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Home Explore College of Agriculture Annual Magazine 2014

College of Agriculture Annual Magazine 2014

Published by Harijith Purushothaman, 2015-04-08 01:06:56

Description: College of Agriculture Annual Magazine 2014


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\oe-¡p-dnªn-tbm-Sv... Bkzm-Z-\-¯n-sâhÀ-®-§Ä {]-Ir-Xn-bp-sSIym³-hm-kn Nm-en-¡p-¶\n-\-¡m-bp-Å Im-¯n-cp-¸n-\nSbn-em-Wv Ip-¶n³ sN-cp-hpI-sf\o \o-e ]p-X-¸-Wn-bn-¨Xv. A-hn-Nm-cn-Xam-b \n-sâ]nd-hn {]-Ir-Xn-sb A-hn-kv-a-c-Wo-bamw hn-[w kp-µ-cn-bm¡n. C-Xp \n-sâ ku-µ-cy-¯n-\p-Å k-aÀ-¸Ww. ku-lr-Z-¯n-tâbpw {]-W-b-¯n-tâ-bpwHmÀ-½-I-fp-WÀ-¯p-¶ Im-hyw.\n-\-¡m-bp-Å N-c-a-¡p-dn-¸v B-cm-epwF-gp-X-s¸-Sm-Xn-cn-¡s«.

KERALA RAJ BHAVANTHIRUVANANTHAPURAMPIN: 69509928 OCTOBER 2014 Message I am glad to know that the Union of the College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, under the Kerala Agricultural University, is bringing out its Annual Magazine highlighting the curricular and co-curricular activities of the students during the current academic year. I wish the worthwhile endeavour all success. Justice (Retd.) P. Sathasivam Governor of Kerala

OOMMEN CHANDI CHIEF MINISTER KERALA 20/10/2014 No. 1358/Pre-Sec/CM/2014 Message I am glad to know that the college union of the College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram District would be releasing its College Magazine for the academic period 2013 – 2014. I hope that the facilities and oppurtunities at the College of Agriculture, Vellayani would enable its students to attain academic excellence and pursue rewarding careers. I also hope that the collective efforts of all associated with the College would enable it to scale greater heights in the future. Wishing all success. Oommen Chandy

sI. ]n. taml\³ 21-10-2014IrjnþarKkwc£WwþA¨SnþtÌj\dn hIp¸v a{´n Message I am delighted to hear that the College Union 2012 – 13 ofthe College of Agriculture, Vellayani is bringing out the annualmagazine named ImewsXän ]q¯ \oe¡pdnªn. In fact collegemagazines are opening avenues for blooming writers and artists. Iwish the magazine be a memoir of the curricular, co-curricular andextra curricular activities of this year. It shall disseminate the practicalwisdom and knowledge in the field of agriculture in a pragmaticmanner. I appreciate the staff and students behind this nobleendeavour. With best wishes K. P. MOHANAN

KERALA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY Main Campus, KAU P.O., Thrissur, PIN: 680 656, Kerala MESSAGEProf. (Dr.) P. RajendranVice-Chancellor I am extremely glad to know that the Student’s Union 2012-13 of College of Agricul- ture, Vellayani is bringing out their College Magazine. In Indian agriculture, we are determined to attain the twin goals of sustainable and inclusive growth. As agricultural professionals, it is our bounden responsibility to harness science not only to increase productivity but also to enhance input use efficiency, reduce cost and post-harvest losses, minimize risk and improve the quality of food commodities. The big challenge, however, is to enhance crop productivity under a deteriorating produc- tion environment, and that too, by incurring lower production costs. Optimal utilization of our available land and water resources coupled with innovations on far mechanization, soil and water conservation, post harvest handling, food processing and value addition, es- pecially in the context of smaller sized farms and from the perspectives of our womenfolk merit our immediate attention. We also need to develop new protocols to disseminate our technologies in a simple, adoptable and acceptable manner. I am sure that the new magazine coming out from the portals of a prestigious insti- tution of our university like the College of Agriculture, Vellayani will chronicle issues con- nected with both agriculture and society at large. The pages, I am confident, will unfold the creative abilities and expressive skills of the campus prodigies, which will further propel our nation and agricultural development, in harmony with Mother Nature. This endeavour has all my good will and appreciation. Prof. (Dr.) P. Rajendran Vice Chancellor, Kerala Agricultural University

KERALA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY College of Agriculture, Vellayani P.O. Thiruvananthapuram, PIN: 695 522, Kerala MESSAGE Dr. Sverup John Dean, Faculty of Agriculture. Patron, College Union 2012-13 It gives immense pleasure and satisfaction that the college Magazine – 2014 is rolling out ontime. It is a matter of pride that this magazine offers a platform for students with scribbling talentsin literature and scientific concepts to consolidate their views. Further, these types of magazines re-cord memories of college activities over a definite period which can be cherished at any later periodwith nostalgia. I congratulate all the contributors and the editorial board for the fine print. I remain confi-dent that this issue of college magazine viewed by a large section of people who inadvertently ratethe creativity and talents of this college. I acknowledge with gratitude the efforts taken by Dr. Shalini Pillai, Associate professor(Agronomy) & staff editor for going through the scripts and for her meticulous editing. I don’t havewords to congratulate Mr. Manu K. Venu, the student editor of this magazine for the wonderfulcoordination of talents and the purposeful efforts for accomplishing this task in record time. I know that many students, apart from the designated Student Editor might have toiled hardat different levels for the genesis of this magazine. I congratulate them also for their support andtalents without which I doubt this magazine would have come out on time. I am hopeful that this small piece of literary work will inspire many more to slate their talentsin the years to come. My best wishes to all readers Dr. Sverup John

The College Magazine of an Institution always bears asilent testimony to the achievements and activities of theprevious academic year. Further, a magazine is not only a re-pository of events and achievements of the year, but also a forum for displayingthe literary and artistic talents of the students. Memories, thoughts and ideasabridging the mind and soul, finally flowing out in the form of words and illus-trations to awaken our creative sensitiveness – and that is ImewsXän ]q¯\oe¡pdnªn, the magazine of the College of Agriculture, Vellayani. The college magazine, in its present shape has become possible with theactive support of the students, faculty and management. The various activitiesthat were undertaken by the students during the past academic year has beeninstilled with a proper mix of perfection and professionalism with the able guid-ance of the faculty and it was quite inspiring to watch and witness the potentialof our students unfolding at various stages and situations.. Trying and testingtimes during the hectic semester system have elicited our students to put forththeir best when it comes to the preparation of this valuable document. The college magazine exemplifies the voyage that transverses and exhib-its the literary skills of our students and faculty and showcases the events thattook place in the campus and elsewhere during the last year. The students havebeen fostered to be humane professionals in every act and there is no doubt thatour outgoing batch of 2011 will indeed reach greater heights in life. Congratulations to the editorial team for their determined efforts inbringing out this magazine. It gives me great pleasure to bring to you this issueof the college magazine which is designed to present to its readers the year‘sevents that have gone by, the magazine also showcases the talents of our facultymembers and students. With a deep sense of humility and satisfaction I wouldsay that with the active support of the students, management and faculty, thismagazine has come alive chronicling the events of the past year.

ÌpUâv FUntämdnb a\p sI. thWp ÌpUâ v FUnäÀ Im e ¯nsâ bh\n I kabs¯ t`Zn¨v Xmgv¶psImïncn¡pt¼mÄ Hcp]nSn HmÀaIÄ AXn\p ]n¶n \ngembv Ahti- jn¡p¶p. Hcp Xncn¨pt]m¡neqsS hoïpw A\p`hn¡mhp¶ H¶Ã Imew. HmÀ½IfneqsS am{Xw ]pdtIm«p k©cn¡m³ ]äp¶, NpïpIfn aµlmkapWÀ¯p¶, I®pIsf Cud\ Wnbn¡p¶ A\p`qXnbmWXv. Ime¯nsâ {]bmW¯n Hm- f§fmbn Hcp]mtSmÀ½IÄ \ap¡v ]pdsIbpïv. NnesXÃmw lrZb¯n kq£n¨h, NneXv apdnth¸n¨hbpw... BZyw \pWª a[pc¯nsâ HmÀ½Ifn BZym£cw Ipdn¡p¶ a\Ênsâ hyhlmcw, Hcp\mÄ PohnX¯n \n¶pw {`ãv I¸nt¨¡mhp¶ acWs¯ Ipdn¨pÅ `oXnbn sN¶p \n¡p¶p. CXn\nS¡pÅ CXfpIfmWv PohnXw. AXn {] Wbhpw kulrZhpw Xncn¨dnhpIfpsaÃmw Ime¯n\p ]p dsI sImgnªpsImïncn¡p¶p. Iemebw.. {]Wbt¯¡mÄ hensbmcp \nÀhN\w Iemeb¯n\p \ÂIm\mIptam F¶p kwibam- Wv. cïp hyànIÄ¡nSbnepÅ aqeyw Ipdª Iym¼kv {]WbaÃ, adn¨v a®nt\mSpw a\pjyt\m Spw, bm{XtbmSpw IetbmSpw kulrZ§tfmSpap Å {]Wbw. AS¡m\mhm¯ Bthi¯nsâ Imew. ]Snbnd§pt¼mÄ lrZb¯n s\m¼cw Ipdn¡p¶ Iemebw... PohnX¯nse AXpeyamb HtcSv-... HmÀ½IfpsS XmfpIÄ adn¡mw, Xncn¨p \S¡mw, \oe¡pdnªn ]q¯p\n¡p¶ Cu hoYnbneqsS. \n§Ä¡mbn kaÀ¸n¡p¶p... \"ImewsXän ]q¯ \oe¡pdnªn...'

Imew sX-än ]q-¯ \o-e-¡p-dnªn acWw {]Wbw ]ndhn 37 Im¯n-cn¸v 69 hn\-bm-\znX³ 38 Too Small Amazingly Elegant 73 औरत 40 a\p ]-dªXv 74 Origin of the Suspicious 43 Xehc 76 kz]v\w 77 ajn¯-ïv ]-d-ª Imcyw14 D¯c-¡-S-emkv 47 You are not mine...15 CcpÄ a-g \-\-ª an-¶m-an-\p§v 48 kJn 80 t\mÀ-¯v 24 ImXw18 Hcp {]mÀ°\ 49 Fsâ _m-ey-Im-e-k-Jn¡v 84 hmb\ 85 ImÀjn-I cwK-s¯ \q-X-\-19 After Death 54 HmÀ-½-I-fp-sS ku-lrZw21 BIkv-anIw 55 kzmX- {- ´yw, P\- m[- n]- Xyw tkmj- ye- nkw {]-h-W-X-I-fpw `-£y-kp-c-£bpw23 B Nn-cn-bn hn-SÀ-¶ ]q-¡Ä¡v 58 On the Road, On the Bike 87 Knowledge is power26 कामयाबी की राज़ 63 SFI F-¶ hn-ZymÀ-°n ]-£w 89 Fsâ I-emebw 65 Rhythm of Love 92 kulrZw27 ZimkÔn 103 a©m-Sn-¡pcp29 International Year of Family 105 Fsâ a-e-bmfw 107 am[-hmb\w Farming 2014 111 Hcp ]m-«n-sâ ]ndhn 114 Garden33 Monument 115 a\Êv 117 Ahn-I-tem-Xv]-¯n35 Madiba 119 Union report

s\Âk¬ atïe dn¨mÀUv Bsä³s_msdm iIp´fm tZhnhÀ® hnthN\¯nsâ Ccp«n Ne¨n{X cwKs¯ AXpey {]Xn`. IW¡n I¼yq«dns\ \n¶pw kzmX{´y¯nsâ kwhn[mbI³, \S³, \nÀ½mXmhv tXmÂ]n¨ alm{]Xn`. `mcX¯nsâ A`nam\w. shfn¨¯nte¡v Hcp P\Xsb F¶o \neIfn kn\nam ssI]nSn¨p \S¯nb temI¯n\v hnes¸« kw`mh\IÄ hn¹hkqcy³ \Â Z£nWmaqÀ¯n tUm. Pn. \½gvhÀ imkv{Xob kwKoX temIs¯ `mcX¯nse ssPh IrjnbpsS Ipe]Xn. hàmhv.]Icw sh¡m\nÃm¯ Ne¨n{X Km\§fpsS krãmhv. BZcmRvPenIÄ..

kulrZ¯nsâ ]¨ne¡q«§Ä¡nSbnÂ... ]mc¼cy¯nsâ ]gw ]m«paqfp¶ Imbensâ aSn¯«nÂ...tIcf¯nsâ ImÀjnI kwkvImc¯n\p XneIw NmÀ¯nb, \½psS Iemebw...

\hZÀi\¯n\mbv ]cnWma§Ä X³ ]mh\[cWnbn ]mÙ\mbn PohnXkcWn Xmïth; ]hn{Xamsbmcp ZÀi\§Ä X³ D¡Àjw tXSn]IenchpIÄ kÀK{InbIÄX³ XmfpIÄ adnªp. hnlze\nanj§Ä \ncm\µ¯n³ hn]©nI X{´nIÄ A]kzcw ao«th hoWpSsªmcp inev]`wKn ]p\:krãn¡p¶ thfbn lna_nµp¡Ä hotWmcpebmbva\w DeIw ]mWnbnsemXp¡ps¶mcp D]cn¹Imcnbmw bphcàw ZÀin¡p¶tXm; D×\ãvSamsbmcp am\hNcn{Xw DuäapÄs¡mïh³ AÔImcKat\mÕpI\mbn XmcIÄ X³ {]`bvs¡´nlamlmßyw Xo¸´§Ä X³ NpSp{]`\ndbpt¼mÄ; Xnct\m«w sImsïmcp \hZÀi\w B[p\nI\mbnXmesaSp¯meh³sdbb\w ]cnjvIrtXm·pJam-Ipw. kp\n-e cmPv 2013 Batch

Btcm-Sp bm-{X ]-d-tb-ïq Rm³ F´n-t\m-Sm-tcmSp bm-{X ]-d-tb-ïq... am-k§Ä, B-ïpIÄ A-f-¶-f-s¶¯p-sam-cp _n-µp-hnÂBÄ-¯n-c-t¡-dp-ao hm-l-\-sas¶-sbmcp ]m-gv-¨p-h-Sm-bn-§nd-¡n h-bvs¡ F-¶-ar-X ]m-tY-b-hpw ]-g-b `m-Þhpw s\-t©m-SS-¡n Rm-\n-§p \nÂs¡, Btcm-Sp bm-{X ]-d-tb-ïp Rm³ F´n-t\m-Sm-tcmSp bm-{X ]-d-tb-ïq...

STOP READ &PROCEED I®p-Å-hÀ Im-Ws«, Im-Xp-Å-hÀ tIÄ-¡s«, a-\-Êp-Å-hÀ hm-bn-¡s«, C-XvA-®m³ N¸n-b am-§m-ïn AÃ. \nÀ-_-Ô-anÃ, \n-_-Ô-\-I-fnÃ.\n-co-£-W-aÃn-Xv ]-co£-Ww am-{Xw.

hn-jv-Wp-tZ-hv Fw. 2013 _m¨v14

CcpÄ-a-g \\-ªv an-¶m-an-\p§vA hÀ A½ cpÜnWnbpw aIÄ kXnbpw IqSn [mcmfw hfhpw XncnhpapÅ hgnbneqsS,A¸w [rXn]nSn¨v apt¶m«v \o§ns¡mïncp¶p Ct¸mÄ A½ aItfmSv Hcp IYbpw ]dbm\nÃm¯ t]mse au\nbmbncp¶p. A½bpsS au\¯nsâ s]mcpfdnbmsX kXn A½sb A\pKan¨p. Nnet¸mÄ sN½¬]mX, CS¡nsS apdn¨p ISt¡ïnhcp¶ SmÀtdmUpIÄ.               AIse\n¶pw Hcp XohïnbpsS \nehnfn tI«t¸mÄ cpÜnWn aIfpsS I¿nse]nSnapdp¡n. \"\"At¿m t\mhp¶p'' kXn thZ\tbmsS ]dªp. kXnbpsS A½ AXp tI«tXbnÃ.A½bpsS ]nSnbneaÀ¶ kXn A½sb DXv¡WvTs¸«v t\m¡n. A½bpsS I®pIÄ Ie§n hnXp¼n hnd¨p \n¡p¶Xv kXn Iïp. hnf¡n hoWp NndIpIcnª Cubmw ]mäsbt¸mse.   \"\"At½, \½sft§m«m t]mIp¶Xv?''    kXn A½tbmSt\zjn¨p. A½sbm¶pw anïp¶tXbnÃ. CSbn Ft¸mtgm Hcp s\SphoÀ¸v, AXnâ NqSv kXnbv¡pwA\p`hs¸«p.               kXn Fs´ms¡tbm HmÀ¡pIbmbncp¶p. ]peÀs¨Xs¶ ]p¯\pSp¸pIÄ AWnbn¨vkvIqfnte¡p Xncn¡pt¼mÄ A½ henb DÕml¯nembncp¶p.               slUvamÌdpsS ap¶n \n¶v Xsâ A½ \nehnfn¡p¶Xv F´ns\¶dnbmsX kXnk¦Ss¸«p. A½sb t\m¡n AhÄ Icªp. cpÜnWn DSp¯ncp¶ kmcn¯e¸psImïv aIfpsSI®oÀ XpS¨psImïv ]dªp.   \"\"tamfv IcbmsX.... Zqsc... H¯ncn Zqsc... Hcp kvIqfpïv. tamÄ¡v AhnsS ]Tn¡mw....''   \"\"AsXhnsSbm....'' 15

 \"\"tamfv At½sS IqsS h¶maXn, \ap¡p t]m D½. \ndI®pItfmsS apJt¯¡p t\m¡n s\Sp hoÀ¸nSp¶p. cpÜnWnbpsS I®p\oÀImw....'' kXnbpsS IhnfneqsS HgpIn. kXnsbm¶p ]nSªp. s]mÅp¶ t]mse. AhÄ aIsf\"\"AhnsS AÑ\pw hcptam?'' Xmsg\nÀ¯n. I¿n _eambn ]nSn¨p. ]n s¶ Ab¨p. Hcp F©n³ am{Xw ]mf¯neqsSAѳ t]mb kvIqfnte¡Ã....AhnsS t]m At§m«pant§m«pw HmSp¶p. AXnsâ ss{UhÀ Ahsf `bs¸Sp¯p¶ t]mse t\m¡ntbm?.Iï....'' cpÜnWnbpsS s\©neqsS Hcp an¶Â¸n WÀ ]mªp.\"\"AsX´mt½?...'' kXn Häbv¡v... Cu temI¯n AhÄ Häbv¡mbmÂ... \"\"A½sb hnfn¨v Aeapdbn«p-\"\"AsXms¡ A½ ]ns¶mcn¡Â ]dbmw'' sImïv hgn\osf.....'' \"\"tamfnhnsS Ccn¡v... A½ Fs´¦nepw Ig-\"\"AÑsâ Imcyw ]td¼w am{Xw... A½...'' n¡m³ hm§n hcmw.''           sdbnÂth ]pdt¼m¡nse Ip«nIÄ¡pw \"\"Rm³ IqsS hcmat½...'' \"\"thï...'']Tn¡ms\mcp kvIqfpïv. \"\"sXïn¸Ån¡qSw'' A½ HmSnbn§phcmw... IïnÃntbm F³©n³F¶v kÀ¡mÀ kvIqfn\p t]cn«XmcmWv? At§m«pant§m«pw... tamfnhnsS \nt¶m'' kXn¡p AhnsS t]mepw Ibdn¡qSm. \"\" F \ n b v ¡ v t]Snbmt½...hÃAѳ tcmKnbmbncp¶Xnsâ in£. A½ ama·mcpw'' cpÜnWnsbm¶p sR«¡v tcmKansöp ]dbp¶Xpw IfhmWt{X. AhÄ kXnbpsS ssI ]nSn¨v A¸aIsekÀ«n^n¡äp¡sfÃmw ImWp¶ dbnÂth tÌj\nte¡v \S¶p.slUvamÌsd IWn¨n«p BcpadnbmsX GsX- ¦nepw Hcp \m«nte¡vIm¯p\n¡pt¼mgpw c£s¸«mtem? Hcp ]co£Ww IqSn. \"\"kXnbvs¡¦nepw Hcp PohnXw sIm-sNdnb Hcp {]Xo£ Sp¡m³ Ignbptam?'' tÌjt\mSv ASp¯v XmgvNbn Hcp IS.bpïmbncp¶p. ISbn Ft¸mgpw Iqen¸Wn¡mcpsS H¨bpw _lfhpw Xn¡pw Xnc¡pw. \"\"F\n¡dnbnÃ...    \oe {SukÀ am{Xan« FÃpw tXmepamb Hcp sN¡³ AIse amdn\n¶v FÃmw ImWp¶pïv.AhscÃmw Iq«t¯msS Ahsâ I¿n Hcp sXämen. \"\"\n\¡v tZmi thtWmSm?'' Btcm tNmZn¨ hm§n t]mIp Ah³ \ntj[mÀ°¯n Xebm«n. AbmÄ Aht\mSv B`mkIcambn Ft´m ]at{X...'' dªp.  B s c m s ¡ t b mIm¯p\n¸pïmbncp¶pthm? Hcp ]äw,hSnbpw XSnbpambnh¶v slUvamÌtdm-Sp IbÀ¯p. kvIqÄXobnSpsa¶v `o£Wn.   \"\"\o Cu \m«o¶p t]mWXm \ÃXv...''AhÄ cpÜnWn¡v Xm¡oXp \ÂIn.\nÊlmbXtbmsS Ahsc t\m¡nbn«v cpÜn-Wn aIfpsS I¿pw ]nSn¨p \S¶p.   \"\"Nn¡³ _ncnbmWn hm§n¨p Xn¶mw''cpÜnWn aItfmSv ]dªp.\"\"At½sS I¿n FhnSp¶m Imiv?''\"\"tam¡v thtWm?''\"\"F\n¡p thï'' kXn ]dªp.    dbnÂth {Sm¡nsâ Hmc¯pÅ Hcp XWenÂAhÀ Ccp¶p. A½ aIsf Hcn¡Â IqSn D½h¨p. AaÀ¯n¸nSn¨v Gsdt\cw Ccp¶p. CuA½¡v F´m ]änbXv? Ft¸mgpsat¸mgpw 16

sN¡³ Abmsf sXämen hen¨v temNn¨p \n¶p. ]ns¶ Ahs\ ASp¯phnfn¨v`ojWns¸Sp¯n. \"\"Dw... \nsâ Nm¡mebm... Ihnfn XtemSn \n¶p.AXpw sXmÃbm...'' \"\"tams¡mcp A®³ Ccnbv¡s«'' cpÜnWn kXnIpgn¨nSm\pw R§fpXs¶ thWatÃm'' tbmSv ]dªp.  Xncs¡mgnbm³ AhÀ Hgnªp amdn\n¶p. \"\"At¿m! AXn\v A®sâ AÑ\pw At½w...''\"\"tams¡´m thtï? CÍentbm, tZmitbm, \"\"F\nbv¡mcpanà tamtf...''D¸pamthm? \"\"hcq... t]mImw... '' cpÜnWn hnfn¨p.\"\"Ft´epw aXn.....? AhÄ heXp I¿n sN¡s\bpw CSXp I¿nÂkXnbpsS iЯnse \ncmi cpÜnWn Xncn¨dn kXnsbbpw ]nSn¨v tÌj\nte¡p \S¶p.ªp. AhÄ A½sb kwibn¡p¶t]mse... Xohïn apt¶m«p \o§n. Ft§ms«¶nÃm¯ Fep¼³ sN¡³ cpÜnWntbbpw kXn Hcp bm{X.....Hcp kz]v\hpw IqsSbnÃm¯ bm{X.tbbpw amdnamdn t\m¡n. Ah³ aSn¨paSn¨v, ] Ct¸mÄ kXnbpw iw`phpw IqSn XohïnbnÂXps¡¸Xps¡ AhcpsS ASps¯¯n. HmSn¨mSn Ifn XpS§n. iw`p Ahsâ ]gInb \"\"BânbpsS tamfmtWm?'' {Sukdnsâ Ioibn \n¶v Hcp NnansgSp¯p.Ah³ cpÜnWntbmSp tNmZn¨p. kq£n¨v AXp Xp-sN¡sâ Hcp d¶p. AXn \ntNmZyw ! cpÜn ¶pw cïv kzÀ®Wnbv¡v Acniw ¡½epIÄh¶p. \"\"]ns¶ FSp¯p AXvhtÃmctSw...'' kXnbpsS ImXp\"\"ChnsS A§ Ifn C«p.s\ms¡sbmïmâo...]n¨bv¡v... hmSIbv¡v... \"\"CXv?''Iq«ns¡m...'' \"\"R§fv \"\"CXv FsâA§s\mtÅmscm¶paÃ'' sN¡³ s]§sS...{]mhn³ Iq«nte¡v AÑtâwt\m¡n sXämenhen¨p. {]mhpIÄ At½tSw IqsSH¶nfIn¸d¶p. Ipsd Ahfpw N¯p.apt¶m«v \S¶v thKw XncnsI h¶p sN¡³ Rms\§s\tbm...cpÜnWntbmSv tNmZn¨p..... ]mhw... G«m¶p hnfn\"\"tamfv GXp ¢mÊnem ]Tn¡pt¶?'' ¡pt¼mÄ AhÄ¡v cpÜnWn H¶pw ]dªnÃ. kXn Ahs\Hcp BwKy`mjbneqsS Adnbn¨p. thï, tN- Ggp \m¡mbncp¶p.cpÜnWn s]m«n ¡cªp.mZnbv¡ï. iw`phn\pw kXn¡pw H¶pw a\ÊnembnÃ. \"\"Bâo... Bânsb\ns¡mcp klmbw \"\"Fsâ A½bv¡v tcmKanÃ...'' kXnsN¿mtam?'' iw`phnt\mSp ]dªp. ''Dw F´phm.....\"\" iw`p kXnsb IYbdnbmsX t\m¡n \"\"Fs¶ kvIqfn tNÀ¡m³ H¶p \n¶p... XohïnbpsS thKw hÀ²n¨p...hcmtam... AÑt\m A½tbm h¶ÃmsX Ft§ms«¶nÃm¯ Hcp bm{X...tNÀ¡nÃt{X'' cpÜnWn Gsd t\cw Fs´ms¡tbm B hnjv-Wp sI. Fkv. 2011 _m¨v 17

Hcp {]mÀ°\ A½¸nSt¡mgnX³ I¶nap« hncnªp Dughpw Im¯v, tNmc aW¡p¶ XhnSnencp¶hÄ Bäpt\mäSbncp¶p s]sämcm tImgn¡pªn\p A½sb HmÀ¯p. Nµ\¯n³ \ndambncp¶p. DWÀ¶t¸mÄ IïtXm? A½X³ kvt\lXm]w ]pcï NndIn³Iogn bp²¡f¯nse¶t]m Npäpw tImgnIÄ AhÄ ]pdwtemIs¯ a\Êm hcn¨p. ]c¡w ]mbp¶p. cïp\mÄ \oïp\n¡ms¯mcm Hcp a\pjyss¡, tXm¡nsâ ap\t]mse kpJhmk¯ns¶mSphn HcncpImen h¶hfpsS Ccsb tXSp¶p. Igp¯v ]nSn¨psImïpt]mbn. \"t]mfntbm Ip¯m³\" Hcp]nSn, h-fs¨mtcsbmcp ]nSn. tImgn¡pªnsâ A´yaWn \mfpIÄ t]mbXdn-ªnÃ. AIsesbhnsStbm ap-g§n. X®oÀIpSn¨p hoÀs¯mcp Xhf IWs¡ Igp¯n\p ]n¶nseboSpä tZlw AhÄ NoÀ¯p hoÀs¯mcnd¨n tImgnbmbn. AdhpImcsâ a\hpw \nd¨p. hmsfSp¡m³ adpssI hoinbt¸msfmcpXpÅn- F¶n«pw A½¸nSbvs¡mcp ]cn{`m´n. ¯p¸end¡m³ tImgn¡pªp ad¶nÃ. \"C\nbpw \n³ I®pIsft´ hnScm¯q \"\nsâ lrZbX{´nIfnepw Pzen¡p¶ B NpïpIÄ shdptX hndbv¡p¶pthm?' Hcp ssZh\oXnbntÃ? \"]qÀÆ P· kpIrX§ftÃm sRmSnbnSbnses¶- t\mth¡msXsbs¶ shdptXhnSp¶ \oXn\" hfÀ¯n, \n³ ap³]nte¡b¨Xv\" ]dªp apgpan¸n¸m³ Im¯p\n¡msXmcp hnScpw angnIÄsImsïmcp t\m«hpw ]mbn¨v `oaLmXI³ AhfpsS Igp¯dp¯p. tImgn¡pªp tNmZn¨p. \"cma! cma1\" IcpW kzct¯msS AhÄ Zo\w I\s¯mcp iÐw, A½¸nSt¡mgn apcfp¶p. Iogvae¨p ]nSªp. \"Iptª, \obo ImWpw temIw I]SatÃm, CcbpsS aWhpw Im¯v th«bmSps¶mcp th«¸«n IWs¡ \n\¡mbhÀ Im¯ncn¸q. cïp \mfpIÄ¡pÅn ]qSbnÃms¯mcpamwkambv \o amdpw, F³sd Icfn\pw XobmWv Iptª,tImgn¡pªdnª bmYmÀ°ywAhsfmcp _en hkvXphmbnSm\n\n \mfpIÄ am{Xw.Ccp¼gnIÄ¡nSbn NndIp Ipcp§n¡nS¡th,a\p-jyXzanÃms¯mcp a\pjysâ HuZmcyw, kÀ¤ tPmÀPv 2013 _m¨v'Adhpimebnse AwKXzw'Aäpt]msbmcm Cfw NndIpsImïhfpsSlrZbsam¶p tX§n....... 18

AFTER DEATH If you know with absolute certainity about what sciousness but all the physical part of our exis- tence are lost.will happen to you after death, would it change how 2. After we die, we cease to exist. Our conscious-you are living today? ness get wiped out along with physical. i.e; dead and gone forever. No human has managed to live forever.on an So I do believe in the first one, otherwise noaverage, more than 1,70,000 people die everyday on logic in writing this article. There are also many oth-this planet. i.e; two people per second. If 3000 people er options like reincarnation, ghost, etc. Either weget wiped out in a single stroke, that’s still only 2% continue to exist in some non-physical state of con-of one days total, which is hardly significant from a sciousness or not.cosmic point of view. And here is the worst part, you In a spiritual point of view, a human being is com-don’t even know when you will die. So how much posed of :-comfortable do you feel with the idea that today 1. The spiritual bodymight be your last day alive? 2. The vital body 3. The physical body What we can reasonably say doesn’t happen The subtle body is composed ofafter death is that , we can’t take any physical stuffs of • Subtle ego - the feeling that we are seperate fromour’s along with us and our physical body stays here. the God.If we can take anything with us, after death, then it • The soul- the God within each of uswould have to be something non-physical part of • The intellect- it helps in decision making processourselves is our consciousness. We can call it by any & reasoning such as soul, spirit, etc…so there are two alternatives1. After we die, we retain some part of our con- 19

• The mind- feelings, emotion & desire. the braincells have ceased to function. The research- The vital body consists of the vital, life sus- ers interviewed 63 patients, who survived heart at-taining energy. The physical body:- comprises the tacks , and out of them 7 had memories, 4 of which5 senses i.e; touch, taste, sound, smell & sight. It is is counted as near-death experiences. They told feel-certain that after death , the vital body gets separat- ings of peace and joy, time speeded up, heighteneded from the physical body. But the uncertainity is senses, lost awareness of body, seeing a bright light,about the post-death conversion of the subtle body. entering into a mystical being and coming to a pointIn Hindu, Islam and Christian concepts, after death, of no goes to hell or heaven based on the negatives or We get sensations from sense organs and rec-positives of his life in Earth. Egyptians also believes ognize it through impulses and our brain helps on reincarnations. But what about our thoughts and decision making? According to Adwaita theory of Sri Sanka- According to Dr. Sam Parnia of South Campton GH,racharya, when the subtle ego is lost, we can real- “When we examine braincells, we see that braincellsize our soul or the God within us, which is spread are like any other cells, they can produce proteinsin each and every matter of this world. So accord- and chemicals, but they are not really capable of pro-ing to this concept, after death, one loses his or her ducing the subjective phenomenon of thoughts assubtle ego and they realize their soul. This soul has we have.” Nobody fully under stands how braincellsthe intellect to analyse the previous life and if he generate thoughts. He said it might be that mind oror she has some strong desires yet to be complet- consciousness is independent of brain.ed or if they have any “karma” still not completed,they can transform their vital body into any other Scientists like Beverly Rubik have explored thephysical body. In some of the ancient writings it idea of human biofield using Kirlian photography/is mentioned that some monks and saints had the Gas discharge visualization. This technique is sup-powers to transfer their vital body and subtle body posed to measure the “auras” of a living being. Soto other physical bodies voluntarily. It was called as using this technique researchers have found the ex-“parakayapraveshvidya” in the Vedas. istence of auras around those living beings and also Scientists investigating “near death” experi- interestingly, they have found auras in spaces thatences say that they have found evidences to suggest seem to be vacant to the naked eye. So this suggeststhat consciousness can continue to exist even after the existence of “something” after death. Thus, with the advancement of new research studies , “Death is going to be a beginning”-to?? Devipriya Ajith 2012 Batch 20

G sd \mfs¯ ]co£mZn\§fpsS ]Snbnd¡w... I®S¨pXpd¡pwapt¼ ho«nse¯Wsa¶Nn´tb F\n¡pïmbncp¶pÅp.ssIbn In«nbsXs´¶pt]mepwt\m¡msX _mKn Ip¯n\nd¨vRm³ sdbnÂth tÌj\nte¡v Hm-SpIbmbncp¶p... Aà ]d¡pIbmbncp¶p. s{Sbn\n ]Xnhpt]m se\à Xnc¡v, \½psS \mStÃ..! hn-ZymÀ°nIfmsW¶ ]cnKW\sbm¶pw BÀ¡pw ehteianÃ... _msKm¶p DcknbmÂt]mepw t\m¡nt]Sn¸n¡p¶ BÄ¡mcmWv Npäpw.AXpsImïpXs¶ _msK¦nepwhbv¡m\pÅ Øe¯n\mbn Rm³Npäp]mSpw ]cXn. A§s\ t\m¡pt¼mgmWv ap³]nse koänse At§bä¯v- Ccn¡p¶ Hcp Ip«nsb {i²bnÂs¸«Xv... 12 hbÊp{]mbapÅ Hcm¬Ip«n. \à Hma\¯apÅ B shfp¯ apJ¯n Fs¶ GähpwA¼c¸n¨Xv Ahsâ hÃmsX Xnf§p¶ shÅmc¦®pIfmbncp¶p. C\n hà kmbn¸nsâ Ip«ntbm atämBtWm? ]t£ ASps¯m¶pw A§s\bmcpanÃ. Fsâ kwibw Ah\p a\Ênemsb¶p tXm¶n, ImcWwAhsâ apJ¯v Hcp ]p©ncn an¶namªXp t]mse. Aht\mSv Fs´¦nepw tNmZn¡Wsa¶pïmbncp¶pRm\t§mt«bv¡v \o§m³ {ian¨p. ]t£ ]pdIn \n¶pw Btcm Fs¶ adphit¯bv¡v XÅns¡mïvap³]n Ibdn, IqsS iImchpw, \"\"Hmtcm¶v ht¶mfpw FhdÌn tIdm³ t]mIp¶t]mse. H¶p amdn\n¡v-sImt¨.'' F´psN¿pw kln¨tà ]äp. thKsam¶p ho«n F¯nbm aXnbmbncp¶p. Xnc¡n\nSbneqsSFsâ I®pIÄ B Ip«nsb tXSns¡mïncp¶p. ]t£ IqSns¡mïncp¶ Xnc¡v FÃm ImgvNtbbpwad¨p. hmK¬ {SmPUn CXn epw t`Zambncp¶ncn¡pw F¶p tXm¶nt¸mbn. HSphn F§s\sbms¡tbmho«nse¯n. A½bpïm¡nb cpNnIcamb A¯mg¯n\v tijw Dd¡¯nemïXv hfsc thK¯nembncp¶p.\oï Hcp tImfnwKvs_ ]peÀ¨bnset¸mtgm Fsâ I¬t]mfIsf hen¨p Xpd¸n¨p. BSnbmSn \S¶psN¶v hmXn Xpd¶p. ap¼nte¡v \oïph¶ ssI¿n ]m \nd¨ Ip¸nbmbncp¶p. AXp hm§nbn«vBcmsW¶dnbm³ ]pdt¯¡nd§n. ]pd¯v shfn¨a[nIw ]c¶n«nÃ. Acïshfn¨¯n Hcp sNdnbIp«n, Ahsâ I®pIÄ am{Xta hyàambpÅp... sseäv Hm¬ sN¿p¶Xn\nSbn Rm³ tNmZn¨p \"\"F´mtamsâ t]cv?'' CÃ, Ahs\ ImWm\nÃ..! Rm³ Xncnªt¸mtg¡v Ah³ HmSn¡fªp ImWpw. Cu {]mb¯nepÅ Ip«nIsfms¡ C§s\bmhpw... tlm...! Dd¡w XoÀ¶n«nÃm¯XpsImïv ]ns¶bpw InS¶p. A½ hnfn¡p¶Xv- tI«mWv DWÀ¶Xv. NmbIpSn¡p¶Xn\nsS A½tbmSv tNmZn¨p, \"\"]m sImïphcmdpÅ A¸q¸s\´p]än? C¸ hcmdntÃ?'' \"\"hcm-dpïtÃm. C¶se¡qSn Rm³ IïXm, C¶pw h¶n«pïmIpw...'' A½ ]dªp. ]t£ Rm³ k½Xn¨nÃ.\"\"CÃt½, C¶p h¶n«nÃ. ]Icw Hcp Ip«nbm h¶Xv... Fsâ ssIbnem X¶Xv...'' A½ Nncn¨p... \"\"Ip«ntbm?\nsâ ssI¿ntem?.. \à Imcymbn... \o kz]v\w IïXmhpw.'' F¶t¯bpw t]mse ]m¡p¸n hcm´bnencn¸pïmbncp¶p... A½ ]ns¶bpw Nncn¨p. sÈm... Rm³ Dd¡¨Shn ]m¡p¸n AhnsS¯s¶ h¨n«v t]m¶ncn¡pw... F¦nepw AsXm¶paÃFs¶ Atemkcs¸Sp¯nbXv... B Ip«n... AXv Bcmbncn¡pw. C\n A½ ]dªXpt]mse Rm³ kz]v\w IïXpXs¶bmtWm? AkzØXbpsS Hcp aqSÂaªv Fs¶bmsI aqSp¶Xpt]mse A\p`hs¸«p. 21

Znhk§tfmtcm¶mbn sImgnªphoWpsImïncp¶p. aªpaqSn\n¶ B RmbdmgvN Rm³ F´p-sImtïm t\ct¯ DWÀ¶p. Unkw_À amk¯nse XWp¸v A¶v F¶t¯Xnepw A[nIamsW¶p tXm¶n. D½dt¯¡nd§n shdptX \S¶p. Npäpw ac§sfm¶pw hyàamImsX ]pX¸Wnªp \n¡p¶p.F¦nepw AIsebpÅ samss_ Shdnsâ sseäv am{Xw Hcp Nph¶ s]m«pt]mse sXfnªp \n¶p.D½d¸Snbn ]{XamIs« FdnªnSensâ BLmX¯n \nhÀ¶v InS¡pIbmWv. ]{Xw In«nbm BZywAhkm\ t]PpapX adn¨p XpS§pIbmWv ]Xnhv. F´psImïmsW¶dnbnà ]Xnhnepw hn]coXambnA¶v BZy t]PmWv- hmbn¨Xv. sXm«Sp¯ t]Pnsâ apIfnepÅ Hcp Xes¡«v- s]s«¶v {i²bnÂs]«p. \"Sm³km\nbmbn ImÀ sIm¡bnte¡v adnªv \mev acWw'. Sm³km\nbmbn ØncXmakam¡nb aebmfn IpSpw_w eohn\v \m«n hcm\ncns¡bmWv ZmcpWm´yw. hcm\ncp¶ Øeam-Is«, Fsâ hoSn\p aq¶p IntemaoäÀ AIse am{Xw. AIew h¨v t\m¡pt¼mÄ, Fsâ a\Ên B hoSvsXfnªp, AsX... B hoSpXs¶. hÀj§fmbn ]q«n¡nS¡p¶ B ]SpIqä³ hoSv. hntZi¯pÅ BtcmBWv DSaØsc¶p am{Xadnbmambncp¶p. F{XXhW t\m¡n\n¶n«pïv. Hcp XhWsb¦nepw AXnsâAIsam¶v ImWWsa¶v sImXn¨n«pïv. ]mhw... AhÀ¡v B ho«n Xmakn¡m\pÅ `mKyapïmbnÃtÃm. Fsâ hnjaw A¼c¸mbn, ]ns¶ AsXmcp sR«embn amdn... hmÀ¯bpsS Xmsg acWs¸«hcpsSt^mt«mbpw Dïmbncp¶p. AXnse Ip«nbpsS t^mt«m..? s]«¶p hoinb XWp¯ Imän ]{X¯mfpIÄCfIn adnªp... hoïpw B t]Pv tXSn¸nSn¨p. t^mt«mbnte¡v- I®pIÄ ]mbn¨p... \"\"At¿m... CXv... BIp«nbtÃ..?'' AsX.., Ah³ Xs¶.Hma\¯w Xpfp¼p¶ Ahsâ apJs¯ Pzen¨p \n¶ shÅmc¦®pIfn Xnf¡w IqSnh¶Xpw Fsâ I®pIfn Ccp«p]c¶Xpw hfsc s]s«¶mbncp¶p. s]m-¶p _n. 2011 _m¨vKaalam Thetti Pootha Neelakurinji Form IV (Rule 8)Statement of ownership & other particulars about the annual magazine of the Registration of Newspaper (Central) Rules, 1956Place pf publication : VellayaniPeriodicity of publication : AnnualPrinter’s Name : Prof. Dr. Sverup JohnNationality : IndianAddress : Dean, College of Agriculture, VellayaniPublisher’s Name : Prof. Dr. Sverup JohnNationality : IndianAddress : Dean, College of Agriculture, VellayaniEditor’s Name : Prof. Dr. Sverup JohnNationality : IndianAddress : Dean, College of Agriculture, VellayaniName and Address of the individualwho own the magazine and partners : College of Agriculture, Vellayanior shareholders holding more than 1%of the capital I, Prof. Dr. Sverup John here by declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge. Sd/- Dean 22

BNncnbnÂhnSÀ¶ ]q¡Ä¡v.. ssh Ipt¶cw \"\"Hcp sNdp]p©ncn'' ImWm\ncp¶t¸mgmWv HmÀ½IfpsS s{^bvan te¡v B apJw hs¶¯n t\m¡nbXv. \"HSphnÂ' kn\nabv¡pa¸pdt¯¡v Pohn¡pIbm bncp¶p. AbmfpsS sNdp]p©ncn, B ]p©ncn¡pa¸pdw A¶psXm«v Iq«nbnW¡nb cïp PohnX§Ä. HcmÄ asämcmsf X\n¨m¡nbn«v hnS]dª \nanj¯nsâ BÀ{ZX. AsXms¡ bpw HmÀ½n¸n¨Xv B apJambncp¶p. a\Ênsâ tImWn ImÀtaL§Ä CcpïpIqSn, HmÀ½IÄ s]¿pIbmWv... At©¡À tXm«w, \Sphnsemcp hoSpw. CSbv¡nsS kz]v\w ImWmdpÅ sNdnsbm cp kzÀKw t]mse tXm¶n BZy bm{Xbn Xs¶. amhpw ¹mhpw sX§pw Ihp§pw sXm«p s\Ãn¡bpw PmXn¡bpw, F´n\p atejy¡mc\mb dw_q«m³ hscbpïs{X sXmSnbnÂ. A§s\ Im¯pIm¯ncp¶v Hcp cmhnsebmWv sN¶Xv, Dt®y«sâ ho«nte¡v. aq¶psImÃw Irjn ]Tn¨ A\p`hhpambmWv t]mIp¶Xv. ]cn{`aambncp¶p a\Êv \ndsb. 23

\"\"hcq amtj, hcq'' jÀ«nSm¯, Imhnapïp Npänb Dt®y«³ AÑt\mSv ]dbpIbmWv-. \"\"CbmfmWtà A{Kn¡Ä¨dn\p ]Tn¡p¶Xv'' Fs¶ t\m¡n, kvt\l¯n³sd HcpI®ndp¡w. HmSn« hoSv, hmXn¡ ]q¯peªp sNïpaÃnbpw Pa´nbpw tdmkpw. ho«nte¡pIbdp¶ Ip¯s\bpÅ ]SnIÄ sN¶hkm\n¡p¶Xv ]mSt¯¡v. Nmen shÅw \ndbpt¼mtg¡pw tXm«n \n¶v Ibdnhcp¶ ]cÂao\pIsfbpw t\m¡n Rm\ncn¡mdpïmbncp¶p. aXnen\¸pds¯ sN¼It¨m«n sN¶v ]qaWw NqSmdpïmbncp¶p. Hs¡bpwHmÀ½IfmbXv F{X thKamWv. Xncn¨pt]m¡nÃm¯ hn[w Zqcs¯¯n¡gnsª¶v tXm¶nt¸mIpw ]et¸mgpw. Dt®y«sâ `mcybpw XSn¨n«mWv. A[nIw kwkmcn¡m¯ {]IrXw. ASp¸¯v N¡c]mbkw Xnf¡p¶pïv. \"\"]pdw]Wn¡v Øncmbn«v BÄ¡mcpïv. AIs¯ Imcy§sfms¡Rm³ Xs¶ t\m¡ymte sicnbmhq'' hey½ hniZoIcn¨p. R§Ä¡pw ]pdt¯¡mbncp¶pImtWïXv. Hs¡bpw HmSn\S¶p hniZoIcn¡p¶ Dt®y«³. sNSnIÄ¡v ]qhncnbp¶Xpt]msebmbncp¶p B apJ¯p ]p©ncn ]Scp¶Xpw. \"\"Adp]¯n\men\w hmgIfpïv ChnsS. C¿mÄ¡v Adnbmambncn¡patÃm t]scÃmw...'' A{X km[mcWaÃm¯ H¶pcïn\¯nsâ t]cv tNmZn¨p. Hs¡ Nqïn ImWn¨pX¶t¸mÄ IpkrXn¡mc\mb a\Êv tXmäv sImSp¯p. \"\"Cu Ipe sh«s«? \à IÀ¸qchÅnbmWv, ]gp¯m tX³ t]mepïmhpw'' hïnbnte¡v Hcp Ip« km[\§Ä tIänh¨pX¶ncp¶p t]mcpt¼msg¡pw. ]m¼n³ Imhnsâ tNm«neqsS \S¡pt¼mÄ ]dªp \"\"kq£n¨p \S¡Ww, ]m¼pIÄ¡v ieyw ïm¡cvXv \½Ä.'' \ndsb hÅnIÄ Npän¸nWªp InS¡p¶ Hcp tNcv.]m¼n³ImhpIfn Ft¸mgpw DÅ acw CXmWt{X. IcnbneIÄ Aacp¶ iÐw tI«v ]Xps¡ \S¶p. \ne¯p\n¶v CeIÄ hIªpamän Hcp]nSn a®v I¿nseSp¯p sImïv Dt®y«³ tNmZn¨p. \"\"a®v F´m¶m \nsâ tImtfPn ]Tn¸ns¨?'' HmÀ½bn Hcp \nÀhN\¯n\pthïnbpÅ Hm«]m¨nen\nSbv¡v Dt®y«³ Xs¶ ]dªp, \"\"aWapÅXmWv a®v, AsXm¶pw \nsâ sImtfPn ]Tn¸n¡m³ t]mWnÃy Ipt«y.., CsXm¶p aW¯pt\m¡v''DÅw ssIbnse a®nsâ aWw DÅntes¡Sp¡pIbmbncp¶p Rm³. KÔÀh·mcpsSImeSnIÄs¡ms¡ Cu aWambncn¡pw, AXmWv a®n\n{X kpKÔw. Ft´m F\n¡§s\bmWv tXm¶nbXv. XSnbn \nd¨pw henb ]g§fpÅ Hcp acw. \"Ashm¡mtUm' BtWm Fs¶mcpkwibw tXm¶n F\n¡v. Xncp¯n X¶p, Dt®y«³. \"\"CXv s_s¤gvkv _uÄ BWv. Ac_n 24

tµm B{ia¯n \n¶v sImï¶Xm.'' \"\"Xn¶m³ ]täm?'' F¶mbn ASp¯ tNmZyw. CÃs{X, \"\"]ns¶´n\m hfÀ¯p¶sX-¶v tNmZn¨p ]ecpw. AhÀs¡m¶pw Hcp adp]Sn sImSp¡m³ CÃmbncp¶p F\n¡v. `paosSsshhn[yw. AXnent¸m D]Imcw DÅXv amt{X hfÀ¯m³ ]mSq¶msW¦n \aps¡ms¡ChnsS Pohn¡m³ AÀlXbptïm Ipt«y...'' ]nSnXcmsX adªp \n¶ B I®pIfnseBßobXbpsS Xnf¡w At¸mgmWv IïXv. {]Imi¯nsâ Ahkm\ IncWw hscbpw DuänIpSn¡p¶ ]d¼v AÛpX§fpsSHcp Iehdbmbncp¶p. tNmZn¡msX Xs¶ Cebpw ]qhpw Imbpw sIm¼pambn«v Hcp]mSp]dn¨p X¶ncp¶p. Hmtcm sNSnbpw ]q¡p¶Xv C\nbpw \qdp\qdp sNSnIÄ¡pÅ hn¯pIfpambn«mWtÃm. \"\"KÄ^nse C©n Iïn«ptïm?'' F¶v tNmZn¨v Hcp henb C©n¡jvWw sImïph¶vImWn¨pX¶p. \"\"a¡Ä cïmfpw Ipssh¯nem. Rm³ Ignª amkw H¶p t]mbncp¶p.At¸m sImï¶Xm. shdpw s]m®¯cw amt{X DÅq AXn\v. AhnsSms¡ acp`qanbtÃ...kzmZpÅsXms¡ \½psS \m«nte DïmIq...'' A§t\w ]dªp Ahkm\w. icnbm-Wv, DÅnsâ DÅnsehnsStbm Xncp¯m\mhm¯ B KrlmXpcXzw kq£n¡p¶hcmWv\½sfms¡bpw. Cd§m³ t\cw tNmZn¨p. \"\"F´m thtï Ipt«y \n\¡n\n?'' a\Êp \ndªncp¶pF\n¡v. \nÀ_Ôn¨t¸mÄ shdpsXsbm¶p Npäpw t\m¡n \ndsb CeIÄ ]SÀ¶p \n¡p¶ Hcp Idnth¸v acw. shdpsX tNmZn¨p \"\"Ipd¨p Idnth¸v s]m«n¡s«?, Dt®y«m\½psS ho«n F{X \«n«pw CXv ]nSn¡WnÃ.'' \"\"AXns\´m, \à \mS\mWv. AÊev atWmw, KptWmw...'' apïv aS¡n¡p¯n HcpsIm¼v Nmbv¨p Ce apgph³ ]dn¨p X¶p. Npänepw \· ]IÀ¶p sImSp¡m³ iànbpÅB aWhpw s\t©mSp tNÀ¯mWv bm{X ]dªnd§nbXv. ]ns¶t¸mtgms¡tbm apdnªpt]mb Nne At\zjW§Ä, AXn\¸pdt¯¡v H¶papïmbnÃ. hgnbnsemcp Znhkw ssPh IÀjI kanXnbnse Achntµ«s\ Iït¸mÄ ]dªp, \"\"\o Adntªm Ipt«y \½psS Dt®y«³ acn¨p, Aäm¡v- Bbncp¶s{X'' ]dª hm-NI§fpsS AÀ°w a\Ênem¡m³ Ffp¸aÃmbncp¶p F\n¡v. B \n¶ \n¸n¯s¶aq¡nte¡v Icnth¸nebpsS aWw Cc¨p tIdn. shdpw a®n apJw ]qgv¯n H¶pds¡ Ic-bWsa¶pïmbncp¶p. \niÐw \S¶p XpS§nbt¸mÄ apJt¯¡v FhnsS \nt¶m cïp\oÀXpÅnIÄ ASÀ¶phoWXpt]mse. apIfnte¡v t\m¡n. AsX, BImihpw ac§fpwIcbpIbmbncp¶p... ]qhncnbp¶Xp t]msebpÅ B Nncn, AXn\nbnÃ. kvt\lw sImïvIogS¡n IS¶p t]mbhscms¡bpw a\Ênsâ tImWn _m¡nh¨ Hcp \ocpdhbpïv.Hcp Znhkw sImïv Hcp P·¯nsâ ASp¸w X¶ Dt®y«³. FsâbpÅnse \oÀ¨menÂhäm¯ XpÅnIfmbn \n§sf¶papïmbncn¡pw... lcn-X F¨v. 2011 _m¨v 25

fdज़keUn;xkch hddks jhkjgkज़ij pyrs gq, eksड़ vk,axs dbZ 2Sw01a3thByaStcivhanftज़ks bUnlxjhkdgkis jjkgpyijups lys ?rkcs gjq,k t:kd,k]oV vk,axs dbZoks dke;kc bUlku ughagj lcsjk ysdj vkrk gS pqukSrh ubZgj eksड़ ysdj vkrk gS dlkSVh ubZ ltks buij [kjk mrj ik,mls dgrs gSa dke;kc bUlku lvklu ugha gS ;gka thukij bruk eqf'dy Hkh ughatks lj mढ़kdj thrk gS]thr mlh dh gksrh gS lD;ksafd dke;kc bUlku gS flQZ oghtks mnkfl;ksa ds ?ksjs ls [kqf'k;ka <w¡< yk ?ksjstks jkr ds va/ksjs esa jks'kuh dh fdj.k cu tk,tks mEehn dk fn;k cudj mT/oy gks]dke;kc bUlku flQZ ogh;s oks ugha tks eqf'dyksa ls ?kcjk tk, 26

ZimkÔn\n À¯msX hoinbSn¡p¶ Imäv ; AXv,acW¯nsâ \nizmkamWv. C\nbpw FgpXnt¨À¡m³,_m¡n h¨ Nne Zpc´§fpsS ap¶dnbn¸mWXv. CsXmcpZimkÔnbmWv. acW¯n\pw, PohnX¯n\pw CSbv¡vXmen¨cSn Xq§nbmSp¶ ZimkÔn. AXn\v Cu PohnXam-Wv hnebmbn \ÂtIïXv ; Cu PohnXa{Xbpw... H«pw {]Xo£n¡msX aq¡neSn¨p Ibdnb ih§ fpsSZpÀKÔw... Znhk§fpsS ]g¡w H¶pIqSn Dd¸p hcp¯p¶p...X\n¡p Npäpw Poh\ä icoc§Ä \nc¶p InS¡p¶p.NneXnsâ s\änbn t]scm«n¨ncn¡p¶p. NneXv A\mYambn,]ns¶bpw cq£amb KÔw DbÀ¶p. AhÄ XncbpIbmbncp¶p ]cnNnXamb B apJs¯., ]s£ DïmhcptX F¶{]mÀ°\ a\Ên apg§p¶pïmbncp¶p. hoïpw ZpÀKÔwaq¡n Xpf¨p Ibdp¶p. Cà C\nbpw CXv Xm§m\mhnÃ.]pgp¡Ä Acn¨nd§p¶ ih¯nsâ Imgv¨bnÂ, IqsS h¶`mkvIcama hmbvs]m¯n...\"\"Hm¡m\w hcp¶p ''. \"Cà tamtf ChnsS CÃ; CXn\n F´n\m \n¡tW?C\n... C\nbnt¸m... cïp IntemaoäÀ A¸pds¯mcp Bip]{Xnbpïv, AhnsS t\m¡mw..'' tamÀ¨dnbpsS ]ShpIÄ Cd§pt¼mÄ a\Êv ¾m\ambncp¶p, C\n... C\n... Ft§m«v ? AdnbnÃ, Xncb-Ww... Isï¯pambncn¡pw. hoSnsâ ]ShpIÄ Ibdpt¼mÄ lrZbsam¶p ]nS¨p. FÃmbnS¯pw Hgnª XmfpIÄ.FhnsSbpw Isï¯m\mbnÃ. AI¯p\n¶pw Ipäs¸Sp¯ensâ ic§Ä...\"\" FSo t{Zmlo.., \ns¶ sI«nbt¸mtg XpS§nbXm Fsâ tamsâ IãImew. At¸mtg ]dªXmsNmÆmtZmjapÅ s]®ns\ sI«ïm¶v, tI«nÃ..! Cs¸m FÃmw XoÀ¶ntÃ..! Fsâ tam³..!]dsbSo... FhnsSbm Ah³ ? ]ns¶ \nÈÐX Iodn apdn¨v sImïv t^m¬ \nehnfn¨p. `mkvIc amabpsS apJ¯v ]cn{`aw, AsX... AXp kw`hn¨ncn¡p¶p... AhÄ Abmsf t\m¡n; I®pIÄ Hcp \nanjw AS¨p... ]n s¶ cïp hm¡pIÄ; \"\"Isï¯nbtÃ..? t]mhmw..!!'' B icocw Hcn¡te IïpÅq... thï., AXn\n ImtWï... D½d¯p \n¶pw A½bpsS Ic¨nÂ; AsX... AhÀ IcbpIbmWv. AhÀ¡v aIs\ \ ãs¸«ncn¡p¶p... ]s£... X\nt¡m...? AhÄ B Xmen¨cSnte bv¡v t\m¡n... ]ns¶ XebpbÀ¯n, Xncnbp¶ ^m\n tebv¡p t\m¡n... BImi¯net¸mÄ Bßmhv Dd¡sagpt¶äpImWpw... icoc¯ntebv¡p Xncn¨p Ibdm³ t\m¡p¶pïmhpw, AX§s\bmWv acn¨p IgnªmÂ,Bßmhpd§pw... 27

`qanbn sNbvXp XoÀ¯ IÀ½§fpsS £oWw... ]ns¶ I®p Xpd¡pt¼mÄ, Xs¶hn«Iep¶ icocs¯ ImWpw, Xncn¨p Ibdm³ t\m¡pw. Bdp aWn¡qdn\pÅnÂ... BßmhvDWcp¶Xn\p ap³]v icocw Zln¸n¡Ww, ]t£... CXv F{X Znhkamsb¶p IqSn AdnbmsX... AhÄ Ft´m Hcp hnImc¯nsâ _e¯nÂ, Fgpt¶äp. Hgnª apdnbn \n¶p \S¶p.FÃhcpw s\än Npfn¡p¶p. AhÄ Dds¡ ]dªp, AÃ... BÚm]n¨p... \"\" F´n\m kq£n¸v ...Zln¸n¨qtS... BßmhpWÀ¶mÂ... DWÀ¶mÂ... icnbmhnÃ... BßmhpWccpXv... DWccpXv... AhÄ¡v t_m[w \in¡pIbmbncp¶p. ]n¶ntebv¡p hogp¶Xp t]mse... `qan Ct¸mÄH¸w Id§p¶p... Btcm Ahsf ]nSn¡p¶p... C{Xbpw HmÀ½bnÂ... ]ns¶ Ccp«v... Dd¡w Fgpt¶Â¡pt¼mÄ FÃmw im´amWv... P\eneqsS ]pdt¯¡v t\m¡n... ]pg...HgpIp¶ ]pg... I¯n¯ocp¶ I\epIÄ... AsX... Zln¸n¨ncn¡p¶p... Btcm Icbp¶Xvt]mse , AhÄ B kzcw tXSn \S¶p... ]pg¡cbnÂ... I¯n¯oÀ¶ I\epIÄ... Xnf§p¶ Ahsâ I®pIÄ t]mse... AhÄ I®pIÄC dp¡nbS¨p... Iptd t\cw B \n¸v \n¶p... \nÈÐamb Hcp hnS]dbÂ... ]ns¶ \S¶p.]pg bnte¡nd§n... \\p¯ Imäv hoinbSn¨p... Imen XWp¯ shÅw X«n... AsX... ]ns¶b-pw Btcm Icbp¶p... C\nbpw \S¡Ww, s\t©mfw shÅw, AhÄ IcbpIbmtWm..? AÃ., AhÄ ap§n... shůnsâ AKm[Xbnte¡v... Ct¸mÄ B Ic¨n hyàamWv... FÃmw tIÄ¡mw... Bßmhv Xncbp IbmWv., Xmen¨cSnsâ atä Aäs¯... AXnsâ icocs¯... Cà \n\¡Xns\ In«nÃ... AhÄ ap§n \nhÀ¶p... aW¯oct¯bv¡p Ibdn, \S¶p... B Nmc¡q\bv¡ Spt¯bv¡v... C\nbpw I\ epIÄ AWªn«nÃ... AhÄ ap«pIp¯n Igp¯n \n¶pw Xmenbqcn... C\n CXnSm³ AÀlXbnÃ. AhÄ¡v B KÔadnbmw, AsX..,I¯n¯ocp¶ icoc¯nsâ KÔw... AhÄ Bßmhnt\msSt´m a{´n¨p. AsX.., Cu Bßmhn\Xp \¶mbn tIÄ¡mw...\"\"AsX.., \nsâ icocw \in¨ncn¡p¶p , CXv Hcp ZimkÔnbmbncp¶p... acW¯n\pw PohnX¯n\pw CSbv¡v Xmen¨cSn Xq§nbmSnb ZimkÔn... AhÄ BXmen¨cSv Xo¡\entebv¡n«p... C\nbnXp t]dm\mhnÃ... HmÀ½IfpsS apÄ¡ncoSambn... AhÄ Nncn¨p... AsX... F\n¡n\n B icocw thï... AXv... AXv... \in¨ncn¡p¶p... `mKy-e-£v-an Sn. Fkv. 2012 _m¨v 28

{Ko ¡v tZhXbmb sIdoknsâ AXnkpµcnbmb aIfmbncp¶p s{]mkvss{]³, Hcn¡Â]mXmf tZh\mb ¹qt«m s{]mkvss{]s\ A]lcn¨psImïpt]mbn. aIsf c£n¡p¶Xn\p thïnA½bmb sIdokv Hcp ap¯ÈnbpsS thj¯n hÀj§tfmfw `qanbn Ignªp IqSpIbpwkkyPme§fpsS hfÀ¨bnÃmXm¡n £maapïm¡pIbpw sNbvXp. AhfpsS a\Êpamäm³ BImitZh\mb Pq¸nädpw aäp ssZh§fpw Hcp]mSv {ian¨p. HSphn hÀj¯n \mepamkw ]mXm-f¯n IgnbWsa¶ Dd¸nt·Â AhÀ s{]mkvss{]s\ hn«psImSp¡m³ Xocpam\n¨p. A§s\aIÄ A½sb ]ncnªncn¡p¶ \mepamkamWv {Ko¡v hnizmk{]Imcw aªpImeambXv.A¡me¯p hr£§Ä Ce s]mgn¡pIbpw hn¯pIÄ a®n Dd§n¡nS¡pIbpw sN¿p¶p.s{]mkvss{]³ A½tbmsSm¸w tNcp¶ icXv¡me¯v hn¯pIÄ DbÀs¯gpt¶Â¡p¶p, a®nÂ]pXnb \m¼pIÄ apfs]m«p¶p. {]IrXnbn EXp¡fpsS BhnÀ`mhs¯¡pdn¨v {Ko¡v ant¯m-fPn ]dbp¶ IY C§s\bmWv. Irjnbpw IpSpw_hpw X½nepÅ At`Zyamb _Ô¯nsâXpS¡w Hcp ]t£ AhnsS \n¶pamImw. ImÀjnItaLebn IpSpw_§fpsS ]¦mfn¯¯n\pÅ {]m[m\yw IW¡nseSp¯p-sImïv 2014 A´mcmjv-{S IpSpw_Irjn hÀjambn BNcn¡m³ sFIycm{ãk` Blzm\w sNbvXncn¡pIbmWv. Zmcn{Zy \nÀ½mÀP\hpw `£ykpc£bpw {][m\ e£y§fmbn apt¶m«p hbv¡p¶ IpSpw_Irjn F¶ Bibw {]IrXn kulrZ ssPhIrjn¡pw XZzmcm ImÀjnI taLebpsS D¶a\¯n\pamWv Du¶Â \ÂIp¶Xv. D¸mZ\w IpanªpIqSnbn«pw apgph³ temI P\XbpsSbpw `£y kpc£bpw t]mjI e`yXbpw C\nbpw hnZqckz]v\§sf¶ncns¡ HmtcmIpSpw_¯n\pw thïXv Ah\h³ Xs¶ hnfbns¨Sp¡pI F¶ Bib¯n\v \qdpta\n kzo-IcWamWv {]Xo£n¡p¶Xv. temI¯mIam\apÅ 500 aney¬ IpSpw_ IrjnbnS§sf GtIm]n¸n¡p¶ ]²Xn HcmÄ¡v- Acskâ v F¶ \nc¡n Hmtcm ho«nepw IrjnbnSw thWsa¶v \njvIÀjn¡p¶p. ho«nte¡mhiyapÅ apgph³ ]¨¡dnIfpw aäp ^ehÀ¤mZnIfpw ]pcbnS¯nepwa«p¸mhnepambn Isï¯mhp¶ Cu IrjnbnS§fn Xs¶ DÂ]mZn¸n¡phm\pw AXphgnkzm{ibamb IpSpw_§sf hmÀs¯Sp¡phm\pamWv ]²Xn e£yanSp¶Xv. ImÀjnI taLebnse hnhn[§fmb {]hÀ¯\§Ä ho«phf¸n IpSpw_mwK§fpsSklmb klIcWt¯msS \S¸m¡p¶ IrjncoXnbmWv IpSpw_Irjn. kv{Xo- - ]pcpj t`Zat\yIpSpw_mwK§fpsS A[zm\s¯ B{ibn¨pÅ IrjncoXn. ]pcbnS¯n e`yamIp¶ Øew, 29

kqcy{]Imiw, Pew XpS§nb hn`h§sf ]camh[n {]tbmP\s¸Sp¯m³ klmbn¡pw hn[am-Wv Cu IrjncoXn hn`mh\w sN¿s]«ncn¡p¶Xv. AXpsImïpXs¶ ]pdta \n¶pÅ AkwkvIrX hkvXp¡sf B{ibnt¡ï kµÀ`§Ä ]camh[n Hgnhm¡pIbpw sN¿mw. IqSmsXssPhhn`h§Ä am{Xw D]tbmKn¡m³ Blzm\w sN¿p¶ IpSpw_Irjn cmk ]ZmÀ°§fpsS ]nSnbneaÀ¶v \mtim·pJambns¡mïncn¡p¶ kpØnc ImÀjnI hnIk\w F¶ kz]v\¯n\v kpZrUamb Hcp ssI¯m§pIqSnbmIpw. sI«pd¸pÅ IpSpw_§Äs¡m¸w sI«pd¸pÅIrjnbnS§Ä IqSn ]Sp¯pbÀ¯m\pÅ Hcp al¯mb DZyaambn CXns\ IW¡m¡mw. hnhn[§fmb hnfIÄ kwtbmPn]n¨v \S¯mhp¶ an{i Irjn-coXnbmWv IpSpw_¡rjn¡v Gähpw A\ptbmPyw.hnfIfnse Cu sshhnZyw ssPhsshhn-Zy kwc£W¯nsâ asämcpapJw IqSnbmWv \ap¡vImWn¨pX-cp¶Xv. an{ihnfIfp sS km¶nZyw Xot·isb tNtXm- lcam¡p¶tXmsSm¸wtcmK§fp sSbpw IoS§fpsSbpw B{I-aWs¯ sNdp ¡pIbpw sN¿p¶p. ho«phf¸nsessPh amen\y§sf kwkvIcn¡p¶Xn\mbn _tbmKymkv ¹mâpIfpw It¼mÌv IpgnIfpw D]tbmKn¡p¶Xv hgn CÔ\em`hpw Dd¸phcp¯mw. IpSpw_mhiy§Ä¡p tijw _m¡nhcp¶DXv]¶§Ä hn]Wnbn hnäv A[nI BZmbwt\Sn¯cp¶Xn\pw IpSpw_Irjn klmbn¡p¶p.sam¯w IrjnbnS§fpsS 81 iXam\hpw IpSpw_IrjnbnS§Ä DÅ cmPyamWv C´y. BsIDXv]mZ\¯nsâ 60 iXam\hpw hln¡p¶Xv Cu IrjnbnS§fmWv. Hcp P\XbpsS ap¡m `mK-t¯mfw Irjnsb B{ibn¨v Ignbp¶ cmPysa¶ \nebv¡v IpSpw_Irjn F¶ Bib¯nsâ{]m[m\yhpw {]kànbpw C´ysb kw_Ôn¨v hfsc hepXmWv-. ka{Khpw ssPhnIhpamb]pcbnS IrjnbpsS Cu kzm{ib amXrI Hcp ]pXnb kwkvImcambn At§mfant§mfw hym]n¡pt¼mÄ `£y kzbw ]cym]vXX Gsd AIsebsöv \ap¡pd¸n¡w. 30

IpSpw_Irjn; tIcf¯nse km[yXIÄ. amdnb PohnXssien aebmfnbpsS Blmc coXnbnepw amäw hcp¯nbncn¡p¶p. tN¼pwapcn§bnebpw hmg¡q¼psaÃmw \nXymlmc¯nsâ `mKam¡nbncp¶ \ap¡v C¶v Chsbms¡A\yambns¡mïncn¡pIbmWv. ]Icw sImgp¸pIqSnb amwkhn`h§Ä Blmc¯nsâ ap¡mÂ]¦pw It¿dn¡gnªncn¡p¶p. hn]Wnbn \n¶v e`yamIp¶ `£yhkvXp¡fpsS ta·tbbpwkpc£nXXzs¯bpw Ipdn¨mWv asämcp Bi¦. \½psS \m«n hÀ²n¨phcp¶ Iym³kÀ tcmK_m[bpsS Hcp {][m\ ImcWw hnjmwiw AS§nb ]g§fpw ]¨¡dnIfpamsW¶v sXfnªn«pïv. Cu kmlNcy¯n ho«mhiy¯n\pÅ ]g§fpw ]¨¡dnIfpw ho«n Xs¶ DXv]mZn¸n¡m³ klmbn¡p¶ IpSpw_Irjn¡v {]m[m\yw GsdbmWv-. IrjnbnS ]cnanXnbpw ho«ph-f¸pIfpsS _mlpeyhpw IW¡nseSp¡pt¼mÄ CXnepw A\ptbmPyamb asämcp coXnbnÃmXm\pw. PohnXssieotcmK§Äs¡mïv A\pZn\whoÀ¸pap«p¶ aebmfn¡v Irjnbv¡pa¸pdw IpSpw_Ir-jn¡p \ÂImhp¶ t\«§Ä ]eXmWv. IpSpw_¯nÂFÃmhcpw tNÀ¶v hn{iathfIÄ Irjnbv¡mbn {]tbmP\s¸Sp¯p¶XneqsS IpSpw_¯nse Iq«mbvabpwklIcWhpw hÀ[n¡p¶p. ip²hmbp, \à hymbmawF¶nhbneqsS BtcmKykwc£Whpw km[yam¡mw. 2014 A´mcm{ã IpSpw_Irjn hÀjambn sFIy-cm{ãkwLS\ {]Jym]ns¨¦nepw IpSpw_IrjnbpsSImcy¯n ap³t] \S¶ kwØm\amWv tIcfw.]mc¼cyamb ]pcbnSIrjnbpsS Hcp kzm{ib amXrI.tIcf¯nse Iq«pIpSpw_§fn \ne\n¶ncp¶ Iev]hr£amb sX§v Hcp apJy hnfbmbpw Ihp§pwtN\bpw tN¼pw aäp ]¨¡dnIfpw CShnfbmbpw \«phfÀ¯nbncp¶ Cu aÄ«nsSbÀ kwhn[m\ambncp¶pa\pjy\pĸsSbpÅ PohPme§fpsSsbÃmw BhmkhyhØbmbn Hcp Ime¯v \nesImïncp¶Xv. s\¸mS§fpw Ipf§fpsaÃmw tIcfob `q{]IrXnbpsSAhn`mPyLSI§fmbncp¶, A{X ]pdIneÃm¯ HcpImehpw \ap¡pïmbncp¶p. F¶m HmÀ½IfnÂt¸mepw _m¡nbmhm¯ hn[w AXnthKwamªpsImïncn¡p¶ B \·Isfms¡bpw Xncn¨p ]nSn¡phm³ AXniàamb CSs]SepIfmbncn¡pw \ap¡n\n \St¯ïn hcnI. AhnsSbmWv {]Xo£bpsS ]pXp\m¼pIfpambn IpSpw_Irjn DuÀÖw ]Icp¶Xv. {]IrXnbnte¡pÅ aS¡hpw `mhnbnte¡pÅ IcpXepamIs« CuIrjncoXn. lcn-X F¨v. 2011 _m¨v 31

AXp P-b-]m Ph. D

Prize winning poem atInter Collegiate Arts ‘SRISHTI 2014’ Jefy Tomo Alexander 2011 Batch



Hcp ]pd¸mSnsâ tImfnf¡¯n hmhn«pIcª t\cw, ape¸m \ÂInb A½...IcbmXncn¡m\mbn Xmcm«p]mSnb AÑsâ I®pIfnse Xnf¡w. Ipfncp X¶ ag... Imänsâ kman]yw... sNdp ]p©ncn XqIn \n¡p¶ `qan... CeIfpsS aÀ½cw... Ipªnsâ I®pIfn XpSn¡p¶ Poh³... \"IqsS Rm\pïv ' F¶ hm¡nse hnizmkw... ]nd¶ \mÄ apX acWw hsc IqsSbpÅ... {]mb¯nsâ aXnÂs¡«n Xf¡s¸Sm¯... {]Wbw`qanbpsS A¨pXïmIp¶ {]Wbw...

Im¯ncn¸v C¶pao PmeI¸gpXneqsS³ a\w B kvt\l¯neenbphm³ Im¯ncn¸q Hcp t\À¯ ]p©ncn¡mbv ad¶p t]mbn ChÄ, \S¶I¶p Rm³ Gsd Zqcw... Cud\Wnbp¶p I®pIÄ AIepw Xncnªpt\m¡n hoïpsa³ Im¨phSpIÄ ssIIfn ]Scpw hncls¯tbmÀ¯v ]Xntªmtcm hgnIfnte¡v hnXp¼nb I®pIfpw ]¦pshbv¡m³ ad¶ CSdp¶p hm¡pIÄ a\Ên kz]v\§fpw hoïpsamtcmÀ½s¸Sp¯embn XncÈoe \nhÀ¯oSp¶p au\w Ime¯n³ bh\nIbv¡pÅn adsªmcm ]dªp XocmsX t]mb hm¡pItfmtcm¶pw kulrZw F³ I®oÀ¡W§fmbv amdoSp¶p Icfn I®ocn³ Ibv¸p NmÀ¯n I×p¶n hncnª ImgvNItfmtcm¶pw tNÀ¯p ]nSn¨ ssIIf¶mZyambv HmÀ½Ifm¡n amän ASbp¶p B AI¶pt]mbn Ft§ms«¶nÃmsX... C\nsb³ ssIIÄ ]pWcm\mbv PmeI hmXnepIÄ \o hcnÃsb¶þ Imew Xpd¶n« PmeI hmXnepIÄ hn[n¡pap¶n au\bmbv \n¶pt]mbn Rm³ Ct¶chpw Im¯ncp¶sX´mhmw? Hcp]mSpïp hgnIsf\n¡n\nbpw Xmïm³IpkrXnbm s\bvsXmcp _meyhpw IuXpIw t\cnSWw ]e A\p`h§tfbpw\ndsªmcp Iuamchpw Iïncn¶p Rm\Xn AhnsS Xfcpt¼mÄ NpateIm³ F³ HmÀ½IfpsS kpKÔw ]IÀ¶v ambm¯ au\s¯ hm¡pIfm¡m³... ImgvNIsf\nt¡Inb Hcp kulrZapïXn \obnsö kXyw Hcp Iqc¼pþ F³ t\mhmÀ¶ angnIfn XtemSembv t]m s\©nemgv¶nd§p¶p... Xm§mbv XWembv \n¶ kulrZw ]Icw shbv¡m³ H¶panà \n\¡pþ I®ocn³ NqSdnª \nanj§fntet¸mtgm ]IcaobpeInÂ... \n³ HmÀ½Ifn a[pcw ]IÀ¶v Hcp \\p¯ kv]Àiambv... Pohn¡msa\n¡o P·w apgph³... t\À¯ XtemSembv... {]XymiX³ \mftaIn F¦nepw Im¯ncn¡p¶p Rm³ F³ Däh\mbv \osb¯pw \mfpIÄ¡mbv... EXp¡Ä amdnbI¶pt]mbn \½nenXfn« kulrZw, F³ kz]v\§Ä X³ Nmct¯dn Rm\pw hnSÀ¯ps¶mcp hk´¯n\mbv... \S¶I¶p tNÀ¯p]nSn¨ Ic§fn kvt\lapXnÀ¶ hm¡pIfn _m¡nbmbv s\bvsXSp¯ In\mhpItfmtcm¶pw... Bßmhn \ndbpw sc-Wy ]n. BÀ. 2011 _m¨v

“U nique among all god’s creatures only the honeybee improves the environ-ment and preys not on any other species.” In the good old days people used to say that small is beautiful. I wasn’t sure if it was trueas we always admired and preferred only the bigger things in life, not until I came to knowthe small but amazingly elegant world of honeybees during my experiential learning… I was amazed and up to a small extent envied at the capabilities of those small but beau-tiful creatures. You’ll share my feelings at the mere fact that without the bees mankind will getextinct within four years, according to Albert Einstein. We are well aware about the role of honey-bees in giving us the nutritious honey. The qualities and use of honey in our daily life itself is worthwriting. But the greatest service they do to this world is pollination. Bees are the best pollinators inthe world. Each honey bee collects honey from thousands of flowers each day and thereby acting as ex-cellent agents of pollination. Without polli- nation a vast majority of plants cannot reproduceand they’ll perish in the course of time, taking along with them the entireanimal world including the human beings…Bee factsIt is the only insect that produces food eaten by humans.Honey is the only food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life, includingenzymes, vitamins, minerals and water. It is the only food that contains “pinocembrin” anantioxidant associated with improved brain functions.The average worker bee produces about 1/12th tea spoon of honey in her lifespan.Honey bee’s wings stroke incredibly fast, about 200 beats per second and they travel at15 miles per hour…A hive of bees will fly 90,000 miles, equaling three orbits around the earth to collect 1kgof honey.Only worker bees sting, and only if they feel threatened and they die once they sting.It is estimated that 1100 honeybee stings are required to be fatal.Honeybees communicate with one another by dancing. More on their awesome sense oftime, communication of distance and direction in “THE AWESOME HONEY BEEDANCE”An industrious worker bee may visit 2000 flowers per day.They work harder than you: during cold seasons, worker bees can live for nine months.But in the summer, they rarely last longer than six weeks – they literally work themselvesto death. Shruthy S. 2011 Batch 38

\"a\p' ]dªXv... tZhn-I ]n. hn. 2011 _m¨v B Imdn¨ Fsâ ASp¡f tPmenIfpsS Xmfw tijw kvIqÄ _mKpambn Rm³ ]n¶nepw Ip«nIÄ ap¶nepambn HmSn. cïp \nanjw sshIn h¶Xn\p _sXän¨p. ssIbnencp¶Xpw sNbvXp sImïncp¶Xp Ênsâ Infnbmbn \n¡p\ sN¡sâ hmbn \n¶pÅamb tPmenIÄ Cs«dnªv Rm³ apdnbnte¡v IpXn¨p. IcpXtemSpÅ iImcw tIÄ¡m\nSbmbn. chntb«³AhnsS IïXv Ipfnapdn¡p ap¶n ASn]nSnIqSp¶ sdUnbmbn Cd§nbt¸mÄ Rm³ Ipfn¡m³ Ibdn.tKm]phns\bpw tZhphns\bpw Bbncp¶p. \nehnfn Imdn Ibdn cïp tlm¬ apg¡nbt¸mtg¡pw hoSpbpsS DSaØ tZhp Bbncp¶p. ImcWtlXp Fsâ ]q«n Rm³ lmPÀ \evIn. ]Xnhpt]mse C¶pw `£Wwaq¯ ]p{Xn tKm]nIbpw. cïn\pw Hmtcm ]nS sImSp¯v Ign¡m³ kabw In«nbnÃ. HcknÌâ v F©n\obÀ¡v{]iv\w ]cnlcn¨p. XncnsI ASp¡fbnse¯nbt¸mÄ `mcybpsS `£Ww {i²n¡m³ ]mSnà F¶ hntcm[m`mkwXpfp¼n adnbm³ ]mI¯nepÅ ]mÂ]m{Xambn `cWLS\bneptïm? chntb«sâ {]IrXw ImWpt¼mÄcp¶p. HmSns¨¶p Ìhv Hm^m¡nbt¸msb¡pw kabw Rm\§s\ Nn´n¨pt]mIpw.F«paWnbmbn. F«cbv¡p Ip«nIfpsS kvIqÄ_kv chntb«sâ kzm[o\w sImïmbncp¶p XrÈqcnÂF¯pw. tPmKn§n\p t]mb chntb«\pw aS§nsb¯m³kabambn. At±l¯nsâ Nmbbpw Xcs¸«n«nÃ. C¶se \n¶pw XeØm\t¯¡v Øewamäw e`n¨Xv. X\n¨v the¡mcpambn ASn]nSnbpïmhfsc Xmakn¨mbncp¶p InS¶Xv. \"\"A[nIamtcmSpw CS]gImXp ¡n Xmakn¨v At¸mtg¡pwDd¡anf¨XpsImïmbn cn¡pwcmhnse apX Ieiemb Xe- Å Fsâ kz`mhw At±l¯n\nãaÃ. At±lw aSp¯ncp¶p. Rm³ At±l¯nsâ a\Ênse hnImc§Ä H¸apsï¦n Imcy§ÄthZ\ Ae«p¶pïv. Ffp¸amhpsa¶t±lw hniz- Ip«nIÄ `£Ww Ign F\n¡dnbnÃ. cïp icoc§fmb kn¨p. ]ïv hnZqcXbn¨pIgnªt¸mÄ chntb«s\¯n. R§Ä cïp a\tÊmsSbmWv F´pw t\ Bbncp¶t¸mgpw C¶v HcpAt±l¯nsâ Nmb sdUn. cnSp¶Xv.'' 40

ssI¿Ie¯nsâ hyXymk¯nepw R§Ä kwkm ]mI¯nepÅ PohnX ]¦mfnbà Rm³. A[nIamcn¡mtd CÃ. kwkmcn¡p¶tXm tIhew Ht¶m ctïm tcmSpw CS]gImXpÅ Fsâ kz`mhw At±l¯n\nhm¡pIÄ am{Xw. ImÀ \nÀ¯n Rm\Xn \n¶nd§n. ãaÃ. At±l¯nsâ a\Ênse hnImc§Ä F\n¡dn bnÃ. cïp icoc§fmb R§Ä cïp a\tÊmsSbmWv \"\"sshIn«v Rm³ teämIpw, Rm³ hnfn¡pt¼mÄ F´pw t\cnSp¶Xv. FÃmw t\m¡nImWp¶ F¶n HcmhmXn Xpd¶m aXn'' chntb«³ ]dªp. ImchSnthm, BIÀjW iàntbm At±lw ZÀin¨n«nÃ. A¯cw ta·IÄ AhImis¸Sm³ XoÀ¨bmbpw Atbm- Rm³ Xebm«n k½Xn¨p. Ct¸mÄ sk{It«dn- KybmWv Xm³. F¶n«pw cïp Ip«nIÄ R§Ä¡pïmbn.bänemWv Fsâ tPmen. FÃm {]`mX¯ntebpw t]mse BtcmSpw ]cmXnIfnÃ, `À¯mhnt\mtSm, Ipªp§A¶p Ignª tPmenIfpsS Imlfw ImXn apg§n- tfmtSm. AhÀ¡p thïXv sNbvXpsImSp¯p. R§fpsSsImïncp¶p. Zm¼Xyw ]¯mw hÀj¯nse¯n \n¡p¶p. \"\"KoXkmsd, thWpkmÀ ^b Xcm³ ]dªp.'' HmÀ½Ifn sXfnbp¶ Zriy§fn HcpI®pXpd¶t¸mÄ ]yq¬ Ipamc³ taibv¡cnIn \nev]pïmbncp¶p. tImt«gvkv \ndw a§m¯ ImgvNbmWv. kqcy³ DZn -Rm³ KoX, Hcp kÀ¡mcptZymKØ. `À¯mhv ¡p¶Xp apX A§s\bà Rm³. tImt«gvknÂchn Fkv. \mbÀ; HcknÌâ v F³Pn\obÀ. a¡Ä tKm]nI, tZhnI. Rm³ tPmen Øe¯v F¯nbncn¡p¶p, DWcp¶Xp sXm«mIWw Fsâ PohnXKmYC\nbpÅ Fsâ Xncn¨dnb kÀ¡mÀPoh\¡mcn- KoX chn. `À¯mhnÃ, Ip«nIfnÃ. Bcw`n¡p¶Xv. A¡me¯v BZyw {]Imiwshfp¯ \mSIÄ Iq«ns¡«nb^bepIfpsS Iq«¯n \n ]Scp¶Xv R§fpsS `h\¯nembn¶pw Hcp ^bseSp¯pRm\bmsf GÂ]n¨p. cp¶p. cmhnse \men\p XpS§p¶s]s«¶v {i² Xncnt¡ï^bepIfnte¡v Rm³ LSnImc kqNnIÄs¡m¸wIt®mSn¡m³ XpS§n.Chbv¡mbn C\n Hmtcm DWcp¶ AÑ\pw A½bpw.cp¯À h¶mcmbpw. CSp§nb tImt«gvkv apdnbn kabw ]¯paWn Ignªv ]¯p an\n«mbn. F{_lmw en¦s\  \mep t]cS§p¶ Ip-HmÀ¡m³ Cu apdn¡nSanÃ. adn¨v I®©n¸n¡p¶]«pkmcnIfpsS If£\pambn tacn¡p«n kmÀ F¯pw. Spw_w kwXr]vXambncp¶p.Ahcpambn Hm^oknXc _Ôw F\n¡pïv. R§ÄhfscbSp¯ IpSpw_ kplr¯p¡fmWv. `À¯m¡·mÀ IWni¡mcnbmb A½bpw theX½nepÅ ap³]cnNbamWv CXnsâ Im¼v. sNbvXv IpSpw_w ]peÀ¯p¶ \"\"KpUvtamWnwKv KoX, bp BÀ ep¡nwKv tkm _mUv. hm«vkv Z amäÀ?'' Ahscs¶ t\m¡n hntijw Bcm AÑ\pw A\nb¯ntbmSv imTywªp. ]nSn¨p hfÀ¶ tPjvT\paS§p¶ \"\"PÌv Hcp slUvFbvIv'' DÄ¡m¼nÃm¯ tNmZy¯n\v ]mXn a\tÊmsS Rm³ D¯ctaIn. Fsâ IpSpw_w. ¢_nse Iq«pImcnIfp IqSpXsemcp kvt\lmt\zjW¯n\pÅ Ahk- sS Ip«nIÄ \r¯-kwKoX tafIfn an¶nbXvcw AhÀ¡v Rm³ A\phZn¨nÃ. t]mIp¶Xn\p ap³]vAhÀ ]dªp. Iïv Fsâ amXmhpw sNmSn¨p. AXn\p _enbmSmbn \"\"sshIpt¶cs¯ ]mÀ«n¡v DjmtdmsS hcWw, Rm\pw ]mSn, BSn! A§s\ tdUntbmbn Jpdm³Cu XethZ\ shbv¡cpXv lÊpambn hcpt¼mÄ,Hms¡?'' AhÀ hnShm§n. ]mcmbWw tI«pWÀ¶ncp¶ Fsâ {]`mX§Ä AXn At¸mÄ CXmImw chntb«³ teämIp¶Xn \p ap³]pXs¶ ]pecm³ XpS§n, A½bpsS ]m«p¢m-\p ]n¶nse clkyw. ]mÀ«nIfn Hcp _qÌmIm³ kn\p thïn. Ahcmin¨ t]mse aäp Ip«nIÄ¡nSbn Rm\pw tim`n¨p. hoSnsâ elcnbn DÃmkw Isï¯m³ Rm³ {ian¨p. HSphn EXphnsâ elcn Xmtemen¨t¸mÄ Aѳ ]pdwtemI¯nsâ kzmX{´yw sIm«nbS¨p. \"Fsâ aIÄ' F¶ hm¡v Hcp `mcambn Xncn¨dnª \nanjw- Fsâ buÆ\¯nsâ Bcw`Zibnembncp¶p. ]T\w ]qÀ¯nbmhmdmb B ImeL«¯n Xs¶ chntb«sâ hnhmlmtemN\ ho«nse¯n. tPmen, km¼¯nIw, kpap J³ FÃmw H¯nW§nb hc³. IeymWw awKfambn Ign ªp. B{Kln¨Xmbncpt¶m B hnhmlw, AdnbnÃ. aÞ]¯n Hcp Aleytam£w Rm\min¨ncp¶ntÃ? PohnXw AXnt\InbtXm..? UkvIn Iangv¶p InS¶ BtemN\m\naKv\ 41

bmb Fs¶ ¢mÀ¡v thWphnsâ \"\"]nXm c£Xn Iuamtc aS§¡pIfmWv hÀ¯am\ temI¯nte¡p ]Xn c£Xn buÆt\ apdnbn F¯nbt¸mtg¡pwXncnsIsb¯n¨Xv. ]pt{Xm c£Xn hmÀ²tIy chntb«sâ Ipfn Ignªncp¶p. aS§pw \x kv{Xo kzmX{´yaÀlXn'' hgn, chntb«³ Ft¶mSv tNmZn¨p, \"\"KoXkmtd, H¶pWtczm? CsXm¶pt\m¡ntb, kmdnsâ IhnX \"\"Bßmhnsâ \"\"F´mWmthm Ft¶msSm¸w In-sh¼Â''. sImÅmw hfsc \¶mbncn¡p¶p, A`n\ S¡m³?''µ\§Ä'' Rm³ apdnbpsS hmXn ]mXnNmcn. InS¡\"\"XrÈqcn Bbncp¶t¸mÄ Ab¨XmWv. hr¯nbm¡n. AhsbÃmw At±lw ho£n¨psImïp\n¶p.A¨Sn¡pw F¶p {]Xo£n¨XÃ'' Rm³ ]dªp. \"\"F\n¡nãambn Xsâ IhnX, hfscb[nIw {]\"\"F¶mepw kmtd \½psS BZna\pjy³ a\p iwkIfpw A`n\µ\§fpw X\n¡p ]mÀ«nbn ]ecpw ]\n§Äs¡Ãmw c£I\mbn Hmtcm Zibnepw Bsf \ dªp.''evIn. Aѳ, `À¯mhv, aI³ C§s\. ]ns¶ kmdnsâ Fsâ IhnX chntb«³ hmbn¨ncn¡p¶p. Rm³Bßmhns\t´ C{X sh¼Â?'' AbmÄ Ifnbm¡n Nncn¨p. AXnitbmàntbmsS At±ls¯ t\m¡n, Fsâ apJw \"\"aXn thWp, CXn\pÅ Nnehv Rm³ Xt¶¡mw, {]k¶ambn. At¸mtg¡pw At±lw Fsâ AcnInse¯n.t]msc.'' AXptI«bmÄ \"\"aXntb'' F¶p ]dªp Øew I«nenses¶ Ccp¯n, H¸w At±lhpw. kmh[m\w FsâImenbm¡n. ssIIÄ FSp¯v At±l¯nsâ DÅwssI¿nem¡n. Ipfn IgnªXpsImïmImw XmcXtay\ Hcp Ipfncv Hm^okv apgph³ IhnXbpsS NÀ¨mthZnbmbn. At±l¯n³sd ssIIÄ¡pïmbncp¶p.\ncq]W§fpw A`n\µ\§fpw F¶nse¯n. BZyambna\Êv aXnad¶mËmZn¨p. ]t£ BËmZ¯nsâ hnlnXw \"\"Xsâ Cu ssIbn C\nbpw IhnX ]nd¡Ww,chntb«\v thïn Rm³ HXp¡nh¨p. At±l¯nt\mSv Cu F\n¡v hmbn¡m³ XcntÃ, Ah?'' At±lw Ft¶mSv tNmhmÀ¯ t\cn«dnbn¡Ww. Cu AwKoImcw chntb«\pambn Zn¨p. Rm³ Xebm«n k½Xn¨p. ]qÀ®a\tÊmsS... B]¦nSWw. ]n¶oSt§m«p B Hscmä Nn´ akvXnjvIs¯ ssIIÄ Fsâ apJw hmcnsbSp¯p, I®pIfn t\m¡ns]mXnªp. sshIpt¶cs¯ _Ên\mbn Rm³ XnSp¡w At±lw XpSÀ¶p.Iq«n. ]Xnhnepw DuÀPkzeXtbmsS Hm^okv tPmenIÄ \"\"]t£ KoX, AXp aämcpw hmbn¡p¶Xnt\mSv-XoÀ¯v ho«ntet¡mSn. F\n¡v tbmPn¸nÃ. Xs¶ Ipdn¨v \ÃtXm No¯tbm H¶pw tZhphpw tKm]phpw Syqj³ Ignªv XncnsI Bcpw Ft¶mSv ]dbï. \o FtâXv am{Xam, X\n¡¯nbt¸mÄ AhÀ¡mbpÅ Cãhn`h§Ä Rm³ X\n¡p Rm³ ]dªXv Atemkcambn tXm¶ntbm?X¿mdm¡n Ignªncp¶p. Ipfns¨mcp§n kt´mjhXn Fsâ `mcy Cu ho«nse cmÚnbmbm aXn, AXtÃbmbn AhÀs¡m¸w NmbIpSn¨p. ]XnhnÃmsX ho«pIm- thïXv?'' At±lw Fsâ adp]Sn¡mbn ImtXmÀ¯ hnfn¨v Ipiemt\zjWw \S¯n. Ip«nIsf t\ct¯ F³sd NpïpIÄ Npfp§n, aq¡v hnIkn¨p, I®nte¡vInS¯nbpd¡n, A¯mghpsamcp¡n chntb«\pthïn I®p\oÀ Cc¼nIbdn. Hcp \nanjw B{Kl§fpsS tam£wIm¯ncp¶p. Hcp ]nSn tNmdv At±lt¯msSm¸w Ign¡m³ kz]v\w Iïpt]mbn.a\Êv B{Kln¨p. B\µ¯nsâ a[pcw PohnX]¦mfnbpambn kabw H³]Xp Ignªp. Imdnsâ H¨ tI«p. ]¦nSm³ sImXn¨hfmWv Rm³. AXn At±l¯n\vXpSÀ¶v hmXnen Hcp ap«pw. Rm³ HmSn¸mªv hmXn Xmev]cyanà F¶ Ibvt]dnb kXyw Rm³ a[pct¯msSXpd¶p. At±lw Fs¶ t\m¡n ]p©ncn XqIn. A¯mg- \pWsªSp¯p. F¶n«t±l¯nsâ amdnte¡v- sasÃsaSp¡m³ Rm³ ssU\nwKv tS_nfnse¯n, t¹äv FSp¯p. Nmªp. At±l¯nsâ Icheb¯n\pÅn A\pk- cWbpÅ t]Sam\mbn amdn. \"\"Rm³ `£Ww Ign¨Xm, tacn¡p«nbpsS aI\vsaUnkn\v AUvanj\mbn. Ipcymt¡mknsâ h¼³ ASª ]oenIÄ¡pÅn hnXp¼p¶ I®p\oÀ]mÀ«nbpïmbncp¶p. Xm³ Ignt¨mfq, Rms\m¶v s{^jv HmÀ½Ifnse¯n¨Xv kpc£nXXzw Dd¸pX¶ a\phnsâBbn Dd§s«'' -At±lw C{Xbpw ]dªv apdnbnte¡v \ hm¡pIfmWv...S¶p. \"\"]nXm c£Xn IuamtcIgn¡ms\Sp¯ ]m{Xw, H¨IqSmsX HXp¡n. ]Xn c£Xn buÆt\A¯mgw Ign¡m\pÅ a\Êpw acn¨p. ]WnXoÀ¯v, Hcp ]pt{Xm c£Xn hmÀ²tIyPKv shÅhpambn InS¸papdnbnte¡v \S¶p. Dd¡¯n \x kv{Xo kzmX{´yaÀlXn''tZhphpw tKm]phpw Icbm³ XpS§nb Imew apX Fsâ AÔXbpsS aqSp]Sw Xm§p¶ hmIy§sf hnkvDd¡w Ip«nIÄs¡m¸amWv. ]Xnhmbn Rm³ chntb«\v acn¨p Rm\m Icheb¯n ]änIqSn....shÅw \ÂInbXn\ptijw Ipªp§fpsS ASpt¯¡v 42

Xehc tZhn-I ]n. hn. 2011 _m¨v \"\"SIv...'' I«³ NmbbpsS ¥mÊv IS¯n®bn XWp¸p kln¡m\mhmsX tXmfp Npfn¡p¶ \nÊlmb\mb `n£¡mcs\t¸msetaibn BªSn¨p h¨p. ]mXnab¡¯nsehn Rm³ Agp¡p]nSn¨ s_©ns\ t\m¡nbncp¶p.sStbm Bbncp¶ Rm³ sR«n kzt_m[w \"\"cïp Znhk¯n\pÅn apdn hn«pt]mIWw''hosïSp¡p¶tXbpÅmbncp¶p. km[mcWbmbn F¶mbn X§fpsS Ct¸mgs¯ hmZw. IgnªbmbI«s\¯n¡p¶Xv awtKmfnbt\m Asæn gv¨hsc \"]Ww' Fs¶mcp LSIw IqSn AbmfpsSssN\okv tamdt\m Bb NmbbSn¡mc³ ]¿\m Bhiy§fn Dïmbncp¶p.Wv. Ah³ Ct¸mgpw Hcn´y¡mc\msW¶ptI«m Rm³ B ]nXrXz¯n tNmZy¯nsâ sIm- Rm³ Nmb¡Sbv¡p apIfnse apdnbnÂfp¯pw Xq¡n BSn¡fn¡pw. Cu tNmZy tImem- Xmakam¡nbn«v Bdp amkw Ignªp. BZyamkwlew F¶pahs\ ImWpt¼m DÅXmWv. hmSI \ÂIn, \qdp cq]. AXp]ns¶ `£W¯n\p am{Xambn Imiv. Ct¸mÄ Hcp NnÃn¡mipw Rms\m F¶m Cs¶\n¡v I«³ X¶Xh\Ã. B ¶n\pw apS¡mdnÃ. ImcWw ssIbn N{IanÃ.hchn\p arZp¯zw XoscbnÃmbncp¶p. Rms\sâ an- X§Ä a¡bn t]mbXpsImïv Hcp amkw Bizm-gnIÄ sasà Xpd¶p. Dd¡¯nsâ _m¡nsbt¶m- kambn Rm\hnsS hkn¨p.Ww I®n ]gp¸v IqSn _p²nap«pïm¡nbncp¶p.shÅ Ppºbpw shÅ apïpw shÅ XebnÂs¡«pw I«³ h¨v ]n³hm§nb X§Ä asämcmtfm[cn¨ XmSn¡mc³ tImb¯§Ä... Fsâ ]rã`mKw Smbn samgnªp. \"\"Cu ItS¶v Hm³ H¶nd§nt¸mbmNpa¡p¶ Cu Nmb¡SbpsS tae[nImcn.                 aXn. tPmenbnÃ, IqenbnÃ, sXïn...'' B \n¸v ]äpIminsâ tNmZyhpta´nbm C¯c¯nsem¶pw Fsâ tcmas¯ hIhbvsW¶v \nÝbw. P\phcnbnse cm{XnIme§fn ¡mXmbn«v Imetasdbmbn. IrXyambn ]dªm 43

cïp sImÃw... I«³ IpSn¨v ISbnÂ\n¶v Rm\n KXnbpw ]cKXnbpw CÃmsX Rm³ Pohn¡p¶p.d§n. XSn¸SnIÄ Ibdn amdme ]nSn¨ apdnbnse¯n. icn, At¸mÄ \S¡s« F´m¶p h¨mÂ...''amdnbpSp¡m³ Dïmbncp¶ \"\"\Kc¯nse {]m´{]tZisa¶p AXp]dªv Rm³jÀ«pw ]mâ vkpw X¸nsb- ]dbmhp¶ ChntSbv¡v Fs¶ sImïpSp¯p. ]Ãp ]dïm\pÅ t^m¬ I«v sNbvXp.Dan¡cnbpw amdn DSp¡m\pÅ h¶Xv \"]mdbnÂ' temdn ss{Uhdmb tam- \{kmWn tXmahkv{XhpsaSp¯s¸mgmWp lt\«³. tN«sâ kz´w BfmbmWpjÀ«nsâ Xmsg Fentb«sâ Rm\o tNcnbnse¯nbXv. ]n¶oSt§m«v bpsS tamÄ¡v A¸sâhI Idï In«nb kt´m- \nan¯sa¶ t]mse Hcp Xm§mbpwjhmÀ¯ Rm³ IïXv. a\p sImWw ImWmXncn¡p- tam? ]¯mw Xc¯n sam«n« {]Wbamncp¶pjy·mÀ am{XaÃ, Cu Iï XWembpw tN«³ H¸apïmbncp¶p.'' F\n¡htfmSv. Ahsf ¡mfpw Xebn BįmtemI¯nse IranIfpsas¶shdptXhnSnà F¶p Rm³ a\Ênem¡n. F´mbm akapïmbn«pw t{]aw aq¯v AhÄs¡m¸w shän\epw, FÃmw Npcp«n Nndbntebv¡nd§th, \"\"CãatÃ, dn¡v shmt¡jW lbÀ sk¡âdnbn tNÀ¶p.CãatÃ, DÅnembn Ft¶mSn¶pw CãatÃ...'' sam A¶v AØm\¯v ]iphnsâ sXmgnbn \n¶vss_ iÐn¨p. C§s\mcp tImfÀSyq¬ tI«n«v c£s¸«Xv F§s\sb¶v F\n¡ns¸mfpw ]nSnbnÃ. Hcp ]q¨sbt¸mepw kvt\ln¡m¯ Rm³, Fsâ\mtfsdbmbn. ssjan¡mbn Fs´Ãmw tImew sI«n. HSphnÂ\"ssjan 9846395542 tImfnwKv', samss_en sXfn ]pXp¸W¡mc³ tPmÀPpIp«n h¶t¸mÄ AhĪp. aqSpw X«nt¸mbn. Fsâ _n. F. shůnem¡n\"\"ltem cLphtÃ?'' At§¸pd¯p \n¶v I]ymcp tamfpsS an¶psI«pw \S¯n. AXpw \mHscm¨ tI«p. Sdnªv... R§Ä t{]an¨Xpw AtX \mSdnªmbnAt¸mÄ \"\"Aà \n⸳ I]ymcp \{kmWn tXma'' cp¶p. A½ am{Xapïmbncp¶ F\n¡v F¶nseF¶ Xncpsamgn hmbn hs¶¦nepw, an¶psI«p BW¯¯nt\ä Hcp h¼³ Xncn¨Snbmbncp¶pIgnª s]®n\p \mSpsImSp¡p¶ am\w k½m\n ssjanbpw tPmÀPpIp«nbpw... A§s\ Rms\sâ¡Ww, Ft¶mÀ¯p Rm³ ]dªp, \mSp hn«p. A½sb A½mhsâ ho«n kpJhm- k¯n\b¨v aI³ \Kc¯ntebv¡v tNt¡dn.\"\"AtXtÃm... Bcm...?'' BtemN\bv¡v AÀ²hncmaan«v Rm³\"\"As¸m, s¶ ad¶tÃ?'' Nndbnse¯nt¨À¶p. AhnsS Fs¶¡qSmsX\"\"HmÀ¡m³ am{Xw hntij§Ä F\ns¡m¶panÃ, aq¶pt]À IqSn Dïmbncp¶p.ssjao F´m¶p h¨m ]dbv, F\n¡v Xnc¡pïv'' \Kc¯nse {]m´{]tZisa¶p ]dbmhp¶\"\"Rm³ ASp¯bmgv¨ ]pÅn¡mcs\m¸w ChntSbv¡v Fs¶ sImïp h¶Xv \"]mdbnÂ'KÄ^ntebv¡v t]mIphm, sIm¨pïv, ]n temdn ss{Uhdmb tamlt\«³. tN«sâcnªncn¡m³ ht¿bv. ho«pImcpw k½Xn kz´w BfmbmWv Rm\o tNcnbnse¯n-¡WnÃ. t]mIm³ ]dbphm.'' bXv. ]n¶oSt§m«v \nan¯sa¶ t]mse Hcp\"\"\¶mbn, FhntSbv¡m t]mWXv?'' Xm§mbpw XWembpw tN«³ H¸apïmbn\"\"Zp_mbntem«v...'' cp¶p. Nndbn \n¶ HcmÄ tamlt\«\m bncp¶p. aäp cïp t]À tN«s\m¸w\"\"Hm InSnew... t]mbn kt´mjn¡v'' hïnbnepÅhcmWv. F\n¡hsc ]\"\"Rm³ t]mIphm...'' AhsfSp¯p cnNbapïv. Rm³ AhÀ t]mIpw]dªp. hsc Icbv¡ncn¶p. tN«³ Fs¶¡ïv ]cnNb`mhw\"\"Cu t]mIphm¶p \qdp XhW t]mepw \Sn¨nÃ, Rm\pw...]dtbï ImcyanÃ. Hä¯hW IqsS Dïmbncp¶ ]mïnIÄ]dªm aXn, ChnsS \n Fs¶ Ifnbm¡n tN«sâs¶ k¦Ss¸Sp¯m³ bm adhptNÀ¶p \S¶pt]mbn.sXmcp hmÀ¯bpw CÃ. Hcp-

AhÀ t]msb¶pd¸p hcp¯n Rm³ Nndbn kpJ¯n\p `wKw hcp¯nb im]taämWp Rm\mte¡nd§n. cïp sImÃw ap³t] Ft§m«mWp cm{Xn Ign¨pIq«nbXv. ]n¶oShnsS XpScm³ a\t]mtIïsX¶dnbmsX s]cphgnbn \n¶ ÊpsImïv aSn¨p. tamlt\«\p Rm\nÃmsXbpwF\n¡v Hcp ssI klmbw X¶Xv \"]mdbnÂ' temdn AhnsS Xmakn¡mw, Iq«n\hnsS cïmfpïtÃm.HmSn¨ tamlt\«\mWv... R§fpsS {Kma¯neqsS IpfnIgnªv XäpSp¯v apdnbnte¡vZoÀLbm{X Ignªp aS§p¶ temdn¡v Rm³ t]mIp¶ hgn, Nmb¡Sbn tamlt\«t\bpwssI Im«nbXpw Cu tNcnbnse¯nt¨À¶Xpw Hcp kwLt¯bpw Iïp. AhÀ¡p ap¶n sN¶pkz]v\ambncp¶p. At¸mgpw Cu ]mïnIÄ H¸w X§fpsS hmbnse ]pfn¨ NcnXw tI«v `£Ww IgnDïmbncp¶p, thephpw ichW\pw. ¡ïm F¶p Xocpam\n¨p. A½bpsS acWt¯msS Hcp Fgp¯pImc\mhWw. AXmbncp¶p hn[hm s]³j³ hnlnXw \n¶p. X«pISbnse tPmFsâtamlw. t{]aws]mfnªkmlNcy¯nÂFgp en tamlt\«sâ shdp¸n t]mbn¡n«n. _n. F.¯pIÄ A\ÀKf\nÀKfambn {]hln¡p¶ kabw. ]mÊmb kÀ«n^n¡äpambn Ignª Hcp hÀjs¯F¶nse apdnsshZy¯nse `njKzcs\¡ïv tam- sXïenembncp¶\«³ AXnibn¨p. \"\"Hcp t\mhenÌmIpw \o...'' A½bv¡p kz´ambn ]Xn\©v skâ v ]pBZyambpw Ahkm\ambpw Ft¶mSnXp ]dª cbnSw Dïmbncn¶p. AXv A½mh³ ssI¡em¡n.Htc HcmÄ tamlt\«\mWv. tN«sâ taÂt\m« Ipd¨p]Ww Fsâ ssIbn h¨p XncnInbn«v ]¯n t{]aw shSnªv_n. F. Ahkm\ \"\"\mSnÃ, sXmgnenÃ, Pohn¡m³ dªphÀjw ]Tns¨gpXm³ IminÃ, Im¯ncn¡m³ BcpanÃ. \"\"t]mbn \¶mshSm aIt\...''Rm³ Xocpam\n¨p. BÀ¡pthïn Pohn¡Ww?'' ]n¶oSmWp B \mSI¯nsâFsâ Bhiy§Ä \ s]mcpÄ Rm³ AdnªXv.S¶pt]mIm³ Hcp sNdnb tPmenbpw Xcs¸«p. A½mhsâ aIÄ kpjabv¡v Ft¶mSv Iei-X«pISbn IWs¡gp¯pw tZmi NpSepw Hmw emb {]Wbw. F¶nse _p²nPohn, Xmt´m¶nseäpambn Rm³ BtLmjt¯msS cïmaXmbn ]cnthjw Iïp s]®p hoWp. C¡mcyw Rm\Pohn¨pXpS§n. ]pXnb hnemk¯ntem«v A½bpsS dnbp¶Xn\p ap³]v A½mh³ Isï¯n. Ahnhn[hms]³j³ hnlnXw h¶psImtïbncp¶p. sSbpw ssZhsas¶ NXn¨p. AXphgn A½mhsâAXntàRm³ ]cp§enemIpw. aIsf IeymWw Ign¨v kpJ-k- p`n£ PohnXw \ Hcp XpemhÀj cm{Xnbn GXmïv H¶p bn¡msa¶pÅ Bibpw ]mfn. A½bpsS acWwcïp aWntbmsS Rm³ XncnsI tamlt\«sâ ssjan¡ptijw Fs¶ hoïpw XfÀ¯n F¶Xmho«nse¯n. tamlt\«sâ `mcybpw a¡fpw bncp¶p hmkvXhw.ZqsctbtXm \m«n IpSpw_¡mtcmsSm¸w Xmakn jÀ«pw ]mâpw Xq¡n \S¡m³ XpS§nbn«v¡p¶p. amk¯n Hcmgv¨ tN«³ \m«nte¡p t\cw Ipd¨mbn. Ieiemb hni¸pïv. DÅp Xpf-t]mIpw. Rms\¯nb kabw tNcn \à Dd¡¯nem- bv¡p¶ hni¸v cïp amkt¯mfambn. Ahkm\wbncp¶p. AhnsS thephnt\bpw ichWt\bpw In«nb tlm«ense shbnäÀ tPmenbpw shůnÂIïnÃ. Rm³ Xmsg ]mb hncn¨p InS¶p. tPmen hc¨ hc t]mse amªpt]mbn. sN¿m¯sXm£oWw ImcWw s]«¶pd§n. cmhnse ]mce ¶panÃ, NpasSSp¯m temdnbnse¯pt¼mÄ tam-tImtfPn t]mIWambncp¶p. Dd¡¯nsâ lt\«³, tlm«enemsW¦n ]Tn¸pImcs\¶Ib§fntebv¡v Xmgv¶p s]mbvs¡mïncn¡sh, Ip¯epIfpw. hbän¸ng¸n\mbn ]e ]WnIfpw sN-Hcp XtemS Fsâ Acbv¡p Iogvt¸m«p t]mIpw bvXp. CSbv¡v ssjanbv¡pw sI«ntbm\pw akmet]mse tXm¶n. \{kmWn¨nbpsS Nn´IÄ a\Ên tZmi sImSp¡m\pÅ `mKyhpw Dïmbn. Fwt¹mbnIqSp¶Xp sImïmImw F¶mZyw IcpXn. ]t£ aâ v Hm^oknsâ Iyqhn Un{Kn ]pXp¡n sNcn¸vXtemSensâ bmYmÀ°yw a\Ênem¡nbt¸mÄ, tXªXp an¨w.Rm³ s]s«¶v I®p Xpd¶p Xncnªpt\m¡n, Fsâ tamlt\«sâ ]«nbmImw... AXoP·w]pdIn tamlt\«³... ssZhXpey\mbn Rm³ \S¡nÃ. C\n Cu ]me¯nsâ apIfn \n¶v XmIï a\pjy³. henb hmbnepÅ Fsâ \nehn- tg¡v H¶padnbmsX HgpIp¶ Imbentebv¡qfn tI«v AIs¯ apdnbn kpJ¯nemgv¶pInS¶ fnbnd§n t\m¡nbmtem..?thephpw ichW\pw sR«nbpWÀ¶p. AhcpsS 45

t]Sn ImcWw A½ \o´ep ]Tn¡m³ hnSm t]mb F\n¡v, Hcp ]nSnhÅnbpsS cq]ambn¯Xpw \¶mbn. ieyanÃmsX hbdp\ndsb shÅw B Aä³UÀ tPmen. tamlt\«\pw ssjanbpw A½mh\pw Øncw \S\amSnb Ac§ntebv¡vIpSn¨v, Blm... F´p kpJw... F§s\ NmSWw? Bip]{Xn IS¶ph¶Xv s]s«¶mbncp¶p. tUmÎÀI¿pbÀ¯n \«p¨ kqcys\ hW§tWm? thï. tPmen¡mcyw ]dª ]ntä¶p Xs¶ Rm³ Bip]Bcpw ImWmsX Imcyw \S¯mw. Hcmbensâ {Xnbnse¯n tPmen¡p Ibdn.hyXymk¯n s]s«¶mWp B hnfn Fs¶ tX- tUmÎdnsâ ssIbn \n¶pw i¼fw ap³Snsb¯nbXv. Fsâ PohnXw amänadn¨ Hcp hnfn. IqÀ hm§n. ]ns¶ Nmb¡Sapdnbn Hcp amkw\"\"FSm cLq...'' IqSn Xt§ïnh¶p. tijw X§fpsS apdnbnÂAXp Øncw X«pISbn hcmdpïmbncp¶ tUm. {] Rms\mcp KpcphmbqÀ tIihs\t¸mse hncmPn¨p.Imiv kmdmbncp¶p. At±ls¯ IïXpw I¼n¡p Rm\hnSw hn«t¸mÄ X§Ä I®oÀ s]mgn¨p.apIfnse Imep Rm³ sasà Xmgv¯n. Cs¶sâ Xmakw `mcyho«nemWv. Bip]\"\"Aà CXmcv tUmÎtdm...?'' {Xnbnse \gvkv ip`bpambn {]Wb¯nembXv\"\"Xm³ X«pIS hnt«m...?'' AhnNmcnXambmWv. tUmÎÀ F\n¡mbn Xeaq¯ ImcWhcpsS Øm\¯p\n¶v hnhmlw \S¯n.\"\"AsX kmtd... FÃmw hntSïnh¶p'' ssjan hnfn¨v _p²nap«pïm¡mXncn¡m³ thïn\"\"FÃmw hnSm³ X¶mbncp¶tÃ... XIncm¡benbpwn FX\¼e\hÀn¡cabvmAäpsn.SÚt\ImYmhXÂaammdFWp¶¶v..X. Xv vFU§bdsn\bsntbe¶¡Xv Hv XCp¶¡pnw.t\m¡nbncp¶Xv? Rm³ Xs¶ AhnsScp¶p. ''At±l¯nsâ tNmZy¯n\p t\sc Rm³ ]Ãnfn¨vIm«n. At±lw XpSÀ¶p.\"\"Xm³ cmhnse tlmkv]näentem«v hcq, HcpAä³UÀ t]mÌpïv. F´m tNcp¶ptïm...?'' C¶phsc PohnXw ssIbneqsS DuÀ¶p 46

mine.. Karun K. J. not 2011 BatchYou’re Every little thing that you do make me fall in love with you. The things that I did made me feel like a silly kid! Why did we always fightI just wanted to make things right.When you left, you stabbed my heart Never thought we’d be apart. So when I walk everyday Always smile in your special way. I know you’ll be dying inside and I wish that you were mine. I’d break down every night I’ll cry myself to sleep and with all my might I know you’re not mine... 47

IpkrXnbpw IuXpIhpw \ndsªmsc³ IuamcwHcn¡Â Icnajn I®nsâ angnthIn \n¶p.AgtIIpw I\hpIÄ Gsdsb¦nepwF³ I\hn³ AsgsIÃmw Ahfmbncp¶p.]\n\oÀ Zf¯nse ag¯pÅnt]mÂAhsfsâ PohnXw hÀ®m`am¡n.\nÀaew Hcp ]n©p a\Ên³Ip«n¯amWhsf¶p Rm\pw IcpXn.HSphnem hnS]ncnbpw thfbnÂhnZymeb apä¯v Ahsfs¶ X\n¨m¡n.amacs¡m¼nse aeb®m³ a{´n¨pAhÄ \nsâ kz´w AhÄ \nsâ kz´w.Cfw Imäns\m¸w Nm©mSpwIcnbneIÄ Fs¶ t\m¡n... _m¡nbm¡n Hcp s\SphoÀ¸pw kJn Ahcpw t]mbn adªp Ifnbà PohnXw Adnbm\ptïsdAhfpsS hm¡pIÄ HmÀ¯pt]mbnIWnIambn \n¡p¶ £WnIamwkvt\laà CsX¶hÄ HmÀ¯XnÃHcp hm¡p anïmsX Hcp t\m¡p t\m¡msXAhÄ \S¶I¶p Gsd Zqcw ssIt¸dpw cmhpIÄ Gsd Ignªn«pw AhÄ h[phmbn amdo«pw. \ndIpSw sNmcnbp¶ kvt\lambn AdnbmsX Rm\pw t\m¡n \n¶p. F³ s\©n³ Nmct¯dn, F³ ssIIfn apdpsI ]nSn¨p Htc a\Êmbn B aÞ]]SnIfnd§pw t\cw Rm\dnªp kJnX³ {]Wbs¯. hnP\amw hoYnIÄ \ndtªmcp PohnXw Ifnbmbn Nncnbmbn F¶cnIn h¶p. ie`§Ä hmgp¶ hrµmh\¯nse tZhnbmbn Rm\hsf IpSnbncp¯n. AdnhmWv PohnXw t\mhnsâ I-bv-¸pÅ \ndapÅ PohnXw F¶nse hoWX³ X{´nao«n t\mthdpw I\hpIÄ¡p hnS sNmÃn Rm³hn]n³ tam-l³ PohnX kz]v\s¯ ssIbS¡n.2011 _m¨v Adnbp¶p Rm³, PohnX NqSn³ hcĨbnÂþ Hcp ag\oÀ IWw sNmcnbpw kJnbmWv PohnXwþ Bß kJnbmWv PohnXw... 48

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