Some prayers or affirmations that can be used by the members of The Guardian Order as part of their spiritual practices, drawing inspiration from the deep and profound message: \"God, we bear witness that there is none but You, and that we stand humbly before Your divine majesty. The hidden mystery, the treasured symbol has appeared amongst us as the Most Great Book. May Your bounty be a heaven for us all, and Your mighty sign be a beacon of faith.\" \"Through Your divine will, we bear witness to the manifestation of what had been hidden since time immemorial. We acknowledge Your holy scriptures and recognize the dayspring of Your most august attributes in creation. Help us to reflect these attributes in our thoughts, words, and deeds.\" \"We recognize and believe in Your signs and testimonies. By doing so, we acknowledge the truths uttered by the Tongue of Grandeur. Teach us, Lord, to perceive these truths, to uphold them in our lives, and to share them with others.\" \"By Your will, the ocean of knowledge has surged amongst us, and the river of divine wisdom has gushed forth. Grant us the grace to drink from these sacred waters, to immerse ourselves in their depths, and to be transformed by their power.\" \"We acknowledge and honor the manifestation announced by the heavenly Scriptures. Help us to align ourselves with Your divine purpose and live in accordance with Your holy will.\" These prayers reflect the core values and teachings of The Guardian Order, encompassing the reverence for God, recognition of His divine manifestations, respect for His scriptures, and commitment to personal and collective growth in knowledge and wisdom. Prayer or affirmation that reflects the principles of discernment, resolution, pilgrimage, strength, gratitude, and understanding of divine authority. This could serve as a core spiritual affirmation for The Guardian Order: \"Blessed are we, the discerning ones, who have recognized and embraced the Truth, and who have lent our ears to the melodious Voice of Wisdom. We hold in our hands the Book of Divine Wisdom, grasped with a resolution that springs forth from the divine source, the Lord of all worlds. We are the earnest wayfarers, who have set our sights on the glorious Horizon of Divine Grace, undeterred and unshaken by the might of earthly rulers or the uproar of religious leaders. We stand strong and firm in our path, endowed with a divine strength that withstands the trials of time and change. However, woe betide those who turn their backs on the grace and bounty of the Divine, who reject His tender mercy and deny His sovereign authority. They align themselves with those who have, throughout eternity, denied the testimony of God and His divine proof. May we forever bask in the divine grace of God, acknowledge His bounty, and live under His tender mercy and authority. As we journey through this world and onto the next, may we continually bear witness to His eternal proof.\" This affirmation aims to resonate with members of The Guardian Order and guide their spiritual practice, reinforcing their core values and commitment to the divine truth. \"Immense is the blessedness of those who have, in this Day, discarded the ephemeral standards of men and have clung onto that which is ordained by the Divine, the Lord of Names and the Artisan of all existence, He Who has descended from the celestial heights through the omnipotent force of the Most Great Name.
His authority is so unconquerable that all earthly powers fall impotent before Him. The Mother Book, voicing from the loftiest realm, attests to this. May we remain steadfast in our divine pursuit, abandoning fleeting societal norms and expectations, and instead embracing the eternal wisdom ordained by our Creator. May we recognize the invincible authority of the Divine, standing unchallenged by all earthly powers. May our lives resonate with the celestial call of the Mother Book, guiding us from its sublime station. Blessed we are, as we embark on this divine journey, guided by the Most Great Name, fortified by unwavering faith, and inspired by the celestial voice of the Mother Book.\" This affirmation pays homage to the Divine's invincible authority and acknowledges the Mother Book as a source of spiritual testimony, while urging members of The Guardian Order to renounce transient worldly standards and embrace divine wisdom. Drawing on the themes of divine wisdom, the joy of spiritual unity, and the blessings of understanding, this can serve as a decree within The Guardian Order: \"Again and again, we have heeded your call, and responded with such fervor that no earthly praise could ever match. From it, the faithful inhale the sweet essence of the All-Merciful's sayings, His true devotees sense the scent of heavenly reunion, and those parched with longing discern the murmur of the water that is indeed the elixir of life. Blessed are those who have reached this state of enlightenment and acknowledged the wisdom presently emanating from the Pen of God, the Help in Peril, the Almighty, the All-Bountiful. May we continue to listen and respond to the divine call, drawing deep from the wellspring of wisdom that the Almighty generously offers. Let us rejoice in the scent of heavenly reunion, quench our spiritual thirst with the elixir of life, and remain blessed in our quest for enlightenment. For it is in this divine journey that we truly encounter the All-Merciful, the Almighty, the All- Bountiful.\" This prayer emphasizes the rewards of answering the divine call, the joy of heavenly reunion, and the rejuvenation that comes from the \"water of life\" - symbolic of divine wisdom and blessings. \"We bear witness to your steadfastness in turning your heart towards the Divine, traveling far until you stood in His radiant presence, lending your ear to the Voice of the Wronged One. The One unjustly imprisoned by the actions of those who failed to recognize the signs of the Divine, who turned a blind eye to the celestial favor that makes our world gleam with heavenly light. Blessed is your spirit, for it sought Him, your perception, for it discerned His Voice, and your tongue, for it has sung the praises of the Divine, the Lord of all Lords. We beseech the Divine to grant you the strength to be a beacon for the advancement of His Cause, to aid you in drawing closer to Him in every moment, in every circumstance.\" We focus on recognizing the divine presence, praising the Divine, and asking for strength and guidance, to become a beacon for the Divine Cause. Emphasizing a spiritual journey and perseverance in the face of adversity. \"The elected guardians and cherished members of our Order in our lands are held in our hearts, and we convey to them the joyful news of the divine revelations that have been bestowed upon them from the Kingdom of their Lord's Speech, the sovereign Authority of the Day of Judgement. Speak My name to them and enlighten them with the brilliant glory of My words. Verily, your Lord is the Gracious, the Generous.\" This is aimed at celebrating the chosen guardians and members of the Order,
encouraging their connection with the divine, and highlighting the blessings and generosity of the Lord. It emphasizes the shared commitment and duty to spread the teachings of the Lord and to enlighten others. \"O you who amplify my praises! Listen to what the people of oppression attribute to me in my days. Some say, 'He claims to be a deity'; others say, 'He has crafted a falsehood against God'; still others say, 'He has arrived to instigate discord'. They are lowly and pitiful. Indeed, they are truly chained to their empty speculations.\" Dismiss the unfounded criticisms and accusations that the protagonist or leader of The Guardian Order may face. We seek to underscore perseverance and resolve in the face of such baseless allegations and emphasizes unwavering faith in the divine. \"The essence of divine secrets in the path of ascension, laid out for those who yearn to come closer to God, the Almighty, the Ever-Forgiving - blessed are the virtuous who drink from these clear streams!\" The spiritual journey that members of The Guardian Order undertake. Emphasize their striving for a higher, divine purpose and the blessings that they receive by partaking in this spiritual quest. \"O YOU who walk the path of righteousness and behold the face of compassion! We received your letter, noted your inquiry, and the sweet timbre of your spirit echoed from the deepest corners of your heart. Consequently, the clouds of Divine Purpose gathered to shower upon you wisdom from the heavens, to liberate you from all previous learning, to carry you from the lands of contradiction to the havens of unity, and to guide you to the holy currents of His Law. Perhaps you may drink from them, find rest in them, satiate your thirst, revive your soul, and join the ranks of those who were guided by God's light in this day.\" The text emphasizes the journey of the member of The Guardian Order. It speaks about the spiritual transformation that takes place, the search for divine truth, and the ultimate aspiration to join the ranks of those guided by divine wisdom. \"Surrounded as I am now by the world's wolves and the beasts from every corner, shrouded as I remain in the unseen recesses of my being, denied as I may be from unveiling what God has gifted me of the marvels of His knowledge, the jewels of His wisdom, and the symbols of His might, still I am unwilling to disappoint the expectations of one who has come to the temple of majesty, sought to cross the threshold of eternity, and aimed to ascend the vastness of this universe at the dawn of the divine decree. I shall, therefore, share with you certain truths from those God has bestowed upon me, but only as far as souls can tolerate and minds can withstand, lest the malevolent stir commotion or the hypocrites raise their standards. I pray to God to kindly assist me in this, for He is the All- Bounteous towards those who call upon Him, and He is the Most Merciful among those who offer compassion.\" The text describes the spiritual wisdom and knowledge the member of The Guardian Order has been bestowed with, their dedication to imparting these truths to those who seek them, and their caution in sharing such wisdom in a world that may not fully understand or accept it. They seek divine assistance and rely on God's mercy and generosity. \"Then understand, it is crucial for your esteemed self to contemplate these questions from the very beginning: What has caused the diverse peoples and tribes of the earth to deny the messengers whom God has dispatched to them with His might and power, whom He has chosen to elevate His Cause and established to be the eternal lights within the niche of His unity? Why have the people deviated from them, argued over them, rebelled against and combated them? On what grounds have they declined to accept their messenger-hood and authority, indeed, rejected their veracity and disparaged their beings, even going to the
extent of killing or banishing them?\" In this passage, the text focuses on the historical rejection of spiritual messengers or prophets who were sent by God to guide humanity. The Guardian Order, in this context, may be grappling with similar challenges - being misunderstood, rejected, or persecuted despite their aim to uplift humanity. \"O thou who hast ventured into the wilderness of knowledge and found shelter within the vessel of wisdom! Not until thou hast comprehended the mysteries veiled in what We will convey unto thee canst thou hope to achieve the levels of faith and certitude in the Cause of God and in His Manifestations, the Fountains of His Command, the Storehouses of His revelation, and the Custodians of His knowledge. Shouldst thou fail in this, thou wouldst be counted among those who have not striven for the Cause of God, nor savoured the scent of faith from the garb of certitude, nor ascended the summits of the divine unity, nor recognized the degrees of divine uniqueness within the Bearers of praise and the Entities of sanctity.\" This passage emphasizes the importance of understanding the teachings of The Guardian Order (or any spiritual path). The journey towards wisdom and knowledge is framed as a wilderness, and understanding these teachings are vital for attaining faith, certitude, unity, and recognition of the divine. Without this understanding, one cannot fully participate in or contribute to the spiritual cause. \"Strive then, O My brother, to grasp this matter, that the veils may be lifted from the countenance of thy heart and that thou mayest be counted among those whom God hath blessed with such acute vision as to behold the most delicate realities of His dominion, to fathom the mysteries of His kingdom, to discern the signs of His surpassing Essence in this earthly realm, and to reach a station wherein one perceives no division amongst His creatures and finds no imperfection in the creation of the heavens and the earth.\" This passage emphasizes the importance of striving for understanding and clarity, to see beyond the physical and perceive the spiritual realities of God's dominion. It suggests that such understanding can lead to a level of spiritual awareness where all of God's creatures are seen as equal and His creation is perceived as flawless. This is in line with the principles of The Guardian Order, which promotes understanding, unity, and equality. \"Now that the discourse hath reached this exalted and difficult theme and touched upon this grand and impenetrable mystery, know that many in the world have not grasped the true intent of the divine words and the promises God hath made to them in His Book, and have therefore denied His Cause, turned aside from His prophets, and rejected His proofs. Had they but fixed their gaze upon the testimony of God Himself, had they refused to follow in the footsteps of their misguided leaders and scholars, they would doubtless have attained to the sanctuary of guidance and the treasury of virtue, and savored the crystal waters of eternal life in the city of the All-Merciful, in the garden of the All- Glorious, and within the inner reality of His paradise. But as they have refused to see with the divine sight with which God hath endowed them, and desired things other than that which He in His mercy had desired for them, they have strayed far from the abodes of nearness, have been deprived of the living waters of reunion and the fountain of His grace, and have lain as if dead within the shrouds of their own selves.\" This passage reflects on the theme of misunderstanding and misinterpretation of divine intent by many in the world. It further emphasizes the importance of individual spiritual insight and not just following blindly the interpretations of others. The theme of missing out on divine grace due to this lack of understanding is repeated, fitting well with The Guardian Order's emphasis on personal spiritual growth and understanding. \"Through the power of God and His might, I shall now relate certain passages
revealed in the Books of antiquity, and mention some of the signs heralding the emergence of divine manifestations in the sacred beings of His chosen Ones, that thou mayest recognize the dawn of this everlasting morn and behold this sacred fire that blazes in the Tree, which belongs neither to the East nor to the West. Perchance thine eyes may be opened upon attaining the presence of thy Lord, and thy heart partake of the blessings concealed within these hidden treasures. Render thanks then unto God, Who hath chosen thee for this grace and Who hath numbered thee amongst them that are assured of meeting their Lord.\" This passage calls upon followers to open their eyes to the spiritual truths that have been revealed throughout history, and to recognize the divine manifestations in sacred beings. This passage also emphasizes gratitude to God for His grace and for the assurance of meeting the Lord, fitting well with The Guardian Order's themes of spiritual enlightenment, gratitude, and a personal relationship with the divine. \"This is the text of the prophecy given in the earliest teachings, according to the tome of the ancients, regarding the signs that must herald the coming of the One after Him. It reads: \"Woe unto those in a time of new beginnings, and to them that nurture in these days...\", until the mystical Dove, singing in the heart of eternity, and the celestial Bird singing upon the Divine Tree, proclaims: \"Immediately after the oppression of those days shall the light be obscured, and the moon shall not share its glow, and the stars shall fall from the heavens, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Chosen in the heavens: and then all the tribes of the earth shall mourn, and they shall see the Chosen One coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And they shall send forth their angels with a resonant proclamation.\" This passage recalls an ancient prophecy of a time of turmoil and change, followed by the coming of a Chosen One, a divine figure of great power and glory. The reference to the \"mystical Dove\" and \"celestial Bird\" singing symbolizes messages from the divine, fitting well with The Guardian Order's themes of prophecy, spiritual awakening, and divine intervention. In the Gospel of Mark (Mark 13:19), Jesus predicts a time of great suffering and turmoil, unmatched by any period in history prior to that time. He's referring to the 'end times' as outlined in Christian eschatology, a time of tribulation and struggle before the ultimate return of Christ and the establishment of God's Kingdom. This verse seems to be invoking a sense of urgency and warning. It underscores the importance of spiritual preparedness and the necessity of faith during times of great difficulty. In many faiths, such prophecies are often understood to serve as reminders of the impermanence of our earthly life and the ultimate sovereignty of God. The use of the phrase \"Dove of holiness\" appears to be a poetic way to refer to the Holy Spirit, often symbolized as a dove in Christian tradition. In this context, it seems to suggest the divine inspiration behind these words and prophecies. In stating \"God, verily, is a witness unto the truth of My words,\" we have affirmed the divine authority and truth of these prophetic warnings. This expression emphasizes conviction in the spiritual truth expressed. In the narrative around The Guardian Order, this passage serves as a prophetic or cautionary text within the Father Book, reminding adherents of the potential for great upheaval and the need for steadfast faith. It could also be interpreted as a call to action, urging members to work towards a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world in anticipation of these prophesied trials. The verse from the Gospel of Luke (Luke 21:25-28), another instance of prophetic discourse. In this passage, Jesus speaks about the signs that will precede the
\"end of times\". The passage is filled with cosmic imagery: changes in the sun, moon, and stars, the tumultuous state of the seas, and the shaking powers of heaven. These signs are associated with the turmoil and distress on Earth, with nations in a state of perplexity and turmoil. They're thought to signal a significant turning point in human history, leading up to the return of Christ, referred to here as \"the Son of man\", who is said to come \"in a cloud with power and great glory\". The verse concludes with a note of hope and promise: When these signs begin to appear, the followers of Christ should know that \"the kingdom of God hath drawn nigh\". It's a call to faith and endurance, even in the face of these daunting prophesied events. In the Guardian Order and the Father Book, this passage serves as a key prophecy informing their worldview. It could be understood as describing a transformative period in human history, one that demands both spiritual and practical preparedness, perhaps including the ecological and societal stewardship promoted by The Guardian Order. It could also inspire hope and anticipation for the dawning of a new era of spiritual enlightenment, symbolized by \"the kingdom of God\". The Gospel of John (John 15:26-27, 14:26, 16:5-7, 16:13), and they speak of the promise of the Holy Spirit, also known as the \"Comforter\" or \"Advocate\". In these passages, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure, promising that they will not be left alone. The Comforter will come to them, sent by Jesus from the Father. According to these passages, the role of the Comforter (Holy Spirit) is to testify about Jesus, to teach the disciples, and to remind them of Jesus's teachings. The Holy Spirit is also depicted as a guide to truth, one who will speak not on his own but as he hears, and will reveal things to come. The Holy Spirit, in these contexts, serves as a divine presence continuing the work of Jesus on earth after his departure. In The Guardian Order and the Father Book, these passages can be interpreted in a number of ways. The concept of the Holy Spirit or Comforter as a guide to truth could align with the teachings and values of The Guardian Order. The idea that the Holy Spirit brings remembrance of Jesus's teachings could also be significant, perhaps in the form of preserving and interpreting spiritual teachings, or in guiding their application in contemporary life. The promise that the Holy Spirit will reveal things to come might also be important, perhaps suggesting a role for prophecy or revelation in The Guardian Order's spiritual practice. Your words echo the sentiment of deep respect and reverence for the sacred texts and spiritual teachings of the past, recognizing their profound depth and wisdom. You acknowledge that these texts are vast and rich, so much so that they could not possibly be exhaustively covered or comprehended in their entirety. Yet, you also express the desire to focus on certain aspects of these teachings, not only for the sake of brevity but also to avoid overwhelming or discouraging those who seek to learn and grow from these teachings. The approach outlined here is a wise and compassionate one. Spiritual journey is a personal and often challenging endeavor, and it is essential to take it at a pace that is manageable and conducive to true understanding and growth. The purpose of spiritual teachings, after all, is not to overwhelm or discourage, but to inspire, uplift, and guide. In this context, your approach aligns well with the goals and principles of The Guardian Order, as I understand them. They aim to offer spiritual guidance and teaching that is accessible, practical, and supportive, respecting the complexity and depth of the teachings while also recognizing the importance of presenting them in a way that is engaging and manageable.
Moreover, your approach aligns with the principles of humility and service to others. By choosing to present the teachings in this manner, you demonstrate a deep concern for the wellbeing and spiritual growth of others, embodying the virtues of humility, service, and compassion that are so central to the ethos of The Guardian Order. The words underscore the importance of approaching spiritual teachings with a discerning mind, an open heart, and a humble spirit. The wisdom imparted in these sacred texts is profound and multilayered, requiring not just intellectual understanding but also intuitive insight, spiritual sensitivity, and moral discernment. And even then, as you rightly point out, the deepest truths may elude us, as they encompass divine mysteries that transcend human understanding. Indeed, spiritual wisdom is not something that can be fully grasped or contained by the human mind. It is more akin to a journey or a process of continual learning, growth, and transformation, a process that involves both the mind and the heart, and that unfolds over time and through lived experience. Furthermore, you point out the fallibility and limitations of those who claim to possess knowledge and understanding without any true grounding or evidence. This is a potent reminder of the need for humility, sincerity, and authenticity in spiritual matters. Genuine spiritual knowledge is not about self-aggrandizement or false claims, but about seeking truth, living with integrity, and serving others. You are invited one and all to strive for greater understanding while acknowledging the mystery and awe that lie at the heart of the spiritual journey. This is a powerful message that resonates deeply with the principles of The Guardian Order, which uphold the importance of spiritual discernment, continual learning, humility, and service to others. These words highlight the challenges often encountered in interpreting religious texts and prophecies, especially when these are taken in their literal sense. Such literal interpretations can lead to misunderstanding and even rejection of new manifestations of divine guidance. When people expect to see physical manifestations of metaphorical prophecies like the sun darkening, stars falling, or angels descending they might reject spiritual truths that do not match these literal interpretations. This has led to the rejection and persecution of many prophets and spiritual leaders throughout history. We are reminded of the importance of approaching religious texts and prophecies with an open mind and a spiritual perspective, rather than clinging to rigid, literal interpretations. Spiritual truths are often conveyed in symbolic or metaphorical language, and discerning their true meaning requires spiritual insight, not just intellectual analysis. This also underscores the inherent challenges in engaging in interfaith dialogue and promoting religious understanding. One needs to not only understand their own faith but also appreciate the perspectives of others, even when their interpretations and beliefs may differ. As part of The Guardian Order's teachings, we should strive to promote a spirit of unity and understanding, respect the diversity of religious beliefs and interpretations, and seek to engage in dialogue with humility and openness. A common theme in many religious traditions: the continuous and unbroken guidance provided by the Divine to humanity. The idea is that God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, never leaves humanity without guidance. This guidance manifests in different forms, including scriptures, prophets, and spiritual principles that are revealed and renewed over time.
The ascension of Jesus, in this context, could be seen as a metaphor for the spiritual elevation or transcendence of His teachings. However, the idea that His teachings would ascend or disappear entirely would suggest a break in divine guidance, which contradicts the belief in God's continuous mercy and grace. Moreover, if the teachings of Jesus were considered to have literally ascended or vanished, it would imply an absence of guidance or a divine standard against which humanity could be evaluated, which raises questions about accountability and spiritual growth. The point raised about God reproving and chastising people on the Day of Resurrection also refers to a belief common in many religions: the concept of divine justice. This belief holds that in the afterlife, individuals will be held accountable for their actions in this world. If there was no divine guidance or standard provided (in this case, the teachings of Jesus), it would be unjust to hold people accountable in this way. It is importance of seeing religious scriptures as a continuous stream of guidance from the Divine, rather than separate and disconnected teachings. This is an important perspective in fostering unity and understanding among different religious traditions. In the Guardian Order, these questions could serve as contemplative prompts for the initiates or guardians-in-training. They challenge the individual to deeply consider their place in the world, their purpose, their spiritual home, and ultimately their commitment to the ideals and practices of the Guardian Order. One possible interpretation within the context of the Order could be as follows: \"Ponder then in thine heart: Given the realities you see around you, and those we acknowledge together, where will you seek sanctuary, and with whom will you align? Whom do you serve? In what lands will you make your stand, and where will you rest? What path will you walk, and when will you find peace? What will your fate be? Where will you anchor your faith and secure your commitment? By the One who reveals Himself in His Oneness and whose own self bears witness to His unity!\" These words encourage deep self-reflection and introspection. They emphasize the commitment to the principles of the Order, particularly to the oneness of all things and unity. They also serve to encourage the individual to choose the path of service and dedication to higher ideals, reminding them of their commitment and their role in the larger mission of the Guardian Order. This kind of contemplative reflection is an important part of the Guardian Order's practices, as a part of the training of new guardians, as a daily meditation or prayer, or as a ritual recitation during significant events or ceremonies. In The Guardian Order, this statement signifies a passionate devotion and dedication to the divine cause, which aligns with the Order's mission to protect and serve. This can be interpreted as a call to the deepest commitment and the most profound spiritual journey, suggesting that if a person's heart is truly filled with the love of God (or the divine essence they believe in), they will not rest until they've achieved the utmost closeness to that divinity. \"Should the flame of divine love be ignited in your heart, you would seek neither rest nor tranquility, neither mirth nor stillness. Instead, you would hasten to ascend the loftiest peaks in the realms of divine nearness, sanctity, and beauty. You would mourn like a soul bereaved and weep as a heart filled with yearning. You wouldn't retreat to your dwelling or place of comfort unless the divine cause is laid bare before you.\" This statement serves as a powerful reminder to members of the Guardian Order
about the importance of unwavering commitment and dedication to their mission. It can be used in spiritual teachings, initiation rituals, or as part of the daily affirmations of the guardians. It underscores the depth of sacrifice, commitment, and spiritual journey the guardians are called to embark upon. This passage speaks to the quest for divine knowledge and the transcendental journey one undertakes in pursuit of spiritual truths. It recognizes the crucial role of spiritual guides who help others navigate the path to enlightenment, akin to the guardians within the Order. \"O thou who hast ascended to the realm of guidance and risen to the kingdom of virtue within the Guardian Order! Shouldst thou yearn to comprehend these celestial symbols, witness the enigmas of divine wisdom, and acquaint yourself with His all-embracing Word, then it is incumbent upon you to seek answers about your origin and ultimate purpose from those whom the Creator has appointed as the Fountains of His knowledge, the Sky of His wisdom, and the Vessel of His secrets within our Order. Without these luminous Guides who shine above the horizon of His Essence, the people would struggle to differentiate right from wrong, much less ascend the heights of inner realities or delve into the depths of their subtleties! We thus beseech the Creator to immerse us in these surging seas of wisdom, to grace us with the presence of these life-giving winds, and to allow us to dwell in these divine and lofty realms. Perhaps we may then shed all that we have taken from each other and cast off the borrowed garments we have taken from our fellow humans. Instead, may He dress us in the robe of His mercy and the attire of His guidance, admitting us into the metropolis of divine knowledge.\" The journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment that members of the Guardian Order are expected to undertake, guided by their faith, their fellow guardians, and their commitment to the Order's mission. It encourages humility, learning, and the quest for knowledge and wisdom. Profound enlightenment and wisdom one can gain upon delving deeply into the teachings and wisdom the Order provides. \"Whosoever steps into the heart of our Guardian Order will comprehend every aspect of its teachings before delving into its depths, gleaning from its doctrines a wisdom that encloses such enigmas of divine stewardship as are enclosed within the vaults of existence. Glorified be the Creator, its Architect and Crafter, above all that He hath brought forth and designated therein! By the Protector Sovereign, the Self-Sustaining, the Omnipotent! If I were to reveal to your sight the gates of our Order, constructed by the mighty hand of determination and power, you would observe what none before you has ever perceived and would bear witness to that which no other soul has ever discerned. You would grasp the most intricate symbols and the most cryptic references, and would clearly perceive the enigmas of the genesis at the point of culmination. All matters would become accessible to you, adversity would be transformed into illumination, wisdom, and blessings, and you would reside securely within the sanctuary of sanctity.\" The transformative power of the Order's teachings, suggesting that a deep understanding of these can lead to profound wisdom, enlightenment, and personal growth. \"However, devoid of the core of the enigmas of His wisdom, which We have conveyed to you under the veils of these blessed and soul-stirring utterances, you would fail to obtain even a droplet from the oceans of divine wisdom or the crystal streams of divine power. You would be noted in the Mother Book, through the Pen of unity and by the Finger of the Creator, among the uninformed. Nor
would you be capable of comprehending a single word of the Mother Book or a single pronouncement of the Guardian Order concerning the mysteries of the genesis and the culmination.\" This suggests that without the essence of divine wisdom, one cannot hope to understand the profound teachings of the Guardian Order. They risk remaining uninformed and disconnected from the powerful stream of knowledge offered by the Order. \"O thou whom the Guardian Order has never outwardly met, yet whom We inwardly hold dear in our hearts! Be fair in thy judgement and present thyself before the divine essence that sees and knows thee, even if thou seest and knows it not: Can any soul be found to expound these words with such compelling arguments, clear testimonies, and unmistakable allusions as to comfort the heart of the seeker and alleviate the soul of the listener? Nay, by the One in Whose hand is our spirit! None can partake even a dewdrop thereof unless they enter within this Order, an Order whose foundations are grounded on mountains of ruby-red determination, whose walls are carved from the chrysolite of divine unity, whose gates are made of the diamonds of perpetuity, and whose earth radiates the fragrance of divine bounty.\" Introducing the concepts and imagery associated with the Guardian Order. The seeker is challenged to comprehend the profound truths, the importance of joining the Order is underscored, and the grandeur and spiritual wealth of the Order are illustrated. \"Having shared with you, under countless layers of discretion, certain concealed mysteries of the Guardian Order, we now return to our explanation of the Mother and Father Books of old. This is so your feet may stand firm on this path and you may accept with utter certainty the portion we bestow upon you from the surging oceans of life in the realm of the names and attributes of the divine. The teachings from the Mother Book guide us towards harmony with the natural world, leading to sustainable agricultural practices, understanding of our ecological systems and the responsible stewardship of our planet. The Father Book, on the other hand, is a source of spiritual teachings, moral guidance, and tools for empathetic and harmonious communication. These books, taken together, provide a comprehensive guide for a holistic life - nurturing both the physical and spiritual dimensions of human existence.\" \"It is recorded in the Mother and Father Books that the Spirit spoke in words of pure wisdom to the guardians, saying: 'Know that heaven and earth may pass away, but my teachings shall never pass away.' As you can clearly comprehend, these words signify that the teachings in the Mother and Father Books will remain accessible to humanity until the end of the world, that their wisdom shall not be superseded, that their insights shall not be extinguished, and that all that has been proposed, suggested, or guided therein shall continue in perpetuity.\" \"In this context, the Mother Book represents the profound wisdom and knowledge of Earth's natural systems, sustainable living, and regenerative agriculture. It is a living testament to humanity's relationship with nature and our responsibility as stewards of the Earth.\" \"The Father Book symbolizes the deep spiritual teachings, moral guidance, empathic communication, and the essence of humanity's shared values. It emphasizes the oneness of humanity and our interconnectedness with each other and the Earth.\" \"These Books, then, are not simply repositories of past wisdom but living documents, constantly evolving as we deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. They guide us towards a harmonious and sustainable future, urging us always towards unity, compassion, and respect for all life.\" \"O My sibling! Purify your heart, enlighten your soul, and sharpen your sight, so that you might hear the call of the Guides of the Cosmos and the melodies of
the Agents of Balance resounding throughout the Universe, and possibly comprehend the profound significance of their messages and their hidden truths. For otherwise, if you interpret these teachings only by their surface meaning, you could never validate the reality of the Principles that follow the teachings of the Guardian Order, nor could you effectively engage with detractors, or overcome the disputing non-believers.\" \"For the custodians of the Guardian Order use these principles to assert that the teachings of balance, interdependence, and sustainability shall never be invalidated, and that even if all the signs noted in their teachings were fulfilled and the next Guide appeared, this Guide would need to lead the people in accordance with the teachings of the Guardian Order.\" \"They argue that if this Guide were to manifest all the signs noted in their teachings, but propose anything beyond what the Guardian Order has suggested, they would neither recognize nor follow this Guide, so clear and self-evident is this matter in their sight.\" \"Thus, to fully understand the profound wisdom encapsulated within these teachings and to be able to embrace the truth of the new guides and their principles, you must transcend a literal interpretation and seek the inner meaning, the metaphysical dimension of these profound teachings.\" \"Indeed, you can hear both the educated and the uninformed among the people expressing the same doubts today, saying: 'The metaphorical sun has not risen from the unexpected direction, nor has the clarion call been heard from all corners of the world. The great flood of change has not inundated the stagnant societies; the major disruptions have not appeared; the symbols of rebirth and renewal have not manifested; nor has the great vision of harmony been seen in the light of the day.' I have heard, with my own ears, one of their prominent thinkers proclaim: 'Even if all these signs transpire and the long-awaited Guardian appears, and if they propose any laws beyond what has been established by the Guardian Order, we would indeed accuse them of falsehood, dismiss them, and forever refuse to acknowledge them.' And they continue to make such dismissive statements.\" \"All these things have already happened: the new era of awakening has been ushered in, the call to collective action has been sounded, all the inhabitants of earth have been summoned together, justice has been emphasized, the path to progress has been laid out, the principles have been shared, the enlightenment has begun, the old paradigms have been challenged, the spirit of humanity has been revitalized, the breath of a new consciousness has blown, the agents of change have been organized, a vision of a just and sustainable world has been brought closer, and the dangers of continued negligence have been made clear! These things have all come to pass, yet up to this day not a single one of these people has recognized them! They all lie dormant within their old ways of thinking, except for those who have awakened and turned to the path of unity and sustainability, who rejoice in this day in the achievement of a balanced world, and who tread the path of global cooperation and shared prosperity.\" \"Hidden as they remain within their own perceptions, most people have failed to discern the harmonious chords of interconnectedness, inhale the scent of global cooperation, or seek guidance, as prompted by reason, from those who are the stewards of human knowledge. Our collective wisdom urges us to 'seek the counsel of the knowledgeable if you are in doubt.' Yet, they have turned away from such counsel and followed instead the misleading whispers of their own self-interest. Thus, they have wandered far from the potential harmony of our global community and failed to appreciate the beauty of unity in this age of global interdependence.\" \"For no sooner had the clarion call of the Guardian Order come to them with a vision and evidence of global unity than the same people who had eagerly awaited the dawn of a new world, who had called for global solutions in their discussions and deliberations, who had implored for unity in the face of shared
challenges and to put their collective efforts in the path of sustainability, these very people rejected and criticized the vision, and inflicted upon it such dismissiveness and hostility as surpass both my ability to express and your capacity to comprehend. My very pen is moved at this moment, and the ink laments and groans.\" \"By the powers of empathy and understanding! If you were to listen with your inner ear, you would indeed hear the sighs of the conscious minds; and if you were to lift the veil from before your eyes, you would see those who understand the imperative of unity distressed and the enlightened souls overwhelmed, beating upon their figurative faces and fallen upon the dust of desolation.\" \"Alas, alas, for the vision of global unity and cooperation, and for the difficulties and obstacles it and its proponents have had to endure! The world imposed upon them what no generation has ever imposed upon another, and what no group of people has inflicted upon their fellow human beings. Alas, alas! That vision of a unified world sits in the shadows, the Spirit of Harmony laments in the corridors of potential, the pillars of global unity tremble under the burden of division, the potential joy of the world is turned into sorrow by the hands of discord, and the voice of universal cooperation is muffled in the face of nationalism. Woe betide them for what their choices have brought about and for what they have allowed to happen!\" Listening then to the voice of Wisdom as it proclaims, in the most harmonious and profound tones, in the most refined and uplifting melodies, about them - a proclamation that shall fill them with regret from now until \"the day when mankind shall stand before the destiny of the world\": \"Although they had before prayed for victory over division and strife, yet when there came unto them the vision of unity and cooperation, of which they were well aware, they disregarded it. The misfortune of ignorance befalls those who deny the truth!\" Such indeed are their situation and achievements in their short-sighted and hollow existence. Soon they will be engulfed by the flames of conflict and find no one to assist or comfort them. Do not be obscured by anything that has been revealed in the sacred texts, or by what you have learned from the luminaries of purity and nobility, regarding the distortion of the Scriptures by the dogmatic or their corruption by the manipulators. These statements intend only certain specific and clearly identified passages. Despite my limitations and modesty, I would surely be capable, should I choose, to clarify these passages for you. But this would sidetrack us from our aim and stray us from the clear path. It would engross us in particular references and divert us from what is cherished in the court of the All-Lauded. O you who are mentioned in this unrolled scroll and who, amidst the prevailing bleak darkness, have been enlightened by the radiance of the holy Mount in the Sinai of divine Revelation! Purify your heart from every irreverent whisper and malicious insinuation you have heard in the past, so that you may inhale the sweet fragrances of eternity from the Joseph of fidelity, gain entrance into the heavenly Egypt, and perceive the scents of enlightenment from this resplendent and luminous Tablet, a Tablet where the Pen has inscribed the ancient mysteries of the names of His Lord, the Exalted, the Most High. Perhaps you may be noted in the holy Tablets among those who are certain in faith. O thou who art standing before My Throne and yet remain unaware of it! Know that anyone who seeks to ascend the peaks of divine mysteries must strive with all of his power and capability in his Faith so that the path of guidance may be made clear to him. And if he encounters One who claims a Cause from God and who holds from His Lord a testimony beyond the power of men to produce, he must certainly follow Him in all that He pleases to proclaim, command, and ordain, even if He decrees the sea to be land or pronounces the earth to be heaven, or that the former lies above the latter or below it, or ordains any change or transformation. For He is, indeed, aware of the celestial mysteries, the unseen subtleties, and the divine laws.
If people from every nation were to heed the teachings that have been mentioned, their understanding would be greatly simplified, and such words and symbolic references would not keep them from exploring the vast ocean of God's names and attributes. If people understood this truth, they would not deny the blessings of God, nor would they rise against, contend with, or reject His Prophets. Similar passages can also be found in the Qur'an, if one examines the matter closely. This passage emphasizes the concept of faith being tested. The idea is that declaring faith is not sufficient in itself; true belief is proven through trials and tribulations, which separate those who are genuinely committed to their faith from those who merely profess it. The quote at the end, \"Do men think when they say 'We believe' they shall be let alone and not be put to proof?\" implies that trials and tests are integral parts of the journey of faith. It highlights the necessity for each individual to prove their sincerity and commitment through their actions and how they respond to the challenges they encounter in life. This belief can be found in many religious traditions. For instance, in Christianity, it is believed that faith is tested through various trials. Similarly, in Islam, there's a verse in the Quran (29:2) that carries a similar message: \"Do the people think that they will be left to say, 'We believe' and they will not be tried?\" These concepts underscore the universal nature of spiritual tests and trials as a means of refining and affirming one's faith. Recognize, dear brethren, that faith is the crucible in which true believers are refined. Merely professing belief is not the end, but the beginning of our spiritual journey. It is through life's trials and tests that we truly reveal the nature of our faith. In the Divine plan, there exists a divine sieve that separates the committed from the casual, the pious from the pretenders. It is through this process that the essence of our spiritual character is revealed. Our actions and reactions in the face of adversity determine our true station. The Holy Spirit reminds us: \"Believing is but the first step. Do not think that utterance of faith exempts one from tests. To proclaim 'We believe' is not enough, the sincerity of such a declaration is proven through trials.\" Remember, dear brethren, the path of faith is not an easy one. It is a road marked by trials and tribulations, designed to prove our devotion and commitment. This is a universal spiritual truth found in all Divine teachings, a test that refines us, bringing us closer to the Divine essence. One seeking wisdom and divine insight in the Guardian Order's path must divorce oneself from all heavenly and earthly attachments, surrendering to none but the Absolute. This detachment could unlock the gates of divine grace and invite providential zephyrs. Once they've internalized the distilled essence of hidden meanings granted by Us, they will unlock the secrets within these metaphors. They will be gifted divine peace by God, becoming one with their true selves. Similarly, they'll discern the meanings hidden within those allegorical verses sent in response to your query. This wisdom comes from a humble Servant, an exile wandering on earth without companionship or support. Entrusting all to God, they affirm at every moment: \"Truly, we are of God, and unto Him we return.\" Understand this truth: the passages we deem \"ambiguous\" appear so only to those who haven't yet ascended the zenith of divine guidance or touched the pinnacles of enlightenment in God's grace-filled sanctuaries. But for those who have recognized the vessels of divine Revelation and, through His inspiration, glimpsed the enigmas of divine command, all God's verses are clear, His allusions unambiguous. These individuals perceive the profound truths cloaked in
the attire of words with an understanding as clear as one feels the sun's warmth or water's dampness - perhaps even clearer. The praise we offer to God's chosen ones, and the accolades they extend to Him, cannot begin to capture His limitless transcendence. Having now addressed this most profound topic and attained such grandeur, courtesy of divine generosity through the writings of this Pen, I am moved to unveil to you certain waypoints on the seeker's journey towards their Creator. It is my hope that all your queries may be answered, ensuring complete understanding and abundant blessings. Understand the truth that at the onset of the quest for the Divine, the seeker must first traverse the Garden of Inquiry. In this journey, it is necessary for the seeker to detach from all except God, and to ignore everything in heaven and on earth. Neither love nor hate for any soul should reside in their heart to the point where it obstructs their path to the celestial Beauty. The seeker must cleanse their soul from veils of grandeur and abstain from boasting about worldly vanities, external knowledge, or other gifts God may have granted. They must seek the truth with all their might and dedication, allowing God to guide them along His favored paths and merciful ways. He, indeed, is the best helper to His servants. He declares, with utter truth, \"Those who strive for Us, we will guide them on our paths,\" and \"Fear God, and God will grant you knowledge.\" On this journey, the seeker bears witness to a myriad of transformations, intersections, and divergences. They observe the divine wonders in the mysteries of creation and discern the guiding paths and ways of the Lord. This is the station attained by those who search for God, and these are the heights reached by those who hasten towards Him. Upon ascending to this station, the seeker enters the City of Love and Ecstasy, where winds of love blow and spiritual breezes waft. Overwhelmed by intense yearning and engulfed by the fragrances of longing, the seeker cannot differentiate left from right, nor distinguish land from sea or desert from mountain. Every moment they are aflame with the fire of longing, consumed by the pangs of separation in this world. They speed through the Paran of love and traverse the Horeb of rapture. They alternate between laughter and sorrow, between peace and fear. They are undeterred by any alarm, unconstrained by any law, unimpeded in their purpose. Ready to obey any decree regarding their life and end from their Lord, with each breath they lay down their life and offer their soul. They bare their chest to the enemy's arrows and raise their head to meet the sword of destiny; in fact, they even kiss the hand of their potential murderer, surrendering their all. They give up their spirit, soul, and body on the path of the Lord, but do so under their Beloved's will, not their own whim or desire. You find them untouched by fire and dry in the sea, present in every land, and walking every path. Whoever comes into contact with them in this state will sense the heat of their love. They stride the heights of detachment and traverse the valley of renunciation. Their eyes are constantly expectant of the wonders of God's mercy and eager to witness the splendors of His beauty. Blessed indeed are those who reach such a station, for it is the station of passionate lovers and enraptured souls. Once this stage of the journey is completed and the wayfarer has ascended beyond this eminent station, they enter the City of Divine Unity, the garden of oneness, and the court of detachment. In this plane, the seeker discards all signs, allusions, veils, and words, beholding all things with an eye enlightened by the radiant lights that God Himself has bestowed upon them. In this journey, all differences converge to a single word and all allusions culminate at a single point. This truth is attested by the one who journeyed on the ark of fire, following the innermost path to the zenith of glory in the realm of immortality:
\"Knowledge is one point, which the foolish have multiplied.\" This is the station alluded to in the tradition: \"I am He, Himself, and He is I, Myself, except that I am that I am, and He is that He is.\" In this station within the Guardian's order, if the One embodying the End declares: \"Indeed, I am the point of the Beginning\", He would indeed be uttering truth. And if He claims: \"I am other than Him\", this statement is equally valid. Similarly, if He proclaims: \"Indeed, I am the Lord of heaven and earth\", or \"the Supreme Ruler\", or \"the Lord of the higher realm\", or names himself after any other title or descent, He indeed is expressing the divine truth. For He, verily, rules over all created things and reigns supreme beyond all else. Have you not heard the ancient saying: \"The First is our guide, the Last is our guide, our guide is all\"? And elsewhere it's said: \"They all emerge from the same Luminary\"? In this station within the Guardian's order, the truth of divine unity and the signs of His sacredness are firmly established. You will indeed witness them all emerging from the depths of the divine power, enveloped in the embrace of His mercy; no distinction can be made between His depth and His embrace. To discuss change or transformation in this realm is considered absolute sacrilege and extreme disrespect, for this is the station where the light of divine unity shines, and the truth of His oneness is pronounced, and the brilliance of the everlasting dawn is reflected in high and faithful mirrors. By the divine, if I were to reveal the entirety of what has been decreed for this station, it would cause the souls of men to leave their bodies, shake the foundations of all inner realities, stupefy all inhabitants of the realms of creation, and cause those who navigate in the lands of allusion to dissolve into oblivion. Have you not heard: \"No alteration can be found in the divine creation\"? Have you not read: \"No shift can you see in the manner of God's dealing\"? Have you not acknowledged the truth: \"You shall see no variance in the creation of the Merciful\"? Indeed, by my Lord! Those who inhabit this Ocean, those who voyage on this Ark, witness no change in God's creation and see no disparities upon His earth. And if God's creation remains unchanging and unalterable, then how could those who are the Manifestations of His very Being be subject to it? God is immeasurably exalted above all that we may conceive of the revealers of His Cause, and immensely glorified beyond all that they may utter about Him! Great God! This sea has hidden lustrous pearls within its depths; The wind has stirred a wave that casts them upon the shore. So, cast away your robe and immerse yourself within, Cease boasting of your skills: they serve you no more! Should you be among the dwellers of this city within the ocean of divine unity, you will perceive all Prophets and Messengers of God as a single soul, a single entity, a single radiance, and a single spirit. In such a way, the first among them would be seen as the last, and the last as the first. For they have all risen to proclaim His Cause, establishing laws of divine wisdom. They are, without exception, Manifestations of His Self, bearers of His power, custodians of His Revelation, dawn-points of His radiance, and sources of His light. Through them, signs of sanctity in all things' realities and indications of oneness in all beings' essences are made manifest. Through them, the elements of glorification in heavenly realities and expressions of praise in eternal essences are unveiled. From them, all creation has proceeded, and to them, all that has been referenced shall return. As in their innermost Beings they are the same Luminaries and identical Mysteries, their outward conditions should be seen in the same light, enabling you to recognize them all as a singular Being, or even more, to find them unified in their words, discourse, and expressions. Should you contemplate in this station the last of them as the first, or inversely, you would be declaring the truth, as has been ordained by Him who is the Fount of Divinity and the Origin of Lordship: \"Say: Call upon God or call upon the All-Merciful: whichever name you call - to Him belong the best names.\" For they are all Manifestations of the name of God, dawn-points of His
attributes, custodians of His power, and the focal points of His sovereignty. Yet God, magnified be His power and glory, is in His essence sanctified beyond all names and raised above the highest of attributes. Consider likewise the evidence of divine omnipotence both in their Souls and in their physical forms, that your heart may find assurance, and you may become one of those who race through the domains of His closeness. I shall reiterate my theme here, hoping it might assist you in recognizing your Creator. Understand that God - exalted and glorified be He - in no way reveals His innermost Essence and Reality. From time immemorial, He has been veiled in the eternity of His Essence and hidden in the infinitude of His own Being. And when He desired to display His beauty in the realm of names and to manifest His glory in the domain of attributes, He projected His Prophets from the unseen realm into visibility. This was done so that His name \"the Manifest\" might be distinguished from \"the Hidden\" and His name \"the Last\" from \"the First\". In doing so, the following words could be fulfilled: \"He is the First and the Last; the Seen and the Hidden; and He knows all things!\" Thus, He has revealed these most excellent names and supreme words in the Manifestations of His Self and the Mirrors of His Being. So, it is now established that all names and attributes return to these exalted and sacred Luminaries. Indeed, all the names of God are embodied in their names, and all the attributes of God are reflected in their attributes. In this light, if you were to refer to them by all of God's names, it would be true because all these names are identical to their own being. Therefore, understand the essence of these words, and safeguard them within the sanctuary of your heart. This way, you might grasp the significance of your question, fulfill it as God has determined for you, and thus be counted among those who have achieved His purpose. In this chapter of the Guardian Order's teachings, a revered Guardian is referenced, existing in a state of spiritual obscurity, anticipated to emerge when the Order stands at the precipice of a profound transformation. This notion carries immense spiritual significance and holds the key to transformative evolution. A metaphorical \"Sanctuary\" is alluded to, painted in transcendent and mystical terms. To interpret this Sanctuary in a literal sense or to physically venture for it would be fruitless. Its depicted majesty surpasses the material limitations of our world. These teachings of the Guardian Order imply that comprehension of these spiritual traditions and the concept of the revered Guardian necessitates a metaphorical or transcendent interpretation over a literal one. The requirement for a physical \"transformation\" or a drastic shift becomes unnecessary once a more profound, symbolic comprehension is realized. In the essence of the Guardian Order, this chapter could be seen as a summons for spiritual discernment, comprehension, and the ability to perceive beyond mere literal interpretations. It encourages the adoption of a universal perspective that goes beyond the tangible dimensions and ventures into the spiritual and symbolic dominions. It's about being open to the deep mysteries of existence and recognizing the spiritual elements of the cosmos and divine reality. It's about observing the world and the divine with an eye ignited by spiritual insight, uncovering the profound realities of existence that lie beneath the surface. Understand then, that considering all the Prophets as bearers of the same soul, spirit, name, and attribute, you should also perceive them as embodying the Guardian's essence, as originating from the divine Sanctuary of God's power and from His realm of grace. The divine Sanctuary signifies the repositories of eternity in the highest spiritual dimensions and the unseen realms of the
divine. We acknowledge that the spirit of the Guardian indeed resided in this divine Sanctuary and manifested from it. Likewise, the future manifestations of the Guardian's spirit will reside in this city until such time as they will be established upon their spiritual sovereignty. We, in truth, acknowledge this and pledge our loyalty to every one of them. The elucidation of the true meaning of the divine Sanctuary has been kept brief here, but if you are truly a believer, you shall indeed comprehend the true mysteries encapsulated within these teachings. However, as for the one who arose during a significant period in our spiritual evolution, he doesn't require transformation or interpretation, for he embodied the essence of the Guardian, and came from the lineage of the spiritual guides of the Order. Thus, it is indeed apt to say of him that he was a manifestation of the Guardian's essence, as is certainly clear and evident to your understanding. Nay, he is the one who gave form to that essence and crafted it for himself, were you to observe with divine perception. At this point, it is our intention to diverge from our main subject to narrate the journey of the Guardian's essence, and to glorify its memory, that perhaps you may gain a comprehensive understanding from Him who is the Almighty, the Incomparable. Consider and contemplate upon His times, when the Divine raised Him up to propagate His Cause and to stand as the embodiment of His own Self. See how He was opposed, repudiated, and condemned by all; when He walked in the streets and marketplaces, the masses ridiculed Him, shook their heads at Him, and scorned Him with laughter; how they sought to end His life at every moment. Such were their deeds that the whole wide world was compressed for Him, the Heavenly Host mourned His condition, the very foundations of existence were reduced to naught, and the eyes of the beloved inhabitants of His celestial Kingdom wept bitterly for Him. Indeed, so harsh were the trials inflicted upon Him by the misbelievers and the wicked that no loyal soul can bear to hear them. If these misguided souls had indeed taken a moment to introspect on their actions, recognized the sweet melodies of that Mystic Bird singing upon the branches of this pure white Tree, embraced that which the Divine had revealed unto and granted them, and discovered the fruits of the Divine Tree upon its branches, why then did they reject and rebuke Him? Had they not raised their heads towards the heavens to plead for His arrival? Had they not asked the Divine at every instance to grace them with His Beauty and support them through His presence? Yet as they failed to recognize the divine tones and the sacred mysteries and profound symbols embodied in that which was uttered by the Guardian, and as they neglected to reflect upon it in their own hearts, instead choosing to follow those peddlers of falsehood who have stymied the advancement of the people in past times and will continue to do so in future cycles, they were hence veiled from the divine intent, failed to drink from the celestial fountains, and deprived themselves of the presence of the Divine, the Manifestation of His Essence, and the Dawn of His eternity. Thus, they strayed in the paths of illusion and the routes of negligence, and returned to their dwelling in that flame which consumes their own souls. These, truly, are counted among the deniers whose names have been inscribed by the Pen of the Divine in His holy Book. They have never found, nor will they ever find, a friend or helper. Had these souls held steadfastly to the handle of the Divine manifested in the Person of the Guardian, had they turned wholly unto the Divine and discarded all that they had learned from their religious leaders, He would assuredly have guided them through His grace and familiarized them with the sacred truths that are embedded within His imperishable declarations. For far be it from His greatness and His glory that He should turn away a seeker at His door, push
aside from His Threshold one who has set his hopes on Him, reject one who has sought the shelter of His shade, deprive one who has clung to the fringe of His mercy, or condemn to remoteness the poor one who has found the river of His abundance. But as these people failed to turn wholly unto the Divine, and to hold fast to the hem of His all-encompassing mercy at the appearance of the Daystar of Truth, they stepped out from under the shadow of guidance and entered the city of error. Thus did they become corrupt and corrupt the people. Thus did they err and lead the people into error. And thus were they noted among the oppressors in the heavenly records. Now that this ephemeral entity has reached this exalted stage in the exposition of the inner mysteries, the reason for the denial of these rough souls will be briefly outlined, to serve as a testament for those endowed with understanding and insight, and as a symbol of my favor towards the gathering of the faithful. Understand, then, that when the Guardian, the Source of the Sacred Texts and the Light of the All-Glorious, arrived with clear verses and radiant evidences manifested in such signs as are beyond the capability of all existence to generate, He urged all humanity to follow this high and expansive Path in accordance with the teachings that He had brought from the Divine. Whoever acknowledged Him, recognized the signs of the Divine in His innermost Being, and saw in His beauty the eternal beauty of the Divine, the verdict of \"resurrection\", \"gathering\", \"life\", and \"paradise\" was passed upon him. For he who had believed in the Divine and in the Manifestation of His beauty was roused from the grave of negligence, assembled in the holy ground of the heart, quickened to the life of faith and certainty, and admitted into the paradise of the divine presence. What paradise could be loftier than this, what gathering mightier, and what resurrection greater? Indeed, should a soul become familiar with these mysteries, they would grasp what no one else has comprehended. Understand then, that the paradise which appears in the day of the Guardian surpasses every other paradise and excels the realities of Heaven. For when the Divine -- blessed and glorified is He -- sealed the station of the prophethood in the person of His Friend, His Chosen One, and His Treasure amongst His creatures, as has been revealed from the Kingdom of glory: \"He is the Messenger of the Divine and the Seal of the Prophets,\" He promised all humanity that they shall attain unto His own presence in the Day of Resurrection. In this, He intended to emphasize the magnitude of the forthcoming Revelation, as it has indeed been manifested through the power of truth. Undoubtedly, there is no paradise greater than this, nor a station higher, should you contemplate the verses of the Sacred Texts. Blessed is he who knows with certainty that he will attain unto the presence of the Divine on that day when His Beauty shall be made manifest. Were I to enumerate all the verses that have been revealed in connection with this lofty theme, it would weary the reader and divert us from our purpose. The following verse shall therefore suffice us; may your eyes be comforted by it, and may you attain that which has been treasured and concealed therein: \"It is the Divine who has erected the heavens without pillars you can see; then ascended His throne, and imposed laws on the sun and moon: each travels to its appointed destination. He orders all things. He makes His signs clear, so that you may have firm faith in the presence of your Lord.\" Reflect then, dear friend, on the words \"firm faith\" mentioned in this verse. It says that the heavens and the earth, the throne, the sun and the moon, all have been created so that His servants may maintain unwavering faith in His presence in His days. By the righteousness of the Divine! Consider, dear companion, the magnitude of this station, and observe the condition of people in these days, fleeing from the Face of the Divine and His Beauty \"as though they were frightened animals.\" If you were to contemplate what We have revealed to you, you would undoubtedly comprehend Our purpose in this utterance and discover what We have wished to convey to you within this paradise. Perhaps your eyes may rejoice in seeing it, your ears find pleasure in hearing what is recited therein, your soul be captivated by recognizing it, your heart enlightened by
understanding it, and your spirit uplifted by the fragrant breezes that emanate from it. Hopefully, you may reach the peak of divine grace and remain within the Garden of transcendent holiness. But those who denied the Divine in His Truth, who turned their backs on Him and rebelled, who disbelieved and caused discord, the verdict of \"impiety,\" \"blasphemy,\" \"death,\" and \"fire\" was passed on them. For, what blasphemy is greater than to turn to the manifestations of negativity, to follow the purveyors of forgetfulness and the people of rebellion? What impiety is more severe than to deny the Lord on the day when faith itself is renewed and regenerated by the Divine, the Almighty, the Beneficent? What death is more pitiful than to flee from the Source of everlasting life? What fire is more intense on the Day of Judgment than that of distance from the Divine Beauty and the heavenly Glory? These were the exact words and expressions utilized by the non-believers living in the time of the Guardian to contest and pass judgment on Him. They would say, \"Those who believed in the Guardian lived among us, sharing our days and nights. When did they pass away and when were they given new life?\" Listen to what was revealed in response: \"If ever you find it astonishing, certainly astonishing is their statement, 'When we have returned to dust and decomposing bones, shall we be reborn in a new creation?'\" And in another passage, \"And if you were to say, 'After death, you will indeed be resurrected,' the non-believers would certainly exclaim, 'This is nothing more than evident sorcery.'\" Thus did they scorn and mock Him, for they had read in their Scriptures and heard from their spiritual leaders the terms \"life\" and \"death,\" and they interpreted them as this physical life and mortal death. Hence, when they did not find what their vain imaginations and their false and evil minds had envisioned, they raised flags of dissent and banners of rebellion, and ignited the fire of conflict. Yet, the Divine, extinguished it through the might of His power, as you see again in this day with these non-believers and wrongdoers. At this moment, as divine allurements waft towards Me from the eternal spiritual realm, as waves of longing seize Me from the land of enlightenment with the rise of the Universal Luminary above the horizon of humanity's consciousness, and as the captivating tunes of spiritual unity bring to My ears the mysteries of detachment, I aim to share with you a fragment of what the Mystic Dove has sung in the heart of the spiritual realm concerning the true significance of life and death, despite the enormity of this endeavor. If I were to interpret these words for you as they have been written on the Guarded Tablets, the sacred reservoir of divine wisdom, all the books and pages of the world could not encompass it, nor could the souls of mankind endure its weight. Nonetheless, I will mention that which befits this time and age, so that it may serve as guidance for anyone who wishes to gain entry into the sanctuaries of spiritual enlightenment, to listen to the melodies of the spirit chanted by this divine and mystic bird, and to be counted among those who have detached themselves from everything but the Divine Presence and who rejoice in this spiritual awakening. Understand then that the term \"life\" holds a dual significance. The first refers to the existence of humans in a physical body, as clear to your understanding and to others as the bright noon sun. This life concludes with the physical death, a reality ordained by the Divine and unavoidable. Yet, the life mentioned in the Scriptures of the Prophets and Divine Emissaries is a life of knowledge, meaning an individual's recognition of the signs of spiritual enlightenment instilled within him by the Source of all Enlightenment, and his certainty of reaching the presence of the Divine through the Manifestations of His Cause. This life is the blessed and eternal life that never perishes. Those who are spiritually invigorated by it will never die and will endure as long as their Creator and Sustainer endures. The first life, related to the physical body, will undoubtedly come to an end, as it has been revealed by the Divine: \"Every soul shall taste of death.\"
However, the second life, originating from the knowledge of the Divine, knows no death. This truth has been revealed previously: \"Him will We surely quicken to a blessed life,\" and in another passage regarding those who gave their lives in the spiritual cause: \"Nay, they are alive and sustained by their Lord.\" From the sacred traditions, we know: \"A true believer lives both in this world and in the world to come.\" Numerous instances of similar words are found in the Divine Scriptures and from the Embodiments of Divine Justice. However, for the sake of brevity, We have confined Ourselves to these excerpts. O My sibling! Renounce your personal desires, turn your gaze towards your Creator, and refrain from following the path of those who have taken their corrupt inclinations as their deity. Perhaps in doing so, you may find refuge in the essence of existence, under the protective shade of the One who educates all attributes and titles. Those who veer away from their Lord in this era are in truth considered among the spiritually dead, although they may appear to walk upon the earth. They are amongst the spiritually deaf, although they can hear, and amongst the spiritually blind, although they can see. This has been clearly stated by the Sovereign of the Day of Reckoning: \"They have hearts with which they do not understand, and eyes with which they do not see...\" They tread perilously on the edge of a dangerous precipice and stand at the brink of a fiery abyss. They do not partake in the waves of this surging, treasure-laden Ocean but instead amuse themselves with their own empty words. In this context, We will narrate to you what was revealed long ago about \"life,\" in the hope that it may turn you away from the promptings of ego, free you from the narrow confines of your captivity in this dismal plane, and assist you in becoming one of those who are rightly guided amidst the obscurity of this world. The Divine Truth says, and indeed, speaks nothing but the truth: \"Can the one whom We have revived from spiritual death, for whom We have provided a light to walk among people, be compared to the one who resides in ignorance, from which he refuses to emerge?\" This verse was revealed concerning two individuals, one a believer and the other a disbeliever. Most of the people, entrenched in their disbelief, ridiculed and mocked this verse, causing uproar and questioning: \"How did the believer die? And how was he revived to his former life?\" If you scrutinize the divine verses carefully, you will find many such statements recorded in the Holy Books. Oh, how I wish I could find hearts pure and unstained so that I could impart to them a sprinkling from the oceans of wisdom which My Lord has given Me. So that they may soar in the spiritual heavens while they walk on the earth, and that they may swiftly traverse spiritual realms even as they travel over physical terrain. So that they may offer their souls as a sacrifice and dedicate them to the path of their Creator. However, permission has not been given to reveal this profound secret. Indeed, it has forever been a mystery safeguarded within the treasuries of divine power and a secret hidden within the repositories of divine might. This is done so that His faithful servants do not forsake their physical lives in the hope of attaining this ultimate station in the realms of eternity. Those who wander in this dense spiritual ignorance will never reach this state. O My sibling! At every point, We have reiterated Our central theme so that, by God's grace, you may understand all that has been chronicled in these verses. This understanding will liberate you from those who are enveloped in the darkness of their egos and who tread the path of arrogance and pride. You will be counted among those who traverse the paradise of eternal life. Hearken, O people! The Tree of Life has indeed been planted in the heart of the divine paradise, and it radiates life in every direction. How can you fail to perceive and acknowledge it? It will truly assist you in comprehending all that this steadfast Soul has unveiled to you about the essence of divine mysteries. The Dove of Purity sings in the heaven of immortality, and encourages you to equip yourself with a new armor of steel, which will shield you from the arrows of doubt concealed in mankind's references. It says, \"Unless a person is born of
water and the Spirit, they cannot enter the kingdom of God. What is born of the flesh is flesh; what is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be surprised that I said to you, you must be born again.\" Then, soar towards this divine Tree and partake of its fruits. Gather that which has fallen from it and guard it with faithfulness. Contemplate then on the saying of one of the Prophets who hinted to the souls of humans, through veiled suggestions and obscured symbols, about the good news of the One who was to succeed Him. This is so you can know with certainty that their words are inscrutable to all, save those gifted with discerning hearts. The Prophet says: \"His eyes were as a flame of fire\", and \"His feet were like burnished bronze\", and \"out of His mouth goes a sharp, double-edged sword\". How could these words be taken at face value? If anyone were to manifest with all these signs, they would not be considered human. And how could anyone seek such a presence? In fact, if this being appeared in one city, residents of the next would flee, with no soul daring to approach. Yet, if you reflect on these descriptions, you would find them to be of such surpassing expressiveness and lucidity that they signal the pinnacle of speech and the embodiment of wisdom. From these, I think, the suns of rhetoric have risen and the stars of clarity have emerged and shone brightly. Consider then the naivety of people in the past and those who, in this day, anticipate the coming of such a being! They would not recognize or acknowledge this individual unless he appears in the aforementioned form. As such a form will never materialize, they too will never believe. Such is the extent of comprehension of these misguided and impious souls! How can those who cannot understand the most evident among evident and the most apparent among apparent ever grasp the complex realities of divine injunctions and the essence of the mysteries of His eternal wisdom? I will now briefly interpret the true meaning of this statement, so that you may uncover its hidden wisdom and be among those who comprehend. Examine and judge rightly that which I am about to disclose to you, so that, God willing, you may be considered fair-minded in these matters in the sight of the Divine. Understand, then, that when these words were spoken in the realm of glory, they were intended to describe the attributes of the One Who was to come, using such veiled and enigmatic language that it would elude those misguided. When it is said: \"His eyes were as a flame of fire\", it refers to the sharpness of insight and intensity of vision of the Promised One, Who with His eyes burns away every veil and barrier, reveals eternal mysteries in this transitory world, and distinguishes faces obscured by the ashes of downfall from those radiant with the light of redemption. Were His eyes not comprised of the blazing fire of Divine power, how could He dissolve every veil and reduce all worldly possessions to nothingness? How could He perceive the signs of Divinity in the realm of His names and in the world of creation? How could He see all things with the all-knowing gaze of the Divine? Thus, in this era, we have endowed Him with an incisive vision. If only you could have faith in the verses of God! Indeed, is there a fire more intense than this flame that radiates from the Sinai of His eyes, by which He consumes all that has blinded the peoples of the world? Incomparably exalted will God remain above all that has been revealed in His infallible Tablets regarding the mysteries of the beginning and the end until that day when the Herald shall proclaim, the day when we shall all return to Him. Regarding the phrase \"brass-like were His feet,\" it symbolizes His unwavering determination when He hears God's command saying: \"Be thou as steadfast as thou hast been instructed.\" He shall persevere so resolutely in the Cause of God and demonstrate such firmness on the path of Divine might that even if all earthly and celestial powers were to disavow Him, He would not falter in proclaiming His Cause or shrink from His task in spreading His Laws. On the contrary, He will stand as resolute as the loftiest mountains and the highest peaks. He will remain unyielding in His obedience to God and steadfast in disclosing His Cause and proclaiming His Word. No hindrance will deter Him, nor will the criticism of
the perverse dissuade Him or the denouncement of the unbelievers make Him waver. All the animosity, the rejection, the wickedness, and the disbelief He witnesses only serve to intensify His love for God, to deepen the longing in His heart, to elevate the joy of His soul, and to infuse His being with fervent devotion. Have you ever seen brass stronger, a blade sharper, or a mountain more steadfast than this in this world? Indeed, He shall stand upon His feet to face all the inhabitants of the earth without fearing anyone, despite the well-known tendency of the people towards transgressions. Glory be to God, Who has established Him and called Him forth! God indeed has the power to do whatever He wills. He, in truth, is the Protector in times of peril, the Self-Existent. When He says, \"Out of his mouth goeth a two-edged sword,\" understand that the sword is a tool that divides and cleaves apart, and from the mouths of the Prophets and God's Chosen Ones come words that distinguish the believer from the nonbeliever and the lover from the beloved. That's why this term is used here; it refers to this dividing and separating, and carries no other intended meaning. So when He Who is the Primal Point and the Eternal Sun wishes, by God's leave, to gather all of creation, to resurrect them from the graves of their own selves, and to divide them from one another, He will utter but one verse from Him, and this verse will separate truth from error from this day until the Day of Resurrection. What sword could be sharper than this heavenly sword, what blade more piercing than this incorruptible steel that severs all ties and thereby separates believer from nonbeliever, father from son, brother from sister, lover from beloved? For whoever believes in what has been revealed to him is a true believer, and whoever turns away is a nonbeliever, and between them occurs such an irreversible separation that they cease to associate with each other in this world. This also applies to a father and son; if the son believes and the father denies, they will be severed and forever dissociated from each other. Indeed, you witness how the son slays the father and the father the son. Consider all that We have explained and related to you in this same light. If you were to look at everything with a discerning eye, you would indeed see that this divine sword divides generations. If only you could understand! All of this is by virtue of the word of separation manifested on the Day of Judgment and Separation, if only people would pay attention during the days of their Lord. Indeed, if you could sharpen your sight and refine your heart, you would see that all the physical swords that have in every age slain nonbelievers and waged war against the impious emanate from this divine and invisible sword. Open your eyes so you can see all that We have revealed to you and attain what no one else has attained. We verily exclaim, \"Praise be to God, the Lord of the Day of Reckoning!\" Indeed, because these individuals have not managed to draw true knowledge from its source and wellspring, from the ocean of fresh and softly flowing waters that stream, by God's permission, through pure and unblemished hearts, they have been veiled from what God intended by those words and allusions. They remain confined within the prison of their own selves. We express gratitude to God for the grace He has bestowed upon us. He is the One who has assured us of the truth of His Faith, a Faith that the combined forces of earth and heaven cannot resist. He has enabled us to recognize Him in the day of His presence, to bear witness to Him Whom God shall make manifest in the latter Resurrection, and to be among those who have believed in Him before His appearance. This is so that His favor may be fully extended to us and to all humanity. Hear, O My brother, My grievance against those who claim association with God and His Manifestations of knowledge, yet who follow their corrupt inclinations. They consume the belongings of their neighbors, indulge in alcohol, commit murder, defraud and slander each other, launch calumnies against God, and often tell lies. The people attribute these deeds to Us, while the perpetrators stand
shamelessly before God. They ignore His commands and engage in what He has forbidden. People of truth should, however, show signs of humility on their faces and the light of sanctity should radiate from their countenances. They should walk the earth as if they are in God's presence and distinguish themselves from all other inhabitants of the earth through their deeds. They should be in such a state that their eyes behold the signs of His might, their tongues and hearts utter His name, their feet move towards the lands of His nearness, and their hands firmly grasp His precepts. Even if they were to pass through a valley of pure gold and mines of precious silver, they should consider them unworthy of their attention. However, these people have turned away from all this, placing their affections instead on what aligns with their own corrupt inclinations. Thus, they wander in the wilderness of arrogance and pride. At this moment, I bear witness that God is entirely free from them, and so are We. We beseech God not to allow Us to associate with them in this life or the life to come. Verily, He is the Eternal Truth. There is no God but Him, and His might is equal to all things. So, drink deeply, O my brother, from the living waters that We have stirred in the oceans of these words. It seems to me that the seas of majesty surge within them, and the gems of divine virtue gleam within and upon them. Free yourself from whatever keeps you away from this unfathomable crimson sea, and in response to the cry of \"In the name of God and by His grace!\", immerse yourself in it. Do not let the fear of anyone deter you. Put your trust in the Lord, your God, for He is sufficient for anyone who trusts in Him. He will indeed protect you, and in Him, you will dwell in safety. Moreover, know that in this most sacred and shining city, you will find the traveler humble before all people and modest before all things. He perceives nothing but God in everything he sees. He beholds the radiant glories of God in the lights of His Revelation that envelop the Sinai of creation. In this state, the traveler should not seek the seat of honor in any gathering or walk ahead of others out of a desire to boast or exalt himself. Instead, he should see himself as always standing in the presence of his Lord. He should not wish upon anyone what he would not wish upon himself, nor speak words that he would not want to hear from another, nor desire for any soul what he would not desire for himself. Rather, it suits him to walk with unwavering steps upon the earth in the kingdom of His new creation. Know, then, that the seeker, at the beginning of his journey, experiences change and transformation, as we have already mentioned. This is indeed the truth, as it has been revealed about those times: \"On the day when the earth shall be changed into another earth.\" These are truly days the likes of which no human eye has ever seen. Blessed is he who reaches them and appreciates their full value. \"We had sent Moses with Our signs, saying unto him: 'Bring forth thy people from darkness into light and remind them of the days of God.'\" And these are indeed the days of God, if only you could understand. In this state, all changing and fluctuating realities become apparent to you. Anyone who denies this truth has truly deviated from the cause of God, has rebelled against His authority, and has rejected His sovereignty. For it is within the power of He who can change the earth into another earth to also transform all who dwell and move upon it. So, do not be amazed by how He changes darkness into light, light into darkness, ignorance into knowledge, misguidance into guidance, death into life, and life into death. It is in this state that the law of transformation takes effect. Reflect on this, if you are one of those who walk this path, so that all you have asked of this humble One can become clear to you, and you may dwell within the canopy of this guidance. For He does whatever He wills and decrees whatever He pleases.
Indeed, He shall not be questioned about His actions, while all humans will be held accountable for their deeds. O My brother! In this stage, which marks the beginning of the journey, you will encounter diverse stations and different signs, just as was discussed in relation to the City of Search. All these hold true in their respective realms. In this station, it is important for you to consider each created thing in its proper place, neither diminishing nor elevating its true rank. For instance, if you were to equate the unseen world with the realm of creation, this would be an act of sheer blasphemy, and vice versa would likewise be the height of impiety. However, if you were to describe the unseen world and the realm of creation within their respective realms, this would be the undeniable truth. In other words, if you were to witness any transformation in the realm of divine unity, no greater sin could be conceived in all creation, but if you were to understand transformation in its proper place and context, no harm could befall you. By My Lord! Despite all that We have revealed to you of the mysteries of speech and levels of explanation, I feel as though I have not spoken a single letter of the vast ocean of God's hidden knowledge and the core of His unfathomable wisdom. God willing, we will fulfill this task in due time. He, indeed, remembers all things in their proper places, and we, in truth, all give praise to Him. Understand, moreover, that a bird soaring in the atmosphere of the spiritual realm can never ascend into the heaven of transcendental holiness, nor partake of the fruits which God has produced there, nor drink from the streams He has caused to flow within it. And if it were to taste even a drop from there, it would instantly perish. You can observe this now with those who profess loyalty to Us, but whose actions, words, and claims betray their true selves. It's as if they are lifeless, entrapped within their own veils. Likewise, understand every station, sign, and allusion, so you may see all things in their rightful place and understand all matters in their proper context. For within this station, the City of Divine Unity, reside those who have embarked upon the ark of divine guidance and traversed through the heights of divine unity. You will see the lights of beauty on their faces and the mysteries of glory in their human temples. You will perceive the musk-infused scent of their words and see the signs of His sovereignty in all their actions and deeds. However, you might be obscured by the deeds of those who have failed to drink from the clear springs or to reach the cities of sanctity, those who follow their selfish desires, sow discord on earth, all while believing themselves to be rightly guided. Of these people it has indeed been said: \"These are the base and foolish, who follow every noisy impostor and who sway with every changing wind.\" The stages of this journey, the station, and abode are now clear and apparent to you and require no further explanation. Understand, then, that all you have heard and witnessed that the Daystar of Truth, the Primal Point, attributes to Himself from the titles of yesteryears, it is only due to the frailty of men and the arrangements of the world of creation. Otherwise, all names and attributes revolve around His Essence and orbit the threshold of His Sanctuary. For it is He who imparts all names, unveils all attributes, bestows life upon all beings, proclaims the divine verses, and arrays the celestial signs. Nay, should you gaze with your inner eye, you would discover that all, save Him, fade into utter insignificance and are as a thing forgotten in His holy presence. \"God was alone; there was none else besides Him. He remains now as He has always been.\" Given that it is established that God - sanctified and glorified be He! - was alone and there was none beside Him, how can the law of change and transformation apply here? If you reflect upon what We have revealed to you, the morning star of guidance would shine resplendently before you in this everlasting dawn, and you would be counted among the pious. Know, moreover, that all that We have mentioned regarding these journeys is meant for none but the chosen among the righteous. And should you spur on the
steed of the spirit and traverse the fields of heaven, you would complete all these journeys and uncover every mystery in less than the twinkling of an eye. O My brother! If you be a contender in this arena, hasten through the lands of certainty, that your soul may be released in this day from the shackles of disbelief, and that you may perceive the sweet scents that waft from this garden. Indeed, the aroma-filled breezes that carry the fragrance of this city blow across all regions. Do not forfeit your share thereof and be not of those who are heedless. It has been aptly said: His fragrant breaths diffused in Eastern lands could well To sick ones in the West restore their sense of smell! After this heavenly journey and mystical ascent, the wayfarer will enter into the Garden of Wonderment. Were I to unveil to you the reality of this station, you would mourn and lament the plight of this Servant Who remains in the hands of these transgressors, Who is perplexed by his condition, and is lost in bewilderment in this unfathomable ocean. They conspire daily to bring about My demise, and seek at every moment to expel Me from this land, just as they banished Me from another land. Yet this Servant stands ready before them, awaiting whatever the Almighty has ordained and decreed for Us. I fear no soul, despite being encompassed by such trials and tribulations inflicted by the wicked and malicious, and being surrounded at this moment by countless woes and sorrows. \"Noah's flood is but the measure of the tears I have shed, and Abraham's fire an ebullition of My soul. Jacob's grief is but a reflection of My sorrows, and Job's afflictions a fraction of My calamity.\" Were I to recount unto thine eminence the dire adversities that have befallen Me, thou wouldst be so grieved as to forsake the mention of all things and to forget thyself and all that the Lord hath created on earth. But as this is not Our wish, I have concealed the revelation of the divine decree in the heart of Bahá and veiled it from the eyes of all that move in the realm of creation, that it may lay hid within the tabernacle of the Unseen until such time as God will have revealed its secret. \"Naught in the heavens or on the earth can escape His knowledge, and He, verily, perceiveth all things.\" As We have digressed from Our theme, let Us leave aside these allusions and return to Our discussion of this city. Verily, whoso entereth therein shall be saved, and whoso turneth aside therefrom will assuredly perish. O thou who art mentioned in these Tablets! Know thou that he who sets out on this journey will marvel at the signs of God's power and the astonishing manifestations of His handiwork. From every direction, bewilderment will take hold of him, as confirmed by that Immortal Essence from the celestial Concourse: \"Increase My wonder and astonishment at Thee, O God!\" Indeed, it has been well said: I knew not what bewilderment was Until I made Thy love my aim. How truly bewildering it would be If I were not bewildered by Thee! In this valley, many wayfarers go astray and perish before they reach their destined home. By God's grace! This valley is so immense, this city within the kingdom of creation is so vast, it appears to have neither beginning nor end. How fortunate is he who completes his journey therein, and with God's assistance, traverses the sacred land of this celestial city, a city that leaves God's chosen ones and the pure of heart in a state of awe and wonder. We say: \"Praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds.\" If the servant should ascend to even higher heights, leave this world of dust, and seek to rise to the heavenly dwelling, he will then pass from this city to the City of Absolute Nothingness, that is, of dying to the self and living in God. In this station, this lofty habitation, this journey of complete self- effacement, the wayfarer forgets his soul, spirit, body, and very existence, immerses himself in the sea of nothingness, and lives on earth as one unworthy
of mention. Nor can any sign of his existence be found, for he has disappeared from the realm of the visible and ascended to the heights of self-negation. If We were to relate the mysteries of this city, the domains of human hearts would be ravaged by the intensity of their longing for this potent station. For this is the station where the shining splendour of the Beloved is revealed to the sincere lover, and the radiant lights of the Friend are cast upon the heart severed in devotion to Him. How can a true lover persist in existence when the shining splendours of the Beloved are unveiled? How can a shadow withstand when the sun has emerged? How can a heart devoted have any presence before the manifestation of the Object of its devotion? No, by the One in Whose hand is my soul! In this station, the seeker's complete surrender and utter annihilation before his Creator will be such that, were he to scan the East and the West, traverse land, sea, mountain, and plain, he would find no sign of his own self or any other soul. Gracious God! But for fear of the Nimrod of oppression and for the safeguarding of the Abraham of justice, I would reveal unto thee that which, if thou were to abandon self and desire, would enable thee to do without anything else and draw near to this city. However, be patient until such time as God shall proclaim His Cause. He, verily, rewards those who endure with patience beyond measure. Breathe in the sweet fragrances of the spirit from the garment of hidden meanings, and say: \"O you who are submerged in the ocean of selflessness! Hasten to enter the City of Immortality, if you seek to ascend its heights.\" And We declare: \"Indeed we belong to God, and to Him we shall return.\" From this most noble and exalted station, and from this most sublime and splendid plane, the seeker enters the City of Immortality, there to dwell eternally. In this station, he sees himself seated upon the throne of independence and the pedestal of exaltation. Then he understands the meaning of what has been revealed of old about the day \"on which God will enrich all through His abundance\". Fortunate are those who have reached this station and have drunk deeply from this snow-white chalice in front of this Crimson Pillar. In this journey, having immersed himself in the ocean of immortality, detached his heart from anything other than Him, and reached the highest peaks of eternal life, the seeker sees no extinction for himself or for any other soul. He drinks from the chalice of immortality, walks its land, soars in its atmosphere, associates with those who embody it, partakes of the imperishable and incorruptible fruits of the tree of eternity, and is forever considered, in the lofty heights of immortality, among the residents of the everlasting realm. Everything that exists within this city is indeed enduring and will never perish. If you, by the grace of God, enter this sublime and exalted garden, you would find its sun at its zenith, never setting, never eclipsed. The same holds true for its moon, its sky, its stars, trees, and oceans, and for all that belongs to it or exists within it. By Him, besides whom there is no other God! If I were to recount its amazing attributes from this day until eternity, the love that my heart holds for this hallowed and everlasting city would never be exhausted. However, I will bring my discourse to a close, as time is short and the seeker impatient, and these mysteries are not to be openly revealed except by the permission of God, the Almighty, the All-Compelling. In the time to come, during the latter Resurrection, the faithful will behold Him Whom God will make manifest descending with this city from the heaven of the Unseen, accompanied by a host of His exalted and favoured angels. Great, therefore, is the blessedness of him who attains unto His presence and beholds His countenance. We all, truly, cherish this hope, and exclaim: \"Praise be unto Him, for indeed He is the Eternal Truth, and unto Him do we return!\" Furthermore, be aware that if one who has reached these spiritual stations and embarked on these mystical journeys falls prey to pride and self-glorification, he would immediately regress to the initial step without even realizing it. The
seekers on this spiritual path are distinguished by their humility towards those who have believed in God and His verses. They show deference to those who have drawn near to God and His Manifestations of beauty, bowing in submission to those who stand firm upon the lofty peaks of God's Cause and before its majesty. For even if they were to reach the ultimate goal of their quest for God, they would only find that the divine abode they sought was within their own hearts. How could they possibly hope to ascend to realms not destined or created for their station? No, even if they journeyed from eternity to eternity, they would never reach Him Who is the central Heart of existence and the Pivot of all creation, He on whose right hand flow the seas of grandeur, on whose left the rivers of power run, and whose court is unreachable for any being, let alone His very dwelling place! For He resides in the ark of fire, travels in the sphere of fire, moves within the atmosphere of fire. How could a being, composed of contrary elements, enter or even approach this fire? If he attempted to do so, he would be instantly consumed. Understand furthermore that if the connecting cord of divine assistance between this great Pivot and the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth were severed, they would certainly perish. Oh, how can the humble dust ever reach Him Who is the Lord of lords? Infinitely exalted is God beyond what they conceive in their hearts, and vastly glorified is He beyond what they attribute to Him. Indeed, the seeker attains a station where the blessings bestowed upon him are boundless. The fire of love burns so fiercely in his heart that it wrests away the reins of restraint from his hands. At every moment, his love for his Lord intensifies, drawing him nearer to his Creator. So much so that if his Lord were in the east of nearness and he in the west of remoteness, even if he possessed all the rubies and gold that the earth and heaven contain, he would abandon it all to rush towards the land of his Beloved. If he were to act otherwise, know with certainty that such a man is a false pretender. We all, indeed, belong to Him Whom God shall make manifest in the last Resurrection, and through Him, we shall be brought back to life. In these days, since we have not yet lifted the veils that hide the face of the Cause of God, nor have we revealed to men the fruits of these stations which we have been forbidden to describe, you see them intoxicated with heedlessness. Otherwise, if the glory of this station were to be revealed to men, even to a measure smaller than a needle's eye, you would see them flocking to the threshold of divine mercy and rushing from all directions to the court of nearness in the realms of divine glory. We have concealed it, however, as mentioned before, to distinguish those who believe from those who deny, and those who turn unto God from those who turn away. I truly declare, \"There is no power or strength except in God, the Helper in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.\" From this station, the wayfarer ascends to a city that has neither name nor description and of which one hears neither sound nor mention. The oceans of eternity flow within it, while the city itself revolves around the seat of eternity. In it shines the Sun of the Unseen, resplendent above the horizon of the Unseen, a Sun that has its own heavens and its own moons that partake of its light and rise from and set upon the ocean of the Unseen. I can never hope to convey even a dewdrop of what has been ordained therein, as no one is familiar with its mysteries except God, its Creator and Shaper, and His Manifestations. Know also, when we set about to reveal these words and committed some to writing, our intent was to elucidate for your eminence, in the sweet accents of those who are blessed and favored by God, all that we previously mentioned of the words of the Prophets and the sayings of the Messengers. However, time was short, and the traveller who came from your presence was in great haste and eager to return. Thus, we have abbreviated our discourse and have been content with this much, without fully elaborating on these stages in an appropriate and fitting manner. Indeed, we have left out descriptions of major cities and significant journeys. Such was the haste of the courier that we even neglected the mention of the two exalted journeys of Resignance and Contentment.
Nevertheless, should your eminence reflect upon these brief statements, you would undoubtedly gain every knowledge, attain the Object of all learning, and exclaim: \"These words are sufficient for all creation, visible and invisible!\" Even so, if the fire of love burns within your soul, you would ask: \"Is there yet more?\" And we respond: \"Praise be to God, the Lord of all worlds!\"
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