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Home Explore Exercise and Your Health, How Much Does it really Help?

Exercise and Your Health, How Much Does it really Help?

Published by eleanor, 2015-01-09 07:53:42

Description: Have you ever wondered if exercise really benefits your health enough to be worth the effort of
doing it? This article explains what some of the benefits are and why you just might want to
consider making exercise a part of your life.

Keywords: exercise, health


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Title:Exercise and Your Health, How Much Does it really Help?Word Count:754Summary:Have you ever wondered if exercise really benefits your health enough to be worth the effort ofdoing it? This article explains what some of the benefits are and why you just might want toconsider making exercise a part of your life.Keywords:exercise, health揧Article Body:You always hear people say, ou need to exercise regularly to maintain your health? but just抰how much does exercise really do for your health overall? Are the health benefits of exercisereally worth the effort it takes to exercise regularly? Can you just eat better and still maintainyour health just the same? Can anyone tell me what the real health benefits of exercise are or isit all just speculation based on heresy?Alright then, here are some really good reasons to consider for making exercise part of yourhealthy lifestyle:Americans spend more than $600 billion dollars per year for health care. That equals almost$3,000 for every single person in the whole population of the country. Sadly, this financialcommitment has shown no signs of any decrease, nor has it produced fully acceptable resultswith regard to treating a wide variety of chronic health problems.Attempts have been made to identify the factors which have been major contributions to theepidemic of medical problems in our society today and a number of probable reasons for whyso many people are so seemingly unhealthy have been named as; poor eating habits, a sedentary

lifestyle, stress, poor health habits (i.e. smoking).At the same time, studies have been done to see what, if anything can be done to lower eitherthe number or the severity of the medical problems affecting the public. These studies haveshown some convincing evidence that exercise has substantial medical benefits for people of allages. Two of the most publicized efforts to investigate the possible link between exercise anddisease were longitudinal studies, each of which used more than 10,000 subjects.Some years ago, in a study of 17,000 Harvard graduates, Ralph Paffenbarger, M.D., found thatmen who expended 300 calories per day, the equivalent of walking briskly for 45 minutes,reduced their death rates from all causes by 28% and lived an average of two years longer thantheir sedentary former classmates.A more recent study conducted by Steven Blair, P.E.D., of the Institute of Aerobics Research inDallas documented the fact that a relatively moderate amount of exercise has a significant effecton the mortality rate of both men and women. The data was adjusted for age differencesbetween subjects in an eight year study of 13,344 individuals and the conclusion was that the卐higher the fitness level, the lower the death rate. An analysis of the data yielded by both studiessuggests one conclusion xercise is medicine!Accepting the idea that regular exercise can play an important role in reducing your risk ofincurring a medical problem and reducing your overall health care costs is a critical step. Whilelisting all of the medical problems and conditions that can be at least partially treated andcontrolled by exercise would be very extensive, here are a few of the most significant healthconcerns and the manner in which exercise is thought to help in each case.抯Allergies: exercise is one of the body most efficient ways to control nasal congestion.抯Angina: regular aerobic exercise dilates vessels, increasing blood flow, thereby improving yourbody ability to extract oxygen from the bloodstream.Anxiety: exercise triggers the release of mood-altering chemicals in the brain.Arthritis: by making the skeletal joints move, exercise induces the manufacture of synovialfluid and helps to distribute it over the cartilage and to force it to circulate throughout the jointspace.Back pain: exercise helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles and the lower back muscles.Cholesterol: exercise will raise your HDL (the good cholesterol) in the blood and lower yourLDL levels, the bad cholesterol.Diabetes: exercise helps lower excess blood sugar levels and improves your circulation.Heart disease: exercise, by lowering your body fat, lowering your LDL levels, decreasing yourblood pressure, lowering your heart rate and increasing heart and lung efficiency, lowers yourrisk of heart problems.Knee problems: exercise helps strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the kneemaking it more able to withstand stress.Menstrual problems and PMS: exercise helps to control the hormonal imbalances often

associated with PMS by increasing the release of beta-endorphins.Osteoporosis: exercise promotes bone density, lowering the risk of suffering a bone fracture.Overweight problems: exercise suppresses your appetite, increases your metabolic rate, burnsfat and increases lean muscle mass.So, are the benefits of regular exercise really worth the effort? Should you make exercise a partof your lifestyle? Absolutely! As you can see, in many ways, your life may depend on it.Title:How To Warm-Up For Your Golf Game In 5 Minutes With Golf Fitness StretchesWord Count:1033Summary:It is well known that in every professional sport athletes perform a series of flexibility exercisesand drills to prepare them to play a game. The game of golf is no different. Unseen to thegeneral public, many PGA Tour players perform a series of golf flexibility exercises to preparethem to play golf. It is done prior to hitting the driving range or putting green. It is a process ofgetting the muscles and joints of body ready to swing a golf club. Most every golfer on th...Keywords:Golf, Golf Fitness Stretches, Golf Flexibility Workouts, Golf Fitness Instruction, Golf SwingArticle Body:It is well known that in every professional sport athletes perform a series of flexibility exercisesand drills to prepare them to play a game. The game of golf is no different. Unseen to thegeneral public, many PGA Tour players perform a series of golf flexibility exercises to preparethem to play golf. It is done prior to hitting the driving range or putting green. It is a process ofgetting the muscles and joints of body ready to swing a golf club. Most every golfer on theplanet understands the benefit of a warm-up program to get the body ready to play golf or anysport for that matter. Unfortunately for us the time required to perform a comprehensive golfwarm-up program with golf flexibility exercises is not reasonable. Not reasonable because oftime restrictions on our busy lives.揑For example, we set our tee time for Friday at 1:30. Our plan when we leave the house in themorning is will get to course at 1:00, hit a few putts, chip for 10 minutes, head to the range,and be at the first tee with a few minutes to spare? Unfortunately, our plans sometimes do notplay out as we intended.We get stuck with a client on the phone, a conference call runs long, we get stuck in traffic.Whatever the case may be we are caught rushing to the golf course, getting to the course with抰10 minutes to spare, jump out of the car, tying our golf shoes, get to the first tee with 5 minutesto spare, haven hit a shot or putted?Do I need to go on?

Probably not.It is a situation that happens to us all, and I as am guilty of it as you. However as strong as Isuggest performing a good warm-up, and putting yourself in the correct frame of mind for theround, life at times just does not allow us to do it.What are we to do in such situations?揼I first off would suggest not utilizing the John Daly rip and rip it?motto if you get to the firsttee without warming-up. I have seen this (myself included) lead to a myriad of problems fromthe get go.I can remember a few years ago I took this approach and I think made a triple bogey on the firsthole. My drive went left into the rough, second shot to the right, approach shot over the greeninto the bunker, bunker shot rolled 20 feet past the hole. Need I go on?抯Let just say I learned my lesson. First and foremost if you are caught in this type of situation抯lets not panic. Let put a plan together to start the round out on the right foot and keep you ina positive frame of mind.My first suggestion is not to rush and attempt to hit 3 putts, pull out driver take a few hacks, andthen tee it up.Lets take the 5 minutes we have and get the body warmed-up and ready to swing a golf club.搇How can we do this? Simply by putting together a series of golf stretches to oosen?you up.Golf flexibility exercises will loosen the muscles and joints of your body. Preparing them toswing a golf club. They are simple to perform and can get your body and mind more ready toplay than just a few practice swings with the driver. This will take a couple of minutes toperform, but it will help you get the body ready to swing the golf club.搇Once we have got the body oosened up?lets get the mind in the correct space. I have seen alltoo often the tempo of a swing is way out of whack when a golfer lacks the time to properlywarm-up. Attempt to relax, take a few deep breaths, and get the body to slow down a little. Thisshould definitely help create some better tempo in your swing from the start.Also, take your time. Once it is your turn to hit, take a little extra time. Take a few extrapractice swings, relax, find your tempo, and match your first swing to the tempo of yourpractice swing. This is a tip I learned from Dean Reinmuth (top 50 Golf Digest teaching pros).搑If you are not comfortable over the ball, step away, take a series of practice swings until youfind the ight?swing and then perform that same swing over the golf ball. It has done wondersfor my game.I would also suggest continuing to take extra time on every shot until you feel comfortable andhave found your swing. This might not occur until the second or third hole, but it is okay. Itallows you to relax, make a good swing, and make a good shot.Finally, when you are rushed I think course management can really help. Think about it for amoment. Why not on the first tee pull out 3-wood instead of driver, even if it is a par five. Hit a

nice shot into the fairway, lay-up, and play for par? Again, starting off with par or even bogey isa lot better than a double or triple, both for your scorecard and mental frame of mind.抯So if you are rushing to the first tee to get your golf game going let review the protocol. Firstand foremost lets be smart and utilize the time we have at hand. Lets take the 5 minutes wehave to warm-up the body for the golf swing. We will do this through the implementation of aseries of golf flexibility exercises. These golf exercises will get your muscles and joints ready toswing a golf club. Once the body is ready the next step is taking your time. Take a few extrapractice swings with the golf club. This will allow you to find the tempo of your golf swing.Finally lets be smart with our course management skills. Think about what is the best golf shotto make and play within ourselves until our body and mind is ready to go.Sean CochranTitle:Touchless Technology Helps Keep Your Restrooms Clean and HealthyWord Count:863Summary:Did you know one of the major sources of cleaning complaints concerns restroom cleanliness?It can be an endless chore for your cleaning staff to get grimy fingerprints off of restroomfaucets and soap dispensers. Trying to find a better way to get your restrooms clean? Installingtouchless dispensers can keep your restrooms cleaner and save your cleaning crew time.Keywords:touchless,technology,restrooms,clean,healthyArticle Body:Copyright 2006 The Janitorial StoreAre you tired of cleaning grimy fingerprints off restroom faucets and soap dispensers? Indeed.One of the major sources of customer complaints is restroom cleanliness. The reasons for thisgo beyond the abilities of your cleaning staff. The more traffic a building gets the harder it isto keep high cleaning standards, especially if you are cleaning the building only once or twice aweek. Restrooms can have problems with odors, general appearance, empty dispensers, leakysoap dispensers and wads of paper towels stacked up on the floor. Besides not looking clean,this leads to a perception that the restroom is not sanitary. Installing touchless dispensers canhelp to control these problems.Touchfree technology not only helps keep restrooms clean, but also helps to reduce the spreadof germs and cuts down on your staff's cleaning time. Using touchfree soap dispensers, waterfaucets, toilet paper, and paper towel dispensers, restroom visitors do not have to touch handles,buttons or levers. The fewer the objects visitors' hands touch, the less dirt and grime your staff

will have to clean off fixtures.You may think of a touchless system as expensive because it's controlled by a sensor. Buttouchless systems do not have to be complicated or expensive. There are toilet paper systemsthat hold individual interleaved sheets of paper. The user easily takes the sheets they need anddo no have to \"fish around\" the inside of a potentially dirty dispenser looking for the end of thetoilet paper roll. This provides a much cleaner and more sanitary system than the traditionaltoilet paper roll dispensers. Another low-cost hygienic choice is a folded towel dispensingsystem. Towels are dispensed one-at-a-time and restroom visitors only touch the towel theyneed.The more high tech type systems are sensor activated. These are devices that flush toilets, turnon water faucets, dispense hand soap, and dispense paper towels. No touch technology isextremely important with paper towel dispensers as towels are used after hands are clean.When deciding on a touchless paper towel dispenser, keep the following in mind:- Power source. Most paper towel dispensers work off battery power. Look for dispensers thatrun off normal D-cell batteries as opposed to ones that need a special and expensive batterypacks. Those special battery packs may not be available locally and have to be ordered -which will be a problem if the batteries die unexpectedly.- There are several different types of dispensing components. Several studies have shown thatusers prefer a system where the dispenser is triggered when hands are placed directly under thedispenser.- Refilling. As with any dispenser, the easier it is to refill, the quicker your cleaning crew canget the job done and move on to other tasks. Avoid using dispensers that need threading thetowels through a series of rollers.To minimize the items a visitor has to touch, many buildings are now installing automatic toiletflushing mechanisms. These allow toilets and urinals to flush automatically after use. Somesystems are even designed to flush periodically when not in use to keep fresh water in the bowlat all times. To help minimize bacteria and reduce odors, consider adding an automaticdisinfectant dispensing system.Installing touchless soap dispensers and automatic water faucets cuts down on what visitors'touch and saves on soap and water use. If the restroom is heavily used, be sure to order soapdispensers that are large enough so frequent refills are not necessary.Restroom cleaning in itself can be very labor-intensive - from wiping down counters toscrubbing toilets, it requires a big time commitment. There now touchless cleaning productsthat can save you time and money. These systems are designed to allow your staff to cleanwithout having to touch any surface in the restroom with their hands.One type of system includes a cleaning cart, bucket and series of extension handles withspecialized mop heads and attachments. The cart itself includes storage space for cleaningsupplies and paper products.Steam and vapor cleaning is also growing in popularity. The steam cleaning system uses a tankthat superheats water as opposed to using chemicals. The steam is applied to dirty areas

through a special wand and an applicator, which includes an attachment for cleaning towels.To use the equipment the operator \"wipes\" all surfaces with the superheated water and changesthe cleaning towel as it becomes soiled.Another alternative to use in restroom cleaning is the microfiber mopping system. This is aself-contained system. It cleans faster and more efficiently than a traditional bucket and mop.For restroom cleaning, the microfiber is a more hygienic as the mop water is not reused.Public restroom users are concerned about how clean and sanitary restrooms are. Usingtouchless dispensers not only helps to control the spread of germs, they help to conserve water,soap and paper towels, and provide the convenience of requiring less action from the user to getthe job done. Touchless dispensers also help to keep cleaning costs down as your staff willspend less time cleaning the restroom and refilling dispensers. Less time spent cleaningrestrooms means more profit for your cleaning business!

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