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Home Explore SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - February/March 1978

SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - February/March 1978

Published by Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc., 2016-11-13 00:52:47

Description: SDA Kinship - Connection - February/March 1978
The Newsletter of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc.


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7 K r N s H I P N n !J,s.t*EJ r P.R Volume 2 Number 1 FEBIHAR 1978 GREETINGS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 1978hfuatsubrete{eeenhvoseopnmerseywofhru;atha;in;d;a\"actglovTooed.fhitBol luldtyaroeyu sesaon. Ihre to the hotidays KINSHIP are not dead, Just busy planning in on rhet has been happenlng thexcIoienoleskbheIrdinpaftoesthndredeinxfvllrenRsndtltrv,eepdrtrasbrieadtcteooum.fnlAJn\"agittnotuhtnateelrty\"nahteghlepaetllnnfniger.eeHdttiotsnrcAegunsdonsnellvottearn'reislbtsaruareyasrbyoho1efu1ltId(,It1Nha9Sbl7sHoE,uIPt' mr|racehAs for neus from other Farts of the country A neY S\"D\"A' l{e rish thea re11 and hoPegroup is nfeovrsnolnfgthlneltrheacStafvn lDtleeLsgoaasf,ueae' ll aB neir6 of other S\"D\" trr\"groups ln future nenstetters 'ptoesdtoeAraLlasnnodlwthaeshhsaotvr,u'epo'rrrs;ca\"e*.\"livr,sedainrreothwrkeottCkhhianut' loconhne.aoKSfin.tDshh.eAtp.laUutaglnseisaststekrSesd\"DGt.oAu,ihd-Ceelhpounrnehhltoehvs,this ErKrolnlrsshhipoeonee;;xtimia-e;eI ttntgrrwtrirllrb*eAhveeld. oAnpFt.esb4u.eryftlrle'1re97u811r1-'Ib1e:3th0eP!{nploeransselvnesgveptatortasnrproortluactkgp3rei-c:5e5e5dlbnygtFhreidaaftyerbneofoonrelutshre,nrenle1e.mtlneg,etlng.w1922l2t6h30NTaUl.gmlKetenefrennertdaeFHlrr,mledinreabeyrBtllpn.rlrgelehncfooterseloltdootihwndge.inlAdtgham.ereeHbphle*fleoastsl,iinl\"oggwRT' SsSV.PnePtoeottTltunlmcgkaannt-d,tthltlleebrl.berhaaott n14e7:32e0-t fH e- t 222JnKdlm.etsEfrrcn N ao SunBEi q,I -<f, !rREguolts !'rcn dormtom l\"rkr Sstr Hmlcr F\.!t to Sen Di6qo ft.Y Eorth Tr*huslrchnhivleoss\"(inKX(g*mirhst6rtf..Ftri)t4too6\".Se1.tu2on2Pts,lcrIltnS1.Btltlav'idrltr' llons of Ttth * H6$b't prrc,no * (2ll) 4?24?f,0 Honlcl Flry N s.n

IHVOLUENTI. ?: ?Do Have you ever asked-youreelf, r\{hat can r do to Help Klnship?.r. front buc sitll *\"rri to you feel that y-ou donrt $snt to be out tnsee Kinehlp grow and fulfllL lts purpose?o{csannsAhhTlTpIeEhlHpaeDnreed}afasEcthrEreeToInttNhhgGretehSre.ftohTselhrmeesppatlreucorhnpuogo€geytehsr eqyoroef.ubthetclceamosnmeeehe*e\"alLpretiKrhrigJnr\"sdhLasipnta.oTtiphrieroEfvlroldsreet one fell- uehacsoaeKlloiiptnftrsfehudhneoilp.els\"leLviitcteretoaarrnd€tydetrrh'ft,hctfnynlanogLgyr.oossrsu,ycoLooc*ianut\"ne=ahbunwepedctioatplhmlsraiknessstghynbcatyi\"oivueBeswtE.storoaoilGdrrybLrIe{,str;oLdoiLo;nd;rn€N;ee'rcl;hea;rgm;nligada,teyI-duoiOrjuio\"Rrnt\"srtlte.ii.taorEdrv-rereigfrrreyiirinaumEriu-eoatemhnh.te.blea'egtuFsrlpstsnneh_mer{psoptrrencrlfdyndheoeseaoerrssfoot.oasuth_o'rekcpeaeaocnsenspyoruhaslstgethtuelseptp,hs\"peAbeo-rybdrnntagvieonciervnoksrmieJnta.leeg-hcsstscttf*esorrroruoibsfmn*ertErce\"tionhr,dm.ezTipei*nfhrrpeogotnrn..frerairanirtneontsl;-sslhytrh.;rt';;tuisdef\"*o-rnitNetaooss\"-nn*rn-,imrotrpi\"errt*nrro..b..fer\"r.rts,of lle heve recelved 16 inqtrles from our advertiselng in the month January aLone. So it does pay to advertiserponsplsteehuoucfometebrtstlaheehleRli.tlsgerntasLehstsgosveoeiei.nernrLlnegswealn.tothprGvonhaIytlo4lyaneyfclvnvdnlrmuluoeo.eflneglottnmlbserstugeitlergt,odeseiannnn.ortLeTigerGupdidhsns.esr.vnElluneoRTteTtartFlhhevetlJeo€lvaedyIuLHirrdefeglsiVclovrntobe,sOwmamystLlsrn€n.eeVwoEdagoTpEl\"nr.'iHnat.lDltfrybrrereeoieenymrIibtaiOsognityioudbgU1Mo\"tleeh1\"pfahfeleaororttrlnlslr-eaL.setdlnclrert:achsl:yctd\"hlWeoeewnieornsatdohiso,lrdotlarctrhesrsercaanponltrilosertt6cehynsi\".waee,atatphr*oyl-apL*gtpeofywnLorfaroiorrir*nis\",eti*hr.hd.*n, teionntstth Do you have any Lnteresting nerrs rhat you rrbuld like to share f,IIISHIP???? snd send tt to , If so' typ€ Lt KTNSHIP Nerslett€r Edltor P\"O. BOX 1233 Los Angles, CA. 90029 p2

Anita Bryant and Yes, I do believe that.'ho- antidiserimination ordi- mosexuality is a sin, no nancesr many of thern sim- Homosexuality matter how many psycholo- ilar to Miarni's- The San gists or psychiatrists miglrt Franci*co school board disagree. One looks at the voted to changa its familyTIIE CURRENT crusade rcctly contrary to this [ine of Creation story and.finds that Cod placed Adam and Eve tife curdcrrluril to rcllect ho-against homosexuality beine thoug}t, so that she is being mosexual life ilylcc.waged by Anite Bryant has in the Carden. He did not made to seem a narrow- place Adam and Bill, or This vote stunned me\"been very much in the public minded bigot, onc who is Childrcn in San Francircomedia. Anita is. as you Adam and. Mikc, or Adam will nos apparently. beknow, a famou+ singer end determincd to deprivc ho. aannddwhwooevmera. nI{easmadsee.xmuaanl taught lhat homorextral mosexuals of their civilauthor, birt rriore than that, righrs, one who wishes to \"martiage$\" are acceptable.stihaen.i.q'HaecrocrnrmieinttteailtiC'ohnrisis- partnsrs, admonishing. them creaiE an air of \"Victorian Sincc thc Advcntist nPPenitcrydtee6dr,\"Yri.h'lrteAts\"aElimaatyieglrdtttcwobmcitmheuxa-- to live in sexual harmony Church does not exist in a,torvard Cod, family, and verirablc barragc of hatred, and to reproduce after their vagu{m, l should fiot bEishicuarcl hg,ifatndhathsobugrohuhgehrt kind. There is always an or- surprised at all if thir prob- mu- her derliuess, an understand- lem exists. among a certainmuch materiel prosperity, it vituperation, and scorn; Ied ability, about Cod's plans-has not chanEpd her devo- primarily in Florida by one They are not murky, kalei- segment. I would -bes anytion to spiritual thiaes. Jaek Campbcll, a homosex- dcscopic, confused, and de- young p€rsoil who knows ual who is thc owner of 44 viant,A resident of Florida, shc himself to have this problemtook her public stand against \"gay\" bathhouses. I.have to stats unequivo- to scek iflr*rcdiate hclp from Having buen asked by cally that at this point I can^a Dedc County ordinancc several of my young {riends not undefstand churches God. l1rho wflnts to live in the traEic half-world of ho-that would have enabled ho-mosexuals to \"come out of how I'fecl about this wholc that are compased of 'ogay\" mosexuality when vriththe closet,\" to use currcnt thing, I've taken the timc'to ptheaotpHle.nT'ghaiys\" is not to say read ebout it arid think about Cod's grqoehe can come outterminology for those who persofi rnight it. and.I ftavc cbmc to a few not bc a church member, if into the sarnshine of a fullFi'dctrre tnrs flevratron se- gcnerai conclusions. First of he were awar€ of his prob.cretly, and hold any and' and haFpy life? Evcn a cur-every kind of ofrce, pnrblic all, I don't think wc cail iake lem and striving to ov€r-or private. She contended the position that a hornosex^ come it, but-a whole iBoirbyleresaedeinmgeondtsapwpirlol pcrioante-rhat lhe Bible conderpns ho- \"church\" of honrosexualrmosexuality, that public ac- ual is bcyond tlis love of flaunting thcir sickness, :and, vince an. opcn,nninded per* God. lf any sin placed the declaring it to be thc norm,ceptflnce of thi.r practice will swinhnoelreingltohrisiocraistdgpolrayn, the son as to lhe validity ofinfluence impressionable bogglcs the mind.\"\"+rt lehst it God's ercsiive plen, Nochild'en, and will further of bogglcs rrine. Unfartu- othcr option cxisrs;erode the American home, Christ's etorring blood would' nately, in today'* climate, abnormality is being de- And to, having thoughr ilalready menaced by prcs- 'be meaninglesc. Tterefore, I could not use thG t€rm gar; ovcr, f rcdly de take my hatsures on every side. clar*d ar grind as normality. bagc lo dcscribe thosc un- off to Anitl Bryant. I'm not If the United Stetes werc fo?tunatc souls who are According to Time mtga- surc L'd, br equallY coura-the way it was 5O or 100 zinc, fune ?O, lYt7, \"Eitht- ge{rus. Str'r Boing to be ofiyears ago, one would expect caruht in this trqgic web. On cclr strtcs havc rcmoved rhc rectiving end of massive lclony stricturcr for all sex- perrecutirm erd rrnpleesaut-Miss Ilryant to rcceive rl* othcr herd, a homoccx- rEl rctr bdwqen contenting*krias:nrt'ostnothing hut praise and coop- guarilpvrodud.ithhatvhaetofaccotmtchatot€ration for hsr cfforts to Clrirt can htlp him ovcr- adulti.\" Sodomy statutcr uras foan of Arc, but har dc;keep society, if not purc, at comc this abnmmality, iust clsewhcrc erc seldom ..en- termination to do whnt sheleast \"respecrable .\" But thc as Christ is adequate for all forccd. Forty cities and coDrltics hrve pessed liberal socs as Cod's work k boundcurrent philosophy rung di- othcr eins. to disrupt what could hav? bcen e vcry pcaceful lifc-B (1012) F€vrElv. ocroBEE 6. r!vr', Horam+ludlty articl*. I wotlil likc to commcnr Meny $eventh-day Advemists on one point, ho*tvcr. display en attitude of P.3 Ra \"Anita fryant and Homo- GaY PPo' iqdgment and condemnetion, scxuality\" (Oct\" 6i. ple come togcthcr in Christian often in arlas that'arc littlc un- When people as attracliv€ and tellow*hip, somttimcs cven in dcrsrood by thc mejority of spccial churchGs, not so mtch to church members. Erampler of popular as Anita Bryant and \"flaunt\" somcthin3as to fird rcf- Miriam \{ood take a stand on an ugc from a hostilc world in which\" sgch arcas arc honroscxualiiy, al- issur;.who would want tb find coholisnt, and mental illnesg. himself opposing them? But be- partdoxically, Christians arc I fcel saddened and anEry that cause I take the Revrew often in the forefront. words such as \"garbage\" and c\"dhcvoiannth\"oxmeorcsepxlar.creadlitiyn seriously, I must ask a few ques- One of lhe rtasons church an ani- Revlew, the tions, leaders of fesus'day dcnied His in i{itve Adveltist theologians mission and His claim upon their I believe lhe way one shows hegun r*search on the tlihlicrrl lives was that rhey were sure that Christian love and caring is wirh the lvlessiah would not be found understanding, support, and references to homoserualily? Has piayer, not human judgment and anrong publicans and sinners. If rejection. the chrrrch ever talked with the He were hcre pethaps manY of today's churches would miss honrosexualt in its ranks or Him. Wouldn't He still be among RurH MrGnrcon sought out those who have left the chrrrch lrccluse they have bf,en outcast$ such as women and ho- Reading, Pennsylvania abandoned and cutsed? Has the mosexuals? church tricd to sepa.ale myth N*nr WrlHHEIu from fact in regard to homosex- uality? Hns it used the arm of scientjfic inquiry and rhe body of <lata that has been accumulating, over the pa$t two or three dec- adc\"IsoJ answer the charges in the When Yotr'rc Young colutnn rvould require a lengthy scries of

ESPICIALIY FOn MEN nr \\'. R r. 5( RA(,(i i \ ct tirc (-hr istirrn .shoulti[c. [':rtt I errnc[ctttns thettt ltlrtr lru LlLrttht. Romans l:26 irr [:phtsiirrr' 5, ('hrist itntl \[\':(r)trtrllinrnt,rtcrtlrittrinritlgrc\ntc :rllrl h-orr.lt1rtrlsl c{x\lull a(lr{ar(cl t\:,\.'l(O'$ f rnitn-()ne rrf lrich wirs c()LJrse. \\c citn hc ovcrsim- to Iirs( for- liIc, plistic and contltmn the per- This part of heing a Chris-Late-seventies morality st'n with the act, forgetting tian isn't all rhat easy any^ rnore. F{ot trhat it ever was There's no question about about t'o feed \"public that the honrosexual can ob- easy. But whcn society tain repefltance and forgive-it. A new brand of sexual taste,\"' hoth forcing and fol- ness just as much as can the sChharriesdtiathnemCohrraislittiaynasttalnecaes,tmorality jhnatshebelactoemseeveten-- adulterer. lowing its descending spiral.spectable Establishment organiza- While society continues to had popular and public.sup-ties. It's been growing since tions-churc hes, commis- port. Now the media, thethe early fifties and now has sions. congressional and aitryguies wthheethreersuholtmoosfeexuaarll-y parliamentary identification problems, se- learned men. and even thealmost complete control of and even the duction. cultural pressures, theologians F,our their scornthe thinking of secular man. jcuordnimciitatereys,- r:n Christian morality irs out- or geneticsi thc Christian tlatctl. unneccs:iar!. pnm- In the new morality, sex- have hastened the trend. should never be in doubt itive. an<l evcn rlangerous. The trouble is that a lot ofual promiscuity doesn't good people. including pro- about the morality of homo- Sorne of the scorn. ridi-mhuatrtte.rIsno long as no one is among the fessed Christians, have got sexual acts and life styles. cule, and anger that troubled fact. themselves all mixed up on This may seem to be a the apostolic believer nowyoung searchirg for identity hard line. But it is the tsibli- descends on Christians inand acceptance it's to be en- some of these issues. They cal one and if's no harder the late 1970's.couraged. no longer see cleaily what is Divorce evokes lirtle ofthe shame and censure it right and what is wrong. than the line taken toward Well, did you ever thinkonce did. The vows are Morality has taken on a atciolocnnodh,eo6mhos1nm1e, doofrbwydhrCuicghhriassdttaidanicnd- being a botn-again person grayn€ss; it. swirls in a mistsworn with unspoken pro- around them. At times they would make you either pop-visos, the blessings pro- see right from wrong clearly. ular or understood b5' the teaching while scientists and world?nounced as a ritual without At times they mistake lhebelief in their efficacy. wrong for tthheeyrigjuhst,t psychologists continue to On the other hand. have too often and all Homosexuality has crept simply argue causes. In all such yoB noticed that recently an cases the reclamation of the amazing number of psychol-\"out of the closet\" and don't know aoymore. individual is justifiable and ogists, sociologists, andparades as an acceptable al- appropriate while the acts media pundits have beenternative. With it a hundred Take, for .example, the ale unjustifiable and inap- proclaiming the kind of mo-other horrid perversions rality that Christianiry thrust for acceptance by ho- propriate. mosexuals, It doesn't seem And the same kind of espouses? Though the rea-have adopted the mask of appropriate to condemn anrespectability. entire group of peepfa in stand must be taken in other sons given may be different, How did it happen? We it is comforting to have com- today's climate of humanis- areas of sexual morality.might poinl to science and tic tolerance of al1 religions,the advent of the pill. The Peter looks ?r1 sexual prom- pany on what we sometirhes all philosophies, all life iscr.rity and perversion ir call the straight and narrowmedia have deliberately set styles, all moralities- chapter two of his second way.RTVIEW, TI, 19E 'ANUARYcauollf rN PASsrItGt ict&ibdethJeastuts}rnee--1aanstt,ttEreoug}daybpe €fidrsi;ti.--:-SocieThtuL{ears Istaoynstthlila:rturerretre the 1ast.CouldlItutc'reusrtnsithae Bryant blaTred gay people for cousing the ca];lforrria Udraotsuognhtl- ther creeit for endirrE i8 not giving it.-1e.,*.r++tgar.tjn F.I

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