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Published by demo, 2022-01-20 10:23:15

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申子芹 FASHION SHOW 陳俊良 Seivson 品牌以展現女性不同姿態作為每一季的設計靈感。設計師申子芹於上個月《VOGUE》美國版選出全球 27 個國家的獨立設計師,代表臺灣同時也是亞洲的代表,並於上週東京時裝週 22SS 發表,獲得全東京時裝 週票選第一名品牌。 除了東京時裝週、同時曾用紐約時裝週發表作品,她堅信服裝需回歸需求本質,與生活做連結,這次與 台灣知名布料大廠合作,研發 100% 環保可分解回收紗線,並開發獨特布花,致力於讓服裝在穿著與搭 配上發揮最大可能。 2022 春夏系列化身“ MISTER MISS ”一名未來世界裡“不具名的臥底,俐落、華麗、帥氣是他的風格, 將西裝、風衣的設計解構是她華麗任務的臥底軌跡,Seivson 以品牌擅長的華麗設計手法,完美打造冷調、 帥氣且俐落的神祕感。 The brand's design for each quarter is inspired by the different postures of women. One of the 27 independent fashion designers introduced by the Asian edition of “VOGUE” last month, Tzuchin (Jill) Shen as the representative from Taiwan and Asia presented her works at the Tokyo 22SS Fashion Show and was voted the No.1 brand last week. Besides Tokyo, New York Fashion Week was also Jill’s stage. Believing that fashion needs to return to people’s basic demand and connect with life, she now works with a known fabric factory in Taiwan to make a kind of 100%-recyclable yarn and develop a special floral patter so that the clothes matching may exhibit the best possibility. Like an unnamed undercover in the future world, “MISTER MISS” is the brand’s SS22 disguise in a clean, gorgeous and handsome style. With the mission to deconstruct the design of suits and trench coats, Seivson is best at her glorious design to create a cool, gorgeous and neat sense of mystery. SILZENCE men 順應自然規律而為,悟透生命百態真諦,金相玉質服色俱美,服飾佈滿細緻緹花、刺繡、略針等紋理。 工藝上乘的在地面料,織造臺灣紡織兼容並蓄的國際化,疊加不規則的形制變化,分割造型豐富衣身層 次,細膩修身文人風采。 以塵世為鏡,裁砌樸真自我,交疊縝密層次結構,精緻造型拼接東方雅緻初心。不對稱層次藏封過往榮光, 再一次向自身發願,願心無罣礙得體大方。織物翩躚錯落有致,剪裁輪廓展闊大氣,演繹大江大海潮起 潮落,流連風華城市繁華極盛。絲紡流瀉金沙彩石設色,錦綈體現虛靜無為的時代美學!塵世與己合一, 轉身揮袖皆是大塊風華。 We follow natural rhythms, and learn the essence of life. Beautiful clothes are covered with jacquards, embroidery, and other sophisticated details. Use best-in-class local fabrics to deliver inclusive factors in Taiwanese textile. Irregular forms and layers enrich silhouette for elegant literary flavors. Reflect our true selves in the earthly world. Layered structures construct Oriental essences. Former glories are hidden behind asymmetric designs. I wish to be reserved, graceful, and free of hindrances. Fabrics fly in the wind, as if tides and waves in the ocean, for the ultimate glamour in cities. Colorful lines and patterns redefine aesthetics in modern times. When we stand in the world, every turn creates a new urban landscapes. 排序方式:依筆畫 / 字母順序排序 49

FASHION SHOW 陳冠百 Story Wear 汪俐伶 宇宙、人類、萬物,由成千成萬的「粒子」「原子」所組成,化為了原子,人類與萬物一切皆平等,文 明後的世界,海岸線如同大自然與人類的分界線,大海與人類的拉扯,人類理所當然般的侵略著大地, 往往忘記了,彼此應成為一個共存、共生,共融的世界,TOGETHER AS ONE。 從宇宙到海洋,Story Wear 設計師陳冠百與齊柏林導演有著共同的想法「將自己唯一能做的,給予這 個世界一些啟發,進而改變」,結合齊柏林導演眼底下的自然圖像,轉換成圖騰、印花、設計,將齊導 眼中的「美麗與哀愁」結合零廢方式,製成 10 款系列商品,將這般不可被遺忘的議題呈現,Upcycle Design with Social Impact,賦予影響力的零廢時尚。 The universe, humans, and everything are composed of particles and atoms. Everything is equal from an atom's perspective. In the civilized world, coastlines are boundaries between nature and human. In the struggle between ocean and human, we take everything for granted and intrude the world. However, we often forget about co-existence, TOGETHER AS ONE. From universe to ocean, Story Wear designer Kuan Chen shares the same opinion with late film director Chi Po- lin. “Offering inspirations for change is the only thing I can do”. She transforms natural images captured by Chi into patterns and designs, and produces 10 items based on zero-waste principles. It's a key issue that we should never forget. Upcycle Design with Social Impact , a zero-waste fashion that gives influence. WANGLILING 設計師汪俐伶延續上一季與台電運用動能轉換電能的震動原理所合作的「鎏風」系列,擅長運用材質體 現各種自然元素的臺灣設計師 WANGLILING 將於 10 月發表「電閾」系列,透過許多新穎技法,以電的 性質和元素講述電在現代社會的角色。「閾」取自心理學的感覺閾限效應,意指人在意識與無意識的介 質之間時,能感受到的極限。然而,有如電磁力的相吸與相斥,電既危險也溫柔,以黑暗中的光,以寂 靜中的音樂,無論無形或有形,陪伴著人們。 「電閾」系列透過線條的曲折,搭配藍色和紫色紋路,使閃電圍繞在服裝周圍,表現出電與生命誕生緊 密不分的關聯。與藍色和紫色有著反差的綠色,帶向迫在眉間的國際議題—綠能。與電形影不離的時代, 如何環保又有效的發電成了全球的挑戰,在環保的永續課題上一同化為一道道的閃電,無論強弱大小皆 為地球永續出一份力。 In the last season, designer Wang Liling worked with Taipower Company to deliver a collection inspired by power generation through movement. In the upcoming collection in Obtober, she uses materials to embody natural elements. With new techniques, she explains the roles of electricity in the modern society. It is also inspired by sensory threshold in psychology, a point at which stimulus causes a sensation within an individual. Power is both dangerous and gentle, as it accompanies people tangibly or intangibly, such as light in the dark or music in the silence. The collection uses blue and purple lines and patterns around clothes like lightening. It shows close connections between power and birth. Green, in contrast to blue and purple, leads us to green energy, another urgent global issues. As electricity becomes an essential element to the modern world, power generation is a major global challenge. In the sustainability issue, each lightening, strong or weak, can contribute to the sustainable future. 50 TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22 排序方式:依筆畫 / 字母順序排序

BenQ Xpore

FASHION SHOW 陳璽年 WEAVISM 織本主義 當末日將近,人類為了存活被迫選擇:成為不停努力修煉強化自己的蒸汽龐克族,或者變成靠吞噬別人 轉而進化的噬者生存族。 你會怎麼選? 本季靈感主題為「生存」,跳脫以往以一個主題貫穿整個系列,品牌首次以兩種風格迥異的混搭設計來 拉開序幕。究竟會碰出甚麼樣的火花?我們也想知道。蒸氣龐克族(STEAMPUNK)這族深信只有透過 不斷的修練才能強化自我,而核心信念是類達爾文的強者生存,弱者滅絕。 噬者生存族(PHAGO)這族怨著這世界已被搾取殆盡,叫嚷著這社會早已無存正義。他們相信唯有吞噬 同類,人類才能迎來進化。 When apocalypse approaches, humans are forced to choose between STEAMPUNK or PHAGO for survival. Will you choose to be a STEAMPUNK that strengthens yourself, or a PHAGO that devours others for evolution? This season is about \"To Survive\".Rather than using one theme across the collection, the brand uses two drastically different designs to deliver a different chemistry. STEAMPUNK enhances itself by continuous trainings. It believes only the strong survives. PHAGO is frustrated about resource depletion and social injustice in the world. It believes humans can only evolve by devouring the same species. 黃世舜 #DAMUR 尤瑪.達陸 Yuma Taru 在這個充滿不確定性的時期,每一個明天都是未知數。無法確認任何計畫,無法許下任何承諾。這份忐 52 TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22 忑已經變成無法擺脫的常態。既然習以為常,為何不乾脆融入這片混沌,成為它的一部分? 此系列主要有三種色調:對比鮮明的黑白純棉、丹寧布跟淺紫色人造絲的組合、螢光動物紋印花;在設 計方面也遵循這個時期「未知」的原則:翻新經典的款式、解構布料並重組成動物紋、大膽的鏤空、顯 眼的內著。觀眾永遠無法預測下一位模特兒的穿著,就如同這個時代的我們,永遠無法得知下一秒會發 生什麼出乎意料的事情。 所有元素碰撞之下的產物就是對這片混亂最貼切的詮釋。設計師黃世舜翻新了過去的經典設計,將內著 放肆的疊加在外衣上,並把截然不同的兩種布料縫製成一件衣服。或許你可以從這一連串的雜亂中找到 一些規律,但你終將停止尋覓,讓自己迷失、沉浸在這片令人困惑的模糊。 SS22 #DAMUR 系列特別感謝永瀧興業有限公司(永續再生織品合作)以及柏愿有限公司(環保貼合) 的支持與合作。 SS22 #DAMUR 潮流帽飾系列特別與國際織藝大師尤瑪.達陸合作,尤瑪.達陸是 2016 年由文化部頒 發重要傳統藝術暨文化資產保存技術保存者,此次 #DAMUR 會和尤瑪.達陸一起用顛覆傳統的新設計視 野、潮流摩登的造型細節以及最經典古老又天然的自然材質,與百年手工技藝一起去挑戰傳統原住民服 飾以及配件的現代潮流化。 Let's admit it, it's a confusing period now. Nothing is ensured and nothing is promised. The whole world is drowning deeper and deeper in the unknown day by day, and people are sadly just used to it. Since this turbulence is already inseparable from our life, why not simply be a part of this massive chaos? To portray this chaos, we blended everything. There are three main colour themes in this collection: the complementary monochrome, the combination of blue denim and purple viscose, and the vibrant animal prints. For the silhouettes, we recreated the obscure ambience of today. There are redesigned pieces, zebra prints patched with denim, bold cut-outs and catchy underwear above. The audience could never predict what the next model would wear, just like how we live our life today that we are not able to anticipate anything. We redesigned classic pieces from previous collections. We topped panties on trousers and skirts. We patched totally different fabrics together. This is how we interpret the unpleasant situation shadowing us currently. You might be able to trace a sense of order in this series of uncertainty, but eventually, you will become immersed in the ambiguity. #DAMUR would like to thank Align Textile Co., Ltd. and Boyuan Industrial Co.,Ltd. for supporting #DAMUR SS22 collection. The fashion brand Damur cooperates with weaving master Yuma Taru , recipient of the 2016 National Cultural Heritage Preservation Award, to make a new series of hats and ornaments. The creative design overturns the convention with trendy details and classic natural materials, and ancient handwork skills are used to challenge the modernization of indigenous clothing and accessories. 排序方式:依筆畫 / 字母順序排序


FASHION OF OUR TIME 穿上時代時裝,走過時裝時代 PUT ON THE FASHION OF THE TIME AND WALK THROUGH THE FASHION ERA 盧淑芬 FLORENCE LU 臺灣時裝史策展人 「臺灣時裝產業的近代發展,一直被一種飽含著挺自己人的 \"The modern development of Taiwan's fashion industry 熱切,支持著。」三十年來,我以時尚媒體身分、以報導者、 has always been supported by the passion and 以支持者、以消費者的身分,參與著臺灣近代時裝的一路發 enthusiasm for supporting our own people.\" For thirty 展,過程中總是有這樣的強烈感受。 years, I have participated in Taiwan fashion industry as a fashion journalist, a supporter, and a consumer and I 而不同世代的時裝設計師們,面對著不同時代的環境困難, have always had such a strong feeling during the whole 以及愈趨國際化的市場競爭強度,卻始終保持著對時裝不熄 journey. 的熱情,這也正是推動著這半世紀臺灣時裝發展深刻軌跡的 Fashion designers of different generations, in the face of 能量。 challenges in different times and the increasing intensity of international market competition, have always 回望一路軌跡,不只清楚地記錄下臺灣紡織產業隨著棉紡、 maintained an unstoppable enthusiasm for fashion. This 石化原料的更迭,還可以看到代表消費文化的百貨的興衰, is what has been driving Taiwanese fashion in the past 更能發現臺灣設計師品牌們尋找著自我文化定位的路徑,從 half century. 1980 年代的「中國風」,到 1990 年代經歷渴望擺脫傳統束 Looking back on the trajectory of Taiwan fashion history, 縛的「實驗創新」,再走回二十一世紀的「越在地越時尚」, not only can we clearly record the evolution of Taiwan's 終究希望能透過時裝來定義自己是誰?從何而來?未來又將 textile industry along with the development of cotton 走向哪裡? and petrochemical raw materials, but we can also see the rise and fall of department stores that represent 「臺灣時裝產業不是少數人的事!是時代的事!是文化的 consumer culture. We can also see how Taiwan's 事!更是未來的事! 」期待臺灣時裝在經濟、文化深度中走 designer brands blazing their trails to find their own 得更廣更遠。 cultural identity. From the \"Chinese style\" in the 1980s to the \"experimental innovation\" in the 1990s that longed 最後,誠心感謝所有對這次展覽給予任何形式支持的長官及 to get rid of the shackles of tradition, and then went back 朋友們。策展過程中那種「挺自己人的熱切」讓這個首次以 to the“local fashion”in the 21st century . Taiwanese 「臺灣近代時裝史」為內涵的展覽,終得以成真,未來甚至 designer brands hope to define who we are, where we're 回顧百年。 from and where we'll go through fashion. \"Taiwan's fashion industry is not a matter for a few people! It is a matter of the times! It is a cultural matter! It is even more a matter of the future!\" We look forward to seeing Taiwan's fashion industry going further and further in the context of economy and culture. Finally, I would like to sincerely thank all the officials and friends who have given support to this exhibition. In the process of curating, the kind of enthusiasm of “supporting one's own people”made this first exhibition with \"modern Taiwanese fashion history\" as its connotation finally come true, hoping one day in the future we'll be looking back to a hundred years of Taiwanese fashion history. 54 TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22

FASHION OF OUR TIME 臺灣時裝史主題策展 Fashion Of Our Time 時裝時代・時代時裝 Going through the fashion memories of Taiwan 穿越臺灣的時裝記憶 緊扣著時代經濟、政治政策與文化脈絡的臺灣時裝產業發展, The development of Taiwan's fashion industry that is 超過半個世紀的累積,創造了一部精彩的「臺灣近代時裝 closely linked to the economic, political, and cultural 史」。 context, have created a fascinating modern fashion history of Taiwan. 特展《時裝時代・時代時裝》透過具時代氛圍的展場實境、 The special exhibition \"Fashion of Our Time\" takes the 照片故事及知名臺灣品牌時裝設計師的原件作品,帶領觀眾 audience through over half a century of Taiwan's fashion 穿越臺灣的時裝記憶,親身體驗時代如何影響臺灣時裝,而 memories with real-world scenes, photo and authentic 臺灣時裝又如何創造時代。 pieces created by famous Taiwanese fashion designers, presenting how the different eras have affected the 在 50 年代,紡織業的重要經濟基石,為了提升高品質棉布 domestic fashion industry and how fashion manifested 的形象,布料品牌太子龍敲下 60 年代「自創品牌」的響鐘; during these times in Taiwan. 到了國際競爭激烈的 70 年代,政府提倡創造品牌價值,臺 In the 1950s, textile industry was an important 灣第一代時裝設計師在 80 年代嶄露頭角,衣蝶和中興百貨 cornerstone of Taiwan's economy. In order to enhance 則是重要的培育搖籃。到了今天,臺灣時裝設計師建立品牌 the value of high-quality cotton fabrics, the fabric brand 的同時,仍持續用時裝定義臺灣在世界文化上立足的位置。 Tai Tzu Long took the lead in launching the first local brand in the 1960s. In the 1970s, when international 《時裝時代・時代時裝》將臺灣時裝史劃分為六幕記憶片段, competition was fierce, the government advocated 分別為「母親般的紡織時代」、「時裝品牌的啟蒙時代」、「擁 the creation of brand value. Taiwan's first generation 抱創新的自由時代」、「國際品牌的競爭時代」、「走向世 of fashion designers emerged in the 1980s, and IDEE 界的發光時代」及「臺灣時裝的文化時代」,以時代事件為 Fashion Store and Sunrise Department Store were 背景,見證臺灣時裝產業的啟蒙、低潮和重新崛起。邀請您 important cradles for nurturing the local fashion 來到臺灣時裝記憶的現場,走進時代的伸展臺,走入臺灣的 industry. Today, Taiwanese fashion designers continue 時裝記憶,迎向臺灣時裝的文化時代 。作為臺北時裝週擴大 to use fashion to define the role of Taiwan in global 國內影響力的起點更別具意義,臺灣時裝史之後將移展臺南, culture. With the events of the times as the background, 不僅讓時尚美學話題延續,未來更能逐步讓臺北時裝週全臺 witness the enlightenment, low tide and re-emergence 有感,累積各地時尚能量。 of Taiwan's fashion industry. You are invited to the scene of Taiwanese fashion memory, walk on the catwalk of the times, and welcome the cultural era of Taiwanese fashion. As the starting point for Taipei Fashion Week to expand its domestic influence, this special exhibition will be on view in Tainan later in November 2021. This will not only encourage discussions surrounding fashion, but gradually gain momentum and extend the impact of Taipei Fashion Week all over Taiwan. 55

DESIGNER’S JOINT FASHION EXHIBITION 設計師時尚策展 Designer’s Joint Fashion Exhibition co-Fashion 時尚數位媒合平台 co-Fashion Online Sourcing Platform 「co-Fashion 時尚數位媒合平台」為文化部與經濟部工業局 “co-Fashion”is an online sourcing and business 合作的媒合平台,自 2020 年啟動至今已經突破 55,000 次 matching platform co-operated by the Ministry of 媒合瀏覽,提供布料、副料、成衣製造與打版製樣、設計人 Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, which has 才等產業資訊,串接時尚產業鏈資源,並媒合商品的開發, exceeded 55,000 matches and views since its inception 是臺灣時尚設計師的強力後盾。co-Fashion 靜態展展區將呈 in 2020. The platform provides information regarding 現本年度以影音為靈感,透過平台跨界合作的時尚機能服飾 product development and production resources such 成果,包括美立信、加圖、亞適、泉碩公司與生活時尚品牌 as fabrics, trimmings, garment manufacturing, pattern- rin、時尚設計師品牌 if&n、機能服品牌宸藝、休閒親子寵物 making, sampling and much more, collecting resources 品牌法比奇等。現場也將展出設計師謝宇農、印花設計品牌 across the fashion industry to assist Taiwanese brands 本島舍、藝術家李霽等運用圖案故事館元素創作設計開發服 and designers. The co-Fashion exhibition showcases 飾的成果。 functional designs from interdisciplinary collaborations by brands including Merryson, Unitex, Asia Fit, Mega Master, rin, if&n, JJF and Fabrizio, while also presenting designs from fashion designer WooLeeX, pattern designer bendaoshe, and artist Lee Chi, who have created garments inspired by patterns and images from the Taiwan Pattern Inspiration. 56 TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22

DESIGNER’S JOINT FASHION EXHIBITION 機能時尚開發 Design Hub 臺灣機能性紡織品聞名全球,經濟部與文化部協力推動時尚 Taiwan's functional textile and development are well- 產業發展,結合臺灣設計師的創意與機能性布料廠商的技術, known worldwide. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and 促成雙方共同合作開發永續機能時尚紡織品與服飾;今年度 the Ministry of Culture collaborate in promoting the Taiwan 邀請國際精品設計師竹腰名生 (Nao Takekoshi) 擔任指導, fashion industry and have contributed to the collaboration 以國際品牌思維與市場經驗,與設計師共同激盪,跨領域運 between Taiwan fashion designers and the functional 用「音樂」靈感巧思,將機能布料與服裝表現出風格獨具的 fabric mills to develop sustainable functional textiles and 創意美學,合力展演 2022 春夏系列的時尚樂章。 apparels. NAO TAKEKOSHI, well-known creative director   is invited to provide guidance and professional insights Seivson 設計師申子芹 of international brands and global markets to Taiwanese 擅長將服裝拆解,創作出不同的輪廓,本次將幼時學習鋼琴 designers. Designers utilize their creativities to interpret 的回憶延伸至布料,服裝則以抽象概念塑造女鋼琴師臥底的 the inspiration of music on the functional fabrics and 敘事情節。 apparels with brand styles and styling aesthetics, and they   are going to present their 2022 Spring/Summer collections SYZYGY 設計師高元龍 at the Taipei Fashion Week. 設計師由音樂延伸到聲音,演變到太空回聲,轉化聲線圖紋   設計布料,希望透過織物的質感與內涵以及一衣多穿的概念,   提供消費者多樣的選擇。 Seivson designer Jill Shen is specialized in disassembling   garments and creating different silhouettes. This season, WooLeeX 設計師謝宇農與謝明柔 she extends her impression of playing piano at childhood 擅長以東方元素結合美式圖案線條,賦予服裝獨特性與藝術 to fabrics and uses abstract concepts to create a narrative 感。設計師認為音樂也有生命情感,由音樂的高低起伏聯想 of a female pianist undercover. 到花朵生命週期,希望作品呈現大自然與音樂的生命力。   SYZYGY designer Yuan-Lung Kao extends from music to sound, evolves to space echo and uses data sonification technology to visualize sound pattern on fabrics, providing consumers with a variety of choices through textile qualities and the concept of multi-wear. WooLeeX designers Jerry Hsieh and Cynthia Hsieh are specialized in combining oriental elements with American style patterns to give garments uniqueness and artistic esthetics. The designers believe that music also has life and emotion and associates the ups and downs of music with the life cycle of flowers, hoping to present the life force of nature and music. 57

TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22 藝術與設計菁英海外培訓計畫 要能保持時尚產業動能,少不了更多新鮮創意與年輕新血的注入。2021 年度設計師時尚策展,集結了入圍經濟部工業局與中華 民國紡織業拓展會所舉辦的「時裝設計新人獎」12 名決賽入圍者,以及教育部所推動的「藝術與設計菁英海外培訓計畫」6 名 入圍者的作品。這 18 位新生代時尚好手,正象徵了臺灣時尚產業值得期待的全新動能。 To maintain vitality of the fashion industry, the encouragement of creativity and the nurturing of young designers are crucial. 2021 Designer’s Joint Fashion Exhibition showcases the work of 12 finalists from Taiwan Fashion Design Award organized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Taiwan Textile Federation, and also presents the work of 6 designers nominated for the Ministry of Education Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts and Design. These 18 talented young designers are surely forces to be reckoned with that will further motivate the fashion industry. 教育部自 2005 年起推動「藝術與設計菁英海外培訓計畫」, The Ministry of Education has been executing MOE 計畫下設有數位動畫、視覺傳達設計、產品設計、建築與景 Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts & Design 觀設計及時尚設計等 5 組。希望藉由建立長期國際合作培訓 since 2005. There are groups of Digital Animation, Visual 機制,培育並增進學生專業能力,帶動我國文化創意產業發 Communication Design, Product Design, Architecture 展與水準之提升。 and Landscape Design, and Fashion Design. The program is aimed at building a long-term cooperation 各大學校院相關科系學生透過學校推薦或個人申請,歷經國 with international institutes and cultivating talents with 內 3 階段甄選以及海外機構決選,錄取者可獲教育部全額學 international insights in arts and design. A profound 費及生活費補助,赴國外著名大學、機構或公司進修、實習 vision is to upgrade the development of culture and 或訓練 1 年,是年輕學子接軌世界、培養國際觀的重要推手。 creativity industries in Taiwan. Students in related departments can apply through school recommendation or individually. The applicants should first undergo a 3-stage domestic selection, including a July workshop, to prove their qualification for the final selection abroad. The winner will receive a scholarship covering tuition and living expenses when they go to foreign universities, institution or companies for a year of further study and internship. The program is important in connecting young students to the world and developing their international perspectives. 林育婕 張以葳 張怡文 輔仁大學 實踐大學 實踐大學 織品服裝學系 服裝設計學系 服裝設計學系 莊郁萱 楊皓鈞 蕭竹洛 台南應用科技大學 實踐大學 實踐大學 服飾設計管理系 服裝設計學系 服裝設計學系 58 TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22 排序方式:依筆畫 / 字母順序排序


2021 TAIWAN FASHION DESIGN AWARD 2021 時裝設計新人獎 2021 Taiwan Fashion Design Award (TFDA) 「時裝設計新人獎」為亞洲最具規模且歷史悠久的大型官方 Launched in 1987, 2021 Taiwan Fashion Design Award 競賽,由經濟部工業局主辦,中華民國紡織業拓展會執行, (TFDA) marks its 35th edition. Hosted by the Industrial 自 1987 年創立至今已邁入第 35 屆,今年度吸引全球 18 個 Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 國家地區新銳競逐。 and organized by the Taiwan Textile Federation, it is one of the earliest official fashion competitions in Asia. This 新人獎以發掘服裝設計優秀人才為目的,廣受產官學界的支 year, TFDA received submissions from over 18 countries 持,也奠定了臺灣紡織服飾產業的根基,時裝設計新人獎更 and regions. 有引領設計者轉動產業創新發展的使命。 TFDA serves the purpose of discovering new talents in fashion design. The award is widely supported by the 在服裝創作上,鼓勵以創意新穎的美感「設計」與人溝通, industry, government and academia. The mission of the 採用高科技、高附加價值的「機能性」紡織素材,強調提升 TFDA is to lead designers to innovation and encourage 穿著舒適性,也倡導革新又實用的服飾「功能」,讓生活更 the development of the industry. The long-term efforts 加便利美好;另外,本競賽也期許設計者著眼於友善環境、 have strengthened the foundation of the textile and 延長素材及服裝使用壽命等「永續」意涵,與全球關注的綠 fashion industry. 時尚議題接軌。 Regarding the theme of design, the key points are CREATIVITY, PERFORMANCE, FUNCTION, and SUSTAINABILITY. CREATIVITY is to communicate via an aesthetic manner. PERFORMANCE is to utilize high- tech, high-value-added textile materials to enhance comfortability. FUNCTION is to create innovative and practical apparel, making our life better. Furthermore, the competition expects designers to focus on \"SUSTAINABILITY\" in terms of environmental friendliness and extending the life of materials and garments, which is in line with the global value of green fashion. Baéz Gamarra, Andrés David Gajadeera, Ruwanthi 呂郁致 李若綺 ( 巴拉圭 ) Pavithra ( 斯里蘭卡 ) 張嘉緯 陳家慶 陳慶霖 童麗融 黃子恩 葉昱賢 褚耘成 賴名浩 60 TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22 排序方式:依筆畫 / 字母順序排序

美科 Armos(hair)

YOUNG TALENT FASHION EXHIBITION Young Talent 新鮮秀時尚策展 Young Talent Fashion Exhibition 文化部與教育部合作,於臺北時裝週期間,舉辦 Young Talent 新鮮秀時尚策展,提供服裝設計校系學生國際級舞台及資源, 展現創作能量。此次集結 7 位時尚新鮮人的優秀作品,並與機能紡織廠合作,發揮時尚設計生力軍的強勁實力,讓您我看見 新生代揮灑創意展現的繽紛光芒。 The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture jointly organized the Young Talent show during Taipei Fashion Week, providing a world-class platform and professional resources for college students to showcase their creative energy in fashion design. This time, the show includes the works of 7 upcoming fashion designers who have collaborated with textile manufacturers to create functional apparel, demonstrating the creativity of these rising stars in fashion design. 王建凱 設計師王建凱,參與過臺北時裝週、高雄青時尚、永續時尚設計,也參與過許多的時尚拍 攝,造型工作,因此在各方面都累積了許多經驗。這次 2022 春夏系列,以「狙擊者」為 2020 高雄青時尚大賞創新賞 主題,靈感來自觀察狙擊者與被狙擊之間的角色切換,重新審視不同人不同面向看待這世 界眼光和視角。服裝使用擅長的日常套裝為基底,加上反差感極強卻又似有似無的異材質 層層疊加,不以一件式的方式製作,而是讓不同的單品能夠拆解組裝,讓服裝搭配的可能 性更多元,也更能適應不同的穿戴者,最終找到最屬於自己的視角。 Emerging designer WANG CHIEN KAI has participated in Taipei Fashion Week, Kaohsiung: Youth Fashion Award, and Sustainable Fashion Design Award. He has also participated in many fashion shootings and styling work, accumulating a lot of experience in different aspects of fashion. This year's 2022 spring and summer collection, \"Sniper\", was inspired by observing the role of the sniper and the target, and re-examining the perspectives of how different people see the world and react. Elements in the collection are taken from daily wear while adding bold and contrasting materials, creating a sense of casualness , but with some playful elements. In addition, this series was not designed as a complete set from the beginning, but as separate components, allowing buyers to mix and match a variety of pieces as they desire to create their own styles. 8c, 本 名 為 江 玟 萱, 畢 業 於 輔 仁 大 學 毛 衣 設 計 組, 風 格 受 Ann Demeulemeester 及 Geoffrey B. Small 的影響,對於版型的要求苛刻,大學就讀織品設計也使之更著重於布料 配置及加工。 此次的靈感來自於一位審訊專家 Cleve Backster,他於 1966 年以測謊植物的實驗而聞名, 他認為植物是有感情的,能記憶,甚至還能感應生物意識。 此系列為全女裝,主題「植物意識 Plants consciousness」訴說著潛藏在植物間的情感, 主要採用絲綢、紗以及麻布打皺堆疊,配合不規則剪裁,展現植物多樣的姿態,再將飛舞 輕盈的姿態塑造成輪廓、配上特殊技法的手工染布,來代表植物的各種情緒。 江玟萱 The designer 8c graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University, majoring in textile design. Influenced by Ann Demeulemeester and Geoffrey B. Small, she’s meticulous about structure and the quality of textiles. Her degree in textile design also made her particularly focused on fabric usage and fabric finishings. 2021 臺 北 時 裝 週 推 薦 具 潛 力 The series is inspired by Cleve Backster, an interrogation specialist that is best 設計新秀 known for his experiments with plants using a polygraph instrument in the 1966. He claimed that plants feel pain and have extrasensory perception. This collection is all womenswear. The theme “Plants consciousness” presents emotions felt by plants through stacking wrinkled silk and linen cloth, irregular tailoring, and through dyeing fabric with special techniques, the collection showcases the different looks and emotions of a variety of plants. 62 TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22

YOUNG TALENT FASHION EXHIBITION 設計師李怡萱在臺北時裝週 AW21 校際展演被評選為「臺北時裝週推薦具潛力設計新秀」, 擅長以大自然元素與生活體驗結合,透過服裝帶給觀者反思的空間。 服裝風格優雅內斂亦不失個性,以簡約俐落的線條,重新詮釋日常休閒服。本季主題「流。 適」,靈感來源為「Be Water, My Friend!」,這句出自於李小龍的名言,意思是要像水 一樣無形、既柔且剛,能適應萬物,又能匯聚成強大的力量,藉由水的特性體悟人生哲學: 活在當下,做最好的自己。本季全系列為女裝,在流動性的服裝融合中性輪廓,使用寬鬆 版型與不對稱剪裁,打造剛柔並濟的美學,訴說現代獨立新女性的柔美與剛強。 李怡萱 Designer Lee, Yi-Syuan was honored for outstanding achievement in the Young Talent-Student Show of Taipei Fashion Week AW21. She is an expert at combining natural elements and her own life experiences, giving viewers an opportunity for reflection through her design. 2021 臺 北 時 裝 週 推 薦 具 潛 力 Her style of clothing is elegant and uncompromising, reinterpreting casual wear with 設計新秀 clean lines. The theme of this season \"Be Flowing\" is inspired by Bruce Lee's motto: \"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Put water into a cup. Becomes the cup. Put water into a teapot. Becomes the teapot. Water can flow or creep or drip or crash. Be water, my friend.\" Seizing the day and being yourself are what we realize from the characteristics of water. This season's collection is all womenswear, presenting modern beauty as both soft and strong by blending neutral colors with flowing lines, loose-fitting garments with asymmetrical cuts, conveying femininity and the strength of modern independent women. 「ABRAHAM」男裝品牌於 2021 年正式在「臺北時裝週及臺北好時尚」首次登秀,設計 師 Albert 以多元化性別的角度,重新定義新世代男裝設計,系列服裝以藝術美學的概念, 將色彩、印花整合於服裝結構設計。 2022SS 系列以「陽性與陰性的流動 Gender Fluid」為靈感,設計師非常關注性別認同議 題,本季以「Fluid」為主題,打破傳統二元性觀點,以「不分性別的化妝藝術」來詮釋, 誰說男生不能化妝,如果「化妝」能增加自信美,有何不可? 侯永笙 ABRAHAM is a menswear brand that officially made its debut in \"2021 Taipei Fashion Week\" and \"My Era\". The designer Albert redefines menswear in this new generation 2021 臺 北 時 裝 週 校 際 展 演 人 with the idea of gender diversity. In his own aesthetics, Albert integrates colors and 氣新秀 patterns into the structural design of garments. The 2022SS collection is inspired by the \"Gender Fluid\". The designer pays great attention to gender identity issues and uses \"Fluid\" as the theme of this season. He challenges the gender binary system and interprets his design with \"unisex makeup\" (non-binary makeup). Who says boys cannot put on make-up? If makeup can boost one's self-confidence, why not? 63

YOUNG TALENT FASHION EXHIBITION 品牌設計師 Chen chia 在臺北時裝週第一次的校際展演嶄露頭角,受邀參加此次的 Young Talent 新鮮秀時尚策展,在設計方面運用了許多的解構線條來敘述他對服裝獨到的見解, 以不規則的版型結構與細節的設計作為此次的服裝概念。 由於臺灣是個多板塊運動的地區,設計師 Chen chia 以這個天然因素作為本次的設計重點, 以「NEW RULES」做為主題呈現出日常卻富有時尚感和當代感的設計作品,服裝本身是 以人為設計中心。設計師希望讓時尚不再只是一場奢靡的饗宴,能更多的貼近臺灣人的生 活,在設計線條中以錯位、解構再重新組合,展現了臺灣地震的一大特點,創造出新的服 裝語言並將新一代的創意充分表現出來,希望將臺灣服裝設計這一塊注入新的靈魂,讓更 多人看到新生代年輕人的創意。 陳家慶 The brand designer Chen Chia made his debut in the first students show of Taipei Fashion Week. He was invited to participate in the Young Talent Show. He used 2021 臺 北 時 裝 週 推 薦 具 潛 力 deconstructed lines in the design to narrate his unique insights on clothing. The 設計新秀 irregular structural layouts and detailed designs are the main concepts for this season. As Taiwan is located at the convergent boundaries between different plates, designer Chen Chia took Taiwan's natural factors as the focus of this design, and used \"NEW RULES\" as the theme to present daily but fashionable and contemporary designs. These pieces are designed with the wearer in mind, with the hope that fashion is no longer a luxury, but rather closer to the people of Taiwan. In this collection, lines are misplaced, deconstructed, and recombined, taking inspiration from the features of an earthquake, creating a new fashion language that fully expresses the creativity of the new generation, hoping to inject new energy into Taiwan's fashion industry, so that more people can see the creativity of the younger generations. 設計師廖家平自 2020 年開始製作服裝系列。設計語言透過解構、取樣靈感來源建立,強 調協調的美感與實穿的細節兼具。整體風格簡約中性,設計上強調優雅的線條與寬鬆的剪 裁結合精緻的細節,風格揉合現代都會、極簡與制服的概念,在協調的配色下以不同材質 的面感建立對比與層次,同中求異。本季主題「Ya-Zhi」探討回憶,與觀者一同分享設計 師成長的場域—雅之髮廊,擷取髮廊相關元素作為設計符號,配色以黑為基礎延伸,運用 不同材質特性建立層次感與造型張力,創作本次男女裝系列。 廖家平 Designer Jia-Ping Liao has been producing clothing collections since 2020. His/ her method of design is established through deconstruction and sampling from his 2020 高雄青時尚大賞設計賞 inspirations, emphasizing the beauty of coordination and practical details . The overall style is neutral and normcore. Elegant lines and loose tailoring combined with exquisite details are the main characteristics of their design. The style is a blend of modern urbanism, minimalism, and also taking inspiration from uniforms. Contrasts and layers are established by using the characteristic of different materials, and luster based on similar color. It balances between coordination and difference. This season, the designer shares childhood memories with the audience through the collection \"Ya-Zhi,\" inspired by “Ya-Zhi hair salon,” where the designer grew up. Elements of the hair salon are turned into symbols, using black as base to create layers and artistic tension in the collections menswear and womenswear. 64 TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22 排序方式:依筆畫 / 字母順序排序

YOUNG TALENT FASHION EXHIBITION 魏子淵 以同名服裝工作室,實驗不同媒材質地與版型結構,對於服裝穿戴,提出另類視角的設問。 服裝系列除參展臺北時裝週外,也至紐約、布拉格、莫斯科、威靈頓、曼谷、閩江等地發 2020 高雄青時尚大賞金賞 表創作。設計範疇包含廣告MV、典禮活動、舞台劇、彩妝髮型秀、禮服、制服、帽飾包 袋產品等開發製作與租賃。 本季以臺灣花車巡禮本土文化為系列軸心,未來視角量子力學取代電子花車動力表述永續 概念。解構、萃取、融合,包含了歷史、人文、原民、宮廟等元素。款式組合使用機能副料, 讓服裝作可拆式模組化,增加穿搭可行性,布體運用環保回收、編織布與邊角料,抽紗技 法細節加以編織扭轉,讓塑型有更多面向。人類足跡發想鞋履重組再造,設計防疫面罩與 神靈祭禮帽飾。文化薈萃接續防疫機能與永續議題,置身其中且老樹新枝。呈現故土風格 聚合元素回歸民生需求。 This collection was inspired by Taiwanese traditional culture: the vehicle parade. We want to present the concept of sustainability by replacing vehicle power with “quantum mechanics” and expressing the future perspective. With the techniques of deconstruction, extraction, integration, we present history, humanity, indigenous culture, temples and other traditional elements through the combination of functional materials and detachable clothing patterns, giving diversity in style. Fabrics used in this collection are environmentally friendly, including woven fabrics and recycled fabrics. Twisted yarn also reshapes the fabric into different forms. The reconstruction of shoes, the design of face masks, and the creation of ritualistic accessories show the concept that culture, protective gear, and sustainability are merged to create new things for future development. The only way to present culture authentically is to derive from essential needs .

TPEFW SELECT SHOP 臺北時裝週選品店 TPEFW Select Shop 本季臺北時裝週與最支持臺灣文創設計的誠品生活合作,聯 This season, Taipei Fashion Week has cooperated with 手打造時裝週選品店,提供設計師們直接面對消費市場的展 Eslite Spectrum, a great supporter of Taiwan's cultural 售平台。 and creative design, to jointly build TPEFW Select Shops to provide designers with an exhibition and sales 嚴選多達 40 家服裝與飾品配件品牌進駐,數量最多最完整, platform directly facing the consumer market. 從融入臺灣人文特色的精緻工藝到匯集東西方各城市文化的 As many as 40 brands of apparel and accessories have 潮流品牌、從善於詮釋解構美學的異材質拼接到強調環保的 been selected and featured in the select shop, from 新創永續材質,無論極簡、華麗、休閒、優雅,一次網羅不 the exquisite craftsmanship that integrates Taiwan's 同風格的特色單品,近距離接觸各面向的臺灣時尚魅力! cultural characteristics to the trendy brands that bring 從 2021 年 10 月 1 日至 2022 年 1 月 3 日期間限定,就在誠 together the cultures of eastern and western cities, 品生活松菸店,還有不定期的品牌日活動,歡迎前來體驗! from the splicing of different materials that interpret and deconstruct aesthetics to the sustainable materials 店內精選品牌 emphasizing environmental protection, all unique items, FEATURED BRANDS be it minimalist, gorgeous, casual, or elegant, can be found in the select shop for consumers to appreciate the Aesop shoes、AISH、ANDERLOS、ARTISMI charm of Taiwanese fashion in all directions! Fine Jewelry、be homme、C JEAN、 From October 1st, 2021 to January 3rd, 2022 , only at CHARINYEH、CHERNG、Claudia Wang、 Eslite Spectrum Songyan, there are also occasional brand E n t a d a r 、 É to i l e Ta i w a n 、 G I O I A PA N 、 day activities for visitors to experience! G1GO、I.A.N Design、INF、INTZUITION、 Kimberly Lynn Accessories、LESIS、 照片提供誠品生活松菸店 LIFEBEAT、Luxxur y Godbage by JUST IN XX、LYNLI Jewelry、Maison du Corsage、 MF select、MixGene、My Story and I、NIKI YEH、one day haute couture、SABRINA HSIEH、Sayami、Seivson、TAIPING BLUE、 TRACEY CHEN、URNAVY、 WANGLILING、 WEAVISM、WooLeeX、XIANG-RONG ZHAN、YIBO、#DAMUR、十六分之一 ( 排序方式 : 依英文字母順序排序 ) (Brands listed in alphabetical order) 66 TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22


BUSINESS MATCHMAKING 服飾品國際買主採購洽談會 Business Matchmaking 為扶植臺灣服飾品牌與國際接軌,「服飾品國際買主採購洽 To further promote fashion industries in Taiwan and 談會」規劃多元商貿展出及國際買家直播推廣活動,建置虛 encourage local fashion businesses to branch out 實整合行銷模式打造時尚精品虛擬展示廳,賦予無法來臺觀 into the international market, virtual meetings and 展之國際買家高規格線上觀展體驗,同時與各國時裝週同步 livestreams for business matching will be organized 鏈結國際知名商貿平台「JOOR PASSPORT」強化線上訂貨 during Taipei Fashion Week , allowing designers to 及商貿媒合,全球採購無國界,跨越地域及時差協助臺灣品 interact with international buyers and connect with 牌佈建行銷通路及建立品牌形象,接軌國際開拓國際市場商 potential clients in the global market. 機。 For the SS22 season, Taipei Fashion Week will be partnering with \"JOOR PASSPORT\" to develop a \"TPEFW online virtual platform\" to provide a greater B2B online wholesale and business matching experience. These establishments will assist domestic designers to build long-term partnerships with international supply chains, thereby increasing strategic business opportunities for Taiwanese fashion brands to expand their markets globally. 參展品牌 BRANDS Aesop shoes、AISH、ANDERLOS、 ARTISMI Fine Jewelry、be homme、 C JEAN、CHARINYEH、Claudia Wang、 G1GO、I.A.N Design、INF、INTZUITION、 LESIS、Maison du Corsage、MF select、 MixGene、My Story and I、one day haute couture、SABRINAHSIEH、Sayami、 Seivson、SILZENCE men、Story Wear、 TAIPING BLUE、TRACEY CHEN、URNAVY、 WANGLILING、WEAVISM、WooLeeX、 XIANG-RONG ZHAN、#DAMUR、十六分之一 ( 排序方式 : 依英文字母順序排序 ) (Brands listed in alphabetical order) 68 TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22


THE SHOW 時尚大秀 THE SHOW 壓軸時尚大秀 展現臺北時刻都美 The Grand Finale Of The Fashion Show Highlights Every Beautiful Moment In Taipei 今年壓軸的時尚大秀特別邀請到金曲、金馬獎幕後操手陳鎮 For the grand finale of this year’s fashion week, Mr. Issac 川擔任創意總監,以從臺北城市出發,臺北就是我的時尚 Chen, the man behind the Golden Melody and Golden 伸展台為概念,結合六位臺灣設計師—WooLeeX 謝宇農與 Horse Awards, is invited as the creative director. Based 謝 明 柔、Story Wear 陳 冠 百、Yentity 董 亭 言、CHERNG on the concept of starting from Taipei City, and Taipei is DESIGN 李承翰、RAY CHU 朱柏諺,及周裕穎 JUST IN XX my fashion catwalk, combined with the creativity of six 的創意,與六位華人流行音樂歌手的演出,以全新的線上視 Taiwanese designers—Hsieh Yunongand Hsieh Ming- 角,帶你穿梭在熟悉不過的城市角落裡,發現臺北時刻都美 Rou of WooLeeX, Greg Chen of Story Wear, Dong Ting- 的感動。全程線上直播,讓所有的人都可以一起欣賞 2021 Yen of Yentity, Cherng-Hann Lee of CHERNG DESIGN 臺北時裝週的雲端時尚大秀。 RAY CHU and Chou Yuying of JUST IN XX, and the performance of six Chinese pop singers will take you 日期:10/16(六)19:00 - 20:10 through the familiar corners of Taipei city with a brand 直播平台:臺北市文化局 - 設計臺北 Design For Taipei 粉絲團、 new online perspective to appreciate every beautiful moment of the city. The whole fashion show will be VOGUE Taiwan YouTube 頻道、LINE Today 線上直播 broadcasted live online, so that everyone can enjoy the virtual fashion show of \"2021 Taipei Fashion Week\" together. 70 TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22

DESIGNER FASHION POP-UP STORE 設計師時尚快閃店 Designer Fashion Pop-up Store 時尚零距離 親身感受新銳設計師時尚能量 Personally Experience The Fashion Energy Of Emerging Designers Up Close 2021 臺北時裝週特別於信義區新光三越 A11 打造期間限定 \"2021 Taipei Fashion Week\" specially created a time- 的設計師快閃店!快閃店內集結今年參與時尚大秀的臺灣設 limited \"designer fashion pop-up store\" at Shinkong 計師選品,讓民眾不只是線上看秀,更能直接來到實體店面 Mitsukoshi A11 in Xinyi District! The pop-up store 親手感受設計師精心設計的時尚單品。除此之外,更結合各 gathers selected items from Taiwanese designers 項生活風格品牌進駐,享受最新流行時尚選品直擊體驗。另 who participated in this year's fashion show, allowing 外透過新科技的互動技術,在雲端 E-SHOP 的平台上讓民眾 people not only to watch the show online, but also have 也能安全地透過網路服務,購買臺灣設計師的商品,讓時尚 the chance to come directly to the physical store to 生活更快速、更貼近市民的生活,展現時尚即生活的精神。 appreciate the fashion items carefully designed by the designers. In addition, various lifestyle brands are also 日期:9/24(五)- 10/31(日) featured in the pop-up store to provide the upmost 地點:新光三越信義新天地 A11 2F fashion shopping experience. In addition, through the interactive technology, the E-SHOP platform also allows the public to purchase products from Taiwanese designers online so that fashion can be delivered faster and be closer to the lives of citizens. 71

EAST DISTRICT FASHION SUPPLY STATION & FASHION BOUTIQUES 東區時尚補給站&風格店家 East District Fashion Supply Station & Fashion Boutiques 期間限定購物體驗 打造臺北東區時尚週年慶典 A Limited-time Shopping Experience To Create A Fashion Anniversary Celebration In Taipei East District 東區一直是臺北市時尚潮流聖地,巷弄裡充滿著獨具風格的 The East District has always been a mecca for fashion 國際潮流品牌及個性小店,今年特別將東區幻化為臺北時裝 followers in Taipei. The alleys are full of street fashion 週的秀場後台,集結超過 20 家超人氣品牌風格店家提供消 boutiques and individual shops. This year, the East 費者活動專屬限定體驗;並在具指標代表性的忠孝 SOGO 百 District has been transformed into the backstage of 貨廣場,打造期間限定的時尚補給站、生活風格市集。凝聚 Taipei Fashion Week, gathering more than 20 super 特有的豐富性和多元性,以及引領潮流的時尚底蘊,2021 臺 popular brands to provide exclusively experience for 北時裝週將創造屬於臺北東區最精彩的風格體驗! consumers. The Zhongxiao SOGO Department Store Plaza will also be transformed as a fashion supply station 日期:10/02(六)- 10/31(日) and lifestyle market, demonstrating the unique richness 地點:東區商圈與 SOGO 忠孝館 and diversity, as well as the trend-leading fashion heritage of East District. , 2021 \"Taipei Fashion Week\" will create the most exciting shopping carnival in the East District of Taipei! 參與品牌: 90sec PIZZA 九 十 秒 窯 烤 披 薩、A.P.O、Book ing、coffee law 敦南概念店、fomo coffee、Le Gusta 敦化概念門市、 lost and found it café、MF BY G.C.D.C 東區旗艦店、niko and…Taipei、O!Ballon 敦化旗艦店、owndays 忠孝敦化店、 papabubble、plain-me 敦南旗艦店、Silver Twinke 敦化旗 艦店、初衣食午 大安旗艦店、吃光光、同心圓水晶紅豆餅、 啜飲室 大安、紳裝西服、美好年代 Belle Époque、魔法衣 櫥、麥吉 machi machi 大安總店 72 TAIPEI FASHION WEEK SS22

INTERNATIONAL FASHION FORUM 國際時尚論壇 International Fashion Forum 聚焦亞洲時尚新勢力與永續設計經濟 Focus On Asia's New Fashion Forces And Sustainable Design Economy 亞洲新銳設計師崛起,永續時尚設計成為推升全球時尚產業 With the rise of emerging Asian designers and 發展的關鍵趨勢下,今年的國際時尚論壇將邀請到 VOGUE sustainable fashion design as a key trend that promotes 日 本 版 時 尚 總 監 Saori Masuda、泰 國 版 總 編 輯 Kullawit the development of the global fashion industry, this Laosuksri、新加坡版總編輯 Norman Tan、臺灣暨亞太區編 yea's International Fashion Forum will invite VOGUE 輯總監 Leslie 孫怡跨國連線,分享各市場的新銳設計師與永 Japan's fashion director Saori Masuda, Vogue Thailand 續發展趨勢。今年還有臺灣知名時尚集團喜事國際時尚集團營 editor-in-chief Kullawit Laosuksri, and Vogue Singapore 運長宋安,分享多年且專業的國際採購經驗與後疫情時代的消 editor-in-chief Norman Tan and Vogue Taiwan and Asia 費者洞察,以及臺灣第一個致力於永續時尚設計和綠色生活型 Pacific editorial director-Leslie Sun to form an online 態的推廣平台 picupi 挑品創辦人 Jean 張倞菱,將探索後疫情 forum, introducing emerging designers and sustainable 時代的永續時尚經濟的發展趨勢,幫助臺灣相關從業人員掌握 development trends in various markets. This year, 關鍵。國際時尚論壇將全程免費及雙語同步並行於線上直播, there is also Ms. Song An, the chief operating officer of 歡迎大家準時上線觀看。 MSYAMING International , a well-known fashion group in Taiwan, who will share her extensive international 日期:10/13(三)14:30 - 17:30 procurement experience and consumer insights in the 直播平台:臺北市文化局 - 設計臺北 Design For Taipei 粉絲團、 post-pandemic era. Ms. Jean Chang, founder of picupi, the first platform in Taiwan to commit to sustainable VOGUE Taiwan YouTube 頻道線上直播 fashion design and green life is also invited to explore the development trend of a sustainable fashion economy in the post-pandemic era. The International Fashion Forum will be broadcasted live with simultaneous interpretation in Mandarin and English. Everyone is welcome to watch it live online. VOGUE 泰國版總編輯 Kullawit Laosuksri 臺灣暨亞太區編輯總監 Leslie 孫怡 VOGUE 新加坡版總編輯 Norman Tan VOGUE 日本版時尚總監 Saori Masuda picupi 挑品創辦人 張倞菱 喜事集團營運長 宋安 73

製 作 人 李連權 執行製作 江清松 策 劃 陳芝儀、李良文、邱才維、蘇介雯、藍雅琪、詹于儷、李季鴻、陳俞如、郭百朋、張 儷 活動統籌 劉震紳 協同活動統籌 溫筱鴻、吳世家、杜祖業 活動執行 樺舍全媒體整合股份有限公司 周麗美、林昱光、楊宗翰、牛沛甯、賴映同、陳子文、孫施茹、蔡宜芳、鄭昌彥 胡志強、許芷綺、林懿蕊、黃泓硯、周青永、林冠吾、陳宥安、康庭嘉、陳韋彤 林芯儀、王若容、陳璽茗、馮若慈、朱家誼、馮若嘉、邱嘉緯、張如蓉、陳奕安 曾冠菱、吳亞璇、吳瑜靜、彭麒修、俞芷儒、吳孟庭 財團法人中華民國紡織業拓展會 江夏碧、劉孔倫、郭盈芬、王冀霞、林怡伶、陳維翎、彭毓晶、陳詠晴、范雅嵐 謝宛玲、耿心惠、簡若安、游艾佳、陳明慧、葉采陽 協力單位 知和公關顧問有限公司 康微琤、王 婯、廖珮妏、曹郁方、顏孝謙、蘇千睿 台灣筆克股份有限公司 宋柏毅、陳紹康、謝宛倫、許雁琳、張庭瑜、羅政祺、那曜 . 吉為力岸 視覺團隊 蔡銘峯、章郡 國際宣傳 Sunny Chiang、Roxanne Chen、莊 寧、廖品淨、莊紫琳、Chien Lee 官方攝影 麥羨雲、正點傳播有限公司 開 幕秀 叁式 ( 策展人 )、Danny Shih( 秀導 )、李嘉嘉 ( 後台統籌 ) 主辦單位 : 樺舍全媒體整合股份有限公司 、 聯合主辦單位 : 策劃執行單位 : 財團法人中華民國紡織業拓展會 特別感謝: 媒體協力: 特別感謝:






















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