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Home Explore SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - February 1983

SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - February 1983

Published by Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc., 2018-12-14 02:44:54

Description: The Newsletter of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc.


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8@NEWSLETTER of Seventh-day Adventist Gays and Lesbians and Their Friends Vol. 6 No. 2 February, 1983 CA 9OOZB-1211, Phone (21f 876-2076 SDA Kinship lnternational, lnc., P.O. Box 12f1. Los CRISIS COUNSELING K A MPM EETIN G to campmeeting, visits toCOMMITTEE EXPANDS PLANS CONTINUE these cities could be a part of your vacation plans to or from ROLE AND FUNCTION MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOV: 'Knaarmsp, mweorektsinhgop'8s,3w: orTshheipsseamnid- by rdmiscaunsysioonus tadroeojorinpeledawsuitrhesthoef Lee Harding swimming (pool), fishing, hikingAt the November board meeting Brrrl Cold waincteorupdlaeysmworiell and a picnic in a farm-likein Denver, Colorado, it was continue fordecided to expand the role and lrmievogenitohinns,s,athnadendownatlyhrmothsoSesoueluthwcekhryno environment.function of the crisis commit-tee. All current members willremain and Lee Stanford and enough to visit those areas are Keep in mind thd datesEmy Lou Johnson will be added exempt from the chilling northas members. The group will wind. Nevertheless, plans for for . Kampmeeting r83--Augustexpand its f unction to a Kampmeeting '83 continue. 7-14. Please submit the $50.00\"listening earrt concept and per person deposit, made pay-change its name to just iKnamthpmeeeetainsgte'r8n3 pisabrteinogf able to SDA Kinship Kamp- meeting, along with your appli-that--The Listening Ear. held cinatioonu,r(sceoenptin. u1e1d) to helpAs visualized by the board, the us United States--in the great effortsthe committee wili be avail- state of Pennsylvania. The of coordinating the activities ofable to offer general support, location is beautiful Mont- Kampmeeting '83.acceptance, understanding and gomery County--only 45information in a general minutes f rom Philadelphia, out\" service *:F* We'll be there'Krrienaschhipin.g for about 120 miles f rom New for York City, and about 150 milesthe person who merely needs f rom Washington, DC. Thesomeone to talk to during any proximity to these greattime of need, no matter how Eastern cities gives easyminor or how serious. access to the campmeeting site. In planning your travelWe believe these changes are month in the Kinship Con- Cleqy Communique...-*---...*--4appropriate and considerthem to be Kinship's attempt nection. We want to History of Kinship by Ben Pickell..*6to reach out to anyone who of servicel if any ofneeds a warm, understanding, be Fbre's Whatrs Cookirg..*--.*.--*1 1supportive friend to talk with. our members can assist you Kampmeetirg r81 Application....-....-.1 1 'in any wdy, please get in Kinship Calendar 2Committee members are touch with one of them. Larpford at Karnpmeetirg pt. 2-.-8 Oq D.. Says---.--...*-..-.-.......---.4located throughout the United Regional Updates---.**.-.........\"....-...1 0States and will be listed each Vocal Point.-....-.............--...-.*-...-f

J.Vicki Shelton ..... Editor KINSHIP BOARD MEMBERS Not long ago I received a letter from an Adventist guy who was going throughRobert F. Bouchard ..... President the coming-out process and who had been given Kinship's address by a friendRichardRussell .... VicePresident wanting to help. The letter was f illed with the pain and depression of hisDouglas P. Ota . . SecretarY solitary struggle to understand his homosexuality. While he had met someErrol L.Chamness ...... Treasurer Gay people, he wanted to make contact with others of his sexual orientationJ.Vickishelton ..... ....... Editor who are also Adventists. He had religious, moral and lifestyle questions thatLarryHallock ..... PublicRelations only someone f rom a similar relig ious perspective could help him answer. He was in the process of dealing with his family, church, iob--even a former Director girlf riend--and wanted someone to talk to who had experienced the same struggle. He wanted more than the uncomprehendirq sympathy that he wasRonald L. Lawson . . .. . General Conference getiing from his family and straight friends who knew his orientation and still loved him. He wanted a friend like him--that is, a Gay Adventist friend. Liaison Itrs the need evident in experiences like these that first brought Kinship into'BeJnyCm. Pickell,Jr., .. . . .. CommunityService the world and that keeps it goinq. We are g lad to know that those who Coordinators f ollow will be able to get their questions answered more quickly than those Stuart of us who came out in years gone by. Of course, they will have to knowJaimeNicholson ........ Women'sDirector of our existance for us to be of any service. The Kinship organization has been workirg on getting listed in Gay magazines and news-notes all over REGIONAL DIRECTORS the countryl and otherwise to get as much'rnotice'r as possible. However,1 North Atlantic nothing is as good as a local contact. lf you know of ways to better reach2 South Atlantic Celeste Jarrett your area, let me know. We would tike to do whatever we can to be available when we are needed. If you would spend a minute or two remembering Ruth Kean what you went through, ltm sure you'll agree that it's worlh doing whatever we can to help our emerging Gay sisters and brothers find Kinship. As Chris-3 Southern Jeff Havron tians we are told to help those who are in need. Whom are we mote capable4 Great Lakes of helping than those facing what we have faced? send your ideas to Bob Tom Connell Bouchard, President, SDA Kinship, 95 W. 95th Sl. #21F, New York, NY 10025'5 Great Plains Bill McCurrY James suggests in James 1:2 that we should \"consider it pure ioy[ whenever we,6 Rocky Mountain face trials of many kinds. My immediale reaction to that suggestion is,rroh, Lee Harding James, James, lames!'t lt seems unrealistic to be ioyful when maligned or when circumstances seem unf avorable. The mole realistic approach seems mole7 Pacif ic Northwest DustY Cawthra appropriate. Dontt we have a right to feel downhearted from time to time?8 Central Pacific Virginia Reynolds ls an oecasional f eeling of desponilency sinful? lf it is, then David sinned9 Pacif ic Southwest in almost every psalm he wrote--eonsider Psalms 55 and 22 f or examples. Dennis Grau If we get to where our eyes are more on ourselves than on God and the THE KINSHIP solution, then we perhaps sin.LISTENING EAR COMMITTEE Most of us know people who face difliculties much greater than ours andAlan Massachusetts (617)165-5616 rarely grumble--or others who seem cheerful no matter what! During this period of winter grayl when our spirits could easily match sky color, let's takeBen So. California (61e)346-5307 courage'in knowing that whatever troubles we may face, they are only rrlight and momentaryrr as we fix our eyes on Jesus. (2 Cor. 4:8-19.) As AdventistBill Louisiana (ilB)365-47)3 Gay men and women we have much that can make us face life positively and happily. certainly one very positive experience is the deep and beautifulBob Washington, DC ool)?70-3271 bond of friendship and 'rfamily't that develops among us. But if we occasionally indulge in a few moments of the I'deep blue funktr as we call it, thatts oKBob New York (212)662-8656 too! I'll close this time with these fev words Nora Gallagher once'said,' t'lf you stare out and it is g loomy outside, remember it is the day that isChuck Alaska oo7)278-1145 gloomlr not you. lf you want to be gloomy too, that's all right, but itrs not mandatorylrr ZDon Oregon (503)?BB-3641Emy Lou Colorado (103)781-6230Errol So. California (211)87 6-?07 6Jim Florida (81 l)748-2800Keith Texas (512)6e6-220)Larry lllinois (31?)477 -2825Lee* Colorado (301)7?2-4568Lee Michigan (313)135-2523Louise No. California o16)222-5009Mike Michigan (511)737 -220exCommittee Chair Seventh-day Adventist Kinship lnternational, lnc. rs aworldwide support group oflfor Gay and Lesbian Adventists(former or current) and their friends. Kinship also providesgentle education of SDA pastors, teachers, and counselors toan understandang oi homosexuality and related issues. The SDA Kinship Newsletter, an informational and inspira-tional journal for our membership and triends, is publishedmonthly by SDA Kinship I nternational, I nc Copy deadline is thethird Tuesday of each month. All typewritten submissions willbe thoughtlully considered, and. il not published, will bereiurned only iI submitted with a self-addressed stampedenvelope. lnclude a first and last name, actual or pseudo'nym, that may be published' Letters and essays may beedited for purposes of clarity or space. Send all potential copyto: J. Vicki Shelton, P.O. Box 1 0032, Denver. Colorado 8021 0.Phone: (303) 781 -6230. The appearance ol names or photographs of persons ororganizations should not be construed as any indication ol theaffectional preference of the named or shown. Opinionsexpressed herein are not necessarily those of SDA Kinshif, lnternational, Inc., or the Newsletter staff. Changes of address or requests for newsletter copiesshould be sent to our lnternational Headquarters at P.O. Box 1 233, LA, CA 90028- 1 233, USA. Our mail ing list is conlidential among officers and staff, and is not sold, rented, or exchangedfor any purpose.

PROJECTS the number of insertions NEEDING SPONSORS indicated--For those of you wishing tosponsor a specific Project Four $ KINSHIP KONTACTwithin Kinship, selectedprojects (several to be imPle- Thirteen 219.70 or Kontact--mented only when funds are Twenty-five 406.25 Yhich Is Yhich?available) will be listed inour new \"Projects Needing tl Information Packet to be After recently receiving a sent to selected teachers,Sponsors\" column. counselors and pastors. request to suSSest a new nalrreIf one of our projects seems Mailing: for their Kontact f rom theright for you--or you and some Orion groupr I want to be surefriends, or you and your local For each 100 how to tell the grouPs adopt, call or cover letters I want to belong to ourotherwise contact the trea- $ ZO.OO Kinship Kontact. Thanks forsurer of Kinship, Errol 500 packets helping me clarify thisChamness, ot the Kinship 425.00headquarters in Los Angeles. 100 packets 85.00 confusion.The phone number there is(213) 876-2076. Errol will be 25 packets 21.25 Lee Asherable to tell you if anyone else n Stationery. Kinship's The eosiest way \^)e know tohas already sponsored the task official stationery and tdentify the Kinship group, offering a pen-pal and infor-of interest to you and/or if envelopes.there is another urgent need. Total expense $Z+l.OO rnation service, is to note theThe following is an abbreviated ilKinship't name with our organi- tl The Kinship Connection. zation--Kinship Kontact, PaulI ist of current f inancial and John are doing o suPerb job, and have recentlY mailedresponsibilities. Total cost of the January-FebruarY t83 the next issue issue which many subscrtberstl Advocate Advertisement. wilL hmavaey rjeocienivtehdebKyinnsohviPr. $480.00 Information about KinshiP You To sponsor one Kontact group bY writing has not appeared in them at Kirrship's international the Advocate f or many page of the oddress in Los Angeles. months. A listing of our 40.00 name, address and phone next issue number would cost the following amounts for Remember, all donations are You will find it listed under the masthead page one of tax-deductible. this issue. on --Jvs ** t The Ktnship Cormection staff certainly ruishes to thank you readers for the affirmation* We will not be satisfied until tl)e receive about our work oniustice rolls down like waters and the newsletter. We do,righteousne&s like a mighty however, wish to encourage you to olso comment specifi- cally about the materials westream. are printing. Do you agree --Martin Luther Kirq, Jr. with what is sotd? Dtsagree? We very much want your input! *Experience is the narne This organization is everyone gives to their all of for mistakes. --Oscar Wilde us, ond we do not ruish to have the onl.y voice. lf there are things in thrs issue with which you take issue (and I thtnk there may bel), please let ifusyohueeaxprrefrsosmly you. ALso, agree with or appreciate the 3 thoughts of a certain writer,

let us (or the writer) know. the size of your bank account, I have a pleasant rocollection or your academic rank or of a socfraawmniyniaPteuarechortcrheaer-d-Much care and work goes into degree. Or your avocational a partthe writing ond printing of interests, skills, and abilities,these thoughts, ond we want be they music or sPorts or on property I formerlY owned' writing or art or...? That nostalgic reminiscenceWwaWit.feWeridteht.ocuks! Please dontt is triggered 6y the mernorY of --JYS the fiuit the tree bore--large, todoy. juicy, absolutelY unsurPassed To a greater or lesser degree, these and other attributes, in flavor.Letters for publication in our Vocal singly or in combination,Point column should be addressed to iHdoewnteifvyery,otuheasulatimPaetresonin' That's the way I want to be positive identitY is Jound in identified--bY the fruit IJ.V. Shelton, P.O. Box 10032, Denver, our relationshiP to God and subsequentlY our Jellow- bearlCO BO21O, and should include your man. Indeed, 'arlnndHimhawveelivoeur,name as you wish for publication. If and My checklist is in Galations move, pf irvoed.uces\"TinhehuSmPairnit,lifheowfervueitrs,you write, but prefer your message lo such as these: love, joy,be unpublished, please so indicate. peace, patience, kindness, generosity, fidelitY, tolerance being.rf Acts 17t28 KJY and self-control--and no law exists against any of Jesus Christ in His beautiful them.\" Phillips. parable of vine-branch using the John 15, Phillips (and I'm translation) begins, BETTER THAN 'tl am the Note the plural, f ruits. One real vine; my Father is needn't settle for one fruit. A THUMB PRINT the vinedresser. He removes All are available through that any of my branches which are one vital connection with God' by not bearing f ruit and He the Vine, the Spirit. Mary SoutherlinTo Uncle Sam you ma)' prunes every branch that doesbe number 322-26'5301, bear fruit to increase itsto your bank You rnay be yield...You mI uwstill8ogroonwgirnowYionug.number 2560325, or Your What better identity? Yes, in me and better than a thumb printlphysician, for recording For just as the branch cannot bear any fruit unless it sharesand billing purposes may desig- the life of the vine, so You cannate you as number 168235'01. produce nothing unless You areOr perhaps you are known grorvingas Joe or Helen's son or in me. I am the vinedaughter. Or Mark or Karen's itself; you are the branches.mother or father. Or LarrY It is the man who shares mYor Sue's lover or mate. life and whose life I s.hare who proves faithful. For the THE CALL OF THE WILD plain fact is that aPart JromStill others may ref er to me you can do nothing at all. The advantages of beingyou as the black Volvo, Sreen The man who does not share single are many, whether a my life is like a branch person is straight or GaY, andFord or blue Olds. that is broken off and withers many people choose to be free of the responsibility that livingAnd still others would identifY away. He becomes just likeyou by hair color or even the dry sticks that men Pick around another person daY afterbaldness, should that f it. Or up for firewood..-\"perhaps tall or short, fat or day presents. This is athin, or handsome, beautiful, rrlt is not that YisouI haveplain or even ugly. Or me; but it who reasonable and rational choice. chosenthen again, doctor, merchant, have chosen you. I have As a single man I know appointed you to 8o and that I don't have to worryteacher, nurse, student, bear fruit that will be lasting...\" about that special Christmasaccountant, etc., might be gif t or remember anyone's o\"TnheisanI octhomerm: aInfd tYhoeurwloorvlde birthday except my own orthe designation. hates your you know that it those of my parents and sister. There isn't anYone thatOn the other hand, perhaPs hated me first..,\" I have to coordinate mYyour to fame\" may vacation plans with unless I \"hcolamime or section be want to, and every year it canthe be someone new. It's a olthe city in which you live, or 4

good feeling not to have to is followed by more appoint- balanced, sugar-freediet,deal with the same person's ments and meetings that might exercise, be patient, etc. someday make a comfortable C. Mental and emotional stabili-moans and groans about this or retirement. Maybe not having someone to come zation: counseling--group orthat year after year. Then home to, to encourage me tothere is that special feeling of Bo to the opera or eat some- individual, acupuncture-- other than in recentering of . energy, bejoy that comes from not having where front of a microwave does have its palient, deal with the social guiltand responsibility of the advantages. lll. Courtship (negotiations): getting acquainted through discussionalimony and child support that The point is that sharing has of expectations.would have inevitably resulted many values, but until we find A. Dating and getting acquain- someone comfortable to share ted: shows and theatre,f rom the eleven significant with, we find happiness and joy ballet and opera, symphonyrelationships that I've been in being single. Iilithout or and cultural events, localinvolved in that have ended in with a relationship, we tend to sites, nearby environmentalseparation. I am grateful for develop individual f riendships, phenomena, hiking andbeing a Gay man, free of the into which we invest ourselves,Iaws and rules of heterosexism, within the context of networks camping. like Kinship. We hope that ourwhile I continue to remain true energy is spent wisely. Our B. Meeting friends (mutual search for individual potentialto the ideals of sincerity, leads us in many directions. and new).honor and respect. I agree Right now, I donrt have thethat some of the traditions resources to follow through on C. Six months to a year ofof heterosexual relationships 'ap6srsooluntaiollny to theare often inappropriate to being dilemma of sharing physical, mental andhomosexual relationships and single. But philosophical stroking. because of errors that I madethat need Gay-sympathetic or when I was more involved in ry. Evaluation of potential.Gay-identified role models for dating, I've developed the A. List assets: mutual and f ollowing suggestions thatbeing single or committed to a may be helpful to someone individual.relationship. There are a great still romantic enough to believe that a special person exists B. Honest appraisal of com-many aspects of heterosexual out there just for him or her. mitment: mutual andlife that are valid, includingrelationship formation-- Outline of Guidelines for individual.especially f or disease preven- Selecting a rrPartnerrr: C. Revelation of expectationstion in the light of the apparenttransmissible nature of AIDS l. Exposure Problem--where can after courtship.(acquired immune def iciencysyndrome). Avoiding relation- interesting, stimulating individuals D. Development of contract through discussion of rrTenships to be politically correct be found? Importanl Facets of amight be a mistake on theindividual level, and at the A. Unsatisfactory: bars, Relationship'r.same time it is important that baths, office and street, V. Continued mutual growth,being single be held as high in B. Marginal: large parties, development and maturitY. other people's homes, andsocial esteem as being in a professional association. Dr. Richard Hamiltonrelationship. C. Satisfactory: Special intro- * AIso in Kinship! --JVS duction by understandingIt is a pleasure to sleep alone friends and by chance.* *J(*and get up at 7:IA every ll. Preparation Send your medical questions to:day without wondering whether A. Continue professional and personal development. Dr. Richard HamiltonI should fix breakfast for two. B. Physical conservation: avoid 2000 Van Ness Ave, Suite 206All i have to do is rusharound and grab a glass of pleasure chemicals, stop (or San Francisco, CA 94109milk and a piece of fruit as Irun to the office without a do not start) smokingr eat a LAST MINUTE NEU'S:goodbye kiss. I don't have toworry about the health and Kinship's Region 9 will conduct itqwelfare of my partner. I can first STOP SMOKING CLINIC at LA'swork fourteen hours a day and MCC Church, March )-9. The addressinvest every resource into :f the church is 1050 So. Hill 5t., LA.service to, research for and 'Vou may call Rev. Geri Harvey atconcern for my community. A i.213) 7 4B-O121 or Dr. lohn atquick sandwich ;-.\"1 lunch, alone (21J) 507-7920.or wrth a business associate.

to the Advocate ad. Littte An elected director leads ti me was spent deciding out in each region. Chapters on February 7, 1977 as- exist in many cities throughout THE HISTORY OF KINSHIP the date of the first meeting the United States and have An Open Letter which took place here at local officers for each. my home in Palm Desert,From the Founder of Ktnship, Calif ornia. Eight people The various chapters have f rom Los Angeles, Riverside, very diverse styles of function- Ben Pickell ing. Some of the gatherings include such activities asSix years ogo, in December and Loma Linda attended vegetarian potlucks Jollowedof 1A97d6v,ocIatead(vaertnisaetiodnainl that f irst meeting.the We by presentations by interesting had a potluck meal andCay puUliEation) in an attempt spent the evening sharing speakers and/or rap sessions and getting acquainted with on topics of special .locate other Gay and Lesbian one another. We elected Many meetings are endedSeventh-day Adventists. with a short vespers andAt that time I had no idea Loren S. to lead our group Kinship's traditional prayerthis ef f ort would represent and Errol Chamness to take circle. A social activitythe beginning of an organi- responsibility as treasurer, is often provided after thezation such as we know a task which he continues meetings as an alternativeKinship to be today. My to do f or Kinship today. to the \"bar scene.\" Weintention was to get a few We had a beautiful evening. also have initiated strictlypeople together for spiritual Each one of us was on such a trf untr social events whereand social gatherings. It spiritual high--meeting others members of a group mayis now obvious that I greatly with a common bond--that no participate in hiking, camp-underestimated the need for one wanted to leave. We outs, weekend retreats, feared losing that feeling and boating, trips to the beach,such kinship among our people. perhaps never regaining itl concerts, plays and similarI was not raised as a Seventh- Adventist Christian VE HAVE EXPERIENCED THEbut became a member through Eleven years FEELING OF CLOSENESS,con ve r slon. Kinship has much to of Jerago the Holy Spirit arranged UNDERSTANDING, WARMTHfor me to meet a nice single Adventist-connected GaysGay man. This man was AND LOVE MANY TIMES and Lesbians and their friends. THROUGH NU MEROUS In other words, we are doinga Seventh-day Adventist LOCAL MEETINGS AND everything we can to reach out and help one another.m inister. As my story, THREE NATIONAL CAMP-printed in the August/Septem- MEETINGS.ber Kinship Newsletter Thank the Lord, that would not Thanks to Lee Harding we now have a c(rniseiswlcyouncsaellliendgrelates, we fell in love and be the case. Instead we have com mitteewere together for one and e xperienced the f eelingone half years. We parted of closeness, understandingr The Listening Ear) which warmth and love many times functions as a contact forways and he eventually through numerous local those needing to talk withlef t the state. Following meetings and three nationalthat separation, I was alone someone who understands campmeetings since. and cares. If those calledin a non-Gay church. Although cannot help, they will referit was a warm, f riendlychurch and some even knew From that meager beginning the caller to someone who can.of my sexuality, I had no with eight people, we have Call on members of thisone with whom to share grown to more than f ive committee any time you needmy f eelings and experiences. hundred on the current or wish to talk. Also, by theI needed the fellowship mailing list. Members live time you read this article, in the United States and you should have our pen-palof non-heterosexual Seventh- many foreign countries. list, the new and revitalizedday Adventists who understood Our group is well-organized and has an international Kinship Kontact, thanksmy lif estyle--others I could board of directors with one to the hard work of editorscompletely relate to. I board member directing thehad met one such Seventh-day Australian chapter. We Paul Wilcox and John Heelan.Adventist and knew thatthere must be others. are divided into regions accord- As a result of our national elections at KampmeetingFif teen people, most f rom ing to our church's unions. '82, the Lord has blessed us with the most ef fectiveSouthern California, responded 6

board of directors we could pseudorrymously) for our service, you may call me athave. Since August thededicated new or re-elected Clergv's Communique column (619) 346-5307.officers have been spendingmuch of their time, talents in the Kinship Connection. Dennis Grau and I are workingand money to better the We have learned to know on some fundraising activitiescause and welf are of SDA and love these people very for Region Nine. We are usingKinship. We of ficers want this region as a pilot for theseto do everything possible much. projects because a largeto help you and to stimulate percentage of Kinship's mem-the growth of Kinship. In I believe Kinship's f uture bers reside here. Later theseorder to achieve this goal, will be bright and progressive may be expanded to otherwe need your input, sugges- as long as we follow God's areas. Jym Stuart is workingtions, prayers, help and guidance. One thing God has diligently on a booklet whichtalents. Perhaps you've done is arrange for us to deals with the issue of homo-heard that if you don't have a standing invitation to sexuality and Christianity.use the talents God gave speak annually at an Adventist Jym's donation of the use ofyoU, they will diel Yes, his computer to Kinship con-talents, like love, are meant college. Thanks to Bob Holland,to be shared and we would tinues to be a tremendous help.Iove to have you share them we will have a well-organizedwith Kinship iJ only by your speaker's bureau to be better With Lee Stanford as head of prepared for these situations.WE ARE DIVIDED INTO The ice has been broken so our finance committee andR EGIONS ACCORDING there surely will be more such invitations in the future. Errol Chamness, our treasurer,TO OUR CHURCH'S UNIONS. Our public relations director, working together, we havepresence at our gatherings. Larry Hallock, is working a great team to keep ourKinship is like a human on materials to inform the finances in order. We couldn'tbody with each member media of our organization have asked for a betterbeing an important part and gently to educate Seventh- leader for Kinship than Bobof that body. When you day Adventist ministers, Bouchard, our new presidentare not with the Kinship teachers and counselors about and past Kinship Newsletterf amily you are missed andthe body does not function homosexuality and SDA Kinship. VHEN YOU ARE NOT VITH THE KINSHIP FAMILY YOUas well. An attempt is also being made by our public relations ARE MISSED.Many exciting things have director to provide materialshappened in Kinship in the for use in making local Gay Editor. Speaking o{ newsletterlast couple of years. Kinship and Lesbian centers aware editors--how about Vickimembers twice have been of our Kinship groups. Our Shelton? She has produced ainvited to speak on homo- regional directors, with first-class newsletter that wesexual-related issues at Dennis Grau of Region Nine can all be proud of. K-eep upseveral rnajor Adventist inspiring us all with his the good work, Vicki. We alsocolleges and universities enthusiasm, are planning for have a man, Doug Ota,and have been interviewed who is pulling double duty inon one universityrs radio many exciting events to come.station. Positive articles serving as chapter coordinatorhave been published in As one of your communitySpectrum, and in Andrews services directors, I have for San Diego and as the sec-University's newspaper, planned for a stop-smoking retary for the national board.The Student Movement. clinic at a Metropolitan As is true with any KinshipWe have made many new Community Church. I am officer, Ron Lawson hasf riends of non-Gay/Lesbian also planning to implement given hours of hard work and generous amounts oJministers and teachers within weight-control and nutritional- money to Kinship by arranging cooking clinics. for the ministers and teachersthe Seventh'day Adventist to attend our campmeetingsdenomination. Some of Because some of our bisexual each year. He has also members are married to been a liaison between Kinshipthese ministers are serving heterosexual partners, I see a and the General Conferenceas chaplains f or Kinship need to f orm a group within of Seventh-day Adventists.and write regularly (of ten Kinship to enable them to Ron is now hard at work meet to discuss their concerns. locating speakers for Kamp- Such a group is currently being meetings '83 and '84. organized. For more informa- tion about this new Kinship 7

There are many other exciting KANIPNIEETII\trG '82 dealing with,\" and here's what I think they are. Firstthings planned and many With Marsha Langford of al I, e m o tion al health.other people giving of them- of You've got to clean uP afterselves to help KinshiP. I what your church has excited to be a part of INTEGR.ITY You know, sometimes wethis thriving and positive come into an organizationorganization! I feel we will Editorrs Note; Thts concludes because it's all right togrow much. f as.ter than we the articl,e that uos begm in be here. We never talk aboutcan ever imagine and that the December issue. --JYS the pastor in Bums Ear,God will open many doors Iowa, who punched you outfor us in the next few years. So where do we go? How because you went tn and do you f olks get what you announcedr \"l'm GaY.\"God has blessed us in the past, want out of the Seventh-dayHe is blessing us now, and will Adventist denomination? I You know, there's an interest- think that there is one key.continue to bless us in the I think it's a question of steps. ing phenomenon in thisf uture if we f ollow His You've got to have a three- country. .because we reallY year plan, thatrs the most don't have a communitY. Ifwill. important thing. You have to you're yebalarcskoladndanYdouY'roeu say, \"Where do we want to sevenI want to thank all of You go out and you hear someonewho have put so much into be in three years?r' say the word \"nigg,er,\" You go home and say, \"tMhiosmwmeYi,rldsowmoerd-Seventh-day Adventist Kinship And the other thing that you said need with the plan is to define one justInternational to make it what you are as a religious to me.\" And she says, \"Oh Yes,the beautiful organization organization. Here's some- i know this word. Let me tellit is today. Your efforts are thing I hear over and over what my history has been. Let again: \"Let's not get religious. me tell you what my experiencevery much appreciatedl We don't want to be religious.\" has been.\" There is some Weil what in the hell are healing that goes on there. But In God's love, you a reiigious organization if somebody called you a fag- for? Because therers been Bot, chances are it was Your Ben C. Pickell, Jr. so much hurt and so much motherl Community Services damage done, it's almost like plucking the survivors out So we've got to heal ourselves, Co-director of the lake: for the first few minutes that they're together and tell our war stories, and How do I love thee? Let me count they all don't want to talk about it. AJter the ocean nurture ourselves, and find out the ways. liner has just gone down and they've swum all those waves, what we are. So that's I love thee to the dePth and breadth they don't want to talk about it. They don't want to number one, emotional healing. and height deal with it; they just want My soul can reach, when feeling to be healed. And what Number two, theological heal- happens is you get this rrlrm I don't think that can out of sight embarrassed to be religious\" ing. have any kind Yoofu em- For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. evlr thing. powerment, any kind of health, I love thee to the level of every day's b. uny kind of freedom as long Most quiet need, by sun and candle light. Well, folks, if you are, you as yol saY, \"There is no theol- I Iove thee freely, as men strive for Right; are. So you've got to have ogical basis for us to be homo- sorrre kind cf definition We I love thee purely, as they turn abor:t what your religious sexual.\" have to soY, organization wants you to a'rWndhaCt dhoreisstiitanm?eaInstoit from Praise. have, to de.iine yourself. be GaY Yf oolulohwavinegto;tsrae.ja/, s\"\*t/ehahat venetheed OK?\" I love thee with the passion put to use If it is, then we have to ln my old giiefs, and with my child- B go on to the next steP. The next step is to tell the church hood's faith. that it's OK. .tell our I love thee with a love I seemed to lose brothers and sisters that Wiih my lost saints--l love thee with it is OK. .and reallY work this out for ourselves. So the breath, tireological health is number Smiles, tears, of all my life!--and, two. if God choose, I shall but love thee belter after death. from \"Sonnets from the Portugueserl --Elizabeth Barrett Browning And then number three is

political. It's interesting that Fortunately, the Episcopal process of defining what itwe suffer frorn such a lack of means to be a Lesbian,self-esteem in this community Church has undertaken inclu- does it mean that I havewhen the church says to to drive a truck? Does itfueSer l\"Ythoau'trethnisotisOKa to be.\" I sive language as its own mean that I have to start issue. I think that the problem using bad grammar? And so challenge with inclusive language can be on. I think that werre missing a real stop-gap thing. You a lot of folk that we need tothat God gave me, a wonderfui see, I know that God isn't a be doing an outreach to.kind of challenge. For man, because of the nature of Let me read something torre r on my own spiritual God. On the other hand, I you from a woman in Texasjourney, it has had marvelous hear women saying, \"l'm not who has been writing to me.implications in terms of going to come anywhere near She wants to start a Lesbianshow I see myself in relation- in Faith chapter down thereship to God, and how I see mY- your church as long as we're in Falwell-land. She has manyself in relationship to the rest talking about He, God.\" These concerns that she has sharedof the woricl. radical feminist separatists are with me. She said, \"l believe angry, hurtingr and very vocal that the political grouP knownThose are the things that you as the Moral MajoritY isneed to decide upon, and about it. But they may out to kill, obliterate the GaYthen as you go through your be a small part of the total community. I also believethree-year plan and you're six Lesbian cornmunity. I think that in order to defeat them, inwtoheitr,eywouesaarye, ,\"OanKd, that werre missing a majority we must meet them onmonths of the outreach that we their own ground, using the same weapon that theYthis is need to be doing. do battle with, the Bible.we're six months short of Thus, to me, it is the responsi- I think that women are bility of the religious Gaywhere we should be.\" sitting in the Seventh-day community to meet them head on. The real problem, atSo it's a constant reassessment Adventist Church,the Episcopal least here in the Bible Belt,kind of thing. I personally is that the most visiblebelieve that what we need to Church, the Roman Catholic ones in the Gay CommunitYbe doing is going out there and Church, and the Lutheran nationwide, thanks to thegetting straight f riends. We Church, feeling non-Lesbianneed to get \"straighty\" identified, because theyrre media, are the radical activists in and say, \"l need tocome to frightened by the angry images whose philosophies and life-know what you are and styles are living proof that that they see radical Lesbian Jerry Falwell is correct: that we are all corrupt Hedonists. feminists project. So many church-ideritified women are not OK with beingwe need to tell you what we I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT WE Lesbians. So we are notare.\" Just as the white com- ARE SINFUL. PEOPLE. t visible to society. Butmunity needed to stand up BELIEVE THAT IYE ARE that has to be changed.and speak for the black Am I having delusions ofcommunity. It isn't the PEOPLE WHO FIAVE NOT grandeur? Can we ever bepi'oblem of the black com- a viable force to counteractmunity. It is a problem of all BEEN ALLOWED TO DEVELOP the Moral Majority? There'sof us. Similarly the non- OURSELVES IN AN ENABLING been a lot of talk here about ENVIRONMENT. cleaning up the Gay com- munity, but absolutely no onegay community needs to stand When I was dealing with will speak out. Itrs likeup and speak for the Gay com- united we stand, divided we being a Lesbian, I was sent to fall. So we can't makemunity. That's the idea we ACW to begin recovering from waves, whether we like thehave to sell. my aicoholism. ACW is image or not.'l a marvelous program. It is aWe also have a serious problem I would like to share withwithin the community, espe- you my answer. I think that Lesbian alcohol recovery home.cially the religious community, But I'm a professional woman.that we have to work on: It does an outreach to streetthat is the healing between the folk. When I went down, Imen and the women. Wervegot to get clear about who is saw women with tattoos; that's OK, too, but thatrs not whatthe enemy. We are not the I am. They were angry, ste-enemy; they are the enemy. reotypical Lesbians. ItAnd as long frightened me. I said no, this as werre saying, \"l is not what I want to be. I'vedon't trust your\" werre in bigtrouble. We never can Bet heard many women say that. When we're in theoutwardly direction as long aswe are inwardly divided. 9

this is probably one of the saying that we recruit people. health faorre;,,fm,uy16 say, \"Listenlmost important issues that There is nothing in ifre least These ero' oWtsle lt'swe have to address ourselves sense logical about Jerry OK to be Regarding the 'corrupt Falwell's anti-homosexual needHedonists' in our community to insist upon it, not ask, presentation. insist upon it.and 'cleaning up' the Gay com- Have you ever walked downmunity, I believe we suf fer the street in New York? I justterribly from the negative got back from speakingimages of drag queens, in New York, and there were a whole bunch of people walkingstomping diesel dykes, 5 & M. down tlre street talkingI'm convinced that the sexual to thernselves. They werefree-for-all and the caricatures saying some real of f -the-wall REGION 6--Rocky Mountain stuff. For me to have stoppedthat peopie get into are and said, \"No, you're wroogrrr Regular monthly meetirg on Februarysymptomatic of the malaise would have been ridiculous. ll. contact Lee at (3o3) 322-4568 for more information.we suffer growing up Gay in a That's what we would be doing with Faiwell. What we need REGION 7--Pacific Northwesthomophobic society. I do not to do is not to deal with issuesbelieve that we are sinful like, is it OK to do S & M, is Open meeting and potluck on Februarypeople. I believe that we arepeople who have not been 6 at Dustyts place.allowed to develop ourselves in REGION B--Central PacificI HEAR PEOPLE EXPRESS itnotOKtodoS&M,A DESIRE TO MOVE AVAY but to deal with the positive Februaryrs meeting will be on theFROM THE MORE OUT- stuff. I think we need to walk l2th. Contact lra at (916) 455-8940 into the Seventh-day Adventist for more information.RAGEOUS SEXUAL PRACTI- dyeonuompineaotiponleanadresayg, o\"Ninogw if REGION 9--Pacific SouthwestCES. I BELIEVE THE ANSVER to buy this, you're going to February 12 we will have a potluckIS TO OFFER HELP. at 5:00 p.m. with vespers and home- made ice cteam. Then at 6:3O wean enabling environment. I am have trouble with us, because will begin our discussion about futureequally convinced that efforts this is incorrect. Let me tell plans for Region 'clean up the community' you what is correct.rr We dowould be disastrous, immoral, February 11 we will tour the l-Aand playing by Falwell's rules, I THINK YE NEED TO WALK Zoo. For more information, pleasewhich I am not willing to do. INTO THE SEVENTH-DAY contact caroline at (21)) 254-8721.The idea of two women's ADVENTIST DENOMINATION February ?4, 25, 26, and 27 we willexpressing their love in ski Mammoth! This weekend willa sexual way is quite appeal- PAENODPSLEAYA,R\"NEOGVOIIFNGYOTUO be your turn to tear up the to me and an abomination For more information about transpor-in Jerry Falwell's eyes. In BUY THIS, YOU'RE GOING tation, accomodations, and cost,my counseling practice, contact Richard at (712r) 9Bl-1776 orI hear people express a desire TO HAVE TROUBLE WITH US, James at (211) move away f rom themore outrageous sexual BECAUSE THIS IS INCOR- *Those sirgirg in Region 9's group,practices. I believe the RECT. LET ME TELL YOU please do not forget your practiceanswer is to of fer help. time. Contact Dennis for moreFalwell wishes to institutional- WHAT .IS CORRECT! '' details ot if you ate interested inize his ignorance. To respond auditioning for this group. have pretty good studies these xsend information about your region-- days that suggest that homo- we need to know what you have sexuality is not something that been and will be doing. you recover any of Falwell's allegations What we come to is, first,is to give him credibility. human rights are not negoti- able. Secondly, the grace ofYou've got to sit down as a God is not negotiable. I t is not something that thecaucus and sdy, theologically church gives to us or the church takes away fromwhat does it mean to be us. Part of what we're havingGay and to be a Seventh-day to do in meetings like this is,Adventist? The S & M people we're having to build enoughare more visible than theChristians in our community. 10But we know that we here areall Christians. Falwell keeps

SDA KINSHIP KAMPMEETING '8f in PENNSYLVANIA Ar-gust 7-Ut, 1981Application FormName/s DateAddress Phone /lCity,/State zipAccommodations are available in rooms for three, four, and eight to a toom. Please state first andsecond choices: 1st 2nd (Those who pay first will be given priority.)State choice of roommate--each person should indicale the other.Full seven days, incl udirg three meals a day: $200.00I have enclosed: $200.00 for full payment $ 50.00 minimum non-refundable deposit per person $ 15.00 per day for 1 - 2 days $ }O.OO per day for J - 6 days tax-deductible donation; I will not be able to attendlf you witl be attendirq for less than a full week, state below what day and time of day youwill arrive and leave.lnterest Poll: Please check the appropriate boxes if you are interested in visitirg [] Was]rirgtor] DC,[] Ptriladelphia, and/or [] New York City, [] before and/or [] after Kampmeetirg '83.Please make all checks or money orders payable to: SDA Kinship, and send your application, paymentand any inquiries to: Kampmeetirg '8J Coordinator SDA Kinship P.O. Box 1231 Los tugeles, CA 90028In the March issue of the Thank you to those who have shared recipes with usl If you know of someoneK inship Connection youmay expect to f ind your with a knack for good cookirgr please encoutage her,/him to send us a favoriteown personol copy of t h e recipe! Certainly don't hesitate to send us your own f avorite as welll Thispamphlet that will be sent tothe selected individuals within monthts selection was sent to us by Phil Thomas of Winter Haven, Florida. Enjoytthe church--counselors,teachers and pastors. Your VEGETARIAN CHILIP.R. Director, Larry Hallock' 4 cups cooked kidney beans 2 1/2 cups chopped tomatoeshas worked long and diligently 2 tsp. vegetable salt 'l chopped green pepper 2 tsp. cuminon this proiect and we look I Tbs. oil 1 tsp. celery seedforward to having it in your 1 Tbs. honey 1 cup diced celery 2 lsp. soy saucehandsl 1 /8 tsp. cayennePICTURES: It is hoped that 'l Tbs. lemon iuicewe will have the opportunity 4 cups stewed tomatoesto share a visual report of thehighly-aclaimed meetings in Saute green pepper and celery in oil until tender. Add spices and cook for oneSacramento with Regions 8 & 9: minute. Add remaning ingredients and cook ovet medium heat, frequently stirring unlil consistency is thick and juicy. Serve with a crisp garden salad. (Serves 4.) 11

FEBRUARY I983 Mondav Tuesdav Wednesday Thursdav Friday Saturda 1 3 JANUAFY MARCH 2 45 8 10 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS Kl.\ 2345678 1 12345 15 t7 Have 9 happy 1i\ '\" -iro9 9i01112131415 678910t112 We wish the I 16171819m2122 verv best to a Cent. Pacific 23242526272A20 13 14 15 16 't7 18 19 Rocky Mtn. Sacramento Bill McCurry day, Jack Region 5 Feb. Meeting 30 31 23212223242526 2728233031 today. Miller. Yqu Monthly Meetinq 6 7 22 ar.e lpYed/ Pacif ic Northwest A ugtv Eppv WEAIMTON'S BIMOAYpotluck & meetirg birthday wish to Lee Asher. at Dusty's 16 18 19 13LfuA.cioZaOOI !20 2L 23 24lZS 26 sKl! SKI SKt! SKI! SKt: Our verv best Mammouth Mammouth wjshes to Bruee PFESIDETS OAY Contact Richard (714')t9'i-8.1l6- o-.' James at (213) 507-7901. Edwards today, 28 27 ff sxtlffi::r: Mommoutll special day 12

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