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Home Explore SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - August 2006

SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - August 2006

Published by Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc., 2016-11-01 20:55:28

Description: The Newsletter of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc.


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The Journal of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc. August 2006 Vol. 30 No. 7 Welcome! This is our Women's Weekend, Kampmeeting and European Kinship Meeting issue. In a fete of efficiency, all three were poured into one three week time period this year. We've worked to bring you a flavor of each. There will be lots of photographs so you can begin or continue to meet more of our Kinship community. We'll have the thoughts and comments of participants wandering through these pages....

KINSHIP BOARD Who we are...President: Bob Bouchard Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc. (Kinship) is aVice President: Jeremy Brown non-profit support organization which ministers to the spiritual,Secretary: Bruce Harlow emotional, social, and physical well-being of Seventh-day AdventistTreasurer: Karen Wetherell lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and intersex individuals and theirConnection Editor: Catherine families and friends. Kinship facilitates and promotes the understanding and affirmation of LGBTI Adventists among themselves and within the Taylor Seventh-day Adventist community through education, advocacy, andPublic Relations Coordinator: reconciliation. Kinship is an organization which supports the advance of human rights for all people. Scott TetleyChurch Liaison: David Ferguson Founded in 1976, the organization was incorporated in 1981 and isWomen‚’s Coordinator & recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the US. Kinship has a board of up to 15 officers and 13 regional coordinators. The current Chapter Development: list of members and friends includes several thousand people in 43 Yolanda Elliott countries.Kampmeeting Coordinator 2007: Elena Thomas SDA Kinship believes the Bible does not condemn, or even mention, homosexuality as a sexual orientation. Ellen G. White does not parallelBOARD MEMBERS AT LARGE any of the Bible texts, which are often used to condemn homosexuals.KinNet Coordinator: Floyd Most of the anguish imposed upon God’s children who grow up as LGBT has its roots in a misunderstanding of what the Bible says. PoenitzMember Services: Fred Casey Support KinshipStrategic Planning: Isis MontalvoParents, Family & Friends Kinship operates solely on contributions from its members and friends. Help us reach out to more LGBT Adventists by making a Support: Carrol Grady tax-deductible donation to SDA Kinship International. Please send yourIMRU?: Naveen Jonathan check or money order to the address below. (You can also donate, usingTechnology: Josephine Elizabeth your Visa or Master Card, by contacting Karen Wetherell at [email protected]. She will phone you so that you can give yourEXECUTIVE COMMITTEE credit card information in a safe manner.)Bob Bouchard, Bruce Harlow, SDA Kinship, P.O. Box 49375, Sarasota, FL 34230-6375, or call toll-freeKaren Wetherell, Samuel Pang, in the U.S. 866-732-5677 or toll from outside the U.S. 01 (941)Marcos Apolonio, Catherine 371-7606, or visit SDA Kinship’s Web Site at:, Jeremy Brown AFFILIATED INTERNATIONAL United Kingdom & Eire: MichaelREGIONAL COORDINATORS‚ REGION COORDINATORS LewisUSA [email protected] Australia-New Zealand: NoelRegion 1 (New England) Thorpe OTHER COORDINATORS Catherine Taylor [email protected] [email protected]; Karen Intersexed: Carolyn Parsons Wetherell Brazil: Itamar Matos de Souza [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Transgender/Transexual: SandraRegion 2 (Mid-Atlantic) Yolanda Canada: Jerry McKay Hoffecker [email protected] Elliot [email protected] [email protected] Older Adult: Ren ReynoldsRegion 3 (Deep South) Jon Central & South America: [email protected] Roberts [email protected] Alexander Gomez Pasco [email protected] IMRU? (Young Adults</=29):Region 4 (Midwest) Bruce Harlow Naveen Jonathan, Suzy Wise [email protected] Europe: Ruud Kieboom [email protected] [email protected] 5 (Lone Star South) Floyd Web Master: Dave Gilsdorf Poenitz [email protected] Germany: Roy Raetzer [email protected] [email protected] 6 (Mountain Plains) Erin Stenhouse Philippines: Jonathan Coo [email protected] [email protected] 7 (Northwest) Doug Bom [email protected] 8 (No. California, Nevada, Hawaii) Obed Vazquez-Ortiz [email protected] 9 (So. California, Arizona) Marcos Apolonio [email protected] aylor Ruhl [email protected]; Bob Bouchard [email protected]

Women’s Women's Weekend was heldWeekend at Cocoa Beach, Florida. In a remarkable stroke of scheduling, Yolanda also managed to organize the launch of a space shuttle to be planned for those days. To appreciate her work, the women agreed to spend the day on the beach, where they could see the launch pad and shuttle ready to go. It was a tough day, as you will see in the pictures, but folk managed to entertain themselves swimming, walking, talking, eating, dozing and waiting. A thundercloud kept the shuttle on the ground that afternoon but it was a grand and restful day. After dinner, Yolanda led out in a devotional discussion where each woman shared her favorite Biblical female. We've included what Denise shared. !I choose Mary, mother of Jesus. Denise Proulx She was a normal human still impressed that Mary was abeing, just like the rest of us. She regular, humble, human beingchose to accept God's calling, like the rest of us and she waseven when it wasn't what she part of an extraordinary miracle.had planned for her life. She !listened to Gabriel and believedthe angel. She chose this honorwith grace and experiencedGod's unique conception. I havealways been awed by herattitude. We hear this story overand over at Christmastime. Shehad her baby in a stable. Hegrew in her womb but He wasdifferent than any other baby. Heis the exception of history. I was brought up Catholic.One of our primary teachings isthat she is the virgin Mary. Icould not understand why thiswas such a big deal. As I havestudied the Bible I have come tobelieve that many of my formerbeliefs are not accurate but I am 3

Kampmeeting 2006 What Do Kampmeeting was held at the San Pedro Conference Center in Winter You Think?Park, Florida. We were prepared to be inundated with hurricanes,sweltered in the humid heat and, eaten by mosquitoes. Florida and the At both Kampmeeting andstaff of the center spoiled us. Much to our embarrassment, many of us European Kinship Meeting 5 wesaid this was our favorite location. Marcos packed, and we do mean asked participants two questions:absolutely packed, the week with speakers who incited us to think, “What have been some blessingsgrow, and feed our souls. Peterson Toscano helped us laugh, cry, and for you in the last twelve months”ponder the effect of ex gay treatment centers with his No Mo Homo and “What have been somepresentation and with his workshop. Jason and Demarco brought great blessings of this meeting time?”energy, good fun and soul lifting music. Rene, Stanley and Michelecame back to continue our relational education. Many of us met Paul, Tami:Rob and David for the first time. The Orlando Gay Chorus arrived in full This is my secondrainbow color for our Sabbath afternoon concert. Linda P. and hercohorts continued our conversation on living with HIV/AIDS. Linda W. Kampmeeting. It is nice to seetaught our children how to spot alligators. The San Pedro Center Food familiar faces again and to seeService Staff made us feel at home; even when we were tomato allergic, new friends. I am lookingdairy sensitive, gluten intolerant, protein needing, occasional vegans. forward to the lighter half of theMitch Henson reminded us why we want him as our pastor. Naveen week. I enjoyed the talks, theshowed us a new way to tell our stories. Mike, Dave, and Denise caught speaking, the way myus by surprise with laughter at the Talent Show. Dahlia and Sonya's background will affect futurechildren made that evening truly a family affair. As you well know, there relationships. I wish we couldis no way we can replicate that week. In this issue we'll include a few have had counselors here theprogrammatic snapshots. We'll share some thoughts from participants. whole week.We'll let you know who next year's elected officers are. And we'll spendthe next few months letting you see just a few of the nine hundred Some blessings from this lastphotographs that are on our discs from that week. ! year: I just found the IMRU? Group. I have enjoyed getting to know the members. Kinship in general has been a true blessing. I could not have come to Kampmeeting without the scholarships. I would like to say thank you to whoever has been in charge of and has donated to scholarships. It is a blessing that Kinship has been challenging me to see how I can become more of a leader and connect more to the organization. At this point in my life I am not sure I could take a leadership position because of my mother's wellbeing. But I will let her know that I am planning to be a part of my church; Kinship.4

Adam: Devotional A blessing for me this year is Paul Fisherthat God has brought me out of Jacob was on his way back honest reply comes; “Jacob”. Hea dark place this year. I thought I from Mesopotamia to Canaan has finally learned. We cannotwould never come out of this and a meeting with his get what we want by beinghole. God has opened many estranged twin Esau. At the River what we are not. Blessings onlydoors for me. He brought me to he bowed alone, praying to the come when we accept who wea church that same God he met, on a stairway are. Jacob had spent his lifeis accepting to heaven, when he was thinking he had to pretend to beof me. Most escaping in the other direction. something or someone otherof them A man came to him. They than who he was to get what heknow that I wrestled till daybreak but the wanted. He was wrestling witham out. I am stranger could not overpower the demon “falseness” and heon two Jacob. I love this picture. The didn't get his dreams or hispraise teams. stranger was More Than a Man. inheritance. At the Jabbok heThey are Jacob's struggle was with more realized I have to belooking for than a man; way beyond the authentically who I am. Theme to have physical/material/social world in Man replied, “You will notmore leadership positions. This which we live. Our struggle is longer be called Jacobhas been a tremendous blessing. with the Being that stands (supplanter or fraud); you will beThe blessings are still behind it all. Israel (he struggles with God)continuing to come. I am because you have struggledlooking forward to see what This is a stunning view of with God and with men andGod has in store. Divine Power. God cannot have overcome. At the very squash a little human. God moment Jacob could honestly This is my first Kampmeeting. cannot because Divine power acknowledge who he was, heI am really excited. It has taken doesn't work in that mode. God became who he wanted to be.eight years for me to get here. I does not overpower human This identity was given to himam really excited to find a beings. God's power will by a Parent, just as his firstcommunity of Adventists that is wrestle with us. It can be used as identity had been given to himso open. I like a unified, family an opposing force, but, it by his parents. Jacob the grasperwhere belonging is important doesn't squash us. becomes Israel the wrestler andand valued. This has helped me overcomer.with my personal and my This man touched the socketreligious life; in bridging the of Jacob's hip; it wrenched. The God affirms people of allgap between my sexuality and Man said, “Let me go.” Jacob races, classes and identities,my beliefs. replied “I will not let You go when we are living unless You bless me.” The Man authentically. This is the key forNaveen: asked “What is your name?” 15 all of us, a human struggle. We It is a wonderful thing to be years before Jacob heard that must not let prejudices and same question from another constructs define us. We mustamong a group of people who man, Isaac. That man stood at know our true name; it is ourhave roots and beliefs with the apex of Jacob's hopes, as character. That is the gift of ourwhich I share. this Man does. In this moment, Creator. ! at night, by the Jabbok, the now I am enjoying connectingand reconnecting with old people; catching up with old It is afriends and making new friends, making new friends. blessing to seeconnections. age 28. This Damon: has been a giftBradley: I have enjoyed being around to have A blessing another year of Scott. I have enjoyed getting to life after tenthis year has know new people and getting years of beingbeen a great to know Adventist culture and HIV positive.chance to heritage. I have appreciatedwork with a being welcomed even though I Continued on page 7...wonderful am not an Adventist at all.person. It wasa great workopportunity. I like beinghere for the 5

Workshop Capsules:Building our roles and our themes. Some of us were raised toIntimacy “be perfect”. That is a great burden. All intimacy is based on Now, think about the family rules and how youtrust. No trust. No intimacy. bring them with you today. Eat what is put beforeIt is important to find you. Never be out of the sound of the bell. Don'trelationships where both or argue. Keep your family secrets. Always wear cleanall parties desire similar underwear. Don't talk to people about yourlevels of intimacy. problems; only God. Don't play with Catholics.Acceptance is when we Don't play with people from Texas or Oklahoma.come to the conclusion a person in our life is giving Don't go to sleep in church. The job of the childrenall they have to give. is to take care of Mom. Don't ask “why”; just do what I say. In Chinese there are two characters for the wordcrisis: danger and opportunity. Take a minute to think about how these family rules have meshed with or conflicted with the rules What would life be like if I always had the goal of of people with whom you have been involved. Howloving my spouse more than they loved me - and did you negotiate the differences? Rules givemy spouse had the goal of loving me more than I support to family themes. In many families, the ruleslove them? Intimacy would just continue to have taken precedence over people. It is especiallyblossom. difficult for golden children to begin to live by another set of rules. When they leave the family Sex should be an intimate expression of love. norm there tends to be a wake of devastation.Good relationships include: passion, intimacy andcommitment. We all have a degree of dysfunction that binds us together more than we think. It is important to want relationships far more thanwe need them. The need to control destroys Stanley Stevenson and Rene Drummrelationship. Boundaries andRob Coombs Conscious Relationships“Lessons” WeLearn in our A boundary is a system ofFamily of Origin setting limits that allows a person to create a sense of Many of our families have self while owning our lifethemes: work is important, in a way that inspires selfvery hard work is important, responsibility, and therefore personal freedomhonesty, love of children, authentic connections and self control. Boundarieshumor to deal with life, can be physical, mental/emotional or spiritual.protect the family name, adults talk-children listen,education is the way to a better life, appearances are Boundaries define us, reveal our core intention,what matter, work before play etc. allow for authenticity, guide us, reveal what is most important, instruct, encourage responsibility, allow Think about your role in the family and how it for growth and create margins.affects your relationships today. Some of us had tohelp people get along. We are raised to be There is an art to setting boundaries. Everyentertainers. Some entertainers marry hard working relationship is defined by the energy and resourcestask focused mates and the couple dynamic begins. each person contributes. It is the responsibility ofThink about the people to whom we are attracted. both parties to safeguard that which each hasHow do we play out our families of origin? invested: time, information, humor, physical self,Sometimes those of us who were “the good confidences etc.children” become involved with those who“questioned the rules”. How does that dynamic Conscious relationships involve mutual revealingaffect how you work together? We tend to live out of our truest self. They encourage thoughtful communication, personal healing and inform us about ourselves. To build a conscious relationship it 6

What do you think?is important to choose someone who will support Scott:our overall purpose in life and honor and support us I have enjoyed coming backbecoming our true selves. Seek to understand morethan you need to be understood. Curiosity takes and seeing people I havework. Allow room for growth. known. This place of belonging is something I have needed; When assessing the viability of relationships it is particularly because I was takenimportant to remember several things: off the leadership team of my church planting project because1. Do not confuse our highest need with our of my orientation. I have highest want. enjoyed meeting new friends.2. Do not confuse natural disappointments with I am glad that Jason and “something is wrong”. Demarco are here. I am glad that Peterson came for more than just his gig time; he has taken the time to3. Remember that being single has its drawbacks. get to know us. We may be hurt in relationships; we are also healed there. Geraldo: Like every year, it is a blessing for me to be able4. The grass is always greener…when it's watered.5. It is important to accept hard work and discipline. to be free. I can be myself. I can think for myself. I6. If you are in doubt, stay. can say “there is a cute guy in the street! Look at that7. Clearly identify obstacles. sexy guy. Look at that cute guy!” Here I can have8. Seek objectivity and information. spiritual talking. At the church I am not so loved as I am here in Kinship. Here I have nothing to hide. IMichele O'Mara know the people here are a reflection of Jesus. Sometimes the people in the church treat people inUnderstanding the way I do not want to be treated if they shouldDepression find out that I am gay. I am planning now to talk to my two best friends. I am more able to be honest Symptoms: Diminished about myself and my fiends have said they areinterest or pleasure in honored that I could trust them and they are still aactivities that used to be part of their life. Sometimes they ask me “how isenjoyed, significant your love life” and I can talk to them.unplanned weight gain orloss, insomnia or I have appreciated what I have learned from thehypersomnia, feelings of restlessness or lethargy, speakers. I like seeing more friends and more partsfatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness of my family. That is a real blessing.or guilt, diminished ability to concentrate ordifficulty making decisions, recurrent thoughts of Ed:death. This year I have enjoyed Causes: Biological (genetics, allergies, need for being at Kampmeeting andsunlight), Environmental Messages (stress, meeting some of our Braziliandenigration), Cultural and Societal Issues (war, members. I have enjoyed thepoverty, classism), Male vs. Female issues. speakers and what they have said and what I have learned. Treatment: Anti-depressant medication,psychotherapy, self care/exploring your uniqueness. This last year I have had many ups and downs but my partner Discovering uniqueness: Get right with yourself, and I have been able toyour community, your God. communicate better, disclose our feelings better, and some to more and more Resources: Take a free, confidential depression understanding. We are becoming more open andscreening online at Call resolved. I imagine from the next Kampmeeting onthe crisis line at 1 800-273-Talk. Contact your local he will be able to accompany and lesbian community center for professionalsin your area. Continued on next page...David Baker-Hargrove! 7

Meet IM RU? Manny, Nat, Naveen, Suzy, Adam, Brian, Scott country I was picked up by strangers, taken out to eat in Downtown Disney and immediately had a We began as Adventist Gay Youth with seven to group of friends.”ten members. We merged with Kinship in 2001. Weare now trying to build a dynamic future as one “I've only been a member of IMRU? for about aorganization. The age range used to be ages 18-29 year. I joined Kinship three or four years ago and gotbut it has expanded in both directions. We wanted the newsletter. That was a huge thing for me. At ageto include Brian and our youngest member is now seventeen I had gone from being submerged in thefifteen. Heartstrong knows about us; both groups Seventh Day Adventist lifestyle to being on my ownsupport each other. We have lots of international and working at Disneyworld where everyone wasmembers. gay. That was a crazy culture shock for me. I had a lot of fear. I didn't have a base of friends. I had no We have one hundred thirty eight members. The support, moral or otherwise. I was on my own toeast coast and the west coast chapters both have search for options and ended up going to clubs.activities at least once a month. The Friday night Partying, dancing, learning how to be gay waschat just started and has gone well. We are looking exciting but I felt empty. I began to feel sorry for thefor a new chat service because Yahoo discontinued people around me. They were not like the friends Iitself. We are working on developing a list of had had at Shenandoah Valley Academy. IMRU?supportive Seventh Day Adventist Educators. Three was an important discovery for me. I know that Godof our members ran for Kinship officers this year. We worked to make me aware of this group and tonow have three IM RU? members in various board move me to an area where they are active. Now Ipositions. have SDA gay youth my age with similar morals. There are people here who know that God loves Several people talked about what IM RU? means them. This has been huge for me.” !to them. “For me, it's about connecting with people whoare at the same stage of life as I am.” “When I got kicked off the board of my churchplant because of my orientation, I got greatfeedback when I talked about this with IMRU? Thisgroup is all about support. They asked me how Iwas doing.” “The way I look at IMRU? Is that Kinship is thechurch and IMRU? is the youth group. We need tominister to the youth and have them feel a part ofthe 'bigger church'.” “I arrived here last Saturday, grabbed some foodand rang Brian. Within 2.5 hours of getting to thisWhat do you think? A blessing over the last year ideas and minds. That has been is…well it is so hard to pinpoint my favorite part.Itamar. one blessing. Getting the US I am so happy that I am able visa was a blessing. I didn't have This year I have been more a problem with the immigration able to enjoy my free time andto meet all of you in person. It is system here. Life is a blessing. travel!almost like I am getting to knowKinship for a second time Jan: Mike Lewis:because this is a new phase. I I have Orlando? inhave been helped by listening tothe speakers over that last few enjoyed the July? Youdays. By talking personally with fellowship gotta bemany Kinship members and and kidding! Leftleaders I am able to put together association Glasgow at aa better plan for build Kinship in with other pleasant 60Brazil. people who degrees, have like 8

landed in Sanford at 90+. Could Resources:it get worse? Well, no, it couldonly get better! More than 70 1. Someone to Talk To: A supportive forum for Families of Gay,new people to meet (never been Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgendered and Intersex people with a Seventhwith such a large group of Day Adventist Connection. Facilitated by Carrol Grady.LGBT SDAs before), a full to feast on, a beautifulchapel to worship in (complete 2. HeartStrong: A non-sectarian organization focused on providingwith 3 manual pipe organ to support for GLBTI students in religious schools. www.heartstrong.orgescape to while yet anotherpsycho-therapy session was 3. Pastor Joseph Brown in Kampala Uganda: Pastor Brown leads aunderway), good food (nice not group of multi-denominational people, some of them GLBTI Seventhto cook or wash up for a whole Day Adventists. They provide supports for many people in their areaweek). Stimulating devotionals, affected by HIV/AIDS. [email protected] and workshops,strolls around the grounds with Catherine's wedding. No That was really friends. Fantastic music and disasters happened. It was a This Kinship meeting I haveshows. A life changing good year in general. One of myexperience (thank you Mitch for blessings is my intellect. At an enjoyed meeting old friends andconvincing me to stop living a Adventist Campmeeting I was making new friends andlie). Next year in SF? You bet! able to talk to the Adventist intensifying friendships. I have Youth about homosexuality. enjoyed the good weather. IIvan: have enjoyed our great I know I At this Kinship meeting it has breakfasts. I have enjoyed the been great to see Nomi and bird lake that we have visited onhave a lot of Jorgen again. We had the same our holiday.blessings. fun as if we had just picked upThis is a our friendship again. It is great Kees:difficult one to see everything here in Sweden I amto come up again for the second time. Thewith for the weather has been wonderful. together withlast twelve This is not usual here. It is the Ruud. I havemonths. It is simple things that have been so translateda blessing nice this time. I enjoy having some booksthat I am the whole week after. Reino and that have beenhappy despite all the factors that Ingemar have been such good quiteprove “Murphy is an optimist”. tour guides and at such a high successful on a tempo. more I have enjoyed being around professional level. They havefamily. I have come to know all Melanie: had good reviews in the press. Iof you guys as family. I have Over the last twelve months it am still healthy. I compare myenjoyed learning a lot, life to a friend of ours who livedexchanging experiences. has been a blessing to get a new his life in a wheel chair. I have boss at my work. I enjoyed always been so matter of factRuud: going to Scotland for the about my health. But now I am There are Kinship meeting. I have had happy to be healthy, just support from Ivan. I have been because I was born this way. Mymany but I able to stay on the level of mother is still alive. We havewant to look medication that I have and it is been to La Palma, to Italy, tofor the best going quite well. I have not London, to Vermont, to Florida.ones. We've been seriously ill. That helps. In It has been a blessing to be ablehad more general, I have enjoyed meeting to travel so much.holidays this old friends and renewingyear than friendships. My mother got I have enjoyed just beingusual. I still married to her first love this last among friends. I see this more orfeel happy and healthy. I year. That is wonderful. I was less as a holiday. We have goodenjoyed the board meeting in “best woman” for my mother. travel company.October. It was really nice to beable to spend time with Fred and 9 Continued on next page...Nelio. I enjoyed Karen and

What do you think? Catherine: Reino: It is amazing to be married. I It has been a blessing to haveIngemar: It has been enjoyed our wedding and I such a good contact with the never want to do one again. I Bishop of Skara. We found thata blessing have appreciated being able to he is preaching the gospel; thatthat Reino see both sets of my parents so he is very strong in the gospel.and I have often in this last year. The He is walking on that road webeen able to conference in Ontario about talked about in Psalm 66:12. Ilive together Homosexuality and the Seventh am always veryagain full Day Adventist Church was an happy when Itime since he extraordinary experience and I meet someonegave up his am excited to see the book when on that road.job in it will be published. I enjoy That is why weStockholm traveling. It has been a blessing have Kinship. Iand moved here. Because of this to be in Florida, Virginia, read a bookwe have had enough time to California, Cornwall and now that was verywork with our garden. Sweden. And I love being good for me. It home. There have been some was written by This Kinship meeting had good developments at work. an Englishpeople who had met before. Jesuit. It was made as a tool toThis meant that we could have I have loved being in this be used in our prayer life. Themore informal talks. I think it location in Sweden. I author suggested that we alwayswas good that we could gather appreciated the conversation we begin our prayers: “Let all thein the countryside. If we are in a had with the president of the whole of me be focused on You,big city or in a bigger town we Swedish Union of Seventh Day God, so that you can be aoften cannot have it on our own. Adventists. I appreciated that loving gracious God for me andThis place we had all to Stefan could spend time with us through me.” This was the mainourselves. I liked that it was before he played music. I enjoy theme of the whole book. Thesepossible for me to show you this taking the history, horticulture two things have been mostpart of Sweden which is a rural and bird seminars that Reino and important for me. Arranging thearea. I enjoyed the music of Ingemar are teaching us. I really Kinship meeting has been anStefan. He is a well trained appreciated the way Gerard let event to which I have alwaysmusician. Reino and I were very us think with his discussion looked forward.happy that Bjorn, the president questions. It is good for me toof the Swedish Union of Seventh see friends that are becoming Meeting friends is one veryDay Adventists, chose to come. I better friends. This always feels important thing about thethink the conversations we had like a family reunion. Kinship Meeting; to meet friendswith him were important ones. I who are on this same road.also enjoyed that we could meet 10 Mostly I go to the Swedishin this church. It is small church now, and we hear theenough that we could meet gospel preached. But when Itogether easily. hear it preached by an Adventist it is more tremendous. Now we Organizing this meeting has have Adventist pastors who canbeen quite a lot of e-mails back preach the gospel to us. I thinkand forth. Communications this is a very good thing. Thisnowadays are easier, even if we way we can unite our gaynesslive in the countryside. We can and our faith as Seventh Daycommunicate with the rest of the Adventists. We can be wholeworld. The arrivals taught us that persons who do not need toeven when we think hide anything. I enjoyed visitingcommunications are perfect, all those different places: seeingtrains and planes do not always the place where the first Swedisharrive when we think and then King was baptized. There are notpeople are late. many holy places for me but that place is one of those. We are very proud of the places we have around us. It was really a delight

to show these places to all of Kinship Calendaryou. I enjoyed seeing thegarden at Lacko Slott (Castle) August 19 - Glendale Church 100th Anniversary GLBTI Sabbath.and to hear the wonderful guide Mitchell Tyner, former legal counsel to the General Conference, will betell about this part of Swedish the guest speaker. He is a great speaker. Service starts 11:00am. Obed ishistory. tentatively going to lead the Sabbath school class at 9:30am in the Chapel, with the challenging lesson on 1844! .Organizing this EuropeanKinship meeting: ah; sometimes September 2-3 - Regional Coordinator's Training Meeting. For morewe thought we could not information you can contact Obed at [email protected] it. First we needed tofind the place. Then we had to September 16 - Region 8 will have our monthly regional meeting atbegin to count what the cost Obed and Marcos' place in Martinez, starting with a potluck at 3pm andwould be. That was quite a lot meeting at 4-6pm. At this time, we will plan out the next 10 months orof work. We would have liked to so of meetings and activities.have thirty people here. It was apity that not so many were able September 16 - Region 1 will be having a worship service at Sean'sto be here. It was a very good house in Boston at 11AM. We're planning a potluck and then anthing to have the president of planning an excursion on the world famous Boston Duck Boats in thethe Swedish Union here. I was afternoon. We also want to take some time to plan activities over thedisappointed that we could not next few months.get a Norwegian and Finnishpastor here. They were friendly September 29-October 1 - AUSTRALIAN STYLE KAMPMEETING will bebut they did not come. I think held in Sydney. Our focus will be on Health and Well Being. All of youthe best thing was that Bjorn are most welcome!! To register or for more information feel free to writecame. us at:! October 27-29 - SDA Kinship International Board Meeting in San Francisco, California. November 3-5 - Region 1 Mini Kampmeeting in Windsor, Vermont. For those of you who want to check out the venue, feast your eyes on You can find more information on our KOL website. Sherri Babcock will be our Sabbath Speaker. Dinner will be a New England Thanksgiving Banquet…and that is just for starters. For more information you can contact Ca therine at [email protected]. Request for Your Stories!!! Pacific Press Publishing Association has asked us to compile a book of our stories. This is a rare opportunity and we would love for you to have a chance to share your journey. You can write with your own name or with a pseudonym. Ben Kemena has given us a construct of healthy maturation around which we can weave our narratives: 1. Sensitization - I am different. 2. Identity Confusion - Could I be gay? 3. Identity Assumption - I know I am gay. 4. Commitment - I'm okay with being gay and I am telling others. To send your writing or to ask more questions please feel free to contact Carrol Grady or Catherine Taylor at [email protected] or [email protected]. 11

European Kinship Meeting 5Welcome to Gudhem, Sweden. Welcome to Café Stockholm City. Silly me. We disembark onto theCecelia and the increasingly famous kloisterruins that tarmac, with everyone else on the plane, includingIngemar helps support. Welcome to Gerard's those who are going on to Helsinki. They graduallythinking about the use and abuse of power. get us all on a bus and then drive us, get this, driveWelcome to Sabbath Services in an ancient church. us, ninety feet to the \"incoming\" security check where all of us get screened again. Convinced thatThursday/Friday: The Journey we are somewhat safe, we are freed to go on to passport control where we actually waltz through.This is the first trip to the airport in ages without any Now, I think we could have made our train if weadventures. I left had known what we were doing. But, no, we didn't.pretty much on time We took a while to find the exact right place toand had an easy access our already purchased train tickets, find thedrive. No cars blew Arlanda airport express and get ourselves on theup in front of me. train.There was noconstruction that At Stockholm City we run for the next track andbacked up traffic have missed the train by seven minutes. There areinto another state. I trains leaving every half hour for the Southwest sowas going in the we think we will be able to hop on another oneright direction to easily. Not so. Sweden, yes, the entire country, hasmiss \"rush\" hour. decided to go on holiday this particular Friday andAnd, miracles of there are no seats. Karen considers renting a car but Imiracles in the am the one who drives most of the time in foreignBoston airport, I countries, I don't know the roads, I am running onfound a parking space. Karen had come in from little sleep, and we already have a car waiting for uswork and an entirely different direction but I still at the jolly hotel St. Olaf, should we ever get there.found her as I walked in the door. I try to travel with Finally, we are given tickets to another train,carry on bags only. Hers was smaller than mine but thankfully not knowing at the time that it will takethey still made her check her bags in and let me us on a round about tour of Southern Sweden. Icarry mine on. I don't know what the difference is. might have wept had I known, though Karen says I am a good humored traveler most of the time. We got through the security checks in record timeand thought we were well on our way to arrive early That in itself would have been reasonably finein Stockholm. Silly us. I have never heard of this but except that, yes, Sweden is still taking every trainthe fuel truck had difficulty pumping the fuel. So the that day to begin their holidays in the country andairport called fire trucks, airport security, and other ours is running late because people are taking timetrucks. We did eventually get fuel, always a help in to lift their luggage on and off the train at theirthe air, and left about an hour late. Generally various destinations. SOOOOOOOOOOO...we missbecause there are tailwinds from the jet stream we the next train because, even though our conductorcannot only make up the time but do even more and kindly called ahead, that train was trying to stayarrive earlier than expected. But this night there were somewhat on schedule. So we could get the NEXTrather fascinating thunderstorms across the Atlantic train two or three hours later. I am ready to settleand I think we ended up going across the top ofGreenland because we were more than two hourslate. I have never even heard of that heading east. I am now uneasy about making our train fromStockholm to Falkoping (It is pronouncedFallshipping. There are many towns with that wordending and they were all market villages in days ofyore). But I think we can get off the plane, take ourinnocent looking middle aged faces quicklythrough passport control, grab Karen's bag and runfor the express bus to the main railway station in 12

down and read some long novel that will get me I was supposed to speak in a restored medievalthrough the wait but Karen has had it. She hails a village church at 10 so could not dawdle. We madetaxi transport and gets us to Gudhem. I wouldn't it outside in time for pictures and to arrive at thehave done it but bless her, I was so glad to arrive Gudhem Cloister with minutes upon minutes (foursomewhere that had real food on the table. exactly) to wander around the immaculate grounds. I spoke. Only one person fell asleep. We wandered I am glad we made it because Ingemar has outside, took lots and lots of pictures and went overordered a spectacularly wonderful, elegant, to Cafe Cecilia for lunch. Our hosts had kindlyvegetarian dinner served in a medieval cloister by provided us with a classic Swedish smorgasbord. Wecandlelight. It seems we weren't the only EMK5 had a grand time eating outside, whatever the foodtravelers with adventures. Almost everyone coming was and in this culture where \"refreshments\" are ato our conference by plane, train or camel had been necessity (I think every two hours or so) I was certainheld up by the great Swedish holiday exit. We all I would not starve.ooozed in between one and four hours later thanexpected, even those who had arrived at the much One of Ingemar's functions in this cloistermore local, European airport. renovation project is to guide folks through the ruins. He showed us the grounds, explaining the These kind of travel days feel oddly and not gardens, both culinary and medicinal, thehorribly never ending. And I think my time clock underground tunnels that were built so the monkswas disrupted more because the sun didn't begin to and nuns could visit, the various rooms that wereset until about 11PM. It was a bit like being in a represented by the broken walls and talked about thedream state. history that lead to pilgrimage paths in this part of Scandinavia. Gerard, in charge of the first meeting, hadorganized a lovely talk, let us all introduce After our cloister and history tour we packedourselves, talk a little about our year, let us know he ourselves over to Reino and Ingemar's home forwas postponing the talk and then sent all to bed. \"refreshments\": tea, fresh cherries and raspberries fromWe were grateful. their gardens, water from the spring and a meticulously guided tour of Reino's exquisite roseSabbath gardens. He was a biology teacher in a highly desired Stockholm gymnasium (high school in the I woke up with a start. Sun was streaming States) and is a meticulous researcher. We meet histhrough my window, the birds were singing, a fresh roses as if they are friends. We learn their history andbreeze was blowing the curtains. I felt like I had had their unique qualities. After refreshments it was timealmost no sleep. Certain that I had missed the to go back to Cafe Cecilia for dinner and then aweekend breakfast service that ran between 8 and 10 workshop.AM, I leapt out of bed and looked at the clock; 4:04 !AM. Ah yes, the land of much earlier mornings. Icrawled back under the covers and slept till 8. Whenbreakfast was really being served it was quite filling,even for us veggie types. There were two types ofmueslix, corn flakes, rye crackers, fruit, boiled eggs,cheese, caviar, yogurt, several kinds of sliced meat,juice, teas and coffee. I didn't know people ate roefor breakfast but now nice to provide it. 13

Studies In Power Gerard Frenk1. Read Jeremiah 36. (Gerard has kindly One group diligently worked out a cinematic provided the Biblical story in Swedish, Dutch, exegesis. The other group developed a modern English and German.) Form two groups. parable with Jeremiah receiving the message from God as a pop up on his computer which he2. Make a story board that will bring the script promptly sent to a reporter from CNN. down to individual scenes. Then we walked to the old cloister corn mill and adjoining house for, yes, more refreshments. This3. How many scenes are there? Determine what time it was tea, sparkling cider and bowls of nuts scenes you want to film. What is happening in and candy. I am not sure why people in the area do that scene? not resemble blimps. I walked for hours each day and gained three pounds, maybe four by the end of4.Think about what you want the viewer to see, the trip. I thought I was eating carefully. We walked know and feel. Think about the movements, back to the cloister, taking pictures of the fading dialogue, costume, background, foreground, 11PM sunset as we strolled. Then over to the Hotel furniture, lighting, camera angles etc. St. Olaf where I do not remember crawling into bed and falling asleep. !5. What feelings and emotions are at play and how will you bring them into view.MoreFrom Kampmeeting 2006... 14

From Women’s Weekend... The Journal of the Seventh-Day Adventist Kinship International, Inc. Editor: Catherine Taylor The mention or appearance of Circulation: Fred Casey any names, organizations, or European Editor: Ruud Kielboom photographs in this publication Photography: Karen Wetherell is not meant to imply a fact or Production: Ted Compton statement about sexual Printing: Doolittle's PrintServe orientation or activity. The Connection is published Subscription requests or by Seventh-day Adventist Kinship address changes may be sent to: International, Inc. Principal Sublscriptions, P.O. Box 49375, office: P.O. Box 49373, Sarasota, Sarasota, FL 34230-6375, or call FL 34230-6375, 886-732-5677. toll free from inside the U.S. at Submissions are welcome and 866-732-5677 or toll from outside may be directed to the editor at the U.S. at 01-941-371-7606, or [email protected] email [email protected]. The or mailed to the principle office Kinship mailing list is address above. Include your confidential and used only by name as you want it published, Kinship officers. The mailing list address and telephone number. If is not sold, rented, or exchanged an item is to be acknowledged or for any purpose. returned please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. © 2006 Connection. All rights Some Connection contributors reserved. Reproduction in whole have chosen to remain or in part without permission is anonymous or use pseudonyms. prohibited. OPINIONS EXPRESSED HEREIN ARE NOT The Connection reserves the NECESSARILY THOSE OF SDA right to edit manuscripts for KINSHIP INTERNATIONAL. length, syntax, grammar, and clarity. Member of the Gay and Lesbian Press Association. From EKM5... 15

i thank You God for most this amazing e.e. cummingsday:for the leaping greenly spirits of treesand a blue true dream of sky;and for everythingwhich is natural which is infinite which is yes16

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