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D. Govu 2B Flipbook

Published by Dheeraj Govu, 2020-09-18 00:56:03

Description: D. Govu 2B Flipbook (1)


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Body Systems Flipbook By:Dheeraj Govu

Table of content Integumentary System……………………………………………… 3-4 Musculoskeletal System……………………………………………. 5-6 Nervous System…………………………………………..………… 7-8 Special Senses…………………………………………..….……… 9-11 Cardiovascular System…….…………………………..….……… 12-13 Respiratory System…………………….………………………….. 14-15 Digestive System………………………………………..….……… 16-17 Urinary System…………………………………………..….………18-19 Reproductive System…………………………………..….………..20-21

Integumentary System Assigned Terminology ■ derm/o, dermat/o: skin ■ kerat/o: hard; horn-shaped tissue ■ xer/o: dry ■ xanth/o: yellow ■ erythr/o: red ■ pedicu/o: louse ■ onych/o: nail ■ myc/o: fungus ■ pil/o: hair; hair follicle ■ lip/o: fat ■ rhytid/o: wrinkle ■ albin/o: white Function The integumentary system's main function are protection, body temperature maintenance, excretion, perception of stimuli. Vocabulary Allergy Skin Test- skin test used to identify allergies Intradermal Skin Test- skin test in which different substances are injected into the skin to test for allergic reaction Biopsy- the removal of a small piece of living tissue for microscopic examination Autograft- surgical transfer of tissue from one part of a patient's body to another part of the same body Curettage- removal of tissue by scraping the surface; common treatment for removal of basal cell tumors Lipoectomy- surgical removal of fat below the skin Rhytidectomy- elimination of wrinkles through surgical removal of skin on the face; face lift Dermatoplasty- replacement of damaged skin with donor skin from a different region of the body; skin graft Blepharoplasty- plastic surgery of the eyelid; lid lift Liposuction- use of suction during surgery to remove fat below the skin

Integumentary System Continued Diseases/Disorders Purpura- a purple or brownish-red rash in which blood leaks from vessels into the skin or mucous membrane Urticaria- hives with localized swelling and itching Pustule- a small, infected skin elevation that contains pus; abscess Tinea- a skin infection caused by fungus Healthcare Careers Dermatologist- physician who diagnoses and treats conditions and diseases of the skin, hair, and nails Dermatology Nurse Practitioner- may perform many of the same tasks as physicians; depending on the area of medicine in which they work, nurse practitioners may prescribe certain medications, order lab work, and perform procedures such as suturing wounds and diagnosing and treating minor illnesses such as the flu or ear infections.

Musculoskeletal System Assigned Terminology ■ my/o: muscle ■ myel/o: bone marrow ■ oste/o: bone ■ cost/o: rib ■ crani/o: cranium ■ -pexy: surgical fixation ■ chondr/o: cartilage ■ arthr/o: joint ■ -plegia: paralysis ■ kinesi/o: movement Function The musculoskeletal system provides the body with support, protection of internal organs, mineral storage, and blood cell formation along with holding body parts in position, making movement possible and producing a majority of the amount of heat that keeps the body warm. Vocabulary Bone Scan- a nuclear scanning test that identifies bone fractures, tumors, or infections Goniometry- the measurement of range of motion in a joint X-ray- radiographic image used to diagnose skeletal changes in the body Myoplasty- surgical repair of a muscle through plastic surgery Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation- external manipulation to restore a fractured bone to normal position Tenotomy- incision to the tendon, usually to repair a deformity caused by a shortened muscle Diskectomy- surgical removal of a herniated (ruptured) vertebral disk Electromyogram- a graphic recording of the contraction of a muscle as a result of electrical stimulation Prosthesis- artificial replacement for a missing body part, such as an extremity Deep Tendon Reflexes- evaluation of involuntary muscle responses with a reflex hammer

Musculoskeletal System Continued Diseases/Disorders Ankylosis- a stiff joint caused by adhesion, or abnormal fusion of two bones into one Ataxia- inability to coordinate voluntary muscle activity; characterized by shaky, unsteady movements Gout- form of arthritis in which uric acid builds up in the blood and causes joint swelling and pain Impingement Syndrome- condition that occurs when tendons of the shoulder become compressed by the bones of the shoulder Healthcare Careers Orthopedic Surgeon- physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal disorders, sports injuries, arthritis, and fractures; must hold a Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree. Sports Medicine Physician- treats and prevents sports-related injuries of the bones, joints, and muscles; qualified to diagnose and treat patients, prescribe medications and therapy, and perform surgery.

Nervous System Assigned Terminology ■ neur/o: nerve ■ encephal/o: brain ■ myel/o: spinal cord or bone marrow ■ ambul/o: walk ■ -esthesia: feeling or sensation ■ mening/o: meninges ■ psych/o: mind ■ concuss/o: shaken together or violently agitated Function The main functions of the nervous system are sensory input, integration, and motor output. Vocabulary Cerebral Angiography- x-ray of the blood vessels in the brain after a contrast medium (dye) has been injected Myelogram- procedure in which an x-ray of the spinal cord is taken after a contrast agent (dye) has been injected into the spine Craniectomy- surgical removal of part of the skull to gain access to the brain; commonly used to treat swelling in the brain Nerve Block- injection of a local or regional anesthetic or anesthetic to prevent pain in an area near a nerve Light Therapy- use of a specialized light source, which replicates natural sunlight, to treat seasonal affective disorder Neuroplasty- surgical repair of a nerve Carotid Endarterectomy- surgical removal of fatty deposits in one or both carotid arteries (arteries that supply blood to the brain) Position Emission Tomography- procedure that uses nuclear medicine and computerized tomography to generate images of the brain Babinski SIgn- reflex in which the toes curl upward when the plantar surface of the foot is stimulated Electroencephalogram- record of the electrical impulses of the brain

Nervous System Continued Diseases/Disorders Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis- disease marked by muscular weakness and atrophy with involuntary contractions, excessive reflexes Bell's Palsy- unilateral paralysis of of the nerves that control the facial muscles, causing one side of the face to droop Brain Tumor- an intracranial mass, which may be neoplastic, cystic, or inflammatory Ischemic Stroke- type of cerebrovascular accident that occurs when a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain becomes blocked Healthcare Careers Physician Anesthesiologist- A physician anesthesiologist is a doctor who administers general anesthesia or an anesthetic to patients before surgery Neurosurgeon- A neurosurgeon is physician who specializes in treating diseases and conditions of the nervous system

Special Senses Assigned Terminology ■ irid/o: iris ■ -cusis: cusis ■ -opia: vision condition ■ ot/o: ear ■ tympan/o: eardrum ■ opthalm/o: eye ■ -metry: process of measuring Function The special senses are involved in the nervous system function of sensory output. These senses monitor stimuli or changes in the internal or external environment Vocabulary Ophthalmoscopy- visual examination of the interior of the eye Slit Lamp Microscopy- examination of the anterior structures of the eye through microscopic magnification Audiometry- test that measures the ability to hear different sounds Laser Photocoagulation- procedure in which laser is used to seal or eradicate retinal tears or leaking blood vessels in the retina Laser Therapy- surgical or therapeutic use of devices that generate concentrated beams of light Cochlear Implant- an electronic device that is surgically implanted in the inner ear to restore the sense of hearing Enucleation- surgical removal of the entire eyeball; performed when the eye is irrevocably diseased or damaged Keratoplasty- surgical repair of the cornea Scleral Buckle- suture of a silicone band to the sclera over a detached area Vitrectomy- surgical removal of the vitreous humor

Special Senses continued Diseases/Disorder Otomycosis- fungal infection caused by a most environment in the ear canal; swimmer's ear Impacted Cerumen- accumulation of cerumen (earwax) inside the ear that can lead to infection or hearing loss Amblyopia- impaired vision in one or both eyes resulting from a developmental deficiency in early childhood; lazy eye Blepharitis- inflammation of the eyelid, resulting in redness, swelling, and crusting along the eyelid Healthcare Careers Ophthalmologist- performs eye exams and diagnoses various eye diseases and impairments; also prescribes glasses, contact lenses, or medication to treat eye condition; also has the responsibility of performing surgeries to correct eye conditions Audiologist- specialist who works with hearing, balance, and related disorders; test patients for hearing loss

5 Special Senses

Cardiovascular System Assigned Terminology ■ cardi/o: heart ■ angi/o: vessel (blood) ■ hem/o, hemat/o: blood ■ brady-: slow ■ tachy-: fast ■ thromb/o: clot ■ -emia: blood condition ■ leuk/o: white ■ erythr/o: red ■ arteri/o: artery Function The primary function of the cardiovascular system is to circulate oxygen-rich blood throughout the body Vocabulary Angiogram- radiograph test that uses a contrast agent (dye) and a camera to take pictures of the blood flow in arteries or veins Auscultation- process of listening to the internal sounds of the body using a stethoscope Pulse- the rhythmic throbbing generated by contractions of the of the heart; detected over the major arteries of the body Stress Test- a procedure that tests how efficiently the heart pumps blood Endarterectomy- surgical procedure in which plaque is removed from the lining of the artery Heart Transplantation- grafting of a living heart to a patient, from a donor who was clinically brain-dead but on life support Electrocardiogram- record of the electrical activity of the heart Echocardiogram/Multigated Acquisition- noninvasive diagnostic method that uses ultrasound to visualize internal cardiac structures Position Emission Tomography- imaging test that uses a radioactive substance to look for disease or poor blood flow in the heart Holter Monitor- machine that continuously records cardiac rhythms

Cardiovascular system continued Diseases/Disorders Aneurysm- localized, balloon-like dilation of a blood vessel, usually an artery Flutter- condition in which the atria beat more rapidly than the ventricles, causing a quivering movement Cardiac Tamponade- pathological condition in which excess fluid accumulates in the pericardium Coronary Artery Disease- narrowing of the coronary arteries, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the heart Healthcare Careers Cardiovascular Technologist- provides assistance to doctors in diagnosing and treating heart diseases and conditions Telemetry Nurse- monitors patients' hearts rhythm using sophisticated equipment

Respiratory System Assigned Terminology ■ bronch/o: bronchus; bronchial tube ■ cyan/o: blue ■ laryng/o: larynx; voice box ■ -oxia: oxygen ■ oxy-: oxygen ■ pleur/o: pleura; serous membrane that enfolds the lung ■ pneum/o: lung; air ■ pulmon/o: lug ■ thorac/o: chest ■ trache/o: trachea Function The main functions of the respiratory system are inhaling fresh air, exchanging harmful carbon dioxide for life-sustaining oxygen between the tiny air sacs of the lungs and the blood stream, and exhaling old, stale air. Vocabulary Arterial Blood Gases- test used to assess the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood Polysomnography- monitoring of a patient during sleep to aid in diagnosing apnea or other sleep disorders Sputum Cytology- microscopic examination of lung secretions for the presence of malignant cells Continuous Positive Airway Pressure- use of a machine that delivers mild air pressure to keep airways open Heimlich Maneuver- lifesaving technique in which an obstructed airway is cleared by exerting pressure on the diaphragm Thoracentesis- surgical puncture into the chest wall to aspirate fluid from the pleural sac Thoracostomy- surgical creation of an opening in the chest to drain air or fluid Tracheostomy- surgical creation of an opening in the trachea to allow a patient to breathe more easily Ventilator- machine that delivers artificial respiration for a patient who is unable to breathe effectively on his or her own Spirometry- measurement of air capacity in the lungs using a device called a spirometer

Respiratory system continued Diseases/Disorders Bradypnea- condition of slower-than-normal breathing Hypoventilation- condition in which breathing is too slow and shallow Stridor- harsh, high-pitched sound during respiration that indicates an airway obstruction Bronchogenic Carcinoma- malignant tumor that originates in the bronchi Healthcare Careers Respiratory Therapist- cares for patients who suffer from health conditions and diseases that affect their breathing Thoracic Surgeon- medical doctor who performs surgical procedures on organs in the chest

Digestive System Assigned Terminology ■ cholecyst/o: gallbladder ■ enter/o: intestines ■ col/o, colon/o: colon; large intestine ■ hepat/o: liver ■ gastr/o: stomach ■ or/o: mouth ■ -pepsia: digestion ■ chol/e: gall; bile ■ proct/o: rectum; anus Function The primary functions of the digestive system are ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination. Vocabulary Endoscopy- examination of body organs or cavities through the use of a scope Colonoscopy- visual examination of the colon using a scope Proctoscopy- visual examination of the rectum using a scope Fluoroscopy- x-ray procedure that uses a fluoroscope to provide real-time moving images of the interior of the body Sigmoidoscopy- visual examination of the sigmoid colon using a scope Amylase- blood test used to detect elevated levels of an enzyme common in pancreatic disorders Occult Blood Test- test used to detect hidden blood in the feces Esophagogastroduodenoscopy- visual examination of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum using a scope Capsule Endoscopy- visual examination in which a tiny, wireless camera is used to take pictures of the digestive tract Biopsy- removal of a small piece of living tissue for microscopic examination

Digestive System Continued Diseases/Disorders Cirrhosis- scarring of the liver due to alcohol, drugs, or a virus such as hepatitis Colon Cancer- malignant tumor of glandular tissues in the colon, the rectum, or both Gastroenteritis- inflammation of the stomach and intestines that is characterized by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease- backward flow of stomach acids into the esophagus Healthcare Careers Registered Dietitian- supervises the preparation and serving of food in any variety of settings, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, and schools Dental Hygienist- works under the supervision of a dentist; licensed to clean and remove stains from teeth, take and develop x-rays, give fluoride treatments, and educate patients about hygiene, including proper techniques for brushing and flossing

Urinary System Assigned Terminology ■ -cele: hernia; swelling; protrusion ■ -lysis: breakdown; separation; loosening ■ cyst/o: cyst; fluid sac; bladder ■ nephr/o: kidney ■ ren/o: kidney ■ -uria: urination; condition of urine ■ -pexy: surgical fixation ■ -ectasis: dilation; widening ■ pyel/o: renal pelvis Function The main functions of the urinary system are filtration, waste storage and excretion, hormone production, and homeostasis maintenance. Vocabulary Biopsy- removal of a small piece of living tissue for microscopic examination KUB X-ray- x-ray of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder BUN- test that measures blood levels of urea and creatinine Urinalysis- examination of the urine for the presence of abnormal elements that may indicate a pathological condition Dipstick Urinalysis- a type of urinalysis that is used to screen for chemical changes PKU Test- a test that checks for phenylketonuria in infants Retrograde Pyelogram- x-ray visualization of the renal pelvis , ureters, and bladder using a contrast agent Dialysis- artificial method in which waste materials are removed from the blood after kidney failure Nephrectomy- surgical removal of a kidney due to damage or dysfunction Renal Angioplasty- Dilation and/or repair of one or more major blood vessels in the kidney through stent placement.

Urinary System continued Diseases/Disorders Urinary Incontinence- loss of voluntary control over the discharge of urine from the bladder Glycosuria- condition in with carbohydrates or sugars are excreted in the urine Nocturnal Enuresis- involuntary discharge of urine that occurs during sleep Interstitial Cystitis- chronic inflammation of the bladder wall Healthcare Careers Urologist- a physician who specializes in diseases of the urinary system and the male's reproductive tract Dialysis Technician- operates machines that remove metabolic waste products and excess fluids from the blood of patients whose kidneys are not functioning properly

Reproductive System Assigned Terminology ■ cervic/o: neck; cervix (neck of uterus) ■ salping/o: Eustachian (auditory) tube; fallopian tube ■ ov/o: ovum (egg) ■ orchid/o: testis; testicle ■ oophor/o: ovary ■ men/o: menses; menstruation ■ mamm/o: breast ■ gynec/o: female; women ■ colp/o: vagina ■ prostat/o: prostate gland Function The main function of the female reproductive system is to produce new life. Additionally, the main function of the male reproductive system is to faciliatate conception, or the fertilization of the ovum (the female sex cell) by a sperm. Vocabulary Cervical Biopsy- excision of a small piece of living cervical tissue for microscopic examination Mammography- radiographic examination of the breasts to detect cancerous tumors Pap Test- screening test used to detect the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells in the cervix or vagina Hysterectomy- surgical removal of the uterus, often including the ovaries and fallopian tubes Tubal Ligation- surgical \"tying off\" of the fallopian tubes to prevent conceptions Testicular Self-Examination- Examination performed by the patient, usually monthly, as a screening procedure for testicular cancer Circumcision- surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis Prostate Biopsy- removal of a tissue sample of the prostate for testing Thyroid Function Test- panel of tests used to determine how well the thyroid is functioning Orchiopexy- surgical procedure to move on undescended testis into scrotum

Reproductive System Continued Disease/Disorders Breast Cancer- malignant tumor of the mammary gland Cervical Dysplasia- condition of abnormal cell changes at the surface of the cervix; can lead to cervical cancer Cryptorchidism- developmental defect in which one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum Erectile Dysfunction- inability of a male to achieve or maintain a penile erection Disease/Disorders Breast Cancer- malignant tumor of the mammary gland Cervical Dysplasia- condition of abnormal cell changes at the surface of the cervix; can lead to cervical cancer Cryptorchidism- developmental defect in which one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum Erectile Dysfunction- inability of a male to achieve or maintain a penile erection

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