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Home Explore คู่มือการปฏิบัติงาน APACC ปี 2563

คู่มือการปฏิบัติงาน APACC ปี 2563

Published by supinya.sathuwan, 2020-07-20 00:16:21

Description: คู่มือการปฏิบัติงาน ปี 2563


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Operations Manual ~Tuth~bih.Jbbi;t~it11e>~~rufl1~~riTuAntt1~Tun11e11,i1Antt1 ~ 'V 1~~t1fl1~'WtJbelb,ifJbbU~~n (APACC) The Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC) Ubonratchathani Vocational College ~ri1u1JnTae11,l1ffn~1.n1fl~~11Je1e1nbnf.l-!lbVl'Wel 4 of Vocational Education : Northeastern Regeion 4 ~1cun-!l11Jflru~n-a·n.1n1-an1-ae11,l1ff n~1 - - Office of Vocational Education Commission n':i~'Vl'a1-!1An~15n11 Ministry of Education

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APACC Accredited Self - Study Form Version 2019 March 1, 2019

The Criteria with Weighted Points (2019) Criteria Weiqhted Pints I. Governance and Manaqement 46 II. Teaching and l.earnino Ill. Human Resources 120 IV. Research and Development 74 V. mage and Sustainability 50 VI. Other Resources 50 VI I. Support to Students 110 50 Total 500

Criterion I - Governance and Management Indicator Annex Point Indicator 1.1 - Decision Making and Management System 4 1.1.1 Strategic Plan, Yearly Plan of Operation, and 1 2 I molementation 4 4 1.1.2 Participation of Institution's Decision Making 2 4 Body in Policy/Plan Formulation 4 22 1.1.3 Conduct of Manaaement Board Meeting 3 8 1.1.4 Quality Management System [Plan, 4 Implement, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), 4 and Feedback] 4 1.1.5 Internal Quality Audit 4 24 1.1.6 Academic Committee/Board 1 4,5 46 Indicator 1.2 - Program and Budgeting 1.2.1 Program Planning and Budget Allocation last 6 fiscal year 1.2.2 Effectiveness and Efficiency of Program and 7 Budgeting last Fiscal Year 1.2.3 Management of Income Generating Fund 8 1.2.4 Financial and Inventory Auditing 9 1.2.5 Records Keeping and Documentation 10 (Archiving, Filing, e-database) Total

Criterion II - Teaching and Learning Indicator Annex Point Indicator 2.1 - Strategic Link of Learning Objectives 2.1.1 Institutional Strategic Directions vs. National 11 24 Education Policies/Taroets (Annex 11) 24 Indicator 2.2 - Curriculum 2.2.1 Curriculum Development and Revision System 4 2.2.2 Percentage of Competency 4 standards/Courses reviewed in the last 3 years 2.2.3 Involvement of Stakeholders in Curriculum 16 Development and Revision 2.2.4 Components of the Curriculum 4 28 Indicator 2.3 - Instructional Guides 2.3.1 Lesson/Session Plan 4 4 Indicator 2.4 - Teaching and Learning Materials 2.4.1 Adequacy of Teachinq and Learninq Materials 12 16 2.4.2 Financial Management for Instructional 4 Materials 2.4.3 Compliance of student-instructional materials 4 based on curriculum (relevance and adequacy) 24 Indicator 2.5 - Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques 2.5.1 Adoption of teaching and learning pedagogies 13 20 (teaching and learning methods and techniaues) 20 Indicator 2.6 - Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Management 2.6.1 Monitorinq and Evaluation System 12 2.6.2 Utilization of Monitoring and Evaluation 8 Results Total 20 120

Criterion Ill - Human Resources Indicator Annex Point Indicator 3.1 - Qualifications of Teaching Staff 3.1.1 Academic qualifications and experiences of · 14 20 teaching staff 3.1.2 Industrial background of teaching staff 14 4 (at least 2 years) 24 Indicator 3.2 - Qualification of Non-Teaching Staff 3.2.1 Academic qualifications and experiences of 15 4 non-teaching staff 4 Indicator 3.3 - Teaching Staff Assignments and Load 3.3.1 Teaching Staff load/assignments and 4 preparation time 3.3.2 Teacher-student ratio 8 12 Indicator 3.4 - Systems of Recruitment, Evaluation, Development and Motivation 3.4.1 System of teaching and non-teaching staff 4 recruitment 3.4.2 Filling up of vacant posts (Annex 16) 16 4 3.4.3 Stakeholders' involvement in the selection 4 and recruitment process of teaching and non-teachinq staff 3.4.4 Compensation of teaching and non-teaching 17 4 staff 3.4.5 Performance Evaluation 4 3.4.6 Staff Development 8 3.4.7 Scholarship Grants (Annex 18) 18 4 3.4.8 Best Performance Awards 2 34 Total 74

Criterion IV - Research and Development Indicator Annex Point Indicator 4.1 - Program of Research and Development (R&D) 4.1.1 Research and Development 12 12 Indicator 4.2 - Teaching Staff Engagement in R & D 4.2.1 Teaching Staff Engagement in research 19,20,21 4 activities [e.g. joint research, action research in the institution and/or Industry, identification of projects in industry, technology packages] 4.2.2 Teaching Staff Engagement in development 19, 20, 21 4 activities based on institution's needs [e.g. modules preparation, workbooks and laboratory manuals development, instructional materials development, fabrication and prototyping, innovation and improvisationl 8 Indicator 4.3 - Dissemination and Utilization of R&D Outputs 4.3.1 Reporting, Dissemination, Publication, and 12 Utilization of R&D Outputs 12 Indicator 4.4 - Management of R&D 4.4.1 Budget/Resource for R&D programs 4 4.4.2 Institutional Linkages for Joint R&D projects 4 4.4.3 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of R&D 4 programs 4.4.4 Policy on Providing Incentives to motivate the 6 teaching and non-teaching staff to conduct R&D programs/projects 18 50

Criterion V - Image and Sustainability Indicator Annex Point Indicator 5.1 - Outreach Programs 8 5.1.1 Conduct and Utilization of Outreach Programs) 22 4 5.1.2 Implementation of Quality Management Cycle 4 for Outreach Programs (Planning, Implementing, 4 M&E, and Reporting) 4 24 5.1.3 Involvement of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff 23 4 in Outreach Programs 4 5.1.4 Contribution of the Institution to Outreach or 8 Extension Proqrarns 12 5.1.5 Institutional Linkages for Conduct of Outreach 6 Programs 18 Indicator 5.2 - Income Generating Projects (IGPs) 50 5.2.1 IGPs Implemented IGPs 5.2.2 Net Profit from IGPs (average of the last 3 years) Indicator 5.3 - Linkages and Networking 5.3.1 Involvement of Enterprises (Industries, SMEs, other business associations) in TVET Programs 5.3.2 Consortia/Arrangements with Educational Institutions and Government Agencies

Criterion VI - Other Resources Indicator Annex Point Indicator 6.1 - Financial Resources 4 6.1.1 Operational Budget (Working Capital/Recurrent 4 Cost/Operational Budget) 4 6.1.2 Developmental Budget (infrastructure, tools 4 4 and equipment, HRD) 4 6.1.3 Annual Budget Increment [average of last 3 24 24 years] 4 6.1.4 External Financial Audit 4 4 6.1.5 Contribution of Income generating fund to the 12 annual budget for institutional development 24 6.1.6 Budget Preparation and Planning 4 Indicator 6.2 - Physical Facilities 4 8 6.2.1 Area and Accessibility of Institution 4 4 (Polytechnic, College, School, Center) 6 6.2.2 Classrooms 30 6.2.3 Furniture 25 4 6.2.4 Labs, Workshops, and other facilities including 26, 27, 28 4 8 maintenance management Indicator 6.3 - Library 29 6.3.1 Library Resources including Learning Resource Centers (print and non-print, journals, magazines, newspapers, instructional materials) 6.3.2 Resource Sharing with other libraries 30 6.3.3 Library Space and Facilities 31 6.3.4 Library Management .System 6.3.5 Budget for the Operation of Library 6.3.6 Library Staff Quantity and Educational Qualifications Indicator 6.4-Tools and Equipment 32 6.4.1 Tools, Equipment, and Accessories (by program) 6.4.2 Maintenance of tools and equipment

Indicator Annex Point Indicator 6.5 - Information and Communications Technology 6.5.1 Computers and Required Software 33 4 6.5.2 Multimedia Center or Other Information 4 Technology Facilities 6.5.3 Maintenance of information technology 4 equipment 6.5.4 ICT Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff (number, 34 4 qualifications and experience) 16 Indicator 6.6 - Repair and Maintenance Management 6.6.1 Maintenance of Workshops/Laboratories 4 6.6.2 Safety measures and siqnaqe 4 8 Total 110

Criterion VII - Support to Students Indicator Annex Point Indicator 7.1 - Guidance and Career Counselling 4 7.1.1 Guidance and Career Counselling System 4 (Office, Staff to Student Ratio, Feedback 4 4 System) 4 4 Indicator 7.2 - Student Services 2 7.2.1 Student Services Staff to Student Ratio 35, 36 8 4 7.2.2 Student Recruitment System 37 4 72.3 Retention 37 4 7.2.4 Scholarship and Financial Aids 38 8 7.2.5 Resources for co-curricular and extra-curricular 46 50 activities 7.2.6 Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities 39 7.2.7 Employment Rate in relevant field one (1) year 40 after graduation 7.2.8 Involvement of Students in Decision Making related to Students' Welfare 7.2.9 Study Loans 41 7.2.10 Health, Sports, and Other Social Services for 42 Students

Criterion 1 Governance and Management 511m.ntnmbl;l~fl11~~fl11 Elements Annex Point Indicator 1.1 Decision Making and Management System 1~'\\J'Ufl11~~~·tA-ilbbl;l~fl1'a~~fl11 1.1.1 Strategic Plan, Yearly Plan of Operation, and Implementation 1 4 bbe.J'Uf1i;l~'VJTibbe.J'Litlij'I.Nl fl11tl1~:S1tl uae fl1\"jvl1b'U'I.Jfl1\"j 2 2 3 1.1.2 Participation of Institution's Decision Making Body in 4 Policy/Plan Formulation 4-5 4 m1i'1611'LI'fn.11'Wfl1\"j~~~'LIl'il\"lle:i-:imnu'LI1'Wfl1\"jfl1Vl'LI~'LIbcJ'\\J1c.l / bbe.J'LI 4 1.1.3 Conduct of Management Board Meeting 4 fl1\"jvl1 b'W'LIfl1\"j'LJ\"j~\"1jl.Jfl t\\J~f)\"j\"jl.J fl1\"j~~ fl1\"j ' 1.1.4 Quality Management System [Plan, Implement, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), and Feedback] 1~'\\J'\\Jfl11~~fl1'afltU.fl1'Vl [bbe.J'Uvl1b'U'Ufl11~~mmbl;l~'lh~bi'.J'Ue.Jl;l (M&E) uae ' \"Velb?l'Uelbb'LI~] 1.1.5 Internal Quality Audit m1 \\91 'aTil ?I aufl rum'Vl rn c.11'LI ' 1.1.6 Academic Committee/Board 1 flt\\J~f)\"j\"jl.Jfl1\"j1\"1J1fl1\"j / flt\\J~f)\"j\"jl.Jfl1\"j \"j'Jl.J 22 Indicator 1.2 Program and Budgeting 1u1bbml.lbbl;l~-:J'\\J'U1~mru 1.2.1 Program Planning and Budget Allocation last fiscal year 68 74 m111-:i bbe.i'U1fl1-:im1 bbl;l~m1~~?111-:iuth~mrutlutiB~ bbi1 84 1.2.2 Effectiveness and Efficiency of Program and Budgeting last 94 10 4 Fiscal Year 24 tJ 1~ ~'Vlfie.i l;l ua ~tl 'a~~'Vl5.fl1'Vl\"lle:i-:i1u 1 bbml.l ua ~-:i'lJ '\\.J 1~mrut!~ bbi1 1.2.3 Management of Income Generating Fund 1.2.4 fl1\"j~~ fl1\"jf1e)-:J'VJ'LI?li1-:i11c.11~ ' Financial and Inventory Auditing fl1\"j\\9) \"j'Jli) ?Iau fl1\"j b1'LI ua ~~'LI~1fl-:J fli;i',:i 1.2.5 Records Keeping and Documentation (Archiving, Filing, e-database) fl11bt1'Ufm~1u'LI'Vimbl;l~be:in?111 (fl11bfl'Um11m1fil'LI e-database) 46

. Criterion 2 Teaching and Learning fl1':ib':icJ'Ufl1':i?leJ'U Elements Annex Point Indicator 2.1 Strategic Link of Learning Objectives 1°111lJ 61lJ'W'U 5b\"8 ,:J fl(l !:J Vl 5\"/Je) .:J1~ fltJ d ~ \",:J ~ m db~ cJ'U-! '' 'IJ 2.1.2 Institutional Strategic Directions vs. National Education 11 24 24 Policies/fargets V1P!Y11-:ib\"8-:ifl\"cJV15\"UB.:J?lfl1'lJ'LILb(l~ 'LI1mncJ / bi11V1m1:Jm':ifi mrnLvi-:i'll1~ ' 'j'JlJ Indicator 2.2 Curriculum Vl~fl?lm 'IJ 2.2.1 Curriculum Development and Revision System 4 fl1':i'W\\ilJ'U1Vl~fl~mbb(l~'j~'lJ'tmm \"U 4 2.2.2 Percentage of Competency Standards/Courses reviewed in 16 the last 3 years -!BcJ(l~\"UB.:Jm~':iJi1'LI / Vl~fl~m~iJm':iYl'UVl1'LI1mh-:i 3 tJ~~1'Um 4 28 2.2.3 Involvement of Stakeholders in Curriculum Development and Revision 4 fl1':iiJ~1'U~1lJ\"/JB,:J~iJ~'J'U1~\\~!:J1'Lifl1':i'W\\ilJ'U1VI~fl~mbb(l~fl1':ibbm\"U 4 2.2.4 Components of the Curriculum B.:J~'U':i~flB'U'LJeJ.:JVl~fl?l~':i 16 'IJ 4 Indicator 2.3 'j'JlJ . Instructional Guides l°J'l\"J'e) fl1'j bd !:J'U rnsaau 'IJ 2.3.1 Lesson/Session Plan 'UVlb~!:J'U / 'll~bb~'Ufl1':ib~!:J'U ' Indicator 2.4 'j'JlJ .Teaching and Learning Materials ?dlelfl1':i?lel'UU(l~fl1':i~!:J'U':\"i 'IJ . .2.4.1 Adequacy of Teaching and Learning Materials 12 1°111lJ d bb(l~fl1'j b':i!:J'U)\" b'W!:J.:J'We)'LJe),:J?{e)fl1'j?{e)'U 2.4.2 Financial Management for Instructional Materials fl 1':i~~ fl1':iYl1.:J fl 1 db~ 'LI 611Vl'fo ~ el fl1':i?I nu

Elements Annex Point 2.4.3 Compliance of student-instructional materials based on curriculum 4 (relevance and adequacy) 24 nTa'\\.JflD~ml.l~Bm';ii;'lB'l.16/JB~'Unb~cJ'W(,)1:lJVlGin~\\,l';i (l\"l11:lJbncJ1oifmbb6'1~1\"111:lJ b~cJ~~B) Indicator 2.5 Teaching and Learning Methods and Techniques 2.5.1 Adoption of teaching and learning pedagogies (teaching and 13 20 learning methods and techniques) n11b\"!l~Bfl116leJ'Wbb6'1~nTH~t1'Wj 20 l1fin116lel'W ua ~ b'Vlflil fl ms b~cJ'I.Jj) Indicator 2.6 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Management 2.6.1 Monitoring and Evaluation System 'a~'U'Un1'a~~(,)1:IJbbl;'t~'U'a~biJ'Ue.Jl;'t 12 8 2.6.2 Utilization of Monitoring and Evaluation Results 20 1m'a i'\\.J'a~1cJ\"1lihnnm'a~~(,)1:IJbbl;'t~'\\.J'a~biJmm 120

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