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Home Explore Regis News Issue 10 29.01.21 v2

Regis News Issue 10 29.01.21 v2

Published by suzieg73, 2021-02-01 09:29:03

Description: Regis News Issue 10 29.01.21 v2


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THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 1 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Dear Parents/Carers and Students, Once again, I would like to start by congratulating the vast majority of TRS students for their engagement, endeavor, attitude and approach towards their schooling as lockdown restrictions continue. I am very confident that, because of this, when they return to school, they will have placed themselves in an excellent position to achieve and/or exceed their academic potential. Please pass on my appreciation, praise and respect. Whist I cannot answer the most important question as to when exactly all students will be returning to school I can assure you that as soon as we hear anything we will communicate with you and work very hard to ensure we deliver the high level of education you would want and should expect. In the meantime, I would like to update you on a couple of matters; reporting to parents and parents evenings. REPORTING TO PARENTS We are constantly looking at ways to support parents (and students) both in regular times and now and whilst I regularly acknowledge how well the students are engaging I appreciate, as parents, you may not have a full grasp on how hard they are working during their lessons and exactly what they are learning. With this in mind, we have decided to send every student a ‘lockdown report’ for you and your child/children to sit down with and discuss. We have also organised parent consultation evenings for all year groups (Y7-Y12) • Every student will receive a report on Friday 12th February (via insight) • The report will include an Attitude to Learning (AtL) grade (1-5) for each subject, the AtL grades awarded last term (so you can compare) and an attendance % for each subject (the % of live lessons they have engaged with this term) • Reports will also include an overall attendance (from January to February) and the year group average overall attendance, both in percentages • If this report reveals something you were not aware of and/or that concerns you please contact your child’s DOY/HOY Continues over... THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 2 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS VIRTUAL PARENTS EVENINGS Linked to the previous paragraph, we will be hosting virtual parents evenings for all year groups this academic year. To do this successfully we have invested in a new online platform (SchoolCloud) which enables parents to book 5-minute appointments with the subject teachers they wish to speak with. As a school, we are moving away from PED (parent engagement days) where parents previously met with tutors to discuss subject progress and attainment and moving to a more traditional approach of subject specific meetings, for all year groups. Details of how to book will be shared in the next edition of The Regis News and sent via email to all relevant year groups. • Year 11 Parents Evening – Thursday 25th February 11.30am to 5.00pm • Year 7 Parents Evening – Thursday 18th March 11.30am to 5.00pm (unless the students are back in school when we will revert to after school bookings) • Year 10 Parents Evening – Thursday 25th March 11.30am to 5.00pm (unless the students are back in school when we will revert to after school bookings) • Year 8 and Year 9 Parents Evenings – these will be in the Summer term (dates TBC) • Year 12 Parents Evening – Thursday 22nd April 3.30pm to 6.30pm Finally, thank you once again for all the lovely email messages I continue to receive thanking staff for all their hard work. I am very proud of the skill, determination and professionalism our teachers continue to show and that our ambition of offering 100% live lessons continues to be tenaciously delivered. Best wishes Mr D. Oakes Principal THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 3 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Click on the text to view the relevant page or information Page 1 - 2 Principal’s Message YEAR GROUP PAGES Page 4 Year Group News - Introducing Directors of Years 7 -10 & HOY Page 5 Year 7 News Page 6 Year 8 News Page 7 Year 9 News Page 8 Year 10 News Page 9 Year 11 News Page 10 Sixth Form News Page 11 Apply for The Sixth Form SCHOOL NEWS / STUDENT WORK Page 12 Rewards Page 13 Youth Sports Leaders Virtual Training Page 14 Student work - Great Examples - Textiles Page 15 Student work - Great Examples Page 16 Student work - Great Examples - In School Provision Page 17 Student work - Great Examples - Food Technology Page 18 Student work - Great Examples - Food Technology Page 19 Student work - Great Examples - Dance & PSHCE Page 20 Student work - Great Examples Page 21 A Team Page 22 A Team Page 23 Support Services Page 24 Inclusion Relaxation Corner Page 25 Library News Page 26 - 28 Careers News - Maths & Product Design Careers THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021


THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 5 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS YEAR 7 NEWS DIRECTOR OF YEAR & HEAD OF YEAR MESSAGE As we come to the end of our third full week of remote learning, we continue to be impressed by the high levels of engagement across the year group. So many of our students are not currently with us in the building but are continuing to display the values of our Regis 10 including but of course not limited to R8 Independence, R5 Determination, R4 Positivity and of course R6 Resilience. As we continue towards half term it is important that we continue to display these high standards and ensure that we are accessing all of our live learning. We, as ever understand the challenges that many of our families are experiencing in balancing family life, jobs and now home schooling – once again we thank all of our parents and carers for their hard work, dedication and fantastic communication skills in making all of this possible. Please remember that we are still here to support our Y7 community so please do get in touch if you have and questions or concerns. Stay safe and take care Mr Jewell and Miss Buckingham [email protected] and [email protected] YEAR GROUP FOCUS Positive Mindset During difficult times it is important that we look ahead to when things are better. We call this having a positive mindset. As we are well into lockdown life and remote learning a positive mindset has never been more important. Here are a few tips to develop a positive mindset: Make a record of your WOW moments at home. Keeping a record of things that you have achieved to make you feel proud will help you reflect on the positives when things seem particularly tough. Setting yourself small achievable goals will allow you to tackle what seems like a big problem into smaller more manageable and achievable pieces. Next time you feel like you have too much to do, try breaking each bit down into small targets! Sharing positivity is a great way to develop a positive mindset! Have you noticed someone at home has done something great? Why not tell them! Did you have a particularly good lesson today? Why not email the teacher to let them know! THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 6 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS YEAR 8 NEWS DIRECTOR OF YEAR & HEAD OF YEAR MESSAGE Although we are learning in a very different way to what we are used to, attendance and achievement is still very important. We are monitoring your attendance to lessons daily, your teachers are registering you, as they would be if you were in school. We are delighted to say that Year 8’s attendance is the highest in the school. Our best attending tutor groups for last week were 8A and 8B. Congratulation to Miss Dudman’s and Mrs Lovelock’s tutor groups, both over 95% which is incredible. You have set the bar Year 8, we now need to continue to achieve the highest results. Last Friday your parents received emails advising how many achievements you had received this week. It was so lovely to see so many of you being recognised for your hard work. As a year team we are super proud to see that the top 7 students were all from Year 8. Congratulations to the following students for this amazing achievement. Indi Purdy 8E - 44, Millie Wells 8E - 36, Olly Osborne 8D - 36, Chelsea Cooke 8C - 36, Zoe Wingate 8F - 33, Massimo Molica-Franco 8H - 32, Ashley Wightwick-Hotston 8E - 31. Congratulations also to Owen Page 8F who is the winner of the fortnightly Silver Ticket Award. Well done Owen, your voucher will be ready to collect when we return to school. YEAR GROUP FOCUS Your teachers have been blown away by the attitude to learning of the majority of those in their online lessons. It is fantastic to see so many of you discovering a newfound confidence in communicating the chat, being brave and putting your ‘virtual’ hands up, and taking part in quizzes, votes and assignments. We are so proud to see students that may struggle with expressing themselves in front of a class becoming much more confident over the chat and microphone. Just a reminder that your teachers are continuously monitoring your engagement and will expect to see you completing ALL of the tasks that they set. Your teachers can see the names of everyone who has completed a quiz or an assignment, which means it is very important to ensure you are not only IN the lesson, but you are INVOLVED in the lesson itself. Those who participate in every activity set will fly during this period, and when they return to school, they will be in a fantastic position to continue excelling in their learning. This week please make sure you focus on your readiness for lessons. It is expected that all students are prepared for lesson with: ✓ Subject specific notebook ✓ Your pencil case with green pens, writing pens, highlighters ✓ Rulers ✓ Subject specific equipment e.g. calculator If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us on the email addresses below: [email protected] [email protected] Stay safe, keep washing your hands Ms Johns and Mrs Hack THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 7 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS YEAR 9 NEWS DIRECTOR OF YEAR & HEAD OF YEAR MESSAGE We are now half-way through this half term and have seen some exceptional examples of resilience and determination from Year 9. These have come through your ability to adapt to the new methods of learning and the quality of work being produced across a plethora of subjects. We will be talking about these excellent examples of the Regis Ten values in our learning next week, to provide a goal for all to maintain or reach. We would also like to remind students that it is vital that they attend and engage with all lessons and if there are any issues that they contact Mr Manvell or Miss Smith, as well as their class teacher. Remember to keep safe and follow all Government guidance. Keep checking in on each other, we are so lucky with technology we can still talk to our families and friends through social media. Stay strong Year 9 and keep always working to your best. Below is the ‘Top 10 Achievers for 18th - 22nd January’ - can you join this list next time? Adura Adeyefa-Ojomo 9L 10 Alexia Bull 9D 10 Weronika Sasin 9A 10 Sumaiya Akter 9J 11 Crystal Cullingham 9J 11 Charlotte Belcham 9J 12 Freya Moores 9J 12 Connor Merrick 9J 14 Shernice Matthews 9J 15 Georgie Phillips 9C 21 YEAR GROUP FOCUS We appreciate choosing options for GCSE’s is a stressful time for Year 9’s but please remember we are here for you to talk through your future. It is an unusual way of working during this pandemic which has made options a different process this year. When booklets come out to you take some time to read them through and get in touch with Miss Smith, Mr Manvell or your class teachers. [email protected] [email protected] THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 8 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS YEAR 10 NEWS DIRECTOR OF YEAR & HEAD OF YEAR MESSAGE As we end the fourth week of term, we continue to be enthused and inspired by seeing the amount of our year group, not only attending all their online learning, but producing high quality work. This is not what we envisaged school to be when we all left for our Christmas break, but we are so proud of how our Year 10’s have adapted so quickly to yet another way of learning; keep it up and continue to show yourselves how much you actually can achieve. We understand there are many challenges that could, and do, get in the way of students accessing their lessons; please be assured that if we know about these barriers, we will work to do all we can in supporting you to overcome them. Communication is the key for us to be able to do this now, and into the future as we look at stepping into Year 11. Mr James, Mr Pearce and Mrs Seear HERE TO SUPPORT YOU Please know that your Head of Year team, Mrs Seear and Mr Pearce, are here to support you! Keep in touch and email us at [email protected] and [email protected] YEAR GROUP FOCUS Amanda Gorman stepped on to the world stage during the inauguration of Joe Biden of Jan 20th and recited her Poem The Hill We Climb. Gorman has an auditory processing disorder; is hypersensitive to sound and had a speech impediment during childhood. Gorman participated in speech therapy where she viewed her speech impediment “as a gift and a strength” rather than seeing how it hindered her. Her poem emphasizes the opportunity that the future holds; a “When day comes, we step out of message key to young people right now who may well feel anxious about the uncertainty of the future, and especially significant given the shade, aflame and unafraid. her own experience. The new dawn blooms as we free it. As a Year group we continue to discuss the significance of the For there is always light, future and the part we all play in shaping not just ours, but if only we’re brave enough to see it others, and how we can make the decisions to enable the If only we’re brave enough to be it.” future to be the best it can be. Amanda Gorman The Hill We Climb THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 9 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS YEAR 11 NEWS DIRECTOR OF YEAR & HEAD OF YEAR MESSAGE Dear Year 11, We have been so impressed with the dedication that most of you are displaying with your online learning and the submission of work teachers are being sent. Please keep this up! With the Government announcement that you won’t be returning to school in February now, it is vital that we continue to achieve excellent attendance and engagement Y11! Please remember we are monitoring your attendance for each lesson and we will be contacting parents and students who aren’t attending their online lessons. Your attitude to learning also plays an important factor, just as it would in school, so please make sure you are always on time to your lessons (do email teachers if you are struggling to get into a lesson!) remember to respond positively and contribute wherever you can. And don’t forget to incorporate your Regis values throughout your day and in your learning. Remember we want to reward you too! Reward points will be distributed as they would be in school, and you will be able to spend them when we come back to school. Congratulations to Megan Bryant-Lawson for winning this fortnight’s Silver ticket – we will make sure you get this Take care, Mrs Walker and Miss McMann YEAR GROUP FOCUS This week’s focus by Mrs Wyles, Year 11 Wellbeing and Progress Mentor If you are getting overwhelmed… • Talk with somebody you trust, a family member, friend, tutor, Head of year, teacher, support line (Miss McMann, Mrs Walker, or myself - [email protected] are all here to support you) • It’s ok to have a good moan and rant about how difficult this time may be, yes, we are lucky we are not at war physically; however, it is still tough and hard for each of us in different ways…it is making a lot of people uptight so look after each other and respect each other’s feelings. • It may help writing down how you are feeling whether these are good or not so good feelings, you can keep this or rip it up (it’s proven to be good for you to express what is difficult for you. Not bottling it all up inside, expressing it and getting it out can help.) • Make a list of things you feel will help you, work through these one at a time as you feel ready to. • Make a list of the things you need to do and work through this, question yourself what really needs doing, and what does not, crossing out what does not, and then work through each, and as you get it done cross it off, every time you do one thing from your list it gets smaller and more manageable. This book is beautiful, if you have not read it and can, please do, as it can help put things into perspective These 2 particular pages I wanted to share with you... THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 10 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS SIXTH FORM NEWS SIXTH FORM MESSAGES This week is an important week for our new Year 12 students (current Year 11s) as we reach the initial choices application deadline. We have received a large number of applications already so if you still have not returned yours, please do so by the end of the day! We are very aware that some students may change their mind on the course they wish to study with us and for that reasons, changes can be made all the way through until they start with us in September. Please see below the Sixth Form application timeline. Following the application deadline, myself and the Sixth Form team will be making contact with each student to arrange an online meeting to discuss your options and provide you with any further support and guidance that you may need. I look forward to working with many of you in September and welcome all applications. Sixth Form initial choices deadline 29th January 2021 Sixth Form one-to-one meetings Throughout March 2021 Sixth Form offers sent to students 2nd April 2021 Sixth Form summer transition work shared with students Summer term GCSE Results Day Sixth Form enrolment day Sixth Form final subject confirmation September 2021 SIXTH FORM NOTICES National Apprenticeship Week is fast approaching and we encourage those Year 13s who have not applied to University to attend some online workshops! Apprenticeships: Work, Earn, Learn is a virtual event hosted by Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal, in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire, iSales Academy and Amazing Apprenticeships on Monday 8th February 2021 from 11:00 - 12:15. It's an excellent opportunity for Year 10 to Year 13 students, as well as teachers, careers advisors, parents and guardians, to find out more about apprenticeships and the benefits they offer. Their line-up will showcase the exciting opportunities that are available for young people. Hear from: • Apprentices at MBDA and Ryall Marketing on what it's like to be an apprentice and how it has influenced their personal career pathways • Training providers University of Hertfordshire and iSales Academy on the wide range of apprenticeship levels that are available and the skills that are needed to succeed • Hertfordshire employer MBDA on the diversity of career options and what can be achieved through an apprenticeship • There will also be a live Q&A session with our line-up. To sign up for this free event, please register here. If you are unable to attend, you don't have to miss out! Simply register and we'll send you a recording after the event has taken place. THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021


THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 12 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS #EducationWithCharacter Friday 22 January 2021 This week we have sent out 234 emails for 1 point and 620 emails for multiple points. Totalling 854 positive messages to students! The students achieving the most points this week were:- Izzy Smith 7C 28 Ashley Wightwick-Hotston 8E 31 Massimo Molica-Franco 8H 32 Zoe Wingate 8F 33 Chelsea Cooke 8C 36 Olly Osborne 8D 36 Millie Wells 8E 36 Indi Purdy 8E 44 Friday 29 January 2021 This week we have sent out 172 emails for 1 point and 965 emails for multiple points. Totalling 1137 positive messages to students! THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 13 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Youth Sports Leader Virtual Training Session On Wednesday Mrs Barlow, Mr O’Connor and Miss Buckingham lead a ‘Youth Sports Leader Virtual Training Session’. This was in lieu of the normal Saturday morning training session that has been held each year for the past decade. This session was the next step in the process to becoming a YSL at The Regis School and all pupils who submitted an application form before Christmas were invited to attend. From the 80 pupils invited we had 67 attend the session, which we were thrilled with, as it clearly demonstrated their passion and enthusiasm for this opportunity! We have been able to give them the best possible start on this journey and have left them with tasks to complete over the next month in order for them to move forward, even in these strange times. We are looking forward seeing some fantastic work and feedback from the applicants and have every confidence that when we return to school we will have a new cohort of determined, resilient and confident YSL’s. Well done to them all. THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 14 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Examples of Great Student Work During Lockdown Fantastic Tie Dye work in Textiles THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 15 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Examples of Great Student Work During Lockdown Fact Research on Roald Dahl for Direct Instruction Lesson, great work by Starlet in Year 7 Drama KS3 great example of Script writing THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 16 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Examples of Great Student Work During Lockdown In School Key worker Provision - Great work! Was it really there? I stumbled back, immediately retracting my arm away from the round handle that was attached to the door. My attention was taken away from opening the handle, it focusing on the object that had momentarily appeared into my free hand. Deafening silence of the halls only affected my thinking pattern more deeply as I brought both of my hands up to my face. Oozing blood dripped on the side of the weapon, falling onto the floor only to not make a smudge on the wood whatsoever. It was as if the blood had disappeared into thin air as soon as the substance contacted the floor. Out of small panic, I brought both of my hands up to my face, the dagger deciding to slowly fade out of my grip. The top of my brow quirked, forming into a slight crease as I tried to make sense of if it was there or not. Fear had started to consume my body as I pivoted on my heel, putting my left foot behind me and taking another step away from the door. I turned my body away from the room, placing my hands on the back of my head as if to grip on the ends of my hair. A deep sigh had escaped my lips as I attempted to contain myself. I had to focus on the positives if the plan had gone through, rather than the negatives that I would be faced with if the plan had failed. With a composed posture, my hand would detach from my hair and instead clutch the dagger that had been sat in my pocket this whole time. I steadied it in my hands, edging forward to the door with barely any regrets. I deeply breathed in, my hand extending over to the door handle as It came into my grip. THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 17 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Examples of Great Student Work During Lockdown Theme this week of Apple Pie. Here are some mouth-watering examples! Other Food technology projects included; Madeleines, Chocolate Cake, Pineapple Upside Down Cake and Chocolate Chip Cupcakes Home made sausage rolls - set by step! THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 18 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Examples of Great Student Work During Lockdown Theme this week of Fruit Salad. Here are some mouth-watering examples! Some more great student work. Focaccia, Cottage pie and Pasta with creamy smoked bacon and pea sauce! THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 19 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Examples of Great Student Work During Lockdown Year 11 dance work - evidencing practical work using PowerPoint In PSHCE lessons, Year 8 are learning about the difference between jobs, careers and vocations. We are also learning about the cost of living and finance. This awesome piece of work is from Afifa with Mrs Robinson and shows her ambitions for her future career path. THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 20 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Examples of Great Student Work During Lockdown Some outstanding Year 11 work by Olivia THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 21 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Coming soon…………… TRS A Team Virtual meetings A Team meetings will recommence on Wednesday 27th January for KS3 and Friday 29th January for KS4 /5. Invites will be sent out via MS Teams , please join in the same way you do for lessons. Meetings will start at 8.30 am and run for 20 Every child has a right to a mins say and to have their views taken seriously – Article 12 News and updates from last term. Well done everyone for taking part in the National Make your Mark Survey 2020. We have had the results in and we are pleased to say that due to your commitment to voting not only were we the largest single contributor to the votes in West Sussex we were also the area with the most votes cast nationally! West Sussex cast 13,165 votes for UK devolved topics with Free University scoring the highest number of votes at 3,627 West Sussex cast 12,981 votes for Local area topics with supporting victim's of Domestic Abuse scoring the highest number of votes at 3,505 The three highest scoring topics nationally will now be debated in parliament by young people as voted for below Free University (Devolved) 44,230 - Support Our Mental Health (Devolved) 37,244 - Stop Plastic Pollution (Devolved) 18,122 The three highest scoring local are topics will be debated in local chambers to address which areas councils will be asked to focus on in the coming year. Domestic Violence 39,606 - Homelessness 37,818 - Access to training and jobs 21,997 Well done everyone who took part , a great result all round! THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 22 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS TRS A Team and RRSA Virtual meetings A Team meetings will be held fortnightly. When : Wednesday Week A Time : 8.35 until 8:55am. Where: Teams Every child has a right to a say and to have their views Please ensure you register with your tutor taken seriously – Article 12 before logging into the teams invite link Agenda 27.01.21 1.Welcome back: Students leaders welcomed all ATeam and RRSA students to their fortnightly student voice meeting. Over 60 students took part in the first meeting of 2021. Great effort everyone. 2. Mrs Saunders shared with the students the forthcoming Attitude to Learning Reports. Students felt it was clear and easy to understand and they were able to identify what they would need to do to improve their grades for future reports. 3. Mrs Wiles asked students to take part in a survey for our Mental Health Schools Team who are looking to re brand as their name isn't very student friendly or easy to recall. Students have been sent the link to complete the survey and share their ideas on a new name for the group. 4. Harley Collins, Chair of KS4/5, informed students about the political webinars that have been put together by West Sussex Youth councils in February and March for young people in West Sussex to find out more about politics and how it influences decisions and polices. Anyone can join the webinar to find out more by accessing the Your Space website and following the links. 5. Darci Lander, Chair of KS3, asked students to speak with their tutor group in the coming week about what is going well with home online learning and what needs to be improved. Student reps should come to the next meeting with a view from their tutor group and be ready to share those ideas THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 23 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Support Services offering ongoing support during Covid 19 CHAT HEALTH GIVE US A SHOUT School nurse service is still available LGBTQ Crisis service Shout is the UK’s first offering a telephone service on 07480 635424 during school closures 24/7 text service, free on all major NHS Support Numbers mobile networks for all Mental Health concerns TEXT 85258 depression/mental-health-helplines/ YES Young Minds offer support for Youth emotional support young people, they also are still available online offering a virtual service understand that parents/carers [email protected] need support too. The link below will take you to there website for support and advice: THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 24 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Inclusion Relaxation Corner Breathing and relaxation tips When things get a little too much for you or your child, try using this tip either with them or on their own. Breathe slowly and deeply together. You can count slowly to five as you breathe in, and then five as you breathe out. If this is too much, try starting with shorter counts. If it works for them, gradually encourage your child to breathe out for one or two counts longer than they breathe in, as this can help their body relax. Or Try using all five senses together. Connecting with what they can see, touch, hear, smell and taste can bring them closer to the present moment and reduce the intensity of their anxiety. You might think together about five things they can see, four things they can touch, three things they can hear, two things they can smell and one thing they can taste. THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 25 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS Library news Please do not worry about any library books that may be due in. We will take in book returns when we are all back in school. If you are student who is currently in school, you can still return your books into the library post box. If you receive any library overdue book email reminders (which are automated reminders), please just ignore these for now. Audible If you enjoy listening to audio books, have a look at the audible stories site. The above link will take to you a variety of audio books that can be listened to for free. They have been arranged by age, so you can search for ‘Tween’, ‘Teen’, and ‘Timeless listens’ (amongst other categories). Free ebooks You can access free ebooks from the website: If you make sure you are on the public domain area, the books are all free. They tend to be ‘classics’, there’s a huge range to choose from and they download in an easy format to read. Amazing Book Awards We take part annually in the Amazing Book Awards, which is a Young Adult Book Award founded in 2011 by a consortium of schools on the south coast. Student voice is the cornerstone of the awards, only students choose the shortlist and only students can choose the winners. We take part by voting for the shortlist, we read the books and then vote for a winner. In the summer term there is a celebratory event and award ceremony with author interviews and the winner announced. This year will be an online event, so we will organise an in-school celebration (subject to any COVID-19 restrictions at that time). If you are in Year 9 or 10 and are interested in taking part, please contact me at [email protected] with a message saying ‘I am interested in the ABAs’. THE BEST Here’s a taster of the books on the longlist that we will be voting on. IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 26 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS What Careers can I get if I study Maths? Why is the study of Maths so important? Studying Maths will develop your ability to think critically about what happened in the past, and how this shapes the lives of people around the world. It provides you with skills that aren't confined to the study of the past. Skills of analysis are invaluable in many jobs, and the ability to analyse and prioritise information is vital to decision making. What transferable skills can I learn from studying Maths? Teamwork Ability to put together a logical argument Critical thinking Objectivity regarding ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ Using different types of sources to cross-reference Basing conclusions on statistical research Organising material in a logical and coherent way Presenting information literally, orally and visually Perseverance and Determination Attention to detail Analytical skills Creative thinking Intellectual rigour Excellent research skills Time management skills Independence Problem solving Ability to work under pressure What job could I get if I study Maths? Accountant Biomathematician Computer Programmer Market Researcher Transport Planner IT Specialist Actuary Engineer Meteorologist Economist Quantity Surveyor Architect Teacher Academic Researcher Stock Analyst Statistician Games Designer Data Modeler Robotics Engineer Digital Musician Business Executive Smart Cities Specialist Sports Data Analyst Space Structures Engineer Example of average Labour Market Information for some of the jobs listed above Actuary Weekly Pay Annual Pay Hours/Week Hourly Pay £1,000 £52,000 36 hours £28.00 Workforce Change (projected) Growth: 7.2% Replacement: 56.9% The workforce is projected to grow by 7.2% over the period to 2027, creating 2,900 jobs. In the same period, 56.9% of the workforce is projected to retire, creating 23,200 job openings As always, if you would like to get in touch, please call 01243 871062 during school hours 29/01/2021 or email me anytime at [email protected] Mrs Harding, Head of Careers THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 27 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS What Careers can I get if I study Maths? Architect Weekly Pay Annual Pay Hours/Week Hourly Pay £23.00 £720 £37,440 32 hours Workforce Change (projected) Growth: 7.2% Replacement: 56.9% The workforce is projected to grow by 7.2% over the period to 2027, creating 4,700 jobs. In the same period, 56.9% of the workforce is projected to retire, creating 37,700 job openings Studied Maths at Degree Level: Mayim Bialik – Actress and Campaigner, Dexter Holland – Lead Singer of Offspring, Dara O’Briain – Comedian and TV Presenter, Arnold Schwarzenegger – Actor, Bodybuilder and Politician What Careers can I get if I study Product Design? Why is the study of Product Design important? Design and technology is a practical and valuable subject. It enables young people to actively contribute to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of themselves, their community and their nation. It teaches how to take risks and so become more resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable. Students develop a critical understanding of the impact of design and technology on daily life and the wider world. Additionally, it provides excellent opportunities for students to develop and apply value judgements of an aesthetic, economic, moral, social, and technical nature both in their own designing and when evaluating the work of others. Text taken from the Design & Technology Association. What transferable skills can I learn from studying Product Design? Good oral and written communication Commercial and Entrepreneurial skills Critical and deductive reasoning Visual and Spatial awareness Working to a deadline Computer Aided Design skills Organising material in a logical and coherent way Presenting information literally, orally and visually Attention to detail Project planning Analytical skills Creative thinking Intellectual rigour Numerical skills Time management skills Independence Problem solving Determination and resilience As always, if you would like to get in touch, please call 01243 871062 during school hours 29/01/2021 or email me anytime at [email protected] Mrs Harding, Head of Careers THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 28 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS What Careers can I get if I study Product Design? What job could I get if I study Product Design? CAD Technician Product Designer Architect Mechanic Vehicle Technician Spatial Designer Carpenter Furniture Maker Materials Engineer Boat Builder Procurement Manager Robotics Engineer Teacher Welder CNC Programmer Prop Maker Salesperson Health and Safety Officer Chartered Surveyor Building Inspector Quality Manager Technical Writer Project Manager Aeronautical Engineer Example of average Labour Market Information for some of the jobs listed above Health & Safety Officer Weekly Pay Annual Pay Hours/Week Hourly Pay £20.00 £770 £40,040 38 hours Workforce Change (projected) Growth: 7.5% Replacement: 51% The workforce is projected to grow by 7.5% over the period to 2027, creating 4,000 jobs. In the same period, 51% of the workforce is projected to retire, creating 27,200 job openings Chartered Surveyor Weekly Pay Annual Pay Hours/Week Hourly Pay £700 £36,440 34 hours £21.00 Workforce Change (projected) Growth: 7.2% Replacement: 56.9% The workforce is projected to grow by 7.2% over the period to 2027, creating 4,700 jobs. In the same period, 56.9% of the workforce is projected to retire, creating 38,800 job openings Procurement Manager Weekly Pay Annual Pay Hours/Week Hourly Pay £29.00 £1060 £55,120 36 hours Workforce Change (projected) Growth: 9.1% Replacement: 49.8% The workforce is projected to grow by 9.1% over the period to 2027, creating 6,000 jobs. In the same period, 56.9% of the workforce is projected to retire, creating 33,100 job openings Studied Product Design or Engineering at Degree Level: Rowan Atkinson - Actor and Comedian, Donald Sutherland - Actor, Kalpana Chawla - American Astronaut, Rahul Mandal - Great British Bake Off Winner 2018, Alfred Hitchcock - Film Director, Oti Mabuse - Professional Dancer (Strictly Come Dancing), Ashton Kutcher - Actor, Cindy Crawford - Model, Tim Peake - Astronaut, Peter Capaldi - Actor, Alan Rickman - Actor, Ricky Wilson - Lead Singer of The Kaiser Chiefs. As always, if you would like to get in touch, please call 01243 871062 during school hours 29/01/2021 or email me anytime at [email protected] Mrs Harding, Head of Careers THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE

THE REGIS NEWS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 10 PAGE 29 THE REGIS SCHOOL - NO LIMITS WEBSITE / SOCIAL MEDIA WHERE TO FIND US ON THE INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA Website Twitter @TheRegisSchool @TrsSixth @TRS_PE @TRSPerformArts @TRS_Library @trs_maths @regisschoolrrs @teachingregis @UnitedLearning @WSW_SSP Facebook The Regis School (Official)/@TheRegisSchool1 Instagram theregisschool_visualarts Look out for trs_pe trs_german trs_library #EducationWithCharacter Email: [email protected] Regis News [email protected] THE BEST IN EVERYONE CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 29/01/2021

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