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mm~ 4c .111: 37% Ml 12:04 Profile YOl f f , U O t e . i n #santoshachiever 19 APR AT 0:40 ~ 0 CJ 9 Likes· OComments 0 ••• - Santosh Achiever Face the problem face to face with everlasting smiling face... J.© Selva Antony Santosh Achiever PayPal & Payoneer d olge34am@gmail com Indian U Pl : 9443416258@paytm Whatsapp: +91 6380553190 Q 0 ..Your, I ', Q0 Prof ile ~' T.,: '

Profile ~ 0 BD 4G .dlt 21% _ 11:04 □DD □ ~ ~ 0 CJ 5 Likes · O Comments - Santosh Achiever ••• ~ I want the Heart like Eminem and the brain like Elon Musk. © J. Selva Antony Santosh Achiever - Whatsapp +91 6380553190 Email d [email protected] Pay Pal & Payoneer: d .olge34am@gmail .com Indian UPI: 9443416258@paytm Kindly support rneby donating. 'ii' #santoshachiever Your, 19 APR AT 0:14 ..- - - Home Q 0 Q0 Prof ile □ o <~J T

Profile ~ 0 BD 4G .dlt 21% _ 11:04 □DD □ ~ ~ 0 CJ 5 Likes · O Comments - Santosh Achiever ••• ~ I want the Heart like Eminem and the brain like Elon Musk. © J. Selva Antony Santosh Achiever - Whatsapp +91 6380553190 Email d [email protected] Pay Pal & Payoneer: d .olge34am@gmail .com Indian UPI: 9443416258@paytm Kindly support rneby donating. 'ii' #santoshachiever Your, 19 APR AT 0:14 ..- - - Home Q 0 Q0 Prof ile □ o <~J T

o mm~ 4c .111: 26% _ 10:46 Profile ~0 \" ••• 15 Likes· 1 Comment 4I Santosh Achiever ~ Although professionally b eing an English literati, I am a proud Tamil Citizen. - J. Selva Antony Santosh Achiever #santoshachiever #secondquote You r, 18 APR AT 23:59 ..Q 0 Prof ile Q0

> u ,1 t·L,11r,-1~• J11um, p,, .,. 11 11l ~h1 •r• if11iu 1n1u111111,,~1111 1 I ,, ,r~tttt,o,, I 100' ,m\\,UJ , ,. ll'BI I .. . 1 I ri I ~ I 4i u I, i11 1 j ~ ' 11 • or mI • ,v,~Cl! I. b11\"-•~\" f 11.11 , . , 1111'\" !I. !fl! Pl \\ 'fll rIt ' ~~ I I ,mpo,1 ~n, huthJ• 111 1.111d LJl81 011 lA\"\"' 1 , ' ~ 0 , , • ~ 5 0, 2·1 1~ Wh•i ti mean, bJ c~.,m•-•\"1t1d IOR•• •ir.w,,., • T•J i:•,ta ,mportanr l11a1L.1n1li ,n.d l ,'!loi U, lAn'li ' r \\ 5 02' 1 \"' ~ S 02 JJ - ·r rt'hl Him n A ri:d sL.J m n\"e a(A.ssI ,.IeA-5u5<.JTto~rH, Eaga1fl or ....,.DS o,eJw e-en u,e-mu;, l'I:\" .. ~ ~ }, 11Ir ~- dJl'taf70-r\"\"- • , !\", 02 4] 1 I ·v 1 11 \" ~ • 0 ,, , 5 02 assessme1111ol·j ~ f_ ,l\"l:Jt \"\" ,n 1he i\"'utlpo!.e'91 1n il!ln '-\"YL.i --iU~~ tc.111!1\"\"41 .,..,.... , A • IAn\"! I 6J ,8 the pn nc~pk!s o1good assessm&ni nr ll\"'a~ti~ ~A• IAfl'S 1 7] 19 wtial are the ~mportan1 s1age.s 1n ~mplemvr11 ,lll'I iii· • ' :i.l assessmen1 progra.mme' (C~[Ans , .8] 20 E ll pla u, tne pr •nc~ples. re l ated to cho.os If\\,; . deve~op~ng methoas of assessment tA) ~Ans 1 8c· ... 1.8 0, -,1 2 1. State The 1pr1nciples. ,eiated to conecImg 1~~ assessment 1nformahon anid 1udg 1ng and scorn,~ of :stud,ent pertor,mance. {A) 1[Ans . 1 :8:02 • 1 B03 u,e22. s1,a1e pnnc iples re lated to- summari.t1ng Mnte rrpret1ng and reporting lhe assessme Mre st:-1~5 ~A.) IAns . 1:8:04 + 1 :B:05]

B11 1Ut: 5 \" ' A1 101 •ri1nn1 45 ftf~ ill o-·ue11ion,s: 1'1rcr l'I' . wn1:1I do you me~1n by tha larrtl ·f\"hiasu,e,menr? (C) 1 ~Anis 1 t O11 01vP .1 suitable def1n1t1on for 1he fe,m ·Moasuremenl '. tm2 tC~ IAns 111 , ·1 02. 8)(cep1 the last paragraph i.e. ihe end ol (m~J ,oetrne the term 'Measureme11t' and stal.e ats. need 3 ,nd ch,uactenshcs. (B ~ [Ans. t :l :02 in fulJJ wr,a1,do you mean by the torm 'Measurement'? Whal ' are· its ddferenl types? IB), [Ans: 1:1:01 + 1;1:03J E,:pfaj n the cha racte r is ~ ics of educ aI ronal 5 measurement (B) lAns:1:1:04] wtiat 1s ,he meaning 01· the term 'Assessmenr? (C) 6 IAns,:1:2:01 J I. J ,c... iClive a. deliniOon tor the ter1m ·Assessment\". [Ans:j :2~02'} e. Ei~a1n 1he concept 'Evaluation' by giving a suitable oefmUion for it 1 8) {Ans: 1~3:01 10 the end of 1:3:03) ( 9. Eiptajn 1he approach ·assessment a.s.lea.rning• and the role ot·teach,er in ~t. (B) [Ans:1 :4:01 + 1:4:01 :1] 1a. Explain the approach ·asses.sment for learn~ng' and 1he role,of teacher .in it. (B) [.Ans~1:4:02 + 1:4~02: 1J ~ 1. Exp~ain the appro.ach Iassessmen1:o'f learning' and Lhe rofie of l1eacher in it. (,8). (Ans:· 1:4:03 + 1:4:0·3:1] @...Explai!n the .thre,e approache~ tn asses.sment of 11earrnJng and the rote of teacher m one of them. (A) ,[Ans: L 4 :01 + 1:4,:01: 1 + 1:4:02 + 1:4·:02:1 + 1:4:03 + 1'.4 :os:1I

tI I •nll 11 ~ • • ne uon ~• , ttH 1 ■ ed •n r • r~nt 1g a c rHu ~• ~• n· ftU ~ c • • ' ,n rt O-.: , nee 1 , I ' ~ 00,) \\Q a! ~h P I C nt~ ml(' 11 a IU • IJ.'\"\"',e• r\\,, , ~. e • r: !il tho ~ ,d1m1na tton uo• -uf'\\a-:1' 'i o• ' ~ i,~, S' Ne ti1Ct(U cun~ h: l h fl ~--N~ ~ \" th• .. tht c.roCMJr pt'DC~ ~r a ro, Iha ,a~ , ~ • l\\if e , nt1 o!-0 ta 11,e shJClents and DI~\"'\"'!'\\ 1 o , ~.J1a ~na te• •••n teach er, and1parenls o• tt• rUftG h1 a1s•s1 me nt 11ports parents fl•-•~ ,n'g c-~:reeuons moa1hca1,on lh e, as-s e ,.s ft• r.t results e1t should gene, aHy be p-.tned Di 1 .-nnen po1rc, o• tile school which ~ M e<,-\"\"s,.:ste,,t w11h the applteable laws ol ffll! SUt'I ~'1menl o, School Educa11on and •.., r:..a.ste pnl'..cii>'•s ot ta,rneu and human ngh,. • lsl\"eu ment rel)!Z)n should ,conta,n accur ale and ar,pt~!l lnlo:rmattcn regard,ng student\"s leam ,ng a:J\"om\"'e:Mftl ,n d•ft•~n,,aspects ot the curriculum 1\"\"0 sn~.Jtd l iSo be help1ul to paren,s and o,hers. llrl'1c, ha~e a ,car,c-em ln ihe ,nterest ot Iha st\\Jdent

N fl ,,. ,\\••• , o• .......m .r'lr ,,,ro.rm ,ti l ,uu '\" • 1lud»nt ()-f' • lo,...,,11nr ft f Pn m 1rJ1•, ... .,. I P •~ N ' a N:h, td t-. go .. tt• fUttJ b , \" - • 1t ,o,• r!\"! 11 fr \" lil•fll JHU ~ l l • O n a S IHo g ' ' (Vf'\"\"\"\", La • ti tr ~\" 1 uru1 Mt,an,~ ar~ Ooh n l ion 0 , IP 0 ~••u....\"\"\"p nr 4 1se1smen1 a nd E\"'a tu ar or , J . . . . . .,,,.,,. ' \" iei1rn1n9 I e Ulp 'lnre~ apo,oa \"lt: uu:1 s. ~r.T ~ : a SSfii 'lS men! ..1 '$ loa,n,ng , 04 r 011 a,,\\O ot N 'n1ng ro~ ~ Of fe,a cne r tn tl ilC~ o• It -,o:o.-c\"'•• S1 ronna11ve an-a sum.-nat~'r8' ass ess-...-... 1 u, 9 ,, iJ&•s d 1Her e n ces be1wee n Corma t i l•,.n.., a .,.}. tumm•f ·w-e ass• ssme n r,s 1n eC1uc a 'l 10n p ru,cip le~ _ gooa ■ 1..••s1m•nl p,acr,ce pr1nc~pJes re ~a te-o ro ..., ' •• • sr ag•• of a n assessmert l)rog r am rn£1i ~ P nnc-110 J111 re l•teO ro (1) choos ~11g ,deve100,ng ► ht u I ns,,,.nl meft1ods for a ss ess men i ha) Collec1,ng i~ ass•ssme,r,r 1nforma11on (•n) Judg rng a nd scor •._ i ruaen, perlormance (rvJ Summ,anz,ng and 1ruerpre1a ~g asse ssmt nl r•su~rs f v) Repor,~ng the assess ~~· r&Sult:5 are d'1scussed ,n de'ta,1

r u Ii,,.,.~u~ lfl 1 f, 11 • ,, , Ii \"' ~•h In ~11 ro ~ , , i; 11 1j 11111.,. ',' ... • I I lf liu r, I IU ·•~hlH• h, ~u U In I~~. liU 0\"} .'1~' ,,tr,. ij Lu 11 •u Ih 11111 uu u \" It~ t114 ,. u 11ii 1•, \"I\"~I••~I~1111lh•U• •1~1r1, 11 'I U•' • ,i hOHI 11uuhl'11 ,Wm• t . rt. ii I 'III I nUl II'~ l[f 111. r 1~'1 ,,I(JI1'1 I,' , , n1hI UHJi I ~, 11, •11 I \"••1,u,, •tit~h~ EH •Iir., 11,,111• , ~o \"'\"U,uL i-,.,1 iu.,lf, i IP t a•I Ulfl! IUUl1h 1Uur 114 1f,I 11 1ft hn,1 ►1 • mm I, 1:u r•hl1•il• I. II if tJ 1r . I4'I 11 l ullvcnrnJ ~h l1 an1nn1 hll 1hot ll~forI . ,11111u,1,r1r1 ,q ,,,,,,,riQind ucu1111\\J ,, nufl th C• l'i'\"HuithH ,~~ I iui t1l1r1h,H. I to, ~n,urpro10 U<>11 lh h,.1 I \" '· ' 1•, 1,~, 1.·8:05 PtJnclpfo• Aulotod to R t~~ A1.e••m•nt Roau111 eportlng t.or~ttrrNrltMJ LH O fl,o pr,1lc~1r,1on r~JH~1•t• I f4J n,1,0, li,,~ fhtt r- ~~ 8 0 61uuenl lludo1ga 1 1ho nssoss1nunl rosull~ PlrJsur,~ , 0 ~, w,~uon report should rnunt \"• u~ U1h ·10 rir, ,J, io• QJmr,(aHallrsly~oemsoroarsltyulol ~Iahn'taonIuW1&1h,I0icor~,•rvr11r11l0rPrsr1nhi u i,< JrirJc l r,1 n :11 nt 10 1~ · r •• •,:a- O''llli.Jri, I _. · rir second somes1er. sum0!U 11r ,1 2. As sessment rep o rl s sh olJ Id bO p r8.1Pi3Jf.!'d IJI . accordance with the written pollcy ot th\"' h I ~ sc 001 wflh regard to reporting or assessment resul~s. Assessment repor1s should be complete 111 the,, descriptions of slrenglhs and shortcomings 01 s,trLJdents in each ol lhe,schoof subjecL Then only studenls ,can1build upon their strengths fur,her and focus the,ir auenhon more on the problem areas

r Au111m• n1 rr,, l ur1rnl11,g -~ H1lptng tfl• t•■ ,o h1r to 11 Ire •nun111*r.onlo'rl,1,,U,, mi•■ u,•• wh1n ■ ludent l • 1111,,.1pecl,1d ••v•• 1ssa.,s=s,momonrsr.h oth.o r1odb1ck da is ,obi,ta~,1,filec r,,, ,oocller .C.011.1ld LJirtdormi u.ainc,111 1 ,ens or porUon,5 or U10 con1c,nr laugit., ,, '' '~~,\" por 10,·manco Is ncH '!U1Hs ,actoru an..J ru'.:\"~ltJrJ,~, , u re1each 1mrie, samo end arran,ge, l,or lhos,e lb ~o,,J ,,, 1 reaming remedial lHctli,ig on lho basis. 01 ,:ck11i\"''J 011 diag,ncsric test. e f1r,r~1,,. Summfng up. U ,coufd slaredl thai b _ assessment stud'ents~learrdng achuevem aSet1 'J• lurr.her 1,ourne,y· I.n delerni~noend,. aria H1.-, ed u c a- t . 0 a,-e 110 1:7 PrJnclplea of Good. A· ssas ,1tr,,.w. er,I IPiraelfce SubsranUaf resear,ch exists on the ehar _ . _ .. . . _. - ac.1erisi,,. ot good practice of assessing student learn •. -. . _ . . · · 1ng Tt-r. findings of the varaous research studies CO\"\"' . · - '. . - . -~cern,r:r the c h a rac t e1r i s t,cs, of g01od ~earning asm..-. 5s.meriQ, • .- • •, . a ,c;: pra-ct1ce ha¥e been summanzed n11 1he fo~lowing Sel o~ 1 principles. 1. Th• pri'mary purposa of •••esame,nt Is 10 ~~ grove student_performance __ ~~ Jo~d assessment 1s based on a v,s1onol_the kinas ,.fbfiearrung wu most value for students. a.nd how bes, ra• threy might achieve these. Good assessmen1;Jc~ gives more importan1ce, for how things are learn&o \\I-\\tnsrthan what are fearined. . r 'J .~r; ~ t.. . ~ -- 1 -, A .4.. : • ~.diJl4b:.'ial foll ~ ti l.f. - ..,, - J . ~ Ir! R - ,....,,wA' _-___ L.t..,4JJo-J4,. -

u 1111 ■ 1 ~11111 1huHht1 b1 II1i111•tI n r_, •u I ~,u11ti11111111H11111111 11111w1 ■IH1i11111 hl■tu 1u,,~ t,.-1p,~,\\I 11 H rnuu~du111pu•, ,ooli II 1H~h1 r,ul u-i~r/ I ,1111~1111 ~11~t,w hul 1~b•11 w,rul 1~u1v •,,,~1111 1~, 1 wllh I. \" . ·· .•JU\\' I~1.llil 111.1 ~m~w h1m~1h•11, 1~1u 1wl1u lu11 -t11u ~ ul 11IOU•ur1 , U I ~I •tUllll1ul11• 11rn~ hl i,, ~~'111 J ,,~11,111i , hut,u-. .- , . \\ 1 mlro~ Um~ r1Hu ,,,~,i.\" l•hUUO -.~w~ ,111,t1 \"u1 I ~nu 111u11uu~1,n !u1w,• ,, 11 ~ 1h\" ,,•~ d' ~ . 1\"J1 ►uou1 ui, un I lt 1u ,u 11I u11 II H• I !iii ~•d1n I-• ,11 ,~,,~ 111· ,u~ I u1mll 11u1l~y nrnph1~~ 11MU ~11 \\II IUilkU l'llnU~Ul~U I 11rn,1r ••\"l,t ,1~~~,' I•~'iii .,u•,1 t r Un1n•1 • -~ ~ OU I~• u ,.,o r1~ ' 111,u,1uu l.illOYU 1 t~•~'\"'• ~~It'!,~.I ,Ll I. D.,11l 1ij•I • iru~ \" l~~~J1roiH ,h I 11 ul l11 ~nun1ULu, ' ,,l~ •• nu~, ic, nou1plu In m11I um•.1~uut u 1t•~• .1ur u u tl ft~U11 I itlll'ulOIJ ! 1A11fflDM1nl 1■1hml'ld bli •11 lh1l•ur■l oam1JJUn:iiftl ol ceura• d111lg11 1nd1 1101 11wn111htna la ndd1 1lttHW■ldl Wll•n 18 ouk111nn 01 fJ11uunuu11io l1n dootgnPtl , llllJLlif' 110111o,o htlo hmu 11nLl ~uH1 ulnu nh,unn 11~n 1 11nr, ,~ont td 111arnlnQ1 Iha lhlrd htl,J>t11 Uu1t oh1i,nu11 nhould ho 91tn'til-fl chttuly nnd o;.:~1l1ICJ I hou CJl~;Y' 'llhJdonHJ '~••n demonlUI IQ whoi ihoy 1,uva IUQUUid ond D·OO lho wesul~s r0I lhDH afloria .\\! Good IUNlfflln't provldl■, UNlut 1lntorm1Uon 10report cl'ldlbty ta 11)11'11nll on •IUdlm luirnlna 1Dhlenm1nt Avarlaly cf a1aa11manl malhod1 prov~de 1eachar ■ w~u, avidenca or what studen1,1 know and,410 do and · U'iitllr particular atrengtha and ·weakneu,. 'fttHtiohera can

r1 .1•••••m•111 n1•thnd1 u■■d ■hHuld b■ v■ lld, IiU111bl• •nd Hlll•r~l1,.i• 1,i111i11111u1,PUI ~IH11r1Uh•H•l11 ,.. \"' ,,,.,,•• , 1,, Dwlur.,. II\" mnn1uut wh••t *H h ,hi wJ In rfHu111u•• r, h,H,l,j l~ur,d t r ~• , , , •\" wt, 1,,h uo vi,·pD \"4 t1a1 u11.'ll11·,o,,1 \"~dlJ• hH mH I •ttoa11uuut1u I III tu~, 1 ,,u11ln~nuio1 h11lwru, n 1fu, pt~rfllllJl,JtH-'' af tll Ilnr n••I li.~r:~••, , ..,. 'a'fD!I Jl ll'JI otJ1r,r~11-.,,tv ~n •t1•0iutoITTd ,rl •· ,,...■menl n,qulr•• at1-.n1Ion. lo ootcomn •nd ,roc..- 1,~10u11u1~on nuo1J1 ttlfi leJur1u1u Hth10,vi11mont ol 11000nI1 ~hough very Ohporh1nt ~o kru1w The iavoi of prot1n1oncy 11lln~11od uy aoch nludorll ~n 1'~ti c~ams, ,t ~t alto aQLJll UY tmportenl lo know nboul ltlo1r learning ,,ponot1t1t1 along Uio way nn<J lhe ollr.,rt1 laken 10 •••••••nl10qu~re 1hom. W',ork■ be11 when II I■ ong,oIng I-, A rather lhln 1pl1odtc wt1on1learn~ng asseGsmenl or &1udents. ~& unde.rtaken continuously. 11 proves to be mosl ellect4ve. u,e11 var•oua learninig re1a,ed acOviHes ol sludenls ar·e mon,10,ed and assessed over a period 01 time . continuous learning h'nprovomenl t.ak,es p~.ace and tl'le c;ourse ..goals are ach ieved: students ' learrung acl'ueveme,H 1.00 rise to the ,expecl,ed level of slandard.

~,n,. _____..nt for •mpraved perlormance ~ ·T- . .V ~QJ~I~ ' ·tHdbicik.ind reflnHon .sip6er_,oruvvue_JAnd8I.eI.ts-,'I •fa;_odioiarlr~d\"•ld!ese·vispues. ed,rnoerefpnonmf1rsmam_nca_otena_0cire1ea_coc_1_edO_.i_sev.v.Heayan_st_edseeens_pdhs. mrao.bn1cac1ec~1..ns,kngs•' OSSsr,l_,h1u.,.,f00dhl1J~..i1•,~~, ...,... nn As~essmenl should also prov~de ~tude n_1s erq • iSi!lln~ I W', '\"\" temr11c.:hers wi!h opp.ortunU•es to refilec.f on lhe~r Pra-_ctranrJ ,forr.s and Iearnu1g1ach ~evement. C.f! 6 , .=B Princip,le Rel.aled to ~iffere111 8J8-Sfs __ an__A~essment Programme cu - ~ fl There, are five ~tages, in the selection and us appropr~aie meU1ods to assess students know~e e~1 slol1ls, athhJde· e~c. and reporl.i ng the obtained 1ind~g~ 10 the stake holders ol s1uden1s· educational progr~gs ~ Tnese·es are : .. --i. □eve10 p~ng1 I Choosing .me!hods for assessmeru u. CoHecting,Jhe assessment tnformation ---- ~ - -- iii. Judging and scoring sludent performance - - - - •• -- - - r ~v·. ,:iummariz_ing· and iriterpre_tia.g_ the assessmenr r-esuns ◄ v. fle·portfng 1he assessment results. The f~ve stages Invo ,ved fn any assessmer. 1 programme .and the princip~es reJated to eacl1 one of them a,re ,expfaLned 1n detai~ as rc,,nows~

JIii u~ I_.J-li'll1hP•r•nt ttt P1h1,l11■1 _• 1ho11JIILI not _0 1n1~r '\".,.,1 f ~q m Ill m,t. oclll'flll •~blnrh,1111 ana UDllln ' l'J . h:9 f.n,. .~,..,,;,._,, ,ite, _ \"'' h1,1 • wOh l i ll IL ~llll 1IU 1Jl'~mu11 np1iron, ,I - !J U1~ ~ •••••m•nth I ~11 • m1J' t..honnn I do'vnfnri•nJI fLh, giv:19' 11f''lllmt1 nl 1n1lo1 1110110n lUHlbllnu Pn,,i..~. 111 'I ....rru,,, h.~ 11lu1d1elRlou1,ropnr(hnn llm_, 1, 0' \",r'\"\"1' ~• 1'tudanl \" • tJnJ1•r 1111 1,. \" ) f OJ 111~,,~nu iU:udonl porl1ormanco cor I nfU'~1t ,t.1,~,,. .nnd r,al.llabl'-', mo,ro rrhon one ' 1 - , ... 1\": 11' 1 ~-~. _ . 1r,oa •~ u,,b,o uao.d l1 hero 1111 ,o,..,.n,, m11 ore-mu 11n1p~0 sir....,, 1Unbut1s 1h11 aHott lho1r· p11r1orm,ance . Jrr! ,~1• A1..soss.men1methods an d ;should 10-·8 s .• - ·· · 1J1'lah mo UHJ s1ud1 ni1s ba1ckgr ou n d anrJ p,re ~. .Jl r e1.pen8 1'lCI .S - \"•Ou~ ~uI Con~e1nts and language &'IVl1a us,ed Jn ilS.sesii:!' .. -. . · - sgf'fle n1 t1esr1 should not be offens~ve 1cu iuHa.bfe•. 11m) Assessm a1 n1 lests U'ansla ted tiro m an ot~er ~aRguage should be comp;nib ~e, wHh the euHur,iu 1enrvuonmenm of the testees and p1011tide val'id inferanceS1·ror l1he, n!e1f1 nded purpose. 1:8:021 PrtnclpJes Ae1atad to Collactfn1g the A•s••smen1 IPkvmeUon~ As,sessmemt data r·egardiog .students· learninQ ach1evernan1. lev·el ,of JJroficiency. attained ,n skms, 1dasirabla attitudes deve,loped , learned tbehavi01ur and social skiUs could be co.lfecled in a 'iariety of ways !1ke 1observation~.1oral test. in~tuview. ~nvenl.or~

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