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PE COI Annual Conference 2018 E-Booklet

Published by nuraishasorani, 2018-04-08 20:54:16

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PROGRAMME PE COI Annual Conference 2018 Precision Engineering - Industry Transformation Map 18 April 2018, Wednesday | 9.00am - 5.00pm Conrad Centennial Singapore, Ballroom 8.15am Registration 9.00am Welcome Address by Dr John Yong Chairman, PE COI Annual Conference 2018 Organising Committee SIMTech 9.10am Opening Address by Mr Ted Tan Deputy CEO Enterprise Singapore 9.20am Precision Engineering Industry Transformation Map (ITM) Update by Mr Lim Tse Yong Director Precision Engineering, Singapore Economic Development Board 9.45am MOU Signing by SIMTech and Open Hybrid Lab Factory (OHLF) 9.55am Transforming SPETA members with PE ITM by Mr Steven Koh Executive Director SPETA 10:15am SPETA Award Presentation 10:30am Tea Break & Networking 11.00am PE COI Update by Mr Tan Chee Tat Director, PE COI SIMTech 11.20am Digitalisation and Resource Efficiency: Open Hybrid LabFactory A Unique Platform for Research, Development, Production and Testing of Hybrid Components for the Automotive Industry by Prof Dr.-Ing. Klaus Dilger University Professor, Institute of Joining & Welding Technische Universität Braunschweig and Board Director of the Open Hybrid LabFactory and Prof Dr.-Ing. Christoph Herrmann Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technische Universität Braunschweig 11.50am Job & Skills: No Skills or New Skills - What’s your Choice? by Mr Sam Chee Wah General Manager Feinmetall Singapore Pte Ltd 12.10pm Trade & Internationalisation: Hegen’s Business Transformation Journey by Ms Yvon Bock Managing Director & Founder Hegen Pte Ltd

12.30pm Panel Discussion - Mr Low Ming Wah, Chairman, SPETA - Mr Edwin Chow, Executive Director, Manufacturing & Engineering, Enterprise Singapore - Mr Lim Tse Yong, Director, Precision Engineering, EDB - Ms Yvon Bock, Managing Director, Hegen Pte Ltd - Mr Azzli Jamain, Director, Industry Development Division 1, SkillsFuture Singapore - Dr John Yong, Director, IDO, SIMTech (Moderator) 1:00pm Lunch and Networking 2.00pm Productivity: Globaltronic’s Process Automation Journey by Mr Han Chin Chuan CEO Globaltronic Precision Рtе Ltd 2.20pm Job & Skills: PBA – Precision Bots and Automation Transformation Journey by Mr Toh Hong Wee Industrial Automation Group Manager PBA Systems Pte Ltd 2.40pm Innovation: Sharing of Our Company’s Transformation Towards Operation Excellence and Business Strategy Excellence by Mr Peter Toh Senior Programme Manager Fong’s Engineering & Manufacturing Pte Ltd 3:00pm Tea Break & Networking 3.30pm Productivity: Pursuing Productivity Through Systems Approach by Mr Kwan Lifeng Enterprise Development Manager CKE Manufacturing Pte Ltd 3.50pm Innovation: Home Grown Technology in Medical Applications using 3D Additive Manufacturing by Mr Goh Khoon Seng Chief Executive Officer Osteopore International Pte Ltd 4.10pm Innovation: Corrosion Resistant Coating Applications Landscape in Singapore Industries by Mr Steve Tan Director, Business Development Nipo International Pte Ltd 4.30pm End

Precision Engineering Industry Transformation Map (ITM) Update Mr Lim Tse Yong Director, Precision Engineering, Singapore Economic Development Board Abstract The PE ITM was launched in Oct 2016, with identified growth areas and initiatives, to ensure the continued growth of Singapore’s PE industry. This presentation will provide an update on the progress of the PE ITM, including how we are partnering the industry for future growth. Biography Mr. Lim Tse Yong is the Director of the Precision Engineering Division at the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB). He joined EDB in 2006 after graduating from the Imperial College, London, with a Master of Engineering (First Class Honours) in Mechanical Engineering. During his time with EDB, Mr. Lim spent 3 years in Sweden where he was responsible for partnering companies in Scan- dinavia to invest in Singapore. After returning from Sweden, he led EDB’s efforts in developing and growing Singapore’s Medical Technology sector. He also headed up EDB’s Corporate Planning team. Between 2015 - 2017, Mr. Lim was seconded to the Ministry of Trade & Industry as Deputy Director for the Industry Division, where he was involved in the formulation of policies pertaining to Singapore’s manufacturing and exportable services.

Transforming SPETA members with PE ITM Mr Steven Koh Executive Director SPETA Abstract Biography Mr. Koh is the Executive Director of Singapore Precision Engineering and Technology Association, Prior to his retirement in March 2015, he was Deputy CEO and Executive Director of Armstrong Industrial Corporation Limited. A position he held since the year 2000 respectively. Mr. Koh holds various Diplomas in Banking, Accountancy and Management from renowned overseas and local institutions. Mr. Koh has wide experience of over 25 years in the Banking Industry. Prior to joining Armstrong Industrial Corporation Limited, Mr. Koh has held several management positions in major banks. He was General Manager of a local bank’s Seoul branch. He is now the Executive Director of Singapore Precision Engineering and Technology Association, a position he held since Dec 2015. Mr. Koh Joined Armstrong Industrial Corporation Limited as General Manager, – Group Corporate Services in 1998 and was appointed to the Board in 2000. He played a key role in turnaround and grew Armstrong Group’s revenue by fivefold, and its market value by more than fifteenfold. He was appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer in 2005, and held various directorship in the Armstrong Group in the Group subsidiaries and associated companies. Mr. Koh has been instrumental in providing critical directions not just in key functions including corporate strategy, finance and operations, but also in guiding the Armstrong Group in its regional expansion and attaining sustainable profits. During Mr. Koh’s stint, Armstrong expanded from 8 factories to 18 factories, spread across 6 countries. In March 2015, Mr. Koh retired from Armstrong Group but remained as its advisor until Dec 2015 to ensure a smooth transition to his successor. In November 2015, SPRING Singapore appointed Mr. Koh as their Business Advisor to provide strategic management advice to the CEOs of the Precision Engineering Companies in Singapore from November 2015 to November 2016. Mr. Koh is also the Group Advisor, Advisor and Independent Director of many large local corporations and SMEs. He sits on the organized committees of many Trade Associations and Agencies. Mr. Koh was also appointed Independent Director of Metal Component Engineering Ltd, a SGX-listed company since May 2016.

PE COI Update Mr Tan Chee Tat Director, PE COI SIMTech Abstract Biography Mr. Tan Chee Tat has 13 years of Research and Engineering Development, as well as Project Management experiences in the Defence Engineering, Consumer Electronics, and Financial Self-service Equipment Development & Manufacturing industries, prior to joining SIMTech in 2011. His previous appointments include Project Manager in Olympus Singapore Technologies Pte Ltd and Manager (Banking Development) in Wincor Nixdorf Pte Ltd. Since 2011, he has taken up the industry development role in the Oil & Gas Initiative and Complex Equipment Initiative in PE COI, SIMTech. Currently, Chee Tat also holds the appointment of Deputy Director in the Industry Development Office. Chee Tat received his Bachelor Degree in Mechanical and Production Engineering and Masters Degree in Engineering (Robotics) from the Nanyang Technological University in 1996 and 1999 respectively.

Digitalisation and Resource Efficiency: Open Hybrid LabFactory A Unique Platform for Research, Development, Production and Testing of Hybrid Components for the Automotive Industry Professor Klaus Dilger University Professor, Institute of Joining & Welding Technische Universität (TU) Braunschweig, Germany Abstract The Open Hybrid LabFactory (OHLF) is a so-called Research Campus. The OHLF links strong partners from science and industry under one roof in order to accelerate research and development processes. The “Research Campus – Public-Private Partnership for Innovation” funding initiative of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) supports large-scale and long-term cooperation between science and industry. This enables the exploration of complex and multi-faceted research areas which involve high research risks and hold particular potential for quantum leap innovations. The research and development at OHLF focuses on new and innovative lightweight structures and concepts for the upcoming vehicle generations. OHLF has set up a research factory in which new technologies and processes can immediately be put to the practical test. This leads to cutting-edge technological solutions for future automotive production also leveraging digitalization and Industrie 4.0. At the interface between science and industry, a unique infrastructure was created, that helps to transform ideas into innovations, which are reflected in sustainable progress in mobility. Biography Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Dilger is a university professor at the Institute of joining and welding at the Technische Universität Braunschweig and board director of the Open Hybrid LabFactory e. V. (OHLF). Prof. Dilger has studied mechanical engineering at Technical University of Munich. Afterwards, he had been research assistant at Technische Universität Munich and received his doctor degree (Dr.-Ing.) in 1991. From 1991-1997 he was assistant professor at the chair of joining technology at TU Munich and from 1997-2002 university professor for adhesive bonding technology at the University of Aachen (RWTH). Besides Prof. Dilger founded different companies dealing with various joining technologies and ran them as managing director (e.g. IFF GmbH, München from 1991 to 2002). Since 1998, he has been the managing director of TC Kleben GmbH and since 2010 he is a board member of iTUBS GmbH (Transfergesellschaft TU Braunschweig). In 2002, he was appointed university professor of the Institute of joining and welding at the Technische Universität Braunschweig. He received an honorary professorship (Prof. h.c.) from the Kutaisi State University, Georgia in 2004. From 2007 to 2009 Prof. Dilger was the dean of the faculty of mechanical engineering at the TU Braunschweig. Since 2013, he is full member in the class of engineering of the Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (scientific association Braunschweig) and also the board director of the Open Hybrid LabFactory e. V. (OHLF) Prof. Dilger’s main research activities are in the field of lightweight design and manufacturing of modern mobility providers. In these fields he focuses on as well on ground (e.g. automobiles but also railway systems) as air transportation systems. He has published more than 600 papers and book publications as author, co-other and editor.

Digitalisation and Resource Efficiency: Open Hybrid LabFactory A Unique Platform for Research, Development, Production and Testing of Hybrid Components for the Automotive Industry Professor Christoph Herrmann Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technische Universität (TU) Braunschweig, Germany Abstract The Open Hybrid LabFactory (OHLF) is a so-called Research Campus. The OHLF links strong partners from science and industry under one roof in order to accelerate research and development processes. The “Research Campus – Public-Private Partnership for Innovation” funding initiative of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) supports large-scale and long-term cooperation between science and industry. This enables the exploration of complex and multi-faceted research areas which involve high research risks and hold particular potential for quantum leap innovations. The research and development at OHLF focuses on new and innovative lightweight structures and concepts for the upcoming vehicle generations. OHLF has set up a research factory in which new technologies and processes can immediately be put to the practical test. This leads to cutting-edge technological solutions for future automotive production also leveraging digitalization and Industrie 4.0. At the interface between science and industry, a unique infrastructure was created, that helps to transform ideas into innovations, which are reflected in sustainable progress in mobility. Biography Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Herrmann is a university professor for Sustainable Manufacturing & Life Cycle Engineering and co-director of IWF, Institute of Machine Tools and Production Technology, Technische Universität Braunschweig. After his doctor degree (Dr.-Ing.) in 2003, he habilitated in production engineering in 2008 and was appointed associate professor (apl. Prof.) in 2011. From 2005 to 2008 he was also scientific director of KERP Center of Excellence Environment & Electronics, Vienna. From August 2009 to February 2013 he was scientific director and member of the NFF (Niedersächsisches Forschungszentrum Fahrzeugtechnik / Automotive Research Center Niedersachsen), Germany. Since 2009 he leads the Joint German-Australian Research Group on “Sustainable Manufacturing and Life Cycle Engineering” together with Prof. Sami Kara from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney. Since 2018 Prof. Herrmann also leads the internationalization program of the Open Hybrid LabFactory (OHLF). OHLF is a Research Campus sponsored by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) and organized as Public-Private Partnership for Innovation aiming at large-scale and long-term cooperation between science and industry. Since April 2017 Professor Herrmann is also Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Professor Herrmann has conducted various industry and research projects in the context of life cycle engineering and sustainable manufacturing on national and international level. He has published more than 300 papers and book publications as author, co-other and editor. Professor Herrmann is a member of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP).

Job & Skills: No Skills or New Skills - What’s your Choice? Mr Sam Chee Wah General Manager Feinmetall Singapore Pte Ltd Abstract Since the launch of the PE ITM in 2016, the Precision Engineering Sector has begun to reform, restructure and revamp to align with the latest trend of advanced manufacturing. The Industrie 4.0 initiative has since become a mainstream concept which promises productivity improvement, smart factories without human intervention and flexible production of products within short lead time. Most workers realize that Industrie 4.0 may or will affect their future career opportunities and concern about what skills they should equip or acquire now. Mr. Sam Chee Wah will share his practical experience on how he manage to develop, train and re-design new job skills from the implementation of his digital manufacturing facility. He will also provide an overview of the technologies that will come to the market within next 5 years, how these developments will impact on jobs and how young employee can fully utilize the opportunities arising from these changes. Biography Mr. Sam Chee Wah, General Manager of Feinmetall Singapore has more than 30 years of experience in the semiconductor industry. From a humble start-up of 5 employees in 2007, he has grown the company to its current size of 60 employees. Feinmetall Singapore has propelled from a small repair center to a leading one-stop turnkey design, manufacture, testing and service center for semiconductor wafer probe card. He led the company to be the proud recipient of various business awards like SMF Sustainable Growth Award, EYA Enterprise of the Year and 5-time winner of the prestigious Enterprise 50 Award. Feinmetall Singapore adopted the Business Excellence framework and honored as the first wafer probe card company to receive the Singapore Quality Class certification in 2015. Last year, Mr. Sam has just launched the new Digital Manufacturing Facility at his Marsiling factory, pioneering one of the early adopters of Industrie 4.0 concept. He is a firm believer of human capital and productivity management. He implemented various policies to recruit, retain and retrain employees. He also initiated measures to innovate, automate and simplify the company manufacturing processes. Frequently sought after as a speaker, his holistic and down-to-earth viewpoint has often being termed as the voice of SMEs by newspaper and media.

Trade & Internationalisation: Hegen’s Business Tranformation Journey Ms. Yvon Bock Managing Director Hegen Pte Ltd Abstract Yvon Bock, Managing Director of Hegen, has managed to successfully harness her expertise behind 30-year-old original equipment manufacturer Fitson to develop Hegen, an award-winning range of nursing products. Within three short years, Hegen has managed to expand internationally into over 14 markets worldwide, fueling Fitson’s growth. Established and designed in Singapore in 2015, Hegen creates sustainable, practical and high-quality breastfeeding products that meet the different needs of a growing child–and in turn, improve and enhance the nursing experience between a mother and her child. Proudly manufactured in Singapore by parent company Fitson, who produces baby products for some of the biggest baby product companies globally. Yvon will share her insights in this session: - How Hegen utilises precision engineering to materialise human-centric designs and solutions - How she revamped Fitson while building Hegen - elevating Fitson beyond being an OEM manufacturer - How she manages strong Intellectual Property management while developing Hegen - The importance of developing innovative products that resonate with customers through meaningful designs Biography Founder and Managing Director of Hegen Pte Ltd, Yvon Bock is a passionate designer and innovator. Together with a team of designers and engineers, she spearheaded the birth of a range of simple, practical and highly innovative baby products which focus on enhancing the breastfeeding journey for both mother and child. The Hegen feeding system is a sustainable, top quality product that evolves to meet the different needs of the growing child.

Panel Discussion Mr. Low Ming Wah Chairman SPETA Abstract Biography Low Ming Wah is the President, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director of Micro-Mechanics (Holdings) Ltd listed in Singapore Stock Exchange. Micro-Mechanics designs, manufactures and markets precision tools, assemblies and consumable parts that are used to assemble and test semiconductors. (please visit Ming Wah was hired as the company’s first engineer in 1989, at than Micro-Mechanics was a small company with 23 people. With the development and growth of the Semiconductor Industry to South East Asia, Micro-Mechanics follows the waves. Ming Wah was involved in setting up overseas factories at Penang, Thailand, Philippines and China- Suzhou. Today Micro-Mechanics employed over 460 people with four factories in Asia and one factory at Morgan Hill, California, USA. During these 30 years, Ming Wah has held key engineering, manufacturing and management positions. His main responsible today is to oversee the four operations in Asia. Prior to joining Micro-Mechanics, Ming Wah held engineering and design positions with General Electric and Siemens Components. He received his diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Singapore Polytechnic and a Master in Business Administration from the University of Hull, UK. He has over 35 years of experience in semiconductor and precision engineering industry. Currently, Ming Wah is a Council Member and Chairman of the Singapore Precision Engineering & Technology Association (SPETA). Ming Wah is also the member of the SMEC Internationalization Sub-committee under Singapore Business Federation and member for FEC Manufacturing Sub-committee under EDB. He is also a member of Singapore Institute of Directors (SID). Since 2012, Ming Wah established a bursary fund with the Singapore Polytechnic Graduate Guild Endowment to support students in need of financial assistance studying in Singapore Polytechnic. Ming Wah is also the Distinguished Patron for Loving Heart Multi-Service Centre that serves the residents and needy students. In 2015, Ming Wah established a Study Grant with the Singapore Institute of Technology (SiT) to be given to deserving and financially disadvantaged full-time undergraduates of the institute. In 2017, Ming Wah established a scholarship with Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) to promote meritocratic access to education and provide opportunities to students with demonstrated financial need.

Panel Discussion Dr. John Yong Director, IDO SIMTech Abstract Biography Dr. John Yong is the Director of the Industry Development Office at A*STAR SIMTech. He was the Director of the Precision Engineering Centre of Innovation (PE COI) from April 2009 to March 2018. PE COI, set up in 2007 with funding from A*STAR and SPRING Singapore, serves as a resource center to assist PE companies and spearheads several industry initiatives to help companies venture into high growth industries. PE COI has initiated 60 CIPs, completed more than 1180 industry projects and 179 consultancy cases, as well as organized 285 events reaching out to over 12,800 participants. John has also served in the various national committees. He is the Chairman of the Manufacturing Standards Committee, Member of the Singapore Standards Council, Coordinator Committee for Smart Nation and Member of the EDB Supplier Development Committee. John has 20 years of experience in light alloy research, particularly on aluminum, magnesium and composites. John obtained his doctorate degree in precision casting of magnesium alloys and composites from Loughborough University, UK. He and his research team were awarded the 2008 National Technology Award for their contribution to the development of liquid forging technology. He has also received the Singapore National Academy of Science Young Scientist of the Year Award 2004 for his research on novel manufacturing processes for lightweight metal as well as the Lord Austin prize by The Institute of Electrical Engineers in 1997 for his research in magnesium alloy.

Productivity: Globaltronic’s Process Automation Journey Mr. Han Chin Chuan CEO Globaltronic Precision Pte Ltd Abstract Biography

Job & Skills: PBA - Precision Bots and Automation Transformation Journey Mr. Toh Hong Wee Industrial Automation Group Manager, PBA Systems Pte Ltd Abstract Successful transformation of PBA, from a trading and distribution hardware shop in 1987 to a Robotics manufacturer and Automation solution provider of today – through continuous product and technology innovation, evolution of business models and development of business ecosystems. Biography Starting as a manufacturing process engineer, Hong Wee’s varied career includes technical support; sales management; project and service management; product management; business development. With more than 10 years of management experience in growing financial results and people management in the Industrial Automation business segment, Hong Wee has built skills in driving businesses in the dynamic and asymmetrical Southeast Asia markets. He was the Business Manager for Architecture & Software Business Unit of Rockwell Automation Southeast Asia before joining SICK Southeast Asia (a fully owned sales subsidiary of SICK AG) as the Sales Director, Factory Automation and a member of the local management board.

Innovation: Sharing of Our Company’s Transformation Towards Operation Excellence and Business Strategy Excellence Mr. Peter Toh Fong Engineering Abstract In today competitive world, everybody is talking and worrying about the business challenges, economic uncertainty, the political situation of countries affecting the markets and operation. And disruptive technology. In a nutshell, Business is getting tougher and more challenges are surfacing out today. Hardly we can see or hear of members start to share about the opportunity for businesses to grow or to sustain. Today is different and we would like to share our Company’s Transformation journey and how we have overcome the challenges and converting some of these challenges into opportunities contribute to the company growth and sustainability. Biography Peter has completed his EMBA and graduated from Rutgers Business School, the Rutgers University in New Jersey, USA. His proficient is in Manufacturing Engineering has a total of 27 years in Manufacturing Industry and the 12 years is working in Fong’s Engineering till present. In 2006, he joins Fong’s and set up the Programme Department and back then was the first time that Fong’s been adopting the Programme and Project Management. During his tour of duties in Fong’s, he has been in Production before setting up the Assembly facility for Medical Device in 2007. In Sales & Marketing as well serving all the customers need directly in the front line bring in several businesses contributing to the customer satisfaction and company growth. Today, he is back to his original function role in Programme and Project management with an additional task of identifying, coaching to develop the Leaders for Tomorrow.

Productivity: Maximising Productivity Through Smart Manufacturing Systems Mr Kwan Lifeng Enterprise Development Manager CKE Manufacturing Pte Ltd Abstract With the rapid technology development and technological breakthrough, many business owners are often overwhelmed by the huge amount of information, making it difficult to discern and adopt. CKE’s partnership with SIMTech has shown that productivity gain can be achieved through incremental systems approach in innovation. This sharing session highlights some of the productivity gains that CKE have benefited through process innovation in Plasma Transferred Arc welding Omni-Methodology and on-going test-bedding of digitization via SIMTech’s Manufacturing Control Tower (MCT) platform. Biography Mr. Kwan Lifeng, Enterprise Development Manager of CKE Manufacturing – a Singapore family-owned and operated business founded in 1946. Since its inception, CKE Manufacturing as successfully offer precision machining and welding services to a diverse market from Aerospace, Electronics to Oil & Gas. As the company’s Enterprise Development Manager, his job scope includes developing and executing strategic plans for value creation and cost reductions, executing enterprise objective and initiatives, as well as identifying business opportunities.

Innovation: Home Grown Technology in Medical Applications using 3D Addictive Manufacturing Mr. Goh Khoon Seng Chief Executive Officer Osteopore International Pte Ltd Abstract Biography

Innovation: Corrosion Resistant Coating Applications Landscape in Singapore Industries Mr Steve Tan Nipo Group Abstract Our presentation highlights the journey from problem discovery to an innovative product solution via partnerships with NTU and A*STAR’s SIMTech. We will showcase the following: - How an initial conversation with BCA about the modular PPVC construction they were embarking on posed certain issues. - Leveraging off various govt backed initiatives and matching agencies - Link up to technology from NTU - Proof of value and concept - SIMTech’s testing approach to validate the lab work. Biography Steve has held various positions in the civil service, shipbuilding and repair, environmental industries, offshore and distribution, ranging from project management, plant operations, business development and executive management. He brings a depth of knowledge and professional experiences over wide-ranging industries. A Singapore Police Force Scholar, Steve holds a B Eng (First Class) in Mechanical Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. After serving his scholarship bond, Steve went on to set up PT Erindo, a shipbuilding and repair company based in Batam, Indonesia. With a workforce of about 700 workers, PT Erindo was one of the biggest shipbuilding contractor in Batam and was later acquired. Steve is also a founding member of Inquiro Consulting Pte Ltd, a firm which specializes in computer forensic and digital forensic, claims and loss adjustment, intelligence gathering services as well as corporate investigation. He is currently the Independent director, designated Chairman of the Nomination Committee, providing independent judgment to bear on issues of strategy, policy, performance, accountability, resources and standard of conduct for GT Steel Construction Group Limited, a Singapore based firm listed on the GEM board, Hong Kong. Professional assignments include appointment as the Chief Operations Officer (2013 to 2015) for TAT Petroleum, a distributor of Exxon Mobil. He introduced toll blending as well as trading business resulting in a 50% increase in net profit during his tenure. He also developed the offshore sector for STX Pan Ocean, specializing in semi-submersible heavy lift vessels. This business unit remains highly profitable during the 2009-2013 period despite the financial crisis resulting in STX Pan Ocean going into receivership. Steve currently drives the New Business Development Unit at Nipo.

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