NEWSLETTER of Seventh-day Adventist Gay l,len and Women and Their Friends Vol. 7 No. 4, Apri! 1984 SDA Kinstrip Lrternational, hlc- P.O. Bax 1273, Los furqeles, CA 9{ltr.!78.-12rr, Ptrone (211) 876-2976 RESPONSES TO THE a dozen or so responses. Some appropriately and with under- merely acknowledged receipt standingr then the thought INFORMATIONAL PACKET of the letter or material, with- provoked by our mailings surely MA IL INGS out expressing any view. Others, must be considered a success-- as the fqllowing sampling regardless of how slowly theo- About 500 teachers, adminis- illustrates, tended to make us logical views change and despite smile, or cry or well up with trators and counselors in 95 the fact some will always Adventist colleBes and acadernies disappointment or anger. Still, remain closed minded and mail received the individually typed even the negative responses can us Levitical references. and signed letter appearing on be seen as favorable. In those page ). Reading it before cases where it was said that the From a college president:\-- going on with this article packet would not be read, it is I cannot understond whot it is may be helpful. This letter is hard to imagine not so much as like to be ga!, but I can similar to the one sent last year even a little peek into the appreciate how hard it fs tc to about as many pastors. It attractively put-together re- live a lie and how good it preceeded by a week Kinship's source material; and it would must feel to openty support informational packet of various almost seem contrary to nature you belieYe in. I something publications, including the for a counselor or teacher to wtderstand you are not pushing booklet, Homosexualitv and the throw out any material on a homosexuality on others, fbut] controversial subject instead just osking for understanding. Bible. ol at least filing it for possible Given the current attitudes future reference. Please see PACKETS, p.3 toward homosexuality in Christ- endom, Kinship expected to Some respondees hinted or said receive f ar more negative that they believe it is okay to responses than it did, and be gay but celibate, or that fewer favorable responses than homosexuality is like alcoholism it did. After all, no one in osar idliktehis\"aniny other sin.'r Some church employ risks his or her response to our standing by responding negative- letter before having a chance to ly, whereas actually putting in study our material which had not writing any kind of favorable been received yet. Such, while response constitutes sheer appearing conservative to us, bravery. A number of recipients does indicate some growth in have verbally responded in a understanding; and such thinking positive manner. The mailing people are sure to grow further\., did not ask for. a reply, but did upon studying the material. If welcome any response and our purpose really is to Bet counselors to treat our dialog. younger gay and lesbian brothers and The two mailings elicited about sisters more kindly, more
J.Vicki Shelton.....: .... Editor These are momentous and troublous times and one of the ma jor f rustrations lha:Emy Lou Johnson . . . . . Associate Editor SDA Kinship of f icers encounter is being aware of interesting happenings that. because of the need for confidentialityr cannot be generally shared in any detailRobert E BOARD MEMBEHS . but which we know would be of interest to our members- A few examples: Bouchard .... President oSDA Kinship periodically is asked to address Adventist school and church gatherings.Richard Russell . . Vice President usually in a panel or diseussion format, and always on the quiet.DouglasPOta. Secretary .A pastor of an academy church recently said from his pulpit that up until heErrol L. Chamness .... Treasurer received our informational pecket he would have autornatically turned in an!'J.Vicki Shelton .... Editor student he found out was gay; now he would counsel him or her.Allen Johnson Public Relations Director . .Andrews University has recently expelled two students on gay-related allegations.Ronald L. Lawson, PhD . . SDA' Church If you know gay people at Andrews, they are probably very nervous at this iime. Liaison Let them know we are here to support them.Lin Shepherd . . Women's DirectorJym Stuart . . lnformation Services 'SDA Kinship 'and its members have been the ob ject of a growing interest by academicians and journalists. A number of questionnaires seeking to probe theLarry Hallock Director lnterreaction of- church and gay person are being circulated. A couple of mastersLee Harding . . theses are being wriiten in the area of homosexuality and Adventism. And atMarge Doyle . . . Member at Large least two articles are being written at this time for newspapers. If you are con- . . Member at Large tacted for any of these, please cooperate to the extent you are able. . . Member at Large Other comments will be reported in future columns. Member at Large REGIONAL DIRECTORS1 North Atlantic Obed Vazquez2 South Atlantic Matthew Buchannan3 SoLlthern Jeff Havron4 Great Lakes5 Great Plains Richard Hoffman6 Rocky Mountain BillMcCurrY7 Pacific Northwest Dusty Cawthra8 Central Pacific Virginia Reynolds9 Pacific Southwest Bernardo Ochoa THE SDA KIN5HIP LISTENING EAR COMMITTEEAlan Massachusetts (517)16t-5fi6Ben So. california (619)146-5107 (61 9)354-1701Bill . Louisiana (118)365-4751Bob Washington, DC (101)270-1271Bob New York (?12)662-8655Dusty Washloregon (205)695'2281;Emy Lou Colorado (307)781-6159Errol so\" california (211)876-2076Jim Florida Little did we know when we took this iob of editing Kinship's newsletter (nearly (817)749-1114 two years ago) what it would be. We've never been editors bef ore. We were not at all certain there would be enough material to fill the pages. We thought'Keith Texas (512)695-2201 whatever will we do with so much space?Larry lllinois (112)477-2825 It turns out that probably our greatest loy and our largest frustration as well is having more material than we'll ever be abie to publish. There iust isn't enoughLee* Cotorado O03)322-4568 room in tuielve pages. And there isn't enough money for sixteen. Making deci-Lee Michigan (313)355-2523 sions about which of a very larqe supply of very good writing gets included isLouise . No. California (9'l 6)222-5CIO9Mike Michigan (517)377-2209 not great fun.*Committee Chair So do we wish to have our contributors cease sending material? No, never. Asi Seventh-dayAdventist Kinship lnternational, lnc. is aworldwide our choices increase, so will the quality of this newsletter. Please continue tosupport group ofllor Adventist (tormer or current) gay men and submit the same high-quality materials. Knowing what to do with it may be women and their lrieods. SDA Kinship also provides 96ntle educa- a problem but these are the kinds of problems we like.. tion ol SDA pastors, tsachers, and counselors to an understand- 2ing of homosexuality and related issues. This newsletter, the SOAKlnshlp Connection, is intended to be an inlormational and inspira-tional journa, tor our members and friends and is published monthlyby SDA Kinship lnternational, lnc. Copy deadline is the third Mondayof each month. All typswritt€n essays and other submissions (photGgraphs, etc.) will be thoughtfully considered, and, il not publishedwill be relurned only if submittBd with a self-addressed, stampedenvelope. lnclude a tirst and last name, actualthat may be published. Letters and essays may or ePdsileeuddloonr ypmu,r beposes ofclariiy or space. Send all polential copy to: J. Vicki Shelton.PO. Box'10032, Denver, CO 80210. Phone: (303) 781-6159. The appearance of names or photographs of persons ororganiza-tions should not be construed 6 any indication of the sexual orienta-tion of the named or shown. Opiriions expressed herein are notnecessarily those o, SDA Kinship lnternational, lnc., or of ihe SDAKlnshlp Connectlon stafi.Changes ot address or requesls for newsletter copies shouldbe sent to our international headquarters at PO. Box 1233, LosAngeles, CA 90078-1233. USA. Our mailing list is confidentialamong otficers and siaff. and is not sold, rented, or exchangedfor any purpose,O1984 by SDA Kinship lnternationl,ln\" o,, rights reserved.
From PACKETS, p. I krformational Packet Cover Letter: I will read your packet yrith tnterest. Best wishes.\.o* a college teacher: I am writing this letter pb1oe8s:ci2tai2oun, sJ2e3rs.IfolufcnadGrioend..Ld.e.oveisti[cMntotyst Sasrth-drv AdEr$t KhEhl! nob{l f. Buirrd Pmidenl #21-F95 lli. 95lh Sl. 10025New York. NY {212) 662'8656 mean what He soys in verse February 6, 1984 22, does He mean what He Dear : soys in verse .l23? . . will You may have heard about us, but this is probably the first time you've heard Im leave it at that and continue us. ve are Kinship, an or8anization oI Seventh-day Adventist gay men and women' tIotkepryaoyuf.or you ond others cVtaLhomreemg;iwippg\"hlenuoouxpitm;uiaelarbasenet,idorganap;niydiisinktAghnfudaoevlyw.e,snoaaTtcnilslhidatail-itoyi'Psooaauwwpinnp8he\"eyollPai wrteUshoe6apt'rihtlneeigthwwi8enrraeciitiyssidnst.elu8innSe-gc-atoeotwfimshiltteahoictymyaBobolileusbye.l,ekix'v:fnuaievoalnewlpitheytiotrShisshapteeectrnoctthnipinve'ueerssrescitn,reai8mncrtetoa' ronaadfl God reiigious households. is able.... From the president of another After leaving our academies and coileSes, many 8ay young People also leave the Church, reiected and leeling hopelessly without salvation. In almost every case, i6eaiyuaAlidtyvenaisisetsarrley'paosrtahcaavdienrgiyfeaigteoavnedrwbheeflomrien.glTy.hcoosnefufesewd oYer their \"different\" SDA ccllege: who were brave enough to Thank Iyoduofonroytouorndletcteanr.n.o..t dare seek counsel in school were often Siven well-meant but uninformed advice While that adversely affected the rest ol their lives. condone a to\"gbaeyw\" etidfesbtyylGe,odI twWhiietshaorterhetnhoiastst uwleifrseitsiontyfg-lmetoooraraslbikteyyh,oaauvccitooerP.\"taa(Tncccheee'p-Ata\"dnvhdeonomtuiosrst reetxalauytaiolcintoysmhomirputotnoitbyteh8ceoynCotiuhnuutoercshco1')n0d-Bwounrteestle youn8 people stru8gling with the discovery that they am anxious one gthaiyng\"neisedcecartraining--Afodrv.entthisety needlour-compasiionale counsel and understandinE' to help yomg people and are They\"need to kno$ithat someone undlrstands. And they need accurate intormation' others understand that there is If i. .un, we'd like to helP you learn about the exPerience of being tay and Adven- iutinti\"sagUtli.ytyyo,SVuaueanr'eddpi.aoltinkcu-ekrae\"rttyeoloaAsitihodiannvrlseoehrnhmitpoisawtwtsiois.tonhTm,hGaeisololdpwlaaurcnisktdteehotantvcheoternosrttmasrui.nEaUsSnCilnedhdfeorrirwsmstieiataphtnaioornaputeerrasAncpddoevvcaeetrintrvi'teciswl,emesso,amtohrueeart*osniedx-- povrer rn Christ to overcome eyery inherited and cultivated SDApastors and teachers have already told us were helPful'. We holie you take tendency toward evil. / trrct advaritage ol this field-tested material. Read it over; keeP it lor your files' that the materiaLs you dre sending will assist me rn thfs The packet will include an annotated bibliography, an article describing.what.itrs:- gool. like io grow up gay and Adventist (the stori,es of ten of us), a bi6oklet that di$usses the Bibi-e texts, i Kinship brGhure, and a coPy of our newsletter' From a local church: 'l[/e are writin8 to those of you who are Probably most in contact with students, ve since it is imp:ossible for us'to write to ave.y teacher and counselor in W e w oul.d appr eciate it the U'S' greatly if you could send us onother six packets (identical hope this smjlt eflort will result in better understandint, more apProPriate-counselint, to the one y.ou mailed us). leis heartache, and a Sreater number of God's children feeling Please let us lmow if there is at home in His Church' a charge for this information. Thank you lor your care and concern. Thank you so much..., Sincerely, Bob Bouchard From a local pastor: I have received the package deviation f rom materials to some of our of matertal you sent to me established schools. Wtthin the denomin- regarding homosexuality. church stondords After reading the material in one area clso fail to uphotd standords ationaL structure materials are not sent directly to schools thoroughly I yfainudr that in in other oreos. addition to without approval of local and rejection I am indignant that you wtion departments of education. of biblical principLes of sexuol misrepresent the Seventh- purity you olso reject other bdlaayteAntdlyvernetjiesct tCahutrclehasfotntdh]reseo Your action of doing thts by bypossing this organization stondords of the church-- profu.bly will not give much specifically your scheduling of posfttve results in regard to estoblished church stondords.. . . ymoautriohnorpeegsafrodirngfuththeerorignafonri-- a square dance and a bar- beque..., (See the Church From a conference superinten- Manual section on Health deuRnnetscooeflrnscctfhltoyeodlsy:moautesrieanl ttasommye zation you represent. lt might ond Temperance, p. 220, and. btheewNelol rftohr you to check withv Recreation and. Amusement, American Division p. 226.) offtce and informed me that Department of Education you tvere sending these same the proper procedure for It fs interesting to note 3 etenaligchhteernsmaenndt /foorr of that those who advocate secondary elementary
teachers. We highly resenthaving anything mailed directly The Adventist community produces very naive adultsto our teachers... who wind up in leadership positions with n0 ideaFrom a person at church head- of what the norld is realJy likequarters:oRfecinefnotrlymlartuioosnhwonhdicehd a g,cket because for an be I am sure your letter honified you sent the most helpful [one] should as mony people os it touched--to one of tne ministers here at avail [oneself] of the greatest so be tt. You are trying.trihneetaeGrdeesnitet roanl wCdoiItnhfewreconoucnleds.idlIiekrheaabytloeerequest a copy of the entire amount of knowledge. I believe personally thatpcket including the booklet 'Secondly I would be interested homosexuolfty ts a departure in reading some of the material, from the Men plan ond isentitled Homosexua@_and the to our pbuuttfoor nfeaar my name might be ddspleosing Creator. IBibte b@ do not, believe there can fupossible I would like to receive mailing lfst orcopies of the newsletter as otherwise mtsused, I am ony support for its practice--l not gotng to request it. (Being repeat, its practice. Please doyttohoeuytriamrceeon,psuibdteTisrhhaaetindoknfroyomof utitmhfoiesr gay doesntt give you immunity not take offense. I am simply snhoirsingnmo ymoperersodnisatrlefseseflninggtso.fequest. to double4ealing etther). So, unless I can meet some gay who is willing to talk, ltll have me than,..other sociol fssues. to watt. As a Christian counselor IFrom a women's dean at an must deal squarely uith thisSDA college: Finatly, my sympathie.s cre issue... / must get the young with goys to the extent that person to face (tihf ein Thonks for the offer to send fact they are willing to admit being that [she or] he fs fact me material, but please dontt. he [or. she] is) homosexual or ga!, but not practicing. lf by ... hos homosexual tendencies. I can be caring and compos- sionate to anyone and every- Adventist gay you medn some-one, but foonr indoctrination and one who ts o procticing homo-counsel But throughout all of it, the subject cif stheexuwolo--rtdhse,ntAIdvheanvteisttogabyeltieavree must ovold at all costs con- Y- ttSodomytt I will stick with theBible. I w'tderstand thot this muttnlly exclusive.... ltd love demning him [or her], making him [or her] out to be anythingiasndWGhyomGoordcadhesotrnodyeId Sodom to fratenize more and learn other than a weak mortal such sAmodovreeenaatgfbseotsrutttion!otuhhe,aibrvuecat tmgsatpryatsitghaheretyl os[Htohmaotsl expueaoplitley cannotperceive any ne\) doctrine sometimes get us into trouble isfmroamttethr.e...scrIfptubreelsieoven this by obusing our purpose. My react to with unjustified that distoste. I guess another wayChartes Suindoll notes that best to you and God love you-- I do. to say it is thot I must some-f Godfs word fs not open to how protect his [or her] senserevision or negotiation. I of dignity, worth and pride. Self image must be maintainedFrom a person who said, From a very thoughtful adminis- trator of an academy: or I may do more damage than Sorry I cantt be more open; I have seen human life from good. Itm not even going to sign my just about everY angle. So it Having said oll thrs by way of name./ sow o copy of a letter you fs ruith considerable equanimitY introduction to who I am andsent to an academy principal what I believe, let me continuein which you stoted you that I face problems such cs by saying that I like your style cnd I heartily approve ofvoere sendfng material about homosexuolity and the church. SthineceefIf ort you are making.Kinship to that principat in It is but one of seleral that dontt lcrtow you, I havethe hopes that it would help frustrate me,enlighten peopte about Adven-trst gcys, etc. To begin with, in a conserva- no idea where you stond on tive, these issues. ttl But it does it is diffwfictdualmt teonteavleisnt church not in the Long run matter. dtscuss What you are asktng fs impor*-,Firstly I have to soy I think controversiaL subjects with any tant.lyisutoessunttrruailtoebytottoeiun,trtoaaTnlthtdhfstemhfersaotruepenergidoarpelfltfietolaeuybnooleduf degree of open'mindedness, The Adventist community produces very naive odults yet without that condition real who wind up fn leadership understanding can.not be made. 4
positions with no idea of what KINSHIP MEMBERS stretches as- far eastward as the the world is really like..,. IHomosexuality fsJ sinrster TO GET HIGH eye can see. and mystertous to them. They or On clear days it is possible tp see Denver 7 5 miles north, dontt understand it, they WHAT A TRIP! grossly incompetent to Larry Hallock the Sangre de Cristo Mountains handle it and probably emo- in Southerri Colorado and New tionally unable to accept a Lee Harding Mexico 100 miles south. The person os a person who Come Kampmeeting '84 Kinship view to the west is astounding; is on alleged homosexual. All members attending camp will mile upon mile of snow-capped giants rise into brilliant Colo- this mrtigates against effective take a trip they will never counseling programs in our forget on the highest cot rado sky. schools, particularly when railway in the world--the ofyeowsukfslccleohdnoosalfsdnecdorfnothramfefoarfllday cttortaithnhieraedt one that edges its way up Get in on the jocionginrgailowvaeyr by counselor. Pike's Peak. experience R10id0gKeinsChaipmmpetmhbiesrsAautguQsuta, kfoerr Along the entire route, a continuous: panorama of breath- Kampmeeting '84. The half-day Think of all the good you can taking scenery will unfold. At excursion away from the camP- do if you can only open the the I I,578-foot level, you will site, to Pike's Peak, is included travel out of a sea of quaking in the activities at no additional doors. The tone of your letter aspen trees into the barren charge. And, adding pleasure wos just right. lt is not os strong os you would like it to stretches above ti mberline. to pleasure, the fee for Kamp- be. lt only hrnts at your YPooiun'tllanwdindth-enth, raotugthheWitnodpyr meeting attendance is exception- personal Bfruutsittrsotsftorennsgthanids climb the last distance into sorrows. ally reasonable, and the non- refundable deposit has been lowered to only $ZO tfris year. in its subtlety. the Saddle. uDnidaelorsgtoinsdinogu--srookneleyphiotpoepfeonr.' An unparalleled view of Manitou The biggest factor in determin- Springs and the red rocks of the ... Your group needs a little Garden of the Gods are nestled ing Kampmeeting fees is the positive feedback from us in the valley below. The vast cost of the camp rental. This expanse of the Great Plains year's camp is not just nicely straight folks.... equipped and beautifully situated; This kind of letter makes worthwhile all the work involved in sending out packets. The care, the interest, the compas- sion, the openness to the needs of peopie--these are the quali- ties that seem to illuminate a Christian attitude toward a complex issue. We disagree with obviously the author's reading of scripture; but then he hadn't received the packet yet. We should point out that our informational packet has been very well received by the various clergy and teachers who have met with Kinship. They relate that the material is extremely helpful. One Adven- tist institution requested addi- tional copies. at their own'* expense to distribute to coun- selors in one of their depart- Above--Various Kinship members in ments\" attendance at board meeting Left--Larry Hallock, Kampmeeting 5 '84 Programs Coordinator
it is also one of the less expen- ALL ABOARD THE GAY have all the fun? How about asive ones, enabling this year's train from Southern California? TRAIN TO KAMPMEETING And another from the Pacif icmedian fee to be one of the Allen Johnsonlowest ever charged--$50 less Northwest? At each city theitnhan1la9s8t1y.eaKr aamndpm$9e5etleinsgs train stops, more Kinship mem-_ than WmeoeutldingyobuultikjuesttodoBno'ttohaKveamthpe- bers climb aboardl Why spend maynever again be this affordable, money to fly on a plane with aso decide now to join us. After money lor air fare and yet dontt bunch of strangers, or why driveall, where else could you get want to spend endless hours alone when you can go withlodging and three meals a day driving? There is a better way lots of friends and not have toand a side trip excursion ald to gol It's a way that is eco- stop for meals and lodging orentertainment, seminars and nomical, comfortable and lot's worry about car trouble. Itmajestic scenery for .a f ull of fun. is faster than driving and cheaperseven days for only $17 to rates S23 Some members in Regions One than flying.a day? (Weekend aredifferent; see enclosed appli- and Two are planning to take a If you have never taken a traincation for full information.) train all the way from the East before, why not make this your Coast to Kampmeeting. One first time? You can even takeAssure yourself of a seat on possible route is to take trains the train to Kampmeeting andthe cog train by being one of from Philadelphia, D.C., New f ly home if you prefer. Ifthe first to send in your appli- York and Boston, you are interested in going oncation and SZO deposit for and converge \"AthlleengJaoyhntrsaoinn,rr1r 0w0rEite. to rrr€r in Pittsburgh.Kampmeeting'84. Reservations From there Mickley we will take a train to Chicagoon the train are required, so amnedmpbiecrks.u-pTshoemneitReigsiononFoutor Run, Whitehall, PA 18052. I'llshould there be any trouble let you know about time sched-obtaining seats for latecomers, Colorado in a train full of ules, one way and round-tripthe earliest Kampmeeting friends where we'll enjoy a view ticket prices and get you inapplicants will 'receive prefer- of the Great Plains and, finally, contact with others who are the Rockiesl interested. Irll also put you onence. my mailing list for further in But this doesn't have to be the f or mation as KampmeetinSvMore announcements on Kamp-meeting '84 will appear in next only gay train bound for Kamp- approaches.monthrs Connection; meanwhile, meeting. Why should wemake. a commitment nowto be there and embrace yourKinship brothers and sisters Doug Ota,at the top of 14,000 feet high Kinship's SecretaryPike',s Peak, one of the mostf amous mountains in NorthAmerica!Ren Reynolds, Region I Director & Lin Shepherd, Womenrs Director
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENTS, AAID FUND BALANCE January - December 1983 5 2,760.20TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS AS OF JAr{UARY t, 1983Cash Receipts: 5 <KIDSSIflIP Advertising 7 6.23 Book Orders 15.00 If )l l.l.d@E Campus Out-Reach 6,047.53 '?9-/}j., Setrenthday Adventist Clergy Informational Packet 6,099.72 Kinship Intemational Inc. General Donations 203.00 P.O. Box 12&3 General Donations with Application H & B Pamphlet Reprinting 300.00 los Angeles, CA 9007&1233 H&BPamphletSales Phone (213) 876-2076 K AMPMEETING 300.29 Kampmeeting, Fee's Kampmeeting, General 9,823.00 Kampmeeting, Tape Recordings KINSHIP KONTACT 8,875.00 424.57 Kinship Kontact 581.r0 Kinship Kontact, With Application 266.50 7,786.27 NEWSLETTER Newsletter 346.57 141.00 Newsletter, Subscriptions 78.00 585.00 Of ferings t34.89 5,414.82 790.16 Office Equipment Rental 2,37 1.45 Office Supplies 40.00 43.00 Telephone 806.25 Region 7: Pacific Northwest Region 8: Central Pacific Region 9: Pacific SouthwestTOTAL CASH RECEIPTS 36,915.91Cash Disbursements: $ e5.oo 5 407.00 846.00 Advertising 658.00 93.97 Assets, Typewriter 6,927.00 47.23 Bank Service Charges 200.00 7,392.62 Book Orders ,00.00 8,944.88 Clergy Information Packet 155.88 KAMPMEETING* 346.57 Kampmeeting, Advertising 380.60 Kampmeeting, Clergy 10,456.08 Kampmeeting, General 644.30 Kampmeeting, Hotel Bill 7 4t.7 4 Kampmeeting, Refunds I00.00 Kampmeeting, Scholarship 223.52 Kampmeeting, Telephone Kinship Kontact t, Miscellaneous Newsletter 853.78 Office Equipment Rental Office Supplies Postage Public Relations Telephone Region 9: Pacific SouthwestTOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS 5n,e sl.goTOTAL OF ALL FUNDS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1983 5 q,zez.ot*Does not include Kampmeeting '83 advance deposit of $t,ZOO.OO paid in December of. 1982.
C0L0RAD0 o'Pikes Peak 0r Bust\" Kampmeeting '84 August 19-261 1984APPLICATION FORM:Name/s DateAddress Phone tl (__)City I State Postal CodeAccommodations are available in dorm-style facilities with eight to a room. Nearly all romms arecarpeted and have inner-sprlng-mattressed beds; however, some rustic bunk-house-style cabins areavailable for those who wish. Please state preference of [] rustic or [] dorm style.State choice of roommate/s--each person should indicate the other/s.Cost: The fees for this yearts Kampmeeting are based on a t'sliding scale\" determined by one'sincome level. Please check the appropriate bqx below: [1 Up to $1,000 per month ($12 thousand per year)--$120. [] $t,O0O to $1,500 per month ($12 to $18 thousand per year)--$140. U Rnove $1,500 per month ($18 thousand per year)--$150. Daily rates: (Cog train trip not included in daily rales) $30 per day for one or two days $25 per day for three or more days I have enclosed: u$ full payment. u$ minimum non-refundable deposit of $20 per person u$ for [] one or [] two days at $]0 per day u$ Io. [] 3, fJ 4, [] 5 or [] 0 aays at $25 per day u$ tax-deductible donation; I will not be able to attend If you will be attending for less than a full week, state below what day and time of day you will arrive and leave: Please make all checks or money orders payable to SDA Kinship, and send your application, payment and any inquiries to: Kampmeeting'84 Logistics Coordinator SDA Kinship PO Box 1233 Los Angeles, CA 9OO78-1233 --Over for \"Travel Information Survev\"--
TRAVEL INFORMATIONI wiil be:[] Driving-[] to Denver to arrive on and [] can/ [] cannot help ferry people to the camp on Sunday, 8-19-84.[] directly to the camp and will arrive[] and can help with transportation needs during the week for (tt) people.[1 ntying-- [] in to Denver (if before 2 p.m. Sunday if needing ride from airport)Flight ll_ Time of arrival AirlineU I witt need transportation from Denver Stapleton Airport.UIwiltberentingaCarand[]can/[]Cannothelptransportpeople.(lf)-ifcan[] in to Colorado Springs (if after 2 p... Sunday and needing ride from airport)Flight lt_ Time of arrival AIRLINE[] I need transportation from the Colorado Springs Airport[] I witt be renting a car and [] can/ [] cannot help transport people. (ll)[] Other--please give complete detailsNote: You are encouraged to plan to arrive in Denver prior to 2 p.m. on Sunday or Colorado than 2 p.m. you'll need transportation from either of the airports.Springs if later ifComments or questions:
concluded that my church had sented by anybady who could done what society hos done: handle the bread ond wine. It excluded t^)amen, lesbicns ond wos in the Metropolitan Com- goys. I didntt want to lmow that. mwtity Church of Manhattan When that wos resolved, I could athawt oImfiarsnt,.h..adI commwian from eosfly and enthusdostically be- went uP to take come involved in a wiversal communion and I started to crY This month's column is a collage so hord that the minister looked that me up afterwards to see whether of comments. on the articles last couse far change, others who have appeared here in the Perhaps I can help few months. I hope it helPs You struggled with similar reactions I stLomadeysIptdriotunattt needed heLP. get to know each other better. within our Kinship community. anY I soid need --Lin Shepherd The new ments movement, heLp\" I am very happY; these which I may write about later, attheraaetrstletvoaerfsdpoeafniniieofdoy.;rIthadelildynthattreelmPaolaswion, Woman Changing along with the woments move- Kinship seems to be tcoming aromd.' Women are becoming ment, can change society. until I sow somebody of mY oYon more apparent. It is not so male --Reh Reynolds from California ser representing the divine, oriented. Nice ta see, I have t'whSaotmoIehndcsodanmytittsosbeedyloiteut v,seotohhiitdeIoduwoshlnYetn.t' enjoyed tWoman Wise.' Goodstuff . Not Offended I look fIotrwisaerdxctiotinbgecaonmd isnogmine-- I think itts great that youtre so imt inddoeasbno'tubtoetxhcelrusmivee.ltanIguthaginek; volved. involved wrth the utoments what scary. I see it necessi- tating a major change in my life movement (even within Rinshtp), thot's the denial mechanism. I but ltm afraid I dontt share the some interest. I am not a --from being habitually too shy feminist even though ltll agree soid the some thing for and complacent to do anything. Years. on certain bostc issues. Itm not I lmew I was a son of God! Might be a nice change. into using inclusive language --Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, coauthor --Jan from ldaho when it misquotes anotherts of ls the Homosexual my Neiohbor, ruonls, especially biblical inspira- speaking aL 1983 MCC General Confer- tion. ltve ne\)er taken offense eirce. Verbal Images Worshipped and doubt that I ever will. I enjoy tWoman Wiser and hope About God os mother imagery: *:X* you can understond where ltmvthe Bible, fn Exodus 20, forbids You are encouraged to direct coMmiynglofrvoemr. ond I have been representing God with physicol women-related comments to our images because we end up vnor- together sfnce Labor Day and shipping the images. women's director: many verbal images But we find are very much in love. She God as of father, still smoll voice, etc. in the Bible. There rs no doubt that presently holds the position of a Lin Shepherd we worship the image of God os licensed deacon in MCC. I people consider it suppose tuetre ltke most couples, PO Box 1000-5 firarethveerr.enMtatnoy but ltm happy to soy wetre able refer- to God os South Bend, IN 46624 she. Man has made God fn his to pray ond shore together (zle) 277-85e6 Lmage. --Heidi f rom Virginia (unlike some). --Diane from Missouri Rethinking Sons of God oiMmpTayphgoaerinsntukiantyifiatoyfluetmrfoeoinaricfsogtmiciovuiinnnsgtrooemlnigeyiootthhnuee.r Sexfsm... rs the first f orm of article in the Corvrcction was sin or alienation mentioned in othaveepvrreeWrsycUfri.irptstItiotonnwebasu. tntHooest the Bible, shall rule stated os ttWhat fs she talking about?tt So o description af o very sod, Iafedrwtidicnlpteta.rraegaErdaspmsheosnrtezootfhllyaynIotuhder.tdffiitrrhssett alienated. state.... I have to tell you something. I have a control mechanism that some thing with the second port. turns off when ltm too hurt; I Then you wrote an article on mean, I dontt lcnow how hurt I prejudice. am wfiil afterwards. For years I\- when I got out the Thatts lros never represented behind previous issues and read ond the altar; I uos never repre- understood what you vJere soying. Pemela Roberts of Region I I had to rethink why my initial 7 reaction uos negative. I
send them but .donrt hear what is becoming of them. Love, Name withheld to PROUD TO BE A MEMBER \-/ACADEMY SruDENT protect identities. --lVS R. L. RamsayHEARS ABOUT INFORMATIONPACKETS DURING SERMON Dear Brother,I'm a member of Kinship VELCOME BACK! It was only after a greatand I attend [an Adventist] deal of prayerful consid-Academy. I thought the Kinship The board meeting is over eration that the church reluctantly voted to removefolk would like to know what is and off to the airport she went-- your name from the churchbecoming of the information right to AirCal. She was loaded down with one large rolls. The church felt thatpackets they have sent out to purse, one suitcase and a it had no other choice since large bag accom modating you stand in full oppositionthe academies. loads of gifts for lra. They to the biblical standard on were the great gifts of hugs, homosexuality and becauseWell, today I was sitting in the community at largechurch when I heard the pastor love and a kiss from everyone at has been left witti the im-say that he had received apacket of information from the board meeting, the wonder- pression that our church hasKinship. Boy, did I sit upand take notice! He proceded fafBiunetlcatklfhslaytemeasShidleayc-aronacfmdameKIneitnomosaeuhitrtippVoo.irrfgtGiatanhnriaedy joined the ranks of those who approve of homosexualto explain what Kinship is. telescope ramp with real live behavior. Please be assuredThe pastor said that the infor- tears flowing. She didnrt care of our prayers that the day who saw what she did. Now will soon come when yourmation [in the introductory everyone at the airport is membership can once moreletterl had opened his eyes. be possible.Before [receiving Kinship's watching Virginia' Reynoldsmailingl he had been so repulsed name names and plant kiss \,by the whole matter that There it was in black and white.if a student would have come after kiss on my cI'hWeheakt. The saying, does With a few blots of ink on paperto him for help he probably world is this guy have to deserve all the church had divested itselfwould not have helped but asked this?\" Well, this is what of any responsibility for myhim to leave [school]. This it is: It is all of you who salvation. I suppose having al-material has brought a new truly love and send your love ways known that such an actionopenness to him and he said to me. I not only thank you might be taken should haveit was a real benefit. for your great love, but I made it easier to accept, but love you all to the greatest. still I was terribly disappointed.I thought you might want All my love, When the pastor had first learnedto know how things were going Ira Loop that I, the church organist, wason the packets since we always af flicted with such a dreadful condition he had been leftsee that we need money to speechless. Never before had he been forced to deal with the issue of homosexuality. HeThis issue of the Kinship Con- admitted that his universitynection is sponsored by: training had never included anyE. Johnson/ v. Shelton 52lo.oo information on the subject.Ron Lawson 420.00 We agreed on a date for aTotal budgeted cost__ Scventhday Adventist 'mI emeteintgfoanrdththeerfeirsint his office Kinship lnternati,onal. lnc. ss4o\"oo time the P.O. Box 1233 Seventh-day Adventist Churcl Los Angeles, CA 9m78-1233Please mail your systematic as a buiiness corporation. I'-' guess until then I had naivelydonations to: assumed that the church was a group of friends concerned with 8 helping one another cope with
llith a few blots of ink on paper the church had divested itself of anyresponsibility for my salvation . . . talthough the pastorl admitted,-'ShuabtjehciSt..u.n.ivIet rsseiteymetrdatihnaintgnhheand never included any information 0n the it came to gay people the church Hasgoing to pass by on the far side of the roadthis life and 'prepare lor the church could be saved thelife to come. Now I was rudely trouble of disfellowshipping me.awakened to the facts. The That step I was not prepared tochurch was a large corporation take for I had no desire to leavewith a public image to maintain. TRANSLATORS NEEDEDIt could in no way tolerate any- a church I had grown up in andone within its ranks who might given so many hours of servicein any way tarnish its pristine to.image. A few days iater I received the A news release will soon be sent to 494 gay newspapers in letter informing me that North and South America,During our meeting no mention I was no longer a member. So Europe, Australia and Newwas made of the scriptures nor now what? Was I to give up onwas God invited to be present religion? Not at all, because I Zealand. The release will announce our mailing of theduring our discussion. The pas- knew that God had not forsaken educational informationaltoral, shepherding role of the me. In the last few weeks I'dchurch was not in evidence. I been forced- to rely more fully packets. Many of these papers are small and understaffed;was told that I was a piece of on Him. Daily I sought His they don't have time to trans-filth to be avoided at all cost, guidance for He was now myso would I please write a letter only support. Rather than being late articles submitted in English to their language. To Betr-ehqipuebsetinregscthinadet d my member- depressed by the situation I exposure we then get was thrilled finally to be learn- maximum need to and submit the news release in*\",,ut as fast as possible. ing what it meant to depend on Him completely. In those the language of the paper in weeks I saw so many which we wish to be published.I left the church office ashamed: evidencesashamed that for years I'd been that He cared about what hap-spreading the word in the pened to me. By scanning the Kinship Kontact,gay community that my churchwas a caring church. As I And SDA Kinship, what a it seems evident that there aredrove home the image of the blessing its rnembers were to many potential linguists outself-righteous priest on the road me. Through their letters, phone calls and prayers people there who are members ofto Jericho came to mind. It whom I had never met were Kinship. We already have aseemed that when it came to reaching out to sustain and en- translator for Spanish, but we courage me. While othersgay people the church was going passed by on the far side of the need people who can translate English into any of the followingto pass by on the far side of 'lGanegrmuaagne, stD: 'uFtrcehn,c'hP,or'tIutagleiasne,,the road. 'Danish, 'Sweedish, 'Finnish, road, stepping daintily so as not 'Norweigan, ,'Greek, 'Flemish,Some weeks later the pastor and to get their robes soiled, I wasI met for a second time. This seeing the Christian faith put 'Afrikaans.time he had come to a clear into action as so many Kinshipunderstanding of the situation f riends worked in a tangible If you have been wanting tothough he still admitted his way to bind up the broken- hmeolpveSmDeAntKbinusht ipdoidrnlh'tekngoawyignorance about homosexuality. hearted. How proud I felt to what you could do or weren'tHe stated tha.t it was quite belong to such a ministering able to be out, this is yourimpossible to be gay and Ad- community of believers. Truly chance! If you'd like to help,ventist at the same time. He they were being the hands and contact the public relationshad absolutely no interest in voice of God. director as soon as possible*quniytelifaepaortf abject celibacy for, by writing or calling: Allen from my actions, [in Johnson, 100 E. Mickley Run,his opinionl it was impossible Whitehall, PA 18052, or callto be a Christian and a homo-sexual. He once again requested (2t5) 435-1292.that I write a letter so the I
REGION 2--SOUTH ATLANTIC first assembled on Friday evening. REGION 7--PACFIC NORTHWEST Sabbath morning we ate breakfastA small group met in March in Columbia. together and then enioyed a leisurely lf you missed the regional meeting inWe decided that the April meeting, on day with Bible discussion led by a March in Region 7, you missed aApril 14, will be in Fairfax, VA. All really wonderf ul time! We have uppe\-/members are urged to attend so we ean member from Keene. our numbers so much. We had 2O-22discuss our plans for the future. present over the weekend. Thank you The Keene area, Brian College Station to all who housed so many. Also thanksThe meeting will be at 4 p.m. There and San Antonio were all well repre- to all who came from the Seattlewill be a potluck and a short devotional. sented. It was so good to see every- area and other areas. Our special loveFor directions or further information, one and share some happy times to- goes to Dear Ed this month--thanks forcall Dennis at 425-755O or Matthew at being part of us. By the way Ed, how gether. much do you want to offer for the776-t929. \"Nellie Kitchen Curtains?\" April f ools We have been very pleased with the of course. This is a Region 7 ioke. Matthew Buchannan numbers of people who are interested If you want to know more come to the in Kinship but only indireetly in touch. April meeting. Thanks to Dennis and REGION 4--GREAT LAKES Let me encourage everyone to get on Corky for hosting us Saturday night. the Cornectionrs mailing list or get in The f ood was really extra good. WeRegion 4 had a wonderful meeting at touch with one of us here in Bryan, TX all enjoyed the Portland Gay Mens ChorusCamp Warren, Michigan, on Saturday, or Los Angeles so you can know what is Saturday night. There were a fewMarch 17. When we arrived about noon going on. To get in touch with some- t'SMALL't problems, but we all survived.the weather was cloudy and gray, so one in the Texas area or any of Our love goes to Tom K., Scott, Mary K.,we stayed inside the lodge with aroaring fire, food and each other. We Region 5, please write to: P. and K. (women), and Lee and Claude.had five new people but unfortunately Hope you can attend next one f rom Andrews University joined Terre Pricewith us. We had a great guest speaker, Pd Box 14551 Our April bash will be at a new location.Sam, from Notre Dame University with Thanks to Darrell and his friend we willa lively discussion following. Special College Station, TX 77841 all meet at their house on April 14thanks to the following: Lee and Bob, at 4 p.m. For more details call Dust'Les and Larry, Lin, Gloria, Sam, Don, (409) 846-5314 at (206) 695-2281, or Darrell at (50}}vEd and Greg, Gary, Jerry, Jill and 272-0897. The address is '1767 5. E.Mark. By attending you all shared your We hope anyone who couldnrt make ittime, energy and love f or your f ellow to lhis meeting will come to the Maple Ave., Portland, Oregon. one we plan to have early in thefriends, and your regional director espe- summer. Look for that date in futurecially appreciates that efforti Vicki regional updates.sent slides of our Kampmeeting rB3 inPA. Well, did we (l) dish all of youl Terre Price Thanks so much to Dennis and CorkyAll those hairy legs and pointed toeslIT WAS GREATJ Some of the attendees at the recent Region 4 meeting, March 17, 1984Remember Region 4, we'll have our yardsidewalk sale in Chicago at Les andLarry's house on Sunday, June 24. Sostart saving stuff--people will buy any-thing even thouqh Ms. Joan said \"NO.WIRE COATHANGERS:\" Cheers to youalllRichard Hoffman REGION 5--GREAT PLAINS 10Seven Kinship members met togetherover the March 21-25 weekend. We
f or having us so many times at their for short-term guests. However, regional gay community. Letts use this oppor- tunity to let Kinship shinel h orne. members are encouraged to rnake plans to come earlier and stay later. May 19 We still don't have a speakern,rr evening on April 14 will probably Call (916) 485-1694 or 455-8940 for for our church service. [f you know_-lude lots of table qames. more information. We will be sending of someone you would like to hear fliers with maps to all listed members. speak, let me know. Or if you thinkWe do know now that June,s get to- you have something of a spiritual nature.gether will be in the Seattle area at Pamela to share at this service, please let me[d's place. We're not 10016 sure know that as well. You may call REGION 9--SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA me at (914) 883-0805.about the May meeting yet. June 2 and f. This is the big enduranceWe have such a fine group. Never have & ARIZONA test for therrletrs get physical\" buffs.there been any harsh words or dis- A two day hike into the rugged Sanagreements among the gang. A couple Our skiing trip was very enioyable with Bernardino Mountains is planned. Wehave raised good questions and ideas, skiing conditions that were iust right. I will be toured by Randy to his beautifuland I feel they were answered to the wish more of you could have attended. cabin. Those of us who went last yearbest we could. We miss you two quys, We lef t our homes very early Friday had a lot to share when we got back. morning and played all day up and down Donrt miss out on this onei We mustalso. the slopes. Friday evening we retired limit the number to 15 persons. The to a lovely fully f urnished apartment fee will be $15 per person for mealsRemember we love ya all in Kinship- condo that John had reserved for us. Jocland. lf you travel this way, look us really went out of his way to prepare and transportation from Mentone. a lovely dinner. All weekend weup. fellowshipped and got to know each Kirship CANADA other better.Remember to send your support in A lot has happened in preparaliOn for athe mail so we can continue in the fine - more formal organization of SDA Kinshipf ashion we've had through our news- Canada. At the time of Kampmeeting On Thursdayr .March 15, a group of 11 'BJ there were only three active mem-leiter edited by Vicki and Emy Lou. of us got together to attend a peter, bers on the list. In the seven months Paul and Mary concert. We first got Dusty Cawthra together for dinner at a local Mexican since then we have doubled that number restaurant. Welcome to the three new REGION 8--CENTRAL PACIFIC people who ioined with us. We look of active members, and we have at forward to having you meet with least half a dozen others who know of our existence but have not yet formallyOur March meeting was held at Renrs us again. joined Kinship. With the help of Alanplace and included a wonderful feast Hoston (Region 1), I will this monthand a presentation by Muriel and Merrill April 7 is our special meeting dedicated be sending letters to about 1OO gay/ to our Kinship sisters. This nreeting is lesbian organizations in Canada informingFollansbee from PFLAG. This organization of course for both men and women. them of Kinshiprs existence as an We will meet in the home of Errol additional source of support for gays,/is an excellent resource for Lesbians Chamness whom you may call at his lesbians of Adventist background. I home for directions. (Z1j) 876-2076. will also be putting ads in a couple ofand Gays who are coming out to parents Yes, we will have a traditional vege' local non-gay newspapers this month. potluck at 2:00 p.m. There will also be Steps have also been taken to formallyor already have and have met with a sign-up list for the Renaissance Fair incorporate Kinship in Canada as a legally registered non-profit charitableconf licts. which runs from early May throuqh mid- organization. To that end, all Canadian members and potential members ofRen is also hosting an April Foolis party June. Letts plan for this event. Comeon Saturday, March 31, starting around Kinship are being invited and encouraged5 p.m. We will be enioying movies and join us,lpopcorn and enduring silly pranks that to attend a general meeting in TorontoI may come up with. over the long weekend of April 20-21, the Good Friday,/Easter weekend. AnyPerhaps lra will entertain us with his April 28-29 I am sorry to inform you Kinship member f rom adiacent regionsI'toyrr rings. Each interaction with this that our speaker for this meeting will are most welcome to ioin us. Forlovely man only elevates my very high not be able to attend and we are presently working to arrange for another. more information, please contact me atopinion of him. lf he ean't dazzle Let's continue to plan f or a businessyou with his bright smile or sparkle meeting for April 29. I really think we (416) 531-5896 or write me: Jeremyyour day with his charm, he will en- need to do something for Gay pride Day. Young: PO Box 408, Station ',C'tr Toronto, 0N M6J 1P5.tertain you with is unique jewelry. Love Remember, there are other SDA gay_ rr lra,l groups that are also visible in the LA Jeremy YoungIt looks like I will be settled in my new 11home at Truckee in time for our Maymeeting and potluck on Saturday, May12. We will have a potluek at 2 p.m.
TERRIFIC CHEESE CAKE Vicki Curry KINSHIP BIRTFIDAYS FOR APRILI graham cracker crust Il2 cup sugar2-8oz pkgs. cream cheese 04 Vicki S. Curry2 eggs I teaspoon vanilla 14 Don Dealy II I tablespoon lemon juice 22 Dale Fleishman 17 James FoxworthySet crust aside. Mix remaining ingredients thoroughly with mixerand put them into the crust. Bake at 350o for 20 minutes. \3 Farrell HallCool. Top with sour cream. Chill and top with your favorite fruitl 27 Jean HansenCherries are my favorite. Happy eatingl 29 Richard Hoffman A3 Charles Katzenstein 16 Myron L. Krause 24 Ed Miller 24 George Mongeau 2l Joseph Morgan 14 Richard Russell HAPPY BIRTHDAY and MUCH LOVE TO EACH OF YOU! APRIL 1984Sunday Wednesda Saturday 7 r) 4 5 lf Region 9 Meeting R-8 to PF *Name and Address Changes Due at C.K.--BDT Secretary's Officeru.MorHEFrn. suNpAY i 1015 20 2L ;;'#;;J;; I R-8 to PF CANADA's LONG-VEEKEND MEETINI J.F.-.BDI LM.--BDl 22 24I CANADA's LONG-VEEKEND E.M.--BDl c.n,l.--eoljTING CANADA'S LONG-VEEKEND l press Deadline..F.__BD:EASIEF EASTEF MONOAY,(Ca^ad.)29 30 MAY 1984 SMTWTFS 123 4 5 10 67B9tottt2 \.7 Region 9 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 19R.H.--BDI 24 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 27 28 29 30 31 L2
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