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Cambridge Flyers 1 Student Book full

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CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS - Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sio Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City Cambridge University Press 79 Anson Road, #06-04106, Singapore 079906 This FAHASA reprint edition is published by Cambridge University Press for Ho Chi Minh Book Distribution Corporation (FAHASA). @ Cambridge University Press 2007,2012 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 1999 Updated edition 2007 FAHASA reprint edition 2012 Printed in Vietnam by FAHASA Printing Factory ISBN 978-1-107-6A928-0 Student's Book FAHASA reprint edition Cover design by David Lawton Produced by HL Studios Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge university Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. This FAHASA reprint edition of ISBN 978-0-521-69344-8 is for sale in Vietnam only.

Combridge Young Le arners Engl,tsh Tests C a,rnb rLd ge F IU ers 1 Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: English for Speakers of Other Languages CAVTBRIDGE UNIYERSITY PRESS

CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town ) Singapore, 56o Paulo, Delhi, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Information on this title: www.cambridge. orgl97 80 521693448 @ Cambridge University Press 2007 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements) no reproduction of any paft may take place without the written permission of Cam'bridge University Press. First published 1,999 Updated edition 2007 4th printing20L1. Printed in Dubai by Oriental Press A catalogwe record for this pwblication is auailable from the British Library ISBN 978-0-521-69344-8 Student's Book ISBN 978-0-521,-69345-5 Answer Booklet ISBN 978-0-521-69346-2 Cassette ISBN 978-0-521-69347-9 Audio CD Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persisrence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct ar the time of first printing but cambridge university Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. Cover design by David Lawton Produced by HL Studios

Contents Test 1 4 11 Readlng ond Wrlting 24 Test 2 31 Listening 44 Reoding and 51 Test 3 64 Listening 70 76 Reoding ond Wrlting Sp.ohlng Tests Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 A

Listeni*g Part 1 - 5 questions - Listen q,nd drow [i,nes. There is one exomp[e. He[en Horry Dovid Emmo. Wi[[iom Soroh Richord

Listening Port 2 - 5 questions - Listen ond write. There is one exomple. TENNIS COMPETITION Fu[[ nome i Age, 2 Address: 17 Street 3 Phone number' 4 Yeors oJ tennls, 5 Time preJerred,

Test I Part 3 - 5 questions - Tong's mother tolhed q,bout food with her friends ct worh todog. Which food does eoch person lihe eoting? Listen o,nd write a letter ln each box. There is one exomp[e. 6h ffi Bitt ffi + Alex Ben ft Kotg ft Robert @ Mory +

Listening AB cD EF GH

Test I Port 4 - 5 questions - Listen ond tick (r') the box. There is one example. Whot's Sue's brother's job? A Ba cI Where does her brother work? A BE cE How does he go to work? IE BE cE

Listening When does he stort work? AE BE cE Whot does he do Jor lunch? AE BE cE Whot did he do beJore he stqrted this job? AE BE cE

Test I Port 5 - 5 questions - Listen and colour ond drq,w. There is one example. o o 10

Reoding ond Writing port I - 10 questions - Look ond reod. Choose the correct words ond write them on the lines. There is one example. o dictlonory a kn'rJe o Jork o book You send this to o Jriend qt Christmos. .....9..q91q. o newsPcper o postcord o spoon 1 You use these to cut poper. ort sci'ssors a card 2 When gou studg thls subject you o unlversituJ historg leorn obout islonds ond jungtes. 3 U Uo* con't spe[[ o word gou con use thls to help you. 4 U Uo* like drowing ond pointing gou should study this subject. 5 We need one oJ these to eot soup or Jruit solod. 6 When gou ore on holidou Uou send this to gour Jriends. 7 You use this to cut breod, cheese ond meot. 8 You con studg here oJter you leove schoo[. q We put o letter or o cord in this bejore we post [t. 10 You con bug this every dog ond reod obout things which hove hoppened. geogrophg on envetope moths 11

Test I Port 2 - 7 questlons - Look ond reod. Write yes or no. /{ II --__Av /.*>r._^ JIt @-R ,i I qi-.,,- .],l .rrI* w,ffi mm' ,,.' lrxl{-,', Exomples .. . . . .\\l-t-L- .:.... ... A womon is buying some stqmps. no Three children ore stonding in Jront oJ the womon. 12

Reading and Writing Questions 1 The girl is putting the boy's ho[r. 2 Some sweets hove Jollen on the Jloor. 3 The mice hove eoten o[[ the chocotote. 4 The person who is posting o letter [s weorlng o hot. 5 The boy ond the girl ore whlsperlng together. 6 The cot is wotching the mice very coreJulty. 7 The monster is too short to tohe o book Jrom the top shetJ. 13

Test I Port 3 - 5 questions - Tom_is tolhing to Helen obout food. what does Heten scy to Tom? Read the conversotion ond choose the best onswer. Wrlte o letter (A-H) for each onswer. You do not need to use qtl the letters. There is one exomple. Exomp le Hetlo, Helen. Oh! I'm so hungrg. Tom: Helen: F Questions I didn,t! What,s gour Jovourite Jood, Heten? 1 Tom: Heten: 2 Tom: Mine's posto. Who coohs your lunch? Helen: 3 Tom: Do you [ike cooking sometimes? Helen: 4 Tom: Yes, that,s Jun. When did you stort cooking? Helen: 5 Tom: Whot time do you hove your lunch? Me too. See you loter. Helen: Tom: 14

Reading and Writing A My dod grew vegetobles [n our gorden. B It's cheese! Cheese on pizzo ond cheese on breo.d. C I wos obout seven. It's dilficult to remember. D No, it [sn't the some tlme qs Uours. E Mg sister. She likes doing thot. F Are gou? I'm not. I hod o big breohJost! (Exomple) G Yes, but I ontg lihe mqhlng eosg things. H At obout middoy usuotty. 15

Test I Port 4 - 5 questions - Reod the storg. Choose o word fro^ the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one exomple. On hls lqst holidoy, Fred wenr to o beoutiJul islond His Jomitg swom ond ployed o lot oJ tennis rhere ond ot the end oJ the hotidog, Fred didnt wqnt to go home. But they hod tol They went to the theg hod to (2) cotch their plone. The plone wos lote ond .... there Jor twelve hours. It wos verg boring Jor Fred ond the room there wos (3) ond Jutt oJ peopte. But ot [ theg coutd leove. When the plone wqs neor London, the pilot soid, 'Sorru, evergone. The weother,s too (4) ........ Jor the plone to srop here. We'ttJty to onother 16

Reading and Writing citg ond gou con cotch o troin to London.' But Fred ond his Jomity orrlved too [ote to cotch the lost troln so theg (5) ........ in o hotel. They didn't get home unti[ the next oJternoon, so Fred hod one more dog oJ hotidoy Jrom school. He wos verg hoppy! Exomple mohe Joggu rochs stoged [ow no[sg exclted ts[ond oirport wott (6) Now choose the best for this story. Tich one box. tr A Jost plone A longer hotidoy tr A terrib[e ptoce tr 17

Test I Fort 5 - 7 questlons - Look at the picture ond read the storg. write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You con use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words. Robert. Horrg and the clever dog! Lost summer, Robert ond Horrg stoged ot their grondporents, house bg the seo. one hot ond sunny morning, Grondmother mode o picnic ond took the boys to the beqch. AJter lunch, Grondmother tog down ond opened her book. The bogs ptoged Jootbott on the beoch ond then mqde o little costle some sond. Then Horry sow o stronge cove whlch wqs neor some big, greg rochs ot the other end oJ the beoch. The bogs quicklg ron to it qnd tooked ln, but theg coutdn't see ongthing becouse [t wos verg dork. Horrg so[d, ,lt [ooks big inside. Come on! I'[[ go Jirst., Horrg ond Robert were ptoging inside rhe cove when suddenlg Robert sold, 'oh no! I con heo.r the seo! It's coming into the' Theg were very oJroid, but then Horry something wet on his hond. It wos o dog,s nose! The dog wos verg clever. It showed the boys onother wog out oJ the cove ond boch to the beoch. 1B

Reading and Writing When theg totd their grondmother obout the dog, she gove him three blscults ond so[d, 'We[[ donel' 'We're hungry too!' the bogs soid. 'We[t,' Gro.ndmother onswered, 'gou must wolt unt[[ dinner. It wos noughty to go lnto q dongerous ploce lihe thot.' 'We're veru, verU sorru, Grondmo!' they sqld. 'We won't do it ogoin.' Exomples Robert ond his brother went to their grondporents' house lqst sUmmef The weother wos hot ond su!J]y...... when they went to rhe beoch. Questions , ond then mode o 1 The bogs ptoged with costle some so.nd. 2 The cove ot the end oJ the beoch wos neor 3 The boys couldn't see lnslde the cqve becouse i.t wos too there. 5 The brothers felt wos the Jirst bog to go lnto the stronge cqve. ..-. when theg heord the seo [n the cove. 6 Robert ond Horru fo[towed o veru ond went o dilJerent woy boch to the beoch. 7 The doq hod some to eot becouse he helped J' the bogs. 19

Test I Port 5 - l0 questions - Recd the text. Choose the right words ond write them on the lines. Exomple Lqst Soturdoy'wos o lovety doy. Aunt Mory t.q.o.K Jt[[ to 2 the circus. It wos o present for tenth birthdou. IJJ Jitt tiked the clowns verg qnd she toughed o [ot. 3 But there wos o smo[[ probtem even[noJ . 4 One oJ the clowns stonding on o verg totl etephont 5 when suddenlg he . Everybodg wos oJroid ond Jit[ 6 shouted, 'Be coreJut!' But wos o.nother smo[[ 7 elephont which wos stonding ........ . the big elephont. It 8 quickty the ctown ond then put him veru q down on the Jloor. fhe people in the clrcus tent 10 were very hoppg ond the clown Jound o big box bonqnos ond gove it to the smo[[ elephont. 20

Reading and Writing Exomple toke too k tok[ng hers his her 1 much good we[[ this those 2 thot wos 3 ts JoIting were - there 4 Jett Jott over 5 ir theg cotch neqr next 6 cotches cought coreJu[[g coreJuI c[ever In 8 q to \"J 10 21

Test I Port 7 - 5 questions - Reod the story q,nd write the missing words. Write one word on eoch [ine. Jim [ikes toking photogrophs. He wonts to be o Jomous photogropher Exomp [e tike ......... ....1g.... Jother. One doy J[m wos in the countru. He ......... sirting on o bridge when suddenly o big, block cor stopped ond o beoutiJul womon got . Jim looked her ond thought, 'fhot's the Queen!, He walked to the cor ond soid to the Queen, ,Excuse sold, 'You mo!,' ond smiled. Jim took the photo ond ron home. He showed it his Jother. It wos o veru I f good photo so Jlm's Jother put it in his newspoper. I 22

Btonh pqge 23

L istening Port 1 - 5 questions - Listen ond draw lines. There is one exomple. Doisg Jim Wittiom M ichqeI Saroh 24

Listening Part 2 - 5 questions - Listen qnd write. There is one example. Fu[[ nome DANCING CLASSES Soroh Greenoll Ag. 2 Phone number 3 SchooI 4 Days 5', Time oJ lesson 25

Test 2 Port 3 - 5 questions - A teqcher, Mr Holl, is tolhing to the chirdren about some postcords. Which postcord dld eqch person send? Listen and write o [etter in each box. There is one exomple. Mr Hot['s sister ft tffi trMr Holls mother * Mr Ho[['s cousin Mr Ho[s son la Mr Ho[t's uncle Mr Ho[['s wfe ffi W @ a ffi U 26

Listening 27

Test 2 Port 4 - 5 questions - Listen and tick (r') the box. There is one exomple. How did Sotty go to town? AE BT cv Where did she go Jirst? cE Whot wos she doing when the Jire storted? AE BT cJ 4r) LO

Listening Where did she hove lunch? AT BE cE Whot hos she bought Jor Koty? AE BT cE When is she going to give it to Kotg? AE BE cE 29

Test 2 Port 5 - 5 questions - Listen and colour and drow. There is one example. 30

Reoding ond Writing Port I - 10 questions - Look ond reod. Find the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one exomple. o suttccse o snowmon Iog o ctrcus You con cross o rlver or o rood on one oJ these. o bridge o hotel o tent 1 You con corry Jood ond worm clothes [n o stedge q storm this when Uou go climbing. o theatre 2 You go to thls ploce ,J Uou wont to see tlgers ond clowns. o rucksock 3 People con rlde on thls when there [s o tot oJ snow. o Joctorg 4 You con hove o room in this ploce when Uou ore on holidoy. 5 U Uou ore veru l[[, you go to hospitol [n one oJ these. 6 You go to this ploce ,J Uou wont to see o dlnosour. 7 It is dilficu[t to see when there is o lot oJ this. an ombulonce 8 When [t snows, children moke one oJ these ond throw lt. q One oJ these brlngs o lot oJ wind ond roin. 10 Peopte moke th[ngs llke cors or televlslons here. o bridge o museum a snowbo[[ 31

Test 2 Part 2 - 7 questions - Look ond req,d. Write $eS or nO. Exomples no There is o picture ol o dlnosour on the wq[[. One oJ the monsters [s stonding in the corner. 32

Reading and Writing Questions 1 The closs eoten their lunch. 2 The monster who is crosslng hls orms hos dropped his pen. 3 The kongoroo [s bouncing o bo[[ on rhe desk. 4 The monster wlth green hoir ts drowing o plcture. 5 Someone hos closed the curtains. 6 The chitdren ore reoding books. 7 The teocher is tidying the Jlowers. 33

Test 2 Port 3 - 5 questions - Mr west worhs in a shop qnd is tolhing to Emmq. what does Emmo sog to Mr West? Read the conversation ond choose the best onswer. Write q letter (A-H) for eoch onswer. You do not need to use o11 the letters. There is one example. Example Helto. Con I help you? M r West: D Emmo: Qurestions 1 Mr West: Whot hind oJ booh? Emmo: 2 West:Mr Thot's eosy. We've got lots oJ those. Who,s it Jor? Emmq,: 3 Mr West: We[[, books ore otwoys good presents. Emmo: 4 Mr West: So do I. Witt your mum like this one? Emmq.: 5 Mr West: This one's cheoper, qnd the pictures ore lovely, Emmq,: Mr West: Good. I'[[ put it in o bog Jor you. 34

Reading and Writing A It's on Soturdoy ot hotJ post three. B One which hos plctures oJ onimots in it. C I wos obout Jive I thtnh, but [r's dilJtcutt ro remember. D Yes, pteose. I'm loohing Jor o book. (Example) E Yes, they qre. I'd like to bug it p[eose. F She might, but [t's too expenslve. G My mother. It's her birthdou soon. H Yes, my Jomitg reods q [ot. We o[[ love boohs. J3

Test 2 Port 4 - 6 questions - Reqd the story. Choose o, word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one exampte. John's porents gove him o. red drum Jor his eighth birthdoy. When John P.ene.d hls present eorlg thot morning, he wos verg (1) ........ ro see o drum insidel He storted to ptog it very loudtg\" He ploged it ot[ morning ond then oJter lunch he wonted to ptog it ogoin. But his mum Jett itt. She hod a bad (2) becquse John ond his drum were so noisy. His dod sold, ,John, iJ you wont to ptoy your drum, go outslde pleose.' John went into the gorden ond ptoged his drum there. AJter Jive minutes, he (3) ........ some lovety muslc. He went out lnto the street 36

Reading and Writing ond sow lots oJ people there. It wos the clrcusl They drove lnto town [n their lorries qnd trucks. The (4) .... .J the Jirst truch stopped when he sow John. John jumped on the bock oJ the truck ond (5) ........ tnto town with them. He ptoqed his drum o[[ the woy therel Example womon heord drlver invlted rode heodoche opened spoke excited Jun (5) Now choose the best for this story. Tich one box. tr John's new drum A blrthdoy tr John's best Jriend tr 37

Test 2 Part 5 - 7 questions - Look ot the picture and req.d the storg. Write some words to comptete the sentences Ebout the story. You con use 1,2,3 or words. ents! \"o r.\\ T Mrs Green wonted her chitdren, vichy ond Joch, to have good, strong teeth. Every night, she soid, 'You must cleon your teeth very wet[. It,s lmportont And gou shouldn't eot chocolote or sweets!, But Vichg ond Jock didn't like c[eoning their teeth. It wos boring. And theg tovJd chocotote o.nd sweets! One doy, Mrs Green soid, 'Next week, we ore going to go ond. see the dentist. IJ Uou hove very good teerh, I't[ give you both something verg nice.' vickg ond Joch were verg exclted when she soid thot. They cteoned thelr teeth very coreJully oJter breokJost, [unch ond dinner everg doy. 'Perhops she'[[ glve me o new blcqcte,' soid Vichg to her brother. ,perhops I'[[ hove o. new k[te,' sold Jock to\"his sister. They totked obout their presents everg night when they went to bed. J2T0J

Reading and Writing When they eoch sot [n the dentist's cholr, he looked into thelr mouths qnd sold, 'Everythtng is Jine. Your teeth [ooh verg strong ond white. Exce[[entl' The chitdren Jett excited. 'Whot wi[[ our presents be?' they whispered in the bock oJ the cor on the woy home. When theg orrived, Mrs Green smiled ond soid, 'You've been very good.' Then she opened the cupboord ond gove them new plnk toothbrushes. Vicky ond Joch weren't very happy! Exomples Mrs Green's were colled Vicky ond Jock Mrs Green thinks [t's importont to cleon teeth verg we[[. Questions veru much. next weeh. 1 VichJuJJond Joch liked eqtino 2 The children hod to vlsit the 3 Vi.ckg qnd Jock Jett ....... o.bout getting Presents. 4 The chitdren coreJuttU ......... oJter eoch meo[. 5 When they went to bed every evenlng, Vicky qnd Jock tothed obout 6 Their teeth toohed ot the dentist's. 7 But their exciting presents were only two new ilt 39

Test 2 Port 6 - t0 questlons - Reqd the text. Choose the right words ond write them on the lines. Bots Exomp le Bots ore very lnteresting Theg a ln trees. They sleep the doy ond only a 2 woke up in evenlno. I J I it is dork, theg J[y out oJ their coves ! 4 ond ....... .. i.nsects, which are their Jood. 5 Some bots eot Jruit in the jungle. 6 Most bo.ts con't see very we[[ but hove big eqrs qnd heor everythlng. Mony goung ond old peopte ore aJroid bots 8 becouse theg think they ...... ... Jott in their bots ore cleverer q hoir or on thelr Joces. 10 peopte thlnk, ond theg Jty verg wetl ond very Jost. 40

Reading and Writing Exomp[e [[ves Iive [ived until 1 during ot some one the When 2 Alreody Soon cought 3 cqtch cotches to olso uou 4 so ir 5 \"J they ln shou[d 6 might IJ 7 Jot And 8 do thon then q But 10 thot 41

Test 2 Port 7 - 5 questions - Reod the postcard q,nd write the missing words. Write one word on each [ine. ; \\'.-&i-*-..-M, -' _' I Deor Emmo --... ..--..'-',. {\"}.-' I om hoving o lovetg time on hotidoy. }$\".-- - ..'{s ,--- ---'w*{s. Examp [e MummuJ'. Doddu ond I went to '......... o sow some 1 cqstle gesterdqy. In the gordens 2 beoutiJulJlowers, we wonted to 3 look inside the costle too. Dod totd me obout 4 ftog on the costle. This otwoys Jlies the Queen is [n the cqstte. We wotted Jor o long time 5 but we never sow her. I verg sod. See you soon. Love Jone +l

Blonh pqge 43

L istening Port 1 - 5 questions - Llsten q,nd drow lines. There is one exomp[e. Mou Doisg Richord 44

Listening Port 2 - 5 questions - Listen ond write. There is one exomp[e. NEW STREET SCHOOL LIBRARY Fut[ nome' Soroh lonner Age' 2 Teocher's h.ol'r'r€: 3 Favourlte books, 4 Hobbies, 5 How monu books, 45

Test 3 Port 3 - 5 questions - Pq,u['s big slster is tel[ing hlm obout her day ot worh yesterday. She worhs in a lorge shop. Which thing did eoch person bug? Listen ond write o letter in eoch box. There is one example. fr Mrs Cooh 61 Mr Rich Miss Hi[[ M Mr So[t ffi Mrs Go[d &\\t\\\\\\(d\\ * t&\\l W + Mr Wood ft 46

Listening AB cD EF GH 47

Test 3 Port 4 - 5 questions - Listen ond tick (r') the box. There [s one exomple. Whot did John do lost weekend? AT BE cv Did onyone go with him? AT BE cE Whot wos the weother [ike? {:i AE BE i.,.; 4B cE

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