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Published by wongsueyerz, 2017-11-06 01:15:55

Description: HBT412E BOOK PROPOSAL


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Bahagian Pengajian Penterjemahan dan Interpretasi Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Kemanusiaan Sidang Akademik 2017/2018 Semester I HBT412E/4 COMPUTER-AIDED TRANSLATIONNama BOOK PROPOSAL 125060 126962 : 1. ARIFF ASHRAFF AZLAN 125064 2. GAN ALMAZ 125079 3. HANNA NORHISAM 125084 4. NUR HUSNIYYAH AZMAN 125089 5. QUAH HUEY TZIN 122502 6. SITI FATIMAH ABDUL GHANI 120470 7. WONG SUEY ERZ 8. YEONG JING YINGNama Pensyarah : DR WAN ROSE ELIZA ABDUL RAHMANTarikh : 13 Oktober 2017Tugasan ini diserahkan untuk memenuhi keperluan kursus HBT412E/4 COMPUTER-AIDED TRANSLATION. Tugasan ini merupakan hasil kerja berkumpulan dansebarang rujukan telah dilakukan seperti yang sepatutnya mengikut peraturanmembuat rujukan ilmiah. Ulasan Gred Tandatangan pemeriksa dan tarikh1.0 Introduction

How Lives Are Transformed Using Tools: “Making Translation Easier, Not Easy” This book serves as a project to introduce how machines and tools have changed the lives of its users since its inceptions many years ago. Not only we would be able to study the growth of tools, pros and cons and how lives are affected through this compilation, the future of MT and CAT tools will also be studied interchangeably to predict the multi-faceted, unprecedented future of our fast-forwarded, globalized world of technology today. Chapter Overview: 1. Tool Introduction - What is the tool made up of? 2. Pros 3. Cons 4. Research & Product Data 5. The Future of Studied Tool - What is lacking? What to improve? 6. Similar Technologies The MT and CAT tools that will be discussed: 1. Google Pixel Buds ( 2. Google Translate: Camera Instant Translation ( 3. Ili Universal Translator ( 4. CafeTran Espresso ( 5. Microsoft Translator ( 6. memoQ ( 7. YouTube Auto Translate Feature ( Translate-the-Latest-YouTube-Feature)2.0 Objectives 2.1 To provide a list of useful Machine Translation and Computer-Aided Translation tools for learners who took interest in this subject field. 2.2 To give a vision to targeted audiences on how the MT and CAT tools can be used and the future of these technologies. 1

2.3 To aid lecturers on teaching and conducting Computer-Aided Translation tools related course with up-to-date inventions.3.0 Methodology 3.1 Data collection: through chosen softwares/products regarding MT and CAT tools. 3.2 Research: through articles and materials on the Internet. 3.3 Discussion: comparing the significance of MT and CAT tools.4.0 Time FrameWeek / Date Content Remarks 2 Receive course outline and18.09.2017 ~ 22.09.2017 assignment specifications4-5 Discuss about book project and02.10.2017 ~ 12.10.2017 write proposal 5 Submit book project proposal13.10.20176-7 Search for references and16.10.2017 ~ 27.10.2017 materials required to produce the book8 - 13 Execute assigned tasks and30.10.2017 ~ 08.12.2017 create final product 14 Submit final product on Friday 11.12.2017 ~ 15.12.2017* The time frame above is tentative and subject to changes.5.0 Conclusion This book is targeted for newbies or learners who are interested in taking uptranslation as a hobby or as a profession with the intent to expose them with usefuldata. 2

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