CLUB CONTACTS Executive Barry Howell 544 3069 [email protected] Michael Stevenson 546 9632 President: Jean Willis [email protected] Past President Maree Peter 547 6432 [email protected] Secretary [email protected] Treasurer 522 4166 Committee Richard Breakspear 541 9050 [email protected] Kevin Nansett 545 2007 [email protected] Peter Lawler 548 9753 [email protected] Don Clementson 027 437 6019 [email protected] Tony Entwistle 544 4565 [email protected] Web Master Peter Lawler 548 9753 [email protected] 547 1197 [email protected] Club Librarian Cameron Reid 545 2007 [email protected] 027 437 6019 [email protected] Trophy Master Kevin Nansett Club Sponsorship Don Clementson Club Speakers Committee Members Club Night Tea/Coffee Committee Members Newsletter Editor James Macdonald 540 3520 [email protected] Life Members 1982 Chappie Chapman 2007 Jean Willis 2018 Richard Boyden Past Presidents 03-06 Richard Boyden 06-08 Lester Higgins 08-09 Ross Walker 09-11 Dennis Ealam 15-17 Maree Peter 17-18 Michael Stevenson 11-13 Ray Day 13-15 Tony Entwistle The Nelson Trout Fishing Club Meets once a month at: Fish and Game Offices, 66 Champion Road, Richmond Normally the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm Please phone (Barry’s phone #) if unsure Any views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the committee, club or editor Webpage: Follow us on Facebook Cover Photo: Don Clementson crossing the Tongariro River; photo courtesy of Jean Willis.
Presidents Flyline Welcome, to winter’s June edition of our Club Magazine It was great to see so many members and their partners at the Annual Club Dinner this month. What a great night for catch ups and laughter, topped off by a very enjoyable and informative presentation by our guest speaker from Coastguard. I must admit even though had been part of the emergency services scene during my working life, I still learned a lot about this great national organisation. Like you, I was extremely impressed with the technology that goes with their new rescue craft. Special thanks to Don Clementson for his outstanding work organising the venue, dinner and speaker. You certainly raised the bar, Don. I’d also like to thank the many sponsors who contributed with spot and raffle prizes throughout the evening. Also thanks to Jean Willis for the power point presentation and our team for the setup of the venue. Well, if you have been able to cast a line into some clear water in the last couple of weeks you must be in the minority. The weather and the river conditions have certainly not allowed any enjoyable or rewarding winter trout fishing. I have unfortunately landed more snapper than trout in the last 6 months and I need to change that tally or at least even the scales. Winter is a good time to get that old gear out and do some repairs, clean up and sorting. Remember if you have good quality gear you would like to sell to fellow club members, list it in this magazine. And don’t forget our auction night later in the year for all that unwanted stuff you are keen to donate. I hope you have completed the survey on back country fishing that F&G have circulated. It will be interesting to see the results of the question regarding any impact (or lack) that the closed boarders had on our back country access and stocks. Next month is our AGM and Quiz night. It’s not too late to put your hand up if you want to stand on the committee. I'm happy to discuss any of the roles with you if that is what will help you make up your mind. Likewise ask any of the current committee if you need more information. That’s all from me this time around, enjoy this read, stay safe and warm out there as the nights get cooler and the days shorter. Barry Howell Club President
THE NELSON TROUT FISHING CLUB Draft Minutes of the committee meeting 8th June 2021 At Fish and Game rooms, Champion Rd, Richmond Barry welcomed members and declared the meeting open at 7.00pm Attendance: Barry Howell, Jean Willis, Richard Breakspear, Don Clementson, Michael Stevenson, Maree Peter, Tony, Kevin Nansett, Tony Entwistle, James Macdonald, Peter Lawler Apologies: nil Previous minutes: Minutes of the May meeting, as previously circulated, be taken as read Tony/Richard carried Business, arising from the minutes. Correspondence nil Website: A discussion about the club’s website ensued, the consensus of the meeting being: - • That the club’s photo competition be re-instated • That a fly of the month/fly-tying be a regular feature of both the newsletter and the website. • That a buy, sell and exchange page be implemented on both newsletter and website Peter reports that the website has had a good response over the last year with considerable interest from Singapore and minimal interest from Australia. Treasurers Report Marie presented her report. Moved that the treasurers report be accepted Maree/Richard Carried Moved that:- • $200 be re-imbursed to Marie - travel vouchers for Les Hill,. • $7.78 be re-imbursed to Barry for supper expenses May meeting Tony/Kevin Carried Club Nights Club dinner managed by Don 12th June July AGM and quiz night Tony Jean to Approach Hunting and Fishing for prizes for evening Pizzas and drinks to be supplied
August Ray Grubb Chairman NFGC - invitation accepted October Auction Cameron agreed to manage March 2022 Tom Kroos Life in our local stream talk and practical Club Dinner. Don reported:- • 37 members/partners/wives attending • He was not told about room hire charges until too late to change. • we will be over budget, estimate $350 • Guest speaker confirmed • Sat 10 am set up room Don, Tony, Jean • Arrive 6.30pm, seated by 7.15pm • Barry to welcome guests, Don to be M.C. • Spot prizes through the evening, • Special ladies prizes. Letter to be sent to Tore Neilson thanking him for his support. Tony/Don Newsletter Nil report. General Business. nil Next meeting 8th July 2021 Meeting closed at 7.52pm
Precautionary winter closure of Upper Tekapo Canal sports fishery - Fish and Game NZ Angler concern over the sustainability of one of the world’s best \"trophy\" trout fisheries has led to a precautionary closure during the peak of the 2021 winter fishing season. The Central South Island Fish and Game Council (CSI Council) has put a winter fishing closure in place on the upper half of the world-famous Tekapo Canal fishery, upstream of State Highway 8, from 1 June to 31 August 2021. \"Over the last four fishing seasons there has been a dramatic rise in the use of the Tekapo Canal in the wintertime by anglers targeting the rainbow trout spawning run\", says Rhys Adams, CSI Fish and Game Officer. He adds, \"the results of an unpublished survey show that the use of the upper Tekapo Canal increased by approximately 34% during the winter of 2020 when compared to 2019.\" The CSI Council has taken a conservation-minded approach toward anglers’ concern that there is too much pressure on the spawning population and a diminished fishing experience for anglers. The winter spawning season closure of the upper part of the Tekapo Canal will enable spawning to occur unaffected by fishing and allows the CSI Council to carry out further research into the sustainability of the canal fishery and its value to anglers. Sports fish populations are difficult to assess in the canals due to their depth, poor water clarity and fluctuating flows. Canal-specific methods need to be developed to assess canal fish stocks. One of the key priorities for the CSI Council over the coming years will be to assess if sonar fish counting technology can be used to annually assess fish stocks at the canals. \"There is no need, however, to put away your fishing rods for the winter\", says Andrew Simpson, CSI Council Chair, \"as there are many other fishing opportunities available during the winter months in the CSI Region. The Tekapo Canal, downstream of State Highway 8, and the Pukaki and Ohau canals remain open year-round, as do several large lakes of the Mackenzie Basin including Tekapo, Benmore and Waitaki. 1 June also heralds the opening of several \"winter seasons\" including Lake Alexandrina and the Ashburton, Rangitata, Opihi and Waitaki rivers, downstream of their respective State Highway 1 bridges. Anglers are reminded to read their regulation guide to ensure they are fishing open water and abiding by the regulations for those waters, as winter-period regulations can vary from those of the spring to autumn period. F&GNZ Announcement, 3 June 2021
Fish and Game council meeting (Blenheim, 15th of June 2021)…………………………………………….. Jean Willis Most of this meeting was taken up with the review of Fish and Game, some of the recommendations are valid and appropriate, others are an attack on the democracy of Fish and Game. Most concerns are about the power of the Minister to direct Fish and Game policy, and to appoint councilors. • That the Minister has the power to require adherence to an approved management plan. • That the Minister’s powers be expanded to include a mandatory power of direction for an addition or amendment to a draft management plan. • The Chair of the NZFGC be a Ministerial appointee. While the Chair could be drawn from the pool of FGC councillors, it would be preferable for the Chair to be completely independent of the organisation such as an independent or professional director, at least as an interim or transitional measure. • Reduce the size of the NZFGC from 12 to 8. • The NZFGC to comprise 4 appointed and 4 elected members. This ensures a degree of professionalism around governance and decision-making whilst still retaining a fishing and hunting ethos. The Ministerial appointees could be appointed with consideration being given to candidates with expertise in one or more the of the following areas: − te ao Māori − governance experience − RMA or legal experience • Appointees to be paid. Elected members would continue to serve on a voluntary (unpaid) basis. • Elected NZFGC councillors to be elected by Fish and Game licence holders (rather than appointed by FGCs as is currently the case). • Retain the regional structure but reduce the number of regions (and thereby FGCs) to 6 by the following amalgamations: i Southland and Ōtago ii Central South Island and North Canterbury iii West Coast and Nelson/Marlborough iv Wellington and Taranaki v Eastern and Hawke’s Bay vi Auckland Waikato and Northland • Each FGC should itself comprise 8 members, comprising: ➢ 4 members elected by licence holders ➢ 3 members appointed by the Minister ➢ 1 iwi nominee/appointee The Chair of the FGC to be elected by councillors Fish and Game is funded by license holders, and it those same license holders who elect the councillors. The power for the minister to appoint chairman and councillors was unacceptable. Reducing the number of regions from 12 to 6 we don't think was very well thought out. Note we agree that rationalization of the regions is necessary however there is a current review of resource is which is more appropriate for these decisions to be made. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over 5000 fish will be available from the hatchery from next October, these fish will be released into the Branch-Leatham system, Argyle pond, and the Fish-out ponds at Challies Island, and Lower Wairau. The hatchery has been asked to grow salmon for the West Coast, Fish And Game have been offered two iwi cadets over the summer for work experience; this should be very positive for our region, as we will have the resources to do track clearing, signage, hatchery-work planting, biodiversity programs. The fish out ponds at Challies Island still have fish Regulations Salmon A 2 salmon season bag limit is being implemented for North Canterbury and Central South Island and they've requested that Nelson Marlborough imposed the same limit, after consideration we decided that as our fishery is different we will leave the status quo. The concern is that Canterbury anglers may fish the Nelson Marlborough waters once they have reached their limit. Two set up rods Anglers may have two rods set up when they are fishing on the river or lake, they may not use two rods at the same time. This means anglers with the euro nymphing rod setup and convenient rod setup can have both rods with them when fishing the river, it does not mean that an angler can have two rods in use trolling or bait fishing on Lake Argyle Family license The second license holder can take the nominated dependents fishing, but is unable to fish in their own right, note the primary license holder can fish in their own right.
Review of the Governance of Fish and Game New Zealand and the Regional Fish and Game Councils To me there are two overarching principles which make Fish and Game as organisation as effective as it has been, and despite what has been claimed, the organisation has been highly effective, particularly advocating for the environment. • The organisation is self-funding by license holders and governed by license holders for the benefit of license holders. • The organisation while a statutory body is independent of Government policy and is free to advocate on behalf of its licence holders The current structure of Fish and Game, as thirteen autonomous bodies, twelve of them independent regions, is both our strength and weakness. Our elected council members come from all walks of life, teachers, accountants, technicians, retailers and so on. None are trained governors, nor are they experienced politicians. They are there because of their passion for fishing or hunting. This mix leads to tensions which must be managed so that all can be heard, and have their concerns addressed in a way that is fair to all. The recommendations of the review, to my mind undermines the very democracy of Fish and Game and is an attack on our culture. The proposal to reduce the number regions from 12 to 6 has not been very well thought out. I will agree that the regions need to be rationalised that this is not how it should be done. We currently have a resource review underway which is designed to address this very issue. The issues that I have are:- • Zero consultation with licence holders • No cost/benefit analysis of any of the recommendations. • Reducing the number councillors from 12 to 8, with four being elected unpaid, 3 paid appointed by the Minister of Conservation, plus an Iwi appointment. • Minister appointing chair of the National council Jean Willis
Reprinted from the Marlborough Freshwater Anglers’ Club Inc. Newsletter, June 2021
Euro-Kiwi: Cruising the Mainland with Zane Mirfin Late summer is always the angler’s golden season. With low rivers and plenty of terrestrial insects around it always the bright point of the angling year. This season should be even better with virtually no overseas angler / guide competition out there on the water and plenty of hungry trout. Water Temperature Water temperatures are sure to rise so an essential item in every fishing vest is a water thermometer so you can test water temperatures and make sure you are fishing in the best places. The best thermometers are the battery operated digital types that you can purchase at many electrical stores. Trout feed best between 12 -18 degrees C so the best times to fish lowland rivers in mid-summer is often in the mornings. During warm afternoons, temperatures can rise alarmingly, the fish shut-off, and it is time to go elsewhere. Sometimes water temperatures can get to fatal temperatures during drought conditions and significant fish kills can result. In dry summers, our local Motueka river is kept alive by the cooler western tributaries, but a year or two back the Motueka was hitting up to 26 degrees C in the summer heat. Seagulls were everywhere along the river banks gorging on dead eels, trout, and native fish killed by warm water shock. Actually, any time water is over 20 degrees C you are pretty much wasting your time. Sure, we’ve caught trout in warmer water but fishing when water temperatures are that high is actually irresponsible because any trout caught are unlikely to survive release. If the water is hot, it’s time to stop! Colder water can be found near inflowing tributaries, springs, shaded backwaters. These areas are ‘thermal refuges’ and once you locate such places they will offer you good fishing locations for years to come. If you find a number of trout in one area, measure the water temperature, and it’s a good bet they will be there because the water is cooler. During warmer water periods trout will move up into oxygenated riffles and faster aerated water. They may be difficult to spot in such places but blind fishing likely water should help to put a bend in your rod. Fish change their behaviour throughout the angling season and ambient water temperatures are a key component driving feeding behaviour and your success as an angler. More Euro Nymphing Euro nymphing is just another way to catch a fish. As many fisheries continue to decline, we as anglers, are always searching for ways to be more successful. Hunters do the same thing too with long range shooting, improved technology & optics, thermal imagers, access to private land or helicopter drop-offs etc. Anglers don’t have as many options because rivers are only a small silver thread across the land but innovation is always part of the game. Euro nymphing is just part of this new wave of innovation and it’s not for everyone with longer rods, heavy wading, and targeting smaller juvenile trout. You could argue that euro nymphing is fishing down the food chain, molesting trout that should be left alone, but I see it as another way to keep the excitement of angling alive and as another way to explore new water. Cameron Reid and I fished the Mangles / Tutaki rivers near Murchison recently with some good success. We were both surprised with the efficiency of the euro-nymph technique in often skinny & small water although many of these trout could probably have been caught with more traditional methods. Cam and I first met at kindergarten close to 50 years ago, and it was very special to stand beside the river together and discuss how we’d fished the same water with Cam’s Dad, the late Blair Reid, in years past. Cam might even become a euro-nympher soon, judging by one of his Facebook Posts. (see photo).
Tying the Euro-Bugger You Tube can be a wonderful thing, and I found this great little euro fly/jig on an American video. This fly is easy to tie and appealing to brown & rainbow trout. With traditional insect populations transitioning in many popular lowland waters due to sedimentation, pollution, or climate-change induced effects, many trout are lying in deeper and/or faster water where they have access to increased food delivery and/or safety from predators/ anglers. I’m convinced that many river trout are changing their diet to a small fish-based / opportunistic diet so fishing small bugger-style flies can make for very productive fly fishing. This fly is simple to tie, and the worse you are as a fly tyer, the better it will look and work! Hook: Jig barbless Hook #8-14, Size #10 is spot-on for most applications. Thread: Any. I use red that imitates exposed gills and acts as a trigger spot. Bead: Go Heavy. Standard colours of silver, copper, gold, black nickel are all good. My go-to tungsten bead is 4.5mm but lighter & heavier options are useful too. Tail: Marabou, with black, brown, olive being standard colours for brown trout. Tie the tail long and tie the thicker fluff fibres along the hook shank to make an underbody before winding on the chenille. With some marabou feathers you can get up to three bugger tails from one feather by stripping the two sides, and then using the remainder for the third fly tail. Chenille: UV Straggle Chenille. Black, brown, and olive are always good but don’t be shy to experiment with other colours. Wind the chenille forward and do a couple of extra turns behind the bead to build up more bulk and legs. Standard size chenille is best for size 10 and above, with extra fine straggle chenille good for slim-line fast sink models or smaller sizes. UV material is the current trend in fly tying these days, but it does work well, especially in low light conditions. Tying & Fishing Notes: Go wild with various sizes, colours and weights. Remember if they can’t see it, they can’t eat it. My next project is to tie some bright orange / fluoro versions for spawning rainbows or dirty water in late season or winter. Don’t be afraid to move this fly with small rod movements when deep euro-nymphing, although dead drift works fine too. If you aren’t getting deep enough then use a heavier beaded version. Still not getting deep enough? Then use two euro buggers with one on the point and one on the dropper. Another strategy is to have the two flies closer together than typical, perhaps 30-40cm, so both flies are fishing closer to the bottom structure. One great trick I discovered years ago drift fishing for red gurnard in saltwater was to use two small silver metal jigs at the same time, so that whenever I moved my rod tip the two jigs would yo-yo around driving the gurnard crazy. All fish are attracted to movement, and the two jig trick is always worth a try! Mix & Match Euro Nymphing encompasses a range of nymphing techniques from around the European continent. Don’t worry about getting confused between Polish, Czech, French or Spanish Nymphing, just concentrate on developing your own Kiwi-nymphing techniques. Over the years, I am fortunate to have done a lot of trout fishing, using all methods, and learnt long ago that fly anglers don’t have all the answers. Specialist stores like The Complete Angler in Christchurch have a comprehensive selection of jig heads in smaller sizes and there is no reason why you can’t mix and match different fishing genres to present imitations to trout. Jig fishing overseas has been around forever, and an upside down euro-nymph is just a small jig. Small crappie jigs, soft baits, tiny lead jig heads… the world is your oyster. Carrying Two Rods Long-time guide friend & mentor, Tony Entwistle ( was having coffee on my front deck recently and we were talking about the one rod rule in Fish & Game Regulations. Schedule One states that 2.3 No license holder when fishing for sports fish shall: 2.3.1 Use more than 1 assembled rod and running line
This could be a bit of a problem when you may want to have multiple rods strung up ready to go. Especially when transporting rods in a vehicle, on a boat, or when you are fishing a combination of normal fly fishing and euro-nymphing. The one rod rule is overly pedantic, but the rule probably has roots in the history of bait fishing which is rarely done these days by most anglers. Still, rules are the rules, so Tony put me onto Rio fly clips as sold by Tore Nilsen at Fly Tackle NZ. Field tested by Tony, the small clips work well, with no apparent rejection by the trout, and no tackle malfunctions after hook up. These small clips also make fly changes a breeze but more importantly allow an angler to carry two strung up rods with leaders and tippets and still be legal. When you go to euro-fish, you can simply clip on some flies, and away you go. When you want to use the other traditional rod you can then unclip the flies. I bought the complete range of clips, and can immediately see the benefits of the larger twist clips for light soft-bait fishing on the Twizel canals, salt water fishing, and beyond… Local Fly Stores versus Buying Fishing Equipment Online Maybe it’s my imagination, but many local sportshops & flyshops just don’t seem to stock the same level of fishing gear they used to. Spin fishing and saltwater are big because that is where much of the sales opportunity now lies, but classic trout fishing gear can be challenging to find, especially when you are a fly tyer. One local shop bucking the trend is Malcolm Bell’s ‘The Complete Angler’ store in Christchurch ( ). On a recent visit to Twizel to watch daughter Rosie rowing at Lake Ruataniwha, we just had to stop in to visit Gun City & The Complete Angler, situated side by side. I’ve known Malcolm Bell since my earliest days at the University of Canterbury way back in the mid 1980’s, we’ve fished together in the Canterbury high country many times, and I’ve never failed to be inspired by Malcolm’s infectious enthusiasm. Malcolm’s greeting as always was special, and before long, talk turned to the Twizel Canals and how Malcolm’s business decision to be a specialist on canal fishing had allowed his store to flourish, combined with an online presence. Before long, Malcolm was selling me the best rod & reel combo available for egg-rolling, where you fish a lead drop-shot weight with two droppers above, tied to globug / egg flies. The canals are large and deep and this rig is sort of like turbo-charged euro nymphing where you can cast long distances with fine braid, but have excellent sensitivity to feel takes, even in high wind areas. Malcolm even had me put the rod tip of the Lox four piece rod onto his voice box where I could feel the vibrations coming down the rod handle as he talked. Malcolm had me fair buzzing by the time Aimee managed to remove me from the store, but you just can’t have that quality of experience when buying online. Buying online is great when you know exactly what you want and is good for seeking variety of product. Barrie Barnes of I Love Fly Fishing ( ) is a great guy, and an advertiser in Trout Fisher too. I gave Barrie a call to discuss his comprehensive online offerings and we had a long and enjoyable phone interaction. Logging on later, I purchased some new euro nymph equipment and fly tying gear, including the innovative Skafars Neon Wax in seven colours. Neon wax is used to dress indicator sections of a euro leader so fish takes are more easily seen. The waxed sections are used for vertical ‘hold over’ above the water surface and can be easily removed at will with a dry cloth as shallower and deeper water are encountered onstream. My order from Barrie in Auckland, arrived fast & prompt, complete with a 10% loyalty bonus, a window sticker, and free coiled survival saw. Barrie even emailed me later to advise of another product idea we had discussed which he now stocks online. A happy ending and another successful retail experience. Likewise purchasing other recent fly fishing product off Fly Tackle NZ ( ) was a fast enjoyable process. With the full range of Sage / Redington / RIO products, there would be something seriously wrong with any fly fisherman who couldn’t get excited about Tore Nilsen’s range of equipment. Light Weight Fishing Gear Fishing light gear has always been a passion of mine. Catching strong trout on light tackle always makes the process so much more special, and effective too, on spooky & selective fish in skinny water. My short 7 ½ ft Redington three weight purchased last year hadn’t seen much action so I slipped it into my bag while away on a family trip to rowing in Twizel. There was about a two hour break between races and Aimee dropped me off at the Twizel River, a small stream that flows nearby the rowing course. I didn’t have long, but what great fishing. The rainbows were well fished over and very flighty, but with a small rod in tight conditions under willows using 5x fluorocarbon tippet, I had a ball. The inevitable phone call came and I strolled up onto the road to the meeting point having landed 7 nice trout. The last & best fish of the day broke me off in a blistering upstream run up under the willows after
having been spotted rising and hooked on a #16 Adams dry fly. The rowing was great, but being totally smoked by a hot dry fly fish on ultra-light gear was definitely the excitement of the day. Meanwhile the NW wind continued to build, the rowing regatta was cancelled next day, and a brief canal fishing stint didn’t produce any monster trout for me. The highlight was staying at Skyscape in Twizel for a night where Aimee and I enjoyed outdoor bathing, and luxurious evening, starlight, and sunrise views in a totally glass-encased unit. Skyscape ( ) is a very special and unique accommodation option for anyone fishing down Twizel way. In the end, I did actually catch some nice trout on Malcolm Bell’s Lox rod, but I had to do it on a quick sortie to the Hurunui River on the long drive back to Nelson. In the first and best pool, five brown trout were landed and released before the wind started to howl and it was time to put pedal to metal and to head for home. Reproduced with permission from Trout Fisher, Issue 176 Jetboats on rivers Michael Stevenson reports that he was passed recently by a speeding jetboat while fishing on the Motueka River: “……… the boat went past me at speed. It was well away from my position with the risk primarily in the boat's wake”. Club Secretary, Jean Willis notes that TDC’s Bylaws pertaining to Jetboats stipulates “The speed limit of 5 knots (9.3 kilometres per hour) pursuant to Rule 91.6(1)(a) applies at all times within 50 metres of any person in the water or any other vessel, including vessels travelling together.” THANKS! Many thanks to Club Member Ian Kearney for donating several dozen historical copies of New Zealand Outdoor, mainly from the ‘50s. A 1952 article on fly selection by Ed Truefern is included on the next two pages. Did anybody know Ed?
GETTING READY FOR THE NEW SEASON By Richard Breakspear So what have you done or are planning to do with all your fishing gear over winter? For the next month or so, unable to go fishing because of the cold & wet weather you probably have some spare time on your hands. Isn't it just the perfect time to plan and prepare for a successful coming fishing season? This is the time of the year to tidy up and clean our gear. Fly rods Take those rods out of their tubes and sleeves, and with warm soapy water (Unscented dish wash and an old tooth brush works well), using a soft tooth brush clean behind the rings, and with a damp soft cloth clean the rod. Remember to give the grip a good wash and rinse off. Dry with a clean soft cloth. Polish to restore a new rod look. Even go a bit further and put the cotton sleeve through the wash. Check all rings for wear and tear don't neglect the tip and base rings, they take the most of the load. Get a Candle (Plain white NOT SCENTED), put wax on male parts of the Ferules (this is for Carbon Fibre rods only). Now you have done that, have a cuppa. Reels & Lines Best do this outside in the sun. You will need: A large bucket or bowl (20 ltr size) put 100mm warm water into it, 2 drops (Unscented) dish washing liquid: 2 Pieces of clean dry linen cloth. Peel the line off over the ground so that doesn’t twist & tangle. While doing this you need to check for cracks, cuts, loops on each end, and where backing is connected. Start cleaning by putting the back of the line in the bucket first, place it into the warm water coiling as you go. (Take your time & DO NOT LOOSE THE END OF LINE). Using one of your rags, wet it and squeeze out some of the water and fold in ½. Put line between the cloth and pull through with other hand (keep tension on line as pulling through). Do this 2 or 3 times, rinsing rag each time. Now take the dry cloth or towel, pull line through to dry the line. If the line is ok, you can wind it back on the reel when it has been cleaned and dried. Some people say use some car care products to put on the line DON’T ….this can stop floating lines from doing what they supposed to FLOAT. Take spool & reel apart wash this out with just warm water and a CLEAN paint brush; NO SOAP. Wipe clean & make sure dry. Most reels have a sealed bearing this is why we do not use soap, just wipe down making sure no grit is left in there. Put back together. It's now time for a glass of wine, that is, if you only have the one reel to clean…!!!!! Waders Check for leaks, especially if you were getting wet while wading last season. My method is to fill the waders with air (Turn them inside out), twist the tops to seal off. With a laundry tub nearly full of water. By holding the top and dunking the waders it's easy to see any tell-tale bubbles indicating a leak. Mark the leak and fix. Wading Boots Have a good look around them, Check the laces do not need replacing . Then a good clean with brush and soapy water, rinse off put out to dry ( NOT IN THE SUN). Fishing vest Go through all the pockets, throw out all the rubbish dirt. Old tippet, rusty old fly’s empty spools etc. etc.. Fly Box Go thru your fly box’s write down what you need to replace or Re-tie. Check for the flies that are falling to bits. Join our fly tying group learn to tie new things. Don't delay These little tasks may look boring but doing them sets the scene for a well prepared new season. Do it now, before you know it opening day will be knocking on the door and you won’t be Ready to GO. Any things that you do not want Think about putting into the Auction of into the Buy/Sell section of the Newsletter
Sport Fishing For Youth Charitable Trust The story and development of the Trust was set in place in September 2009 by ex-Nelson Trout Fishing Club Fishermen- George Bennett Wilkinson and Ames Luce . They were wondering why this region did not have a fishing pond set aside for KIDS ONLY and this might get kids off the streets and computers and into fishing and – maybe - join the trout club. Over the next few months they set off searching for the best location for a fishing pond near the township. Soon they found the perfect spot inside the Waimea river stop bank and only three km up-stream from the Appleby Bridge. The next step was to convince a few Trout Club Members to form a Trust. The following were the first Trustees: George Bennett Wilkinson (chairman), Ames Luce, Ian Kearney, Richard Boyden, Cameron Reid, Tony Entwistle, Michael Ducray, Chris Clenshaw, and Chris Auchinvole. Lawson Davey ( Fish and Game ) was appointed our Trust advisor. Their Backgrounds: two lawyers, CEO of various companies, Ecotourism, retired Field Rep Dairy, Bank Field Rep., Fishing Guide , Chairman Fish and Game, and local MP (Westcoast). N.B. the MP was removed in 2013. The next step was to apply for land usage approval from the owner, which is Tasman District Council (TDC). This took a lot of paper-work and we needed to get past a few hard-headed staff at TDC as well. In March 2010 the Sport Fishing for Youth Charitable Trust was approved, but still no approval from TDC. Our two lawyers, Luce and Ducray, started discussions with TDC to get final approval & to start the groundwork with time moving on for months. Finally, in early 2012 approval was given with the condition we could use the area ONLY three times each year. Our lawyers returned to TDC and the ruling was overturned and resource consent was granted for a long term lease. Excavating the ponds Opening day, Dec 8 2012 On the 7th of May 2012 the ground-breaking team started clearing weed and digging to form three ponds. There was a happy smile from all of us. Underground water started filling each pond while the heavy diggers continued their work. Lawson Davey (F&G) oversaw the project and after 2 years we were finally ready to release 264 rainbow trout received from the Christchurch Hatchery on 21st November 2012 & with the very first children ( age 6-16 ) came from the families of the pond-diggers. This date was 2nd of December which the Trustees will never forget. On the 8th of December we opened the fishing ponds to the public, to kids with the age of 6-16, with Trout Club members helping each one . This was the dream that the two fishermen wanted to see in September 2009. For the season 2012/13 – 551 keen young individuals landed 255 trout which was a 47% hit rate. This included boys and girls from Big Brothers Big Sisters, Children with Cancer, Children in Wheelchairs & Boy Scouts. Note: The trustees wanted every child - handicapped or not - to have the same opportunity; i.e. to “have a go fishing.” Our success continued in 2013 winning the TrustPower Nelson Tasman Community Supreme Award ahead of 130 voluntary groups . We received $1500 and a Trophy which included an all-expense paid trip for two Trustees to Invercargill for the New Zealand finals held at the Royal Theatre against 26 finalists. It was a great honour to represent the Trust in the finals. Getting on the stage in front of many judges and convince each
one our Trust was the one to win was a real challenge for both of us. Out of 26 finalists we placed 10th in Invercargill . Opening day Opening day Opening day Rapt attention Chazz practicing his casting in September 2012 Proud winners of the TrustPower Award In 2021 the Trust is now in our 10th year and still going well helping young boys and girls land their first trout and seeing all the happy smiles and the excited families. This is all each helper wants to see . Now will the young boy or girl join the Trout Fishing Club?? So far NO. I must now comment on the hatchery . We had been receiving the fish stock from the Christchurch Hatchery at a high cost due to fish and freight to Richmond, but now we are receiving fish from a hatchery close to Blenheim which TrustPower purchased a few years ago with NM Fish and Game overseeing the operation under a lease The rainbow trout, brown trout and salmon are much larger and in superb condition plus our costs have been much lower. The only problem seems to be they are very shy to eat our bait……………
THATS FISHING . Finally-- Throughout the years support has been given by many from the Nelson Trout Fishing Club; the Trustees are so grateful for their help . Without them the Kids Fishing Ponds Programme would have collapsed long ago. The Trustees continue looking for more old or new helpers-- just talk to Richard . Cheers, Richard Boyden Annual Club Dinner 2021 The following are photos (thanks to Jean Willis) taken at the annual Club dinner held at The Honest Lawyer on Saturday 12th June: President Barry Howell addresses the guests Master of Ceremonies Don Clementson; nice shirt, Don Dinner Guests Dinner Guests Dinner Guests Our speaker for the evening, Geoff Eban of Coastguard Nelson
Mike & Kevin Nansett with Maree Peter Richard & Pam Boyden Tony Entwistle Mark & Immo share a joke Blast from the past (October 1991) From New Zealand Fishing News, October 1991
Buy & Sell Tony Entwistle has a couple of Sage rods for sale, one with an optional Allen reel and line: 1 ... Sage Accel 690-4 (Used). The Accel 9ft, 4-piece #6 weight, is a medium action rod, created using Sage's Generation 5 technology. It was first released in 2014. This particular rod has been a backup rod and has been seldom used. It is in very good condition and comes in a black rod bag inside a leaf green ballistic nylon rod tube with a divided liner. This is an excellent rod for an angler looking to move up from cheaper enty (Don’t you mean “entry”, Tony??) level rods. Price: $550.00 2 ... Sage ESN 3100-4 Euro-nymphing fly rod (Used). This 10ft, 4 piece, #3 weight ESN model was first released in 2014 and features Sage's Konnetic Technology. It is a specialist Euro-Nymphing rod but can also be used very effectively with standard fly lines. Having replaced it with the current Sage ESN model (with HD Konnetic technology), this rod is now surplus to requirements. It has caught a lot of trout but is still in excellent condition. It comes with a tan rod bag and a metal Sage rod tube. It can be purchased separately or can be purchased with an Allen Trout 1 fly reel, loaded with backing, a Rio FIPS Euro nymph line and euro-nymphing leader setup. Reel and line are in good condition. Price: Rod only - $750.00 Rod and Reel - $900.00 (Reel only - $190.00)
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