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Home Explore SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - November 1982

SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - November 1982

Published by Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc., 2016-11-02 00:12:11

Description: The Newsletter of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc.


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8 K[N )HIm@w6[ctt@f of Seventh-day Adventist 0ays and Leshians@ and Iheir [riends vol. 5 no. 9 November 1982 KINSHIP KONTACT THE KINSHIP BOARD American Lesbian/Gay TO MEET THIS MONTH Religious Congress has FUNCTIONING AGAIN: been set for Atlanta f rom IN DENVER, COLORADOThe original and only Kinship November 1l-14. byKontact service is alive Task Forces have beenand well. The first issue will Bob Bouchard set up to do some prelimi-be out in mid-November togive anyone time to get their Over the weekend of Novem- nary work on various topicsnames or ads inxafter seeing ber 20-22 the SDA Kinshipthis issue of the Newsletter. board of directors will be including gay ministersThere will be the usual two meeting in Denver. Approxi- and ministry, educationalparts: one is a listing of resources and strategies, mately 20 people, comprisingnames, addresses, birth dates, structure, financial matters, the board members andinterests, and other such others who are leading isms, Political action andpertinent data. The other out in Kinship's programs,section will be a personal ad will pay their own ways to liturgy.for those that want to Denver to discuss programs and plan for the future. A Both the name of theinclude more and are looking report on the board meetinB continuing organization will appear in the December and its ongoing structurefor something (or someone). will be major mattersNames included in the newsletter. to be considered, as welllisting will be published for as means of communicatinga full year unless specified If you have any questions to through some type ofotherwise. Personal ads will ask or suggestions to make asrun for just one issue so will to any aspect oJ Kinship's publication.need to be re-submitted if program, I strongly encouragedesired more than once. you to send or call them to Three of ficial voting dele-Unless demand is very me before November 19 at gates, including Presidenthigh or very iow, we are Bob Bouchard, wil] beplanning for a bi-monthly 95 W. 95 St., New York, NY attending (at their own 10025. (2t2) 662-8656. expense) from SDA Kinshipproduction. International, Inc. You GAY/LESBIAN may expect further reportPlease don't confuse Kinship RELIGIOUS CONGRESS on this convention in our December Newsletter.Kontact, which serves SCHEDULED IN ATLANTA Notice: This darker stockbasically as a pen-pal contact THREE KINSHIP paper will be used hereaf terresource, with a rival Kontact DELEGATES TO ATTE,ND to make the text less read- able through the recently started; A constituting conventionthis is the original and for an organization tenta- tively titled the Northonly Kinship Kontact.Ali correspondence should beaddressed to Kinship Kontactat the SDA Kinship Inter-national headquarters:P.O. Boxl233, Los Angeles,cA 9A028-t233.xAn application is provided-.'p.12.

J. Vicki Shelton Editor Two of our Kinship members in the New York City chapter recently celebrated their 22nd aniversary together. Two other friends have been together for 14 years. My KINSHIP BOARD MEMBEBS lover and I are workinq on our fifth year together. Homophobic people, and lhey come in both the straight and the gay varieties, tr,ould like to believe that gay Aobert F. Bouchard President relationships are \"by nature unstable.r' Not so. Yet the same personal qualities are required for a gay as for a straight relationship. The two people must be com- Richard Russell Vice President fortable with themselves, sure of their own sell-worth, sure they want both the Douglas P. Ota Secretary rewards and restrictions that go with a shared life, and sensitive to the needs and wants of another human being. Errol L. Chamness Treasurer SDA Kinship's most important goal and reason for existence is to find our Lesbian J. Vicki Shelton Editor and Gay sisters and brothers, help them to understand their value as children of God, and, through study and association with others like them, help them realize -Larrv W BerkeleY Public Relations that they can be confident Christians, pursue successful careers and have stable ralationships, all as gay people. This is why SDA Kinship organizes a Kampmeeting Director and encourages as many members as ean to attend. This is why it has local chap- ters and a pen-pal li.t _ntjp__(g$eg!). This is why we have a newsletter, a Ronald L. Lawson GeneralConference erisis counseling service and a new public relations Program in the works--to be of service to gay Adventists. Make use of those services. Get to know yourself Liaison better and get to know others. It is possible to have a committed and stable Ben C. Pickell, Jr., Community Service relationship. Try reaching out through Kinship. JymStuart Coordinators Bob Jaime Nichelson Women's Director Wetve iust cleaned cupboards. In the process my life-partner discovered a double KINSHIP CRISIS set of recipes that she'd carefully typed on decorated cards years ago. Two sets' COUNSELING COMMITTEE We planned to spend our lives with husbands; whoever married first would lose the stereo but own a lovely personal set of recipesl AIan MA (617)365-5636 Bob NY (212)662-8655 Things have changed in the decade or so since then. We've accepted the love Bob DC (301)270-3271 wetve shared for years as the beautilul experience and gift it is. We are committed Jim FL (B1l)748-2800 to each other for life and now cautiously wend our way out o{ the closel into a Larry IL (112)471-2825 Mike MI (517)117 -2209 bright new space, Risky? Perhaps. But tremendously rewarding as well. Bill LA (318)365-4153 Keith TX $12)696-2201 Gay people may be at different places in this process. some are iust saying, \"l am Lee* CO (303)122-456A homosexual.rt Others may be finding ways to self-disclose to intimate friends and Chuck AK OO7)218-1146 family. Some share with none other than the loved one. It is all personal growth, Don OR 003)288-3641 all perfectly okay. The many steps are necessaty in this time-consuming climb so letts be patient if another is not where we are. We need evetyone--\"outrr ot Louise N.CA (915)241-8583 not. Just keep supporting Kinship with your varied resources. Kinship needs you. Errol S.CA (213)876-2076 Oh, yes. If anyone needs a nice set of recipes, let us knowl Keep talking to Ben S.CA (71t+)346-7147 us and take care. xCommittee Chair Af fectionately, Seventh-day Adventist Kinship lnternational, lnc. is a J. Vicki Shelton, Ediiorworldwide support g.oup oflror Gay and Lesbian Adventists(rormer or current) and their friends. Kinship also providesgentle education oi SDA pastors, teachers, and counselorsto an understanding of homosexuality and related issues. The SDA Kinship Newsletter, an informational and inspira-tional journal for our membership and friends, is publishedmonthly by SDA Kinship I nternational, I nc. Copy deadline isthe third Tuesday of each month. All typewritten submis-sions will be thoughtfully considered, and, if not published,will be returned only if submitted with a self-addressedstamped envelope. Letters and essays may be edited forpurposes of clarity or space. Send all potential copy to: J.Vicki Shelton, P.O. Box 10032, Denver, Colorado 80210.Phone: (303) 781-6230. The appearance of names or photographs of persons ororganizations should not be construed as any indication ofthe affectional preference of the named or shown. Opinionsexpressed herein are not necessarily those of SDA Kinshiplnternational. lnc., or the Newsietter staff. Changes of address or requests for newsletter copiesshould be sent to our I nternational H eadquarters at P.O. Box'1 233, LA CA 9OO2B-1 233, USA. Our mailing list is confiden-tial among officers and staff, and is not sold, rented, orexchanged for any purpose.2

eabreount otht ealtotKntteuisnagyeo!uJrVfSeeling thyself .'1 lv'lark 12:28-31. That commandment needs Keep KINSHIP to be practiced by all. Name Highlighted Jim TyierThanks! The new KinshipNewsletter is terrif ic. It Active Women's Group Kampmeeting '82seems to embody the newvitality that I sense about the The Newsletter contains infor- A Special Timeorganization. mation for which many mem- Kampmeeting '82 was a bers are hungry. Thank time for me.I don't disagree with the you for your time and talent. very specialsuggestion that the News-letter needs a name; however, We have a women's group The meetings were very am concerned that the name V/e learned a lot from the speakers and they in turnand the way it is used not growing here. learned a lot from us.detract from the identity of Presently,Kinship. Our organization is there are twenty-five who actively show interest. I renewed old acquaintancesrelatively small and young. We Although the group is not and made many new andneed to do everything possible connected with Kinship, some close friends wh: will be have shown an interest into reinforce the name of the Bible studies, and we are friends for eternity.organization in peopie's minds. anxious to begin working with The music, as usual, was that nucleus.Therefore if the Newsletter is really great as was the talentto have a name, I suggest that If you need my help with show and slide should be subordinate to the Newsletter, I shall bethe name of the organization glad to assist with a desig- Much recreation was providedin the masthead. nated assignment. such as voilyball both in and out of the pool, swim-Keep up the good work. Faye Fox ming, and hiking. It was all a lot of fun. Lee Stanford To all those who have offered No More ,tKrsrr for rtCtstt their talents to the Newsletter, There were. sad moments, but the saddest of all wasKnowing how much your love please accept my thonksl We will be calling on you o\"s when had to say good-bye.and encouragement have the year goes on. We need I'm really looking forward tomeant to me the last few and wish to draw on theweeks, I wanted to return wealth of ability among our next year when we meet again for Kampmeeting '83.the blessing-- members, JyS I would like to encouraqe everyone to be there in '83;The Newsletter looks great: ' \"Loving' Article Marvelous I want to meet you andIt gives an impression of The \"Thousand Days of soy, \"l'm glad to be aopenness, optimism, and Loving\" article was marvel- part of this family of God.\" ousj (N ewsletter 1A l'82)friendliness. Keep onl Thank youl Those who Gary Stebbeds argue against homosexualityA preference re. the naming and use the Bible for condem-of thuesipnugbrlricKarrtiofonr: I'rmtctrirreidn nation seem to forget thatof Christ came and His gospel Letters for publication in our VocalInoKuoor lIol'eKrcglataorniroitzrna\"tiooonrr . is love. When Jesus was StroK, apllelrasoer asked what commandment Point column should be addressed to: was greatest he answered whatever asnhdaaltlsologvaevethaysecnoenigd,hb\"Tohroaus L V. Sheiton, P. 0. Box 10072,elsel Enough is enoughl Denver, CO BO21O, and should include your name as you wish for Bob Holland publication. If you write but prefer your message unpublished, please so indicate.Thonks for your comment; you

THE RESTLESS SEARCH to share experiences cen- will f ind more opportunities to meet others and share by tered around these questions and the confusion associated ideas about strengthening our Richard Hamilton, M.D. with their solutions. faith in Him and ourselves inWhat are we looking for? The topic of discussion ways more f ulf illing thanWhere is it? Have we found often centers around the numbers of casual encountersit? How much does it take? epidemic of serious diseases that fail to bring depth ofWhen? And, finally, why? befalling gay men and not meaning to our lives. As lesi:ians. Even though it may this happens, the essence ofWith our hearts filled be too late for many men, the f oilowing points maywith faith in His love and there may be a lesson towisdom, some of us seek to be helpful: be learned by sharing discus-spend our lives with individu- sions about the differences in TEN IMPORTANT FACETSals of our own sex. As we the two iif estyles. The OF A RELATIONSHIPset out on this path, the lesbian community has notabove questions flood commercialized its sexuality 1. Care about each other in an unob-our soul and spirit. Gay to the extent that gay men trusive ,rnanner with understanding have. Lesbian relationships toward the needs of the other.psychologists are researching seem to rest on deeper meanings and values than 2. Shaie enou_a. common intereststhe phenomenon, and clini- that being tBel:rer and sharing is looks, size, image, and other exciting most of tre t:rre.cians are watching the health surface traits. Women J. Communication ab:ut the relation-of the community as we haven't been raised tostruggle with these issues. be the 'rhead of household\" ship should occui as often asThere seem to be no clear in a relationship. Thus, with possible so needed :hanges can beanswers, but as we become less potential f or conf lict made as early as pcssible to the mutual satisfaction of both,more open about our feelings over the role of power in the 4, The relationship is the theatre forand choices there are bonding, their relationships the growth o f You, I, and It. may be more viable. Withsome observable positive and men, the sexual experience 5. The relationship needs to providenegative trends. usually is the first step in a both wilh peace. security, and a relationship. The issues of g reater underslandirg of sharingrHomophobia is the popular decision making are ignored especially during times of stress andlabel used to describe or assumed to be okaythe constellation of problems change.that are seen merging while ferment may actuallyfrom within ourselves and 6. The enerq)' of a relationship shouldfrom without onto the be in progress\" f)estructive benefit the growth of the individualsoperational center of through their participation in it.the individual with explosive behaviors soon dilute a happy The smoke and 7. The relationship should be openf orce. sexual affair into a sticky enough to allow growth and open-dust from the decision to mess. Many find it easier tolive a gay life include such ness with others.emotions as fear, anger, waik away from the tatteredguilt, conf usion, loneliness, B. Words of endearment representambiviiance, castration relationship than to compro- the caring and have no connectionand much more. The pain of mise to another manrs idea to the traditional heterosexislliving a double life leaves of how things ought to be.wounds that need care. The meanings.most help comes from That walk often sends twocare that stabilizes our faith r:nhappy people back to 9. lVhen there is a lack of \"excite-in ourselves through His love the fishbowl of the gay mentr'r it shouldnrt be generatedand glory as we overcome ghettos, bath-houses, book- at the others emotional expense,these negative emotions. stores, & bars with woundedWith no malice toward 10. Any real or material investmentthose who don't understand egos. A few more notches in should be documented as a partner-that judgement is between the old gun, more exposures ship with shares proportional to theGod and the individual,suport groups like Kinship to potential disease, more monetary and,/or human energy inpur.are springing up everywhere alcohol, drugs and lonelinessb become reality. Another try to make it wr:rk may occur, but usualiy without anymore insight iirto the dynamics of a gay relationship than bef ore. With organizations like Kinship, more people

A LITANY OF RECOGNITION AND THANKSGIVINGFOR THE GIFTS OF lllOMEN TO THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD Below is the text of the Litany which was said at the service in celebration of the life of Rev. Cannon leannette Piccard, May 2O, 1981 at the Cathedral Church of St. Mark in Minneapolis, MN.Right: For Miriam, poet of the Exodus, leader Leader: For all women who have dared to step forward and lead: through the wilderness; An: l{e give you thanks, O God.Left: For Deborah, a mother and a judge in Leader: For all women who have faced the un- lsrael; known in faith and met fear with courage;Leader: For all women who have recognized Alr: We give you thanks, O God. that to be a person of faith is to re- spond in actionl Leader: Let us remember women who have strugqled to reform our history, who have sought toAll: We give you thanks, O God. minister to the needs of the hurt, the dis-Right: For Esther, who risked her life for her advantaqed, and the ailenated in our land. people; Right: For Antoinette Brown Blackwell, firstLeft: For Abigail, whose wisdom averted a Left: Leader: woman ordained in Amerieal battle; Ail: For Elizabeth Blackwell. first womanLeader: For all women who have cried out for physician in America; peace for their people and all people; For all women who have created pathways which we now treadlAll: We give you thanks, O God. llle give. you thanks, O God.Right: For Naomi, who could perceive the working of the divine even when it was Riqht: For Sojourner Truth, who spoke power- not yet visible to others; [,ef t: Leader: ful words of liberation;Left: For Ruth, model of devoted love and faith; AilLeader: For all women who have struggled For Harriet Tubman, liberator of those in bondage, beginning with herself; alongside men of history to create a For all women who have lived out what they new age of hope and unity;All: We give you thanks, O God. have believed;Right: For the unnamed woman who bathed We give you thanks, O God. Jesusrfeet with her tears; Right: For all women whose action has been All: quided by a vision of the worth ofLeft: For Mary and Martha whose home was every human being; a haven for Jesus; and who served each We give you thanks, O God. in her own way;Leader: For all women who have chosen the Right: For Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, paths of service they knew were right Le ft: founders of suffraqel for them,All: We give you thanks, O God. Leader: For ,Alice Paul, Susan B. Anthony,Right: For Mary Magdalene, first aposile of the All: Anna Howard Shaw, and their sisters in hope; Ressurrectionl For all women of vision and enduranceLeader: ['or all women whose understanding of the strengthened by joining in communities Word leads them to acts of charity and for justice: ser vicel We give you thanksn 0 God.AII: We give you thanks, O God. Leader: Holy One, make us worthy to inherit theirRight: For Priscilla and Dorcas, teachersl for phoebe, valor and vision. deaconl All: God of iustice and mercy, challerge us 4ain lest we wither and perish in ourLeft: For forgotten women priests of old; nearsighted clirgirg to the old and familiarLeader: For all women who wili not permit the when it has lost its savor; lead us always often obscured truth of God's love for nearer and nearer our heritqe as your women to remain hidden; daughters and sons, a herit4e of newAll: We give you thanks, O God. selves in the light of your grace. Amenl

ln the september 2f and 30,1982 issues of the Adventist Review there srns is when rhe subiecl is horosexuallt\ :-,: rrappeared a continued article by Robert L, Odom. Many in our Kinship sexual.. in rhose Cases it may :: : ,_;organization have felt Mr. Odomrs views to be not only wrong .nB uhtch make the Sodom be easrer -.:-but hurtful, and have written tesponses to the Review Editor' all: sin (,erua. o: -sOn these pages are included three such letters representing gt!'icw)iyseFe.lrrd.ehdl.een.g.dTrrsnehpodwesareenelrdorrwatsprhticrnoohnslsole_t.(eh.dsaanardr1.et0Frp:ei_e-_.::.:i.::r.ry-Sc?_?rr_\"r :.i:tSee:ih::or\]ie:erFm_aoqetruar*whaTo.relerottevtrhneer,r-npmeauTupraadtbplsto.lraoinoclknrenneo.odt.ihlwnIi.etoaiionamjrrgetsroehstloanhemadxaCnurerd-owhlasdeoell,rv:(nketilnergnu.*rrl.:r)u(eedsrC,rLngaio6-:,,-r._:.:j:*_i 4r-*,:.,_,our comments and feelings. Regretfully they had to bereduced in size to accomodate our space limitations' S._':r rIf you have not yet seen the original articles andwish to have copies, please send a stamped, {..#self-addressed envelope to the Editor andthey will be sent to You. JVS ::_-,1r ':r,i'.1;isf ,* ,uP ,*-{.\".n':;).-\{{\\"-1riT,;ffi*iss$*tx,ii,s: -,*::\",ii',*i:;r,,,,I:i:;,,:'$rS,*:i,Ii*\',))i\"':S\"* ?a',be '

jv) enrrhlooetosskpoepsaaukspseaer grwelasatisvliekbeoarfnttheehrefteorlloo-w-,eo;:p1lrgeosuw.ldipilhntyr..vcl1hrb6ae5.St,.fioooydnreoemtcCwaaohllndlondp.d\"Ce.son.inmynAmeCnrohdsrrarsshttrll)rdi'sto)rwOhdoowmermeecnetiloenbsraatrbnoRutleaders. But a part oI th;t€iainvaPteioonpl.e, Hraogmaorsdelexsusalos I kno!v 1B' 1982 *.m, $'{\":i{;i' i!'i\"' *'Seplesber *.r,. Editor Dear Ediiot, :m:; jf lii#\"\"t\"\"'l1i.t,*:;..n;\"\".,,,:T,\".1_ i\"\"Tf :i:ff ,i'tiiji#::#'il,T;.j\"T5\"\"i\"ff \",;ti\"\" g'iit:lT*,\":,,,,#.*r*::*U;l*,,;\"\" t;\" j:;grx,T:*-tlJ:\"T:r\".r.:iJx;;.\".**:\"#$i:Ti ':,,x,,:i16p;1;pffi-': 1\", :. \" \". :r'\"' 1 :1,'-\"*.* n*ri'l{*'-:=*,\"\"\"$'.i1i\"-,\",\"5:J,*:***i:liir':litlil\"*\",\"\"\"t:'-**-'*1\"#\"\"::'*=:t'\":?+'\"\"0\"'\"\"'i\"n'p\"i''tv. ':i,.ti***='\"..**{l:t*;\",1r\",,,\"::\"^ll,_ j\"ll:}:-x{,\"=:\".,\"$:'] iit*it*\".+*i*itTt:,',t\",5*ilr\":1:li:r'\":':\"\"'':='\"n'n\" li;,:ffi u: *t *J:::, ;:,,,.$ !11ir,,1:*:r\",rj.# \" ::.::',,\":\"'i*;\"'\"\".\";'\"oUr vi\"et:Y,\"r.'\"*l*:.rt\"-[lo\"')\"\"\"\"\"U\"\"1r0t*\"t''*'ou'*' t\"\"-lrr, \"i\"t:.\"r\"r\"\" \"\" \"=.t\"X\" \":l\"r'\":tT\"1i:1tujelo't,I:';*\" 7

LIVINC THE ADVENTIJRE: with this poem quoted In most durable f riendships, from the book: the glue that has heldFaith and Hidden Difficulties them together is called YOU TELL ON YOURSELFby Keith Miller and Bruce commitment. You tell on yourself by theLarson. friends you seek,Two articles in last monthrs By the very manner in Loneliness is never moreNewsletter particularly cruei than when it is feltcaught my attention. One which you speak, in close propinquity with By the way you employ someone who has ceasedwas Bob Holland's piece on your leisure time. to communicate.the Bruce Larson book, By the use you make ofNo Longer Strangers. My Shared joy siosrrodwouibsiehaiolfy-,f amiliarity with Larson's dollar and dime. and sharedwriting occurred whiie study- You tell what you are by the with a singles Bible Studygroup using Larson's text: things you wear,L-iving the Adventurqi By the spirit in which yourFaith and Hidden Difficulties\" burdens bear,which may be used with By the kind of things at Tears are a great giftthe book, is prepared by from God--a safety valve which you laugh, built into our system-K. Miller & B. and H. Larson. By the records you play on -and there is no reason for us to be ashamed whenThis work would be an your phonograph.equaliy good study for Gay they flow freely.or Nongay You tell what you are byject of groups. The sub- The road to the heart the way you walk, homosexuality is is the ear.addressed in chapter eight, By the things of which Voltaire\"Christian Sexuality.\" you delight to talk,Chapter three discusses By the manner in which youLoving through Dialogue andListening. Larson talks of bear defeat,Sesus' \"Kind of Involvement.rr By so sinrple a thing as how No one worth posessing can\"You cannot help anyone,\"says Larson, \"without you eat. be quite possessed.becoming involved with your 'By the books you choose from Sarah Teasdale a well-filled shelf,whole being; without riskingbeing hurt, wounded, or In these ways and more, youeven destroyed in the I like not only to be loved,process.'r Christian Leader- tell on yourself; but also to be told thatship, he says, should rrmake I am loved. I am notone's own painf ul and So there's really no particle sure that you are of thejoyful same kind. But the realm of experiences available of sense In an effort to keep up false pretense. You tell on yourself. Jim Tyleras sources of clarification silence is large enoughand understanding.\" This beyond theis where Kinship comes the world Borfavelit.erTahtiusreis and speech, and I shallin. take leave to tell youIt would be exciting to that you are very dear.see a group do the studyon Living The Marion Evansby Larson. I Jdventure, leave youB

UNITY IN DIVERSITY opinions if they differ from The suppression of intellect- those of the pious religious ual freedom is the root By Ieaders. Expression often of the church's acceptance results in being disgraced, of cultural prejudices, for Jym Stuart disfellowshipped, or termi- these prejudices are basedCommunity Services nated from denominational on misinterpretation and ,employment. Christ said, misunderstanding of Scripture Coordinator \"l have come to set you and a failure to consider free,\" but the church cries, the validity of non-BiblicalAUTHORTS NOTE: In using the \"We have come to enslave sources. Because the churchw o rd rrchurchn in this article, I hides its head in the sandbasically refer to the Seventh-day you.\" and does not speak out'Adventist Church; it is the church it truly is the problem.of rny background. However, lhese If people within the church The church is the problemsame statements can be made cannot speak about the for it has failed women. atrocities that are perpe- Women are still consideredabout many other religious denomi- trated by it, then perhaps second-class citizens. Women we who stand on the fringe cannot be ordained. Therenations, and the admonition applies and outside must. Perhaps are no women in the high once again the church can offices of the people of all faiths. become the haven of rest In the United States, women for all people to grow to- still average only 59 centsI once saw a bumper sticker gether in love for God and to the rnen's dollar. Singlethat said, i\"tRiseltihgeiopnroibslemno.\"t each other, rather than women are looked down a place to conform or perish. upon because they do notthe answer, have a man to take careIn a recent ADVOCATEeditorial, publisher David THE CHURCH REFUSESGoodstein accuses religious TO HEAR TESTIMONYor8anizatoins of being in- The two major things organ- FROM HEALTHY ANDhumane and believing that ized religion should lookinstitutional survival is at are its stif ling of intel- HAPPY GAY AND LESBIANmore important than the lectual Jreedom and itspeople they serve. He P EO PLE WHO REJOICEsaid that religious organiza- acceptance and continuance-- rN THEIR CHRISTIANITYtions use their holy rulebinotookswatoring\"secpaamraptse. even blessing--of society's AND GAYNESS people cultural prejudices, namely: rOur sexism, racism, and homo- of them. StereotyPes that women are scatter-brained,rule book makes us better phobia. f rivolous, emotionally unsta-than youl\"' is their cry. Growing up Seventh-dayThe guilt they create produces Adventist and going through ble, f rail, and should bef_ar more harm than good-: the Adventist educational the quiet, little, stay-at- system, I was taught to home wives are not chal-It is time organized Christian- accept I00% of everything lenged. Destructive sexistity took a look at itself that was selectively pre- attitudes are alive andto see how far it has strayed sented to me. lifTehew\"aAsdv\"ethne- well in the organized church.from the gospel of Jesus tist\" view of The church is the probiemChrist. I am saddened Truthr', thus there was for it drags its feet overlwfiicghsehn\"tinI ghaeiannrdaIbr\"oePulatronthtdees. \"tCaInatthsao'mr- no need to look at the way the issue of racism. How other people saw things; easy it is to look the other I was therefore denied the way cr to say that peopleappaled when people are opportunity to make up like the late Martin Lutherexecuted in Iran, India, my own mind. Any compar- King, Jr., are too radicaland elsewhere in the name ative religious study was ogrosapreel.p\"reaInchitnhgethpea\"sstocthiaelof God, because they do always done f rom a \"we church actively kept alivenot f ollow the proscribed have the truth; their's isI'off icial'r religion. I am f alse and of the devil\" 9frightened and angry when approach. IJ truth cannotI learn that people within stand up to investigation,\"Christian\" religions are then it is not truth. I wasnot free to express their taught to view all non-Adven- tist religions as totally false, having no value whatso- ever.

rthr.e system of slavery. and reputations of lesbians In my capacity as a Kinship the church provided and gay men. \Yhen the Community Services Coordin-some of the most articulate church does look at homo-spokespersons for the main- sexuality, it looks only ator, and as a gay person at abstract ideas and ignores living in San Francisco,tenance of slavery. Ingenious the people. It refuses to I have the opportunity toarSuments were propounded hear testimony f rom healthyin an attempt to justif y and h.ppy gay and lesbian read about and come in people who re joice in their contact with many differenthuman bondage on the basis Christianity and Gayness-- gay people f rom all waiksof scripture and natural people who, in spite oflaw. Abolitionists were what the church says, have of life. I assure you: the learned to love each other. church, that you are wrong.!al'eled pagans, heretics, It quickly embraces anyone You do not know us. Youand anti-Christs. And many who labels homosexuals asBaptists, Presbyterians, sick, degenerate, perverted, will not help us by supporting or hideous sinners without a program to \"deliver\"and M ethodists were of examining the facts. It us from our God-given abilitythe firm opinin that abolition uses the fear of job termi-was an anti-Christian plot, nation to keep sympathetic to love another human being. ministers/educators quiet. Our love is not a sin, aan attempt to destroy the rebellion against God, theintegrity of American family \"The legacy of repressionlif e It (the church) of God's gif t of sexuality fault oJ our parents, nor by the church, is a legacy a social pathology. It mayceased bein6 the body of that has caused ignorance, be oyffo\"uar sdleossitreortoas\"hworpitee-Christ and became a false pain, frustrationr guilt, usreligious front for oppression,bigotry, hatred; a sounding- hate, and human destruction. lessly deceived, but remem- ber this, Christ has notboard for a nation of slave- We become so heated in rejected usr and we willholders; an institutional debates on horriosexuality that we forget we are talkingWE BECOME SO HEATED oabf oouut rthfolessehwr haondarmeem'fbleesrsh BY REFUSING TO LOOKIN DEBATES ON HOMO_ of God's human family.SEXUALITY THAT WE We thwart the purpose BEYON D ITS PRECON CEIVEDFORGET WE ARE TALKING of the church if we decide IDEAS, THE CHURCH CRU-A,FBLOEUSTH THOSE WHO ARE on issues that have been separated from the persons CIFIES CIIRIST AFRESH OF OUR FLESH' whose lives are determined BY DESTROYING LIVES, by our resolutions.'r (Giibert LOVES, AND REPUTArIONS H. Caldwell, United Metho-AND MEMBERS OF GOD'S dist Commission on Religion continue to live, to love, and Race) It is ironic that, and to rejoice in the victoryHUMAN FAMILY in its attempt to save people of Jesus Christ over cieath. f rom hell, the church is We celebrate the freedommeans f or legitimizing a driving people to a hell paid f or us at Calvary.grievous social cancer.r' of dishonesty, sharne, inse-(Quoted from a serman curity, and seifish physical The early first centuryby Howard Wells, delivered gratifica-tion when it could Christians felt that oneat an MCC General Confer- had to be Jewish to beence Session) The church's be helping gay people establish Christianr just aspresent refusal to take somea firm stand against all relationships in which both people feel that one mustforms of racism is not physical and spiritual needs be heterosexual to be Chris-that far from its previous are mutuaily fulfilled.\" tian today. But when the (lsaiah J. Poole in INSIGHT: church saw the Holy Spiritstand on slavery\" CAhQrisutaiartnerlyOopf irLreiosbnia,n/Gvoayl. being poured out upon the Centiies, people for whomWhen we come to the subject 4 no. 4) they had a strong culturalof homophobia, the church prejudice, they had to accepttruly is the problem. It that God did not care aboutdef initely has done more the f amily background ofharm than good. By refusing the believers and treatedto look beyond its precon- all people as equals. Saulceived ideas, the church had to be struck blind beforecrucif ies Christ af resh bydestroying the lives, loves,10

he could see this realityand become Paul, the greatchampion of the Christianfaith. Many of the Jewish NEW YORK CITY CHAPTERChristians required the R.EGION 9circumcision of the Gentiles December 4 Afternoon brunch October l0 -11 San Diego: Halloweenin order to make them pseudo- at 2 PM. Contact Nildo--(212) Experience--Call Doug at 714-295-Je ws be f ore they were BBB-0149 or Bob (212) 662-8656. J3B4 or Gaddy at 714-495-2J90.accepted as Christian. In November 1J Video, barbeque,mt,ch the same way there REGION 5 ice cream social at Errol's. Call Bruce at 213-276-1697 or Errolare Christians today who Denver Area at 213-874-0296. November 19 - 22 Kinship Boardrequire gay people to be Meeting in Denver. Open to all\"delivered\" before they November 20 An all-day outirg is members. Let Dennis know if you plan to come so that we mayare accepted as Christians. planned wilh the Kinship Board and get word to the Denver people.The circumcision of the November 25 Thanksgivirg at the other invited guests in the mountains Grand Canyon. Contact Dennis at 714-884-5534.Gentiles was the hottest near Nederland--up Boulder Canyon! December 11 Christmas Fiesta contact Dale at (l0l) t22-4558. at Berniers--San Bernardino. Contactissue of the early church. Bernie at 71lr-88l-0805 or DennisThe problem was resolved, This activity will include at least one at 714-BBt+-5514. December J1 - lanuary 1--Newand the Gentiles were finally meal and an afternoon open board Years at the Rose Bowl Parade. Contact Bruce at 21i-?76-1697accepted into full membership meeting. If you are'within range or Dennis at 714-BBt+-5514. lanuary B Region 9 ioins Regionin the church without having of Denver and would enioy fellow- B again--this time in become Jervs. But at Contact Dennis at 714-884-55t4.1fwhat price? How many shipping with your Kinship Family, unable to reach any of the persons please plan to join with us. Just listed, please call the Nationalpeople walked away fnom Kinship Telephone Number: (21J)Christ because of the re- let us know in advance so that B7 6-207 6.jection they felt? Many we may plan f or specif ic numbers. Combine corn and stock ingay people are now walking REGION 8 blender or processor and mixaway f rom Christ because to fine puree. Melt butter inof the rejection they feel; Sacramento Area large saucepan over medium heat. Add corn and simmersome are even taking their G ood thing s are happeningown lives because of what 5 minutes, stirring frequently, in the Sacramento Area andthe church is saying to you may receive speci{ics by Blend in miik, garlic,thern. This MUST STOP! calling Ira at (915)455 8940 or oregano, salt and bring Virsinia at (916) 487-1J59. to boil. Reduce heat, addWe, the members of Christ's chilies and simmer anotherchurch--be we women,men, black, white, yellow, 5 minutes.rheedte, robsroewxuna, l,Boary, bisexual, SOPA DE MAIZ Divide tomato among anything (ltnexican Corn Soup) serving bowls. Remove soupelse you can think of to from heat and stir in cheesedifferentiate one human untii com pleteiy melted.being from another--need servings Pour over tomatoes and garnish with parsley oreach other. Let there be W cups fresh or thawed cilantro. Serve immediately.unity in our diversity. Let frozen cornus learn to rejoice in our I cup (vWegsettiacbkl)ebsuttoteckr 11differences. Let us livetogether the way we were U+ cup 2 cups milkmeant to live. In perfect I garlic clove, pressedharmony! What is the church I teaspoon dried oreganoabout if not the acceptance Saltof the whole human family. 2 to 3 tablespoons rinsed seeded and finely il I chopped green chilies cup peeled, diced il tomato {i#TTl I cup cubed MontereyThis wondeiful soup is what will becooking here in Denver on Friday T Jack cheeseeveningr November 19, as Board Chopped fresh parsleyMembers and others arrive for or cilantro (garnish)the weekend.

NAME (Please Print) CITY STATE ZIP CODEADDRESS BIRTHDATE: Month Day Age (optional) E Non SDA (optional) tr OtherTELEPHONE (Optional) E Former SDA E Lesbian E Non-gay E BisexualFIELIGIOUS AFFILIAT.ION: E SDAAFFECTIONAL PREFFERANCE: E GayOCCUPATION (Optional)INTERESTSI am a member of SDA Kinship and the above information is correct. I will respect the confidentiality of allnames and information published by Kinship Kontact.SIGNATURE D psuedonymThe above name is fl actual Note: lf you wish to write an ad, please xerox and use the other side of the application.Complete and retr:rn to Kinship Kontact, P.O. Box 121), Los Angeles, CA 9OO2B-1231. NOVEnilBER r 982Sunda Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursdav Fridav 1 5 2 34 6 7 I8 10 1 1 L2 13 Social at L4 Errol's-- 2L FEMEMANCE OAY (M) (LA area) Open Board Meetings 15 16 L7 18 19 20 AII Day Send Newsletter Board Meetings Vlountain Outinq 28 copy this weekend with Board.12 in Denver @n Meeting 22 23 24 25 26 27 - cop.J End o{ Board Thanksg iving *\"\"u':u; vleetinq Weekend at the Grand Canyon! 29 30 OClOBEB DECEMBER See \"Updates\" on p. 11 for SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 12 123 4 more activitiesl 3456789 5 6 7 I 910 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 't7 18 19 20 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 2A 29 30 26 27 2A 29 30 3',1 31

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