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Published by miamipartybuses, 2017-10-06 03:34:29

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Our util-locate, Inc. prodessionals take pride in providing a professional staff of experienced, knowledgeable employees that care about our clients’ projects and do whatever it takes to get the job done right. We are committed to giving our clients the best job possible and stand by our record of safety and successful completion of projects, on-time and on-budget.
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Keywords: Util-Locate, Util-Locate, Inc., Inc. San Diego, Util-Locate Services San Diego


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UTIL-LOCATESan Diego County’s Most Reliable Utility Locating Service Page- 01

INDEXUtil-Locate Page -03Util-Locate, Inc. Page - 05Util-Locate, Inc. San Diego Page - 07Util-Locate Services Page - 09Util-Locate Services San Diego Page - Page- 02

UTIL-LOCATESan Diego County isone of the 58 countiesthat make up thestate of California. Thecounty wasestablished inFebruary of 1850, justa few months afterCalifornia joined theunion to become the31st state. The countyis roughly the size ofConnecticut, and ismade up of 18incorporated citiesand towns, and manymore unincorporatedcommunities.In 2011 the estimated population of San Diego County was3,140,069, making it second only to Los Angeles Page- 03

UTIL-LOCATEMuch of this region’seconomic, social, andphysical growth has beenshaped by the unique anddiverse geography. Thisarea can boast of havingmiles of breathtakingcoastline, lush, greenvalleys, lakes, andpanoramic views of thedeserts and mountains.The incredible geography,coupled with the mildclimate, could be part ofthe reason that thepopulation rose 10%between the years of 200and 2010.Populationgrowth is a very big partof economic growth, andso it is welcomed by It can, however, present some majormost. problems. Page- 04

UTIL-LOCATE, INC.One of the problems with any sort of development is that yourun the risk of hitting underground pipes or cables. A San Diegoutility locating service can help avoid any dangerous or costlymistakes. If you are planning any type of development orexcavation, whether it is commercial or residential, it isimportant to let one of the San Diego utility locators help youwith the details. You can call the Utility companies but it maytake days to get results, causing unwanted delays in your work.Cables/Wires– These types of cables are usually used to supplyyour house or business with services such cable television and insome areas internet. While they may not present an immediatedanger, you may be liable if you damage Page- 05

UTIL-LOCATE, INC.Gas Pipes– Pipes are used to transport many utilities, such asyour water and sewer, natural gas, or perhaps propane. Using aSan Diego utility locating service can avoid the cost and mess ofa broken sewer pipe or water main, and the potentiallydangerous situation of gas or propane Page- 06

UTIL-LOCATE, INC. SAN DIEGOThere are several ways that a San Diego underground utilitylocating service can provide you with the information that youneed.Ground Penetrating Radar Systems– This is a method oflocating underground pipes and cables by sending a pulse ofenergy into the ground with a sending antenna and picking themup with the receiving antenna. The returned pulses are used toconstruct a picture of underground objects.Utility Mapping– This method uses a CAD program to produce adrawing of the location of utility lines after they have been fieldlocated and Page- 07

UTIL-LOCATE, INC. SAN DIEGOUtil-Locate is a San Diego utility locating service that offers theirservices to both residential and commercial land owners.Don’t risk injury, or waste valuable time and money. Beforeyou begin any type of excavation call the experts and let themmap your utility lines or pipes.Util-Locate have been providing solutions to all professionals onsome the most challenging jobs throughout Southern California& all concerned with diligence and performance. Our clientsinclude consulting engineers, soil engineers, architects, Geoenvironmental, surveyors, civil engineering, building contractors,property developers, managers, lawyers, building materialsmanufacturers, suppliers, government and public Page- 08

UTIL-LOCATE SERVICESUtil-Locate is a private professional Company foundedin 2001 providing business professionals with a wide range ofquality services using state of the art equipment. Util-Locate useits vast knowledge, latest equipment and experience to provewhy they continue to be industry leaders and top choice forDAMAGE PREVENTION. We have been providing, UndergroundUtility Locating, Mapping, CCTV, & Ground Penetrating Radarservices for over 10 years building long lasting relationships. UTIL-LOCATE SERVICES SAN DIEGOBenefits and Features of GPR ScanningLocating: Rebar, tension cable, conduits, voids, PVC pipes,electrical lines and other subsurface anomalies. We canmeasure targets and slab thicknesses of up to 10″in depth.Inspection: A variety of surfaces such as floors, walls, decks,towers, tunnels, balconies, bridges, ceilings, etc.2D Scanning: we can e-mail images of the scanned areas of slabor structure. If requested, we will also show a proposed coremark between targets for drilling and Page- 09

UTIL-LOCATESERVICES SAN DIEGOWe mark all lines and sub-structures clearly for easyidentification. Contractors many times will lay several differentpipes and cables at different depths. We mark everythingclearly, so you are aware of these situations. Follow Page- 10

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