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Home Explore CU -BBA - Sem VI - Social Media Marketing

CU -BBA - Sem VI - Social Media Marketing

Published by Teamlease Edtech Ltd (Amita Chitroda), 2022-11-15 06:02:35

Description: CU -BBA - Sem VI - Social Media Marketing


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 Remark on or like all that the objective posts on the web  Make counterfeit records to follow the objective via web-based media  Message the objective over and again  Hack into or capture the objective's web-based records  Endeavor to coerce sex or express photographs  Send undesirable gifts or things to the objective  Discharge classified data on the web  Post or disperse genuine or counterfeit photographs of the objective  Besiege the objective with physically unequivocal photographs of themselves  Make counterfeit presents planned on disgrace the person in question  Track the objective's internet based developments by introducing GPS beacons  Hack into the objective's camera on their PC or cell phone as an approach to furtively record them  Proceed with the irritating conduct even in the wake of being approached to stop Results of Cyberstalking Very much like following, cyberstalking can possibly cause a wide scope of physical and passionate ramifications for the people who are focused on. For example, it's normal for the people who are being badgering on the web to encounter outrage, dread, and disarray. They likewise may experience difficulty dozing and even whine of stomach trouble.2 The results of cyberstalking additionally sway an individual's emotional well-being and in general prosperity. Much of the time, individuals who have been an objective of cyberstalking experience trouble, tension, and depression.2 There are even reports that objectives of cyberstalking may encounter post horrible pressure problem and self-destructive ideation.3 If you are encountering cyberstalking, you really should connect for help. You can contact the National Center for Victims of Crime at 1-855- 4-VICTIM (1-855-484-2846). Also, in the event that you or a friend or family member are in impending peril make certain to call 911 right way. 301 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

You likewise ought to consider finding support from a psychological well-being proficient. They can assist you with handling your sentiments just as offer help and direction for what you're encountering. Instructions to Prevent Cyberstalking With regards to forestalling cyberstalking, you must play it safe to ensure yourself on the web. In spite of the fact that it's unrealistic to totally forestall cyberstalking from happening, there are steps you can take to build your security and lessen its probability occurring.  Focus on Security The initial phase in forestalling cyberstalking is to guarantee that your gadgets and your web- based records are pretty much as secure as could be expected. Here are a few stages you ought to think about taking.  Make solid passwords. Ensure you have solid passwords for all your internet based records just as solid passwords for your gadgets. Then, at that point, set an update on your telephone to routinely change your passwords. Pick passwords that would be hard to figure yet are simple for you to recollect.  Make certain to log out without fail. It might appear to be an aggravation, yet ensure you log out of email, web-based media accounts, and other web-based records in the wake of utilizing them. Thusly, in case somebody had the option to get into your gadget they would not have simple admittance to your records.  Monitor your gadgets. Try not to leave your telephone sitting around your work area at work or leave an open PC. It just requires a little while for somebody to introduce a GPS beacon or hack your gadget. In this way, ensure you keep these things in your ownership or that you secure them somehow or another.  Use alert on open wifi. Perceive the way that assuming you utilize public wifi at lodgings or at the neighborhood café, you are putting yourself in danger of hacking. Attempt to forgo utilizing public wifi or put resources into VPN.  Pursue online wellbeing routines. All in all, focus on it to just acknowledge companion demands from individuals you know and keep your posts hidden. You additionally ought to consider having one email address that is explicitly for your web-based action. Utilize this email when you do your web based shopping or join faithfulness programs. 302 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

14.3 PRIVACY AND EMERGING ISSUES Privacy & social media Social average and the data/computerized time have \"reclassified\" security. In the present Information Technology—designed social orders, where there is consistent observing, security has taken on another significance. Innovations like shut circuit cameras (CCTV) are pervasive openly spaces or in some private spaces including our work and home. PCs and gadgets, for example, our advanced mobile phones empowered with Global Positioning System (GPS), Geo areas and Geo maps associated with these gadgets make security as far as we might be concerned, a relic of days gone by. Ongoing reports demonstrate that the absolute biggest organizations, for example, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook just as different government offices are gathering data without assent and putting away it in information bases for sometime later. It is exceedingly difficult to say protection exists in this computerized world (@nowthisnews). The open idea of the long range interpersonal communication destinations and the roads they accommodate sharing data in a \"public or semi-public\" space make security worries by their actual build. Data that is improper for certain crowds are commonly coincidentally made apparent to bunches other than those expected and can here and there bring about future adverse results. One such model is a notable case recorded in an article named \"The Web Means the End of Forgetting\" that elaborate a young lady who was denied her school permit as a result of reaction from photos posted via online media in her private commitment. Innovation has diminished the hole among expert and individual spaces and frequently brings about data openness to some unacceptable crowd. The decrease in the division of expert and individual spaces can influence picture the executives particularly in an expert setting bringing about the disintegration of conventional expert picture and impression the board. Deciding the auxiliary utilization of individual data and the people who approach this data ought to be the privilege of the individual or gathering to whom the data has a place. In any case, participating in online media exercises has eliminated this control. Protection on person to person communication locales (SNSs) is vigorously subject to the clients of these organizations since sharing data is the essential method of partaking in friendly networks. Security in SNSs is \"diverse.\" Users of these stages are answerable for shielding their data from outsider information assortment and dealing with their own profiles. Notwithstanding, members are normally more able to give individual and more private data 303 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

in SNSs than elsewhere on the Internet. This can be ascribed to the sensation of local area, solace and family that these media accommodate the most part. Security controls are not the need of person to person communication site fashioners and just few the youthful young adult clients change the default protection settings of their records. This opens the entryway for breaks particularly among the most weak client gatherings, to be specific little youngsters, teens and the older. The idea of interpersonal interaction destinations, for example, Facebook and Twitter and other online media stages make clients reexamine and frequently change their own security principles to take part in these social arranged networks. While there are gigantic advantages that can be gotten from the successful utilization of web- based media there are some unavoidable dangers that are implied in its utilization. Much consideration ought to thusly be given to what in particular is partaken in these gatherings. Social stages, for example, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are supposed to be the best media to impart to Generation Y's (Gen Y's), as teenagers and youthful grown-ups are the biggest client bunches on these stages. In any case, as indicated by Bolton et al. Gen Y's utilization of online media, whenever left unabated and unmonitored will have long haul suggestions for security and commitment in city exercises as this ceaseless use is bringing about changes in conduct and accepted practices just as expanded degrees of digital wrongdoing. Today interpersonal organizations are turning into the foundation of decision for programmers and different culprits of introverted conduct. These media offer enormous volumes of information/data going from a singular's date of birth, spot of home, work environment/business, to data about family and other individual exercises. As a rule clients inadvertently unveil data that can be both hazardous and unseemly. Data with respect to exercises via online media can have extensive negative ramifications for one's future. A couple of instances of circumstances which can, and have been impacted are business, visa securing, and school acknowledgment. Unpredictable cooperation has likewise brought about circumstances such wholesale fraud and bank extortion just to list a couple. Ensuring security in the present organized society can be an extraordinary test. The computerized upset has to be sure misshaped our perspectives on security, in any case, there ought to be clear qualifications between what ought to be seen by the overall population and what ought to be restricted to a chose bunch. One way of thinking is that the best way to have protection today isn't to share data in these organized networks. Be that as it may, accomplishing protection and command over data streams and revelation in organized networks is a continuous 304 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

interaction in a climate where settings change rapidly and are here and there obscured. This requires deliberate development of frameworks that are intended to moderate security issues. 14.4 SUMMARY  In the present data age, one's advanced impression can represent the moment of truth somebody; it tends to be the main consideration on whether or not one accomplishes one's long lasting desires.  Exploitative conduct and collaborations via online media can have sweeping ramifications both expertly and socially. Posting on the Internet implies the \"finish of neglecting,\" consequently, dependable utilization of this medium is basic. The untrustworthy utilization of web-based media has suggestions for protection and can bring about security breaks both actually and practically.  The utilization of web-based media can likewise bring about the deficiency of protection as numerous clients are needed to give data that they would not unveil in any case. Online media use can uncover data that can bring about protection breaks if not oversaw as expected by clients.  Subsequently, instructing clients of the dangers and risks of the openness of touchy data in this space, and empowering watchfulness in the assurance of individual protection on these stages is central. This could bring about the decrease of exploitative and reckless utilization of these media and work with a safer social climate.  The utilization of web-based media ought to be represented by moral and moral rules that can be applied generally and result in amicable connections paying little heed to race, culture, strict influence and economic wellbeing.  Examination of the writing and the discoveries of this exploration recommend accomplishing satisfactory degrees of protection is truly challenging in an arranged framework and will require a lot of exertion with respect to people. The biggest client gatherings of web-based media know nothing about the cycles that are needed to lessen the degree of weakness of their own information. T  husly, teaching clients of the danger of partaking in web-based media is the social obligation of these informal community stages. Adjusting generally moral practices 305 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

can moderate the ascent in the quantity of security breaks in the informal communication space.  This suggestion concurs with logician Immanuel Kant's affirmation that, the Biblical guideline which states \"Do unto others as you have them do unto you\" can be applied all around and should direct human cooperations. This rule, whenever clung to by clients of web-based media and proprietors of these stages could raise the attention to clueless clients, lessen dishonest collaborations and bothersome occurrences that could adversely influence protection, and likewise security in this area. 14.5 KEYWORD  Cross-channel - In social media marketing, each network (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) is also a marketing channel. Something that is cross-channel, then, goes across all your different social networks. For example, a cross-channel social strategy is a strategy that aligns your objectives across all the social networks your brand is present on.  Crowdsourcing - Crowdsourcing on social media means using a large group of people to generate ideas, services, or content via a social network. It lets followers feel involved and engaged with your brand’s activity while generating ideas or content for your brand. Examples could be inviting your followers to vote on names for your new product or asking them to send in song submissions for your upcoming commercial.  Dark post - A dark post is a social media ad that doesn’t appear on the advertiser’s timeline. Unlike organic posts or boosted posts, dark posts only show up in the feeds of users they’re targeting. “Dark post” is an informal term—on Facebook, they’re officially called “unpublished page posts”, on Twitter they’re called “promoted-only tweets”, on LinkedIn they’re called “direct sponsored content”, and on Instagram, all ads are dark posts by default.  Direct message (DM) - A direct message on social media is a private message sent directly to a user’s inbox. DMs exist in contrast to public forms of interaction on social media like commenting on an image or posting on a user’s timeline.  Disappearing content - Disappearing content, sometimes called ephemeral content, refers to posts on social media that delete themselves automatically after a set amount of time has passed. Instagram and Snapchat Stories are notable examples, as these sets of photos and videos disappear after 24 hours. In social media marketing, 306 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

disappearing content is used to be spontaneous and timely while motivating users to engage through FOMO. 14.6 LEARNING ACTIVITY 1 Define the three principles of social media ethics ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2 Define Defamation ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 14.7 UNIT END QUESTIONS A. Descriptive Questions Short Questions 1. Explain ethical challenges on social media 2. Explain privacy on social media 3. Note on online defamation 4. Explain the effects of cyber bullying 5. What are the consequences of cyberbullying? Long Questions 307 1. Explain the forms of cyberbullying 2. Note on provisions governing social defamation in India 3. Note on cyberstalking 4. Explain the social media ethics 5. Explain the consequences of cyberstalking B. Multiple Choice Questions 1. The three main principles of social media ethics and etiquette are: a. Authenticity CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

b. Transparency c. Communication d. All of the above 2_______ section says that whoever, by words either spoken or intended to be read, or by signs or by visible representations, makes or publishes any imputation concerning any person intending to harm, or knowing or having reason to believe that such imputation will harm, the reputation of such person, is said, except in the cases hereinafter excepted, to defame that person. 2.0 Section 499, IPC 2.1 Section 500, IPC 2.2 Section 469, IPC 2.3 Section 66A, ITA, 2000 3 ______ is a defamatory statement published in a written form 3.0 Libel 3.1 Social 3.2 Cybercrime 3.3 Cyberbullying 4 Cyberbullying has effects on _____ 4.0 Mentally 4.1 Emotionally 4.2 Physically 4.3 All of the Above 5 _______ is when someone calls emergency responders with claims of dangerous events taking place at an address. 5.0 Swatting 5.1 Blackmailing 5.2 Cyberbullying 5.3 Censoring 308 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Answers 1-d, 2-a, 3-a, 4-d, 5-a 14.8 REFERENCES • Anderson, C. 2006. The Long Tail. Hyperion Books. • Arndt, J. 1967. Word of Mouth Advertising: A Review of the Literature. New York: Advertising Research Foundation. • Bagozzi, R.P., and U.M. Dholakia. 2006. “Antecedents and Purchase Consequences of Customer Participation in Small Group Brand Communities.” International Journal of Research in Marketing 23, no. 1, pp. 45– 61. • Barnes, N.G., and C. Daubitz. 2017. Time for Re-evaluation? Social Media and the 2016 Inc. 500. Center for Marketing Research, University of Massachusetts, available online at • Battelle, J. 2005. Search. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. • Blau, P.M. 1964. Exchange and Power in Social Life. New York: Wil 309 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)



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