Title:Are your eating habits healthy?Word Count:333Summary:Healthy eating is one of those things that everyone wants to do, but no-one is quite sure how to.
Keywords:healthy, food, nutritionArticle Body:Healthy eating is one of those things that everyone wants to do, but no-one is quite sure how to.抮 慼Food companies all want you to believe that all you have to do to be healthy is buy whateveryou e selling, and people will pay high prices for ealth in a bottle?type products. Thereality of healthy eating, however, is much more complicated than that.抯The key to healthy eating is one little word: balance. You need to balance all the different foodgroups in your diet (that diet as in things you eat, not diet as in weight loss). That meanscarbohydrates, fats and proteins should all feature equally in each meal you eat. Start payingattention to the backs of labels, where it should be clearly marked how much of each nutrientyour food contains, and steer clear of foods that are very high in any one thing unless you areplanning to mix them with something else to make a meal.The average person eats too much carbohydrate (in the form of sugar and pasta) and fat(unhealthy snacks), but nowhere near enough protein. If you want to balance your diet, in mostcases, the first thing you should do is cut back on the sweets and snacks and eat more meat anddairy instead ?it might sound obvious, but it is surprising how people will go out of their way tobalance their meals and then ruin it all with snacks.Apart from carbohydrates, proteins and fats, the other things you need to worry about arevitamins. Most vitamins are necessary in at least small quantities for your body to functionproperly. While it might seem tempting to just take vitamin pills, it is pointlessly expensive抰when you could just as easily eat fruit and vegetables and get all your vitamins that way. Also,don skip breakfast, as most cereals have many vitamins added and can be a good way tomake sure you get enough.Title:Healthy Grief, Unhealthy GriefWord Count:754抯Summary:We all know that it is in one highest good to grieve the loss of a relationship. Healthy griefreleases feelings rather than allowing them to get stuck in the body. Healthy grief allows thegriever to heal the loss and move on with life.Keywords:overcoming grief, sorrow
抯Article Body:We all know that it is in one highest good to grieve the loss of a relationship. Healthy griefreleases feelings rather than allowing them to get stuck in the body. Healthy grief allows thegriever to heal the loss and move on with life.Yet grief is not always healing. Many of us have known people who were stuck in their grief,seemingly locked into the past and unable to move forward in their lives.What is the difference between those who feel their grief and move on and those who get stuckin it? The difference lies in what they believe they have lost. When people believe they havelost their source of love, their grief will feel unending.Gary had been in a three-year relationship with Samantha when Samantha decided to end therelationship. Gary was devastated. In this relationship, like in his past relationships, Gary was ataker ?always trying to get love but unable to give love or share love. Samantha gave him a lotof love, but she often felt very lonely with him. Gary was devastated when she left because hissource of love was gone. He was not grieving the loss of Samantha as a person he loved. Hewas grieving the loss of her love for him. He was grieving as a lost wounded child rather thanas a loving adult.損As a result, Gary became stuck in his grief. He was stuck in feeling like a victim ?stuck inoor me.?Gary had never done the inner work to develop an adult part of himself that couldbring love to himself and share it with others. He felt lost, abandoned, and hurt. No matter howmuch he cried, no healing occurred. Because he was abandoning himself, he just continued tofeel alone and despairing. Sometimes he was angry at Samantha for abandoning him and othertimes he was angry at himself for not being a better partner. He had many regrets that plagued揑 厖 揑him, and a constant inner refrain was, f only I had ? f only I had listened to her more,抰maybe she wouldn have left.?If only I had told her how beautiful she is, maybe she wouldn抰 have left.Frank, on the other hand, was in deep grief over the death of his beloved wife, Beth. He had抯loved Beth with his whole heart and he missed her terribly. Yet Frank grief was totally抯 抯different than Gary grief. Frank missed Beth laugh. He missed her joy, her caring forpeople, her sense of wonder. He missed her as a person, and he missed being able to share hislove with her. Frank had no regrets because he had not been a taker. He had loved Beth totallyand was deeply grateful for the time he had with her. But Frank was actually fine. His griefcame in waves, and he cried when it came. Then it washed through and he was fine again.Frank was fine because Beth had not been the source of his sense of self. Frank had a strongloving inner adult who was connected with a spiritual source of love and wisdom. This was hisSource, not Beth. Frank was a person who took full responsibility for his own pain and joy. Hehad never made Beth responsible for his feelings or his wellbeing.Because he had never abandoned himself, he could miss Beth and grieve for her without feelingabandoned, lost, victimized and alone.Gary, on the other hand, was not fine, no matter how much sadness he released, becauseSamantha had been his Source of love, his Higher Power. He had handed to her the job ofdefining his sense of self, so when she left, all he could feel was abandoned. Gary had handedhis Inner Child ?his feeling self ?to Samantha. He had made Samantha responsible for his
feelings, so when she left, he felt like an abandoned child. His Source of love had gone away.Because Frank knew how to love himself, he knew how to love others. Within a couple of years,Frank was in another loving relationship.Gary found another relationship within six months of losing Samantha, and six months afterthat was again alone. Until Gary decides to learn to take responsibility for his own feelings andneeds, he will likely continue to lose relationship after relationship, and continue to be stuck infeeling like a victim of the women in his life.Title:Pregnancy Fitness After The Baby Is BornWord Count:527Summary:What happened to that pre-pregnancy body you once had? After nine months of your bodygoing through numerous changes, many of which you do not like or enjoy, your newborn ishere and its time to lose the excess weight you have most likely gained. You can speed theprocess of regaining your pre-pregnancy shape by exercising regularly.While it may not help eliminate any stretch marks you may have, exercise will help you regainthe body you had prior to becoming pregnant. S...Keywords:Article Body:What happened to that pre-pregnancy body you once had? After nine months of your bodygoing through numerous changes, many of which you do not like or enjoy, your newborn ishere and its time to lose the excess weight you have most likely gained. You can speed theprocess of regaining your pre-pregnancy shape by exercising regularly.While it may not help eliminate any stretch marks you may have, exercise will help you regainthe body you had prior to becoming pregnant. Some of the most common questions asked bynew moms are: How soon can one begin postpartum exercises? How long will it take to regainmy pre-pregnancy shape? And what are the best exercises to help me achieve my goals? Keepin mind one of the most critical factors that help determine the answers to these questions ishow healthy you were during your pregnancy - both physically and mentally.Have you ever wondered how celebrity moms lose their baby weight so rapidly? One of themost common reasons is because they exercise strenuously prior to and during their pregnancy.Celebrities have been known to lose up to 60 pounds in what seemed like a few days. However,please keep in mind that this is not considered as the normal time frame. These individuals are
also quite careful (almost to the point of obsession) about the types of foods they eat. They arealso quite able to afford personal trainers and nannies so that they can perform their exerciseroutines 5-7 days a week for many hours at a time.Because most new moms have the regular everyday tasks to contend with such as work, errands,families, losing that excess weight after childbirth is not quite so easy. Hopefully you found thetime and the desire to engage in some kind of exercise during your pregnancy, even on the daysyou just wanted to simply crawl back in bed. If you did, you will find that the process of losingthat extra baby weight will be a lot easier for you than for new moms who did no exercise at allwhile pregnant. Exercising regularly during your pregnancy will have given you the opportunityto become familiar with what will motivate you, give you the best results, and identify the typesof exercise that youfind the most enjoyable.Walking, jogging, aerobics, yoga, and many other types of exercise will allow you to lose theextra weight more quickly and you will feel better at the end of each day. Having a new babycan be an exhausting task and the simple act of exercising regularly will undoubtedly increaseyour energy and stamina when you need it most. Most doctors will say that it is safe to start apost-pregnancy exercise routine six weeks after the birth of your child. Walking and swimmingcan be started shortly after your baby is born if you do so in moderate amounts at a slow pace.Work up slowly to the more strenuous exercises to ensure your safety and reduce the risks ofany complications that could arise from over-exerting yourself before your body has hadadequate time to recover.
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