PRINCIPAL’S Message Live life to the fullest Life is beautiful. The world is all the more a beau- tiful place to live in because beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. If you keep looking at the half empty side of the glass, life is always an empty vessel. But if you look at the half full, life is full of blessings. As it is said attitude is altitude, develop an attitude to give 100% to the work you are doing and develop the qualities of empathy, enthusiasm and emotional stability. Don’t ever have a pessimistic attitude. Make the process of your growth so positive that you mold yourself into a global citizen. Wishing you all a bright and beautiful future!
The children of pre-primary had a great time while understanding the concept of traffic lights. They immersed themselves in prepar- ing the traffic lights and identified the colours associa ed with the moments on the road. Children remember better when they are involved in a hands-on activity. The letter ‘K’ has definitely got imprinted in their mind because using varieties of materials they prepared the letter. Kudos to the little Kangaroos
YOGAHA CHITHA VRITHI NIRODHAKAHA Yoga helps one to improve focus, become flexible, and grow healthy. To inculcate the habit of making yoga a part of their life, regular yoga sessions are conducted for the tiny totsio children enjoy learning different poses of yoga. The children of preprimary had a great time understanding the different types of waterways. They prepared their own boats and travelled across the pots and pans.
Bathukamma is a floral festival celebrated during Dusshera Navarathri time by the women of Telangana. Festivals refresh our memories and bring together with love. Bathukamma was celebrated by the students of grade I and II virtually with pomp and gaiety, a day before the mid-term vacation. The students narrated the importance and significance of Bathukamma festival. They delivered beautiful slokhas and explained the 9 forms of Goddess Laxmi. Students and teachers joined steps to the songs of Bathukamma and gracefully danced to the rhythm of lyrics. They brought festive mood to all the tiny tots through these programmes and children were refreshing their knowledge and revisiting their cultures. The principal congratulated all participants and sought the continued blessings of goddess Nav-Durga in her speech addressing to the teachers and students.
Meditation - the need of the hour At Pallavi Model School, Boduppal we strive for holistic develop- ment of the students. As a part of the same endeavor , a med- itation session by Sahaj Yoga experts was conducted for the students. The students enthusiastically participated and practised med- itation along with them. It was a calming and embalming ses- sion. The sessions will be conducted regularly from now on. Communication and life skills A Webinar on the importance of following proper digital eti- quettes and the different life skills required to maintain cyber security. Ms Ramalakshmi ma’am in her presentation made students aware of the various protocols to be followed while using differ- ent social media sites. She spoke in detail about the various life skills required to be successful in life.
Police Commemoration Day A special assembly was held to remember and pay tributes to a very vital wing of the country, The Police. They sacrifice so many things in their life in order to provide a safe and secure environ- ment to the people in the society. Their contribution needs to be recognised and celebrated in order to express our gratitude to them. The students of Grade 8 of Pallavi Model School, Bodup- pal conducted a special assembly to enumerate the brave deeds of the police and reminded all the students about their responsibility to maintain good conduct and work towards the peaceful coexistence of all the people in the society. Through a skit and a video, the students made everyone realize that we are leading a peaceful life because of the protection we get from the police who relentlessly work for the wellbeing of the society. At times they take risks and put their life at stake to ensure the smooth functioning of the society at large.
World Tourism Day Travelling rejuvenates a person. When one travels to explore different places, they would be able to famil- iarize themselves with the geogra- phy, culture, traditions, festivals, cui- sines and life styles of the people and places. To instill the habit of travelling and motivate them to know more about various places in the world, ‘World Tourism Day‘ was celebrated by the students of Pre-primary wing. The students had a gala time go- ing on virtual tour to different tourist destinations in the world. United National day Pallavi Model School, Bodup- pal has conducted special assem- bly on United Nations Day on 22nd of october,2021. The Assembly has em- powered the students to make recom- mendations to States on internation- al issues within its competence. It has also initiated actions – political, eco- nomic, humanitarian, social and le- gal – which have benefitted the lives of millions of people throughout the world. The Assembly provides students the opportunity to express their views on major international issues.
Nursery children enjoyed a lot by doing the Alphabag activity with letter K for Kangroo. Children enjoyed while doing the alphabag activity and also learnt the picture vocabulary of letter K. Making and playing with paper planes can lead to discussions about aerodynamics (the forces that impact plane flight): thrust, lift, drag, and gravity/weight. Older children can also learn about plane movements like roll, yaw, and pitch.
Beauty is the realm of poetry; children enjoy the beauty of expression, thoughts, feeling, rhyme, rhythm and music of words. Taking all these facts, the students of grades I and II got an opportunity to exhibit their talent and confidence. The competition inspired the young, vibrant poets to come forth and recite beautiful poems. The poems were judged based on presentation skill, voice and articulation, dramatic appropriateness and overall performance of the children. Children recited poems on, the freedom fighters, Save Earth, if a tree could talk, good manners, colours, family, etc. Some of the students were dressed up as characters and presented their poems with facial expressions and voice modulation.
Unique in his/her own way Everyone is unique in his/ her own way. Every profession plays an important role in the society for the development of the community. It is imperative for the children to understand the importance of the dignity of labour. The children of the pre- primary dressed themselves in attires of different professions and spoke about their contribution to the society. Alpha bag activity The children learn better when they are involved in a hands- on activity. Alpha bag activity gives children to feel the letters and know more words based on the letter. The children get immersed in participating the activity. Today they have learnt the letter ‘ L’ and made themselves familiar with the words starting with the same.
Young Children get affected Young children get affected by anything very quickly. So, they need to know simple techniques and methods to address small problems. The children of pre-primary were given an insight into how to use different things in first aid box and how to keep their first aid box ready.
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Dhruva’s story As a child of five years, whose earnest wish is to receive his father’s love, he is pained when the step mother Suruchi speaks sharp words. Seeing no way out of the situation, he goes to the forest with the aim of propitiating the Lord. Narada guides him in the path of meditation and penance and imparts the sacred Dwadasa mantra. Based on the sage’s teachings, Dhruva does severe penance that is beyond the limits of a child. The determination and sincere prayer of the child wins for him the darshan of the very Lord within a short period. It is something not attained by any Kshatriya even through many long years. Dhruva is overawed by the Lord’s presence and, unable to speak anything, he falls prostrate at His feet. The Lord touches the child’s head with His conch and this gives Dhruva the jnana and power to express this in words. He praises the Supreme Lord by whose power he is now able to speak of His glories. His words echo the very essence of what the Vedas proclaim. By seeking the holy feet of the Lord and by meditating on His auspicious qualities one can get out of samsara. The Lord grants the child his desire and also a permanent place of residence in the constellation of stars known as Dhruva Mandala. Narada explains that this sacred story increases devotion, reduces miseries, washes off all sins and promotes good will and good conduct.
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