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Home Explore Rapido Quarterly Newsletter - June 2021

Rapido Quarterly Newsletter - June 2021

Published by Meenakshi Yadhuvanshi, 2021-09-08 10:37:48

Description: Rapido Quarterly Newsletter - June 2021


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BE IN THE KNOW WITH THIS ISSUE! Business Wise Achievements - Page 1-10 Spot Awards and Rewards & Recognition Wall of Fame - Page 11-48 Day In The Life Stories: Captain and Customer Tales - Page 49-50 Employee Engagement and Celebrations - Page 51-55 Summer Travelling and Poetry - Page 56-59 New Members of Rapido Family - Page 60-64 Celebrating New Parenthood - Page 65-67 Our Newly Wed Employees Page 68-69 Rapido's Product Vision with Aravind Sanka - Page 70-73 Product Team Interview - 74-78 New lifestyle: work from home - Page 79-86 POSH Awareness - Page 87 Upcoming Quarter Holidays - Page 88 Inviting The Creators to Our Newsletter Club - Page 89

JUNE 2021 THE QUARTERLY ROUND UP OF OUR BUSINESS UNITS The individual achievements that build Rapido's foundation! 11

AUTO STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Achievements: Achievements: Milestone 25,000 orders/day Topline Contribution: Approx. INR 67,00,000 Completed 2.5 million orders so far Clients Onboarded: 10, 150+ deals in pipeline as of 40% growth in orders month-on-month from Jan to April May'21. 1000+ daily food orders delivered from auto during lockdown Targeted Industries - HealthCare and Hospitals, 100% improvement in order fulfillment in Q1 Automotive (OEMs+Dealerships), Insurance. Upcoming Quarter Plans: Upcoming Quarter Plans: 50,000 orders/day by September 2021 Build client base on Delivery (Local for Corporate + 20% contribution to overall Rapido rides, 33% contribution to SME app) and Travel (Auto for Corporate) overall Rapido GMV by end of Q2 Business Recovery for Corporate rides Complete recovery by July mid Reach 1000 orders/day milestone (was at 300/day in Jan'21) 2

IT AND FACILITIES & PROCUREMENT ADMINISTRATION Updates: Upcoming Quarter Plans: Procurement of Shirts for Auto, handsets & tabs, To automate the IT infrastructure for better printers, headphones, MacBooks, EarPods management of the resources. delivery bags, giftboxes, Laptops, no parking Focusing on the IT security like DLP and encryption boards, sunglasses etc. fronts. Tracking of GST receivables, provisions and Make the IT helpdesk more accessible by integrating it coordination with legal department for debts with the office communicator tools. recovery. Upgrading the entire windows machines stack with a Cash collections from city teams, accounts book new fleet by the end of this year. reconciliation, stock transfers, coordination and Streamlining Asset Management. 95% of the IT assets distribution of R&R items, Training of Zoho, have been uploaded to the Asset management system. Invoice generation tracking. Major focus on Rationalizing the office spaces and services by getting waivers, providing insights to the Achievements: operations team about the office spaces which we Laptop purchases - moved from rental to owning currently use and relocating the spaces for lesser which led to saving of Rs 84.93 lakh. rentals. Monitored Inventory clearance of around Rs. 40 Automating the Facility Management which would lakhs by utilizing the available stocks. involve Rental payments, Utility Payments, Hot-desking, Reconciliation of pending debts. Visitor Management, facility feedback surveys. ·Fixed the selling price in all organizations Targeting on environment-friendly activities such as within Zoho inventory in order to maintain the Water saving and Energy saving. uniformity across all the states. This in turn Targeting to achieve 100% on Statutory Compliances - helped in better reporting of the sales. achieved 98.58% on 2020. Resolved discount amount issue in coordination with Zoho team which resulted in getting the correct sale value of items. Upcoming Quarter Plans: Creating pipeline of vendors for the procurement of raincoats, helmets, T shirts and the winter season requirement well in advance. Covering non-merchandise item under inventory. Coordinate and train the city teams on of Zoho inventory and invoice raising. Keeping a track with the city teams to ensure the Zoho stock and physical stock matches. To liquidate the old stock and procure new stock. 3

HUMAN RESOURCES FACILITIES & ADMINISTRATION Talent Acquisition: 1081 applications sourced, 295 interviews conducted, 106 referrals received & 17 people joined Revamping of evaluation forms Compensation, Benefits, Payroll & Compliance: Three Covid-19 Vaccination drives completed Renewal of Group Medical Insurance for on roll employees Closure of Group Medical Insurance for Off-roll employees Introduction of new Flexi benefits plans (FBP) - Home Furnishing and Gadget allowance Fun Engagement - Standup Comedy, Laughter Yoga among others One on Ones with employees Performance Management, Employee Engagement, R&R; Implementation of Performance Management tool in progress Closure and communication of Employee Engagement survey insights; Action Planning in progress Quarterly Awards- Nominations closed. R&R Day scheduled on 29th June Spot awards being run for all the departments this month. Launched 360 degree survey & Hogan assessments for leadership team & founders MARKETING Planning new 360 degree campaign to help increase top of mind recall and drive consideration. Exploring right celeb , who can increase brand recall and reach. #ZarooriHaiKya campaign conceptualized to drive ‘think before you act’ mentality w.r.t the perils of Covid. Helped us establish positive conversations around the brand during the period. Achieved 4.7 Million impressions, 4.2 million reach, 3.1 million views across all platforms. Customer Discounting strategies were revamped to align with the customer lifecycle through addition of various new segmentation parameters on the platform. Differential discounts based on distance were started which resulted in an average improvement of ~2.9% in FE to RR for new customers Rapido is getting recognized as a mobility leader, Aravind Sanka was invited by ET Auto Conclave and IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s India Calling Conference 2021 to share his thoughts and opinion with other industry leaders on Mobility and Sustainability. Won HT 30Under30 And Won Entrepreneur India 35Under35 Working KYC project to establish the persona of Rapido customers for better growth and customer engagement 4

FINANCE FACILITIES & ADMINISTRATION Q4 of the financial year is always focused on book closure and year end procedures. Team internally caught up on the preparation of schedules for audit and clean up required in the books of accounts including review of key deposits and advances. We were able to complete the yearly physical verification of fixed assets with the help from IT and Admin Team. As part of risk mitigation and cost optimization, the IT Team took up the initiative of procuring Asset Insurance and the Finance team was actively involved in commercial discussions. This protects the Company from unreasonable expenses incurred towards Asset Damages or Loss of Asset. Successfully completed the GST audit for the previous financial year with no comments from the audit team. Government came up with the requirement of E-Invoicing for all B2B Sales and our Company qualifies for this requirement. We successfully implemented the E-Invoicing requirement where every invoice generated for B2B Delivery and B2B Corporate is updated in the GST portal as and when the invoice is generated. We have also been insisting our vendors to comply with this requirement whosoever qualifies for E-Invoicing Requirement. We recently tied up with IDFC Bank for our banking operations and we were able to negotiate good benefits for our employees in terms of Salary Accounts and preferential loans at lower interest rates. Next quarter is going to be focused on filing annual returns for taxation purposes and also work upon cost optimisation with certain vendors such as Clevertap, Invoid, etc. We are in the process of identifying Department wise costs which enables each department to understand and optimise the cost within their department. Team was actively involved in fund raise in the last quarter by addressing investor queries, financial and legal due diligence. Given that we moved away from Early Start Up Tag and now into Growth Phase, scope of diligence has significantly increased with greater focus on Process, Compliance and ability to achieve targets. Revenue SPOCs connected with the Marketplace team on the rate card definition and identifying opportunities to optimise the rate card given the changes in tax laws and budgeted take %. Introduced weekly/monthly reports on Auto Performance primarily providing insights on below CM1 costs. Connected with the Data/Auto Supply team in finalising the Hub Partner Cost Dashboard for Auto in Metabase. Thanks to Shara, Vijay and their team for the dashboard. Based on the past experience and further considering the business plan for this year, we came up with the revised Approval Matrix which will enable Business Teams to take quick decision making and faster processing of vendor payments. Department wise cost and Fixed Cost Projections are work in progress and expected to be finalised before the end of June. This should assist teams in having targets for their own team and building cost projections for significant technology and support costs. Quite happy with finance team members taking up additional responsibilities in the absence of their other team member(s) falling sick due to COVID. Well defined processes and SOPs additionally helped the team to meet the challenge during the last quarter and also ensured minimal impact on the entire finance function. Government websites were predominantly down resulting in delayed submission of returns. Government has come up with extended timelines for the same given the second wave of COVID. Job rotations of a few team members were planned during the quarter and they will be taking up new responsibilities from the last week of June. New members expected to bring in new processes, controls and better reporting in their new roles. Next quarter will be focused on completing Audit and Statutory Filings, Further, teams will closely work with Business Teams in helping the teams to achieve the targets set for the unlockdown period. 5

CSD FACILITIES & ADMINISTRATION Supply Acquisition: Handled 10Lac+ interactions with a satisfaction score of 94% for the quarter Contact Ratio for the month of March’21 was 5.70%, followed by April 5.61% Answering level maintained at 97% Captain Care Centre Onboarded 3 lakh new captains on Rapido Platform including B2B and Auto Changes brought in Call volume routing from best available agent to % base routing to enhance agent productivity Link Ride R-A rate for the quarter – 40% Auto R-A rate for the quarter – 63% Customer Support: 60% +cases resolved within 4 hours Customer satisfaction Score maintained at 60% ORM 95% cases responded within 5 mins 94% Cases closed with final resolution in 4 hours CSAT score maintained at >=60% Redeem 99% Redeem requests closed with in 24 hours 85% Redeem requests resolved with in 30 mins B2B Operations: B2B Centralization and Rebadging of B2B employees with partner Creation of B2B Ticketing system, Resulting in closure of 95% cases with in 4 hours 98% Cases closed within 24 hours 91% Cases resolved within 4 hours Upcoming Quarter Plans: Reduce contact ratios for captain care centre further to 4% to enhance captain experience by solving demand/earning related queries Upgrade agent efficiency by 10% at captain care centre Improve registration to one ride activations Rate Optimisation of process for onboarding captains in lesser time rate Improve cross utilisation % of captains across PAN India Build enhancement strategy for hand holding journey for new onboarded captains by improving captain week on week retention Increase Engagement activities on social media and offline for all our consumers- customers and captains Improvement in auto approvals of redeem on rides to reduce Redeem Contact Ratio Reduce penalty on B2B orders by conducting thorough root cause analysis on cases received Increase CSAT scores and Net Promoter Score for Customer support process 6

LEGAL FACILITIES & ADMINISTRATION Rapido’s in-house legal team has been actively looking after and managing various legal issues, compliances, contracts and managing litigation since 2019. Vision: To align with the Company’s vision and strategy and act as a facilitator for business. To effectively manage business and legal risks and be proactive and seek opportunities for value creation. To provide legal advice that is timely, accurate and concise. To further lower dependency on external counsels/consultants. Updates: Successfully drafted and negotiated over 60 plus agreements during the current quarter with major brands and partners including Amazon Pay, Zomato, Razorpay, Swiggy and Cashfree. Established contract management system for creation, storage, negotiation, signature, renewal and data analysis of legal contracts. Played an instrumental role in completing the due diligence and closing of the Series C round of investment. Filed trademark application for protection of brand IP. Collaborated with the Corporate Affairs team and successfully obtained our bike taxi license in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Secured a favourable order from the Karnataka High Court on permission for submitting application for bike taxi license. Upcoming Quarter Plans: To apply for registration for bike taxi and auto license across India in all the applicable states. To create a standard of operating procedure to improve the process, quality and control on contract management. Drafting, adapting and implementing new policies on Health, Security, Safety and the Environment and Risk Management. OPERATIONS Supply: Completed vaccination drive for our captains in Chennai and Hyderabad with 550 plus captains getting vaccinated. Tied up with Apollo Pharmacy and Apollo diagnostics as part of Captain welfare campaign to provide discounts on medicine purchase and diagnostic tests to our captains. Tied up with Hoopy to provide door to door bike service and repairs for Rapido captains at exclusive prices in Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad. Ran daily CU incentives for our HH captains to push them to take B2B rides during the lockdown while relaxing the LTR eligibility criteria for CU Setup of manual calling process and performance tracking along with the communications to push B2B rides which resulted in a base of 50k activations for May after pausing all channels due to the lockdown Market Place: Delhi and Hyderabad have recovered more than 50% post unlock Peak Orders 85K per day CM1 Operated at ~8% 7

PRODUCT FACILITIES & ADMINISTRATION Captain Products: Revamped the onboarding process to onboard, train and activate captains without any manual intervention. This is a step closer to complete digital onboarding of captains. Captains are offered services based on their performance and rides. We now let our captains choose what services they want to fulfill. LMS for effective captain onboarding. Introduced captain rewards and challenges. As a part of this, built the capability to run games to improve consistency and DPR. We now have a Voice of Captains team. This is a beta group of captains who help us with initial product feedback and also the loopholes in the existing system. We scaled Rapido Pay to more cities. In this quarter, Rapido Pay will be offered as a reward for high- performing captains. Buddy pay was introduced to reduce the negative wallet balance. BOTS were introduced for captain issue resolution to reduce CR by 2%. Marketplace: We have the ability to prioritise new (HH) captains during dispatch to ensure the new captains get orders sooner. Customer: Introduced mixed offers to get the benefit of both discount and cashback. This has shown an initial impact of pushing more first ride customers to their second ride by 5%. Experiments were kept on hold due to lockdowns. Introduced scratch cards, a new lever for retention and growth where users get coins. Experiment in Hyderabad has shown a 5% improvement in RPC and about 3% improvement in retention for high value customers. Support flows were revamped and more BOT flows were introduced there by increasing CSAT by 20% Rolled out QRPay and Gpay PAN-India which increased the wallet rides by 5% Upcoming Quarter Plans: Given there is a dip in the demand and orders, the current goals are around learning and capability building. Build capabilities and work on system stability that will help us hit the ground running when thing start getting back to normal. Put some effort in support captains and customers get through the pandemic with loans, insurance and support with vaccination. 8

ENGINEERING FACILITIES & ADMINISTRATION New Capabilities and Features: Amazon Pay as a new wallet option for the customers - Enables users with one more option to move towards digital payment modes improving the contactless payments Dispatch Improvements (Multicast for B2B and Auto, Multicast with SPMD, Multicast Multi Order - Same order is dispatched to multiple captains at the same time and multiple orders for the same captain when there is more demand. All focused towards improve the fulfillment. Captain Levels - Gamification for captains to encourage them to stay with Rapido with more benefits as they do more rides with better quality Customer Scratch Cards - Gamification for customers focused on improving retention Cash free Payment Gateway - Cost efficient payment gateway to pay the captains on redeem also providing us multiple options to fall back to when there are bank issues with one of the payment gateways Global Priority - More dynamic dispatch allowing us to prioritize between different service categories based on market place conditions focused on improving fulfillment across Financial Ledger - A better immutable book keeping of all money movements helping compliance and reconciliation Hotspots and Sticky Locations - Guiding captains and customers on pickup locations in prominent places Enhancements: Captain Quality Controls - Penalty and Suspension improvements to control the captain quality More than 20 new delivery partners onboarded - Expand our offerings to more delivery players beyond Swiggy and Zomato Offer Enhancements - Better control on offers to customers helping retention and conversion Support Automation - More bots and automation improving the customer and captain support and reducing the contact ratio for call centers LMS Enhancements - More trigger points and dynamic learning modules for the captains to improve training and quality SLA Dashboard - Real time visibility and nudges with CCC integration on delays in b2b delivery orders to improve the delivery metrics Captain Onboarding - More regulatory checks on captain KYC (PAN and Aadhar verification) during onboarding, seamless login for captains using Truecaller improving the conversion, partner manager revamp NDL Improvements - Better nearest demand recommendations for the captains Streak Incentives - Another lever in captain incentives to improve retention Redeem Block - Better control on redeem to reduce the captain negative balances ETA - Improved ETA for the customers based on multiple data sources Process and Tooling Improvements: Canary Deployments - Ensuring safer deployments and minimzing the potential outages because of new changes going in to production environments Hermes Deployments - More centralized and consistent approach towards backend deployments enabling us to better manage resources and upgrades of the infrastructure Loki - Better and cost effective centralized logging infrastructure saving ~ 3 Lakhs INR per month Automated Quality Gates - Increased coverage on API automation reducing the feedback cycle for application development and release sign offs, mobile automation helping in broaden the device coverage for quality checks before releases iOS Releases - Lot more streamlined iOS releases, almost on par with Android in terms of the frequent fortnightly releases and feature parity Performance Testing - More focused performance testing in the development lifecycle ensuring our releases are tested for scale A/B Testing at a Field Level - Enables us to offer more dynamic data and information in order screens for captains Ticketing system for Tech Support - Improved visibility and quicker resolution of tech support issues 9

Some Metrics since Jan 1st 2021: 700 Backend releases 35 App releases (Captain & Customer including iOS) > 45% Reduction in Infra Costs(compared to last year same period) 16 New Hires (~20% of Engineering) < 90 Production Active Defects (~50% Reduction compared to last year) DATA New definition of customer segments which are more causal, Commute identification, discount sensitivity etc New definition of captain segments and levels aiding better stickiness/retention for captain Simplified Link subscriptions targeted to loyal customers Hot-Cold route based Price changes across top cities New Boosters helping move captains to the right locations at right time Increased adoption of Multicast for Auto. Trial for Bike delivery Global priority in Dispatch providing validation for regulating demand across taxi and delivery Real-time api for Single View of Captain and Customer to better interventions on customers and captains v0 of experiment platform brewing, with one of dispatch flow as first example, helps us conclude matching related experiments sooner v0 of self service onboarding and data creation on Data Platform 10

June 2021 REWARDING THE GREAT MINDS SPOT AWARDS WALL OF FAME HUMAN RESOURCES AND FACILITIES & ADMINISTRATION Meenakshi Yadav Bandaru Jyothsna Sonal Kapoor Great Job Award Great Job Award Thank You Award Bharti Jaiswal Ravish Malhotra Praveen Kumar Thank You Award Thank You Award Synergy Award 11

CSD Chetan Chauhan Sekh Hosne Mobarak Pushpa Latha Aspiring Minds Award Mentor Award Aspiring Minds Award Samir Sharma Rohit Kumar Arun R Thank You Award Left Brain Thinker & Dependable Award Great Job Award 9 Bindu Shree S Nitin Kumar C Ramya Rani Thank You Award Great Job & Thank You Award Thank You Award 12

MARKETING Unati Singh Mayashree Paul Namrata Mishra Aspiring Minds Award Ms Dependable Award Thank You Award Saumithra Goutham Pulagam Priyanka Sunil Kumar Yadav Aspiring Minds Award Great Job Award Mr Dependable Award Kanchan Gorai Harsh Goyal Apoorv Saraf Synergy Award Mr Dependable Award Mr Dependable Award 13

Purnima Rai Aldrina Thomas Arjun S Great Job Award Great Job Award Great Job Award Sanjana Singh Sachin V S Manish Kharbanda Left Brain Thinker Award Left Brain Thinker Award Mountain Mover Award 14

STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Shashank Sodhani Great Job Award 15

OPERATIONS Ravi Kumar Vishnoi Gaurav Chauhan Satish Patel Great Job Award Great Job Award Great Job Award Prashanth Patel Shubham Soni Sujith Reddy Billa Great Job Award Great Job Award Great Job Award Nirav Mishra Satyam Singh Thakur Arun Kumar V Great Job Award Great Job Award Great Job Award 16

Prateek Vinayak Rajat Verma N M Tanush Thank You Award Thank You Award Thank You Award Salman Khan Sumanth N Anjana Reddy Thank You Award Thank You Award Thank You Award Arun Kumar Pradeep Avinash G Thank You Award Thank You Award Thank You Award 17

Kiran V Anil Kumar Thank You Award Thank You Award 18

PRODUCT Karan Jain D Suryanarayana Shashank Raghavendra Aspiring Minds Award Great Job & Synergy Award Thank You & Synergy Award B Praneeth Raja Ramkoti Martha Gaurav Kumar Mentor Award Thank You Award The Mountain Mover Award Subrahmanyam A Anish Bhattacharya Balakrishna S Great Job Award Award Synergy Award Mentor Award 19

ENGINEERING Tejas Viswanath Vignesh RE Robin R Left Brain Thinker Award Mountain Mover Award Thank You Award Jitendra HA Vinay Kumar Vignesh S Thank You Award Thank You Award Thank You Award Shourie GangulyMr Nagubandi Dileep Satyaraj Moily Dependable Award Synergy Award Mr Dependable Award 20

Garima Tuwani Rishikesh Tonne Kiran Kumar DM Ms Dependable, Great Job Left Brain Thinker Aspiring Minds & Thank You Award Jenish Jain Sonali Gupta Mohan Kumar B Great Job Award Thank You & Great Job Award The Mountain Mover Award Abhilash V Pranay Bhardwaj J Chandra Shekar The Mountain Mover Great Job Award Great Job Award & Thank You Award 21

DATA Madhulika Arora Sabyasachi Nandy Pragyan D Aspiring Minds Award Aspiring Minds Award Great Job Award Abhra Deb Ritik Prakash Ronak Agrawal Great Job Award Great Job Award Mentor Award Ritabrata Moitra Bhuvanesh Chowdary Gulshan Gaurav Mentor Award Mountain Mover Award Synergy Award 22

Siddharth P Kaushik Pandurang Shivalik Sen The Mountain Mover Award The Mountain Mover The Mountain Mover Award & Great Job Award Vikash Kumar Singh Sushmith Bhatta Sanket Ramesh Rao Mentor Award Mr. Dependable & Thank You Award Great Job Award Vishal Raghuwanshi Chethan U Kodati Sai Kiran Thank You Award The Mountain Mover Award Mr. Dependable Award 23

REWARDS & RECOGNITION WALL OF FAME THE FLAG BEARERS Avinash G Nitender Singh K Arun Kumar Operations Operations Operations Syed Zulfekhar Ali Suresh Kumar Irulandi M Visweswara Prasad Operations Operations Operations Amit Kumar Pradhan V Vijay Kumar Praveen Kumar Data Auto Facilities & Administration 24

Arun R Chinthanippu Dinesh Sibashis Rath CSD Engineering Operations Sharavana Kumar S Vinod Surisetty Teja Auto CSD Engineering Abhishek Raghuwanshi M Balu Bharadwaj Operations Operations 25

SUPPLY Arun Kumar V Above & Beyond 26

PRODUCT P V K Teja Rahul Mohan Aditi Halder Cloud 9 Collaborator Consumer First The Iron Pillar Anish Bhattacharya Aniket Nagrale The Iron Pillar Do More with Less 27

ENGINEERING Harpreet Kaur Binny Tewani Tejas Viswanath The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar Pallavi Venkatesh Praneeth Lingam Pulkit Sharma Above & Beyond Above & Beyond Cloud 9 Collaborator R Nikhil Bishwajeet Linga Reddy Consumer First Consumer First Consumer First 28

Hasansab Shaikh Yakub Jenish Jain Sreerajan Consumer First Consumer First Do More With Less Sandeep Adarsh K Mrinal K Do More With Less Do More With Less Do More With Less Ashwini Mithilesh Satyaraj Sudhakar M Do More With Less Do More With Less Do More With Less 29

Vignesh S Ram Kishor Bajpai Nitya Mehrotra MacGyver MacGyver MacGyver Swathi Krishnaswamy Prasad M S Sharvani N S MacGyver The Inspiring Leader The Inspiring Leader Robin R Shourie Ganguly The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar 30

G2N TEAM Siddharth P Shivalik Karan Jain Think BIG Think BIG & The Iron Pillar Think BIG & The Iron Pillar Vignesh S Himanshu C Linga Reddy Think BIG & The Iron Pillar Think BIG & The Iron Pillar Think BIG & The Iron Pillar Mohan Kumar Abhilash Think BIG & The Iron Pillar Think BIG & The Iron Pillar 31

Abhishek K Singh Kaushik P G Shubhi S The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar Sushmith B Vikash Kumar Bhargav Kowshik The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar Vedashree D Rutuja Shyamkumar Aniket P N The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar 32

DATA Abhra Deb Uday Kumar T Dharmendra K Cloud 9 Collaborator Cloud 9 Collaborator Cloud 9 Collaborator Ezhil Y N Ritik Prakash Shubhi Sinha Cloud 9 Collaborator Above and Beyond Above & Beyond Siddharth Panchanathan Shivalik Sen Shubham Agarwal Above & Beyond Cloud 9 Collaborator Cloud 9 Collaborator 33

Kodati Sai Kiran Sushmith Bhatta Kaushik Pandurang G Cloud 9 Collaborator The Iron Pillar Think BIG 34

OPERATIONS Nirav Mishra Prateek Vinayak Atyam Manikanta Above & Beyond Above & Beyond Above & Beyond Shivam Saket S Santhosh Kumar Robin S Above & Beyond Above & Beyond Above & Beyond Parthiban K R Karthik Kaleel Rahuman Above & Beyond Above & Beyond Above & Beyond 35

Suresh Kumar Nitin Gupta Abhishek Kumar Above & Beyond Above & Beyond Consumer First Mukesh Solanki Ravi Kumar Vishnoi Gaurav Chauhan Consumer First Do More with Less Do More with Less Syed Ahmed Vipin Kumar Negi Vishal Pandey The Inspiring Leader The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar 36

Mohammad Sadiq P Chandrasekhar Vishant Agrawal The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar S Quadeer Ahmed Samanthula Nikhil Prateek Gupta The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar Madhusudhan Jyothi Chirag Rajput Arka Bandyopadhyay The Iron Pillar Troubleshooter Troubleshooter 37

Akhil Moudgil Dheeraj Bhati Troubleshooter Troubleshooter 38

MARKETING Gaurang Purwar Thejus Cs Harsh Goyal Cloud 9 Collaborator Do More with Less MacGyver Amanpreet Kaur Shireen Honmode Shivani The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar Mayashree Paul The Iron Pillar 39

HUMAN RESOURCES Ekta Puri The Iron Pillar 40

IT AND FACILITIES & ADMINISTRATION Dhayanidhi N Praveen Kumar Shobha Rani R Do More with Less Do More with Less Do More with Less D Sanjay Midhun Lal Stalin F Do More with Less Do More with Less Do More with Less 41

PROCUREMENT Jayanth Kumar N Hari Kishore PV Madhvesh R B Do More with Less Do More with Less Do More with Less 42

VACCINATION TEAM Ekta Puri Meenakshi Yadav D Sanjay Above and Beyond Above and Beyond Above and Beyond Shobha Rani R Praveen Kumar Stalin F Above and Beyond Above and Beyond Above and Beyond Vasanth Above and Beyond 43

FINANCE Sweta Goel Dolly Kabra C Nithin Kumar Above and Beyond Do More with Less MacGyver 44

CSD Arun R Qurat Ul Ain Srikant Patro Cloud 9 Collaborator Cloud 9 Collaborator The Iron Pillar 45

AUTO Ashwarya Shandilya Pradeep Singh Ashok Kumar Above and Beyond Above and Beyond Above and Beyond Uddeshya Pandey Nitish Kumar Punit Saharawat Above and Beyond Above and Beyond Above and Beyond Katkuri Dileep Kolla Vikas Yeshvanthraj Selvaraj Above and Beyond Above and Beyond Above and Beyond 46

Vanga Vijay Kumar V Vijay Kumar Cloud 9 Collaborator Do More with Less Piyush Goyal Sharavana Kumar The Iron Pillar The Iron Pillar 47

JUNE 2021 TALES FROM OUR CAPTAINS AND CUSTOMERS Rising up from everything and carving their own way to success! Good Service, Captain and Experience! By Sunita Iyer - Customer I experienced My 1st Rapido ride recently. My Captain (Rider Lailesh Mumbre) was careful, safe and well mannered. Honestly, I have never heard of this App. It showed up as a suggestion while I was installing other known travel apps. It was not my first option but last and definitely worth sharing! I wanted to reach quick. Hence post checking all the apps, I finally thought let's check Rapido once! I went through the entire app details. It works similar to other apps with a difference of two wheeler, provides details of the rider, ride tracking and one can even share the ride if required. Naturally I was a little dicey for my 1st Bike Taxi: new app, unknown rider, health & safety and a 30+ km highway distance. However, I thought let's take a chance! And it turned out to be the right chance taken! Good Captain. Good Service. Good Experience. And in a city like Mumbai, amidst huge traffic, who doesn't need a quick and safe travel? Nice initiative! From service to employment generation and of course with a thorough background check. 49

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