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Outsmart Marketing Test - Online Book - PubHTML5

Published by Outsmart Marketing, 2019-05-22 15:52:32

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2019 Sales & Marketing Training Program MODULE 1 PRESENTATION


OUR TOP 5 PRIORITIES IN 2019 1. Sales Team Greatness 2. WLM Collaboration 3. Qualified Sales Office Traffic 4. Data Gathering and Analysis 5. Solar Included Program 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

SALES TEAM GREATNESS 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

SALES TRAINING MODULE #1 First Impression & Discovery 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

FIRST IMPRESSION 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

FIRST IMPRESSION (Cont.) 1. First impressions set the stage for a successful relationship. 2. You only have one chance to make a first impression. And the first 30 seconds make all the difference. 3. Don’t let a first impression become a last impression. 4. What goes into forming a buyer’s first impres- sion? Everything, down to the smallest detail. Complementary elements work to create a “net-positive” (or net-negative) impression. 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

FIRST IMPRESSION (Cont.) I. Marketing Window 1. Signs, flags, landscape 2. Parking 3. Model Complex 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

FIRST IMPRESSION (Cont.) II. Sales Environment 1. Organized office, everything you need should be high quality, accessible 2. Displays, not too many, properly placed 3. Utilize the buyer-centric collateral and other tools that build value and help you get the sale 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

FIRST IMPRESSION (Cont.) III. You! How do you want them to FEEL when they meet you? What do you want them to KNOW about you in the first 30 seconds? What do you want them to SEE during their visit, even if it’s short? How do you want them to REMEMBER you after they’ve visited 4 other communities? **The impression they have of you will be the impression they have of WLH. 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

FIRST IMPRESSION (Cont.) 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

FIRST IMPRESSION (Cont.) 1. Up to greet (physically step into the experience) 2. Offer your name and your hand (and water, coffee, or treat if you have it) 3. Smile (sounds simple but sometimes it requires thought, clear your mind of recent call, work activity) 4. Engage your visitor with positive energy (buyers will react to your excitement for your product) 5. Give your full attention to the person in front of you (don’t look back at a ringing phone or a work filled desk) 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

FIRST IMPRESSION VS. DISCOVERY A positive first impression is about You and the experience You create. Discovery is about Them (your future homebuyer). This is your golden opportunity to get to know Them and to make it personal. 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

DISCOVERY 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

DISCOVERY Obtain contact information Obtain a guest’s contact information so you have a means to continue the relationship that just began Ask permission to question Listen (follow their lead in your conversation) Ask motivation questions Show interest….” Tell me more about that…” Ask future promise questions Where do they see themselves in 3 months, 6 months Fill in gaps, any details needed to help prospect select the right home 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

DISCOVERY (Cont.) 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

DISCOVERY DON’Ts 1) “How can I help you?” You can give me a winning lottery ticket. 2) “Tell me what you are looking for.” The fountain of youth. 3) “What brought you out today?” My car. 4) “What price do you have in mind?” A lot of house for a little money. 5) “Are you in a position to decide today?” None of your business. **Try to avoid questions that naturally lead to one or two-word answers. And if you get stuck there, try this “door-opener”: Tell me more about that. 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

DISCOVERY DO’s Try out as much “real-speak” as you can, infusing yourself and your own thoughts and personality into the questions. “I know you have other things to do than to talk to sales- people all over town, and I want to make this as easy on you as possible. So let’s start with a simple question: Tell me what has you thinking about buying a new home.”** “May I ask you just three quick questions so I can make sure I am pointing you in the right direction? Great, thanks. Let’s start here: tell me why you are thinking about making a move in the first place? What’s going on?”** “Obviously I’m a new home person so I always love to know, what do you like best about your current home and what do you wish were different?” **Content credit to Jeff Shore 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

MODULE 1 REVIEW What did you do or say that your future homebuyer will remember after they leave? Will their interest be sparked by what they see, hear and feel? Did you create a conversation meaningful enough that you can easily continue it in your follow-up? 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

MODULE 1 REVIEW (Cont.) Are you “coffee worthy?” 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

WRAP-UP 2019 Inland Empire Division Sales Training Program

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