www.curriculum-magazine.com RNI No. UTTENG/2010/37634 Vol 8 No 12 THE INDIA EDUCATION LANDSCAPE UPDATE magazine October 16 2018Best 51 HEIs get Student-friendly Admission rules NCVT and NSDA will merge toSwachhata New Fee Refund Rules finalized, become NCVET (National Council forRanking Awards to be notified by UGC soon Vocational Education and Training)An elective course in Waste & Now HEIs can't keep original certificates ofEnvironment Management and students in custody The Union Cabinet yesterday approved the merger of the existinga PG Diploma in Waste regulatory institutions in the skills space - National Council forManagement that includes Violators can be penalized from stoppage of grants to Vocational Training (NCVT) and the National Skill Developmentinternship will be introduced in recommending deaffiliation Agency (NSDA) into the National Council for Vocational EducationJanuary next year for those who and Training (NCVET). The existing infrastructure and resources willwould like to take up a career in The university education apex Commission against defaulting be utilized for the most part.the field of Swachhata regulator, University Grants HEIs. NCVET will regulate the functioning of entities engaged in vocational(cleanliness) mission. This Commission (UGC) is ready with This information was given by the education and training, both long-term and short-term and establishmove will also supply human a notification that will put an end union HRD Prakash Javadekar minimum standards for functioning of such entities. The primaryresource to the emerging field to the present practice of taking said at a press conference in New functions of NCVET will include recognition and regulation ofof cleanliness. The plans were the custody of original certificates Delhi where he read almost the awarding bodies, assessment bodies and skill related informationdisclosed by the union minister by the institutions at the time of entire to be issued notification by providers; approval of qualifications developed by awarding bodiesof HRD, Prakash Javadekar, admissions. Fee refund rules have UGC in coming days.. Now no and Sector Skill Councils (SSCs); indirect regulation of vocationalwhile speaking on the occasion also been made student-friendly student will be required to submit training institutes through awarding bodies and assessment agencies;of Swachhata Rankings awards and 100% refund granted if the any original academic and research and information dissemination; grievance redressal.ceremony held on October in student withdraws within 15 days personal certificates at the time of The Council would be headed by a Chairperson and will have ExecutiveNew Delhi.. before the formally notified last submission of admission and will and Non-Executive Members. In addition, a few more posts will beMore on Page..2 date of admission. get refund of fee from the created for its smooth functioning. The regulator will follow the best All HEIs will be mandatorily Institution if they withdraw their practices of regulatory processes, which will help ensure that it performsTest Practice Centres required to have a Grievance admission from the program. its functions professionally and as per the applicable laws.across 622 Districts Redressal Mechanism (GRM), This notification is applicable to As per a statement from the union skills ministry, this institutional reform according to the provisions of the Under Graduate, Post Graduate will lead to improvement in quality and market relevance of skillA network of more than 3,400 UGC (Grievance Redressal) and Research Programmes run by development programs lending credibility to vocational education andTest Practice Centres (TPCs) Regulations, 2012. This GRM Universities included under training encouraging greater private investment and employerspread across the 622 Districts shall be available on HEI website Section 2(f) of the UGC Act, all participation in the skills space. This in turn will help achieve the twinin the country will open every and the HEIs will be required to Colleges under their affiliating objectives of enhancing aspirational value of vocational education and ofSaturday-Sunday for students ensure that all grievance received domain and Institutions declared increasing skilled manpower furthering the Prime Minister's agenda ofdesirous of practicing for are addressed within 30 days. This as Deemed to be Universities making India the skill capital of the world.entrance examinations meant notification provides for initiation under Section 3 of the UGCAct.for seeking admissions in of strict punitive actions by thehigher education course Contd P3programs.More on Page...3 Let young minds capture their dangerous future and evolve as saviorsAICTE setting up 4 Policy brief on Rethinking schooling in context of SDG 4.7 released by MGIEP, New Delhi, Asks Asianteacher training nations to acknowledge the central importance of education in sustainable development and peaceacademiesThe AICTE is In a follow up to its SDG 4.7 together expertise in child-centricsetting up four teacher training review report, 'rethinking and curriculum design in coreacademies in the country which schooling' published in subjects at primary and secondarywill equip candidates with the November 2017, Delhi situated level, promoting participatorylatest changes in technical UNESCO MGIEP (Mahatma model of curriculum developmenteducation. The academies, Gandhi Institute of Education for and reassessing internationalcoming up at Peace and Sustainable emphasis on monitoring andThiruvananthapuram, Development) on October 16 measuring educational outcomes.Guwahati, Baroda and Jaipur, released a policy brief on the UNESCO MGIEP in partnershipwill have eight modules that are same. The policy brief calls for a with UNESCO's Asia and Pacificsemester-based, While the 2- rethink on the fundamental Regional Bureau for Educationacre Jaipur academy will start priorities of education policy, (UNESCO Bangkok) and fieldin one-and-a-half years, the creating platform for bringing offices in the region, in 2016 hadother three academies will also launched a project to review thestart functioning within two What extent to which concepts andyears. The academies were should competencies associated withbeing built on land provided overseas SDG 4.7 (which is target for tofree of cost by the respective bound ensure all learners acquirestate governments with aspirants knowledge and skills needed tominimum built-up do and look promote sustainable development far in this including promotion of a culture part of the of peace and non-violence) are peace, sustainable development drafting group consisting of Krishna year mainstreamed in education Page...8 policies and curricula in 22 and global citizenship in the Kumar (as chair), Former Director, countries across Asia (China, Japan, South Korea, Cambodia, countries of study. Across much of National Council of Educational Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Asia, neither the reality of Research and Training (NCERT), Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, India, Nepal, schooling nor the patterns of India; Edward Vickers, Professor of Iran, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, development with which it is Comparative Education, Kyushu Uzbekistan) . This report provided a dismal state of education for associated give cause for blithe University, Japan; and Yoko Mochizuki optimism. of UNESCO MGIEP. The report was written by a core Contd P3 150th Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi Institutions under “Unnat Bharat Abhiyan” scheme HEIs in phase 2 will be part of 150th Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi celebrations. 521 Technical Institutions and 319 Non-Technical Institutions will get involved. .
2 Curriculum October 16, 2018 News UpdatesSHRM India Annual Conference & Further, 24 are elementary and 28 are secondary/higher secondary Amazon Adds Five Indian schools. The awardee schools also include 5 Kasturba Gandhi BalikaExposition 2018 Vidyalayas and 2 Navodaya Vidyalayas. This edition of the award saw a Languages to Kindle phenomenal participation with 6,15,152 schools registering for theNoble House consultancy launched – to Leverage Open awards. This number is more than double the number of schools (2.68 Direct PublishingTalent through Gig Tech lakh schools in 2016-17) who participated last year. Four States (Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat andAndhra Pradesh) and 9 With Kindle Direct PublishingThe 7th edition of SHRM IndiaAnnual Conference & Exposition 2018 districts (Pondicherry, Srikakulam, Chandigarh, Hisar, Karaikal, Latur, (KDP), authors can now self-spread over two days 12-13 Oct like previous years provided a Nellore, South Goa, Vadodara) were also awarded with Certificate of publish their eBooks in Hindi,platform for the HR fraternity in the sub-continent. During the two Recognition for having maximum number of schools awarded with Tamil, Marathi, Gujarati andday event, eminent HR practitioners and top thought leaders from National Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar. Malayalam to customers in Indiaaround the globe shared insights on what it takes to thrive in today's Schools were rated through a transparent mechanism on five broad and across the world. This freedisruptive workplace scenario. The event also provided an ideal parameters of (i) Water (ii) Toilet (iii) Hand washing with Soap (iv) service allows authors to get toplatform for networking among industry peers and colleagues. Operations and Maintenance (v) Behaviour Change and Capacity market fast, keep control of theirIn the opening keynote address on day one, “The 8 steps to high Building.and evaluated as per a methodology evolved in consultation books' rights and set their own listperformance: how to thrive, Marc Effron, president, Talent Strategy with UNICEF and Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI). prices, while earning a royalty ofgroup, shared scientific proof and practical guidance on being a high Awardee schools get Certificate of Recognition along with an additional up to 70% on the sale of theirperformer. In his interactive session that also includes a quick self- school grant of Rs. 50,000/- through digital payment. eBooks.assessment and peer feedback session, Effronshared the 8 steps to high KDP has been available forperformance from his new Harvard book. From the mindset associated JNUTA opposes placing teachers under English authors in India sincewith high performers to the good and bad news about high perfor- 2012, with tens of thousands ofmance, the Fixed 50 and Flexible 50 and how to create a personalized Conduct of Central Services Rules authors benefiting from itsaction plan are some of the key highlights of the keynote address. services. At any point, up to 20%'Noble House', a platform based on technology that allows the open The Jawaharlal Nehru University Teachers' Association (JNUTA) ahas of the top 100 eBooks ontalent and corporate stakeholders to Connect, Consult and Create was lleged the current administration has decided to impose Conduct of Amazon.in are from KDP.launched during conference. This platform will cater to the trend of Central Services Rules on JNU teachers, which restricts them from Authors simply need to log in tomore and more professionals looking at jobs that give freedom, expressing dissent. https://kdp.amazon.com andflexibility and work-life balance by offering HR solutions and domain The JNUTA said the rules apply to government servants and prohibit upload their manuscript toexpertise to provide best-fit independent HR resources. them from being “a member of, or be otherwise associated with, any publish their eBook. OnceAmbassador Pavan Varma Former Member of Parliament (Rajya political party or any organisation which takes part in politics”. Some published, these books areSabha) and Shoma Chaudhury Award-winning Indian Journalist, other rules prohibit government servant from resorting to strike or available for download every-Editor, and Political Commentator offers incisive insights into coercion, canvassing in election and there are other similar rules. where—on Kindle e-Readers orHinduism and the Great Indian Middle Class! Under these rules, economics professors can be punished for discussing on the KindleApp.Other agendas for the day two included an eclectic mix of concurrent economic policy, political scientists can be punished for discussing According to Sanjeev Jha,sessions, mega sessions, portal launch, and a debate on the much politics and environmental science professors can be punished for Director of Kindle Content inhyped continuous performance management. The day saw some discussing environmental policy and scientists can be punished for India, “We launched Indianserious discussions and special talks by leaders from top corporates on discussing government science policy, the JNUTAsaid. language eBooks in 2016, andgearing up for change, getting ready for the digital transformation and “All educationist can be punished for expressing their views on educa- with the addition of Indianunlocking human potential for the digital age. tional policy. The very role that academics are supposed to play in the languages to KDP we will offerAchal Khanna CEO, SHRM and Business Head - APAP & MENA classroom and in civil society, has become criminalised,” it said. The readers a wider selection of titles.said, “This is the 7th straight year that SHRM India delivered the rules also prohibit government servants from being associated with We are excited to bring the workregion's biggest and most coveted HR networking and learning newspapers. of Indian language authors toplatform where global thought leaders and top industry leaders shared The strictures on publication mean that routine academic work of writing millions of readers in India andkey insights and best practices concerning the business. and publishing papers becomes a violation of service conditions. Matters across the world.” of academic honour such as being invited to be on the editorial board ofIndia International Science Festival journals will become a violation of service conditions, the teachers' Amelio Early acquires association said.(IISF-2018) held at Lucknow Strictures prohibiting publications that are 'capable of embarrassing the Bengaluru-based Tom & relations' between the Centre and states or between India and otherThe four day long mega science expo, India International Science foreign states would mean that not only can one not make any critical Jerry CrecheFestival (IISF) from Oct 5-8 in Lucknow witnessed a footfall of more comments about inter-state relations or international relations, but even athan 10 lakh people and more than 22 thousand registrations, the critical commentary on literary and art traditions could invite punitive Amelio Early Education, a chainhighest in its four year history making it the largest festival of its kind action, they added. of corporate daycares, and ain Asia. IISF 2018 also saw two major Guiness World Records being subsidiary of Babilou Group –made one of which wasa World Record successful attempt to “isolate JNU to offer Sanskrit, Pali courses online Europe's leading childcareDNA” by 550 students from class 8th to 10th standard. provider completed the assetIISF-2018 with its focal theme “Science for Transformation” had The Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has approved the proposal for purchase of Tom & Jerry Creche,more than23 special events in its 4th edition. The fifth edition of the launch of three language courses, including Sanskrit, in online mode, in a a Bengaluru chain of B2Bscience festival will be held in eastern India. bid to reach out to wider public across the country. The three courses will childcare centers. Tom & JerryIISF which was inaugurated by the President of India Ram Nath be M.A. (Sanskrit), Certificate of Proficiency in Computational Creche is a strong player in earlyKovind and saw a confluence of Scientists, researchers, students, Linguistics and Certificate of Proficiency in Pali. childhood care within the Indianfarmers and people from a wide spectrum discussing, debating, and The decision was taken at the 147th Academic Council meet held on city of Bengaluru currentlywitnessing how science and technology is shaping New India. The Friday and will be offered by Special Centre for E-learning, opened operating 7 centres for leadingfour day long festival saw a presentation of more than twelve hundred recently at the varsity “JNU is working on developing more such online corporates in the City such asresearch papers, participation of nearly courses in the near future to make high quality higher education available Himalaya and Volvo.Speaking at the valedictory function Union Science and Technology in JNU to students across the country,” the university said in a statement. “I am very happy to join theMinister Dr. Harsh Vardhan said,. “More than 1200 research papers It also adopted the “UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualification for Amelio family and the Babilouwere presented, participation of more than 1500 farmers was wit- Appointment of Teachers and Academic Staff in Universities and network. Our values and culturenessed apart from a sea of young enthusiasts of science making this Colleges, 2018” and “UGC (Promotion of Academic Integrity and are aligned and together wefestival unique of its kind in the world” said Dr.Vardhan congratulat- Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions) believe that the Indian B2Bing all the stakeholders and further adding that such science festivals Regulations, 2018” in the meeting. childcare market holds tremen-should now be a regular feature of not only Central but state govern- dous potential. I am excited aboutment as well. National Sports Awards 2018 what we will create in the comingUnion Minister Nitin Gadkari who was the chief guest at the valedic- years,” said Seena Edvin,tory function launched a website dedicated exclusively to science in President Ram Nath Kovind conferred National Sports Awards 2018 and Founder, Tom & Jerry Creche.India(http://scienceindia.in/). National Adventure Awards, 2017 in a ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhawan on September 25 in presence of union minister for Youth Affairs Aadhaar not compulsorySwachh Vidyalaya Puraskar 2017 – 18 and Sports, Col. Rajyawardhan Rathore. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna 2018 was given to weightlifter S. Mirabai Chanu and cricket captain Virat for school admission,Fifty two schools have been awarded this year's Swachh Vidyalaya Kohli. Dronacharya Awards for the year 2018 winners include SubedarPuraskar, 37 schools are from rural areas and 15 from urban areas. 45 ChenandaAchaiah Kuttappa (boxing), Vijay Sharma (weight lifting), A. UGC, NEET and CBSEare government/government aided schools and 7 are private schools. Srinivasa Rao (TT), Sukhdev Singh Pannu (athletics) , Clarence Lobo (Hocey, lifetime), Tarak Sinha, Tarak Sinha (cricket), Jiwan Kumar exams: Supreme Court Sharma (Judo, lifetime) and V.R. Beedu (athletics, life time). Among 19 Arjun awardees include Neeraj Chopra, Naib Subedar Jinson Johnson, The Supreme Court has declared Hima Das—all athletics, Rahi Sarnobat, Ankur Mittal, Shreyasi Singh -- the Centre's flagship Aadhaar all shooting, Manika Batra and G. Sathiyan—table tennis, Subedar scheme as constitutionally valid Satish Kumar (boxing), Smriti Mandhana (cricket), Shubhankar Sharma but said Aadhaar need not be (golf), Manpreet Singh and Savita—hockey, Rohan Bopanna (tennis), made compulsory for school Sumit (wrestling), Pooja Kadian (wushu),Ankur Dhama (para-atheltics), admissions. A five-judge Manoj Sarkar (para-badminton) and Col. Ravi Rathore (polo). constitution bench said Aadhaar Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar was conferred Maulana Abul would not be mandatory for KalamAzad (MAKA) Trophy 2017-18. school admissions, as also for the examinations conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE), National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) for medical entrance and the University Grants Commission (UGC).
Curriculum October 16, 2018 3 News UpdateContd from P1Student-friendly Admission rules Test Practice Centres across 622 DistrictsThe HEIs can charge fees in part of the fees chargeable, shall last date of admission, details of A network of more than 3,400 Test Practice Centres (TPCs) spreadadvance only for the semester/ be refunded in full. Refund of faculty, members of Governing across the 622 Districts in the country will open every Saturday-Sundayyear in which a student wants to fees shall be made by the HEIs Bodies and minutes of the meeting for students desirous of practicing for entrance examinations meant forengage in academic activities. within 15 days of receipt of a of bodies, sources of income, seeking admissions in higher education course programs.Collecting advance fees for the written application from a financial situation and any other The move has been necessitated after 'National Testing Agency' (NTA)entire programme of study is student. information about its functioning, was operationalized and mandated to conduct various entrancestrictly prohibited. The institute No student will be required to necessary for an applicant to make examinations (JEE (Main), NEET (UG),UGC-NET, CMAT and GPATwill be required to refund the submit any original academic and a fully informed choice. examinations.). Most of these exams are computer based. So, NTA hasfees, in case a student withdraws personal certificates like Withdrawal of declaration of established, a network of 'Test Practice Centres' (TPCs)across thefrom the programme, 100%: in marksheets, school leaving fitness to receive grants from country in about 622 Districts in 33 States/UTs, so that students of ruralcase a student decides to certificates, etc., at the time of UGC, Withholding of grants areas and others, get an opportunity to practice the Computer Based Testwithdraw 15 days or more submission of admission form. In allocated to the HEI, Declaration (CBT)before the exam. The TPCs will provide Mock Tests to thebefore the formally notified last case required, the institution of HEI as ineligible to receive any candidates of JEE (Main) and UGC-NETexaminations.date of admission. Not more concerned will only ensure assistance from UGC for General For setting up TPCs, the NTA has engaged a large number of schools andthan 5% of the fees paid by the verification of the same with the or Special Programmes, Display colleges, that have 30 or more Internet connected PCs/laptops at onestudent, subject to a maximum original certificates and these of notice in newspapers & media location. Depending on the demand, the TPCs function for one shiftof Rs. 5000, will be deducted as certificates shall be returned to and on the website of the (02:30 PM – 05:30 PM) on all Saturdays and two shifts (11:00 AM –processing charges. 90%: in case the students immediately. No Commission regarding non 02:00 PM, 02:30 PM – 05:30 PM) on Sundays. As on date, more thana student decides to withdraw institution can take any original compliance by the HEI to ensure 3400 TPCs have been setup including 689 Kendriya Vidyalayas and 403within 15 days before the certificate into their custody. that the general public, including Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas. State wise number of TPCs andformally notified last date of No HEI can make it mandatory candidates seeking admission in computers available for practice therein is as follows -admission. 80%: in case a for applicants to purchase the that HEI are well informed,student decides to withdraw institutional prospectus at any Recommending to the affiliating Any student can use the facility in TPC free of charge. For registration,within 15 days after the formally time during the course of the time university for withdrawal of students across the country can register themselves, online through NTAnotified last date of admission. of study. All HEIs will be affiliation, in case of a College/ Website (https://www.nta.ac.in) or using 'NTA Student App' available50%: in case a student decides to required to disclose on their Institute, Recommending to the on Play Store. They can offer their choice of TPCs near their location.withdraw between 16 days and website and prospectus the Central Government for with- Students are communicated about the allotted TPC, 1 day before30 days after the formally information regarding the status drawal of Deemed to be practice date through SMS. In the allotted TPC, they can practice andnotified last date of admission. of the institutions, its affiliating, University declaration, in case of can experience the actual method of taking a CBT. Computer BasedNIL: in case a student decides to accreditation status, physical an Institution Deemed to be Mock tests are provided to the candidates of JEE (Main) and UGC-NET,withdraw after 30 days of the assets and amenities, course-wise University, recommending to the so that they can familiarize themselves with the logging process, goingformally notified last date of sanctioned intake of students, appropriate State Government for through detailed instructions regarding the test, using the mouse foradmission. various types of fees payable for appropriate necessary action in attempting each question, navigating between questions, reviewing andThe entire caution money and different programmes, total fees case of University established or editing their options and submitting questions as they would be requiredsecurity deposit, which are not payable for an entire programme, incorporated under a StateAct. to do in the actual tests. The TPCs are made operational based on the student demand.Atrial run,Let young minds capture their dangerous future of Mock Tests, was conducted on the 8th& 9th September 2018, wherein 2,452 candidates practiced at 96 TPCs across the country and theAccording to Prof Krishna governments resort to sharing and caring by children, candidates were provided instantaneous assessment & feedback on theKumar, who gave an insertionalism, that is insert the which can be achieved if child is Mock Test.introductory talk before the words and then forget about it allowed the joy of intellectual The Mock Test is also available for students to study at home orlaunch of policy brief in New thinking they did their duty. How inquiry and finding the truth of his anywhere, wherein so far, more than 55,000 candidates have taken on-Delhi on Oct 16; the schooling do you create a world where war surroundings. He said the line test from NTA website and more than 32,000 have downloaded thehas lost its narrative, “We are is hated? Education must be seen education system has ceased to be Mock test for practice in offline mode. The test can also be practiced onliving in an unsustainable as a vehicle for delivering SDGs self-aware and schools are NTA Student App; so far more than 10,000 students have downloadedworld. We know the kind of life, and such nominal insertions indulging in cut throat the App.nature and resources we enjoyed achieve nothing. “Education competition where teacher has lost These test centres have been set up to facilitate students appearing inin our childhood and now won't discourses are concealing professional autonomy and self- entrance examinations for Higher Education to hold practice sessions tobe available to future realities.” esteem. Saying that circulation of enable them to get used to the changed mode and pattern of examination.generations and yet we don't The policy brief observes that ideas is a challenge, he cited the Union HRD ministry says the government is committed to providedare to tell this to our children in emphasis is on preparing case of secondary education quality education with equity, therefore it is launching Test Practiceschools.” Adding that in all 22 children for competitive commission in 1950s, which Centres across the country for those students who do not have computerscountries of study schooling participation in the global talked many things that are being and smart phones. Now no student will suffer due to lack of resources,followed almost a similar economy, rather than in talked nowadays in case of our HRD minister has said.pattern of regimentalization of empowering them to critically country.child minds, fostering and responsibly engage with the Prof Geshe Ngawang Samten, development and peace uphold target 4.7 as the key to thesupposedly proud national world. The purpose of education vice chancellor of Central subservient to a goal and not implementation of SDG 4 onidentities, and heightening the is narrowly conceived in University of Tibetan Studies, making these major goals in education and also for the other 16importance of competitive economic and instrumentalist Sarnath, Varanasi, who was a themselves, Prof Muchkund SDGs.national economic terms, rather than ensure panelist at the event, said that we Dubey, former foreign secretary And that must be taken in the rightdevelopment, he said the sustainable, flourishing societies. need to redefine the goal of life and president of Council for earnest without delay if humanity is tocritique of economic “The spread of examination- and if it is happiness then the Social Development, New Delhi be protected from looming disastersdevelopment that was there in preparatory 'shadow education' whole system must transform said that it is the UN system and both natural (climatic) and manmade.1970s and 80s has evaporated has fueled completion with accordingly. “We need to look entities like World Bank which Across much of Asia, neither thewhen development came back serious implications for equity beyond material world and see have shifted the emphasis in reality of schooling nor the patterns ofwith big bang. For a child and the quality of education,” the where is the best pleasure, world order to instrumentalism development with which it iseducation is just a joyless, report has found. Also, the contentment, love, wisdom and and making of people for market. associated give cause for blithestressful and highly competitive explicitly and positive embrace other virtues. We have skill to According to the policy brief, optimism.regiment. It can be traumatic in of regional and transnational regulate our emotions,” he added. designing curricula conducive to UNESCO has championed alater life and disastrous for both identities in curricula is strikingly Attacking the wisdom of placing achieving SDG 4.7 requires not humanistic vision of education and issustainability and peace. absent. important goals like sustainable just technical adjustments at the today encapsulated in SDG 4.7. These“Global citizenship which Across all 22 countries and periphery of the existing ideals need to be strongly restated andshould have been for the cause among more than 80 sub- education system but a far- defended in an era when educationalof humanity, importance of categories included in the coding reaching reassessment of the debate has come to be frame byhuman concerns across the scheme, 'nation as privileged nature and core purposes of narrowly economic andworld, sharing pain and joy is referent of identity' was found to schooling. For sustainable instrumentalist agenda.also seen in terms of economic be the most prevalent concept, development to become a reality,competiveness and honing with the normalized weightage policy makers are encouraged tocompetencies for the so called score of 85 (out of 100). Making aknowledge economy,” he said. sharp contrast, 'humanity as Advertise with usProf Kumar also pointed that the privileged referent of identity'coding study which analyzed scored 31. To Book an ad call at 9811824444172 policy and curriculadocuments found that Prof Kumar emphasized the [email protected] 8076071802 notion of exploration, reflection,
4 Curriculum October 16, 2018 Useful NewsMathWorks Introduces 5G Toolbox for MATLAB Jain University, Bangalore to offer ODLMathWorks on October 9 prototyping of radio hardware.introduced 5G Toolbox, which “When adopting 5G, wireless use the toolbox for link-level programprovides standards compliant engineers need to verify that their simulation, golden referencewaveforms and reference product designs can conform or verification, conformance Bangalore, October 09, 2018: Jain University, Bangalore in partnershipexamples for modeling, co-exist with a new, complex testing, and test waveform with Schoolguru Eduserve Pvt. Ltd, has launched its premium Opensimulation, and verification of standard that will continue to generation – without starting Distance Learning program with Online Learning for the benefit of thethe physical layer of 3GPP 5G evolve. Very few companies have from scratch. students in the State of Karnataka.New Radio (NR) adequate resources or in-house 5G Toolbox is the foundation of a In the first phase, the University is launching 7 Degree programs, 9 PGcommunications systems. expertise to understand and design workflow that helps Diploma Programs, 10 Certification programs for the students. UnderEngineers using 5G Toolbox implement a 5G-compliant wireless teams rapidly develop, this flagship initiative taken by the University, students will also getcan quickly design critical design,” said Ken Karnofsky, prototype, and test designs. access to unique Employment Linked Skilling Program (ELSP),algorithms and predict end-to- senior strategist – signal Companies with siloed tools for designed by Schoolguru. The Employment Linked Skilling Programend link performance of processing applications, RF, antenna, and baseband (ELSP) initiative is India's first ever finishing skills training programsystems that conform to the 5G MathWorks. “Having seen how design; limited experience with with a placement assurance. The program will enable students of theRelease 15 standard LTE Toolbox has helped teams MIMO technologies; or that lack university with essential finishing skills that would create more jobspecification. 5G Toolbox quickly deploy pre-5G designs in automation from simulation to opportunities for them in the corporate world. The students can registerjoins the company's wireless radio test beds, we anticipate 5G prototyping can now rely on for this course at just Rs. 100 and can start learning immediately. Oncecommunications product Toolbox will have a similar M AT L A B a s a c o m m o n the students successfully pass the assessment, they will be provided withportfolio that also includes impact for the mainstream environment for simulation, over- on-the-job learning and placement opportunities.support for LTE and WLAN wireless market.” the-air-testing, and rapid Shantanu Rooj, Founder and CEO of Schoolguru, said, 'Schoolgurustandards, simulation of 5G Toolbox helps wireless design prototyping. shall support the University in all respects while it launches its distancemassive MIMO antenna arrays engineers manage increasing education programs using ICT. Schoolguru is working with about 20and RF front end technologies, design complexity while reducing Universities in the country and has tremendous experience in theover-the-air testing, and rapid development time. They can now domain. We are also working with the University to ensure that the programs guarantee high learning outcomes and employability to its students.’NEWS YOU CAN USE Investor Education platformAditya Birla Education President Abdul Kalam's 87th Delhi University launches National Stock Exchange Limited Investor Protection Fund Trust (NSE birth anniversary on October 15 IPFT) and IIM Bangalore (IIMB) have jointly launched the Platform forAcademy for Educators announced Arjun Kadian as the PG Diploma in Cyber Investor Education (PIE), at IIM Bangalore. winner of the 2018 USF Abdul There are several unique features that can be attributed to the Platformlaunched Kalam Postgraduate Fellowship Security and Law for Investor Education. and also declare the 2019 Kalam First, IIMB's educational materials would be product-neutral, unlikeThe Aditya Birla Education Fellowship open for Institute of Cyber Security and many offered by the other financial services entities.Trust unveiled Aditya Birla applications. Law (ICSL), the University of Second, the content would be developed by experienced faculty who areEducation Academy (ABEA) Arjun Kadian was selected from Delhi with Shaheed Sukhdev cognizant of financial literacy efforts and will reflect currentfor offering professional an impressive group of College of Business Studies developments in financial markets.development courses for candidates to receive this year's (SSCBS) started with the first Third, the materials will incorporate the latest in animation and dataeducators and school fellowship for his PhD research orientation program of its visualization technology, and will be made available on multipleadministrators, on 23rd proposal on “how flagship course Post Graduate platforms to actively engage different cohorts of potential investors.September 2018 at the Aditya misinformation spreads on Diploma in Cyber Security and Fourth, the Centre for Capital Markets and Risk Management aims toBirla World Academy social media…exploring the Law. The knowledge and delivery make this initiative much more than just large-scale online education,Auditorium in Mumbai. phenomenon of fake news and partner for the program is supplementing the videos with frequently updated web content as wellThe event witnessed a keynote its impact.” A Master's degree Lucideus. It is the first time the as by conducting periodic investor forums at different locations.address by ABEA Founder & graduate in Business Analytics University of Delhi has tied up The launch was followed by a distinguished investor panel discussion onChairperson. Neerja Birla where and Information Systems from with a private entity for a cyber 'Investing in Indian Equities – The Past, The Present and The Future'.she spoke about the vision for USF's Muma College of security course. The panellists included Prashant Jain, Chief Investment Officer,ABEA and the larger interest of Business, Kadian received his The program was inaugurated by Executive Director and Fund Manager, HDFC Asset Managementcreating educators who are also Bachelor's degree in Electrical Dr. Gulshan Rai, National Cyber Company Ltd., Navneet Munot, Chief Investment Officer, SBI Mutuallifelong learners. “The Aditya Engineering from the University Security Coordinator, Fund, and Mathew Cyriac, who co-headed Blackstone Group's PEBirla Education Academy is an of Pune in 2008. He worked for Government of India along with Business. The panel was moderated by Prof. S.G. Badrinath and Prof.attempt to nurture the Infosys for 8 years before Dr Madan Oberoi, Special Venkatesh Panchapagesan, faculty from the Finance & Accounting areaaspirations of the brilliant and joining USF. Commissioner, Cyber Security, at IIMB.dedicated educators who nurture The President A.P.J. Kalam Delhi Police; Prof Yogesh K Addressing the gathering of students and alumni of IIMB, professionalsyoung minds. It is an Postgraduate Fellowship is open Tyagi, Vice Chancellor and academics, Vikram Limaye, MD and CEO, NSE, said: “This uniqueopportunity for our educators to to Indian college graduates who University of Delhi; Dr Sunaina digital investor education and awareness offering reinforces ourevolve with changing times, in plan to pursue a Ph.D. in Kanojia, OSD, ICSL; Shri R R commitment to spreading capital market awareness in an easy toorder to impart new-age Science, Technology, Pathania Chairperson College understand and simple to use format to public at large. Content iseducation that is on par with the Engineering and Mathematics GB; Dr Poonam Verma, Principal available on demand allowing investors to access whenever they havebest in the world. It is an (STEM) programs at the and Dr Ajay Jaiswal Program time and wherever they are located. Top notch experts in the field willattempt to bridge the gap University of South Florida. The Coordinator. work in making the offering relevant for entire spectrum of investorsbetween the existing standards prestigious fellowship, which is Dr. Gulshan Rai acknowledged from first time investors to experienced investors.”of teaching and the emerging only awarded to one student the efforts of the University toavant-garde ones.” each academic year, offers an launch a program in the domain SahiKhao Campaign to Improve Child health annual stipend of $22,000 and of cyber security and encouragedKalam Fellowship free tuition for up to four years. the students to become the best of Fitterfly and Early Childhood Association (ECA), has today launched # SahiKhao, a child nutrition campaign in New Delhi. The campaign aimsAnnounced by USF to reach out to children, their parents and teachers to improve children's health by fostering healthy dietary habits.The University of South Florida Announcing the campaign, Fitterfly Co-Founder and Chief Operating(USF) in Tampa coinciding with Officer Shailesh Gupta said “Poor dietary habits combined with decreased physical activity have increased the health risks among#TweeSurfing – a national initiative to promote Cyber Safety launched children. Since 30% of India's population is children, we need to make sure that eating healthy starts in childhood.”Centre for Social Research, an organisation working towards a gender just society in India, in collaboration Fitterfly data also showed that more than 30% children in urban India arewith the global social media platform, Twitter have launched their cyber safety workshops named overweight, likely stemming from unhealthy food choices. Also lot of#TweeSurfing in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Bangalore. The Kolkata chapter of TweeSurfingwas launched children had vitamin, iron and calcium deficient dietary intake acrosson Sep 22, which was in continuation to its previous programs in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore. India.Some of the prominent speakers at the launch included Dr. Ranjana Kumari, Director Centre for Social According to Anuja Agarwala, Vice-President Indian DieteticResearch, New Delhi, Harish Iyyer, LGBTQI activist from Mumbai, Manasi Salvi, TV actress from Mumbai Association and nutritionist with the Department of Paediatrics, Alland. Rahul Rajkhowa, singer from Guwahati. India Institute of Medical Sciences [AIIMS], the triple burden of“TweeSurfing is our flagship initiative to battle hate speech in the online space. I thank Twitter India for their nutrition, namely undernutrition, overnutrition and micronutrientconstant support. The goal of this programme is to create a culture of positive gender sensitive and safe deficiency, is rampant among the country's school-going children.environment on Twitter, by promoting use of counter speech, sensitive campaigns and listing user-driven best “This burden is causing obesity diabetes, cardiac ailments and otherpractices. We have connected with more than 90 influencers who have shared their twitter stories with us, chronic issues. They can adversely affect the growth and developmentwhich are directly shared with the millenials and anyone who wishes to use #TwitterForGood,” said Dr of children and their cognitive performance. Hence, we need nationalRanjana Kumari, Director, Centre for Social Research. campaigns like #SahiKhao to create better awareness,” said Ms.Under the initiative,TweeSurfing connected with more than 90 influencers from diverse fields and interviewed Agarwala.them on their twitter journey and their understanding of the safety mechanisms for various issues on social Fitterfly encourages parents and teachers to share school campaignmedia. Among the influencers were Anupam Kher, Shashi Tharoor, Shreyas Talpade, Priyanka Chaturvedi, RJ pictures and healthy tiffin recipes and write blogs and post videos atMalishka, Khurafati Nitin, Sorabh Pant, Rohan Joshi and many more. These interviews are easily accessible #SahiKhao. The best school campaign pictures and recipes will receivevia the twitter handle @TweeSurfing and the web resource www.TweeSurfing.in awards.
Curriculum October 16, 2018 5 Campus NewsMake NSS, Scouts & Guides mandatory A specialized cyber security lab set up atfor students to get degrees: Vice President SASTRA Vice President M. Venkaiah United Bharat Scouts and Guiding. The National Adventure Tata Communications, a digital infrastructure provider, has partneredNaidu has called upon the Guides. He shared his passion for Institute of the Bharat Scouts and with SASTRA Deemed University in Tamil Nadu to fund and establish aeducational institutions to make the Scouting Movement with Sri Guides, at Pachmarhi, Madhya cyber security lab at the university. With this partnership, Tatait mandatory for students to Kondajii Basappa, who was his Pradesh, was established during Communications aims to co-create an ecosystem by partnering withundertake social service or guide and mentor and together his tenure which continues to be universities globally to address cyber-security challenges today, whileservice in armed forces or their contribution was invaluable the leading Training Institute for building the skills and capabilities for tomorrow.voluntary organizations like to the movement. His association the Movement even today. The new cyber security lab was officially inaugurated at the universityNSS, Scouts & Guides for being with other pioneers in the He received the Highest National on September 15th, a day celebrated by the Engineering communityconferred with their degrees. movement helped Karnataka Award-- Silver Elephant Award of across India as 'Engineer's Day', as a tribute to the renowned IndianParticipating in social service or reach the pinnacle of Scouting the Bharat Scouts and Guides in Engineer, Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya. Through this association,enrolling in such services would and Guiding. recognition of his outstanding Tata Communications and SASTRA have built a curriculum in cyberhelp them inculcate the feeling of He also appointed as Deputy service to the Movement. security with a focus on training, developing and strengthening theoneness, nationalism, Social Chief Commissioner (Scout), In recognition of his selfless practical application of cyber security, encompassing the process andconsciousness, he said. India and was elected as National service as a freedom fighter and to technology elements of cyber threat detection and mitigation. “This labAddressing the valedictory Commissioner, the Bharat the Scouting Movement, the will act as a catalyst to spark student interest in specialising in cybercelebrations of the Birth Scouts and Guides, India, the Karnataka Government conferred security. As a result of this launch, we have already begun to see hugeCentenary Celebrations of highest position in the movement the prestigious “Kannada interest among our graduate and post-graduate students”, said Dr.Deenadayalu Naidu, the Vice and served from 1992 to 1995. Rajyothsava Award” in 1995. He Vaidhyasubramanian, Dean – Planning & Development at SASTRA.President asked students to draw During his tenure as National served in Rotary for over 30 years There are currently around 30,000 cybersecurity vacancies in India andinspiration from the visionary Commissioner, he travelled all and was recognized by Rotary according to Cybersecurity Ventures, there will be 3.5 millionleader and the committed over India and motivated all the International with highest award cybersecurity job openings globally by 2021.nationalist. He has also State Associations to promote of “ServiceAbove Self”. Srinivasan CR, Chief Digital Officer for Tata Communications. “Theresuggested the educational Development of Scouting and is a need for governments, universities, schools and businesses toinstitutions to incorporate moral collaborate and create a learning ecosystem in order to bridge thisscience classes in schools. substantial skills gap. We hope to provide this exposure and learning toDeenadayalu Naidu has an the students at SASTRA and pave way for more such partnerships overimpressive record of Public the course of the years to ensure the industry has a strong experiencedService in Scouting and Guiding. talent pool to deal with cyber-attacks.”Starting as Rover Scout duringhis college days in 1942, he La Trobe -Amity Joint Centre forserved the Scouting Movementfor over six decades. He held Eminence at Amity Campus!many important positions beforereaching the highest position of La Trobe University, Australia and Amity University have set up a JointChief Executive- State Chief Centre for Eminence at Amity Campus and will house joint research,Commissioner of The Bharat short term professional course offerings and various TrainingScouts and Guides, Karnataka Workshops in multiple disciplines. The centre was inaugurated on Oct 5and held the post continuously and event was attended by the delegation from La Trobe University ledfor 10 Years (1983-1993). by their Vice Chancellor and President Professor John Dewar, SeniorHe was responsible for the Management Team of Amity University including their Chancellor Dr.merger of the different Scout and Atul Chauhan and Group Vice Chancellor Professor Gurinder Singh,Guide Associations in the delegates from various Universities across the country and Internationalcountry to form the present Partner Universities of Amity University. The objective of setting up this Centre is to strengthen our partnerships and synergise of bothAnalysis of billions of Twitter words reveals Universities. This will develop opportunities for the Academics andhow American English develops Researchers from both Universities to work more closely and benefit Students, Community and Industry from it. Dr. Atul Chauhan,New words in American English techniques to the study of languages evolve - one of the most Chancellor Amity University, said, \"We are glad to announce our Newtend to develop in five regional language variation and change, the challenging questions in science.” Joint Centre for Eminence in partnership with La Trobe Universitylinguistic 'hotspots' before team identified that development The researchers' findings also (LTU). It will be a great step towards developing opportunities forspreading across the United of new words in Modern American challenge existing theories of the Students from both the Universities and will open new avenues to workStates and beyond, a new study English centred on five regions: spread of new words. They show closely within the Industry.”reveals. Linguists and The West Coast, the Northeast, the that new words do not simplygeographers analysed 8.9 billion Mid Atlantic, the Deep South, and spread out unconstrained from University of Queensland sings MoUwords contained within 980 the Gulf Coast. their source, nor do they spreadmillion Tweets posted across the Professor Grieve commented: from one large city to the next, as with SNUUnited States between 2013 and “This is the first time that such a predicted by previously2014 to identify the regions from large sample of emerging words or developed theories for the spread The MoU aims to facilitate faculty and student exchange programs, jointwhich new words tend to any type of linguistic innovation of new words, known as the 'wave' research initiatives including sharing of data and collaboration in aoriginate. has been mapped in one language. and 'gravity' models. variety of areas. Both the universities have also agreed to exchangeLed by Professor Jack Grieve, Twitter is only one variety of Instead, the study found the spread academic information, reading material and academic publications asfrom the Centre for Corpus language, but given that almost all of new words is constrained by part of the MoU. Under this partnership, the plan is to enable theResearch at the University of these words are used in everyday cultural patterns. New words tend students to earn dual degrees for both undergraduate and post-graduateBirmingham, researchers used speech, we believe our results to spread within cultural regions, programs. For example, a student from the School of Engineering atadvanced computer technology reflect the words' general spread in before reaching the rest of the Shiv Nadar University may receive a Bachelor's Degree from bothto analyse the geocoded Tweets American English. United States. It also found that institutions after completing two years at Shiv Nadar University and twowhich revealed the precise “Our study provides a framework African American English was a years at The University of Queensland (UQ). For obtaining a Master oflongitude and latitude of the user for future research by showing major source of lexical innovation Engineering degree from UQ, the student would have to complete twoat the time of posting. how the origin and spread of on US Twitter. years at UQ, post studying for a period of three years at Shiv NadarThey tracked the origin of 54 emerging words can be measured University, for a Bachelor's degree. The MoU will be in effect for 5newly emerging words in and mapped. Linguistics is For attention years.American English. For example, shifting from a social science to a of institutionsthey found that the word 'baeless', data science, where linguists are UQ recognized in exportswhich mean 'to be single', increasingly analysing massive Notices Beyond 200originated from Deep South, amounts of natural language words will be The University of Queensland has been recognized for its strongwhile the word 'mutuals', which is harvested online. considered classified contribution to Queensland's export sector, winning the Education andshort for 'mutual friends', “This is allowing us to pursue new advertisements and Training category of Premier of Queensland's ExportAwards 2018.originated from the West Coast. research questions that would therefore published The award is testament to UQ's work to attract and retain high-qualityGeo-coded data from Twitter have been impossible to only against international students and researchers from across the globe and deliverallowed them to create maps for investigate just a few years ago. payments. the exemplary learning experiences.these 54 words, showing how the We can analyse in very fine detailphrases had spread across the how language changes over shortcountry over time. Applying periods of time and understand themodern computational processes through which
Curriculum October 16, 2018 7 India Skills/entrepreneurshipsMSDE Officials to New IT-ITeS Courses under Skill India assembly line, well-equipped workshops give them an experience ofVisit 'Aspirational working on a real shop-floor.”Districts' New courses in emerging areas like Cyber Security, Artificial Set up as a model ITI, JIM, Mehsana offers courses in eight trades Intelligence (AI) and Big Data Analytics were announce by union skills related to automobile manufacturing, maintenance and services. TheIn a bid to understand and minister Dharmendra Pradhan at a conference in New Delhi last month. courses include Mechanic Motor Vehicle, Mechanic Auto Bodyaddress the challenges faced by He also launched Qualification Packs and Model Curriculum for eleven Painting, Mechanic Auto Body Repair, Welder, Fitter, Electrician,the district administrations in new courses in Cyber Security skill training. These courses have been Mechanic Diesel Engine & Driver Cum Mechanic.JIM, Mehsana isimplementing skill programs designed by IT&ITeS Sector Skill Council-NASSCOM in collaboration equipped with modern classrooms, the latest training tools andand help develop capacities, with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). equipment. The practical training workshop has been developed tounion skills ministry has The event also saw the announcement of nineteen new courses that are mirror a real shop-floor assembly line, the only one of its kind in theapproved a plan for visits of the currently under development for skill training in Artificial Intelligence country. Some other features of the institute include safety lab, virtualsenior officers of the Ministry (AI) and Big Data Analytics which will equip candidates for job roles welding simulators and spot welding guns. This familiarizes theof Skill Development and like Applied Scientist, Data Engineer, Solution Architect among others. students with all the tools they need to work with when on an actualEntrepreneurships to the The Model Curriculum for these courses is underway and would be industry shop floor.'Aspirational Districts' between rolled out for training later this year. In addition to 38 hours of training meted out towards the NationalOctober 2, 2018 and January Manish Kumar, MD & CEO, National Skill Development Corporation, Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) certified curriculum, JIM26, 2019. said “NSDC in collaboration with its Sector Skill Councils (SSCs), other dedicates 10 hours/week to train students in Japanese shop floorGovernment of India has industry partners and international organizations such as NUS-ISS and practices, soft skills, interview skills, English language and safety.launched the Aspirational Singapore Polytechnic, is working towards the development courses Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and SustainableDistricts Program to effectively which are internationally recognized. Our endeavor is to accelerate Partnerships (AOTS), Japan, along with Ministry of Economy, Tradetransform the identified districts skilling and increase employability of the youth for opportunities not and Industry (METI), Japan has developed the soft skills curriculum forthrough convergence of Central only in India but in markets abroad as well; and support emerging JIM.and State schemes; technologies with skilled workforce at the same time.”collaborations among officers Amit Aggarwal, CEO IT-ITES SSC NASSCOM quoted, \"The IT ITES New NSDC approved TITP Training Centreand creating competition among industry has launched FutureSkills, a mega skilling initiative, in 2018.districts. This program lays Our goal is to reskills and upskill upto 2 Million IT professionals over the in Greater Noidaemphasis on district to bring next 5 years in 9 emerging technologies including cyber security, bigabout overall improvement in data analytics and artificial intelligence. We are working very closely ARMS Incorporation, a Japanese company appointed by the Nationalthe living standard of the with the industry and NSDC to develop the appropriate job roles, skills Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) as a Sending Organization incitizens and ensuring 'Sabka and curriculum in these technologies”. Global Education for the Technical Intern Training Program (TITP),Sath Sabka Vikas.' One of the recently opened a new training centre in Noida. The opening of thekey focus areas of this program BSDU students win nationals, get berth in centre marks an important step in bilateral cooperation between Indiais skill development. WorldSkills Competition 2019, Russia and Japan, especially in the field of skill development, which has been a focus area of the Government. The event was graced by Thakur VijaypalState Skills ministers In yet another achievement by students of the Bhartiya Skill Singh – Member of Parliament of Rajya Sabha, Shree Navav Singh Development University (BSDU), three students won gold and two Nagar – Deputy President of UP, BJP, Pigeon, Mitsui and Mitsubishiconference Electric companies. bronze medals in the field of Joinery Trade and Cabinet Making Training and orientation of interns was organized under theFocus on Counselling of Youth, categories respectively at the National level Skill Competition held at Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) on Technical Intern TrainingPromotion of Apprenticeship New Delhi from 2nd to 6th October, 2018. In the Joinery Trade category, Program (TITP) by the Ministry of Skill Development &Training and Upgradation of Vikash Kumar Naga won gold medal and INR 1,00,000/- cash award Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India and the GovernmentITIs across States while Kamlesh Bagra was awarded a bronze medal and INR 50,000/-. In of Japan, on October 2017. The first batch of 12 interns has already beenIn a bid to promote the the Cabinet Making group, Mohit Kalal brought home the bronze medal accomplished within nine months of the signing of the MoC.importance of apprentice and INR 50,000/-. Manish Kumar, MD & CEO, NSDC, said, “ The Technical Interntraining and address the key These students will be further trained at BSDU and those selected from Training Program (TITP) with Japan is testimony to the success of ourissues around Skill each trade will participate at WorldSkills 2019 to be held at Kazan, apprenticeship programmes. Under the TITP, we have earlier sent theDevelopment, the Ministry of Russia. Brig (Dr) Surjit Singh Pabla, President, Bhartiya Skill first batch of 15 interns from rural Tamil Nadu to Japan. By 2020, weSkill Development and Development University said, “We congratulate the students who have hope to increase this number considerably.”Entrepreneurship (MSDE) brought honor to the university. Encouraging the students, he askedorganized a National them to always remember in life that one should strive to achieve The batch, comprising youth from rural background, received theConference of State Ministers excellence in whatever field they choose to pursue and practice certificates at the ceremony held in the presence of Dr. Ramachandra Non Skill Development and perfection blended with hard work and determination. We also Galla, Amara Raja Group Founder & Chairman, Mr. Jaikrishna B.,Entrepreneurship in New Delhi announce that every student will get equal amount of their respective President - Group HR, Corporate Communications & New Businesson October 3, 2018. The prize money from BSDU's side as well. We wish the students to bring Development, among other Executives of Amara Raja Group. Themeeting was held on the glory for the nation as well as the university. parents of the students were also present at the convocation.sidelines of IndiaSkills 2018National Competition where Maruti Suzuki's Japan-India Institute for The Training Room and TCS iON Partner formore than 400 candidates Manufacturing welcomes its 2nd batchcompeted in 50skills Careers Platformrepresenting 27 States/UTs in After recording 100% placement for its first batch, Maruti Suzuki'sthe country. Japan-India Institute for Manufacturing (JIM) at Ganpat University in Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has entered into a strategic businessAnant Kumar Hegde, Minister Mehsana, Gujarat welcomed its second batch of 362 students. partnership with The Training Room, a leading UK provider of technicalof State, MSDE, said Skill JIM is set up and managed by Maruti Suzuki at Ganpat University. It is a training courses and careers support where the latter ill leverage the TCSIndia had come a long way part of a joint initiative between the Government of Japan and iON Digital Learning Hub to provide a platform for UK andfrom the time when it was faced Government of India to create a pool of 30000 skilled manpower for international students seeking skills and technical courses and forwith multiple challenges, manufacturing industry in India. employers looking for dynamic solutions for recruitment, in-houseincluding collating reliable A. K. Tomer, Executive Director, Corporate Planning, Maruti Suzuki, training, and staff retention.data of skills needed. “Skill said “Growing skill gap is a crucial challenge faced by young India. Our TCS iON provides the backbone for delivering skills in a 'PhygitalIndia is a long term mission for aim at JIM is to reduce this gap and empower students with skills relevant model', where trainers and physical classrooms are combined withour nation and every important to the automobile industry requirement. Besides the core technical skills digital technology to give students access to quality, educational contentstep requires time,” he said. JIM grooms students in Japanese Manufacturing Practices and Processes anywhere, any time, and on any device. The Training Room will roll out“We are now focused on newer that are important to succeed at the workplace. Also, the mini-vehicle an enhanced version of its own courses on the new platform, startingskills, including future-ready with health and fitness and personal training courses, followed by ITjobs that require advanced courses. The platform will also host content from many othertechnological training. To educational and professional institutions covering a vast range of work-make skilling more effective related learning opportunities.and impactful, we have adopted For students at all stages of their career, the platform will be a gateway toa demand-driven approach, courses, aptitude tests, discussion groups, mentors, gurus, job boards,where we first look at the areas careers advice, recruitment assessments, in-company training, CPD,that need skilled manpower and social networks and links to real-life encounters and events.then train people accordingly.We are working with Stateministries and the industry inorder to providethe skilledworkforce the industry needs.”
8 Curriculum October 16, 2018 VIEWS (Edit/Guest Column...)OPINION:Kashmiri students are the gullible # Me Too, Needs to be a Social Movementvictims; a clear policy is needed to end to ENSURE WOMEN DIGNITYtheir trauma Dr. Nitesh Dhawan, Public Servant and AuthorIn the wake of some recent incidents involvingKashmiri students studying outside their The problem of sexual harassment Conduct for employers. In 2013 indecent portraying of women in all state, there is a backlash against thousands of them is one of those issues in India that India's top court investigated on a law kinds of media and dignity of womenstudying at various institutions across the county. In did not catch the attention until graduate's allegation that she was is compromised for commercial gainsPunjab, where three students were arrested on terror reporting of such cases came from sexually harassed by a retired and entertainment value. Womenlinks and a cache of weapons was ceased from their those victimized from the elite class of Supreme Court judge. The Sexual should not be demeaned by portray-possession from their hostel room at an engineering people. With recent revelations of Harassment of Women at Workplace ing them in a manner like a commer-college on the outskirts of Jalandhar, was followed by Tanushree Dutta on her sexual (Prevention, Prohibition and cial product. The legislations thougharrest of two more students elsewhere in Punjab. The harassment by famous bollywood Redressal) Act came into force in in place, fail to enforce the rulesPunjab state government has decided to monitor the actor Nana Patekar, there seems to be December 2013, to prevent effectively. In 1987, The Indecententire Kashmiri student population in the state. Several unstopping of such cases being Harassment of women at workplace. Representation of Women (Prohibi-PG owners have started evacuation of such students disclosed, shaming revered actors, The Sexual Harassment Act requires tion) Act was passed to prohibitfrom their premises fearing terror links. journalists, producers and other an employer to set up an Internal indecent representation of womenAttempt by a group of Kashmiri students to offer celebrities. This raises serious issues Complaints Committee (ICC) at each through advertisements or inGhaibana namaz-e-janaza of Mannan Wani an ex-AMU pertaining to mindset and conduct of office or branch having more than 10 publications, writings, and paintingsstudent from Kashmir who had joined militant ranks a people who are well regarded in our employees of any gender. The or in any other manner.few months back and was killed during an encounter society towards women crossing lines government is in turn required to set The effects of sexual harassment havewith police, snowballed into a major controversy and to gratify their desires. The power, up a Local Complaints Committees wider implications on the victim'stwo students were booked with sedition charges. In yet money and the glamour make it easier (LCC) at the district level to psyche. They suffer from low self-another incident at Sharda University in Greater Noida, for them to do so. investigate complaints regarding esteem, depression, fear, isolationa Kashmiri student got beaten up by mistake as some It's not that it has happened for the first sexual harassment from establish- from their social environment,student took him for an Afghani student in a group time. But the manner in which it has ments where the ICC has not been insecurity and personal-socialclash. drawn attention of the whole nation constituted on account of the imbalance to create social maladjust-Incidents of this kind of brawls, accusations, abuses and speaks volume of the gravity that this establishment having less than 10 ment. Social stigma towards suchat times physical violence has been sporadic in the past issue holds. The Me Too movement on employees or if the complaint is victims only adds to loss of faith inbut it has been always present. However, active terror social media has helped in evoking a against the employer. themselves. It is here that the role oflinks, weapons and attempts at brazen anti-national acts sort of collective consciousness to The Act requires that sexual professional social worker becomeshas come to fore for the first time in the last two speak and fight this issue. Media is harassment should be affirmatively significant where he intervenes atdecades. also catalyzing by advocating mass discussed at workers' meetings, personal and environmental levels toThe number of Kashmiri students who study outside the public opinion to act against the employer-employee meetings, etc.; create desired changes in order tostate is significant thought exact statistic is not culprits. This will have a demonstra- guidelines should be prominently attain improved self-esteem, selfavailable. But according to some estimates as many as tion effect on other sections of society displayed to create awareness about confidence, development of an12 lakh Kashmiri Muslims either work or study in as well. Just seeing victims of the elite the rights of female employees; the insight and effective social function-various parts of country. Another seven lakh Kashmiri class making courageous and candid employer should assist persons ing of the client with one's environ-Pandits, who have left homes in 1990s due to militancy disclosures of what actually happened affected in cases of sexual harass- ment. At the same time social workermake this population more sizeable. While it is to them will definitely encourage ment by outsiders; central and state can act as a change agent by advocat-commonplace to study or work outside the home state others also to just come out of the fear governments must adopt measures, ing action against such acts ofand even abroad, in case of J & K, it has an element of of social stigma and their personal including legislation, to ensure that indecency through articulation ofstate support. In order to wean youth away from image in the society. The sexual private employers also observe the necessary changes required inmilitancy and offer them higher educational exploitation of women in its different guidelines; and names and contact policies and legislations.opportunities, the government of India is offering forms at work place has received numbers of members of the com- The offenders of the sexual harass-scholarships in several cases upto 100%. strong reaction from the media and plaints committee must be promi- ment cases should face action both inThis freeship has its own disadvantages. It appeals to masses in the recent past. The society nently displayed. legal and social domain. They must beeven those who are not interested or passionate about is now much more vocal about such A study by Action Aid, UK found punished according to the law and bepursuing a specific education stream. Also, over the cases relating to harassment and that 80% of women in India had socially boycotted at every level at theyears, it has given a birth to a culture in the valley, assault of women. experienced sexual harassment same time. The cases should bewhere studying outside has come to be associated as a Of the total number of crimes against ranging from unwanted comments, brought to logical conclusion and setstatus symbol for youth. And, a lot of private women reported in 1990, half related being groped or assaulted. Many examples in order to create deterrenceeducational providers of suspect quality, find a ready to molestation and harassment in the incidents go unreported as the for others. The social support tomarket to poach. In some cases, families have sold workplace. In 1997, in a landmark victims fear being shunned by their victims is must but it should not comeprecious lands to support education of their wards and judgment, the Supreme Court of India families. The rising number of such from sympathy rather as a mark ofgot in return got just a degree of no consequences. took a strong stand against sexual incidents reflects the depressing respect to human dignity that has theUdaan is another sham scheme of the Government, in harassment of women in the work- perception and mindset of people inner strength to stand against all thewhich in the name of skilling, people are just making place. The Vishakha Guidelines were engaged in these activities harming odds. The causes lie deep in the socialmoney without having any noticeable impact on ground. a set of procedural guidelines for use the dignity of women in our society. system that is very much inclinedThe whole policy must change. As a welcome measure, in India in cases of sexual harassment. The psych-social theories explain towards patriarchy and malethe administration in Jammu and Kashmir has decided They were promulgated by the Indian such indecent behavior on the basis dominance which actually allowsto put in place liaison officers in the states where a Supreme Court in 1997 and were of repressed, unfulfilled desires, taking women for granted leading to“sizeable number” of students are studying. The superseded in 2013 by the Sexual distortion of personality, faulty sexual abuse and crimes againstgovernment must roll back the freeship and instead Harassment of Women at Workplace socialization practices and other women. The current awakeningguarantee educational loans, so that only serious (Prevention, Prohibition and external factors present in the starting from high on the social ladderstudents pursue education outside. Redressal) Act, 2013. The Court also environment. The legislations exist should percolate down to become aThe government must explore and fund liberally student laid down detailed guidelines for only as deterrence and a curative social movement against all types ofexchange programs at school level both from and to the prevention and redressal of griev- measure but solution needs a much sexual exploitation of women instate , because such interactions and memories will have ances. The National Commission for broader approach at social level. For society.lasting value. Otherwise, when this generation grows Women subsequently elaborated instance, there is not much articula-up, they will much hardened with lesser exposure. these guidelines into a Code of tion of social groups against thePrinted, Published and Owned by: Avtar Krishen Kaul, Saraswati Editor: Autar Nehru Associate Editor: Suneel Bhan W: www.curriculum-magazine.com REACH USColony, Smith Nagar, PO- Prem Nagar, Dehradun (Uttrakhand)- Editorial/Marketing :248001 and Printed at Microsoft Technoprint India Private Limited, Consulting Editors: Sudha Passi, M K Bhat, Ramanathan Iyer Circulation37 Old Cannaught Place, Dehradun (UttraKhand) and Published at [email protected] Dimple Nehru, GaneshSaraswati Colony, Smith Nagar, PO- Prem Nagar, Dehradun Advisory Board Members: Ashok Pandey. Dehradun: A K Koul; Meerut: Uzma Rizvi(Uttrakhand)-248001, Prof. Raj Kachroo, Navin Bhatia [email protected] Patna: Manoj Kumar; Jammu: Sandeep Dhar General inquiryEditor: Avtar Nehru RNI No. UTTENG/2010/37634 Director Outreach: Farindra Pande call us at 011-28051642/22; 9868256512 Associates : Gurbinder Kaur, Akshay Sahu Business Development: Ashok Bhat, Vijay K Rajesh Kaul
Curriculum October 16, 2018 9 SpotlightSTUDY ABROADWhat should aspirants do and look far in this part of the year.July and August are the progress. So, if one has scored above countries celebrate this focus on study abroad as well. months when we get some good enough to be in the desired good entries in colleges; the country he/she must immedi- festival and it is during this time There are very lucrative optionstime of brain harvesting. Many ately move a step forward.of us have many plans for their USA, Canada, Australia have when they have more worker available in Ukraine and othercareers. Students who want to January intakes whereas thepursue their further education European countries have requirements with them. Sales parts of Eurasia region whereoutside India is probably now February intakes in theirhave missed their September universities. During discussion and Kitchen jobs are to be filled the medical education is farintakes in many of the countries. with director of internationalSometimes I feel, it's really admissions at Troy University in in this period of the year. The cheaper than any other nation insomewhat hectic; clearing USA what is found that most ofexams and then further appear- the students joining them in h o s p i t a l i t y s e c t o r i n the world. I've been observinging for IELTS or TOEFL, PTE, January intake are easilyGRE or GMAT kind of exams. absorbed without much of the Switzerland, France and Czech that the two countries areSo, the schedule goes like this – completion as usually universi-finish the exams in April and the ties have in the September and Republic flourishes more during coming forward in the field ofprobably we all have holidays. In May intakes.these holidays we prepare for I always suggest students that this period. Yes, this is the time Medicine namely Ukraine andthese targeted exams. Because better late than never. If they arewe feel that now it is the time of getting better options in the Muzaffar Ahmad Noori we call the golden months of the South Korea. Observing topcelebration where we have January intake its better. Bajwacleared a stage. But what we Even then there are students Abroad Solution, Mumbai year where there are more medicine experts in the worldforget that life never wants us to who are still waiting for somestop for such celebrations. I'm good news in the coming year. Learn German or French; these options and opportunities for toppers are trained in Ukraine,not against these celebrations but For them; they are just adding are the languages high incelebration at the cost of future; one year to their resume doing demand after English. Many Indians too. I'm surprised. In the last decadedefinitely not a good deal. nothing. For them the next countries in Europe accept theseStudents who are not able to intake will fall in May or two languages as their integral Anyone heard about holiday Ukraine has actually focusedclear their GMAT, GRE, IELTS, September probably. parts. Believe me, it willTOEFL, SAT or PTE kind of Students who are still studying definitely surprise them in the work visa? on the development ofexams are not getting admissions in high or secondary schools for job market as well. Whileanywhere in their desired them it's a good time to not just surfing some of the job portals in There is a career prospect for education especially medicine.countries. So, in September they focus on their upcoming exams Europe, USA, and Canada it isare left in India. Now, by the mid but to learn something new too. found that the career opportuni- graduates with some work Students who want to pursueof October – the Junuary intake Now a days the trend of third ties for multilingual aspirantsin most of the countries are in language is gaining success. are quite high with some experience who want to settle in their further studies of handsome salaries. So, learning a new language in this part of the Germany. For them Germany Hospitality Management in year shall definitely yield some good fruits for your future. has launched a scheme wherein USA or Canada for them Overseas career aspirants are to focus more on sharpening their the young graduates can go to joining some 3 to 6 months skills. This is the time of Christmas; the biggest festival Germany and search for their program in Singapore will gain of the world. All the mentioned jobs. Believe me, this is one of them something very valuable. the best options for those willing These courses are very pocket to further make their career in friendly. Definitely worth Europe. Yes, there is a criterion studying and worth value to CV under which one must possess at as well. least 5 years of relevant In a nutshell at one side if this is experience. the time of Celebrations, During this time of the year it is Marriages and Festivals the mostly advised that one must other hand this is the time focus energy on some construc- which might bring something tive work as this is the most very valuable in your life; A life distracting time for students and changing experience. working professionals as well. Medical aspirants are advised toStrong Regional Growth In Demand For Graduate Management EducationAsia- Overall, demand for graduate management education is stable in opportunities abroad, one can begin to understand in part why demandPacific, 2018 compared with 2017 according to findings of the annual in the United States has dropped from previously record-highCanada and Application Trends Survey from the Graduate Management application volumes at some schools.”Europe Admission Council. Applications to business school programs in Student Mobility Remains a Key Determinant. The ability to attractRegions the Asia-Pacific, European, and Canadian markets are up over top international talent continues to be a critical determinant toSee Gains; 2017 while programs in the United States report a drop in volume. programs' overall application volumes. This year, 65 percent ofStrong Across graduate business school program types—including MBA, Canadian programs and 63 percent of European programs report anEconomy business master's, and PhD programs—most programs in Asia- increase in international applications over 2017. The majority ofand Pacific, Canada and Europe received more applications than last applications received by Canadian and European programs this year arePolitical year. Growth in the Canadian and European regions derive largely from international applicants.Turmoil from increases in international applications, while domestic Most programs in the United States report declining demand as non-Continue to growth is fueling increases in Asia-Pacific. U.S. students continue to identify attractive educational and professionalImpact U.S. Regionally, strong growth in application volume across all opportunities elsewhere. Application volumes from domestic candidatesNumbers program types was offset by declines in the United States. are also soft this year for U.S. programs, with only 4 in 10 reporting Programs in Asia-Pacific had an 8.9% increase, Canada realized growth in domestic application volume. 7.7% growth, and Europe had a 3.2% increase in application “Access is a critical issue facing higher education,” said Bill Boulding, demand across all program types. dean of Duke University's Fuqua School and chairperson of the GMAC The United States experienced a nearly 7% decline, including a board of directors. “Economic indicators in the U.S. are strong, but if we 1.8% decline in domestic application volume and a 10.5% drop in are to maintain such growth and productivity we need to make it international volume across all program types. possible for people from all different regions and backgrounds to study “Demand for graduate management education is stable year over and work in the location they desire. If that doesn't happen, we limit not year,” said Sangeet Chowfla, GMAC president and CEO. only the possibility of an individual, but also continued economic “However, there are significant regional variations. Non-U.S. prosperity in the U.S. and growth around the world.” programs continue to thrive, highlighting the continued emergence MBA and Business Master's Programs: Full-time, two-year MBA of enhanced educational and professional opportunities outside the programs are still the most in-demand program type. Overall, MBA and United States.” business master's programs report a similar volume of applications in “Several factors can help explain the lag in U.S. business school 2018 compared with last year. The majority of European Master in demand,” Chowfla continued. “A low unemployment rate means Management and Master of Finance programs report growth in demand. young professionals have an increased opportunity cost of leaving A bright spot for U.S. programs are Master of Data Analytics programs, their jobs in pursuit of an advanced degree. Combined with a Counter to the overall trend, more US Master of Data Analytics disruptive American political environment and the emergence over programs report international application growth than domestic the past decade of tremendous educational and professional application growth in 2018
10 Curriculum October 16, 2018 ClassroomHope Ambassadors' only hope to help youth overcome anxiety, despair and 'device' addictionNavkar Centre for Skills, a disease affecting youth today is institutions offer adequate support his/her feeling and has serious and the course material should beleading skills education and anxiety, stress and depression. An or solace. relationship issues with family customized across states totraining company based in online survey by ICICI Lombard Focus group discussions with and friends address diversity issue.Delhi, has come out with a of 1100 people between ages 18- parents revealed that children do As per Bhatia the systemic However, the biggest interventionresearch that says that youth in 25 who responded had shown that not participate in outdoor physical solutions can provide the best way to sustain the youth learning andthe age group of 16-25 are around 65% youth show early activities or sports but are most of forward to save India's youth (the behavioural development wouldfacing a different kind of signs of depression. The study the time confined to mobiles and country has close to 3.55 crore be creation of peer role models,challenge in life owing to their further highlights that lower computers. They expressed youth studying in colleges for who will counsel and motivateconflict with managing their income levels are also a major communication between parents their PG Diploma, Bachelors, others with their example and arelives in a 24 X 7 cause of stress among people. and children is broken children are Masters & Ph.D degrees) in the trained as “Hope Ambassadors”.chatting/gaming age. Additionally, 64% respondents not expressive anymore. Not susceptible age group). These Because these are the ones whoAccording to Navin Bhatia, were sleep deprived, which is sharing their feeling of anxieties solutions would be 20 hours (three will listen –communicate-founder-MD of Navkar Skills, among the leading symptoms of over career, jobs and relationship day) training intervention only to motivate the youth. These “Hopethey applied a three tier research depression. Lack of sleep is a with friends and family is a new be conducted by experts where Ambassadors” also the onlinemethodology to understand the prominent cause of poor mental dimension of the new youth who youth is sensitized on how to bridge/connect between the youthproblems and challenges of wellness, whereas the overall are cut from neighbourhood or resolve issues and challenges he is and the behavioural experts. Theyouth in various settings from mental wellness levels among real world and connected to far off facing (expressed in problem sooner we try this, the better itcolleges to social media women is higher (66%) when people on social media platforms statements and context). would be.chats/posts and homes besides compared to males (55%), the all the time. Secondly, the content should becreating focus group survey revealed. Focus group with youth revealed created by behavioural expertsdiscussions with youth, their Further, according to a Lancet they substantial percentage isparents separately and talking to report, India has one of the world's addicted to online games, chats,experts and clinical highest suicide rates for youth alcohol and drugs. Youth believedpsychologists. aged 15 to 29, and every hour, one the corporate jobs are few with Focus group discussions with student commits suicide in India routine drudgery and no scope forparents and youth separately (according to 2015 data (the latest innovation; it is difficult torevealed that a large section of available) from the National succeed on meritocracy in India.youth (between 30 to 40%) Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). Youth Problem statements can beyouth is suffering from anxiety, Focus Conversations with broadly classified into threestress, anger and depression. counsellors and psychiatrists categories. 1. Suffering fromThis data actually collaborates revealed that young people find it anxiety, stress, anger andwith the union Ministry of difficult to cope with failure in depression, 2. No jobs and at theHealth & Family Welfare's examinations and careers and same time entrepreneurship isfinding that the number one neither families nor other social highly risky, 3. Not able to expressForget Spell Check. Machine Learning Can Now Help Kids Learn English GrammarEducators and technologists across the world are trying different negative. checks for spelling, basic grammar,ways to harness Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Current Open Source NLP Libraries punctuation, and structure of the(ML) to help students become fluent in the English language and Stanford's CoreNLP. After conducting research on multiple studies sentence. Research is also progressingbecome better writers. A long-standing goal of computer science is on incorporating new features such asto build systems capable of understanding natural language. on language processing, technologists at Stanford developed identifying words suited for a givenWhat is Natural Language Processing (NLP) context, reducing redundancy, andNLP is the field of study that focuses on the interactions between CoreNLP, an open-source NLP library that provides a set of human improving clarity of thought andnatural languages and computers . It sits at the intersection of expression.computer science, artificial intelligence and computational language technology tools. It can provide the base forms of words,linguistics. Contributed By Beas DevNLP helps computers to analyse, understand, and derive meaning their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people Ralhan, Co-founder and CEO ,from human language in a smart and useful way. By utilising NLP, Next Education India Pvt ltd.a program can organise and structure knowledge to perform tasks etc. mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases andsuch as automatic summarisation, translation, sentiment analysis,speech recognition and topic segmentation. syntactic dependencies, indicate sentiment, extract open-classChallenges in the field of NLP relations between entity mentions, retrieve quotes of people etc.Language, while simple is very difficult for a machine. Apache OpenNLP is an open source Java library that providesImplementing NLP in real life is quite challenging. To besuccessful, a program based on NLP must understand syntax tokenizers, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, named(arrangement of words in a sentence), semantics ( meanings ofwords), morphology (structure of words), and pragmatics entity extraction, parsing and more.(contextual usage of words). The number of rules to track can Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)seem overwhelming and explains why earlier attempts at NLP led This is a Python library that provides modules for processing text,to disappointing results.Human language is neither precise nor is it spoken in the same classifying, tokenizing, stemming, tagging, parsing and more.manner across different regions. And language is difficult tounderstand without a knowledge of the cultural context in which it Latest Developments in NLP We offer Bulkis spoken. To understand human language, one needs to go beyond Most of the tools built on these open source NLP libraries use somethe simple meaning of the words and see how they are linked form of machine learning to analyse and understand text. In this Subscriptionstogether to express a thought. Thus the ambiguity and nuances of process, experts define the factors and rules that the system shouldhuman language is what makes NLP challenging. evaluate in the data, for example, how to use a comma. This is ofAnother area where NLP programmers struggle with the most is usually a slow and challenging process. Also, since natural languagesentiment analysis, that is determining the attitude or the rules are different from computational language rules, a different Curriculumemotional state of mind of the writer toward the particular topic or approach is needed.piece of content. Possible sentiments are positive, neutral, and Next Education is working on Next Grammar Tool, a program that magazine would teach English in a fun and interactive manner to students who are non-native speakers of the language. Although Stanford's to CoreNLP technology is the backbone of the tool, the technologists at Schools Next Education, working with a semantics approach, have introduced call us at a new dimension by developing a neural network inspired by the way our brain works and processes information that automatically 8076071802 identifies possible solutions and explanations for common mistakes. When a student makes an error, this tool presents the correct usage, an explanation of the rule and also provides a few examples of similar sentence constructions for better understanding. The tool also
Curriculum October 16, 2018 11 Campus BuzzAliens Fest to organise smaller versions in The device which has the potential to reduce road accidents, uses Appointments computer vision technology to detect the attention levels of the driver. Itall major Metro cities can be used by automobile companies or by individuals as an additional Dr. Atmanand, new director at safety feature. MDI Gurgaon. Prof. (Dr.)Technology and Startup Conference for Engineering and Exhilarated by the experience, Lakshya Gupta, student of B.tech Atmanand, currently directorManagement Students, Aliens Fest at BITS Pilani Hyderabad held Computer Science- Specializing in Internet of Things and Smart Cities, MDI) Murshidabad getsin the first week of October is going national soon. UPES said, “The process of developing a device which has the potential additional charge of MDIAccording to Manoj Raj, Founder Aliens Fest and EngineersHub to help in saving people's lives was extremely exciting. The product we Gurgaon. He has worked as have developed can prove to be a revolutionary device for transport Founder Dean of MDI School of smaller versions of the companies, as their employees (drivers) usually cover long distances and Energy Management, Dean of Fest will be organized in odd hours of driving.” Executive Post Graduate all major Metro Cities in Programs and School of Public India next year will Abhiyantriki 2018 organized at K.J. Somaiya Policy and Governance, Senior converge into a Mega Dean & Senior Professor of Festival in Hyderabad. College of Engineering Economics, “In this due course we Professor Himadri Das has will reach one lakh Abhiyantriki 2018, the annual technical festival of K. J. Somaiya College taken charge of IMI, New Delhi Engineering, of Engineering, received an overwhelming response from school and as Director General. He succeeds Management Students colleges across Mumbai from Oct 5-6. Like in the past, Abhiyantriki Professor Debashis Chatterjee, and Start-ups,” he hosted an array of events like Tech Expo, Internship Expo, Automobile currently Director at the Indian added. Aliens Fest 2018 Expo, technical competitions, informal, workshops, and lecture & panel Institute of Management (IIM)was the third edition of the festival which is growing big by each sessions. This year Dr.S. Cristopher, former Chairman of DRDO Kozhikode.passing year, observed Manoj Raj. (Defense Research and Development Organization), graced the festival Prof. Das returns to IMI afterThe fest featured Tech Talks, Management Talks, Panel with his presence as the chief guest to encourage the youth towards being away for close to six years.Discussions, Hackathon, Workshops, Technology Competitions, innovation. During the time he was away, heLaunch Pad for startups to launch their products, services; exhibi- The audience was thrilled with the Inauguration Ceremony where they first served as Director of Greattion, Students Project Expo etc and cultural activities witnessed humanoid robots singing, dancing, and showcasing other life- Lakes Institute of ManagementSome Prototypes on display included: Gamitronics; Leap Robotics, like movements to entertain the spectators. Apart from the exhibits by the Gurgaon and then as Director ofVending Machine for Sanitary Napkins, Soldier Health Monitoring Indian Army, other ingenious innovations by local innovators like MDI Gurgaon.and Position Tracking Dysyem, IoT Security Camera for Object INDRO 3.0, Mini Humanoid Robot, R2D2, and many more were also onDetection Using Machine Learning, Smart Engine Locking System display. The festival also showcased exciting events like Laser Tag, Jaipuria School ofbased on Drunken Driving, Smart Stick for Visually Impaired Counter Strike, PUBG Mobile, FIFAManager, Drone Racing, and Meme Business, Ghaziabadpeople etc and other. Quest incorporate technology with fun and entertainment. There were ConvocationSome of the distinguished expert who spoke included: Santosh panel discussions on diverse topics such as 'How technology helpedKumar Panda, Co-Founder, Director of WEECLU; Madhusudhan advance transportation' and 'Online streaming vs native film and theatre'. Jaipuria School of BusinessAnand, CTO, AMBEE; Joy Mustafi, Principal Researcher, Technical and non-technical companies were present to recruit prospect celebrated its 9th AnnualSalesforce AI; Rajat Ojha, CEO, Gamitronics; Saurav Kaushik, interns. The voice of the Mumbai Dabbawalas, Vilas Shinde was also Convocation Ceremony at itsData Scientist, UBER; Sandeep Kumar Srivastava, Principal present, who gave a lecture explaining the working of the dabbawala campus on September 22, 2018Product Startegy Manager, Microsoft India, Justice P Naveen Rao, service and much more. and conferred the diplomas uponHighcourt Judge; Guruprasad Ramamoorthy, Senior Director, GTC the graduating students. The rankat S&P Global; Rajendra Nimje, Director General, Centre for Good Megathon at IIIT Hyderabad holders were presented with theGovernance, Govt of Telangana; Sudhindra Reddy, COO, Zoomcar; scintillating medals.Susurla VS Suresh, CTO, Startoon Labs; Tilen Pigac, Head of The E-Cells of IIIT-Hyderabad and IIT-Hyderabad organised the 3rdCommunity, Oneplus; Balaji Venkaeteshwar, Researcher, Cyber edition of Megathon, the largest student hackathon in Hyderabad on Gramotsava – AnnualThreat Intelligence; Ranga Rao Karanam, Author, Founder, 29th and 30th September, 2018 at IIIT-Hyderabad campus. A largeIN28Minutes.com; Satyarth Priyedarshi, Head of Product number of participants from various colleges stretching as far as IIT-H, Rural Marketing FairMarketing, JIOCHAT; Vineel Reddy Pindi, Founder, Collab House; SRM Chennai, VIT, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, NIT Waranga and othersPrashanth Sinha, Head, TBI BITS Pilani, Hyderabad and others. turned up. Xavier School of Rural The Participants in the Megathon got expert guidance from leaders in Management in association withMYTRAHtalks hosted by Amity University the field and become part of a community of fellow thinkers and coders the Rural Managers' Association to solve problems affecting the corporate world deeply. of XSRM (RMAX), of XavierMytrah Energy (India) Pvt Ltd (MEIPL), India's leading independent They had to solve 1 of 4 corporate challenges in teams of 1-4 through the University, Bhubaneswar,power producer, on Oct 15 organised its signature event use of technology with a touch of entrepreneurship. The corporate organized its three-day flagshipMYTRAHtalks at Amity Institute of Alternate & Renewable Energy challenges were provided by Challenge Sponsors - EA Sports, Joveo and Annual Rural Marketing Fair –(AIARE), Noida, where over 300 students were in audience. The PwC. Gramotsava'18, from 28th – 30thevent was designed to educate students on the growing awareness Broad topics for the round are A game inside a box by EA Sports, September 2018.about sustainability in India, exemplified by the incredible growth AI(Artificial Intelligence) in Recruitment by Joveo and Mosquitos and Gramotsavafirst started in thestory of the country's renewable energy industry. This sector has Drones, Tackling Malware by PwC. The eight teams were shortlisted year 2006, and this year markedbeen a driving force of positive change and the significant capital from the response they got. The winner of each problem statement the 13th edition of the fair.. Theinvestment in manufacturing, project development and allied won Rs. 40,000 and the runner up received Rs. 20,000. location for the event was Tangiservices has led to increased job opportunities in this field for Highschool Field, Tangi, Khordha,young people. JAIPURIA Celebrates Alumni Meet 2018 Odisha. The theme for this yearSonamWangchuk, renowned engineer, innovator, education was \"Start-up Village\". The mainreformist and one of the winners of the 2018 Ramon Magsaysay Alumni of Jaipuria Group of Educational Institutions got the opportunity objectives of the fair was theaward, and R. Somasundaram, Head of Strategic Initiatives at to take a walk down the corridors of nostalgia during the third Alumni promotion and sale of productsMytrah Energy gave this talk. He said, “Alternate energy is an Meet 2018 organized by the Jaipuria Group on 6th October, 2018 at Hyatt and concepts among ruralunstoppable force and our youth should seize this moment to help Regency Hotel, New Delhi. A host of dignitaries shared the stage during masses in partnership withIndia make headway in the global scenario. It is extremely the inauguration: Shishir Jaipuria, Chairman, Jaipuria Group. Directors business and social organiza-heartening to note Mytrah Energy's focused commitment to make of the Institutions, Principals of the schools, advisors, Deans, members tions.this a reality and I am delighted to play a small role in this move- of the Faculty along with the alumni of the group, were present in thement that will shape a better tomorrow.” event. Ambience Public schoolR. Somasundaram, Head of Strategic Initiatives, Mytrah Energy The key highlight of the day was the live and scintillating performance by wins laurelssaid, “There is now a growing awareness about the negative Abhijeet Bhattacharya. The alumni were seen dancing in groups to theenvironmental impact of our everyday actions be it in the form air tune and the song of the famous singer making the ambience more Ambience Public School,pollution, water table depletion, plastic waste generation or other electric. The successful meet witnessed around 400 alumni ranging Gurgaon, has been awardedsuch outcomes. People also realize that finding a solution is not just across various batches and various institutions of the group attended the emerging schools trophy at athe prerogative of the government or large organizations – all of us annual Meet – Connections. In his inaugural address, the Chairman recent event in Gurgaon by acan contribute towards this cause. We hope that the session being extolled the achievements of theAlumni in all walks of life and expressed Bangalore-based school eventsorganized under the aegis of MYTRAHtalks will trigger meaningful his feeling of pride that the Alumni of Jaipuria group were holding company. Dr. Anuradha Rai,conversations about ways to grow sustainably and restore the positions of responsibility in various Government organizations, PSUs, school principal, received thehealth of our planet.” Private sector, andAcademic Institutions. awards in a glittering ceremonyThe talk also covered a fireside panel discussion between Mytrah The Guest for the occasion was Dr. Himanshu Rai, Professor at IIM on behalf of the school. SpreadEnergy, Wangchuk and. Dr. VK Jain, Scientist & Professor, Amity Lucknow and he, in his address, congratulated the management of over 5 acres Ambience school is aUniversity. Jaipuria Group of Educational Institutions for successfully organizing vibrant new age school that offers the annual Meet and appreciated the zeal of the alumni to assemble on the quality education of internationalSleep detector device by UPES students occasion from India as well as aboard. standards. With its beautifully The alumni also indulged in some fun-filled activities organized by the designed open and invitingLakshya Gupta and Jaldeep Giniya, engineering students of UPES, Alumni Association. Great bonhomie was observed everywhere with old learning spaces that are educa-have started a company called 'Umbeo Tech' which aims to solve students reliving their old memories with their batch mates, seniors and tional laboratories that fosterreal life problems using technologies like Computer Vision, juniors. They sincerely thanked the teachers for having mentored them creativity, individuality andMachine Learning, Artificial Intelligence etc. They have developed and steered them in the right direction. Many alumni have become commitment, the school is a safea sleep detector device that aims to reduce road accidents in the entrepreneurs and are providing jobs to others. The Chairman acknowl- barrier free haven for youngcountry, by detecting the reducing attention level of a four-wheeler edged and appreciated the contribution of all the alumni towards Nation learners..driver and alerting him/her before the mishap. Building and towards exalting theirAlma Mater.
12 Curriculum October 16, 2018Campus BuzzWeSchool innovators moving up Khan and the new campus designed byBimal Patel. The participants TCS's all-inclusive online were then taken through a normal day in the life of a PGP1 student atAt the inaugural of WeCell, WeSchool's Entrepreneurship initiative IIMA. There were 4 lectures taken by esteemed faculty members – a campus hiring on TCS iONfor batch 2018-20, an AICTE delegate session through initiative of session on Business Negotiations by Prof. Amit Nandkeolyar, a sessionMHRD ministry for promoting campus start-ups for WeSchool on Business policy by Prof. Anurag Agarwal, a Marketing session by Platform a hitStudents hosted a mentoring session on for young entrepreneurs Prof. Arindam Banerjee and a session on Human resource managementrecently on WeSchool campus, Matunga. The informative workshop by Prof. Promila Agrawal. Just when the participants were saturated Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), adiscussed case studies and different techniques on 'How to use Design after 4 lectures, a surprise quiz was announced at 3:15 pm. The quiz leading global IT services, consult-Thinking led innovation approach to promote campus start-ups?', ended at 4 pm. Finally, the participants got a sigh of relief. ing, and business solutions organiza-conducted by Hiranmay Mahanta, Executive Member AICTE Student The next 2 hours was full of fun activities and splendid performances by tion, conducted a National Qualifier'Start-up' policy implementation Committee. Prayaas kids – which included dance, songs, skit and speech as a tribute Test (NQT) – an all-inclusive onlineWeSchool has diligently kept track of the entrepreneurial interests of to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150thbirth anniversary. Finally, the Prayaas campus hiring initiative – on itsits students since day one. Out of the 84 student entries for the Start up kids showcased innovate models made by them on various topics like digital platform TCS iON to identifyAccelerator program, 51 were shortlisted for further rounds of “Rain water harvesting”, “suicide prevention”, “Saving Energy”, the brightest, most talented engineersinterviews. 32 students made the cut to the finals of theWelingkar's “Natural or Green Home” among others. The participants later attended for multi-skilled, multi-functionalWeCell Venture Mentoring Start up Accelerator Program. These speaker sessions organized at The Red Brick Summit (TRBS) and roles in Agile programs (called 'TCSstudents were selected based on their diverse ideas in areas like shopped at the flea market of TRBS. Ninjas'). NQT was open to graduatessustainable energy using solar cookers, 3 printing and gifting, rural and post graduates of the 2019 batch,farming machinery, manufacture of auto components for amateur 'Digi Labs' in 108 Schools across Ladakh divi- across engineering colleges in Indiaracing cars, rural art platform, organic farming, iot for health monitor and was conducted on September 2and many more. sion and 3, 2018, witnessed a massive response from students with over 2.8A Session on waste-free garments with 'Use Axis Bank, in collaboration with 17000 ft Foundation, a non-profit lakh registrations across 100 cities in based in Ladakh, has adopted 108 remote government schools of 24 states. This year, TCS saw a 175%Me Works' Ladakh under a three year project to improve infrastructure and bring in increase in test applications learning improvement for the children of these schools. In the first year compared to last year. ParticipationIndian Institute of Art and Design organized a session with Use Me (2017), each school received a playground and library consisting of 500 from premium institutions has risenWorks organization to introduced the students to the idea of creating storybooks in multiple languages catering to different reading abilities. by 150%, which is a testimony tobiodegradable, waste-free garments focusing on the concept of waste The first Digi Lab was inaugurated today at Middle School Ayu Saboo, TCS' strong academic relationships.management, reduce, reuse and up cycle, zero waste and eco-craft. Leh District, by Sanjay Silas, President & Head – Branch Banking, Axis This re-imagination of the campusTaking a cue from the fact that Fashion is only second to the oil Bank. The function was presided over by Tashi Dolma, Joint Director hiring process, using sophisticatedindustry in the list of 'most polluting industries', students of the Education, Ladakh, Kunzes Angmo, Project Officer, ICDS Center, Leh, technology platforms, has trans-Fashion Design Programme at Indian Institute of Art and Design and Sujata Sahu, Founder 17000 ft Foundation, along with other senior formed traditional recruitmentinteracted with Use Me Works, an organization focused on propagat- dignitaries. models and reinforces TCS'ing upcycled solutions. The team from Use Me Works touched upon Speaking at the occasion, Mr. Silas said, “We believe that with the philosophy of being an equalthe aspects of zero waste, minimal waste, up cycling and eco-crafts. introduction of 'Digi labs' in these schools, will improve the learning opportunity employer.The session Use Me Works was founded by Meenakshi Sharma in abilities of children and will help in promoting computer literacy.” The TCS iON Digital Assessment2011 with an aim to achieve zero waste through design. The organisa- Adding that the deep commitment of Axis Bank to Ladakh, is not just platform provided the digitaltion offers a quirky range of upcycled products to choose from such as through the commissioning of CSR funds, but also through the backbone for this transformation.bags, packaging and home decor. They provide eco-friendly daily use involvement of senior officers who travel each year to volunteer and With its investments in over 200lifestyle alternatives like bamboo toothbrushes, metal straws, reusable help implement the project at the ground level. 'Digital Zones' spread across morecutlery and bin liners amongst other upcycled products. Meenakshi than 160 cities, including each of thebelieves that there is a need to educate corporates, schools and the 'The more ways we teach, the more children North Eastern states which weregeneral public about managing their own waste and taking responsibil- leveraged as exam centers. Thisity for it. She spreads the word around by organising workshops and we reach' helped provide an equal opportunityseminars on the subject. Infact, currently Use Me Works is associated to talented youngsters even in remotewith a number of factories and helps them up cycle their scrap into At an Educators Forum Meet on \"Role on Multiple Intelligence in locations to achieve their aspirationpackaging material that can be used as an alternative to plastic bags. Cultivating 21st Century Skills\" held on Sep 28 at Riverside School to become TCSers.IIMB students celebrate Joy of Giving Week – Daan Utsav 2018 campus. Hyderabad, Kiran Bir Sethi, founder of this school and an The 90-minute NQT includedDaan Utsav is celebrated, nationwide, as the Joy of Giving Week from acclaimed educationist made several observations on today's education questions on English language,2nd to 8thOctober. As a part of Daan Utsav, IIM Bangalore's student- scenario. In her crisp presentation Kiran said the saying “Our Children Quantitative Aptitude, Programmingdriven social impact club, Vikasana, organized several events. are our future” is no longer holds good now. It is the biggest lie, they are Concepts, and Coding. In order toTwaran, the run-for-a-cause event, which is organized on 2nd October our future now and ever. No one realizes it. And she showed few videos support the students taking the test,every year, marked the momentous beginning of Daan Utsav celebra- to prove her point. TCS offered a mock test ahead of thetions at IIMB. This year, Twaran raised money for the NGO, Bosco, Learning doesn't need any resources. All it needs is ”You” and “Your exam and deep analytics on theirwhich rescues children from the streets and provides care and support Attitude”, was the subject of a panel discussion in which Kiran Bir preparedness.to them. Sethi and Anjum Babukhan shared their insights on the subject. TheVikasana will also hosted 'Dhanyavadagalu', a thanksgiving for the discussion was moderated by Seetha Murthy, Director Education of IIMB students celebrate Joysupport staff community at IIMB. On 6th October, At 'Creativity For A Silver Oaks International School. Nearly 600 educators from 100 topCause', artwork created by the students of IIMB was sold to support a school in the city participated. of Giving Week – Daancause. Towards this end, Vikasana tied up with Brindavan EducationTrust, which provides education to children with specific learning According to Anjum, the 21st Century Skills are 4Cs— Utsav 2018challenges. With the event, 'Live Beyond Your Life', Vikasana and Gift Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creativity. But, sheYour Organ Foundation held an organ donation drive on campus. added the fifth one the Character. We have embraced Theory of Multiple Daan Utsav is celebrated, nation- Intelligences incorporated into our curriculum when most of the wide, as the Joy of Giving Week fromA DAY AT IIMA …WITH PRAYAAS STUDENTS country's schools had method of “chalk 'n' talk” and unfortunately, in 2nd to 8thOctober. As a part of Daan worst cases more like— drill 'n' kill. It is our endeavor to make children Utsav, IIM Bangalore's student-A DAY AT IIMA, the annual flagship event organized by Prayaas future ready, Anjum stated. Interacting earlier with the media she said driven social impact club, Vikasana,witnessed a participation of 91 people this year. The participants were “the more ways you teach, the more children you reach”. organized several events. Twaran,from diverse backgrounds and age groups. 60% were students from Of the eight different ways we learn, schools focus on only two, ie the run-for-a-cause event, which isclass 12th, pursuing undergraduate or post graduate courses and 40% verbal/linguistic intelligence and logical/mathematical intelligence. organized on 2nd October everywere executives with 5 to 20 years of work experience, entrepreneurs, Add the other six, you can increase the chances of success and realiza- year, marked the momentoussocial workers, housewives, academic professionals among others, all tion of human potential. beginning of Daan Utsav celebra-wishing to witness the IIMA way of life. The participants experienced tions at IIMB. This year, Twarana mixture of academic rigor, group activities and a wonderful session IGBC launches its 'Student Chapter' at GGS raised money for the NGO, Bosco,with the underprivileged kids of Prayaas, social initiative at IIM which rescues children from theAhmedabad. Genesis Global School, Noida, on Oct 5 hosted the Indian Green streets and provides care and supportThe day started with a tour of the heritage campus designed by Louis Building Council's 'Green Learning of School Students' programme to them. launch in experts on Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development, Vikasana will also hosted Energy Efficiency, Smart Green Cities, Solid Waste Management, 'Dhanyavadagalu', a thanksgiving Smart Cities, and Efficiency in Water Consumption, New Technologies for the support staff community at and Green Landscape were talked about in a student audience. IIMB. On 6th October, At 'Creativity IGBC “Student Chapters for Schools” is part of the Confederation of For A Cause', artwork created by the Indian Industry and is launched with an objective to promote students of IIMB was sold to support 'Sustainability' amongst the student community. a cause. Towards this end, Vikasana Ignacio Albert, Country Manager, Urbaser India spoke about the tied up with Brindavan Education concepts of solid waste management. His talked about his team's project Trust, which provides education to on waste management, where they are exploring the possibility of children with specific learning separating organic waste and separating dry and wet waste. He also challenges. With the event, 'Live introduced the concept of recycling organic waste and shared how the Beyond Your Life', Vikasana and 'Green School' rating system encourages multiple eco-friendly policies. Gift Your Organ Foundation held an Dr. Trilochan Singh, Director, University – Industry Linkage Centre organ donation drive on campus. (UILC) at Arunachal University of Studies, the other key note speaker spoke about climate change and the distribution of weather patterns around the world. He presented the statistics of fossil records of plants and animals. He also spoke about the effects of climate change like precipitation, warmth, natural disasters which lead to extreme weather
Curriculum October 16, 2018 13 ACCOLADESAccenture B-School Challenge' won by around them and piques their interest in environment issues and the 6th Korea – India FriendshipIIM Lucknow need to conserve the world around us. I congratulate the winners and thank all the teachers and schools for their support.” Essay CompetitionThe winners of the second edition of the annual Accenture B-SchoolChallenge, aimed at identifying disruptive ideas on the theme of IIM Indore wins NTPC Electron Quiz Korean Cultural Centre India'Business Innovation in the NEW, and top talent for the digital organized 6th Korea – Indiaeconomy, are students team comprising of Kaushik K, Debasmita National 2018 Friendship Essay Competition inKumar and Sharang Gaikwadfrom IIM Lucknow. The first runner up which 28,217 students from 560team was from IIM-Ahmedabad, followed by second runner up team IIM Indore emerged as winners in the NTPC Electron Quiz National Schools across PAN India participatedfrom IIM- Kozhikode. The top three winning team members received Finals 2018 that was concluded on September 18, 2018 at PMI Campus. on Oct 11.a pre-placement Interview opportunity with Accenture, besides other IIT Kanpur and NIT Rourkela secured second and third position The competition was divided intoprizes. More than 5000 students across 1700 teams from 10 premier respectively. Senior and Junior Group. The Topicbusiness schools in India participated in the annual competition. The finale saw close competition with teams battling it out for the title for junior group was “Why South till the very end. Samyak Ponangi and Shaurya Saxena from IIM Indore Korea is my Favorite Country?” inDPS, Ruby Park Kolkata Wins Junior Quiz won NTPC Electron Quiz National Finals 2018 with a leading score of which 19, 316 from class 7 to 9 131, Pradunma Choudhury & Anshul Roy from IIT Kanpur came Students participated. Senior GroupDelhi Public School, Ruby Park from Kolkata was announced as the second with a score of 122 and Swayambodha Mohapatra & Abhishek consisted of classes 10 to 12 and itswinner of the 3rd edition of the HDFC ERGO Insurance Awareness Patra from NIT Rourkela finished with a score of 108. Topic was “Why I want to become anAward Junior Quiz 2018 recently in Mumbai. Samsidh Mount Litera Saptarshi Roy, Director (HR), P.K. Mohapatra, Director (Technical) & Indian Ambassador to South Korea?”Zee School from Bengaluru was the first runner up, with Kairali Prakash Tiwari, Director (Operations), NTPC awarded the prizes to the in which 8,887 Students participated.School from Ranchi emerging as the 2nd runner up, winners and participants at NTPC, PMI campus. And 14 essays were withoutLaunched in 2016, HDFC ERGO's Insurance Awareness Junior Quiz This year, the NTPC Electron Quiz, generated an increased level of mentioning group.Award championship is aimed at promoting and spreading insurance interest amongst students across India and witnessed unprecedented rise The first position in senior group wasliteracy amongst school students. Through Junior Quiz, HDFC ERGO in participation. About 800 teams from leading institutes encompassing grabbed by Aakritie Raj (DAV publicreached out to over 54,000 students, imparting basic knowledge on 1500 students participated in this year's competition. school, Faridabad, Haryana), 2ndInsurance through townhalls conducted in over 270 schools across the The NTPC Electron Quiz 2018 started from Patna on 31 August 2018 position by Sukhmani Kaur Riarcountry. Expanding its footprint this year, the Quiz was held in 4 new and saw participation from all engineering and business schools across (Army Public School, Ahmadabadcities of –Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune and Ranchi along with the six locations at Kolkata, Lucknow, Noida, Hyderabad and Mumbai. Cant, Gujarat) and Yanshi Vaishexisting cities of - Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Bengaluru. Hyderabad saw the maximum number of teams of 406, followed by (Puranchandra Vidyaniketan, KanpurThe Quiz was layered in two rounds – regional level & national level Lucknow with 110 teams, Patna with 89 teams, Noida with 71 teams, Uttar Pradesh) 3rd was Muskaanand targeted the students of classes VIII and IX. Mumbai with 68 teams and Kolkata with 30 teams. Kapur (DAV Public School,At the regional level, among the 270 plus schools that participated in NTPC Electron Quiz started in the year 2004 and since then it has been Faridabad, Haryana) and Pratishthathe Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) round, 36 schools qualified for successful in connecting with young minds with an aim to develop a Gupta (DAV Public School,the city semi-final round of the Quiz. The winning teams from each of healthy learning and development culture. NTPC is committed to Faridabad, Haryana).the 9 cities - DAV Public School from Mumbai, Euro International introducing a new perspective on quizzing that is non-conventional, yet The winners of junior group wereSchool from Delhi, Bethel MHS School from Chennai, Samsidh Mt. powerful learning tool for the young India. Meher Kohli (Birla Vidya Niketan,Litera Zee School from Bengaluru, Delhi Public School from Kolkata, New Delhi), Vishakha Singla (MataKennedy High School from Hyderabad, St. Kabir (DIN) School from WUD students shine at 'Expressions' art Jai Kaur Public School, New Delhi)Ahmedabad, Baby's English High School from Pune and Kairali and Smera Rawal (Modern DelhiSchool from Ranchi then contested for the Championship of the competition Public School, New Delhi), SamridhiHDFC ERGO Insurance Awareness Award Junior – Quiz at the Singh (Delhi Public School, Jammu)national level, engaging in an exciting Grand Finale that was held in A team of students from World University of Design, mentored by a and Ojasvi Goyal (Modern DelhiMumbai. faculty member won the 'Expressions' art installation competition at Public School, Greater Faridabad) atEach team put up a whole-hearted effort but the Delhi Public School, Festival of Architecture and Interior Designing (FOAID) as silver position 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively.Ruby Park team from Kolkata took home the title of National winners. Maintaining its reputation of bringing creative minds from The award ceremony occasion wasChampions and rewards worth Rs.1,50,000/- and the School was across the country, FOAID provided a common platform for stalwarts graced by H.E. Ambassador Shinawarded Rs 75,000/- prize money. Samsidh Mount Litera Zee School and future designers to interact on newer facets of the design fraternity. Bongkil, Republic of Korea. The topteam from Bengaluru claimed the title as 1strunners to grab prizes The theme of the competition was to celebrate 5 years of FOAID by three winners were awarded with aworth Rs 1,00,000/- with Kairali School team from Ranchi bagging using five elements in the installation. trip to Korea for 6 Days and 5 Nightsthe 2nd runner up position and prizes worth Rs 50,000/-. The other The installation made by WUD team was a tribute to the tree which is and rest 41 winners were awardedparticipating team were awarded prizes worth Rs 20,000/- each for symbol of knowledge and growth. \"The tree of emergence\" represents with total cash prize of Rupees Onetheir efforts and participation in the Quiz. five stages of emergence and process of design through different Lakh Nineteen thousand (Rs. textures of stainless steel. 1,19,000) and trophies. The winnersWWF-India -Wild Wisdom Quiz 2018 Mani Singh, 2nd year student at WUD and team leader for the team said, left for Korea tonight and will stay till “We worked really hard on this installation from purchasing material to 17th October 2018 at South Korea.The international finale of Wild Wisdom Quiz 2018, organised by working with stainless steel, trying out different textures to making each Ambassador Shin Bong-kil whileWWF-India and endorsed by the Central Board of Secondary and every joinery detail. The full-fledged workshops of WUD provided addressing the gathering said that itEducation, took place on Oct 4 at the WWF Delhi headquarters, where us all the tools and machines that were needed. Our mentor Mrs. Aditi was amazing to see such hugeArishtha Jain and Ranjan Samar from St. Anthony's School, Udaipur, Parikh helped us a lot. It was teamwork and dedication of everyone that participation in the competition. TheRajasthan won. B. Nihaal amd Sukand V Murugan from Amrita we have achieved this”. topic of the contest was not onlyVidyalayam, Trichy, Tamil Nadu and Rishabh Kothari and Dhairya interesting but difficult too. India is aGarg from Delhi Public School, Kolar, Bhopal bagged 2nd and 3rd ‘Motilal Oswal Think Equity Think QGLP big country when compared to Koreaposition respectively. Siddharth Basu, the Quiz Man of India, but both the nations have a lotconducted the International level. Contest' similarities and wide scope to learnThe quiz, currently running in its 11th year, saw participation from from each other.students across India, with two teams coming from Nepal and Bhutan. Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company organized one of theThe quiz, which started in 2008 aims to raise awareness and inculcate a biggest stock picking contest: 'Motilal Oswal Think Equity Think L. Gokulnath NATIONALsense of pride amongst today's children about India's rich biodiversity QGLP Contest' hosted at the “Red Brick Summit” the flagship Annualand the need to protect it. The theme for this year's quiz, “The Price of Symposium of IIM Ahmedabad on Oct 3. It. provided a great platform TOPPER in NTSE Stage-II,our Planet”, aimed to make students understand the nuances of our for top B-school students to test their stock-picking skills & present theenvironment and biodiversity, and discuss the many things in our lives same to a renowned jury. 59B-schools participated in the contest. The 2017-18that are nature inspired and how nature's web is so wonderful and stock ideas of all the finalists' teams were analysed by a jury.varied. The top 3 investing ideas selected as winners by the panel got prize The results of National Level TalentSpeaking at the event, Radhika Suri, Director, Environment money of INR 5 lakh, INR 3 lakh and INR 1.5 lakh respectively. This Search Examination (NTSE) that wereEducation, said, “The Wild Wisdom Quiz, in its eleventh year now, is year, remaining 7 teams were also given prize money of INR 50,000 announced early this month declaredtestimony to the ever growing interest of children in the natural world. each. IIM ahmedabad emerged as the winner with JBIMS and IIM L. Gokulnath, who has scored 186It gives children a platform to learn about the wonders of the world Bangalore as first and second runner-up. marks out of 197 marks, as National topper. He secured 497/500 marks in Ideal Teaching Awards class X Board Exams of CBSE Board, cleared NSEJS – Stage 1 and cleared The 3rd edition of 'Ideal Teaching Awards' was given to 100 teachers RMO in 2017. from both government and private schools in Hyderabad on Oct 3. Exuberant with the joy of success, Under ITAP Awards Program Tutors Pride had received 700 entries Gokulnath says “the competition was for these awards. Former Governor and Chief Minister K. Roshiah very tough indeed and it was a battle who presented these awards while paying respect to teachers said, of brains, where concept and “Teaching is the only one profession that creates all other reasoning were the keys to answer the professions.” K. Swami Goud, Chairman of Legislative Council; questions in limited time. Qualifying B.S. Ramulu, Chairman of Telangana BC Commission were also in this kind of exam warrants rigorous present. practice and I am immensely thankful Speaking on the occasion, Veeramalla Prakash Rao, the co-founder of to my faculty at FIITJEE for raising Telangana Rashtra Samithi, deplored the pathetic situation of my IQ to such competitive level education in the country today. People who made unsuccessful through the study materials, doubt- attempt to clear Civil Services are running IAS training institutions. clearing sessions and personalized The entire educations system is moving behind meals. guidance, which have been one of the The function which is in its 3rd year was organized by Tutors Pride in notable reasons of my success this association with Raja Ratna Health Care & Educational Trust to mark 150 the Birth Anniversary of Father of Nation, Mahatma Gandhi and celebrate the same.
14 Curriculum October 16, 2018 Careerwsie Mid Life Crisis - Feeling Stuck… Gig Economy is a Safe Option Ajay Sharma, What is Gig Economy ? level, they need to carve out opportunities. They may not come Advantage of Gig Founder, Get Me Experts assignment which are at mid- in one go, but companies can Gig means paid project senior level also. decide to engage for long term for Economy Profession & FlexiOrg assignments with clear deliver- With excited increase of specific time periods of the year. ables. So you can work on Millennials in world of work, |In Gig Economy you can forGig Economy is project basis. Gig Economy is estimated to be 75% of the Short Term Projects: If someone spreading fast, also known as On-Demand workforce by 2025, Gig is looking for only short term many organisations at the becoming bigger and in Economy. In gig economy you Economy will give them what option, with only 1 or 2 hours same timea way comes as a solution to job can work as per your time they need, Flexibility, choice, working there is option of that also |No disparity between malelosses, working independent, schedule, you have flexibility to work-life balance and continuous in Gig Economy with good and female GEPs in terms ofsupplementing incomes or trying choose assignments location and challenges. Over a period of time, remuneration. assignment sharing anda new thing. areas. there will be more & more full payment of courseThen, many of us go through mid With approximately one third of time Gig Professionals and Numerous Employment |Gig Economy Profession iscareer dilemma. Where you may the workforce is shifting towards organisations will also have 30- Opportunities the prompt, inexpensive andfeel stagnant in the organisation, becoming independent workers; 40% of their jobs assigned for better way to obtain theYou may feel you are not Gig Economy Profession is them. With the rise and advancement of business education.rewarded well now while your gaining popularity in India and As per gig jobs study, some of the technology has given people more |Flexibility of work whileorganization may feel that your across the world as a a main- top paying Gig Jobs are options in the kinds of work they managing other responsibili-contribution is not growing in stream profession, career or Blockchain, Deep learning, can do in the gig economy. For ties business. Hence Gig Economy is Ethical hacking, AWS & Robtics example; Mobile apps such asproportion with your salary. Now churning out a large number of where the per hour rate is $80- Grab, Uber, Ola offer just about lWhat is needed for a Gigjust sit back and relax, Gig Solopreneurs, 120. In India, Content Writing, anyone with an opportunity to Economy ProfessionEconomy can be a promising Microentrepreneurs as these are Translations, Creative works, work and earn good by driving lGig Economy/Freelancesolution for you. getting to known as. .With Recruitment, Sales, Digital passengers to their destinations career success requires a launch of various platforms Marketing, Branding, SW while Deliveroo, Swiggy, reputation for independent giving financial security to Gig development, Architecture, BIM, FoodPanda turns almost anyone contribution and established Economy Professionals, like Accounting, Data Analytics, into deliverymen. Then expertise. FlexiOrg, students and moreover Consulting, Counselling are ecommerce websites such as lThe ability to operate inde- professionals are opting Gig typical Gig jobs. Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclue, pendently (and often remotely) Economy leaving their perma- There are two types of jobs in Ebay and Alibaba enable anyone and produce expected results nent job. to become a merchant and portals lStrong planning and project As per the estimates, the gig New Gig Economy such as Flexiorg.com, management skills economy is going to grow 25- Long term Projects: Gig Getmeexperts.com etc provides lGood team and interpersonal 30% per annum. HR work opportunity for anyone with skills; easy to work with Professionals are also trying to Economy doesn't only mean short specialised knowledge and skills lLearn to lead, teach and revise their manpower planning or services by connecting them coach, formally or informally which will include gig profes- term project, it gives career jobs with companies that have such lBroad professional and sionals not only for jobs at junior needs. industrial networks also with independence and flexibility of working, paying very well and also offering future Project Management Professionals in High Demand A new Anderson Economic Group (AEG) analysis commissioned begin and advance their careers,” said PMI President and CEO Mark by the Project Management Institute (PMI) finds the project A. Langley. “Executives will face increased financial and human management profession will outperform total global job growth resource risks due to this talent gap. Organizations will find over the next decade, creating millions of new positions in India themselves competing for this critical talent, so it's essential that they that pay highly-competitive wages. Findings released in PMI's implement best practices, as finding and retaining qualified project report, Project Management Job Growth and Talent Gap 2017- personnel can positively impact an organization's strategy and bottom 2027, found that through 2027, the project management labor force line.” is expected to grow by 33 percent across 11 countries. In the 11 countries analyzed, from 2017-2027, 70 percent of the 22 The figures predict that nearly 22 million new jobs will be created million new project management jobs will come from the during the next decade — and by 2027, employers will need nearly manufacturing and construction industries and the information 88 million individuals working in project management-oriented services and publishing sector, according to the analysis. roles. In the next decade, the most job growth across all the countries Within India alone, more than 7 million new project management analyzed in the study is expected to occur in manufacturing and jobs will be open over the next decade in project-oriented construction with more than 9.7 million new roles. Information industries – the largest growth rate (48 percent) of the 11 nations services and publishing will account for the second-largest increase studied. Additionally, by 2027, India will have the second-largest with nearly 5.5 million new roles; finance and insurance will create number of project management-oriented jobs in the world (22 more than 4.6 million roles, and management and professional million), behind only China (46 million). services will see the addition of more than 1.7 million new positions. The project management jobs outlook continues to outshine the Data in the analysis was collected from the 11 countries the research overall labor market due to both growth and attrition. However, the group analyzed: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, potential talent shortage puts at risk a total of nearly US$208 Japan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom billion in GDP from 2017–2027 for the 11 countries assessed and the United States. The 2017 talent gap report is the third analysis —and 11 percent (US$23.4 million) of that amount is at risk from of project management employment and industry activity conducted India. by AEG for PMI. Using available data, AEG projected the size and “As the project management profession continues to show growth of the profession, along with the risk of the talent shortage for considerable growth, the global shortage of project talent will project management-oriented occupations present exceptional opportunities for qualified professionals to
Curriculum October 16, 2018 15 Potpourri/News Extra Prime Minister of India conferred Social Finance announces 2 Billion dollar IndiaChampions of Earth Award 2018 for Policy Leadership focused two funds; appoints GovindThe Prime Minister Narendra protection. protect environment and promoteModi, on October 3 was Secretary General, United good living in the country and Sankaranarayanan as CEOconferred the Champions of the Nations, Antonio Guterres said bringing focus on involvement ofEarth Award 2018 for Policy “today we recognise a statesman, citizens through small actions like Social Finance, an impact financing platforms has announced theLeadership by UN Secretary who embodies the true meaning of saving energy, conserving water, launch of two funds of USD 1 bn each for India (collective value ofGeneral, Antonio Guterres at a leadership. I must confess that the planting trees, the union both funds USD 2 bn). The purpose of the first fund, India Educationceremony in New Delhi. impact of Prime Minister Modi's Environment Minister, Dr Harsh Outcomes Fund (IEOF) is to bring funds on scale to the best educationIn his address, the Prime decisions has already reached the Varan urged the people to service providers, with a sharp focus on improving learning andMinister said that the award is executive office of United undertake one Green Good Deed skilling outcomes. The second fund, the India Impact Fund willfor all those unknown faces, Nations. Prime Minister Modi every day. \"The youth has also catalyse debt for impact in housing, health and education. These fundswho work in far-flung decided that India should restrict taken inspiration from Modi ji and were officially launched at the Annual summit of the Global Steeringsettlements, mountainous the use of single use plastic in less are leading the change, making Group on Impact, in New Delhi, early this month by Sir Ronald Cohen,regions, tribal areas for years. than five years. In the office of responsible choices to ensure that Chairman, Global Steering Group for Impact Investment, in theHe emphasized that the award is United Nations, I have decided they do all that they can to reverse presence of an array of luminaries including Former US Vice Presidentan honour for the India's that there is no single use of climate change\", he stated. Al Gore, Prince Maximillian of Lichtenstein and Former Tatacontinual, new, eternal and plastic”, the UN Secretary The Minister also highlighted Chairman, Mr. Ratan Tata.ancient tradition and is the General said. Swachh Bharat Mission as one of This event also marked the official launch of Social Finance India,reflection of our commitment Champions of the Earth are the the world's biggest people's which, with these funds will be poised to become a major force in thefor sustainable energy. He also highest UN honour in the field of movement and said that Prime impact finance space. Social Finance India, will be headed by Govindcongratulated the other environment. The award Minister Modi ji has been Sankaranarayanan, who held critical leadership positions at the Tatalaureates of the award in other recognizes outstanding figures inspiring 130 crore Indians to Group for over two decades, and until very recently was the COO ofcategories. PM underlined that from public and private sector as achieve the goal of Swachh NBFC giant, Tata Capital.climate and calamity have a well as civil society, whose Bharat and making remarkabledirect relationship with culture actions have brought about a strides in cleanliness and 84th PEN International Congress – Puneand till the concerns over positive impact and a sanitation, in environmentalclimate become a part of transformation on environment. protection and upliftment of the PEN International and VIDA: Women in Literary Arts has announcedculture, it will be difficult to The Champions of the Earth poor and downtrodden. “As a new collaboration, the PEN VIDA Count, to monitor genderescape calamities. Stating that award was launched in 2005. The many as 25 States have become disparities in literature through PEN Centres across the globe.India's sensitivity towards award is presented in five Open Defecation Free (ODF) andenvironment is today being categories – Lifetime so have 5 lakh villages. 'This is a very special moment for furthering women's representation inacknowledged the world over, Achievement, Policy Leadership, Dr. Vardhan said that the literature, in a way that can bring about real change and equality. WhenModi underlined that in India, Action and Inspiration, Government has pledged to we do not hear the voices and stories of women, it is not only womennature has been considered a Entrepreneurial Vision and eliminate single use plastic by who suffer, but society. I am proud of this collaboration and hope thatliving entity as well as a being Science & Innovation. Since its 2022. He stressed the decision to very soon we will see the impact of this work in every page we turn.' –that co-exists. He referred to the inception thirteen years ago, the leapfrog from BS-IV to BS-VI said Jennifer Clement, President of PEN International. The VIDAClean Air campaign to sensitise awards have recognized 84 emission norms by April 2020, count, carried out annually in the Unites States since 2010 has alreadyground-level functionaries and laureates which was to be earlier adopted by affected change in the publishing industry by using concrete data togeneral public to enforce the Referring to the \"Green Good 2024 and push for e-vehicles, demonstrate the huge gap in representation between men and womenhabit of environmental Deeds\" - a societal movement to stringent fuel emission norms, in the literary world. The PEN/VIDA count will build on PEN's own expansion of mass rapid transit advocacy work through its Women Writers Committee, which was systems and green ports. established in 1991, as well as the recently launched 'Womens Manifesto that aims to protect free expression for women by The Minister stated that combating and eliminating the silencing of women worldwide. internationally, the Prime Minister, Mr. Modi led the launch Bharti Foundation expands Quality of International Solar Alliance jointly with France, to make solar Support Program to Karnataka energy efficient, affordable and bringing energy security in Bharti Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Bharti Enterprises, has member countries. \"68 nations are announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) now members of ISA, which is with the Education Department, Government of Karnataka to now a treaty-based international implement its Satya Bharti Quality Support Program at 30 government government organisation. schools in Ramnagara District. As part of the MoU, Bharti Foundation will work in partnership with Government schools to enhance the WE INVITE YOU TO BECOME PART OF overall schooling experience of the students and the teachers. The initiative marks Bharti Foundation's entry into the State of Karnataka. INDIA'S EDUCATION STORY! The Government will continue to own, manage and run the schools and You can advertise in curriculum magazine or and also put an provide its ongoing support to the school with its financial resources, advertorial highlighting your company/services/campus/ products etc. teachers, infrastructure facilities and expansion as per the State's This will greatly support your marketing effort and enhance your annual plan.Currently, the Satya Bharti Quality Support Program is visibility and recall value with your current and potential clients directly impacting close to 2,00,000 students and more than 7000 teachers across 12 states of India. OUR FOCUS Dream11 Launches '#BeAGameChanger'— We cover latest news, product launches, current events and trends— News features, Guest Articles, Expert columns Dream11 –sports gaming platform recently unveiled its digital-first— Career counselling, Skill India, Entrepreneurships employer branding campaign – 'Be a GameChanger, Be a Dreamster'.— School/College /university events The campaign celebrates Dream11's vibrant and dynamic work culture— Achievements by students, faculty, institutions where talented sports tech enthusiasts, celebrate their professional— Education Technology — Study Abroad ambitions while aptly balancing their personal aspirations. The digital— Institution/people profiles campaign moulded by FoxyMoron will be seen across the brand's social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. It has been kick-started with an animated video bringing alive Dream11's characteristic work culture and ethos. This campaign highlights various facets of Dream11 as a great place to work, giving every Dreamster the freedom to dream big! Currently Dream11 has around 150 Dreamsters across Tech, Product, Marketing and other departments and is looking forward to hiring 100 passionate & talented Dreamsters. Hillary Clinton Nursing School Students placed General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM), Hillary Clinton Nursing School, VGCF, announced Campus Placements of their 25 students at JAYPEE Hospital, Noida, World Class Multi-Super Specialty Hospital. In total, 60 students had appeared for the interview, out of which 25 got selected in first round, 20 students has to appear for second round of interview in November, 2018 and rest 15 are planning to continue their higher studies.
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