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Welcome to Issue 180 Happy Easter! E n jo y t h e s e a s o n o f re n e w a l, t h is m ig h t b e t h e p e r fe c t t im e to jo in th e G a rd e n in g C lu b (p a g e 1 9 ). O u r M a rc h /A p ril issu e is c ra m m e d fu ll o f sp rin g ! S p rin g co lo u r,b u n n ie s,c h ic ks an d e g g s -m o stly co u rte sy o f th e R ive r B o u rn e C o m m u n ity Farm w h o su b b e d u s so m e w o n d e r fu l p h o to s (se e p a g e 1 4 fo r th e ir fo rth c o m in g e v e n ts). Yo u m ay h ave re ad in th e Salisb u ry Jo u rn al b ack in Jan u ary ab o u t th e sad p assin g o f Fo rd re sid e n t an d Jo u rn al co n trib u to r C aro lin e R ip p ie r. Sh e w as o fte n to b e se e n , in a ll w e a t h e r s o n fi t n e s s r u n s a b o u t t h e p a r is h , s t o p p in g fo r a c h a t a n d t o s w a p n e w s w it h n e ig h b o u r s , o r w a v in g ‘t o ’ o r e x c la im in g ‘a t ’, d r iv e r s p a s s in g b y (d e p e n d in g o n th e ir ro a d e ttiq u e tte a n d p e d e stria n a w a re n e ss). C a ro lin e o n c e to ld m e th a t sh e cam e late to ru n n in g an d d e sp ite am b itio u sly le arn in g to ru n b y tack lin g th e u p h ill se c tio n o n th e R o m an R o ad b e tw e e n O ld Saru m an d Fo rd , sh e so o n b e cam e a d d ic t e d . If y o u ’re lo o k in g fo r a p e r s o n a l c h a lle n g e t h is s p r in g C a ro lin e w o u ld , I a m su re , h a v e u rg e d y o u to g iv e ru n n in g a g o ! O r h o w a b o u t Yo g a ? (p a g e 9 ) o r w a lk in g fo o tb a ll p e rh a p s? (p a g e 2 9 ) o r th e W I g e t u p to a ll so rts o f e x c ite m e n ts (p a g e 2 5 ). Se e o u r D iary Pag e fo r th in g s g o in g o n aro u n d th e Parish in o u r Villag e an d C o m m u n it y S p a c e s w h ic h y o u m ig h t lik e to ‘s p r in g ’ in to ! C a ro lin e w a s m u c h re s p e c t e d fo r b o t h h e r C h a r it y w o r k a n d ‘C h ild re n ’s P a g e ’ in t h e J o u r n a l a n d as a trib u te to h er m em o ry w e are ru n n in g an Easter th em ed co m p etitio n , se e p ag e 26 fo r d e tails. W e h ave a lo ve ly b aske t o f Easte r e g g s as th e p rize. A ls o in s id e t h is is s u e y o u w ill fi n d a re p o r t o n t h e re s u lt s fro m t h e N e ig h b o u r h o o d P la n su rv e y (p a g e 1 6 ) a n d fo r th o se o f y o u w h o sp e n d a lo t o f tim e o u tsid e , w a lk in g , ru n n in g , c y c lin g o r s im p ly e x p lo rin g if y o u h a v e n ’t c o m e a c ro s s it a lre a d y y o u ’ll d e fi n it e ly w a n t t o k n o w a b o u t ‘W h a t 3 W o rd s ’. N ic k B a k e r e x p la in s it s u s e s o n p a g e 7. If yo u h ave so m e lo cal n e w s an d w an t to sh are, o u r n e x t issu e co ve rs M ay / Ju n e a n d t h e d e a d lin e fo r s u b m is s io n s is A p r il 0 3 . JB. The Parish Newsletter is published six times a year for the benefit of parish residents. However; articles included do not necessarily reflect the views of the Parish Council. Advertisements for any business or service does not imply a recommendation by the Parish Council. Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 1

Inside your Parish Newsletter 1. Welcome 3. View from the Chair 4. News in Brief 5. New Community Policing Team Contact details and structure 6. Planning Applications 7. What 3 Words? - Nck Baker looks at a lifesaving App 8. Parish Pump - No Ball Games! 9. Newsletter Delivery Appeal 10. Report on Parish Council Meetings 12. Laverstock & Ford History Group 13. Laverstock Arts Group 14. Down at the Farm (events) 15 Out & About in the Park (updates) 16. Neighbourhood Planning 18. Rights of Way Volunteers Wanted, Field Archaeology Group 19. Laverstock Gardening Group / Mothers Union 23. Old Sarum & Longhedge Community News 25. News from Sarum WI 26. *EASTER COMPETITION* Wiltshire Creative - Art Exhibitions 27. News from St. Andrews & St. Marks 29. Carers Support Funding Grant, Ladies Walking Football 30. Laverstock & Ford Parish Council Contacts / Useful Contacts 32. Wiltshire Councillors / Local Churches Information 34. Contacts around the Parish / Parish Venues 35. Parish Diary dates

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NEWS IN BRIEF • The Parish Council has set the Precept for the forthcoming year. • The Parish Precept is the portion of your Council Tax Bill allocated to the Parish. This year the new charge will be £49.21 for a Band D property. This amounts to 1.9% increase on last year. • The PC has approved the erection of two new bus shelters for the Bishopdown Farm PR7 route.  Watch out for these at the Sycamore Drive Greentrees School and St Thomas Way / St Luke’s bus stops • The PC has carried out a survey of all 75 street name signs in Laverstock and will be considering possible options to improve them. If residents have any thoughts on how our signs should look, please email [email protected] . • The project to replace Whitebridge Boardwalk is completed and this much cherished path is now open for business again. • Country Park Work continues with laying out Castle Hill Country Park, the most obvious is the progress to date with the various pathways despite the rain wind and cold. Hedges have also received attention which has involved the Park’s volunteers. The Ranger provides more details in her report (pg 15) • The Parish Council seriously concerned about school traffic and pedestrian safety in Church Road Laverstock and is seeking help from Community • Area Transport Group (Wiltshire Council) • Longhedge Update. Play Areas in Middleton Green and Liddell Gardens are completed and will be handed over to the PC shortly • The findings from Neighbourhood Plan surveys of Residents and Businesses in the parish, conducted through two questionnaires are now on the NP website. A summary of the findings is included in this Newsletter (pg 16). • The time period for the School Youth questionnaire was extended through to the end of February while a further questionnaire has been sent to all owners of significant parcels of land in the parish. • Four Play areas in the Parish, currently managed by Wiltshire Council will be handed over to the Parish very shortly • A new Rights of Way group has been assembled to assist in the maintenance of footpaths across the Parish. Terms of Reference for the group have been agreed • Flying recommenced on 1st February at Old Sarum Airfield with the return of parachuting activity in bright sunshine. We wait to see what other users will operate from the Airfield.

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 5

PLANNING APPLICATIONS The following Planning Applications have been submitted in the Parish since 1st December 2019. Italics after the application show the Parish Council response. Bold print shows a decision by Wiltshire Council. DECISIONS 19/05238/PNCOU. Prior notification on change of use of Agricultural Building to a Dwelling House (Class C3) and associated operational development. The Barn, Cow Lane, Laverstock. APPEAL DISMISSED 19/06825/FUL. Conversion of detached garage to ancillary accommodation. 49 Elm Close, Laverstock. New plans submitted. NO COMMENT. APPROVED 19/10550/FUL. Change of use to allotment from equestrian. Borrowback Stables, Roman Road, Ford. SUPPORT WITH COMMENT. APPROVED. 19/11395/FUL. Single storey rear extension and associated works. 52 Saunders Ave, Bishopdown. NO OBJECTION. APPROVED. 19/11551/TPO. Work to TPO Field Maple trees. 4 St Albans Close, Bishopdown. NO OBJECTION. APPROVED. NEW APPLICATIONS 19/09041/FUL. Proposed roof conversion, ground floor internal alterations and rear extension. 14 Greenwood Avenue, Laverstock. NO COMMENT. 19/11119/FUL. Vary approved design S/17/03564/FUL, cropped hip to full gable, change from gable window to opening outward doors and addition of a roof terrace. 23 Potters Way, Laverstock.Revised plans consultation.New objection consultation. SUPPORT WITH CONDITIONS. 19/11819/FUL. Erect a PVCU conservatory to side of property. 51 Norman Drive, Old Sarum. 19/11910/VAR. Variation of Condition 3 of 14/05719/FUL (Change of use from B1, B2, B8 to Class D2 with conditions) to allow another use within Class D2. Unit 2, Sarum Business Park, SP4 6FB 19/12131/FUL. Rear two-storey extension, proposed area of block paving for car parking, proposed extension of existing dropped kerb. Cranbrook, Laverstock Park, Laverstock. NO COMMENT. 20/00522/TPO. Work to TPO Trees. 9 Green Lane, Ford 20/00648/TP0. Work to TPO trees. Cranbrook, Laverstock Park, Laverstock. SUPPORT

What 3 Words A New Way to Tell People Exactly Where You Are “Where am I?” One of the most fundamental, exisistentialist questions ever asked? Possibly but here Cllr Nick Baker takes a look at a life saving App that could not only save your life one day (should you be tapped into the digital world) but also throws the Parish into a whole new ‘space time continuum’... Puzzled? read on... Have you ever had that conversation where you say “well the postcode is SP…. but don’t follow it, you’ll end up in the road behind the garden fence”? Or even worse “I’ve fallen over in the Country Park and I’ve twisted my ankle, I’m somewhere up the path which you get to when you turn left out of the car park”. Postcodes are great for helping postal workers sort out letters, but they were not designed for modern sat nav devices and in rural areas where prop- erties are spread out or in open spaces with no houses they can be mislead- ing at best. The team developing the Castle Hill country park have considered this, and the new information signs will recommend an app called ‘What 3 Words’ as the ideal way to describe exactly where you are to within 3 metres. This could be vital in an emergency, but can also be a lot of fun if you are planning a walk and could even be useful at home if you are struggling to get a delivery or tradesman to your house! The app divides the planet into 3 metre squares and allocates each one three words in a unique combination. You can then give the three words to someone else and they can look up the words on the website or app and link it straight to Google Maps or other navigation tools. Two of my favourite walks in the parish would be from belong.crows.roaring to probable.rally.sweetend in the country park and from lift.arrive.quiz to chill.arch.fact on Cocky Down. The emergency services are using the application with the ambulance service being strong supporters. 999 Call Handler, Slade Stevens, said: “The app can be downloaded at the click of a button, and can make all the difference in an emergency when every second counts. “I received a call from someone who was injured in a field, but didn’t know where they were. By using the app we were able to establish exactly where help was needed, so we could send resources straight to the scene.” The police and the fire service have also confirmed that they can use the app although the fire service point out that they can also use the GPS signal from a mobile phone to find the location of a caller who is still at the site of an incident. To use the app on your mobile phone go to your app store and search for “what3words”. To have a look from your computer go to the website what- Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 7

PARISH PUMP The Parish Pump was the one place in the community where residents could gather to collect water and listen to gossip. The Parish Pump was the parish newsletter of its time. Parish Pump never speaks on behalf of Councillors or Officers. Comments made in this column are entirely the observations, sometimes whimsical, sometimes cutting reflections of the Parish Pump, which after all, is still the life-blood of the community. NO BALL GAMES PP heard about a small neighbourhood in the Parish fortunate to have a tiny Green space in their midst. It makes a great outlook for a dozen or so houses with some lush grass and a few trees. It is well cared for and an example of what makes our Parish semi-rural as opposed to urban. For very many years the green space has had two outrageously bold notices. Old fashioned Wiltshire County Council signs forbidding ball games on the grass. They extoll the severity of punishment if ball players cause offence or annoyance to other users of the highway. Parish Pump heard it said that the notice; advising THREAT OF PROSECUTION, were not enforceable anyway, but they seemed to belong to a past age when children should be seen and not heard; prosecuted in fact if they cause an annoyance with a football. A Councillor took up the challenge and with the help of our worthy Wiltshire Councillor elicited a promise from Wiltshire Council to remove the notices.The signs belong to the Parish Council said the man from Wiltshire Council shaking his head. No! said the Parish Council. Read the first line on the notice, ‘Wilt- shire County Council’. But we will take them down ourselves if it’s too much trouble for you? You can’t take them down without our per- mission, said Wiltshire Council. You’ll be in breach of the law. You could be prosecuted! Well in that case, you remove them, we don’t like them and any- way they are so old it’s impossible to read the words. ‘Well alright but don’t blame us if the grass is damaged by football boots and youngsters shouting for their team!’. PP

PARISH NEWSLETTER DELIVERY CAN YOU HELP DELIVER THE PARISH NEWSLET TER? We are urgently seeking more volunteers to deliver this free Parish Newsletter. Could you spare 30 minutes or maybe an hour, six times a year, to help us? The Parish Council produces the Newsletter every two months and this is distributed FREE to all residents. It provides a wealth of useful information about local clubs and social activities as well as essential contacts throughout the area. The Newsletter is self-funding through advertising but depends on the large number of volunteers who deliver it throughout the Parish. Can you please help us by delivering some? Maybe a road or a couple of roads near you? If you could deliver just some of them, it would be a great help. T O A N Y O F O U R C U R R E N T DIS T R IB U T O R S - many thanks for your ongoing support it is very much appreciated. I would be grateful if you could contact me on the email address below, just so that I can ensure my contact list for you all is up to date. Please contact me if you are able to help us continue the delivery e . trudideane@ T. 0 78 8 5 6 16 2 76 The Newsletters would be delivered to your door, normally just before the publication date. They are published on the 1st January, March, May, July, September and November. Thanking you in anticipation. Trudi Deane Laverstock and Ford Parish Council Incorporating Milford, Bishopdown Farm, Old Sarum and Longhedge Announcing a new Yoga class in the Laverstock and Ford Village Hall on Friday mornings, from 28th February 2020, 9.30 – 11.00am.  Contact Ruth Harris, 01722 349830 [email protected] for more info. Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 9

Report on Parish Council Meetings This report covers the meetings held on 16th December 2019, 13th January and 20th January 2020. The full minutes of these meetings can be viewed on the Parish Council page of our website at At the December meeting and early January meeting some time was spent discussing a planning application for an extension in Laverstock. This is the second recent application, which involves a development that affects the privacy of a neighbour. In the end the Council decided to support the application but with conditions that will reduce the affect on neighbours. The Council does of course only offer advice. The final decision rests with the Planning Authority at Wiltshire Council. The Council refused a request for funds from a national charity at the December meeting. The local branch had unfortunately not made the effort to research and comply with the Council’s grant policy. This places great emphasis on how the organisation provides benefits to our local residents. The problems caused by school run traffic on Church Road in Laverstock have been discussed at several recent meetings. There have been many complaints by residents about the dangers to school children of cars and buses driving on the footpath in order to get past other cars parked in the road to collect children from school. The Parish Council would like to see a concerted effort by Wiltshire Council to redesign the road to permit off-road parking. You will note from his latest Viewpoint that Wiltshire Councillor Ian McLennan is opposed to this idea and would instead like parents to use the London Road Park and Ride to collect their children. The Parish Council debated whether or not this is a realistic option. The Council welcomed the efforts of a new member, Cllr David Lovibond, to establish a team of volunteers to maintain and improve the many public rights of way across the Parish. Wiltshire Council, who have the responsibility Rights of Way open, have recently appointed a new Rights of Way officer. Between them it looks like the annual problem of overgrown and blocked footpaths will be solved. The extraordinary meeting on 13th January concentrated only on the Council’s budget and precept for the 2020-2021 financial year. A lot of detail was discussed about the cost of maintaining the Council’s assets but most of the meeting concentrated on the current review of the Council’s staff and resources. The Parish has expanded enormously in the last few years and now has a population of around 9,500. AaaTnhtbditushdaeisgBmeaaten1tehd.t9aiD%ntgr(ieanosvcnuerlre2taa0egstdheeinJhoaonanu2Pus0aree1rhyc9oe-il2tpd0wt)2rta0aes.xqufoiinfrae£lm4ly9e.rn2et1soopflev£re1yd8e7tao,1r.7se9t

The completion of the new Boardwalk through Whitebridge Spinney was reported at the January meeting. The whole project has cost £95,000 and has been partly funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. There is some finishing work still to done with new signs and benches. The construction work was carried out during the wettest autumn for many years in order to avoid the water vole breeding season. With the river now having burst its banks it is hoped that the water voles have found some dry ground. Work has also continued on footpath construction across Castle Hill Country Park. In spite of the wet weather the contractor is on course to complete most work by the end of February or early March. This will include the new car park and access off Roman Road. There have been some flooding issues particularly with properties in Salisbury City. The Council is working closely with the City Council to see how these can be resolved. The expansion of Longhedge village continues with two new play areas added to those maintained by the Parish Council There are seven more to be constructed before the development is complete. Work is continuing apace with the new Care Home and Local Centre, which will include a Nursery, Convenience store and Café. The Council was disappointed that applications to include a pharmacy at Longhedge and Old Sarum have been refused by NHS England. Alongside Longhedge is a small development of just ten houses in Mynarski Close. Several residents of these dwellings have contacted the Council to raise two issues. First the excessive speed of traffic on the A345 that passes their road entrance, and second the poor footpath link to Longhedge Village. The Council will be taking up these issues with the Highways and Planning Authorities at Wiltshire Council. Another issue that affects all Longhedge residents is the delay in pro- viding the shared use link path between Longhedge and Old Sarum. Wiltshire Council, who are providing this path have said that there are legal issues over the strip of land between the two sites. Until these are resolved work cannot continue. The Council is very disappointed. The link should have been provided before the first residents moved in. Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 11

LAVERSTOCK & FORD HISTORY GROUP Richard Deane spoke at the January meeting on ‘Repairs to the Cathedral spire, 1977 to the 1990s.’ Richard began with a brief history of the spire. The upper tower, with the spire, were added in the period 1300-1330 (exact date not known). It has been estimated that the original squat tower needed 1500 tons of stone, and the upper tower and spire added a further 5000 tons to the building. The repair campaign that began in 1977 sought to deal with rust damage from cramps (strips of iron holding two stones together). Richard and others worked from boson’s chairs, each ‘chair’ be- ing a flat piece of wood, with four narrowish ropes connecting it to a one inch thick rope hung from a pulley at the top of the spire. This enabled the chair to move up and down the spire. No real training was given and with hindsight it must be said that some quite dan- gerous practices were adopted in the carrying out of the chair work. In 1985 the SOS (Save our Spire) appeal was launched , seek- ing £6.5 million to repair tower and spire (and also the West Front, which followed later). In 1986 the repair work proper began. The first task was to install steel frames inside the spire, to trans- mit load from above the decorated bands to below them, so that weathered stones could be removed and new ones fixed in place. Before the steel frames could be put in, bolts (fixing copper bands on to the spire) had to be taken out and put back again, reversed. These had protruded internally, getting in the way of the frames. In one respect, the 1980s repair work fell well short of the medieval work. The hoist installed in the 1980s was quite unable to bring up stones of the size originally used, and smaller ones had to be used as replacements. The medieval masons had lifted and fixed stones up to half a ton in weight, using only very simple block and tackle systems. For the 1992 concert marking the end of the spire appeal, Richard had to fix a firework to the spire top, then remove it after it had been let off. Postscript: The spire leans to the south-west by about two feet (some- thing to do with the effect of the weather on tall slim structures), but it is not thought to be a major problem in itself!

Laverstock Art Club New Year, New H obby? Introducing Fiona Forbes Since November 2017, I have had the pleasure of organising and tutoring the Laverstock Art Club. I took over from John Gustard when he moved to France, he had been running the group very successfully for a number of years. The ladies and gentlemen who attend are very friendly and welcoming, and are a great mixture of abilities and personalities. I try to adapt my lessons to include a variety of subjects and topics which will suit everyone and also encourage people to try out different ideas and techniques , which are very often well out of their “comfort zones”. This can produce surprising results which can lead to new directions. Some members are happier to pursue their own projects instead of following the lesson. At the end of each session, most people are happy to have a “show” of work and we all learn so much from seeing how everyone has produced their very own interpretation of the subject for the week and developed their own style. We use most materials, including watercolours, acrylics, oils, pastels and charcoal and work from live objects, models and photos. In the summer months we occasionally paint outdoors. There is a guest tutor invited at least twice a year, usually when I’m away. Art is a highly satisfying creative activity and is a continual process of learning and discovery. It is lovely to be able to share ideas with like minded people in a relaxing and conducive environment. We meet every Tuesday afternoon from 2.00 – 4.30pm in the Laverstock and Ford Village Hall. New members are welcome and no experience is necessary. Cost is £8 per session which includes refreshments. Please contact me if you are interested in joining us or would like more information Email: [email protected] or by telephone 01980 862368 Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 13

Down on the Farm CASTLE HILL COUNTRY PARK RIVER BOURNE COMUMpdUaNteIT– YNoFvAemRbMer 2019 The weather has definitely turned for the worse work is ramping up at the country park. We are SP1tmhaa2kt eSwmRitho,rte0heo1fc7au2rmr2eens3ts g3bruo0tu6int6’ds7cimonpdoirtitoannst that we Cow Lane, Laverstock, that we much done as possible before nesting season an repair the ruts as best we can after the work is c EASTER EGG HUNT fgroomhu1n0tinagmbepdaaf–oyt.3hTrtsphh1hmee0anpEvapeatrhobssgetereaernrseescgwuwgteiollplluiuhctnotaudpnreeedrfuswnlolayywcaotnhndetiincfoutnehtewrareacltiln.oArs Tues 7th April – Sun 12th April Pick up your egg hunt form and hidden around the farm, find them all and epdicgkinugpboaaprdrisz,ela. ying the membrane and stoning Entry is £3.00 per child. exception of the zigzags on the biggest slopes wh CREAM TEA SUNDAY hoggin material which is a 20mm stone base wit Sunday 3rd May, 3–5pm mix topping which binds firmly when compacted through. The paths are our main priority at the m Enjoy a relaxed afternoon on the farm withfudlleylibceiosueseicnrgegarmeatteparsogarnedssaout on site. The co selection of home-made cakes served in tohne tboatrhne. nTehwe cfaarrmpawrkillobffethe Ford Road and all running tractor trailer rides (small cost appcloiemsp),leatnedd lbivyethmeuesnidc.of February. The Farm will be open to visitors from 1O0uarmw-o4rpk monapsreupsaurianlg the land for wildflower s eventtp)hreepwairnintegrftoor enable us to seed a further area in LIVE @ THE FARM (outdoor tree, hedge and orchard planting. W Sunday 24th May, 3–10pm whips (90-120cm plants) as they will establish qu FEATURING: OASIS MAYBE & BobthoMuaghrltehyeyEwxopne’trhiaevnecthee immediate impact t (tribute acts) plus support from Stone-FaWceedalWsoehllaevresa, DcoanvtyraJctoonr ehsedge laying a section Locker, plus other great local acts! path entering the park from Green Lane. This wi Come along to the farm’s annual outdoor mtauinswicheavtewnatsaasvpearyrtoovfergrown and unmanagea ‘Salisbury Live’. food, large bar and childOthrueernsvm’solaeullnnbtteeinerstraiginnrotmhueepnphtla.asyaalrseoabsefeonr very busy ins Great sounds, hot larger ones o PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR OWN FuOsOe Dw/iDthRcIoNuKntrOyNpaTrOk uSseITrsE, c–utting and boardin THANK YOU slopes and installing posts for information poste E2L-iNm1T8iR)t.eYAddBovYna-TnsIicCteeKtpEicaTkrkeOitnsNgLa£Yv2a-ipl£ae5brlpceaesrr.opoenrsaomodtnnaSetTe(eECutEiwenhTsigitdlIhdpCaopryKeisanEnratkTtt£dh9S1e.e.3vCed0eaOaalocymMphb-m.,1e2afeonngroteesos.enIiftahannedryIovwniaeilFlwalecoetubeldovoel If you would like any more information on developments CREAM TEA SUNDAY – Sunday 14RathngJeruant peh,ili3pp–[email protected] As above – Cream teas served by local WI in the Big Barn. INFLATABLE FUN DAYS Mon 3rd August to Sunday 9th August The Inflatables will be back! A whole field full of bouncy things and other rides (small charge from some additional rides). Refreshments available from the field and in the café/farm shop. Tickets on gate: Children £5 each (wristbands – come and go all day) Please check the website for other workshops/events taking place at the farm. Follow us on Facebook @riverbournecommunityfarm - or on Twitter @SalisburyFarm

OUT AND ABOUT IN THE PARK I think you can all agree that the last few months have been a little damp. Our contractors, Idverde, have continued on through e now but rain, wind and cold. It hasn’t been an ideal time to complete conscious the path works but as I wrote in my last piece, we had a very neenctAdrhsgohdsgm,tlimlueacIyawidthyptegphgves.ahtwlereeAsatwaarittlllvd-llilloeetlblwh,abneaessreentaepawwdnarirandmetntchspaeeataslnarciargwldtwlnhoipincttibialldhgnalorrbygttkarhheiinneehoageffrlaeFnoTntnrncadrheooaendheptnrwsdeoreRtdtoiaonnieamowttpegilnaosext.ddnewhsetW.sweeitmIndcWheHdrttoveooiooeienagrlwlnretirhghdnseweeoagatwotfdasrapiotlytlayaclrhruseoorsenthcfmeridisnaeerpetmpgvgsaatletsuhrreehtktleotriael.nteaotgTsfictcioesenohornoureeiuimsssncminhnhpttwohtorlhetnyewbvoheteuuioetopltihltrgdnao2ksehirpspfioktsdvrfdetbieianhtstrceoathgieitsbflieotlsoyichtlsrhnimoleetiobeynsmewengetsaphoenpdnweeofrdlosnfaehpsnsoyteakhewacfdtyebathegetliunanhseptrehfaakdwowaostnotrahvunedrsesnttmhhtotwnaohiiuetsseirneolrr..tll moment anWdeyohuavweillbheeelpn-continuing on with our ground preparation to the land behind ol nbteriancgtowreslGiwln, iwrtleeloreterhnksettnwrienimelglsobtvoeJeusneieorhSocwhothoisl sgoroitw’ssrecoamdypfaorreadntoAtphreil wildflower sowing. It will be less nutrient rich areas we seeded in the autumn around the ball court and down Fiander Lane. nstinuWelhtlieoahceedtkfeniwehlnasarepbgirltdgrlliheiegsbnaeruecgnAJadtToss.hapipothlnmWltealonewoaettrincenehgnnbicgawteemuaeihpnrtnirFtenahaedtpgfhineagelralkeamkasrrnEofyldn’somhsodvlgeotoiaessezacenvttriarolh-ednybina.-Lsedroadtidfnhtwiueo.FoeniMrwasktn.aoiilnldnWgbeybereeovLpgfohalolataunhinnvneetegteehdteiranaerulsssespohashnolpspaeroetlvaalycern.bietHeTesbedihlelnehteosanpromverepiWagbllailbuanenesyartyeleantdhrneterdcetedhhsegtoahesneceakarnsnfelilrdemstadotossvowlheotfhrhdctueihapbybels’yllropeaBtrlsoacsailhnderartterhiaanrnedttgtteysss. able hedges.hould establish quicker than larger trees though don’t give the initial impact. stalling tdhoegWwfbeiolnilnrcbskee,shrfefaeopsnrlacdsceutiandargltfeodr eoxnertchiesinnegwdodgosgoaffclteivaitdyaanrdeawwillhhicahveisitssitoewdnndeoagr the new car park and outside bin, benches and dog ng steps onasctteiveiptysslitpapteiornys. We have cut and leveled the area and will be preparing it for grass seeding ers to keepinevAepryroil.nAedujpactoent to this will be an area that in the future could be used as a community like to joincursotphgernowweinmgeineittiative but in the short term we plan on seeding it with a wild bird cover mix. oerkyoorneemknaoilWw.woetohhdealatvanesdkhbaanldodcakcnoenatrratchteordienrfeolircat week opening up some of the dense undergrowth in the barn for the mountain bike course. This involved cutting then pleasebcoanctakcst Pmhaililplpaartehaes of bramble and scrub but has left all the mature trees and large areas of the woodland untouched. The idea behind having this kind of activity in the woodland is that even though it involved some scrub removal, overall the woodland is left untouched and bikes will have to keep to the tracks or risk ending up in a patch of brambles. Compared to having dogs running loose this may have less impact overall to the woodland’s wildlife. Just a note to say that we have moved the weekly volunteer session to Thursdays at 10am-12.30pm. A note will go out every Wednesday on Facebook or individually to people if they provide an email address saying where to meet and what the task will be. If you would like to contact the Ranger, email : [email protected] Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 15

NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING Neighbourhood Plan Surveys of Residents and Businesses in the Parish - The Key Findings Readers may be aware that, during recent months, the Neighbourhood Plan team has organised a number of surveys, though questionnaires, of local residents, businesses, school students and landowners. The aim has been to gather views on a range of issues, in particular those relating to the current and future use of land within the parish. This article presents a summary of the key findings of two surveys (of residents and businesses) which have now been completed. More detail can be found on the Laverstock & Ford Communities Neighbourhood Plan website at . R e s id e n t s ’ S u r v e y : The residents’ survey was carried out in September 2019, via a questionnaire delivered to every household in the parish, together with the option to respond online. There were 552 completed questionnaires, representing a response rate of c13% of all households. There was a significant representation of all communities and most age groups, with particularly high response rates from the more established communities of Laverstock and Ford and from those aged 60 or over. There was a more limited response from adults aged 18-30 and from residents in Longhedge. The findings from the various sections of the questionnaire were as follows: Parish setting: Respondents were asked about the parish setting, including its green spaces. The overwhelming majority valued the semi-rural nature of the parish, the proximity to the countryside and the number and variety of open spaces/ green spaces. The majority of respondents claimed to visit the major green spaces at least once a month, with the principal reasons for visits being relaxation, exercise, the attractive scenery and views and to see birds, wild life and wild flowers. Local amenities: Respondents were asked for their views on a wide range of local amenities. Among those expressing an opinion, the majority rated most of these as good or adequate, notably local schools, community centres, convenience store and play parks. However, there was widespread dissatisfaction at the lack of local post offices and a substantial minority concerned about the availability of a local pharmacy, surgery or dentist. Highest levels of satisfaction with local amenities were from respondents in Bishopdown Farm/ Hampton Park/Riverdown Park and lowest ratings from residents of Longhedge. Movement: Respondents were asked for their ratings of bus links to the city, footpath and cycle path networks, traffic conditions and specific roads. Bus links to the city and the local footpath network were generally rated good or adequate across all age groups and communities (with the exception of Ford respondents, a majority of whom rated the footpath network as poor). However, among those expressing an opinion, the cycle path network was rated as poor by a substantial minority of all respondents and by the majority of those from Ford and Old Sarum/Longhedge. Widespread concern was expressed about the volume of traffic, speeding traffic and dangerous or inconsiderate parking. Church Road Laverstock received the worst rating for traffic problems, being regarded as “ frequently a problem or almost always a problem” by morethanhalfofallparishrespondents. Twootherroadswereofmajorlocalconcern: Roman Road/Ford Road for Ford respondents and Milford Mill Road for respondents in Laverstock Future development in the parish: There was strong support across all communities and age groups for limiting the scale of future house building in the parish. Of those expressing an opinion, three quarters of respondents supported a maximum of no more than 100 additional houses being built over the period to 2036, with two fifths of respondents favouring limiting development to infill only (1 or 2 houses per site). Not surprisingly, there was also a strong preference for small scale individual developments, with c60% of respondents preferring to limit development on any one site to 25 houses or less. There was strong support across all communities and age groups for limiting the scale of future house building in the parish.

Future development in the parish cont., Of those expressing an opinion, three quarters of respondents supported a maximum of no more than 100 additional houses being built over the period to 2036, with two fifths of respondents favouring limiting development to infill only (1 or 2 houses per site). Not surprisingly, there was also a strong preference for small scale individual developments, with c60% of respondents preferring to limit development on any one site to 25 houses or less. Respondents were then asked for their views on a range of statements relating to future development. A substantial majority of respondents strongly agreed with the following: 1. The water meadows along the River Bourne should be protected against any type of development (88% of respondents.) 2. Any development within the parish should have low impact on the visual character of the landscape (88%) 3. The balance between developed land, agricultural land, and public open space should always ensure that the semi-rural character of the parish is maintained (88%) 4. The community owned open spaces, such as Castle Hill Country Park, should be legally protected from future development (80%) 5. Any land already designated for development should be used in preference to developing green space (75%) 6. Any development within or adjacent to the Old Sarum Airfield should not harm the historic setting of the Airfield Conservation Area (72%) 7. Any development in Laverstock, Milford and Ford should be limited to infill (1 or 2 houses per site) (60%) 8. Old Sarum and Longhedge should remain a separate settlement, separated from Salisbury city by the current agricultural buffer (59%) There was no substantial disagreement with any of the statements included in the questionnaire. Energy generation and conservation We asked for views on a range of statements relating to future energy generation and conservation. A majority strongly agreed that all future buildings should be designed for zero net energy usage and with the provision of an electric vehicle charging facilities. There was limited support for the development of solar panel farms (37% strongly agreed), for wind turbines (27%), but little support for more commercial buildings to allow local people to work closer to home. Respondents’ additional comments: At the end of the questionnaire, respondents were invited to add their own comments. Half did so, covering a wide range of topics, with the clear “top two” being opposition to further significant housing development and concern about traffic issues. Businesses’ Survey A survey of businesses with their own premises in the parish was undertaken in October/November 2019, via a questionnaire delivered to them, together with the option to respond online. There were 35 completed questionnaires, representing a response rate of c30%. Most of the respondents were service sector firms with no more than 10 employees, were located in Old Sarum and had been on their current site for at least 5 years. Businesses were asked for their views on various aspects of their current location. In general, there was high degree of satisfaction, with a substantial majority of respondents rating the following as “very good or good”: the overall size of site, building layout and size, site access and proximity to customers. However, a substantial minority were concerned about availability of skilled staff, broadband speed and the local road network. cont., Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 17

MILFORD PRESERVATION GROUP / RIGHTS OF WAY Neighbourhood Plan Surveys of Residents and Businesses in the Parish cont., We also asked for their views about factors which they would take into account if they were looking to relocate. Most would prefer to stay locally and move to buildings already constructed (with floorspace of typically less than 1,000 square meters), rather than acquire land. However, very few were planning to relocate. Of the quarter who were planning to expand in the next few years, most intended to do so on their current site. How the Findings will be used Many thanks to all who took part in the two surveys. The findings will be particularly valuable as we develop our Neighbourhood Plan in the coming months. They will enable us to base proposals and policies for the future development of the parish on the views expressed by local residents and businesses. If you wish to contact the Neighbourhood Plan Team, why not use the ‘Contact Us’ facility on the Neighbourhood Plan website at KM Rights of Way Voluntary Warden Scheme Whether struggling through housing developments or breaking out across ploughland, the public paths of Laverstock and Ford are a precious but fragile resource. The enemies of access are legion: barbed wire-blocked paths; electric fences; locked gates; illicit warning notices; bulls and aggressive horses… Nature will rarely be denied, and we must not complain of mud. But invasive vegetation can be cut and cleared. Obdurate landowners can be legally obliged to cooperate. If, that is, the responsible authorities have the resources to answer the many calls for help and action. As the rights of way team at Wiltshire Council Highways has 2500km of public paths within its bailiwick, they could always do with a little help from their friends in the Parishes. Which is where the Laverstock and Ford path wardens’ scheme comes in. Beginning at the end of this month, four volunteers will regularly monitor the condition of our many paths, byways and bridleways. The aim is to visit each route at least twice a year and to report any problems to me. A programme of reasonable action will then be negotiated with the county rights of way team. Volunteers are not asked to clear any blocking vegetation themselves – but if they happened to have a pair of secateurs about them…. In fact, a fellow Councillor has offered the help of his cub scout pack to clear a blocked path as a project. Anyone else interested in helping with our work would be very welcome. Please contact Cllr. David Lovibond [email protected] Archaeology Field Group Many thanks to those who have expressed interest in joining this fledgling group. The aim, it will be recalled, is to explore the archaeologically resonant landscapes of the Parish. We may reasonably hope to add to what is known of recorded sites, and per- haps to find previously unknown or merely suspected areas of interest. There is much to do, and I will be in contact soon with all those who have responded. Cllr. David Lovibond [email protected]

LAVERSTOCK GARDENING CLUB Bonsai! At our meeting on Monday March 23rd, Grahame Alexander will give a bonsai demonstration. Bonsai is the art of growing miniature trees, and involves skilful training and pruning techniques. Besides serving on the committee of our club, Grahame is Chairman of the Salisbury Bonsai Society, which meets once a month in Laverstock and Ford Village Hall. It’s not too early to start planning for success in our Annual Show this summer. For our April talk, Kelvin Mason will speak on “Preparing for the Show”. He lectures on horticulture at Sparsholt College and is a regular judge at our Annual Shows, judging the Floral exhibits and those in the Fruit and Vegetables section. Who better to tell us just what the judges are looking for and how to achieve winning results? Kelvin will give his talk on Monday April 27th. Meetings of the Laverstock Gardening Club are held at Laverstock and Ford Village Hall at 7.30 pm on the fourth Monday of the month. Visitors are always welcome. Laverstock Mothers Union Are holding a ‘market’ at Laverstock village hall Wednesday 29th April at 2.30 pm. If you would like to book a stall/ table top - cost £10,  please contact Heather Ludlow at : [email protected] do please come along AND SUPPORT US ON THE on the day. Proceeds to Salisbury Refuge. Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 19

Old Sarum and Longhedge Community News Old Sarumand Longhedge Spring Clean –18th April We are havingour annual OldSarum andLonghedge SpringClean. This is anopportunity for anyone whowants tohelpandsee positive change where we live. We will meet at OldSarum community centre at 10amwhere equipment will be distributedandwe will gather againat roughly noon. All ages welcome, so if you are interested, then come 1a8ltohngAproinl.  Saturday Messy Church is now at the new time of 10 am - 11.30am To correspond with the launch of Hope Church. We are meeting at the Old Sarum Community Centre March 8th and April 12th. Come along for fun, craft and food. For more information contact : Sophie Burditt: [email protected] Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 23

OLD SARUM COMMUNITY CENTRE NEEDS YOU! We are looking for people to help oversee and join the trustees of our thriving community centre. we are looking for people with experience or a desire to help, in lettings, maintenance, business and community planning. Please contact the centre using the details below if interested. BOOKINGS If you have a birthday, anniversary, party or any occasion forthcoming - Old Sarum Community Centre is offering a discounted rate of £10 per hour for the main hall to anyone who lives in the laverstock & Ford parish (includes Old Sarum). If you are interested and wish to discuss a booking please contact: Tel. 07712 229888 or email [email protected]

NEWS FROM SARUM Women’s InNsteitwutse from the WI Our November meeting was well attended NEW SARUMas we had a demonstration of creating Christmas flowers, in all 4 items were made tamthhwstOwnheeeodaeumiinrsmsrtbopefegerwJairtilzavsghtaeneeesst2nuwnh.dataelfeOretopaylilnwasgalo erhlomltwstnrtteeharnomeewdfiefnfttleeecigemnerhdbegetiweynimnpdvegrgaebiaz.trleateeyyrfasstWptwphe.renletreeehtlaTeceCwsh soxseaehemetsdasrrtiewracstwftireteohsmtidruetatheeartsoas,fw/,cwi2tothh0hffie2eceh0na otoibanrsrteeeisacrekyissc, tlneibnoegnisfodbtriiosoecdbueersegmsaraibkodanuarpkboilnnethg,tehaenoodna5sapiasgrooavponeoddrsywamlalsiiyxvoefly and with the soil in pots and hantghinisgybeaasrk’setrsestoolruettiaoinnswtoatdeer!cSidoeswimhpicleh bounte we wavenrtyedeftfoecgtiovefo. rward to the NFWI.  Each of these proposals were given to a committee member who then chaired a 5 minute discussion, before moving on toOthuer Dneexcet mgrboeurpm. Eeveetinrygmweams boeurr cCohurilsdtmthaesnsvooctiea,l,awnidththMeardedsyul,tsonfoerwofarded foor uinrccluosmiomnitatet ethemneemxbtelersveal.rranging the evening. Wrapping presents OwiwputhiraeFsAs eneabgnnrejduolaaysreaoydufmstbhaeyegemeTtinSargonBlylw.s, Ianawsnethdareegaacsipunurrpirvzpeeelnireytfdocdrlbiimftfyheaerttheebenewt,scitoat?hm?tasmloNkitemtaevbueeocr uwhmthfifronraaeuau!dldsMoaainnwddciaedsrecnaemsss cothmeintegaastaunsdfrcoomffemesanfoyr dthireecetvioennisn,gt!hWis ewaalssoasvaenrgy sinofmoremcaatrivoels!talk. If Jyaonuuaarrey iinstethreesstteadrtinofjooiunrinngewusf,inpalenacsiael lyoeoakr,astoouorurwseubbssitew:ill be due, ww£w4.n3e.0w0spaerur cCasohmtmo uthnisitymCeeent-tre on thiengfirwsthWichedwniellsbdeayonof8ththe JmAoNnUthARatY7-.1n5optemt.he change of date for this ShmeoilnathHoanrtl,y!Treasurer and Vice Chairman If you are interested in joining us, please look at our website and join us at the Old Sarum Community Centre on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.15Opmld (Seaxrcuempt aJnadnuLaoryn)ghedge Sheila HaCrto, nTtraNRecaete:ssusximrdeteermn.ahtnasedrAte4Vs7ticsi@neocgCgimh:aataiiiorlm.ncaonm. Thursday 26th March at Old Sarum Community Centre Meetings start with an update on what our local Parish Council is doing for the estates of Old Sarum and Longhedge. There is then an opportunity for everyone to ask questions and raise any concerns they have about our local community. The meeting is open, friendly and all questions are taken seriously. It is a great opportunity to come discuss important issues, meet your neighbors and to make a real difference on the estates. Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 25

Easter Competition WIltshire Creative’s Resident artist Mirka Golden-Hann has written to ask if we could feature two powerful exhibitions at Salisbury Arts Centre that Art Students and Art Lovers won’t want to miss: Three Acts and Seven Scenes: Nicola Bealing - solo 27 January – 28 March Nicola Bealing is a Cornwall-based British artist who works in both painting and print- making. Nicola is an artist with an exceptional skill and talent who leans toward the narrative. In this solo exhibition you will be able to see Nicola’s previously un exhibited work created in response to Lorca’s play ‘Blood Wedding’. Nicola Bealing is a serious voice in contemporary art, who brings a fascinating angle to the interdisciplinary ambitions of Wiltshire Creative’s programming aspirations. This exhibition runs alongside a produc- tion of Blood Wedding adapted by local writer Barney Norris. Diaspora 3. April – 9. May This ground-breaking exhibition brings together artists and makers of African/Caribbe- an heritage to showcase their work, not previously seen in Salisbury. In relation to art, ‘Diaspora’ has been used to discuss artists who have migrated from one part of the world to another and who express their diverse experience of culture and identity in their work; often expressing alternative narratives, challenging ideas and structures of the art world. The exhibition is an exceptional opportunity to appreciate and collect work by these artists who bring a myriad of fresh viewpoints to the canon of art.

News from St. Andrews and St. Marks Special events at St. Mark’s Church (St. Mark’s roundabout SP1 3DL) Mothering Sunday 22nd March 10.30am Family parade service with communion. Palm Sunday 5th April ‘Together@ten’ informal service with coffee, croissants and crafts. Special events at St Andrew’s Church (Church Rd. Laverstock SP1 1QX) Ash Wednesday 26th February - 6.30pm Holy Communion with Ashes Mothering Sunday 22nd March - 10.30am Service with communion and flowers. Holy Week across the Parish Maundy Thursday 9th April 6.30pm Meal and communion (St Mark’s Good Friday 10th April 9.30am ‘Reflection’ (St Mark’s) Good Friday 11am Walk of Witness from Cathedral to the Guildhall Good Friday 2pm ‘Reflection’ (St Andrew’s) Easter Sunday 10.30am ‘The empty tomb!’ (at both Churches) Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 27

We’ve saved a generation help us save the next... Countless lives have been saved since we began operating in 1990.  As a result, a generation of people have been able to resume their lives and celebrate special milestones such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries or the birth of children and grandchildren.  We are only able to provide our vital service thanks to the generosity of people, community groups, schools, businesses and grant-making trusts who make donations. Our charity is not funded directly by the Government and receives no National Lottery grants. It costs £3.75 million a year to keep our lifesaving service operational. Last year we undertook 1,233 missions – an increase of 12% on 2018. WE ARE HONOURED TO SERVE WILTSHIRE AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES. With your help we can be here to save the next generation  To donate, head to our website: Registered charity number: 1144097

Carer Support Wiltshire Laverstock & Ford Parish Council have generously given £500 to Carer Support Wiltshire’s ‘Time for Carers’ appeal. The money will be spent on breaks for unpaid carers living in the parish. Carers often don’t get to take regular time for themselves as they are unable to leave the person they care for. Research shows that carers who haven’t taken a break from caring within the last year are much more likely to report poor mental and physical health and 8 out of 10 carers describe themselves as ‘lonely or isolated’ due to their caring responsi- bilities. The appeal funds regular breaks, to enable carers to take up a hobby, do some- thing they enjoy, reconnect with friends, family and the community and generally keep themselves well so they are able to carry on caring. Find out more New Year New You? Want to get more exercise, have fun, make new friends? Then why not try Salisbury Ladies Only Walking Football? Walking football is the fastest growing sport in the UK. You don’t need any experience or special equipment. Just come along in com- fortable clothes and a pair of trainers. The rules are simple and the game is more about having a laugh than winning. We are a really friendly, supportive group of ladies that meet at the Five Rivers Leisure Centre every Thursday evening 5:00 to 6.00 p.m. You are welcome to just turn up or for more information contact : Sue on 01722 339712 Email : [email protected] or Chris on [email protected] 07484 190759 Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 29

Laverstock & Ford Parish Council Contacts Chair Andy Birkett Laverstock & Milford Ward Marti Hilliard 26 Melvin Close, Laverstock SP1 1PG James Dean Tel. 01722 679538 Milford Farm, Milford SP1 1RJ [email protected] Tel. 01722 335040 [email protected] Derek Hayes David Lovibond Meadow View, The Green, Laverstock 33 Riverbourne Road, Laverstock SP1 1NU SP1 QS Tel. 01722 332109 Tel. 01722 238852 [email protected] davidlovibond@laverstock-ford-co-uk Nick Baker 2 Linden Close, Laverstock SP1 1PH Tel. 01722 238198 [email protected] Bishopdown Farm Ward Should your name be here? Lesley Waller Parish Cllrs are vital to the well being of a community. 30, The Oakbournes, Bishopdown Farm If you are reading this don’t hesitate - get in touch SP1 3FZ with the Parish Clerk to find out more. (It won’t be [email protected] anywhere near as onerous as you imagine!) Ford, Old Sarum and Longhedge Kevin Lynn Andy Birkett 9 Warneford Crescent, Longhedge SP4 34 Norman Drive, Old Sarum SP4 6FP 6SB Tel. 01722 326642 Tel. 01722 446636 [email protected] [email protected] Vic Bussereau Alex Tucker 5 Merrifield Road, Ford SP4 6DF 11 Ashlands, Ford SP4 6DY Tel. 01722 339571 Tel. 01722 325049 [email protected] [email protected] Parish Clerk: Andrew Prince 3 Pilgrims Way, Laverstock, SP1 1RZ Tel. 01722 411847 Email: [email protected] Assistant to Parish Clerk: Trudi Deane email: trudideane@ Details of Councillors’ interests & membership of parish council sub- groups, can be found on our website

To report road, lighting defects and road hazards 0300 Emergency (Out of hours) 0300 Rubbish and recyclinUg seful Contacts 0300 Council tax 0300 WILTHSoHuIsRinEgCOUNCIL HELPLINES 0172 To report road, lightiPnlgadnenfiencgts and road hazards 0300 456 0105 0172 Emergency (Out of hBouuirlsd)ing Control 0300 456 0100 0172 0300 Rubbish and recyclinGPgeesntecroanl ternoql,uniroieisseaannddspwoitllcuht000bio313o700na200r244d554663400711700392 0300 Council Tax Housing Planning FLOOD LINE 01722 434541 0345 0800 Building Control ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Eme0r1g7e2n2c4y34H5e1l9pline Pest Control, Noise and Pollution 0300 456 0107 General enquiries anSdasliwsbituhcryhbCooamrdmunity Engage0m3e00nt45M6a0n10a0ger Marc Read FLOOD LINE [email protected] 0345 091887211284834557 ENVIRONMENT AGESNoCuYthEemrenrgWenilctyshHierelplCinoemmuni0ty80E0n8g0a7g0e6m0 ent Manager K Salisbury CommunitkyaErnegna.glienmakenetr@Mawnailgtsehr 0R1e7ad22 434697 email [email protected] 01722 434557 South Wiltshire Community Engagement Officer Karen Linaker email [email protected] 01722 434697 WILTSHIRE COMMUNITY POLICE TEAM EMAIL for General EnquNiriOesN: [email protected] jLeanvneyr.mstooscsk@, Fwoitrsdh,irOe.lpdnLSnoa.pcroualmilcePa.ounkdlicLeonCgohnedtgaect-sPfCoSrOCJoemnnmy Muonsitsy Policing issues or e Milford - PCSO HannahLaCvreanrhstaomck, [email protected] Moss gBriascheo.pacdkoewrsn@Fwarilmtsh, iHrea.mpjenpnnt.onpnoylPi.cmaer.uokksasn@d Rwivieltrsdhowirne.Ppanrkn-.pPoClSicOeG.urakce Akers Craocmheml.guunnitny@Pwoillitcsihnirge.CpBPonCin-so.SphrOdooliinpcPaedCt.uooSkrwO- PnKCFaRadarymchG,erleHGeaunnmnkpatdoyn.gPraerekna@nwd iRltisvheirrdeo.pwnnn.Ppaorlkic oDriaalt9r9is9kingeatntinEgmienrjguerendcM.y -ilcfroimrde inPpCrSoOgreLsasuorar sKoimngeo–[email protected] Dial 101 in a NON Emer gCeonmcym-uTnoirteypPoortliacicnrgimCeo(-noortdmineanttioorne–dPacbMovaet)t Holland or to contact an off icer Our email for general enquiries is - cptsouthwiltshire@w salisburypolice @SouYthoWuilctsaCnPpThotwnietteWr.cioltms/hSiroeutPhWoliilctseCbPyT dialling '101', in an em Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 31 Laverstoc

Useful Contacts continued Wiltshire Councillors Ian McLennan For Laverstock, Ford & Old Sarum 01722 332233 47 Church Road, Laverstock, Salisbury SP1 1QY Email [email protected] @CllrIanMcLennan Derek Brown OBE For Bishopdown Farm 07967 343011 3 The Meadows, Salisbury, SP1 2SS Email [email protected] Member of Parliament Constituency Office 12 Brown Street, Salisbury SP1 1HE John Glen Phone: 01722 323050 Webite: House of Commons [email protected] Parish Council Meetings for March and April 2020 *Monday 16 March Old Sarum Community Centre 7pm Monday 20 April Riverbourne Community Farm 7pm Parish Council meetings are held in each of the parish wards to enable residents to have easy access to local meetings. Residents are welcome to attend and may address the council for up to three minutes before the start of the meeting. Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter Copy deadline is Friday 03 April for next issue May/June 2020 The Editor reserves the right to edit articles for content and length If you are a member of a local club or organisation, or have an unusual hobby which you think would interest your fellow residents, why not write a short article about it? Maybe you have a special event or celebration coming up that you would like to invite other residents of the parish to? You can include pictures which support the article. A ful page is around 400 words a half page around 250. Articles can be sent within the body of an email or as a page or word document images/logos etc., should accompany as a medium to high res .png or . jpg or high res pdf Email to [email protected] Laverstock and Ford Parish Council Laverstock & Ford Parish Website:

LOCAL CHURCHES LOCAL CHURCHES INFORMATION Several churches are listed as the civil boundary overlaps the church boundaries St Mark's Church - Main Services 1st Sunday 9.00am Communion and 10.00am Together@Ten 2nd-5th Sundays 10.30am Communion or Morning Worship St Andrew's Church - Sunday Services 9.00am Breakfast@9 - an hour with God with breakfast 10.30am Communion Parish Office (St Mark’s/St Andrew’s) 07933 952171 [email protected] Bourne Valley Methodist Church, Main Road, Winterbourne Dauntsey, SP4 6EW Sunday service at 10.00am. Rev’d Steve Hawkes tel 01722 334833 St. Michael and All Angels, Winterbourne Earls : (the Cof E Parish church for Ford) Sunday service at 11.00am Team Service (5th Sunday in month), Wednesday Holy Communion 9.30am Priest in Charge: Rev. Peter Ostli-East (01980 611350) [email protected] Website: Salisbury Vineyard Church : meets every Sunday, 10.30am at Godolphin School— Re- al coffee, friendly people, real God and uplifting atmosphere. Details:: 01722 340166 or vis-it The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham at Holy Redeemer, Bishopdown Mass 11am every Sunday, Wednesday 6.30pm. Evensong 6pm (2nd Sunday of month) Fr Keith Robinson (01722 504807) [email protected] Most Holy Redeemer Fotherby Crescent, Bishopdown SP1 3EG. Saturdays 6pm with children's liturgy, Wednesday 10am . Canon Michael Fitzpatrick. For more infor- mation ring 01722 333581 or email [email protected]. Website: Salisbury United Reformed Church welcomes you. Ministers Revs. Ana & Tod Goble- dale ( tel. 01722 330980 ) : Services at Fisherton Street, Sundays 10.30am. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Old Sarum Sunday 10am worship Wednesday 7:30pm Youth Club Salisbury Baptist Church Brown Street SP1 2AS welcomes you, Sundays 10.30 am, Tuesdays Coffee & Lunch, Parent & Toddler Group Thursday morning. Contact: 01722 237250 [email protected] Salisbury Methodist Church St Edmunds, Church St, Salisbury, SP11EF. Minister, Rev David Hookins. Services every Sunday morning at 10.30 am and in the evening at 6pm. St Francis Church Beatrice Rd/ Castle Road Salisbury lots going on for all ages. please check out our website for more info: Grace Church 10am Stonehenge School AMESBURY, SP4 7ND , 11am Sarum Academy School, SALISBURY, SP2 9HS Tel: 01722 33 33 51 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 35 Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 33

Contacts around the Parish Air Cadets (Old Sarum) Adam Reavill 01722 320634 Army Cadets (Old Sarum) Marie Ryan 07940 984886 Bishopdown Farm Pre School 01722 333181 Bishopdown Farm Friendship Grp Angela 01722 324259 Cafe on the Green Toddler Grp Paul Hemming [email protected] Cafe Craft Club Sandy Small [email protected] Cricket Club Jackie Edmett 07970 960218 Evergreen Club Mrs D Stevens 01722 321969 Fitsteps Ray Picton 07763 251153 Flora Mundi 502966 01722 335770 GreenTrees Primary - Head 327401 01722 340596 Hampton Park Pavilion Bookings Fiona Forbes [email protected] Laverstock & Ford Sports Club Jane Waspe Laverstock Arts Group Rachel Hope-Jones 01980 862368 Laverstock Beaver Scouts Kate Knight 01722 421287 Laverstock Brownies David Waspe [email protected] Laverstock Cubs Jill Kay 01980 622495 Laverstock Explorer Scouts Bryan Evans 01722 421287 Laverstock Gardening Club Iverene Hopkins 01722 323407 Laverstock History / Archaeology Martin Smith 01722 320129 Laverstock Ladies Open Group Louise Hall 01722 500643 Laverstock Scouts Mike Sainbury 01722 339546 Laverstock WI David Lovibond 01722 326549 Line Dancing (Mulepackers) Heather Ludlow 717800/340054 Milford Preservation Group 339571 01722 238852 Mother’s Union Afternoon Grp @BDACATOldSarum 01980 862758 Neighborhood Planning Old Sarum Aviation Museum Cathii Heslop 01722 323636 Old Sarum Beaver, Cub & Scouts Will & Sophie Burditt [email protected] Old Sarum Community Centre 07712 229888 Old Sarum Community Ebablers 01722 237318

Old Sarum Primary School - Head Mrs John Jones 01722 410677 WOSat&chLonghedge Neighbourhood Ross Walker [email protected] Probus Club of Sarum Peter Matthews 01722 340508 River Bourne Community Farm 01722 330667 River Bourne Farm Shop & Cafe 01722 332749 Salisbury Medical Practice Tanya McKay 01722 333034 Sarum Bridge Club [email protected] St. Andrews -Friends - Chair Emily Wells 07841 907987 St Andrews Primary School - Head Karen Walker 01722 503590 St. Andres Toddlers - Chair Char Parfett / Zoe Roe [email protected] St. Josephs - Head Mrs R Ridley 01722 335380 St. Josephs - Friends c/o School TA Centre Old Sarum Capt. David Oliver 01722 438300 The Duck Inn Becki and Tim 01722 327678 Wyvern St. Edmund’s Learning Campus - Head Mrs Nicola Bull 01722328565 Friends of Wyvern St. Edmunds’ c/o School Yoga at Laverstock Village Hall Ruth Harris 01722 349830 VENUES AROUND THE PARISH Laverstock & Ford Village Hall Casual Hire Available Contact Ian Haldane 01722 320879 Old Sarum Community Centre Casual Hire Available Large spacious hall, seating 80+ people. Small hall which can be divided into two opened. Commercial kitchen and facilities suitable for parties, wedding receptions and training. WI Fi throughout the building. Contact 07712 229888 [email protected] The Pavilion, Hampton Park Casual Hire Available The Pavilion is ocated on Ash Crescent at Hampton Park. It offers excellent facilities for both indoor and outdoor sport, as well as a meeting place for various groups and organisations. For the latest info on availability and to hire the Pavilion ofr a party or meeting, please check our website : or email [email protected] Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 35

PARISH Diary Dates for events in March/April 2020 March 1400 1900 Tues 03 Laverstock Art Group(every tues) 2-4.30pm LVH 1430 Tues 03 Fitsteps (every Tues) 7pm LVH 1915 Weds 04 Laverstock EvergreenClub2.30pm LVH 0930 Weds 04 NewSarumWI OldSarumCommunity Centre7.15pm 1945 1945 Fri 06 YogawithRuth(every Fri) 9.30-11am LVH 1900 Mon 09 Laverstock Ladies OpenGroupAGM 7.45pm LVH Mon 16 Laverstock EveningW.I. Annual Meeting 7.45pm LVH 1930 Mon 16 PARISHCOUNCILMEETING OldSarumCommunity Centre 7pm 1930 *This Meetingwill start withtheANNUALPARISHMEETING* 1430 Thurs 19 Salisbury &District Natural History Society “It’s AGoodDay for FlyingaKite’ 0930 Salisbury Baptist Church, BrownStreet 7.30pm 1400 1900 Mon 23 Laverstock GardeningClub 7.30pm LVH 1915 1430 Weds 25 Mothers Union-CommunionServiceSt Andrews Church 2.30pm 1945 April YogawithRuth(every Fri) 9.30-11 am LVH 1900 Laverstock Art Group(every Tues) 2-4.30pm LVH 1930 Fri 03 1430 Tues 07 Tues 07 Fitsteps (every Tues) 7pm LVH Weds 08 NewSarumWI OldSarumCommunity Centre 7.15pm Weds 08 Laverstock EvergreenClub 2.30pm LVH Mon 13 Laverstock Ladies OpenGroup-Easter Monday - NOMEETING (CoffeeMorningmaybearrangedonanother day) Mon 20 Laverstock EveningW.I. “Lost inaCloud” Ros Liddington 7.45pm LVH Mon 20 Mon 27 PARISHCOUNCILMEETING 7pm River BourneCommunity Farm Sat 29 Laverstock GardeningClub 7.30pm LVH Mothers UnionTableTopSale 2.20 LVH LVH = Laverstock & Ford Village Hall Make sure your May/June Parish events appear here. Email [email protected] by Apr 03

Laverstock and Ford Parish Newsletter 37

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