www.curriculum-magazine.com RNI No. UTTENG/2010/37634 Vol 9 No 1 magazine THE INDIA EDUCATION LANDSCAPE UPDATE November 16 2018India Institute of Revised CBSE UNICEF India appointsAyurveda, Yoga and sprinter HIMA DAS asNaturopathy to come up Affiliation Bye Laws the first everat at Dhargal, Goa ‘Youth Ambassador' releasedWith union minister for Ayush, To inspire and gather support of India's 253 million adolescents towardsShripad Naik laying the The Central Board of Secondary the Board. The Affiliation the cause of children and young people, UNICEF India has appointedfoundation stone for All India Education (CBSE) as released Byelaws in position were first Asian Games Gold medalist Hima Das as the country's first ever YouthInstitute of Ayurveda, Yoga and new Affiliation Bye-laws in an made in the year 1988 and were Ambassador on the Children's Day on Nov 14.Naturopathy at Dhargal, Goa, a attempt to ensure speed, transpar- last modified in the year 2012.new beginning has been made ency, hassle-free procedures and Javadekar informed that one of More on page 12to add research value and ease of doing business with the the salient features of the revisedvalidation to alternative CBSE. This comes after the HRD bye laws rests on the fact thatmedicine practiced in India for ministry had earlier this year, there is duplication of processes athundreds of years. The cost of directed the Board to completely CBSE and state governmentthe project is Rs 301 crore. revisit its affiliation bye laws to level. For issuing recognitionThe institute is the extension of make the system more robust and under RTE Act and NOC, the stateAll India Institute of Ayurveda, quality driven. While highlighting education administration verifiesNew Delhi. 250 bedded the main changes, minister various certificates to be obtainedhospital will also cater 500 Prakash Javadekar said that the from local bodies, revenuestudents every year offering new byelaws denote a major shift department, cooperativesundergraduate, postgraduate from the highly complex department, etc. The CBSE re-and P.HD degrees. Institute procedures followed earlier, to a verifies them after applicationsincludes Medical College for simplified system based on are received. This is very longAyurveda, Naturopathy and preventing duplication of drawn process. Therefore, toYoga which has hostel facility processes. prevent this duplication, schoolsfor 67 rooms for doctors and 91 CBSE is a national level Board will now be required to submitrooms for 182 students. conducting examinations for only two documents at the time of Classes X and XII. It affiliates applying for affiliation, instead ofCentral Tribal University schools across India and abroad 12-14 documents being submittedin Andhra Pradesh upon fulfilment of various earlier:approved conditions as prescribed in its Affiliation Bye Laws. At present Contd P3The Union Cabinet has 20783 schools are affiliated withapproved setting up of a CentralTribal University in Andhra MHRD launches programs for higher education teachersPradesh. The \"Central TribalUniversity of Andhra Pradesh\" Leadership forAcademicians Programme (LEAP) to prepare second tier academic heads andAnnualwill be set up in Relli village of Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT) are these two programs that will help this critical needVizianagaram District as in higher education ecosystemprovided under the ThirteenthSchedule to the Andhra Pradesh Leadership for Academicians Institute of Science Education and SWAYAM. For implementing training material with focus on latestReorganisation Act, 2014 (No. Programme (LEAP) is a three Research (IISER) Kolkata; ARPIT, 75 discipline-specific developments in the discipline, new &6 of 2014). Cabinet has also weeks Flagship leadership Jawaharlal Nehru University; IIT institutions have been identified e m e rg i n g t r e n d s , p e d a g o g i c a lapproved the provision of funds development training (BHU); University of Delhi; and notified as National Resource improvements and methodologies forof Rs. 420 crore for the first programme (2 weeks domestic Indian Institute of Technology Centres (NRCs) in the first phase, transacting revised curriculum.phase expenditure towards and one week foreign training) Bombay; TISS Mumbai; which are tasked to prepare online In 2018, the inaugural year itself, testablishment of the Central for second level academic University of Hyderabad ; NIEPA,Tribal University. functionaries in public funded Indian Institute of Technology Contd P3 higher education institutions. Kharagpur; Jamia Milia Islamia;MGCU VC quits The main objective is to prepare Banaras Hindu University and Deconstructing Kailash Satyarthi's second tier academic heads who AMU. FIREWALL concept Page..9The Vice-Chancellor of are potentially likely to assume The foreign UniversitiesMahatma Gandhi Central leadership roles in the future. The identified for the training are also Careers in warehousing are abound...Page 6University (MGCU) in Bihar, programme would provide senior within the top 100 in the worldArvind Agrawal, has quit the faculty, with high academic global rankings. The foreign n 14th edition of FICCI's Higher Educationpost amid allegations of credentials, the required collaborating institutions are Summit 2018 HIGHLIGHTSfalsifying his academic records, leadership and managerial skills University of Michigan; NTUAccording to sources, Agrawal including skills of problem- Singapore; Harvard University; FICCI Higher Education Summit, which is a flagshipdropped by at the HRD Ministry solving, handling stress, team Purdue University, USA ; annual higher education conference of Federation ofon October 26 and submitted his building work, conflict University of Chicago; University Indian Industries and commerce (FICCI), one of theresignation. The development management, developing of Pennsylvania / Stanford; largest business chambers in India, was held from Octcame within weeks of the HRD communication skills, Monash University; London 29-31 on the theme of 'Universities of the Future' andMinistry seeking the V-C's understanding and coping with School of Economics/ Oxford had focussed discussion amid making India a globalcomments on allegations of the complexity and challenges of University; University of destination for higher educationfudging information about his governance in HEIs, financial & Cambridge and University of Read full story on Page 5PhD degree and academic general administration. Virginia, USA.performance at the The implementation of LEAP Annual Refresher Programme inundergraduate level. Programme will be through 15 Teaching (ARPIT), a major and NIRF top ranked Indian unique initiative of onlineNRN Aerospace partners Institutions namely, Indian professional development of 15Spell Bee League Institute of Technology Roorkee; lakh higher education faculty IIT Kanpur; NIT Trichy; Indian using the MOOCs platformSpell Bee League is all set totake your child's dream ofgetting into aviation industry anotch higher. Want to knowhow? Spell Bee League hasrecently joined hands withNRN Aerospace SystemsPrivate Limited who is comingon board a presenting partner.
2 Curriculum November 16, 2018 News UpdatesConstitution of new BoG for IIMs Kharagpur is the National Coordinating Institute to implement the 96-year-old student SPARC programme. Details may be viewed at www.sparc.iitkgp.ac.in. cracks examunder new law DCPCR to assess schools in Delhi for 96-year-old Karthyayini AmmaThe Government has approved the process of constitution of new who became the oldest person inBoards of Governors for the IIMs as per the IIM Act 2017.\"The safety, learning and outreach the Kerala's history to write andprocess of constitution of Boards for the IIMs, which have been given crack the literacy exam comesfull powers of running the institutions, is a major development which Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) will from Cheppad in Alappuzhasignals complete autonomy of quality institutions in higher education undertake a rigorous assessment of 5,800 schools in the capital as a district/ She scored 98 marks outand will ensure quality expansion of higher education\", said Prakash precursor to the creation of the city's first ever School Development of 100 in the literacy examJavadekar, union minister for HRD. Index. Then schools will be ranked according to three parameters - safety organised as part of theIn accordance with the spirit of the Act, Government has decided to and security, teaching and learning as well as community participation 'Aksharalaksham' project of theimmediately withdraw its nominees who are in excess of the and social integration. Kerala government.provisions of the Act. This will pave way for complete control of the Unde the School Development Index, Delhi's schools will be ranked At a function held at the secretar-institutions by reputed academicians and alumni. according to three parameters, as devised by the Adhyayan Foundation - iat in Thiruvananthapuram, theThe process of constitution of the first Boards as laid down in Section an NGO that focuses on capacity building of schools. chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan10 of the Act would be kicked off with the (3) Ex-officio members. The first parameter is safety and security, the second is teaching and awarded the 96-year-old thewho will select Chairperson, who shall normally be the current learning outcomes while the third parameter is community participation merit certificate and congratu-Chairperson and would be given the full term under the new and social integration. Each school will be given a rank between 1 to 4 for lated her on her achievement.Act(except where there are issues of ineligibility). Then on, the each criteria, with 1 indicating that it has the most room for improvement.Chairperson would lead the further process of constitution of the The assessment of Delhi's schools is expected to continue into next year, IIT-Madras sends protestBoards as laid down under theAct. with a final report from the DCPCR due in May. The government body note on not beingThereafter, the Board consisting of Chairperson and ex-officio has made sure to clarify that the exercise is not a punitive one but an selected to IoEsmembers will co-opt (5) alumni from each of the IIMs, who will instructive one. The exercise will give the administrators of these schoolsnormally be the current serving members, except in cases of ineligibil- an insight into best practices and facilitate an environment for collabora- IIT-Madras has written to Unionity. tion. HRD Minister Prakash JavadekarIn the first meeting of the Board, the regulations for selection of (4) expressing “deep disappoint-eminent persons and two faculty members would be framed; and based Covestro inaugurates Brighter World Lab in ment” at not being selected as oneon this, normally the current serving persons would be selected for a Airoli of India's six Institutions offull term. This process is expected to be completed before 15th Dec Eminence (IoEs) despite a2018. Covestro, the global manufacturer of high-performance polymer recommendation from the UGC-On completion of the constitution of the Boards in the above manner, materials, inaugurated the Brighter World Lab in Airoli on 31st October, mandated selection panel.the Rules under the IIM Act would be issued, which would bring out which is the first out of their 20 other labs planned to be opened across Industrialist and IIT-Madrasthe operational details more clearly. India. This is an addition to the success of 10 labs already opened in 2017. chairman Pawan Goenka is learnt Covestro (India) aims will also cater to teachers who will be trained to to have conveyed the concerns ofVisva Bharati University gets VC after 2.5 teach science and mathematics in a more effective and interesting way the Board of Governors (BoG) to with Orientation Programs, Jugaad Workshops (developing science Javadekar almost a month afteryears models by using waste/ low-cost material) and Interactive Maths the IoE announcement was made Sessions using Vedic and UCMAS methodology. This year Covestro is on July 9.Bidyut Chakraborty took over charge as the vice-chancellor of Visva- collaborating withArch Foundation to setup these 20 labs in India. The Empowered ExpertBharati University in November thereby ending the rein of acting vice- Ajay Durrani, Managing Director, Covestro (India) said, “Science is the Committee (EEC), which waschancellors (VC) after the last permanent head Sushanta Datta Gupta key in finding sustainable solutions in every industry for various entrusted by the UGC to find 20was sacked by the then HRD minister Smriti Irani in 2016. Without a economic and social challenges faced by the world. Hence, our aim is to IoEs out of 114 applicants, hadVC, the financial activities of the institute were also affected and many ignite scientific interest in children so they can learn through discovery recommended the names of 11projects had not taken off. and connect scientific knowledge of textbook to their world. We at institutions for 'eminence' status.After Datta Gupta was dismissed from the central university in Covestro work towards developing modern age sustainable solutions and The Indian Institute of ScienceFebruary 2016, Professor Swapan Kumar Dutta had become the acting this initiative will not only help build careers of children but also help (IISc), IIT-Madras, IIT-V-C. Professor Sabujkali Sen had assumed charge on February 3 after India to make its mark in research and innovation across the world.” Kharagpur, IIT-Bombay, IIT-his retirement. Her term expired in February this year and the EC Delhi, Delhi University, Jadavpurmembers demanded that she retire immediately after that. Digital Academy 360 adds six new training University and Anna UniversityHowever, not all are happy with the appointment, with some saying were recommended under thethat the move is entirely political and that Professor Chakraborty is a centres public category, in that order.“BJP-man”. “Visva Bharati was an institution set up by Rabindranath BITS-Pilani, Manipal AcademyTagore to provide an alternate education system. Nehru during his Digital Academy 360, launched six new training centres in Mysuru, of Higher Education (MAHE)time had clarified that there should be no government interference Bengaluru and in New Delhi respectively. The new centres are expected and Reliance Foundation'sregarding the functioning of the university. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee to cater to an additional 3000 plus students annually from these geogra- proposed Jio Institute werehimself was a great proponent of the university maintaining its phies. Digital Academy 360 imparts training in content writing and suggested under the privateautonomy and not having political appointments. But Professor digital marketing that includes - SEO building, understanding the digital category.Chakraborty is considered close to both the BJP and the RSS,” said a landscape, social media marketing, content development among others. In a veiled criticism of theprofessor not wishing to be named. Yogesh Shashi, Founder CEO of Digital Academy 360, “We are seeing a Commission's decision to ignore revolution of sorts from our youth in the country. With very high IIT-Madras's bid, Goenka isPortals for 'Impactful Policy Research in Social Science' penetration of the internet in our country, our youngsters are connected learnt to have informed(IMPRESS), of the Scheme for Promotion of Academic and more than ever. This has led to an increased demand for digital marketing Javadekar that the BoG wasResearch Collaboration (SPARC) launched training curriculum and content like never before. .” surprised that the Commission used rankings by a commercialA web portal of the Scheme “Impactful Policy Research in Social PIO be appointed to the National Science agency to select only three publicSciences (IMPRESS)” and the web portal of the Scheme “Scheme for institutions from the EEC list.Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC)”was Board in USA The selection, he is learnt to havelaunched in in New Delhi on Oct 25 by union HRD minister, Prakash written, was neither based on theJavadekar . Briefing the media about the scheme, the Minister said that Suresh V. Garimella, who has led four straight record years for Purdue findings of the EEC nor thethat under the Scheme, 1500 research projects will be awarded for 2 University research funding, will be appointed to the National Science government's own Nationalyears to support the social science research in the higher educational Board after he got US Presidential nod for the same. Garimella, Purdue's Institute Ranking Frameworkinstitutions and to enable research to guide policy making. He also said executive vice president for research and partnerships and the Goodson (NIRF).research in social science is essential for progress of the society and the Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering, is one of seven IIT-Madras has been assessed asresearch carried out under IMPRESS scheme will be used to under- appointments to the board by President Donald Trump. Members are the country's best engineeringstand and solve problems facing the society. selected for their eminence in research, education and records of institute for three consecutiveHe further informed that the Government, in August 2018, had distinguished service and are appointed by the U.S. president. years by the NIRF. In the overallsanctioned the scheme “Impactful Policy Research in Social Sciences “I am humbled and honored,” said Garimella, who was nominated by ranking across disciplines, it(IMPRESS)” at a total cost of Rs.414 Cr for implementation up to Purdue President Mitch Daniels and received unanimous support from stood second in 2017 and 2018,31.3.2021 and Indian Council of Social Science and Research all 11 of Indiana's national legislators. “The NSF is a key driver of behind IISc.(ICSSR) will be the project implementing agency. American research and tech innovation. I believe that this appointment isSPARC scheme aims at improving the research ecosystem of India's a recognition of Purdue's leadership in science and engineering over itshigher educational institutions by facilitating academic and research 150 years and in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence andcollaborations between Indian Institutions and the best institutions in quantum computing.”the world. He informed that under this Scheme, 600 joint research The National Science Board, created through the National Scienceproposals will be awarded for 2 years to facilitate strong research Foundation Act of 1950, oversees the activities of, and establishescollaboration between Indian research groups with the best in class policies for, the NSF. The board acts as an independent body of advisersfaculty and renowned research groups in the leading universities of the to both the president and Congress on policy matters related to science,world, in areas that are at the cutting edge of science or with direct engineering and educating the next generation of scientists. Its memberssocial relevance to the mankind, specifically India. also approve major NSF awards, provide congressional testimony andThe minister further informed that the Government in August 2018 issue statements relevant to the nation's science and engineeringhad sanctioned the scheme “Scheme for Promotion of Academic and enterprise.Research Collaboration (SPARC)” at a total cost of Rs.418 Cr forimplementation up to 31.3.2020 and Indian Institute of Technology
Curriculum November 16, 2018 3 News UpdateContd from P1 CLAT 2019 to be conducted OfflineRevised CBSE Affiliation Bye Lawsone would be a document vetted progress over time, but will also schools shall be able to start new In a significant development, the recently constituted NLU consortiumby the head of district education identify areas that would need academic session under CBSE. has decided to conduct CLAT 2019 in offline mode. CLAT went onlineadministration validating all further efforts. in the year 2015, and this would be probably a first instance when aaspects such as building safety, The new affiliation bye laws also bigger level entrance exam will revert to the conventional way ofsanitation, land ownership, etc, The entire process from lay thrust on achieving academic conducting the entrance test. CLAT 2019 is scheduled on May 12, 2019and another would be a self- application, to inspection, to excellence through mandatory from 3:00 PM to 5:PM, as notified earlier by National Law Universityaffidavit where the school would grant of affiliation was made teacher training. Even the Odisha.certify its adherence to fee paperless by the Board in March Principals and Vice Principals of CLAT, the gateway to 20 coveted National Law Universities, of late, hasnorms, infrastructure norms, etc. 2018. For the new byelaws too, every school are expected to been in news for all wrong reasons. CLAT 2018 witnessed wide spreadAs a result of this major change the entire process will be online. undergo two days mandatory technical glitches across locations in India and many candidatesthe Board shall not revisit any of Applications shall henceforth be training on an annual basis. A approached the Honorable Supreme Court of India to cancel or re-the aspects vetted by the state disposed off in the same year. special category of innovative conduct the exam. However, Supreme Court allowed NUALS, Kochi toduring inspection and the delay schools has been added to include constitute a redressal committee to investigate the grievances of thedue to scrutiny and non- In the new byelaws, the school specialized schools, not covered candidates, which, using statistical methods awarded points tocompliance of deficiencies in inspection will be done as soon as elsewhere in these byelaws, who candidates based on merit, considering the time loss.these documents shall be applications are received. On are implementing innovative CLAT Journey started in the year 2008 after intervention by thedrastically curtailed. satisfactory inspection report, the ideas in the fields of skill Supreme Court and is held each year in the month of May on rotation byInspection of schools will now Board will issue a Letter of Intent development, sports, arts, the NLUs, based on succession. CLAT 2019 will be conducted bybe outcome-based and more to the school, indicating its sciences, etc. Regarding fee, the National Law University, Odisha. CLAT 2018 was taken by 47,000academic and quality oriented, intention to affiliate the school. provisions include full fee students across the country.rather than focussing only on The school will then be expected disclosure to be made and no Ever since CLAT went online, it has been marred by controversies,school infrastructure. The to fulfil all the conditions laid hidden charges to be levied by either about the errors in questions, plagiarism or technical glitches. It isinspection will focus on down under the Post- schools in the garb of fees. The this aspect which may have prompted the consortium to go back toacademic excellence and Affiliationprocess, such as byelaws clearly state that fee is to offline mode. Several petitions pertaining to CLAT, are at differentprogress of students over time, recruitment of qualified teachers, be charged as per the regulation of stages of hearing at the Honorable Supreme Court. In 2015, Prof.innovations and quality of special educator, wellness the appropriate government and Shamnad Basheer, ex-faculty member at NUJS Kolkata, appealed to thepedagogy, capacity of teachers counsellor, salaries through fee revision shall be subject to court to direct NLUs for a permanent CLAT body to oversee the entireand teacher training, inclusive digital payment, etc. On laws, regulations and directions of process and which can also be held accountable for any lapses, unlikepractises in school, quality of co- complying with all these the appropriate government. Also, today where CLAT is held on rotation every year by a NLU based onscholastic activities, whether conditions, the school will submit for the first time, the byelaws succession.curricular load is as per norms, an online commencement encourage schools to promote NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, the NLU consortium willwhether there is adequate focus certificate latest by 31st March of environmental conservation constitute a permanent secretariat of CLAT at NLSIU, Bengaluru and toon sports and games, etc. This the given year, based on which, through harnessing solar energy, be chaired by Prof. Faizan Mustafa, Vice-Chancellor of NALSARwill not only help the Board and the Board shall confirm affilia- rain water harvesting, greening of Hyderabad. CLAT Secretariat to function throughout the year and Vice-the school to track students' tion of the school. Only then the campus, recycling and segrega- Chancellor of NLSIU will be the ex-officio treasurer of the same.Leadership for Academicians Programme (LEAP) and What to Expect in CLAT 2019Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT) With CLAT 2019 now offline, a welcome change, CLAT is expected to witness a significant increase in the number of aspirants as manyhe NRCs are expected to cater to Astronomy and Astrophysics, State Universities under the aspirants from the rural pockets, who are still not comfortable with thearound 13 lakh faculty of the Electrical Engineering, Bio- Ministry's Pandit Madan Mohan online platform, are likely to apply. However, many students will not betotal 15 lakh faculty in higher Medical engineering, Malaviya National Mission on able to take the test in their own cities as there will be fewer cities for theeducation. The courses cover a Metallurgical Engineering and Teachers and Teaching offline paper. CLAT 2018 which was online, was conducted in morediverse range of topics such as, Materials Sciences, Chemical (PMMMNMTT); UGC's Human than 60 cities, whereas going offline, many exams restrict the number ofinter alia, Indian culture & Engineering, Aerospace Resource Development Centres cities for test centers to about 30. Hence, expect yourself to get a centerHeritage Studies, Pedagogical Engineering, Tourism and (HRDCs), National Institutes for in a bigger town/city next to yours.Innovations & Research Hospitality Management, Technical Teachers TrainingMethodology, Latest Trends in Political Science, Economics, (NITTTRs), IIITs and IGNOU. Design Festival in Ahmedabad on 23- 25 NovPedagogy and Assessment, Psychology, Development Out of 75 institutions, already 68Personal-Emotional Perspectives in Agriculture, have uploaded their courses and INDIA DESIGN CONFLUENCE, a three day design festival thatDevelopment and Counselling , Gender/Women's studies, Law, started registering the teachers. aspires to promote a shared understanding of the practices in design,Neural Networks and Deep Disaster Management, Climate Till now, more than 30,000 exchange of knowledge and future trends within the booming designLearning & Knowledge change, Library & Information teachers have enrolled to obtain industry. This year, IDC will be held at the Unitedworld Institute ofdiscovery, ICT in Science and Science, Ethics, Human Rights online professional development Design in Ahmadabad, and seeks positioning of Gujarat as the creativeMaths teaching, Innovation and and Environment , Social and training. Necessary regulations capital of India. Ahmadabad for this reason is also known as theBest Practices in Educational Rural Development, will be taken out by UGC, Manchester of India. Smriti Irani, union Minister of Textiles will be theSkills, Leadership and Anthropology etc. Currently, recognizing the MOOCs based chief guest. The event is being organized by Craftroots at UnitedworldGovernance in Higher registrations are open for the online refresher training of Institute of Design.Education, Public Policy and online refresher courses on teachers for the CAS (Career The itinerary at IDC 2018 will include lectures and master sessionsAdministration, English S WAYA M p l a t f o r m , Advancement Scheme). The from creative powerhouses in the design industry, hands-on workshopsLanguage Teaching, Hindi https://swayam.gov.in/courses/p production of MOOCs courses by that focus on knowledge generation and idea development, paperLiterature & Linguistics, ublic the teachers is also recognised for presentations that involve visual props and illustrations, and panelMethodology of Teaching The course is a 40 hour module the CAS. discussions to trigger a constructive exchange of views.Sanskrit, Effective Creations with 20 hours of video content ARPIT will be an ongoing The sessions will cover myriad sectors in design, mainly: Animationand Innovative Researches in and 20 hours of non-video exercise so that every year NRCs Visual Communication Interior Design Architecture AutomobileMedieval Gujarati Literature, content. They are offered in a will continuously develop new Design Product Design Jewellery Design Lifestyle andTribal and Regional languages, highly flexible format and can be refresher module in their Accessory Design Photography FineArtsUrdu, French Studies, Tools, done at one's own pace and time. earmarked discipline each year. The event will proudly bring together national and internationaltechniques and experiments in There are built-in assessment The training materials will be experts, academicians, artisans and craftspeople in the design industryEarth Science, Mathematics, exercises and activities as part of uploaded and made available to share their own journey, creative process, case studies, perspectiveStatistics, Zoology, Chemistry, the academic progression in the through SWAYAM. NRC will and style of working — giving students access to fresh inspiration andPhysics, Biotechnology course. At the end of the course, publish the list of the faculty who diverse opinions from the stalwarts of design as mentioned above. The,Biomechanics, Marine they will be a terminal have been certified. The NRCs event is expected to be attended by more than 6000 students.Science, Calculus, Real Time assessment which can be either will revolutionize professional For detailed itinerary, registration and ticket information, visitPower Analysis and Smart Grid, online or a written examination. development of faculty by www.indiadesignconfluence.comCivil Infrastructure for Smart All faculties who have catering to massive numbers byCity Development, Engineering successfully completed the leveraging ICT and online Advertise with usMechanics, Design Spectrum, online refresher course will be technology platform ofDIY Manufacturing certified. The courses will remain SWAYAM. To Book an ad call at 9811824444Technology, Advanced open from 1st November, 2018 toConcepts in Fluid Mechanics, 28th February, 2019. [email protected] 8076071802Energy Systems Engineering, NRCs are located in a mixedEngineering Mechanics, range of institutions such as,Physics of Semiconductors and Central Universities, IISc,Devices, Internet of Things, IUCAA, IITs, IISERs, NITs,
4 Curriculum November 16, 2018 Useful NewsSocial Alpha Entrepreneurs for Impact (E4i) Program announced IIMA's RTERC to conduct WinterThe Tata Trusts and Social from public and private sector, Schoolfinalists will undergo a practicalAlpha announced the launch of non-profits and foundations. and hands-on learningtheir flagship fellowship Manoj Kumar, Co-Founder and experience encompassing all the Right to education resource center (RTERC) of Indian Institute ofprogram, the Social Alpha CEO, Social Alpha said, “We strategic ins-and-outs of running Management Ahmedabad, is set to host the 5th edition of its annualEntrepreneurs for Impact (E4i) wanted to create an avenue for an enterprise flagship event, Winter School from December 13-16, 2018. TheProgram, on Nov 14. The E4i passionate, empathetic and “Another critical aspect of the program aims to orient students towards public policy and socialprogram is a 12-month mission-driven changemakers to E4i program is that we are change.immersive fellowship that scout for potential technologies, providing a small safety blanket Participants of Winter School go through an orientation program for fourequips passionate create co-founding teams, build to all the finalists by way of a days on IIMA Campus. Esteemed professors of the institute and various'entrepreneurs-in-the-making' and test their solutions, and monthly stipend of INR 60,000. other dignitaries from all over India take orientation classes for theto leverage India's deep convert them into impactful This is not compensation for participants. The purpose of the orientation program is to give thescience, innovation and ventures. We believe that by their foregone salary or career participants a basic set of tools for understanding the social equationsentrepreneurship environment. harnessing the power of science trade-offs, but a means to cover surrounding them. Hence, the theme of Winter School this year isThe first cohort of eight and technology innovations and their essential expenses over the citizenship to imbibe a feeling of bonding with our nation and hence actfellows of the E4i program mission-driven impact 12 month period. We believe the to create a better future for young people across India. Post thewill focus on finding solutions entrepreneurship, we can address provision of stipend will allow orientation program, participants pick a policy of their choice and do aacross a few high priority areas some of India's most critical us to attract people who are practicum at a place of their choice. The practicum would ideally take 10like water, sanitation, health, social, economic and ready to assume the days. Participants are expected to send a report to the RTERC, detailingagriculture, energy and environmental challenges.” entrepreneurial risk but have the work they have done, to earn a certificate.environment. Finalists will be The program itself is structured economic constraints holdingencouraged to adopt a problem to include experiential, them back. We aim to make thestatement in one of these focus immersive and instructional E4i program a catalyst for a newsectors, and identify or components that mimic the wave of science and technology Amazon announces second edition of Literarydevelop a solution that has the lifecycle of an enterprise. From entrepreneurship in the country.”potential to create impact at observing the problems on- adds Kumar. contest – KDP Pen to Publishscale while remaining ground, validating and refining The E4i program is nowfinancially sustainable. All their theory of change, accepting applications; Deadline Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Pen to Publish Contestthroughout, Social Alpha will converting prototypes into viable for application is January 6th, which celebrates the work of self-published authors, across all genres,provide support to E4i finalists solutions, to developing 2019. To apply log onto will launch its second edition this year. The contest will be bigger thanthrough its network of experts preliminary business plans- www.socialalphachallenge.org. ever as it is now open to writers in Hindi and Tamil languages in addition to English. Winning authors in each language for long-form content (more than 10,000 words) will receive a prize of ₹ 5 lakh and a merchandising deal for the winning work, as well as 1-on-1 mentoringNEWS YOU CAN USE by a popular author. Additionally, the contest will also accept entries for short-form content (between 2000 to 10,000 words) in Hindi, Tamil and EnglishUSF RAISES STIPEND FOR forward the theme of 'Ideas 10,000 Women program website languages. Winners in the short-form segment, one for each language,KALAM PHD FELLOWSHIP Worth Spreading', for further details and application will win ₹ 50,000 each. All shortlisted finalists across both forms ofBY $ 4000 TEDxGateway will bring 20+ forms. contents win a Kindle E-reader. To participate, authors need to publish motivational speakers from https://www.nsrcel.org/10000- their original and new work through Kindle Direct Publishing onThe University of South Florida different walks of life to share women/ Amazon.in from 10th November 2018 to 9th February 2019.has raised the annual stipend for their inspiring experiences and In addition to customer feedback, contest entries will be judged onits prestigious A.P.J. Abdul stories on varied topics ranging MBA program in Design creativity, originality and quality of writing. Up to 5 finalists will beKalam postgraduate Fellowship from science, inventions to Strategy and Management short-listed for each language and content form combination, and onefrom $18,000 to $ 22,000. In creative art forms. at WUD winner will be selected from each segment. The judging panel for theaddition, the university also contest includes best-selling authors Ashwin Sanghi, Rashmi Bansal,waives the winner's tuition fees visit: Tapping the huge potential of Divya Prakash Dubey, Sundari Venkatraman and Pa Raghavan.for upto four years. https://airtable.com/shrtnUsdj5z Design as a career option cutting The contest is open for submissions of original and previouslyThe Kalam Fellowship, BfGANU/tbltKBITY3iEw58S1 across sectors, World University unpublished content across all genres in English, Hindi and Tamillaunched in 2016, is offered to a of Design (WUD), Sonipat has languages. Participants need to visit kdp.amazon.com to self-publishstudent who has graduated (or is IIM Bangalore partners with announced admissions to a their book on amazon.in while enrolling it in KDP Select program. Allabout to graduate) from an Goldman Sachs 10,000 specialized industry oriented2- eBooks entering the contest will be available on Kindle as well as theIndian university and is seeking Women in India initiative year MBA Degree program in free Kindle app for iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets, PC andto pursue a PhD at USF in any The NSRCEL at the Indian Design Strategy and Mac as well as Kindle E-readers. For more information, authors canof the following fields: Applied Institute of Management Management. Admissions are visitwww.amazon.in/pentopublish.Anthropology, Applied Physics, Bangalore (IIMB), which open for the academic yearBusiness Ph.D. programs, Cell focuses on developing 2019.The unique curriculum Teaching Professionals' Olympiad 2018Biology, Microbiology & entrepreneurship throughout the encouraging creativity andMolecular Biology, Chemistry, country, announced that it has innovation also offers an Oxford University Press (OUP), has partnered with Centre forComputer Science & become an academic partner of Executive Degree pathway for Teacher Accreditation (CENTA) for the 4th edition of CENTA'sEngineering, Engineering, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women working professionals. The newly flagship initiative, Teaching Professionals' Olympiad (TPO) 2018. ACriminology, Integrative in India and will expand this introduced MBA course in national competition for teachers in the format of a multiple-choiceBiology, Marine Science and proven program to reach more Design Strategy and Management test, TPO 2018 will be held this December 8 in 46 cities in India and atPsychology. women entrepreneurs. will offer a unique synergy of CENTA's international centres in Dubai andAbu Dhabi.The Fellowship was set up to 10,000 Women is a one-of-its- Design Education as applied to Oxford University Press (OUP) India will sponsor the top two winnershonor President Kalam who kind program that provides business. A good understanding of TPO 2018 English tracks (Middle School and Secondary/Seniorvisited the USF campus in women entrepreneurs with a of design and its application will Secondary) to attend the two-week Oxford English LanguageTampa, Florida, in 2012, holistic approach to grow and offer a significant advantage to Teachers' Academy Masterclass at the University of Oxford, UK. Thewinning a lot of admirers among scale their businesses. The managers across industries. At 2nd and 3rd rank holders of the Middle School English track and 2ndstudents, faculty and the program addresses the day-to- WUD we provide access to rank holders of Secondary and Senior Secondary English tracks willuniversity leadership. The day obstacles that women excellent facilities and traditional be sponsored for the Oxford Teachers' Academy Online trainingFellowship has so far been entrepreneurs face in the course workshops which are supported programme in partnership with the University of Oxford; and rankawarded to Avijit Sengupta of of running a business and by an advanced range of holders 4th to 7th of the Middle School English track and rank holdersIIT Bombay, Veena imparts effective ways of technology for students to have 3rd to 5th of Secondary and Senior Secondary English tracks willSubramanian of the Indian dealing with them. Participants firsthand experience”. receive sponsorship for OUP's Online Teacher Training programme.Institute of Sciences in of the program will work on Admission will be facilitated viaBangalore and Arjun Kadian strategy, finance and accounting, CAT scores and a Design Jetking Infotrain offers Ethical Hackingfrom the University of Pune. All and business development, Management Aptitude Testthree are currently pursuing amongst other topics. (DMAT) followed by a personal Coursetheir PhD research at USF. Continuous feedback from interview, details of which areThe deadline for applications for mentors and professors will help also available online at Jetking Infotrain has introduced Ethical Hacking Career as well asthe 2019 Fellowship is March 1, them design efficient and www.worlduniversityofdesign.ac. certification course of four months duration for students with non IT2019. executable business growth in/. Interested students can be a and 2-month course for IT background who intend to pursue a career plans. Globally, 70 percent of part of the counseling session to in hardware and networking or Cyber-Security.TEDxGateway in graduates have reported higher get further details on career Ethical hacking is referred to as “white hat” hacking performed by anyMumbai on Dec 2 revenues and nearly 60 percent opportunities, growth prospects individual or company. It is to identify some threats on the network or have created new jobs. and remunerations. computer. In professional terms, an ethical hacker is an IT securityTEDxGateway in its 10th Interested candidates may access expert who tries to breach into a computer system or application oredition is coming your way on the NSRCEL Goldman Sachs network with due permission, they find security vulnerabilities a2nd December 2018 at Dome – malicious hacker may potentially try to exploit.NSCI, Worli, Mumbai. Taking
Curriculum November 16, 2018 5 Campus News14th edition of FICCI's Higher Education Summit 2018 XLRI to Host 'International Conference on the Changing Nature of Careers'‘India's branding era in the field of education has just begun and inthe next decade 'Brand Education India' would turn into a reality' XLRI- Xavier School of Management is all set to host 'International Conference on the Changing Nature of Careers' on 14th - 15thFICCI Higher Education December, 2018 at XLRI Campus, Jamshedpur. The conference isSummit, which is a anchored by the Centre for Human Resource Development (CHRD),flagship annual higher XLRI, which also hosted a similar conference on Assessment Centreseducation conference of and Talent Management in December of last year.Federation of Indian The two-day Conference, titled 'International Conference on TheIndustries and commerce Changing Nature of Careers: Implications for a Sustainable World', will(FICCI), one of the largest be chaired by Prof. Michael Arthur (Suffolk University, USA), Dr.business chambers in Anneleen Forrier (KU Leaven, Belgium), and Dr. R K PremarajanIndia, was held from Oct (XLRI, India).29-31 on the theme of In light of the trends in work content and work structures, the organisers'Universities of the Future' have identified three major themes for this Conference: a shifting globaland had focussed employment arena, changing employment relationships, and the need todiscussion amid making make careers research and practice support each other.India a global destination The event will see participation from both scholars and industryfor higher education practitioners. On the agenda are paper presentations, practitioner sessions and panel discussions. Besides scholars and researchers fromAccording to Amitabh Kant, National University of age students. “We give employers top level institutes of India– including various IIMs (Ahmedabad,CEO, NITI Aayog the Singapore, who gave a keynote our commitment of 20 years for Bangalore, Calcutta, Indore), TISS, XLRI, and Xavier University – thegovernment has taken a host of in the inaugural plenary of the our students under continuing conference will have scholars representing Universities and Businessmeasures during the last two conference, was clearly one the education framework,” he said. Schools from the USA, Canada, Europe, andAustralia.years to create an ecosystem for best speakers who was received Another expert, Alex Usher, Further details about the conference, including registration procedures,creating a top class higher very well. He talked about President of Higher Education can be found at https://www.iccnc-xlri-2018.com/education system in the country Singapore experience, where Strategy Associates, Canada,and it is upto universities to make human capital is the crucial while speaking on financing Masterclass with Ronnie Screwvala launchesstrenuous efforts to attract the national resource of models, expressed his concernbest talent as faculty, adopt sustainability. He showed how over linking NIRF rankings with this Decembercutting edge technologies and with collaboration as a strategy, funding. He said India is the onlycourses, highlight India's the NUS has been sending a country doing so. He said India Aimed at setting a new benchmark for online education, UpGrad has re-strengths in special knowledge sizeable number of students to must mobilize student fee as a launched the Entrepreneurship Certification Program – this time withareas, support innovation and places like silicon valley and major resource of finding while master classes on leadership by Ronnie himself. 83% of the Indianencourage incubation for start- other hubs as interns for a year ensuring fairness regime of workforce would prefer to be an entrepreneur as per the Randstadups, create an ecosystem for high and partnering with local ensuring access to all. “You can Workmonitor survey.quality research and push for universities for their modules. make rich students pay and Speaking at the launch, Ronnie Screwvala, Co- founder- UpGrad, saidquality through a credible world Prof Chye also explained his through that subsidize for those “India is filled with aspiring entrepreneurs without access to the rightclass accreditation framework to university's lifelong learning who can't pay,” he said. He also training, Entrepreneurship is not only about learning how to createfinding a higher place in world initiative, in which alumni, advocated public guarantee for business models, but also about becoming an effective leader. These arerankings. At present, the number particularly who feel heat of education loans as it has been a leadership traits that one can learn with experience or better still,of Indian students going changing job roles or risk of job major factor in China's higher borrowing from other's experiences.”overseas for high education is 10 losses can come back to education growth. He said China, Besides the masterclasses, the three-month online entrepreneurshiptimes more than foreign students university and take short Kenya, Malaysia, Brazil, all have programme covers topics from idea validation to finding the rightcoming to India for study. duration courses to change a robust fee fairness regime, product-market fit to building the business. Deep Kalra (MakeMyTrip),Speaking at the valedictory course of their employment or which is fuelling their higher Bhavish Aggarwal (Ola), Ambareesh Murthy (PepperFry), and 60 othersession of the 14th FICCI Higher career. He talked about courses in education growth. top entrepreneurs have contributed and been interviewed - for the courseEducation Summit 2018, subjects like urban solutions, It may be mentioned India is content. Case Studies on many startups are part of the Learningorganised by FICCI in financial services, cyber security, aiming for 60% GER in higher program. Students also benefit from one-on-one mentorship andcollaboration with the Ministries data analytics in which the education under New India in next feedback with top industry experts & networking sessions with fellowof Human Resource university will train its middle a few years. budding and seasoned entrepreneurs.Development and Commerce & As a part of the program, students will receive grading and feedback onIndustry, Kant said that a brand Universities need to provide students with their business plan. The students with the top 25 business plans get anis not about advertising, opportunity to pitch their idea to a panel of investors and receive fundingmarketing and promotion; it is career counselling, scope for interface with of Rs. 10 lakhs. The course costs Rs. 80,000 plus taxes and is availableabout creating a great product on easy EMI option with credit cards of leading banks. UpGrad is alsothat is capable of attracting industry & online courses for skill set offering a part scholarship to early applicants of the program.talented students and faculty toits shores. upgradation: FICCI-EY Paper S P JAIN GLOBAL INTRODUCES ENGAGEDThe showcasing of a video onStudy in India outlined the The FICCI-EY Approach Paper notes that universities of the future LEARNING ONLINEinitiative and process of this must be prepared for both unprecedented challenges, as well asprogram aimed at attracting unparalleled opportunities for innovation. Apart from enriching their SP Jain School of Global Management (SP Jain Global) has launched aforeign students to India. curriculum from industry inputs, universities need to provide students comprehensive technology initiative ELO to bring on campus learningEarlier, speaking on 'Universities with career counselling, opportunities of industry interfacing and experience, online. This is yet another career defining learning programof Future – Gateway to New online courses for skill set upgradation. from the school, designed to empower professionals who juggle theirIndia', TV Mohandas Pai, To enrich students' experience, universities could use technology to time between work and social commitments.Chairman, Chairman, Manipal provide experiential and collaborative learning and provide flexibility The Engaged Learning Online (ELO in short), uses a blend of emergingGlobal Education, spelt out the in program structures and encourage innovative ideas. cutting-edge technologies to bring in the rigour of an on-classprerequisites for universities of Universities need to develop research as a fundamental differentiator, engagement online and in real time. Students could log in from any partthe future if India was to produce work on innovative models for collaboration and develop a mechanism of the world and get all the benefits of an on-campus education. Theystudents with problem-solving to safeguard their IP in the digital age. can interact with faculties, share ideas with their peers, collaborate onskills sought by employers. He While universities would need to focus on solving societal challenges, assignments, break out into teams to discuss and debate.All this happenssaid that the higher education regulators need to develop frameworks that focus on outcomes rather in real time and without any loss of engagement. The EOL studios aresystem in India can be classified than investment in inputs and recognise stackable credentials. meticulously designed to deliver an engaged experience remotely forinto three categories- research participants irrespective of the location they are in - while at work, or atbased universities, teaching For attention of institutions home.universities and skill based or The first program to be launched through this unique technology is thefoundation universities. Each Notices Beyond 200 words will be considered School's part-time Executive MBA. “Most of my students are workingcategory should be backed with classified advertisements and therefore published professionals. One of the biggest challenges they face is managing theirsufficient funding and flexible only against payments. time between work, family and study. So, they have to make trade-offs,”regulation. shares Dr. Gary Stockport, Dean of S P Jain's Executive MBAprogram. A dismounted rate of Rs 20 per centimetre columnSingapore higher will apply.education model, wherestudents don't quiteleaveProf Tan Eng Chye, President
6 Curriculum November 16, 2018 Careerwsie Career in Warehouse Management Huge Opportunity in this specialized segment Sandeep Sabharwal, their own warehouses. This is these responsibilities will have to to greatly enhance employability. courses available in India pertaining leading to demand for ware- be performed either individually to Warehouse Management which CEO- SLCM Group house management profession- or in various permutation or Training helps offers remuneration upto INR 12 als for coordinating the combination in a highly versatile There are varied kinds of jobs Lakhs per annum, making the field aIn the fiercely competitive incoming goods, the subsequent environment. available to job aspirants in the rewarding challenge for the new world of business, ware- storage and tracking of the Some other responsibilities of warehouse management space. comers. housing has emerged as a goods, and finally, the distribu- warehouse management For beginners jobs are obtainablemajor necessity for modern tion of the goods to their proper professionals include handling with only a high school diploma or APromising Industryorganizations. It plays an destinations. supply chain operations, its equivalent. However, it is With a technological evolution in theimportant role in enhancing Warehouse management is warehouse management, advisable for them to go for Warehousing domain, leadingorganizational profits by especially critical to the transportation, managing certification course to learn how companies in the agri ecosystem areproviding various services agriculture sector due to its role unmanned and automated to create an efficient layout of the coming forward to re-skill and re-including storing of goods, in addressing crop losses which vehicles, digital transactions etc. available floor space, how to tool their warehouse personnel withreceiving goods, picking items is a must if India is to effectively This is besides working knowl- assign roles and responsibilities, the latest technology and toolsfrom a particular locality, and address malnutrition and edge of inventory control and and how to manage inventory. available in the market. Theseshipping goods to a stated hunger.Agri-solutions firms are warehousing systems, loading Certification programsare also training processes exclusivelydestination. The importance of adopting robust warehouse and unloading procedures, available for warehouse managers designed for working in thewarehouse management can also management practices where hazardous materials storage, to impart ways to increase warehousing field act as a steppingbe understood from the fact that focus is on scientific practices, simple math,inventory- efficiency, productivity, quality & stone for aspiring new comers asorganizations devise their process-oriented methodologies management software and many accuracy of warehouses as well as well. Trainings provided are mostlystrategies based on their and big data analytics to improve more to deliver effective services. effective workforce management inclusive of Quality Training,warehousing capacity and operational efficiency thereby With the growing e-commerce and evaluation methods. Fumigation, Operationalinvestment in warehouses. bringing down inflation and end industry and globalization, Some warehouse management Management, Back Office, andEvolution of Warehousing farmers' woes. These firms have warehouse management is now careers require aspirants to have Human Resources &Industry in India taken the lead in adopting best evolving to be a specialists' job an associate's degree or a Administration.Warehousing in India has warehouse management which not only requires strong bachelor's degree in logistics or a This kind of move will certainlyevolved from being glorified practices and processes for a business acumen but also needs related field. Bachelor's degree boost the confidence of the newgodowns to the modern, robust supply chain management sharp technical knowledge.Some will educate the aspirants on comers in the industry and give themtechnically fitted floors with in agriculture. of the key skills that are required distribution, material and the necessary ammunition for acomputerized specifications. The Growth in the e-commerce to operate successfully in inventory management, and lucrative career ahead. The changingformerly concrete or low-grade market is also fueling dramatic warehouse management space logistics. Demand for such attitude, professional managementsteel godowns are now increas- changes in the demand for include analytical skills and courses have gathered pace with and growing spree attributed byingly being replaced by pre- warehouse management understanding of block chain e-commerce boom and widening these companies' sets them at equalengineered, factory produced services. For example, many technologies. of scope for such services in other par with the multinational compa-steel structures which are often online retailers have found industries. There are varied nies.assembled at a location. These themselves needing to accelerate Jobs are in plentymodern warehouses are order fulfillment and This segment is among the few Foreign-Oriented Courses for Undergraduateinsulated, ventilated and climate- shipping,interconnect opera- which will create more jobs asproof with round the clock tions across multiple locations, automation accelerates in the Students at MET Rishikul Vidyalayasurveillance and standardized including brick-and-mortar future. There is currently a hugequality and safety procedures. stores, websites and mobile apps requirement of professionals Mumbai's first-of-its-kind and the biggest Parent – Student EngagementIn short, warehousing in India has to maintain their competitive across warehouse management called F.O.C.U.S. (Foreign-Oriented Courses for Undergraduateevolved into a complete logistics place in the industry. This field as companies face a shortage Students) designed by MET Rishikul Vidyalaya, a Mumbai Educationalfriendly infrastructure system. As requires organizations to gain a of people at the posts of supply Trust (MET) led world-class educational institute in Mumbai offeringper a report by Ernst & Young and greater degree of control and chain analysts, warehouse Cambridge Assessment International Education has been opened.the CII Institute of Logistics, the transparency across their supply managers, distribution centre The F.O.C.U.S. Programme was unveiled with its new logo at the handsindustry is growing at a rate of chains sothat they can not only managers etc. of MLA and former deputy CM Chhagan Bhujbal, who is also founder10% per annum and its size is keep up with demand, but move Many positions in the field Chairman, Mumbai Educational Trust in a glittering ceremony at theestimated to be around Rs. 560 items into and out of the already rely on computers to track MET Institute's campus in Bandra, Mumbai.billion. The warehouses catering warehouse at the rapid pace and plan the distribution of An innovative, flagship programme designed by education experts atto industrial and retails clients required within the industry. materials. This requires aspirants MET Rishikul Vidyalaya after a thorough research, the F.O.C.U.S. willclaim the maximum share of 55% to be able to quickly learn and act as a platform for AS and A level students who opt for variousfollowed by CFS (Container Job Profile adapt to any company-specific International career opportunities.Freight Station) and ICD (Inland Versatility is one of the key traits software that he may encounter. The AS & A Levels, which registered a rapid growth of students'Container Depot) that have a that organisations look for in a This is in addition to acquiring enrolment of 50 per cent across urban cities in India in 2017, isshare of 15 percent;Agri- warehouse management training on safety procedures and equivalent to the existing 11th and 12th standards of State Boards andwarehousing account for 15 professional as they want to familiarize with any local run by the Cambridge Assessment International Education, apercent share while cold storage someone who has done and can regulations concerning the Department of Cambridge University. With AS & A Level curriculum,accounts foranother 15 percent do a little bit of everything workplace and its flow of traffic. MET Rishikul Vidyalaya will be inching one step ahead in providingshare. without losing track of the big Previous experience plays an international education even to the students after the 10th Grade. TheGrowth Drivers picture. He must be able to important role in securing School is aiming to provide a ready berth to students already pursuingDue to the inherent advantages manage a wide variety of people warehouse management jobs. education up to the 10th Standard in its campus and also to the studentsassociated with warehouses, with different backgrounds, This is particularly true for alarge numbers of companies have educational levels, and profes- warehouse manager job whereshowed interest in maintaining sional experience and goals. previous experience of working No two days are the same for in lower-level positions in a warehouse management warehouse environment is professionals. They will required before being considered routinely have to undertake for the position. different responsibilities such as, Warehouse management jobs are training employees, maintaining often a hands-on position. This open lines of communication makes it imperative to have the with vendors and transportation knowledge and training to operate companies, and ensuring a safe pallet jacks, forklifts and other work environment. Additionally pieces of warehousing equipment
Curriculum November 16, 2018 7 India Skills/entrepreneurshipsGIS Skill Development IAMAI Creates AR/VR Committee for partnerships with major industry players – Honda and Jaquar - will not only benefit youth who undergo high-quality trainings but also allow theprogram by Esri India Developing startup ecosystem and Skill industry to meet its requirements for trained manpower.” In the first phase of the collaboration, HMSI will establish or upgradeEsri India, Geographic Development ten automotive two-wheeler repair labs for running a course onInformation System (GIS) “Automotive Service Technician (2 or 3-wheeler).” The next phase ofSoftware & Solutions provider The Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) has formed a new collaboration may entail scaling up the labs further. Providing vehicles,has launched “Esri India GIS industry expert committee, under its Emerging Technology Council, tools and equipment, HMSI will help in building capacity of NSDCAcademy Program” (EIGAP) focused on Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR). The AR/VR training partners at different locations around the country.for teaching, learning, and Committee is the latest step in its efforts to evangelise AR/VR In the agreement with Jaquar Foundation, a unit of Jaquar Group, theresearch purposes. The technology to drive economic growth, job creation, and skill bathing solutions company, will set up or upgrade 50 plumbing trainingCompany also announced that development in the country. The committee would also closely work to labs and provide infrastructural and manpower support. It will deputeit is making its flagship ArcGIS develop potential sectors like Healthcare, Tourism, Auto, Agriculture, its customer care representatives as guest faculty for sharing newTechnology available to Education and Skill Development. The mandate of the Group is to product installation techniques. The training program aims to enhanceuniversities at a special price. identify opportunities and challenges to help India's AR/VR ecosystem, technical abilities of the trainers and trainees along with increasingThe 12-month license includes in partnership with government, industry and startups. employability of the candidates. Plumbing, under constructioncore components of ArcGIS The committee is chaired by Namrita Mahindro, Senior General industry, is an unorganized sector. About 90% of the plumbing industryEnterprise, ArcGIS Desktop, Manager, - Digital Transformation, Mahindra Group and co-chaired by workforce in India is not professionally trained. Most of the skillArcGIS Online and many other Satyajeet Singh, Head –Strategic Product Partnership, India & South learning in the industry happens through unstructured or on-the jobweb/mobile apps. Asia, Facebook. Other prominent members of the committee include training. Lack of professionally trained plumbers is one of the majorAgendra Kumar, President, Vaibhav Kumar Yadav, Product Head- JioCinema and GM-Reliance JIO, challenges in the construction and related sectors. This collaborationEsri India said, “There is a Ajit Kumar, Partner, Deloitte Digital, Mahesh Prabhu, VP-Global Head with Jaquar will be a significant initiative to equip trainees with formalconsiderable demand of high of Innovation,ITC Infotech, Vivek M Jain, Founder, FlippAR, Kshitij training.quality and well trained GIS Marwah, Founder, Tesseract Inc ,Ninad Chhaya, Co-Founder & COO,professionals across industries GoPhygital , Utsav Mathur, Founder, GMETRI,amongst others. Maruti Suzuki JIM is now ISO 29990:2010and sectors in the country. Weare committed to building a On the agenda of this committee will be a) nurturing India's AR/VR certifiedstrong GIS ecosystem in the technology and talent ecosystem, in particular by driving Skillcountry through academia and Development b) engaging with business, industry and government to Japan-India Institute for Manufacturing, set up and managed by Marutiindustry. Our program will help evangelize acceptance of the technology c) Help drive training Suzuki at Ganpat University, Mehsana, has been awarded with ISOin bridging the skill gap and workshops, to familarise potential users with technology and build use 29990:2010 certification by TUV-SUD. The Japan-India Institute forenable the university students cases, in key sectors. Manufacturing (JIM) is an outcome of a joint initiative betweenacquire best of GIS Namrita Mahindro, Chairperson, AR/VR Committee, IAMAI & Senior Government of India and Government of Japan to create a pool ofknowledge”. General Manager, - Digital Transformation, Mahindra Group said, “Immersive technologies like AR / VR and Mixed Reality will become 30,000 skilled manpowerBSE Institute Ltd receives the new engines of values creation in the experience economy. They will for manufacturing industry enable far more effective storytelling for brands and businesses, drive in India.Award greater efficiencies with product prototyping in manufacturing & The certification is awarded beyond, facilitate training at scale, anytime, anywhere, to name just a to JIM for implementing aMumbai, October 26, 2018 – few use cases. However, in order to be more effective and scale AR / VR Quality ManagementThe 2018 IPN Global Best to become mainstream needs industry, government and academia System for learning servicesAwards which was held at working in synergy. The IAMAI AR / VR committee will focus for non-formal educationNASA, Jackson Space Station, onfostering collaboration between industry demand and supply side in and training in accordanceHouston has felicitated BSE the digital reality ecosystem to enhance awareness, enable dialogue, with ISO 29990:2010Institute Ltd. for its effort to knowledge sharing and access, accelerate growth, promote research and standards. The assessment covers important elements like; trainingprovide employment innovation, help develop industry standards and nurture talent to benefit content development, training methodology, impact assessment andopportunities to the youth in all stakeholders in the community”. evaluation, that ensure the institute follows a standard / model forAsia. Satyajeet Singh, Co-Chairperson, AR/VR Committee, IAMAI & Head quality and professional mode of operation.George Abby, former director –Strategic Product Partnership, India & South Asia, Facebook, added A K Tomer, Executive Director, Maruti Suzuki said, “The ISOof NASA's Jackson Space “AR and VR technologies are making their mark across domains and certification is an important milestone in the evolution of JIM. It is anCentre and William McArthur, Indian startups' foray in the space of emerging tech is only the beginning. effort to ensure we remain focused on maintaining the highest level ofAmerican Astronaut presented This expert committee formed under the aegis of IAMAI is a much standards in skill training and education.”the award to Ambarish Datta, needed initiative which will further provide an impetus for the growth JIM is one of the model ITIs by Maruti Suzuki with an aim to contributeMD & CEO, BSE Institute and expansion of emerging technologies across the length and breadth of to Government of India's Skill India initiative. Earlier this year JIMLimited and Rahul Ranadive, our country. As a part of this committee, we want to fuel homegrown registered 100 per cent placement for its first batch of students.Vice President, BSE Institute emerging technologies ecosystem; enabling AR/VR ventures with the JIM offers courses in eight trades related to automobile manufacturing,Limited. knowledge and help them navigate andharvest the growing opportunities maintenance and services. The courses include Mechanic Motor in this new age emerging tech ecosystem.” Vehicle, Mechanic Auto Body Painting, Mechanic Auto Body Repair, BSE Institute Limited Welder, Fitter, Electrician, Mechanic Diesel Engine & Driver Cumlaunched a program that would NSDC's skill booster tie ups in automotive Mechanic.allow to expedite the training ofthe graduate populace that was and plumbing sectors Career Launcher announces the launch oflooking for jobs, whilesimultaneously addressing the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) has signed Finance Upskilling coursesserious need for a workforce for memorandum of understanding with two leading organizations - HondaInvestment Banking Back Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. (HMSI) and Jaquar Foundation Career Launcher, test-prep brand & a division of CL Educate Ltd, hasOffices in India. The resultant (JF), key players in automotive and plumbing sectors respectively, announced the launch of CL Finschool, a suite of new era financial skillsof these efforts is the Certificate through their Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives and will work courses. The courses on offer will be a mix of programs that are eitherProgram in Investment towards building infrastructure by setting up training labs, providing fully-owned or operated by CL or offered through a content-Banking Operations. It is a equipment and training aid. collaboration partnership with industry specialists.course which prepares Offering a boost to Skill India Mission, the association will help in Nipun Gupta, Partner, AccountingAdvisory Services at BDO India, saidgraduates for investment scaling capacity of NSDC affiliated training partners, encouraging \" Through our courses crafted to excellence, for delivering knowledgebanking operations job roles. training of candidates with modern and relevant tools and machinery, that the industry is looking for in new-age students, BDO India comes inThe course provides career and enabling them to contribute towards their employers from an early stage. to bridge the expectations of corporates and students\".training opportunities to youth. Talking about the industry collaborations, Manish Kumar, MD & CEO,The program has been created NSDC, said, “Talking about the industry collaborations, Manish Kumar, CL FinSchool will offer new financial skills courses for the youthin consultation with the MD & CEO, NSDC, said, “NSDC strives to support inclusive growth pursuing Commerce in high school, CA/CS or management degrees.industry experts. In a duration and address the demand mismatch through these partnerships wherein ACCA Diploma in IFRS, ACCA Certificate in IFRS, and Finance forof 10 weeks, students acquire the industry brings in their technical expertise and contributes towards Non-Finance Professionals are some of the courses that are beingin-depth knowledge of setting up or modernization of training infrastructures. These launched in Phase One. FinSchool will also expand its scope to becomeinvestment banking back office an integrated suite – including existing CL offerings on NSEoperations as well as personal Derivatives, FRM, CFA, CA& CS coaching programs.& professional developmentskills.
8 Curriculum November 16, 2018 VIEWS (Edit/Guest Column...) OPINION: Combating Naxal Menace Needs Focused and Holistic ApproachLow key National Education Day Dr. Nitesh Dhawan, Public Servant and AuthorNovember 11 is the National Education Day in India and coincides with the birth anniversary Just before when Chhattisgarh was has destabilized the socio-economic In September 2009 the press reported of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, independent about to go for general elections, progress due to devastation of vast about “Operation Green Hunt” whichIndia's first education minister (Aug 15, 1947-Feb 2, four CRPF personnel were killed as amount of natural and human was a massive 3 day joint operation in1958). Designating National Education Day in his Maoists blew up the mine-protected resources. The naxalite attacks have which the central CoBRA force andmemory was a befitting tribute to his extraordinary vehicle. Few months back, on March raised issues related to law and order state police battled Naxal forces incontribution and vision towards an egalitarian national 13th, 2018, at least nine CRPF questioning the credibility of the Dantewada. In fact, SAMADHAN,education development mission of a newly free nation. personnel were killed similarly with government mechanisms to check formulated in 2017, which meansAnd he continues to be relevant even today and an IED in Sukma district of and control violence. It has caused \"solution\" is actually an action plantomorrow. Chhattisgarh. The Naxalite attacks fear in the minds of common people the UPA -II government had exploredRemembering and writing on Maulana Sayyid Abul have become a regular feature in the due to killing of innocent people, in the past—developing infrastruc-Kalam Ghulam Muhiyuddin Ahmed bin Khairuddin Al- recent times imperiling the govern- police personnel and paramilitary ture, fast tracking central schemes andHussaini Azad, who became popularly known as ment efforts to curb Naxal activities in forces on regular basis. asking states to coordinate in jointMaulana Abdul Kalam Azad is never tiring because his the affected States. Originating from The examination of Naxal violence operations with the central paramili-persona and work has a timeless freshness. He was an the small Naxalbari village of West underlines the fact that root causes lie tary forces deployed in the red zone.institution in himself. His speeches, talks and writings Bengal, it has extended alarmingly to in the social milieu pushed by the For Home Minister and his govern-on education are prophetic. As a country, India is states like Bihar, Jharkhand, and precipitating factors like weak ment, SAMADHAN is still possiblearriving at and realizing day by day that the kind of Chhattisgarh, parts of Madhya democratic structure and inefficient and it means a combination of Smartnational education agenda he talked about and Pradesh, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. response from the government side. Leadership to convert failure intoenvisaged is coming true. A contemporary of Dr. S. They capture almost one-fifth of the The social and economic disparities success—Aggressive Strategy,Radhakrishnan, Maulana Azad like Gopal Krishan forest areas. Having links with the over a long period of time have left Motivation and Training, ActionableGokhle, advocated the establishment of a national Maoists of Nepal, they intend to set up people vulnerable with the feeling of Intelligence, Dashboard Based KPIseducation system with free primary education and a Compact Revolutionary Zone or exclusion from the mainstream (Key Performance Indicators) andmodern institutions of higher learning. And yet we had what is termed as Red Carpet Zone society. The inadequate measures KRAs (Key Result Areas),to convince ourselves so much and fight for getting extending from Nepal to states like from the government have left them Harnessing Technology, Action planright to education. “Education is the birth right of every Bihar, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh, disadvantaged in terms of education, for each Theatre and No access tocitizen. A state cannot claim to have discharged its duty parts of Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and income and social opportunities. Financing.till it has provided for every single individual means to Andhra Pradesh. There psychological, social and Despite the concerted efforts ofthe acquisition of knowledge and self-betterment,” he Historically, CPI (Marxist) led by economic needs have not been taken government, the situation is nothad said. Charu Majumdar and Kanhu Sanyal care of as desired. The Naxals have improving. This needs a holistic andThe force behind country's strong foundation in led a violent uprising of tribals in 1967 used this as an opening to propagate focused approach. We need to addresstechnical and cultural institutions, Maulana Azad while when they attacked the landowners. their radical ideology in a way to the socio-economic issues of theinaugurating the Kharagpur Institute of Technology in During 1970s, the movement liberate such people going through problem as well as restricting the1951, said: \"We must improve the facilities for higher fragmented into several factions. adversities. Moreover, the recent naxal violence through intelligencetechnical education in the country so that we could Their motive was clear which was to developments show that Naxalites and aggression. Local resistanceourselves meet most of our needs. I looked and still capture the power with their armed are now targeting the children and groups should be promoted andlook forward to the day when the facilities for technical strength and many territories as youth of such deprived families. provided with adequate security.education in India will be of such a level that people possible to establish their rule. They In 2005 Salwa Judum Campaign was Improvement in police response,from abroad will come to India for higher scientific and considered landlords and the rich as launched under the leadership of effective and sustained action istechnical training.\" And now we have woken up for symbols of oppression and tyranny Mr.Mahendra Karma, the then leader required against the naxalites. On thestudy in India program. and used violent methods to kill them of opposition in the Chhattisgarh other hand, naxal affected districtsAnd the most important statement from him was, that and create fear among the masses. Legislative Assembly. It soon across the states need a developmen-wealth of a nation, is not the country's banks but in They rebelled against the exploitation became a part of government's tal thrust with land reforms on priorityprimary schools. \"A good school is a national asset of and unequal distribution of land and experiment with the counter- basis. The deprived and backwardthe highest value at any place or at any time. Schools other resources, concentration of insurgency operations to tackle the sections should be brought into theare the laboratories which produce the future citizens of wealth, mass poverty and unemploy- naxalites. It shaped into a civil war mainstream through policies ofthe state.\" And the day we realize the importance of the ment. Inspired by the revolutionary and naxalites responded with the inclusion by benefitting them undersaying and act on it, India will be a different country, ideology, they took advantage of the tremendous violence against the various government schemes.very confident, very progressive and prosperous. weak democratic structure, unrespon- Salwa Judum cadres. The govern- Rehabilitation of neo-converts intoAs a distinguished scholar, great statesman, having lofty sive government and failure of land ment in 2006 declared a 14-point the mainstream should be empha-ideas of nationalism, democracy, freedom and reforms to flourish across the states. policy emphasizing upon the states to sized. Reformative programmesrationalism, Malana Azad was a historic figure and a They were able to mobilize the mass adopt a collective approach and should be initiated through massrole model. In the charged atmosphere of polarized support of people surrounded with pursue a coordinated response to media, civil society and voluntarysocieties and radicalization, his messages and thoughts hardships who used this as an outlet to counter it. It was the first ever formal organizations. Setting up the villagecan play an important role in liberalizing minds from take revenge from those in higher move towards curbing naxalism. defense committees with arms andhate and provide a better interpretation of why social strata. Local issues like land reforms, social ammunitions alongside training forharmony and progressive mindsets are a better option. The consequences of Naxalism have development along with security and self defense should be done.Malana Azad's legacy as a politician has its own strings. inhibited and derailed the develop- intelligence up- gradation were speltBeing a former president of Indian National Congress ment process in the affected states. It out. In the light of above analysis, it isand a cabinet minister in the first cabinet in INC apparent that political conviction,government, Congress Party's claim on his legacy has police action and people's participa-been more visible when it is in power. The BJP, which is tion are three important ways to targeton a unstated mission of denying great congressmen and naxalite problem in totality. Thewomen public eulogy, has always tried to belittle their collaboration between all thesememories with absence of official celebrations during stakeholders would lead to aits power play. permanent solution in terms of wipingA person of Malana Azad's stature and contribution out the naxal violence and attainingmust be every educator's ideal, his thinking on inclusive development.education must be a matter of more research and aboveall he must be celebrated as a national hero for all time.And not low key by a few tweets alone!Printed, Published and Owned by: Avtar Krishen Kaul, Saraswati Editor: Autar Nehru Associate Editor: Suneel Bhan W: www.curriculum-magazine.com REACH USColony, Smith Nagar, PO- Prem Nagar, Dehradun (Uttrakhand)- Editorial/Marketing :248001 and Printed at Microsoft Technoprint India Private Limited, Consulting Editors: Sudha Passi, M K Bhat, Ramanathan Iyer Circulation37 Old Cannaught Place, Dehradun (UttraKhand) and Published at [email protected] Dimple Nehru, GaneshSaraswati Colony, Smith Nagar, PO- Prem Nagar, Dehradun Advisory Board Members: Ashok Pandey. Dehradun: A K Koul; Meerut: Uzma Rizvi(Uttrakhand)-248001, Prof. Raj Kachroo, Navin Bhatia [email protected] Patna: Manoj Kumar; Jammu: Sandeep Dhar General inquiryEditor: Avtar Nehru RNI No. UTTENG/2010/37634 Director Outreach: Farindra Pande call us at 011-28051642/22; 9868256512 Associates : Gurbinder Kaur, Akshay Sahu Business Development: Ashok Bhat, Vijay K Rajesh Kaul
Curriculum November 16, 2018 9 Spotlight Why STEM Education Is the Pathway to Tomorrow Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths, collectively known as STEM, are the four primary academic disciplines currently responsible for driving the entire world's economy and maintaining our general well-being. Thus, in order for children to become the leaders of tomorrow, it is highly essential for them to be proficient in these fields, besides possessing critical thinking abilities, knowledge of engineering design processes, a high creativity quotient, and problem solving skills.By Dr. Amrita Vohra, Principal, Global Indian International School –ChinchwadWhen taught to children skills of children. It also improves that compliments the skill critical thinking, improve Engineering for 6th to 8th grade early on in their lives, spatial cognition and reasoning development in the STEM creativity, collaboration, students, the LEGO® Rescue STEM can instil in skills, helping find application in learning space has not only communication, and more. EnviroBots program allowsthem a healthy interest in not just several fields like mathematics, activated my faculty towards a lBy creating a fun environment, it students to design and programgathering knowledge about physics, chemistry, engineering, new paradigm of learning but has helps students explore the robots to help accomplishpredefined subjects, but even in and the geosciences. The use of beautifully involved my students concepts of building and environmentally friendly tasks,exploring, questioning, and embedded instructions makes it to engage meaningfully. construction through hands-on such as transferring nucleardiscovering everything they easier to engage learners and Engineering For Kids, America's exploration and design, with waste, mining raw minerals,cannot understand. As a result, it command their attention to de- award winning learning program, practical knowledge of the delivering food and goods, andhas found application in a wide contextualised information and the STEM program followed engineering behind skyscrapers, learning how to contribute to avariety of industries and job roles placed in a meaningful situation. by Global Indian International bridges, roads, and more. more sustainable environment.including aerospace engineering, This helps create a rich sensory School (GIIS), Chinchwad, makes lT h r o u g h E n v i r o n m e n t a l As a result of its rising popularityastrophysics, biochemistry, experience that speeds up learning fun with the help of Engineering classes, the and applicability in the worldchemical and civil engineering, learning, deepens engagement, Kelvin, the mascot for the Engineering Design Process industry, several countries,computer science, improves focus attention, and program, who is loved and adored helps design, create, test, and including Australia, Unitednanotechnology, robotics, and generates genuine excitement. by kids. It requires equal partici- refine basic solutions related to Kingdom, The United States,more. It is very interesting to also pation from teachers and parents, alternative energy and environ- New Zealand, and India haveobserve how schools have started CAREER OUTCOMES as the latter must also encourage mental issues, and learn the adopted STEM education.incorporating this discipline their children to pursue STEM principles behind crafting Teachers are also being trained toeffectively and efficiently in their STEM helps incorporate industry activities and increase awareness efficient wind-powered conduct learning modules andcurriculums. It is the practical defined skills, talents, and and interest at home and in machines and discover how workshops based on the STEMadvantages of STEM education specialisations in children, so extracurricular activities,. those machines can be used to principles, using interactive,because of which it has a huge they can pursue the careers which Some of the ways we at GIIS help reduce the use of fossil easily identifiable scenarios andedge over other conventional are most in demand currently. As a Chinchwad highlight STEM fuels. situations. This has helped buildmodes of education as well: result, ithelps working profes- learning are: lThrough a side-scrolling, Super an education system that not only sionals define their own roles and l·By being integrated into the Mario-like platform game, revolves around teachingCOGNITIVE ABILITIES career outcomes and meet the students can program characters students a predefined set of demand graph in international curriculum, Engineering For and a two-dimensional obstacle disciplines and subjects, butSTEM education utilises a domains. At GIIS Chinchwad we Kids has helped them enhance course, where they attempt to rather, knowledge they canframework of embodied learning understand that children need to their problem solving skills, avoid or overcome enemies and actually use in the real world andby means of practical, application be wired for skill development discover how things work, reach an end goal on multiple throughout their lives, therebybased teaching, which aids in that will be required after 10 years explore engineering as a career levels. leading to a better future aheadeffectively developing the when they step out in formal option, engage in real world lAs part of the Master Robotics for all.decision making and strategizing workspace. Running a program engineering problems, promoteDeconstructing Kailash Satyarthi's FIREWALL conceptKailash Satyarthi, Nobel operandi of traffickers and the violence that tiers of the supply chain spanning across the informalPeace Laureate in his key the children are subjected to, the social economy in the developing nations. Some businesses innote address as the Chief change that will take place is enormous. order to keep their production costs at a minimum,Guest on the occasion of Further if the swayam sewaks of the shakhas compromise upon human rights in their supply chains. By93rd Foundation Day of become the eyes and ears of our law boycotting cheap products we can dissuade and disparageRashtriya Swayam Sewak enforcement agencies, intervention against this race to the bottom thereby compelling the companiesSangh (RSS) at Nagpur trafficking will become much easier and to ensure that there are no human right violations in theircalled upon the swayam effective. I think this is what Kailash supply chains. This is also one of the ways consumers cansewaks (volunteers) to Satyarthi meant by swayam sewaks exercise their power and serve as a firewall for theserve as a firewall for becoming firewall for the children. Given the kind of reach and children.protecting the children of expanse that RSS enjoys across the country, and considering RSS We must discourage our friends and relatives from employing children inour country. It is parvaar comprises of several affiliate organizations, the role it can their factories and households and awaken their conscience by guidingimperative to understand play in mobilizing soceity for the benefit of children is too them to handover the children to the law enforcement agencies so that theythis Firewall concept! significant to be ignored. are repatriated and reintegrated into the mainstream society. This is again It's a travesty of sorts that even 71 years after the independence of equivalent to offering a firewall protection to children and saving themRSS has over 55,000 shakhas our country eight children go missing every hour, four are sexually from exploitation.(branches) spread across the abused and two raped. Most of the missing children are trafficked for It has been proven that in 70% cases, children are raped and sexuallylength and breadth of the forced labour, sexual exploitation, prostitution, forced begging, abused by someone known to them and often within the very confines ofcountry. These shakhas are illegal organ transplantation, child marriages, surrogacy and are the household. It is very important that all of us become firewalls for ourpresent even in the remotest subjected to unabated and unimaginable violence. Trafficking is the children at home and outside to ensure that they get physically andvillages. If the swayam sewaks third largest illicit business in the world after drugs and illegal arms emotionally safe space to dwell. The way we care for the rights of our(volunteers) of the Sangh stand generating black money in excess of 150 Billion USD every year. children, we must also stand up for the rights of other children particularlyup for the cause of protection of Child welfare should be a subject of common interest to each and those who for some reason have been alienated from their parents or legalthe most vulnerable and every citizen irrespective of caste, creed, religion, ideology, socio- guardians. We must protect innocent childhoods so that the children aremarginalized children of our economic status, political inclination and faith. nurtured and they grow up to become healthy, educated, productive andcountry and proactively work A few months ago we read how a spirited and responsible citizen of responsible citizens augmenting the human capital of our country.towards sensitization of parents our country upon seeing 26 visibly distressed minor girls being Becoming a Firewall for the children of our country is actually the need ofof children-at-risk against the transported in Muzaffarpur-Bandra Awadh Express alerted the the hour for every citizen. Please do remember, the future of our countrycrime of trafficking, particularly Railway Police over a tweet. This act of presence of mind led to the will only be as promising as the way we treat our children now!explaining them the modus rescue of the girls. That person served as a protective shield or firewall for those girls. --Aprajita Children can be found working in subhuman conditions in the lower Child rights activist. All views expressed in the article are personal.
10 Curriculum November 16, 2018 Classroom FROM GOOD TO GREAT: What transitions & transformations makes universities stand out?Amit Dasgupta, environment needs to necessarily subjects, through dual degree work with each other and in the Business School alumnus from be part of the educational programmes, leading to process, you learn so much! UNSW, says that one of theA former diplomat, & India institution, so that neither students interesting combinations that best Studying at UNSW was the best biggest take-aways for her wascountry director of UNSWA nor Faculty are alienated. They reflect individual interests, thing that happened to me!' the opportunity to study with live and breathe in the real world. helping them make the most of students from different countries.A few universities stand out. Social scientists refer to this their aptitude. The current job 3. The Challenge of In her words, 'It made me seeThe majority do not. Do you intermingling of theory and market is strongly in favour of things differently.'wonder why? practice as praxis. Good and poor people with multiple skillsets, Technology India's educational institutionsTo a large extent, education has universities fail to recognize this. where people are specialised in a are decades behind embracingbecome a business and much Those that do and rewire their particular field of study but adapt Rapid changes in technology and this kind of shift in thinking andlike the Ambassador car, it sold pedagogy to reflect this oneness when put into situations that its embrace are here to stay. Apps, pedagogy. The sheer challengebecause there was limited make the transition from good to require other skills, or even more Big Data Analytics, Quantum and compulsions of demand havecompetition and strong great. importantly, using both skills in Computing, Artificial taken innovation away fromdemand. Similarly, it is possible This is easier said than done. For unison to develop their own USP. Intelligence, Virtual Reality, them. For those that areto run commercially viable one, it requires a paradigm shift in Augmented Reality and many experimenting, the numbers theyeducational institutions even by thinking. It requires 2. Learning Team Work others are now part of our deal with are miniscule inproviding sub-standard understanding that education is everyday vocabulary. Technology comparison to what India needs.education at high cost. not an end in itself but only a and Problem-Solving can be controlled only if it is Indeed, some of the betterSome do learn, however, to means to transforming lives, in mastered. But what technology educational institutions in thedifferentiate themselves by anticipating change and crisis, and Most institutions fail to lacks is the human element and private space cater to 2000 orfocussing on the quality of in creating a just society. Anything distinguish between teaching and human skills. It is important, 3000 students only because of theeducation. They stand out and short of that cripples the very learning because they fail to therefore, to recognize that fairly widespread belief that scalebecome premiere institutions.. raison d'etre of education itself. recognize that a teacher is simply a modern education needs to and quality are incompatible.The demand for admission A shift in pedagogy requires that facilitator. He or she simply constantly emphasize the Factually, this is not true. UNSWincreases dramatically and the education enquire what the sharpens the pencil. The lead continuum between STEM and has 56,000 students and isonly way to manage this is to demands of the external [aptitude] is already there and all non-STEM courses because that internationally ranked by QS.raise fees and the admission environment are. This, in the the teacher is required to do is to is what the modern workplace A time will come when Indiancriteria. Given the supply- words of educationist Ken help the student realize, recognize would demand of its workforce. educational institutions will standdemand mismatch, this actually Robinson, is the revolution of and reveal this. This is much like with the best in the world and holdworks. The better private sector thought and not just the evolution the quote attributed to 4. Cultural Diversity their own. But, this will take time.institutions follow this model. of thinking. Michaelangelo. When praised for Till it happens, Indian students areAmong the government-run Consider four aspects, for his mastery, he is reported to have The future is multicultural. The likely to gravitate towardsinstitutions, however, there is instance, that the Indian education said, 'The sculpture was already digital world has ensured this. institutions abroad.pressure to take in more system is yet to embrace whole- there. All I did was to chip away at Great universities recognize andstudents and that, in turn, heartedly: the stone and reveal the sculpture.' embrace this. Consequently, theirnegatively impacts Faculty- Learning to work in a team is pedagogy empowers studentsstudent ratio and thus quality. 1. Fluid Course Structures critical to employability. with theHow education is delivered can Employers look for those who can knowledge anddetermine a nation's future. It is The days of rigidity in the course be team players. Finding solutions sensitivity that isargued, for instance, and not structure where students are in today's work environment is required to workunreasonably, that education forced to take up subject areas also a team effort. As Emma Perry, effectively inneeds to reflect the demands of they have no interest in, along who did her Under Grad and Post multinationalthe real world. In other words, with those they like, are long gone, Grad education in Media Studies companies witheducational institutions are not thanks to a fundamental evolution at the Faculty of Arts and Social people fromcocoons. The external in people's mindsets. Today, Sciences in the University of New around the globe certain colleges offer students the South Wales, Sydney says, 'What and with opportunity to choose their own stands out about UNSW is that it is different cultural always about people. You learn to backgrounds.Aa yushi Pandey,TEACHER MATTERS : Success stories of teachers, from far and beyond-By Sarah Berry Pranab Mondal, a young computer teacher, 29 years of age, every effort to make myself available ,” he adds.Head – Central Branding and teaches in a government school located at North 24 Parganas,Communications Group, IETS, some 30 kilometers from the India-Bangladesh border; he has We offer BulkSome students, he says, are too scared to even touch a computer, asbrings out impact stories been teaching here since September, 2017, under the ICT@pertaining to teachers in far off Schools initiative commenced by the West Bengal government, they feel they might spoil it, and would be, subsequently, unable tosettings, as part of this special and implemented by IETS. Immersed in 'his' computer lab,series crafted by him, Pranab, points, with a sense of pride to various Subscriptionspay for any damage. When I asked him why he chose computers, props designed by him that serve as visual aids for the 30-40 students who can be accommodated in the lab. However, after I he replies that his liking for the subject, and passion for teaching noticed only 10 computers, I instantly asked him about the gap. made him take up teaching the subject. Pointing to a 'tree with He forthrightly explains that two students share one computer. And then, the class is also 'split' into theory and practical groups ofshort cut keys' that he made because he considers it as an excellent simultaneously. For him, the biggest challenge is motivating his students, many recall tool, he adds: “I encourage application of theory in practical of whom have never seen a computer, let alone operated one. classes, which adds value to the learning process; in addition I Besides the lab in his school, there is no 'computer teaching encourage the students, stronger with concepts, to 'teach' their center' for miles in the neighborhood; so explaining the peers; this type of learning, peer learning as it is called, is very youngsters how to switch a computer on is from where Pranab effective,” adds Pranab. begins his class, slowly progressing, step-by-step, to cover the It takes him about 40 minutes to travel to school, one way. Pranab's nitty-gritties of the subject called Computer Science. “I encourage students to visit me whenever they can, in addition to tofather is a farmer, and until Pranab started working, he supported the classes they attend, in order to clarify their doubts; I make his son in every way possible. Social and financial challenges never Schoolsdeterred a young Pranab from setting his eyes on his career choice and goals. In this remote village of Paraganas, Pranab is quietly scripting his own interpretation of Digital India's outreach, call us atunknowingly, by spreading digital literacy to scores of youngsters. I hope, and am sure, that 'there are hundreds of Pranabs' across 8076071802India that stand for the cause of teaching and all the nobleness this profession stands for.
Curriculum November 16, 2018 11 Campus BuzzIndia's First Covalent Magnetic IIM Sirmaur hosts Leadership Summit Wharton ExecutiveTweezer at Ashoka University 2.0 Education partners withAshoka University houses the first Covalent Magnetic Tweezer Second in the series the Leadership Summit - 2.0 on the theme 'Young TSW(CMT) in India, developed by Dr. Shubhasis Haldar, who works in India: Leaders of Tomorrow', Indian Institute of Management (IIM)the field of Mechanical Biochemistry. With the help of Prof. Julio Sirmaur (Himachal Pradesh) held this daylong event on November 3. TSW has signed an agreementFernandez, Columbia University, the CMT is devised to monitor the The speakers included Biswajit Mohapatra, Global Integrated Delivery with Wharton Executiveeffect of force on protein molecules and can also be used for drug Leader - CIO Advisory, IBM India; Snigdha Majumder, COO, IDfy.com; Education to market two marqueetesting and drug designing. Pankaj Suri, Director of HR, Edelman India, Haresh Chaturvedi, Vice courses in India - GeneralThe Covalent Magnetic Tweezer is so cutting edge because it uses President - HR, Reliance Industries Limited - Dahej (Petrochemical Management Program andmagnetic force to examine molecules. The total cost of the CMT is Division); Parijat Mondal, Vice President (Transportation), ESSEL Advanced Finance Program. Theless than 4 lakhs rupee, whereas a similar instrument abroad will Infraprojects Limited; and Ashok Pareek, Vice President - Source to Pay, courses are designed by Whartoncost millions. Amal Das, Managing Partner and CEO, Good People Consulting LLP, Executive Education to cater toRunning or stretching sets force on several muscle proteins in the Global Business Services, Deutsche Bank, Priyabrata Sarangi, CIO, business owners/entrepreneurs,body. The CMT uses magnetic force to replicate the same occur- Eastman Auto and Power Ltd., Soumendra Mattagajasingh (GM, ICICI senior business leaders, senior-rence and detect this force on proteins. With the CMT, the unfolding Bank), Sanjay Banerjee (Partner, Amrop India), Mr. Mohit Grover level executives and high-kinetics, refolding kinetics and equilibrium can be assessed on the (Associate Director, Ibibo Group), Mr. Partha Pratim Dasgupta, Chief potential professionals. Thesesame plot with a single protein. A similar force spectroscopy Mentor, Reliance, Vijay Pandey, Assistant Vice President, Mango courses are offered fully in theinstrument would cost millions, while the CMT is estimated at less Advisors, Abhijit Sengupta, Senior General Manger, HR, Eveready US.than 4 lakh rupees. industries Ltd. and Prakash Singh Bisht (Deputy GM, Zonal HR Head- The General Management North, ICICI Bank). Program (GMP) is designed toKrea University to weave ethics into Raj Khosla, Founder and MD MyMoneyMantra delivered the keynote enhance the unique global speech and set the tone for summit in the inaugural session. Prof. (Dr.) perspective of business leadersUG course curriculum Neelu Rohmetra, Director, IIM Sirmaur presided over the event. and groom them to take on business challenges they face in Krea University and The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and The industry speakers shared their opinion and drew upon their an ever changing world. TheTransformative Values (“The Center”) have announced a formal experiences to the larger benefit of young student participants. The course has been developed foragreement to reimagine and co-create the ethics learning experience Summit throughout the day spread across four technical sessions under owners / entrepreneurs and seniorfor Krea University's undergraduate students. Krea University has a four sub themes as: Millennials Treading the Road to Leadership, business leaders having at leastdistinct focus on promoting ethical reasoning and decision-making Inspirational Leadership, Integrated Leadership and Contemporary 10 years of managerial experi-to prepare future leaders for an increasingly complex and uncertain Leadership: Behaviour and Practices. ence. The course is flexible andworld. The Center would help Krea deliver an innovative ethics During the first technical session on Millennials Treading the Road to intended to be completed within acurriculum to its undergraduate students. Leadership, the panellists Mr. Mohit Grover (Associate Director, Ibibo two-year span. Each program is Group) and Mr. Sanjay Banerjee (Partner, Amrop India) spoke about highly experiential and is taught Krea University, an upcoming Liberal Arts and Sciences sharp contrasts between the world's leadership and millennials. The by world-class faculty.University, will commence classes for its first batch of undergradu- stereotypes associated with millennials and changing paradigms ofate students in August 2019. Krea is pioneering interwoven learning leadership with millennials playing a key role. They emphasized that the Advanced Finance Program- weaving the arts with the sciences, and intellectual inquiry with basic values are still the same but the need of leadership is changing. (AFP) is a unique opportunity forexperiential education. Ethics education forms an integral part of They suggested ways to engage millennials in the organization and senior-level executives and high-Krea's interwoven learning approach, as ethics constitutes one of the suggested that begin unique is the key. We need to conserve our values potential professionals who areeight guiding principles for curriculum laid out by Krea's academic and innovate constantly since change is the only constant, they rapidly ascending in their careercouncil. Ethics is also proposed as a mandatory skill course for all expressed. to learn and master finance in anundergraduate students. The second technical session was held on the theme “Inspirational immersive yet flexible learning Leadership”. The panellists were Ms. Snigdha Majumder (Chief journey. The course is taught byUniversity of Birmingham appoints Indian Operating Officer, IDfy), Mr. Prakash Singh Bisht (Deputy GM, Zonal the same distinguished Wharton HR Head-North, ICICI Bank) and Mr. Pankaj Suri (Director-HR, faculty who teach the top-rankedcold chain expert to professorship Edelman India) talked about their personal experiences and examples of MBA program. AFP is for senior- their mentors, the panelists identified that self-belief, and inward level executives and high-The University of Birmingham has appointed leading Indian inspirational vision, an irrational hope for the future and the communica- potential professionals pursuingsustainable cold chain expert Pawanexh Kohli as an honorary tion of the why are the key qualities of inspiring leadership. The basis for career in the area of modernprofessor of 'Post-harvest logistics”. this is the value system inculcated in the institutions that we have been financeAs CEO of India's National Centre for Cold-chain Development part of and is reflected in the life that we will lead as future leaders.(NCCD), Professor Kohli has played a key role in shaping policy Later in the day, two panel discussions were held on the themes 'Inte- Pratham Educationand projects aimed at solving post-harvest food loss – particularly in grated Leadership' and 'Contemporary Leadership: Behaviour anddeveloping refrigeration networks linking the farmers to market. Practices'. The discussions were held on the impact of morals, values and launches All India MockThe Birmingham Energy Institute has made the high-profile ethics, fostering an environment for shared accountability and sharedappointment in recognition of Professor Kohli's leadership in goals and collaboration for higher performance, facilitative leadership, Test for CLAT 2019sustainable food logistics in meeting key development targets and respectively.his role in helping define the applied research programmes between Common Law Admission Test orBirmingham and India to deliver the radical innovation needed. UKIBC's 'Beyond the Top 200' Report CLAT exam is a centralized testProfessor Martin Freer, Director of the Birmingham Energy for admission to various NationalInstitute, said: “Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set India the A new UK India Business Council report, 'Beyond the Top 200', sets out Law Universities in India. Thechallenge of doubling farmers' income by 2022. The cold chain is a how India's new higher education policy could accelerate India's rise to test is conducted by the 19key part of a solution to boost India's food security and reduce superpower status by enabling young Indians to receive the world's best participating law schools in theenvironmental impact. higher education in India through greater availability of the top courses rotation, in the order of theirIn 2012, Professor Kohli helped to establish the NCCD which works provided globally. establishment. The test is takenbetween the Government of India, farmers and industry. He acts as The report, launched in the margins of the FICCI Higher Education after the Higher SecondaryChief Advisor to the Department of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare Summit, advocates for effective international collaboration in Indian Examination or the 12th grade foron post-harvest management, cold-chain and supply chain. He is Higher Education. On the path to becoming a 21st global superpower, admission to integrated under-also an expert member on the Empowered Steering Committee for India will need is rightly placing excellence, equal access, and employ- graduation programs in Law.the implementation of the Montreal Protocol in India. ability at the heart of expanding its Higher Education system. The two-hour admission testUnder his leadership NCCD has produced over 30 reports and As the report highlights, UK Higher Education institutions can, and consists of objective typepolicy pieces which have set the agenda for the Government of India want, to play an important role in supporting this goal at every level. questions on Elementaryin this area. They have also helped deliver one of the first cold chains To meet this challenge, Richard Heald, UKIBC Chief Executive, said, Mathematics or Numericalfrom the north to south of India. “We are highly encouraged that the Government of India is creating Ability, English withProfessor Pawanexh Kohli said: “I am personally surprised and policy to allow foreign universities to operate in the country. This is a Comprehension, Generalmost honoured - I am sure this will embolden many other cold-chain welcome step that would allow the best courses, teaching, and facilities Knowledge and Current Affairs,stakeholders to do so much more. The University of Birmingham available globally to directly change lives in India. However, there is Legal Aptitude and Legalhas clearly taken the lead in affirming that post-harvest logistics is consideration being given by the Committee developing India's new Awareness and Logicalthe backbone to sustaining the agricultural system, worldwide. policy to allow only the top 200 globally ranked universities to partici- Reasoning. CLAT exam has 200Effective post-harvest logistics makes agriculture more environ- pate with the best Indian institutions. We think this will limit the supply questions for one mark each andmentally and economically relevant.” of genuinely top-quality learning opportunities for Indians.” they have to be answered in 120 Building on Heald's comments, 'Tara Panjwani, UKIBCs Head of Higher minutes, which leaves, in effect,Dr Devi Shetty made Chairperson of Education, said that “To truly unlock the potential of India's young 36 seconds (approx.) per population, a more flexible approach is needed. Our report therefore question.BoGs of IIM Bangalore recommends that all institutions, whether Indian or foreign, public or private, and irrespective of ranking, be permitted to forge international SkoolSmart launchesDr Devi Prasad Shetty, Chairman and Senior Consultant Cardiac partnerships should it demonstrate, to both parties, real added value. Smart Pickup for schoolsSurgeon, Narayana Group of Hospitals, Bengaluru, has been Only this way can international collaboration meet the demand of India'sappointed Chairperson, Board of Governors, IIM Bangalore for students, institutions, and employers.” Acustomised child pick-up appfour years . The decision was taken by the Board of Governors of Following the launch event and an interaction with the MHRD, the for schools and parents assuresIIM Bangalore, at its 167th meeting held on October 09. UKIBC delegates are confident and positive about the Indian Higher that only an authorised andDr Devi Shetty has been the chief guest at the Foundation Day education environment and are encouraged by initiatives such as SPARC approved individual by thelecture (2008) and the Convocation Day (2015) at IIM Bangalore, and GIAN, which will strengthen UK India Higher Education Relations. students' parent or guardian willpreviously, and nurtures an abiding interest in the institution. be allowed to collect the childSharing his thoughts about how he is looking forward to contribute from the school or the bus-stop,towards taking IIMB to greater success. bringing them home safe and sound.
12 Curriculum November 16, 2018Campus BuzzThe Ardee School Air Pollution Free The four girls began the process by reading about the steps involved in CIIT Delhi Confers writing a book, from producing a rough draft of a manuscript to Distinguished AlumnusCampus initiative publishing it. During their lunch breaks they discussed the storyline, Award 2018 on Sumant noted down the plots and the thoughts & ideas. The collaborative work SinhaTHE ARDEE SCHOOL, New Friends Colony (New Delhi), in of the four girls in terms of writing, reviewing and editing, resulted incollaboration with Nirvana Being, has transformed the ambiance of them putting together a book. The whole process of writing the book Sumant Sinha, Chairman &the school in terms of the air quality the children breathe in. Shefali took them one academic year. Managing Director of ReNew PowerVarma, the Chairperson of school was instrumental behind the EuroSchool Whitefield Principal, Shruthi Arun said, “We feel proud of Limited, India's largest renewablecampaign “my right to breathe” and under expert guidance of Nirvana our student prodigies who have performed a remarkable feat of energy IPP in terms of total energyBeing for this purpose. releasing a book at such a young age. At EuroSchool, it is our constant generation capacity, has beenThe school classifies days as Yellow and Red depending on the endeavour to help students to recognize their talent, discover their areas honoured with the prestigiouspollution level range and follows a system of flagging the same. This of interest, encourage individual skills, thereby giving each child the Distinguished Alumnus Award -has been made possible with the deployment of monitors across the opportunity to pursue their passion.” 2018, by the Indian Institute ofschool premises. It alerts the students on the adverse impact of the air The book is about a boy named Jason, who discovers that he is bestowed Technology, Delhi. The award wasquality and prepares them for emergency preventative care. Parents with magical powers and the challenges he faces in the School of handed over to Sinha during the 49thcan stay informed through the use of an online link to the air quality Wizardry. The book is now available atAmazon for INR 236. Annual Convocation of the institutemonitors. at New Delhi on the 3rd ofThe School suspends all outdoor activity once the PM2.5 levels exceed Discoveries of Asteroids by Indian stu- November, 2018, by industrialist200ug/m3 in line with their policy of limiting exposure of children. Kumar Mangalam Birla and Prof. V.However, sport and physical activity are imperative for cognitive dents Ramgopal Rao – Director, IIT Delhi.development. Nirvana Being has retrofitted the ventilation systems in IIT Delhi selected Sumant Sinha forthe lower ground floor area of the school with MERV 14 rated In 2018, four asteroids have been discovered by Indian students as part this honour, in recognition of hisHoneywell Electronic Air Cleaners to reduce PM2.5 levels by 80-85% of an International science programme, 'All India Asteroid Search outstanding contributions in thefrom ambient levels, down to 0.3 microns. This floor is 15000 square Campaign', conducted by SPACE India in collaboration with fields of Corporate Businessfeet of space dedicated to indoor sports and activity. The air quality is International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC), Hardin Development & Entrepreneurship,kept under control with high quality 'Air Circulation System' and Simmons University, Texas, the United States of America. These which have brought glory to theelectronic air cleaners and filters. The impact is very distinctly discoveries have been confirmed by IASC and International institute. Sinha received theobserved on Yellow and Red days when the PM2.5 levels exceed Astronomical Union which records such discoveries. Bachelor of Technology degree in200ug/m3 and playing outdoors is very unsafe. In this project, images are taken by the Pan Starrs telescope in Hawaii, Civil Engineering from IIT Delhi inThe school ensures healthy air with creative techniques such as plants which provides the images to the participating students. The students the year 1987.being used in classrooms and further looking into the installation of a use advanced software and techniques to look for asteroids. Pan StarrsGerman-engineered planter called Airy that generates eight times has an advanced telescope and camera system state of the art CCD Cambridge English signs LOImore clean air than an earthen pot. These tools replenish oxygen levels cameras, higher Field of View, ability to see fainter objects made this with SRM University Sikkimand reduce volatile organic compounds in the classrooms where difference. Students look for asteroids under programs initiated bychildren spend most of their day. With this robust arrangement, the NASA and Jet Propulsion Lab that track and monitor asteroids looking Cambridge Assessment English (partschool is a safer place for children rather than a closure on heavy for ones that may get perturbed out of their orbits and pose a threat to of the University of Cambridge) haspollution days. earth. signed a Letter of Intent withSRMThe Ardee School has engaged in initiatives such as offering video Students work on this project for 2 months with immense diligence and University, Sikkim to develop theclasses to students when schools are closed down by the government scientific curiosity. It is truly an amazing feat for students at the school English language skills of theon severe pollution days; waste-free school drive, wearing masks level to achieve such discoveries, and of a high scientific merit! students to enhance their employ-while commuting on red days, customizing the school calendar to ability.ensure longer breaks during poor air quality periods(Diwali and winter Students pledge to end gender inequal- The LOI was signed by Prof. Ch.break) and reducing other holidays to keep a balance, the red brigade Satish Kumar- Registrar,SRMparticipation to raise air pollution awareness in the community and ity University Sikkim, and Liam Vint,regular discussions on pollution that cover aspects on how to prevent, Deputy Director Global Networkprepare and protect oneself. Buoyed by the overwhelming success of his 'Endhuku Endhuku', a and TK Arunachalam, Regional Shefali Varma said, “Children are most vulnerable to the rising sentimental song on 'Social Equality', 13-year-old Master Pradyumna Director - South Asia, Cambridgepollution levels, which is not improving any time soon. The effects of and Singer Rahul Shipligunj (Rangasthalam movie fame) launched Assessment English.breathing in the impure air are clearly visible in their overall growth. \"Girl Child Killing\" an awareness song that serves as a clarion call forWe cannot afford to neglect this grave situation anymore. Children bringing about Gender Equality in the turbulent days the country is From Pg 1spend 8 hours a day with us. It is our responsibility to ensure that our passing through on the occasion of this year's Children's Day at an eventstudents are protected and this is what we are trying to achieve.” at Narasimha Reddy Engineering College in Kompally. UNICEF India appoints What made the day special was the manner the participants spoke sprinter HIMA DAS asEuroSchool Airoli hosts 1st CISCE during the lively debate on 'Gender Equality'. The opinions differed, the first ever apparently because each saw the world in a different light. Master ‘Youth Ambassador'National Speed Roller Skating Meet Pradyumna on what drew him to launch such songs said 'we should take inspiration from the likes of Indira Gandhi, Jhansi Laxmi Bai and An 18-year-old girl from the DhingEuroSchool Airoli took pride in hosting the 1st CISCE National Speed Kalpana Chawla, who will remain role-models for generations to come. village in Assam, Hima hasRoller Skating Meet under the aegis of the ICSE/ISC Council Sports I fully hope that 'Beti Bacho Betii Padaoo' catches up with every Indian emerged as an international award-and Games 2018. The opening ceremony was hosted on 21st October citizen'. winning sprint runner. She has wonand the skating event was held from 22nd to 23rd October. The Chief Over 300 students with different backgrounds took a pledge to end such a silver medal in the 400 metersGuest of the occasion Commander (Retd.)Abhishek Kankan, recipient a social menace and begin spreading awareness campaigns. sprint at the recently-concludedof the prestigious Nausena Medal, graced the event with his inspiring Asian Games in Jakarta, and a goldpresence. Commander Kankan is an avid sports enthusiast, para- KIIT Organizes 'Rockers 2018' in the 4X400 meters relay in thetrooper, SCUBA diver, a TEDx & motivational speaker and a same event.corporate trainer. KIIT world school Gurugram recently organized an interschool Through her appointment as aThe first CISCE National Speed Roller Skating Meet is an effort to competition \"Rockstar 2018\" for Pre- Primary students to 8th class Youth Ambassador, she would actprovide a platform to the students to showcase their skills and imbibe students . In this competition around 250 students participated from as a role model who will inspirevalues like integrity, sportsmanship, endurance and harmony. The day Delhi Public School, Maruti Kunj, Gururgram, St. Michael School, millions of children and youngof the event wore a festive look with flags and banners adding colours Elegant Children's Academy, Wingspan School, Government Senior people to take action in making theto the venue. The occasion began with a graceful rendition of Secondary School, Badshapur, Gururgram, Devika Kids Care, GMSS world a better place and ensuringBharatnatyam, seeking Lord Ganesha's blessings for a successful Sector 43 Gururgram, Education Bharati Public School . The event was that their rights are respected.event. Over 100 students from 7 different regions across India a great success as it gives chance to more than 250 students to showcase “It is an extremely proud momentparticipated in the championship. their talent. for me. As an athlete, I get to meet aEuroSchool Airoli Director Principal Ms. Sudeshna Chatterjee said, lot of young people and as“EuroSchool is known for its belief in 'Balanced Schooling' that The event comprised of competitions like My Inspiration, My UNICEF's Youth Ambassador Icombines academic, co-curricular and sports training for the holistic Innovation, Cover My Book, Painting, Dance Drama, Tales of will be able to amplify their voicesdevelopment of a healthy mind and body. Sports are known to aid the Panchanantra, Sur Sangam where students showcased their versatility and issues,” Hima said. “I want forlearning process, instil confidence, increase alertness and agility and creative genius. every child, regardless of theiramong children. With the best-in-class sports infrastructure and All participants have made tremendous hard work to show their hidden background, gender or ability, to betraining we ensure that our students develop expertise in the areas of talent. The talent show was additionally arranged in dancing , singing able to access schools that are safetheir interests and hone their talent to match international standards.” ,rhyming order. Some students showed there talent in my superhero , and supportive so that they canAs a part of the measures taken to promote sports, the Airoli campus of my inspiration by representing their inspiration through fancy dress learn and thrive.”EuroSchool has provisioned for an extensive playground and a competition . Students also presented their favorite story through skitprofessional set up of a skating rink. and through exhibition, students displayed their innovative idea and showed their talent. The participants showed their talent with greatFour 12 years old students publish a power and illuminated the name of their school. Mentor Dr. Neelima Kamarah in her words congratulated all thebook on Amazon participants for their stupendous performance during the event. She expressed “we believe that such types of events help in developingFour students of EuroSchool Whitefield, Bengaluru--- Uditi Mourya, essential skill of public speaking and performing skills and also go aTreya Moodithaya, Nikkita Rosalyn and Nityasree Pola all girl long way to boost the confidence of children to face audience comfort-students of about 12 years of age and studying in grade seven have ably”.published a book called 'The Chronicles of Wizardry'.
Curriculum November 16, 2018 13 ACCOLADESElectronic Health Pill Innovation for Cardiac equal female participation after we made mixed-gender participation Blue Bells Group of Schools,Care Wins 'Accenture Innovation Challenge' mandatory for co-ed colleges.”2018 This year, about 2148 students participated in the Sweden India Gurgaon patron awarded Nobel memorial Quiz and extra emphasis has been put on increasingThe Accenture Innovation Challenge 2018 which aims to inspire the female participation. It was an attempt to bridge the gap and the Dr. Saroj Suman Gulati, Director, Bluestudents to apply their technology talent and creativity to develop quiz rules for participation has been revised to encourage more equal Bells Group of Schools, has beeninnovative ideas that can create social and business impact concluded participation. This year the female participation was up at 45% across conferred with the coveted Globalon Oct 31 with the announcement of winners. The grand prize was teams from 10 % in 2017. Education Leaders Award 2018 by Hisawarded to the team from Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology The National quiz champions have won an all-expenses paid trip to Highness Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al(Sir MVIT), Bengaluru for their solution 'Aayush', a cost-effective Sweden. The awardees will get to visit the headquarters of the Nahyan, Member of the Cabinet andingestible battery-less electronic health pill that can continuously partnering companies, Swedish universities and the Nobel Museum. Minister of State for Tolerance, UAE.record health metrics to predict and prevent heart attacks and cardiac All participants got the certificates and many of them also won An educationist par excellence, Dr.arrests. Nihal Konan represented the team. exciting audience prizes. Gulati was among the nine eminentAayush' records metrics such as PH level, body temperature, heart About 716 teams from leading institutions registered encompassing education leaders from India who wererate and myeloperoxidase protein content of a person using bio- 2148 students participated in this year's competition. The Sweden awarded for their exemplary contribu-medical sensors from the body and transmits data to a mobile app India Nobel Memorial Quiz 2018 started from Mumbai on 28 tion in various spheres of education andvia a wearable smart patch. The solution features a built-in artificial September 2018 and saw participation from all leading institutes social development in the eve of theintelligence-enabled virtual assistant, which monitors data for across six locations at Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai and 2nd edition of India-UAE Partnershipabnormal variations in the parameters, and analyzes and predicts a Hyderabad.Launched in 2008, this much awaited annual quiz has Summit (IUPS) on 30th October 2018.heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest 9 – 11 minutes prior to it taking grown exponentially over the years and is a unique medium to test The event was held at The Atlantis,place. In cases of an emergency, the solution uses GPS location to student's knowledge on the Nobel Prize, Nobel Laureates and their Dubai in the presence of Hisalert the nearest hospital and the person's family or caretaker group achievements along with Sweden, its people, culture, Swedish Excellency Navdeep Singh Suri, Indianabout the need for immediate medical care. innovations and inventions. Organized by the Embassy of Sweden in Ambassador to UAE, Mr. ManpreetOther winners in the competition included teams from Indian collaboration with leading Swedish companies in India and other Singh Badal, Hon'ble Finance Minister,Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras; Nitte Meenakshi Institute of partners as well as the Consulate General of Sweden in Mumbai, it Govt. of Punjab. Mr. Ashish Gulati,Technology, Bengaluru; IIT-Kharagpur; Manav Rachna forms part of the Sweden India Nobel Memorial programme. Vice-Chairman, Blue Bells Group ofInternational Institute for Research and Studies, Faridabad; and The quiz is open to all Indian students currently enrolled at a Schools received the award on theDelhi Technological University, New Delhi. The winners were college/university in India. Students are required to form teams of 3 Director's behalf. The award has beenannounced at the competition's grand finale held recently in members, all from the same institution. Each team must comprise of conferred on Dr. Gulati in recognitionBengaluru, which featured 16 finalists, all of them from the at least one male and one female student, unless the institution is of her exemplary contribution to 'K-12engineering discipline. The Grand Prize winner received prizes gender-restricted. education and promotion of Art andworth INR 150,000 and each member of the two teams selected as Culture'. She is recognized in thecategory winners — for 'Innovate for Businesses' and 'Innovate for 'ATOM' - Bajaj Finserv's campus contest education sector for impartingthe Society' — received prizes worth INR 75,000. education that inspires confidence andThe Accenture Innovation Challenge 2018 was open to students concludes ensures that the students are totallypursuing graduate, under-graduate and post-graduate programs. equipped to become the global citizensStudents were encouraged to develop ingenious technology Mumbai- October 26, 2018: 'ATOM', the inaugural B-school of the 21st Century.solutions using advanced technologies such as advanced analytics, competition by Bajaj Finserv, successfully concluded in Pune on Octautomation, artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, 26. India. Team Arbitrageurs from T A Pai Management Institute, JGU VC C. Raj Kumarcybersecurity, immersive reality and internet of things, among Manipal walked away with top honors and a handsome reward of Rs.others. 5 Lakh. The runners-up, Team Rocket from IIM Ahmedabad received honored“We are thrilled that the Accenture Innovation Challenge this year a cash prize of Rs. 3 lakh. The contest, which witnessed enthusiastichas seen a record participation – over 13,000 entries involving over participation from the top 16 Indian B-schools, was launched in Professor (Dr.) C. Raj Kumar, Vice30,000 students across 1,000+ colleges in India. Technology August this year, to engage bright young minds in building new-age Chancellor of O.P. Jindal Globalinnovation is driving disruption in many industries, and it is exciting solutions for futuristic Fintech scenarios. Five top teams fought it out University (JGU), has received theto see how students have applied advanced technologies to develop at the grand finale. Global Education Leaders Award at theinnovative ideas in diverse areas such as medical care, trauma care, In this year's gamified competition, the participants were given five recently held India-UAE Partnershipdairy farming, energy management, music, railroad management, futuristic problems revolving around - investments, lending and Summit 2018 (IUPS)in Dubai, UAE.personal data privacy, fraud management, eco construction, and so insurance to build ideas and solutions to prepare for solving an The award was presented as a part of theon”, said, Mohan Sekhar, senior managing director and lead for unforeseen problem or leverage a possible opportunity. The IUPS Excellence Awards 2018, whereAccenture's Advanced Technology Centers in India. “The innovative competition was run on multiple stages, with teams fighting it out at Professor Raj Kumar was recognisedand creative abilities these students have exhibited are campus, regional and national levels to reach the finale. The top five for his exemplary contributions tocommendable and we heartily congratulate all the winners and teams made presentations to the top leadership of Bajaj Finserv. research, innovation and institutionparticipants”. “ATOM is a step towards encouraging innovation-centric culture. We building in higher education. UAE believe that innovation only comes through disruptive thinking and Cabinet Minister of Tolerance, HisDSE wins The Sweden India Nobel through ATOM we are encouraging next generation to challenge the Excellency Sheikh Nahayan MabarakMemorial Quiz 2018 status quo, take on big ideas and convert them into executable Al Nahayan and Mr Navdeep Suri, actions. Our vision is to further develop ATOM into an incubator for Ambassador of India to the UAEDelhi School of Economics emerged as winners in the Sweden India talent, projects and partners; going beyond the program's original presented him the award.Nobel Memorial Quiz 2018 that was concluded on November 1, twin goal of communications,” said Sanjiv Bajaj, MD, Bajaj Finserv Under his leadership, JGU has grown2018 at IP College for Women. XLRI Jamshedpur and University of Ltd. into a multidisciplinary and research-Hyderabad secured second and third position respectively. oriented university with eight differentThe finale saw close competition with teams battling it out for the Infosys InStep Recognized schools relating to law, business,title till the very end. Gokul S, Arushi Raj and Akash Verma from international affairs, government &Delhi School of Economics won The Sweden India Nobel Memorial Infosys (NYSE: INFY), a global leader in consulting, technology and public policy, liberal arts & humanities,Quiz 2018 with a leading score of 165. XLRI, Jamshedpur came next-generation services, said its global internship program, InStep, journalism & communication, art &second with a score of 136 and University of Hyderabad finished has been ranked number 1 in the best overall internship category by architecture and banking & finance.with a score of 125. Vault.com's latest survey on Top Internships for 2019. InStep, also This year, JGU was conferred with theAmbassador of Sweden, Klas Molin, awarded the prizes to the earned the first position in the best consulting internship category, status “autonomy” by the Ministry ofwinners and participants at IP College for Women. second position in the compensation and benefits category, seventh Human Resource, Government of IndiaIn the context, the Ambassador Klas Molin said, “I am thrilled to position in the quality of life and employment prospects categories and is one of only two private universi-see high level of enthusiasm in this flagship event, the Sweden India and tenth position in the career development category. ties among the 52 universities, whichNobel Memorial Quiz. We are especially proud to have achieved A fully paid international internship program, InStep annually selects have been given autonomy. It is notable around 140 students from the top 100 universities globally to work on that JGU is the youngest Indian projects across business units and business enabling functions. Interns university to have broken into the QS with technical backgrounds are offered opportunities to work on real- BRICS University Rankings 2019 and time STEM projects in digital technologies such as artificial QSAsia University Rankings 2019. intelligence (AI), machine learning, big data, cloud computing, data security and Internet of things (IoT) among others. Aakash Institute founder, For the ratings, Vault surveyed more than 13,000 interns, past and present, from over 120 internship programs about their internship Choudhary honoured experiences. Respondents were asked to rate their experiences in terms of quality of life, full-time employment prospects, Among the 2018 winners of IEBF compensation and benefits, career development, and diversity. These Excellence Awards annnounced in ratings were averaged to determine an overall score for each program. London at IEBF's Global Summit, “Coinciding with the 20th anniversary of InStep, this recognition was J. C. Chaudhry, Chairman of validates our continuous effort to nurture an ecosystem that Aakash Institute who won the encourages and guides young talent to realize their dreams,” said Excellence award for 'Transforming Pravin Rao, Chief Operating Officer, Infosys. “Innovation is at the Lives through Education'.The event heart of all we do at Infosys and InStep is one of the foremost saw participation from imminent initiatives that champions this endeavor. The program aims to provide business leaders and politicians from an unparalleled internship experience to students from across various sectors and communities. geographies and allows them to collaborate with experts from the He further added that he would like to industry on cutting-edge research projects.” join IIT and later, complete PHD with an objective to contribute to the future of science”. The prodigious boy also took supplementary classes from
14 Curriculum November 16, 2018 InterviewGaurang Shetty, Chief Innovation Catalyst &CEO, RiiDL ‘My target is to help half a million youngsters to accelerate their ideas' Gaurang Shetty is the Chief Innovation Catalyst &CEO, RiiDL (research Innovation Incubation Design Laboratory) at Somaiya Vidyavihar campus in Mumbai. RiiDL is the Innovation centre and the Technology Business Incubator (TBI) of the Somaiya campus (38000 students and 1800 faculty). Curriculum magazine reached out to him in view of RiiDL being one of the 16 facilities which have been given a grant of Rs 5 Cr by the government of Maharashtra to further innovation. RiiDL, set up in 2010 is also aPlease give us a sense of what based garbage collector, Indian Dental Divas.Product: expertise in areas like technology, We wanted to change this and wewill change at RiiDL with the Sketcher (selected for Novel Sterilization device for marketing and creating value started by creating projects whichRs 5 cr grant that Maharashtra MakerFaire Rome) as well as small Dental Instruments. proposition. Here, incubators can people needed.government has announced for projects that graduated into RiiDL's project ecomappers won assist them in their initial phase of If you have to explain in nutshellyour foundation along with 15 acclaimed startups like the Best Research project & development by providing these the contribution of Somaiyaothers? SquareOff. Process Innovation Award by various services. In India, it is Vidyavihar group to youthRiiDL will expand the incubation Who is this program for? Reserve Bank of India Governor, estimated that there are about 200 empowerment, what would youactivities with the new grant at This program is open to students Dr.RaghuramRajan, 2014. startup incubators of which, about say?Somaiya Ayurvihar campus in across various institutes and RiiDL received an acknowledge- 50% are set up in non-metro Somaiya Vidyavihar has created anSion Mumbai. The campus which backgrounds. In case, you have a ment from DDB Mudra Group for cities—outside NCR, Bengaluru innovation & research ecosystem,consists of a Medical college & a project idea of your own creating the first Interactive and Mumbai. According to the which will enhance the intellectual,Hospital, Physiotherapy college, (includ ing F in al Year Staircase. Our startup industry body Nasscom, there is a psychological and social develop-an Engineering and information Projects/Thesis/Research etc), Infivention's product Squareoff 40% year-on-year growth in the ment of India by 2025Technology college, etc. will help PBL offers you a platform to got more than 30 million + views number of incubators. With automation, AI and roboticsstudents from the campus and grow and provides you with the on social media platforms. The What are some of the precau- filling the air with both excitementnearby colleges to use our right mentorship and resources won the Coolest Technology tions and tips that you would of new job roles and fear of jobincubation facilities. to take your project to the next Awards from Digital Trends at recommend to an institution loss, in your assessment, what isRiiDL will also drive the project level. CES Consumer Electronics situated in a non-industrial tier going to happen in this transfor-based learning activity which We understand that a lot of Show, Las Vegas. Also, they 2 or tier 3 location? mation? How should the studentcreates a pipeline to our incuba- students are overwhelmed with successfully delivered products Start by building a community and community brace the change?tion program. the number of options available to customers from more than 30+ create good mentor network who Move fast, learn things (how to makeWhat is this project based out there. To help such students, countries after their can help startup founders and then almost anything course @fablearning? we have curated a list of projects crowdfunding activity. start building projects and academy @RiiDL, how to growIt is an experiential learning and challenges students can Offee – Offline Education & amp; showcase it at various exhibitions anything @RiiDL ) DIY tutorials onprogram that helps students work on. Entertainment: They won the across the country. instructables and youtube, etc.acquire necessary skill-set by RiiDL was set up in 2010, can Maharashtra Startup Week 2018. Coming back to Somaiya Be a part of active communitiesworking on tangible projects that you tell us in last eight years or Product: A content sharing device Vidyavihar, you are an alum of (peer to peer learning) eg: facebookprovide a practical application so, what are some of its with custom software for it and now working with its developer community, Racingfor what they're learning. In fact, milestones or achievements? edu& entertainment sector. students. In the first place, what teams, Robotics teams, etc.it is one of the flagship programs Our startup INDRA, jointly prompted you to come back in Your personal journey has beenconducted by RiiDL to foster the incubated with SINE IIT B won Lot of technical educational such a role? interesting and adventurous,spirit of innovation on campus. the leading Startup 2018 award institutions/universities in the Our trustee, Shri Samir Somaiya where do we see you in next fiveThe student work in teams at Digital Disrupt – The New country are setting up incuba- gave us the inspiration and years and also the future plans oftowards realizing solutions to Normal by All India tion centres, from your own guidance to start this initiative. the works you are associated with?problems or just exploring the Management Association &; experience, what do you think, We identified that almost 100+ We are working to help grassrootworld of technology and teams Bombay Management are such centres a necessity of projects were done in final year in innovators and startup founders withare lead by experts from RiiDL, Association. Product: Water 21st century? Or conversely an only one college but none of these exceptional ideas. I want to reach outas well as mentored by research- Reuse, Treatment and answer to India's youth projects were going out in the to at least a half million youngstersers, professors and entrepreneurs Purification system. employment issue. market. This was common with and help them accelerate theirfrom the RiiDL network. In the Our startup Sterifast won the Young startup founders are not most of the colleges across India. ideas!!past, we have had projects like AI Dental Innovation of the Year, by that experienced. Their busi- nesses demand a certain depth of We offer Bulk Exercise, diet and wellness apps are powerful learning resources for young people – studySubscriptions Young people can judge which health-related apps are relevant to their Dr Victoria Goodyear, from the University of Birmingham's School of to age and bodies, source appropriate digital content and dismiss app Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, who led the research said: Schools content that might be harmful to them – a new study reveals. “There are currently over 160,000 health apps available on the major app Researchers at the University of Birmingham found that many young stores focussed on wellness, diet and exercise and they are of particular call us at people are 'critical participants' of digital health technologies and, as interest to young people, however most of these apps are designed for apps and devices are highly accessible, they can offer private spaces in adults. Health apps and devices have the potential to act as very 8076071802 which to engage in health related activities, away from communal engaging and attractive health promotion tools that could for example, spaces that young people may find intimidating. help young people to learn about their bodies or improve their physicalCurriculum A sample of 245 young people aged from 13 - 18 across the UK took activity levels. part in the research project. The key findings of the study suggest that “What the findings do highlight is that adults need to be more magazine one third of the participants were active users of apps and devices related to exercise, diet and wellness. understanding of the opportunities, challenges and pitfalls of digital The researchers also found that schools, PE lessons and sport, peers and parents were powerful influencers over the types of apps and technologies for young people's health and wellbeing – and that we devices young people used, but that many of the participants were able to disregard content that was either irrelevant to them, potentially should not associate technology with, solely, health-related risks. harmful to their bodies, or simply 'boring'. Certainly, health education can be enhanced by learning from the ways in which young people access, select and use digital health technologies.”
Curriculum November 16, 2018 15 News ExtraISDM releases Social Impact Multipliers Report NEET 2019 registrations to go upIndian School of Development leadership development is SPOs. development in the Social Sector, because of overseas MBBSManagement (ISDM) released The report also indentifies top five Mr. Ravi Sreedhar, Founder'Social Impact Multipliers competencies and skills relevant Director, ISDM said, \"Currently, aspirantsReport', in collaboration with for leaders in SPOs-- People the Indian Social Sector is marredSattva consulting to build a development, Communication with varied problems, The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) 2019 has beenstrong ecosystem through and Influence, Strategic thinking, predominantly due to the lack of scheduled for May 5. This is the first time when NEET examination isdetailed analysis of Outcome-orientation, and an ecosystem for leadership being conducted by the newly formed National Testing Agency (NTA)perspectives from leaders, Commitment to impact development in this sector. that has replaced the competitive exams related functions of Centralfunders and 'enabling Leadership is vital in impacting Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).organisations'. The report With 3.3 million Non-Profit the manner in which the largebrings together these insights Institutions (NPIs) employing sums of money are spent on social The online application process for NEET 2019 for admission to theto provide recommendations over 18.2 million people, change. Through the findings of undergraduate (UG) courses like MBBS have begun from Novemberfor funders, Social Purpose supported by contributions from this report, we are hoping to bring 1, 2019. With so many changes pertaining to medical education, it isOrganizations and key funders, enabling organizations, a shift in the Indian corporate expected that admissions for MBBS, quality of medical education andstakeholders in the social the government, and businesses, mindset, from being a NEET exam is going to be more much- more transparent this year.sector space on leadership the Indian development sector is compliance-driven socialdevelopment so as to enable one of the largest and most active benefactor to one with a strong “The formation of NTA is a welcome move for medical colleges andsocial organizations for larger social economies in the world. commitment to change the MBBS aspirants. There have been instances in the past where thingstransformative impact. Still, there are sizable sections of society.” did not go too well as far as NEET examination and admissions to the population that have been left medical education is concerned. Amendments made by theAmong the key findings is an behind in the Indian growth story The report has recommended Government of India looks promising and I am certain that there is a lotoverwhelming recognition that as we are placed in the category of creation of an inter-sectorial more in the bag for medical fraternity,” said President of MCIleadership development across medium human development dialogue and platforms that bring recognised Texila American University based in Caribbean, Sajuthe organizations is critical for ranking countries on the global the highly diverse sector together Bhaskar.Social Purpose Organisation index. Social sector leaders and to build a shared understanding of(SPO) to achieve scale and organizations increasingly need to organizational talent needs and In a move to help students, NTA has uploaded expert lectures for NEETimpact sustainable social develop their ability to understand leadership besides contextual UG to prepare candidates for this crucial examination. These videoschange. However, a historical and work within this evolving learning programmes that enable have been created by IIT Professors and subject - Physics, Chemistry,focus on programmes and context of complexity and holistic development through Mathematics, and Biology.participant groups rather than uncertainty. immersive practice-orientedorganization development has experiences. “Students will have to prepare really well for NEET examination asled to a lack of attention towards Speaking about the significance over 7,000 new registrations will add to NEET since the examination of the need of Leadership has been mandated for overseas MBBS aspirants. Further, in a move to support the Government in preparing students for NEET, TexilaInnovations by IIT-Hyderabad Students recognized Academy, an exclusive platform for NEET preparations, will be rolling out free study material and unveiling digital classrooms for NEETSamsung India conducted the finalists received awards of difficult yet delightful challenge. aspirants. The study material will be chalked down by experts in the8th edition of the Samsung merit from Samsung. Samsung has been supporting field and we will promote it through digital platforms,” adds Mr.Innovation Awards 2018 at the This year's awards received a deep-tech innovation over the Bhaskar.Indian Institute of Technology strong response, with 22 teams years and we believe such(IIT), Hyderabad in association submitting their ideas. The final opportunities alongside joint The NEET UG- 2019 shall consist of one paper containing 180with its Entrepreneurship Cell teams demonstrated their courses and emerging technology objective type questions from Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Thison Nov 2. Samsung Innovation projects to jury comprising Dr. labs at top institutions will help will be a single exam in pen- and- paper mode. The duration of paperAwards aim to recognize and Aloknath De, Dr. MV take our vision forward,” said Dr. would be three hours. More information is available atreward innovations that have the Panduranga Rao, Associate Aloknath De, Senior Vice www.ntaneet.nic.inpotential to revolutionize Professor and Head, Department President, Samsung R&Deveryday living. of Computer Science and Institute, India – Bangalore. 11th All India Korean Language SpeechThe first prize went to Kannan Engineering, IIT Hyderabad and The 8th edition of SamsungChandrasekaran for his self- Dr. Ajit Bopardikar, Senior Innovation Awards was initiated Contest at DUlearning bot that can read Chief Engineer, SRI-B during seven months ago. Students fromthrough and understand data in the course of the event. IIT-Hyderabad were invited to Twenty nine students from Korean language departments of Universityan extremely short time and “Since its inception eight years submit their innovative ideas in of Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, King Sejong institutes andprovide responses for questions ago, Samsung Innovation IoT and related technology areas. other Korean language institutes talked on 'India-Korea, future of theasked about that data in any form Awards have witnessed highly The shortlisting process was bilateral relation' in 3 different levels and gave speeches in Koreanor language, making it easy for creative solutions with great jointly conducted by professors language for 3-4 minutes in the 11th All India Korean Languageusers to find information in an technological and social from IIT-Hyderabad and Speech Contest at DU held on Nov 13. The winners were awarded witheasy manner. applications. Bright young researchers from SRI-B, who scholarship worth Rs. 6.4 lakh supported by the sponsor of the eventThe second prize went to minds of the country need to selected the seven finalists. Asian Airlines.V.Sushmitha, Anand Kadu and choose impactful problems, The winning projects wereDr. Sushmee Badhulika for think of innovative solutions and selected based on the degree of 1st position in advanced category was grabbed by Sourabhi Maiti, 2nddeveloping a low cost platform pursue step-by-step implementation of the proposal, position by PF Kapesa and 3rd by Kelsi Kalsiya all from King Sejongfor personal healthcare that is implementation. This year too, prototype implementation, final institute Delhi.enabled by easily available students of IIT-Hyderabad have product realization,devices such as a smartphone submitted powerful ideas that business/market impact and the In Intermediate category the 1st, 2nd and 3rd position holders were,and could be mounted on a made shortlisting winners a demo. Sonia Maria Jose King Sejong institute Delhi, Aparna University ofwearable device as well. The Delhi and Lata Tiwari from King Sejong institute respectively.vision of the team is to enable New Releaseeasily accessible and low cost In beginner category, 1st position was grabbed by Chetna - Kinghealthcare in remote parts of Choicest Essays Sejong institute, 2nd by Jennie Ngaihzenlian – JNU and 3rd byIndia. for interviews/ Anubhuti Kakati - King Sejong Institute Delhi.A team comprising G. HanuPhani Ram, Praveen Kumar debates/General The contest aimed at encouraging young talents to contribute forPoola and Prasanth Panta won Knowledge on India’s bilateral relationship. The occasion was graced by the presence of H.E.the third prize for their idea of Shin Bongkil, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to India, Mr. Kimusing a smartphone-based burning problems Kum Pyoung, director of Korean Cultural Center Prof. Unitamethod to study cells for early Sachidanandfrom Delhi University, Prof. Ravikesh from JNU alongdetection of oral cancers. Selected from columns with students from many colleges.The awards were presented by appearing inDr. Aloknath De, Senior Vice Curriculum magazine In India, there are around 20 higher educational institutions offeringPresident, Samsung R&D Korean language class in certificate or degree course. Recently IndraInstitute, India – Bangalore. The Book your copy Gandhi National Open University inaugurated its first certificatetop three winners received prizes Now course in Korean language and culture, in which 800 students haveworth INR 1.5 lakh, INR 1.2 registered.lakh and INR 80,000 [email protected], while the other four WANTED Graphic Designer/DTP Operator on Partime/ outsourcing basis in DEHRADUN 9868256512
16 Curriculum November 16, 2018 Potpourri/News Extra Yoga can be helpful in Rehab of cosmonautsIndian School of Public Policy launched Yoga can be a part of astronauts' rehabilitation program after space mission, Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko has said. Kornienko was in India as part of the six-day 'Rosatom Festival of Science & Culture' organized recently by Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation of Russia in early November. The cosmonaut, who along with NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly, spent a staggering 342 days in space on the International Space Station (ISS) in 2015, spoke on his experiences in a motivational lecture. Selected for Cosmonaut training in 1998, Kornienko has spent a total of a little more than 516 days in space and also carried out two space walks lasting over 12 hours total in his extra-terrestrial career.A new class of policy leaders for The establishment of ISPP, an years of public policy programs “All cosmonauts share their achievements with partners, addIndia by equipping policy offshoot of Centre for Civil that our founding council have something of their own to the space exploration. India is not anprofessionals with knowledge, Society (CCS) coincides with the conceptualized and run in various exception and Indian cosmonauts can add something,\" he said. “Yoga,skills, wisdom and ethics to later completing 20 years in forms in colleges and universities for example, can be very useful. For example, some yoga elements canunderstand, design and research and advocacy. According across the country. Across these help maintaining strength and flexibility of the bones and muscles.implement local solutions to to Dr Parth J Shah, the ball was programs we have trained 8000 Cosmonauts' bones and muscles can severely decay in space and this isIndia's enduring policy and set rolling after his conversations students who have gone on to a major problem for us after landing,\" he added.governance challenges may be with Nandan Nilekani, Co- successful policy careers in Indiaon its way in making with the founder and Non-Executive and the world.” The problem of space debris is very serious and International Spacelaunch of the Indian School of Chairman, Infosys; Former N.K. Singh in his keynote address Mission has also suffered from it, said Mikhail Kornienko duringPublic Policy (ISPP) in New Chairman, Unique Identification said that such an institution can Rosatom Festival of Science and Culture, being organized by NehruDelhi. To commence in next Authority of India and Dr. Vijay provide impetus to informed Science Centre, in Mumbai on October 25 – 26. He said that Indian andacademic session, the newly Kelkar, renowned economist and parliamentary debates and also Chinese space programmes are making great progress and that there islaunched ISPP will offer one- educationist met with a positive address the area of centre-state need for joint efforts by countries such as Russia, India and China foryear, Master's equivalent response on such a concept. relations in context of improving the success of space exploration. He also said that there is scope forprogram and will be a blended Dr Parth J Shah, Member of the economic reforms. higher participation in space science, of private sector players fromdesign of theory, perspectives Governing Council, said: “ISPP is Policy analysts and other India and Russia. Talking about the involvement of media andand best-practices of public imagined as a 21st century professionals are increasingly in entertainment sectorsof both countries in the efforts to popularizepolicy from around the world, academic institution. It will focus demand in think tanks, large space science, he stressed on the need to move away fromaugmented with technical, on excellence and deep corporations and even some civil sensationalism and breaking news and focus on popularizing spacemanagerial and leadership specialization in public policy. It society groups. However, if MPs science among the general public. He opined that the next mannedskills. The launch event on Oct will be talent heavy and asset- were provided with a cadre of space travel for research will take 15-20 years.23 was attended by Gurcharan light i.e. it will invest in students these associates, as some expertsDas, public intellectual and and source the very best faculty felt, it would revolutionize the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation of Russia, which boasts ofauthor and an N.K. Singh, from around the world and avoid public policy discourse in the the largest portfolio of nuclear power plant construction projects in theChairperson, Fifteenth Finance making heavy infrastructural country. world, is implementing the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant in TamilCommission of India and investments. It is also the Nadu jointly with Nuclear Power Corp of India Limited (NPCIL).former MP, Rajya Sabha. institutional successor to several Telugu online dictionary launched by WE INVITE YOU TO BECOME PART OF Oxford Dictionaries INDIA'S EDUCATION STORY! Telugu the fourth most populous language in India, spoken widely in You can advertise in curriculum magazine or and also put an the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana as well as elsewhere has advertorial highlighting your company/services/campus/ products etc. joined a growing number of languages from around the globe as part of This will greatly support your marketing effort and enhance your Oxford Dictionaries' global languages initiative. visibility and recall value with your current and potential clients Launched in September 2015 Oxford Global Languages (OGL) is a OUR FOCUS major initiative from Oxford Dictionaries which aims to build lexicographical and other language resources for around 100 of the— We cover latest news, product launches, current events and trends world's languages and to make them available online. 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KritikaAgrawal, University of Oxford graduate and lawyer, and one of our Language Champions thinks the concept of living dictionaries is the need of the hour for the preservation of our languages and literature. OGL addresses that need, engages the valuable human resource and is instrumental in the growth these languages achieved through active
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