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BTT 2MARKETING MANAGEMENT All right are reserved with CU-IDOL Tourism Marketing Course Code: BTT112 Semester: Third Unit: 3

Tourism Marketing 33 COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE OUTCOMES • The course aims to provide basic knowledge of different tourism products of India. • To Equip the student with the understanding of domestic destinations. • To enrich student with knowledge of diversified tourism resources and products Q 101) INSTITUTE OF DAISllTAriNgChEt aArNeDreOsNeLrvINeEdLwEiAthRNCIUN-GIDOL

Marketing Mix 43 UNIT OBJECTIVES UNIT INTRODUCTION • . After studying this unit, the student will be able to . • Defines an idea about what is marketing Mix. • Evaluate the 5P’s of Marketing Mix. • Analyze the concept of 7P’s • Apply the elements of 7P’s in forthcoming Projects • State the concept of Product ,price, process, procedure ,place, promotion physical evidence. Q 101) INSTITUTE OF DAISllTAriNgChEt aArNeDreOsNeLrvINeEdLwEiAthRNCIUN-GIDOL

Introduction 5 • Manufacturing is meaningless until products are sold. • Management must pay special attention to the selling or distribution of goods. • The marketing mix is the process of developing and combining different marketing elements in order to ensure that business goals are met. • Marketing is still an art form, and the marketing manager's job as head chef is to creatively marshal all of his marketing efforts to advance his company's short and long-term goals All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

Concept of Marketing Mix 6 • In the 1960s, Neil H. Borden, a professor and scholar, expanded on James Culliton's definition of the marketing mix and coined the term \"marketing mix.“ • Company executives, according to Culliton, are \"mixers of ingredients,\" with the ingredients being various marketing ideas, aspects, and procedures. • The marketing combination is referred to as the 4 Ps & 7 Ps. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

Concept of Marketing Mix 7 • The 4Ps of Marketing\": product, location, price, and promotion. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

5 P’S OF MARKETING? 8 • The 5 P’s of Marketing • – Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People – are key marketing elements used to position a business strategically. • The 5 P’s of Marketing, also known as the marketing mix, are variables that managers and owners control to satisfy customers in their target market, add value to their business, and help differentiate their business from competitors All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

5 P’S OF MARKETING? 9 • All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

ELEMENTS OF 7 PS OF MARKETING MIX 10 • Product • It is possible for a product to be both tangible and intangible. • If the product quality is good in both cases, it can be promoted in the industry. • In the other hand, if the product is subpar, it would not be able to compete or provide service in the highly competitive market. • Before manufacturing or serving goods, market research is needed. Producers must ensure that the target market is large enough. • Successful businesses often look for consumer needs and wants before developing their products. In today's world, the first \"P\" includes services as well, but when the Marketing Mix was first developed, it was solely focused on goods. • For example, if a company wishes to manufacture Rolls Royce cars in a specific country, they must first consider if Rolls Royce will satisfy the demands of the customers or whether they will lose market share. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

ELEMENTS OF 7 PS OF MARKETING MIX 11 • Price • Pricing has a major impact on how a product is viewed and branded. Pricing influences not only the amount of profit made by a company, but also the value of its goods. • Many consumers would judge the quality of a product based on its price. • Customers will compare prices before making a buying decision. • For instance, if a business wants to sell cars at a high price, it would choose expensive and high-quality vehicles. • Customers would gladly pay a higher price for a higher quality product and service in return for the higher price. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

ELEMENTS OF 7 PS OF MARKETING MIX 12 • Place • “Being in the right position at the right time” refers to the importance of location in marketing. • For both biological and service goods, a business should be located where its consumers want it to be. • Location is an important part of the marketing mix. • Customers should be able to fulfill their demands at places that are convenient for them. • A shift in location may often result in a significant increase in revenue. • Entrepreneurs must choose the best location for their customers' convenience in receiving their vital service or product. • On the highway or in the capital, for example, is the best place to open a gas station. A less- trafficked spot is not the best place to open a gas station. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

ELEMENTS OF 7 PS OF MARKETING MIX 13 • Promotion • Another important P to consider is promotion. It's a form of expression. • Advertising, public relations, special deals, and promotions are all examples of promotion. • The aim of good promotion is to get the word out about the advantages of the goods and services. • Websites may also be indicators of marketing in some situations. • Customers' first impressions of a company are usually formed by visiting the website. • Websites must be more user-friendly and well-organized. • Sales, ads, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, online messaging, and personal selling are only a few examples. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

ELEMENTS OF 7 PS OF MARKETING MIX 14 • People • In a service marketing mix, people are the most important component. • From the front-line salesperson to the Managing Director, everybody in a business is reliant on the people who run it. • Employees with expertise, staff managers, operations, and other customers all contribute to the service or product's advantages and appeal. • Software engineers, for example, define as people in an IT company; chefs and service workers define as people in a restaurant. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

ELEMENTS OF 7 PS OF MARKETING MIX 15 • Process • The method and tactics by which a service or product is distributed to the final customer are known as process. • The manner in which the service is provided is a part of what the customer is paying for. • It's all about the business-to-consumer interface and how they interact with one another at various points, i.e. in the process. One of the most important aspects of a successful purchase is pace. • This definition of speed applies to the delivery of goods ordered over the internet. • The customer should be at the centre of the business operation, not the other way around. • More salespeople, for example, are now interested in conversion. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

ELEMENTS OF 7 PS OF MARKETING MIX 16 • Physical Evidence • The material aspect of a company or service is physical proof. • It's all about providing a positive customer experience. • Customers are unfamiliar with an organisation when they first interact with it. • In this situation, the company must give physical evidence to the customers in order to gain their trust. • Buildings, vehicles, signs and logos, business records, brochures, websites, and even business cards are all forms of tangible proof. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

DEVELOPING MARKETING MIX 17 • Product • Product is the combination of tangible and intangible elements. • The tourism product, which is mainly the destination, can only be experienced. • The views of the location travel to the destination, the accommodation and facility as well as the entertainment at the destination all form the tourism product. • Thus it is a composite product combination of attraction, facilities and transportation. • Each of these components has its own significance in the product mix and in the absence of even single components, the product mix is incomplete. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

DEVELOPING MARKETING MIX 18 • Price • Tourism pricing is a complicated operation. Other services such as air travel, buses, trains, and hotels are included in the pricing. • The cost of a trip is often determined by the destination's geographic location. • Seasonality has an effect on pricing as well. The most critical factor in pricing is seasonality. • To balance demand and supply, tour operators strive to get either a discount or a freebie. • In India, for example, the Taj Mahal is a popular tourist destination. • Pricing is also dependent on that of rivals. Government policies also affect pricing. • Changes in the price of air travel, for example. Tourism packages change as well; if hotel rates change, so do tourism packages. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

DEVELOPING MARKETING MIX 19 • Three main factors must be considered when determining the product's price: • Operating costs − Both fixed and variable costs are included in operating costs. Fixed costs, such as construction, insurance, and equipment costs, remain constant regardless of revenue. Wages, power, energy, washing, repairs, repairing, manufacturing materials, office stationery, linen, food, petrol, equipment, uniforms, bank fees, publicity research expenses, and expenses for advertising, ads, brochures, and hosting customer or trade events are all examples of variable costs. • Profit Margins − This is determined by comparing the competitors’ offers and the own product offers. Profit margins are set without compromising the competitive advantage. • Commissions of Intermediaries − Working with intermediaries incurs commissions. Commissions are the fees paid to the intermediaries to distribute and sell your product. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

DEVELOPING MARKETING MIX 20 Tourism Product Pricing Policies • Commonly followed pricing policies include − • Discount Pricing − This strategy calls for reductions to a basic Price of product or services. It is a form of sales promotion which at times proves to be rewarding for the customers. • Variable Pricing − pricing varies with respect to the variation in features of a product. • Loss Leader Pricing − It is selling few products at prices lower than the actual prices. It helps to settle the loss by attracting customers to buy more number of products. • Promotional Pricing − It is selling a product for free with another product with the objective of promoting the free product. Customer interest is generated to use the free product thereby increasing the sale. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

DEVELOPING MARKETING MIX 21 • PLACE • Tourism marketing may use a variety of delivery methods. • Travel is used to sell tourism as a commodity. The internet is still commonly used. • There is also a small agent who plays a position of place and is dispersed throughout the area. Large travel companies such as Thomas Cook, Cox & Kings, SOTC, and others operate as wholesalers and retailers, respectively. • To make it easier to buy services in advance. Depending on the company's overall goals, different delivery methods can be chosen. • Tour operators may act as a middleman, purchasing tourism products in bulk and distributing them to retail travel agents. Airline seats, hotel accommodations, buses for local sight-seeing, and other tourist goods are among All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

DEVELOPING MARKETING MIX 22 • PROMOTION • The effect of raising awareness is far-reaching. Tourist organisations are responsible for appropriately educating, persuading, and sensing potential visitors. • Marketers must make the best use of the different promotion components in order to increase the number of repeat customers. • By providing new tourist products in the same country to areas that have remained untapped or partially tapped, promotion aids in optimising the length of stay and frequency of visit. • The following are the different aspects of tourism promotion: • 1 Advertising • 2 Publicity • 3.Sales Promotion • 4.Word-Of-mouth • 5.Personal Selling • 6.Tele-Marketing • 7.Exhibition All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

DEVELOPING MARKETING MIX 23 • PEOPLE • It is extremely significant in the tourism industry. Local people are very important in people's lives, and how they handle tourists is very important. • The people are the travel agents, guides, travel company employees, salespeople, and so on. People also include travel companies such as railways, airlines, and so on. Normally, a visitor guarantees the standard of tourism, such as hotels and travel agencies. • Personnel who cater to the needs of visitors are an important component of tourism marketing • The people factor of tourism marketing is made up of tourist guides who communicate with customers at tourist attractions. • These contract workers would need to be educated in interpersonal skills as well as product awareness. • Travel agents and travel guides are the two most influential people in the tourism industry who talk a lot about it. As a result, they must always perform at their highest level. • Travel guides, in particular, are supposed to have a lot of patience, a strong sense of humour, tact to turn infrequent visitors into regulars, extensive knowledge of the locations, linguistic skills, and so on. • All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

DEVELOPING MARKETING MIX 24 • PROCESS • The operation phase of a tourism company will be determined by its scale. The following are the measures involved in the distribution of tourist goods in order: • Provision of travel information: Travel information is made available in a convenient place where a potential tourist can get answers to his questions about his planned trip. • Itineraries are prepared in the following manner: It's a set of tasks that must be completed in order to schedule a trip. • Tour planning and costing: After the contracts and plans are finalised, the process of planning and costing the tour begins. This can vary depending on the tour chosen as well as individual needs. • Ticketing: The computerized reservation system has in recent years revolutionized the reservation system for both rail and air travel. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

DEVELOPING MARKETING MIX 25 • PHYSICAL EVIDENCE • The tourist attraction, which is costly to the consumer, must be tangible by tangible things such as comfortable seats when travelling, resort layout and design, natural service distance, and so on. • Directional signs, road maps, facts about the tourist spot's rules and regulations, and signs indicating public services such as toilets and telephone booths are all part of the physical evidence. • Brochures and other printed materials play an important role in the growth of tourism. In tourism, the result is intangible. • There is a need to thoroughly explain the product, which is accomplished by creating an elaborate brochure that demonstrates how various aspects of the programs are meticulously designed to provide all required details to make the holiday creates expectations of quality, value for money, product picture, and status All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

Summary 26 • Marketing Mix called as 4P’s and 7P’s. • Marketing mix is the process of designing and integrating various elements of marketing in such a way to ensure the achievement of enterprise objectives • Product Marketing Mix consists of 4P’s – Product, Pricing , Promotion and Placement. • Boom & Bitner Added 3P’s which is Service Provider-People, Process ,Physical evidence. • 5P’s are key Marketing elements used to Position a business strategy. • Concept of 7P’s of marketing in Tourism. All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

Reference 27 • Reference books • Kotler, Philip : Marketing Management & Hospitality and Tourism Marketing. • Sinha, P.C : Tourism marketing. • Vearne, Morrisson Alison: Hospitality marketing • Kotler, Philip and Armstrong Philip, Principle of Marketing, 1999, Prentice-Hall India, 1999 • All right are reserved with CU-IDOL 28 THANK YOU For queries Email: [email protected] All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

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