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CU-MCA-SEM-IV-Web Application Development-Second Draft

Published by Teamlease Edtech Ltd (Amita Chitroda), 2022-11-11 08:15:56

Description: CU-MCA-SEM-IV-Web Application Development-Second Draft


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The syntax for declaring a property and its procedures is as follows: [Default] [Modifiers] Property PropertyName[(ParameterList)] [As DataType] [AccessLevel] Get ' Statements of the Get procedure. ' The following statement returns an expression as the property's value. Return Expression End Get [AccessLevel] Set [(ByVal NewValue As DataType)] ' Statements of the Set procedure. ' The following statement assigns newvalue as the property's value. LValue = NewValue End Set End Property ' - or - [Default] [Modifiers] Property PropertyName [(ParameterList)] [As DataType] The Modifiers can specify access level and information regarding overloading, overriding, sharing, and shadowing, as well as whether the property is read-only or write-only. The Access Level on the Get or Set procedure can be any level that is more restrictive than the access level specified for the property itself. For more information, see Property Statement. Data Type A property's data type and principal access level are defined in the Property statement, not in the property procedures. A property can have only one data type. For example, you cannot define a property to store a Decimal value but retrieve a Double value. Access Level However, you can define a principal access level for a property and further restrict the access level in one of its property procedures. For example, you can define a Public property and then define a Private Set procedure. The Get procedure remains Public. You can change the access level in only one of a property's procedures, and you can only make it more restrictive than the principal access level. For more information, see How to: Declare a Property with Mixed Access Levels. Parameter declaration You declare each parameter the same way you do for Sub Procedures, except that the passing mechanism must be ByVal. 101 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

The syntax for each parameter in the parameter list is as follows: [Optional] ByVal [ParamArray] parametername As datatype If the parameter is optional, you must also supply a default value as part of its declaration. The syntax for specifying a default value is as follows: Optional ByVal parametername As datatype = defaultvalue Property value In a Get procedure, the return value is supplied to the calling expression as the value of the property. In a Set procedure, the new property value is passed to the parameter of the Set statement. If you explicitly declare a parameter, you must declare it with the same data type as the property. If you do not declare a parameter, the compiler uses the implicit parameter Value to represent the new value to be assigned to the property. Calling syntax You invoke a property procedure implicitly by referring to the property. You use the name of the property the same way you would use the name of a variable, except that you must provide values for all arguments that are not optional, and you must enclose the argument list in parentheses. If no arguments are supplied, you can optionally omit the parentheses. 5.7 SUMMARY  In this article, I would like to explain how to create and use DLLs in C Sharp. Before writing code, we will examine some basics of a DLL in the .NET framework; for example, how it's loaded in the process address space, how CLR is initialized, and the mechanism behind the screen. The existence of this file tells you that you have installed the .NET framework in your system. This DLL is responsible for initializing the CLR.  Whenever you create an assembly, the compiler/linker emits the following 6-byte x86 stub function into the PE files .text section:  JMP _CorExeMain for Exe or JMP _CorDllMain for Dll.  Figure 1 shows the Portable Executable (PE) file format. This stub function is implemented inside the MSCorEE.dll. So, this dll must be referenced somewhere in the PE file. Yes, your guess is right; it's referenced in the. idata section of the PE file. The. idata section is used to refer import libraries for assembly  At this point, the process's primary thread starts executing the stub function; that is, it jumps to _CorExeMain for Exe or _CorDllMain for Dll in the MSCorEE.dll. 102 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

The _CorExeMain or _CorDllMain initializes the CLR and looks for a managed entry point from the assembly's CLR header and starts executing. Here the IL code for the method is compiled into native CPU instructions and the CLR jumps to native code. That's it; the managed applications code is running.  The framework differentiates between managed executive and managed DLL files because of the stub function stored in the .text section of the PE file. For Exe, the stub function is JMP _CorExeMain and for Dll the stub function is JMP _CorDllMain. The Windows loader differentiates this function and fixes the corresponding address from the MSCorEE.dll.  I think now we know how a managed exe/dll loads in the process address space and how CLR gets initialized. Okay, time for coding. Here we develop a small DLL and a test container for that. This DLL will export three functions, each from one class in a namespace.  This method is based on how to create an assembly by using Visual Studio. To create an assembly that can be shared by multiple applications, the shared assembly must have a strong name. Additionally, the shared assembly must be deployed in the global assembly cache.  A given type of assembly feature can provide the following list of assembly-specific information, which can be useful in assembly and/or disassembly process planning. 5.8 KEYWORDS  Cache - The storage of certain elements to help with faster load times from repeat website visitors. Often developers will tell you to clear your browser’s cache if they make a change on the website that you can’t see most likely your cache is holding onto an older version and hasn’t made room for the new one yet.  Classes- InCSS, an identifier for specifying exactly what you what to target with styling. In other programming languages, classes are a bit more broadly used as the blueprint for creating something like using the blueprint of an existing car to create a new type of car.  CMS - “Content Management System.” The program that you use to create and maintain your website’s content. These are usually designed for non-developers for ease-of-use. Our personal favorite at Whole Whale is WordPress.  Conversion- The goals you have for RGS (good stuff) happening on your website, such as donations, email signups, and downloads. If your user and your website were in a relationship, this is when they would say “I love you.” 103 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

 Cookies - The source of all that is good, chocolatey, and sugary in the world Kidding. (Sort of.) This is the data sent by an Internet server to a browser. Each time the browser accesses the same server, it sends the data back as a means of tracking how (and how often) it accesses the server. Therefore, your home computer always knows your Netflix login. 5.9 LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Create a session on Private Assembly and Shared Assembly. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Create a survey on Creating and Using Managed DLLS. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5.10 UNIT END QUESTIONS A. Descriptive Questions Short Questions 1. Define Single – File. 2. Describe about Multi – File. 3. What is Managed DLLS? 4. Write the meaning of Shared Assembly? 5. What is Assembly? Long Questions 1. Explain the Classification of Assembly? 2. Elaborate the Private Assembly and Shared Assembly. 3. Illustrate the concept of Global Assembly Cache. 4. Discuss on Property Procedures. 5. Examine the scope of Managed DLLS. B. Multiple Choice Questions 1. What does a webpage display a picture? a. Picture b. Image 104 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

c. IMG d. SRC 2. What is other tag to make text bold <b> tag makes the enclosed text bold.? a. <strong> b. <dar> c. <black> d. <emp> 3. Which of the following Tags and text that are not directly displayed? a. <html> b. <head> c. <title> d. <body> 4. Which of the following tag inserts a line horizontally on your web page? a. <hr> b. <line> c. <line direction=\"horizontal\"> d. <tr> 5. What should be the first tag in any HTML document? a. <head> b. <title> c. <html> d. <document> Answers 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-a, 5-c 5.11 REFERENCES Book References  Shah, J.J., and Tadepalli, R., 1992, “Feature-based assembly modeling”, in G.A. Gabriele, ed., 105 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

 Chan C.K. and Tan S.T., 2003, “Generating assembly features onto split solid models”  Bronsvoort W.F. and Holland W.V., 2000, “Assembly features in modeling and planning”, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 16  Shah J.J., and Mantyla M., 1994, “Advances in feature-based manufacturing”, Manufacturing research and technology, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science  Ying Tang, MengChu Zhou, Eyal Zussman, and Reggie Caudill, 2002, “Disassembly modeling, planning, and application”,  Tianyang Dong, Ruofeng Tong, Ling Zhang, and Jinxiang Dong, 2005, “A collaborative approach to assembly sequence planning” E-References  assembly/  _Classification_and_Instantiation/link/544a363e0cf244fe9ea637b6/download  106 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

UNIT 6:FILE HANDLING STRUCTURE 6.0 Learning Objectives 6.1 Introduction 6.2 IO Namespace 6.3 Working with Directories and Files 6.4 Read and Write File 6.5 Stream Reader and Stream Writer Classes 6.6 Summary 6.7 Keywords 6.8 Learning Activity 6.9 Unit End Questions 6.10 References 6.0 LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this unit, you will be able to:  Describe the concept of IO Namespace.  Illustrate the Working with Directories and Files.  Explain the concept of Stream Reader and Stream Writer Classes. 6.1 INTRODUCTION Over the past decades, a common definition of the term system has eluded researchers and practitioners alike. We reviewed over 100 current and historical definitions of system to understand perspectives and to propose the most comprehensive definition of this term. There is much common ground in different families of definition of system, but there are also important and significant differences. Some stem from different belief systems and worldviews, while others are due to a pragmatic desire to establish a clear definition for system within a particular community, disregarding wider considerations. In either case, it limits the effectiveness of various system communities’ efforts to communicate, collaborate, and learn from the experience of other communities. We discovered that by considering a wide typology of systems, Bertalanffy’s General Systems Theory provides a basis for a general, self-consistent sensible framework, capable of accommodating and showing the 107 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

relationships amongst the variety of different definitions of and belief systems pertaining to system. Emergence, the appearance of a new phenomenon or capability because of relation or interaction between objects, is key in differentiating between objects that are systems and those that are not. Hence, we propose a family of definitions, related by the common theme of emergence, which is in line with both the realist and constructivist worldviews, and covers real and conceptual systems. We believe this better reflects the current scope of systems engineering and is required to support the aspirations expressed in INCOSE SE Vision 2025. Researchers and practitioners express a need for a broader definition. In the special Insight article on “systems of the third kind”, Dove et al stated the current INCOSE view of systems and systems engineering does not cope with the kinds of problematic situations with which society wants our help. Specifically, although the systems engineering community is reasonably successful in devising solutions for problematic situations that behave as state- determined systems or as probabilistic systems, the systems engineering community has not established a record of success in devising systems that can cope with non-deterministic situations. Meanwhile, the number of non-deterministic situations is increasing rapidly. Our research problem is to formulate one or more encompassing definitions of system that will be accepted by as many communities of theory and practice as possible. We recognize the magnitude of the challenge involved in answering this problem and realize that there may not be a single accepted definition. We set out with the following research objectives: Review currently accepted system definitions, from both INCOSE and other communities, as well as usage of system in everyday language; Identify stakeholder communities and worldviews associated with different categories of system definition that are relevant to INCOSE’s current activities and scope, and to the aspirations set out in, and implied by, SE Vision 2025 In light of the above, form a view on the adequacy of current system definition used in SE; and, If necessary, propose one or more new system definitions, consistent with the envisaged scope of SE, which will guide future development of SE and facilitate engagement with stakeholders and potential collaborators from other communities. Wilkinson et al.built a conceptual model that spanned the totality of the partial and differing usages of the term systems architecture. From this model, they developed a simple and straightforward framework that accommodated all architecting belief systems. All the belief systems they identified fit within the two basic concepts of “forward architecting” and “reverse architecting”, described by Rechtin Hens haw et al. concluded that the different definitions and usages of capability within the SE community could be explained in terms of different belief systems or assumptions that stem from the use of the same word in different ways by different communities of practice. Cataloguing the different definitions and associated belief systems using Check land’s CATWOE formalism allowed different actors to recognize the perspectives of each other and understand the different usages. INCOSE definition The INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, 4th Edition (INCOSE 2015) states that the systems considered in … this handbook are human-made, created and 108 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

utilized to provide products or services in defined environments for the benefit of users and other stakeholders. The definitions cited here refer to systems in the real world. A system concept should be regarded as a shared “mental representation” of the actual system. The systems engineer must continually distinguish between systems in the real world and system representations. The INCOSE and ISO/IEC/IEEE definitions draw from this view of a system. This is the basis of the overall framework for system definitions that we propose here. We add a fourth element, recognized systems, as the subset of all real systems recognized as being of interest by human observers. Thus, recognized systems in the real world are mirrored by abstracted systems in the conceptual world. More importantly, we add the somewhat overloaded term of emergence as another required element in the definition of system. Drawing on Bertalanffy, Miller used a very similar classification and built on it to develop a comprehensive theory of “Living Systems”. The key elements of this theory, summarised by Miller, contain some very important and profound discussion on the nature of material, energy, and information, which satisfactorily tackles important philosophical issues about observer independence of “real” systems. This is a most valuable reference, particularly since it addresses many the issues, we discussed in a way that is closely aligned with the point our discussions had reached prior to finding and studying this reference. Members of different stakeholder groups might be expected to hold worldviews that are like others in their group, and different from those of other groups. Of the many complementary and opposed or contradictory worldviews in the systems field, perhaps the most important is the opposed pair of “constructivist” and “realist” followed closely by whether artificial or human-made systems are like or fundamentally different from naturally occurring systems. Despite the above expectation, it is a matter of empirical observation that members of the same stakeholder group may hold different or even contradictory worldviews about systems. For example, many practicing systems engineers are realists, and many are constructivists, so identifying different worldviews with different stakeholder groups, or vice versa, is an over- simplification. SILLITTO makes the empirical observation that systems engineers holding opposing constructivist and realist worldviews seem to be perfectly able to work together on practical system projects, demonstrating that effective collaboration is possible even if participants hold opposing worldviews. “Worldviews related to ‘Systems’ are highly varied given how young the scientific enterprise and even younger the metaphysics of science is. Most current metaphysicians of science subscribe to Scientific Realism, which encompasses three commitments: that the world has a definite and mind-independent structure, that scientific theories are true or not because of the way the world is, and that our best scientific theories are approximately true of the world. But even this is not a uniform position, for example, when thinking about ‘structure’, some Scientific Realists are Atomists, or Priority Monists or Compositional Pluralists. 109 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

There are further divisions within these views, and Scientific Realists also differ from each other about other issues, such as the nature of laws, causation, necessity, etc. And all these positions can be reformulated in terms of thinking primarily about things, or processes, or interplays of things and processes. Of course, there are also other views to Scientific Realism, e.g., Philosophical Idealism, Social Constructivism, and Postmodernism. If Scientific Realism is on the right track, then progress is possible in understanding the world and our relation to it. It probably counts for something that has become the dominant view amongst metaphysicians of science. I think to be successful at SE, it is sufficient to be a Pragmatic Compositional Pluralist, i.e., act “as-if” it is true and not engage with whether it is true or not. However, if one wish to contribute to the development of a foundational science of systems then, I think, it is helpful to take an interest in these philosophical trade-offs.” 6.2 IO NAMESPACE In computing, a namespace is a set of signs names that are used to identify and refer to objects of various kinds. A namespace ensures that all of a given set of objects have unique names so that they can be easily identified. Namespaces are commonly structured as hierarchies to allow reuse of names in different contexts. As an analogy, consider a system of naming of people where each person has a given name, as well as a family name shared with their relatives. If the first names of family members are unique only within each family, then each person can be uniquely identified by the combination of first name and family name; there is only one Jane Doe, though there may be many JANES. Within the namespace of the Doe family, just \"Jane\" suffices to unambiguously designate this person, while within the \"global\" namespace of all people; the full name must be used. Prominent examples for namespaces include file systems, which assign names to files. Some programming languages organize their variables and subroutines in namespaces. Computer networks and distributed systems assign names to resources, such as computers, printers, websites, and remote files. Operating systems can partition kernel resources by isolated namespaces to support virtualization containers. In a similar manner, hierarchical file systems organize files in directories. Each directory is a separate namespace, so that the directories \"letters\" and \"invoices\" may both contain a file \"to Jane\". In computer programming, namespaces are typically employed for the purpose of grouping symbols and identifiers around a particular functionality and to avoid name collisions between multiple identifiers that share the same name. In networking, the Domain Name System organizes websites into hierarchical namespaces. Instructor Namespace can get confusing when someone first investigates it. It may sound like you're creating a different URL, but it's not. You're basically within the same server, creating 110 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

separation that will be useful when we get to work on rooms later. So, we are basically creating an internal endpoint for to use for rooms. An example, you could have a namespace called tech, which includes all our room related to tech, such as JavaScript, HTML, and so on and so forth. You could also add authorization to namespace, where you can for rooms. So, you could have people joining the tech namespace with a login, and then have access to only the tech rooms like JavaScript, et cetera. So, let's set up a namespace first. So go into your server code, so the index.js, and what I want you to do, it's going to be very simple to create a namespace, and I'm going to comment on it. Tech namespace And you can create more than one namespace. Figure 6.1: C# 6.3 WORKING WITH DIRECTORIES AND FILES The SunOS command line is used to manipulate files and directories. You type in the file and directory names in conjunction with SunOS commands to carry out specific operations. This is different than using the Open Windows File Manager, where files are displayed as icons that can be clicked on and moved, and commands are selected from menus. This chapter introduces you to the concepts and procedures used to work with files and directories from the SunOS command line. These operations apply to any SunOS command line, whether you are using a Shell or Command Tool in the Open Windows environment or are logged in from a remote terminal. To fully make use of the SunOS operating system it is essential for you to understand the concepts presented in this chapter.  Documents--These include text files, such as letters or reports, computer source code, or anything else that you write and want to save. 111 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

 Commands--Most commands are executable files; that is, they are files you can execute to run a particular program. For example, the date command that you saw in the previous chapter, which executes a program that provides the current date, is an executable file.  Devices--Your terminal, printer, and disk drive are all treated as files.  Directories--A directory is simply a file that contains other files. The following section explains the commands available for creating, listing, copying, moving, and deleting files. You'll also see how to list the contents of a file and how to determine the nature of a file. All the stored information on a UNIX computer is kept in a file system. Any time you initiate a shell login session, the shell considers you to be located somewhere within a file system. Although it may seem strange to be \"located\" somewhere in a computer's file system, the concept is not so different from real life. After all, you can't just be, you must be somewhere. The place in the filesystem tree where you are located is called the current working directory. CONCEPT: The UNIXfile system is hierarchical (resembling a tree structure). The tree is anchored at a place called the root, designated by a slash \"/\". Every item in the Unix filesystem tree is either a file, or a directory. A directory is like a container. A directory can contain files, and other directories. A directory contained within another is called the child of the other. A directory in the filesystem tree may have many children, but it can only have one parent. A file can hold information, but cannot contain other files, or directories. Alternatively, under Multiuser DOS and DR-DOS 7.02 and higher, various internal and external commands support a parameter /B. This modifies the output of commands to become suitable for direct command line input or usage as a parameter for other commands (using it as input for another command). Where CHDIR would issue a directory path like C:\\DOS, a command like CHDIR /B would issue CHDIR C:\\DOS instead, so that CHDIR /B > RETDIR.BAT would create a temporary batchjob allowing to return to this directory later. The working directory is also displayed by the $Ptoken of the PROMPT command. To keep the prompt short even inside of deep subdirectory structures, the DR-DOS 7.07 COMMAND.COM supports a $W token to display only the deepest subdirectory level. So, where a default PROMPT $P$G would result F.E. in C:\\DOS> or C:\\DOS\\DRDOS>, a PROMPT $N: $W$G would instead yield C: DOS> and C: DRDOS>, respectively. A similar facility was added to 4DOS as well. Under DOS, the absolute paths of the working directories of all volumes are internally stored in an array-like data structure called the Current Directory Structure, which gets dynamically allocated at boot time to hold the necessary number of slots for all drives (or as defined by LASTDRIVE. 112 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

6.4 READ AND WRITE FILE Python provides inbuilt functions for creating, writing, and reading files. There are two types of files that can be handled in python, normal text files and binary. Text files: In this type of file, each line of text is terminated with a special character called EOL, which is the new line character (‘\\n’) in python by default.  Binary files: In this type of file, there is no terminator for a line and the data is stored after converting it into machine understandable binary language. Access modes govern the type of operations possible in the opened file. It refers to how the file will be used once its opened. These modes also define the location of the File Handle in the file. File handle is like a cursor, which defines from where the data must be read or written in the file. There are 6 access modes in python.  Read only (‘r’): Open text file for reading. The handle is positioned at the beginning of the file. If the file does not exist, raises I/O error. This is also the default mode in which file is opened.  Read and Write (‘r+’): Open the file for reading and writing. The handle is positioned at the beginning of the file. Raises I/O error if the file does not exist.  Write Only (‘w’): Open the file for writing. For existing file, the data is truncated and over-written. The handle is positioned at the beginning of the file. Creates the file if the file does not exist.  Write and Read (‘w+’): Open the file for reading and writing. For existing file, data is truncated and over-written. The handle is positioned at the beginning of the file.  Append only (‘a’): Open the file for writing. The file is created if it does not exist. The handle is positioned at the end of the file. The data being written will be inserted at the end, after the existing data.  Append and Read (‘a+’): Open the file for reading and writing. The file is created if it does not exist. The handle is positioned at the end of the file. The data being written will be inserted at the end, after the existing data. 6.5 STREAM READER AND STREAM WRITER CLASSES Stream Reader and Stream Writer are found in the System.IO namespace. Both classes are useful when you want to read or write character-based data. Both classes deal with Unicode characters. Stream Reader derives from the Abstract class \"Text Reader\" and Stream Writer derives from \"Text Writer”. For estimating measurement error between repeated measurements, minimal detectable change, or so-called “smallest real difference”, is proposed. The MDC is the smallest threshold of change scores that are detectable and beyond random error at a certain level of confidence. Both clinicians and researchers can use the 113 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

MDC as a threshold to determine whether the changed score on a measure of an individual patient has reached a real improvement or is due to the measurement error. Thus, the MDC of a measure is critical to interpret data in clinical or research settings. The Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement measure was developed to evaluate the motor and basic mobility function of patients after stroke. The STREAM has 3 10-item subscales, including upper-limb movements, lower limb movements, and mobility subscales. To improve the efficiency of administration, the 15-item Simplified STREAM was developed with sufficient psychometric properties. These observations indicate that the S-STREAM shows promise in measuring motor and mobility deficits for patients with stroke. However, the MDC of the S-STREAM is largely unknown; a defect which limits its utility. The purpose of this study was to estimate the MDC of the 3 subscales of the S-STREAM in patients after stroke, using a commonly- used confidence level at 95% for the MDC. We estimated the MDCs of the S-STREAM administered by a single ratherand by different rather. In addition, we examined the test-retest agreement and inter-rather agreement of the S-STREAM. Motor and mobility deficits are common in patients after stroke and seriously interfere with their activities of daily living. Although several measures are available to assess the motor and mobility function of patients with stroke, the measurement error of the measures remains largely unknown, thus limiting their interpretability Inter-rather approach. The data were obtained from a previous study examining inter-rater reliability of the STREAM. Patients who met the diagnosis of cerebral haemorrhage or cerebral infarction and were admitted to the Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at a hospital in Taiwan were recruited using the same criteria as those in the test-retest except for the first criterion. All participants gave informed consent prior to their inclusion in the study. Demographic and diagnostic information about participants was collected from medical records. Test-retest approach The STREAM was administered by a trained rater twice at an interval of 1–2 weeks to patients in stable conditions in each of the 2 hospitals. To ensure that the patients’ conditions were stable during the study periods, we excluded patients who developed recurrent strokes or other medical conditions that might result in patients’ poorer performances in motor or mobility function during the test-retest periods. Inter-rater approach The STREAM was administered to the same patient by 2 physical therapists in a random order in the same physical environment within a 2-day period. The 2-day period was established to minimize the effect of a possible spontaneous recovery, a confounding variable that could affect the result. Both physical therapists were blinded to the results of each other’s assessments during the study period. Prior to the study, the raters familiarized themselves with the STREAM and its clinical application. Both raters reviewed the original literature describing the test and received 2 h of in-service training on the administration of the measure. To improve the raters’ efficiency, we asked both raters to use this measure daily in their clinical practice for at least one week before participating in the study. Measure The 15- 114 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

item S-STREAM was developed based on the original 30-item STREAM, expert opinions and Rasch analysis. The 15 items are equally distributed among the 3 subscales and are listed in Appendix I. The limb movement items are scored on a 3-point scale (0 = unable to perform the test movement, 1 = able to perform the test movement only partially, and 2 = able to complete the test movement). Mobility items are scored on a 4-point scale (0 = unable to perform the test movement, 1 = able to perform the test movement only partially, 2 = able to complete the test movement with a mobility aid, and 3 = able to complete the test movement without an aid). Furthermore, the ordinary raw scores of the S-STREAM can be transformed into interval Rasch scores using a computer program. For easier interpretation, the possible Rasch score of each subscale was further transformed to 0–100. Higher scores indicate better performance. The Barthel Index was used to indicate ADL function in our participants. The BI has 10 items of fundamental ADL: feeding, grooming, bathing, dressing, bowel and bladder care, toilet use, ambulation, transfer, and stair climbing. The total score ranges from 0 to 20, with higher scores implying greater independence in basic ADL function. The reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the BI in patients after stroke are well validated. 6.6 SUMMARY  A total of 54 patients after stroke were recruited to this study. Their mean age was approximately 60 years, and 56% were male. The median length of time after stroke onset of these subjects was approximately 75 days, which indicates that they were in the sub-acute stage. The BI scores indicate that most of the patients had moderate disability. It shows the Rasch transformed scores of the SSTREAM of the 54 patients rated twice by the 2 raters. The mean differences of the Rasch transformed scores were 2.1, 4.6 and 3.1 points for the upper-limb subscale, lower-limb subscale, and mobility subscale, respectively. The MDCs were 18.5, 18.0 and 16.6 points, correspondingly, indicating acceptable random measurement errors.  In clinical settings, evaluations of a patient’s condition are routinely administered every week to every 2 weeks. A therapist evaluates the progress and modifies a treatment programme based on the results of evaluations. Because random errors exist in any kind of measurement, however, a difference in evaluations of characteristics could be viewed as a real change only when it is beyond the range of random error. In the test-retest study, we found that the MDCs of the 3 subscales were 13.5, 13.2 and 12.5 points for the upper-limb movement subscale, lower-limb movement subscale, and mobility subscale, respectively.  This finding means that only a change between 2 concessive measurements rated by a same rater greater than 13.5 points can be interpreted with 95% certainty as a real change. Furthermore, the MDC can be viewed as the safest threshold for identifying statistically significant individual changes. 115 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

 A score variation of a measure on an individual patient between concessive measurements greater than the MDC can be regarded as a change with statistical significance. Accordingly, we can use the MDC to determine whether an individual patient has made a significant improvement in clinical settings. The MDC can be modified for a group comparison (for research purposes), depending on the size of the group (n), as follows: MDCgroup= MDCindividual ÷ √n However, in research contexts, the MDCgroup is seldom a concern if the sample size of a study is substantial. For example, if the MDCindividual for the upper-limb movement subscale is 13.5 points, the MDCgroup will be 2.4 which are too small to be a concern.  A researcher can use MDCindividual as a threshold to present the proportion of the study group that achieves a real change. Researchers usually report the mean difference of the study group regarding the changes. However, these results are always confusing to clinicians because they do not guarantee that all the patients have achieved significant improvement. Even though the mean changes within a study group are significant, the individual change of a substantial proportion of the study group might not achieve MDCindividual.  Thus, reporting the proportion of patients who have achieved improvement beyond MDCindividual helps researchers translate research findings into clinical contexts. The ICC represents the extent of consistency between 2 assessments. We found that ICCs for the test-retest agreement of the 3 subscales of the S-STREAM are high. In addition, the Bland-Altman plots show only small and indistinctive deviations from 0, indicating that no systematic differences in scores emerged between the 2 sessions of assessments. The plots also show that the mean scores of assessments scatter entirely within the ranges of the 3 subscales of the S-STREAM, implying that the subjects have a wide range of motor and mobility deficits.  These results support that the S-STREAM is reliable in monitoring the changes of motor and mobility performances of patients after stroke over time when administered by trained raters. The MDCs of the 3 subscales for inter-rater investigation were 18.5 points for the upper-limb subscale, 18.0 points for the lower-limb subscale, and 16.6 points for the mobility subscale. As expected, the MDCs obtained from the different rates were higher than those obtained from an individual rater. 6.7 KEYWORDS  First, Last, Invert, Play- FLIP is a technique to set up high-performance animations using CSS transforms. To avoid junking animations, start and end position are evaluated during the setup so that the animation doesn't have to do any expensive calculations 116 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

 Flexbox - The Flexible Box Layout Module is an API that provides tools to make web content responsive. Flexbox provides an efficient way to lay out, align, and distribute space among items in a container, even when their size is unknown and/or dynamic. The API allows the rapid creation of complex, flexible layouts, and features that have historically proved difficult with CSS.  Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure- HTTPS is a protocol in which the connection between the server and client is encrypted, helping to protect users' information and prevent tampering. APIs such as the Service Worker, Google Maps API, and File API must be served over HTTPS. HTTPS is implemented using the Transport Layer Security protocol. Although TLS supersedes Secure Sockets Layer, it is often referred to as SSL.  Lifecycle Callback- Every Custom Element has a set of built-in lifecycle callbacks, or \"reactions\" that are called when the element is added/removed from the page or has an attribute mutated.  Lighthouse - Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. You can run it against any web page, public or requiring authentication. It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, and more. 6.8 LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Create a session on Working with Directories and Files. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Create a survey on File Handling. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6.9 UNIT END QUESTIONS A. Descriptive Questions Short Questions 1. What are Program files? 2. What are Data Files? 3. Describe the term JPEG. 4. Define the term PNG. 5. Write the meaning of Raster? 117 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Long Questions 1. Explain the IO Namespace? 2. Explain the Working with Directories and Files? 3. Illustrate the Read and Write File. 4. Elaborate the Stream Reader and Stream Writer Classes. 5. Discuss on the advantages of Stream Reader. B. Multiple Choice Questions 1. Select the right option for the statement, CLR is the .NET equivalent of. a. Java Virtual Machine b. Common Language Runtime c. Common Type System d. Common Language Specification 2. Select the right option for the statement, the CLR is physically represented by an assembly named. a. Mscoree.dll b. Mcoree.dll c. Msoree.dll d. Mscor.dll 3. What do SOAP standfor? a. Simple Object Access Program b. Simple Object Access Protocol c. Simple Object Application Protocol d. Simple Object Account Protocol 4. What are the variables are visible only in the block they are declared? a. System b. Global c. Local d. Console 5. C# does not support which constructors? 118 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

a. Parameterized b. parameter-less c. Class d. Method Answers 1-a, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c, 5-b 6.10 REFERENCES Book References  Ibrahim Zeid, 1991, “CAD/CAM theory and practice”, McGraw-Hill, Inc, ISBN 0- 07-072857-7, New York.  Kamal Youcef-Toumi, 2006, “Assembly feature design in an augmented reality environment”, Assembly Automation 26.  Brancalion, P. H. S., Lamb, D., Ceccon, E., Boucher, D., Herbohn, J., Strassburg, B., & Edwards, D. P. (2017). Using markets to leverage investment in forest and landscape restoration in the tropics. Forest Policy and Economics,  Zha X.F. and Du H., 2002, “A PDES/STEP-based model and system for concurrent integrated design and assembly planning”, Computer-aided Design 34, pp. 1087- 1110.  N. Shyamsundar and Rajit Gadh, 2001, “Internet based collaborative product design with assembly features and virtual design spaces”.  Raymond Chun Wai Sung, 2001, “Automatic Assembly Feature Recognition and Disassembly Sequence Generation”, PhD thesis, Department of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. E-References  file:///C:/Users/Sony/Downloads/The_minimal_detectable_change_of_the_simplified _st.pdf  _of_the_simplified_stroke_rehabilitation_assessment_of_movement_measure/link/0f 317531ee52cd3caa000000/download  119 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

UNIT 7: WINDOWS FORMS AND CONTROLS 120 STRUCTURE 7.0 Learning Objectives 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Control Class 7.2.1 Buttons 7.2.2 Text Boxes 7.2.3 Labels 7.2.4 Literals 7.2.5 Image Controls 7.2.6 Picture Box Control 7.2.7 Panel Control 7.2.8 Combo Box Control 7.2.9 List Boxes 7.2.10 Dropdown Lists 7.2.11 Date Time Picker Control 7.2.12 Link Labels 7.2.13 Check Box Lists 7.2.14 Radio Buttons 7.2.15 Radio Button Lists 7.2.16 Rich Text Box Control 7.2.17 Tab Control 7.2.18 Tool Strip Control 7.2.19 Menu Strip Control 7.2.20 Progress Bar 7.3 Summary 7.4 Keywords 7.5 Learning Activity 7.6 Unit End Questions CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

7.7 References 7.0 LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this unit, you will be able to:  Describe the concept of Picture Box Control.  Illustrate the concept of Combo Box Control.  Explain the concept of Radio Buttons. 7.1 INTRODUCTION Microsoft Windows, commonly referred to asWindows, is a group of severalproprietarygraphicaloperating systemfamilies, all of which are developed and marketed byMicrosoft. Each family caters to a certain sector of the computing industry. Active Microsoft Windows families include Windows NT and Windows IOT; these may encompass subfamilies. Defunct Microsoft Windows families include Windows 9x, Windows Mobile and Windows Phone. Microsoft introduced an operating environment named Windows on November 20, 1985, as a graphical operating system shell for MS-DOS in response to the growing interest in graphical user interfaces. Microsoft Windows came to dominate the world's personal computer market with over 90% market share, overtaking Mac OS, which had been introduced in 1984. Apple came to see Windows as an unfair encroachment on their innovation in GUI development as implemented on products such as the Lisa and On PCs, Windows is still the most popular operating system in all countries. However, in 2014, Microsoft admitted losing the majority of the overall operating system market to Android, because of the massive growth in sales of Android smartphones. In 2014, the number of Windows devices sold was less than 25% that of Android devices sold. This comparison, however, may not be fully relevant, as the two operating systems traditionally target different platforms. Still, numbers for server use of Windows show one third market share, like that for end user use. As of May 2021, the most recent version of Windows for PCs, tablets and embedded devices is Windows 10, version 21H1. The most recent version for server computers is Windows Server 2022, version 21H2. A specialized version of Windows also runs on the Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S video game consoles. The history of Windows dates to 1981 when Microsoft started work on a program called \"Interface Manager\". It was announced in November 1983 under the name \"Windows\", but Windows 1.0 was not released until November 1985.Windows 1.0 was to compete with Apple's operating system but achieved little popularity. Windows 1.0 is not a complete operating system; rather, it extends MS-DOS. The shell of Windows 1.0 is a program known 121 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

as the MS-DOS Executive. Components included Calculator, Calendar, Cardfile, Clipboard Viewer, Clock, Control Panel, Notepad, Paint, Reversi, Terminal and Write. Windows 1.0 does not allow overlapping windows. Instead, all windows are tiled. Only modal dialog boxes may appear over other windows. Microsoft sold as included Windows Development libraries with the C development environment, which included numerous windows samples. Windows 2.0 was released in December 1987 and was more popular than its predecessor. It features several improvements to the user interface and memory management. Windows 2.03 changed the OS from tiled windows to overlapping windows. The result of this change led to Apple Computer filing a suit against Microsoft alleging infringement on Apple's copyrights. Windows 2.0 also introduced more sophisticated keyboard shortcuts and could make use of expanded memory. Windows 2.1 was released in two different versions: Windows/286 and Windows/386. Windows/386 uses the virtual 8086 mode of the Intel 80386 to multitask several DOS programs and the paged memory model to emulate expanded memory using available extended memory. Windows/286, in spite of its name, runs on both Intel 8086 and Intel 80286 processors. It runs in real mode but can make use of the high memory area. In addition to full Windows-packages, there were runtime-only versions that shipped with early Windows software from third parties and made it possible to run their Windows software on MS-DOS and without the full Windows feature set. The early versions of Windows are often thought of as graphical shells, mostly because they ran on top of MS-DOS and use it for file system services. However, even the earliest Windows versions already assumed many typical operating system functions; notably, having their own executable file format and providing their own device drivers. Unlike MS-DOS, Windows allowed users to execute multiple graphical applications at the same time, through cooperative multitasking. Windows implemented an elaborate, segment-based, software virtual memory scheme, which allows it to run applications larger than available memory: code segments and resources are swapped in and thrown away when memory became scarce; data segments moved in memory when a given application had relinquished processor control. Windows 3.0, released in 1990, improved the design, mostly because of virtual memory and loadable virtual device drivers that allow Windows to share arbitrary devices between multi- tasked DOS applications.Windows 3.0 applications can run in protected mode, which gives them access to several megabytes of memory without the obligation to participate in the software virtual memory scheme. They run inside the same address space, where the segmented memory provides a degree of protection. Windows 3.0 also featured improvements to the user interface. Microsoft rewrote critical operations 122 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

from C into assembly. Windows 3.0 is the first Microsoft Windows version to achieve broad commercial success, selling 2 million copies in the first six months. Windows 3.1, made generally available on March 1, 1992, featured a facelift. In August 1993, Windows for Workgroups, a special version with integrated peer-to-peer networking features and a version number of 3.11, was released. It was sold along with Windows 3.1. Support for Windows 3.1 ended on December 31, 2001. Windows 3.2, released 1994, is an updated version of the Chinese version of Windows 3.1. The update was limited to this language version, as it fixed only issues related to the complex writing system of the Chinese language. Windows 3.2 was generally sold by computer manufacturers with a ten-disk version of MS-DOS that also had Simplified Chinese characters in basic output and some translated utilities. The next major consumer-oriented release of Windows, Windows 95, was released on August 24, 1995. While still remaining MS-DOS-based, Windows 95 introduced support for native 32-bit applications, plug and play hardware, pre-emptive multitasking, long file names of up to 255 characters, and provided increased stability over its predecessors. Windows 95 also introduced a redesigned, object oriented user interface, replacing the previous Program Manager with the Start menu, taskbar, and Windows Explorer shell. Windows 95 was a major commercial success for Microsoft; Ina Fried of CNET remarked that \"by the time Windows 95 was finally ushered off the market in 2001, it had become a fixture on computer desktops around the world.\"Microsoft published four OEM Service Releases of Windows 95, each of which was roughly equivalent to a service pack. The first OSR of Windows 95 was also the first version of Windows to be bundled with Microsoft's web browser, Internet Explorer. Mainstream support for Windows 95 ended on December 31, 2000, and extended support for Windows 95 ended on December 31, 2001. Windows 95 was followed up with the release of Windows 98 on June 25, 1998, which introduced the Windows Driver Model, support for USB composite devices, support for ACPI, hibernation, and support for multi-monitor configurations. Windows 98 also included integration with Internet Explorer 4 through Active Desktop and other aspects of the Windows Desktop Update . In May 1999, Microsoft released Windows 98 Second Edition, an updated version of Windows 98. Windows 98 SE added Internet Explorer 5.0 and Windows Media Player 6.2 amongst other upgrades. Mainstream support for Windows 98 ended on June 30, 2002, and extended support for Windows 98 ended on July 11, 2006. On September 14, 2000, Microsoft released Windows Me, the last DOS-based version of Windows. Windows Me incorporated visual interface enhancements from its Windows NT- based counterpart Windows 2000, had faster boot times than previous versions, expanded multimedia functionality (including Windows Media Player 7, Windows Movie Maker, and the Windows Image Acquisition framework for retrieving images from 123 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

scanners and digital cameras), additional system utilities such as System File Protection and System Restore, and updated home networking tools. However, Windows Me was faced with criticism for its speed and instability, along with hardware compatibility issues and its removal of real mode DOS support. PC World considered Windows Me to be one of the worst operating systems Microsoft had ever released, and the 4th worst tech product of all time In November 1988, a new development team within Microsoft began work on a revamped version of IBM and Microsoft's OS/2 operating system known as \"NT OS/2\". NT OS/2 was intended to be a secure, multi-user operating system with POSIX compatibility and a modular, portable kernel with pre-emptive multitasking and support for multiple processor architectures. However, following the successful release of Windows 3.0, the NT development team decided to rework the project to use an extended 32-bit port of the Windows API known as Win32 instead of those of OS/2. Win32 maintained a similar structure to the Windows APIs , but also supported the capabilities of the existing NT kernel. Following its approval by Microsoft's staff, development continued what was now Windows NT, the first 32-bit version of Windows. However, IBM objected to the changes, and ultimately continued OS/2 development on its own. Windows NT was the first Windows operating system based on a hybrid kernel. The hybrid kernel was designed as a modified microkernel, influenced by the Mach microkernel developed by Richard Rashid at Carnegie Mellon University, but without meeting all of the criteria of a pure microkernel. The first release of the resulting operating system, Windows NT 3.1 was released in July 1993, with versions for desktop workstations and servers. Windows NT 3.5 was released in September 1994, focusing on performance improvements and support for Novell's NetWare, and was followed up by Windows NT 3.51 in May 1995, which included additional improvements and support for the PowerPC architecture. Windows NT 4.0 was released in June 1996, introducing the redesigned interface of Windows 95 to the NT series. On February 17, 2000, Microsoft released Windows 2000, a successor to NT 4.0. The Windows NT name was dropped at this point to put a greater focus on the Windows brand. 7.2 CONTROL CLASS Organizational control is broadly understood as the methods and processes used to determine what to do and how to do it in organizations. The entry presents five main types of control. Direct control is based on personal surveillance and thus concerns face-to-face orders from one person to another about what to do and how to do it. Technical control is when technology such as the assembly line guides the work. Under bureaucratic control, behaviour is guided through rules and regulations. All these forms of control target behaviour. Under output control, however, the employees’ output is the target. Instead of controlling behaviour, output control allows for a variety of behavioursif the desired output is produced. Normative 124 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

control, in turn, targets the norms of the employees, attempting to affect what is good and bad, valuable, and desirable. Communication scholars have theorized control as a communicative act andhave contributed to the understanding of normative forms of control. Organizational control is broadly understood as the methods and processes used to determine what to do and how to do it in organizations. Often, organizational control is assumed to be managerial that is, the methods and processes are assumed to be executed and designed by managers. Although this is the most common way of thinking about control in organizations, this entry embraces a broader understanding, allowing for not only managers but also other employees, artefacts, or structures outside the organization to be sources of control. A well- established classification of control methods makes a distinction between direct, technical, bureaucratic, output based, and normative forms of. Direct control is based on personal surveillance and thus concerns face-to-face orders from one person to another about what to do and how to do it. Technical control is when technology does the same job. Under bureaucratic control, authority resides in rules and regulations which guide behaviour. All these forms of control have the same target: the behaviour of the employees of an organization. Under output control, however, the target is shifted to the employees’ output. Instead of controlling behaviour, output control allows for a variety of behavioursif the desired output is achieved. Output control may be exerted, for example, by setting production or profitability goals. Normative control changes the target of control again, this time to the norms of the employees. By attempting to affect what is good and bad, valuable, and desirable, organizations influence their members through normative control. For a summary of these five forms of control, Theories of organizational control have influenced organizational communication scholarship. It was when theorization moved toward normative control that communication scholars started to get involved. Therefore, they have contributed mainly to the understanding of this type of control, for instance through DEETZ’S work on control by consent and normalization; Barker’s development of “CONCERTIVE CONTROL,” which is a form of normative control in teams; and Tompkins and Cheney’s work on identification as unobtrusive control and a means to foster acceptance of organizational norms and premises. But in addition to these specific contributions, there is a clear communicative element in nearly all forms of control. This is obvious in direct control, where there is face-to face communication between superiors and subordinates: directives are given and monitored, and feedback is provided. But communication is also necessary to ensure that people know how to use the technology, follow rules, and understand norms in technical, bureaucratic, and normative control. Thus, communication plays an important role in the process of inculcating the rules and norms of the. Although all the forms of control listed above exist and have always existed in most organizations, there is an element of chronology in the sense that the emphasis has moved from direct control via technical, bureaucratic, and output control toward normative control. This chronology is reflected in the more detailed outline of the 125 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

control forms in the following. Note, however, that although the control forms are presented individually, they tend to coexist and interact in most organizations. Probably the best-known reference to direct control is Taylor’s The Principles of Scientific Management. Taylor prescribes a very clear division of labour between managers who conceive of and control work, and workers who execute it. Managers are expected to describe in detail what workers should do and how they should do it Direct control dominated organizations in the early years of industrialization, when enterprises were relatively small and had not yet developed extensive machinery or systems of rules or norms. Control was thus exercised openly, and authority resided in the person of the manager or the foreman as he was typically named. Direct control was common in railroad construction, for example. Typically, a foreman was the head of a team of workers and controlled their work directly. The control relationship was thus personal and direct, and depended greatly on the ability of the foreman to make the workers comply with his orders. When there was conflict and resistance, the foreman had rather limited organizational resources to draw on, and therefore often had to rely on personal authority and even physical strength to control the workers. When organizations grew and became factories, the foremen became managers and could rely more on their position for exerting control. The direct relationship between managers and workers remained, however. In factories influenced by scientific management, managers gave instructions on what to do and how to do it, monitored workers’ behaviour, timed and analyzed their performance, and altered the instructions in search of efficiency. Direct control was, and is, associated with several problems. From a critical point of view, this type of detailed control may alienate and reduce humans to machines that can be programmed and reprogrammed at the will of management. Put differently, it may be seen as inhumane to be controlled according to the principles of scientific management. From an efficiency point of view, direct control is often perceived as obtrusive and therefore tends to demotivate workers and give rise to resistance. Also, direct control is labour intensive because it requires many managers; and in large organizations, reliance on direct control is risky for owners because it depends very much on the competence and loyalty of the managers. Probably because of this efficiency related issues, in combination with technological advancement, more structural forms of control developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 7.2.1 Buttons The objective of this technique is to provide a mechanism that allows users to explicitly request a change of context using the submit-form action in a PDF form. The intended use of a submit button is to generate an HTTP request that submits data entered in a form, so it is an appropriate control to use for causing a change of context. In PDF documents, submit buttons are normally implemented using a tool for authoring PDF. 126 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Examples 1 and 2 demonstrate how to add a submit button using specific authoring tools. There are other PDF tools that perform similar functions. Check the functionality provided by PDF Authoring Tools that Provide Accessibility Support. Navigation buttons have a couple of advantages over using links. First, buttons can be assigned icon appearances. If your document background design doesn't have an iconsuch as an arrow or some other image where a user intuitively understands that a mouse click moves forward/back, you can add a button face to Button fields. Second, Button fields can be duplicated across a range of pages. If you use Acrobat Standard, you're stuck with links where no icons or text can be added to the link appearance, and the links need to be created on each individual page. That may be quite tedious if your PDF document contains many pages. 1. Create a Button field. Open the Forms toolbar and select the Button tool. Draw a rectangle around a background element, such as an arrow or pointer, if you created the PDF with such image elements. 2. Name the Button field in the Button Properties dialog box. I like to use goNext for buttons that advance forward a page and go PREV that move to previous pages. Try to avoid using the default names for fields that Acrobat provides and supply a name that suggests what a button field does. 3. Set the Options. If you don't have a background design on a page that you want to use for page navigation, click the Options tab and add a button face to the button. Note that you can add a label and image, or both in the Button Options tab. If using a background element designed in the authoring program before the file was converted to PDF, skip this step. 4. Add an Action. Click the Actions tab and choose Execute a menu item from the Select Action pull-down menu. Click Add and the Menu Item dialog box opens. Select View>Go To>Next Page as shown in Figure 1. 127 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Figure 7.1: Menu Item 7.2.2 Text Boxes A text box, text field or text entry box is a control element of a graphical user interface that should enable the user to input text information to be used by a program. Human Interface Guidelines recommend a single-line text box when only one line of input is required and a multi-line text box only if more than one line of input may be required. Non-editable text boxes can serve the purpose of simply displaying text. A typical text box is a rectangle of any size, possibly with a border that separates the text box from the rest of the interface. Text boxes may contain zero, one, or two scrollbars. Text boxes 128 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

usually display a text cursor, indicating the current region of text being edited. It is common for the mouse cursor to change its shape when it hovers over a text box.  Change the caret position by clicking the desired point with a mouse cursor.  Select a portion of text by pressing the main mouse button while pointing the cursor at one end of the desired part of the text and dragging the cursor to the other end while holding the button pressed.  Using the keyboard:  Pressing arrow keys changes caret position by one character or.  Pressing Home / End keys or Command-left arrow / Command-right arrow moves the caret to the beginning / end of the line.  Pressing Page Up / Down moves the caret a page backward / forward or moves the scrollbar thumb a page backward / forward without changing the caret position  Holding the Ctrl key while pressing arrow keys or Home / End keys makes the caret move at larger steps, e.g., words, paragraphs, or beginning / end of document.  Holding the Option key while pressing arrows moves the caret whole words or paragraphs.  Holding the Command key while pressing up or down arrows or Holding the Ctrl key while pressing home / end moves the caret to the beginning or end of the document.  Holding the shift key while changing the caret position with a mouse or keyboard selects the text between the caret position from when shift was first pressed and its current position.  Pressing Control-A|Ctrl+A selects all text. 7.2.3 Labels A label is a piece of paper, plastic film, cloth, metal, or other material affixed to a container or product, on which is written or printed information or symbols about the product or item. Information printed directly on a container or article can also be considered labelling. Labels have many uses, including promotion and providing information on a product's origin, manufacturer, use, shelf-life, and disposal, some, or all of which may be governed by legislation such as that for food in the UK or United States. Methods of production and attachment to packaging are many and various and may also be subject to internationally recognised standards. In many countries, hazardous products such as poisons or flammable liquids must have a warning label. 129 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

 Notebook labels are mainly used for identifying the owner and purpose of the notebook. Some information on a label may include name, contents, and date started.  Piggyback labels are made from combining two layers of adhesive substrate. The bottom layer forms the backing for the top. The label can be applied to any object as normal; the top layer can be a removable label that can be applied elsewhere, which may change the message or marking on the remaining label underneath. Often used on Express mail envelopes. Other applications include price change labels where when being scanned at the till, the till assistant can peel back the price-reduction label and scan the original barcode enabling stock flow management. These labels are also seen on magazine subscription renewals, allowing customers to re-subscribe to the magazine with an easy peel and stick label sent back. Also, as the retained label is adhesive free it prevents customers from re-applying the cheaper priced labels to premium products.  Smart labels have RFID chips embedded under the label stock.  Block out labels are not see-through at all, concealing what lies underneath with a strong gray adhesive.  Radioactive labels. The use of radioactive isotopes of chemical elements, such as carbon-14, to allow the in vivo tracking of chemical compounds.  Laser or printer labels are generally die cut on 8.5\" x 11\" or A4 sized sheets, and come in many different shapes, sizes,[9] formats and materials. Laser label material is a nonporous stock made to withstand the intense heat of laser printers and copiers. A drawback of laser labels is that the entire sheet needs to be printed before any labels are used; once labels have been removed the sheet cannot be put through the printer again without damaging the printing mechanism. Inkjet label material is a porous stock made to accept ink and dye from an inkjet printer. One of the more modern inkjet label material stocks is waterproof printable inkjet material commonly used for soap or shower gel containers.  Security labels are used for anti-counterfeiting, brand protection, tamper-evident seals and anti-pilferage seals. These combine several overt and covert features to make reproduction difficult.  The use of security printing, holography, embossing, barcodes, RFID chips, custom printing and weak (or weakened) backings is common. They are used for authentication, theft reduction, and protection against counterfeit and are commonly used on ID cards, credit cards, packaging, and products from CDs to electronics to clothing. 130 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

 Antimicrobial labels. With the growth in hospital acquired infections such as MRSA and E-Coli the use of antimicrobial labels in infection sensitive areas of hospitals are helping in combating these types of microbes.  Fold-out labels, also known as booklet, multi-page, multi-layer, or extended labels, (combined label + leaflet). Where the pack is not large enough for a single label to carry all the required information, fold-out labels are often preferred to separate leaflets, which can easily be lost. These labels are frequently seen on agricultural chemicals and consumer pharmaceuticals.  Barcode labels a large proportion of labels produced today carry barcodes, either for product identification, for traceability in items such as freight packages, and on items requiring brand authentication and protection. There are many different formats of barcodes found on labels, but one of the most distributed formats is the. This is the code used to identify retail products worldwide and is found on almost all consumer level packaging labels.  Shrink Sleeve labels provide full 360-degree coverage on a container or bottle. Polyvinyl chloride and Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol-modified are two commonly used shrink sleeve materials. Shrink sleeves can be applied to uniquely shaped bottles or standard containers and can be printed with metallic features, textured/raised features, UV inks, and Matte or Glossy texture finishes. 7.2.4 Literals In computer science, a literal is a notation for representing a fixed value in source code. Almost all programming languages have notations for atomic values such as integers, floating-point numbers, and strings, and usually for Booleans and characters; some also have notations for elements of enumerated types and compound values such as arrays, records, and objects. An anonymous function is a literal for the function type. In contrast to literals, variables or constants are symbols that can take on one of a class of fixed values; the constant being constrained not to change. Literals are often used to initialize variables, for example, in the following, 1 is an integer literal and the three-letter string in \"cat\" is a string literal: Use the text literal notation to specify values whenever 'string' or appears in the syntax of expressions, conditions, SQL functions, and SQL statements in other parts of this reference. This reference uses the terms text literal, character literal, and string interchangeably. Text, character, and string literals are always surrounded by single quotation marks. If the syntax uses the term char, you can specify a text literal or another expression that resolves to character data for example, the last, name column of the HR. EMPLOYEEStable. When char appears in the syntax, the single quotation marks are not used. 131 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

7.2.5 Image Controls The need to increase quality of products, forces manufacturers to increase the level of control on finished and semi-finished parts, both qualitatively and quantitatively, The adoption of optical systems based on digital image processing is an effective instrument, not only for increasing repeatability and reliability of controls, but also for obtaining many information that help the easily management of production processes. Furthermore, the use of this technology may reduce considerably the total amount of time needed for quality control, increasing at the same time the number of inspected components; when image acquisition and post-processing are feasible in real time, the whole production can be controlled. In this chapter we describe some quality control experiences carried out by means of a cheap but versatile optical system, designed, and realized for non-contact inspection of injection moulded parts. First, system architecture will be showed, describing components characteristics and software procedures that will be used in all the following applications, such as calibration, image alignment and parameter setting. Then, some case studies of dimensional control will be presented. The aim of this application is to identify and measure the main dimensional features of the components, such as overall size, edges length, whole diameters, and so on. Of interests, is the use of digital images for evaluation of complex shapes and dimension, where the distances to be measured are function of a combination of several geometric entities, making the use of standard instrument not possible. At the same time, methods used for image processing will be presented. Moreover, a description of system performances, related to quality product requirements will be presented. Second application examines the possibility to identify and quantify the entity of burrs. The case of a cylindrical batcher for soap, in which its effective cross-sectional area must be measured will be showed, together with a case study in which burrs presence could bring to incorrect assembly or functionality of the component. Threshold and image subtraction techniques, used in this application will be illustrated together with the big number of information useful to manage production process. Third, it will be presented a possible solution to the problem of identifying general shape defects caused by lacks filling or anomalous shrinkage. Two different approaches will be used, the former that quantifies the general matching of whole images and the latter that inspects smaller areas of interest. Finally, an example of colour intensity determination of plastic parts for aesthetic goods will be presented. This application has the aim to solve the problem of pieces which could appear too dark or too light with respect to a reference one, and to identify defects like undesired striation or black point in the pieces, depending on mixing condition of virgin polymer and master batch pigment, Use of pixel intensity and histograms have been adopted in the development of these procedures. In this section, the hardware and software architecture of the system will be described. The hardware is composed by a camera, a telemetric zoom lens, two lights, a support for manual handling of pieces, and a PC. The camera is a monochromatic camera with a CCD sensor. The sensor size is 1/1.8”, and its resolution is 1624 x 1234 pixel, with a pixel dimension of 4, 132 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

4ΜM, a colour depth of 8 bit and a maximum frame rate of 14 fps at full resolution. The choice of a CCD sensor increases image quality, reducing noise in the acquisition phase and the high-resolution leads to an acceptable spatial resolution in all the fields of view here adopted. The optics of the system is constituted by a telecentric zoom lens; the adopted lens is telecentric because it permits to eliminate the perspective error, which is a very useful property if one desires to carry out accurate measurements. The zoom system permits to have different field of view, so the FOV can vary from a minimum of 4, 1 mm to a maximum of 49, 7 mm. The zoom is moved by a stepper driving, and the software can communicate and move it automatically to the desired position. The utility of this function will be clear later when the start-up procedure is explained. The depth of focus varies with the FOV, ranging from 1,3 mm to 38,8 mm; the mentioned camera and lens features bring to a maximum resolution of the system of 0,006 mm and a minimum resolution of 0,033 mm To lights the scene, a back light and a front light were adopted. Both have red light, to minimize external noise and to reduce chromatic aberration. Moreover, they have a coaxial illumination, that illumines surface perpendicularly and increases contrast in the image highlighting edge and shapes and improving the general quality of the image. In figure 1.a the complete system is showed. All the components are managed by a PC, that use specific software developed in Lab View®. Its architecture is reported in figure 1.b. It has a user interface that guides step by step the operator through the procedures for the different controls. So, the operator is called only to choose the application to use, then to load pieces in the work area and to shot photos. Every time he shots, image is acquired and processed, so the result is given almost immediately. If the operator needs to control a production batch, it is also possible to acquire several images consecutively and then post-process all of them exporting global results in an excel file. 7.2.6 Picture Box Control The PictureBox control is used for displaying images on the form. The Image property of the control allows you to set an image both at design time and at run time. Let's create a picture box by dragging a PictureBox control from the Toolbox and dropping it on the form. 133 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Figure 7.2: Picture Box Control Under technical control, authority is no longer vested in the person of the manager but resides in the organization’s physical structure, such as machinery and information technology. The typical example of technical control is the assembly line, where the line replaces the foreman. In other words, instead of a foreman communicating what to do, the line does that job. Several managerial problems were solved through this shift from personal to structural control. The obtrusiveness of direct control was avoided, and the number of managers could be reduced. In addition, some problems of resistance were solved. Under scientific management, Taylor and his disciples had noticed the problem of “soldiering” that is, workers habitually producing less than their capacity to keep requirements down as a way of resisting direct control. Technical control was a solution to this problem because the assembly line set the pace. Technical control was also associated with new managerial problems, however. The assembly line was vulnerable. If a group of workers on the line went on strike, the whole production system stopped. Thus, worker motivation was an issue. But neither direct nor technical control, in their early-20th-century versions, had any mechanisms for motivation; they mainly relied on fear and punishment. In other words, control was exerted through sticks and not carrots. From a critical point of view, the introduction of the assembly line hardly made working conditions better. Working on the line was probably even more inhumane than working under a foreman. Workers increasingly became reduced to cogs in the organizational machinery, and they had little conception of being parts of a larger production process. For example, compare the factory system of producing furniture with the craft system. The craftsperson bought wood and refined it by sawing, carving, filing, and polishing, and putting the pieces together into a chair. He or she could thus conceive of the whole labour process. The factory worker on the line, in contrast, did not have this overview and was not engaged in all the steps; instead, for instance, they placed prefabricated stool legs into predrilled holes in a board that would become the seat of a chair. Because of this 134 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

monotonous and repetitive element, technical control through the assembly line is associated with alienation and deskilling. Technical control may take many shapes and does not necessarily have to be alienating or deskilling, however. Today, information technology is an important source of technical control. IT systems and software participate in organizational control by monitoring us, instructing us, and providing frames for our behaviour. This may be deskilling if we are blindly following the instructions of this technology and disciplining if we are constantly under surveillance. But we are also often working with technology, and it is debatable whether technology should be seen as deskilling, disciplining, constraining, or enabling. 7.2.7 Panel Control When installing a PLC for use in a control panel and for a factory floor application, the total hardware configuration must be considered. Questions such as how the PLC will fit in the panel, what to include, and how to wire it must be considered. Power must be furnished to the components at the correct voltage and sufficient current. The environment of the control panel may need to be considered as well, whether it will need heat or coolant, protection from moisture or other foreign material. Power may be furnished to the control panel at 120 VAC. Voltage may be exposed at terminals if the design is not finger-safe. Other control panels use 24 VDC exclusively. Most student trainer models use 24 VDC since it is much safer for the student to wire I/O without much fear of electrical shock. Trainers used in schools usually have a 24 VDC power supply. Other devices found in control panels and on most trainers are terminal strips, push buttons, pilot lights, switches, a safety disconnect switch, and of course a PLC. Some control panels have a MCR which has the purpose of shutting down the entire panel if the MCR is not engaged. Most trainers and control panels have either fuses or circuit breakers for circuit protection. This chapter discusses several issues to be considered when building the automated control application. Included in the chapter are discussions about wire and voltage type. Interfaces between different control elements are also discussed. Safety is reviewed at the panel level as well as at the project level. Standards for drawing generation and drawing types are included as well as an introduction to the AutoCAD Electrical productivity enhancement program. This voltage is very popular as the control voltage of choice in Europe. Some automakers have adopted 24 VDC in the USA as a standard for control applications since only one maintenance person is initially needed to fix a machine problem. While an electrician and a machine repairman are required with 120 VAC machine problems, low voltage DC requires only one common repairman to fix most down-time problems. With the newer Arc-flash rules in place, 24 VDC has become the dominant voltage for most control circuits. The 115 VAC circuit is soon to be gone. Rules for construction of a control panel were first discussed in Chapter 2 - Ladder Basics. This chapter concentrates on issues that must be considered if the PLC application is to work properly. For example, it is important to consider the temperature inside and outside the control panel housing the PLC. When the panel enclosure is installed, the temperature might 135 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

be in the 70-degree range. However, during a year, many enclosures are subjected to very hot or very cold temperatures causing electronics to potentially fail. If a panel is not adequately heated in northern climates, the electronics will stop working. The panels controlling oil through the Alaska pipeline were not heated. They are very well insulated however, and the heat from the PLC was adequate to keep the PLC and the other enclosure contents running. If one of these PLCs lost power, it was very difficult to re-start the panel since the power supply attached to the PLC would not turn on if the temperature was very low. Electricians used blow torches to heat the panel until the PLC was warm enough to restart. Heat generated from the power supply warmed the electronics inside the panel. Then the door could be closed, and the system restarted Moisture and humidity may be a problem as well. Remember that water condenses at the surface of a wall where hot moist air meets cold dry air. If this occurs, the outside or inside of a panel will sweat and accumulate water. Also, water may enter a panel through conduit from above based on the same condensation process. Use of water barriers helps protect a panel from this situation. Meyer Hubs are a specific type of conduit condensate protection. If a food application is being planned, do not forget the use of water hoses on a panel. The best panel must be well planned to protect from the effects of high-pressure water spray. 7.2.8 Combo Box Control Ground is used as a reference in most PLC systems although un-grounded PLC systems are found in plants using an ungrounded power source. Ungrounded electric control systems are accepted by the National Electric Code as well as grounded systems and are a requirement for the PLC manufacturer to provide adequate wiring constraints for these systems. A common rule for ground lug design is to provide only one location for devices to electrically terminate. Disregarding this rule may set up a loop for grounds. Ground loops are not a good design since currents can travel in ground wires causing changing voltages between ground references. A good practice is to tie all grounds in a panel to one common grounding location and then tie that ground lug to the building ground grid. Remove paint between connectors so that current can flow easily within the grounding system in the panel and to the ground lug. Terminals are used to connect wires in a panel. Usually, one side of the terminal is reserved for field wiring and the other side is for the internal panel wiring. Care must be taken to size all internal wire-duct sufficiently wide and deep enough to fit all wires in the wire duct and to fit all covers on. Terminals may be stacked, jumped, and grounded. However, do not use terminals too small for the electricians' screwdrivers since these individuals may have difficulty successfully terminating the field wires for the PLC panel. Electricians tend to carry small screwdrivers and will terminate most small-gage wire, but it is always courteous to inquire of company preferences prior to final design of a panel. Since wires can carry current of sufficiently high value to induce voltage on adjacent wires, care must be taken to not allow AC and signal DC to lie in parallel panel duct. When these wires cross, they should cross at a 90-degree angle. Also, use surge suppressors on inductive loads to dampen or suppress noise 136 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

in adjacent I/O. The wiring must be drawn as a document for future use. Drawings may be initiated on a drafting board or in a computer using a CAD package. Many packages exist to generate panel lay-outs and PLC I/O. In the CAD package, the device external to the PLC is stored with a symbol name or accessed from a tablet with the symbols present. Then, the wires are assigned numbers and the I/O is assigned as well. Wire numbers are essential in any large job since a wire may go to many different locations and must be identified in each location. Usually, panel locations are displayed as small symbols above or below the device in attached to the I/O point. From the CAD package or the PLC programming software, a list of I/O can be developed. This list is necessary to adequately prepare the wiring drawings and finish the program. The program listing and the I/O sheets must agree with inputs and outputs matching the program-listed I/O. 7.2.9 List Boxes About camera settings, the software controls all parameters like time exposure, brightness, contrast and so on, so when the best mix of parameters had been determined for a given application, for the analysis is enough to call it back. The same happens for the zoom control; in fact, the software loads the position stored for the selected application and commands to the zoom driver to move in that position. This is useful because, if necessary, the system can acquire images of a large FOV to get information about certain features, and then narrows the FOV and acquire images with higher spatial resolution for capturing smaller details in the observed object. Each position utilised has been calibrated sooner. When a position is called, the software restores related parameters, and passes them to the following step for elaboration. The software also controls light intensity, in the same way of previous components. So, all the information is passed to the acquisition step and then stored in the acquired images. After this overview of the system, it’s proper to describe two functions that are used in all applications before any other operation: image calibration and image alignment Using digital images, two kinds of calibration are necessary: spatial calibration and illumination and acquisition parameters calibration. Spatial calibration converts pixel dimensions into real world quantities and is important when accurate measurements are required. For the application described below, a perspective calibration method was used for spatial calibration. So, the calibration software requires a grid of dots with known positions in image and in real world. The software uses the image of the grid and the distance between points in real world to generate a mapping function that “translates” the pixel coordinates of dots into the coordinates of a real reference frame; then the mapping can be extended to the entire image. This effect is rather reduced in the present system, as the support has been conceived to provide good mechanical alignment by means of a stiff column, that sustains camera in perpendicular position with respect to the scene. 137 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

7.2.10 Dropdown Lists A drop-down list is a graphical control element, similar to a list box that allows the user to choose one value from a list. When a drop-down list is inactive, it displays a single value. When activated, it displays a list of values, from which the user may select one. When the user selects a new value, the control reverts to its inactive state, displaying the selected value. It is often used in the design of graphical user interfaces, including web design. In this dependent data validation video, select Fruit or Vegetable in the first column, to limit what is shown in the drop-down list in the next column. The written instructions are below the video, and the full transcript is on the Dependent Drop-down Lists Video page. 7.2.11 Date Time Picker Control The purpose of the date picker implementation within IML's Sakai was to maintain full control over language generation and create constancy throughout various tool's date and time selection mechanisms, When instantiating the date picker, you can pass several options telling the picker how to act. All options are passed in as properties of an object literal. Input - string | CSS selector A CSS selector value targeting the input element you want to utilize as the date picker. An input with the id=\"start date\" would take date picker’s input option set to \"#startdate\". useTime - bool The picker will display with or without time slider controls. val - string | date/time Supply a default value to the date picker. getval - string | css selector Specify a form element to get the picker's default value from. Duration - object currently only used in the Schedule tool, duration take 3 key/value pairs. Hour and minute map to select menus, and update maps to a container element which will display the selected duration, Duration is calculated based on the date picker's selected time + the selected hours and minutes specified by the duration settings. A full duration object may look like this: duration: {hour:\"duHour\", minute:\"duMinute\", update:\"endtime\". 7.2.12 Link Labels See Understanding Techniques for WCAG Success Criteria for important information about the usage of these informative techniques and how they relate to the normative WCAG 2.1 success criteria. The Applicability section explains the scope of the technique, and the presence of techniques for a specific technology does not imply that the technology can be used in all situations to create content that meets WCAG 2.1. The purpose of this technique is to show how link text in PDF documents can be marked up to be recognizable by keyboard and assistive technology users. That is, the link information is programmatically available to user agents so that links are recognizable when presented in a different format. This is typically accomplished by using a tool for authoring PDF. Links in PDF documents are represented by a Link tag and objects in its sub-tree, consisting of a link object reference (or Link annotation) and one or more text objects. The text object or objects inside the Link tag are used by assistive technologies to provide a name for the link. 138 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

The simplest way to provide links that comply with the WCAG success criteria is to create them when authoring the document before conversion to PDF. However, in some cases, it may not be possible to create the links using the original authoring tool. In these cases, Adobe Acrobat Pro can be used to create the link. But, because the tooltip created using the Link dialog in Adobe Acrobat Pro is not accessible to screen readers, be sure that the link text or the link context makes the purpose clear. 7.2.13 Check Box Lists Aspects such as legibility, literacy and interpretation come into play for users of labels, and label writers therefore need some degree of professional writing skill. Depending upon country or region, international standards may be applied. Where literacy may be an issue, pictograms may feature alongside text, such as those advanced by CropLife International in their Responsible Use manual. Labels or printed packaging may include Braille to aid users with visual impairment. Criticism of label readability is not uncommon; for example, Canadian researchers found that medicine labels did not consistently follow legibility guidelines. In some countries and industries, for example the UK (food)[16] and EUlabel guidelines are not legally binding and thus are unenforceable. On the other hand, countries may stipulate legal minima for readability, such as the USA's FDA on nutritional information and Australia/New Zealand's code for food labels and packs. 7.2.14 Radio Buttons Labels may affect the environment during manufacture, use, and post-use. Choice of backings, coatings, adhesives, and liners can be strong factors. Environmental regulations and guidelines can come from many sources. Users of labels on packaging may consider some of the sustainable packaging guidelines. Based on the solid waste hierarchy, the quantity and size of labels should be minimized without reducing necessary functionality. Material content of a label should comply with applicable regulations. Life cycle assessments of the item being labelled and of the label itself are useful to identify and improve possible environmental effects. For example, reuse or recycling are sometimes aided by a label being removable from a surface. If a label remains on an item during recycling, a label should be chosen which does not hinder the recyclability of the item. For example, when labelled corrugated boxes are recycled, wet strength paper labels do not hinder box recycling: the PSA adhesive stays with the backing and is easily removed. Paper backings without wet strength may release their adhesives, potentially contaminating recycling efforts. Labels can aid in recycling and reuse by communicating the material content of the item, instructions for disassembly or recycling directions. An eco-label is used on consumer products) to identify products that may be less damaging to the environment and/or humans than other related products, such as sustainable seafood encouraged by Friend of the Sea. 139 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

7.2.15 Radio Button Lists If you have an option that can be turned on or off, but whose two different states are difficult to explain using a single option, you should use a radio button list with two options, rather than a checkbox. For example, let's say that your app has a setting that allows Appway to log users out automatically after they've been inactive for a while. Your first choice might be to go with a checkbox: That seems fine. But let's say that the user looks at this checkbox, deciding whether to check it. It's currently unchecked, and the user wants the system to be as secure as possible. \"Will checking it make my system more or less secure?\" The answer to this question is not clear, because the checkbox doesn't say what the current state is. Maybe the system currently logs users out after five minutes: Checking the box will decrease security. Or maybe the system does not log users out at all; in that case, checking the box will make the user more secure. Always make a default selection for the user. Otherwise, you create a situation where the user can't undo an action. If no radio buttons are set when users open the screen, and they select one of them, they can't then unselect that radio button. This is frustrating and confusing. By automatically selecting one of the options, you indicate that there is no need to unselect all options. If you do need to have an \"unselected\" state, simply add an additional radio button labelled something like, \"None of the above\". With radio buttons, the user can only select one choice. This means that the individual choices should be clearly distinct. For example, don't provide radio buttons for users to select an age, when the options on offer have overlapping values. You also need to make sure that the options are comprehensive. If you can't offer all possible options, have another option. 7.2.16 Rich Text Box Control The following code example creates a RichTextBox control that loads an RTF file into the control and searches for the first instance of the word \"Text.\" The code then changes the font style, font size, and font colour of the selected text and saves the changes back to the original file. The example code finishes by adding the control to its Form. This example requires that the method created in the example code is added to a Form class and called from the constructor of the form. The example also requires that an RTF file is created, in the root of the C drive, containing the word \"Text.\" 7.2.17 Tab Control The intent of this technique is to ensure that users can navigate through content in a logical order that is consistent with the meaning of the content. Correct tab and reading order are typically accomplished using a tool for authoring PDF. For sighted users, the logical order of PDF content is also the visual order on the screen. For keyboard and assistive technology users, the tab order through content, including interactive 140 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

elements, determines the order in which these users can navigate the content. The tab order must reflect the logical order of the document. Logical structure is created when a document is saved as tagged PDF. The reading order of a PDF document is determined primarily by the tag order of document elements, including interactive elements, but the order of content within individual tags is determined by the PDF document’s content tree structure. If the reading order is not correct, keyboard and assistive technology users may not be able to understand the content. For example, some documents use multiple columns, and the reading order is clear visually to sighted users as flowing from the top to the bottom of the first column, then to the top of the next column. But if the document is not properly tagged, a screen reader may read the document from top to bottom, across both columns, interpreting them as one column. The simplest way to ensure correct reading order is to structure the document correctly in the authoring tool used to create the document before conversion to tagged PDF. Note, however, that pages with complex layouts with graphics, tables, footnotes, side-bars, form fields, and other elements may not convert to tag PDF in the correct reading order. These inconsistencies must then be corrected with repair tools such as Acrobat Pro. 7.2.18 Tool Strip Control To view PDF without the toolbar, make use of PdfDocumentView control instead of PdfViewerControl. Other features and options are like PdfViewerControl. 7.2.19 Menu Strip Control The MenuStrip control represents the container for the menu structure. The MenuStrip control works as the top-level container for the menu structure. The ToolStripMenuItem class and the ToolStripDropDownMenu class provide the functionalities to create menu items, sub menus and drop-down menus. The following diagram shows adding a MenuStrip control on the form. 141 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Figure 7.3: MenuStrip 7.2.20 Progress Bar A progress bar is a graphical control element used to visualize the progression of an extended computer operation, such as a download, file transfer, or installation. Sometimes, the graphic is accompanied by a textual representation of the progress in a percent format. The concept can also be regarded to include \"playback bars\" in media players that keep track of the current location in the duration of a media file. A more recent development is the indeterminate progress bar, which is used in situations where the extent of the task is unknown, or the progress of the task cannot be determined in a way that could be expressed as a percentage. This bar uses motion or some other indicator to show that progress is taking place, rather than using the size of the filled portion to show the total amount of progress, making it more like a throbbed than a progress bar. There is also indeterminate progress indicators, which are not bar shaped. The concept of a progress bar was invented before digital computing. In 1896 Karol Adamiecki developed a chart named a harmonogram, but better known today as a Gantt chart. Adamiecki did not publish his chart until 1931, however, and then only in Polish. The chart thus now bears the name of Henry Gantt, who designed his chart around the years 1910–1915 and popularized it in the west. 142 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Adopting the concept to computing, the first graphical progress bars appeared in Mitchell Model's 1979 Ph. D. thesis, Monitoring System Behaviour in a Complex Computational Environment. In 1985, Brad Myers presented a paper on “percent-done progress indicators” at a conference on computer-human interactions 7.3 SUMMARY  The other operation computed by the software before each analysis is the image alignment. This operation simplifies a lot the pieces positioning and make the analysis much easier and faster for the operator. In fact, the pieces must be positioned manually in the FOV, so it is very difficult to put them always in the same position to permit the software to find features for measurement. To align every image with the master image that was used to develop the specific analysis tool, it could be even possible to put a given piece in any position within the field of view and let then the software to rotate and translate the image to match the reference or master image thus to detect features and dimensions.  However, for the sake of accuracy and repeatability, the positioning is aided by centring pin and support that permit to place the objects in positions that are like the master one used for calibration and parameters setting. The alignment procedure is based on pattern matching and uses a cross correlation algorithm.  Technical control was also associated with new managerial problems, however. The assembly line was vulnerable. If a group of workers on the line went on strike, the whole production system stopped. Thus, worker motivation was an issue. But neither direct nor technical control, in their early-20th-century versions, in fig. 4 the method applied to the first case of study is showed.  The software, first search the template and determines his rotation angle, rotates the image of the same entity to align the new image to the master. Then it finds the new position of the template and determines the translation vector from the master, moves the image of the fixed quantity and the new image is now aligned to the master. Black areas in fig. 4.d are the results of translation and rotation of image; they are black because these areas have been added by the process, and a part of the image has been deleted to keep the same size of the original image.  A double pattern matching is necessary; because of the image reference system is located on the left top of the image and not in the template centre. So, first pattern matching determines the rotation angle and the translation vector that must be applied but uses only the first to rotate the image. Performing this operation in fact, the new image has the same alignment of the master image, but the translation vector changes because the rotation is performed respect to the left-up corner of the image. 143 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

 Second pattern matching determines yet the angle (that now is zero) and the new translation vector that is used to move the image to the same position of the master. Image can be now processed. Had any mechanisms for motivation; they mainly relied on fear and punishment. In other words, control was exerted through sticks and not carrots. From a critical point of view, the introduction of the assembly line hardly made working conditions better. Working on the line was probably even more inhumane than working under a foreman. Workers increasingly became reduced to cogs in the organizational machinery, and they had little conception of being parts of a larger production process.  For example, compare the factory system of producing furniture with the craft system. The craftsperson bought wood and refined it by sawing, carving, filing, and polishing, and putting the pieces together into a chair. He or she could thus conceive of the whole labour process. The factory worker on the line, in contrast, did not have this overview and was not engaged in all the steps; instead, for instance, they placed prefabricated stool legs into predrilled holes in a board that would become the seat of a chair. Because of this monotonous and repetitive element, technical control through the assembly line is associated with alienation and deskilling.  Technical control may take many shapes and does not necessarily have to be alienating or deskilling, however. Today, information technology is an important source of technical control. IT systems and software participate in organizational control by monitoring us, instructing us, and providing frames for our behaviour. This may be deskilling if we are blindly following the instructions of this technology and disciplining if we are constantly under surveillance. But we are also often working with technology, and it is debatable whether technology should be seen as deskilling, disciplining, constraining, or enabling. 7.4 KEYWORDS  Opaque Response- Opaque responses represent the result of a request made to a remote origin when CORS is not enabled.  Progressive Web App- Progressive Web Apps are user experiences that have the reach of the web, and are fast, integrated, reliable and engaging.  Promise - A JavaScript promise is an object that is used as a placeholder for the eventual results of a deferred (and possibly asynchronous) computation. JavaScript promises are an addition to ECMAScript 6 that provide a cleaner, more intuitive way to deal with the completion (or failure) of asynchronous tasks.  Push Notifications - Web push notifications make it easy to re-engage with users by showing relevant, timely, and contextual notifications, even when the browser is closed. 144 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

 Push- PRPL is a pattern for structuring and serving Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), with an emphasis on the performance of app delivery and launch. 7.5 LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Create a session on Picture Box Control. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Create a survey on Date Time Picker Control. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7.6 UNIT END QUESTIONS A. Descriptive Questions Short Questions 1. Define Technical control. 2. Define the deskilling. 3. What is Progressive Web App? 4. Write the full form of ECMA? 5. What areDropdown Lists? Long Questions 1. Explain the advantages of Image Controls? 2. Elaborate the scope of Image Controls. 3. Discuss on the concept of Date Time Picker Control. 4. Illustrate the Rich Text Box Control. 5. Examine the Tool Strip Control. B. Multiple Choice Questions 1. Select the right option for the statement, a structure in C# provides a unique way of packing together data types. a. Different b. Same c. Invoking d. Calling 145 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

2. How do the Strut’s data members are default? a. Protected b. Public c. Private d. Default 3. What creates an object by copying variables from another object? a. Copy constructor b. Default constructor c. Invoking constructor d. Calling constructor 4. Which is called the methods that have the same name, but different parameter lists and different definitions? a. Method Overloading b. Method Overriding c. Method Overwriting d. Method Over reading 5. What are the special methods which C# provides to access to data members? a. Loop b. Functions c. Methods d. Accessor Answers 1-a, 2-c, 3-a, 4-a, 5-d 7.7 REFERENCES Book References  Schunemann HJ, Guyatt GH. 2005. Commentary – goodbye M(C)ID! Hello MID, where do you come from? 146 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

 Dodds TA, Martin DP, Stolov WC, 2004 Deyo RA. A validation of the functional independence measurement and its performance among rehabilitation inpatients.  Mao HF, Hsueh IP, Tang PF, Sheu CF, Hsieh CL. 2002.Analysis and comparison of the psychometric properties of three balance measures for stroke patients.  Benaim C, Perennou DA, Villy J, 1999.Rousseaux M, Pelissier JY. Validation of a standardized assessment of postural control in stroke patients:  de Vet HC, Bouter LM, Bezemer PD,2001 Beurskens AJ. Reproducibility and responsiveness of evaluative outcome measures.  Smidt N, van der Windt DA, Assendelft WJ, 2002.Mourits AJ, Deville WL, de Winter AF, et al. Interobserver reproducibility of the assessment of severity of complaints, grip strength, and pressure pain threshold in patients with lateral epicondylitis. E-References  Quality_Control_on_Injection_Molding_Products/link/0912f5084511d8308c000000/ download   147 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

UNIT 8: MDI STRUCTURE 8.0 Learning Objectives 8.1 Introduction 8.2 MDI Applications 8.3 MDI Parent and MDI Child Forms 8.4 Manage Menus 8.5 Summary 8.6 Keywords 8.7 Learning Activity 8.8 Unit End Questions 8.9 References 8.0 LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this unit, you will be able to:  Describe the concept of MDI Applications.  Illustrate the MDI Parent and MDI Child Forms.  Explain the Manage Menus. 8.1 INTRODUCTION While wiring of PLC AC inputs and outputs is not difficult, testing of the device to determine its status in many cases is difficult. With any industrial environment, noise is a constant problem and while 'on' is usually seen as a reading of 110 V on your favourite DMM, 'off' may not read 0V. In fact, the DMM may read values almost up to about half the actual voltage of the system even with the output off. Off may be the state being read but noise may be present giving values that are far from 0. If the application is near an arc melt steel furnace, values seen while the triac output is off may range into the 40 to 60 VAC range. The key feature of the reading when an output is off is that it is not consistent. That is, the values move around with no stable reading for more than a second or two. Care must be taken to provide proper connections between output leads from one device and input leads to another device. If one device is true low, the other device should be capable of accepting that signal. Usually, true low devices connect as do true high devices. 148 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Indiscriminate mixing of devices may lead to trouble because of differences between sinking and sourcing circuit characteristics. It is always best to review and analyze the circuit to determine if devices are at high voltage when they conduct or turn on and conduct at low voltage near 0V. Determination of wire size in a panel as well as to field devices deserves consideration. Wire size is determined in general by the current load of the wire and the insulation rating of the wire. The National Electric Code includes tables for determining the proper size of wire for all electrical applications. Usually, #14 AWG or #16 AWG wire is sufficient for panel control wiring. Number 18 AWG cable wiring is also used from time to time. Wiring to motors and other control devices must be sized for the application. In general, a power feed is brought into the panel and fuses, or circuit breakers are used to distribute the load to each of several circuits in the panel. It is important to note that for AC circuits, use of 220V distribution panels is not considered good practice in a control application. The use of two sources of 110 V that are 220V apart may cause accidents that could be avoided if only one source of 110V power is used. Many times, in the heat of the moment, an electrician may be trying to restart a system and jumper a source of 110V into a circuit. If the circuit is already powered from the opposite 110V source and a contact closed between the two sources, a contact could see 220V of electric energy. The consequences are usually colourful. Contacts may weld closed as well, not a pretty sight. The National Electric Code also permits feeder taps that comply with the 10- and 25-foot tap rules. These two rules are common to electric installations and provide convenience for electrical installations using terminals to distribute electric power to several devices. These two rules allow the tap feeding a device to not be rated at the current rating of the tap but at the rating of the device being fed. The 10-foot tap rule allows any size wire to be used to tap from the source while the 25-foot tap rule allows for wire to be used to tap from a source that is rated 1/3 or more of the rating of the tap. These two rules are summarized in Article 240-21 Feeder Taps in the 1999 NEC. Other sections amplify the tap rule for taps supplying transformers and for conductors outside the control panel. The rules should be read carefully and applied for all electrical installations. Care must be taken to adequately provide power for all inputs and outputs in the system. Many times, this isn’t a consideration until a power supply starts to turn off frequently or fuses continue to blow or circuit breakers trip. Care should be taken to avoid these events from occurring. Also, care should be taken to not provide so much power that the system is unnecessarily increased in size and costs increase proportionally. When an input is wired to the PLC, the current draw of the input device is determined not only by the type of input device but also by the input impedance of the PLC. The current draw of each input is then added together to calculate the total current draw for inputs. If the input is a switch, the current draw is found using the input impedance of the PLC. If wire lengths are extremely long, then the resistance of the wire also is included. Do not forget to double the length since current travels out and back to the device. As confidence builds in sizing current loads for devices, some approximations can be used. For example, at 120 Vac, a solenoid valve output device usually draws about .2 A per 149 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

device when on. When energizing, the device draws about 1 A for a short period of time until the device is seated in the ‘on’ position. If large numbers of solenoids do not turn on at a time, the .2 A. draw can be used for calculations. Relays are used in many applications as interface devices between the output from one system and the input to the PLC or from the PLC output to a second system's input. While relays may be a good choice for this type of interface, caution should be taken when using them. The duty or loading of the relay should be considered when choosing a relay. Duty may range from heavy, intermediate, low-level loads or dry contact loads. A dry contact is described as a contact load in which no switching occurs under load. For any loaded switching device, some arcing occurs each time the device is switched. Care must also be taken to choose a relay that will not switch off to on more times than the rated number for the relay. Also consider current level of the relay and the coating on the relay contacts. Silver- cadmium oxide easily handles high currents but tends to fail at low current levels. Gold alloys are more suited to low current levels but are not acceptable at high currents. If the current rating required for the relay spans both low and high current ratings, results may be other than acceptable. The following example identifies potential problems with using relay contacts for switching loads. \"There is no relay contact that can be used for switching all load levels. Each load level requires tailoring of the contacts for that specific application.” The example shows the inadvertent misuse of a relay and the consequences of the misapplication. The following is from a Navy or Navy Allocation and Resources Model document. Proper selection of relays to interface circuits is an important consideration. Care should be taken to properly protect contacts from dust and improper usage. From the Navy’s experience, if a contact is used for one set of conditions, it should not be expected to then be used for a very different set of conditions. Since relay use is part of any PLC installation, proper selection of relays is needed. Just ask the Navy. An alternative to selecting a relay is to provide a solid-state switch to interface various devices. Since the switch must be terminated, a circuit board must be provided, and various power levels provided. Since the complexity of such installations can grow and cause maintenance problems, the usual recommendation is to select a relay. If a module can be found that does not include contacts, however, the solution should be considered since problems with relays and relay contacts are non-trivial. The view below is of an electromechanical relay or EMR used in many applications. Contacts arrangements are reviewed below as well. The relay pictured is the “Form C-DPDT”. The picture at left shows a relay that can be mounted on a DIN rail. It has the advantage of being able to remove the relay by snapping it out of the two side retaining clips. Wiring stays in place. The coil wiring is located on one side and the contact wiring is on the opposite side. The wiring diagram is printed on the side of the relay. Some say that voltage levels are not to be mixed on the side with the contacts. That is, one should not wire both 24 VDC through one contact and 110 Vac through the other contact set. This is always a good idea and should 150 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

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