tl1~6U1Jflru~n1111n11n11~~V1111fJ~Twn11tl1~biltJ{9ltJbel~ (SSR) q , tl1~~1un11An~1 2563 (1 V'Hl~fl1fl11 2563 - 30 b11~1fJ\\J 2564) I QJ ~ ~~~ 7 ~~~fl1~~ 2564 w vi'fl~tlj~°lf~A'~'fltlj1°lf ~~!:11~!:1'fl1°lf~~n~1'flu~j1°lfn1ilq qq
w fl'J'W';i'l,ln'l';i ....-.:.i.1...'.U...'.l..h.....:..:.:.d.....J..'.U...b..b..'.1...:.:..:.-..r..'.\\.J..1...e...N.....r.1....r..u....J..1..1....'W....6..'.f.m........'W....~.....m.....~..n.......(..A.....P...A.....C....C....).....1...'.V...l.m.......~.....c...1.m........-.8...1...~.....m.....~..n.....e.:.,i'\\Jm1\"1Ju1i1 . d dQ.,I ®<i'. 'W tl'I~Jl1 rllJ ©c:tb<i'. . 'VI o o~/\\vc:tbc( 'J'W'VI b~el.:i ...6..'.!.1.,'U11c.l-:J1'Uf:.l'1fl11'U1~\"1,JlJrlt1.!~fl11lJfl11fl11'<il?l'Vl111cJ-:J1'Ufl11'U1~biJW,1'Ube:J-:J (SSR) . ~1lJlJ1~1':01'U APACC 'U1~~1tlm1~m~n ©c:tb<i'. .. •••••••••••••••••••.•.••••.•••• olj ml!~ -:J1'U'U1:::biJ'Ubb'1~-r'\\J1eMrlt1.l.fl1'V'l6'ftl1'U~f1'1!n (APACC) ~1c.lbbf:.J'U-:J1'Ubb'1:::rl11lJ';j1lJiie:J ' 11'1~1b'U'Ufl111ill?l'U1:::\"I,JlJrlt1.1~m1lJfl11fl111ill?l'Vl111EN1'Ufl11'U1:::biJ'U~'Ube)-:J (SSR) 'U1~~1tlm1~fl'\\~1 ©c:t'.brn (® 'W(]~il1rllJ ©c:tbrn - mo blJ~1c.l'U ©c:tb<i'.) b'U1'U~n4~ ~ 'W']~.fl1rllJ ©c:tb<i'. b1'11 ~.oo - ®b.rno 'U. ru ~e:i-:i'l.J1~\"1JlJl3f~e:i'l.J11\"1J ,!'W '' u1nd -:J1'U'U1~biJ'Ubb'1~,r'\\J1e:J-:ir1rum'W6'!t11'W~n~1 APACC 1~~1b'U'Ufl11'lh~\"lllJb6'!~~imt1'U~ '' b~c.1'lJ{mmX1 ~-:i'IJe:i6'!1'l.J11c.1-:i1'Um1'l.J1~\"1JlJ ~1'W1'W ® b~lJ mllbe:Jn6'!11bb'W'\\Jm'W{e:ilJd '' 1('U1-:i6'!1n6'!11'V1 '<il'U 'V11-:i~) ' 'lhV!1J1-:J1'W'lh~biJ'Ubb'1~,r'\\J1e:J-:ir1rum'W6'!fl1'W~n~1 (APACC) ' ~ .., 0 rl11lJ bVl'U1e)-:Jf:.Je)1'U1c.lfl11 ·······················\"···········by·:·j:Jtjfjo~hhy'l?y;·.;/;i······~t~J!i~. ;;;;;;JI···························································· ·······························································~·-···········o·'. . ·············································································································································································· ('U1-:J6'!115'Ul?l1 111t1.lbbfl1) 1e:i-:i ~rl1'U1 c.1 n11~ 1 c.1 bbt:.J'W-:i 1'\\.J bb'1 ~ r111lJ':i1lliie:i ~ .., 0 rl11lJ bVl'Uf:.J e)1'U1 c.l fl11 ................\"......................-......'.\\\"..).i.}...t.J.........J':::\" ;i/c \"...l ·/ · . ......................................: .....~~-~.r. ...'!.~~.. J. .....~.~,_~,rr:,.,':!.)~ ..~/!!.-:t~.l~~.l~.\"?0..~?.-! .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1 L, ~.A. 2564
'a1 tl~ 1'W fl1'at.b ~\"Ill! fl ru~ fl'a'all fl1'a~~'V11 'a1 tl ~ 1'W fl1'at.b ~ blJ'W \\?l'W bB~ (SSR) q 'lh~~1tJm'af'im.11 2563 ( 1 -w.fl. 63 - 30 \\?'I.fl. 64) i''Wvi 7 'Wt)'l.1.fl1flll 2564 ru ~eM'lh~~l!Pl~~tJ'a1\"1l 3. fl1'a~~V11i1~1-hi~flru~m'allfl1'a~~'V11'a1tl~1'Wfl1'a'U'a~bi1'W\\?l'Wb€l~ (SSR) 4. fl1'a~~'V11'a1tl~1'Wfl1'a'U'a~b:W'W1,1'Wb€l~ (SSR) 'W{Bl! Annex 5. fl1'ab\\9l~tlllfl11ll'WfBllb~B{'l.Jfl1'a'U'a~blJ'W1'W~1~Wtl~b1m U 2565 bb6'1~l!B'\\J'\\llllltl1~ 'W1~6'1~6'111'Vl ~'W1'Vl1~~ iTV!,J1~1'W APA(( 1~'a1tll;'l~bBtl~b~llb~ll ' 1. fl1'a~~V11i1~1-hi~flru~ fl'a'all fl1'a~~'V11'a1 tl~1'W f11'a'U 'a~ blJ'W\\9l'WbB~ (SSR) 1~b6'1'1J1'Wf11'a1'Wbb\\>16'1~(,11 q ,.J~(~1 btl 'W f11'a bbm'll b~m~ll\\911ll fl11ll b'\\llll 1~ ?Ill bb6'1~ ~~~'W1~~1'W APACC .fl 1 ti1'W1'W 'W 15~ ' 12 'W.fl. 2564 2. f11'a~~ 'Vl 1 'a1 tl ~1'W fl 1 'a'U 'a~ blJ 'W \\91 'W bB ~ (SSR) 'W fBll Annex '1J B1~b6'1 '1J 1'W fl 1 'a1'W bb\\>16'1 ~ \\,11 'U ~( ' \\111b'W'\\.Jfl1'a{~VJ1bbVh.1rnfl?f1'a\"'eJ1-.:JB-.:J -wim.1~~V11 Annex uae1~l\"l~bb'W'W1'\\.Jbb!,16'l~\\,11'U-.:J( f11'\\ll'\\.J~6'1-.:i .fl1tl1'W1'W~ 31 'W.fl. 2564 3. uru'\\ll1bb6'1~BiJ?f'a'aflb'Wbb\\>16'1~\\ii'1u~~ '11€11~~{'l.J~~61lB'\\J'a1tJ~1mtl'Wmt1~fl'l.1tUBfl'l.1'a\\911llbb'\\JUWB1ll~ \"' q .., fl1'\\ll'W~1~ci~~~1'W APACC .n1t11'W1'W~ 31 'W.fl. 2564 b~B'Vl1~~1'W APACC '1~1~?f'aq'Ubb6'1~'U1b?f'WB
b'UGl.:IL'Ul1 .nTl'U'a~'U:IJFlW~n'a'a:WnT~\"~'~vi1'a1~.:11'1Jn1'a'lh:aii'IJi;l'lml.:i (SSR) Vl1:IJ:IJ1\\;l'a~:ii'1'1J APACC 'I.J\"a~i1tln1\"af\"!n-tf1 2563 ~ d'c:i 'J'Ufln'a'VI 7 'W~~.fl1fUJ 2564 L1Gl1 9.00 - 16.00 'IJ. ru ~ei.:i'I.J'a~-u•:wf'l~e•i'I.J\"a1-u 1V1~,ir~ei1~1f'lm:fle•iuG1\"a1-ucr1il • ., d 611~'\\.J'VI 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.J1.:J?l:1..J1i9 ILLfl1 1VJ1'j ~-~-,---, ' 7 16 17 18 19 20
1U6'1.:Jb'J6'11 .n1'ath:::-u:u1-1ru:::m-a:un1-a~~'Vl1'a11:N1'1Jn1''J'lh::dlui;ime1,:i (SSR) \\;11:IJ:IJ1\\;l'a~q'j1'1J APACC tl-a::~1un1-afln~1 2563 1'Ur!•n{~ 7 'VU)~fl1~ll 2564 b':!6'11 9.00 - 16.00 'IJ• • ., d Ilk 6'11~'1.JVI 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Md ~,__2_s_,_'W_!9_~_'\"1,;_:,~ n~-...---~--,--~~~~~----•------, 29 ~-C\\-~
2/ I QJ I c:I c:I 3.1.1 ,3.1.2 , 3.2.1 , 3.3.1 , 3.3.2 , 3.4.1 ,3.4.2 , ~1\\J~6HVI 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.5, 3.4.6, 3.4.7, 3.4.8
-~- Criterion 3 - Human Resources Indicator 3.1 - Qualifications of Teaching Staff 3.1.1 Academic qualifications and experiences of teaching staff flfl ru1 ~Yl1.:J fl1 'a mn bb\"1 ~'U 1~l;'f 'U fl11 ruf111l;'f e)'U'lJ e).:J fl 1 ~a e) 'U q 'I '\\J '\\J 3.1.2 Industrial background of teaching staff (at least 2 years) ti)fl1~l;'fe)'U~1J'U1~l;'f'Ufl11(U'<iJ1f1l;'fm'U'U1~f1e)'Ufl11 (e:J81.:JiJmJ 2 '\\J'\\J Indicator 3.2 - Qualification of Non-Teaching Staff 3.2.1 Academic qualifications and experiences of non-teaching staff flru1 ~Y11.:i n 11 fl f1'lj1 ue ~'U w a u m 1 ru'lJ e:J\"l'U fl\"11 mY11\"! m 1 flf1'lj1 '' ' 1. ~'UbYl1\"1~ ~'ab'<il~tlJ 2. bbl;'f'Ul\";'\"f~1 3. 'U1\\ll;'f~l;'f11YI ' 4. 'W1\"!l;'f11ITT'U1{] 5. 'U1\\ll;'f11fi1.fl11\"\" ' 6. 'U1\\ll;'f11~f1'1JtU1 7. 'U1\\ll;'f1TWYl'Bil'U 8. 'U1\"!.nY111111ru 9. 'U1\\ll;'f11?l~~1 1) Profile of teachino staff 'U1~~'1Je:J\"lfl1 bb\"1~~'U~Vl11Ylf1'a~li1'U :::> '\\J '\\J q 2) Job Description r11i\"lbb~\"li\"I \"11'\\.Jm~foiie:iuvtil1c.lbb\"1~.fl11~\"11'U 3) Government Standards mm~1'U\\911bb'Vlil\"lfl1bb\"1~~'U~vt11 \"\" '\\J '\\J 4) Policy on recruitment, selection and orientation of teaching staff 'UbcJ'U1cJ1'Wfl11 ?111Vl1 fl1'a~~b~e)f1 fl11'U~il'UbYlfilfl1 \"\" '\\J Annex 14. Teaching Staff Information be1m111eJ'1.:iB.:i 3.1.2 1) Profile of teachino staff 'U1~~'1Je:J\"lfl1 bb\"1~~'U~vt11 Ylf11~1i1'1J :::> 'ti 'U 'I Annex 14. Teaching Staff Information be1m111eJ'1.:iB.:i 3.2.1 .1) Profile of Non-Teaching Staff 'U1~~'1Je:J\"lljflmm ., 2) Job Description fl161\"1bb~.:J~.:Jile:J'UVlil1cJ\"l1'Ubb\"1~.fl1';i~\\11'U d0 I 0 m~1~1'Umbbvt'U\"!Ylfl1Vl'U~ ...3) Government Standard
- .n - 4) Policy on recruitment, selection and orientation of non-teaching staff 'Ll1cJ'U1cJ1'Ll rn1?111V11 ri'~b~e:in bb~~tJ~~'Wb'Vll'll'Ufll;nm'Vl1-:irn1~mn \"' ' Annex 15. Non-Teaching Staff Information Indicator 3.3 - Teaching Staff Assignments and Load 3.3.1 Teaching Staff load/assignments and preparation time :S1'Ll'J'Llfl1'U?!nu .fl11~'11'Ubb~~ b1m fl11b\\,1~ tl~ fl11?!eJ'U\"lJ eJ'1 f11er?Iau U1~ fWl'U ~'.:JcJ '\"' 1. 'U1'16'!11b~qjh \"tltl1'1Pl UW'B1'Ufl11~fl11 3. ~'U1'V11'1,; m1~rn1 m1~rn1 -:i1tJV1~fl?f(,11 4. 'V'l1b'1~qj 5. tJ1~'V1~6/!1~ '\\I 6. 7. ' .8. l'll~'Vle)'1 9. 'U1'1?!111\"1.fl11 '111~u1V1m-:i ' II CV«=lt.' 10. 'U1'16'!11~fl\"lltU1 11. 'U1'1?!11i'Vl'B~'U 'Ue) tl'U'J'Vl'V'l cJ 12. m-:i.11V111111ru 13. 'U1'1?!11Pl~'V'l1 bb?!'U~~1 rnm111e11.:ia.:i 3.3.1 1) Written Policy of Teaching Staff Loading and Assignments explaining how instruction, research, outreach, consultancy, administrative and other duties are factored into the computation of the workload 'Ll1cJ'U1tlb~eJ'1.fl11~'11'Ll?!el'Ll mbb~~'11'Ll~1~{'U~eJ'U'VlmcJ~'W1~11 'Ufl11~'111UJ1fl1'U1ru-B'11mrn1'Vl1'11'U b'/jtJ -B'11~'1 aau fl11V111~cJ n111~u~n11'V11'116/!1n11 bb~~16/!1;'V'l bb~~'VliJ1~~'Ll 1 ~b~cJ1nun11 ~~fl11b~tl'Ufl11?!eJ'U 2) Detailed Copy of Individual Teaching Staff Workload and Schedule (,1111'1?!eJ'Ll 11tl'Uflfl~ ' 3) Standard Workload Guidelines mntJ~u~ 1~bDtl'U 'Vl~eJ~1(,11!1'Llfl11U~'\\J~'11'Ll(,11~ .fl11~'11'Ll
- Ci'. - 3.3.2 Teacher-student ratio 8(1111611'WFl1\\?leJ'Unb~tl'W th:me:i'U~1tl '\\J 1. 'U1..:J?l11b~qjb'<il 'U'a~fi1'Un'a'a:Wn1'a 2. 1e:i..:i~B1'U1t1n11~1t11\"1J1n11 1e:i..:iu1~01'Wn11:wn11 '\\J 3. 4. ~'U1V11..:i~ 5. 'U1..:J?l11~~'W1,Q V'lWil~qj m1:wm1 'W!I.IeJ tl'UQJ1'QVlV'l t\"l 6. 'U1..:J?l11\\31.fl11 bb?l'W~~1 ' 7. 'W1..:J?111i;rrn1ru1 8. 'W1tJFl:wn~\"ll '<ilnvm:w m1:wm1 .:J1'U'Vl~L'UtJ'U m1:wm1 ..:i1'U'Vli;rnM11 .9. ' 'U 10. 'W1..:Jb?l11W . 11. 'W1..:J?l11~'V1'5:W'W bb?l'W'Vl1?1\"1.1 .\"\"IJ''WbV'l\"ll'a' 12. 'W1..:i.nV111111ru 13. 'W1..:J?l11?1~V'l'a rnmt11ij1,:iij,:i 3.3.2 1) Number of students in theory and practical classes '<il1'U1'W'Uf1b~tl'Ub'U~eNb~tl'U 'Vl~'l36 bb~~~e)..:Jb~tl'W'U~'U1i 2) Detailed Copy of Individual Teaching Staff, Workload and Schedule (11111..:J?leJ'W 'a1tl'UFlFl~ ' 3) Standard Workload Guidelines bb'W1'U~'U1i <a~b'Utl'U 'Vl~e:Jl.J1(11'a!1'Wn11'U~~..:i1'Wm:W fl1'a~. :J1'U Indicator 3.4 - Systems of Recruitment, Evaluation, Development and Motivation 3.4.1 System of teaching and non-teaching staff recruitment m~tJ1'Wm1?111'Vl1tJr1mm (r11~\"'?1eJ'Wbb~~tJr1mmV11..:im1\\\"3\"1n'131) v• I,:~mrum\"' ti 'I \\J C!J \" 1. 'U1..:J?l11b~qjb'<il 6Ucl1..:JP1 'UWfi1'Un'a'a:Wn1'a 2. 3. ~'U1V11..:i~ 4. 'W1.:J?l11~~'U1,Q Yl'ab'<il~qj 5. 'W1..:J?l111\"•1fl11 ifeJtl'\\JTVlV'l ~ 6. 'U1..:i?111i;rn\"1Jru1 bb?l'U~~1 7. 'W1.:J?l11~'Vlfi:W'U 8. 'U1..:i.n'Yl11111ru 9. 'U1.:J?l11?1~'W'a
- c:t - belml1'aeJ1.:la.:i 3.4.1 1) Policy on Selection and Recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff 'LIIain cJ Vt~mnru~m1?11-rvn bb(;'l~ ms ~~b~ e:i nr11bb1;'l~'UF11;'l 1mV11..:i mPi mn 'lJ ' d ., d 2) List of approving bodies/persons ':i1tl\"lle:JFlru~m':i~fl1':i?l':i':iV11 bb1;'l~fl1':ifl~b6'1e:Jtl 'UF1611tl':i .. .c:!il Q I QJ ,di ' 3) List of teaching staff ':i1cJ\"lle:JFliVlt:.J1'Utl':i~'U1'Utl1':i?l':i':iV11bb6'1~tl1':iFl~b6'1e:Jtl 4) List of non-teaching staff d ct d ' ':i1cJ\"ll'e:J'l.lF16'11mV11..:it11113ltl~1Vll!.J1'Utl':i~'U1'Utl1':i?l':i':iV11bb6'1~ tl1':i~~b~e)tl 3.4.2 Filling up of vacant posts tl1':iVl~bbVl'U~1bbVt'U..:ivi11..:i 't.J':i~tle:J'U~1tl 1. 'U1.:J?l11b~t1Jllil 'lh~51'Ufl':i'j~fl1'j 2. 1e:i..:i~rl1'U1t1n11~1t11\"1J1n11 ':ie:J..:!U':i~u1'Ut1':i':i~n11 'lJ ., . ., ... 5. 'U1.:J?l11 bb?l.:J':il'UVl':i fl':i'j~fl1'j V11Vt'U1bbt:.J'Utl 6. =., .. 'U1t1Vl1\\,l(l 1. 'U1..:i?t1':i1ru ' ., ,! 'W(;'l~Pln~ e:iumEJ'U\\11 ' 12. 'U1..:i':i~JlV]'j 6'11':i1'U 13. 'U1..:lb':il~ru bb?l..:!?l\"ll111 14. 'U1..:i':i1ru ' . ~':iu1t11\"1J1'U'UV1 m1~t11':i u1~V1~\"1J1~ m1~m1 ..:i1'UV1~n?t1,11 15. 'U1.:11':i1,fl':itU ' 'lJ 16. 'U1..:i?t11b~t1JU1~m bb?l'UV11\"\"?l\"ll 17. 'U1..:!?l11e:J':i'Vltl ' 18. 'U1..:!f1t1JU~~~ ~'U1V11..:J1j ., ., . 'W':ib':il~tlJ 19. 'U1..:!Wl?l'U'UV1 20. 'U1..:J~~t)~ 21. 'U1..:ib?t11& 23. 'U1..:J?f~?l11Vl '
-b- 25. 'W1-!16'111fl1Jl11 ti V ,:::. I( ' 'W €l E.J'UTVl'VW 26. 'Ll1-!16'111~f1'1Jt\\J1 bb?l'Ll~m 27. 'W1-!16'111i'Vl5ll'U 28. 'Ll1-!IJ1'Vl'a1'J))t\\J 29. 'Ll1.:!?111~~'Vi) LeJnf!1-aeJ'1.:iB.:i 3.4.2 1) Mechanisms or strategies used in filling up vacant positions, such as newspaper advertisements, online ads 15f111vfl\"tlL'Uf111'Vl~bb'Vl'Ll~1bb'V!U.:111-!I b\"li'Ll f111'lh~m~fo 6'1lJfl'a'Vl1.:1~€l~1-!I 'l b'U'Ll\\,l'Ll Annex 16. Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Posts and Designated Personnel 3.4.3 Stakeholders' involvement in the selection and recruitment process of teaching and non-teaching staff m1i1'11'Lli'Jll'1J€l.:l~i1'11'U1~b~cl1'Um~u1'Llf111~~b~eJf1 bb~~?l'a'a'Vi1'Ufll;i1f)\"j 'lh~f1eJ'U~'Jcl ' 1. 2. 3. ~'U1'Vl1-!I~ 4. 'Ll1.:!?111~~'Ll1!) 'Vi'ab~~tll 5. 'Ll1.:!?111~fl11 ii cu .c:::i. 4' ' ue) cl 'U 1'VlVi cl 6. 'Ll1.:16'111~f1'1Jt\\J1 bb?l'Ll~~1 7. 'U1.:!?111i'Vl5ll'Ll 8. 'U1-:J.f1'Vl'a1'J))t\\J 9. 'Ll1.:!?111~~'Vi) LeJnf!1-aeJ'1.:iB.:i 3.4.3 1) Composition of recruitment and selection committee/authority e:i.:irh.Jwnau '1Je:i.:ir1ru~m1llm11'Llm1~~b~e:irnb~~m16'111V11ur1mm ' 2) Minutes of meetings 11cl-:J1'Llf111'l.J1~~ll 3) Record of attendance 11c1zjm!b-u1'l.J1~\"llll 'U '
- ITTI - 3.4.4 Compensation of teaching and non-teaching staff ~11weJ'Ubb'Vl'U\"1JeN'Uflmm th~m1:uv11cJ ' 1. 2. 3. '<il'U1'Vl1-!l,; 4. 'W';ib'1~qj f)';j';j~fl1';j 5. 'U1-!l?f11f'31fl11\"\" f)';j';j~fl1';j fl1';jb~'U °1Je)cJ1.J1'Vi'W El ' bb?f'U~~1 6. 'U1-!l?t11~n\"1Jru1 7. 'U1-!lbbn1h 8. 'U1-!l?f11~'Vl5~'U 9. 'U1-!l.fl'Vl';i11';i';ifl! 10. 'U1-!J?f11P1~'W';i be1m11\"aB1.:Jfil.:J 3.4.4 d 1) List of teaching staff ';i1cJ\"lleJfl';i 'U 2) List of non-teaching staff ';i1c.l~B'l.Jfl'11m'Vl1-!lfl1';i~fl'l~n 3) Written policy on compensation and rewards 'W1cJ'U1c.lbb'1~';i~b'UcJ'Ufl1';i~1cJ 1~1~eJ'U bb'Vl'U uaems ~';i1-!l1'1 4) Report of teaching and non-teaching staff recipients for the Last 3 years ';i1tM1'U b tJfl1';i~1 c.l~1~ eJ'U unums ~';i1-!l1'1 bbflfl';ibb~ ~'U fl~1f1';i'Vl1-!lfl1';i~ fl'l~n 3 fJB'U'\\111;1-!J 'U ' Annex 17. Type of Compensation in addition to salary 3.4.5 Performance Evaluation fl1';i'lh~bi1'Ue.J~f11';i'U~'U1i-!l1'U 3.4.6 Staff Development fl1';i~W,J'U1'l.Jflmm 'U';i~neJ'Uvl1cJ 1. 2. 3. '<il'U1'Vl1-!l,; 4. 'W';ib'1~qj .... ii QJ ..:::It. ,r 5. 'U1-!J?f11f'31fl11 ' 'UeJ cJ 'U 1 'Vl'W cJ 6. 'U1-!l?111~n\"1Jru1 bb?f'U~~1 7. 'U1-!l?f11~'Vl5~'U ., ... ' 8. 'U1-!J.fl'Vl';i11';i';if;U 'IJ~fl';i~'U 9. 'U1-!J?f11P1~'W';i ~1';i';ifl!Q~
-~- be1nm~e11.1J~./J 3.4.5 1) Procedure on Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Performance Evaluation .fru(,Je:J'Ufl11i.J1~b~'l.J~f!fl11i.J£im-:nu 2) Report of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Performance evaluation for the Last 3 years 11t1.:i1'Ut11';i'U';i~b~'W~fltl1';i'Uljm.:i1u 3 tl~e:J'W'Vl'1'1 belfl~1~e11./J~./J 3.4.6 1) Teaching Staff Development Program Lfl';i'1tl1';i'W~'W1fli 2) Non-Teaching Staff Development Program Lfl';i'1fl1';i'W~'W1'4flfllm'Vl1'1tl1';i?lfl~1 3) Report on training, workshops, seminars conducted ';i1tl'11'l.J~6'ifl1';i'W~'l.J1flibb6'1~ '4r1mm'Vl1.:i fl1';j?Jfl~11~t1 fl1';itlfle:i'\\J';jl.J b:a.:ii.J£im fl1';j'Vf1e:i t11161'l.ll.l'W11u.flTvffrn\"1l e:i.:i 4) Report of teaching and non-teaching staff participation ., ' ';i1tl'11'Wtl1';ib\"1l1';i1l.l ti fl nu ';jl.J\"1Jt1.:i r1 ';i ua eu flfl 1 m'Vl1.:i fl1 ';j Pi fl~1 'U ' 5) Training Needs Analysis Survey ';i1tl'11'Wtl1';i~1';i1'1fl11l.l\\1le:J'1tl1';i 1'Wt11';itlfle:J'\\J';il.l\"1Je:l'1 r1ibbfl~'4ftfllm'Vl1'1tl1';i?lfl~1/ ID plan 3.4. 7 Scholarship Grants VJ'Wtl1';i?lfl~1/tl1';itlfle:J'\\J';il.l/tl1';i'W~'W1~'Wbm 'U1~fle:JU~:;rn 1. m.:i?111bvhy1'1 '1.h~fi1'Wf)';i';il,Jtl1';i 2. ';it1.:i~rl1'l.J1t1fl1';i~1t11~1fl1';i ';je),:j'LJ';j~fi1'\\.Jfl';j';jl.Jfl1';i 'U 4. 'W1tl.fl~fll.Jfl 'V'lflrl1u1t1 'U bbV11;1.:im;'1 5. 'W1'1?111bb?l'1'1.,'W'Vl';'i 6. <>., ' 'W1tl'Vl1(,lfl .1. u1.:i?1'J';i';iru 8. 'W1'1'W' 1';i';.i,\\,l'\\.J' 10. 'W1tl?l';i~~1~ ., .f 'V'lfl~l\"lfl~ ' e:l'Ul.J1EJ'W\\91 12. 'W1'1';i~.f1'Vl';i ' 13. u1.:ib'1l.Jru bb?l'1?1\"1J111 14. u1.:i';i1ru 15. 'W1'11';i1.fl';iU.'l ' 16. 'W1'1?111b'Vky'U';i~.fl1 17. 'W1'1?111e:l';i~tl
- <i - 18. 'U1.:in~uvh.1~ 19. 'U1-:J'U.fl?f\\J'U°i'l ~':i'U~cl1'111'LI'U'Vl fl':i':i:Wfl1':i 20. 'U1.:]~~~~ 'UW'Vl:W'111~ fl':i':i:Wfl1':i .:]1'U'Vl~fl?l\\11':i 21. 'U1-:Jb?111ru ' \" 22. m.:ibbn1h 23. 'LI1.:i?111eJ~ru~~1311 24. 'U1.:]?f~?l11'Vl ~'LI1'Vl1.:]~ ' 'V'lWil~~ 25. 'U1-:J?l11~~'U1~ 2,1 CV Cit. ~ 26. 'W1.:]?111\\3\\.fl11 'Well'J'U1'Vl'V'll'J ' bb?f'LI~~1 27. 'U1-:J?l11~fl'1Jtl.11 28. 'LI1.:i?111~'Vlm..J'LI <V <V .. 29. m.:iii''Vl':i11'r~ru '1J:W.f1':i\\1l'U 30. 'LI1-:J?l11~~'V'l':i belfl~1':iel1-:J~.,:j 3.4.7 1) Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Development Program 1m.:inT~~W,J'U1fl~bbl;'I~ 2) Summary of scholarship grants through training programs ?f1U~1'LI1'Uvi'Uci'1Vlfo rns1'J fl nu ':i:W/fl1':i~(1).J'U 1 \\11 'W bel-:J 3) Summary of scholarship grants through higher degrees ?f1U~1'LI1'Wvi'Ufl1':i~fl'\\~1b~el fl1':i~mn~eJ 4) List of sponsors/donors ':i1tlzjmTIiX'Vl'LI?li!'U?l'U'LI'Vl~el~'U~~1r1'Vl'U C\\J q q C\\J ci Annex 18. List of Recipients of Different Grants/Fellowships/Scholarships in the last three (3) years 3.4.8 Best Performance Awards ':i1.:]1l;'le.ll;'lfl1':i~1b'U'LI-:J1'Utlel~b~l'J:W U':i~flel'U~1tl 1. 2. 3. ~'LI1'Vl1.:]~ 4. 'U1.:]?111~~'U1~ 'V'l':ib~~t1J S. 'U1-:J?l11\\3,\\.f111 iJeltl1J1'Yi'V'l8 6. 'U1-:J?l11~fl'1Jfil1 bb?l'LI~~1 7. 'U1.:]?111~'Vl6:W'W 8. 'U1.:].fl'Vl':i11':i':ifil fl':i':i:Wfl1':ibbl;'I ~ bi;'\\'111'4 rm 9. 'U1.:]?f11~~'V'l':i fl':i':i:W fl1':i bbl;'! ~~\" '1f1 tl bl;'l'1!1'U, fl1':i
- @) 0 - belnf!1~e)1.:l~.:I 3.4.8 1) Report of Teaching and Non-Teaching staff recipients for the last 3 years )1!:J<l1'W6LJ'mJ'i;lfl)bb'i;l~'\\Jfl'i;l1n'fV11<lf11)~f1~1vfl~1\\J)1<l1'i;I 3 DeJB'W'Vl~<l '\\J '\\J ' 2) Written policy on rewards 'Ulti'\\J1mb'i;l~'Vl~f1bf1UJ~f11)1Vl)1<l1'i;I
Criterion 3 - Human Resources V1ivw1rrn.1tlElfJ 4 / 13 / 4 (14-18) The standard of the institution is greatly measured by the qualification of teaching and non-teaching staff. The institution maintains high ranking teaching staff in terms of their academic qualifications, experience and professional competence. It maintains an effective system of recruiting, maintaining and developing an adequate number of highly qualified and appropriate teaching and non-teaching staff. 1 neu1J1~:i jl1'U'IJ6~'irn1U'U!i'!'U 1ft6UH1J1fl f!OrJW'tl'lJ'lm'IJ6~fl1HHl'UU~::'l'nrfl~1'U ~ 1il1'lffl1:i 1~fftnU'UiiflW11l1:i vs::ill\\)'~ 1'Ui1'UrJ w ff w ::wfl 1s flll TU s:: ffll ms u~:: fl 111J ffllJ 1 so 'YI,~ 1'111;'1'l Jj'UV~ fl~ i'flll1:i:: 1J1J ~ ii'll '1:: ff'YI i m'l'l 1'U fl nffs rn11flll 111~ \\ill'U 11Jr1 ~ 1 fls ~ i'irJ w fl rn\\j~ 1 rn::nrn1::ff1J nll mrnfl'U Indicator 3.1 - Qualifications of Teaching Staff 3.1.1 Academic qualifications and experiences of teaching staff Prescribed Prescribed Percentage of teaching staff having the minimum minimum prescribed qualifications & experiences Qualification Experience Specification li111u111Tufi1 ti111u111Tufi1 !voat~!l~1m11d~nvu~ii~W1T1JtliiLm:tl1:ll'U011w~fi111u.i Institution's Evaluation ~1Uff1J1ffl tl,:mm11ui Below 21-40 41-60 61 • 80 81 and (1) (2) (3) above 20 (0) (4) Principal/Head of Institute/Program Director/Program Coordinator/Academic Head trnmv111aj I li111il'1tr01uu / €li1u1vm11m~nn t €1.h:tnunu 1m~nu I li111il'1iho1,s1m1 Chief Instructor/Head of the Department/Assistant Professor/Senior Academic OfficerNocational Instruction Supervisor li111i!1€1rnu I li111i!in1t11,i1 I €,hmmr1111~no'1 lin1,i1m1ifnin v111tr I li111il'muv1:jbifnm Senior 20 Lecturer/Lecturer/ Instructor MAXIMUM POINTS: 20 !J1~1,o'!l111ir / !ll~11o'/ ,. !ll~llVFjlT!lU Junior Instructor/or its equivalent m~'lhtJ I 111111nvmn1 \"\" €,s1virvu I €,s1vtlijillin11 Teaching/Lab Assistant €,i1vtrvu I €,s1vtlij'lil inn
Data Required and Means of Verification: *tfn~~Liju-n't:iiJ.l'l* Annex 14. Teaching Staff Information 'll'o1J\"'4r1tnnrni • Profile of teaching staff tlr::'Wi'llt1'1Pilul'l::~1i'hmVJm::viu • Job Description fl1«~119i~J~ nu~'l~su1Jou'l11n1Jufl::m1::nu • Government Standards 1n911j1'\\.l~111'11li~r1i11\"::~u1m':i • Policy on recruitment, selection and orientation of teaching staff 'Uim.ntJi'l-lmnmm ms fl~l~Ofl fl11'Uill'Ul'l'lffflJ
3.1.2 Industrial background of teaching staff (at least 2 years) il ' \" \" Uflll;>f'iHl'W'Y.,;l.l,l1-J1:i::ff1Jfl1'.HU'lllfH1'0l'W1-J1S::mJ1Jfl1S ('eW'H'W>''eHJ 2 ';1;'JI) r::~Un1HU't'l1-li1l1'U'ij111~1'1,1nm.J1J'1l-lrilr.J~'1l'U (2 ) POINTS Specification Please Maximum =4 Institution's (Percentage of teaching staff tlck Iv') Evaluation coming from the industry or have industry background) 0 (! ,oua::,itN611J1svffo'IJ'dl'lll11l1f1fJ~ff1llmrnll. 1 i'IJJ1'1JA1'1JfJ~ff111mrn) 23 0 3 1 - 15 4 16-30 31 -45 46 and above Note: Industrial background can be work experience, immersion, and occupational skills training '11ll1V1'119): i;iiimi~'Yl1~~~ff1'11fl:i:illtl11ll,'J'Wll'l::ff1Jfl1HUfl11'111~1'Wfl1itlt1~'WU'1::fm1lmim,1::tl19ivl Data Required and Means of Verification: Annex 14. Teaching Staff Information -n'reu.J~\"ll'il~~i~~'il'W
Annex 14. Teaching Staff Information -u'tilJ\"'m·:nrnu'VitinHu No. Name of Teaching Staff .Designation Employment A fll11!~.:i~.:i Status 'Alltltllll1HJ~J\";!tYtl'U \"LTtn'l-l::fll1ilH.:ll'I.I
Age Sex Highest Length of Years of Industrial Educational Service Experience Attainment 1::t1::l'JCl1fl11 U'llti.:i1h::mm11tl1~P1tn'l1fl11JJ tnlJJiT111ilYIHfll1ftfl'Hl 11\"11ln11 \\J.:ltJ'l>l
Indicator 3.2 - Qualification of Non-Teaching Staff tJtlrn'1Jllil'IJt1'1~1Xt1u~1ii1'lim111'HJ 3.2.1 Academic qualifications and experiences of non-teaching staff tJW1~'tmm1iln1J111'1::u1::ff1Jfll'.iW'll'il'l'lJfl'11ml'lHfll'.ifffllJ1 Prescribed Prescribed Percentage of non-teaching staff having Institution's minimum minimum the prescribed qualification & experience Evaluation Qualification experience Specification 50 or 51-60 61-70 71-80 81 and 4 less (1) (2) (3) above (0) (4) Regular (regular status- a continuing appointment)/ Probationary (an appointment to a position for a designated period) I Temporary (an appointment to provide a non- regular appointment to a vacant position) un9i (!!t11u~u119i - i\\'1umi~rit11i'lt1~) / i1AnM (mmri~.r~iuu~i\\'1umJ~ d1'f!fo,bmnTiifin1uA) / i1m11 (fll7UA'f1lJlO 1~t11tt'nmiA'f11J10iihi u119i1uu~li1mnki1~) MAXIMUM POINTS: 4 Data Required and Means of Verification: Annex 15. Non-Teaching Staff Information im4'1nun'11u~iiiiYi'1Xt1u • Profile of Non-Teaching Staff u1::191'1Jt1'11Jflmm n1rtJ~iifava•1 = n1rtJn..nw • Job Description fi1-d''l119i'li'l11t11J'l11111.1nuu'1::fm::'11u • Government Standard 111mi1ui111'11ii'l~n1'11u.i / • Policy on recruitment, selection and orientation of non-teaching staff U lt.11J1t.11Ufl1'.iff'.i'.i'l11 ftfll~'ilfl ll'1::UJ1lilll'lff1Jfl'11fln11'1fl1'.ifffl'lfl
Annex 15. Non-Teaching Staff Information 1 •1fo1,Jf!'Yl'UfN1'U~ hiM'il'a'U No. Name of Non-Teaching Staff .Designation Employm fll'llllli.:i\\ll.:i Status .. { ., dd1 ., ,, !TfllU::fll'l~H 'b'ijl 1'11'\\JTtl'l'l 11 ~'i\\'ij'U
ment Age Sex Highest Educational Length of Service s Attainment 1::u::mn11n1tt1ifon H.:Jl'U fl1Ulffll;\\l'l'll.:Jfll'lflfl1'Jl\\J.:i!fvl
Indicator 3.3 - Teaching Staff Assignments and Load t11nrnut11rn611'1111wnuul;l::m1::nu 3.3.1 Teaching Staff load/assignments and preparation time POINTS Specification Established (Percentage of Compliance) Please tick Maximum =4 government or (.I) 0 institutional Institution's 1 standards Evaluation 2 3 i~~~11111a~;au1~111u 4 tnnuu 60 or less Teaching load/ 4 61 - 70 assignments: 71 -80 (Hours/Week) 81 -90 91 and above flll)JDlJ'11>JlD: (i1l,i~ / ml~lll) Preparation Time: r.rn1m\"1'rn.1m1: Data Required and Means of Veri~cation: • Written Policy of Teaching Staff Loading and Assignments explaining how instruction, research, outreach, consultancy, administrative and other duties are factored into the computation of the workload u 1urnm16~m1::-nu,rnum1::~,u~'lli'u1161J111111J~thm1i'lurmn111:n111fi1mwi'1111~t11ni1nu 1.Jit.1 i'11m'irnu t11n111iu ms 1iu1t11nrn1'll1t11111l;l::1'lf1;'Vi 1m::ww'1~tu \"1 ~1~t11nut11'.i'091t11'.iuuut11HY6'U • Detailed Copy of Individual Teaching Staff Workload and Schedule \"1'.i1~1;\\\"6'U11U1.Jflfll;\\ • Standard Workload Guidelines ut.11tl~u~ '.i::ruuu '11S61J191'.ij1ut111tl~u~~1u,11wm::~1u
3.3.2 Teacher-student ratio 5<i111~1,u11'i\\e1um1vu \" Specification Please POINTS tick (Percentage of Compliance (,/) Maximum= Institution's For Theory Class 4 Evaluation [Desired Teacher-Student Ratio = 1 :201) 0 60 or less 1 61- 70 24 71 - 80 3 81 -90 4 91 and above Specification Please POINTS (Percentage of Compliance tick Maximum= Institution's For Practical Class ( ,/) 4 Evaluation [Desired Teacher-Student Ratio= 1 :10]) 0 60 or less 1 61 - 70 24 71 -80 81 -90 3 91 and above 4 Note: Percentage compliance pertains to the percentage of classes complying with the national standard or desired teacher to student ratio (for countries with no national standard) 111J1m11<;J: fmm::nm.J~mim1J1i\\1ml'o~nufmm::,rn~J-uiso-u~tYo~t1~o~nu1J1m·11-u11'li~'ll1~1110t1J~io~m,i~,1ff1-u,!niso-u (ti111i'rn.h::1'11ff~ 11Jihn~lfl'UU'li~'Ill~) Data Required and Means of Verification: • Number of students in theory and practical classes ~rn1irunil nuit1il'o~is Otl'l'ltJllti1rn::il'o~is o-uil~m\\ • Detailed Copy of Individual Teaching Staff Workload and Schedule ms1~\"11'0tll101Jflfl'll • Standard Workload Guidelines u.u1u~u1\\ 1::Lifou v.1e1mo/11!1um1u~u1\\,11u<i11:1Jm1::,11u
Indicator 3.4 - Systems of Recruitment, Evaluation, Development and Motivation s:::uumrnsrn1msi.J-:n::iihm\" ms-W\\lll'I.! umeus ~~~ i~ 3.4.1 System of teaching and non-teaching staff recruitment m:::1J'lun1uirn,'lfl1n1 (rll~~'ilULlfl:::1.jl'lfl1nrvn..in11~nwi) Specification POINTS (Percentage of compliance with national/institutional recruitment policies) Please Maximum =4 Institution's ~titrn:::'llti~msi.J~mim11u1vmvmrnnmljtrn1ms:::i1J'ln91 / tick Evaluation (,/) fft111.i'I.! 0 60 or less 14 61- 70 2 71 - 80 3 81 -90 4 91 and above Data Required and Means of Verification: • Policy on Selection and Recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff 'I.IImrie lHimmucrfrnrnsnrnm:::mniY11ntinr1i1rn:::1.jfrn1mm~msifrnn -a'1..i~M. -List of approving bodies/persons s1v~vr1w:::mrnmrnm111m:::nmiY11nvn1jr1mm -List Of teaching Staff S1tJ~tlflJ~~1'1.!flS:::tn'l.!fl1HYmrnm:::nmi,t1ntlf1 -List of non-teaching staff sw~ti1Jr1mnnrnmsifmn~~1um:::mumnmm1m:::msfiY11nvn
3.4.2 Filling up of vacant posts mrn~1mu.i1ulfil.:iiH1.:i Specification POINTS (Percentage of posts for teaching and Please Maximum =4 Institution's non-teaching staff that is filled) tick (.I) Evaluation ( !titJllt'lltirntl'1~ifT11i'11m'.ifft1'UUll:::1lil'liti11i1'.iu~1t11J'hi) 0 0-20 1 21 -40 24 41 -60 3 61 -80 4 81 and above Data Required and Means of Verification: Annex 16: Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Posts and Designated Personnel 1{miY1~m1irnu11ll:::~'hi'l'li~irnu111;1:::1Jflmm~1ifon11119i.:ii.:i • Mechanisms or strategies used in filling up vacant positions, such as newspaper advertisements, online ads %mn.1r'ilm:::u'lum11un11V1vlu.V1u~1u.~u-.1~,j1-.1 nm1~'liiumrn~1mu.i11mil.:i11.:i 19111 m1iJ1:::mffforr:umm.:i~t19i1.:i 'l li'lu9i'u
Annex 16. Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Posts and Design 'tl'W1~fm'iltl'Ull'il:::1iliiwufm'Ufm'iltl'Ultn:::'tl'W1~~·11\"fom111~~i~ No. Approved Posts (Level wise)\\llu1vivi'fil1f1'.lil('i::~'1.J'i'el'1.Jf) 1 2 3 4 5 Total Number of Approved Posts: _ lirn 1'W'tl'W1~ ~ 11\"fo tl'!IIJ°9i J~'tl lJfl Percentage (Total Number of Filled Up Posts/Total Number of App of Filled Post ( 1i1u1u'tltl'1~~ Mfom':i1vi1J19i1J I li1mt1'tltl'1~~ti'tlimJ~'l11Jfl) IUtl11;'U'IJtl~'tl'W1~
nated Posts Designated Posts (Level wise) n1\\ll'l.l@l\\llU1vi Total Nu~~er of Filled Up Posts: _ 0 i,1.c:,l.c:i, Q, ,:v '\"l1'W')'WVl'W1'Vl lrl:1-1 l(;]iJ'Vl-.:JVl:1-1~ proved Posts) x 100% = %
3.4.3 Stakeholders' involvement in the selection and recruitment process of teaching and non-teaching staff nniiri1'!.l111J,io~@jri1ll'll>i'11i't11llm:u1'!.lm:il'ifl1~01111n:\"i'l:irn11Jfln1m POINTS Specification Please Maximum =4 Institution's (Average Percentage Involvement of Evaluation Stakeholders [e.g. industry, external tick subject specialists, community and (,/) alumni] in selection and recruitment 0 process) 14 (11Je~1~u~fo ,,iM-.iu-hu1v1tuuilo,ie~eiiibu,¢11fffl 11,lu~9li;'!l't'lm1U ~s,l4'lffl1'1fltym~ l~.fllfl'U8fl'V21'11Wtl::f~lllf\"llfl'll ,'Ufl1::'IJ'l'Ufll'U.l..P114tlBfll!l.l:: 2 ff11'1'11) 3 4 No involvement Mirr1u1~01,l'1H 1 -10 11 -20 21 - 30 31 and above Data Required and Means of Verification: • Composition of recruitment and selection committee/authority O~tl'U:i:flOU,JO~flW:fl:i:i1Jfll:i1'Ufll:ififll~Ofllltl:fll:i\"i'l:iJlll1Jfltllfl:i • Minutes of meetings m~1-um:i'U:i:'lf\" • Record of attendance :m~t1~1,l'1i11J'U:i~'lf\"
3.4.4 Compensation of teaching and non-teaching staff fl1'10llll'l'l'W'IHN'4fl'11fl:i Specification Please POINTS tick (Percentage of Compliance to Norms) (~) Maximum=4 Institution's ( ! ni01.11:1:;'1Jo~m11l~ilii9111Jm RJ1'W) Evaluation 60 or less 0 61 - 70 71 - 80 1 81 -90 91 and above 24 3 4 Data Required and Means of Verification: Annex 17. Type of Compensation in addition to salary 1ls:;m'l'l'llo~ri1.io1Ju'l'l'W'WOflll1Uo~1m1u1~ou 111·1M'ii1~~~n1n:iuu£'l:::nrnuqJ~nfl1~111'lu ~'iNrhi;itiuu'l'lu • List of teaching staff s11.1~ofli • List of non-teaching staff s11.1~0\"4rrn1mm~rnsffmn • Written policy on compensation and rewards 'W 1t11J11.lll\"11:;s:;1ut11Jfm~11Jfl1'1'Elllll'l'l'WIHl:;fmiifswfo • Report of teaching and non-teaching staff recipients for the last 3 years MsS1f.1~1'Wfl1S ~1f.lfl1'10llll'l'l'W ms H1'111ftfl111'1:;'4f1'111flS'l'lHfl1';iffflll1 3 i'Juo'Ul1 l)~
Annex 17. Type of Compensation in addition to salary iJ1::m'l'l'UtHf> Activity/Performance n\\Jmrn I mrn'i'l'fl~ Cash V Yes 1 . Overload 1n'l-liln,1 2. Overtime mnh~1'1-11hmm 3. Outstanding Performance iJ1::iYV1nmw~i,1,11fl'I-I 4. Others, please specify t'I-I 'l 1111,11::\\1
>119leuuV1'1-11rnm11i'le\\11m1m~-em Service Credits folease tick(,/)] Yes No Value fplease tick(,/)] No
n3.4.5 Performance Evaluation mnh::1ii1JFrnm1tlij1.M~11J ~' 2 ~f-wi'el \"'ilu Specification POINTS (Frequency of teaching and non-teaching Please Maximum =4 Institution's staff evaluation) tick Evaluation (~) ( t1,11Jrl'llo~nm.h::&ur,mmstYouua::hil,hn!n~1u) 0 Never iii1110 Only when complaints are received 1 111'1'11:irltl 1Afo,l'vfv~ifou 4 Only when promotions are done/ vacant positions are to be filled up 2 111m::irlvflm11~vuri1umi~ hh faiu I ri1mni~1,~1,i1iiu Once a year or as required tli,:t1f~»1tl¥111J~9l',mm 3 Twi.ce a year tii,~rrtNtiHI 4 Data Required and Means of Verification: • Procedure on Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Performance Evaluation ,1'U9161Jflnu1::1ii1JFmnntlij1.Mn'U • Report of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Performance evaluation for the last 3 years 11rm'\\.lmstls::1ii'\\.l~am1tlij1.Mn1J 3 ilrl'6'\\.111tl'~
3.4.6 Staff Development m'.iviY11t111jT1tnm L'fl1 ID Plan mr;i'flu Specification POINTS (Percentage of Teaching Staff Participation in Development Programs Please Maximum =4 Institution's [e.g. seminars, workshops, in-service tick Evaluation (v') training]) hJ(~8tlftl:'IJ8~ill'n.l.U0 'J'U1•':nJ'IJMflJl;VfUll'U~'U 111fl1)Jill1'vVtlllt'U1 (l'l•l'Uil11 0 ff)l)l'Ulfl11'1h::l,i1;~t1aoon11011~1lll'IJ·rnlun11l~'IJ;l)l11) 4 20 or less 1 21 -40 2 41 -60 3 61 - 80 4 81 and above Specification POINTS (Percentage of Non-Teaching Staff Please Maximum =4 Institution's Participation in Development Programs tick Evaluation [e.g. seminars, workshops, in-service (v') training]) 0 1 (~i'ltlftl:'1Ji'l~ll11Utl'J'Ui'JU'IJ8~'11Ull~l'Umui?i,;tJ'Ulll'aUi'l'U1'Ultl1un1,i ll11'nflt'U1 (l'ti'Ull11ff)l)l'Ulll11tl'a::1u1;~t1aoon1101,~1li'l'IJ1)ll'Ulll1 24 ,~u;01,n 3 4 20 or less 21-40 41 -60 61 -80 81 and above Data Required and Means of Verification: • Teaching Staff Development Program 1m~m'.i-wY1lmflJ • Non-Teaching Staff Development Program 1t1rnmvi~1m1JT1'11m'l11~m'.iffflm • Report on training, workshops, seminars conducted i-nJ '111'.i 11M1t1fl'1 fl1'.i viY1l'UlflJ IIn:1.jflmn'.i l'l1~ ms fffll,J 11~ en1'.i1lneu s lJI ijll~fl rs nms 'tllJ lJ'U11unl'vt '.i 1lJ'IJo~ ff n tufffl1,11 • Report of teaching and non-teaching staff participation 'll''.i 1u~ l'Ums 1 1'.i 1lJ1lflsus lJ'IJu ~ tiJ 11n :1.jfl '1 lfls l'l1~ fl 11 fffll,J1 • Training Needs Analysis Survey '.i1u~1'Um'.iri1n11m1lJ.i'u~m'.ii'Um'.i1lfleimlJ'IJo~T1J1rn:1JT1n1ml'l1~m'.ifffl1,J1 IDPLAN
3.4.7 Scholarship Grants 'l'J'Ufll:ifln'lfl!fm1lm1urnmu~iillm9l'UHN 'el1~:s~viu11.m1rtlrn1un.i A type of financial aid in the form of a grant that does not have to be repaid by the recipient. Scholarships are most often given to recipients for one of two reasons or both: achievement or financial need. Scholarships are set up for all of the tuition and even things like board, food, books and allowances. However, some scholarships won't cover all of such benefits but on a partial basis. 1fo:it1'Yl'IHNfl111J'll1m'11~fl'Vll~tm11'Uh11iluuu'll,Hfllrn1111t1~11l'ii11ilu~fl~1ifom1i11~ti'U1~ti~i'u 'l'J'Ufllsffmnir1'Ui'l1i\\l11~1Jfluiiruri ~foi1m'l1~Fltl'l1t~'l1lflff(J~(JUR fl111JtY1111l'l11tlf1111J~(J~fll\"i'VIHfll'il1'U nnmf~'l'J'Uf11'iflf)ll1ff1'1111Jfillri1LS1J'Ulltl~Uirm~t'f~a~~,~ 'l !'!Ill Q,1 ,o:!t .I .1 1 Ill d \"9 f \\') I 1 o'Q,/ I :. I Id I m~~l'U'ell'l11rn'U~tlfllltl~1umM~ fl1ll~ 1'if19lllJ'l'J'Ufl11fff1lllUHff1'Ull~ 11JflS'e!UfHJ1JHtiils~ 1J'll'U~~nt111m'l11J~ u9111~11m1i'J'UUHff1'U Professional Development of teaching and non-teaching staff fll1'1fll 'IJ lv'! l'IJ !ll;; 'l'i 'IJ !l .:jfl l'ltl !l 'IJl ll;l ::fl l'rn' !l 'IJ iM ii1 ,i 'l'i ii'fl~ l'IJ Specification Please POINTS (Percentage of staff in the la~t three years) tick (./) Maximum =4 Institution's 0!l r.t tl :: 'IJ !l .:j 'l'i 'IuJ fl .:j l'IJ~'IJ 'IIJ 'J .:j tl UJ ;J'\"l'I' FlI l'IJ iJ l) Evaluation None 0 Less than 5% 1 5-10% 24 11-20% 3 Above 20% 4 Data Required and Means of Verification: Annex 18. List of Recipients of Different Grants/Fellowships/Scholarships in the last three (3) years 1w~t1~fo'l'J'U~119111~1.:iti'U I 'l'J'U I 'l'J'Umstl11111i'Ui1.:im11 c3) t1~~rn111 • Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Development Program 1t1s .:i mnfiill'Ulflllltl~lJfltllmm~msi1n111 • Summary of scholarship grants through training programs ffiil'iirn1'U'l'J'Uffl'l1fom11lm11.1rn1ms~iillm9l'UW~ • Summary of scholarship grants through higher degrees 'IlgiJ 'OTU1'U'l'J'Uf)l'ifff)1111~'elf)11ff11111~ti • List of sponsors/donors m~t1~'tt'IJ'Ufllsi1m,n'l11t1~u1111fl'IJ'U
Annex 18. List of Recipients of Different Grants/Fellowships/S (3)110~'el~S'I.Jlj'W~U9lfl~1~n'W / lj'W / lj'Wfl11~fl'tl1i'W'lf1~'1Y11J iJ~~1'W1J1 Title Sponsoring Name of Agency (SA) Recipient/s 11illtHrna-~mn_f'W \"',,.., s '110~111 / PhD/EdD/DS MS/MAIM Sabbatical Benefits ,h::1o'llu~'l~fo Research Fellowship ~,u1{0~1ujj91rn1V1 Training Grants lJ'WNO'eltJrn Professional Internship rm1ln~1'W'ilt11~iimn~m Others, please specify tu '1 hh~1::'4 Total
Scholarships in the last three (3) years s Inclusive Dates of Level/Nature of SA Attendance SA1::v111 / \"fl'YW::'lltl~ \" .cl ti ,., • Institutional National International l'W'l1'1Jtl~ijl'IJ11l>J a-mtiu
3.4.8 Best Performance Awards 11~1HFrnm1,h!ihmuo'!Ji;i1iio11 Please tick ( ,/) POINTS Institution's Specification YES NO Evaluation Institution awards best performing teaching staff (1) (0) 2 1Y01tl'u'l.f!mwiflu11J1$11ffuu~ihJ$:dh1iinTl'lfi~ir~ Institution awards best performing non-teaching staff m11tl'u'l.f!m1~1c1'1'1tl'm,u~i11'l.f1Yuufi~ir~ MAXIMUM POINTS: 2 Data Required and Means of Verification: • Report of Teaching and Non-Teaching staff recipients for the last 3 years dtlV & Va., a., ';;'I y a., S11J~1U'llfllJflfl11lfl:'4tHllmVrnfll'Jfff1'j,JWTl1 mm1~1c1 3 llllfl'U'Hfl~ • Written policy on rewards ufomouc1:11tl'm11w<t101sWs1~1'c1 Lt1rutt11umnlr:::Lihrn~:::mwT-mrrnmr
,., ' V IV .::ii l'l~bb\\,l'J'U'Vl 1 'V'l~~Jl1fl:W 2563 - 30 b:W~1EJ'U 2564 \"U\"e)'Vdl 3.1.2 1 2 3 4 Annex 14 \"U\"e)'Vdl 1 Annex 14
3.2.1 1 3 \"'QJ I cl cl 3.3.1 2 \\W\"J'lN\"lJVI 3 4 . d QJ I 3d Annex 15 mm~1'UVI 3 \\WJ'lN\"lJVI 3.3.2 ., cl \"tJBVI 1 2 3 ., cl \"tJBVI 1 2 3
d ~ I .J'.J 3.4.1 1J11'1'Hi1'W'Vl 3 \\,lTU~'1l'Vl \"' ,., .d 3.4.3 '/Jel'Vl 1 2 3 4 ,., .d '/Jel'Vl 1 Annex 16 ,., .d '/Jel'Vl 1 2 3
1 3.4.5 2 3 .. ,, ' 4 Annex 17 i11~~'511.Jvi 3 ~1u~~v1 3.4.6 1 2 ., d 61Je)Vl 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 Annex 18 \"1..,lel'V\"\"l 1 2
tl'a~1f,:1Jflru~n'a'a:IJ01'a01'aitit'Vl1'a1£1.:J1'l.101'atl'a~bij'l.ll'l'l.lbel.:J (SSR) l'l1:1J:1J1,i1,1u APACC tl1~\\11\\Jn11fln~1 2563 ell cv cl'd 7 2564 II ., I .ct n I Vi'l~.fl1fl:IJ ru 'Vlel.:Ju'atlf!:1Jfl'a~u111f 1\\.l~O'a'VI
th~\"l,fi.ifln.1~n·fii.in11n11i,i'Vi111v.:t1t.1n11th~LDt.1'1t.1Le>.:t (SSR) ''1':il1'U APACC th~,htJn11fln~1 2563 d9
tJ1~'tfllflru~n,13.1n11n11i,ivi111v.:111Jn11tJ,~Lij'U\\Jl'ULel.:I (SSR) q ,t13J3J1\\Jl1ij1'U APACC th~1\\)1\\Jn11An,;1 2563 d/1 ~ cr.d 2564 111 ., 1 .ca ., 1 7 'W'l'l;ll1fl11 ru Vlel.:lu1~1f11A1£lu11'tf 1'U~n1'VI
t.h:\"l~l:Ufltu:n11:un11n11i,ivi1':i1El.:11'tJ01':ith:bi'.l'tJtJt'Ubel.:i (SSR) ~1:U:U1l'l':if1'tJ APACC th:,htln11fln~1 2563 d/1