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Home Explore The_Early_Republic- George Washington- Political Parties and the Whiskey Rebellion

The_Early_Republic- George Washington- Political Parties and the Whiskey Rebellion

Published by klsokoli, 2019-07-09 17:58:54

Description: The_Early_Republic- George Washington- Political Parties and the Whiskey Rebellion


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Alexander Hamilton’s Economic Plan (page 3)  As a result of the American Revolution, the national government owed $54 million  How to solve the economic problems: Repay the Debt National Bank System  Whiskey Tax  Protective Tariff Tariff – tax on imported foreign good which would protect American industries from foreign competition.

The Whiskey Rebellion

Rise of Political Parties (page 3)  Thomas Jefferson strongly opposed Hamilton’s Economic Plan which gave rise to America’s first political parties.

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