Customer Service JobsJobs that cover customer service can be found inthefollowing:* Audio Equipment Salesperson* Automobile Salesperson* Car Rental Agent* Clothing Salesperson
* Computer Salesperson* Retail Counter Clerk* Retail Department Store Clerk* Furniture Salesperson* Hardware Store Clerk* Jewelry Salesperson* Retail Sales Associate* Retail Sales Clerk* Retail Salesperson* Restaurant Servers* Restaurant Hostesses
* Hotel Clerks* Housekeeping HairdressersVirtually any business that offers a service issubject to Customer Service standards.Job descriptions may entail:* Greet customers and discuss type, quality andquantity of merchandise or services sought forpurchase, rental or lease* Seating guests, taking orders, makingsuggestions onorders* Advise customers on use and care of merchandise,andprovide advice concerning specialized productsorservices
* Estimate or quote prices, credit terms,trade-inallowances, warranties and delivery dates* Prepare merchandise for purchase, rental orlease* Prepare sales, rental or leasing contracts andaccept cash, cheque, credit card or automaticdebitpayment* Assist in display of merchandise* Maintain sales records for inventory control* Maintaining a clean and healthy environment* Operate computerized inventory record keepingandre-ordering systems
* May conduct sales transactions throughInternet-based electronic commerce.There are many things you can do in order to ensurethe best customer service possible. Knowing someofthe basics of customer service is a good place tostart.
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