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Home Explore Cope programme

Cope programme

Published by martygalls, 2019-05-09 06:10:17

Description: Cope Programme

Keywords: lenamore Youth Centre


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Project Title (COPE) St. Mary's College Project Owner Martin Gallagher Session Planner & Recording Booklet Area Based Youth Projects Area Youth Worker/Centre Based Youth Worker/Senior Youth Worker DIGITAL PDF Version This version does not contain Monitoring, Session Attendance & Group Registration pro-forma Version 3.0 (April 2017) Page|1

SCAN and ATTACH Schedule Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session PlannerElement WHEN Group Registration After first Session Monitoring Form After first session Session Plans & Recordings** At End of Programme Session AttendanceLog** At End of Programme Outcome Measurements* At End of Programme *Outcome measurements are not part of this pack, please download the template from sharepoint for use with your group ** Please note extra session and attendance log sheets are available on SharePoint, if your programme is more than 10 sessions please download, print and attach extra sheets as require Page|2

Version 3.0 Project Plan Area Action Plan Output Closing the Performance Gap Area Action PlanOutcomes Low Educational Attainment Project Title COPE Project Aim To explore some of the prevalent issues young people are experiencing in everyday life, as part of one of the wider key skills modules (Improving own learning and performance) Objectives Young people will complete a 6 week programme which will address the key issues young people are experiencing. Young people will complete a baseline questionnaire pre and post programme to monitor performance against expected outcomes. Young people will have a better understanding on the prevalent issues they identified during our first meeting. Mental Health Body Image LGBTQ+ Confidence + Self-Esteem Relationships Methodology Resources Required Group Discussions Flip Chart Paper Role Plays Markers Walking Debates Pens Individual Worksheets Ball Pool Videos Jenga Interactive Activities - Washing Line- Mental Health Tree, Ball Pool, Relationship Auction, Feel Good Jenga Learning Outcomes Increased Confidence + Self Esteem Managing Feelings Evaluation Methods Twitter Snapchat Facebook Fidget Spinner Head, Heart Feet Bin, Target Wheel (All Evaluations on Flip Chart Paper, using the above methods as visuals to reflect on each session)

Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session No. 1 Session Plan Session Date 21st March 2019 Session Time 9am -10.30am Purpose of Session (aim of session) Today’s session is an introductory session aimed at providing young people with an overview of the programme and gathering ideas on what the young people would like to explore whilst participating on this programme. Session Outcomes Decision Making Improved ability to work with others Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Welcomes, Introductions Group check in asking the each young person to introduce themselves and talk about things they like to do in their spare time. Programme Overview, Group members and workers discuss the programme, giving a brief overview on what we hope to achieve from working together over the course of this programme. Contracting; A working agreement is drawn up between the worker and the group members outlining what is acceptable and unacceptable when we are working together on this programme The Big Picture- Ice- Breaker Young people are presented with a series of photographs, each person is tasked to select 3 photos that they can relate to, and disclose to the group their reasons for selecting each photo. Issues Facing Young people - Sub-Group exercise where young people are tasked to list all of the issues they feel young people may be experiencing. Each sub-group will then feed back to the whole group and we will discuss some of the current issues. Top 6 - Building on form our sub-group exercise, young people will agree on the top 6 issues that they would like to explore by participating on this programme. This will provide young people will a sense of ownership, and therefore they will be more likely feel motivated to participate. Baseline Questionnaire – Young people are asked to complete a baseline questionnaire which will ask the young people to think about where they think they are in relation to feelings against expected outcomes associated with this programme. Evaluation - Young people will complete a Twitter style Evaluation which will ask young people to reflect on the session by asking them to list Something they Enjoyed, Something they are looking forward to, Something they didn't like about the session and any questions they may have. Resources Required Pictures Flip-chart / Markers Baseline Questionnaire Twitter Evaluation A.O.B This is the first session with a new group so i will have to monitor how young people are engaging, i may have to adapt the session plan to meet the needs of the young people. Page|4

COPE Programme St. Mary’s Attendance Sheet 21st March 2019 1 Abbie Mc Brearty 17. Abbie Cassidy 2 Kay Turton 18. Lillie Tabitt 3. Bethany Knipe 19. Hollie Breslin 4 Kim Farren 20. Amy O’ Kane 5. Naoise Johnston 21. 6. Emma Deeney 22. 7. Niamh Crawley 23. 8. Sophie Murray 24. 9. Molly O’ Neill 25. 10. Caitlin Toland 26. 11. Aoife Gallagher 27. 12. Amelie Mc Dermott 28. 13. Aoife Henry 29. 14. Emily Deehan 30. 15. Paula Love 31. 16. Aimee Mc Cartney 32. Youth Worker: Martin Gallagher Date: 21/03/2019 Page|5

Group Contract Respect Don’t Judge Be Helpful Listen to others School Rules Apply Participation Confidentiality One Person Talking at A Time !!!!! HAVE FUN !!!!! Page|6

Wider key Skills Baseline Questionnaire Please answer the following questions as best as you can. We will complete this questionnaire at the start of the programme and at the end of the programme. (please circle a number for each question) 1. Self-Awareness is the ability to know yourself - Your Strengths, Weaknesses, Your Motivations, Your Weaknesses Etc. On a scale of 1-10 how Self-Aware are you? 10 I am very Self-Aware, 1 , I have little or no Self-Awareness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Confidence is affected by your ability to believe in yourself, and recognise that you can do things for yourself. Self-Esteem is a bout recognising your value and what you have to offer. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your confidence and Self-Esteem? 1 have very low confidence and self- esteem, or 10, I am very confident and I think I have very high self-esteem. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. Managing Feelings; We all experience emotions, there are times we can manage things well, and other times not so well. When we manage our feelings well, we are able to allow ourselves to be happy or sad, without feeling that we cannot cope. On a scale of 1 -10 how would you rate your ability to manage your feelings when things don’t go well. 1, I find it really hard to deal with my emotions when things don’t go well, or 10, I am able to deal with various issues without feeling that I cannot cope. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. Resilience; We all experience knock backs and rejection at times. Resilience is the ability to pick ourselves up again, once we experience these knocks and be positive, to learn from difficult experiences and carry on. On scale of 1 -10, How would you rate your ability to deal with knock backs and various issues that affect your everyday life? 1, I have very little Resilience, this is something I would like to build on. 10, I have various ways to cope, when things aren’t going well 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5. Empathy is the Ability to understand things from another person’s point of view. When we judge others from our own point of view, , perhaps we can be unfair as we haven’t taken into account the belief’s, experiences, values, feelings of the other person. Ona scale of 1-10, how Empathetic towards others would you consider yourself to be? 1, I have little or no consideration for others. 10 I have great respect for other people’s values, beliefs etc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Page|7



SVeersssioino3n.01 Recording Session Recording Comment/Follow on from Previous session (Input to progress/comments on SharePoint) Today was the first session with my new group at St. Mary's and the session went really well. There were 20 young people in attendance today. Issues or themesarising Young people seemed a bit wary at the start of the session as they arrived into the class. After introducing myself and explaining what i was here to do, young people seemed a bit more comfortable. We achieved everything that i hoped to as we devised a 'working agreement', agreed on the top 6 issues we would address on the programme and young people also completed a baseline questionnaire, which will help me monitor the impact of the programme against the expected outcomes. Behaviour (Comment on participation/group process/roles etc.) There were no behavioural issues in today’s session at all. Young people participated really well, and the feel good Jenga exercise really encouraged conversation amongst group members. Feedback from young people indicates that they enjoyed the session and i am looking forward to working with this group over the next 6-7 weeks. Any actions agreed or areas to follow up Devise a Programme around the following issues; Mental health, Body Image LGBTQ+ Confidence and Self-esteem Relationships Indicators of change/progression/regression N/A Date of nextmeeting 21st March 2019 P a g e | 10

Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session No. 2 Session Plan Session Date 28th March 2019 Session Time 9am - 10.30am Purpose of Session (aim of session) To provide a space for open discussion on the factors that affects our mental and emotional wellbeing. To explore various ways of improving our mental health and building resilience exploring various coping mechanisms and strategies that young people can introduce to improve their own mental health and wellbeing. Session Outcomes • Young people will be able to articulate what is meant by mental health, and highlight some of the factors that contribute to our mental health and wellbeing. Young people will be aware of various activities they can introduce to their daily routines in order to boost their mental health and wellbeing. Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Welcomes, Introductions/ Session Recap Group check in asking the each young person to talk about something positive they have done in the last week, or something they are looking forward to over the next week. Energizer - The Jaffa Cake Challenge Young people are tasked to take a Jaffa Cake and direct it from their fore head into their mouth without using their hands. The first person who successfully completes the challenge is the winner. What Do You Know About…..? Group discussion asking young people to discuss what comes to mind when they hear the term “Mental Health” What is the difference between Mental Health and a Mental Illness? Balloon Race: Young people break off into small groups and discuss the main issues that potentially cause stress amongst young people. Young people are then offered a chance to share what they’ve came up with to the group. Their answers are recorded onto sticky labels and attached to the balloons. A volunteer is then asked to stand in front of the whole group and the group is encouraged to carry the balloons from area of the room to another. As the volunteer will be unable to carry all the balloons, this will create discussion on the need for help. This can be then repeated with someone helping to carry the balloons to showcase how more problems may be dealt with when we ask for help. Mental Health Tree M&M'S Evaluation: Young people are asked to reflect on the session by taking some M&M's and answering questions on the session which are based on the various colours found in a pack of skittles. Resources Required Flipchart Paper, Markers Balloons A.O.B N/A P a g e | 11

COPE Programme St. Mary’s 1 Abbie Mc Brearty Attendance Sheet 28th March 2019 17. Abbie Cassidy 2 Kay Turton 18. Lillie Tabitt 3. Bethany Knipe 19. Hollie Breslin 4 Kim Farren 20. Amy O’ Kane 5. Naoise Johnston 21. 6. Emma Deeney 22. 7. Niamh Crawley 23. 8. Sophie Murray 24. 9. Molly O’ Neill 25. 10. Caitlin Toland 26. 11. Aoife Gallagher 27. 12. Amelie Mc Dermott 28. 13. Aoife Henry 29. 14. Emily Deehan 30. 15. Paula Love 31. 16. Aimee Mc Cartney 32. Youth Worker: Martin Gallagher Date: 28/03/2019 P a g e | 12

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SVeersssioino3n.02 Recording Session Recording Comment/Follow on from Previous session (Input to progress/comments on SharePoint) Group seem really happy to be taking part in this programme, we have full attendance again Issues or themesarising Today's session focused on Mental health. We started with a discussion on what thoughts / feelings come to mind when young people hear the term Mental Health. We broke the group into 2 sub-groups and done a balloon exercise which required the young people to list some of the factors / issues that would lead to poor mental health in young people on sticky labels and attach them to the balloons We then had 2 volunteers (1) from each group to stand in the corner. The young people took turns to try and carry the 'issues' from one side of the room to the other. The aim of the exercise is to highlight that you can’t deal with all the various issues that young people may be dealing with and this is highlighted with the volunteers failing to ‘deal’ with all these issues as the balloons spill over. A debrief on the exercise and some problem solving ideas from the young people request a few other volunteers help out to carry the issues. We finished the exercise by discussing that there is going to be times when we feel overwhelmed with some of the life experiences that we find ourselves facing and if we let these build up, then they can begin to ‘spill’ over like the balloons. We talked about reaching out to others, Friends, Family, Trusted Adults who we can talk to and help alleviate some of the problems and how this can have a positive impact on our mental health and wellbeing. We finished the session by breaking the group into 4 smaller groups, to create our mental health tree. The first group looked at the roots; The main factors that lead to poor mental health in young people. The next group looked at the Trunk; The signs that someone may be experiencing poor mental health, characteristics etc. The 3rd Group looked at the leaves – Interventions / coping strategies that we can do in order to improve our mental health and wellbeing. And the final group looked at the fruit of the tree - the benefits of applying these interventions / coping strategies and how it impacts our mental health. Behaviour (Comment on participation/group process/roles etc) For such a big group, there were no behaviour issues today. Young people are working really well together, (Tuckman 1965) talks about group development as a 4 stage process, however this group seem to be at the 'Performing' stage already. They are well aware of the issues / factors that lead to poor mental health. Feedback from the young people in Evaluation indicates that they really enjoyed the session. Any actions agreed or areas to follow up The young people requested that we cover Social media and Body Image in our next session. Indicators of change/progression/regression All young people were participating really well today. Our session was mixed up, which seemed to meet the learning needs of the group, and I will take this into consideration when planning future sessions. Date of nextmeeting 3rd April 2019 P a g e | 17

Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session No. 3 Session Plan Session Date Body Image and Social Media Session Time 9am -10.30am Purpose of Session (aim of session) To explore the role of social media in body dissatisfaction amongst young people Session Outcomes Young people will be aware of media tricks used in various advertising campaigns Group members will be able to articulate views for and against a social media campaign. Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Introductions and Check In- Young people are asked to talk about what they have been up to over the past few week. Energizer – Connect 4 Shots – Young people are split into 2 teams (Yellow + Red) and take turns to try and make a line of 4 colours into the connect shots game. If a young person successfully connects then they are tasked to take a statement conversation starter and read it out to the group, each statement is related to today’s topic on social media and body image. Group Discussion - Body Image – Young people are asked to discuss what comes to mind when they hear the term ‘Body Image’ what factors contribute to body dissatisfaction amongst young people today. Role Models, Social Media, Fashion - Sub Group exercise where young people are tasked to list the impact Social media, Role Models and Fashion Magazines play in creating unrealistic expectations on how we view our bodies which affect body image. The Debate - Young People are presented with an image which caused ‘controversy’ on social media as GQ magazine posted a cover page with a ‘Plus Sized’ Model. Young people are presented with some of the supportive/ negative comments from social media in relation to this image. The group are broke into 2 sub-groups and asked to debate whether or not this image sends a positive or negative message to young people. Photo Shoot - Young people will watch a video which goes behind the scenes in a video shoot detailing the various media tricks used in various advertising campaigns, Debrief from video to see the initial thoughts from watching this video, has it changed triggered any thoughts in regards to comparing themselves to others? Session Evaluation – Skittles – Young people are asked to take some skittles and reflect on today’s question by answering the questions related to the colour of skittles that they have taken. Resources Required Laptop / Speakers Flip Chart /Markers Skittles A.O.B N/A P a g e | 18

COPE Programme St. Mary’s Attendance Sheet 3rd April 2019 1 Abbie Mc Brearty 17. Abbie Cassidy 2 Kay Turton 18. Lillie Tabitt 3. Bethany Knipe 19. Hollie Breslin 4 Kim Farren 20. Amy O’ Kane 5. Naoise Johnston 21. 6. Emma Deeney 22. 7. Niamh Crawley 23. 8. Sophie Murray 24. 9. Molly O’ Neill 25. 10. Caitlin Toland 26. 11. Aoife Gallagher 27. 12. Amelie Mc Dermott 28. 13. Aoife Henry 29. 14. Emily Deehan 30. 15. Paula Love 31. 16. Aimee Mc Cartney 32. Youth Worker: Martin Gallagher Date: 03/04/2019 P a g e | 19

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SVeersssioino3n.05 3 Recording Session Recording Comment/Follow on from Previous session (Input to progress/comments on SharePoint) Today’s session got off to a bad start due to having to relocate classrooms due to an information session taking place as part of the Science week. Issues or themesarising This session felt a little rushed due to the inconvenience of having to move rooms, however we were still able to meet the session objectives which are reflected in the evaluation from young people. Behaviour (Comment on participation/group process/roles etc.) There are no behavioural issues with anyone in this group, there are really working well and seem to enjoy the youth work approaches used in addressing the issues / themes that we are covering. Any actions agreed or areas to follow up Continue to plan sessions that are interactive and suited to the learning styles of the group. Indicators of change/progression/regression All of the members are fully participating in each session, they seem to really enjoy talking about specific issues that they are experiencing. Date of next meeting 10th April 2019 P a g e | 23

Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session Plan Session Date 10th April 2019 Session Time 9am -10.30am Purpose of Session (aim of session) This session hopes to explore some of the barriers that young people who identify as LGBTQ+ are experiencing in our community and some knowledge and understanding of appropriate LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans plus other related identities) terminology. Session Outcomes Young People will have a basic understanding of LGBT+ terminology and identities Young People will be able to recognise the importance of positive uses of LGBTQ+ Young people will recognise things that they can do in order to be an ‘ALLEY’ Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Welcomes and Introductions / Session outline- Young People are asked to introduce themselves and highlight something positive they have done since our last session. Session Overview today’s session will focus on LGBTQ+. Energiser – Empire – Young people are asked to think of someone famous who really inspires them, they are asked to write the name of the person on a post it note once everyone has listed their ‘inspirational person’ the list is read out to the group, young people take turns to try and guess who chose each ‘celebrity’. If someone correctly guesses your chosen celeb, then you join their empire, game continues until someone has conquered the biggest empire. Group Discussion – LGBTQ+ Young people are asked to discuss the term LGBTQ+, what comes to mind when they hear the term, and is it seen in a negative or positive way in our community? LGBT Lingo – Crossword puzzle on a flip chart page, Young people are provided with descriptions associated with terms associated with LGBTQ+ and must try and work out the answer based on the clues provided. Alley or a bully – Young people are broke into 2 groups, group 1 is going to highlight some of the negative stereotypes and bullying that young people who identify as LGBTQ+ experience in society, Group 2 are going to list things we can do in order to ensure that everyone in our community feels valued and accepted no matter what their ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. Session Evaluation – Head, Heart, Feet, Bin. Young people are asked to list one thing they learnt, one thing they felt, one thing they are walking away with and anything they didn’t like. Resources Required Flip Chart pages Markers A.O.B P a g e | 24

COPE Programme St. Mary’s Attendance Sheet 10th April 2019 1 Abbie Mc Brearty 17. Abbie Cassidy 2 Kay Turton 18. Lillie Tabitt 3. Bethany Knipe 19. Hollie Breslin 4 Kim Farren 20. Amy O’ Kane 5. Naoise Johnston 21. 6. Emma Deeney 22. 7. Niamh Crawley 23. 8. Sophie Murray 24. 9. Molly O’ Neill 25. 10. Caitlin Toland 26. 11. Aoife Gallagher 27. 12. Amelie Mc Dermott 28. 13. Aoife Henry 29. 14. Emily Deehan 30. 15. Paula Love 31. 16. Aimee Mc Cartney 32. Youth Worker: Martin Gallagher Date: 10/04/2019 P a g e | 25

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Version 3.0 Session 4 Recording Session Recording Comment/Follow on from Previous session (Input to progress/comments on SharePoint) Today’s session went really well, young people participated very well and we achieved all of the objectives from the session. Issues or themesarising Young people are demonstrated their knowledge on the various terms associated with LGBTQ+, They worked really well when completing the Lingo Crossword and were able to identify some of the forms of bullying that young people who identify as LGBTQ+ were facing in today’s society and recognising ways of challenging these behaviours with the aim of promoting a safe environment for everyone no matter what race, religion or sexual orientation. Behaviour (Comment on participation/group process/roles etc.) There are no behavioural issues to record on, the young people on this programme seem to really enjoy participating on this programme, feedback is really positive from teachers and young people. Any actions agreed or areas to follow up N/A Indicators of change/progression/regression Young people are performing really well on this programme. Date of nextmeeting 17th April P a g e | 30

Session Planner & Recording Booklet 5 Session Plan Session Date 17/04/2019 Session Time 9am – 10.30am Purpose of Session (aim of session) Confidence + Self-Esteem to explore some of the factors that impact our confidence and self- esteem and recognise ways to build our confidence and self-esteem. Session Outcomes Young people will be aware of some of the factors that contribute to low confidence and self- esteem in young people. Young people will be understand some of the media tricks used by advertising companies which contribute to unrealistic expectations on how men and women should look which leads to body dissatisfaction amongst Young people. Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Welcomes + Introductions / session outline- Young people are asked to introduce themselves and provide the group with 1 positive thing they have done since our last session, session overview where today’s session will focus on confidence and self-esteem. Energiser - Song Scramble- Group Members are asked to lift a piece of laminated paper, (each 1 contains the lyrics to a well – known song) young people must find other people who also have the lyrics to the same song and form a ‘band’ the winners are the group who successfully completes this task first. 9 times Table’s – Young people are given a post it note and asked to examine the 9 times table chart, which purposely has 1 incorrect answer, young people are asked to list initial thoughts from the tables on the post it note and leave it to the worker. (this will be revisited at end of session) Confidence + Self-Esteem Metre – Young people are broke into sub-groups and ask to go through the confidence and self-esteem metre. This requires young people to explore the factors that contribute to low self-esteem to high self-esteem with young people recognising ways of building their own confidence and self-esteem. Pep Talk from the Kid – Video exercise with an empowering young man giving 20 things we should do/say more often. This video is very uplifting and will hopefully make everyone in the group feel a little bit better about themselves. Evaluation – Fidget Spinner, Young people reflect on today’s session by spinning the fidget spinner and answering a reflective session based on where the spinner stops. Resources Required Flipchart, Markers, song lyrics, laptop. A.O.B N/A P a g e | 31

COPE Programme St. Mary’s Attendance Sheet 17th April 2019 1 Abbie Mc Brearty 17. Abbie Cassidy 2 Kay Turton 18. Lillie Tabitt 3. Bethany Knipe 19. Hollie Breslin 4 Kim Farren 20. Amy O’ Kane 5. Naoise Johnston 21. 6. Emma Deeney 22. 7. Niamh Crawley 23. 8. Sophie Murray 24. 9. Molly O’ Neill 25. 10. Caitlin Toland 26. 11. Aoife Gallagher 27. 12. Amelie Mc Dermott 28. 13. Aoife Henry 29. 14. Emily Deehan 30. 15. Paula Love 31. 16. Aimee Mc Cartney 32. Youth Worker: Martin Gallagher Date: 21/03/2019 P a g e | 32

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Version 3.0 Session 5 Recording Session Recording Comment/Follow on from Previous session (Input to progress/comments on SharePoint) Progress on track, young people working very well on this programme Issues or themesarising This session went really well, I think the young people responded really well to the 9 times table exercise, almost every one of the group members highlighted the 1 question that is wrong, which we related to everyday life that if we are always looking for negatives, then we will never be able to build our confidence and self-esteem. Behaviour (Comment on participation/group process/roles etc.) There are no issues with behaviour, young people are ‘performing’ really well and they are seem to really enjoy this programme. Any actions agreed or areas to follow up Plan next week’s session on relationships. Indicators of change/progression/regression Young people are progressing really well, Date of next meeting 1st May 2019 P a g e | 38

Session Planner & Recording Booklet 6 Session Recording Session Date 1st May 2019 Session Time 9am -10.30am Purpose of Session (aim of session) Relationships - To explore the importance of relationships in our lives, and examine the signs of healthy / unhealthy relationships. Young people have an opportunity to decide what characteristics / traits are important to them in a relationship Session Outcomes Young people will identify all the various relationships they have in their lives including close relationships and not so close. Young people will be aware of some of the signs of healthy/unhealthy relationships Young people will participate in a relationship auction which will focus on the important characteristics Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Welcomes + Introductions / session outline- Young people are asked to introduce themselves and provide the group with 1 positive thing they have done since our last session, session overview where today’s session will focus on Relationships. Energiser - Lion Tarzan Princess – Young people break into 2 groups and must decide to be either Princess, Tarzan or Lion by working together as a group to communicate an action which represents their choice. The game is first to 3, with Tarzan beating Lion, Lion Beating Princess and Princess beating Tarzan. My Relationships - Young people are asked to reflect on all the relationships they have in their lives. On a flip chart page there is a picture of a heart, young people are asked to list the most important relationships inside the heart and the other relationships that aren’t as close in around the flipchart page. Healthy / Unhealthy – Interactive activity where young people are tasked to select a statement from an envelope and read it out to the group, young people will decide as a group whether it is healthy or unhealthy. Relationship Auction – Paired exercise with every pair given £76 in relationship money. Each group must bid against each other for various characteristics associated with relationships. Young people will decide at the end who got the best value for money, are materialistic traits more important than personal qualities? Session Evaluation - Snapchat themed evaluation where young people list what they learnt, create their ‘streak’ by listing as many things that stand out from today’s session and the key message for young people highlighted in this session. Resources Required Flipchart paper, markers, relationship statements, relationship money A.O.B N/A P a g e | 39

COPE Programme St. Mary’s Attendance Sheet 1st May 2019 1 Abbie Mc Brearty 17. Abbie Cassidy 2 Kay Turton 18. Lillie Tabitt 3. Bethany Knipe 19. Hollie Breslin 4 Kim Farren 20. Amy O’ Kane 5. Naoise Johnston 21. 6. Emma Deeney 22. 7. Niamh Crawley 23. 8. Sophie Murray 24. 9. Molly O’ Neill 25. 10. Caitlin Toland 26. 11. Aoife Gallagher 27. 12. Amelie Mc Dermott 28. 13. Aoife Henry 29. 14. Emily Deehan 30. 15. Paula Love 31. 16. Aimee Mc Cartney 32. P a g e | 40

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Version 3.0 Session 6Recording Session Plan Comment/Follow on from Previous session (Input to progress/comments on SharePoint) This session was a really exciting session to facilitate, from our energiser to our ‘Relationship Auction’ the young people really enjoyed today. Issues or themesarising Session flowed really well, some young people were unwilling to participate in the energiser at the start. However as the task went on, they got involved and you could see the enjoyment and the competiveness coming through. Behaviour (Comment on participation/group process/roles etc) Again no issues whatsoever with behaviour in this group. Young people are a little unhappy that next week is our final session, but I have really enjoyed working with this group. Any actions agreed or areas to follow up I need to create certificates for the young people to celebrate them completing this programme. Indicators of change/progression/regression Baseline questionnaire next will determine if there has been any positive changes in expected outcomes for this programme. Date of nextmeeting 8th May 2019 P a g e | 44

Session Planner & Recording Booklet Session No. 7 Session Recording Session Date 8th May 2019 Session Time 9am -10.30am Purpose of Session (aim of session) Evaluation Session Session Outcomes Young people will provide feedback from the past 6 weeks. Young people will complete a baseline questionnaire which will monitor the impact the programme has had against expected outcomes. Young people will demonstrate their learning over the past 6 weeks by reflecting on the topics including Mental Health, Body Image, LGBTQ+, Confidence + Self Esteem and Relationships Young people will be presented with a certificate to celebrate their success in completing this programme Content/Activities (Brief Session Outline/Exercises used) Welcomes + Introductions / session outline- Young people are asked to introduce themselves and provide the group with 1 positive thing they have done since our last session, session overview where today’s session will focus on Evaluating the Programme. What Have I learned – Café Style ‘speed dating’ exercise where young people will reflect on the programme highlighting some of the learning achieved over the past 6 weeks. Baseline Questionnaire - Young people will revisit the baseline questionnaire that we completed on our first session which will monitor the impact of the programme against expected outcomes. Target Wheel - Young people will complete a Target Wheel Evaluation which provides qualitative and quantitative feedback on their experience of taking part in this programme. Feel Good Envelopes - Young people are presented with an envelope and asked to write positive comments about each other and place them in the envelopes. Resources Required Flipchart pages, Markers, Envelopes A.O.B N/A P a g e | 45

COPE Programme St. Mary’s Attendance Sheet 8th May 2019 1 Abbie Mc Brearty 17. Abbie Cassidy 2 Kay Turton 18. Lillie Tabitt 3. Bethany Knipe 19. Hollie Breslin 4 Kim Farren 20. Amy O’ Kane 5. Naoise Johnston 21. 6. Emma Deeney 22. 7. Niamh Crawley 23. 8. Sophie Murray 24. 9. Molly O’ Neill 25. 10. Caitlin Toland 26. 11. Aoife Gallagher 27. 12. Amelie Mc Dermott 28. 13. Aoife Henry 29. 14. Emily Deehan 30. 15. Paula Love 31. 16. Aimee Mc Cartney 32. Youth Worker: Martin Gallagher Date: 08/05/2019 P a g e | 46

Wider key Skills Baseline Questionnaire Please answer the following questions as best as you can. We will complete this questionnaire at the start of the programme and at the end of the programme. (please circle a number for each question) 1. Self-Awareness is the ability to know yourself - Your Strengths, Weaknesses, Your Motivations, Your Weaknesses Etc. On a scale of 1-10 how Self-Aware are You? 10 I am very Self-Aware, 1 , I have little or no Self-Awareness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Confidence is affected by your ability to believe in yourself, and recognise that you can do things for yourself. Self- Esteem is a bout recognising your value and what you have to offer. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your confidence and Self-Esteem? 1 have very low confidence and self-esteem, or 10, I am very confident and I think I have very high self-esteem. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. Managing Feelings; We all experience emotions, there are times we can manage things well, and other times not so well. When we manage our feelings well, we are able to allow ourselves to be happy or sad, without feeling that we cannot cope. On a scale of 1 -10 how would you rate your ability to manage your feelings when things don’t go well. 1, I find it really hard to deal with my emotions when things don’t go well, or 10, I am able to deal with various issues without feeling that I cannot cope. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. Resilience; We all experience knock backs and rejection at times. Resilience is the ability to pick ourselves up again, once we experience these knocks and be positive, to learn from difficult experiences and carry on. On scale of 1 -10, How would you rate your ability to deal with knock backs and various issues that affect your everyday life? 1, I have very little Resilience, this is something I would like to build on. 10, I have various ways to cope, when things aren’t going well 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5. Empathy is the Ability to understand things from another person’s point of view. When we judge others from our own point of view, , perhaps we can be unfair as we haven’t taken into account the belief’s, experiences, values, feelings of the other person. Ona scale of 1-10, how Empathetic towards others would you consider yourself to be? 1, I have little or no consideration for others. 10 I have great respect for other people’s values, beliefs etc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P a g e | 47

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