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Home Explore CU-MCA-SEM-IV-Web Application Development-Second Draft

CU-MCA-SEM-IV-Web Application Development-Second Draft

Published by Teamlease Edtech Ltd (Amita Chitroda), 2022-11-11 08:15:56

Description: CU-MCA-SEM-IV-Web Application Development-Second Draft


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You can use an asterisk as a placeholder for the current package’s product code and product version when you are defining eligibility and detection MSI package conditions if the package that you are configuring is an .msi package. You can also use an asterisk as a placeholder for the current package’s upgrade code and either the minimum or maximum version number when you are defining eligibility and detection MSI upgrade conditions, if the package that you are configuring is an .msi package. 15.3 CUSTOM ACTIONS FOR AFTER AN INSTALLATION To avoid common errors, there are some techniques and design issues that you should be aware of when working with different parts of the Windows Installer technology. This white paper provides an overview of the following Windows Installer concepts related to the design of your installation project, which should help you avoid certain types of problems at build and deployment time: The InstallShield Help Library contains information about using every view and wizard in the InstallShield environment. The InstallShield Help Library is available when you press F1 with any view selected; you can also select Contents from the Help menu to view the help library. In addition to the graphical environment, InstallShield provides several tools for modifying and building projects from the command line or an external script. For example, to build a project from the command line, batch file, or other automated process, you can use the executable IsCmdBld.exe. The IsCmdBld executable is in the System subdirectory of the InstallShield distribution directory. Features represent the end user’s view of your installation program, and components represent your view of the installation. Part of your responsibility as the installation designer is to decide how many separately installable pieces of the installation should be presented to the user. Each of these pieces should be a feature or subfeature. When designing features and components, you should consider the following points:All the file contents of a component must be installed to the same directory. If application files need to be installed in multiple directories, you must create at least one component for each destination. A component is the lowest level to which a condition can be attached. There is no method for installing only some of the files in a component, or for installing the files but not registry data for a component. If you have data that need to be installed under different conditions such as different target operating systems or languages the data must be separated into different components. No resource file, registry key, shortcut, and so forth should be placed in more than one component, even across different products and organizations. Instead, if a resource is required by multiple pieces of the application, you can share entire components among multiple features, or use merge modules to share components among multiple products. As described in the following section, for the most effective file transfer, a component should contain at most one executable or DLL ideally; a versioned file and this file should be marked as the key file of its component. Because component and feature names can occasionally be returned in Windows Installer log files, for 251 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

the sake of maintainability you should give components and features descriptive internal names. In the case of components, one common practice is to name the component after its key path. When there are identical properties for both components and features, the component property is the setting used. For example, both components and features have a Destination property. The feature’s Destination property is the one displayed to the end user in the Custom Setup dialog box, while the component’s Destination property is the one used. In the common special case of the values being the same public property, the destination selected in the Custom Setup dialog box is passed along to the component. Working with Files In order to avoid or troubleshoot unexpected file installation and uninstallation behaviour, it is important to understand the file-overwrite rules that Windows Installer uses, along with the standard uninstallation behaviour. Another technique for adjusting file-overwrite behaviour is to use companion files, which associate one file’s overwrite behaviour to another file’s behaviour. At run time, if the “parent” of the companion file relationship is installed, the “child” will be installed without regard for its version relationship with an existing file. To set up a companion file relationship, for the child’s Version data, enter the File-table key of the parent file. By default, the File-table key of a file is displayed in the rightmost column of the properties in a component’s file list. To enter the parent file’s File-table key in the child’s version information, you can use the file’s Properties panel, available when you right-click the file icon and select Properties. In the Properties panel, select the “Override system version” check box, and then enter the desired Key in the version field. Equivalently, you can enter the desired key in the Version field of the File-table record using the Direct Editor view. Another aspect of file-transfer behaviour is the product’s uninstaller. The following techniques enable you to modify your projects uninstall behaviour. If you set the Permanent property to Yes for a component, the component’s data will not be removed when the component is uninstalled. By default, when a product is uninstalled, any data installed by the installation will be removed. By default, a product’s uninstallation will remove only files installed by the original installation. Files created by an application after the installation is complete will not be removed automatically. If you want to remove files created by your application, you can add records to the RemoveFile table of your project. The RemoveFile table is where you specify extra files to be removed when a given component is installed or removed. To add a record to the RemoveFile table, you can use the Direct Editor view. If you select the RemoveFile table icon in the Direct Editor view and press F1, InstallShield opens the Windows Installer Help Library topic that describes the data to enter in a Remove File record. A Windows Installer installation program does not contain an explicit script, but instead the installation behaviour is defined by the ordering of standard and custom actions into installation sequences. The order of actions appearing in the sequences determines the order in which your installer performs changes on the target system. An understanding of sequences and actions will help you avoid common problems with the behaviour of your 252 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

installation project. An installation sequence is divided into two sub-sequences, called the User Interface sequence and the Execute sequence. The UI sequence displays dialog boxes to the user and queries the target system, and the Execute sequence makes changes to the target system. During a silent or reducedUI installation, only the Execute sequence is performed; during a test-mode installation, only the UI sequence is performed. 15.4 SUMMARY  Bandwidth: A measurement of the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network at any given time. The higher the network’s bandwidth, the greater the volume of data that can be transmitted. Network bandwidth is usually expressed in bits per second (bps); modern networks typically have speeds measured in the millions of bits per second (megabits per second, or Mbps) or billions of bits per second.  Blockchain: A growing list of records, called blocks that are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block’s timestamp and transaction data. By design, a blockchain is resistant to modification of the data.  Break/Fix: The term break/fix refers to the fee-for-service method of providing information technology services to businesses. Using this methodand IT solution provider performs services as needed and bills the customer only for the work done.  Business Continuity: Activity performed by an organization to ensure that critical business functions will be available to customers, suppliers, regulators, and other entities that must have access to those functions. These activities include many daily chores such as project management, system backups, change control, and help desk. Business Continuity is not something implemented at the time of a disaster; Business Continuity refers to those activities performed daily to maintain service, consistency, and recoverability.  BYOD: Bring Your Own Device or “BYOD” is a business and technology policy that allows employees to bring in personal mobile devices and use these devices to access company data, email, etc. 15.6 LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Create a session on Specify Conditions of An Install. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Create a survey on Custom Actions for After an Installation. 253 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 15.7 UNIT END QUESTIONS A. Descriptive Questions Short Questions 1. Define Attended installation? 2. What is meaning of Controlled Installation? 3. Define Install forge? 4. What is the main aim of Silent installation? 5. How to determine the application of Headless installation? Long Questions 1. Explain the advantages of Custom Actions? 2. Elaborate the disadvantages of Custom Actions. 3. Illustrate the Specify Conditions of an Install. 4. Discuss the scope of Installation of application. 5. Examine the Custom Actions for After an Installation. B. Multiple Choice Questions 1. Select the right option for the statement, to output the value of multidimensional array, Console WriteLines. a. myArray [1][3] b. myArray [1.3] c. myArray {1}{3} d. myArray (1), (3) 2. What is the code public class B: A {}? a. Defines a class that inherits all the methods of A b. Defines a class that inherits the public and protected methods of A only c. Errors d. A and b 3. If public class B: A {publicB (int i): base(i) { } } compiles and runs correctly, what can we conclude about the constructors in the class A? 254 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

a. One constructor takes an argument of type I b. There is only a default constructor c. One constructor takes an argument of the type ofINT d. False 4. Which is an exception when that method detects that a problem has occurred? a. Trys b. Catches c. Throws d. a and b 5. Select the right option for the statement, exception objects are derived from the class. a. Try b. Catch c. Exception d. Event Answers 1-a, 2-b, 3-b, 4-c, 5-c 15.8 REFERENCES Book References  Bond, W. J., Stevens, N., Midgley, G. F., & Lehmann, C. E. R. (2019). The trouble with trees: Afforestation plans for Africa. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 34(11), 963–965.  Brancalion, P. H. S., Amazonas, N. T., Chazdon, R. L., van Melis, J., Rodrigues, R. R., Silva, C. C., Sorrini, T. B., & Holl, K. D. (2020). Exotic eucalypts: From demonized trees to allies of tropical forest restoration? Journal of Applied Ecology  Brancalion, P. H. S., Bello, C., Chazdon, R. L., Galetti, M., Jordano, P., Lima, R. A. F., Medina, A., Pizo, M. A., & Reid, J. L. (2018). Maximizing biodiversity conservation and carbon stocking in restored tropical forests. Conservation Letters  Brancalion, P. H. S., Cardozo, I. V., Camatta, A., Aronson, J., & Rodrigues, R. R. (2014). Cultural ecosystem services and popular perceptions of the benefits of an ecological restoration project in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest 255 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

 Brancalion, P. H. S., & Chazdon, R. L. (2017). Beyond hectares: Four principles to guide reforestation in the context of tropical forest and landscape restoration. Restoration Ecology  Brancalion, P. H. S., & Holl, K. D. (2020). Guidance for successful tree planting initiatives. Journal of Applied Ecology E-References   installation/  Uninstallation-Conditions/ta-p/4192 256 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

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