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eading Freud clear version in English
Sigmund Freud-along with Kar! Marx, Char!es Darwin, and Albert
Einstein-is among that small handful of supreme makers of the twentieth-century mind whose works should be our prized possession. Yet,
voluminous, diverse, and at times technical, Freud's writings have not
been as widely read as they deserve to be; most of those who may claim
direct acquaintance with them have limited their acquaintance to his
late essay Civilization and Its Discontents. Others have contented themselves with compendia, popularizations, even comic books attempting
to make Freud and his ideas palatable, even easy. That is a pity, for he
was a great stylist and equally great scientist. Hence it can be pleasurable,
and it is certainly essential, to know Freud, not merely to know about
The Freud Reader is designed to repair such unmerited and unfortunate neglect. It is the first truly comprehensive survey of Freud's
writings, using not some dated and discredited translations but the autho

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