Coating & Plating Roundup compiled by the Editors at Wire Forming Technology InternationalSuppliers have responded to our call for the state-of-the-artin coating and plating technology, equipment and materials.Merger for Continued Success performance blue passivate based upon trivalentin Surface Coating Applications chromium for use with electroplating zinc deposits. It is easy to operate, control and waste water treat,Information from MacDermid Enthone Industrial and offers an economical approach to improved per-Solutions (MEIS), Langenfeld, Germany, says, “Three formance while retaining its color.years after the merger of MacDermid and Enthone, “MacDermid Enthone maintains five laboratory fa-MacDermid Enthone cilities in the Americas, providing capabilities thatIndustrial Solutions include ISO/IEC 17025-certified accelerated corrosion(MEIS) has proven that and physical testing, customer solution analytical sup-the sum of its parts is port and surface/failure analysis of processed articles.greater than the whole. The fusion of MacDermid and Enthone has givenWith its world-class customers more resources, best-in-class products andfacilities in the USA, unrivaled technical support in the industry. With theseMexico, Canada and attributes, MEIS is clearly satisfying its customers andBrazil, and its completely integrated commercial striving to outgrow the market due to the successfuland technical teams, MEIS is committed to exceeding synergy of the combined companies.” customer expectations in the Americas’ automotive, directindustrial.macdermidenthone.comsanitary, building, consumer electronics and hardwareindustries. Protective Zinc Flake Systems“The merger has made MEIS one of the world’s lead- Kent Anderson, President, Doerken Corporationing suppliers of innovative technologies for surface USA, Grass Lake, MI, USA, says, “A coating of zinccoating applications. End-user markets include Plat- flake is a ‘paint’ made up of many minute flakes,ing on Plastics (POP) and anti-automotive corrosion which primarily protects components of various typestechnologies. from corrosion. The sacrificial effect of the less noble zinc provides active protection from environmental“These satisfy the latest OEM standards for im- influences. This form of corrosion protection is calledproving aesthetics and corrosion resistance. MEIS cathodic protection. Zinc flake coatings generallytechnology has minimal impact on the environment contain a combination of zinc flakes and aluminumcomplying with REACH regulations. Of note has flakes (ISO 10683), which are fused together by anbeen the removal of hexavalent chromium from POP inorganic matrix.pre-treatment systems, decorative chromium plating “Even with very thin coats—typically a total systemsolutions and passivation for zinc-based coatings. By consists of a base coat and topcoat of 8 to 12 μm—itdeveloping these hexavalent chromium-free systems, is possible to achieve protective effects against baseMEIS enables world customers to continue to provide metal corrosion (red rust)—ASTM B117—of up to 1000sustainable surface finishings. hours. By contrast, other conventional technologies“Emilio Pedral, Business Development Director for SEM of a zinc flake coat (18 μm).the Americas, believes the merger has been benefi-cial to employees and customers. Pedral explained,‘MEIS blends the strengths of the organizations thatcombined to create it, empowering our employeesby enhancing their experience and knowledge, whileallowing us to serve our customers with the higheststandards and latest technologies of our industry.’“The company’s prolific product line has given wayto new opportunities for customers to succeed inachieving the highest quality in production withunique finishes. An example of MacDermid Enthone’scutting-edge products is the TriPass ELV TECBLUE,with 120 hours to white corrosion while maintaininga blue bright appearance. This product has been atrue game changer for the company’s sales team andcustomers. TriPass ELV TECBLUE is a high-corrosion-50 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
Coating & Plating Rounduprequire a greater coating thickness to offer similar resistance of 240 hours is significantly exceeded.corrosion protection, or due to the way they are ap- “The system’s basecoat guarantees active cathodicplied, cannot work in the thinnest micro-layer range. protection as well as optimized adhesion to steel. The topcoat ensures higher resistance of the coating to“In addition to the benefit of extremely thin layers gasoline, brake fluid, oil and cleaning agents, and itwhich can be due in part to the components’ design, also improves the mechanical properties, ensures thei.e., the need for threads to fit precisely, it is also worth consistency of the coefficients of friction and exceedsmentioning from an ecological and economic perspec- the temperature resistance requirement of 96 hourstive, that the technology from Dörken MKS-Systeme at 180°C.GmbH & Co. KG, achieves superior performancewhile optimizing the use of resources. The Dörken MKS coating system comprising the matte zinc flake basecoat and provides components with a“During the coating process, no hydrogen is producedand thus no danger exists of any hydrogen-induced high-performance and enduringly black corrosion pro-embrittlement. For this reason, zinc flake coating is tection. (Image Source: Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH)also particularly well suited to high-strength steels “The zinc flake coating system can be applied toof classes 10.9 and 12.9, of 1000 MPa and above. Due racked products or to bulk parts using all standardto its ability to perform well with coatings of minimal methods such as rack dip spin, bulk dip spin or spray.thickness, the zinc flake concept has become most The choice of process depends on the size and thewidely used for screws and fasteners in the automo- geometry of the parts. In order to complete the pro-tive industry. Every second screw used by the leading cess, the coatings are cured at an object temperaturemanufacturers is coated with zinc flake systems. of approximately 200°C to 250°C for an average of 30 minutes. The optimal combination of component“In the automotive industry, many components are geometry, coating structure, process and systems en-safety-relevant types and are required to withstand gineering is developed in close cooperation betweencorrosion. Black surfaces are in increasing demand for all those involved in the process.” use in areas that are visible to the user. However, so www.doerkenusa.comfar it has proved difficult to fulfill the complex require-ments of the car manufacturers in a reliable manner, New Global Innovation as these demands are not limited to capable corrosion Center for Adhesive Technologiesprotection and a premium appearance. Wulf Klüppelholz of Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Düs-“The requirements regarding assembly character- seldorf, Germany, says, “Henkel AG & Co. KGaAistics, temperature stability of the coating and heat recently laid the corner stone for the new global inno-loosening torque have also become considerably vation center of its Adhesive Technologies business atmore stringent. the company’s headquarters in Düsseldorf, Germany. The company is investing more than €130 million to“Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG, a global erect a state-of-the-art building. Once it is completed,market leader in micro layer corrosion protection the Adhesives Technologies facility will allow moresystems with more than 30 years of experience, top than 350 Henkel experts to develop new technologiestechnological performance and teamwork, considers and applications for a variety of industries. Addition-itself and its employees as The Corrosion Experts. ally, the new building will serve as a global customer“This also includes the objective of constantly drivingthe industry forward with innovation. That is whyDörken MKS developed a system, which comprisesthe basecoat Delta-Protekt® KL 120 and a topcoat,which fulfils all requirements of the motor vehicleindustry for corrosion protection and the multifunc-tional characteristics of the coating, while at the sametime giving the component a stable black surface. Inthis the choice of a matte basecoat was a consciousone, as it significantly improves the appearance anddoes not result in a noticeable silver-colored shimmereven on points of impact and thread tips.“With overall layer thickness of 8 μm—depending onthe structure of the layer, the geometry of the parts andthe form of application—corrosion durability of 1000hours as per ASTM B117 is achieved. White corrosion Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 51
Coating & Plating Roundupcenter, which will allow Henkel to present new solu-tions for adhesives, sealants and functional coatings.The opening of the Adhesives Technologies innova-tion center is planned for the end of 2020. With an investment of more than €130 million, Henkel builds a global innovation center in Düsseldorf for its Adhesive Technologies business. Ground-breaking ceremony for The state-of-the-art facility will feature labs, research the new innovation center. and testing facilities, office space and conference rooms“‘Innovations are an integral part of our corporate with space for more than 350 employees.strategy. They drive our growth. That is why we aremaking this targeted investment in innovation and In the innovation center, customers will experience thegrowth,’ commented Henkel’s Chief Executive Of- technology leadership of Adhesive Technologies andficer (CEO), Hans Van Bylen, at the foundation stoneceremony. ‘This particular investment is also a strong with Henkel experts develop new solutions.commitment to our hometown, Düsseldorf, which is innovation center will also allow for future of our largest research, development and produc- “In addition to research and product development,tion sites worldwide.’ the new innovation center building will also integrate“‘The new innovation center for Adhesive Technolo- a modern customer center and provide an inspiringgies will support our ambition to provide innovative environment in which customers from all over thesolutions and comprehensive service to our custom- world will be able to experience first-hand the in-ers. At Henkel, we want to take our innovation capa- novative and technological leadership of Adhesivebilities for adhesives, sealants and functional coatings Technologies in various fields of application. Theseto the next level,’ explained Jan-Dirk Auris, who is a customers will get the chance to talk to experts andHenkel Board Member for the company’s Adhesive test new applications at the new site.Technologies business. ‘Our goal is to improve thecross-team collaboration and knowledge exchangeamong our employees within a state-of-the-art andinspiring work environment. And at the same time, wewill use the new building as an interactive customercenter. We want to excite our customers by experienc-ing our innovations and technologies first-hand thereand develop new high-impact solutions together.’“The new seven-story innovation center will featurenumerous laboratories, research and testing facilities,office space and conference rooms that are spread outover an area of about 50,000 m2. The building willrepresent all technologies the business unit offersglobally under one roof. Following the innovationcenter’s planned completion at the end of 2020, morethan 350 employees from the Research and Develop-ment, Product Development, Application Technology,Technical Service and Innovation areas will move intothe facility. All of these employees currently work indifferent buildings across the Henkel Düsseldorf site.And thanks to the building’s modular design, the52 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
Coating & Plating Roundup“And at the same time, the new innovation center aligned with SWD’s mission to ‘Bring our customerswill be closely connected to Adhesive Technologies’ the highest level of quality and service in the metalglobal development and application centers all over finishing industry’.the world in order to facilitate customized solutionsthat are based on global technologies for local markets. “SWD Inc. specializes in Black Oxide, passivation of“Henkel Adhesive Technologies is leading with high- stainless steel, phosphate coatings (zinc, Manganeseimpact solutions in adhesives, sealants and functional and iron), fastener sorting and licensed applicationcoatings worldwide. The business unit serves around of high-corrosion Magni, Dörken and Yuken coating130,000 customers in over 800 industrial areas with systems. Last year, SWD Inc. introduced a state-of-the-tailor-made products and technologies used in a wide art robotic organic coating line with unprecedentedarray of consumer goods and industrial products. production capabilities.“Approximately 26,000 employees work for the busi-ness unit including about 8000 technical specialists “The 26,000 ft2 expansion of the company’s existingwho collaborate closely with customers all over the facility is expected to take six months and should beworld to make cars lighter, electronics more powerful finished by November 2018.” www.swdinc.comor food packaging safer. Innovations are a strategicpriority, representing about 30% of Adhesive Tech- New Metalworking Coolants Meetnologies’ annual sales.” Comprehensive Operating RequirementsCoatings Supplier Begins Information from BASF, says, “The Surface Treatment25,000 ft2 Facility Extension global business unit of the Coatings division of BASF, operating under the Chemetall brand, advances theMatt Delawder, VP, Sales and Marketing, at SWD standards with two new products—Tech Cool® 35058Inc., Addison, IL, USA, says, “On June 7, 2018, SWD and Tech Cool 35037. These two new metalworkingInc. held a ground-breaking ceremony to celebrate a coolants join the company’s innovative and award-26,000 ft2 expansion of the firm’s existing 160,000 ft2 winning Tech Cool line of metalworking fluids forfacility. In attendance were Village of Addison Of- metal fabricators.ficials, representatives from BMO Harris Bank andmembers of Laub Construction. With this addition, “Tech Cool 35058 and Tech Cool 35037 fluids are thethe company projects growth of 15% in year-over- result of Chemetall’s commitment to continuous in-year sales and expects from 12 to 15 new positions novation—innovation that is motivated by a customer-will be created. centric approach. And this level of customer focus strengthens and supports the company’s goal to be“The current expansion is the second phase of a project the global supplier of choice for the surface treatmentthat added 60,000 ft2 in 2012. The extra 26,000 ft2 will with process flow in this state-of-the-art coatingproduction facility. The addition has been designed “Tech Cool 35058 is a unique premium machiningto allow for more warehousing with an automated fluid that has been developed specifically for ap-racking system for part storage and new office space plications requiring superior micro-finish on ferrousfor centralized shipping, receiving and order entry alloys as well as low and high-carbon steels, titanium,processing. molybdenum and tough alloys. This machining fluid“The US$3 million project follows a series of invest- is low foaming and has been specially formulated toments undertaken by the company. This expansion is run longer in high-velocity central systems. The Tech Cool 35058 product offers its users excellent corrosion protection, and it contains no chlorine, sulfur, boron or phosphorus compounds, and it is compatible with ferrous and aluminum alloys. The technology uses a unique blend of additives, which delivers extended sump life. Tech Cool 35058 machining fluid is recom- mended for utilization in most medium to heavy-duty machining and grinding applications. “Tech Cool 35037 is a distinctive general-purpose machining and grinding fluid that has been developed specifically for applications requiring efficient and economical performance on aluminum and copper al- loys. It is low foaming and designed to deliver superior finishes for aluminum drilling and tapping applica- tions. The Chemetall Tech Cool 35037 grinding fluid Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 53
Coating & Plating Roundupproduct provides excellent corrosion protection, ex- that adds nitrogen to the HVOF process to create atended sump life and contains no sulfur compounds. higher coating efficiency. This is useful for parts suchIts unique lubricity is activated by a chlorinated EP as metallic glass that typically deteriorate at high tem-ingredient. And Tech Cool 35037 grinding fluid is peratures. The main benefits are preventing oxidationcompletely free of formaldehyde releasing biocides, of the metal to maintain the integrity of the metal overand the fluid is recommended for use in most general- a prolonged period. This is critical for equipment suchpurpose machining and grinding applications. as pipes and tanks, transportation such as cargo ships and boats and structures such as bridges.“Both Tech Cool 35058 and 35037 fluids exhibit en-hanced hard water tolerance as well as increased “Cold Spraying: Cold spraying consists of mixingemulsion stability. The in-service cleanliness of these nitrogen and helium to create a very low-temperatureparticular products provides for a long-term system gas stream that is propelled onto the metal. The mainlife without the formation of heavy, tacky, water in- benefits are protecting the metal from corrosion andsoluble residues.” improving or restoring the composition of the / This is useful for parts that are used in equipment for critical industries such as aerospace, military, oil andSeven Ideal Thermal Spray gas and healthcare.Coatings for Commercial Metal “Flame Spraying: Flame spraying is ideal for jobsInformation from Superior Shot Peening and Coat- where quality is not as important as cost-effectiveness.ings International, Houston, TX, USA, says, “Thermal The technique uses heat to melt the surface coatingspraying commercial and then propel the melted coating onto the metal.metal extends the life of The main benefits are covering a large area of metalparts used in extreme or or an entire piece of metal. This is especially usefulharsh conditions. This if the metal will be fused to another piece of metal ascoating technique creates a solution to address a design limitation during thea stronger surface bond manufacturing process.that allows the part tohold up against scratch- “Plasma Spraying: Plasma spraying is a very expen-es, chips, wear, abrasion sive, yet highly functional technique to coat metalsand excessive heat. The question then becomes, which with very high melting points such as refractory met-of the thermal spray coating options is the best choice als (up to 2000°C) and ceramics (up to 1600°C). Thefor your metal part and how it will be used? main benefits are enhancing the corrosive-resistance of parts used in equipment that requires extreme heat“To decide on the best coating option for your par- resistance, such as a manufacturing, chemical, powerticular metal, you should consider the industry, the or nuclear that requires the part and the conditionsthe part will be exposed to. “Wire Arc Spraying: Wire arc spraying is ideal for large jobs that require a higher volume of output.“High-Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) Thermal Spray: The coating process repeatedly propels tiny dropletsThe HVOF coating provides high-density, extremely of molten material onto the metal, creating a series ofwear-resistant coating to commercial parts in oil and splats that spread out to cover the desired area. Thegas, aerospace, sewage treatment, chemical plants and main benefits are restoring the composition of worn-more industries. The main benefits are increasing the down parts and slowing down the rate of erosiondensity, thickness and hardness of the metal, while to extend the life of the metal. This is important foralso providing exceptional corrosion-resistance in industries such as aerospace where engine parts areextreme environments. routinely exposed to extreme conditions.“High-Velocity Air Fuel (HVAF) Thermal Spray: The “Superior Shot Peening and Coating offers two of theHVAF coating is valuable for parts and components best thermal protective coatings, High-Velocity Oxy-in the oil and gas industry. Specifically, this type of gen Fuel (HVOF) thermal spray and High-Velocity Airprotective coating is commonly used to repair parts Fuel (HVAF) thermal spray. Our thermal spray coat-used in equipment for oil drilling. The main benefits ings create a high-density, extremely wear-resistantare creating heating efficiency, preventing the oxida- coating to commercial parts without causing defects,tion of metals and preventing the decomposition of stresses or warping.carbides in the metal. “Contact our team today to inquire about utilizing“Warm Spraying: Warm spraying is a newer technique our thermal spray coatings for your next project.” WFTI54 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
is pleased to announce our next event October 1 – 3, 2019 Pittsburgh Convention Center Pittsburgh, PASave the Date! Registration begins Spring 2019Learn more at
Driving Mesh Welding Innovationby: A new machine designed to produce simple Michael Raich, Sales Director as well as complicated reinforcement meshes mbk Maschinenbau GmbH in a flexible and efficient manner. Friedrich-List-Str. 19 88353 Kisslegg, Germany www.mbk-kisslegg.deEfficiency, reliability, robustness, precision and econ-omy are in focus when mbk Maschinenbau GmbH,the manufacturer of reinforcement mesh welding ma-chines for the steel, construction, precast and concreteindustry, introduces new and further developments tothe market. In doing so, the company is always aboutestablishing solutions that can be integrated quicklyand without complication into the existing productionprocesses. This efficient integration capability influ-ences the customer’s day-to-day production routinein a positive and sustainable manner.Simple or Complex Mesh Welding TechnologyThe newest mbk innovation is the MSM-H, which is anew mesh welding machine. The MSM-H mesh welderis available for the manufacture of list, drawing andreinforcement meshes.This new machine supplements the wide range ofproducts available from mbk Maschinenbau GmbHand provides a wide customer base with even moreoperational possibilities. In more than 60 countriesaround the world, mbk impresses with technology,“Made in Germany”.The MSM-H mesh welding machine has been designedto produce simple as well as complicated reinforce-ment meshes in a flexible and efficient manner. Thanksto the machine’s short conversion time, the highestdegree of flexibility is achievable, which makes theMSM-H machine well suited for Just-In-Time (JIT)production.Moreover, the MSM-H is characterized by the process-ing of rods with the cross and longitudinal wires cutto length. A longitudinal and cross wire stacking hasa positive influence on the pre-assembly. The feed ofthe pre-assembled longitudinal wires is accomplshedby hand or depending on the option, accomplishedautomatically. This is also true for the cross wire feedwith wire separation.Wide Capacities Range between 5 and 12 mm and the cross wire diameter is from 5 to 12 mm. The quantity of the longitudinalDepending on the mesh version, the MSM-H machine wires is calculated according to the machine width. Thecan produce wire mesh in widths from 1000 to a maxi- distance of the longitudinal wires (grid) is a minimummum of 3000 mm. The mesh lengths can range from of 100 mm. The cross wire distance is fixed in steps1000 to 6000 mm, and longer upon request.The possible diameter of the longitudinal wire is56 Wire Forming Technology InternationalFall 2018
of 50 mm where the 50 mm is termed as maximum.Up to 120 cross wires can be welded per minute. Thewelding output is orientated according to the versionof the MSM-H.Easy Operation & Simple Programming on the new MSM-H mesh welding machine from mbkThe simplified machine handling and programming by Maschinenbau GmbH is available at the company’susing the system’s touch panel and IPC/PLC controlunit make the MSM-H mesh welding machine suitable website. WFTIfor a smooth and stable day-to-day production routine,and this to the highest degree. Company Profile:Additionally, the setting of the mesh and welding Since 1961, mbk Maschinenbau GmbH hasdata through the use of stored programs results in the become a global market leader for welding ma-customer’s production processes becoming noticeably chines and installations for the concrete indus-easier and more efficient. try, achieved through technical innovations and high quality standards. Satisfied customers are atElectric or pneumatic components are exclusively in- the core of the company’s philosophy, for whomstalled in the MSM-H machine. The system’s integral the company aims to achieve the greatest possi-LAN/WLAN connection guarantees trouble-free inte- ble benefit and service. As a family business, mbkgration in a modern day-to-day production routine. Maschinenbau’s conduct is characterized by fair and friendly working relationships between cus-Additional User Benefits tomers, employees and business partners. The knowledge, experience and involvement of theOnce again, the MSM-H mesh welding machine stands qualified staff form the basis for fulfilling qualityfor the typical mbk characteristics—high maintenance and environmental objectives. mbk Maschinen-friendliness and low maintenance costs that guarantee bau GmbH encourages personal and environmen-maximum efficiency. Additinally, the construction of tal responsibility and efficiency. The company’sthe MSM-H machine is based on a robust, stable and quality management systems, developed accord-durable design. ing to the DIN EN ISO 9001 standard, are meant to ensure the quality as well as the reliability ofGermany-based mbk Mascinenbau GmbH is dedicated mbk Maschinenbau GmbH’s products and pro-to developing all of its welding machine technologies mote a constant optimization of its processes.with vision. www.mbk-kisslegg.deAn optional large accessories program is also avail-able for the new MSM-H mesh welding machine, andthe requirements for the expandability have beenintegrated in the machine. This allows for a quickand uncomplicated adaptation to changing marketsituations so that an innovative market can be servedprofessionally at all times.Additional information and technical specifications Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 57
TestSipnotglight On Testing In the area of wire forming, testing procedures are pretty vari- by Mike McNulty, Editor Wire Forming Technology International able as the range of finished products is fairly wide. Quality control fixtures—used in-process and on the final part—are Testing of springs, wire formed parts, wire mesh and rebar helpful to insure that dimensional requirements are met, andesh and pcurosdtuocmtse—rsbowthitihn fcioninsfhieddeanncdestehmait-fpinairshtsedarsetabteesi—ngnemedasdtoe they provide customers with confidence that parts are being nished obitreethiferfygefawcoahfotinriotnnrtd.redisssF.puphiecierxntrideoftodurptrrrratmooeonudsadfnuobadcrclromeete,.c-itusTnhahmhgeloesepioosntryttoauiepclndesesgossetsofooouaiffnrnltvsedpfuasottlrruhieroneepcgwaesrnpoosierppsteeehldidracfepeatodtvryriooedmodnlueoui.pnpccTeatgenmnqsdtuoeitnoaepnlnlg--tl made right. Fixtures are also useful for wire forming operatorsnted to hAorweagsoowdewhiraevise biedfoernetitfiiesdusfeodr. testing developments in trouble-shooting or process development efforts.mance. Cinocmlupdaneieths tehfaot lpleorwfoirnmga: t high levels are usually good at the nished Resourcessting of Manufacturers of testing equipment can provide valuableyou can dreigsc•uilpalArinuteetssotoimnf gtaetesetqidunigtpeamsntedinntdgoascnyudsmtpeernmotcaset.diounr,easnedvathlueayticoonnsd/uupc-t testing information and data related to their equipment andusually gra•desR. Kedeeupciendg atibmreeasftoorf cmoancdhuincetidnegvetleosptms.ents and tech- testing of wire-based products. Additional sources of testing information are the Spring Manufacturers Institute (SMI) and the Institute of Spring Technology (IST). SMI publishes a 43-page book, Testing and Tolerancing, thatntation, niq•uesSiismanpliimfipeodrtoapnterpaatritoonf boefintegsgtoinogd aetqquuiaplmityecnotn. trol. discusses the principles and procedures for testing springs. Itades of Are•as Pwoewhaevrefuidl eanntidfieedafsoyr -tetost-iungsedesvoefltowpmareentasnindclucodme: - includes both USA and metric units, and it provides guidelines • hHpiuigghthe--vrsopcleouenmdteraopulrtoosdmyusatctetiicmoncso..mpression spring testers for for tolerancing including: •• A2Dutoamndat3edDcionm-lpinareaatonrds tohfaft-lciannepveirsfioormn shyusntedmredssfoorf • Compression Spring Load Tolerances; Quality Grades • Compression Spring Free Length Tolerances macecausuraretme egnetos minesetrcoicndtesswtiinthga.utomatic data collection • Extension Spring Load Tolerances; Quality Grades reast of impor-Spotlight On Spring CoilingndustrySpotlight On Spring Grindingmpres- s, wire orque,de andntegrity lly off- • aTnhdeinusspeecotfiosnerrevpoo-rdtrgievneesraotniolnoad testers. • Extension Spring Free Length Tolerances •• iITdnoesutnatcnihftymspceararetsseu,nrpesum.lleunpt styhsetecomrsre, wcthpircohghraamveatnhde ability to • Torsion Spring Load Tolerances (Torque); Quality Grades measure • uGpretoat1e0r0 mdiamcehnisnioenfslepxeirbpialirttya.t once. • bTyolMeriacnhacelsMfocrNHulotty-,CEodilteodr Springs Wire F•o rmiTngolTeercahnncoelsogfoyrInRteetraniantiinongaRl ingsb; yDMiamicheaterl MToclNerualntyc,eEsditor • Digital force testers. •S priTnoglercaonicleesrsfoar rBeeltlhevWeilihlreeeWFaorartmshaiennrgdsTescohnuolloogfy aInntyernsaptiroinnagl Re••s oR2uDedraucncedesd3cDycilne-ltiinmeeafnodr conducting tests. for ac- •m akTionlegraonpceesrafotrioSnp.ecTiahleSyprqinugieWtlayshcerras nk out springs off-line vision systemsanually Manucufaractteugreeorms eotrfictteessttiinngg. equipment can provide I•imn parTovovlieerrtmauneacnlelstysfoisrnuFfcilhantiaStepsrnPinuCgmscobnertrolf, cthoemubsine aotfiosnesrvoofprocess val•u aTbhlee utessetoinf gseirnvfoo-drmrivaetsioonn laonadd tdeasttearsr.elated to their d•wr iivreGsdu, siidaimemlipneletiefsiref,odsrpSrpoirngingrgadmTieamsmtiinneggtearn, dfrienetelegnragttehd,anuutmombae-rcturing Teeqsutiinpgmdeenvitceasnudsetdesitnintgheowf iwreirfoer-mbainsgedinpdruostdryucmtse.aAsudre- t•oio fncoaWrileosra,klemmtcao.nsVsthciiospim:toSmursroftnaocpell,aaBcsuetriyrn,eGmarroo’sudnSedrPnERsnIpdNrsiG,nCgWlogsrOeindRdELinnDdg®s adtittriibountaels ssuocuhracseslooadfMt(aetegsntuisnirogen,iMncofamocrhpmirneasetsriiyoonnoarrteortshieonS),phrairndg- ctte••ttuoohqhr paabugendoircpDPCLligtelanheomooiermtdosistsfelephhoseesitn,rsensohtm,Stasmwe,lEqsiniabopsunenadnutdwanrccestriehdid:RenetnWiCnsherngaehleeoioesarsarcsfptesaferio,ooawaDebaPicnnlrllilraita,iaedoreernmPetrwatatiigiloseootsdlsctetopnii:ehdlcsnlrir.siise,innt:mnMSeiLgoopg,o5nvar(sBaig0.ananodrAlgtwy/niiiRnDnoe,soadFnenwitfaierlonsemetTv.gsceheeaptLewstiteotrseiirhoinnne,nneggNfoges,teuhflFrsacm,ire)xotHelubtuaicuoelstrereroeeenerokddsdtsf/, ystems TheBfuucknldinagm, Leonatda/lRaptre,oIcneistisalfToernscionil,inStgresspRrienlagxsathioans, spring nMesasn, cuofaaticntgutrheircsknFIeonsrs1m,0twi6itnuiNrgietnedtShi(yaSSsmtMtreeeetmIet)rNs,ao,frnItehdneclte.hnegtIhn, fsattigtuuteelifoef, n•oTthFcrahetaiegnusgeeetLsdifo,efb, Lguortiantdhd/Meinroegmawernhete/mRelaastenuyTteilnsitzeinewdg,foFeniaxttauurtreaesnsdaenmd ome of IcSaTsppparrbionivgliidtgeiresisntedsaetvirn.agilsaebrvliecefsr, ovmariotuhsereclaotmedppaunbileicsatitohnast, l to the pSiptcrhi,ntgorTqeuceh, rneolalxoBagrtiiygoan(nI,tPSin.OTeu.,m)BN. obJxe0r6892o40f 3coUilSsA, geometry, inside dwstmstfeoha••pewsfscaaaiSItrtwisimtwsukpgin,.nnitesgruapssomgi,rtanerstmfei-ionhauvglhmitvdaaqeeteic.nygetarovoesdaudrakaripdgrellleimieiern/tnqdooqeiwaugganpssfucttpwiegiaiithrpfonrrhwneaiancmginme.dcntoi,asieetmgioTstenonl.epnnoodeatrcfrrptt.rfigoiessiesnn.pcrPiusaicligrtakeerrlihualnoengrsadlgdscrtrltie.uyetnsaep—dctgdsrtioutnsoiilfnpcngoauoegg,uwifnldsuldmhe2d.aroor0aettnecc0tpahhoe8tenisehineatpnneeltw-rysiolno.fisolnogifosir,ep,lolseeidWpsrnrdtrs.FaaianTttIoinienngIcf psaawtaSinuhnrrnMieorgdatdfhdtIatoseucidpmupstecuitttarqpsissbnincuirndtguluaohigeflssvaiaashtsdticny.WedeitfdE.EauIusseeT-tm-rnmbtspmahiThicnearSenaeg4ttoSgeisiililec3tu:l:ocec:erpFlph-+nFeiii:C,dTunanCpodrsrawe1wfxeof+omoodsioaoxle:vwnn:nl8c1:@@ecgelact+i+te7wrc+laicasoe2nafd1s7nM1.i1ceoc6Mfsnup-tbtstebr6a72e:9s6:,mtaal0saot2gso6Jr0MeTlg6r9r.io7iu9l9otnmefis7ueyIm-ilIho2grnk69Fi2nuer4a6sMosrO7ge6,-WM93ysUn6y9rl6tTRa0sut5Mihsaedn0togMea8S359atebc,a2sueu75e7l0Almhepcmt0eli(6m7triyrhUi3en0oesrr79nai6xiSaeosaonmngt7aArnefnccey6tmfar.are.dh-cc)yctiln.doipaiaioccnnmdmtlmlouaeegmilwTrs,nel.eysottoitse,lnraregibcknfrcrluoaduiittnru-ndyatctn-ehlielaoiniensvtnnrgstideee--,, res are sIiSoTn psyrostvemidsesaInnttedesrnftrieente:g-wlsewnewrg.vtfhoicrmgeasing,gevssaystrthieoamtuswsinroce.rckloamitne-dprpoucebslsicoan-ducts is atiospnrsinagncdoitleersttionigdeenqtuifyipvmareionut.s spring attributes. Some of in-pro- ptwhrweoscwee.ssesmvdeihnuqrp.ionrroggvp•idrwoedwauuwct.toiismot.noa.rtigc.ufekedback control to the coilingure that WFTIprovide W•Ritehdmucoerdeftohoatpnrfinotuorfdsopzrienngsgurpinpdliinegrsmoarcmhinanesu. fac- tu•Creorosloerf scpurttiinngg csopirlienrgs wgroinrlddinwgidweh, teheelsrethaartegqruinitde a fsepwrinignsnofavsatetironansdavlaasitlalbolnegearndthainn tchoenvpelnatnionninagl stawgheese,lsa.nd some of the most common we have o•bSsiemrvpelidfieodvleoratdhineglaasntdfeuwnloyaedairnsgaorfesapsrifnoglslo. ws: St•iuopnpaRllioientrfasotorinmf gmatcaioocnhiliionnnegrtyhpeaosniendtastnodwolmiitnhogrpecraiennlnopoarvodavtciidooennsta.rdodl.i- Forming Systems, Inc. Bmi••nedahnuinycIMsmdrtpreiytprnahoirsaefaoessetdevsuwseirnoiedoenplnloesHe1aaLpvr3ralsag8aasmr4rttiotii7shnoLnonoaeAgrnotknbhswsemmee,aSirosMdfyiasretecsNpnhkettrdenyu5eic5necfSmoa3ausgtmrn0scime4ggtdepIuruntnUl,ieerlsnNcSaiat.dEnteAtsihdivgenae-igcotnkafspnp-tehourcaowetsboveg-irh.iledioontfewieetrihsoan.efl- issom••npefecrtstthipianoe1oFdrlgn0iaribwnm.0sgusgto%rpieerligdernnkrcdiisisinnnieniiaWgnogstdElupgneiuii-znpbmnespTtegsdcoSaedaoliFtciurlTlit-:infehaneeFsois:xnltqnrdt:khe:nwhfr+ooue+yiewu@1lpl:1.iaowlnrt+7Aosl7engi.a1d6l.n6casrdyd3rs83hrigesdo7t7n7aondi7el8i8orniest0svc70eisysnoa8yse2os2psn0slt1n1feto3brae28mfd1epalm12acslsu3seycos.ece1,t.rrnncoo.adiomtSntrtmoerioogedzomrseltkinpenhonslbeafotoahywfssseiappy-cnhrresriieaooonnxrlwnesggt P.O. Box 694 CineSticchoLoalcnradfits, MGIr4in90d8i7ngUSCAorp. coiling process. This is accomplished by optical ManufactuCreonrtsacotf: TGimarWdnebeerr Abrasives Tel:&+1CI8T77C-O727P-rFoOdRuMc(t3s676) 481 Gardner Str+e1et2, 6S9ou6t7h9B3e5lo5i7t, IL 61080 USA FCaxo:nt+a1ct2: 6D9on67S9ch3l5ie67 E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] Internet: (video camera) or electronic means. 58 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018 SS•opmrieHnsiggphrGienrrgispn,rdloikidneugccotTimoenpcrhsepnsesoieoldnosg.syprings, require that t•heirSeimndpslibfieedgrporuongdratomamfilnagtteinne2dDsatantde 3inDogrrdaeprhtioc faciliftoartemtahtesi—r psoestiutipons ianngdwphreongurasmedmininsgersvtiecpe.sScparninbge
Thinking Big? Think All Around Spring Machine ManufacturerWire and Strip Forming High speed wire forming to 8.0+mm (~ .3218) - Super high speed forming Okuno Machine Co. - Wire or strip Because… - 0.4mm to 8.0+mm (~.0156\" to ~.3218\") One of the most respected names in spring makingWave Springs and Wave Washers and wire forming. With over 45 years supplying Wave Springs and Wave Washers the industry and over 300 to 200mm (~9\") diameter innovative patents. - Patented Okuno forming process - Wave springs - Single and multi-turn wave washersFlat and Round Wire Rings Round, flat and shaped wire rings 300mm² (~ 0.5²) wire to 480mm (~19.0”) ring diameter - Round - Flat and Shaped wire CNC Coiling - Round and oval rings CNC Coiling to 25+mm (~1.0 “) diameter wire- Wire cross section 0.4mm to 300mm2 - High Precision - CNC Coiling from 0.05mm to 25+mm (~.002\" to ~1.0\") - Variety of end cut shapes - Very high production rates - Independent servo control on each axis - High Speed Orchestra Control (Pat.) - New EZ Set controller with self correcting artificial intelligenceOutstanding Sales and Service in the Americas: 106 Ninth Street North Okuno Machine Co., LTD Brigantine, NJ 08203 USA 48-2, Sakamoto-cho, Izumi-city Tel: (609) 266-0200 Osaka, Japan 594-0052 Fax: (609) 266-9079 Tel: 81 (725) 43-7111 Fax: 81 (725) 45-3111 [email protected]
Straight From The Show Images and news from wire China 2018 September 26 to 29, 2018 Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC) Shanghai, China 60 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
Record Visitor ParticipationThe recent staging of wire China 2018, we will continue to follow the ‘globalInternational Wire & Cable Industry Trade integration and business development’Fair and Tube China 2018, International concept, and strive to create a one-stopTube & Pipe Industry Trade Fair, closed platform to connect domestic and interna-with record visitor participation: 45,120 tional trade, so that both suppliers and buy-attendees (6.9% increase) from 91 coun- ers can meet face-to-face, and bring moretries took part to get an industry overview business results to the industry! Thank youpresented by 1653 exhibitors from 31 na- for participating and we look forward totions. The events were jointly organized by meeting everyone again in Shanghai twoMesse Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., years from now!”the Shanghai Electric Cable ResearchInstitute (SECRI) and the Metallurgical Bernd Lohmueller, General ManagerCouncil of the China Council for the and Sales Director of MaschinenfabrikPromotion of International Trade. Niehoff GmbH & Co. KG, said, “Niehoff entered the Chinese market in the 1970s and hasThis year, besides a large number of domestic visitors, participated in wire China many times. At wire China,there were many more overseas buyers interested in we can not only meet Chinese buyers, but also manythe Chinese market. According to the post-show visitor buyers from Japan, South Korea and southeast Asia.statistics, the top ten overseas visitor nations were India, In order to meet the environmental protection needsSouth Korea, China Taiwan, Japan, Russia, Malaysia, from our clients, we are constantly improving our equip-Thailand, Vietnam, China, Hong Kong and Indonesia. ment to achieve higher efficiency under lower energyAbout 100 local and overseas visitor delegations also consumption.”attended the shows.Exhibitors at wire China 2018 seized the favorable op- Li BinHeng, Marketing Director at Singcheer, said,portunities brought by the “The Belt and Road” initiative “Since the first exhibition in 2004, we have participatedand the “Made in China 2025” strategy. Many of the in every wire China edition. wire China is the absolutecompanies were past exhibitors, and some have even perfect platform for Chinese local enterprises to show-participated in all eight editions of the show. case the power of ‘Made in China’. The clients we met at the exhibition are professional buyers in the cableIn addition to the individual international exhibitors, both industry. We successfully export the latest equipmentof the trade fairs featured country group exhibits from of new technology machinery to countries all over theAustria, China Taiwan, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, world via this platform.”South Korea and the USA, enhancing the global imageof the exhibitions. Wang YongBing from Stainless (Dongguan) Preci-The exhibits at wire China 2018 were complemented by sion Metal Materials Co., Ltd., said, “I visited thisa series of educational forums and conference, orga- year’s wire China and Tube China to look for suppliersnized in cooperation with industry local and international of cable and wire processing equipment and raw steelassociations and media. mills. I have met with a number of quality suppliers andThe China Wire & Cable Industry Conference 2018 in- have confirmed my intention to cooperate with one ofcluded presentations of several wire and cable industry the exhibitors.”reports and evaluation of cable companies’ competitive-ness in the “Thirteenth Five-Year” plan. Mirko Brockhaus of Erzet-HandelsgesellschaftmbH,In addition, many wire China 2018 exhibitors also held Germany, said, “I have visited the wire in Düsseldorftechnical seminars and new product launches on site Germany many times. This is my first visit to the show. Currently, I have contacted many quality suppliers from China and Asia and look forward to more cooperationAs a “barometer” for the development of the international opportunities after the event.”wire and wire formed parts industries, wire China 2018 The next edition of wire China 2018 will take place fromenjoy a high reputation in this sector—both in China as September 23 to 26, 2020, at the Shanghai New Inter-well as abroad. national Expo Center. For more information, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America (MDNA), Chicago,Axel Bartkus, who is the General Manager of Messe IL, USA, or visit the websites listed below. Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., stated, “In the future, • Continued... Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 61
Straight From The Show...Continued Images & News from wire China 2018Successful Debut for Alloy Wire InternationalAlloy Wire International’s (AWI’s) debut at wire China2018 was hailed a major success after conductingmore than 140 meetings with new customers on thecompany’s exhibition stand.Managing Director Mark Venables and Sales DirectorAngus Hogarth were joined by four Shanghai salesteam members, and it was a real joint effort as interestin AWI’s ‘High Performance’ nickel alloys was huge.The value of having native speakers on hand was clearly “Demand was so high for AWI’s technical literature thatevident as the majority of visitors spoke in Chinese, with we had all but run out by the end of the first day so had50% of the company’s Far East customers taking the to go back to Shanghai for emergency supplies.”time out to visit AWI during the four days. The company was one of only a few British businesses“We have been growing in this territory for a while now to be represented at wire China and worked closelyand felt it was the right time to put a marker in the sand by with the International Wire & Machinery Associationtaking a sizeable presence at wire China,” said Hogarth. (IWMA) to maximize exposure through its PR service“This represented a significant investment, but it was one and an enjoyable networking evening on the ‘Nightwell worth making after being inundated by existing and River Cruise’.new customers, all interested to find out more about our200 tons of stock, the 60 nickel alloys in our range and For further information, please visit www.alloywire.comour unrivalled three week delivery lead times.” or follow @alloywire on twitter.He continued, “A lot of feedback centred around howgreat it was to see us in China and the fact that theyall equate Alloy Wire with ‘quality’ and ‘reliability’. Andthese messages were not just from clients, but also fromsuppliers of machinery and equipment who are all keento be associated with us.62 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
WFTIFall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 63
Spring Grinding Roundup compiled by the Editors at Wire Forming Technology InternationalSuppliers have responded to our call for the state-of-the-art in spring grinding technology, equipment and tooling.Horizontal Crush or Downfeed Grinders very easy to save or load programs. The unit will save programs with only one touch.Dan Schneider, Sales Representative at Alex Indus-tries Inc., the North American representative for “System software has been developed to provide theFortuna Federn of Austria, says, “GRM CNC servo- operator with a maximum level of flexibility in pro-controlled, semi-automatic spring end grinders are gramming. Manual programming gives the operatorused for horizontal crush or down-feed grinding. The full control over the machine, and all programmingautomatic height adjustment in coordination with options are available at all times.the number of revolutions of the grinding wheelsincreases the capacity and efficiency. “The programming menu includes all important points for fast and smooth setup before production: GRM CNC servo-controlled, semi-automatic spring • Grinding speed end grinders are used for • Spring loading speed horizontal crush or down- • Spring loading time feed grinding.“The programmable control technology for the load- • Number of spring positions in discing table simplifies the loading of the machine. Auto-matic unloading and semiautomatic compensation of • Spring unload speedgrinding wheel wear increase the productivity evenmore. The HMI CNC control unit has a lot of set up • Spring unloading timepossibilities that makes the work with the machineunderstandable and convenient. “Through the possibilities to create grinding programs with production steps, the operator is able to make fine adjustments for the most complicated require- ments to the ground springs. “GRM CNC grinding machine diagnostics contain main safety production preconditions such as the following: • Motor state • Disk speed and position state • Lowering of grinding disc speed state • Grinding disk start position state • Grinding disk limiter state • Charger lock sensor state • Flap start position state“The GRM CNC with 10\" touch screen control unit “If no error is detected, the system’s diagnostics willLENZE p500 can store hundreds of different pro- enable spring grinding production. This feature al-grams. With big and clear command buttons, it is lows for the saving of a few hundred recipes using Memory form. With a specially designed search engine, it is easy to find and load recipes from the recipe database. There is also availability to export and import recipes to a USB storage device.” / Continued ...64 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
June 3 to 5, 2019 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Rosemont, IL, USA “The Fastener Show produced by theFastener Industry for the Fastener Industry” EXHIBITS, SEMINARS & NETWORKING FOR FASTENER MANUFACTURERS, DISTRIBUTORS & USERS Co-organized by:Producing Fastener Shows in Reporting Fastener News &the Heart of the Industry for Technology for over 40 years over 30 •
Spring Grinding RoundupGrinders that Can be Configured for years of grinding industry experience and provenCrush or Downfeed Grinding Capability consistency, these products offers aggressive stock removal for roughing operations, which reduces theInformation from RK Trading Company, Elk Grove, number of passes. Advanced bond systems maximizeIL, USA, says, “RK Trading Company offers spring effectiveness of the newest ceramic abrasives.and wire formed parts manufacturers with a broad “Additionally, Gardner Abrasives are trusted on criti-range of products including ATM Series Spring Grind- cal finishing operations to provide better quality anders. These machines are available in three models more up-time.and can be configured for either crush or downfeed “With a strong foundation based upon the renownedgrinding capability. names CITCO Tools and Gardner Abrasives, Fives designs and supplies custom engineered conventional“Heavy and durable, RK Trading Company’s ATM and superabrasive tooling solutions such as PCDSeries Spring Grinders have proven to be very popular and PcBN cutting tools, diamond dressing tools andwith spring makers throughout the world.” conventional and superabrasive grinding Together, the CITCO Tools and Gardner Abrasives legacy names carry more than 185+ years of cuttingGrinding Discs, Cylinders & Wheels and grinding expertise.” www.fivesgroup.comInformation from Anchor Abrasives Co., Tinley Park, Crush, Down-Feed & Wet Grinding IL, USA, says “Anchor Abrasives offers a variety of Machines for Finest Wire Sizesgrinding products including the following. Information from Forming Systems, Inc., Schoolcraft,• Discs & Cylinders. Anchor specializes in design- MI, USA, says, “Forming Systems, Inc. is dedicated ing and manufacturing nut-inserted discs and to providing its customers with the best possible cylinders from 8\" to 72\" diameter. These disc and manufacturing options by supplying leading global cylinder wheels are custom formulated to each technologies for the wire forming and spring making job to meet/exceed our customer’s disc grinding industries. Forming Systems will provide excellence requirements. in products, service and value.• Centerless Wheels. Anchor centerless grinding OMD MA10-1 grinding machine wheels are custom formulated for demanding from Forming Systems, Inc. thru-feed and plunge grinding applications. They can be made from 12\" to 30\" diameter in widths “Available from Forming Systems are OMD grinding up to 20\". machines. OMD sets the standard for spring grind- ing machines throughout the world. OMD provides• Roll Grinding Wheels. Anchor roll wheels are world-class crush, down-feed and wet grinding custom formulated and can be made in diameters machines for finest wire sizes to 100 mm (4\") wire from 20\" to 42\" up to 6\" wide. diameter.”• CBN & Diamond-Plated Discs. CBN plated discs work extremely well on small diameter springs and produce unmatched performance on tight tolerance work.“At Anchor Abrasives, we make every effort to insureproducts are ordered, manufactured and deliveredcorrectly. Hold-ready programs guarantee availabilityof our products for JIT delivery. We have the fastestregular delivery time in the industry. We will help youwith any phase of your grinding operation. Meetingchallenges keeps us a leader in the industry.” www.anchorabrasives.comCustom Engineered Grinding Inside/Outside Grinders & Wheels for Increased Productivity Seat Spring Grinding MachinesInformation from Fives Landis Corp. (Gardner Information from Maguire Machinery, Inc., Brig-Abrasives), South Beloit, IL, USA, says, “Gardner antine, NJ, USA, says, “In addition to being the ex-Abrasives provides custom engineered grinding clusive distributor of OKUNO spring, clip, ring andwheels designed to boost productivity. With 110+66 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
Spring Grinding Roundupwire forming equipment in the Americas, MaguireMachinery also provides the spring making and wireformed parts manufacturing industry with a varietyof grinding machines. Grinding machines availablefrom the company include:• Inside Grinding (Chamfering) Machines• Outside Grinding (Chamfering) Machines• Compression Spring Seat Grinding Machines• Long Spring Seat Grinding Machines• In-Process Seat Grinding Machines“To learn more, visit: www.MaguireMachinery.comSpring End Grinding Machine highest quality and precision. High operational safetyfor Compression Springs and availability are the result of central lubrication, adjustable protective hood, brakes in vertical axes andInformation from WAFIOS Machinery Corpora- the WAFIOS Programming System WPS 3.2 EasyWay.tion, Branford CT, USA, says, “ WAFIOS providesthe high-performance G6 Series spring end grinding “Considerably reduced costs are the result of highermachine for compression springs. Benefits of the G6Series spring end grinders include maximum output grinding performance, improved extraction systemdue to an increased motor power and new ventilationconcept. The robust machine body, free-of-clearance and new machine design.” WFTIdrives and spring length measurement ensures the FFAALLLL 22001188 Serving Manufacturers of Springs, WireSPRING GRINDING...P. 64 Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COMTrade ShowCoverage...pages24, 44, 60 & 70 COATING & PLATING...P. 50TESTING..P. 58EMPHASIS ON FENCE MAKING...P. 34-37COMPANY PROFILES...P. 77-94For manufacturers and users of springs, wire formed products, wire mesh and rebar products. Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 67Subscribe @
Simulation of Inductive Heating & Case Hardeningby: Segment-to-Segment calculation Volker Mensing method stabilizes and accelerates Director Marketing & Communications the simulation process. Simufact Engineering GmbH Tempowerkring 19 21079 Hamburg, Germany www.simufact.comSimufact, an MSC Software company, has released the gear parts (gears) are often case hardened at the end ofnext generation of its software solution, Simufact the manufacturing process to combine a wear-resistantForming 15, for the simulation of forming manufac- surface with a tough behavior in the core—thus opti-turing processes. Users will now be able to simulate mally adjusting the component to the conditions of use.inductive heating processes as well as case hardening. Simufact Forming Version 15 extends the functions ofOne key new feature is the interface to the casting simulating heat treatment processes in order to makesoftware Magmasoft® 5.4, which, in addition to the practical use of the diffusion effects in case hardening.already existing ProCAST interface, pushes forwardthe idea of the process chain simulation. Results are With the new version,imported from the casting simulation via the Magmainterface in Simufact Forming 15 for subsequent form- it is now possible toing processes in the design cycle. With the addedparallelizable Segment-to-Segment calculation method calculate the adjust-in the new solver, Simufact Forming 15 is now able tosimulate large models with deformable bodies faster ing carbon distributionand efficiently. that results during the carburizing below the surface of the compo- nent, and allows for the influence of thisDesign & Optimize carbon profile on the Case hardening process.Inductive Heating Processes transformation behav-Inductive heating is used in many areas of industrial ior during quenching. With this function, the usermanufacturing, which include heating of workpiecesto forming temperature, induction hardening and in- can make statements about expected case hardening duction welding. Users depths, distortions and residual stresses without the can now optimize and design parts with induc- physical testing. tive heating processes and subsequent harden- Improved Positioning Capabilities & ing processes. Query Results Make Evaluating Simulation Results More Intuitive & Efficient Simufact Forming helps The newly implemented contact positioner and sig- Design Engineers gain nificantly improved positioning options simplify the positioning of the workpiece and the tools. Users can a detailed insight into position their respective components in the software much more simply and individually to affectively save an inductive heating time during model building.Inductive heating of a die. process. Users can iden- With the query results function (querying values), tify errors, remove un- engineers can selectively record and determine result quantities. Simply click on a point in the workpiece orwanted effects and make optimizations, for example, in the tool, and the simulation software automatically opens a dialog with results in a clear and accurate table.designing the coil, which is the core challenge of in- The CSV file exports via the Excel connection, so users can then proceed with next steps such as the graphicductive heating. Simufact Forming 15 presents users preparation and evaluation of the results.with the complexity of physical context. The required With the newly implemented user coordinate sys- tem, Simufact Forming 15 users can compare theirelectromagnetic material properties needed for these simulated component with the target design or with 3D measurement data as a reference model. To dotypes of workflow can be imported by the extended this, they import their measurement data from theJMatPro interface.Simulate Case HardeningCase hardening is one of the most widespread and im-portant heat treatment processes. Dies, drive parts or68 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
Simplified positioning of dies and tools with the redesigned positioner. Fast and automated fold detection feature. Company Profile:metrology software or from the CAD system into Simufact Engineering GmbH, an MSC Soft-the user interface in the Simufact Forming 15 system ware company, is a global operating softwareand then compare the simulated workpiece with the company providing process simulation solu-target design. tions and services to manufacturing indus- tries. More than 20 years’ of experience withSimplified Results Evaluation providing simulation solutions for the designWith Automated Functions and optimization of manufacturing techniques in metal processing and a dynamically grow-With the Simufact Forming 15 current version, Simu- ing customer base exceeding a number of 800 customers have made the Hamburg, Germany-fact has introduced a re-implemented fast and auto- headquartered company a leader in this busi- ness area. The software available from Simu-mated fold detection feature that greatly simplifies fact Engineering GmbH primarily aims at the automotive industry, mechanical engineering,the detection of folds. This new feature is specifically aerospace industry and these industries’ respec- tive suppliers. The typical fields of applicationuseful for hot forging. During the simulation process, for Simufact Engineering’s software products include hot forging, cold forming, sheet metalthe software places markers on areas with possible forming, rolling, ring rolling, open die forg- ing, mechanical joining, heat treatment, andfolds. System users will be able to detect the possi- different welding processes as well as additive manufacturing. To learn more about Simufactble folds during the analysis without increasing the software, visit the website below. www.simufact.comsimulation time. Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 69Additionally, the automatic measurement of the weldnugget facilitates the evaluation of resistance spotwelds of relevant joint parameters such as measuringthe welding nugget geometry. This function allowsthe engineer to check quickly and easily the qualitycriteria of this joint.To learn more about the recently released next genera-tion version of Simufact Forming 15, visit:
Metal Trade Show FairTrio Returns to Indiaby: November 27 to 29, 2018 Anne Meerboth-Maltz Bombay Convention & Exhibition Center Messe Düsseldorf North America (MDNA) Mumbai, India Chicago, IL, USA. In addition to many Indian exhibitors and companies from neighboring nations, the three events will fea-The trade fair trio, wire India, Tube India and Metal- ture large country participations from Austria, China,lurgy India, will return to the Bombay Convention & Germany, Italy and the USA.Exhibition Center in Mumbai, India, November 27to 29, 2018. Organized by Messe Düsseldorf and its When last held in 2016, 406 exhibitors presented thesubsidiary Messe Düsseldorf India, the events will latest technologies at the three shows on 86,000 ft2 offeature the latest machinery, equipment, technology exhibit space. And about 12,300 trade visitors tookand services for wire, cable, tube and pipe production part, for a 28% increase compared to previous well as pipe processing and metallurgy. About 400exhibitors from 25 countries have registered to date For further information on the trade fair trio, contactand 12,000 visitors are expected to participate. Messe Düsseldorf North America (MDNA), Chicago, IL, USA or visit: www.metallurgy-india.comThe exhibitors at wire India 2018, 7th International Sampling of exhhibitors at wire India 2018Exhibition for the Wire and Cable Industry, will show- that server the wire forming industry:case machinery and equipment for wire manufactur-ing and finishing, spring making and wire forming • AIM inctechnology as well as tools and auxiliaries for process • Austrian Wire And Cable Machinery engineering, measuring and control technologies andall types of wires (rolled, bare and special wires) cable Manufacturers Associationand sheet metal. For the first time, the exhibitors of • Bansal Wire Industries Limitedfastener technology will be presented within their • Fenn LLCown special show, the “Fastener Special Zone”. • Geekay Wires Limited • Grauer & Weil (India) LimitedThe exhibits at Tube India 2018 will range from tube • H. D. Wires Private Limited and pipe manufacturing, pipe finishing and process- • Kritika Wires Pvt., raw materials, pipes and pipe accessories, tools • Miki Steel Works Private Ltd.for process engineering, auxiliaries, measuring, con- • Nevatia Steel & Alloys Pvt. Ltd.trol and testing technology. • New Max Industries • Nirmal Wires Private LimitedThe entire metallurgical industry segment including • Omkamal Steel Pvt. Ltd.electrical and automation equipment will be on show • Raajratna Metal Industries Metallurgy India 2018. • Reliable Wires & Engineers Pvt. Ltd. • Shreeji Wire Industries70 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018 • Tata Steel Limited • WCISA® (Wire & Cable Industry Suppliers Association®) • Wire Forming Technology International • Yuang Hsian Metal Industrial Corp.
Debut of New-Generation from coil, form, weld and systematically arrange the fin-Compact 3D Bending Machine ished parts.AIM Inc., Addison, IL, USA, will be presenting the new In all instances, wire can be fed directly from a coil,generation of the AFC Compact 3D Bender in Booth straightened, bent and cut using a software packageF112. The popular AFC 6 has been growing in popular- that provides flexibility and simplicity in programmingity due to the small investment, versatility, small footprint and is offered in all “universal languages”. More infor-and low-cost maintenance along with the best software mation is available at: www.AIMmachines.comcapabilities. The AFC-3Dx is the first machine of its kindto bridge the gap between low-end, straight-cut-wire fed Deutsche Bahn (DB) approval in addition to prestig-benders and high-end, full-featured machines. This isthe missing link that offers maximum value for minimum ious approvals from Bureau Veritas for marine appli-expense. cations, TUV for pressure vessels and equipment andStandard one year warranty, Slip Ring Technology,DXF/XYZ Importation, Animation Simulator and ease of the CE Mark. To learn more, visit Nevatia Steel & Alloysprogramming are a few of the features on the AFC Se-ries machines. In addition, robotics, external chamfering Pvt. Ltd. in Booth D43 in Hall 1. and other ancillary devices can be integrated! WFTIUpgraded and updated 2D and 3D CNC wire bendingsolutions, single and double bending head machineswith Fanuc robotics integration and complete automat-ed systems.Completely automated work cell solutions that take wireWire Made to International Standards & to Strict Customer SpecificationsNevatia Steel & Alloys Pvt. Ltd., incorporated in 1988,has its corporate headquarters in Mumbai, India. Ourplants equipped with comprehensive and modern man-ufacturing technologies, are situated at Tarapur, an in-dustrial township, amongst the biggest in India and stra-tegically located close to the port of Mumbai.The company promoted by S. R. Nevatia, with over 55years of experience in the steel and cement industries,undertook an expansion drive in 1995 increasing wireproduction capacity to 3000 metric tons per year. Todaywith two plants, the combined stainless steel wire manu-facturing capacity is 12,000 metric tons per year. Nevatia Steel wires are manufactured in compliancewith international standards of quality and are in accord-ance with customers’ stringent specifications. Wires aremade in a variety of gradesin sizes ranging from 0.08 to12.00 mm, and having de-manding applications in vari-ous fields making springs,screws, rivets, nails, sieves,wire mesh, fasteners, wallties, kitchenware, EPQ forbaskets and trolleys, fillerwire, electrodes, etc. The company’s wires are alsoused in the automotive, marine, petrochemical, foodand paper industries.Our products are exported across the globe to placesincluding Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, France,Germany, Italy, Korea, Poland, Spain, The Netherlands,Turkey, UK, USA, Russia, Malaysia and Vietnam.Nevatia Steel is proud to announce that Nevinox®brand MIG (GMAW) and TIG (GTAW) stainless steelfiller welding wire have recently been accredited with Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 71
PRODUCT SHOWCASEPackaging Lines product. The FAW-TR can produce small and large batches of fasten- Counting, batching & feeding 35 lb batches at 360 batches per ers that range from 1/8\" to 6\" x 1.5\". Batchmaster® counters, weigh- hour with no under-weighs anders, Bagmaster® baggers and less than 1% giveaway. The new high-speed rotary pre-kitting conveyors are made for cision weigh bucket does not re-heavy-duty use. Offered is full The original FAW24 ‘Bowl quire air and has faster discharge.turnkey integration of patented feed’ option is still available forcounters and weighers to most any de-clumping and feeding long Bagmaster®type bagger, magnetic orientation screws 1/8\" to 6\"x 1.5\". The new 250 VFFSsystem, box handling equipment, FAW-T ‘Tray feed’ option is best Bagger.blister carousel and clamshell sys- suited for large bulk feed batchestem. Modular designs allow easy of thin #4 washers to 4\" x 1\" parts. Batchmaster counters, weigh-integration or use individually. ers, Bagmaster baggers and kit The new FAW-B ‘Belt feed’ conveyors have all been recently New are several updated ver- option is a high-speed quiet and updated with the latest generationsions for the FAW, Fast Automatic gentle precision feed option for state-of-the-art controls. BatchingWeigher. It will now be available Systems, Inc. (BSI), Prince Freder-with three different feed modes; FAW-TR Tray Feed ick, MD, USA.Bowl Feeder, Tray Feeder or Belt with Remotefeeder. Pictured is our new FAW- Load Cell. www.BatchingSystems.comTR (Tray Feed with Remote LoadCell). This is a high-speed preci-sion bulk feed weighing system.It is ideal for filling ¼ keg boxesor large tubs with washers, nuts,bolts, screws and other items rang-ing from #4 washers to 1\" x 4\" long1250°F Cabinet Oven Economical Spring TestingThe No. 975 is a 1250°F (676°C), electrically The L.S. Starrett Company, Athol, MA, USA, nowheated cabinet oven, from The Grieve Corpora- offers a basic, affordable springtion, Round Lake, IL, USA, is currently being used testing solution designed forfor heating metal parts to remove deposits at a compression and extensioncustomer facilities. Workspace dimensions of the springs. The new Starrett S1No. 975 are 50\" wide x 50\" deep x 50\" high. A rating Spring Testing Systems wereof 160 kW is installed in Incoloy-sheathed tubular developed for high-volume pro-elements for oven heat, while a 6000 CFM, 5 HP duction testing for users seek-recirculating blower provides horizontal airflow ing more consistent resultsto the workload. The oven features 10\" insulated over manual testing methods.walls constructed of 2\" 1900°F block insulation and8\" of 10 lb/cf den- Starrett S1 Systems feature easy-to-use test tem-sity rockwool insu- plates that enable the user to create a test setup inlation, top-mounted seconds using one and two-point methods, with testheating chamber,aluminized steel targets being load orexterior, Type 304 height-based. Also, the2B stainless steel small footprint is idealinterior and all safety for either lean manu-equipment that is required for handling flammable facturing environmentssolvents including explosion-venting door hard- or in-situ productionware. The insulated floor is reinforced for 1000 lb areas.loading with a 1/4\" thick, Type 304 stainless steelplate. The No. 975 cabinet oven controls include a Spring rate, spring constant, free length, soliddigital indicating temperature controller and manual height and initial tension can be measured andreset excess temperature controller with separate tolerances can be utilized to determine immediatecontactors. pass/fail results, which can be viewed in graphic or tabular formats. To learn more, visit: www.starrett.com72 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
PRODUCT SHOWCASEBulk Packaging the performance of nearly any The company’s new relation- For springs & wire formed parts packaging and shipping opera- ship as the US Distributor for Company will custom design a tion. Increased production, few- Skako Vibration gives it more anddependable system specifically for er giveaways and fewer worker better options for improved feed-your bulk packaging application. injuries are accomplished with ing and handling of difficult prod- minimal supervision. Gross ucts such as long and entangling The Semi-Automatic SA Series weighers can also be designed product. The Skako Vibration Liftis an operator-involved system to handle longer and delicate Tipper also offers gentler handlingwith the placement of the empty product. for delicate and critical automo-carton or tote and hand trimming tive parts. The company can alsoof the final count done manually. Bulk and dribble track de- supply all auxiliary equipmentThe ASA Series system can be con- sign of the automatic system and integrate it into the completefigured to run totally automatic. ensure smooth, accurate delivery system. Powell Systems, Inc.,This is the ideal way to fill cartons of the product to the weigh hop- Fowler, IN, USA.(1/4 keg) and returnables. All sys- per without sacrificing speed.tem components are customizable Heavy-duty drives provide fast www.powellsystems.comto best suit your production opera- and efficient feeding. Contacttion. Self-adjusting microproces- surfaces are lined with UHMWsor controls automatically modify or polyurethane for less noise andscale cutoff points to maximize part protection.speed and accuracy. Automaticcarton indexing conveyors will Company can accommodatebring erected cartons to the fill area many different bulk loading op-and release them to carton sealers tions from its containers such assmoothly and accurately. These the Flow-Matic Gravity feed Con-fully automatic net weigh/count tainers and many types of Rolloverpackaging systems will improve Containers to standard hydraulic dumper applications.Portable Laser Peening New Line of UTV Combats Metal Fatigue Performance Spring KitsLSP Technologies, Dublin, OH, USA, is designing Chicago, IL, USA-based Hyperco, an MWa new portable fiber-optic laser peening system Industries company, offers a new line of high-to improve fatigue life and prevent cracking and performance suspension spring kits for the Polariscorrosion for small, hard-to-reach parts in new XP1000, Polaris XPT and Polaris RS1 UTVs. Theapplications. kits offer a smoother ride quality and improved vehicle performance using the same race winning spring technology Hyperco has been known for since the 1960s.The Portable Laser Peening System will include The company has focused on the growing UTVminiature mirrors, lenses and water injection/ market where its springs deliver an improved,extraction mechanisms for complex maintenance, longer-lasting and higher-performing ride comparedrepair and manufacturing environments. This to stock springs. Hypercoils® give the rider moremeans the portable system will deliver effective confidence and more comfort.laser peening with lower energy, higher pulse rates Exact spring kit contents will vary depending onand the maneuverability of fiber optics. the vehicle, but all include the Hypercoils coil-over springs and hardware components needed for aThe new portable Laser Peening System will complete spring upgrade. www.hypercoils.comreinforce the stability of metal penetrations thatwould otherwise be more vulnerable to tearing and Continued...cracking. It makes laser peening portable enoughfor maintenance, repair and specialized manufac- Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 73turing.
PRODUCT SHOWCASEDigital Force Gages has softkeys programmable to the Access Nonaccessible Use hand-held or on a stand users’ most repetitive functions. Side of a Surface Global manufacturer of preci-sion measuring tools, gages and Adjustable sampling rates help System creates washer & nutsystems has introduced its DFC capture peak loads, and filters can When you can’t access the op-and DFG Series of Digital Hand- be applied to peak and display posite side of a surface, the Twisterheld Force Gages. Depending on values. Battery life provides over Fastener can create a fill circumfer-the series, automatic testing can be 30 hours of continuous operation. ence washer and nut on the nonac-attained with the DFC Force Gage cessible side of the surface.controlling the company’s FMM Whether used for simple, basicDigital Force Tester, or basic test- economical testing via handheld The key part of the Twistering can be performed. The Gages gaging or for more advanced test- Fastener is its coil washer design.are part of the new L1 line of entry ing when mounted on the com- The flat heli-coil wire allows accesslevel digital force measurement pany’s L1 stands, these innovative through a half inch drilled hole bysolutions. The versatile, innova- Digital Gages provide the ultimate spiraling or threading it throughtive architecture of the L1 system solution in force measurement the hole. Once the flat heli-coil isis designed for fast, easy-to-use, versatility. L.S. Starrett Company, completely on the other side of thereliable and repeatable operation. Athol, MA, USA. application, the coiled flat wire will compress down tight, form- The DFC and DFG Digital Force ing a washer-like support whenGages have easy-to-view high- tightened against the back of theresolution OLED color backlit surface. Twister Fastener.displays and auto-off function. Aprimary and secondary window www.twisterfastener.comshows test results and out-of-tolerance results display in red.A simple multi-function keypadNew Line of Wide Bag The Autobag 650 is the same wide bagging sys-Packaging Systems tem with a fully-integrated next-bag-out printer that eliminates the need for a separate labeling operation,Automated Packaging Systems, Streetsboro, OH, increasing speed and accuracy in mail order ecom-USA, has introduced two new Autobag® bag packag- merce, prescription-by-mail, catalog order fulfillmenting systems with advanced engineering technology for and frequent changeover, variable data applications.flexibility and efficiency in large bag applications. The The Autobag 650 wide bagging system prints andnew Autobag 600™ and Autobag 650™ Wide Bag- packs springs, parts and components at speeds ofging Systems will accommodate a range of Autobag up to 40 bags per minute.bags-on-a-roll and bags-in-a-box material up to 16\"wide by 27\" long. These baggers include an AutoTouch™ Control Screen that provides quick and easy access to jobThe Autobag 600 is a semi-automatic filling and seal- storage and recall, on-board diagnostics and produc-ing machine designed for packaging large products tivity monitoring. The Autobag 600 and Autobag 650at speeds up to 65 bags per minute. An innovative can also be networked for full pack station integrationengineering design has eliminated the need for light and central monitoring.curtains or double-palm switches, while the adjust-able 6\" pass-through enables faster, more efficient Additionally, Auto-cycle times. mated Packaging Systems has re- cently introduced a new line of Au- toLabel™ thermal transfer printers. Also recently re- leased are the company’s AirPouch® FastWrap™ inflatable cushion wrap materials. To learn more, visit the website listed below. www.autobag.com74 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
Technology and news for the entire wire forming industry... SSUUMMMMEERR 22001188 Wire Forming Technology International: 2019 Editorial Plan Send all editorial text and image files to WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM Mike McNulty, Editor, at [email protected] Manufacturers of Springs, WireFormed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products MX 15 Ø 0.010” - 0.067” Trade Show Winter 2019 Summer 2019 MX 30 Ø 0.016” - 0.118” Coverage...pages Top Products of 2018 SMI Metal Engineering eXpo 2019 Preview Rebar Processing Emphasis 42, 50, 66 & 72 Mesh Welding Roundup wire Southeast Asia 2019 Preview Packaging Roundup wire South America 2019 Preview Booth #1005 Spotlight on Spring Coiling Editorial deadline: February 4 , 2019 Surface Treatment Roundup FORMING & Ad closing: February 8, 2019 Packaging Roundup BENDING...P. 60 Production finished: February 15, 2019 Mail date: February 22, 2019 Fence Making & Wire Weaving Roundup SSPPRRIINNGG 22001188 Spotlight on Rebuild & Upgrade Spring 2019 Editorial deadline: August 12, 2019 Serving Manufacturers of Springs, Wire WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM Interwire 2019 Preview Ad closing: August 16, 2019 Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products wire Russia 2019 Preview Materials (Wire, Strip & Bar) Emphasis Production finished: August 23, 2019SPRING COILING...P. 54 Straightening & Cutting Roundup Mail date: August 30, 2019 Spotlight on Wire Forming &REBUILD & UPGRADE WIRE HANDLING...P. 64 Fall 2019EMPHASIS ARTICLES...P. 30-41 Tube Bending Company Profiles Editorial deadline: April 1, 2019 Heat Treatment EmphasisSTRAIGHTENING & CUTTING..P. 62 Testing Roundup Ad closing: April 5, 2019 Wire Handling RoundupNashville Exhibits: pages 42-51 Production finished: April 12, 2019 Spotlight on Spring Grinding Editorial deadline: October 28, 2019 WWIINNTTEERR 22001188 Mail date: April 19, 2019 Ad closing: November 1, 2019 Production finished: November 8, 2019 FFAALLLL 22001177 Mail date: November 15, 2019 Serving Manufacturers of Springs, Wire WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM TESTING...P. 62 Serving Manufacturers of Springs, Wire Read by manufacturers and Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products users of springs, WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM wire formed parts,TOP PRODUCTS OF 2017...PAGE 38-43 EMPHASIS ON HEAT TREATMENT...P. 32-35 & 71 COMPANY PROFILES...P. 74-94 wire mesh and rebar products. MATERIALS...72 • MESH WELDING...32 SPRING GRINDING ..P. 64 Subscribe and read online @REBAR PROCESSING...P. 66 WIRE HANDLING ...P. 44 Four Issues per year Readers in 70+ countries wire 2018 Trade Fair Straight From The Show Reports: ...46 & 66 Preview: pages 44-65 All editorial content and dates are subject to changes.
COMPANYPROFILES2018 EditionCompany Page WebsiteA&D Trading LLC 78 www.adtradingllc.comAIM Inc. 79, www.aimeuropesa.comAlloy Wire International 80Anchor Abrasives Co. 91 www.alloywire.comBB Spring Technology Srl 91 www.anchorabrasives.comBergandi 92 www.bbspringtechnology.comDoerken Corporation 81FENN LLC 82 www.bergandi.comFives Landis Corp. 92 www.doerken-mks.comForming Systems Inc. 83Larson Systems, Inc. 93 www.fenn-torin.comMaguire Machinery, Inc. 85 www.fivesgroup.comOriimec Corporation of America 86 www.formingsystemsinc.comPromostar Srl 93 www.larsonsystems.comRK Trading 87 www.maguiremachinery.comSimplex-Rapid 88Ultimate Automation Ltd. 94 www.Oriimec.comVinston US Corp. 89 www.promostar.itWAFIOS Machinery Corporation 90 www.rktradingusa.comWitels Albert USA, Ltd. 94 / www.witels-albert-usa.comCOMPANY PROFILES, published annually in the Fall issue of Wire Forming Technology International, are available online by visiting Wire Forming Technology International • Initial Publications, Inc. 1741 Akron Peninsula Road • Akron, OH 44313 USA • T: +1-330-864-2122 • F: +1-330-864-5298 • e-mail: [email protected]
A&D Trading LLC 3435 South Main Street Rock Creek, OH 44084 USA Tel: +1 440 563-5227 Email: [email protected] Website: www.adtradingllc.comCOMPANY PROFILE: (0.50-1.80 mm) semi-automatic production machines and manual assem- Based in Rock Creek, Ohio, A&D - G-660 CNC Grinder bly benches with your comput- Trading LLC supplies the spring (4.00-10.00 mm) er network to link production and wire forming machinery avail- with operational programs. able from Primera Precision Tai- - G-915 CNC Grinder wan CNC Spring Machinery. (5.00-20.00 mm) • UniBend Wire Also, A&D Trading is now the US Bending Machinery Agent of SHINKO. • 16 Axis CNC Versatile - RB-500-6\" Electric Equipment offered by A&D Trad- Spring Formers rotary bending machine ing LLC includes 2-axis spring - M1 manual hand coilers, 5-axis spring coilers, CNC - 1308 16 axis former bending machine spring coilers, two-dimensional (0.15-0.80 mm) wire benders, and three-dimensional wire benders as well as the com- - 1320 16 axis former • ZX-250 High Speed pany’s Auto Decoilers and SCADA (0.70-2.30mm) Universal forming Machine production control system. 0.6 - 2.5 mm - 1360 16 axis former 14 axis maximumPRODUCTS: (2.00-6.00 mm SERVICES: • 2-Axis Spring Coilers • 2D Wire Bender A&D Trading LLC offers the - CS-208 (0.1 - 0.8 mm) - WB-380 (3.0 - 8.0 mm) spring making and wire forming for low-carbon steel 1006 industry with a variety of ser- - CS-216 (0.4 - 1.6 mm) vices including the following: • 3D Wire Bender - CS-226 (0.8 - 2.6 mm) • On-Site & Off-Site Training - WB-4120 (5.0 - 12.0 mm) - CS-250 (2.0 - 5.0 mm) for low-carbon steel 1006 • Consulting • KHM 5-Axis Spring Coilers • Auto Decoilers • Equipment Servicing - CNC-508 (0.13 - 0.8 mm) - FS-1200 (1000 kg capacity) • Mechanical Torin Segment-Type Training - CNC-516 (0.7 - 1.8 mm) - FS-2500 (2000 kg capacity) SALES OFFICE: - CNC-528 (1.4 - 2.8 mm) - PH-60 (60 kg Decoiler) A&D Trading LLC • SHA Multiple-Axis - PH-100 (100 kg Decoiler) 3435 South Main Street Coilers up to 9 Axis Rock Creek, OH 44084 USA - PH-200 (200 kg Decoiler) Tel: +1 440 563-5227 - SHA 30 (1.20-3.00 mm) Email: [email protected] - PH-500 (500 KG Decoiler) Website: - SHA 50 (2.00-5.00 mm) - PH-1000 (1000 kg Decoiler) - SHA 80 (3.50-8.00 mm) - PH-1500 (1500 kg Decoiler) - SHA 120 (6.00-12.00 mm) - SHA-1000 - SHA 200 (9.00-20.00 mm) (SHA 1000 kg Decoiler) - SHA 250 (140.00-25.00 mm) - SHA-1500 (SHA 1500 kg Decoiler) • SHA Grinding Machines - SHA-2000 - G-180 Crash Grinder (SHA 2000 kg Decoiler) • SCADA System Connects all automatic and78 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
AIM, Inc. Automated Industrial Machinery, Inc. 502 S. Vista Ave. Addison, IL 60101-4423 USA Tel: +1 630 458 0008 • Fax: +1 630 458 0730 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: • www.aimeuropesa.comCOMPANY PROFILE: Honorably and providing products and System is an on-line learning tool that isFounded in 1992 by Constantine services of superior quality and at a fair available on-demand, 24/7. With secureGrapsas, AIM, Inc. manufactures price. AIM consistently puts customer log-ins, your team is given access to thistwo and three dimensional CNC first and continually improves its innovative training platform. Yoursteel wire bending machinery and products, offering the best value CNC employees can access AIM’s LMS traininghas grown to become the premier wire bending machinery solutions. modules to receive instruction how to setCNC wire bending machine supplier up and run your AIM Machine. Ourserving customers worldwide. PRODUCTS: training modules lead you through the most basic description of your AIM AIM has sold and delivered AIM serves wire fabricators and machine like “What’s a payoff” and “Wiremachines to over 90 countries and is manufacturers who form wire as product Straightening Fundamentals,” all the waya three-time winner of Illinois’ line components. The equipment through “How to program wire forms”“Governor’s Exporter of the Year” supplied is used to support automotive, using AIM’s SmartEditor® program.award, most recently in 2018. medical, point-of-purchase display, See the AIM website for the newest refrigeration, food service, HVAC, stor- products. AIM’s commitment to solving age, material handling, construction andcustomer’s application problems is many other OEM applications. PERSONNEL:rooted in the foundation of our company.The first machine built by AIM, Constantine Grapsas, CEOproduces repeatable and highly accurate AccuForm Synchro line:parts fast and efficiently. AIM’s Versatility and flexibility at it best: Our Joseph Pastore, Sales managerAccuSpiral, the only CNC wire forming AFM-3DSx family, with the Patentedmachine allowing automatic pro- Synchro head, is not only the most unique, ASSOCIATIONS:gramming for flat spiral shapes using but also the most versatile bending headjust three data points, revolutionized the on the market. Synchro technology is a AWS-American Welding SocietyHVAC industry, as well as the wire hybrid configuration of our Turret head NAM-National Manufacturers Assoc.bending industry itself. coupled with three (3) satellite benders. NFPA-National Fire Protection Assoc. This innovative design allows the user WAI-Wire Association International have a choice of turret forming, rotary WCISA-Wire and Cable Industry AIM has the most complete line of mandrel forming or both. Capabilities ofwire bending machines on the market the Synchro include Press Break style, Suppliers Associationwith over 30 models of 2D and 3D perfectly round eye-loops, off-plane WFA-Wire Fabricators AssociationCNC wire benders, including single bending, programmable tool con-head and double head benders. The figuration, and tube forming, the EUROPEAN HQ:modular design AIM employs, capabilities of the Synchro design areprovides for unprecedented machine endless. AIM Europe SAupgrade flexibility and versatility. AccuForm Turret series: Kapetan Korela 16Your AIM wire bender can easily be Available in 2D and 3D, AIM’s 14564 Nea Kiffisia, Attikis, Greeceintegrated into autonomous cells, AccuForm Modular Turret series T: +30 (213) 005 8004allowing for turn-key end product pioneered modularity in the wire industry. F: +30 (213) 005 7768manufacturing. AIM’s accessories Modular frame construction provides a E-mail: [email protected] Servo Cold Head machines, very flexible wire forming solution.Servo Presses, in-line and free- AIM’s Turret series deliver indexing tool MARKETS SERVED:standing chamfering, butt welding, head option features, TWO programmabledrilling, marking, threading, and press bending pins and the slide action hydraulic Wehave expanded our “reach” and alsooperations. AIM’s partnerships with cutter provides burr-free square, capable have more reps. Visit the AIM websitecompanies like Fanuc and Yaskawa of a “zero length” cut off. for the latest listings:Robotics allow for complete systems AccuForm Compact (AFC) series: www.aimmachines.comintegration. AFC line: the highly robust and efficientWith technical sales representatives in AccuForm Compact series feature up to We currently have sales operations inthe Americas, Europe, Asia and other 10mm wire capacities, complete with a 15” Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada (2),strategic locations throughout the touch screen Industrial PC running China, Columbia, Czech Republic, France,globe, AIM is the best choice for all of Windows®, SmartEditor® and most of Germany, Greece (our EuropeanHeadquar-your wire manufacturing automation the features of its “big brothers” ters and manufacturing, AIM Europe SA),solutions. TWx / T-Welding models for cross wire India, Italy, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia,MISSION STATEMENT: welding offer automated and complete Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Taiwan,“TOTAL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION” solutions for air filter and shelving Turkey, Ukraine, USA (7), and Venezuela.Since our founding, over 26 years ago, manufacturers.AIM's mission is to provide TOTAL We know proper training is essential toCUSTOMER SATISFACTION by ser- productivity. That’s why we created theving the manufacturing industry AIM LMS. AIM’s Learning Management Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 79
Alloy Wire International 87 Dewey Avenue Warwick, RI 02886, USA T: TOLL FREE: 1-866-48-ALLOY or 1-866-482-5569 E: [email protected] • Twitter: @alloywireRecord $15 Million Year “Our success is built on our team, range of material that is growing byfor Alloy Wire International who all know our strategy and work very the month, with more than 60 currently hard to continually maintain the high available to choose from. ‘Certainty in an uncertain world’ is standards the AWI name has becomethe latest campaign from Alloy Wire synonymous with. Whilst wire may be The company, which has operatedInternational (AWI) and one that a lot our core offer, it’s our people that deliver a sales and technical office in Rhodeof its global customer base is continuing the biggest competitive advantage.” Island since 2001, has recently investedto buy into. in an additional 4,000 sq ft of produc- The urgent need for wire for some tion space and launched its own ‘Wire The company, which supplies over critical applications has led to a 12% Finder App’ as part of a marketing drive60 different ‘High Performance’ alloys, increase in the number of orders com- to help customers find the right wire forhas seen sales break the $15m barrier for pleted through AWI’s Emergency Manu- their applications.the first time in its 72-year history, an facturing Service (EMS).increase of $4m since 2016. A new promotional video has also It has so far received requests from been created, which takes you through Directors at AWI put its sustained customers in aerospace, nuclear and oil the AWI offices and manufacturingexpansion down to growing demand for & gas, all looking to receive their wire facilities, giving new and potentialits Emergency Manufacturing Services made to specification in 3 to 5 days. customers a first-hand insight into whatand its ability to offer 3-week lead times makes the firm so a time when many of its rivals are Ian Fitzgerald, Operations Director,quoting months. picked up the story: “A lot of clients Mark concluded: “This is the first have found that a critical situation has time we have ever produced our own It has also invested heavily in its arisen, such as an oil platform urgently corporate movie and we successfullystock, with 200 tonnes of raw material needing components to resume produc- launched it at Farnborough Air Shownow available at any one time – the tion, necessitating the rapid delivery of 2018. The feedback was fantastic, withlargest holding it has ever held. a nickel alloy wire to avoid mounting everyone commenting on how pro- production losses running into the tens fessional it was and the fact we pack “The recovery in oil and gas has of thousands of US dollars! so much information into just threecertainly been one of the highlights of minutes.recent months and interest for our mate- “We understand this and have arial has come from every corner of the proven system in place that enables us “It frequently amazes the team howglobe…I think at the last count we were to quote for the job, manufacture the far our products go and find our wireexporting to 55 countries,” explained wire and have it with them very, very being used in space programmes, inManaging Director Mark Venables. quickly.” nuclear reactors and in some of the world’s fastest car engines. Manufactur- “In order to cope with the increase An Exciting Year Ahead ing at its very best!”in volumes, we have taken on three new Alloy Wire International manufac-people in sales and in the dry drawing SALES OFFICE:department, whilst investment in be- tures round, flat and shaped wire in a Alloy Wirespoke machinery and an ever growing 87 Dewey Avenueinternational list of sales offices gives Warwickus an ideal platform to grow sales even RI 02886, USA.further at our two manufacturing sites T: TOLL FREE: 1-866-48-ALLOYin the UK.” or 1-866-482-5569 E: [email protected] He continued: “Whilst all the talk hasbeen around uncertainty, our customers www.alloywire.comare telling us how busy they are and that Twitter: @alloywirethey need more wire quickly to managecustomer demand. Lead times remain atthree weeks, which is fantastic when therest of our sector are quoting ‘months’.80 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
Doerken Corporation USA 11200 Cedar Knoll Drive Grass Lake, MI 49240-9622 USA Tel: +1 517 522 4600 Fax: +1 517 522 8008 Web Site: E-Mail: [email protected]örken MKS: solution. Kent AndersonThe Corrosion Experts President Whether in person, by telephone +1 517 522 4600 Whether it is a control arm which or e-mail – we will be happy to dis- [email protected] exposed to high stress cuss the requirements of your proj-and stone impact or it is a heavy ect and further procedures with you. Doerken Corporation USAdouble ended stud for an off-shore Adirect line is of particular value to 11200 Cedar Knoll Drivewind turbine which is exposed us and is standard in our daily work Grass Lake, MI 49240-9622to extreme climatic conditions: - quick, simple and direct. www.doerkenusa.comDörken MKS effective microlayercorrosion protection systems are An individually assembled teamused in a host of different industries investigates your concerns andand always meet the highest quality needs in detail. Together with you,standards. the goals are defined and the best solution for your individual project And customers can expect not is determined.only first-class products, also intel-ligent and comprehensively devel- Sampling service and customer-oped solutions with 100% focus on specific tests, finding and decidingindividual needs and requirements. on a suitable interface - DörkenDörken MKS priority is to sup- MKS accompanies you in all phasesport our customers in all projects, of your project. From conception tosuch as the development of new the commissioning of your coatingproduct applications, production plant, our specialists are there forfacility planning or the training of you to guarantee an ideal process.employees. With over 30 years of As an active partner, Dörken MKSexperience, top technological per- is also available to assist you withformance and teamwork, we have any questions you may have. Ourevolved as The Corrosion Experts. Experts will help you with detailedAnd as a global market leader in technical information at every time.effective corrosion protection, ourgoal is to constantly drive the indus- What can we do for you?try forward with innovation. Apartner for success. Right fromthe start. This is how we work. Springs, wheel bolts or smallerparts such as spring band clip,wheel hubs or stamped-bent parts– each component is individual andrequires an individual treatment.This is exactly where Dörken MKScomes in to develop an excellent Fall 2018/Wire FormingTechnology International 81
FENN LLC 80 Clark Drive, Unit 5D East Berlin, CT 06023 USA Direct: 860-259-6566 Fax: 860-259-6601 Website: www.fenn-torin.comNEW AND EXCITING • Turks Heads – FENN is renowned tensile strength.DEVELOPMENTS AT FENN: for its high speed, high precision • Turn Key Automated Solutions turks heads, used to produce spe- FENN, a global supplier of custom- cialty shaped wire. Wire profiles – Fully integrated systems thatized metal forming machinery since that can be achieved include but can include the equipment of your1900 continues to improve and innovate are not limited to, square, rectangle, choosing, such as feeding systems,year after year. The recently released parallelogram, triangle, wedge, and robotics and secondary operations.Revolution Series of dual point spring half round.coilers allow FENN to offer a complete Imageline of equipment to meet the prefer- • Spring Coilers – FENN offers Courtesy ofences of shops and markets across the single point and dual point Torin Universalglobe. With the introduction of Torin’s spring coilers with a wire rangedual point spring coiler, FENN delivers of 0.003\" - 0.750\". With FENN’s Robotsa well-rounded line of spring making Torin Spring Coiler Control Up-equipment to the industry, adding to grade & Retrofit Program increase INDUSTRIES SERVED:FENN’s robust single point line, torsion production, decrease downtime,winders, and constant force equipment. and eliminate the risk of relying FENN has proudly served thousands of on obsolete parts. Spring types clients across the globe, helping each of In addition to its standard product possible on a Torin coiler include them achieve unique and precise applica-offerings, FENN now also provides extension, torsion, compression, tions. Typical industries served include:turn key automated systems for all of magazine, constant force springs,its product lines. Any machine can be and simple wire forms. • Aerospacepaired with a wide variety of equipment, • Automotivesuch as material handling, robotics and Torin R-12 • Militarysecondary operation machinery to meet Dual Point • Metallurgical researchthe changing needs of the market. With • Solar & Renewable Energythis offering, a full line can be pro- Coiler • Consumergrammed and installed from the trusted • Agricultureexperts at the OEM. • Drawbenches – FENN designs and • Medical/dental manufactures a full line of wire, rod • Oil/Water well screenEQUIPMENT: and tube processing drawbenches. FENN is pleased to offer the market Both hydraulic cylinder and motor- a full line of metal forming machinery FENN offers a wide range of metal ized chain type units are available, that is completely engineered, testedforming machinery including: along with a full selection of fea- and built in the USA. From its days tures and accessories. producing equipment to support war• Rolling Mills – Single or multi efforts in the early 1900’s to its portfolio stand mills with roll diameters • Swagers – Swaging machines are of precision metal forming equipment ranging from 3\" to 30\". Mill styles an accurate, efficient way to point, today, FENN has always focused on vary from two, three, or four high reduce and form rod, tube or wire. providing its customers with robust, designs used for applications in- The FENN line of swagers is ca- reliable machines that get the job done. cluding heavy ingot breakdown, pable of handling maximum solid To learn more about how FENN can metallurgical research and preci- plate material ranging from 0.0625\" provide the best machinery for your sion strip. to 3.375\" and tube ranging from production requirements. Contact us 0.25\" to 6\" in diameter. *Larger today at [email protected].• Wire Flattening & Shaping Lines diameters possible, depending on – Single & multi stand lines avail- able for customization based on the client’s requirements, FENN produces equipment for applica- tions ranging from 0.002\" to 2\" inlet diameter. Two high, four high, and turks head combination lines available.82 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
FORMING SYSTEMS, INC. P.O. Box 694 15075 South U.S. 131 Schoolcraft, MI 49087- 0694 USA Phone: 1-877-727-FORM (toll free), 1-269-679-3557 (international) Fax: 1-269-679-3567 Email: [email protected] STATEMENT: • HSI specializes in the production of ac- • SAS Testers designers and developers Forming Systems, Inc. is dedicated to cessory equipment for the spring industry. of technologically ad- HSI’s extensive line of support equipment vanced spring testingproviding our customers with the best pos- includes conveyor ovens, & analysis machines,sible manufacturing option by supplying box ovens, and spiral ovens automated spring testing systems, andleading global technologies for the wire used throughout the world digital imaging systems used for part mea-forming and spring making industries. Form- by leading spring making companies. HSI surement, pitch tracing, E1 & E2 measure-ing Systems Inc. will provide excellence in ment, perpendicularity, and concentricityproducts, service, and value. HSI HCF320+ECO oven measurement. Systems are available for compression, extension, deflection, and tor-MARKETS SERVED: is also recognized for their complete line of sion testing. Vision and testing equipment • Spring Making payoff reels, part collectors, spring testers, includes software for all data acquisition • Spring Testing & Analysis spring gages, and part sorters. including SPC, R&R, CPK, and calibra- • Spring Grinding tion. • Wire Forming • Jaykase Manufacturing Company’s pro- • 2-D Wire Forming grammable tabletop bending machines have SAS CT100000 with • 3-D Wire Forming revolutionized small order/prototype produc- large compression spring • Tabletop Benders for Wire & Strip tion with its new CNC tabletop benders. • Wire Forming & Welding Systems • Wire Form w/ Automated Secondary Operations • Ring Coiling • Spring Grinding • Vision Inspection and Gaging Systems • Ovens-conveyor, box, spiralPRODUCTS & SERVICES• HTC Spring Machinery, a world leader Jaykase JK Bender HEADQUARTERS in design and development of high speed Forming Systems, Inc. spring and wire • OMD sets the standard for spring grind- P.O. Box 694 forming machines. ing machines throughout the world. OMD Schoolcraft, MI 49087 HTC specializes provides world class in precision 2, 4, 7, 9, and 12 axes CNC crush, down-feed, and FACTORY production machines for the manufacture wet grinding machines 15075 South U.S. 131 of compression, extension, garter, torsion, for finest wire sizes to 100mm (4\") wire dia. Schoolcraft, MI 49087 double torsion springs, and wire forms. HTC 30PX machine Tel: 877-727-FORM (3676) HTC is recognized for superior perfor- Toll Free 269-679-3557 (international)mance, service, reliability, and continuous Fax: 269-679-3567product development. Wire range: .02mm– Email: [email protected]. Website: OMD MA10-1 Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 83
Technology and news for the entire wire forming industry... FFAALLLL 22001188SPRING GRINDING...P. 64 Wire Forming Technology International: 2019 Editorial Plan WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM Send all editorial text and image files to Serving Manufacturers of Springs, Wire Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products Mike McNulty, Editor, at [email protected] Show Winter 2019 Summer 2019Coverage...pages Top Products of 2018 SMI Metal Engineering eXpo 2019 Preview24, 44, 60 & 70 Rebar Processing Emphasis Mesh Welding Roundup wire Southeast Asia 2019 Preview COATING & PLATING...P. 50 Packaging Roundup wire South America 2019 Preview Spotlight on Spring CoilingTESTING..P. 58 Editorial deadline: February 4 , 2019 Surface Treatment RoundupEMPHASIS ON FENCE MAKING...P. 34-37 Ad closing: February 8, 2019 Packaging RoundupCOMPANY PROFILES...P. 77-94 Production finished: February 15, 2019 Mail date: February 22, 2019 Fence Making & Wire Weaving Roundup SSUUMMMMEERR 22001188 Spotlight on Rebuild & Upgrade Spring 2019 Editorial deadline: August 12, 2019Serving Manufacturers of Springs, Wire WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM Interwire 2019 Preview Ad closing: August 16, 2019Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products wire Russia 2019 Preview Materials (Wire, Strip & Bar) Emphasis Production finished: August 23, 2019 MX 15 Ø 0.010” - 0.067” Trade Show Straightening & Cutting Roundup Mail date: August 30, 2019 MX 30 Ø 0.016” - 0.118” Coverage...pages Spotlight on Wire Forming & Fall 2019 42, 50, 66 & 72 Tube Bending Company Profiles Editorial deadline: April 1, 2019 Heat Treatment Emphasis Booth #1005 Testing Roundup Ad closing: April 5, 2019 Wire Handling Roundup FORMING & Production finished: April 12, 2019 Spotlight on Spring Grinding BENDING...P. 60 Editorial deadline: October 28, 2019 Mail date: April 19, 2019 Ad closing: November 1, 2019 SSPPRRIINNGG 22001188 Production finished: November 8, 2019 WWIINNTTEERR 22001188 Mail date: November 15, 2019 Serving Manufacturers of Springs, Wire WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM Serving Manufacturers of Springs, Wire WWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM Read by manufacturers and Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products users of springs, wire formed parts,SPRING COILING...P. 54 TOP PRODUCTS OF 2017...PAGE 38-43 wire mesh and rebar products.REBUILD & UPGRADE MATERIALS...72 • MESH WELDING...32EMPHASIS ARTICLES...P. 30-41 Subscribe and read online @ WIRE HANDLING...P. 64 REBAR PROCESSING...P. 66STRAIGHTENING & CUTTING..P. 62 wire 2018 Trade Fair Four Issues per year Preview: pages 44-65 Readers in 70+ countriesNashville Exhibits: pages 42-51 All editorial content and dates are subject to changes.
Maguire Machinery, Inc. 106 Ninth Street North Brigantine, NJ 08203 USA Tel: +1 609 266 0200 Fax: +1 609 266 9079 Web Site: E-Mail: [email protected] Statement: Special Order Machines — Testing Machines — Zig-Zag Spring Former Compression Setting Maguire Machinery, Inc., is Flexible Tube Load Testing Machine dedicated to providing outstanding Manufacturing Machine Fatigue And Load Tester sales and service for spring coiling, Spiral Forming Machine Universal Tester wire forming, ring making and Chain Making Machine wave spring machines as well as Saddle Spring Making Shot Peening Machines a wide variety of other production equipment. Machine Options — Concrete Separater Automatic Wire Standproducts offered: Making Machine Packaging Equipment Shutter Spring Making Wire Straightener Maguire Machinery, Inc., is the exclusive distributor of OKUNO Machine Fully Automated Systems — spring, clip, ring and wire forming Large-Diameter CS Master equipment in the Americas. Ad- Spring Making Machine Valve Spring ditional equipment offered by the Reinforcing Spiral Manufacturing Line company includes ovens, grinding Wire Making Machine Retractor Spring Forming Line machines, testing and inspection Special Torsion Torsion Coil Forming Line machines and equipment and shot Spring Making Machine Brassiere Ring Forming Line peening machines. Tempering Ovens — Inspection Equipment — Maguire Machinery, Inc., of- Batch Tempering Oven Flare Inspection Unit fers the following comprehensive Screw Feed Tempering Oven Automatic Free Length equipment lines: Creep Tempering Oven Inspection Unit Angular Inspection Unit Standard Machines — Grinding Machines — Rotating Eddy Current Inside Grinding Inspection Machine Mechanical Coiling Machines (Chamfering) Machine Other Types of CNC Coil Formers Outside Grinding Testing Equipment Multi Coil Formers (Chamfering) Machine Coil Forming Machines Compression Spring headquarters: Ring Making Machines Seat Grinding Machine Flat Ring Making Machines Long Spring Seat Maguire Machinery, Inc. Torsion Forming Machines Grinding Machine 106 Ninth Street North Forming Machines In-Process Seat Brigantine, NJ 08203 USA Oval Coil Formers Grinding Machine Tel: +1 609 266 0200 Motor Spring Making Fax: +1 609 266 9079 Machines Web Site: E-Mail: [email protected] Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 85
Oriimec Corporation of America 1840 Airport Exchange Blvd., Suite 200 Erlanger, KY 41018 USA Tel: Sales: 1-(859) 746-3318 Tech. Support:1-(859) 746-3314 Parts/Others: 1-(859) 746-3316 Fax: 1-(859) 746-3319 Website: www.Oriimec.comCOMPANY PROFILE: In 2000, Orii entered into a rela- changed the name to MEC Machinery tionship with Automatic Feed Compa- Co., Ltd. Today, MEC offers a variety Oriimec Corporation of America was ny of Napoleon, Ohio to manufacture of spring making machinery includingstablished in 1984 as Mecha Tech Sys- the first American-made straightener/ CNC multi-axis spring formers, CNCtems Corporation. The nature of busi- feeder combination unit under the coiling machines for ultra-fine wire,ness is sales of press room automation name Automatic Orii, using Orii de- NC spring formers, extension springequipment, spring machines, leveling sign technology and American elec- machines and torsion spring machines.casters and pads. The parent company of tronic control systems. Also in 2000,Oriimec Corporation of America is Orii Orii Corporation of Japan merged with In 2013, Orii Japan and Oriimecand Mec Corporation of Japan. Mec Machinery Company, Ltd. of Ja- Corporation of America establishing a pan. As a result, Orii Corporation of branch office in the USA established a Oriimec Corporation of America was America took over subsidiary opera- branch office in Querétaro, Mexico toformed by a merger between Orii, the tions for the Mec Division in North sell press room automation manufacturer of press room automa- America and the name was changedtion equipment, and Mec Corporation, to Oriimec Corporation of America. Today, The Oriimec name has beenthe top producer of spring machines. adopted by the American office, asOriimec continuously strives to branch Matsuoka Engineering Co. Ltd. was well as other branch sales and serviceinto new fields, using its extensive expe- founded in Japan in 1972 by Takeji offices throughout the world. Oriimecrience and technology as a base. Matsuoka, who started a business to Corporation of America operates as a develop, manufacture and sell spring- full-service branch office, offering OriiCOMPANY HISTORY: forming machines and related de- and Mec lines of machines and parts, vices and tools. In 1985, the company and providing technical support and The Orii Automatic Equipment troubleshooting for both lines.Manufacturing Company was foundedby Masaru Orii in 1962 in Tokyo, Japan PRODUCTS:after eight years of private development.In 1965, the firm introduced the nation’s Press Room Automationfirst press room robot used to transferwork pieces from a magazine to a press Coil Line Systemsdie, operating with a high speed of 200times per minute. The company contin- • Straightener/Feedersued to grow, producing a wide variety of • Coil Handling Systemsautomation equipment, including robots, • Large Scale Coilcoil handling systems, straightener/feed-ers and leveling equipment. Handling Systems In 1984, Orii Japan established a Robot Line Systemsbranch office in the USA to providesales and technical support for the • Press-to-press transfer robotsgrowing North American Market. • Multi-stage stampingMecha Tech Systems Corporationwas established in 1986 in St. Marys, Spring MachinesOhio, as a wholly-owned subsidiaryand its customer base continued to • Spring Formersgrow. In 1996, Mecha Tech Systems • Coiling Machineschanged its name to Orii Corporation • Extension Spring Machinesof America as the Orii name becamemore widely known internationally. Leveling Casters & PadsIn 1997, the U.S. office moved to thegreater Cincinnati, Ohio area. • Caster with anti-vibration function • Leveling Pads with anti-vibration and level adjustment function Parts • Vacuum Components • WELL AIR® Filters86 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
RK Trading Company 235 Bond Street Elk Grove, IL 60007 USA Tel: +1 847 640 9771 E-mail: [email protected] Website: rktradingusa.comABOUT RK TRADING: HAX Series Wire Formers The HAX se- HCA Series Coilers The HCA has 6-axis ries formers are 16-axis “all servo” form- coilers with touch screen programmingRK Trading was founded in 1996 for ers with standard 6-position, 3-dimen- and spring templates. It also has anthe purpose of selling and servicing sional rotary head. The rotary head has 3 integrated Micro Studio Camera Gagemachinery designed specifically for servo spinners, as well as 3 tool holders. System and offers 4 different cutoffthe production of springs, formed wire It also features the bottom 3 slides that types including straight, swing, ellipti-products and spring end grinders. Since move side to side. Like the original CSX cal, and twist. Available for wire sizesRK’s inception, it has rigorously adhered formers, the HAX comes standard with 3mm - the following principles: providing its rotary wire and easy-to-learn functions.customers with technically advanced, The HAX is available in 1mm, 2mm, HCS Series Coilers The HCS coilers arewell-constructed machines at reason- 4mm, 6mm and 8mm capacities. high speed 5-axis coilers for those highable prices, dealing with customers in volume jobs. It also has an integrateda highly ethical manner, honestly and CSM Series Wire Formers This line Micro Studio Camera Gage System andwith integrity and providing exemplary of wire/spring formers has enjoyed offers 4 different cutoff types includingafter-sales service both in parts, service worldwide acceptance for over 20 years. straight, swing, elliptical, and twist.and technical support. Recently increased to 8-axis capability Available for wire sizes from .8mm - (with no increase in cost), it is available 8mm.PRODUCT LINES: with many production enhancing options. These heavy duty production machines THE LATEST WIRE RK Trading offers a broad range of have cam driven slides and are available FORMING PRODUCTS products ranging from simple and inex- in six different models up to 6mm max. INCLUDE:pensive basic machines to technically wire size (tempered material).sophisticated coilers and formers. Dis- CSX Series w/AT Attachment Arm A16-tinguishing characteristics of all of these RFM Series Wire Formers Built on axis “all servo” wire former with a wireproducts include their user-friendly pro- the same platform as the CSM series, range of .4mm -2mm is now availablegramming, versatile features and rugged the RFM also incorporate Herdon’s with a removable AT attachment armconstruction. Herdon products include: true rotating wire system. These 8-axis unit. The easy-to-use front arm allows machines combine the same high speed users to bolt on an arm unit, gain 2 axisCSC Series Spring Coilers Available performance and ease of use as the CSM in front of the wire line, and completein 2-, 3-, and 4-axis models, it is an with the advantage of being able to ro- difficult parts without the use of a sec-affordable alternative to conventional tate the material during forming, which ondary operation. It offers easy setupmechanical coilers. Offering unusually greatly reduces set-up time. Available in and provides the ultimate versatility, withhigh rates of production while main- 5 models running 1mm - 6mm tempered 8 servo driven slides, full wire rotationtaining a high degree of accuracy, they wire. capability, rotary quill and the ability toare a moderately priced entry into CNC add optional single and dual axis servomachines. Available in models ranging FM Series A basic verti-slide machine spinners, as well as the EA Second Hookfrom .8mm - 5mm max. wire size with designed to handle both strip and wire. Finishing Station.single or double point coiling. With 6 cam drive forming slides and an integrated 5 ton press head, the machine HAX Series w/AT Attachment Arm TheCSX Series Wire Formers The CSX is a is well constructed, easy to use, and AT attachment arm allows users to start16-axis all servo-driven machine. Featur- modestly priced. and finish a part on one machine, whiching Herdon’s true rotating wire system saves time and increases profit. It is awith rotary quill, it is capable of handling ATM Series Spring Grinders These 16-axis machine that comes with stan-multiple servo spinners (both single and machines are available in three models dard features such as: 3D rotating tooltwo axis). Quick setups are the norm, yet and can be configured for either crush or holder with 3 attachments, 3 moveablethe machines have extremely high rates downfeed grinding. Heavy and durable, bottom slides, rotary quill and the sameof production. One of the fastest and they have proven to be very popular with user-friendly Herdon programming thatmost versatile all-servo machines in the spring makers throughout the world. customers currently use. Available on themarket, available in sizes ranging from 2mm and 4mm models..4mm - 6mm max. wire capacity. Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 87
SIMPLEX-RAPID S.r.lVia Lombardia, 1320098 S. Giuliano Milanese – Milano – Italytel.: +39- fax: +39-02-98.281.738Web Site: E-MSaIiMl: [email protected] .it (Ø 1,0-8,0 mm / Ø 0.004” - 0.32”) d) CNC coilers MT-series for theSIMVPiLaELXom-RbAarPdiIaD, 1S3.r.l.Via L2o00m9b8aSrd. iGai,u1lia3no Milanese – Milano – Italy production of both springs with2009te8l.:S+.3G9i-u0l2ia.9n8o.2M81il.a7n5e1sfeax–: +M3i9la-0n2o-9–8I.t2a8l1ia.738tMelI.S:SW+IO3e9Nb-S0ST2itAe.9:T8Ew.M2w8Ew1N..Ts7i:m51plfeaxxra: p+i3d9.iot-f0it2s.9ow8.n2f8a1ct.o7r3y,8which presently straight or shaped shanks RHWebES-Mitaei:l: [email protected] covers an area of 25000 sqm.EIn-nMoavailt:[email protected]’ts SIMPLEX-RAPID’s trade markpeculiar feature. In its 70-year has always been a synonym forMcaocImtSivSpitIayOnyN, Sh(Ta1sA94T8bE-e2eM0n1E8c)N,oTns:tanthtley advanced technology and high oaaCwnr(nØiNdstdhhCs1apnp,rL0oienH-ncd8go-ss,ri0holbweauemrninsntkhmddsnssRG/oeHØnXca-tr-na0iosond.uen0dnr.0idLse4Hpss”er-icbnt0efigono.s3rdn2s”) aclwonaysstrubceteinona qsyunaolintyymthfaonrkasdvtoancitesd puInttniMnogIvSaStiIoOfnoNriwsSaSTrIdMATPELrMEevXEo-NlRuTAt:ioPnIaDr’ys tehcuhgneolfoigtesyxaopnwedrniheifgnahccetcoornysi,ntrwuchtpiicorhencqpiusraeiolsinteyntlye)stPGcpt(ccwdlp(totctpoteihoia1r1ooouarrevfrCpbTccctdWpcarmwPPT(SstsAsifmorotnrekoereoa9e1h9lncnmteoooatotooerisynhheuirrimATaWTurohhsfnsaleden9aou4o9vsrtnmeliglmmoofinlstssstptaeqtsreaec.nliuthhudnaone6losffw8cmiib9hiD)cioroaitsiggtsoohtrnucCTptpcaTmwrPP(tispsSAcfpsaIoamce.pti)irdvpehrt-aitlapnnehl6ilenrptnae1heoiinuwofmnaha,oeenentia2otorrnarkeorsuecyborshhearrimlarritmtiohcaniam)reacnagio9vnloeannafinvsrmsetelkhltlmeans0ymoomotlnisstcol,netaeqtslsneriynsfoiur,naoinettPosttcgiib9onmemisyrcoloxi1svndpstvtesutyoggthirsoeadnucasrttGiptsaesindvehplptltwpreh6lldnialirr8nt-isoiivesyluldsw,ftieedtntntrrtrkessnlfienaobo)moeriaioeuRvlgariaoitscohm)eryaal)it(fatg”on.nanaahrufetetDummaseswosyntndematogln,aeteic1a,teerninoGshettpherantgrdtiicoemmriitrlsxlfoldhnhtnrrmotirsriosceyoe9nttaeeiyn(deectirt-seelfuepnyolndtitweea(e-mseohvsznhhya2v,tetutnrdtno(nv.6s,hnse.tmoltgad,iRcgoifihuconmiarane(1euratee.a0nckuh“ovfDpeesydt0itweaIormteanie1rooGhioydcnbphfct9rfanurrtn0earseriInsisitboopatm.ssh)eii,ostyee9cenicalceeenytaructrt-tnr6eirefpitt4.r-rl(tntwoaelymsvtapianrcawbdetuvstloahotoaihevpw6h,hoesima1“ol-tgrau0iiy”)nihwwntinaoneitorsrrwInloctiektethsimevpelmnsdr0iermlma9nee)otSerntoySrniiitatctnifiMoreeaateinge2sip.aiieiaosdeaa)nedt,r4nttesnchtctbl7poaiimttIttrepediito.adr.-rl0rng(dellmt.nmMiiodarisgnMfsdtdlottoa8he0wpibhoainmo“s2hinrarnoffieiyf”o0lgznuTrnnyadraswIulaeretauefs-nrytmn-rbelrsio0reeaotpnPler0eerdeaocdcotetyepIw2nMaoeeAntctliaiilsdyioldeaaienivdor0tovpsnl.hahlpntroaridtrnetanteLavreos0Ade.,(e(yhlteuatrieodeuigfsfoennueottode4ffiaiomosrs2himernltrietgsnETo1lhzudGxndyr.rtechuedurlaatraueirctsmsrhyr)sdlenh0aeitsfuoeeodfir82ea-ecetsfeoeuXneetaspAetscvlelspdirieeqaeiaRt.s,e0oivltncotdtcdeirin)0nntetaisynrsbdfmdcadoeowoi-rhcumrciuibeusinunsb,weiflte4fmiooobunmusiReo0antregeeTolinsipChtildGertectebeclbldlressgtumgayinr)naoonineatnh7pcant0etafeltlnonoi2invetfraeoAheeatoatepauidioetio-ititroarvusathtiteeosehoh0tbncim.tcittnidtti0enuneecfmcdnattieinowsaa.arodroPtrllitlntaafiuintddnoniheecncei-syyybuoyddghynyouiypye0ncaeeafsnsttip,--f-rlllttlnb,ysgIaaetcant0tDlnniiehaaottuditioorteeohhtbnc.ittanr’tieiaa.alilfSPgittftmcssossØfTbwttndnhecncseesyyyyyoanhrhrmasmapc(tf1tccwIrmfwd(sitcImeet,tiplllphuonrenhnaeeoAeproIkiRrgaeretupuoo,nnriote0ecastriofrirneh0ikMceeaeneemIIntahuncesmfttenthuidda.corannnrsniOimhttsee11gcchdekcitomesdcipicktinuliyaeafit(pctImrwi1dstccw(fIcachmchSttfnnehmginpphhrnP9satiitn2sovinhnaeeupht2oAepeniiosowscnas1uaeDupouooorce,riadauaonthggnlIhirai8aov0rferit0iktcsraeerlske0LermcminudnaMma9icutbonsmfttevnnmtfeogsvooeiolgrcyetttnn9fi0zren1rhttUee1iaccarhd0hoceol8toemdejteezjmtgsEicikatshretyn.depaaae0i.tPieyee,nnehimomindpiphhrn9bauilr09suc0aniuenah2eynrmiatidsntdCfcel,(trnreanihecantfggnriuXavsisbria8aLslstd,rg,esspbiwØskndtise0tcmhniulffmycosuemsAonhrondntiolt,ewgereepopytnn9rETtiihap,-catsyk0ab-ereeoa(Sfocteebmidezjtisdiegnn.adrrPmPepaaloAiaye,nsatsRiauonumblalXyur0SsucdnftnEtnieaaixy0dnoimphan(cinrloeAtsRlrteccdgcpiLtabyvssluost,eitstsspogwbuØdti-rsdAE.rCanyes(swlnaiihhtstdgateatserel0poRadwosfPcoihØntbrs,-nueyIafykeel(tfwtbieciCpeetEhorwtsetAaPuidrPv0eidrilcoanepyrseeNkreR-rAiahngueiSnaeirom0mbftomosetatneSip0iMuenfix4cEAsplrteqsiPiaØptowIiocprrtegreetechitaetrodgimrPE.rane.innsscglwE1)perainli”ottraw.tDepjccnuh00rMaronysfhrPoin-tl.rrosesnu(aetcefkeegrwesfoiIcl6Crieeh1oTlh0stArlaigiian0iericfsagSsiitnoDcictrndilpeR-rshwnglionbo)eandontoe6e4flganpfo-tcnsipiseeaft4loiEltsrsehhbsPlmoworrgrtu:Prntiecheeg’reueuorlliiv\"manhkiysairat2g)erTaedtc)osnno”lmi(.crrtctoinvcMrinyhrco-ootlctcac.erosen,stihse0ieioemdtngn5faaieheiiroeddThhnnerleat.gotcattgittejgmcfotrdlpaeuwelunh.deltoeidoe0iemrsnlanpooeinugrnenaiwgsemtoa0dhshonnls.moynets0urcshiul(tiocv0rini.s:dirtdrscnnSTdcno)onnn4epttnsrgrt(nytionipS0f.rnacfooaaae)ts,usshf00e0enairae0oti)coakogaahedde”nhgn.llErf.gitntelinjftcn4rnyf0Soubae6)oonf.dr6ngcdietTwraioselsreouoanogmsode0ghpaCsus\"dtkiCc3n,nyepcnnfni3ger(whocrwnrwrnicn)n1qnnS)hwonr4etaraaatno(tiemtst\"donraeiE,daa”twuseifesEtheAitiaometymkgwidel)”nliniEg)nneu.eanniointsieintettrryf0eSobo.tnMemt)orcitgimcnoslwwioihMhPedtknededdndespsoonouassssacmraCesf.i,oeift.ngrngwee.ehsssnrwns---r---1--wtaaatno(iEiaeiiiaoeifnignnoeu.gaisirootMermtittlwweddndensphoossksssSSSUbaSUSrSgff.))))adefbaaEEAASS)))))0(fgslww0clCLAAgf(MeACMoaLeSpSu.a.oaedbaSSgfACfa–(ssStaSii16auEsr),Esuurrtt0rt,trorEeeu)))))Enn-roEioAr3tttthrNeuCe0tbS.ntoaMrreoatCottrrgdtdo\"m0soxMtaaoCeoSLoiswpCaCAgf(Me.oiffrgiCa)oeeaffigm6ogaa0a–ftsas(StSfOahiirtrrfs1nrasEsEluurrgghniNN0rmhdrassffirhoir3nioeeu4yOtnnpaonz0tt.oindroazstacF0htbhhcSytaa.c0Mtrrfdt”eoptdtCCrr”gddoreeam0mle.eorfpraeaaoitteop)de.iietteFdiF8giaoeorihnnueeadtnm6nmteedsi0nwcrO:iirtdnrrsiorlalIhgghLrpiitiimi0-asscircsF3ogannncaie4Cbnenndvz0ntaminfstae:FthhHyat.ttopofrdsen”eeciie0oudo”ngeee8gagiIh.fprnne::Est)dwjttonFl8ir0aojxoo-l-rori.lneCdtoeedstl(womcrgg:iisitm0r1rrrae:onditcInG0.ripircoim--s.viyeonnoair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Sales office and service center USA, Canada: NIMSCO LCCCbtmiacsthprnesmpcTpbSwrCseuaeOreohrrehiaSSToaioOsrannooqnnaerksewIirMhpccgduegMnirslMnesmpbcwSpCroaiWendrhaneeniurceuttormogrcefoePacPiiseOocecPocanoqnfgsi1cnoiestnaiaArrctAfnmcLrcudheuM1ttoim9eltsnckmeteocsidhrtho2eNiuslc9nEritmN4sseiroyoPvnpamo5ditvno.c4ecsasinYX8shnlt1emnar,feigieAeY8ftimr0aenuyvuatini9kil-kmasron.sSrHnyt0,pNmeRsgclylShs4keenlsntoH0cwlaI.caYyYeyfIAe8hantMfdifretesnnMurthscatSettoIipPkhqae.sSPwysHhcislnSalTrcvePhImsetynoirocbeiILiYshunaDsTeattOrMtfLrtsfsreso.iuesEehprrerSanepp’ieEOeeRysPaoslarnXsnrlgrTp.f,iysyXohnetentYnLeiRs-irriOcnetsvatn-RskgaedaoEohp:oegapiReYgdseRtsdedntianrnAtXrsrrsieAhinutn,csts:enYnttah-aPltemthhrcP,tyRskgmpal:enmehetItleenIsaooDoiAcymseoaDyotwrnbaisonlktkzPrsenyterehhsvaoddmeakiihhtIneneiuzarimaieseroDobeotaanolraestngssslpdsrsssnltf-fl,oekirhruiiennaaittntdoggoisslc0(b0a(ttlbdcØØ).)).)))00s(hdØØØs1ppMC11auscMslChsCCe0ba(SPa2re000nceopp22a00NØiNNfuNue))....ndtnIRmrtee””n000,,0iaMldCli))11eCCdogCtteeeh000d1xOlsCsChidip--esn444Psaddepeppct233a0arNNDfcu\"\"\"cs(csnoaordeLtexe”,,n,Øpooo)bo00)1p–––CCiUfdxesEeehd(lrisidei00-rs1eebesliflpl000add0CeXeo3penueoroc2isd...cC.rnudsor000rd,gcrT-r1rotoo0spRidph311ntNsMmmunsdMsii–i0cFCrL222elplaMopAc(geosCpeutrsmm\"\"\"XTØdIo8XrNnxptirsrdPrrp)))–in-setirconesifØØfs6swignsegooos/3eiese/hflsrisMormnem.or:itrto0gfihffrfireo00ope0mfØCsohactssrr..rsrhntmr00rt-eoreidisr(”t”0dhhhoehf---t3lnrhhs--0ttai”gii4ngg)h”dhhJDJ5hFET-hEFJDJTt 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VINSTON US CORP. 204 Carpenter Avenue Wheeling, IL 60090 USA Tel: +1-847-947-2241 • Fax: +1-847-947-2241 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.vinstonus.comCOMPANY PROFILE: A straightforward programming • Coiler Series: language with teach functionality A CAMLESS duo point coiler se- The VINSTON product line en- facilitates a mild learning curve. Thistered the US market place in 2005. series supports wire size from 0.3 mm ries that supports wire sizes from 0.2Since then, VINSTON has commit- to 2.3 mm. (0.012 IN to 0.0906 IN) mm to 9.0 mm (spring wire) (0.006ted itself to providing a high quality • CMM 400 Series: IN to 0.354 IN)product at competitive prices. Now,VINSTON is able provide superior A special CAMLESS design PERSONNEL:customer service from the heart of equipped with VINSTON’s free armAmerica as well. As part of our technology and dual spinner support John Ye, Presidentcommitment to quality service, our enables our series of spring forming Kathy Ye, VP Marketingnew Service Center in Wheeling machines to easily produce a variety Billy Z Lin, Operations Managerwill now house even more inventory of springs and wire forms. This se- Ron Paliotta, Salesin parts and machines for those time ries supports wire size from 1.2 mm Spadin Marcos, Salessensitive projects. to 4.5 mm. (0.0472 IN to 0.1772 IN) • CMM 600 Series: ASIA OFFICE:MISSION STATEMENT: Email: [email protected] A special CAMLESS design Web Site: VINSTON’s mission is to provide equipped with custom made toolingtotal custom satisfaction by providing and hydraulic cutting capabilities that EUROPEAN OFFICE:a quality product at competitive prices enable our series of spring forming Email: [email protected] offering superior customer ser- machines to handle high Rockwell Web Site: www.gemaeurope.czvice. VINSTON is constantly striving scale (HRC) material. This seriesto improve its products through val- supports wire size from 2.6 mm to 8.0 BRAZIL OFFICE:ued customer feedback and a constant mm. (0.102 IN to 0.315 IN) Email: [email protected] to innovate. • 3-D Bender Series: Web Site: SERVED: A special CAMLESS 3-D design ARGENTINA OFFICE: that enables our series of bending Email: Our product lines are commonly machines to easily produce a varietyused in the automotive, electronic, of wire forms. This series supports [email protected], instrument, toy, craft, and wire size from 3.0 mm to 12.0 mm Web Site:hardware industries. (soft wire) (0.118 IN to 0.473 IN) • Hybrid Bender Series: www.maquinaria-directa.comPRODUCTS: A CAMLESS table hybrid bender KOREA OFFICE:• CMM 200 Series: (bender and former in one) series Email: [email protected] A special CAMLESS design with that supports wire sizes from 2.0 mm Web Site: to 6.0 mm (soft wire) (0.0787 IN tosupport up to 16 axes is able to sup- 0.236 IN) TURKEY OFFICE:port the production of intricate parts. Email: [email protected] Web Site: INDIA OFFICE: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web Site: Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 89
90 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
Anchor Abrasives CO. 7651 West 185th Street Tinley Park, Illinois 60477 USA Toll Free: (877) 596-3100 • Phone: (708) 444-4300 • Fax : (708) 444-1300 Direct E-mail: [email protected] • www.anchorabrasives.comOUR PRODUCTS: tured and delivered correctly. Hold ready top manufacturing names in the world,• Discs & Cylinders. Anchor specializes in programs guarantee availability of our our products grind a variety of bearings,designing and manufacturing nut-inserted products for JIT delivery. We have the springs, ceramics, cutlery, hand tools,discs and cylinders from 8\"-72\" diameter. fastest regular delivery time in the industry. bars, tubing and automotive parts includ-These disc and cylinder wheels are custom We will help you with any phase of your ing: connecting rods, valve plates, pistonformulated to each job to meet/exceed our grinding operation. Meeting challenges rings and pump parts.customer’s disc grinding requirements. keeps us a leader in the industry.• Centerless Wheels. Anchor centerless CUSTOMER SERVICE:grinding wheels are custom formulated for HISTORY: Anchor representatives are factory traineddemanding thru-feed and plunge grinding Anchor Abrasives, a privately held com- specialists who are knowledgeable in allapplications. They can be made from 12\"- pany, was formed in 1971. Founder, Frank aspects of grinding operations. They are30\" diameter in widths up to 20\". Shoemaker is credited for naming the available to assist you with in-house train-• Roll Grinding Wheels. Anchor roll company after the system for anchoring ing and to answer questions pertaining towheels are custom formulated and can nut inserts into the non-usable portion of your made in diameters from 20\" – 42\" up the disc. Today Jack and Jeff Shoemaker,to 6\" wide. second and third generations carry on the QUALITY:• CBN & Diamond-Plated Discs. CBN family tradition at Anchor Abrasives. We Anchor Abrasives is an ISO-9001-certifiedplated discs work extremely well on small are the leaders in state-of-the-art formu- company Anchor Abrasive’s Qualitydiameter springs and produce unmatched lation and manufacture of double discs, Management System has received a Cer-performance on tight tolerance work. cylinders, centerless and roll wheels. In tificate of Conformance from ABS Quality 1998, we moved into a new manufactur- Evaluations.MISSION: ing facility incorporating the latest tech-At Anchor Abrasives we make every effort nology to produce high quality custom TO LEARN MORE:to insure products are ordered, manufac- abrasive products. Sold to many of the Visit www.anchorabrasives.comBB Spring Technology Srl Via Socrate, nr. 27 22070 – Casnate con Bernate (CO), Italy Telephone: +39 031536584 • Fax: +39 0312170001 Email : [email protected] Web site : www.bbspringtechnology.comABOUT US: wire ranging from 0.15 mm to 15.00 CONTACT US! mm / .006 inches to 0.47 inches. Our experience and knowledge allow us to helpBB Spring Technology was founded in 2014 Our designers and engineers com- customers worldwide. If you have any question,by specialized engineers and technicians in pletely develop the machine, from the please contact us, we are here to help you!the production of spring coiling machines. Our design to the final product; therefore,initial core business was to support Bobbio every step from the project to themachines, then we have introduced our first new assembly, is totally managed by ourcoiler at wire & Tube 2016 in Dusseldorf and specialized the SPRINGWORLD fair in Chicago starting The continuous contact with the cus-to spread all over the world our coilers becom- tomer is our trade mark, especiallying a reference point and providing innovative thanks to the innovative remote assistance sys-machines and continuous assistance. tem, which allows our technicians to solveOur technicians have over 30-years experience every kind of problem in a short time, providingaccrued in the springs’ field, always keeping up continuous assistance to the operator.with new technology. Our main aims are: “in- The machines are also equipped with a springnovation, development and quality”. camera gauge, which means an integrated digitalIn 2018 we were at the International Fair WIRE camera for the control of the diameter and thein Dusseldorf proposing a new coiler. Since our free length of compression springs. This systempurpose is to meet customer demands, the ma- measures the spring parameters correcting themchines are custom-made, with competitive price in real time and automatically rejecting theand not losing sight of the technological develop- springs off the pre-settled tolerances.ment. All the mechanical parts assembled on ourcoilers are manufactured in Italy with guaranteed OUR MISSION:European raw material while the motors and The BB Spring Technology mission is to developdrives are manufactured by a Japanese firm. always new and innovative machines that areThe BB Spring Technology range of available engineered to improve quality, efficiency andmachines can be seen in the box above. competitiveness. We always look up to the future and for this reason we can also upgradeOUR PRODUCTS: old coilers, revitalizing them and breathing themThe machines are suitable to produce compres- a new life.sion, torsion and extension springs processing Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 91
Fives Landis Corp. (Gardner Abrasives) Cutting Tools | Abrasives 481 Gardner Street South Beloit, IL 61080 Tel: +1 815 389 2251 – Fax: +1 815 389 5024 – www.fivesgroup.comGardner Abrasives – Custom ABOUT FIVES’ CUTTING process equipment and productionEngineered Grinding Wheels TOOLS ABRASIVES OFFER: lines for the world’s largest industrialsfor Increased Productivity: including the aluminum, steel, glass, With a strong foundation based upon automotive, aerospace, logistics, cement• 110+ years of grinding the renowned names CITCO Tools and and minerals, energy and sugar industry industry experience and Gardner Abrasives, Fives designs and sectors. proven consistency supplies custom engineered convention- al and superabrasive tooling solutions Fives is a global company with close• Aggressive stock removal for such as PCD and PcBN cutting tools, to 8,700 employees and more than 100 roughing operation reduces diamond dressing tools and conventional locations in nearly 30 countries. number of passes and superabrasive grinding wheels. SALES OFFICE:• Advanced bond systems to Together the CITCO Tools and Gardner Fives Landis Corp. (GardberAbrasives) maximize effectiveness of the Abrasives legacy names carry more Cutting Tools | Abrasives newest ceramic abrasives than 185+ years of cutting and grinding 481 Gardner Street expertise. South Beloit, IL 61080• Trusted on critical finishing Tel: +1 815 389 2251 operations–better quality, ABOUT FIVES: Fax: +1 815 389 5024 more up-time As an industrial engineering Group, Fives designs and supplies machines,92 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
Larson Systems Inc. 13847 Aberdeen Street NE Ham Lake, MN 55304-6789 USA Tel: 1-877-780-2131 • 1-763-780-2131 Fax: 1-763-780-2182 Website: E-Mail: [email protected]: sorters, spring gages, torque wrench KEY PERSONNEL: calibrators and torsion spring testers. Larson Systems Inc. was founded in 1979, The company holds two patents (U.S. David Larson, and has become the leading designer and Patent Numbers 6,094,980 & 6,289,744 President manufacturer of spring-testing equip- on the Torsion Spring Tester (TST). ment in North America. Larson Systems Kathy Thunstrom, designs, manufactures and distributes a EQUIPMENT MODELS: Assistant to President / Inside Sales complete line of force/length and torque testing equipment for spring manufactur- • Manual Force/Length Testers: CONTACT INFORMATION: ers. Larson Systems’ spring testers are ECT, CDHT, DHT, FDHT, SDHT, the most widely used testers in American Solid Height Checker Larson Systems Inc. spring manufacturing plants today, and 13847 Aberdeen Street NE • Motorized Force/Length Testers: Ham Lake, MN 55304-6789 USA the company sells them worldwide. FLASH 11, 24, 25, 36, 48; Tel: 1-877-780-2131 STAR 11, 25, RoboSTARPRODUCTS: 1-763-780-2131 Larson Systems’ product line includes • Torsion Spring Testers: Fax: 1-763-780-2182 manually operated, motorized and TST 200, 1300; ATST Website: automated spring testers, calibration E-Mail: [email protected] equipment, force gages, pre setters and • Spring Gages: Tiger, Tiger CNCPromostar Srl Via Casali Leoncini, 2/C 33030 Buia (UD)- ITALY Tel: +39 0432 975752 • Fax: +39 0432 986117 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: www.promostar.itPROFILE: concrete reinforcing wire (such as cold mesh plants) as well as machines forThanks to its long-time experience, rolling lines with automatic spoolers, thin Steel Wire (wire drawing processPromostar Srl is a leading company on combined cold rolling+straightening by dies), or refurbishment/revampingthe design and production of cold rolling and cutting lines, stretching and re- of existing plants.lines for low carbon steel wire for the spooling lines, tunnel mesh and special www.promostar.itAutomatic Vertical Spooler Combined Cold rolling & straightening line Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 93
Ultimate Automation Ltd.23 Star Road Industrial Estate,Partridge Green, West Sussex, RH13 8RA, U.K.Tel: +44 (0) 1403 710043 • Fax: +44 (0) 1403 [email protected] • www.ultimat.comCOMPANY HISTORY: processing wire ranging from 2.00 mm to standard wire forming machines, as they (0.080\") up to 16.00 mm (0.629\") and with also design and manufacture special purpose Ultimation has been manufacturing wire maximum frame sizes ranging from 40\" x models to suit customer requirements.forming and welding machines for over 20 40\" to 50\" x 50\". The versatile ULTIMATyears and has designed and manufactured a design negates the need for special tooling to ULTIMAT WIRE FORMING andwide range of ground breaking models and is produce high-quality parts and components. WELDING MACHINES: Versatile ma-well respected by its customers worldwide. Special ULTIMAT versions can be supplied chines with proven reliability, meeting andWith Ultimation’s directors having over 70 for use with flat strip or profiled wire. Other exceeding our customer’s expectations.years of experience in the design and manufac- options include press and chamfering sta-ture of various machines for the wire industry. tions, secondary bend heads for intricate Affordable, progressive, and innovative forms with a tilting table to accommodate machine designs to make you be more effi-PRODUCT LINES: large components or for forming spirals. cient, more competitive, and more profitable! Through the use of state of the art 3D Their ULTIMAT UMW series of 2D SALES OFFICE:modeling software, the design engineers wire forming and welding machines, featureat Ultimation are capable of creating new a robust, modern, modular design, and user Ultimate Automation Ltd.machine models from initial concept to friendly windows 10 based software. All 23 Star Road Industrial Estate,completed designs in a very short amount ULTIMAT models use a Closed Die Forming Partridge Green, West Sussex,of time. Utilizing this technology together and Cutting System, which produces high- RH13 8RA, U.K.with the latest in AC drives, machine con- quality bends with square, burr-free cuts. Tel: +44 (0) 1403 710043trols and programming software, enables the Fax: +44 (0) 1403 588084company to be flexible in creating a diverse Also available — UTW Automatic [email protected] of machines engineered to suit specific Ring Forming & Welding Machines; UTIG www.ultimat.comcustomer requirements. Automatic Ring Forming Machines with TIG / Heli-Arc Welding; UCW Cross Wire Penn Machinery Company (Agent) The ULTIMAT UMW range of 2-axis, Welding Machines for Oven/Refrigerator P.O. Box 226,PC-controlled wire forming and welding racks and HVAC filter frames; USW Sign Flourtown, PA 19031 USAmachines are used for the manufacture of Wire Frame Welding Machines for yard/ T: +1 215 233 0976a wide range of wire products from POP political signs. F:+1 215 233 0977displays, Appliance Shelving to Automotive [email protected]. Ultimation’s product line is not limited Comprising of six standard models forWitels Albert USA, Ltd.208 East Pier Street Unit BOxford, MD 21654Phone 410-228-8383 E-Mail: [email protected] 410-228-1813 Web www.witels-albert-usa.comFOUNDING PRINCIPLES: COMPANY BACKGROUND: PRODUCT LINES: The use of modern production and engineering Witels Albert specializes in the straightening and • Roll-type straighteners in over 17 mod-technologies to ensure the highest product quality. guidance of endless materials and builds machines els for material dia. up to 40mm. Models come with to perform these operations. 3 to 14 rolls in single or double plane arrangements. Optimum production organization and control(KANBAN) ensure the rapid availability of all The firm’s history dates back to 1946 for Witels and • Roller guides - 15 models up to 250mm diameter.products. 1898 for the Albert Co. Hermann Albert, Eckehard Al- Chromium plated, hardened, plastic, rubber with bert’s great grandfather, founded the Albert Co. Walter no-maintenance bearings. Continuous investments in R & D result in con- Wittig founded the Witels Co., which was taken overstant innovation. Our patents and our new and in 1969 by Eckehard Albert. In 1970, Witels Albert • High-quality rolls with a thick outer ring, whichfurther developments are the result of this policy. Germany Co. expanded activities in the development avoids oval squeeze and early wear.This associated basic research provides us with the of straightening devices and other tools for the wireknowledge, which is vital for an understanding of industry, which they have supplied since the 1900’s. In • Preform heads for many rope/cable diameters,the straightening process and the processes, which August 1996, Witels Albert – Berlin established a sales different lay length/central adjustment.precede and follow it. office in the USA. Following Mr. Albert’s retirement in 2001, the company continues to remain the industry • Drive units for flexibility in existing lines when We match our equipment to the individual wishes leader in new innovations for the wire/cable industry. more pulling force is needed.and needs of our customers with: KEY PERSONNEL: • Simulation program – software for the determina- • a wide range of product types, tion of roller positions based on the wire straightener • different sizes, Witels Albert USA, Ltd. parameters and material specifications. • varying numbers of rolls to suit the application, Bob Flower, Jr. – General Manager • a wide range of ancillary products, and •Specialized solutions – offering seminars, training, • a wide ranging production program covering straight- Witels Apparate-Maschinen Albert GmbH and education in the operation/maintenance of oureners, straightening rolls, roller guides, drive systems, Marcus Paech – Tech. Managing Director equipment giving us the advantage of providing betterpreformers as well as products for the cable industry. Horst Schneidereit – General Manager A worldwide customer service-focused sales quality and consistency in the straightening process.organization. HEADQUARTERS: Witels Apparate-Maschinen Albert GmbH Malteserstraße 151-159 D-12277 Berlin, Germany T: +49 30/72 29 88-0 • F: +49 30/72 39 88-88 info@witels-albert-de • www.witels-albert.de94 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018
ADVERTISERS’ INDEXCompany Page WebsiteA&D Trading LLC 55, 78 79, BackAIM Inc., CoverAlloy Wire International 1, 80 www.alloywire.comANBAO (Qinhuangdao) Wire & Mesh Co., Ltd. www.anbao.comAnchor Abrasives 23BB Spring Technology 13, 91 www.anchorabrasives.comBergandi Machinery 17, 91 www.bbspringtechnology.comCASMI/SpringWorld 2018 15, 92Dörken www.bergandi.comFASTENER TECH™ ’18 41 www.casmi-springworld.orgFENN LLC 9, 81Fives Landis Corp. 65 • www.mwfa.netForming Systems Inc. 2, 82 19, 92 www.fenn-torin.comForming Systems Inc. / HTC 75, 83, www.fivesgroup.comGolden Spot Industry Inc. Inside BackLarson Systems Inc. Cover www.formingsystemsinc.comMaguire Machinery, Inc.Metal Finishing News (MFN) 75 www.formingsystemsinc.comOkuno Machine Co. 4 Corporation of America 39, 93Promostar 59, 85 29 www.maguiremachinery.comRK Trading 59 27, 86 www.mfn.liSimplex Rapid 43, 93 Metal Engineering eXpo Inside FrontUltimate Automation Ltd. Cover, 31, www.oriimec.comVinston US Corp. 87 www.promostar.itWAFIOS Machinery Corporation 5, 88Wire Forming Technology International 49 www.rktradingusa.comWitels-Albert USA Ltd. 21, 94 11, 89 7, 90 / 67, 76, 84 23, 67, 94 www.witels-albert-usa.comTrade Association of North American suppliers of June 3-5, 2019 • Rosemont, IL, USAmachinery, materials and accessories for making • wire and cable • Fall 2018/Wire Forming Technology International 95 Benefits: Company and Product Promotion, Pavilions atTrade Shows, Networking and Social Outings, Scholarships, Partnerships with Industry Associations and Organizers. Write to [email protected] to become a member.
EDITORIAL INDEX Companies, organizations & events listed in Wire Forming GERB Vibration Control Systems, Inc.................40 OMD....................................................................66 Events (p. 4) and as advertisers in the Spotlight On Testing German Fasteners Federation DSV....................29 Omkamal Steel Pvt. Ltd.......................................70 (p. 58) are not indexed here. German Federal Ministry of Justice and Orii & Mec Corporation........................................12 Consumer Protection.........................................28Advanex..............................................................18 German Spring Federation (Verband der Pennsylvania State University, The.....................23Advanex Europe..................................................18 Deutschen Federnindustrie e.V. (VDFI).............22 Pensa..................................................................47AIM Inc..........................................................70, 71 German Spring Industry VDFI.............................29 Pensa Labs.........................................................47Alexander Gérard................................................40 Grauer & Weil (India) Limited..............................70 Powell Systems, Inc............................................73Alex Industries Inc.........................................47, 64 Grieve Corporation, The......................................72 Pretec..................................................................14Alloy Wire International (AWI).................18, 46, 62 Grueber...............................................................12AMADA HOLDINGS Co., Ltd..............................12 GRUEBER GmbH & Co. KG, Raajratna Metal Industries Ltd............................70Anchor Abrasives Co...........................................66 Federnwerke J.P................................................40 Reliable Wires & Engineers Pvt. Ltd...................70Architectural Offices Schmelzle & Partner...........14 Ricoh Arena.........................................................16ArelorMittal..........................................................10 H. D. Wires Private Limited.................................70 RK Trading Company..........................................66Associated Spring...............................................23 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA.......................................51 Rolled Wire Products...........................................21Asterion, LLC.......................................................19 Herzog & de Meuron...........................................40Austrian Wire And Cable Machinery Hochtief...............................................................40 Sanandco............................................................42 Manufacturers Association................................70 Hynes Formed Products......................................21 SCHMOLZ + BICKENBACH...............................13Automated Packaging Systems..........................74 Hynes Industries..................................................21 Schnell SpA.........................................................10 Hynes Steel.........................................................21 SECO/VACUUM..................................................18Bank of England..................................................18 Hyperco...............................................................73 SECO/WARWICK................................................18Bansal Wire Industries Limited............................70 Senator John Heinz History Center.....................23BASF...................................................................53 Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Shanghai Electric Cable ResearchBatching Systems, Inc. (BSI)...............................72 Center (IMEC)..............................................16, 25 Institute (SECRI)................................................61Bekaert Corporation............................................21 Institut Dr. Foerster GmbH & Co. KG..................14 Shanghai New InternationalBenchmark Products...........................................20 Institute of Spring Technology (IST)....................58 Expo Center (SNIEC)..................................60, 61Bergandi Machinery Company, Inc................34, 35 International Standards Organization (ISO)........20 Shinko Machinery Co., Ltd..................................10Bihler...................................................................12 International Wire & Machinery Association Shreeji Wire Industries........................................70Bihler of America.................................................48 (IWMA)...............................................................62 Simufact Engineering GmbH...............................68Bihler Maschinenfabrik, Otto...............................48 Singcheer............................................................61BMO Harris Bank................................................53 JMS GmbH & Co. KG..........................................14 Skako Vibration...................................................73Bombay Convention & Exhibition Center............70 JN Machinery......................................................22 SMI Metal Engineering eXpo™...........................22Bovino Consulting Group....................................23 SMI Technology Committee.................................26Bureau Veritas.....................................................71 KINECOIL Division..............................................44 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)..............26 Kinefac Corporation.............................................44 Southern Springs and Pressings Ltd. (SSP).......10CalRAM LLC.......................................................16 Kolsterising..........................................................23 Spring Manufacturers InstituteCarlucci...............................................................25 Kritika Wires Pvt. Ltd...........................................70 (SMI)................................................22, 25, 26, 58Carpenter Technology Corporation................16, 21 Springs................................................................22CASMI (Chicago Association of Spring Larson Systems Inc.............................................45 SPRING WORLD® 2018........................3, 6, 24, 44 Manufacturers, Inc.................3, 16, 24, 44, 45, 46 Laub Construction...............................................53 SPRING WORLD® 2020................................24, 48Central Wire Industries (CWI).. ............................15 Lawrence Convention Center, David L................22 Stainless (Dongguan) Precision MetalChamber of Industry and Commerce..................12 Lee Spring...........................................................16 Materials Co., Ltd..............................................61Chemetall............................................................53 Lesjofors..............................................................43 Starrett Company, L.S...................................72, 74China Wire & Cable Industry LSP Technologies................................................73 Stephens Convention Center, Donald E........24, 44 Conference 2018...............................................61 Superior Shot Peening andCITCO Tools........................................................66 MacDermid..........................................................50 Coatings International........................................54CLEPA (European Association of MacDermid Enthone Industrial SWD Inc..............................................................53 Automotive Suppliers)........................................28 Solutions (MEIS)................................................50CNBC..................................................................28 Maggiano’s Little Italy....................................16, 24 Tata Steel Limited................................................70 Magni...................................................................53 Tool King Inc........................................................10Demirci Makina Co..............................................36 Maguire Machinery, Inc.......................................66 Tube China 2018.................................................61Deutsche Bahn (DB)...........................................71 Manufacturing Day................................................6 Tube India 2018...................................................70Deutscher Schraubenverband e.V. mbk Maschinenbau GmbH..................................56 TUV.....................................................................71 (CSV-German Screw Federation)......................22 McGraw-Hill.........................................................26 TÜV NORD..........................................................12Diamond Wire Spring..........................................22 Mercy Home for Boys and Girls..........................25 Twister Fastener..................................................74Die Quip Corp......................................................45 Messe Düsseldorf....................................21, 29, 70Doerken Corporation USA...................................50 Messe Düsseldorf India.......................................70 Ulbrich Stainless Steels & SpecialDörken MKS-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG.......51, 53 Messe Düsseldorf North America Metals, Inc.....................................................8, 21 (MDNA)..................................................22, 61, 70 Ulbrinox.................................................................8Elbphilharmonie (Elphi) Concert Hall..................40 Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd...............61Engineering Design Show...................................16 Metallurgical Council of the China Council Verisys Registrars...............................................20Enthone...............................................................50 for the Promotion of International Trade..........61Erzet-HandelsgesellschaftmbH...........................61 Metallurgy India 2018..........................................70 WAFIOS AG..................................................23, 38EU.......................................................................28 Mid-West Spring & Stamping..............................26 WAFIOS Group...................................................39EUROBEND GmbH.............................................14 Miki Steel Works Private Ltd................................70 WAFIOS Machinery Corporation...................24, 67European Commission (EC)................................28 MSC Software.....................................................68 WCISA® (Wire & Cable IndustryEuropean Springs & Pressings Ltd...............19, 42 Mueller Prost.......................................................23 Suppliers Association®)......................................70Eurostat...............................................................28 MW Industries.....................................................73 Winamac Coil Spring (WCS).................................8 Winoa....................................................................8Farnborough International Airshow 2018............18 Namura Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.............................12 wire 2020...................................................3, 21, 29Fastener Special Zone........................................70 National Aerospace and Defense Contractors wire China 2018....................................3, 6, 60, 61FENN LLC.....................................................20, 70 Accreditation Program (NADCAP).....................16 WireDrawing 101®...............................................30Fives....................................................................14 National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).......6 WireDrawing 102™.............................................30Fives Landis Corp. (Gardner Abrasives).............66 Nevatia Steel & Alloys Pvt. Ltd......................70, 71 wire Düsseldorf....................................................29Forming Systems, Inc..........................................66 New Max Industries.............................................70 wire India 2018............................................3, 6, 70Fortuna Federn..............................................47, 64 NHS.....................................................................42 Wisconsin Oven Corporation...............................20Fort Wayne Metals........................................13, 23 Niehoff GmbH & Co. KG, Maschinenfabrik.........61 Wright, LLC, Roger N..........................................30Fort Wayne Metals Research Products Corp......13 Nirmal Wires Private Limited...............................70Fotolia..................................................................40 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)..........14 Yuang Hsian Metal Industrial Corp......................70French Air Force..................................................14 Numalliance.........................................................10 Yuken..................................................................53Geekay Wires Limited.........................................70 Office of the United States Trade ZwickRoell...........................................................32GERB..................................................................40 Representative (USTR).....................................17 ZwickRoell AG.....................................................33GERB USA..........................................................40 OKUNO...............................................................66 Zwick Roell Limited.............................................32 OMCG, Inc... ........................................................4696 Wire Forming Technology International/Fall 2018