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Home Explore A_family_member_from_the_past


Published by Senka Grubišić, 2021-05-03 04:49:25

Description: A_family_member_from_the_past


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A family member from the past Talking about my family member from the past Here you can read the text about my family member from the past. The text is about his life and what he did, why he is important for me and my family... March 6, 2021

FATHER STANKO ROMAC Fr. Stanko Romac was my dad's uncle. He was born on July 24, 1915 in Glavice near Sinj. In 1939 he was ordained a priest and became a parish priest in 1949 in Split in the church of Our Lady of Health. He worked there for 50 years, when he became a guardian. He was the leader of church's mixed choir. Had it not been for him in that parish and church it would not have the frescoes for which he is largely credited. Pope John Paul II. invited him and his choir to Rome. Fr. Stanko wanted to stay in Italy because of communism, but St. Pader Pio of Pietrelcina told him to return to Croatia. The point of this is that, if it hadn't been for Fr. Stanko, the church of Our Lady of Health would never have experienced cultural prosperity and today there would be no frescoes in that church. He died on July 26, 1999. Marija Romac 6.b

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