A DIVISION OF AMADA ORII FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Rick Bray, Amada Orii America Inc. Phone: (859)746-3318 Ext. 15 Email: DAVID [email protected] BOSSLER Amada Orii expands technical Sales Engineer services for MEC spring- forming machine division David Bossler brings 24 years of spring-making experience to new sales engineer position. --- (ERLANGER, KY, May 6, 2019) Amada Orii America has hired David Bossler to fill the newly created position of sales engineer for its MEC spring-forming machine division. The position is based at Amada Orii’s Erlanger, KY headquarters. “This is an important step for us because we now have a greater ability to provide technical service to our customers,” said Rick Bray, MEC sales manager. Bossler, who worked for 24 years in spring manufacturing, said the transition to the machinery maker was a logical progression. “I developed a relationship with MEC through my years of setting up MEC machines in a manufacturing setting,” he said. In his new sales engineer position with MEC, Bossler will be responsible for on-site training when a new spring-forming machine is delivered, as well as technical service, both over the phone and on-site. “There’s a wide range of technical support that I provide,” Bossler said. Issues can range from how to change out batteries to dealing with more technical and mechanical issues or questions about operating the computer software that run MEC machines. “Every day is different.” He also will assist Bray with sales. Bossler said he was attracted to MEC because of its reputation of standing behind its equipment – and its employees. “David’s years of spring-making experience as well as his in-depth knowledge of MEC machines will be a real asset for Amadan Orii and its customers,” Bray said. Contact Amada Orii America to learn more. Amada Orii’s MEC Division offers a variety of spring making machinery, including wire forming machines, coiling machines and extension spring machines. ### Amada Orii America (FORMERLY ORIIMEC)
Exhibit Highlights Shinko Machinery Co., Ltd. Booth 331 Vinston US Corp Booth 408 Spring machines in response to the needs of every Vinston’s mission is to provide total customer satis- customer. We believe “repeatability” is key technol- faction by providing a quality product at competitive ogy and quality for spring making machines. All prices while offering superior customer service. Vin- processes of designing machines, selecting, inspecting, ston constantly strives to improve its products through assembling and completing are done for it. We will valued customer feedback and innovation. bring ZF-40, which has three individually controlled 3-dimensional manufacturing units. The combination WAFIOS Machinery Corp. Booth 403 of these units make different size of bending radius. WAFIOS was established in 1893 and is today the world’s largest supplier of precision machinery for SMI Show Booth Booth 231 wire, tube and formed parts. The WAFIOS range of Spring Manufacturers Institute. machine types include spring coiling and forming, spring end-grinding, wire bending and forming, tube Spring Manufacturers bending and forming, wire straightening, cutting and Supply Company (SMSC) Booth 609 end-working as well as precision machines used to SMSC makes tools for a wide array of coiling machines produce fasteners, chains, chain link fence and other no matter how complex. A division of Northeast types of fencing. WAFIOS machines are operating and Carbide Inc., we bring decades of experience to each supported around the world, producing a remarkable project. Contact SMSC and learn about our advantage. range of wire, tube and fastener applications, from tiny tungsten lamp filaments and surgical coils to automo- The L.S. Starrett Company Booth 104 tive suspension springs, automotive brake lines, heat The broad Starrett line includes flagship precision exchanger coils, nails, roofing screws, high tensile measuring tools, levels, electronic gages, dial indica- chains and a variety of e-mobility applications—to tors and custom engineered products. The company name a few. WAFIOS also provides turnkey automated also produces metrology equipment including optical production line solutions for a variety of products and comparators, video measurement and inspection sys- market segments. The WAFIOS North American head- tems and multi-sensor measuring systems, and force quarters is in Branford, Connecticut, with spare parts measurement and material testing systems. stock, service resources and machines available for demonstration. The Chicago-area Midwest Technical Sumiden Wire Products Booth 123 Center located in Mokena, IL, USA provides additional Proudly supplying our customers with high-quality resources as a service center, with machines available wire products since 1979. for trials and demonstration. Both facilities are struc- tured to support application development as well as Taubensee Steel and Wire Company Booth 226 provide customers with hands-on training programs. Leader in the steel wire and cold drawn bar industry, built on family values and exceeding customer expecta- Wire Forming Technology tions. Our quality, service and reliability make us your go-to manufacturer for all low and high carbon wire, International Booth 607 straightened and cut wire and cold drawn bar needs. Wire Forming Technology International is a quarterly publication covering the manufacture of springs, wire formed parts, wire mesh and rebar products and the Ulbrich Stainless Steels & materials, tooling, machinery and control systems for Special Metals, Inc. Booth 621 making those parts. Subscriptions are free to industry Ulbrich Stainless Steels & Special Metals is a global professionals at www.wireformingtech.com. Readers precision re-roller and distributor of stainless steel are located in over 70 countries. strip, special metals strip, foil, shaped wire, fine wire, sheet, plate, bar and PV ribbon products. The product Zapp Precision Strip, Inc. Booth 605 line includes, but is not limited to stainless steels, PH Zapp Precision is a global leader in stainless steel and grades, nickel and nickel alloys, cobalt, niobium, zirco- nickel-based strip. Zapp provides custom engineered nium, titanium and titanium alloys. With over 90 years solutions to meet your specific material requirements experience, Ulbrich is known for excellent reliability, by sourcing material from its two state-of-the-art roll- superior performance and highly trained Engineers, ing mills in Dartmouth, MA, USA and Germany. Zapp Product Managers and Sales Executives who are is a reliable process partner with over 300 years experi- available to supply you with the metals engineered ence in the metals industry offering the highest quality to enhance and improve your processes and products. products and the most reliable customer service. Also, we maintain inventory at our Service Centers for fast United Wire Co., Inc. Booth 102 turnaround times. Call us for more on how we can Supplier of flat, square and shaped wire. help your company succeed. WFTI 50 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2019
Dongguan JinYiDing Machine Co., LTD A professional CNC spring coiling machine manufacturer in China Model: JD-416 Wire capacity: 0.5-1.6mm Max. OD: 32mm Max. Production speed: 400pcs/min Feed length: unlimited Wire feeding axis motor: 1.5KW OD axis: 0.75kw Upper cutter axis: 1kw Bottom cutter axis: 1kw Monitor display: color/Chinese/English Machine size: 80×65×145cm Machine weights: 550kg Power: 220V 3P 50/60Hz PRODUCTS(JD-416) JD-416 JD-560 Model: JD-560 Wire capacity: 2.5-6.0mm Max.OD: 100mm Max.Production speed: 150pcs/min Feed length: unlimited Wire feeding axis motor: 15KW OD axis: 5.5kw Pitch motor: 2.0kw Upper cutter axis: 4.5kw Bottom cutter axis: 4.5kw Monitor display: color/Chinese/English Machine size: 200×150×220cm Machine weights: 4000kg Power: 220V 3P 50/60Hz PRODUCTS(JD-560) DONGGUAN JINYIDING MACHINE CO., LTD No.1 Renxing 3th Road, Renhe Industrial Area, Humen Twon, Dongguan City, 523000, Guangdong Province, China • web: www.0769jdm.com • email: [email protected]
Recognizing Key Advantages of Four Slide Machines Over Power Presses — For Modern Metal Fabrication & Manufacturing by: Christopher Alexander National Sales Manager Bihler 4 Slide-NC 85 Industrial Drive Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 USA www.4slide-nc.com As with most industrial technologies, there is a debate between the traditional and the modern, more innovative meth- ods. Manufacturing of stamped and shaped metal parts such as brackets, thin rods and wire goods is no exception. To produce these high-volume parts, a manufacturer has the choice between two primary machine technologies— four slide machines or power presses. In this article, we are going to compare each with regards to capability, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Use of Power Presses And all these needs negatively affect performance, efficiency and profitability. The industrial revolution saw the mechanization of manufacturing processes as power presses became Benefits of Four Slide Manufacturing a staple in factories around the world. These capable machines generate hundreds of tons of concentrated As they are more specialized than power presses, pressure that can be used to stamp a variety of metal four slide machines are used extensively around the parts of varying sizes, shapes and materials. globe in a wide variety of manufacturing sectors and their numbers are growing. They feature four or more Due to their durability and straightforward design, slides that carry individual tooling, which converge power presses have long been favored for the manufac- on a center point and powerfully forms the mate- ture of stamped parts, most notably “uncomplicated” rial, transforming it into a ready-to-finish part. And metal parts. Unfortunately, because the power press because these slides work independently, they can be tooling works in only one direction, the machines configured to operate in various planes compared to have limited ability to produce more complicated power press tooling, which typically moves in only part shapes with bends or angles over 90°. As a result, one direction. there is the need for additional tooling and/or produc- tion steps, along with additional lead time and labor. 52 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2019
This major advantage of four slide machines is that While power presses have their place in manufactur- they offer unlimited possibilities for part shaping, bending, punching and cutting, and all in a single ing, Bihler customers have discovered the multitude of operation. At the forefront of advanced four slide manufactur- advantages that four slide technology offers, helping ing is Bihler’s 4 Slide-NC. The exclusive servo-driven technology used in the Bihler machines offers even them reach new levels of productivity, operational greater efficiency, consistency and quality for the manufacturing environment. efficiency and ROI. www.4slide-nc.com WFTI Additional advantages of the Bihler 4 Slide-NC ma- chines include the following: Company Profile: • A finished part can be produced in just one step Bihler 4 Slide-NC, an independent company, is a by one machine with one set of tooling. joint venture of Bihler of America and Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik, Germany, world leaders in forming, • The rate of production is greater, reducing costs assembly and welding technologies and machinery for a and increasing output up to 50%. wide range of global industries. For more than 40 years, Bihler of America has been dedicated to innovative au- • Improved precision tooling produces parts with tomation solutions for the manufacturing and assembly tighter tolerances than press machines. segments for a diverse range of industries. The 4 Slide- NC technology represents the next generation of four • Material consumption is reduced by elimination of the need for carrier strips. slide manufacturing by com- bining demonstrated reliability • Tooling costs are reduced when compared to press with more intuitive, advanced operations that require expensive dies and cams controls and greater produc- to redirect motion. tion capabilities for a wide range of applications. For more information and to learn how the 4 Slide-NC can accelerate manufacturing performance and success, visit: www.4slide-nc.com Summer 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 53
Straight From The Show Images, facts and news from Interwire 2019 WAI’s Interwire 2019 “Next Gen” Inspires Visitors with Program C ontent, Allied Focused Events & Strong Industry Support The Wire Association International (WAI), Inc., Madison, CT, USA, reports that its In- terwire 2019 engaged 3514 wire and cable industry professionals representing 39 states and 47 countries. The biennial event included WAI’s 89th Annual Convention, the Interwire Exhibition and new Interwire Conference, the concurrent Global Continuous Casting Fo- rum, the Fundamentals of Wire Manufactur- ing course, and the co-located International Fastener Manufacturing Exposition (IFME). All events were held at the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, from May 13 to 16, 2019. Commenting on the activities, 2019 WAI President, W. T. Bigbee, said, “This year’s Interwire was a perfect blend of solutions on the exhibit floor and comprehensive educa- tional programs. As a representative of one of the 400 manufacturing facilities with per- sonnel in attendance, I saw that the industry was well served by this extensive showcase of everything that makes the wire and cable industry special.” The Interwire Conference featured a roster of VIP speakers representing the industry’s leading wire and cable manufacturing com- panies who addressed the conference’s “Next Generation” theme. Presentation highlights included: • “Positioning for Future Challenges and Opportuni- ties,” by Giacomo Sofia, COO, Prysmian Group • Keynote Speaker Dr. Shawn DuBravac, who dis- North America cussed “The Future of Wires and Cables in a Con- nected World” • “Operations Innovation” Panel, with Andy Talbot, Mid-South Wire; Dave Hawker, Nexans Energy; • The “State of Manufacturing,” by Karl G. Glassman, Richard Wagner, Insteel Wire Products; Tom President & CEO, Leggett & Platt and Director, Na- Heberling, Southwire Co. LLC; -- WAI’s one-day tional Association of Manufacturers Fundamentals of Wire Manufacturing Course, with record attendance of 161 students • “Global Wire & Cable Market Outlook,” by Philip Radbourne, Director, Integer Research (An Argus • The Champion’s Code presentation: “Building Media Co.) Relationships Through Life Lessons of Integrity and Accountability from the Sports World to the Busi- • “Sector Insights/Forecasts” Panel, with Bill ness World,” presented by best-selling author Ross Reichert, President, Champlain Cable Corp.; Brian Bernstein Parsons, President, Interstate Wire Co.; and Paul Wagner, President & CEO of Minnesota Wire • WAI’s Welcome Reception at the Chick-Fil-A Col- 54 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2019
All article photos (except those in blue boxed-in areas & those with captions) courtesy of the Wire Association International. lege Football Hall of Fame, a 900-person network- RichardsApex Inc.; SIKORA International ing event and performance by comedian John Floyd Bronze level: Baum’s Castorine; Fort Wayne Wire • A tour of the Delta Airlines Advanced Manufactur- Die; NDC Technologies; Zumbach Electronics ing Pilot Facility at Georgia Tech where visitors saw the creative workspaces and innovation center used The Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Associa- by the institute’s graduate students tion® (WCISA®) is an industry partner with WAI. Ray Zirkle, organizer for the International Fastener Global Continuous Casting Forum sponsors/ Manufacturing Exposition (IFME), said, “I’d like to support: thank the exhibitors that took part. At this point, we have shown that we have a sound venue in a good Platinum level: Continuus Properzi SpA; Encore location. The key is whether exhibitors are willing Wire Corp.; Freeport McMoRan; RichardsApex to work with customers to make a return in 2021 a Inc.; SDI La Farga, LLC; Southwire SCR Tech- success.” nologies. Interwire sponsors and support: Gold level: Asarco Grupo Mexico; Prysmian Group; UPCAST® Platinum level: Cerrowire; Encore Wire Corp.; Gem Gravure Co. Inc.; James Monroe Wire & Cable Silver level: Allied Mineral Products; Saint-Gobain; Corp.; LLFlex; Nexans Energy; Sonoco Reels SMS Group & Spools; Southwire Co. LLC; Wire & Plastic Machinery Interwire 2021 takes place at the Georgia World Gold level: Carris Reels Inc.; M. Holland; Niehoff Congress Center. The conference runs May 10 to Endex North America; SAMP/USA Inc. 13, 2021, and exhibits run May 11 to 13, 2021. Silver level: Champlain Cable Corp.; Cimteq Ltd.; www.wirenet.org Enkotec Co. Inc.; Lloyd & Bouvier Inc.; The MGS Continued... Group; Oden Technologies; Prysmian Group; Summer 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 55
Straight From The Show Images and news from Interwire 2019 AIM Releases New CNC Bender AIM, Inc., Addison, IL, USA, released the new AFES-3DxT, at Interwire 2019. This is an updated five servo-axis, turret tool-changer machine with an ultra-fast servo cutter at a very attractive price! AIM’s strongest and proven model for 20 years, the turret head indexing tool changer provides even more flexibility in wire forming capability while our 200 mSec servo-cut assures fast and quiet production. Standard features include DXF, LRA and XYZ import, animated bending simulation with collision detection, Auto Pilot speed/load monitoring, touch screen monitors, Microsoft Windows®, 5 HP wire payoff, “Dial-A-Service” for remote support via the Internet and a maintenance module, which reminds users with all work needed for zero downtime. Available options include automatic bend setup with our AccuCal, easy production statistics with AccuTrack, 24/7 on-line AIM Academy training, FARO, ROMER and AICON CMM’s communications for automatic programmer corrections, integration with Robots and STEP and IGES files import. www.AIMmachines.com Continued... 56 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2019
Straight From The Show Images from Interwire 2019 WFTI 58 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2019
Plan now to participate in SpringWorld® 2020! Join your colleagues at the industry’s premier event. SpringWorld provides a unique opportunity to network with other spring manufacturers, wire formers, and OEMs. • The premiere spring show since 1960. • One-on-one discussions with others who share your concerns offering new insights • A global showcase for suppliers to the spring and wire for your business. form industry featuring attendees from 18 countries. • Attend free educational seminars offered by • See the newest technology available to improve your exhibitors and industry experts. productivity, quality and service. We’ll see you at presented by www.casmi-springworld.org SpringWorld® 2020 October 7-9 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Rosemont, IL
Custom Valve Springs Support Saturation Diving Safety by: of the Lee Spring/JFD relationship—ensuring safety Christopher Petts, M.D. for saturation divers all over the world. Lee Spring Limited Latimer Road COBRA was designed and developed in the UK by Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2WA, UK JFD in response to a crucial need for more advanced www.leespring.co.uk ‘bailout technologies’ to provide divers with an ex- tended supply of emergency breathing gas in the event When global marine diving specialist equipment of a primary failure. The set was released following manufacturer, JFD Ltd., was developing its COBRA rigorous testing, and in May of 2017, COBRA was saturation diving system to provide a massive step granted CE marking status to 300msw to NORSOK change improvement in safety and performance, the U101 (Diving Respiratory Equipment) and EN14143 company needed a valve spring supplier with a match- (Self Contained Rebreathing Apparatus). COBRA is the ing ethos and dedication. only commercial emergency rebreather system in the world, which can satisfy both of these requirements. The COBRA system pushes bailout duration from 30 As a result, the system pioneers a new level of safety minutes at 100 m to a dramatically improved 45 min- for divers conducting operations around the world. utes, which is 15 more minutes of emergency cover for a diver to regain to the safety of the base station diving COBRA is the only system which can be tested at any bell. Fortunately, the company found the Lee Spring time by the diver. This is a step change compared with team, which is used to co-operative development of previous systems, which once activated, could not be springs for the most exacting requirements. switched off. Rigorous tests and trials have been un- dertaken throughout the development and CE mark- JFD Ltd. and Lee Spring worked together on the ing assessment phases in order to assure performance specification of four different custom valve springs. under the most arduous conditions, environments Lee Spring offered its technical expertise, product pro- and breathing requirements. Successfully passing the totypes and developed production springs to operate assessment declares that COBRA meets the required the delicate valving of JFD’s COBRA diving system, safety, health and environmental standards to comply together with a dependable supply chain process in with EU legislation to the standards EN14143 and order to ensure that no diver need wait for these safety NORSOK U101. critical items. The system significantly extends the duration of the Modern diving operations often require the use of ex- supply of emergency breathing gas, delivering 45 tended excursion umbilicals from bigger diving bells, minutes of emergency life support and at a depth of meaning that the time required to return to the safety of 120 m. COBRA is entirely mechanical with no complex the bell can be greatly extended. When combined with electronic systems that could potentially compromise factors such as cold water, darkness, subsea structures its safety. The equipment is operated via a single turn and a diver’s alarm and disorientation, the risk to the activation and can be tested prior to its use without af- diver’s life is significantly increased. It is critical that divers have a substantial emergency breathing gas supply that is adequate for the operating conditions to ensure that their safety is assured. Major criteria for this life-critical system included quality, reliability, dependability of supply for OEM and in-service maintenance, corrosion resistance, high performance, lightweight and ease of installation in order to operate advanced valving in the backpack and helmet. This is needed to match the highly de- veloped designs and manage the gas technology of the life-dependent rebreather system with complete reliability—supporting the easy-to-use ergonomic and haptic controls. The COBRA project team was delighted with the four different valve springs provided by Lee Spring, which made a significant contribution to the advanced per- formance of the rebreather system and its successful standards testing. Rapid response and co-operative supply chain management are much valued aspects 60 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2019
fecting the functionality of the system, providing reas- Giovanni Corbetta, JFD Managing Director, said, “The surance to the diver that there is a reliable and efficient intention for COBRA was always to design a system life support system in place in case of an emergency. which would not only greatly extend bailout dura- Compared to conventional bailout methods such as tion for commercial divers working at more common SCUBA, which at certain depths provides less than depths of around 200msw, but also for use at extreme ten minutes of breathing gas, the development of the depths, which haven’t previously been tackled. We advanced technology of COBRA is a significant step are delighted that the equipment passed these final forward in improving subsea safety. assessments without any issues. The announcement of the 450 m rating is expected to satisfy a number of Further, this pioneering technology has been devel- our clients currently operating at depths over 300msw oped by JFD to deal with current equipment perfor- within the Asia Pacific region who have been closely mance shortfalls at depths beyond 200msw. At extreme following COBRA’s release.” depths, traditional bailout systems offer divers less than three minutes of emergency breathing gas in the The part played by all component suppliers in fulfilling event of becoming disconnected from their primary supply. COBRA marks a step change by providing these life critical systems is exemplified by Lee Spring, up to 20 minutes at depths of 300msw and up to 10 minutes at depths of 450msw, which not only extends which has played its part to the full, enabling design, safe operating depths, but also greatly improves the chances of survival. performance and safety, to be advanced by a massive step increment. www.leespring.co.uk. WFTI Exotic Alloys — What They Are & When to Use Them Materials with high alloy content, known as super alloys or exotic alloys, offer enhanced performance properties including excellent strength and durability. They also offer resistance to oxidation, corrosion and deforming at high temperatures or under extreme pressure. Because of these properties, super alloys make the best spring materials for demanding working conditions, which can be encountered across various industry sectors including the automotive, marine and aerospace as well as oil and gas extraction, thermal processing, petrochemical processing and power generation. Super alloy springs can be used in a number of severe conditions including extreme high or low temperatures, great pres- sure and when facing outdoor conditions including extreme weather. Springs not made from super alloys, if used in these circumstances, are at risk of becoming deformed or damaged, as they will not be strong enough to withstand heavy impact or harsh conditions. “The reliability of the finished product in its application hinges on the correct material selection to meet the specific applica- tion requirements,” says Darren Eyre, Technical Specialist at Lee Spring Limited. “Stainless steel for example, is tough and corrosion resistant, but it does not offer the properties that are required in order to withstand extreme heat. So stainless steel is likely to distort when exposed to high temperatures. It is essential to clearly understand the environment that the spring is likely to be used in.” “Springs required to operate in harsh environments could mean anything from underwater, contending with corrosion from saltwater or contact with ‘sour’ gas from drilling down under the sea bed to 35,000' up in the air battling low temperatures and high wind speeds,” says Barry Steele, Applications Engineer at global spring company, Lee Spring. “Offshore applications require equipment that is capable of ‘braving the elements’, and some manufacturing or furnace applications involve extreme high or low temperatures. Some applications will involve the equipment being subjected to highly corrosive substances.” A good example is the nickel-cobalt alloy, MP35N, which consists of nickel and cobalt and is ideally suited to marine and sub-sea applications due to its resistance to hydrogen sulphide, salt water and mineral acids, which can have a highly cor- rosive effect on most metals. Monel is a nickel-based alloy that incorporates copper and iron. It is corrosion resistant and acid resistant, so it is suitable for marine applications as well as applications involving acids and other highly corrosive substances. Many and varied specific characteristics dependant on the actual alloy chosen, e.g., Ni Ti nickel-titanium springs, exhibit super elasticity, which can be useful in orthodontic applications. Titanium al- loy springs are widely used in off-road bicycles also F1, WRC rally and Touring/GT, in fact pretty much all levels of high-performance competition where weight and performance are critical. Inconel alloys are available in different grades (600, X-750 and 718) and are suitable in valves, pumps or actuators, for applications that involve high pressure and high temperatures, for example in nuclear power stations or for drilling on offshore platforms. Nimonic and Hastelloy alloys are also corrosion re- sistant and are suitable for applications involving high pressure and high temperature. Other nuanced alloy configurations are often used where more cost-conscious alternatives are desired without the absolute ultimate performance demand. It is essential to clearly understand the environment that the spring is likely to be used in and usually to consult the materials specialists at your spring manufacturer. www.leespring.co.uk. Summer 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 61
Innovative Developments for Ultra-Fine Cleaning & Activation by: New cleaning solutions for Sandro Siminovich altered requirements. Ecoclean Inc. 26801 Northwestern Highway into the wet chemical cleaning line. Since virtually Southfield, MI 48033 USA all components needed for this cleaning technology, www.ecoclean-group.net e.g., vacuum, measuring and control equipment, are already in place in the manufacturer’s wet chemical Coating, adhesive bonding, sealing, painting—these cleaning machines, the additional cost and engineer- are just some manufacturing operations calling for pro- ing effort remains modest. On the other hand, the foundly clean, and sometimes activated, part surfaces. advantages of the integrated plasma cleaning process It is with these requirements in mind that Ecoclean in ultra-fine degreasing are substantial including a has developed a set of new cleaning solutions. One of high operating flexibility, reduced process times, low them combines wet chemical and low-pressure plasma investment and operating costs, plus very compact cleaning in a single machine. Another innovation con- equipment build. sists in integrating diverse applications for partial or Cleaning is initially performed as usual by a solvent- full-surface cleaning or activation, e.g., atmospheric based wet process, followed by vacuum drying of all pressure plasma treatment, laser, CO2 snow blasting workpieces. The work chamber is then rinsed and its and/or surface inspection operations, into one process- internal pressure is reduced to less than 1 millibar, ing system. This tool kit enables operators to cover whereupon the process gas (e.g., filtered ambient air or virtually all pre-treatment needs. oxygen) is introduced and the plasma is ignited. Due to In automotive manufacturing and its supplier indus- tries, mechanical engineering, aerospace applications, precision and micro-mechanics, medical and opti- cal systems, electronics and other fields of industry, component parts are subjected to cleaning in order to prevent quality problems in downstream processes and to ensure flawless product performance. In recent years, the focus in many industries has been on remov- ing particulate contaminants. However, given new or modified production, joining and coating technologies as well as improved materials and combinations thereof, the elimination of film-type residue, e.g., of machining and preserving media, release agents, silicones, other auxiliary production compounds or even fingerprints, is gaining increas- ingly in importance. This is because such residue can impair the quality of subsequent processes, e.g., coating, welding, adhesive bonding, sealing, painting or heat treatment. Ecoclean (formerly Dürr Ecoclean) addresses these evolving requirements with a number of new solutions. Ultra-Fine Degreasing by a Combination For workpieces made of steel, aluminum, glass, ceramics Cleaning Process with Integrated and some other materials that are cleaned in batch pro- Low-Pressure Plasma Treatment cesses—whether in bulk or arranged in part carriers— For workpieces made of steel, aluminum, glass, ce- the company has developed a combination cleaning ramics and some other materials that are cleaned in technique merging wet chemical cleaning with a batch processes—whether in bulk or arranged in part subsequent plasma cleaning step. carriers—the company has developed a combination cleaning technique merging wet chemical cleaning with a subsequent plasma cleaning step. To this end, a low-pressure plasma cleaning operation is integrated 62 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2019
excitation by the process gas, a plasma of high-energy ions and free electrons—plus other reactive particles— is thereby formed in the vacuum. Contaminants on the part surface such as grease or oil residue are chemically attacked and transformed into volatile compounds. At the same time, the plasma’s UV radiation likewise exercises a cleaning effect, e.g., by breaking down long-chain hydrocarbons. The gaseous decomposition products of the plasma treatment are extracted from the work chamber by suction. Thanks to the combina- tion wet-process and plasma cleaning operation, the free surface energy that is key to achieving an optimum adhesion strength can be raised to 50 to 80 mN/m in one single process step. Compact application systems can be fitted with different treatment technologies such as atmospheric pressure plasma, EcoCsteam (above), laser, CO2 snow blasting or EcoCbooster (below) processes, whether configured as an automated standalone unit or integrated into a production line. treated in this manner. An atmospheric pressure plas- Advantages of the integrated plasma cleaning process in ma, for instance, allows part surfaces to be selectively ultra-fine degreasing are substantial, on the other hand, including a high operating flexibility, reduced process fine-cleaned, activated and coated with an adhesion times, low investment and operating costs, plus very promoting agent. Where the surface is to be textured as compact equipment build. well as cleaned, laser treatment is the method of choice, Integration of Different Pretreatment Methods Into a Single System depending on the given material. EcoCbooster technol- The partial or full-surface cleaning and activation— ogy provides a pretreatment method for the selective, and, in part, coating—of individual metal or plastic products is central in the expansion of Ecoclean’s pro- effective and efficient activation of surfaces prior to, cess portfolio. For these diverse objectives, compact ap- plication systems were developed for integration into e.g., thermal spraying. The automation system, too, a host of requirement-focused equipment concepts. Each system can be fitted with different treatment is perfectly adapted to the specific requirements and technologies such as atmospheric pressure plasma, EcoCsteam, laser, CO2 snow blasting or EcoCbooster application situation. Thus, robot-based solutions can processes, whether configured as an automated stand- alone unit or integrated into a production line. The be realized just as readily as multi-articulated handling company’s aim is to solve each of the various surface treatment requirements with the most technically and systems and CNC linear drive units. Across all variants, economically beneficial technology. Thus, the use of the new Disc-Jet atmospheric pressure either the workpiece, the tool or both can be moved plasma source developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films (IST) permits to match the given task definition. Thanks to this high laminar and contoured as well as depth processing. Due to the so-called “cold” surface discharge (30°C to flexibility, the new surface treatment tool kit is the per- 60°C), even temperature-sensitive substrates can be fect solution for diverse applications in electromobility, medical equipment technology and numerous other fields of industry.www.ecoclean-group.net WFTI Company Profile: Ecoclean GmbH develops, produces and markets forward-looking machinery, systems and services for industrial parts cleaning and sur- face treatment. Globally leading solutions help in conducting efficient, sustainable manufacturing to high-quality standards. Clients include automotive and suppliers in addition to medical equipment, micro tech- nology, precision devices, mechanical and optical engineering, power systems and aircraft. Ecoclean’s success is based on innovation, cut- ting-edge technology, sustainability, closeness to the customer, diver- sity and respect. The Ecoclean Group employs some 900 at its 12 sites in nine countries. www.ecoclean-group.net Summer 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 63
Tube Processing for High-Tech Medical Applications & Aids by: Company’s forming and bending machines Stefan Köhler for deliver accurate processing of high and transfluid® Maschinenbau GmbH ultra-high-strength material tubes. Hünegräben 20-22 D-57392 Schmallenberg, Germany www.transfluid.net Medical technology supports doctors, nurses and rehabilitation staff in their valuable work. It improves the diagno- sis, treatment, care, rehabilitation and quality of life for people. Additionally, engineering rules and principles are utilized for the manufac- turing of high-tech equipment and aids, together with medical know-how. And tubes play a special role in these many diverse products and applications. Spe- cial materials and high-precision pro- duction methods are necessary to meet the special requirements in this sector. Symmetrical & Asymmetrical numbers—are also used in the production of aids and Forming with Different Materials equipment to improve the recovery and quality of life of patients. transfluid® is often asked for solutions that make The same demands apply in the care and rehabilitation possible the very best tube processing when using fields, but with different prerequisites. In this case, the workpieces in medical equipment. This can be surgi- focus is on creating options for the processing of tubes cal instrument technology, emergency care and even and profiles used in the frames of beds, auxiliary and sterilization autoclaves. In this case, a crucial challenge lifting devices, examination devices, personalized aids for the tube processing machines is forming tubes or devices commonly used in the care sector. with very thin walls and made of special materials. These can be high and ultra-high-strength materials, For this large variety of applications, transfluid can like titanium and stainless steel, which are used in offer a selection of machine series, which bend the microsurgery or endoscopy, for instance. pre-cut tube and form the ends. These systems for the transfluid’s t-form machines are required for this job, production of tubes can be connected to the network giving precise results when forming axially or with the or be stand-alone, and be equipped with the relevant rolling method. As an example, with these machines it automation. In addition to this, it is also possible to set is possible to produce highly precise symmetrical and them up to have a completely automated process. The asymmetrical axial forming. CAD data are loaded into the system on-line, which “The roll forming is very important, because it can makes it possible to have highly flexible manufactur- be used in a very effective way and independent of ing, when necessary. the tools used,” says Stefanie Flaeper, Director at transfluid. “Our high-tech machines reduce the tubes partially or over a long distance. This so-called incre- mental forming opens up new possibilities in many cases. With both methods, axial and rolling, we offer outstanding precision. In most cases, it is tubes with a relatively small outer diameter that are processed, with a diameter between less than 1 and up to 12 mm.” Individual Tubes for Care & Recovery In addition to their use in medical equipment, tubes— with larger diameters and often produced in larger 64 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2019
Flexible Bending of Tubes for Solutions that Fit Different materials are processed in all areas of medical care. For instance, light, high-strength materials are preferred in emergency care. Rehabilitation has similar requirements. Light, high- strength tubes are important in this case, so that the person can operate and use the rehabilitation products in-line with their individual needs. This is particularly clear with the production of wheelchairs. These aids have to be tailored accurately to the person and their needs. For instance, some manufacturers offer the us- ers a selection of sizes, colors or additional functions. tomatic mode. And integration of the manual systems into a production cell is also possible. This is how transfluid and its solutions for tubes sup- port the production of advanced medical equipment for better health and better quality of life. www.transfluid.net WFTI To achieve the best possible tube processing, the coun- Company Profile: terclockwise and clockwise bending machine t bend 630 CNC R-L can be used. The fast, flexible change of transfluid® Maschinenbau GmbH, which is tools makes individually adjusted bending possible. headquartered in Schmallenberg, Germany, is a The transfluid machines guarantee high-quality bend- company that is sought after worldwide as a part- ing also with small bending radii. ner for manufacturing tube bending machines and tube processing machines. transfluid Maschinen All transfluid Maschinenbau GmbH’s forming and bau GmbH has been developing its technologies bending machines can work manually or in a fully au- for tube machining since 1988. As a result of this ongoing technology development, the company is able to provide customer-oriented, tailor-made so- lutions—for plant and machine construction, the automotive and energy industries, ship building and medical device manufacturers. www.transfluid.net Summer 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 65
PRODUCT SHOWCASE Composite Clad omet Precious Metal Inc., Shrewsbury, MA, USA. Clad Products are Metal Products uniformly dense, will www.anometproducts.com Performance exceeds electroplating not crack or flake, Customized metal wire that can and can be fabricated be optimized for a wide range of as wire in sizes from electronic applications based upon 0.002\" to 0.125\" OD the required design properties and as ribbon up to such as corrosion resistance is now 0.5\"wide. Precious available. metals can include platinum, palladium, Anomet Precious Metal Clad gold or silver, and Products are metallurgically related alloys on core bonded and can be fabricated substrates such as in a variety of configurations stainless steel, mo- providing greater ductility and lybdenum, titanium, formability than electroplated tantalum, niobium, products to meet demanding copper and nickel- applications. Featuring smooth, iron. pin hole-free surfaces, metal clad composite wire, rod, and ribbon Anomet Precious can be formulated to withstand ex- Metal Clad Products tremes such as high temperatures are priced according and corrosion-resistance and also to materials and con- comply with RoHS and REACH figuration and are ap- requirements. proximately one-tenth the cost of solid products. Anomet Products, Typically incorporating 2% or more cladding thickness, An- 21-Axis Spring For additional information, contact Forming Systems, Forming Machine Inc., Schoolcraft, MI, USA. www.formingsystemsinc.com HTC Machinery and Forming Systems, Inc., announce the addition for the new HTC35XU 21 axes spring former. Features of this new machine include the following: • Machine comes standard with 13 axes and can have a maximum of 21 axes. • Quill in/out movement with rotating tool holder so the user can setup most of springs quickly and easily with very few tools. • Winder swing is available on three slides to control the right and left po- sition, and the offset position of servo winder and tool holders is easily ad- justed via servo control. Additionally, the winder swing provides further flex- ibility for making complicated shapes. • Wire range is 1.6 to 3.6 mm (0.063\" to 0.141\"). 66 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2019
PRODUCT SHOWCASE Height Measurement The Solid Height Checker has a Top Load Parts Washer Checks solid length (height) standard 6\" stroke, a 2⅜\" standard Automatic, more power/capacity Company introduces the Solid platform (up to 4\"diameter), thru- The new Renegade Model TMB Height Checker GEN 2, which is hole option and standard 0.0005\" 8150 STRETCH Automatic Top a new generation of solid height length resolution Load Parts Washer is nearly twice checker. The Solid Height Cheker as wide as the standard TMB 8100 GEN 2 has been designed to ac- The system does length mea- model (82-1/2\" vs. 55\"), for a wider curately check the solid length surement only and has a digital wash zone. It features dual 5 HP (height) of a spring. length scale readout. Statistical heavy-duty wash cycle pumps and and Spreadsheet Interface Soft- 170 gallon sump capacity. Incorporating an all new com- ware is also available, puter tester base, which is as ro- These automatic top load cabi- bust and durable as the company’s The new Solid Height Checker net parts washers operate with a SDHT, but has no load cell to GEN 2 is com- durable gear-driven spray mani- overload, the new system is highly patible with fold to deliver high pressure force accurate and dependable. company’s op- and high temperature cleaning. tional SSS soft- Service Line, Inc., Reedsburg, Solid Height software comes ware. The user WI, USA. standard with both models. You can capture, can now Capture and Hold Solid view, store and www.renegadepartswashers.com Heights. Limit Lights are also stan- send the solid dard. Indicators show if results height value are within defined limits testing without having efficiency. Green lights indicate a to hold the force result in range while red indicate simultaneously. below or above limits. The up- Larson Systems, Inc., Ham Lake, dated digital LED screen display MN, USA. reads in inches or millimeters. www.larsonsystems.com Motorized De-Reeler/Dancer diameter the spools or coils of extruded products are System for Spooled Products held in a stationary position. An arm sweeps around the perimeter of the coil to pull and guide material, Versa Machinery, Elkhart, IN, USA, introduces Mo- thus allowing the system to easily overcome the adhe- torized De-Reeler/Dancer systems that eliminate the sion that often causes materials to stick to themselves. problems that typically occur when pulling, measuring De-Reeler/Dancer systems are well suited for tacky and cutting spooled or coiled products like flexible materials. PVC tubing, silicone rubber or window and door seals. The system minimizes stretching of elastic materials, For processing ma- allowing greater cut length accuracy when measured terials over ¼\" out- by a cutter/puller assembly. A low-mass dancer arm side diameter a sec- controls the system to automatically synchronize its ond configuration speed with that of the cutter/puller. The De-Reeler/ can be ordered that Dancer minimizes surge and slippage and works well hold the spool or coil with tacky products that tend to stick to themselves on a horizontal shaft when tightly coiled. that allows the mate- rial to rotate when it The system holds spools or coiled products without is pulled. An electric spools and adjusts easily for various sizes of loose brake is provided to coils. Adjustable stainless-steel supports are provided stop rotation when to secure the inside of open coils. Easily cleaned the system slows or acrylic top and bottom plates contact coiled products. stops. The changeover takes just a few minutes if A pinch roll pre-puller extracts material from the spool you process materials in both size ranges. A control or coil. Low-mass, counter-balanced dancer arm panel includes Start, Stop and Emergency Stop push automatically synchronizes its speed with that of the buttons. System will automatically stop in the event of cutter/puller for smooth, consistent operation. Proven a material jam, and it can be connected to the cutter/ design operates at speeds up to 125 fpm (38 mpm). puller system to stop its motion in the event of a jam as well. www.versamachinery.com For processing materials up to ¼\" (6.35 mm) outside Continued... Summer 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 67
PRODUCT SHOWCASE Specialist Materials can be encountered across various Parts Collector Address extreme spring conditions industry sectors where they can With load cell Company addresses the issues deal with extreme cold or heat. HSI Machinery and Forming of extreme conditions through use This may include the automotive, Systems, Inc., have recently an- of specialist materials. To meet marine and aerospace industry nounced the addition for the new such conditions the firm offers sectors as well as oil and gas ex- PCL-100 parts collector with load the ex-stock LeeP™ plastic spring traction, thermal processing, pet- cell, now with the ability to change range, which provides nonmag- rochemical processing and power bins by count, by time and now netic, noncorrosive and chemically generation, jet turbine or nuclear by weight. inert properties in a lightweight applications. package for applications in areas The PLC-100 ’s compact size of medical device manufactur- The company offers Nickel and caster design allow mobile ing, pharmaceutical equipment, Cobalt, Nickel Titanium, Mo- operation. System applications in- aerospace and lightweight, e.g., nel, Titanium, Inconel, Nimonic, clude springs, stampings, screws, portable instrumentation. Hastelloy and Elgiloy alloys. Lee plastic parts, etc. The HMI panel Spring Limited of the UK. allows connection with the ma- Custom springs made with chine for automatic operation. super alloys or exotic alloys, offer www.leespring.co.uk enhanced performance proper- Pneumatic clamps of the lifting ties including optimum strength, unit insure less noise and more durability and resistance to oxi- stable operation. Swinging chute dation, corrosion and deforming prevents part damage during bin at high temperatures or under change. Load cell overload pro- extreme pressure. Because of these tection is included, and optional properties, super alloys make the stainless steel bins are available. best spring materials for demand- ing working conditions, which Forming Systems, Inc., School- craft, MI, USA. www.formingsystgemsinc.com High-Temp Belt Conveyor Oven Mini Temperature Recorder The No. 1021 is a 1250°F high-temperature belt con- HSI Machinery and Forming Systems, Inc., veyor oven from The Grieve Corporation, Round Schoolcraft, MI, USA, announce the addition for Lake, IL, USA, is currently used for drying steel mesh the new HMI Mini temperature recorder, now able (sieve) materials at a customer’s facility. Workspace to store data on a USB drive. The new 485H-mini dimensions are 21\" wide x 38\" deep x 3\" high. A rat- HMI Temperature Recorder includes a touchscreen ing of 40 KW is installed in Incoloy-sheathed tubular that shows a temperature chart and data for direct elements to heat the oven chamber, while a 1600 observation. The data can be stored into USB CFM, 1-1/2 HP recirculat- flash drive for review and analysis on a PC by HSI ing blower provides vertical software. Temperature and conveyor speed can be downward airflow to the saved as recipes (programs) for different processes. workload. This Grieve pack- The maximum is up to 999 recipes. It is possible aged oven system features to gather data from temperature controllers on the 10\" thick insulated walls made from 8\" of 1900°F furnace. Conveyor speed monitoring and recording block, 2\" of 10 lb/cf density rockwool insulation, alu- is also available (DSM and interface are required). minized steel exterior, Type 304, 2B finish stainless steel interior and an 18\" wide, 1\" x 1\" stainless steel The system also offers error monitoring and record- flat wire conveyor belt with 1/3 HP motor drive, vari- ing (DEM is required). able from 0.05 to 1.20 fpm. Oven travel comprises a www.formingsystemsinic.com 30\" long open belt loading zone, 38\" long insulated heat zone with recirculated airflow and 30” long open unloading zone. And 10\" x 10\" stainless steel mesh screens above the return ductwork below the con- veyor are provided to collect debris from the work- load. Controls include a digital indicating temperature controller, SCR power controller and wall mounted remote control panel. www.grievecorp.com 68 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2019
PRODUCT SHOWCASE Motorized Pullers Spring Design Software New Butt Welders Controls for instant productivity For CNC spring lathe coilers Two sizes available Company has recently intro- Spring Designer 3D is a new Company launches two caster- duced its new motorized pullers, unique software system specially de- mounted butt welders with filing which include controls that have signed by equipment manufacturer vise, Nema 12 electrics with dis- been designed and engineered for and suppliers team for its WIM CNC connect, infinitely variable heat instant productivity. spring lathe coilers. selection, 480/3/60 volt single phase with 24 volt controls and interlocked Available in either pinch-roller or The 3D soft- safety guards. caterpillar-roller designs meant to ware enables suit particular project requirements, fast and easy The smaller SPT6 has a manual these proven pullers are ideal for machine setup clamp and upset with an option pushing and pulling a wide range of with tremen- for an anneal device. The SPT10 wire, rod and other linear products. dous 3D visu- includes a pneumatic clamp and Versa Pullers, Elkhart, IN, USA. alization. The upset with an anneal device. Draw- new Spring ing Technology Incorporated (DTI), www.VersaPullers.com Designer 3D Rockford, IL, USA. is available now on all of www.drawingtechnology.com the company’s new WIM 4AX and 5AX CNC spring lather coiler models. Fortuna Federn of Austria. www.fortunafedern.com Advanced Rebar offers the best suitable model that will accommodate Measurement Systems the complete range of products. PROFILEMASTER systems are available with four up to eight laser/cam- ZUMBACH Electronics, a leading supplier of non- era modules measuring continuously the cross section contact measuring technologies for the metal and of the moving product. A powerful PC-based proces- steel industry, introduces its newest PROFILEMAS- sor combines the captured line images of the indi- TER SPS 80 gauge for in-line measurement of any vidual cameras to yield the momentary cross-section rebar type. Sophisticated capabilities allow the mea- of the profile. All relevant dimensions such as width, surement of rebar products in hot rolling processes. height, angle and radius or other geometric quantities The full contour of a rebar is captured and the cross are computed to characterize the full cross-sectional section is extracted in such a way that core diameter, picture. An operator-friendly graphic display of this rib height, width and height among other characteris- data allows the monitoring of the product during the tics can be measured and monitored. whole process. Nominal profile values can be directly imported from CAD design files for easy and problem The PROFILEMASTER SPS 80 is specially designed free device configuration. www.zumbach.com to measure the rebar in the rolling mill without hav- ing limitations in terms of rolling speed. Since many Continued... rolling mills produce rebar in more than one strand, The PROFILMASTER can handle up to three strands Summer 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 69 simultaneously with one single gauge. Every indi- vidual strand is measured and related statistics can be generated. ZUMBACH’s experience of supplying measuring systems into the metal/steel market helped us designing a solid and reliable system for such ap- plications and will help our customers producing rebar products with higher quality and higher efficiency. The PROFILEMASTER family consists of various models and depending the product size, ZUMBACH
PRODUCT SHOWCASE 60 mm Coil-Over Wire Recoiler Rotary Table with CDM Software For automatic spring testing Springs Now Available Added to company’s metric line Coil Density Maximization New to company’s force mea- Spring maker, Manufacturers always try to surement line is testing technology Hyperco, has an- optimize their wire products and for spring manufacturers in the nounced the ad- save on space when it comes to Rotary Table Spring Force Tester. dition of a 60 mm shipping. Coils that have better (ID) x 170 mm (FL) lay characteristics not only take The system tests multiple range to its metric line of springs. up less space during transport, but springs in a sin- According to the company, these enable reliable wire unspooling. gle setup with new springs have been optimized no need for ad- for fit, form and function in order Company’s updated wire coil- ditional opera- to ensure the absolute highest ing machine utilizing the latest tor input as re- performance on its customers’ CDM (Coil Density Maximiza- quired if springs coil-over applications. tion )software, allows 25% denser are tested one coils, reducing the overall height by one. The batch testing approach The challenging expectations of the coil, and saving customers saves time and increases efficien- placed on suspension springs at on shipping volume. South Fence cy, while freeing up the operator the top level of sports car racing Machinery Ltd., Christchurch, for other jobs. In the Rotary Tester demands that designers select a New Zealand. System, 12 springs are loaded and spring that delivers. This expand- tested, and the system provides ing line of fully metric springs www.southfence.co.nz a pass/fail report on each spring. is the ideal choice for this. These Data on each spring includes free springs are now in stock and from length, spring rate, and critical a Hyperco dealer near you. Hy- load and distance points. Starrett, perco, Pontotoc, MS, USA. Athol, MA, USA. www.hypercoils.com www.starrett.com Belleville Spring Washers specific load for a given deflection. Two washers Support Large Loads stacked in parallel will yield double the load of a single washer for the same deflection; three wash- Lee Spring offers a wide range of ex-stock (almost ers will yield triple the load; four washers will yield 250 different sizes and loading capacity) of Belleville four times the load, etc. Alternatively, two washers spring washers, manufactured in 300 series stainless steel. Engineers stacked in series will yield double can quickly source these compact the deflection of a single washer and cost-saving components on an for the same load; three washers urgent or a programmed supply ba- will yield triple the deflection; four sis. These compact and high-perfor- washers will yield four times the de- mance spring washers found early flection, etc. Various series-parallel application in firearms and now are combinations therefore can provide widely found in aerospace, automa- a wide variety of combined results of tion, building industry and elsewhere load versus deflection for the stack. because of their ability to support very large loads Consequently, depending upon the with minimal use of space and to provide variable application, the designer can: Stack in “parallel” to performance characteristics by varying their assembly increase load; Stack in “series” to increase deflec- format. Belleville washers are a type of spring shaped tion; Adjust the load and deflection of a washer stack like a washer. They are also commonly referred to by adding or removing individual washers and/or the as a coned-disc spring, conical spring washers, disc sequence in which they are used, whether in series spring, Belleville spring or cupped spring washers. By or parallel. Stacks of washers can thereby provide a stacking Belleville Washers in various configurations, significant damping action in parallel stack configura- additional load flexibility can be achieved in four differ- tion by reason of friction induced hysteresis, which ent ways: Single—One washer; Parallel—All washers dissipates unwanted energy for example in architec- stacked the same way; Series—All washers stacked tural systems. They offer the ability to provide further opposite each other; Series-Parallel—A combination adjustment by swapping out varying thicknesses in of the two. A single Belleville Spring Washer has a a stack to tune the force or compression range. www.leespring.co.uk 70 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2019
ADVERTISERS’ INDEX Company Page Website A&D Trading LLC 45 www.adtradingllc.com AIM Inc. Back Cover www.aimmachines.com • www.aimeuropesa.com Alloy Wire International Amada ORII America 1 www.alloywire.com ANBAO (Qinhuangdao) Wire & Mesh Co., Ltd. 49 www.oriimec.com Anchor Abrasives 21 www.anbao.com BB Spring Technology 11 Bergandi Machinery 23 www.anchorabrasives.com CASMI/SpringWorld 2018 33 www.bbspringtechnology.com Cometo 59 Dongguan Jinyiding Machine Co., Ltd. 13 www.bergandi.com FENN LLC 51 www.casmi-springworld.org Fives Landis Corp. 39 21 www.cometo.ws Forming Systems Inc. 9, Inside www.0769jdm.com Back Cover www.fenn-torin.com Forming Systems Inc. / HTC 9 www.fivesgroup.com Gibraltar Corporation/Delta 2 www.formingsystemsinc.com Gibraltar Corporation/Simco 25 Golden Spot Industry Inc. 4 www.formingsystemsinc.com Industrial Steel & Wire 27 www.gibraltar8.com Larson Systems Inc. 53 Maguire Machinery, Inc. 47 www.gibraltar8.com • Metal Finishing News (MFN) 72 www.simcotw.com NIMSCO LLC 5, 57 Okuno Machine Co. 47 www.goldspot.com.tw OMD - Officina Meccanica Domaso SpA 43 www.industeel.copm 37, Inside www.larsonsystems.com RK Trading Front Cover www.maguiremachinery.com 57 Secem 5 www.mfn.li Simplex Rapid 15, 17 www.nimsco.com • www.simplexrapid.it SMI Metal Engineering eXpo 19 Ultimate Automation Ltd. 41 www.okunomc.co.jp Vinston US Corp. 7 www.omdspa.it WAFIOS Machinery Corporation www.rktradingusa.com www.simplexrapid.it www.simplexrapid.it www.metalengineeringexpo.org • www.smihq.org www.ultimat.com www.vinstonus.com www.wafios.us Wire Forming Technology International: Fall 2019 Issue Send editorial files to Mike McNulty, Editor, at [email protected] FFAALLLL22001188 Annual Company Profiles Advertising Section • Show Reports SPRING GRINDING...P. 64 Serving Manufacturers of Springs, WireWWW.WIREFORMINGTECH.COM COMPANY Formed Parts, Wire Mesh and Rebar Products PROFILES Trade Show Coverage...pages 24, 44, 60 & 70 2018 Edition Company Page Website COATING & PLATING...P. 50 Heat Treatment Emphasis • Testing Roundup • A&D Trading LLC 78 www.adtradingllc.com Wire Handling Roundup •Spotlight on Spring Grinding AIM Inc. 79 www.aimmachines.com, www.aimeuropesa.com TESTING..P. 58 Editorial deadline: October 28 • Ad closing: November 1 Alloy Wire International 80 EMPHASIS ON FENCE MAKING...P. 34-37 Anchor Abrasives Co. 91 www.alloywire.com COMPANY PROFILES...P. 77-94 BB Spring Technology Srl 91 www.anchorabrasives.com Bergandi 92 www.bbspringtechnology.com Doerken Corporation 81 FENN LLC 82 www.bergandi.com Fives Landis Corp. 92 www.doerken-mks.com Forming Systems Inc. 83 Larson Systems, Inc. 93 www.fenn-torin.com Maguire Machinery, Inc. 85 www.fivesgroup.com Oriimec Corporation of America 86 www.formingsystemsinc.com Promostar Srl 93 www.larsonsystems.com RK Trading 87 www.maguiremachinery.com Simplex-Rapid 88 Ultimate Automation Ltd. 94 www.Oriimec.com Vinston US Corp. 89 www.promostar.it WAFIOS Machinery Corporation 90 www.rktradingusa.com Witels Albert USA, Ltd. 94 www.simplexrapid.it www.ultimat.com www.vinstonus.com www.wafios.us / www.wafios.ca www.witels-albert-usa.com COMPANY PROFILES, published annually in the Fall issue of Wire Forming Technology International, are available online by visiting www.wireformingtech.com Wire Forming Technology International • Initial Publications, Inc. 1741 Akron Peninsula Road • Akron, OH 44313 USA • T: +1-330-864-2122 • F: +1-330-864-5298 • e-mail: [email protected] Summer 2019/Wire Forming Technology International 71
Focusing on peening, EDITORIAL INDEX blasting, cleaning and Events and organizations or companies on page 4 and in any preview articles are not indexed here; vibratory finishing! additional omissions are made at the editor’s discretion. Vol. 15 Metal Finishing News Ace Wire Spring & Form Co., Inc............................................................... 16 Kyocera Senco Industrial Tools, Inc............................................................. 6 September ACIMAF (Italian Wire Machinery Manufacturers Association).................... 14 Acuity Human Resources LLC................................................................... 36 Larson Systems, Inc................................................................................... 67 Issue AIM, Inc...................................................................................................... 56 Latrobe Specialty Metals Distribution......................................................... 17 Year 2014 Alex Industries, Inc..................................................................................... 12 Lee Spring Limited......................................................................... 60, 68, 70 Allied Market Research.............................................................................. 12 Leggett & Platt...................................................................................... 18, 54 Publication for the Allied Mineral Products............................................................................... 55 Liberty Steel............................................................................................... 10 Peening, Blasting, Alloy Wire International (AWI)................................................................ 8, 32 LLFlex......................................................................................................... 55 Amega West Services................................................................................ 17 Lloyd & Bouvier Inc.................................................................................... 55 Cleaning and Anomet Products, Inc................................................................................. 66 Lloyd Instruments....................................................................................... 11 Vibratory Finishing ArcelorMittal............................................................................................... 10 Argus Media Co.......................................................................................... 54 MacDermid Enthone................................................................................... 10 Industries Asarco Grupo Mexico................................................................................. 55 Makai Rugókészítő KFT............................................................................. 18 Associated Spring...................................................................................... 36 MD Industries............................................................................................. 15 Nadcap COLUMN: Aterian Investment Partners....................................................................... 10 Meclemsa Metal Cleaning de Mexico SA de CV........................................ 21 Competency Counts Atlas Copco................................................................................................ 20 Mecmesin................................................................................................... 11 Ausprings Industries................................................................................... 18 Messe Düsseldorf....................................................................................... 13 page 58 Automated Industrial Motion (AIM)............................................................. 42 Metal Resource Solutions, Inc. (MRSI)...................................................... 16 AWM SpA................................................................................................... 16 MGS Group, The........................................................................................ 55 14th MFN Asian M. Holland.................................................................................................. 55 Shot Peening Workshop & Bangkok Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)............................................. 20 Miami University......................................................................................... 10 Trade Show in Singapore BASF.......................................................................................................... 16 Micro-Measurements Group....................................................................... 11 Baum’s Castorine....................................................................................... 55 Microsoft..................................................................................................... 56 11th-13th Nov. 2014 Bell Helicopter and Turbocor Inc................................................................ 17 Mid-South Wire........................................................................................... 54 (see page 27) Bihler 4 Slide-NC........................................................................................ 52 Mid-West Spring & Stamping..................................................................... 24 Bihler of America Inc................................................................ 14, 35, 36, 53 Minnesota Wire.......................................................................................... 54 Optional practical evening classes Bloomingdale Golf Club.............................................................................. 22 Mueller Prost.............................................................................................. 35 MFN Shot Peening Bombardier................................................................................................. 17 Bovino Consulting Group........................................................................... 36 NACE......................................................................................................... 32 Workshop in Germany National Association of Manufacturers....................................................... 54 14th-16th October, 2014 CapSen Robotics....................................................................................... 36 Naugatuck Valley Community College....................................................... 19 Carpenter Technology Corporation............................................................. 17 NDC Technologies...................................................................................... 55 (see page 65) Carris Reels Inc.......................................................................................... 55 Nema.......................................................................................................... 69 Cerrowire.................................................................................................... 55 NEMSA (New England Metalstamping Association).................................. 34 Dry and Wet Blasting Almen Saturation Curve From A Champlain Cable Corp......................................................................... 54, 55 NESMA (New England Spring and Metalstamping Association)................ 19 Machines made in India Statistical Perspective (p. 18-20) Chemtall..................................................................................................... 16 Newcomb Spring Corp............................................................................... 12 Chemtech Systems Inc.............................................................................. 10 Nexans Energy..................................................................................... 54, 55 page 28 Chicago Association of Spring Manufacturers, Inc. Niehoff Endex North America..................................................................... 55 (CASMI).......................................................................................... 3, 22, 30 www.mfn.li Chicago Veterans....................................................................................... 22 Oden Technologies..................................................................................... 55 Chippanee Golf Club, Inc........................................................................... 19 OMCG, Inc... ............................................................................................... 10 MFN INTERNATIONAL is distributed in Cimteq Ltd.................................................................................................. 55 Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik....................................................................... 53 67 countries and published 6 times a year Cipa Fiera Milano Publicações e Eventos Ltda.......................................... 13 Coiling Equipment LLC............................................................................... 12 Pennsylvania State University, The............................................................ 36 www.mfn.li Connections 4 Success.............................................................................. 36 PNC Business Credit.................................................................................. 10 Continuus Properzi SpA............................................................................. 55 Pratt & Whitney.......................................................................................... 17 第二卷 中 Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurant......................................................... 22 Prysmian Group................................................................................... 54, 55 2015年3月 国 Cottrill Arbutina........................................................................................... 36 RAF............................................................................................................ 11 春季刊 金属表面处理杂志 David L. Lawrence Convention Center (DLCC)......................................... 34 Reshoring Institute..................................................................................... 36 Delta Airlines Advanced Manufacturing Pilot Facility.................................. 55 RichardsApex Inc....................................................................................... 55 MFN中国主要内容 Diamond Wire Spring................................................................................. 34 是抛丸、喷丸强化及 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center.................................................... 22 Saint Gobain............................................................................................... 55 DoubleTree by Hilton.................................................................................. 19 SAMP/USA Inc........................................................................................... 55 成形,抛丸、喷丸、 Dow Chemical Company, The.................................................................... 18 Sao Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center....................................... 13 喷砂清理,振动研磨、 Drawing Technology Incorporated (DTI)..................................................... 69 Schlatter..................................................................................................... 19 Drury Plaza Pittsburgh Downtown.............................................................. 38 SDI LaFarga, LLC...................................................................................... 55 抛光、工业涂装等 Dynamet Inc............................................................................................... 17 Sea Box, Inc............................................................................................... 12 金属表面处理资讯 Senator John Heinz Center........................................................................ 34 Ecoclean Group.......................................................................................... 63 Senator John Heinz History Center...................................................... 35, 36 5月11-13日,广州国际表面处理展 典型汽车零件的X射线应力 Ecoclean Inc............................................................................................... 62 Service Line, Inc......................................................................................... 67 www.sf-expo.cn 检测技术 (第24-27页) EMEA......................................................................................................... 16 SG Blocks, Inc............................................................................................ 12 Encore Wire Corp....................................................................................... 55 Shimadzu................................................................................................... 11 MFN 是 SF Expo 的官方合作伙伴 Enkotec Co. Inc.......................................................................................... 55 SIKORA International................................................................................. 55 SMI eXpo™.................................................................................................. 3 Nadcap专栏: Falcon Structures....................................................................................... 12 SMI Metal Engineering eXpo™ (MEE)................................................. 33, 34 Nadcap改变了人们的 Farmington Club......................................................................................... 19 SMS Group................................................................................................. 55 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago............................................................. 35 Sokol Engineering...................................................................................... 16 态度 FENN.......................................................................................................... 46 Solvay......................................................................................................... 16 Forming Systems, Inc........................................................................... 66, 68 Sonoco Reels & Spools.............................................................................. 55 第10页 Fortuna Federn............................................................................... 12, 18, 69 South Fence Machinery Ltd....................................................................... 70 Fort Wayne Metals..................................................................................... 38 Southwire Co. LLC............................................................................... 54, 55 科学新讯: Fort Wayne Wire Die.................................................................................. 55 Southwire SCR Technologies..................................................................... 55 使用载荷控制型弯板 Franklin Wire Products............................................................................... 21 Spring Manufacturers Institute (SMI).............................................. 22, 34, 36 疲劳试验机对空化喷 Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering Springs....................................................................................................... 34 丸处理不锈钢的裂纹 and Thin Films (IST)................................................................................. 63 SpringWorld 2020....................................................................................... 22 萌生和扩展进行评估 Freeport McMoRan.................................................................................... 55 Square 2 Marketing Inc.............................................................................. 35 Fun Is Good................................................................................................ 22 Starrett........................................................................................................ 70 第6-8页 Sussex Wire Incorporated.......................................................................... 15 Gem Gravure Co. Inc................................................................................. 55 Suzuki Garphyttan...................................................................................... 19 MFN抛喷丸强化 Georgia Tech.............................................................................................. 55 训练课程在中国 Georgia World Congress Center................................................................ 54 Torin............................................................................................................ 46 2015年5月15-17日 GFG Alliance.............................................................................................. 10 Tramev Srl.................................................................................................. 14 www.mfn.li/cn Global Continuous Casting Forum............................................................. 54 transfluid® Maschinenbau GmbH................................................................ 64 Grieve Corporation, The ............................................................................ 68 Tube Southeast Asia 2019......................................................................... 20 MFN CHINA is exclusively for the Chinese TUBOTECH 2019....................................................................................... 13 market and published 4 times a year Heinz History Center............................................................................ 35, 36 Higher Images Inc...................................................................................... 36 United Technologies Corporation (UTC)..................................................... 17 www.mfn.li/cn HSI Machinery............................................................................................ 68 UPCAST®................................................................................................... 55 HTC Machinery.......................................................................................... 66 U.S. Customs and Border Protection........................................................... 6 MFN offers courses for: Hyperco...................................................................................................... 70 U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)......................................................... 6 ▪ Shot & Flap Peening ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES)............................................................... 12 Vapormatt................................................................................................... 21 ▪ Industrial Painting IMC-Ind. Met. Costinha Ltda...................................................................... 14 Versa Machinery......................................................................................... 67 ▪ Mass Finishing Insteel Wire Products................................................................................. 54 Versa Pullers.............................................................................................. 69 ▪ Shot Blasting Integer Research........................................................................................ 54 VINSTON.................................................................................................... 31 ▪ Residual Stress Measurements International Accreditation Service (IAS).................................................... 12 VINSTON US Corp..................................................................................... 30 International Code Cpouncil Family of Companies.................................... 12 Vulcan Threaded Products Inc..................................................................... 6 Training in 9 languages! International Fastener Manufacturing Exposition (IFME)..................... 54, 55 Interstate Wire Co...................................................................................... 54 WAFIOS AG......................................................................................... 20, 44 MFN is a Partner in MFN is an Official Interwire 2019......................................................................................... 3, 54 WAFIOS Machinery Corp........................................................................... 36 Education in Nadcap Collaboration Partner of FEMS Interwire 2021............................................................................................. 55 Westin Convention Center Pittsburgh........................................................ 38 Interwire Conference.................................................................................. 54 William Hughes.......................................................................................... 18 MFN is a Media Partner of NACE Interwire Exhibition..................................................................................... 54 Wire Association International (WAI), Inc................................................... 54 MFN is the Official Cooperation IronHill Construction Management............................................................. 14 Wire & Cable Industry Suppliers Association® (WCISA®)..................... 14, 55 Partner of Metal & Steel IST.............................................................................................................. 36 WireCo WorldGroup..................................................................................... 8 IWCEA (International Wire & Cable Exhibitors Association)...................... 14 WireDrawing 101®...................................................................................... 26 MFN Headquarters Switzerland www.sf-expo.cn IWMA (International Wire & Machinery Association).................................. 14 Wire Fabricators Association (WFA)........................................................... 21 MFN is the Official Cooperation Wire & Plastic Machinery........................................................................... 55 James Monroe Wire & Cable Corp............................................................. 55 wire South America 2019........................................................................... 13 Partner of SF EXPO JDF Ltd....................................................................................................... 60 wire Southeast Asia 2019........................................................................... 20 J.G. Petrucci Network................................................................................. 14 World Bank................................................................................................. 20 JN Machinery............................................................................................. 34 Wright, LLC, Roger N................................................................................. 26 Johnstown Wire Technologies (JWT)......................................................... 10 ZUMBACH Electronics......................................................................... 55, 69 Keystone Consolidated Industries.............................................................. 10 ZwickRoell Limited..................................................................................... 28 Kolsterising®............................................................................................... 36 72 Wire Forming Technology International/Summer 2019