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My first search paper on razviya

Published by shushindrapratap, 2018-03-05 09:04:58

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Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture December 2015, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 179-194 ISSN: 2333-5904 (Print), 2333-5912 (Online)Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved.

Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture December 2015, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 179-194 ISSN: 2333-5904 (Print), 2333-5912 (Online) Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved.ISLAMIC EDUCATION & ISLAMIC ECONOMY IN INDIA: STATUS & DEVELOPMENT THEORIES Mohammad Yasir (M.Tech), Lecturer, Integral University campus, Shahjahanpur (U.P.), IndiaAbstract  Socio-economic and educational status of Muslims below that of the Scheduled Castes- by Sacchar There is no doubt that regular books of economics has commitypublished but a very few on this topic. But here we made aserious attempt to present the current status of Islamic  There was no perceptible improvement in the status ofeconomy & education collected from various researches, Muslims - by economist and chief scholar at thenews reports & surveys in India by various GOs, NGOs and U.S.-India Policy Institute Abusaleh along with we present here important economictheory for its improvement as a guideline. (Seminar was the presentation of a paper, “Six Years After Sachar: A Review of Inclusive Policies in India,by We are going to present here four economic theories to Abusaleh Shariff.)develop not only Islamic economy but also Islamiceducation. Before this we want to show the current status of Fig 2.Average Money Spent by Religious group member per day[7]economy and education of Indian Muslims. At the end ofthis paper we present a ten point program structure for thedevelopment of Islamic education.A. Islamic Economy & Education Status In this section we presents the status of economy andeducation along with the briefing of economic corruption. Now first we are going to present status of IslamicEconomy & education in India collected & Summarizesfrom various News & Survey Reports.  “Muslims are Poorest & Worst education group in India” – by IB Times 21 Aug 2013 [7]  Six years after Sachar report, Muslim lot no better ---- -------The Hindu January 14, 2013 Fig 3.All India Literacy Rate by Socio-Religious GroupFig 1.Urban Education Levels by household Religion(%)

Journal of Islamic Studies and Culture December 2015, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 179-194 ISSN: 2333-5904 (Print), 2333-5912 (Online) Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. Now let us discuss about islamic Economic Corruption. 6. Those books which may prove useful for country asAs it is well known through the report of Brain D. hunt at well as Islam & which refute infidelity should be2008 that the wealth distribution by Saudi is improper compiled by giving proper gifts to writers.among the muslim communities & yearly large amount often crores is transferred to salafi, wahabi and devbandi 7. Already printed books as well as new books should beextremists. Due to this a majority of muslim i.e. bareilvi published in good material & distributed all overtraditionalist & other become deprived which creates an the country free of cost.economical imbalance. 8. In every city there should be your officer/supervisorB. Development Theories who will sent you the details of the requirements in the city of debates, Orators or Literatures and you We present the modified version of important theories for should dispatch the requirements as per their needs.the development of Islamic Economy and educationrespectively given by neglected igneous of east Maulana 9. Those who are capable but are engrossed for theirAhmad Rida Khan Bareilvi’s literature. livelihood they should be given their monthly due & their capabilities should be utilized according toi) For Islamic Economy their fields. 4 Principles are here [3] 10. Your religious news paper should be published and1. Excepting those matters in which the state is intervening, time and again news & items favoring Islam shouldthe Muslims should settle their conflicts by mutual be printed & distributed with and without monetaryconsultation, so that crores of rupees which are squandered un-necessary litigation may be saved.2. The rich Muslims of Bombay, Calcutta, Rangoon, Madras It has been quoted in the Holy Hadith of Prophetand Hyderabad-Deccan should setup banks for their Muslim Muhammad (Peace & Blessings upon him) that in thebrethren. last era the work of religion will not be possible without3. The Muslims should not purchase anything from non- Money & it has been proved right. Hence this isMuslims. They should have business dealings with the practically possible only though improved IslamicMuslims only. Economy.4. There should be emphasis on the spread of IslamicTeachings i.e. ilm-e-deen. Conclusionii) For Islamic Education Empowering of muslim communities uniformly, The equal distribution of charity is very important, but also aTen Point program for progress of Islamic Education [10]: dire necessity of uniform education for their overall 1. To open best school/colleges where knowledge development. should be imparted schematically. 2. Students/Scholars should be given monthly It is imperative for muslim to follow the development scholarship/allowance so that they take interest in theories and also aware of their education & economy. their studies at all costs. 3. Reasonable salaries/allowances to be given to All influential muslim countries, leaders, individual teachers on their performances. persons etc will have to facilitate an equitable share for 4. The works of students should be noticed & whoever all muslim communities in education, employment and is found eligible for which ever subject should be economic activities to ensure their growth. encouraged for it and paid for working on it accordingly. References 5. From these, those who are ready should be sent throughout the country so that by way of speeches, [1] “KIFLAL FAQIHAL FAHIM Fl QARTAS-AL- writings, debates, presentation, conference, seminars etc they spread the light of education and DRAHIM” Book By Ahmad Rida Khan bareilvi (The Islam. position of currency Note and its related matters according to Shariah) [2] “KHAIRAL AMAL Fl HUKM AL-KASAB WA ASSOAL SUWAL” a Pamphlet by Imam Ahmad rida Khan [3] Four Principle published in pamphlet “TADBEERE FALAH-O- NIJAT-WA-ISLAH” a Pamphlet by Imam Ahmad rida Khan [11]Dawn media group [12] Brain D. hunt 13 nov 2008 [14] , sachhar_comm.pdf

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