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Home Explore 10 Communication with Client-V2

10 Communication with Client-V2

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Description: 10 Communication with Client-V2


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Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Unit 10: Communication with Clients Structure 10.1 Learning objectives 10.2 Introduction 10.3 Writing an effective proposal 10.4 Guidelines for editing and revising proposals 10.5 Business letter writing 10.6 Use of email in communication 10.1 Learning Objectives By the end of this unit, you will be able to: • Explain how to write an effective proposal? • Write a business letter. • Write a business email. 10.2 Introduction No two proposals are ever the same. When a literary agency has to write a book proposal, it can run 50 to 60 pages. When putting together a keynote speech, the proposal is a one-pager. So, if you were to ask, how long a good proposal should be, the answer varies. But a proposal's effectiveness is not judged by its weight, or even by what is written on the paper. A proposal's effectiveness is based solely on the value you bring to the table. When you do your initial presentation, that's part of your proposal. When you meet your prospects for the first time, shake hands and talk about their kids, that's part of the proposal. When you start listening and asking questions, that's part of the proposal. Because when it comes down to putting something on paper, no matter which way you do it, all these other elements come into play. What you're proposing, is the framework for a relationship. Sometimes, when the relationship is complicated by technical issues, a long proposal is necessary to help the prospect make a decision. Other times, Page 1 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client the proposal's purpose is simply to make sure everybody is on the same page. 10.3 Writing an effective proposal Consultants complain that proposals are everything from tedious to write to uncertain in their effectiveness. That’s because few people bother to understand the rationale required for a good proposal. Ignore the “contracts” that many sources espouse because they’re so full of boiler plate language and legal trivia that they not only obscure the real issues, they also create distrust. Here is the basis for an effective, brief proposal: WHAT: A proposal is a SUMMATION, not an EXPLORATION. It is a written statement of the conceptual agreement already gained in prior discussions with the economic buyer. If this conceptual agreement has not been gained, a proposal is little better than a spin of the roulette wheel. This is why, responding blindly to RFPs (requests for proposals) is such a waste of time in most cases. WHY: The reason for a proposal is to allow the buyer to: • Reaffirm the conceptual agreement already generated. • Learn of the options you have to reach the objectives. • Learn the investment (fee) required for various value delivered. • Formally sign-off and launch the project. It is not a negotiating document nor is it collaboratively done with the client. HOW: Proposals should have the following elements: • Situation Summary: A restatement of the issues involved. • Objectives: The results expected from the project. Page 2 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client • Measures: The indicators for determining progress and success. • Timing: Start, duration, and ending dates. • Joint Accountabilities: What the client and we commit of doing together? • Credentials: A brief citation of why we are the best source? • Methodology: An outline of the steps required. • Options: A choice of value options to meet the objectives. • Terms and Conditions: Fees and payment terms for each option. • Acceptance: Client sign-off opportunity. Proposals are typically two-and-a-half pages. Send two copies, one for signing and return and one for the client’s files. If there is an initial payment due (there almost always is) also enclose statements to begin the payment process, aligned with the various options provided. Don’t enclose biographies of any staff members working on the project unless, specifically required. They’re almost, always irrelevant, poorly written, and take up too much space and time. Don’t include any legalese about being held harmless, blameless, or anything else. Occasionally, a client will request that you sign a contract prepared by their legal department. The good news is that the request means, you’ve won the business. Have your attorney, look it over, and try to negotiate out statements that include the right to cancel with a brief warning and no penalty. Proposals are not part of the sales process. They are part of the implementation process. The sale occurs before the proposal is ever written. Writing Techniques for Proposals: When you finally sit down to write, my guess is- you have all you need in your head and now you “just” have to write it, and that is the biggest problem: getting started… All your ideas are so cluttered that it is almost impossible to get them on paper! The reason is that your brain is working at the same time on three processes. See, writing is not one process – writing is the ordered Page 3 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client combination of three processes. If you want to get the best from your text, break down your writing in: 1. Creating 2. Refining 3. Editing and reviewing Now, before you start thinking “hold on a second, I wanted to know about funding”, let me confirm this: this is a series about proposals and funding. The point is that writing is for the most part a science, and, like every science, writing is learnable. There are specific techniques for each process. Apply them every time you approach a document for funding: they may not make you the next Shakespeare, but they will dramatically speed you up and increase your chances. TECHNIQUES TO CREATE PROPOSAL CONTENT Roughly paraphrased: you will only succeed if you manage to transfer every single concept from your head to your page. What counts to the evaluator is only what is written. What you want from the creative process is: 1. Laying out all your ideas on paper. 2. Generating new ideas while writing. In the creative process, you do not care about anything else but putting stuff down on paper. If you are familiar with John Cleese’s speech on creativity, you are in the “open” state. You have three techniques for this: rapid writing, cooperative writing and mapping. Rapid writing Points to Remember- 1. Start from a blank page. 2. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes. 3. Write about your topic until the timer goes off, as fast as you can. 4. Correct your text Page 4 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client As you start writing on a proposal, your brain creates and corrects. In practice, this means you first think of a concept, then you write a sentence, review it and keep on writing. This sounds natural, but for creating content it is only harmful: it blocks your flow of ideas and any time you correct, your brain must re-start its train of thoughts. This has two consequences: First, your writing is slower; and second, you lose ideas while correcting. Any idea you don’t fit in now, you’ll need to include in a finished text, and that is much, much harder to do. The solution? Block your brain from correcting and to force it to create. Put a timer on for 5-10 minutes and in that time do nothing else but writing for 5-10 minutes without a pause. Note: When I say without a pause, I mean without a pause. Forget typos, forget form, forget grammar, and do not allow your brain to correct what you write. Do not allow your brain to correct. Think about your idea and jot down everything, you can think of connected to that idea. What you should have at the end is 1-2 pages of text? This will be unreadable, full of typos and errors and will need reviewing, but it will be your ideas, which you can reorganize when your brain switches to correcting again. What if, I get stuck? Keep writing. Write about your day, write about a song you are listening to, write about how you should really try to focus on rapid writing and get back on your main task?, write about the dude that taught you this technique… the only important thing is that you do not allow your brain to stop creating. Let me stress this again: this technique will only work if you do not stop writing. Try this: you need to file in a project for your region’s new airport and need to make a framework for the analysis. This will benefit the region’s tourism but will need investments in other infrastructure (e.g. highways and railways). Draft a text in 5 minutes setting up the project plan. Cooperative writing Page 5 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client 1. You need a team of five people: one lead author and four reviewers. 2. The lead author lists a few concepts related to an idea and passes the list to the first reviewer. 3. The first reviewer comments on the list asking precise questions and passes the commented list to the second reviewer. 4. The second reviewer inserts his comments / questions, answers to the first reviewer’s questions and passes the document to the third reviewer. 5. The team repeats the process until the lead author receives back the list. This technique is based on group thinking – i.e. more brains is better than less brains. To use this technique, you will need at least 3 people (recommended is about 5). The process is straightforward: the lead author jots down a few concepts (it can be something as short as 10 bullet points) stating the main idea, some background, some consequences or outcomes and something about the methodology you have in mind. Once the lead author is done, he will pass the list to the first reviewer, who will comment on it. Comments should be brief and precise, possibly posed as questions. Once the first reviewer is finished, he will pass the document on to a second reviewer. This person will once again comment on the lead author’s input and, in case, elaborate on previous comments. At the end of the process, the lead author will receive the original document back with comments, questions and ideas from the reviewers. Answering all, remaining questions and incorporating the rest of the comments will result in an extended outline that he or she can then expand to a text. Practical note: the comments function of MS Word is brilliant for this technique. Page 6 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Mind maps, concept maps, webbing: 1. Map your thoughts and concepts. 2. Use them as a guideline for your document’s structure and concepts. Maps are a graphic tool to visualize on a single surface; all topics connected to the main idea and to highlight the relationship between different elements. Roughly put, there are two types of map: mind maps and concept maps. The distinction is irrelevant; however, you might find it useful. Mind maps are radial diagrams you can use to generate ideas with respect to your main topic and connected sub-topics. Start by placing the main topic in the centre of a blank sheet of paper and proceed with writing connected topics in adjacent spaces. At the end, you will be able to visualize the whole web generated by your idea and to use it as a guideline for writing. Concept maps are top-down diagrams that start from the main idea and decline it in sub-concepts and examples. Start by stating your main message and connect it with sub concepts hierarchically. These maps are used to identify and highlight connections between far away concepts. 10.4 Guidelines for editing and revising proposals TECHNIQUES TO REFINE PROPOSAL CONTENTS Once you have your basic ideas, you need to turn them into nice, readable content. Not just form and grammar; but proper techniques to clarify your points and ideas and to sell them to the reader. The tools below will help you highlight your points and make sure that they go through effectively. In addition, you can use them to make sure that some concepts you don’t like do not go through… use these points well and you will steer the evaluator to your conclusion, not to his. Still Page 7 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client quoting John Cleese, this is where, you move from the “open” state to the “closed” state of mind. Finding the common thread: Points to Remember 1. Note down the main messages of a paragraph or text in a list. 2. Identify the main messages or the different versions of the main message. 3. Look for statements supporting the main messages or the different versions of the main message. 4. Your chosen main message is the one with the highest number of supporting statements. 5. Restructure the text accordingly. This technique is useful to spot and clarify the main message, if a text is not clear enough. Sometimes after reading a document, you have a general idea of what it’s about, but nothing else. For a draft, this is normal, but for a final proposal, this is deadly. Remember: if you have doubts while reading, the evaluator will also have doubts while reading. To start, re-read the text you want to clarify and note down every statement, idea and message you can find, basically; turn your text into bullet points. Once you have the list, re-read it, identify the main ideas or the different versions of the main idea and highlight them. Now read the remaining statements, messages, and note which ones support which idea. Also, identify and group repetitions of the same concept. Redundancy is never a good idea. Your main message in the paragraph now becomes the one with the largest number of supporting arguments. Remove all the statements that are not linked to the main message and restructure your original text according to what you have identified. Guiding the reader: Page 8 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client This technique anticipates the train of thoughts of the reader and conducts him or her to your conclusion. It is brilliant to convince that your project deserves the funds you are looking for. To achieve this, structure your paragraph in six parts: 1. Main idea 2. Contrasting / opposite idea. 3. Arguments supporting your main idea. 4. Arguments supporting the contrasting idea. 5. Confutation of arguments supporting the contrasting idea. 6. Conclusion. By providing such a connected flow of steps, you can make sure that your reader sticks to the text. Let’s take a look at what would happen if, for example, you provide no arguments to support your idea? An intelligent reader would start thinking about arguments himself and depart from the text – which you don’t want. Use this structure, instead, and you can make sure your reader’s attention follows your points. What’s more, you can also focus him on what you want (and off what you don’t want). It is always useful to use this technique after you have already generated ideas and spotted the main message you want to convey (see above): first, you have a deeper knowledge of the topics, and second, if you are not solid on your text’s concepts, you risk messing up. For this reason, this can be a good follow-up to finding the main message. A good use of connectives (we’ll get into that…) comes very handy here. Stretching ideas: In other words, your text is clear and complete, but it is not as complete or as comprehensive as it could be. In this case, re-read your text, identify the weaker points and note down questions such as: • How did this turn out this way? Page 9 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client • Could you tell me more about this? • What would be an example of this? • In other words? • Is there a parallel to this? Don’t limit yourself to this list, be creative and ask yourself difficult questions. The general sense is to force your mind to elaborate more on what you have written and add consistent content? Why is it dangerous ground then? Because the line between completeness and redundancy is thin. It is easy to cross the line without realising it and to pack a paragraph with superfluous information. A suggestion is to write everything from the beginning, even concepts you have doubts on: taking superfluous stuff out of a text is infinitely easier than fitting in an extra concept. EDITING AND REVIEWING A PROPOSAL This is the last section of the writing process. Editing and reviewing is nothing else but polishing up what you have. It is mandatory that you do it at the end, once you are sure that all you want is in your proposal. Editing is nothing more than revising a finished text. The main message here is this: You don’t get to review your text. After writing something that cost you time and effort in research, you know the text and the topic inside out. This also means you can’t have an objective perspective on it: passages that are clear to you may be completely obscure to other readers. This is the reason, you should ask someone else to review your text. In case nobody is available, you can still review the text yourself, but spend at least one day of work on other topics to “forget” the document and read it with fresh eyes later. In editing, the reviewer can provide comments and change the text. It will be up to the lead author to accept / reject changes and comments in the final text. Page 10 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Apart from this, there is no specific technique to be used. As a mental framework, however, you might want to distinguish between a technical and a stylistic revision. 10.5 Business letter writing Whenever you need to communicate with another company or share important news, business letters can present your message in a classic, polished style. Unlike internal memos, business letters are usually written from one company to another, which is why, they’re so formal and structured. However, letters are also quite versatile, as they can be used for official requests, announcements, cover letters, and much more. Despite the formality, letters can still have a friendly tone, especially because they include brief introductions before getting to the main point. Regardless of the tone you use in your letter, your writing should remain concise, clear, and easy to read. The structure of a business letter The business letter’s precise structure is crucial to its look and readability. As you write your letter, you can follow the structure below to create an effective document. ➢ Opening: Include your mailing address, the full date (for example, July 30, 2017), and the recipient’s name, company, and address. Skip one line between your address, the date, and your recipient’s information. Don’t add your address if you’re using letterhead that already contains it. ➢ Salutation: Address the recipient using “Dear,” along with their title and last name, such as “Dear Mr. Collins” or “Dear Director Kinkade.” If you don’t know the recipient’s gender, use their full name, such as “Dear Taylor Dean.” Finally, be sure to add a colon to the end of the salutation. ➢ Body: In the first paragraph, introduce yourself and the main point of your letter. Following paragraphs should go into the details of your main point, Page 11 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client while your final paragraph should restate the letter’s purpose and provide a call to action, if necessary. ➢ Closing: Recommended formal closings include “Sincerely” or “Yours truly.” For a more personal closing, consider using “Cordially” or “Best regards.” Regardless of what you choose, add a comma to the end of it. ➢ Signature: Skip four lines after the closing and type your name. Skip another line and type your job title and company name. If you’re submitting a hard copy, sign your name in the empty space using blue or black ink. ➢ Enclosures: If you’re including documents with this letter, list them here. Revision As stated in Business Writing Essentials, revision is a crucial part of writing. Review your letter to keep it concise, and proofread it for spelling and grammar errors. Once you’re finished writing, ask someone to read your letter and give you feedback, as they can spot errors you may have missed. Also, make sure any enclosures are attached to your document and that any hard copies are signed. After revising the content, consider the appearance of your letter. If you’re printing a hard copy, be sure to use quality paper. Also try using letterhead to give your document a more official look. Literary and scientific languages are used for different functions. Scientific language is used for describing the world around us, while literary language is used for sharing the writer’s emotions, attitude and feelings. In literary language, the words used are very important. Business Letters are written to express good news, bad news, thanks, acknowledgement, invitation, request, problem, denial or complaints. It is usually sent via email and bears the company letterhead. A business letter is divided into three parts − Introduction − Opens with greetings and/or references to previous mails. Page 12 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Middle − Contains details and added information. Conclusion − Suggests or mentions action to be taken and the ending. FORMAT OF A BUSINESS LETTER A business letter normally contains the following elements − ➢ Letterhead ➢ Organization name ➢ Address ➢ Telephone number ➢ Date ➢ Reader’s name (Position preferred) ➢ Address ➢ Dear Mr. /Ms. [reader’s name] ➢ Your ref. id (if in use) and Subject ➢ Introduction ➢ Body ➢ Conclusion ➢ With Regards ➢ Writer’s signature ➢ Name ➢ Position PRINCIPLES TO KEEP IN MIND Page 13 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client BUSINESS WRITING IS DIFFERENT Writing for a business audience is usually quite different than writing in the humanities, social sciences, or other academic disciplines. Business writing strives to be crisp and succinct, rather than, evocative or creative; it stresses specificity and accuracy. This distinction does not make business writing superior or inferior to other styles. Rather, it reflects the unique purpose and considerations involved when writing in a business context. When you write a business document, you must assume that your audience has limited time in which to read it and is likely to skim. Your readers have an interest in what you say so far, as it affects their working world. They want to know the “bottom line”: the point you are making about a situation or problem and how they should respond? Business writing varies from the conversational style often found in email messages to the more formal, legalistic style found in contracts. A style between these two extremes is appropriate for the majority of memos, emails, and letters. Writing that is too formal can alienate readers, and an attempt to be overly casual, may come across as insincere or unprofessional. In business writing, as in all writing, you must know your audience. In most cases, the business letter will be the first impression that you make on someone. Though business writing has become less formal over time, you should still take great care that your letter’s content is clear and that you have proofread it carefully. Pronouns and Active versus Passive voice Personal pronouns (like I, we, and you) are important in letters and memos. In such documents, it is perfectly appropriate to refer to yourself as I and to the reader as you. Be careful, however, when you use the pronoun we in a business letter that is written on company stationery, since it commits your company to what you have written? When stating your opinion, use I; when presenting company policy, use we. The best writers strive to achieve a style, that is so clear that their messages cannot be misunderstood. One way to achieve a clear style is to minimize your use of the passive voice. Although, the passive voice is Page 14 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client sometimes necessary, often, it not only makes your writing dull but also, can be ambiguous or overly impersonal. Here’s an example of the same point stated in passive voice and in the active voice: ➢ PASSIVE: The net benefits of subsidiary divestiture were grossly overestimated. ➢ ACTIVE: The Global Finance Team grossly overestimated the net benefits of subsidiary divestiture. The second version is clearer and thus preferable. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. What if you are the head of the Global Finance Team? You may want to get your message across without calling excessive attention to the fact that the error was your team’s fault. The passive voice allows you to gloss over an unflattering point—but you should use it sparingly. Focus and specificity Business writing should be clear and concise. Take care, however, that your document does not turn out like an endless series of short, choppy sentences. Keep in mind also that “concise” does not have to mean “blunt”—you still need to think about your tone and the audience for whom you are writing. Consider the following examples: After carefully reviewing this proposal, we have decided to prioritize other projects this quarter. Nobody liked your project idea, so we are not going to give you any funding. The first version is a weaker statement, emphasizing, facts not directly relevant to its point. The second version provides the information in a simple and direct manner. But you don’t need to be an expert on style to know that the first phrasing is diplomatic and respectful (even though it’s less concise) as compared with the second version, which is unnecessarily harsh and likely to provoke a negative reaction. Business letters: where to begin Page 15 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Reread the description of your task (for example, the advertisement of a job opening, instructions for a proposal submission, or assignment prompt for a course). Think about your purpose and what requirements are mentioned or implied in the description of the task. List these requirements. This list can serve as an outline to govern your writing and help you stay focused, so try to make it through. Next, identify qualifications, attributes, objectives, or answers that match the requirements you have just listed. Strive to be exact and specific, avoiding vagueness, ambiguity, and platitudes. If there are industry- or field-specific concepts or terminology that are relevant to the task at hand, use them in a manner that will convey your competence and experience. Avoid any language that your audience may not understand. Your finished piece of writing should indicate- how you meet the requirements you’ve listed and answer any questions raised in the description or prompt. APPLICATION LETTERS AND COVER LETTERS Many people believe that application letters and cover letters are essentially the same. For purposes of this handout, though, these kinds of letters are different. The letter of application is a sales letter in which you market your skills, abilities, and knowledge. A cover letter, on the other hand, is primarily a document of transmittal. It identifies an item being sent, the person to whom it is being sent, and the reason for its being sent, and provides a permanent record of the transmittal for both the writer and the reader. Application letters When writing an application letter, remember that you probably have competition. Your audience is a professional, who screens and hires job applicants—someone who may look through dozens or even hundreds of other applications on the day she receives yours. The immediate objective of your application letter and accompanying resume is to attract this person’s attention. Your ultimate goal is to obtain an interview. As you write your application letter, be sure you complete three tasks: catch the reader’s attention favourably, convince the reader that you are a qualified candidate for the job, and request an interview. Page 16 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Application letter checklist: ➢ Identify the job by title and let the recipient know how you heard about it. ➢ Summarize your qualifications for the job, specifically your work experience, activities that show your leadership skills, and your educational background. ➢ Refer the reader to your enclosed resume. ➢ Ask for an interview, stating where you can be reached and when you will be available. If your prospective employer is located in another city and you plan to visit the area, mention the dates for your trip. ➢ If you are applying for a specific job, include any information pertinent to the position that is not included in your resume. To save your reader time and to call attention to your strengths as a candidate, state your objective directly at the beginning of the letter. Example: I am seeking a position as a manager in your Data Centre. In such a management position, I can use my master’s degree in information systems and my experience as a programmer/analyst to address business challenges in data processing. If you have been referred to a company by one of its employees, a career counsellor, a professor, or someone else, mention that before stating your job objective. In subsequent paragraphs, expand on the qualifications you mentioned in your opening. Add any appropriate details, highlighting experience listed on your resume that is especially pertinent to the job you are seeking. Close with a request for an interview. Proofread your letter carefully. Page 17 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Two sample letters of application are presented below. The first letter (Sample #1) is by a recent college graduate responding to a local newspaper article about the company’s plan to build a new computer centre. The writer is not applying for a specific job opening, but describes the position he seeks. The second letter (Sample #2) is from a college senior who does not specify where she learned of the opening because she is uncertain whether a position is available. Sample #1 6123 Farrington Road Apt. B11 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 January 11, 2005 Taylor, Inc. 694 Rockstar Lane Durham, NC 27708 Dear Human Resources Director: I just read an article in the News and Observer about Taylor’s new computer centre just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a position as an entry-level programmer at the centre. I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and customer documentation. My technical writing skills, as described in the enclosed resume, are well suited to your company. I am a recent graduate of DeVry Institute of Technology in Atlanta with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science. In addition to having taken a broad range of courses, I served as a computer consultant at the college’s computer centre where, I helped train users to work with new systems. I will be happy to meet with you at your convenience and discuss how my education and experience match your needs. You can reach me at my home address, at (919) 233-1552, or at [email protected]. Sincerely, Page 18 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Raymond Krock Sample #2 6123 Farrington Road Apt. G11 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 January 11, 2005 Taylor, Inc. 694 Rockstar Lane Durham, NC 27708 Dear Ms. Jones: I am seeking a position in your engineering department where, I may use my training in computer sciences to solve Taylor’s engineering problems. I would like to be a part of the department that developed the Internet Selection System but am unsure whether you have a current opening. I expect to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from North Carolina State University in June and by that time will have completed the Computer Systems Engineering Program. Since September 2000, I have been participating, through the University, in the Professional Training Program at Computer Systems International in Raleigh. In the program, I was assigned to several staff sections as an apprentice. Most recently, I have been a programmer trainee, in the Engineering Department and have gained a great deal of experience in computer applications. Details of the academic courses I have taken, are included in the enclosed resume. If there is a position open at Taylor Inc., please let me know whom I should contact for further information. I look forward to hearing from you soon. I may be reached at my office (919-866-4000 ext. 232) or via email ([email protected]). Sincerely, Rebecca Brock Page 19 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Cover letters As mentioned previously, application letters and cover letters are not the same. A cover letter identifies an item being sent, the person to whom it is being sent, and the reason for its being sent. A cover letter provides a permanent record of the transmittal for both the writer and the reader. In a cover letter, keep your remarks brief. Your opening should explain what you are sending and why. In an optional second paragraph, you might include a summary of the information you are sending. A letter accompanying a proposal, for example, might point out sections in the proposal that might be of particular interest to the reader. The letter could then go on to present a key point or two explaining why the writer’s firm is the best one for the job? The closing paragraph should contain acknowledgements, offer additional assistance, or express the hope that the material will fulfil its purpose. The following are examples of cover letters. The first letter (Sample #1) is brief and to the point. The second letter (Sample #2) is slightly more detailed because it touches on the manner in which the information was gathered. Sample #1 Your Company Logo and Contact Information January 11, 2005 Brian Eno, Chief Engineer Carolina Chemical Products 3434 Pond View Lane Durham, NC 27708 Dear Mr. Eno, Enclosed is the final report on our installment of pollution control equipment at Eastern Chemical Company, which we send with Eastern’s Permission. Please call me collect (ext. 1206) or email me at the address below if, I can answer any questions. Sincerely, Page 20 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Nora Cassidy Technical Services Manager [email protected] Enclosure: Report Sample #2 Your Company Logo and Contact Information January 11, 2005 Brian Eno, Chief Engineer Ecology Systems, Inc. 8458 Obstructed View Lane Durham, NC 27708 Dear Mr. Eno, Enclosed is the report estimating our power consumption for the year as requested by John Brenan, Vice President, on September 4. The report is the result of several meetings with Jamie Anson, Manager of Plant Operations, and her staff and an extensive survey of all our employees. The survey was delayed by the transfer of key staff in Building A. We believe, however, that the report will provide the information you need to furnish us with a cost estimate for the installation of your Mark II Energy Saving System. We would like to thank Billy Budd of ESI for his assistance in preparing the survey. If you need more information, please let me know. Sincerely, Nora Cassidy New Projects Office [email protected] Page 21 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client 10.6 Use of email in communication Email is the modern and widely used business communication system that is supported by Information technologies. Importance and uses of email in business communication are greater than any other communication tool. Email is an important method of business communication that is fast, cheap, accessible and easily replicated. Using email, can greatly benefit businesses as it provides efficient and effective ways to transmit all kinds of electronic data. Almost all kind of occupations, professionals, trades, and works email messages are one the easiest and low-cost business communication method. Nowadays emails work like legal agreements. USES OF EMAIL IN BUSINESS COMMUNICATION In daily business works such as buying and selling, marketing, trading and calling, email is a quick method to exchange information by speaking, writing, subscribing, sharing, reporting, and presenting information. And obviously, it’s the prime method to handle and test customer queries. Communication is important in business and its importance is very high when it’s through digital methods. The importance of professional email account is same as the importance of Voting Card or Aadhar Card in the modern era. Email is the identification of users on the internet. Business communication means, when you share information about your products and services with the people and reply to their questions and enquires. This also means your promotions, marketing and exchange of information related to business by using email Ids. And one of the popular methods of digital marketing is Email Marketing. When you send a message manually or automatically using text, images, links to a single person or group of people (bulk mails) it’s called email marketing and it’s a communication system for business. Email is the way to enter on social media websites. In earlier days, email account was needed to sign up on social media websites. Today, mobile number and email ID are two options. Page 22 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Now email account and phone number is the source of communication for social media websites. They can verify the users. They send important messages and notifications by addressing the email used by you for registration. They use this method to add the users in the loop to keep using the website. This method of business (Website is a business) communication is through message and notification. And these messages and notifications are generated by the Artificial Intelligence integrated applications automatically. These applications and small options on the websites are created by programmers. These programmers follow the instructions of business promoters or business developers. And these promoters follow the instructions from data or data analysts. And this data is generated by the business application (website), right from the beginning when you first visited the website. And it’s your input and you get output. So when you share, chat, like, comment or whatever you do on social media websites the data is created. For example, when your friends messaged you or liked your post on social media. And they communicate with you, through email notification. And you came back on the website. And when you come back, you do many things and soon you see the sponsored post in your timeline. In the above process, it helped you and your friends to communicate, it helped to promote a post, and it helped in promoting sponsored post and business. And this helped for a social media company to earn income. The above process was started through email and at the end, you sign out your email id. But there are lots of fake accounts created by fake emails ids. These fake emails ids are used to create aggressive/non-verbal/tensioned communication around the business and people on social media. I mean spam emails, messages, comments etc. communication comes from fake email accounts. And Artificial Intelligence, programmers, developers, promoters and analyst are trying to get rid of this and similar practices on the internet to Page 23 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client save the business. And most the things are automatic with less human control. So did you learn the importance of email in business communication? I hope you have learned. Now in next points, you will learn the power of the email in business communication. Email is the prime operator of e-commerce business. You’re looking to buy a domain on services provider website. Your search for a domain, add to the cart and then you add the address, in which email is mandatory. It’s because domain service provider wants to verify you’re a human, used to inform you and will make you the owner of the domain for a certain period time you have selected. And you will keep getting domain renewal and expiration and promotional messages all year in that email account. Now email is the way for domain services providers to connect and communicate with you about the domain related services. And the process of communication by email in buying, selling, customer support on the internet is similar in online stores and other business applications. You have to use your email id and it’s not optional. And email is the easy methods for businesses to communicate with customers, collect the data and promote personalized products and services and the funny part is that most of the communication is automatic. Private Communication on business network. Almost all big/mid-sized companies use professional business email. The email id includes [email protected] instead of yahoo, live and Gmail and for all staff members. And it is mandatory to use business email to communicate with customers, vendors, partners and government authorities at work. It’s a corporate or business culture. When you buy a domain or hosting for your business website, you get a free business email account (depends on offers). And you can also buy custom email addresses without registering for a domain. Page 24 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client But, why this professional email account or company email id is beneficial in communication? There are various reasons, but the following are the common: • The communication is run only on a business network and it is not accessible to others in normal cases. I mean third-party access. • The past communication is always in the record. For example, if someone worked with you as a graphic designer for 2 years and all your communication/file sharing/client’s messages are through personal email, then you can’t get a copy of that message easily and your business data is out of your network. • The person can use the data of your business after leaving the job in your company with your competitors for personal or professional benefits. • That’s why, companies stop the access to those email account for their retired and resigned employees. • Online team management, reporting, tracking and delegation apps/websites are on trends. But still today email is the prime method to delegate, report, enquiry, request and data sharing methods for many in daily business works. And you can read the past messages and all the communication that you did with someone. • Another benefit of professional/business email is that you don’t get distracted and confused by promotional emails. And it will increase the productivity of employees in a business. Else, if they are using a free email account, there are 90% chances of getting distracted while working on the project. That’s the uses of email in business communication and it is very effective but then, if it’s happening through professional or business email account. In business communication through email, collaboration with subordinates or remote employees, video chat with customers, to access various business applications on the internet, to get notification and newsletter from the website, to send a promotional message etc. All of these extraordinary uses explain us about what is the importance of email in business communication. Page 25 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client PROBLEM WITH EMAIL Over the past week, there have been a slew of articles on email, especially considering we are coming up on the 30th anniversary of email. What is often being discussed is the problems that email has created (as well as the problems email has solved) but there has been more talk about how we must work to “tame” email in order to fix the problems that it creates. But the problem isn’t email. Email doesn’t need to be tamed. The problem, quite simply, is how we treat email. Individuals and companies treat email in ways that go against the grain of what email should be used for: to communicate in long form without using the phone. It’s not a replacement for the phone, it’s not a means to get in touch with someone immediately. Yet the expectation is that it is – or should be. People seem to think that since you receive the email almost instantly that you should reply in kind. But for most people (there are some jobs where the work is email management) managing email is an aspect of their job – and a small one at that. Yet, it is almost one of the first things, we mention that we do during our day. Think about this: do you wait for the postal worker for all hours, opening and closing the door to check the mail nonstop every day? Of course, you don’t. That would be a waste of time and energy. You know when the postal worker arrives (approximately), so if you’re expecting something then you have a general idea of when it will arrive. Because of that, you don’t sit by the door all day waiting. You go about your day, doing the actual work you have on tap rather than let the possibility of an important delivery get in your way. Do you do the same thing with email? Likely not. Instead, you keep your email application open, waiting for that imminent notification alert to come so you can check and see what new thing just got delivered to your inbox. Perhaps you don’t do this. Perhaps you check email 2–3 times per day, and that’s it. Perhaps you treat email in a way, that it allows you to treat your other work better. Page 26 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Perhaps. Do you manage your tasks from your email application? Unless you’re using something like Active Inbox or a similar add-on, then you are using a communication tool as a task management tool. And that doesn’t work. Do you put Post-It Notes directly (and exclusively) on your phone to remind you of to-do items? You may do this for items that require using the phone, but beyond that I highly doubt it. Yet we do this with email applications without even thinking about it in the same way. The barrier to using a task management application is often because people “feel” or “think” they can use their email application to manage their tasks with folders and the like. You can try, but you won’t be nearly as effective or efficient. I challenge you to use a separate piece of software (or, if you’re using Outlook, use the To Do component) to manage your tasks rather than using your email application to manage your tasks. Stick with it through the initial adjustment, and I bet you’ll see your workflow improve. So what’s the bottom line? No matter what email app or service you use, unless you put the discipline and boundaries in place when it comes to using this valuable communication tool, you’re doing it wrong. So what’s the email problem? It’s not the technology; it’s the people using the technology. And until we fix that email will always appear…broken. The four biggest problems with email, according to the Workfront survey, and how you can solve them: 1. EMAILS THAT ARE TOO LONG Why it’s a problem and how to fix it? Long emails are a problem when they relay information that is better conveyed face to face or in a phone call. The problem comes, when email is used for messages where it’s not effective, such as a difficult conversation. A disagreement is a ping-pong match, and with email it’s too easy to read tone and intent into it, says Shootman. “Conflict can be good,” he says. “When there is a disagreement, engaging is the best way to handle Page 27 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client it and get a good end result. There is a nuance to a conversation when there is constructive disagreement.” Another time lengthy emails need to be ended is when you get a reply and need to send another lengthy email. “It’s time to ping someone on Slack or talk in real time,” says Shootman. When sending a long email is okay. When the recipient doesn’t need to react in the moment, for example, email is a good vehicle, says Shootman. “If there is an important question that needs an answer, you can send information ahead of time and then have a face-to-face meeting,” he says. If you have an idea for a new product, for example, framing it in writing and getting it out to people to consume and prepare to respond works well. 2. TOO MUCH BACK AND FORTH Why it’s a problem and how to fix it. Tied with lengthy emails is trying to follow a conversation through lengthy email threads, with 55% of respondents admitting they find this difficult. Shootman has a shortcut for dealing with long and confusing email conversations: Collapse the entire thread and bring original email to the beginning, he suggests. Provide a quick summary of the information you gathered from other replies, and then make your point. “The work happens when you shut down a lengthy email thread,” he says. “Eliminate the thread by summarizing it instead of trying to get people to continue to go back and read through it.” 3. BEING CC’D WHEN IT’S NOT RELEVANT Why it’s a problem and how to fix it? For 54% of respondents, being copied on emails that don’t pertain to their job cause frustration at work. “This creates unnecessary work,” says Shootman. Usually, those CCs are someone covering their butt by looping in anyone and everyone who might need to be aware of the message, he says. “Often they want to know that their voice is heard,” says Shootman. “You have two choices: Don’t respond, or respond to the original sender only and acknowledge that you read the email.” Page 28 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client 4. A FLURRY OF REPLY-ALL RESPONSES Why it’s a problem and how to fix it? Similar to being copied on irrelevant emails, reply-all’s can quickly clutter up your inbox, and are frustrating for 50% of respondents. “You can see these things building, and the best technique is to nip it in the bud,” says Shootman. Reply with “I’m not necessary on this distribution list, please remove me” or, “Thank you. I’ve read this, and I don’t need any more information on this topic,” he suggests. If you’re the sender and you don’t need a slew of responses, be proactive about your subject line. Shootman says, you can make email more effective by identifying your expectations. For example, using “ACT:” before your subject lets the receiver know you expect a response, while “INFORM:” lets them know it’s for their information and doesn’t require a response. “The email header immediately lets you know what you need to do with the content,” says Shootman. COMPOSING CLEAR CONCISE & RESPONSIVE EMAILS Most of us are so comfortable communicating via email, that we don’t give it much thought. We dash off messages while eating lunch with the other hand, riding the subway or sprinting to a meeting. But each time we mindlessly send an email, we’re missing out on meaningful business opportunities. Let’s say, you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer or small business owner who communicates with clients via email on a near-daily basis. That means, you have a near-daily opportunity to enhance your reputation and build strong relationships with your clients -- and you also have a near- daily opportunity to weaken said relationships and diminish your value in the eyes of your clients. Email Psychology Generally speaking, the sender and receiver see things from drastically different points of views. And from the perspective of a sender, we often do not spend time understanding who the receiver is and what their inbox might look like. Let’s have a quick glance at both sides: Observing the Receiver Page 29 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client • Gets a lot of email. • May receive compliments regularly, if they are a public figure. • Regularly gets asked a standard set of questions and favours. • Does not have a lot of free time. • Does not mind helping you, if it is fast. Observing the Sender • Spends a long time crafting the ‘perfect’ (-ly long) email. • Believes that their request is original, unique, and special. • Believes that they are the first to ask for such favours. • Cannot imagine why anyone would turn them away? • Desires to tell the whole story, explained from every angle, so that the listener can understand their point of view. With such divergent perspectives, it’s no wonder receivers receive the kinds of email that they do, and that senders are wondering why their emails isn’t effective or eagerly responded to. Now, putting ourselves in the perspective of a receiver (and we’ve all been there). When we are faced with going through an inbox full of email – coming back from a vacation for example, we have some natural habits that are worth noting: • We tend to answer, or be drawn to email that are the fastest to answer or process. That means email that require very little work or thought. • When we open an email that’s very long, our gut reaction is to close the email, or come back to it later when we might have more time. • When we receive an email from someone wanting something from us, wanting us to buy something, or wanting our time, we instantly feel guarded and will automatically want to say no, even if the offer will benefit us in reality. • We go through email while asking “what’s the point?” • We go through email that is pitching something while asking “why should I care?” Thus, it’s essential to give email communications the attention they deserve. You (hopefully) already know, it’s important to use a professional email address, employ proper grammar and spelling, and avoid using language that could be misinterpreted in a negative way. Page 30 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client Beyond these basics, there are several email etiquette strategies that can make or break your relationships with clients: 1. Determine Your Desired Outcome Most people know roughly what they want, but do not take the time to clearly think it through. This is how we end up with ambiguous or rambling email. Without a clear understanding of our desired end results, our thoughts are disorganized and we can easily confuse the receiver. There are 4 types of email: 1. Self-Fulfilling Email – The email itself is the point. You want to tell the receiver something, either a compliment or information. No reply is necessary. 2. Inquiries – You need something from the receiver in the form of a reply. For example, advice, or questions answered. The reply is your desired outcome. 3. Open-Ended Dialog – to keep communication lines open, for the purpose of some future result or benefit. 4. Action Emails – The goal is not the reply, but some action on the part of the receiver. For example, a sales pitch, or asking for a website link exchange. Which type of email are you sending? What is your desired outcome? The clearer your intention, the more focused you will be; the better you can cater email for the intended result, the more likely you will get your desired outcome. 1. Quickly Answers, “What’s the Point?” People want to know “what do you need from me?” Answer this question quickly. Skip long introductions, backgrounds, compliments and details. Jump to the point. State it clearly using minimal words. If action is needed, make it clear what the desired action is from the recipient. And if no action or reply is expected, say that! “No reply necessary.” It’ll be like music to their ears. 2. State Benefits Clearly Page 31 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client If a pitch is presented, make sure it includes many clearly stated, easily understood benefits for the receiver. Too many pitchy emails focus solely on the sender, and why the action will benefit the sender? If you don’t present incentives, or they are difficult to understand, the receiver will say no – resulting in a waste of time for both. Also, make sure the incentives are realistic, the exchange is fair, and there truly are benefits to the receiver. Do your homework before contacting someone. Put yourself in their shoes, “Would you act on the offer?” Example, emailing a high profile website like lifehacker for a link exchange is not a fair exchange. It’s called spam. If they don’t display links to other sites, likely they won’t display yours. 3. Remember to KISS KISS = Keep it simple, stupid (I didn’t come up with this) When we send out a long email asking for something from the receiver (time, favour, etc.), we are essentially saying “I do not respect your time.” Show them you appreciate their time, by making email short, and simple to answer. Using as few words as possible, introduce who you are, context if necessary, and why you are emailing. Being brief doesn’t mean we have to be boring. We can be creative with our wording, add a dash of personality where you see fit, but still be brief. 4. Save the Whole Story – Stick to the Facts People tend to say too much in email. We feel compelled to describe all the details and disclose the whole of our existence so that the receiver can understand the whole picture. Truth is, unless you already know this person well, they really don’t care. Unless asked, you don’t need to overly elaborate anything. Simply stick to the facts – it’ll help you keep your message short. 5. Pretend Face-to-face Intro Page 32 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client If you just met someone new at a party, would you open your mouth first and give them a rambling story about your life? Probably not. Typically, we close our mouth after a quick intro. In email, stopping talking is equivalent to hitting the send button. Treating email introductions as if you are meeting them in person is another trick to keeping messages short. 6. Text Message Trick When we are on mobile devices like the blackberry or our cell phones, we lack the fluidity of the computer keyboard, and as such, we get to the point really fast. Now, pretend you’re on a mobile device, what would your message be now? 7. Avoid Excessive Compliments Some people have the idea that the more compliments they throw out, the more likely the receiver will comply with their offer/need/pitch. There is a difference between being genuine and saying what’s on your heart, and going out of your way to compliment someone. We humans are exceptional at detecting unauthentic phrasings and remarks – even in email. Compliment only; if you really mean it. And remember to be brief if you need action from the receiver. 8. Be Personal and Personable Personalize email with relevant remarks to the receiver, put in a quick comment about their site, product or work. Address the person by name, sign email with your own name, and a friendly comment like “Enjoy your weekend!” 9. Make it Easy to Be Found In your signature, include appropriate URLs for your website, blog, portfolio or product. Make sure the links are functional so they can read more about you in one-click. 10. Use Simple English Page 33 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client When the writing is too formal or uses irrelevant technical lingo, it is difficult for laymen to understand. Plus, you come off sounding like a legal document or spammer. Neither is good. Write like you talk, using conversational English. Be authentic and realistic. Trying to sound professional will come off as if you are trying to sound professional. Use your real voice – it’s more endearing and approachable. 11. Font Matters There is nothing worse than opening an email and become blinded by the brightness elicited by all the words displaying in bold. It makes me want to instantly close the email for the sake of protecting my eyes. Alternatively, fonts that are too small, too large, or otherwise hard to read (i.e. 8 point, times roman font, all bold.) makes us not want to read the email as well. Beware of your fonts in your ‘presentation’. Do not bold the entire email, use easy to read fonts (i.e. Arial), and use a standard size. Do not use extravagant colours since they don’t work well on all monitors and can be hard to read. 12. Formatting Matters Make emails easy to read and quick to scan by using bullet points, numbered lists, and keeping paragraphs short. Highlight keywords (bold or italic) for emphasis, without overdoing it. 13. Minimize Questions Ask questions that matter, and limit the number of questions and favours you ask in an email (one or two max). The more questions (especially open-ended ones) asked in one sitting, the less likely you are to get a response, and the less likely all your questions will be answered. Also, ask specific questions instead of a general open-ended one. Be reasonable and thoughtful, when asking. Don’t expect the recipient to solve all our life problems. For example, “How can I get rich quick? How can I become successful?” are too broad. Break them down into specifics and ask the one question that really matters. Page 34 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

Course On Campus to Corporate: Communication with Client You can send additional questions in separate emails. Key is in keeping the line of communication open by not overwhelming the receiver. 14. Trimming of Words Like grooming a garden, read through the finished email and trim out words, sentences, and paragraphs that do not contribute towards your desired result. Check for potential ambiguities and unclear thinking. Can you rephrase sentences for clarity using fewer words? Check for excess commentary that doesn’t add to the email’s main point. Remove extra details disclosed, unnecessarily. Page 35 of 35 All Rights Reserved. Vol. TLE001/03-2022

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