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Home Explore SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - May 1984

SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - May 1984

Published by Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc., 2016-11-02 00:02:25

Description: The Newsletter of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc.


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\Iqt o w NEWSLETTER of Seventh-day Adventist Gay Men and Women and Their Friends VoL 7 No. 5, Mayr l9M SDA Kinship lnternational, hc, P.O. Box 1211, Lw Angeles, CA 9W7B-12r1, Phsre (211) A76-2A76 records and tapes, haircuts, o1d mini-presentations of slides-to- books or anything you wish to music (cassette or live), either \"Pikes Peak or Bustl\" bring\" You keep the money you secular or sacred, so make us charge, but add a aware of your creative ability KAMPMEETING '84 tax\" for Kinsllip. l0o/o \"sales there, too. If you rre still undecided over whether to attend Kampmeeting R.ecreational activity wili feature a game of capture the In addition to business meetings this year because you don't have and elections during the week, Flag (always played after dark, there will be a wide range of a lot of vacation time, take a closer look at what you would of course), an old fashioned seminars and rvorkshops including miss and then write and iet us treasure hunt in the woods, andY know what vacation place a keynote address by the or activity could top the Kamp- swimming and other sports. spellbinding Marsha Langford, meeting experience. We will enjoy special music every night in addition to three past president of Integrity, The Agenda entire programs of music, one whom we came to love and featuring the Kinship Choir and enjoy two years ago. There will Among the week rs special one with special emphasis on b\"heeaalthwuompdeant'esilwaonrkdshgorpo,upa features will be an outdoor discussions to choose from: campf ire in the old summer the gospel/soul sound. ageingr morality, health and camp style on Monday night Saturday night, brought back by diet, coming out, discrimination, where we will sing some of popular demand, will be the Please turn to the old familiar ditties and hear finest talent you've ever seen on KAMPMEETING on p. 3 at least one entertaining story stage as Kinship members show that might make you want to how creative they can be. sleep with the light on that We want you to participate in night. the music, the Bazaar and the Aerobics will be featured each Saturday night fun, so we day before dinner time for those include the names of the wishing to keep in shape. And organizers you should contact at you can participate in earlybird the end of this article. We urge stretching and running if you to contact us in advance you want to keep in even better and let us know what you can coniribute. But if you're shape..'-- The Bizarre Bazaar will be held too new and shy to contact us, AS WE GO TO PRESS: on Thursday night, where you come to Kampmeeting prepared will set up your own booth, if with your music, act, skit or The April 26th Adventist Review includes you wish, and sell your handi- comedy anyway, so we can an editorial on SDA Kinship and homo- work--paintings, needlework, recruit your taients ar the last minute. We also welcome sexuality. Details will be included in next monthrs SDA Kinship Connection.

J.Vicki Shelton .... Editar Different faces. Different stories. The other day durinq a quieter mome.,i --.Emy Lou Johnson . . . . . Associate Editor an 5DA Kinship get-together, I found myself reflecting on the variety of experie _ represented by the people present at the meeting. ln our group of 12 cr:- BOARD MEMBERS there was at least one person to whom each of the following descriptions cc-- : .... President apply: wornan, man, black, hispanie, white, over 50, under 2O, rural dwer:::.Robert E Bouchard suburbanite, urbanite, part of a relationship, single, Republican, Democrat (of:-.Richard Russell . . ..... Vice President shade or another), unemployed, working; barely makinq ends meet, average inccr=- CP hOtaa mness pretty weli of f , just coming out, settled gay, active in the movement, f irst 3l:Douglas ......ST..reecarEesdutairtreoyrrErrol L. Kinship meeting.J.Vicki SheltonAllen Johnson Public Relations Director Then add in many different attitudes toward the church: a couple in local ch;::-Flonald L. Lawson, PhD . . . SDA Church leadership positions, some who attend church regularly, and a number who d:-: attend at all. Mix in a substantial sampling of all the very doctrinal views ..:-Lin Shepherd Liaison f ind in the SDA Church--af ter all, Adventist gays are still Adventists and il--:.,Jym Stuart . bring to SDA Kinship most of the conservative or liberal approaches to wors:-: . Women's Director that you f ind in the general denomination--and it is amazing that these pec:.= lnformation Services were sitting around sharing and very much enjoying each other's company.Larry Hallock Director All the variety certainly made for good conversation. There were many top.::Lee Harding that brought out at least two dif ferent views and sometimes five or six. \::Marge Doyle . . Member at Large the warmth, cAring and respect for each otherts thoughts drew the group toqeii::. . . . Member at Large . . . Member at Large This, to me, is SDA Kinship at its best--a place to share varied experiences ::: background, to listen to those who have a different perspective on life and, ;:: Member at Large a white, urban male in his f 0's like myself, to try to understand what it rnea-,. to be gay and black, or a lesbian, or a senior citizen or a f arm dweller. Ar;. REGIONAL DIRECTORS even more, to understand that people from these different backgrounds will h=1 North Atlantic dif f erent approaches to lifets problems. At best, we wi!l learn somethinq liz*2 South Atlantic Obed Vazquez each otherrs views and will find all this God-given diversity to be enriching ratle:3 Southern Matthew Buchannan than threatening, a recipe for understanding and acceptance, and a gay exam:;= to a largely unaccepting straight society.4 Great Lakes Jeff Havron It's happened again. The coming-out process continued f or me as I iust reeenlii5 Great Plains Richard Hoffman had occasion to speak with a long-time tried and true f riend. Not by desigr. but as the conversation went I eventually disclosed my involvement with Kinshio6 Rocky Mountain BillMcCurrY and enthusiasm about trying to help make the road less rugged for Adventist gay women and men. Shets a friend and shers been very understanding. Change7 Pacific Northwest . Dusty Cawthra is a mysterious process and coming out is changing. Sometimes it is painf ul bu:8 Central Pacific Virginia Reynolds often itrs not. The thing Iwish to be completely past though is my surprise9 Pacific Southwest Bernardo Ochoa when acceptance and support are given. We and our cause are worth supporting. THE SDA KINSHIP LISTENING EAR COI\,IMITTEEAlan Massachusetts (61 7)365-5636Ben 5o. California (619)746-5307Bob New York (212)662-8656Dona So. California (21))125-6112Dusty Wash/Oregon (206)695-2281Emy Lou Colorado (303)781-6159Errol So. California (213)876-2076Jim Florida (81))749-1134Keith Texas (512)696-22A3Larry lllinois (312)477-2825Lee* Colorado (103)122-4568Lee Michigan (317)355-2523Louise No. California (916)222-5009Mike Michisan (517)377-2209*Committee Chair Seventh-day Adventist Kinship lnternational. lnc. rs a worldwide I believe that God doesnrt intend for Adventist homosexual persons to think cjsuppon group of/for Adventist (former or currenl) gay men and themselves as inferior people or less than God's children. I believe God also doesn'twomen and their triends. SDA Kinship also orovides oenile educa- intend for heterosexuals not to love their homosexual neighbors as they love them-tion of SDA pastors, teachers, and iounseiors to an-understand- selves. Perfect love casts out fear. Yes, even homophobia. We all--whether ga1ing ot homosexuality and related issues. Thrs newslette( the SDA or straight--weat some scarlet letter either secretly or publicly. As gays wearinsKinship Connection, is intended to be an intormational and insoira- ours we soon learn that heterosexuals who react hostilely to us tell us f ar moretional lournal tor our members and friends and is oublished monthlv about themselves than they tell us about us. Only those who are unhappy in theilby SDA Kinsh p lnternational, lnc. Copy deadline r's the third Mondav own lives ever need to take the time to try to make us feel inferior. And, thank---ol each month. All typewritten essays dnd other submissions (photd f ully, as Eleanor Roosevelt once said, !'No one can make you f eel inferior witho.graphs, etc.) will be thoughlfully considered. and. if not pubiishedwill be returned only if submitted with a self-addressed: stamped yout consent.rlenvelope. lnclude a lirst and last name, actual or pseudonvm.that may be published. Letters and essays may be ddited for !ur- 2poses of clarity or space. Send all potentiaicopy io: J. Vicki Sheiton,PO. Box 10032, Denvel CO 80210. Phone: (303) 781-6159. The appearance of names or photographs of persons or organiza-tions should nol be construed as any indication of the sexual orienta-tion of the named or shown. Opiriions expressed herein are notnecessarily those of SDA Kinship lnternational, lnc., or ol the SDAKinship Connection statf. Changes ol address or requests for newsletter copies shouldbe sent to our international headquarters at PO. Box 1233, LosAngeles, CA 90078-1233, USA. Our mailing list is confidentialamong officers and staff, and is not sold, rehted, or exchangedfor any purpose. O1984 by SDA Kinship lnternational, lnc. All rights reserved.

From KAMPMEETING, p. I each person will receive a is for you! Plan now for packet of information on a great time in the coloradoself-esteem and God's accep- how to get in contact with us in Denver, directions to camp Rockies from August L9-26,1984:tance of us. Invited Guests and other needed information. Organizers to ContactThis year's visiting guests are We will also need cars to Concerning the Bizarre Bazaar:very highly recommended people. transport attendees to theBecause of the emphasis to be cog rail train ride. Please let Richard Hoffmanplaced this year on workshops us know if you can help with 3111 N. Ciceroon personal relationships (for this or any other phase ofsingles or couples) the invited Chicago, lL 60641 transportation. (3t2) 545-7et3Buests include people with To conserve postage and printing Concerning the Saturday nightexpertise in these lines. For expenses, the travel information entertainment, serious orexample, a psychiatrist who survey is on the back of thewill be coming spent a year application. if you want comical:of his training working in to send in your applicationa clinic run by gays for gays. before your travel plans are Gary StebbedsA woman clinical psychologist finalized, just copy the form 8051 Highway 45 So.and a professor who teaches or request a duplicate from in sexology will also . Eagle RiVer, WI 54521 (715) 479-4227be attending. Other invited Some of you have volunteered Concerning slide presentationsguests include key biblical in writing for one or more ofand historical scholars as the above rdquested needs. If and/or music, contact the Kamp-well as two pastors of major sor thanks. If not, please do meeting Programs Coordinator, All are eagerlychurches. so soon. awlhlo owfillthdierecpteyrsoountsohoanndelinogrlooking f orward to being withus. They are all good people The best feature of Kamp- music (specify style of music):and, as past experience has meeting this year will be the Larry Hallockshown, we will enjoy getting opportunity to develop newto know and making 721 W. Melrose friends friendships and renew old ones.with them. Each invited This year's program has been Chicago, IL 60657guest is committed to keeping' caref ully designed to meet (312) 477-2825our confidences as we are the needs of every gay or Logistics and travel needs orcommitted to keeping theirs. lesbian with an AdventistIt is sad that we cannot mention bac kground regardless of offer to assist:the names of the people who oners current relationship to the Lee Hardingare comingr but this is all Adventist Church. If you'repart of mutual protection in a interested enough in your 2030 E. l lth and church where there Adventist heritage and in Denver, CO 80206are many who discriminate. It developing an association with o03) 322-4568is wonderful to find key people others of like interests to bewho care so much that they are reading this, this Kampmeetingprepared to take risks for us. LogisticsWe will have a real need in the 45fu lightning to the children easedDenver area on August 19 for With e>rplanation kind,cars to help transport people to The truth must dazzle gaduallyCamp Quaker Ridge approxi- Or every man be blind.gllmately 50 miles from Denver. Enrly lXcklnrouLee Harding, this year's logistics (r830-1886)coordinator needs to hear from \"Poem #l 129\"those willing to come throughDenver on August 19 andhelp transport to camp thosewho come by air or train.Af ter sending in an application 3

sponse to the packet. He stated, \" also reject other stan- dards of the church.\" I have stated before and will continue to maintain that if I'sweveenathre- to include the words \, Dear Kinship, day Adventist\" in our name we should follow all church doctrine ADVERTISING MONEY NEEDEDWhere do I begin in praise for when it comes to health andthe April Kinship Connection? temperance and so forth. Just The Advocate has been one ofThe \"Last Pagest' and R.L. keeping the Sabbath is not theRamsayrs article of coursel My entire picture. Because we our best sources for reachingheart went out to Brother break the church rules by being out f or new members. WeRamsay. My church means gay is no excuse to conducteverything to me too and if I ourselves in the way of the currently have an ad running in world. We are still commandedshould ever be deprived [of that to be an unusual people. Acting their classified section on like worldly gays doesn't a per-word basis that costs usf ellowshipl my heart would it+l.ZO an issue. We can cutbreak. After the initial shock accomplish winning souls. that back to SZS an issue withwore off I fear I would not be asloving as brother Ramsay. My Finally, thanks for the front your help.first reaction would be to make page and'rVicki's Voice.\" I'dheadlines by going to court. But just written to say my manu- When the current ad expires. we'll be replacing it withbeing vengeful is not the answer scrips were being forgotten. It \"display\" advertising. This is a seems to be- my turn to feel like(although the G.C. certainly box-type ad two and one fourthdeserves a little scandal). Being a sap. inches wide and an inch longeverything Brother Ramsay is-- Love, where we supply the artwork.Ioving, praying, caring (every- This type tends to be muchthing our church is failing to be) Lee more eye catching than what we have currently. The cost is--is the answer. I will remem- (last name withheld by request) a bargain at 535 an issue, and ifber his experience when my we buy six insertions the pricetime comes and I get out my falls to 5lZ each. If we buysword instead of my Bible. twelve insertions it falls to S3ft.- or for 25 the price is only $28.Next, thanks to Emy Lou and The Advocate publishes 25 timesVicki and to Dr. Lawson for a year so 25 times 5ZS (5700)sponsoring this [Aprill issue. will buy a year's advertising inWe readers should be aware the nation's most widely readand thank those who give to gay newspaper. Needless to say,print the Connection. They we are looking for sponsors. If you have been wondering whatshould not be ignored. to do with that income tax refund here's your answer! IfMoving toward the front, I you want to help be sure tofound the responses from the mark your check I'Advocate\" andpacket to be amazing as well as your donation will be used withfrighteningl Is it possible the whatever other money that ispastors of our churches and our is earmarked for this project to get the best price possible. Theleaders are so blind they do not full $ZOO would be nice, but if you and 19 of your friends wantsee homosexuality in those they to send in $3: each that will doare shepherding? Have they the task toolhonestly fooled themselves socompletely into believing we do ***not exist? We may be amused,but God in the judgement willnot be. We need to pray forthem, not they for us.I do not wish to make my President Bob Bouchard at workinq session of Board Meeting. Paul Wilcoxbrothers and sisters angry with looks next statement, but Imust agree with the idea one 4pastor pointed out in his re-


was all about. It's very striking Kinship was a f irst tentative that a lot of the early disciples outreach, and I was afraid to of Christ were women, that He declare anythinB. Though i associated with women, even live in a relatively small town,A Woman's immoral wornen, that when now I am pretty open--at leas.Definition of Feminism Peter took off and Judas with my very comfortable neu'Y betrayed Him, the women were found friends. I feel like I is based on still loyal. That's one of the\"Feminism that societies the real parts of Christianity that belong.perception havd has never surfaced in thegenerally been organized as Catholic church.... I'm just I am the only SDA in mY of oppression and learning about Seventh-daY I have never found fellowshiPexploitation, and that the largest Adventism, but maybe a move- in any SDA setting and would ment that had as one of its like to meet other SDA women(but not the only) oPPressed founders a woman is going to be who are like me. It aPPearsgroup has been the female. It is a vehicle for some sanity in the i don't have much in commonalso based on conviction that with the church anymore. I'msuch oppression is undesirable --Dr. Samuel Shapiro, Profes- not attending the small churchand unnecessary. it seeks to sor of History. University of Notre here. I seem to fit in bettermake changes to eliminate Dame. *Jewish. Speaker at Region with non-SDA spiritual PeoPle Ioppression. 4's March 17 meeting. know, both gay and non-gaY.rrln a society where one SrouP l'm 34, like outdoor sports' one-is oppressing another groupr to-one honest relationshiPs, andneither the oppressor nor the INTRODUCING HELENA am not like your average famill'oppressed is able to reach Because I graduated from Pacific doctor. But that's what I dotheir f ull human potential. Of Union College and Loma Linda most of my waking hours-course it's worse for the oPPres- University, then taught at Riosed person, but it is also bad for Lindo Academy for several years, I read WomanWise every monththe oppressor. A lot of white I have a speciai burden for and send the paPer to mY SDAmales don't like the role of young people in the church who ex-lover, who is af raid tooppressor. Feminism advances have alternate sexuality and may Btoeet mheprlooywmnensut.b' scriPtion duecharges that will allow gU feel isolated or condemned. Iffhuullmpiontebenitniagls.\"to--GreloarliiazeKa.utfhmeanir, you have ideas or projects in \, this area, I would like to Hope to see you at KamPmeeting.'editor of Pulling Our Own Strings, a lend my efforts to them.collection of feminist humor and guest Yes, I am a lesbian. My joiningat Region 4's March 17 meeting. A Man's DID YOU REALIZE...Definition of Feminism There are approximately 1010001000 lesbians in this countryl That means:\"Feminism is a belief that much to offer in There are more lesbians than people living in New Yorkwomen have as Approximately one out of ten women is a lesbian.the solution oaf ndourecPoololigtiiccaal,l There are as many lesbians as left-handed women.economical There are more lesbians than there are people living in Delawarelproblems as men do. We havetended in the past to shut Rhode lsland, Alaska, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, New Hampshirer Northwomen off from economic or Dakota, Vermont, Idaho, Hawaii...put together!political power. They have There are over twice as many lesbians as there arebeen often viewed as daughtersor wives. Feminism is giving 6them an equal share in the waYthe world is run. They have avery positive contribution tomake in dealing with thecomplexities of our world.rrA movement that makesa lot of sense to me is thefeminist movement, a movementtoward maybe what Christianity*

Friends of Lesbians and Gays DAUGHTER, CUESS VHAT: 8roup. I read every book the library Editorts note: The following had on the subject as I tried is written by a member of the t o u n de rstand what being Sacramento, CA chapter of homosexual is all about. Parents and Friends of Lesbions and Goys. lt is interesting to I went through the guilt of note that there are SDA ties wondering if your father and I with the people. The number had done something to cause you 159 is a chapter code for this to be different. mother and daughter. --JYS I felt a terrible sadness that Dear Sue, you would never rnarry and have children--you, who are so good I'm sure you remember that day with children. about eighteen months ago when we were driving you back I worried and cried about how to college and I asked you if society would treat you. you were gay. I'Probably,\" you said\" And I felt as though I My heart broke wondering what had been . hit by a truck. I pain you had gone through can't even begin to express the alone. You never showed that pain I felt at that moment. It is you were in pain or unhappy. I one thing to suspect, but quite wished you would have told me another to know. I didnrt want about your feelings as you Everett to hurt you so I tried to be discovered you are different. calm and accepting. I don'tTony remember the few questions I I thought about the ugly remarks Vincente asked you but I do remember people make about gays and I crying all the way home af ter knew I m'ust have made some leaving you and for several too. I feel so very sad about months after that. the way I treated you while you were in high school when you YI outhreomuegmhbterthsaaytingm\"peraobnatbylyo.u\" had a special girlfriend. Under- neath I worried that it was a were at some crossroad where gay relationship, so I resisted it you might be gay or might not. and behaved badly regarding the For awhile I occasionally asked amount of time you spent with you if you were interested in her. I apologize for that. any guys. It wasn't until I had I now feel you should have been read a love letter you had encouraged to be with lots of written to a girl that it really different girls just as your hit me: you really, really are sister was with lots of different gay. I am ashamed to have boys. read that letter you left in your room, but it helped me to see You see I have come a long way. what wonderf ully deep and You seem so happy that I am loving feelings you are able to huppy for you. I want you to be feel. yourself. I am now and have always been proud of you. I see The months that followed were an exciting future ahead for you. hard. I had no one to talk with Yoq won't have children, but you since you didn't even want your will have a meaningful relation- dad to know then--and I hadn't ship with someone as wonderful yet found the Parents and as you are. You will have a 7

great career and lots of freedom. UNEQUALLY YOKED-- who can't ignore those passages ANOTHER LOOK in the Bible that we all know soYou will always have your well\" They must be reckonefamily supporting you.To sum up this letter, I just J. Camney with and understood. -want you to know that after a aErdtiictoler'sisnointe:respTohnesefotollowRin.Lg. So my choice was simple. Iyear and a half of searching, Romsoyrs article, ttUnequally could blindly believe all that thereading and attending Parents Y oked: Persanal Reflectionstl world said about me or I wouldand Friends of Gays meetings, which appeared in our February have to re-evaluate myself andI feel very positive about you. 19B4 issue of the KC. --JVS the world around me. I knewThe guilt feelings come through myself and I just didn't f itnow and then (although not Accepting oners homosexuality the image that the worldabout anything specific). I had of me.have learned to believe thatsome people are just gay thesame as some people are just has many varying effects upon The first re-evaluation I had toleft handed. I believe you will the one doing the accepting. make was that I was NOT abe okay in this world and I will They can range from one Seventh-day Adventist. That,do everything I can to make it extreme (suicide) to the other I think, was the hardest because (complacency). I Iike to think that the vast majority of us fall my church was Synonymous withso. my relationship with Cod. We somewhere in the middle. We had a very good relationship andYou are a terrific person and I spend the rest of our lives the realization that I waslike so many things about you-- learning -to deal with our not an SDA really upset my appleyour self-confidence, your cart. I could never be an SDAsense of adventure and your sexual orientation.adaptability. You are smart, unless they included me in theirsincere, hard working and I like We are born into a society, a fold and that was most unlikely.the way you look. I would world, which has taken uponprefer to have you keep your itself , without any consultation After I came to the realizatior-room neater and I wish you with you or me, to label homo- that I was not an SDA all othe'u-,could talk to me about your sexuality as one of the most re-evaluations of my wayfeelings more. I want to be filthy of acts. It is considered of thinking have been easy. It'sas close to you as you will let so heinous that it can only be a daily process. And I continueme be. Please remember I love discussed in whispers. It may be more despised than hetero- to rethink some things.your I will be here when you sexual child rape. Let me give you some examples:need me and your friends are It appears that we iearn of MARRIAGE: I needn't go intowelcome toolLove, society's attitude toward homo- how we were brought up to thinkMom //I59 sexuality just before or about the time that we're realizing of marriage. Also, I needn't goP.S. I want to be sure you just who we are. Consequently, into how we were brought upunderstand you didn't hurt me we have ma jor dif f iculties to view common-law being gay. You did not cause accepting ourselves. Some don't But here I was, gay, with themy pain. It was my fear for or can't accept themselves and same needs for a loving com-what you would have to face in end up taking their own'lives. panion as any heterosexual. Isociety that hurt. I still worry had to make my own rules.about that, but you are strong I was one of the fortunate ones. They were based upon someand will deal with it as neces- I was never devastated by the of the teachings I had beensary. I am ready to come out of realization of my sexuality raised with and, most impor- although I didn't merrily gothe closet when you are. about my business ignoring the tantly, they were based upon my world. I did have to do some understanding of and love for God. soul searching. It's a rare and UNEQUALLY YOKED: Now that independent person who can ig- I had found myself and wal nore the fact that the entire getting my NEW relationshipv world says you are despicable. with oGn oadn, e\"wuntewqiusat.llyFyirosktedo\"f It's a rare and independent person took 8

all, my f riend had to be gay. even knowing it. someone who didn't believe theIt didn't matter if he was an SDA way. We all fall into that--torDA because I wasn't. I wouldn't ruin my chances for category. If we don't, we still He had a loving relationship by laying feel that being homosexual is be loving, kind, liberal minded, any of the \"cloven-hoof\" routine wrong and against God's will.very tolerant of people. Ilooked for qualities that were on any one. He could eat and I rather enjoy being labeled anGodly. IY'Cohurismtiaany\" label those drink what he liked. My concerns r:nbeliever because it places me if you like, were far greater. in the ranks of Martin Lutherquaiitiesin fact, you can label them God answered my prayers. I King, Jr., Mother Theresa andSeventh-day Adventist, but they Ghandi. Organized religionsalso fall under Buddhism, Juda- found one of His followers. too often inadvertently teachism, Moslem and other catego- We've grown together for us to be judges. Our purposeries. I had to forget iabels in fourteen years now. It would is not to sit in judgement ofmy re-evaluation because I have been foolish and I'm others, i.e. to decide who'swasn't included. I didn't need sure that God would have been good or bad, who's lost orto be; I am a child of God and very displeased if I'd thrown all saved. We're simply to helpwe all are. these beautiful and productive each other and if through our years away because my f riendI didn't place much emphasis enjoyed bacon. You see, when kindness someone is drawn toupon whether my f riend would I'm happy I share that happiness God then great. We're sokeep the Sabbath. Sabbath with others and I am very happy. quick to piously point to thekeepers were generally clock Jews in the Bible who werewatchers anyway. They missed supposed to have gotten so To attach inyself to a church caught up in the rules thatthe point of the Sabbath being and to a group of people who, they missed the point. Well,a medicinal day of rest. It if they knew the real me, would let's look at oursleves.would be easy enough to get my shun me is not to my benefitfriend to the country on Sat- or to Godrs plan for me. I I truly believe that God is a urday and then we both would would spend a lifetime trying fair and loving God. His--be happy. I could be close to to live up to their standards intent is not to make ourGod while being close to my and feel guilty because I would lives complicated and hellish.friend and we would both enjoy always fall short. I like to keep my life as simplea day of rest without my friend as possible and even at that This meant it can get pretty complicated. UNBELIEVER:\"As ute stop keeping homosexuality at a distance, The world has proven that the Bible is a complex book. Weas an abstract, and as tre see it up close, with a have enough different religionsface, something happens to us. lrle begin to see tre to prove that it has many different interpretations. Iare dealing ttith real human beings made in God's don't profess to begin to under-image. And rte begin to feel the pain 0f bearing a stand it. I simply try to follow the ten commandments and moststigma and experiencing the oppression and fear as of all I rely on my relationship with God to guide me. I donrtthough it Here happening to us.\" rely on other people's experi- ences of many years ago to --Letha Scanzoni strengthen my relationship with in I'the Other Side\" God. I find my own. And most February 1984 of all, I try not to clutter my life with endless and useless religious trivia but humbly try to act and live as Christ would have. In doing that, I've got my hands full. 9

column) for more inf ormation if you here with us again, Tony. As an addi- wish to ioin with us. tional treat we were joined by Bruce, another dear California friendl ltREGION I--NORTH ATLANTIC Next month: look for news and details was so good to see you again Bruce, of the meeting in Mass. and we're happily anticipating yc return next month to Denver. Both |flThe March 8th meeting of the New For any inf ormation and details call you: please be sure you arrange yourYork City Chapter was exciting with Obed at (2O1) 742-5098. Denver trips other than on maior nationalnew people cominq from NYC, Mass. and Obed Vazquez holidays as that seems to be our tradi-Conn. Before and after the meeting tional time to get covered up with snow. Maybe July 4 would be safe,lseveral worked with Allan at the REGION 4--GREAT LAKEStask of separating, folding, stuffing and Our plans for the future continue Just a reminder about the yard/side- in limbo as we await the emergencesealing envelopes with a questionnaire he walk sale on Sunday, June 24 at Les of a new regional director. That personis conducting as a school proiect. and Larryts house in Chicago. Be sure would not have to be from Denver. to save your rrstuf frr--people will buy (Hint, hint Nebraska and other state'sWith us was Bill Ainsworth from ColumbiaUniversity School of Journalism who is anything! folksl)writing an article on Kinship and the Meanwhile we continue to get togetherSDA Church. Some of us had an oppor- Riehard Hoffman on the last Thursday of the month astunity to share with Bill our views on soon as possible after 5 p.m. to assemble newsletters. Thank you for helpingKinship and the church, the SDA Church REGION 5--GREAT PLAINS whenever you can; we need youlas a whole and our personal f eelings Greetings from Texas and Region 5. lf you have questions or suggestions forand experiences with both. The article We welcome you to Texas, Bill. Werre Region 5 activities, call me at (303)will become part of a news network glad to have you with us here.that can be picked up by the press 781 -61 59.across the country. There will be a meeting in June in Emy Lou JohnsonPlans for April and May were announced Houston. Further details will be avail- able that time.On Sunday, April B, some NYC Kinship lf you're interested in going to Kamp- REGION 7--PACIFIC NORTHWESTmembers ioined MCC-Princeton for wor-ship. Pastors Joyce Setala and Carol meetingr contact Terre and perhaps we On Saturday: bAigprhilom1e4,owf eDarmreell tan\"dt1Wier whom we met last summer at can carpool. the wonderfulKampmeeting are the leaders of thisdynamic and wonderful church. We all, lf you have any questions or comments Wills in Portland. On walking in, I wasreceived a tremendous blessing from the about Texas and Region 5 activities callentire service. For some it was a new or write Terre at PO Box 14551, College conf ronted with a Catholic priestl Iand much needed experience. Thank station, 1x 77841, (4O9) Joyce and Carol for your words of be qan to wonder what was going Terre Pricechallenge and encouragement. to happen. Were we about to be blasted REGION 6_-ROCKY MOUNTAINThe May meeting of NYC Kinship will or blessed by a strange visitor. Thenbe on May 2O, the third Sunday, at In true \"Springtime ln The Rockies\"1:)0 p.m. A speaker is planned. fashion we welcomed our former direc- other new persons came in. The priest tor, Tony Smith, back to Denver onA trip to Atlantie City on Memorial Day April 21 with a beautif ul 17+ inch named lohn introduced himself to blanket of snowl lt was a special treatweekend (May 25-28) has been planned. for all of us here in the Denver Chapter me. He was a very delightf ul person. to get together and to have youCall or write Allen Johnson (see officers Af ter f ive minutes I could easily see that he fit righi in. By the time the evening was spent I was sorry he hadntt been at all our meetings. He truly was funny and had a great wit and charm. We had four new grown ups and, later in the evening as we enioyed table games, two wonderf ul, bright younger men join us.Various Kinship members enjoy a potluck lunch,l Thank you Darrell and Will and guys for 10 such a wonderf ul time in your home. The buffet was so tasty with lots of different dishes to choose from. After a brief meeting, we had a couple songs - at the piano and then we got busy on table games. The seore was 1-1. lf there had been a grudge match...well, thatrs a different story. Hal Hal

Our bruneh on Sunday was held at HoBo's times you qet to see someone who has participaling. i need to knour how manyin Portland. We were very welcome not been around for a while and some- of you are interested in attending.and had a wonderful waiter. times you get to see new faces, I mean really new faces of people who May 19, Saturday at 2 p.-., OurThe May meeting is set for May 12 at Worship Service will be in Riverside, CADennis and Corky's home in Portalnd as are with us f or their f irst time ever, at the Universalist Unitarian Church.usual. A movie will be shown. but most of the time there are a Gregory Shotwell will be our speaker. group of people who are rarely away He f eels that he has something veryJune's meeting will be in Renton, Wash. important to share with Kinship, some-close to Seattle, at Ed's place. No date from the group. These are the regulars, thing that will give us spiritual gain and the ones that keep the door open for renewal. Donrt f orget to come andhas been finalized yet. bring a friend. our fellow persons. A very warm wel-We're Iooking forward to hearing come to our two new f riends, Thomas June 2 & 3. This two-day hike is afrom you good folks in and out of our must f or those who like the out-of -region. Stay close to Jesus. He will and Gilbert. I hope we made you feel doors, it is not rough but it does requirebe back soon for all His faithful family. at home and please come back. Thanks a lot to Errol for providing his home for our meeting place. I spoke wiih BettyLove in Christ, Brooks and she explained her situation. some physical work. We will be hikingDusty Cawthra She would like to be rescheduled some- down into a canyon to wild country time in the future. I am also glad to where there are rocks, bushes, snakes, inform you that we now have a listening bears and lady buqs (a whole lot ofREGION B_-CENTRAL PACIFTCA small group of people gathered for ear line for women. Dona is in charge them). Those who went last year, let'sthe April fools party at Renrs, but I was and you may call her at (211) 725-6112. have a reunion. Space is limited andthe biggest fool of all as I messed up on She will also refer calls to the Kinship we are almost at our limil. There willthe date. lt was actually held on Sat., line and to me. Thanks to atl who be a $1 5.00 charge for meals and trans- attended our meeting last time, it is youApril 7. portation from Mentone. who keep bhis-organization alive. June 10 and July 1. This is GayThe weekend retreat at my house in Coming up: Pride weekend in Los Angeles. We willTruckee has been postponed to a be opening a booth at the fair on both days, Saturday and Sunday. We areIater date. I am moved in, but it is May 13, Sunday. Augura Hills Renais- planning to have an audio-visual programIike luxurious camping with no furniture. ,sance Fair. This will be lots of fun, ten portraying several Kinship functions such as previous Kampmeeting gatherings andOnce it's fully operational, we will send people have already signed up. Some of werll have a strong emphasis on Kamp-out the proposed schedule of events and us are planning to wear costumes and meeting rB4. A full display of the Infor- mational Packet and other informationmaps on how to get here. really get decked out for this occasion. as well as cool free water for the thirstyOur May meeting will be held, as usual, Meet us at the Fair. You pay and driveon the second Saturday. I believe this your own car or call me at (714)date is May 12, but double check. BBI-0805 for car pool information.I seem to have a mood calendar, May 18, Friday evening at B p.m. This will be provided. Your help is neededyou know, the kind the dates change is the evening before our worship service, to set up the booth and run it. Pleasewith my moodl There will be a potluck some of our members have sincerely call 2 p.m. We are having as a specialguest a gospel singer who presents a expressed a wish for a communion cere- August 4, Saturdayl at 2 p.m. We will mony. lf you would like to join me and meet in Riverside at the home of Henrybeautiful program. One of our own Kin- others, please eall and let me know.ship members will accompany her This will be a very special service and and Eric.on the piano. This meeting will all take the place wehe having it is very private Bernie Ochoaplace at Rents house on 5419 Raimer so contact me if youtre interested inWay in Carmichael. lf you have anyquestions or need directions, please call(916) 485-1694 or (916) 455-8940. C5lt is provided in the essence of things that from any fruition of success, no matter what,I am looking forward to seeing you allin May and sharing the exciting happen- shall come forth something to make a greaterings in the 5ierra Nevadans. Whoooeei struggle necessry.,Pamela Roberts REGION g--SOUTHIRN CALIFORNIA WaltWhllmanr- & ARTZONA (18r9-r892)II --'v I am always thrilled to see the L.A, \"Song of the Open Road\" crowd and it is fun to hear people talk 11 about where they have been and of special lhings they have done\" Some-

CASHEW LOAF KINSHIP BIRTHDAYS FOR MAYc. chopped onions I l2 can waterc. chopped celery I can soy Fri-Chik 05 Lin Shepherd 07 Stephen K. CurryNo. 2 can Chinese noodles mushrooms 07 Ryan Ellis 08 Joyce Reecec. whole cashews I Tbsp. lemon juice 13 Allen Sohnson 15 Dennis Graucan mushroom soup Ll2 c. grated American 3A Bernardo Ochoa 30 Norma Webb cheese HAPPY BIRTHDAY andCut Fri-Chik in small pieces and mix all ingredients together. Bake MI-ICH LOVEin a covered greased l0 x l0 inch casserole at 350 degrees forone hour. TO EACH OF YOU! MAY 1984Sunday I Monday _t__tggldgll -weanesaav day : ApRtL 1984 i JuNe rge+ 1SMTWTFS1234567 i SMTWTFS R-88 910 11 1213 14 : 1215 16 17 18 19 20 21 : toP&F22 23 24 zs 26 2t 2a I 3 4 5 6 7 8I2930 | 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24252627282930 6 7 t2 L.S.--BDI S.K.C.--BDI N4eeting R.E.--BDI 13 R-B -L4 Meetinq R-9Renaissance Fair *Secretary Sends I L7 18 19 Data Updates 27 to DPC Data Updates R-9 Worship Service Due at DPC R-9 ; 24',25 126-t-COPY DEADLINE: i +.* 1 Communion selvice I 23 rl l R-'l Press Deadline Allantic CitY I Mailing Labels TriP:25th-28th Due at Editor,s il 29 30 I 31 i R-B PN,'W?'.----B1D?I:. Assembr) crew: rhis is THf DAYI to p & F(I) Be here as soon MErcFIAL OAY I as possibte arter 5 n.m' ] SPRTNG HOUOAY lU K. d brand) I L2

To: A11 SDA Kinship Members and FriendsFrom: Lee StanfordSubject: Financial Update Date: April 13, 7984fbrAofCaaofreeinviotrregcg1antasanuahfnilel,dleaenearansnecbiGrztdtFgliaewoaf-teuioatnr.nhblinaooar.rtIyurnhnafcae.obctoorahysyiapnare6Sesp.tmlurrpioTiisnebeuwrthhetduopcuoiatitsdiriuvnfennailiiwcfgddtlirbyearhuesolseolialgttkfyionctleu,soKgoluasniwbmnipterttceldsheryaioahbwibsLltieucaeehpeadnotesn:'esiidnnstkaintcbgtaigrnodlbeiortubdeienadvuKelieerienodtddireandgof,utssuhaaaoiithnnsalptnllicf$tyyppo:,ll?tur'erhstto0mdohaseqvemesoaa-dsimtetlnutuimohwwp$apnbat1daipiolet0tasihonrwttsavrpeeghtlotavse:ihnoecltriewdedurhsymdroutoMiuorsnfilandnoefyt-gohr rfuture updates and have not been a regular contributor, pleasesend your pledge of $10 or more per month to the Treasurer.Following are some comments wtrich you may find helpful in review=ing the data on the reverse of this sheet:pctinhrgiamK.rgaaemrTdiplhymie(einbaesaticnhlagainprFcryleeefeosasrslws-otahTraidhnnecfrlrtouhamdetheeKrsaartsmeospmimzaeagefbereetlieeendsgbupa1p9laao8indn2cwpfeohrriieonnrKttahhtmoeispmcthaefmuaenpttindgmieset-1983 by members who did not attend.a Kampmeeting - Clergy - These funds are unused donations towardthe expenses of clergy at past Kampmeetings.C Newsletter - The dcuidrreant tthbealaenncdeoifnJtahniusarayctchoaunnktslotooktshea greatdeal better than itftaeainoointnnhurafrufLiebl ebuustaid5fngonders-tg.tfheonerAenrctohauuedsrrdecCfonorfntnfintyTreeifbcTautiZroti,cno2on5avs0nedroewtfdhieollleusrrebsmmetaheniamnenedbdeeaerrdsmthhtuoiirpsd.tmSceoouemfbt sentchef-rerwoipsm--1elter cosEs through thg Septembpr issue.mtrineosrATle6hdEaevdleAfvfridertvmirsotiiscnsaginteg- cYionosoutrfreaccipneopqnnruottrximriibimeousnattithoeaslnynstdh$ahn3ean5wvpeemveeeernmriasbbbseelruesfdoehr.Kaes.inHbsoTehwehiepneveetaodrx,scdtehoellent.KI inQshuieps'stiofninsa-ncIfest,heplreeasise anything you would like to know about write to me in care of the Treasurer,P.0. Box 1,233, Los Angeles, CA 90078-1233. ,&ffit**chair

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