discussions Following the schedule drafted by the Departmenton Folk art forms of India and Theatre in the month of of Languages, under the umbrella title Basha Surabhi,January 2017. Hindi students took part in the cultural the Department of Tamil participated in the Bhashacompetitions during Bhasha Utsav organized by the Kavighoshti, (Multi-Lingual Poets' Meet) and presentedDepartment of Languages on 9 September 2017. The poems in Tamil. The contribution of the students fromstudents showcased the cultural diversity of India through department of Tamil was significant as they introducedvarious folk art forms. all the folk artistes from Tamilnadu and explained the nuances of Naiyandi Melam and Koothu. Students also The department also organized a workshop in took active part in the Bhasha Samwad programme. Dr.October 2017 in frontier areas of languages, literature Sunil Kumar from the Department of Performing Arts gaveand curriculum updation. The department also conducted a demonstration come lecture on Indian music, which isJagruti- an inter-collegiate Literary and cultural a part of the curriculum under culture. On 15 Novembercompetitions on 21 February 2018. Hindi students had 2017 there was a guest lecture by Dr Brenda E F Beckalso participated in the inter-collegiate Hindi competitions from the Department of Anthropology, University ofheld at St. Joseph's College and CMR University and Toronto, Canada. Dr Beck gave a meaningful introductionbagged many prizes. to folklore especially to Indian folklore The Department of Sanskrit was lively this academic and answered questions from the studentsyear. Orientation for the first year students was regarding the career opportunities in theconducted in the beginning of the semester. Under Basha areas of language, culture, AnthropologySamwad, a guest lecture was conducted for all the courses and Folklore. On 21 February 2018by Ms. Shantha from Jyothi Nivas College and by Bidyut intercollegiate competitions wereBushan Jena for the second year B.A/B.Sc students in the conducted during the annual festival Indiraodd semester. Students participating in Basha Samwad Vizha in which students from St. Joseph'sdiscussed about the morals, ethics and myths of their College, Indian Institute of Psychology andstate. A music programme as a part of the syllabus was Research and RBANM College, Bengaluruarranged by the Department of Performing Arts. In the had taken part._ , ; j CHRISTITE 2018
DEPARTMENT OFECONOMICS The mission of the undergraduate program a Faculty Development Programme (FDP) focusing on ain Economics is to familiarize students with relevant theme related to innovative teaching and pedagogy.the economic aspects of modern society, to The department also organized a panel discussion onacquaint them with techniques for the analysis Post Union Budget Analysis 2018-19 in which eminentof contemporary economic problems, and to academicians and economists shared their opinion.develop in them an ability to exercise judgmentin evaluating public policy. With this motive The department conducted current affairs sessions,the Department of Economics added another orientation programmes on placements and class activitiesyear of successful performance to its records in for the students of all the programmes. Subject seminarsthe academic year 2017-18. The inauguration and student panel discussions had been organized byof Economics Association- 'AMARTYA'- kick started the respective teachers for various programmes at thewith a wide range of student activities organized by the undergraduate and master's levels which were richDepartment during this academic year. The inaugural learning experiences for the students. The department alsolecture was delivered by well-known academician organized student panel discussion on Union Budget 2018Prof Chiranjib Sen, enlightening the young minds. The and Goods and Services Tax (GST).Economics Association has pioneered a range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities ranging from A number of guest lectures and guest interactions wereEPHEMERIS, our quarterly newsletter that provides a organized for all the programmes to give wider perspectivesplatform for all students and patrons of economics to to the students on various topical issues. One of the megavoice their opinion on issues of economic relevance to the events in this connection was the interaction with Dr10th national level Young Economist Competition (YEC), Thomas Isaac, who well known economist and politician,which aims at promoting research at undergraduate currently the Finance Minister of Kerala on the topic 'Unionlevel by inviting high quality research papers of Budget 2018-19: Implications for Indian economy'. Anotherundergraduate students from across the country which major event was a special lecture on 'Cryptocurrency:would be subjected to rigorous evaluation and scrutiny Revisualizing the Indian Economy', delivered by Mr. Satish Vbefore selecting ten best papers for the final phase of J from Stealth Mode Startup Company.presentation at CHRIST (Deemed to be University). The placements for the students of Master's and Through the Economics Association the department Bachelor's programmes have been commendable.organized the National Economics Fest called ALTIUS in Promotion to higher studies has also been extremelywhich large number of students from across the country good. The curriculum for all the different programmeshas taken part in various competitions representing has been duly updated in order to keep pace with thetheir institutions. It has acted as a good platform for new developments in and around. As part of the servicethe students to interact with their counterparts from learning initiatives, BA final year students were taken for adiverse backgrounds. The department has also organized day's visit to different lakes of Bengaluru in order to create awareness about the issues related to water pollution, water conservation and protection of water bodies. CHR.ISTITE 2018 -
HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCESDEPARTMENT OFINTERNATIONAL STUDIES AND HISTORY The student association of the undergraduate Club, Dance Club, Quiz Club, Literary Club and Sportsprogram, Vrittanta, has held many activities ranging Club have engaged the students to grow in all thefrom National Level Fests to projects which involve spheres possible.interacting with underprivileged children and makinga better study environment for them. The department The department's National Level Fest, Sangam 2017has also successfully conducted its first ever intra- was the highlight of the entire academic year. The festdepartmental Model United Nations. The student enabled students from all over the country to be a partassociation also has 8 varied clubs which allow all the of a platform that made them think out of the box.students to be a part of something apart from just The entire department was extremely enthusiastic andacademics which has helped them shape and mould worked towards the best outcome of the fest with greattheir interests to a large extent. The different clubs like, zeal.Debate Society, Model United Nations Society, Music One of the greatest achievements of the department has been the leap forward of the Kayal Art Club which is at its peak of excellence and thrives to always be. The club initiated a project called the Janakiram Layout Revamp Project in collaboration with CSA, wherein the students succeeded in painting an entire school for the underprivileged. The students have mastered the art of time management and have also honed their leadership skills. The department's main goal is to always achieve the maximum benefit for its students with the resources available. The students too, who are creative prove to be the best and make the most of the opportunities given to them.- CHRISTITE 2018
SPOTLIGHT ONDEPARTMENT OFSOCIOLOGY & SOCIAL WORK The Department of Sociology & Social Griffith University, Australia, VID specialized University,work aims to develop personal and professional Norway and NORD University Norway. Externallycompetences through the integration of funded projects of the Department are supported by inknowledge, practice and by providing the collaboration with Higher Education Council Governmenttheoretical and empirical exposure to various of Karnataka. United way Bangalore, Unnat Bharatsocial realities. Students are encouraged to Abhiyan - A government of India initiative coordinatedengage in externally funded projects of the by liT. Delhi and International Federation of CatholicDepartment. Students received fellowships for Universities (IFCU).research from MFF-NAPSWI, fellowships forinternship, secured first position for the quiz The following outreach programmes were conductedconducted by Childline India, won best oral during the academic year:presentation award in the students & ResearchersCategory and best poster presentation category at an Dream Without Limits, DREAMS, Traffic andInternational symposium. Students have also participated in Road safety Awareness among the School Students inand presented papers at national conferences. Students also Bangalore, Anti-Human Trafficking Mission (AHTM) -benefit from the student exchange programme with two Raise awareness on human trafficking and be an agentinternational universities at Netherlands and Switzerland of change in this society, Awareness about palliativeas well as one with Kyungpook National University, care among youth, Helping in resource mobilisationDaegu, South Korea Students took part in Service learning and awareness on down syndrome in Divya Downsprogram internship of Hong Kong University at L R Nagar Development Trust (DDDT), Think Pink Bengaluru-and other organizations across the city. Breast Cancer Awareness, Club MISHA (OPERATION SMILE), Basic elementary education to children of slum The Department has collaborations with various dwellers in Kothnur dinne, Karnataka, Working with thegovernment and non-government organisations in Intellectually Disabled Children, Important Days, Weekthe country for collaborative research, publications, & Month Commemoration, ASWAS- VOLUNTEERINGinternship, student exchange, trainings and placement. PROGRAMME Dream Mentoring programme and variousThe Department also coordinates the project activities CSR activities with Industries.of the Centre for Social Action (CSA) and Centre forSocial Research & Policy. The Department has MoUs \"LEARNING by SERVICE\" Photography Exhibitionwith national and International reputed institutions like was organized for the students in association withNIAS, ISEC, SOCHARA, Times Foundation, Integrated FSL India Bengaluru on 29th June 2017. Bharat YatraChild Protection Scheme (ICPS), Department of Women organized by Mr. Kailash Satyarthi, the Nobel Peace& Child Development, Labour Department, Education, Prize winner of 2014 was hosted by the department inBOSCH, India, liT Delhi, HAN University, Netherlands, association with CSA on 16 September 2017. 4th NationalZurich University of Applied Sciences & Arts, Switzerland, CHRISTITE 2018 ~
HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Conference of Person Centered Approaches in India India This competition is aimed at encouraging the young Organized in association with IPCAI on 11 November generation to carry out small research projects on socially 2017.International Summit on \"Child Rights : Education relevant subjects and issues to enhance their critical and matters for Life\" was organized in collaboration analytical thinking. The Competition seeks to fulfil this with World Vision India and James Cook University, aim by inviting the participants to write original papers on Australia for two days from 4th to 5th December 2017 prescribed topics to participate in the paper presentation competition. The Conference on Contemporary One day training program on Human Rights was Challenges to Indian State and Society was conceptualized oragnised by in collaboration with National Human as a collaborative exercise between Christ University and Rights Commission, New Delhi on 11 December 2017. A the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru. guest talk on \"Role of Social workers in realizing SDGs\" Work on this Conference began in 2016 driven by a core by Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria, Adjunct Professor team constituted by members from both institutions. The (Social Development), College of Arts & Social Science, students of III Master of Social work Clinical and Northern University of Malaysia (UUM) was organized in Community Practice as part of service learning celebrated association with Karnataka Association of Professional Environment Day on 5 June 2017, in the University in Social Workers (KAPSW) organised on 9 January 2018. collaboration with Center for Social Action (CSA). The TAFIT- 2017, Teacher Awards for Innovative teaching theme for 2017 was \"connecting people to nature\". was oragnised on 29 January 2018 in Association with Times Foundation. 13 teachers from across the state were Street Play and Campaigning week was observed presented the award for the innovations they had brought by the students in the campus from 4-14, July 2017 to in their teaching. There was a workshop on overcoming spread awareness on ill effects of Substance abuse, water adversities through mentoring by Dr Davidson, Clinical and electricity management, and waste management, Psychologist, UK in collaboration with Dream a Dream ill effects of technology addiction, road safety, Healthy India NGO on 17 February. food habits and CSA volunteers. World Population Day 2017 with the theme \"Family planning, empowerment of Collaboration Meeting with Faculty Members from people and developing nations\" was organized on 11 July Family Science and Social Work, Miami University, 2017. The Key Speaker of the program was Mr. Karthik Oxford, Ohio, US was oraganised from 5-7, March 2018. Ponnappa, Co-Founder, Smarter Dharma, Bengaluru. Faculties included Elise Radina, PhD, CFLE, Professor and Students attended a talk on \"Youth Ethical issues Chair, Family Science and Social Work, Miami University and their impact on society\" by Clifford Jacob, CEO, and Sharon Custor, Director FSW Field Education I Rescue Research and Training Charity Trust, Mysore, Just Communities Liaison. The department observed Karnataka on 7 December, 2017. The rural camp, 2017 International Women's Day by organizing a talk by Ms. was organized by the Department of Social Work, and Virali Modi, the Disability Rights Activist from Mumbai Attapaadi Aadivasi Development Initiative (AADI), a non- on 7 March for the students of Sociology and Social profit organization in Attapaadi advocating for the rights work. The first ever student conference STUNA 2018 was of tribal people, for the MSWCCP students and the rural organsied in collaboration with the National Institute of camp of MSWHRDM students, was organized in VGKK, Personnel Management (NlPM), organised on 9th March. BR Hills at Mysore, during August 7 - 12, 2017 The students of Social Ecology elective (V Semester BA) were part of a tree plantation drive organized by the Department of Life Science and the Christ University Alumni association on Saturday, 8 July 2017. The Annual Festival, Sambandh was organized on December 12, 2017. It brought together participants from all the Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs. The Department of Sociology and Social Work organized the \"National Young Sociologists Competition 2017\" on the 8th of December for all undergraduate students studying Sociology as one of their subjects any of the institutions in~ CHRISTITE 2018
-- ,, SPOTLIGHT ON J .- .THEATRE-IN-EDUCATION Starting with the training for new students of MBA - within the campus - the students continued tothe 600+ participants 'teamed with joy' to play out the be the flag bearers of Christ University at variousIndian Premier League (IPL) format of theatre spread events. The final year theatre students securedacross three weeks. With facilitators of TIE as coaches, the first position in the first edition of Deccan20+ performances were created and showcased across Theatre Youth Festival. The play Draupadi- thenCity Campus and Kengeri Campus. The Darpan Theatre went on to get a standing ovation in Mumbai atFestival was organized in July 2017. Actors, dancers, the THESPO theatre festival. Second year theatremusicians, stage managers and creative heads joined to majors picked up the momentum to win the Bestmake it a true reflection of the collaborative aesthetics of Play award with their play Cyclist at St Joseph'sChrist University. Theatre Festival. Combining graduate attributes to the environmental theme of Lorax the second year Orientation and need for drama training, tools of theatre majors also won the Jyothi Nivas Theatretheatre, collaborative creation in Proscenium Theatre Festival with their play Lorax Attributes.and Street Theatre were done as first part of The BEd As part of the school outreach program the studentsprogramme's intervention. Showcasing performances of CHRIST were incorporated into this inter-schoolto get first hand LIVE experience through thematic Miraculous Medal theatre festival. An evening of four playspresentations were done as second part of the was done by the students as part of this Christ Schoolintervention. Documentation, personal Interview and initiated festival. Street Theatre winners of Darpan Theatregrading for academic purposes was completed as the third Festival put up guest performances for this school festival.part of the intervention. Probably the only University to provide a credit based program of Playback Theatre for over a decade - the Intimate Interactive Theatre (liT) went through its effort of this journey will reach one of its milestone duringArt Entrepreneurship incubation period during 2017-18. the Golden Jubilee year of CHRIST. The pioneering workFacilitators and participants went through the Graduate of this program for Bangalore started in 1999 by ScriptAttribute of Decision Making and its varied dimensions. Peoples Theatre is resulting in the first InternationalThe standardized facilitator driven three hour module of Playback Theatre Conference being hosted at CHRIST2017-18 was implemented in City Campus, Claret College during 2018-19.and Ghaziabad campus during this incubation phase. Blossoms Theatre Festival - Art for the sake of artThe theatre students of Performing Arts continued the and art for the purpose of achieving objectives were twotradition of showcasing the aesthetics of theatre within dimensions that were looked into during this Blossomsand outside the campus. While their major performances Theatre Festival. Deanery faculty members and studentby Theatre Lab (the theatre wing of Performing Arts) leaders exercised their managerial and creative skillswon the hearts and minds of the audience and judges CHRISTITE 2018 -
HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCESduring the Blossoms Theatre Festival which were designed from Switzerland was invited to train students fromon the CHRIST Graduate Attributes across deaneries for the play Antigone. Identified theatre enthusiasts were given a basic orientation and provided In Bloom - Baptizer is the crowning jewel for Christ 60+ hours of training.to bring attention to the field of Theatre Arts. College,University and Amateur teams were identified and invited A movement started to bring the focus to theatre onto showcase their performance along with the best of World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People (20thDeanery teams during this academic year. One salient March) and World Theatre Day (27th March). 'Ad Hoc'feature of this edition of Baptizer was the use of tools of team of Christ University held the 3:00pm and 3:01 pmInteractive Theatre in a structured format to enable actor freeze with the theme 'Evolution' in front of Central Blockand judges interactions. - while other teams found their own space and theme across the city and country to promote the movement of In an effort to raise the standard of University theatre Theatre Arts as per the dedicated date/sand allocatedperformances and training - the campus was introduced time of 60 seconds.to training by an international acting coach. Otto Huber•·······································································································································•DEPARTMENT OFTHEATRE STUDIES The Department of Theatre Studies up. Some of them include Prasad Bidapa and Kevin started in 2013 and successfully completed Oliver. The Department had a month long workshop by the fourth academic year of excellence. Apart the faculty from Baylor University, Texas, USA. Baylor from the regular academic activities the University has been connected to the department since Department's prestigious events are Spotlight 2014. The Department collaborated with the Baylor (Theatre fest) and the Annual Mega Play University Theatre Department and put up a show called production. 'East Meets West', which consisted of excerpts from plays, Musical performances and a Bollywood number by the An important programme for the 2017- Students of Baylor University. 18 academic year was the play performance 'Antony and Cleopatra' by the Department of Law, along with This was a successful undertaking that some students the students of Theatre Studies, which was given great of the Department of Theatre Studies and Performing reviews by the audience. The Mega production 'Queen of Arts of CHRIST (Deemed to be University) were given Sheba' was a good success. an opportunity to visit Baylor University, Texas, USA. There, the CHRIST students embraced the host University Every year, the Department of Theatre Studies culture and the students of Baylor were welcoming and conducts the 'Spotlight Festival', where all three years supportive. The students experienced the rich Musical of the department are able to showcase their talents. culture of America and modern theatre through practices The first years put up an adaptation of the play 'The and activities. Bottom of the Lake' by Steven Stack, called Eidolon. The second years showcased their talent with their rendition of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler. The final year students put up a riveting performance with Elektra, a Greek Tragedy and a Musical Classic, The Wizard of Oz. The Department of Theatre studies, had some chief guests of renown for the performances that were put~ CHRISTITE 2018
,~ SPOTLIGHT ON ',DEPARTMENT OFPERFORMING ARTS The year 2017-18 has fabric of the aesthetic quotient at Christ. Over 10,000been a journey towards students were directly affected with an increased level ofInternationalization. Aesthetic experience in 2017-18, thanks to the efforts putStudents and faculty in by the department with the support of the managementfrom the department and deaneries at Christ University. The performances andtravelled to Singapore to work of this department are slowly but surely changingparticipate and learn with the landscape of artistic quotient in the city of BangaloreApsara Dance Company - to enable the journey of being a cultural voice to the- Singapore. This was rest of the world.followed by studentsof Baylor University Final year students of Performing Arts ventured intofrom America coming the real world of Entrepreneurship and showcased ato Christ campus to collective performance to make the financial profit thisexplore the possibilities of year. II year students did three plays and participated incollaborative learning. To Miraculous Medal Theatre festival as part of their valuecomplete the journey of the academic year - students added program in Proscenium Theatre. Winning thefrom Theatre studies and Performing Arts with their Deccan Theatre Festival, St Joseph's College Theatrefaculty visited Baylor University for an exchange program. Festival and Jyothi Nivas College Theatre festival andAll program culminated with performances in Singapore, participating in National School of Drama's - OlympiadChrist University and United States of America. were the other highlights of the academic year. As a department running a structured program of Dance Day led by the Department of Performing ArtsPerforming Arts, English Studies and Psychology - the ensured that participation and performance was donesyllabus is created to fulfill the requirements of the present across three campuses in Bangalore. Three dedicatedand future opportunities. Collaborative approaches to annual music events for the University are done by thedance, music, theatre, improvisation, entrepreneurship Department of Performing Arts to keep the campus aliveetc. are part of this unique undergraduate program. musically! The three dimensional approach of Dance, Music and Theatre - for Internalization continues, as the With about 11 0 students in the department - there department embraces the upcoming opportunities ofhas been over 75 performances in 2017-18. Cultural artistic growth.events like Dance Day, Theatre Lab productions,Entrepreneurship related shows, Sports Day CHR.ISTITE 2018 I I Wperformances, music events etc. have become the basic
HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCESDEPARTMENT OFWESTERN MUSIC The department of Music all the performers, teachers and audience together throughwas established in 2016 with two their heavenly music performances.majors of voice and piano. Thisis India's first ever triple major The students of Music department visited South Koreacourse with western classical between October 16- 27, 2017 to participate in a mastermusic, psychology and English class and a music concert in association with Seoul Hanstudies. All five faculty members Young University. This was indeed an enriching experiencewithin the department are of for the students.international origin. The students also visited an old age home and The department regularly performed for its residents in a memorable event that wasperforms a music concert. warmly received.Especially on the 23rd ofSeptember, 2017, it presented,\"Dream... our dream is music\".The afternoon event featured numerous works bystudents. The event featured quality solo, duet andchoral works such as: Prelude Op.28, No.4 by FrederickChopin; Rondo alia Turca by Wolfgang AmadeusMozart; Tonight, Tonight from Leonard Bernstein'sWest Side Story. It was an inspiration to see the studentsperforming at their maximum capability for all of us towitness. On the 17th of March, 2018, the departmentpresented the end of year concert, \"Harmony\", bringing~ CHRISTITE 2018
-• SPOTLIGHT ONDEPARTMENT OFPSYCHOLOGY The Department of Psychology introduced several competencies in all psychology programmes across theinitiatives in the academic year 2017- 18 to further University.enhance academic standards, scholarship in education,create better learning environments, address community Postgraduate research programmes moved fromneeds and contribute to the professional development of dissertations to publications providing students thestudents and faculty. additional competency of publishing in The undergraduate research conference provided peer reviewed journals. Joint Facultyevery final year undergraduate student an opportunity and student projects were initiatedto showcase their research work in the form of scientific through labs and projects.poster presentations. Relationships with international Titled as project phoenix ,the department enhanced partners were enhanced with severalits competency based curriculum by introducing research and academic projectslearning management tools to grade and assess with International universities. In collaboration with the University ~ ·· of Massachusetts, a scholarship for students contributing to community needs through practice and research was established. CHRISTITE 2018 ~
SCHOOL OFEDUCATION The year 2017-2018 was marked with was conducted on \"Phonetics\" by Aruna P and Princeeventful days filled with many learning Dhibash.experiences for everyone who is a part ofSchool of Education. The National Level Panel Discussion on 'Next Generation Teacher and Teacher Educator - Competence 'International Yoga Day' was celebrated and Competency' was held on 18 August 2017. Theon 21 June 2017 in Central Block for panelists were Prof. RC Patel from Centre for Advancedthe mass Yoga demonstration by Dr Studies in Education (CASE), Baroda, Prof. NagendraBalachandran K; Associate Professor from Banaras Hindu University, Prof. Vijay Kumar from(Department of Computer Science and Pondicherry University, Prof. Emeritus Sridhar fromEngineering). Mysore University, Mr Francis - Best Teacher Awardee from Navodaya Vidyalaya, Goa, Mr R S Patil- Indian 'Back to School' was an opportunity for President's National Teacher Award winner fromstudents of the first year to showcase their talents. It was Karnataka Rajya Vijnana Parishat, Mr Vikram Bhatconducted on 24 June 2017. All the performances took (alumnus) and Director of 'Dream a Dream' (NGO) andeveryone back to their school days. Mr David Wohlever Sanchez, Duke University, UK. \"India PAPPET (Peer Alliance for Productive David Raja K conducted an activity class on YogaProfessional Educational Training) 2017\", an educational for the English pedagogy students during the first weekalliance and project between Australia and India under of September. English students were taught to createthe initiative of the 'Australian Federal Government' tools to work on attention span, mastery over the body,in collaboration with LaTrobe University (Australia), concentration, self-knowledge and awareness of gesturesRMIT University (Australia) and CHRIST (Deemed to of students.be University) respectively was initiated. The projectcommenced from the 12 June to 30 June 2017.. A computer workshop to train the administrative trainees of Providence Convent on certain computer The Knowledge Center along with School of skills like creating an e-mail id, browsing the internet andEducation (SOE), marked the beginning of BOOKMARK using simple functions like 'cut', 'copy' and 'paste' was2017 on 13 July 2017. It was inaugurated by Prof conducted on 9 September 2017. The instructors werePadmakumar M M, HoD (Department of Media Studies), Aruna P, Brigit Jose, Shwetha S Devraj and Samantha RDr Anil Joseph Pinto; Registrar, Mr Sree Kumar Nair and Mendonca of 1 BEd.Mr Shaiju M; Chief Librarians. Stalls were set up by well-known publishers and the students of SOE where they The State Level workshop with the theme 'Digitalconducted literary games. A team of students went from Technology in Teaching and Learning' was organizedclass to class to orient the students of UndergraduateCourses about utilizing the facilities of the library. Script People's theatre gave the students a chance toexperience Theatre on 19 July 2017 during Darpan 2017.There were two Theatre performances and two street plays.Later on, in the academic year; Mr Sibu, Mr Abu, Ms Maria,Ms Moulshree and Ms Anisha introduced to the studentshow to incorporate music in education, integrate gamesand dramatic freeze in the teaching-learning process. In order to make the English pedagogy studentsunderstand the concept of phonetics, a workshop~ CHRISTITE 2018
on 16 September 2017. Dr Krishnaraj PM, Professor of through motivational talks and street plays.Ramaiah Institute of Technology was the keynote speaker.The 132 participants along with students of SOE learnt The Acapella group formed by Chin Kap Sian Muangdigital tools like Padlet, Adobe Spark, Magicpiktochart, and his peers in the second year BEd, took part in theHot Potatoes and Duolingo from two resource persons; Inter-Deanery Competition in CHRIST (Deemed to beMr Vinay M; Assistant Professor (Department of University) and secured the second place in Blossoms heldComputer Science) and Dr Beaulah S; Associate Professor on 6 November 2017.(Department of Science). One of the most awaited and thrilling events in School In Internship Phase 1, the First Semester MA and of Education is 'Kalasaurabha' which was conducted fromBEd students were deputed across nineteen schools 17 November to 22 November 2017. First-year studentsin Bengaluru. The Schools were Christ School, Christ competed in five teams namely Ubuntu, Melange,Academy, St Francis De Sales, St Francis School, Nazareth Enthusiastic Emoticons, Jaagir and Esperrers in eventsSchool, Aradhana Academy, Sarala Birla Academy, St. like turncoat, story writing, rangoli, cooking withoutPatricks', Mary Immaculate, Holy Spirit, Carmel Academy, fire, flower arrangement, wealth out of waste, origamiCarmel Convent, St Aloysius and St Joseph's Convent. and team theme. The winner and runner-up awards wereIn this two-week internship, the prospective teachers bagged by Brigit Jose and Avni S Ved respectively.taught the subjects of their methodology to the studentsof Middle and High School. Prior to this internship, the The 'Radio Namaste Project 2017' Part-2, commencedpre-service teachers demonstrated lessons from their from 11 November to 27 November 2017 in thepedagogy and they were evaluated by the faculty. serene city of Lausanne (Canton of Vaud), Switzerland. The project was in continuation to the Part-1 project The Service Learning is a part of the BEd and MAEd which was successfully held and completed in CHRISTCurriculum. The first-year students were divided into (Deemed to be University) in the month of Octobervarious groups and assigned different topics such as Child 2017. Ten Indian delegates (Pre-Service teachers & finaland Drug Abuse, Women Empowerment and Juvenile year students of B.Ed. and M.A Education) of School ofJustice. These topics were presented to the children on Education and ten Swiss delegates representing Haute17 September 2018 in the activity centres which were Ecole pedagogique (HEP) Vaud, Switzerland were a partsituated in RR Nagar and Ambedkar Nagar. Through of this prestigious educational research project. All theaction songs and games, the students were educated on students were divided into different groups and therethe three aforesaid topics. were discussions done on the physical and psychological aspects of child safety and security in schools, extra- The Community Living Camp (CLC) to Kolar was curricular activities in schools, Formation of teachers,organized by the School of Education from 9 to 10 School Curriculum and Girl Child Education. DuringMarch 2018 for both the first year BEd and MAEd the course of the project, the students got to workstudents. CLC is a part of Center for Social Action with certain technical tools, like 'Audacity' to edit the(CSA), CHRIST (Deemed to be University). The students interviews and jingles. The two weeks of this program wasgot an opportunity to speak to the employees of the culturally and intellectually enriching to the students whoorganization called Pragathi which works on Child- were a part of this.Focused Community Development (CFCD). Thestudents were oriented about Pragathi by theemployees on the levels from which they work,their functions and contribution to 22 villages thatthey are working on. Some initiatives are earlychildhood care, strengthening children's education,community health and hygiene, community-based organizations and livelihood promotionprograms. The students went to four differentvillages - Muthakappali, Karangi, Chinthmakahalliand Nachahalli and interacted with the villagers CHR.ISTITE 2018 ~
Students from Azim Premji University visited the The Annual Sports Meet was conducted on 24campus on 24 January 2018 to get to know about the February 2018 in the Kengeri campus. Among manycurriculum followed in SOE. They were oriented by 20 students who competed in SOm, 1OOm, 200m, 400m, longstudents about the best practices and syllabi of SOE and jump,4 x SOm relay, shot put, sack race, three-legged racethey were also taken on a campus tour. and tug of war; Sudha D and Marian Vivek B emerged as individual champions. The flag of Black Jaguars The 68th Alumni Meet was held on 26 January team was adjudged the best among other flags and the2018. Each of the twenty alumni introduced themselves, overall trophy went to Grey Rhinos. The Men's Volleyballtheir family and career. They spoke about their most team who won the third place in the University Levelmemorable moments in SOE. A games session was Championships were recognized; and Fr Lijo Thomas;conducted for the alumni by the student volunteers Counsellor (Department of Psychology) gave away thefollowed by a cultural program and their feedback was prizes to the winners.sought thereafter. The Valedictory ceremony was held on 22 March A National Seminar on the theme 'Emerging Trends 2018. The graduating batch of students took their oathand Innovations in Teacher Education' was conducted on during this solemn ceremony and this was followed by a19 February 2018. The keynote speaker was Dr Gururaj cultural program put together by the students of first-Karajagi; Chairman; Academy of Creative Thinking, Dr Anil year.Pinto; Registrar; CHRIST (Deemed to be University) whospoke about the importance of good teachers in students' Thematic Assemblies were conducted by studentslives. The 46 presenters including students spoke about in order to promote value-based education amongvarious perspectives related to the theme. The sessions them and help them experience the practical aspect ofwere presided by Dr Srikantaswamy, Dr Surekha Chukkali, planning and executing assemblies in schools. Themes likeDr Hemalatha K, Dr Aneesh Kumar and Dr Kennedy Appreciating Life, Patriotism and Responsibility, GoodAndrew Thomas. This seminar brought about fruitful or Evil, Kannada Rajyotsava, Spring- A new beginning,discussions across many dimensions of teacher education, Adolescence Education, Youth Day, Love, Women's Daythe upcoming trends and innovations in this field. were wonderfully depicted and spoken about. BITS Pilani Hyderabad conducted its regional level There were six guest lectures conducted onliterary fest called 'Verba Maximus' in our campus on 20 various topics by stalwarts of different fields. EffectiveJanuary 2018. Under 25; a youth organization conducted Communication in Classroom Teaching/Learning wasan open mic event for poetry titled on 18 February 2018, conducted by Dr Sweta Mukherjee; Assistant Professorand Brigit Jose took part in both the events and was (Department of English). IB Unit Planning was conductedrecognized for her spoken word poetry recital titled 'The by Anthony Lizzy from CHRIST, PU Residential College).last time'. Mr Cebush, Alumna and Former Mr Karnataka conducted a session on 'Self Defence for Women'. Dr Mike Zirkler The students of History and Biology along with a few from Zurich University of Applied Sciences introduced aother students visited Mysore on 11 February 2018. They new concept called 'Education 4.0'. Prof Dr R S Ganeshwere accompanied by two of our faculty members, Dr Bhat; Principal (MES Teacher Education) displayed howSumita Rao and Dr Pramod Kumar. everyday items can be used as teaching aids. Dr Sreehari R; Assistant Professor (Department of Psychology) spoke about 'Teacher as a Guide'. This academic year, 12 schools namely T.I.M.E Institute, Greenwood High School, The Indian Public School (T.I.P.S), Oakridge International School, Dubai Scholar School, The Legacy School, The Amber Valley School, Shanthi Niketan Indian School, Academy for Creative Teaching, St Francis School, New Horizon School and Christ School (I.C.S.E and State) came to SOE for recruitment of eligible final year students.- - CHRISTITE 2018
_ SPOTLIGHT ONDEPARTMENT OFPHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS The Department of Physics held at University for Sciences and Technology Houariand Electronics strives to set Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria. Dr. Gudennavar alsoa benchmark in quality higher delivered a talk on 'Road map of X-ray astronomy and theeducation with an emphasis on way ahead to understand the X-ray binaries' at the Centrelearning through research. The for Astronomy, Astrophysics and Geophysics (CRAAG)learning environment allow Observatory, Bouzareah, Algiers, Algeria on 22 Novemberstudents to develop and use core 2017. He was awarded International Travel Grant by DST,research skills, enabling them Government of India for attending and chairing one ofto have an impact beyond their the scientific sessions in the conference. Dr. Paul K T wasacademics. The Department signed awarded a research grant of 7.35lakhs by Science andan MOU with NAL and installed a Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of India.900 W Wind Turbine+SOO W SolarHybrid System in our campus in Research students and few faculty membersassociation with CSIR-NAL. participated in the meeting of the Astronomical Society of India during February 2018 held at Hyderabad and Activities of the association and clubs for the year presented papers. Paul K T was invited to present a paper2017-18 were inaugurated with special guest lecture during the 2017 Asia-pacific Regional IAU meeting aton Gravitational Waves by Dr. Tarun Deep Saini, Taiwan in July 2017. Department organized a posterProfessor, llSc. The annual intercollegiate fest 'Eureka' presentation competition for MSc students along withwas conducted on 27 September 2017. The astronomy science exhibition. Faculty members along with researchclub organized various astronomy related programs. Dr. students came up with 15 Scopus indexed publicationsManoj Purvakanra from TIFR, Mumbai gave a talk on during the current academic year. Article by Dr. B'From molecular clouds to planetary systems: the story Manoj, Ashlin M Raj, and Dr. George Thomas C titledof star formation' on 8 September 2017. Dr. Gordon K. \"Tunable direct band gap photoluminescent organicSquires from California Institute of Technology gave a semiconducting nanoparticles from lignite\" has beentalk on 'Astronomy & looking forward to TMT' on 6 published in Scientific Reports and Nature publications. ANovember 2017. Faculty members Paul K T & Blesson village exposure trip for II MSc students was arranged onMathew along with research students conducted a 14February 2018 to Govt high school, Badamakanahalliworkshop on Astronomical Spectroscopy at CMS College near Bethamangala.Kottayam during August 26-27. The Electronics clubof the department organized a PCB fabrication design CHR.ISTITE 2018 ~course in association with Sky-Fi Lab systems during July7-8. Other activities organized by the Electronics clubinclude workshop on Sensor guided Robotics, awarenesscampaign on \"E-waste and hazards of Mobile Phoneradiation\", Electronics project exhibition and talk on Hamradio etc. A national level workshop on 'Multi-wavelengthobservations using Astrosat' was organized by thedepartment during December 16-18. The workshop wassponsored by IUCAA, Pune. Faculty members Dr. S. B. Gudennavar and Dr. BubblyS. G. participated and presented research papers in theInternational Conference on Radiations and Applications
SCIENCESDEPARTMENT OFCHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board,began its events for the academic year Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi;with Dr. Umapathy from JNCASR Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India,inaugurating the Chemistry Association Ahmedabad.on 28 June 2017. An intercollegiatescience fest 'Chemoz' was organised by Students participated in various science fests andthe department in the month of August conferences and had won laurels for the department.2017 to inculcate scientific temper, Interclass Science Deanery cricket match was arrangedevent management skills and social interaction skills by the Department of Chemistry which gave themamong its students. Interclass fest 'SPIRIT was arranged opportunity to interact with other students of the deanery.for the UG students of Chemistry on 27 January 2018. The department also encourages community-based The students were actively involved in contributing activities among its students. The PG students participatedarticles pertaining to Chemistry which culminated in in a community service programme at an orphanagethe release of their newsletter 'Chemmunique' which called NEST on Mysore Road on 17 February 2018. Theywas released on 21 August 2017. The Department were also involved in helping the students of Jeevodhayaof Chemistry, organized a two-day workshop on Orphanage, Madiwala in their academics on a regular'Chemistry in Health Care and Material Sciences' on basis.9-10 August 2017 sponsored by Aten Porous LifeSciences and a one day seminar on 'Current Trends Campus recruitment was organised for the postin Material Science and Applications' on 21 February graduate students with reputed firms like Aten Porus2018. Ltd. Bengaluru, Anthem Biosciences, Bengaluru, Syngene International and Micro Labs. Poster Presentation day was organised on 7September 2017 in which all the previous year's studentprojects were presented, which encouraged the currentstudents towards research. The department also organised EntrepreneurshipAwareness Camp for the final year BSc and MScstudents in association with National Science andCHR.ISTITE 2018
DEPARTMENT OFLIFE SCIENCES The Life Sciences Association inauguration 13 December 2017. The resource person was Dr Thaiswas held on 5 July 2017 in the KE Auditorium, Russomano, Faculty, Department of Life Science andBlock IV, Main Campus, CHRIST. The event was Medicine, King's College, London and Director of Innovagraced by the presence of Dr Nirupa Bareja, SpaceHead of Operations, Vicus Therapeutics, aUS based Biotech Company. The department, The Life Science Association, CHRIST, had organizedin association with Biotechnology Industry Research an Alumni Panel Discussion on \"Arena of Higher StudiesAssistance Council (BIRAC) and Centre for Cellular and in Life Sciences\" on January 5, 2018. The panel membersMolecular Platform (C-CAMP) had conducted a workshop were all alumni of CHRIST Life Science departmentto strengthen and empower Biotechnology entrepreneur currently doing research in reputed Universities in Indiaon 28 July 2017. and abroad. The students of Green Army led by Dr P U Antony 'Butterflies of Christ University', the third book by(faculty) had actively taken part in the celebrations of the Green Army student forum was officially releasedNational Moth Week, 2017. This was another citizen on 11 January 2018. The chief guest of the day wasscience initiative, through which a large amount of data Dr.Krishnamegh Kunte, Reader, NCBS. An awarenesson diversity, range, habitat and other behavioural aspects campaign was conducted by the students of secondof moths can be retrieved. The Biodiversity marathon semester BCZ on 16 February 2018 under the guidance ofinitiative was also taken up by this body in collaboration Prof. Xavier Vincent, Professor, Dept of Life sciences.with Krushnamegh Kunte, a researcher at National Centrefor Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bangalore and his team. An International Conference on Women in Science Research and Innovation was organised in association with The Association had organized a guest lecture on the Consulate General of Israel to South India on June 20\"Career opportunities in clinical research\" for the post and 21.graduate students of the Department of Life Sciences on the1Oth of November. Another guest lecture was organised on On March 7 and 8, 2018, the Department successfully29 November 2017 which focussed on helping the students organised the Science Academies' Lecture Workshop onfind a clearer course of action after their graduation. 'Shock Waves and Medical Applications', in collaboration with the three Science Academies - Indian Academy of The blessing and inauguration of the new labs for MSc Sciences, Bangalore, Indian National Science Academy, NewBiotechnology, MSc Zoology and MSc Botany and also the Delhi and the National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad.research labs for Plant Tissue Culture and Phytochemistryand a few other research labs newly constructed in the CHRISTITE 2018third floor of Block was done by the Vice Chancellor ofChrist University, Fr Dr Thomas C Mathew on December4, 2017. He stressed on the importance of research in thedevelopment of different domains of Science and urgedthe students to make best use of the available facilities.The prominent guests present for the function includedDr Rajan Gurukal, former Vice-Chancellor of MahatmaGandhi University, Kottayam, India and Dr SreeshSrinivasa, Vice President of Biocon Ltd, Bangalore. The department of Life Sciences, Christ Universityorganized a guest lecture in association with KAAS(Karnataka Association of Advancement of Science) on
DEPARTMENT OFMATHEMATICS The Mathematics Association of CHRIST organized on \"Fundamentals of mathematical Analysis\"activities began with orientation program to during 27-28 February 2018. To promote the use of Freefirst year BSc(EMS) and MSc(Mathematics) and Open source software and to acquaint with lateststudents by Ms Jaicy George- Trainer soft programming language, the department in collaborationskill/Life skill. A series of guest lectures with liT-Bombay organized three day workshop on \"Basicswere arranged throughout the year on of Programming in Python\" during 3-6 March 2018. NETvarious topics covering academics, research coaching, Information Literacy course through CART, Peerand career development. Prominent among education through CAPS, Social responsibility week andmany eminent personalities who visited the department village exposure through CSA were also organized.are Dr Paul Hong, Professor Information Operationand Technology Management, College of Business Undergraduate Mathematics students won Overalland Innovation University of Toledo, Toledo Fulbright- trophy in the intercollegiate Mathematics fest \"Abacus\" atNehru Senior Scholar, Dr Andrew Rees, Reader in Fluid St Joseph's College (Autonomous). Mathematics projectMechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering exhibition was conducted for second year BSc studentsUniversity of Bath USA, and Renowned Graph theorist Dr. and selected teams participated in Science exhibitionE. Sampath Kumar, University of Mysore. conducted by Science deanery. Mathematics Students also The department was instrumental in conducting three won prizes in various tests conducted by other prestigiousfests: CONVERGENCE 2017 - an intercollegiate fest,AAROHAN 2017- an intercollegiate PG Mathematics fest institutions in Bangalore. In Journal club 80 presentationsand SEQUENCE 2017 - an intra class Mathematics fest. on various research articles were done by PG students. Faculty members actively participated in National/ Postgraduate workshop titled \"Advanced Topics International conferences as resource person, presentedin Mathematics\" was organized in association with papers and department published 39 research articles inKarnataka Science and Technology Academy(KSTA) journals of repute.during 13-14 November 2017. \"National Mathematicsday\" was celebrated on 22 December 2017 by organizingMathematics Exhibition and screening a film \"A Man whoknew Infinity\" . Lecture workshop in collaboration withthree Science Academies' for selected undergraduatestudents selected from ten colleges in Bengaluru city, wasCHRJSTITE 2018
SPOTLIGHT ONDEPARTMENT OFSTATISTICS The Department of Statistics organized an industry Mr. Sandeep Patil, (Life Actuary -US), CEO & Co-visit on the occasion of the National Statistics Day, Founder, NaviRisk and Predint, visited the department andon 29 June 2017. Students and faculty members of interacted with faculty members on 27 February 2018the department visited the National Sample Survey and delivered a lecture on \"Getting Ready for ChallengingOrganization (NSSO) and participated and won several Business focus\". Around 120 students participated in thisevents organized by them. lecture. The Department organized annual-intra college Dr. Rajasekhar K, Head, Analytics Solutions & POCsfestival 'Inference' on 23 August 2017. Around 120 at Wipro Ltd, Bangalore visited the department andstudents attended from different colleges of Bangalore. A interacted with faculty members on 10 August 2017 andguest lecture delivered by Prof. Tinku Thomas, Professor, delivered a lecture on \"The Role of Data Scientists inDept. of Biostatistics, St. Johns Medical College, Industry\".Bangalore on \"Statistics in Biomedical Research\" helpedthe students to explore the statistics in Medical Sciences. Apart from this, faculty members attendedStudents participated in several events like quizzes, national and international conferences and presentedstudent presentations, Data marathon etc. their research papers. Dr. Subramanyam T visited Department of Statistics, SV University and interacted Prof. Sanjit Ray, HOD, SQC&OR Division, Indian with the faculty members and students on researchStatistical Institute, Bangalore visited the department andinteracted with faculty members and students on 8 July activities and delivered a lecture on \"The2018 and delivered a lecture on \"Applications of Linear Role of Statistics in Industry\" on 27 Dec,Regression Models in Industry\". 2017. As a result of this, he published one collaborative research publications with Prof. Karthik Sankarnarayanan, Professor, Operations this department.Management, Faculty of Business and Informationtechnology, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Department arranged an industryCanada, visited the department on 6 December 2017 and connected skill enhancement course oninteracted with faculty on research activities and delivered \"Statistics for Data Analysis using SASa lecture on \"Opportunities in Statistics connecting with Programming\" in collaboration withUniversities in Canada\". Quotient Solutions. Dr. Radaiah K, Lead Analyst trained around 30 students from CMS/EMS and Actuarial Science. CHRJSTITE 2018 -
SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF This year's project exhibition festivals Softex and X-eBIT were received with COMPUTER SCIENCE tremendous positive acclaim due to good number of exceptional projects. The The Department of Computer Science of CHRIST, majority of the projects were hardware/ takes great pride in being able to keep pace with the highly model-based, raising more curious eyes disruptive and dynamic domain of Information Technology. than usual. The students of the Department are carefully selected to match with the right aptitude and enthusiasm to always The two intra-departmental festivals, stay ahead of the learning curve. These students are young Revelations and Techleons were yet another professionals with a positive outlook and nurturing a success stories, showcasing the immense passionate dream to reshape our nation's destiny through potential of the students in varying IT. The training disseminated here aims to prepare these technical and non-technical fields. young minds for the challenging opportunities ahead. The curriculum structured by the Department is a healthy mix The two national level IT Fests, Interface of academics, industry interaction, industry events and and Gateways were much larger in scale this time, with 32 holistic education designed to foster and nurture the talent colleges and 280 students attending the latter. Both of these and potential of these students. fests provided great exposure of the external world, which is a prerequisite for excelling in this dynamic IT industry. This academic year, keeping in line with the trend These fests also provided an excellent opportunity for the of the business/industry, we saw a growing interest in students of the Department to showcase their ideas and Cryptocurrency and associated blockchain technologies, talents - academic as well as extra-curricular ensuring as well as loT. The Department has organized several holistic development of the students. Seminars and Training programs on loT to provide deeper insights into the growing domain. Other than The year 2018, saw another remarkable achievement these primary technological fields, the Research Cluster for the Computer Science Dept. in the form of organising Colloquium saw a lot of activities this year. There were the \"International Conference on Sustainable Advanced numerous informative sessions and seminars spanning Computing, (ICSAC 2018)\". ICSAC 2018 had invited multiple fields of technology ranging from Data Science papers from across the globe in areas of Artificial through Machine learning to loT. Intelligence, Internet-of-Things, Robotics, Network Security, DNA computing etc., all of which are highly This year the Department also added as a new focus relevant and aligned to the major developments across area, viz - women in technology by setting up a new the Industry spectrum. The papers presented in ICSAC cell called WRIT (Women in Research and Information 2018 as well as the eminent speakers of the International Technology). One of the highlights of this cell was the event addressed the theme of the conference from various Women's Day program organized by Fedora. dimensions and thus showcased a birds eye view of the challenges and trends in sustainable computing.~ CHRJSTITE 2018 Be it a technical activity like \"Labyrinth\", a non- technical activity like \"Journal Club\", or simply a cultural activity like \"Battle of the Bands\", the Department's talented students are second to none in giving their best performances. These wide array of activities and myriad opportunities that the Department provides, apart from the excellence in academics, grooms the students to be industry-ready, ethically perfect and full of joie de vivre; ready to take on the world.
FACULTY OFENGINEERING Electrical Engineers Technical Association EETA, the Society hosted the IEEE PES Student Congress 2017 atDepartment student activity club was inaugurated on 14 the Faculty of Engineering on 5 September 2017.1t wasJuly 2017. Dr Keshav, consultant, Ministry of Electronics one of the flagship events of IEEE PES Bangalore Chapter.and Information technology, inaugurated the student The event was attended by 73 participants from variousassociation and delivered a lecture series on \"e-Waste Universities and Engineering Colleges. The theme chosenand its recycling process\". Various activities like Quiz for the Student congress 2017 was \"Innovations in Powerand JAM were conducted to enhance the student's and Energy Sector\".communication and interpersonal skills. Department of Civil Engineering organized many A Seminar on Industrial Process and Automation was activities in the academic year which included variousconducted for the selected students from the departments site visits, guest talks, survey camp, workshops and soof EEE, MECH, ECE and Automobile. The seminar was on. In the month of July, the Civil Engineering students'arranged under the umbrella of EETA & MAC (students association, CACE, was inaugurated. This was followed byassociations of EEE and MECH). two guest talks. The first was by Mr. Ajith (Project Head, UNDP, Pondicherry) on 'Sustainability and Opportunities'. Industrial expert Mr. Venugopal, a veteran in The second talk was by Mr. M N Ramesh (Director, ToltecAutomation engaged the seminar participants. During the Construction Pvt.) on 'Proud to become a civil engineer'.seminar, students were exposed to demo of live projects In the same month another guest talk was delivered toin Arjun Battle Tank, Barrel manufacturing unit (Middle- the students by Dr. Priyanka (Research Associate, liSe.)Eastern countries) etc. He also explained about SCADA on urbanization and water quality issues. In the lastVFD. Students were given hands-on experience on PLC, week of July, a site visit was organized for both UG andPneumatics, and Hydraulics. Mr. Arun who is the site PG students to the IL&FS Concrete Casting Yard andengineer from Venjay Institute of Automation explained construction site of BG Shirke Construction Technologythe various components used in automation Private Limited in Bangalore. As part of the initiative from the Department of In the month of August, Mr. Gopi Prasad (IDES-Electrical & Electronics Engineering a technical talk Idea consulting Pvt. Ltd.) gave a guest-talk on Urbanand an interactive session was held with Mr. Vineeth V, Planning. In the same month workshops were conductedResearch Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, for the students on Bridge design, TransportationliT-Kanpur, to facilitate a platform for knowledge sharing.The session included adetailed talk on 'SynchroPhasors' followed byinteractive session. Aworkshop on dissectionof Matlab was conductedby Mr Venkatswamy R,faculty of the departmentfor the students on 10August 2017. Department ofElectrical & ElectronicsEngineering in associationwith IEEE Power & Energy CHRJSTITE 2018 -
FACULTY OF ENGINEERINGEngineering and Construction NCCOCE'18, the National Conference on Challenges andProject Management. In the Opportunity conducted by the department was a hugelast week of August Mr.Sanky success. Our students had excelled and brought laurels inPrasad (Synergy Pvt. Ltd.), a various competitions.well known philanthropist onProject Management was invited Mechanical And Automobile Association of Christitesfor a guest talk. In the month (MAAC), the student body and SAE College Chapter wereof January an industrial site inaugurated on 6 June 2017. The ever-enthusiastic MAACvisit to the 'Weinerberger' brick had organized various events which includes Certificatemanufacturing facility in Kunigal, course on CATIA (20 July 2017), Two days' workshopwas organized. In the month of on Robowar (14th -15th September 2017), Two days'February a guest talk was given by workshop on lOT (5th -6th January 2018), Three days'Mr. C.R. Parthasarathy (Founder, workshop on FEA (23rd,24th & 29th January 2018 ), OneChairman and MD of Sarathy day workshop on GRE(10th February 2018) ,WorkshopGeotech and Engineering Pvt. Ltd.), an elected National on Vehicle Design and Development( 27th February to 1stExecutive Member of Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) March 2018). Under SAE club, Team ZEUS Racing andfor 2016-18 on site investigation. On 22nd and 23rd of Team ZELUS Racing participated in eBAJA and mBAJAFebruary, a two day National Workshop was organized events and bagged two prizes, 7th lightest eBAJA vehicleon Reliability concepts in Civil Engineering and structural and 13th position in Final endurance race by winning 1.5stability. On 27th and 28th February a two day hands-on Iakhs cash prize.workshop was conducted on Quantity surveying, Bridgedesign and CYPE. The Department also organized a National Conference on Mechanical Engineering & Emerging The highlights of the academic year 2017-18 for the Technology (NCMEET) on 23rd and 24th February 2018.Department of Computer Science and Engineering would A total of 12 guest lectures and more than 5 industrybe the MOU signed with the Kyungpook National visits were organized in the current year. A MoU wasUniversity (KNU), South Korea through which students signed with Mercedes Benz Research and Developmentwith good academic scores were offered an opportunity India Pvt. Ltd. on 11 August 2017 in establishing ato get a dual degree from both the Universities. Daimler Truck Tear Down Facility at the Faculty of Engineering. Dr Parvati Ramaswamy of the faculty was Another exciting event was, setting up a new lab sanctioned with a DST funded project worth 43 lakhs.within the department on lOT through CDAC (Centre for The students of the department won quite a number ofDevelopment of Advanced Computing), India, in order to prizes in the various intercollegiate events held in andsustain an edge to students for deploying projects as part around Bengaluru.of their curriculum. By becoming an Institutional Member of OracleAcademy the students have been able to avail variousresources and tools to advance their knowledge, developvalue added skills and Innovate. As a part of OracleAcademy, various certification courses have been offeredby the department. A good number of students have alsosuccessfully completed certificate courses CCNA Routingand Switching, NDG Linux Essentials, CLA: ProgrammingEssentials in C through the CISCO Academy. Various workshops were conducted for both thestudents and the faculty members on trending areas likeDesign Thinking, Agile Serum, Hadoop 2.3 & Big data,Cyber Forensics and Crime Investigation to name a few.- CHRISTITE 2018
SCHOOL OFARCHITECTURE The School of Architecture lectures and hands on workshops with invited experts toCHRIST, approved by the Council of enhance the experiential learning process. The CurriculumArchitecture New Delhi, was conceived development workshop with the Board of Studies experts,in the year 2017-18. It offers a five-year Bachelor's Degree Program Prof Neelkant Chhaya, Former Dean of Faculty ofin Architecture aspiring to make acompelling presence in the field of Architecture, CEPT University; Ar. Prem Chandavarkar,Architectural education. The year Managing partner of CnT Architects, has rendered ansaw efforts to reaffirm the aspiration added value to the curriculum, The school is currentlythrough creative innovation and occupied with expanding the policy of inclusivenessexperimentation in design thinking, design teaching and and encouraging more involvement of diversity amongdesign learning. The efforts have been strengthened by; students, developing an Art Centre as a creative realmone, the teaching pedagogy of 'Experiential learning in to School of Architecture and new multi-disciplinaryArchitecture'; two, the outreach and a close working collaborations.relationship with the existing ecosystem of the University;and three the introduction of 'Studio on wheels' thetravel programs. The collaborative work with theCentre for social action (CSA CHRIST) has initiated anew dimension of innovation, working with Paper andArchitecture.lt has prepared students to be socially andenvironmentally responsible and to work collaborativelyin multi-disciplinary teams within the building industry.The concentrating efforts to advance the infrastructuralfacilities in the Art and Carpentry workshop, ClimatologyLab and the Computer Lab have offered active andexperiential learning realms to work with varied materialsand media. The Studio on Wheels 17-18 has covereddocumentation of Melukote and PadmanabhapuramPalace. The School has conducted various special CHRJSTITE 2018 -
SCHOOL OF luminaries sharing their experience and advice with our students. LAW Coaching classes was introduced this year for all This year marked the Decennial celebrations the interested final year students for All India Barat School of Law. The weeklong celebrations saw Examinations, Judicial Services Examinations andparticipation of teams from all over India. The event Placement Training. ACR workshop was conductedwas inaugurated on 11 September 2017. The Chief with CAMP. Our students took initiative for the spreadGuest for the ceremony was Mr. Ramalinga Reddy, human rights and gender justice values and conductedHon'ble Home Minister, Government of Karnataka events with the help of Nudge Foundation. Legal Aidand the Guests of Honour were Hon'ble Justice Mr. and Awareness Camps were organised at Hiredoddavadi,P. Vishwanatha Shetty, Lokayukta, Karnataka State, Tumkur, from 8-10 December 2017, Nallahalli village,(Former Judge, High Court of Karnataka), Mr. D. L. Kanakapura Taluk, Ramnagara District from 23-25th FebN. Rao, Senior Advocate, High Court of Karnataka, 2018, Yaliyuru village, Kunigal Taluk, Tumkur DistrictMaj. Gen. VPS Bhakuni, VSM, Commandant and the from 16-18th Feb 2018, Attihalli village, Kanakapuraceremony was presided over by Dr Fr Thomas C. Taluk, Ramnagara District from 09-11 th March 2018,Mathew, Vice Chancellor, CHRIST. Gungeerlahalli Village, Chikkaballapur District from 02-04th Feb 2018 and at Yalachagere village, Koratagere The 8th National Moot Court Competition 2017, a Taluk, Tumkur District from 15-17 December 2017.flagship programme of School of Law, CHRIST was heldfrom 15th to 17th September, 2017. The Chief Guest of The students brought laurels to the institution bythe event was Mr. Madhukar Deshpande. Over 55 teams winning many national events in debating, Moot Courtfrom all over India participated in the event. Competitions, Sports, Cultural events and publishing papers in Journals. Apart from this, the first National Legislation DraftingCompetition, Client Counselling and Mediation RankingRounds, National Conference on Bar, Bench and theConstitution of India, Seminar on 'The New World Order:How Major World Leaders are Impacting InternationalRelations', the Model United Nations and a host of guestlectures were among the other major events held as a partof the decennial celebrations. Our students benefited frominteractions with the members of the academia and legal~ CHRISTITE 2018
INSTITUTE OFMANAGEMENT Institute of Management's mission is to develop signed an MOU with Manchester Metropolitan Universitya community of socially responsible, creative and for mobilizing 16 faculty members (8 faculty from eachenterprising leaders to operate in a knowledge-based, University will visit the partner university) for the facultyglobalized and dynamic world. The institute is dedicated exchange program. Under this arrangement, two facultyto the motto of excellence and service. Through pursuit from Manchester Metropolitan University, UK visited theof academic excellence and service through creative and Institute for a week and conducted sessions for studentsempathetic involvement, the institute strives to transform during November 2017.the society. Visits by foreign universities At the Institute, every student goes through a widespectrum of experiences that includes the Organization The Institute sees regular visits by faculty andStructure Training (OST), Outbound Training (OBT), academic administrators from reputed foreign universitiesBook Review Competition, Summer Internships, Current for exploring opportunities for enhanced collaboration.Affairs & Weekly Presentations and Dissertation. Inaddition students are expected and actively encouraged During the year the following people visited theto participate in various co-curricular and extra-curricular Institute:events. All this combined impel the students to becomeconfident, socially responsible, creative and enterprising Prof. Timothy B. Palmer, Professor of Strategicleaders. Management, Director, Center for Sustainable Business Practices, Haworth College of Business,International faculty exchange program Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, visited onthrough ERASMUS+: July 22-29, 2017 for vetting the MBA Curriculum, of the dual Degree Program with WMU. Institute of Management, Christ University andManchester Metropolitan University, UK have been Frank J. Franzak, PhD. Department of Marketing,awarded the prestigious Erasmus+ award for Faculty School of Business, from Virginia CommonwealthMobility Programme. The award which is a European University. In addition to holding discussions Dr.Union Program, supports partnering institutions to have Franzak took Marketing Management session fora faculty exchange program to develop faculty and share students of Section V (VCU) of 2016-18 Batch.knowledge and experience. Institute of Management (1) Prof. Charles Savage (2) Prof. Frauke, Hofmann- Weberbauer (3) Prof. Reinhard Koether (4) Prof. Michael Mubig - all from the University Of Applied Sciences (FHWS), Wurzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany on various dates between October 2 to November 25, 2017. Prof. Uwe Sponholz of Munich University, Germany between October 18-22, 2017. Workshop I Sessions by Institute of Management for international faculty and students: Training program on Sustainability & Social Justice in CHRJSTITE 2018 -
INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT India: The Institute in association with Office of Germany and India presented their award winning International Affairs conducted a 7 day program and impactful work. (December 10-16, 2017) on Sustainability and Social Justice in India for participants Sessions by International faculty for students of from Haworth College of Business, Western Institute of Management Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA. In total22 participants - 18 students and 4 faculty attended During the year several international faculty visited the program. Institute of Management and conducted session for the students:• Training program on Blockchain 8t Cryptocurrency: The Institute in association with Dr Dane Anderton and Prof. David Taylor from Office of International Affairs conducted a TWO Manchester Metropolitan University, UK conducted WEEK (February 19- March 5, 2018) program on a workshop on \"The Ideas Creativity and Blockchain 8t Cryptocurrency for 26 participants Entrepreneurship\" for Institute of Management - 23 students and 3 faculty members from University students on 22-Nov-2017. of Applied Sciences Wurzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS), Germany. Prof. Jens Mueller, Associate Professor, School of Management, Marketing and Strategy Waikato• Training program on Sustainability Initiatives Management School University of Waikato took a in India: The Institute in association with Office Marketing management session on September 5, of International Affairs conducted a 0 NE WEEK 2017. program (February 5-10, 2018) on Sustainability Initiatives in India for 24 participants - 22 students Dr Arun Elias, Associate Dean, International & and 2 faculty members from University of Paris - Accreditation in Victoria Business School took a Dauphine, France. session on Lean Operations & Systems on September 5, 2017. Dr. Bikramaditya Ghosh visited Vives University College, Kortrijk, West Flanders, Belgium between Ms. Leah Bamberger, Director of Sustainability, November 20-24,2017 to conduct a session on City of Providence, RI, USA conducted a session on Currency Predictor Model in MS-Excel Tool pack. Sustainability on September 15, 2017. A Training Program was organized by Institute of Dr. Mel Bull, Principal Lecturer and MBA Director, Management along with Department of Psychology Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, Program theme: Exploring India: Human UK conducted a session on 'Communication in Development in Cross Cultural Context between contemporary organizations : the use of storytelling January 14- 23, 2018. The participants for the in business' on February 7, 2018 for HR students of session included 2 faculty and 21 students from St. 2017-2019 batch. Olaf College, USA. Mrs. Sally Rumbles, Director of HR ProgrammesIndo-German Dialogue- Young Innovators and Curriculum AND Principal Lecturer, University of Portsmouth, UK took a session on 'Global Talent• Institute of Management partnered with the Management planning' on February 21,2018 for HR German House for Research and Innovation students of 2017-2019 batch. (DWIH), New Delhi and Technical University Munich (TUM) organized the Indo-German International Collaboration Research Project Dialogue: Young Innovators on Wednesday 15th Nov, 2017. The event was one of only three of Institute of Management in collaboration with such events organized in India - at liT Delhi, liT Department of Psychology, CHRIST and School of Mumbai and CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Applied Psychologie, Zurich University of Applied Bangalore. During the session groups of young Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland is currently engaged researchers, leaders and entrepreneurs from in an international collaboration project on 'Jugaad Leadership'. The project is funded by School of Applied Psychologie, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland.- CHRISTITE 2018
Placement Cell TYKOONZ- One Year Program for entrepreneurs The placement program is a very importantfactor in any MBA program. The Placement Cell at The institute in collaboration with Salahkar conductedthe Institute strives towards give the students a good a ONE YEAR program branded TYKOONZ forstart in their professional career. During the year over entrepreneurs of small and medium enterprises. Around150 organizations visited the Institute (from different 30 participants went through this program which startedsector namely IT, BFSI, Consulting, FMCG, Healthcare, in Apri12017 and continued through the year.Automobile, Real estate, Hospitality etc). Communication & For this year the highest offer stands at 15 lakhs Presentation Skills training for KEMSand the average salary is 6.3 lakhs. Nearly 70% of thecompanies who visited this year have recruited from The faculty from the institute conducted a one daythe Institute in the past. That the companies return year Communications & Presenatations skills training programafter year to the campus for acquiring fresh talent is a for the executives of KEM Forgings. The program wasreflection of the quality of the students. Around 25% attended by 24 executives of the company.organizations that are visiting the campus this yearare doing so for the first time, reflecting the growing Training program on Banking Industry-reputation of the Institute as a grooming ground for A Fundamental Analysistalented managers. A one day training program was conducted for AxisLeadership Summit Bank employees. The training was conducted for two batches of participant on 19 & 20 Feb, 2018. In total 57 Institute of Management hosted a one day 'Leadership participants attended the program.Summit' event on Thursday November 23rd, 2017 atMain campus. The 'Leadership Summit' one day conclave Training program on Sustainability &brought together business leaders at CXO level to Social Justice in Indiaengage and inspire the students and the faculty. It was aplatform for people who played a critical role in shaping The Institute in association with Office of Internationaltheir organizations come under one roof and share their Affairs conducted a 7 day program on Sustainability andexperiences with the students and faculty. Social Justice in India for participants from Haworth College of Business, Western Michigan University,Introduction of Open Elective Courses Kalamazoo, USA. In total 22 participants - 18 students and 3 faculty attended the program. A one day training The Institute started the new initiative of offering program was conducted for Axis Bank employees. TheOpen Elective Courses (optional courses) to the training was conducted for two batches of participant onstudents. The objective of the initiative is to enhance the 19 & 20 Feb, 2018. In total 57 participants attended theprofessional competencies and skills of the students. The program.credits obtained through these courses will be reflectedin the student's transcripts. During the year several SAP Train the Trainer Workshopscourses such as Behaviour Finance, Advanced LeanManagement, Export Import Management were offered The Institute was requested by New Horizonto the students. Engineering College to conduct a 6-days Train the Trainer Workshop on SAP. The sessions were conducted on JuneTraining, MDP and Consultancy 16-17, July 4-5 and July 17-18,2017 June 2017 at New Horizon Engineering College. Faculty of Institute of Management regularly conductMOPs and FOPs for the corporate executives and faculty MDP on Business Decision Making using Rof other institutions of higher education. During the yearthe following training, MDP and consultancy activities The MOP was conducted on Dec 7-8,2017. Thewere conducted by the Institute: objective of the program was to enhance the skills of the participants in using R for data analysis. The program was attended by 14 participants from industry and academia. CHRJSTITE 2018 -
INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENTMOP on Marketing Insights for of Management, Kengeri Campus is a two-day eventSales and Business Development (17th & 18th Nov 2017) in which masterminds fromProfessionals. 100+ B-schools competed to ace and shine as ultimate champions. The best of the minds from B-schools across The MDP was conducted on the country compete in the event to prove their mettle.January 12-13,2018. The sessions The fest is renowned for its challenging and creativewere conducted by faculty from the events that spans across a gamut of contemporaryInstitute's marketing specialization management topics, best-in-class hospitality, excitingin collaboration with expert prizes and unlimited fun. The theme for this year's eventpractitioners from the industry. was \"Pinnacle\" - scale new heights... The overall trophyThe MDP saw 15 participants from for the event was won by XIME, Bangalore.various industries such as SoftwareServices, Education Business, Fire Pioneer 2017and Technology Startups. Pioneer Entrepreneurship cell (E-cell) of Institute ofMOP on Legal Aspects for Management, Christ University, conducted the PIONEERManagers 2017. The curtain raiser event was held on September 27, 2017. The objective of the event is to provide students The MOP was conducted on November 10-11,2017. an opportunity to gain some insight into the excitementThe program saw participants from reputed corporates and challenges of entrepreneurial ventures. The eventssuch as Toyota, Wep Solutions, etc. The program was included - address by eminent personalities from thehighly appreciated by all participants. Industry and successful entrepreneurs. This was followed by a panel discussion on the topic 'Society shapes mediaMOP on Neural Network Application for or society feeds media'.sell side Credit and Fraud Analysis The main and final event of Pioneer 2017 was held The MOP was conducted on February 2-3,2018. on January 19,2018. Awards were given away in threeThe program aimed at application of Neural Network different categories - Best Business Achiever - Mr.- a cutting-edge machine learning tool. The learning Darshan S, Managing Director, East Shine Group, Bestoutcome of the program was - Credit related decision Women Entrepreneur - Ms. Shruti Ravi, CEO, Teal Doorsystem in various sectors; Fraud analytics in Banking Cafe and Best Social Entrepreneur - Mr. Prashant kumarand non-banking scenarios and Predictive analytics for Sahoo, CEO, Exabit Systems Pvt. Ltd. In addition, cashselect asset classes. 3 participants from the Industry and 7 prizes were awarded for the winners of EMPRESSARIO - aacademicians attended the program. national level entrepreneurial contest involving multipleCOGNOSCO 2017-National Conference On Case Studies The Institute organizes a national conference oncase studies - COGNOSCO. This year was the 6th editionof the conference. The two day event held on September21-22,2017, included a Faculty Development Program(FDP) on Case Study Writing. 18 cases were presentedduring the conference that included an interesting mix ofdomain areas and themes.HIGHLIGHTS OF MAJOR EVENTSChryzellenz 2017 Chryzellenz, the eighth edition of the annualNational Level Management Fest organized by Institute~ CHRISTITE 2018
online and offline rounds and PROGETTISTA - an Intra- industry leaders for sharing thoughts on differentinstitutional entrepreneurial contest. areas of management. This year the Institute saw more than 20 corporate interface session addressed byManthan very eminent and CEO I CXO level speakers engage with the students. The speakers included Mr. R. C. Manthan an Inter deanery and Inter campus event Agrawal, Statutory Auditor, Dena Bank who spoke onof the Institute of Management, is a Business Plan Goods and Services Tax (GST), Mr. SivakarthikeyanCompetition to identify potential entrepreneurs who are Velayutham, CEO, Happy Mongo, who spoke on Touchgiven an opportunity to launch their ideas into viable & feel Virtual and Augmented Reality, His Excellency,commercial ventures. Manthan 2017 consisted of four Haikwang Lee on the Present and Future of Korea-grueling rounds wherein 5 business abstracts were India Relationship.screened from 87 entries received from various campuses. Interrogante 2018Connaissance 2018 Interrogante' the flagship event of The Quest Club Connaissance is an endeavor by the Institute of at the Institute of Management, Christ (Deemed to beManagement, Kengeri Campus to provoke the thought University) is an annual Corporate Business Quiz openprocess of creative B-School students from all over India, to all corporates and colleges. Interrogante 2018 was thetowards providing meaningful solutions to burning issues seventh edition of the quiz. A total of 39 teams registeredaround the globe, with a special focus on India. for the event. The winners of the event were Mr. Naveen Kumar and Jayakantha of TCS with a prize money of Rs. The theme of CONNAISANCE 2018 was \"Sustainable 60,000. The Runners up and Second Runners up wereBusiness Practices in a Dynamic Environment\". The event Novartis (Viraj, Abhishek) and Capgemini (Sethu and Rabiheld on February 23, 2018 attracted 11 0 research paper Saha), with a prize money of Rs. 40,000 and Rs. 20,000.submissions from various states such as Kerala, Tamilnadu, Rs. 20,000 respectively.UP, Karnataka and many others. The papers were presentedin parallel across six panels that included functional Environment Dayspecializations such as HR, finance, marketing, operations.The papers covered varied topics on sustainability such as On 5 June, 2017, the students of Lean Operations'Eco-impact of plastic bags and customer perceptions, Job & Systems (LOS) specialization observed the WorldHopping, Block chain in Supply chain management, Market Environment Day with the theme of \"Let us not protectbasket mapping etc.' The winners and runners up for the Environment, let us Create a WORLD where theBest paper award were encouraged with a cash prize of INR Environment does not NEED Protection\". The event10,000 and INR 5,000 respectively. helped to raise awareness among the student community on emerging environmental issues.CANTATA 2018 1raft5cA~arenessVVeek The 2018 sporting calendar of Institute ofManagement, Christ University ended with the sporting As a part of the Traffic Awareness Week between 25-extravaganza- CANTATA, a day of togetherness 28 September, 2017, a Street Play was organized by thecelebrated at Kengeri Campus where both students and institute to promote traffic awareness.faculty got an opportunity to engage in various sportingactivities. The day saw several events - 1OOm, 400m races, Looking to the future:400m relay, short put and long jump. And later half of MBA in Business Analyticsthe day saw events like Fun-Quiz, Tug of war, Minefield,Blindfolded. It was day of sporting and good fun for both Business Analytics is throwing up exciting careerthe faculty and students. opportunities. Keeping in line with the market demand for graduates with deep knowledge of Business Analytics,Corporate Interface the Institute has developed a 2 year full time program in Business Analytics. The new specialization will be At Institute of Management, students & faculty launched starting June 2018.members get opportunity to learn from the various CHRJSTITE 2018 -
COMMERCE & MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF File and Smile - income tax return filing kiosk COMMERCE GST awareness program for final year students During the academic year 2017-18-the Department GST Outreach workshop for traders. (180 participants)of Commerce organized a good number of workshops,guest lectures, international conference, social outreach FOP on GST for faculty of other colleges. (57programs, panel discussions, field visits etc. participants) The department has a vibrant Commerce Association The Department organized International Conference(CUCA) that conducts intra and inter-class activities for the second time on the theme of 'Sustaining athroughout the year. Prayas - the most prestigious inter- Competitive Edge in Changing Global Scenario-collegiate commerce fest was hosted by the department Challenges, Practices and Innovation' on 6 -7 Feb 2018.on 30 and 31 August 2017. Mr Seemant Kumar Singh- The Conference was organized in collaboration withAdditional Commissioner of Police (East), Bangalore was Institute of Management Accountants U.S.A.the Chief Guest for the event. Samshodhan- Research based Seminar was organized A Panel Discussion was organized for M.Com students by the P.G. Students of Department of Commerce. 250on the theme of 'Driver and Drivers of Financial Inclusion students from the department and from other collegesin India' on 27 September 2017. Dr. Charan Singh (full benefited from the Seminar.time visiting faculty liMB and former RBI Chair Professor)was the panellist in the discussion. Along with him, Mr. Industry-Academia interface was organized inAnshul Sharan Head -Strategy & Planning Grameen the form of Corpus Conclave, wherein many industryKoota and T.Y. Prabhu, Chairman and Managing Director representatives from different MNCs participated. Theof Oriental Bank of Commerce, New Delhi. Oratory Club 'Suyukti' initiated a new series of talks by Alumni members titled as 'Ex@Tedx'. Start-up Master Class was hosted by the departmenton 9 December 2017, in collaboration with liT Kanpur, liT Faculty and students were engaged in various outreachKharagpur and liM Bangalore to encourage entrepreneurial programmes during 2017-18.skills among budding entrepreneurs and students. Spandan- Snehagram Project was organized to offer The department formally initiated the GST Advisory skill development programs for HIV positive studentsand Compliance Cell with four faculty members and 20 in Krishnagiri.students. Various activities of the cell were organisedduring the year in collaboration with Central Tax GST and Fest conducted in Kodlipet First Degree College byBengaluru GST Zone Commerce students, and their team participated in Prayas 2017 'Gnana Samanvaya' programme - Organised skill development activities at GFGC, Kappa- CHRISTITE 2018
DEPARTMENT OFMANAGEMENT STUDIES The Department of Management Studies had Offering specializations like Finance, Marketing andan action packed academic year 2017- 18. The HR, the BBA programme distinguishes itself by engagingyear started with the Inauguration of the Christ final year students in discipline specific clubs - Leverage,University Management Association and Fresher's Day Niche and Melange - that build on skills that make ourCelebrations. graduates industry-ready. Case discussions, industry visits and guest lectures supplement the curriculum by bridging Student leaders in the Department - identified the gap between theory and reality. Advanced learners inthrough a rigorous selection process - were taken for the Department are also involved as student trainers ina two day Leadership Retreat at the Kengeri Campus the unique Skill Enhancement initiative of the Departmentwhere they were engaged in many team building activities that focuses on imparting industry relevant skill sets to thethat were aimed at forging a team with high synergy students. The Conference on Emerging Trends in Businessthat would take the Department to greater heights. Our is an annual platform provided by the Department tostudents conquered more than 20 Overall Championships researchers around the world to share their researchin various Inter-Collegiate Fests and Competitions. insights.This was also the core team that was entrusted withthe challenge of hosting our flagship events Espritand Arthayudh as well as various other competitions(Vistas, Thrive and Zest) that engage our entire studentcommunity in learning the challenges in managementthrough different scenarios. Entrepreneurial ambitions of students are carefullynurtured in the Department through various initiatives ofthe E-Cell. Ranging from invited talks, panel discussionsand B-Plan competitions, theE-Cell of the Departmentstrives to provide budding entrepreneurs a supportnetwork. Anvaya- the Department's CSA wing hasalso had an eventful year with multiple activities aimedat building communities by directing student efforts atserving different underprivileged sects. CHRJSTITE 2018 -
COMMERCE & MANAGEMENT •DEPARTMENT OFHOTEL MANAGEMENT In the 2016- 17, academic year, many eminent as \"Odyssey\" from the 2017-18 academicindustrial experts and professionals, academicians and year onwards. There were 14 institutionsalumni visited the department for various academic that participated in Odyssey. The otheractivities. There were more than 30 guest lectures and activities were, to name a few, Experientialinteractions and around 20 workshops were conducted Learning Restaurant (ELR), Internationalby industry experts. Industrial and Academic visits were housekeeping colloquium, mind curry (quiz),organized for students and faculty members at regional AROME, activities of SWAD and PARIVARand international level. Two culinary trips to Tamil were organized by the department. StudentsNadu were conducted by SWAD. Local eateries, food also participated in over 13 Inter-Universityprocessing units, farms and engaging in local community competitions and fests across India.cooking were some of the activities of the trip. It createda learning experience for the culinary students on the As part of teaching-learning and studentvarious culinary factors of the state. Two students progression practice, the department ofparticipated in an exchange programme with NHTV hotel management commenced a newBreda University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands. The activity on 24 August 2017, titled the \"Masterclass\",department conducted several programmes and activities which is a culinary demonstration conducted by final yearincluding the 23rd annual culinary competition and hotel culinary students for an audience of 100 members acrossabilities test, during the current academic year. The annual the University and from outside. This activity operatedculinary competition and hotel ability test was renamed by the specialization students, helps mould them into confident professionals and build their culinary knowledge liotel Manag and communication, while they step into the world of hospitality. The department of hotel management is proud A 01 to have come up with the initiative of the \"Masterclass\" and seeks to flourish, aiding in the contouring of young culinary professionals in the years to come. Regular interaction with alumni were organised during the academic year. Alumni chapter meetings and discussions were organised by the chapter alumni president Mr Vishal Nagpal, to support the activities of the department. The department also have facilitated internship and placements opportunities for students. The department formulated the strategic plan for the next five years with the theme \"High Touch\", based on the concept by Daniel Pink.- CHRISTITE 2018
DEPARTMENT OFPROFESSIONAL STUDIES The Department of Professional Studies (DPS) forum 'Anusandhan'. The department also secured the firsthad an enriching and productive year with a blend of position in the University level cultural fest, Blossoms andacademic and extracurricular activities and achievers 3 overall first positions in Business Fests. The departmentinCA, CS, Insurance, CIMA, and ACCA. 200 students also nurtures the talent in sports through the annual sportsof the department published 91 research papers in festival PROATHLON.collaboration with faculty members under the research AIKYA 2018 was organized by the department - a joint event to commemorate the progress made by the university, and the department particularly, towards their commitments under the Gnana Samanvaya initiative of the Karnataka Government. On this occasion the department also felicitated the academic, co- CHRJSTITE 2018 -
COMMERCE & MANAGEMENTcurricular, and extra-curricular achievements of the was organized with talks by various industry experts.students of the department. INSIGHT is an introductory FutureMUN 2018, a Model United Nations SimulationBusiness fest organized by the second year students was a successful three day conference organized withexclusively for all the first year students of the the prime goal of introducing students to the world ofDepartment. It gives the participants a taste of all the diplomacy, negotiation and decision making and provideareas in a business fest. The second level is Incognito a platform to discuss and deliberate on global issues andwhich provides a platform for first and second year concerns and come up with solutions.students, under the guidance of their seniors. COGNITOis the flagship event of DPS. A Corporate Business Fest INC.LINE was an event that brought togetherof the highest caliber attracts colleges from all over the investors and start-ups in the EdTech Industry andcountry. This year's theme was Consortium with more allowed them to interact, network and pitch on onethan 20 participating colleges from across the nation. St. extensive platform. In addition to that, various speakersJoseph's College for Commerce, Bangalore emerged as imparted their valuable knowledge and more than 30the winners for Cognito Consortium 2017. deans from all over the country participated. SAMYUKT is the department's initiative towards The department encourages the literary acumen ofshowcasing the research and co curricular activities the students through PROFUSE, the annual collectanea. Inof the students and also providing a platform for addition, the department also inaugurated the bi-annualinteracting with professional bodies and industry newsletter PRATIBIMB showcasing the various eventsmembers. This year dignitaries from ACCA, Grant of the department. Outreach Programmes like Sahyog,Thornton and EY shared their corporate expertise with Genesys, Spandan, Gnana Samanvaya and Enactusthe students. INVESTA INQUEST: A symposium on witnessed the departments' endeavours recognising socialEntrepreneurship and brand leveraging along with GST responsibility.- CHRISTITE 2018
SCHOOL OF in offering its students a holistic education and wishes to nurture their tender minds by offering them with the BUSINESS STUDIES AND best of facilities. With facilities catering to the needs SOCIAL SCIENCES of all the programmes, the CU-BGR Campus Library is a commendable space provided to students to enable School of Business Studies and Social Sciences' them to broaden their horizons. The Library spread across two floors, has a huge array of more than 10,000CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bannerghatta Road books, more than 50 Computer Terminals to facilitate(CU-BGR) Campus was established in 2016 as a unique access to the digital world, and two Symposium Roomsbody of interdisciplinary academic pursuit with a focus for presentations and discussions. In addition to theto enable students to branch out into the realms of Library, the whole Campus is also wi-fi enabled alongvaried disciplines so as to receive the best of blended with two fully-equipped Computer Labs. The Mainlearning, while primarily concentrating on the roots Auditorium in the Campus is equipped with state of theof the main discipline under study. For this purpose, all art acoustics and sound facilities and offers a seatingthe programmes offered in CU-BGR Campus, under capacity of 1700. To organize various programmes ofthe Clusters of Business Studies and Social Sciences are academic and cocurricular interests, the Campus is alsoclubbed together under the umbrella of a single Deanery. supported with a Seminar Hall with a seating capacityThe programmes offered in the Campus include BSc of 120 and a Mini Auditorium with a seating capacityPsychology (Honours), BA Economics (Honours), BA of 250. The Campus also houses a technologicallyJournalism (Honours), BA English (Honours), BA (English, competent Media Lab and a Psychology Lab to caterPolitical Science, History), BA (Media Studies, Economics, to the learning needs of students from the respectivePolitical Science), BBA (Finance and International disciplines. CU-BGR Campus also hosts a Boys' HostelBusiness), BBA (Honours), BBA (Tourism and Travel named Christ Hall. With a capacity to accommodateManagement), MBA (Tourism Management) and MA 258 students, the Hostel also has 22 fully-furnishedEnglish with Cultural Studies. Guest Rooms, to host visiting faculty members and other guests of the University. With a two-leveled CU-BGR Campus is spread over 2.4 acres, 7 kilometres parking space, the Campus can accommodate close tofrom the Main Campus and includes all infrastructure thatsupports learning and growth, as the University believes CHR.ISTITE 2018 -
2500 two-wheelers and 300 four-wheelers, with round arena to individuals from across disciplines to gatherthe clock security. together and exhibit their talents. The Campus came alive with a plethora of discipline-specific fests, be The number of food outlets in the CU-BGR Campus it Arthotsav of Economics Studies, Gobblefunk ofare numerous, the most notable being the Indian Coffee English Studies, Raabta of Media Studies, AarohaHouse Cafeteria on the ground floor that caters to of Psychology Studies, and Dialogue of History andthe diverse student body with North and South Indian Political Science, from within the sphere of SocialCuisine, and other refreshments. Nandini Parlor, Cafe Sciences. From the stable of Management StudiesCoffee Day and Tasteon Foods are three other food exits came Genesis, Inferno, and Novice, while Tourismwhere students can grab a quite bite. The Fitness Center Studies redesigned Alta Vista, Ontrack, Jharokha andin the Campus is well equipped with a plethora of gym Exodus. All these fests acknowledged interdisciplinaryequipment, and students can be seen actively using the participations and collaborations among students fromBadminton and Basketball Courts, and Table Tennis within all campuses of the University and from aroundBoards after college hours. Students of CU-BGR Campus the country, allowing for multiple perspectives andare also continuously motivated to participate in all Sports approaches to the competitive arenas with discipline-Tournaments in Basketball, Cricket, Football, Tennis and specific twists. Under the guidance of CUBSA, studentsAthletics in the Main Campus and in other inter-collegiate from CU-BGR Campus also participated successfully inand inter-university tournaments around the country, more than 30 national and international level fests andwhere they have won numerous championships and events, winning overall championships in most.competitions. Student Publications, Travelogue and Frequent Our University always believes in not just providing Flyer from Tourism Studies, Pulse and Envision froma space for students to discover and hone their various Management Studies, and Litscape and Paracosmtalents, but also interact with their talented peers to from English Studies also found place in the Librariesinstigate new and creative collaborations. And hence, of Universities, Colleges and Institutions, and on theCU-BGR Campus has kept alive and more, the 'festing' Reading Tables of prominent Corporate Houses acrossculture, and through the various ingenuous fests, offers the country and abroad.cultural platforms to the students to thrive and flourish.The Christ University Business Studies and Social Sciences CU-BGR Campus has a strong EntrepreneurshipAssociation (CUBSA) that functions under the aegis of Cell that believes in promoting a spirit of innovationCU-BGR Campus is instrumental to a great extend in and enterprise among the students. The Cell kindlesencouraging and promoting students to explore and the passion for entrepreneurship and ideas and bringsshowcase their talents, get into the culture of knowledge together students from both Business Studies and Socialapplication, and hone their skills by managing them Sciences by offering them a platform to present theirthrough co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. enterprising business ideas. The Cell also conductsThis year CUBSA successfully flaggedoff Querencia, the National-Level,Multidisciplinary, Mega Fest of CU-BGR Campus. Entailing a diversitythat is one of a kind and a vision thatis far more sighted than any otherevent witnessed in the world of festing,Querencia celebrated the reality ofcollaboration in competition therebymoving towards bridging disciplinesfrom across colleges and universitiesin the country. Through Querencia,CUBSA was able to offer a common- CHRISTITE 2018
Certificate Programmes in collaboration with prominent against the other deaneries in the national-level, inter-organisations like KE Global to give students a different university fest, In-bloom. Dancers from CU-BGR Campus,perspective on how to shape their business thoughts and in large numbers also made their presence felt in thefurther enable them in an all-round development. Fests, University Dance Day, Nritta -A Journey of Movementslike Bob the Builder, a bid and build competition and the with adrenaline pumping performances. Nritta was forMarketing fest, Marketon offered good opportunities for the first time, also staged in a packed CU-BGR Campusstudents to come up with different business plans and get Main Auditorium in March, 2018.a hands-on real-life experience in the business-world. Thisyear, the Cell organized the first edition of The Speakers' SWO in the CU-BGR Campus remains a strongConclave, a flagship event that focused on offering a body of more than 300 student volunteers thatplatform to pioneer speakers from different walks of life helps organise all the University level programmesto share the stories of their journeys. The event served as and events. SWO also coordinates the students'a perfect opportunity for the speakers to disseminate their participation in the University Cultural Team, theknowledge, ideas and learnings in life. Few of the notable University and Campus Choir, and Natyarpana,names who addressed the students of the Campus on the the University Dance Team. From the time of theplatform were Mr Deepak Shinde, Mr 8 N Dayananda, establishment of CU-BGR Campus, SWO has organizedDr Aneesh Vidyashankar and Dr N Jayasankaran Natesa numerous events in the Campus, most notably theAiyyar. Academic Year Inauguration Programmes, Ethnic Day and Bhasha Utsav, the Colours Week in the month of Furthermore, aside from fests, CU-BGR Campus also August, Darpan and Blossoms, and the Convocationsaw students from the various programmes gathering Day, every year. Christites of the Bannerghatta Roadtogether not just to participate, but also to cheer on their Campus also remained integral participants in all thecohorts for a variety of multicultural events. Of these, major events and activities that were organized in theDarpan was organized as the first deanery-level talent- Main Campus and Kengeri Campus of the University,hunt event for the students in the Campus. Organized with the support of SWO.by the Student Welfare Office (SWO) of the Campus,Darpan was an \"ice-breaker\" especially for the First-Year Centre for Social Action (CSA) is the University'sStudents by exposing them to the University culture of very own NGO and social activist organisation managednot just nurturing but also celebrating talent. Darpan was entirely by students. The CSA Wing in CU-BGR Campusfollowed in a similar vein by Blossoms, the inter-deanery aims to increase awareness on social issues like wastefest that fostered strong bonds of camaraderie within segregation, child labour, women empowerment andthe Campus, considering how the entirety of School of safety. Street plays are organized from time to time inBusiness Studies and Social Sciences was in competition and outside the Campus on socially relevant themes CHR.ISTITE 2018 -
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STU & SOC. SC • _, ~~~-and the Activity Centre identifies personalities, from across Academic, Business and otherareas to be adopted by CSA to teach spheres of life who visited the Campus in the year goneand educate children in the lesser by, the visit of Shri Rana Daggubati, Actor and Producer,developed parts of the city and to and Padmasri Sabu Cyril, renowned Film Productionalso provide opportunities for their Designer definitely sent the Campus into a frenzy.growth. CSA also documents the eventsand brings to light many social issues Many Clubs and Associations also perform inthrough photographs and articles. CU-BGR Campus. Most notable among them beingThe Association also organizes Blood Wordsmiths - the Writers' Club; Spin Shot - theDonation Camps, Photo Walks and Photography Club; Orpheus Productions - theRural Exposure Camps to offer students Proscenium Theatre; Noisy Corridor- the Indianmore real-life experiences. Tattva- The Dance Team; CU-BGR Campus Choir; DEBSOC- theSocial Responsibility Week Celebrations Debating Society and the Sports Club that also offersorganized by CSA on the theme of Natural Resource Certificate Programmes, to name a few. The AssociationManagement, became more than just a platform for of Christian Christites (ACC) organizes regular prayercreative contributions and competitions, by instigating meetings and monthly mass in the Santhome Parishstudents to evaluate their contributions to the society and Church Chapel, adjacent to the Campus. While Centreunderstand that true victory lies in the emancipation of for Concept Design (CCD), Centre for Academic andthe society. Professional Support (CAPS) and Centre for Advanced Research and Training (CART) support the advanced School of Business Studies and Social Sciences also learning needs of students in the Campus, the Mentoringorganized numerous workshops and guest lectures and Counselling Services (MACS) and Peer Educationin the Campus. The Scholar-in-Residence Programme also support student well-being and professional growth.introduced Mr Sadanand Menon, a Member of several In addition to all the Clubs and Associations, frequentApex Advisory Boards in India and an Adjunct Faculty Industry Interface Sessions, Book Talks and AlumniMember with the Asian College of Journalism and Interactions are organized for students and facultyliT-Madras, to the students and Faculty Members of members, alike. Weekly Holistic Education Sessionsthe Campus. His discourses encompassed the various also support in inculcating strong moral, personal,ideas of Cultural Nationalism, Manufacturing Consent, interpersonal and societal values in the students. TheManufacturing Dissent: Reading Cultural Activism Skill Development Sessions on all Thursdays, the regularin Contemporary Times, and True Journalism. CU- Industry Visits for all Classes across Disciplines, theBGR Campus in association with Funky Rainbow: The Outbound Training Programmes and the Study ToursTraveling Children's Workshop organized The Story have all made noteworthy contributions to make theStudio - Masterclass in Writing and Storytelling for year gone by memorable for students and all members ofChildren, a two-day Masterclass to equip participants CU-BGR Campus.with the essential tools to help create and narratecompelling stories for young audiences. While, DrVivek Dhareshwar organized a two-day Workshop forthe students of MA English with Cultural Studies, MrMohammad Younus organized a two-day Soft SkillsTraining Programme for the students of MBA (TourismManagement). The Speaker Series on India's EconomyRewired, a unique endeavour by the Discipline ofEconomics of CU-BGR Campus had Shri. Feroze VarunGandhi, Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) addressingthe Campus on the Economic Development of theNation. In addition to the lieu of esteemed and notedCHRJSTITE 2018
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