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Cambridge Movers 5 Student Book full

Published by TUYET NGUYEN, 2021-11-05 08:09:20

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ro. Gambridge Young Learner$ English Tests For distribution in Vietnam by: Enuasa

Combrldge Young Le qrners Engl\"tsh Tests C arnbrldge Movers 5 Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: English for Speakers of Other Languages CaUBRTDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS

CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, cape Town, singapore, slo Paulo, Delhi Cambridge University Press 10 Hoe Chiang Road, #08-01/02 Keppel Towers, Singapore 089315 Information on this title: www.cambridge. orgl 97 80 521.69 3288 @ Cambridge University Press 2007 This publication is in copyright. Subject to srarutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of arry paft may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2007 This Vietnam edition first published 2008 Printed in Vietnam A catalogue record for this publication is auailable from the British Library ISBN 978-0-521.-69328-8'Student's Book ISBN 978-0-521-69329-5 Answer Booklet ISBN 978-0-521-69330-L Cassette ISBN 978-0-521-69331-8 Audio CD ISBN 978-0-521-73595-7 Student's Book Vietnam Edition Cover design by David Lawton Produced by HL Studios This special edition for sale in Vietnam only.

Contents Test 1 4 10 Listening Reodlng and Writlng 24 30 Test 2 44 Listenlng 50 Reading ond Writing 65 Test 3 6q 73 Listenlng Reodlng ond Writing Speohing Tests Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

L isteni^g Port 1 - 5 questions - Listen ond drow lines. There is one exompte.

Listening Part 2 - 5 questions - Listen o,nd write. There is one excmple. Pleose looh Jor, Sports bog Name oJ child: Doisy 2 Colour oJ bog: next to 3 The bag wos' 4 Instde the bog wos: 5 Chlld's o.ddress' Iop Street

Test I Part 3 - 5 questions - Whot did Pou[ do [ost weeh? Listen and draw a line fro* the dog to the correct picture. There is one example. Mondog Tuesdoy Wednesdoy Thursdog Soturdoy Sundog

Listening Port 4 - 5 questions - Listen ond tich (r') he box. There is one exomple. Whot does the girl wont to buy? AZ Btr cI Whot did the boy drow? AT BT ctr Where con theu hove the plcnic? Atr BT ctr

Test I Whot's the po.rrot doing? Atr Btr ctr Where's the blonket? Atr Btr cI Which girl is Ann's sister? Atr Btr ctr

Listening Part 5 - 5 questions - Listen ond colour and drow. There is one exomple. __./-- >--r- -)- --\\\\-----t-t\\

Reading and Writing Port I - 5 questions - Looh ond reod. Choose the correct words ond write them on the lines. There is one exomple. 10

Reading and Writing Example o cof6 Peopte go to this ploce to drlnk, eot, ond talk to their Jriends. Questions 1 You wosh your bodg ond gour hoir in this. 2 You slt ond eot in o Jietd or on o beoch Jor this. 3 You con bug Jood ond c[othes here. 4 You go up or down between Jloors in this. 5 Apples, bononos, lemons ond oronges ore exomples oJ this. 6 You con reod boohs here or toke them home to reod. 11

Test I Part 2 - 5 questions - Looh ond reod. Write $€S or rto. Examples no A pirote is sitting on o box. There ore slx hippos in the picture. 12

Questions Reading and Writing 13 1 The g[r[s ore ptoying o gome oJ bodmlnton. 2 There ls o green ond yellow porrot on the bog's shoulder. 3 A big brown monkeg is climbing o mountoln. 4 A womon with o red shirt hos got o bowl oJ pineopples. 5 There is o big snohe ln the tree obove the crocodile. i 6 A mon o.nd o womon ore crosslno J the rlver [n o boot.

Test I Port 3 - 6 questions - Reod the text ond choose the best answer. mIm Exomple He[[o, Jane. Nich: Jone: @ Hetlo, Nich. Questions B Goodbge, Nich. C Thonh gou, Nick. 1 Nick: Where did gou go ot the weekend? Jane: A I go to see Kim [n her new house. B I went to see K[m in her new house. C I con see Kim in her new house. 14

Reading and Writing 2 Nich: Where does she live now? Jq,ne: A In your house. B In the [ohe. C In o vittoge. 3 Nich: Does she lihe her new home? Jone: A Yes, we did. B Yes, she does. C Yes, you do. 4 Nich: How's her brother, Ben? Jane: A He's Jine. B He's to[[ wtth brown hotr. C He's eight. 5 Nich: Whot did gou do with Kim on Soturdoy? Jone: A You soi[ed o boot wlth her. B She went Jishing with you. C We swom [n the seo. 6 Nich: Greot! Con I go with Uou to see Klm ond Ben one doy? Jone: A OK. B SodoI. C Yes, I con. 15

Test I Part 4 - 7 questions - Read the story. Choose a wordfro* the box. Write the correct word next to numbers l-5. There is one exomple. Sotlg ond her Jomity lived on o Jorm. They hod o tot oJ onimols: sheep, 4 99.ry.9. ..., goots, chlckens ond horses. Everg mornlng beJore school, Sottg went to see her gre1 horse, 'C[oud'. She gove htm some (1) to eot Jor his breohJost ond tolhed to him. Then she soid goodbye. But lost Friday, she didnt (2) Cloud's door coreJully when she went to see hlm. . In closs thot Sotty went to school in Dod's (3) morning, the teocher drew o horse on the (4) . 'Now you drow one!' he soi.d. Soltg storted to drow C[oud. Then she looked out oJ the (5) . There wos Cloud! 'Looh ch[[dren,' soid the teocher. 'There's o horse in the ployground. You con drow [t.' 'Thot's MY horse!' soid Sattg. The chitdren [oughed. AJter rhe class, Sotty (6) home on Cloud. 16

Reading and Writing Example see EIt node window conrots aN--\\\\ --) /\\( tI board soiled (7) Now choose the best nome for the storg. Tich one box. tr C[oud goes to school tr Ctoud hos o [esson tr The teocher drows Cloud 17

Test I Port 5 - l0 questions - Look ot the pictures and req,d the storg. Wrlte words to complete the sentences q,bout the storg. You con use 1,2 or 3 words. Jim's Birthdau ---------------- On SundoU, Jtm went to the mountolns with his porents. In the oJternoon, [t snowed. At home thot evening, Jim wosn't verU we[[. 'You've got o temperoture, Jim,' his mum soid. 'Hove some soup ond then go to bed.' But he didn't wont ong soup. He wosn't hungrg. Exomples the mountoins on Sundoy. Jtm ond hls parents went to On Sundog oJternoon, [t snowed Questions on Sundoy evenlng. 1 Jim hod o Jim dldn't hove becouse he wosn't hungry. 1B

Reading and Writing Jim slept o[[ night, but he wqsn't better in the mornlng. He didn't go to school thot doy. He wos too iL[ ond he slept o[[ dog. He got up in the evenlng and wotched television. His mum gove him some chichen ond rlce, but he wosn't hungrg. He on[y ote some rlce ond dronk some mitk. He went to bed, but he wosn't tired. He didn t sleep very we[t. He woke up in the night ond reod his book. In the mornlng, wosn't better. Jlm couldn't go to thot day becouse he wos too [t[. 5 The onty thing thot J[m ote wos When Jim wohe up thot night, he tv

Test I In the mornlng, Jlm wos sod. 'TodoU's mg birthdog,' he thought, 'but I can't go to school ond see my Jriends.' But J[m's mum ond dod gove him o greot -present o new computer. He wqs verg hoppy becouse he [oved computer gomes. Then some oJ hts Jriends Jrom school come to see h[m. 'HopPU Birthdog!' they soid. 'This is Jor you, tool' It wos Jlm's Jovourite DVD! On Wednesdoy, he went bock to school becouse he wos bettdr ogoin. Jtm's porents gove hlm o Jor his birthdoy. Some oJ Jim's went to see htm. Jlm's second present wos when he wos 10 J[m went bock to school on better. 20

Blonk Page 21

Test I Port 6 - 5 questions - Reod the text. Choose the right words ond write them on the lines. Sport Example There are o lot of dfJerent hinds oJ sport. For exomp[e, there ore bott gomes. In Jootboll Uou to ktck the bo[[, but in tennls gou hit [t, ond [n boshetbo[[ you throw ond bounce lt. Some people woter sports. For exomp[e, they lihe 3 swrmm[ng soiling o boot. In some sports uou . run ond jump, but [n some, lihe Jishing, Uou move o [ot. Most children do sport ot 5 schoo[, ond it i.s very for you. 22

Reading and Writing Example with Jo, .J hove hos hod 2 enjogs eryog enjoying 3 or becouse thon 4 doesn't didn't don't 5 good better best 23

Listening Part 1 - 5 questions - Listen and drow lines. There [s one exomple. Jitt Peter John 24

Listening Part 2 - 5 questions - Listen ond write. There is one exomple. Things to do today At supermarhet Buy o video ' o new Then go to: and At hospitol Jour ond her 4 Mum needs' 5 25

Test 2 Part 3 - 5 questions - What did Nich do last weelc? Listen ond drow o line fro^ the doy to the correct picture. There is one exomple. Mondog Tuesdoy Wednesdog Thursdog Frtdog Sundoy 26

Listening Port 4 - 5 questions - Listen ond tick (r') the box. There is one exomple. Whot does the mon wont to buy? AZ Btr ctr Whot did the bog wash? *xTxx* O c-= {_X{e*ikrFr,e r{c \\r-r-t1 WW AT Btr cI Whot dtd Sue bug? Atr Btr ctr LI

Test 2 Whot's the boby dotng? Atr Btr ctr Where's the cheese? AT Btr ctr Which chi[d ts Jim? AT BT ctr 28

Listening Part 5 - 5 questions - Listen ond colour ond drow. There is one exomple. ++ 29

Reading ond Writing port l - 5 questions - Looh ond reqd. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. o rolnbow -W\"'@*- the seo 30

Reading and Writing Exomple o mqP This con hetp you Jtnd a p[oce. { Questions * 1 This hos seven cotours. You sometlmes see it aJter roin. 2 You con soil boots on this ond chitdren lihe swlmming in it. 3 You con onlg see these ot night. between one p[oce ond onother. 5 It i.s ojt.n cold on top oJ these. 6 There are a tot oJ trees ond plonts in this hot, green ploce. 31 riI

Test 2 Part 2 - 5 questions - Look qnd reqd. Write $€S or ltO. Exomples no There ore Jive onlmals in the picture. There ore some rochs in the river. 32

Questions Reading and Writing 33 t 1 The brown cow is looking up ot the ra clouds. 2 The mon who is Jishing is sittlng on the ground. 3 It's o windy dog. 4 One oJ the sheep hos gross ln lts mouth. 5 The girl with long hoir is riding o horse. 6 There are a tot oJ cors comlng to this ploce.

Test 2 Port 3 - 5 questions - Reod the text ond choose the best answer. Exo,mpte Would you [[he to come to the clnemo this evening? Ben: @ oK. Daisg: B I'd love some. C You hod to go. Questions I'd lihe to see the Jitm 'The Two Frlends'. 1 Ben: A I d.on't lihe ony oJ them. B I don't hnow thot one. Doisg: C I don t thlnh obout it. 34

Reading and Writing 2 Doisy: Whot's [t obout? Ben: A Aboyondodolphin. B It's next to the supermorhet. C Att right! 3 Daisy: Is it ot the Porh Clnemo? Ben: A Yes, it did. B Yes, it con. C Yes, [t [s. 4 Ben: There's o bus thot stops outside the clnemo. Daisg: A They ore slower tho.n m[ne. B I tihe wothing better. C A bus [s bigger. 5 Ben: Woutd you lihe to come to mU house oJter the Jitm? Doisg: A Yes, Ido. B Yes, I lihe it. C Yes, I would. 6 Ben: You con hove supper wlth me ond mg fomtty. Doisy: A Good ntght! B Sodol! C Greot! 35

Test 2 Part 4 - 7 questions - Reod the story. Choose o wordfro^ the box. Write the correct word next to numbers l-5. There is one exomple. We ore leornlng obout hongoroos ot schoot. Lost Tuesdag, we I wotched o greot video obout them. AJter the lesson, I went to the librarg becouse I wonted to reod more obout hangoroos. I Jound three good (1) there. I put them in my bag ond rode home with them on mU bihe. At home, mU mother gove me o drink ond I sot outslde on our (2) to drinh [t becouse it wos o verg (3) day. I told Mum obout mg lessons ot school ond obout the librorg. She (4) ond sold, 'They hove some new onlmols at the zoo. Do gou wont to go ond see them?' 'Whot onlmols qre theg?' I oshed. 'We[t,' she soid, 'They eot (s) Jrom trees, theg are brown ond they (6) up ond down o [otl' 'Kongaroos!' I loughed. 36

Reading and Writing Exomple .-tw@\" 4 '@\"/M@ **@ -B*, E' leoves smiled surprised bolcony wr ,ztl\\ / I \\ - jrrp (7) Now choose the best nome for the storg. Tich one box. tr A Jttm obout o.n[mo[s tr tr My Jovourite pet Somethlng new ot the zoo 37

Test 2 Part 5 - t0 questions - Looh ot the pictures and reod the storg. Write words to complete the sentences obout the storg. You co,n use 1,2 or 3 words. Tong's birthdag When Tong wos eight, one oJ his presents wos o new scarJ. 'lt's better thon -mU new comlcs ond computer gomes,' he thought. It wos geltow ond blue hls Jovourite colours. He wore lt everg doy. AJter Jour weeks, hls Jother soid, 'Ton!, your scorJ ts very dirtg now. We must wosh [t.' Exomples Tong wos .......9ig.f1..... his brrthdos Tony liked hts new scorJ better thon his comlcs and g?.Tp.y}gf.g9l9.g. Questions 1 The two colours oJ Tong's scorJ were Tong wore his new scorJ everu ...... oJter Jour weehs. The scorJ wos verg 3B

Reading and Writing The next mornlng, beJore breohJost, Tony woshed the scorJ coreJu[ly in o bowl oJ woter. AJter breokJost, he put it in the gorden becouse [t wos wet. Then he went to school. AJter school, he went out lnto the gorden to Jind his scorJ. It wos cteon ogo[n, but the colour wos dfJerent. It wos green ond very, very [ong. Tony didn't lihe the new colour ond when he put the scorJ on, [t went down to his Jeet. Tony wos sod. He ran inside the house ond storted to cry. Tong beJore breohJost. Tong put the wet scorJ ln When Tony come home, the cotour oJ the scorJ [n the gorden wos Tong went ond storted to crg. 39

Test 2 'Whot's the motter?' his dod asked. 'Look ot mU scorj!'Tong sotd. 'It's green and [ong. I don't like it now.' 'Oh, Tong,' hls dod so[d. 'Thot's not Uour scorJ. Thot's Mum's! Yours [s gour bedroom. I took it inside becouse it storted to raln.' ''Thonh you, Dod!' Tony soid. Then theg both loughed ond Tong went ptoy Jootbotl with his Jriends. Tong didnt lihe the scorJ becouse tt wos green ond becouse it wos too The green scorJ wos Tony's 10 Tong's Jother put Tony's scorJ [n his I {i 40

B[onh Poge 41

Test 2 Port 6 - 5 questions - Reod the text. Choose the right words ond write them on the lines. Choosi.g a pet Exomple Choosing the rtght pet is dfJicutt. You hove 1 to thinh very coreJu[tgl 2 Dogs Iike being with peop[e ond need to 3 4 Jor long wolhs. They ore good pets 5 Jo, peopte live ln the countrgslde. Cots ore hoppU ln towns, but lt's good Jor them to hove o gorden to PIoU run [n. people love smo[ter onlmols lihe mlce, snohes or sptdersl When you choose o pet, think these guestlons' Whot hind oJ home does lt need? Whot does it [[ke to eot? And where does it lihe to p[og? 42

Reading and Writing Example hove must con 1 9orng 9o went 2 who which when 3 ond thon becouse 4 A The Some 5 obout oJter obove 4J

Listening Port 1 - 5 questions - Listen and draw lines. There is one exomple. Sotty Mory Jim Doisg Fred Jitt 44

Listening Part 2 - 5 questions - Listen q,nd write. There is one exomple. \\Y/ \\Y/ \\Y/ \\YT \\YT \\Y/ \\Y/ \\YT \\Y/ \\YT \\YT \\Y/ \\YT \\YT \\YT \\YT \\YT \\YTV/ The Lohe Cafa Name' Ann frocy A,oe . J 2 Comes to cof6, ot J 3 Fnrror lrit o snndrrrrirh. 4 Would [the: 5 Come todau with' , 45

Test 3 Port 3 - 5 questions - Whot did Tong do [ast weeh? Listen and drow o [ine fro* the dog to the correct picture. There is one example. Tuesdoy Wednesdog Thursdoy Fridoy Soturdoy Sundoy 46

Listening Port 4 - 5 questions - Listen and tich (r') the box. There is one exomple. How did John go to his grondporents' house? Atr BV cI Whot did Jone wotch on TV? AI Btr ctr Whot's the motter with Sue? Atr BT ctr 47

Test 3 Whot do theg need to wosh? Atr BT ctr Which boy ls Ben's brother? Atr Btr ctr Whqt con't So.m Jind? Atr Btr ctr 4B

Listening Port 5 5 questions - Listen and colour ond draw. There ls one exomple. *&* 49

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