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Published by The APEX Publications, 2023-01-10 09:52:51

Description: The APEX, Literary Folio AY 2021-2022


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["to asthma. Why? They interact with them and run in open areas, allowing them to exercise their lungs and improve their aerobic fitness. Though dogs are said to live for about 10-15 years, they become memorable to their owners, like when the dog did something unforgettable. They can be a rescue dog or even a dog that seeks a bomb. They are beneficial to humans. To welcome his owner, he will rush out the door. He is willing to put himself in danger rather than see his master get hurt. Getting so much closure to your dog is like having a relationship with someone. All it asks for in return is the owner's love and care. The dogs are energetic and joyful pets. They are full of vitality and passion. Dogs can be adopted or can be bought. The advantage of buying a dog is it will develop beside you. You will see their growth from being a puppy turned into a mature dog. But buying a dog is very expensive. On the other hand, dogs can also be adopted. It might come from a loving and caring owner or an abusive one. It will most likely depict a dog's behavior due to its adaptation to its surroundings. Dogs can be vicious and will attack anyone because of their traumatic pasts. This describes the dog named Royal. Royal is a poodle that loves to play with his owner. He is cute as a toy. He loves to eat dog biscuits after running with his master. During his meal, he always wanted to have a cup of dog food mixed with vegetables and meat on his plate. Just like other dogs, he is very clingy. He is just like a stuffed toy for real with his brown eyes, heart- shaped brown nose, and brown curly fur. This dog is a stress reliev- er and always smiles on the faces surrounding him. This is how dogs are a real man's best friend. \u00a9 mike rhon vincent venerable 201","HIRAETH 202 jarmaobelflahmaonpe M any people say that life is beautiful. But life, for some, cannot be summed up with words or just one phrase. With various meanings, interpretations, and perspectives coming from different people, I can say that life is a long journey to live and survive. One thing that is integral in life is existence. In this world, we are not just existing because every one of us is doing our best to shape our future and figure out what we want. But life is not the same for everyone. Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but some used to look upon them while wishing to be in the same situation. In a world where there is no fair fortune for everyone to get an education, some who do not have proper shelter to stay with food placed on their plate are very challenging. In other terms, life is a mixture of laughter and tears. However, choices never present themselves in the easiest way. Because luck can take you only so far, the rest is entirely up to you. It is about the amount of effort you put into something, how you handle difficult situations, and your ability to learn from your mistakes.","As we grow older year by year, we tend to know the meaning and purpose of why we are living. The word \\\"life\\\" has given more profound meaning and understanding. In the middle of the way, we see unexpect- ed things such as challenges as part of living. It is either we walk away or face it. It tests our courage, patience, and perseverance over something. Happiness and sorrow, victory and defeat, day and night, are just two sides. We cannot always choose what side we will be on. We try, and it's either we win or we fail. If you win, it's a celebration of living, but you can try again if you fail. That failure doesn't define you and your ability to grow. Remember that no human being on Earth is born strong. Those popular names we used to look up are a product of struggles, suffering, and failure. Life is not a fancy comfortable bed of roses we dreamt of laying in. Thorns are also part of it, and it should be accepted the way we take the beauty of life. During difficult moments, make yourself crave strength. Do not let the pain trick you. Those who accept these challeng- es are the ones who know how to live life in its true sense. And as life offers us challenges, hope comes in. It crosses the world's boundaries, from age, race, gender, class, and\/or any other persuasion it might be. People hold onto it every time darkness takes over their lives. Given that life is difficult, it does not come as a surprise for everyone. This one documentary film I have watched entitled \\\"Give up tomorrow\\\" gives me so many lessons to take. Juan Francisco Larranaga's main character, an inmate, said, \\\"When you feel like giving up, give up tomor- row.\\\" It may seem like a simple phrase by a convicted person, but it has a thousand meanings. To seek hope when everything seems so messed up is to look at the brighter side of life. Thus, we are still looking for a better outcome, another opportunity to make things work. Everybody gives us hope. Faith in humanity gives us hope. The more we struggle, the more we must see reasons to get up, be bolder, be brav- er enough and continue to fight. In most instances, we are called upon to help someone keep their drive to push harder, to revive their dying hope. And that I think is one of the noblest things to do. When you make others remain hopeful despite the struggles, the pain, and sorrow, we also turn 203","HIRAETH 204 to see that we made an impact, which made us optimistic. Hope breeds hope. Even in crisis, when motivation and trust within ourselves are gone, hope sustains our living. So, for as long as you can, be helpful and hope- ful at the same time. You never know how much change you can make in someone\u2019s life. The beauty of life lies in facing every difficulty with courage and strength. Let the beauty of life act like a painkiller; let it make the pain bearable during trying times by providing hope not just for yourself but for everyone. \u00a9 june martin del mundo","tranquility 205","HIRAETH 206 routmeaxoinfe etnrdaiyua mph \\\"Sometimes The Right Path Is Not The Easiest One.\\\" A s this saying goes, achieving one's dreams is never easy; we may come through many challenges before reaching success. One of the most amazing things we have as humans is our ability to dream and set goals in our lives. We desire to improve our lives and achieve our goals. We know exactly what we want for our family and for ourselves. We aim to achieve physical, intellectual, spiritual, and financial stability. It's also incredible that we, as humans, can not only dream but also find ways to realize our aspirations. We've also been given the cognitive ability to not only dream but also to seek out those dreams, pursue them, and come up with a strategy and techniques for achieving them. We may feel tempted to give up what we want to accomplish during difficult circumstances. There may be times when we consider giving up on our aspirations and ask ourselves, \\\"Am I still on the right track?\\\" We","face numerous challenges as we pursue our goals. And these difficulties are putting our determination to succeed to the test. We cannot prevent these difficulties from chasing us, but we may overcome and combat them. As dreamers, we must establish methods and map out a path to accomplishing our goals. Our life goals must be based on what our hearts desire. Make a list of the things we want to improve in our life. Consider what truly excites us to be confident in our ability to pursue it. \\\"What would I like to do in the future?\\\" \\\"To whom will I dedicate my success?\\\" \\\"Why would I like to be successful?\\\" \\\"Can I achieve it?\\\" we should ask our- selves. These big questions might reveal our genuine objectives, giving us a better picture of our future selves. We must prioritize our ambitions as someone who dreams a lot. Con- sider what is most important, feasible, and something you have always wanted to do. We could put things in order this way. Keep in mind that we're never just daydreaming; we're always moving forward. We must take action, do our best, and bring out the best in ourselves to achieve our goals. It's freeing to be able to not just fantasize but also realize our goals. Our perseverance, patience, and trust must always be present in our pursuit of achievement. We never know what will be waiting for us; there- fore, we must be prepared. Perseverance is a quality that can help us achieve our ambitions despite hurdles and challenges. Patience enables us to deal with these setbacks on our road to accomplishing our objec- tives. Ultimately, we must have faith in ourselves, those who actually sup- port us, and our creator because we will not be able to see our abilities without these. Our characteristics may help us succeed even more, so we must remember them. Challenges, obstacles, and roadblocks are the things that put one's 207","HIRAETH 208 ability to achieve dreams to the test. We won't be able to stop them, but we can defeat them. Never let a minor setback dissuade us from pursuing our goals. Allow the problems we might face to test how strong we are and how eager we are to succeed. We cannot guarantee that everyone around us will be happy if we pursue our goals, so we must be cautious and avoid allowing others to drag us down. Always keep in mind to be careful and careful in everything we do. Although it may be challenging at times, we must constantly remind ourselves of our goals. We can only pause instead of stop. Nothing can stop a strong-willed individual from dreaming. As the clich\u00e9 goes, \\\"Life is short.\\\" Let us dream and realize it for as long as we can do so. Let us take one step ahead as long as we can. Let us act on what we can foresee for as long as possible. Our lives will end at some point, and all we will be able to do is reflect. As we recollect, we can be happy or unhappy. As we near the end, those of us who dream, create goals and take action to attain them are the ones who live lives of joy and calm. We have done well for ourselves and our families. Humans are the ones with the ability to desire and","strive. Dreaming is necessary for human survival. If we don't have dreams, we would lose interest in life and eventually despise it. Without dreams, there will be no motivation to pursue them. There will be no goal to accomplish. There will be no goal to strive for. We would all be nothing if we didn't have dreams. It's the equivalent of tracking down a serial killer without leaving a trail. It's as though you're chasing an invisible shadow. It's a frustrating goose hunt. It's like using a fork to eat soup. We must first decide what we want to do and then go for it. We cannot do any- thing in life without goals, and to achieve these goals, we must dream. Many of us have numerous desires. Many people have succeeded in the past; if they can, so can we; ev- eryone can. Simply follow the steps one by one, take our time, and believe in our- selves. We can dream, and we have the tools to make our dreams a reality. Let us simply summon the courage to endure and believe that we will be successful. Nothing can stop a dreamer from reaching their ambitions. No roadblock could prevent us from reaching our goals. Always remember that if they can achieve their goals, so can we. The path may be challenging to follow, but triumph awaits those who persevere at the end of the road. 209","HHIRIRAAEETTHH221100 \u00a9 shienna baldesancho","opacarophile 211","HIRAETH 212 mjialoi cnrissate vearrgass Monsters are inside your head and not under your bed. There are two types of monsters. The first type is who your grand- mother told you about when you were young. Those are evil creatures that will eat your flesh and drink your blood. A creature that disguises itself as a crying infant and transforms into a small hideous creature with sharp teeth. A creature who lives in a huge tree. A massive creature with the head of a horse with a human body causes travelers to become lost in the forest. Little creatures that will make you said tabi-tabi po. An ethereal spirit from the afterlife. A wronged woman's ghost appears in white, seeking help even in your dreams, haunting those who have vic- timized her, and waiting to exact her vengeance. A monster that haunts pregnant women and another that cuts its own body in half, leaving the lower half behind while the upper torso sprouts wings and flies off to prey on newborn infants. A reason why we woke up at three a.m., a reason why we don\u2019t want to go to the restroom to pee. And those who are under your bed waiting for an opportunity to grab your foot in the middle of the night. The second type of monster is what lives inside your head. It is the monsters you fight every night before going to sleep. It is the demons you fight every morn- ing when you woke up. When you are taking a bath. When you order food. When you crossed the road. When you ride a bus. When you are facing uncertainties. When you try to socialize. When we face rejections. It is the monsters you fight in every online class. A monster that is taunting you. Saying that you are a failure and a waste of space.","Who will make you do a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Who will say that everyone will be better off without you and that the world will keep spinning on its axis even without you. Monsters who sounded like they cared about you, someone you recognized and made you do a double-take to make sure they hadn't come up behind you. Monsters who approached you as if you were a stranger, striking up a conversation and criticizing your life choices. Those who will convince you that you deserve to be forgotten. Monsters who speak kindly or praise you, talk about private things you've never told anyone, say hurtful things, offer guidance, including spiritual guidance, and encour- age you to do potentially harmful things. Our worst enemies are not those who just told to us. Our worst enemy is ourselves. It's funny how our parents, grandparents, nannies, the children's movies, and books taught us about the monsters under our bed every night, waiting for their opportunities to grab our foot when it is not covered by our blankets. They fed us by those scary stories. But when we grew older, we realized that demons are not under our beds but are inside our heads. Those are the silent battles. There are battles that can be fought alone, but not every time. We really need to seek help when it gets tough. Not because we are handling our battles silently, it doesn't mean it's not heavy. It\u2019s okay to embrace those monsters sometimes because you will learn what pain is. Embracing those monsters makes us feel stronger. There are also two characteristics of monsters. The good and the bad. They complement each other, they balance each other. Like people are created to be the balancing act in this unbalanced world. They are bal- anced so that someone can enjoy life and someone can suffer. Someone can hate so that someone can love. Someone can be negative so that someone can be positive. Someone is destined to experience failure so that someone can enjoy success. Someone can laugh so that someone can cry. Someone is destined to be happy so someone is destined to be 213","\u00a9 mike rhon vincent venerable HIRAETH 214 an- gry. There will be days that will be hard for us. The feeling of getting up every morning to face the same monsters that exhausted you last night, fighting it alone and doing the exact same thing repeatedly. Trying to fight with something we can't even see, something no one knows about. We will feel tired, frustrated, and hopeless. Life is a double-edged sword. We woke up not because of our alarm clocks, but because He woke us up to fight our battles more than once. We are not the only one who\u2019s fighting. We are not alone. And that\u2019s the main pur- pose of life. To fight and win. To turn left and to turn right. Storms don\u2019t last forever and after that, there will be a rainbow.","Monsters are inside your head and not under your bed. 215","\u00a9 shienna baldesancho VIBRANT STREET","STOP STOPPING YOURSELF \u00a9 shienna baldesancho","euphonious \u00a9 shienna baldesancho","\u00a9 shienna baldesancho BELLE AME","The Outcry Of Home \u00a9 nicko lorenz piniero","\u00a9 shienna baldesancho GRATITUDE AND PEACE","","Afterword \t Finally, we\u2019re here! You and I are at this stage of our lives be- cause we fought very well, although it was lonely and sad. Yes, this is not the final stage, but we deserve this spot. All the sacrifices that we have made make us who we are right now. \t The course of our lives does not always depend on the good and bad things that happen in our lives, but on how we cope with them. Hon- estly, I do have countless uncertain decisions in my life, like having the program I have right now, the Bachelor of Arts in Communication. But despite the fact that I regret choosing this one when I was a freshman at this university, I have learned to understand myself and the skills that I eventually unlocked by pursuing this program. \t At this hour, I am waiting for my graduation day with the mem- ories of the introverted student who took the risks to become an advo- cate of truth, a leader, and a writer. \t Inhale and exhale. \t We\u2019re still not lost and we\u2019re not alone. We have ourselves and others on our voyage. Keep walking, Juan","Hiraeth : Literary Folio by The Apex Any resemblance to literary works used in the literary pieces of this literary folio are totally coincidental or was utilized as inspirations for the express goal of attaining creative excellence. Except when permitted by law, no portion of this literary folio may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior approval of the editorial board. To God be all the glory. \u00a9 nicko lorenz piniero","THE APEX OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION OF BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY - LIPA editorial board EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JOHN ALBERT P. SILVA ASSOCIATE EDITOR MARK CHRISTOPHER d. LAT MANAGING EDITOR JAN LANCE MATIAS FICTION EDITORS MARY ROSE P. CADACIO; MAXINE E. ENDAYA; JIALI CRASAE VARGAS NONFICTION EDITORS JOHN JESTER CARINGAL; AVELLAH MHEI B. DE GUZMAN; MABEL G. LAMAN; KRIS ANNE M. MENDOZA PHOTOGRAPHERS SHIENNA BALDESANCHO; NICKO LORENZ C. PINIERO CHIEF OF GRAPHICS AND LAYOUT ARTIST JUNE MARTIN DEL MUNDO CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS mike rhon vincent venerable; darlene lagman; meynard colandog; mara patria famarin; margaux julia libutan; jasmin pecho; DESIREE MATIENZO ADVISER Ms. CATHERYN J. RAMIREZ"]

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