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TheGuardian Conscience, Nurtured by Truth Vol. 37, No. 15,385 Wednesday, February 10, 2021 N250 Coastalraillinewill Open grazing not Bandits kill 23 NDDC can’t account for N91b on 176 boostAfCFTAgains, sustainable, say in five Kaduna projects, says report says Buhari Northerngovs local councils NEWS PAGE 3 NEWS PAGE 3 NEWS PAGE 5 NEWS PAGE 5 Trouble ahead as APC reviews membership nationwide By Godwin Ofulue (Assistant News •It’sagainstpartyconstitution,saysOshiomhole •Osobacallsforemergencycaucusmeeting Editor), Seye Olumide (Lagos), •Fayemi,Oyegun,Adebayodefendexercise •Akandespokeourmind,saysLagospartychief,othersdisagree Momoh Jimoh (Abuja), Rotimi Ag- •Kwarayouthsallegeexclusion,manipulationofprocess •Riversmembersdividedalongfactionallines boluaje (Ibadan), Ann Godwin (Port Harcourt) Ayodele Afolabi (Ado missed the party’s ongoing he was just a lone voice in alarm status, warning that Immediate past national Caretaker Committee was Ekiti) and Odun Edward (Ilorin) and membership registration the wilderness, crying wolf. the party faces a blowout, if chairman of the APC, Com- contrary to the party’s con- Michael Egbejule (Benin City) and revalidation exercise as issues concerning the exer- rade Adams Oshiomhole, stitution. unnecessary waste of re- But more party stalwarts, cise were not quickly ad- yesterday, said the revalida- WHEN the pioneer na- sources, many had thought yesterday, raised Akande’s dressed. tion called by the Interim CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 tional chairman of the solitary observation to an All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Bisi Akande, dis- Senate fears ethno-religious war, famine • Schedules fresh debate on insecurity • Lawmakers insist on rejigging security architecture • Reject eviction notices • Unite against divisive forces to avert war, Lawan tells leaders Azimazi Momoh Jimoh and John the House of Representa- tives, Chinedu Prestige. Akubo (Abuja) Sponsored by Senate’s WORRIED that the rising Deputy Majority Leader, level of insecurity Robert Borroffice, the mo- might result in ethno-reli- tion expressed fears that the nation had entered a phase, gious war, famine and relat- characterised by unabating terrorism, insurgency, ban- ed crises, the Senate has ditry and kidnapping. scheduled another The motion, contained in the Order Paper, frowned on marathon debate to ad- the practice of ejecting Nigerians from any part of dress various security chal- the country. lenges. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 A seven-point motion on the matter was scheduled for debate yesterday but Principal Consultant, UTM Offshore Limited, Dr. Yahuza Kassim (left); Managing Director, Mr. Julius Rone and Director/Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), Sarki Auwalu, during the presentation of Licence to Establish (LTE) the first floating LNG production Plant in shifted to today because of Nigeria to UTM Offshore Limited at the DPR headquarters in Abuja, recently. the death of a member of

2 | THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday, February10,2021 News Senate schedules fresh debate on insecurity CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 curity across the nation is General of Police to rejig the According to the motion, Transformation Plan, a coming lawmakers back not curtailed, it will lead to nation’s security architec- modern scheme designed from Christmas/New Year “Section 43 of the 1999 Con- food insecurity and famine ture and boost the morale of the Federal Government to prevent farmer-herder recess. stitution of the Federal Re- as many farmers can no troops for effective con- conflicts and boost live- According to him, insur- public of Nigeria is longer access their farm- frontation of security chal- should checkmate prolifer- stock sector. gency, banditry, kidnap- sacrosanct, as every citizen lands.” lenges, particularly in the The motion added: “Securi- ping and militancy remain of Nigeria has the right to rural areas. ation of firearms and en- ty agencies must actively serious threats to the coun- live and acquire property in On how to address the is- deploy drones and helicop- try and requires collabora- any part of the country,” the sues, the motion urged Pres- It also urged governors to force laws against illegal ters to monitor forests and tive effort of the Legislature motion stated. ident Muhammadu Buhari boost rural governance and ungoverned areas in Nige- and Executive to tackle. It also expressed fears that to direct the National Secu- promote local conflict reso- possession of firearms by ar- ria, to identify illegal camps “if the present spate of inse- rity Adviser and the new lution and inter-ethnic har- of armed bandits.” He appealed for calm service chiefs and Inspector mony. resting, disarming and pun- It also asked the Federal against inter-tribal agita- Government to equip the tions and conflicts in some ishing anyone in illegal Nigeria Immigration Serv- states in the South West. He ice (NIS) and the Nigerian described the development possession of arms. Customs Service (NCS) to as “worrisome” and one police and monitor bor- that required the immedi- It equally asked state gover- ders, using technology to ate intervention of political check illegal immigrants, leaders. nors to implement the Na- check smuggling of “Distinguished colleagues, firearms and light weapon. the very recent emergence tional Livestock “ The Federal Government of inter-ethnic and inter– must resuscitate and inau- tribal conflicts in some Minister of Transport, Rotimi Amaechi (left); his counterpart, Republic of Niger, Sadu Saidu; Governors, Mohammed Badaru Abubakar (Jigawa); Aminu gurate the National Task parts of our country is wor- Masari (Katsina) and Abdullahi Ganduje (Kano) at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Kano-Katsina-Jibya-Maradi railway project…yesterday. Force to combat the prolif- risome. The Senate calls for eration of light weapons, calm. The situation also small arms and ammuni- calls for leadership at all lev- tion,” it added els of government. “Leaders must unite to fight EARLIER, the Senate Presi- and defeat criminality in dent, Dr. Ahmad Lawan, the country. Leaders must called on leaders to unite also unite to fight any divi- against criminal activities sive and centrifugal senti- of bandits, kidnappers and ments and tendencies,” he herdsmen/farmers conflict. said. He also charged them to re- sist persons instigating in- Lawan emphasised the ter-ethnic tensions across need for legislative inter- the country. ventions to douse the heightening inter-ethnic Lawan spoke while wel- tension in the country. Osoba calls for emergency caucus meeting of APC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 delete old ones through pe- meeting in Abuja. than 120,000 polling units read the constitution of the do my own “I am a founding governor party. What the constitution registration/revalidation riodic reviews, it would be across Nigeria, might be says I believe on Article 9 is over the weekend due to of APC; I am not a creation of that the party register must work exigency right now. I Oshiomhole said this while wrong to ask a foundation APC.Someof thosewhohave lacking comprehension and be updated in every six am in support of the exer- become rowdy here and months. So, if this is being cise and I believe it will repo- fielding questions from member like himself to there came to join the APC, matrix of the modern day done in compliance with the sition and make the party but we formed the APC,” he constitutionof theparty,Ire- stronger.” journalists, shortly after revalidate his membership. boasted. technology. ally don’t see anything Ex-nationalchairmanof the wrong in it. party, Chief John Odigie- revalidating his member- “That would be double regis- Akande, who was also a for- “The APC leadership might “Don’t forget that Baba Oyegun, dismissed insinua- mer governor of Osun State, Akande didn’t say we should tion that the ship at Unit 1, ward 10, tration, because there is had, in reaction to the regis- be wasteful and unapprecia- not register, as a matter of registration/revalidation ex- tration/revalidation exercise fact, he revalidated his mem- ercise by the party was Iyamho, Etsako West Local nothing like revalidation in in Ila Orangun, Osun State, tive of the proper use of bership in Ila-Orogun.” aimed at destroying the po- described it as a waste of Speaking while taking part litical base of any party Government Area of Edo our constitution.” time and resources, which if money in a kind of scanty in the registration exercise member. not carefully controlled and in Ogun State yesterday, Oso- Odigie-Oyegun said: “I can- State. The former Edo State Gover- expeditiously managed, economy in which Nigeria ba said though it was a good not understand the logic be- might end up in contempt development aimed at repo- hind such thinking or fear. I “APC is governed by consti- nor, whose turbulent tenure and disgrace. now finds itself.” sitioning the party, he would also cannot comprehend advise the party’s interim reason some people started tution, not by man. The con- as APC chairman ended He argued that, the exer- The concerns were ex- committee to urgently call raising dangerous alarm cise, which shares similar for the national caucus of about the exercise when it stitution only provides for amid protracted intra-party features with census, should pressed, just as Governor the APC. had already started. The ex- not be repeated in less than a ercise was on the front burn- registration and I registered squabbles with his successor decade, especially as voters Kayode Fayemi of Ekiti State, “What I mean by national er for over three months and are not re-registered at every caucus is all the stakeholders it was postponed twice or as a member of the APC in political son, Governor God- election. ex-governor of Ogun State, that were involved in the more. These people did not founding of the party, who raise an eyebrow then until 2014 under the then Interim win Obaseki, said the APC He pointed that it was an Chief Segun Osoba and Min- are still members till date it started. Honestly I cannot aberration for the party to should be invited if possible understand why.” national chairman Chief had been updating its regis- carry out the exercise less ister of Industry, Trade and at the Presidential Villa than a decade after the first where we can speak the He explained that some Bisi Akande,” he said. ter from time to time, and one was conducted. Investment, Otunba Niyi truth and confront one an- people, including founding He said: “I see the present other with the facts of what members, had left while “There is nothing in the APC noted that many APC gover- APC membership registra- Adebayo, among other party is going on in this party. others joined, hence the tion within less than a “I want to emphasise again need to update the register. constitution that says a nors became members fol- decade after the original reg- chiefs declared, yesterday, that it is necessary that a na- ister as an indefensible aber- tional caucus meeting be Odigie-Oyegun also dis- member shall revalidate or lowing register updates that ration leading to certain that there was nothing called now to discuss the missed the fear that the ex- ugly perceptions. soul of the APC.” ercise could disintegrate the renew his or her member- enabled them to contest the “The first major perception wrong with the exercise. Adebayo, in a telephone con- party. is that APC, already having a FAYEMI said there was versation with The Guardian, ship. Once you registered governorship election un- well-computerised register nothing wrong with the said, “I will definitely go and Read the remaining part of for an average of 100 leaders when you joined the party der the APC. of similar ideological orien- this story on tation per each of the more and you have not de- “So, what this means is that I exercise since it was being camped, you are a member. have come here to do anoth- done in compliance with the So, revalidation is strange to er registration. But I insist party’s constitution. our constitution.” that my registration never The governor stated this in He said he agreed to partici- expired within the provision his Isan Ekiti country home pate in the exercise because of the APC constitution. on Tuesday while registering he wanted peace to reign in “History didn’t just begin at Ogilolo Ward 11, Unit 09. the party. “But, in doing this, today. If we did not have a He said the views espoused we have to be careful not to valid register, how did we by the former Osun State create constitutional conduct the congress in 2015 Governor and ex-Caretaker breach,” Oshiomhole in which 16 million regis- Chairman of the Party, Chief warned. tered APC members voted to Bisi Akande and the APC Na- Oshiomhole, however, not- nominate President tional Leader, Asiwaju Bola ed that, since 2015, many Muhammadu Buhari before Ahmed Tinubu don’t portray people had exited the party; the general election?” the exercise as unconstitu- others had joined the party, Oshiomhole recalled that he tional and illegal. while some had died. He was the one that presented “Baba Bisi Akande is my fa- added that, although it was APC membership card to ther, I hope you know that reasonable to document Buhari at one of the party’s and he is somebody I have new membership and National Executive Council greatest respect for but I also

TheGuardian Wednesday,February10,2021 |3 Conscience, Nurtured by Truth News Google boosts safety NDDC can’t account for N91b on 176 projects, says report of Internet users with Africa programmes From Joke Falaju, Abuja were either completely to take a professional, de- most communities do not for development of the abandoned or poorly exe- tailed look at the evidence Niger Delta region. ANEW report by the Civil and recover the funds,” he have potable water due to Society Coalition on Au- cuted. said. On his part, Country Di- Unveils new plans for Nigeria, dit in Nigeria (CSCAN) has Speaking on behalf of water pollution. rector, Accountability Lab, Kenya, South Africa revealed that the Niger Olusegun insisted that Friday Odeh, argued that Delta Development Com- CSCAN, Executive Director there was no explanation He said there was no effec- only modern audit law mission (NDDC) is unable to of PLSI, Olusegun Elemo, to what happened in NDDC could help Nigeria to pre- account for N90.9b in 176 said review and analysis of between 2008 and 2018 tive healthcare system or vent corruption in the contracts awarded between and physical assessment of other than the fact that magnitude seen in the By Adeyemi Adepetun 2008 and 2018. projects revealed the waste those entrusted with man- suitable environment for NDDC. of resources in the NDDC. agement of the common- GOOGLE has announced The coalition, which in- wealth of the Niger Delta advance quality education He wondered what hap- new initiatives in Nige- cludes Paradigm Leader- “We visited most of the people intentionally de- pened to the forensic audit ship Support Initiative project sites, we have picto- prived them of the much- for children in the region. directed by President (PLSI), BudglT Foundation, rial evidence and we have desired development. Muhammadu Buhari since Socio-Economic Rights and identified the companies Also, BudgIT Deputy Man- Agunioye pointed out that October 2019 and why it Accountability Project involved and details of the ager, Tolutope Agunioye, was taking too long, ria, Kenya, and South Africa (SERAP), Dataphyte, Step Up beneficiaries and owners of lamented that over N500b to effectively execute its adding that with all the ev- Nigeria, Accountability Lab, the contracting firms. was allocated for the devel- idences in the report from to keep children, youths Centre for Health, Equity “We urge the National As- opment of the Niger Delta projects and programmes, the Office of the Auditor- and Justice (CEHEJ), Basic sembly Public Accounts region between 2008 and General of the Federation, and families safe online. Rights Watch, Centre for So- Committees, Independent 2018 and that the current NDDC receives annual there was no need for a cial Justice (CSJ) and media Corrupt Practices and state of some communities forensic audit of the com- Aligning with the theme of executives in Nigeria re- Other Related Offences was not commensurate statutory allocations from mission. vealed most of the projects Commission (ICPC) and the with the huge allocation, as this year’s global Safer In- Economic and Financial the Federal Government, an Army gets new Crimes Commission (EFCC) ternet Day: Together For Bet- annual levy of 3 per cent of spokesman ter Internet, it partnered annual budget of oil com- several organisations on panies, as well as grants the Africanthe continent to from International Devel- boost efforts and develop opment Agencies. education programmes He also lamented that de- around online safety. spite the spending approxi- In s statement yesterday, mately $40b on projects by Country Director, Google NDDC since its inception, Nigeria, Juliet Ehimuan, the NDDC had failed to re- said: “With an estimated alise its 15-year master plan 346 million Internet users that came online for the first time last year and 376 million new social media From Kanayo Umeh, Abuja users, there is no better time for us to help people CHIEF of Army Staff (COAS), Major General At- stay safe online. “We are working with tahiru Ibrahim, has ap- nonprofits and social en- pointed a new Director of terprises to advance their Army Public Relations, Brig. work through’s Gen. Mohammed Yerima, Africa Online Safety Fund, who succeeds Brig.Gen. Sa- while also working with gir Musa. educational institutions Yerima, a former Director of and governments in sub- Defence Information, was Saharan Africa to have a until his appointment, greater impact.” Deputy Director at the De- As part of the Africa On- fence Headquarters, Abuja. line Safety Fund, He is member of the Niger- gave a grant to ian Institute of Public Rela- Impact Amplifier and the tions, African Public Institute for Strategic Dia- Relations Association and logue, to run an open call Fellow, West Africa Society across the continent to for Administration and find the most innovative Communication. and impactful nonprofit The new army spokesman organisations operating in Special Assistant to Director-General, Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) on Communications and Strategy, Ubong was a participant in the Sen- Essien (left); his Technical counterpart, Suleiman Abdulsalam; Director-General of NIMASA, Dr. Bashir Jamoh; Lagos State Governor, Babajide this space. Sanwo-Olu; Managing Director, Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA), Abimbola Akinajo; Chief of Staff to Sanwo-Olu, Tayo ior Strategic Media Opera- Ayinde and others during the agency’s visit in Lagos…yesterday It explained that 26 social tion programme at Reach impact organisations in Cambridge and Kofi Annan nine African countries Centre, Ghana. have been selected to re- Coastal rail line will boost AfCFTA gains, says Buhari He also attended Senior Leadership Course at Sher- ceive grants of up to From Benjamin Alade, Joke Falaju and Southern ports in Lagos Nigeria Limited for sup- Muduru, Dadara and Annol ingham, United Kingdom (Abuja) and Danjuma Michael and Warri, Delta State. porting the project with Mata and Maradi in Niger $100,000 each, including (Katsina) He explained that the route knowledge and technology Republic. and undertook a United encompasses territories in- transfer by investing in the He stated that the project five in Nigeria: Epower, habited by about 80 million establishment of a learning would reach a substantial States-Embassy funded me- people in 10 states of the Institution for Transporta- completion in 2023 when it LagosMums, Velma Foun- country, adding that the tion and Railway Science. would be ready to handle dia tour of Africom in project has a branch line to “We have embarked on the passenger and freight daily dation, Hive Creative Guild PRESIDENT Muhammadu Dutse, Jigawa State to open completion of the 1,424 traffic forecast of 9,364 pas- Stuttgart, Germany. Buhari, yesterday, said up the corridor, which he Kilometer Lagos-Kano rail sengers and approximately and Teens Can Code. noted, was endowed with line to join the one being 3,000 metric tons of freight Yerima obtained a B.A. Ed vast resources. unveiled today for the West- on return trips between She explained that the the Kano-Maradi rail line ern axis. Kano and Maradi. Degree in Political Science Buhari said when com- funding would be used to linking Niger Republic will pleted, the project would Minister of Transporta- from the Ahmadu Bello Uni- serve the import and export tion, Rotimi Amaechi, said boost projects that work to boost trans-Sahara trade needs of Niger Republic and the 284km Kano-Dambatta- versity (ABU), Zaria, before other countries in the sub- Kazaure- Shargelle-Mashi- combat online vulnerabili- and boost the gains of the region through Nigerian Daura-Katsina-Jibiya-Marad enrolling in the Nigerian ports, insisting that the i rail line would move pas- ties, disinformation and ex- African Continental Free country would earn vast rev- sengers from Kano and Army in October 1989 and enues through trade expan- Katsina and stations of stan- tremism targeted at Trade Area Agreement sion, while Niger Republic dard category in Kazaure, commissioned into the would benefit from ease of Daura, Jibiya and Dutse and children, youths, families, (AfCFTA). transportation logistics at minor stations in Corps of Army Public Rela- affordable cost in its import Dambatta, Shargelle and schools and small and and export businesses. Mashi, halt stations in tions. He commended Mota-Engil Kunya, Kano airport, medium-sized businesses Buhari disclosed this dur- (SMBs). ing virtual opening cere- Google has also collabo- mony of rated with Nigerian author, Kano-Katsina-Jibiya-Maradi Nomthi Odukoya to create rail line, which traverses children’s online safety Kano, Kazaure, Daura, book: How to be Safe Online, Katsina, Jibiya and Maradi while hard copies would be in Niger Republic. distributed to 30,000 Describing the rail line as learners in Nigeria, Kenya critical infrastructure, he and South Africa this said it would establish an month, and also online on end-to-end logistic supply the Read Along app. chain in railway transport services between the North

4 | THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday,February10,2021 News Furore over Sheikh Gumi’s amnesty call for bandits From Seye Olumide (Lagos) and • Afenifere, MBF, UPU, NCFront, YCE reject suggestion embrace peace with the we continue to use govern- Ayodele Afolabi (Ado-Ekiti) country, not knowing he ment money to pamper • ‘Nigeria should as well compensate armed robbers, other criminals’ would be demanding for criminals? PROMINENT socio-cultural amnesty. Gumi should be groups across the coun- try. ment. Gumi could ask government told to tell the bandits to lay “I am not sure whether we try have cautioned Federal “It has to a stage where one is “I cannot be convinced that to use taxpayers’ money to down their arms and still have government getting weary of talking and meet demands of bandits, embrace peace.” because this should not be Government against accept- shouting. There is nothing in, the President is not aware of who have been killing considered at all. We are still and for this country again the atrocities of the bandits. Nigerians. YORUBA Council of Elders worried that abductors of ing suggestion by Sheikh unless it is restructured. If the north is alleging that (YCE) cautioned Federal 300 students in Katsina have Nigeria has broken down, the south wants to drive all UPU described Gumi’s Government against pam- not been brought to justice.” Gumi that amnesty and cash and without the needful Fulani away from their amnesty call as senseless, pering criminals under the done, it will continue to wal- region (south), why are we irresponsible and capable of guise of amnesty. ALEADER of NCFront, Dr. compensation be granted to lop in crisis,” he said. not attacking Dangote and damaging unity and peace of Tanko Yinusa, said it was other level headed Fulani Nigeria if granted. The elders said the bandits unfortunate Nigeria laid a bandits and Fulani herds- The elder statesman won- nationals in the south or why should be rounded up and bad precedent of asking for dered why anyone in his right are Yoruba and Igbo residing Publicity Secretary of UPU, prosecuted while Gumi, who amnesty for those who men who have been accused sense and good frame of in the north not perpetrat- Abel Oshevire, said there was knows them, should be sum- raised arms against their mind would talk about com- ing crime against northern- no basis for compensating moned for questioning. country, which Gumi is latch- of perpetrating atrocities pensating bandits while ers in the north? Why must bandits “because they are ing onto. nothing is being said about bandits be compensated or common criminals who Secretary of YCE, Dr. Kunle “It is absolutely unneces- against Nigerians. rehabilitating their victims granted amnesty? I think raised arms against their Olajide, told The Guardian, sary and unacceptable for who have either been killed, Gumi is simply a mouth- nation, unlike Niger Delta yesterday, in Ado Ekiti: “As far any reasonable human Among the groups that con- maimed and raped or their piece of some elements in militants who are basically as I am concerned, bandits being and Nigeria, of course, farmlands and properties the north,” Adebanjo fumed. fighting injustice done to are criminals. They ought to to imagine amnesty and demned Gumi’s call are pan- damaged. What kind of coun- them through exploration of be arrested. In fact, Sheik cash compensation to these try is this?” MBF dismissed Gumi’s oil in their region which caus- Gunmi who knows them bandits when nothing is Yoruba socio-cultural organi- suggestion as lacking es damages to their environ- should be called to question. being said about their vic- Adebanjo challenged reasoning and basic com- ment.” “Amnesty for what, for herds- tims.” sation, Afenifere; Urhobo President Muhammadu mon sense. men? Anybody looking at the Buhari to speak on the securi- Spokesman of the forum, Dr. The union further said: “We video of Gumi with the crimi- Yinusa, however, posited Progress Union (UPU); ty situation in the country, Isuwa Dogo, wondered why initially thought Gumi was nal bandits surrounding him that if that would bring saying his silence is an indict- going to tell the bandits to with guns should know that about peace to the country Middle Belt Forum (MBF), surrender their arms and is the last thing that should like the late President Umaru be contemplated. Yar’Adua did to the Niger Yoruba Council of Elders “In fact, we are still suffering Delta militants, let us from Boko Haram insurgents embrace it. (YCE) and National that were rehabilitated a year ago by this same govern- BUT former governor of Consultative Front ment. Ogun Stage, Chief Segun “The victims of their dastard- Osoba, said: “In that wise, let (NCFront). ly acts are still suffering. They us assemble all the armed forced many women to robbers and other criminals REACTING to Gumi’s sug- become widows, who have in Nigeria and start compen- gestion, Afenifere stal- been living on charity, yet sating them. No serious gov- wart, Chief Ayo Adebanjo, somebody is suggesting that ernment will listen to such suggestion.” said it exposed insincerity some Nigerians with regard to finding lasting solution to challenges facing the coun- Senators notified of Buhari’s request on new appointments Asiwaju Mashood Shittu (left); Oba Rufus Olusegun Adebayo Akamo, Owalobo of Obbo-Ile; Oba Muftau Gbadamosi Okikiola Esuwoye II, From John Akubo, Abuja Section 18 sub -section (1) of Olofa of Offa and Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrasaq of Kwara State at the palace of Olofa during his visit to the monarch. the Armed Forces Act CAP, PRESIDENT Muhammadu Laws of the Federation of CACOVID explains vaccines procurement, distribution plans Buhari’s request for con- Nigeria, 2004. firmation of former service “I hereby forward for confir- By Femi Adekoya for National Primary three mechanisms in which ment in this discussion on chiefs as non-career ambas- mation by the Senate the Healthcare Development Nigeria is participating. One that aspect about getting vac- sadors to Nigerian foreign appointment of the under- PRIVATE sector-led Agency (NPHCDA) for safety is called COVAX, another one cines next week, is that missions has been brought listed officers as Chief of reasons.” is called African Union AstraZeneca or any vaccine to the notice of senators. Defence Staff, Maj. Gen Lucky Coalition Against COVID- BUA had said, in a statement Vaccine Acquisition Task has yet to be approved by Irabor; Chief of Army Staff, on Monday, that it had paid Force, which is funded by NAFDAC, which is our regula- The request was contained Maj. Gen Ibrahim Attahiru; 19 (CACOVID) has announced for one million doses of Afreximbank, and the third tory agency. So, without in a letter addressed to Chief of Air Staff, Air Vice AstraZeneca vaccine for one is the World Bank, which approval by NAFDAC, there is President of Senate, Ahmad Marshall Isiaka Amao and commencement of the pro- Nigeria through the Afrexim is also funding some of these no vaccine that can come into Lawan, which was read at ple- Chief of Naval Staff, Rear Vaccine Programme, in part- vaccines. Nigeria and be distributed to nary yesterday. Admiral Auwal Gambo.” cess of buying vaccines nership with CACOVID. Nigerians or shot into the In the letter, Buhari said: “In Senate also received request “Nigeria as a country is a arms of Nigerians. I think this accordance to section 171, for confirmation of appoint- through Federal Youssoufou, said: “The way member of all these organisa- is where some of the misin- sub-section 1, 2 C and Section ments of Mr. Adolphus this works is that we, as a tions. We, as CACOVID, the pri- formation had come in.” 4 of 1999 Constitution of Aghughu as Auditor-General Government, even as the group, agree on what to actu- vate sector coalition against Federal Republic of Nigeria of the Federation; Mr. Victor ally purchase, on how to pur- COVID, our role is to support BUA’s statement on Monday as amended, I have the hon- Chinemerem Murakor as National Agency for Food and chase it and what the modali- our government in what is night read: “At the CACOVID our to forward for confirma- Chairman of Fiscal ties of the purchase would be. needed to help our people in steering committee meeting tion by the Senate, the under- Responsibility Commission Drug Administration and This is how the group has the context of this COVID-19. held today February 8, 2021 listed as non-career ambassa- (FRC); Mr. Larry Obinna been working since we were (of which BUA is a member), dors designate. Chukwu as commissioner Control (NAFDAC) is set to cer- created back in March 2020. “The important thing that members were informed by “The non -career ambassa- representing South-East at As you know, we have several we all need to know is that the CBN governor that dors designate include: Gen. Nigerian Law Reform tify the drugs for use by things, including testing, test there are several steps to CACOVID had been given the Abayomi Olonisakin (rtd) Commission and kits and getting isolation cen- procuring vaccines. The first opportunity through the (Ekiti); Lt. Gen Tukur Buratai Wakari Bukar as commis- Nigerians. tres, PPEs, palliatives and thing is that governments are Afrexim platform to access (rtd), (Borno); Vice Admiral sioner representing Yobe, communications. the ones who can actually buy and pay for 1million doses, Ibok-Ete Ibas (rtd), Cross Borno and Bauchi states at Administrator of CACOVID, vaccines. We as a private sec- provided payment was made River); Air Marshal Sadique Federal Civil Service “Purchase of the vaccines is tor group, as individual com- today or tomorrow – failure Abubakar (rtd) Bauchi and Commission. Mrs. Zouera Youssoufou, very similar to purchase of panies, cannot buy vaccines, which the opportunity to get Air Vice Marshal Mohammed testing supplies, meaning we can’t call AstraZeneca or those doses next week may be S Usman (rtd) (Kano).” After notifying the lawmak- while speaking in a moni- that we do this through very Pfizer or Moderna to order lost. ers of Buhari’s requests, validated and subsidised vaccines from them. In another letter addressed Senate adjourned plenary to tored TV programme in means. Right now, there are Read the remaining part of to Lawan, Buhari also sought February 10, following “The most over-looked ele- confirmation of appoint- demise of a member of Lagos, explained how the this story on ment of chief of defence staff House of Representatives, and service chiefs for the Ossy Prestige, who repre- CACOVID Collegiate Fund armed forces. sented Aba North and South Federal Constituency. works. Mr. President, in the letter, said the request was in com- She said: “A dispute arose pliance with provision of Monday night between BUA, and CACOVID over claims by the former that it had pur- chased one million doses of COVID-19 vaccine for Nigeria. “This came on a day Federal Government barred private sector from administering COVID-19 vaccine, reserving the vaccination exclusively

THE GUARDIAN, Wednesday, February 10, 2021 |5 News Bandits kill 23 in five Kaduna LGs Mohammed’s dream for FCT alive, says ex-minister From Anthony Otaru, Abuja national airport that is com- petitive with the best in the From Abdulganiyu Alabi, Kaduna One dies as residents repel attack in Chikun Chikun, bandits killed five FORMER Minister of the world.” citizens in Gwagwada- Federal Capital Territory TWENTY-THREE persons Kasaya village in Kunai (FCT), Abba Gana, has said He called on residents to have been killed in differ- Ward. appreciate the author by buy- ent attacks on soft targets in soft targets in five councils Kutemeshi ward and three “Similarly, in Agwa, Chikun the vision of the late ing a copy to tap from the Birnin Gwari, Giwa, Chikun, around the state’s bound- others injured,” he noted. Council, one Bitrus Joseph facts and knowledge about Igabi and Kauru councils of aries with neighbouring was shot dead in an attack by Murtala Mohammed in the the city. Kaduna State within 24 states. The commissioner added bandits.” hours. that in Igabi, bandits shot creation of the FCT has not The author, an employee of He said the Nigerian Air dead one Dayyabu Yahuza MEANWHILE, it was a bad the FCT Administration, said Disclosing this yesterday, Force personnel were trailing between Sarkin Baka and day for one of the ban- dimmed as successive she was informed by the the Commissioner for and engaging bandits in Dankyawai village, near dits in Chikun, as members desire to properly educate Internal Security and Home some locations in Chikun, Gidan Kurmi. of the community, who were administrations have kept it residents and future genera- Affairs, Samuel Aruwan, also Birnin Gwari, Giwa and Igabi He stated: “In Giwa Council, repelling the attack, killed tion of Nigerians on the evo- said that Chikun residents councils, and that the citizens armed bandits invaded him near Bugai. alive. lution and developmental neutralised one of the ban- would be briefed upon the Janbaba village, and shot one strides of the FCT, having dits while repelling the receipt of operational feed- Yakubu Sule dead. In Receiving the reports, he In his remarks yesterday in worked in the territory for attacks. back. Kishisho village, Kauru said that Governor Nasir el- the last 25 years. The incidents, according to “In Birnin Gwari, 10 residents Council, gunmen suspected Rufai expressed sadness over Abuja at the launch of Also in his remarks, Senator Aruwan, were attacks on were killed by bandits in an to be from a neighbouring the attacks. Philip Aduda said that the attack on Ungwan Gajere, state killed five persons. In Abuja: The Evolution and launch was timely, as it would properly brief Development of the Federal Nigerians on the giant strides of the city. Capital Territory, a book writ- Declaring the launch open, ten by Dr. Jumai Ahmadu, the FCT Minister, Muhammad Bello, described the former minister said the the author as a hardworking and dedicated staff member FCT remained a ‘Unity of the ministry. “The book will further widen Centre’ for Nigerians in line the horizon of not only resi- dents but Nigerians as a with the dream of the whole on the conception, development and achieve- founding fathers. ment of successive adminis- trations that contributed to Gana, who was the FCT the growth of the city,” he stressed. Minister when Chief He called on Nigerians to Olusegun Obasanjo held buy the book for better understanding of the FCT. sway as a democratically- elected President, said: “FCT has satisfied the purpose of its creation as a Unity Centre by its founding fathers, especially in line with the 1976 vision of the late General Murtala Mohammed. It has today become a multi-ethnic, multi-religious centre for all Nigerians. “Today, Abuja is a centre of learning with several uni- versities, medical, business, social and entertainment facilities, including an inter- Niger harmonises revenue laws to curb graft, multiple taxation Gombe State Governor, Muhammadu Yahaya (right); with the House of Assembly Speaker, Abubakar Luggerewa (second left); and Chairman, All From Bala Yahaya Minna in some councils. Progressives Congress (APC) Registration/Revalidation exercise for Gombe, Dr. Danjuma Dabo; after the governor validated his APC membership to kick Assuring the citizens that off the exercise in the state…yesterday NIGER State Governor, Abubakar Bello, has dis- things would get better, the How I helped establish Nigeria-China relations, by Gowon closed that state and coun- governor noted that the state had the potential to be cils’ revenue law will be har- self-reliant through her IGR. By Chukwuma Muanya (Lagos), Online gala holds today to mark 50th anniversary monised to reduce corrup- He, however, identified agriculture, tourism and Bridget Chiedu Onochie and Sodiq tion and boost the state’s mining as some of the potential revenue earners, Omolaoye (Abuja) Internally Generated pointing out that if properly harnessed, the sectors FORMER Head of State, Reflections and the Way ner with a trade volume of his home by the Nigerian Revenue (IGR). would be cash cow to the Gen. Yakubu Gowon (rtd.), Forward’, Gowon said there about $19 billion as at 2019. delegation led by me, with state. has explained how his were lots of preliminary con- The ex-military leader noted my wife Victoria; the Foreign He gave the hint during the regime helped establish tacts and engagements from that the assistance Nigeria Minister, Dr. Arikpo, the Earlier, the Attorney bilateral relations between 1966 that preceded the diplo- gave to China to see the lat- Permanent Secretary and opening of a three-day train- General and Commissioner Nigeria and the People’s matic relationship between ter’s admission into the Nigerian first Ambassador to for Justice, Nasara Dan- Republic of China. the two countries on United Nations as both mem- China, Aminu Sanusi,” he ing and workshop on har- Mallam, said the harmoni- Gowon spoke at an event to February 10, 1971. ber of the UN General said. sation process of the rev- mark the 50th anniversary of Assembly and Security monised State and Local enue started in 2016, and the diplomatic relationship Gowon, who was Head of Council firmly established Charge d’Affairs of the that “the law has come to organised by the Centre for State between 1966 and 1975, the bilateral relationship Chinese Embassy in Nigeria, Government Revenue Law stay.” China Studies and Chinese was the first Nigerian leader between both countries. Mr. Zhao Yong, said over the Embassy in Nigeria. to visit China in 1974. past 50 years, the mutually 2020 at the Government Acting Chairman, Niger “That ultimately earned beneficial China-Nigeria eco- State Internal Revenue Speaking on the theme China is considered one of Nigeria a welcome state visit nomic and trade relations House, Minna. Service, Ahmed Gunna, stat- ‘Nigeria and China at 50: Nigeria’s closest allies and to Beijing in 1974. It included a enjoyed a robust develop- ed that introduction of har- partners as well as an impor- rare visit to Chairman Mao at ment. The governor stressed that monisation was aimed at tant trading and export part- building an ambitious rev- the workshop was coming enue profile for the state and councils. at a time the state was going Gunna said since the begin- ning of the present adminis- through financial chal- tration, IGR had been increasing annually, assur- lenges and needed to boost ing that they would use technology to explore other its revenue generation. avenues to checkmate cor- ruption and generate more His words: “The state has revenue for government. Commissioner for Finance, continued to experience Abubakar Zakari, stated that the workshop was one of shortfall from federation the many efforts of the state government to boost rev- Open grazing not sustainable, say northern govs allocation. It is necessary for enue generation in the state. the state and councils to work together to increase our IGR.” From Isa Abdulsalami Ahovi, Jos • Canvass alternative methods of livestock production hunters or farmers occupy- According to Bello, the state ing forest reserves illegally. THE Northern States Consequently, it resolved to methods of livestock produc- is supposed to generate Governors’ Forum (NSGF) sensitise herders on the need tion. With the security of the may have been hit by the to adopt new methods of region and the country atop between N2 billion and N3 reality that open grazing is herding, either by ranching The governors called on the agenda, the meeting no longer fashionable in the or other acceptable modern political leaders to isolate noted with concern the grow- billion monthly to augment modern society. methods. criminality and social groups ing wave of insecurity in the In a communiqué yesterday in their domains with a view country what it gets from the federa- after their virtual meeting on It appealed to the Federal to treating criminals as crim- Monday, the forum noted: Government to support inals. It noted with concern the tion account, if the econo- “The current system of herd- states with grants to directly tension generated by the evic- ing mainly through open undertake pilot projects of The meeting presided over tion order issued to criminal my must be sustained. grazing is no longer sustain- modern livestock produc- by the NSGF chairman, herdsmen in some parts of able, in view of growing tion that would serve as Governor Simon Lalong of the country, with threats of He enjoined revenue staff urbanisation and popula- springboard for the full Plateau State, condemned reprisals, which the Northern tion of the country.” implementation of new every form of criminality governors were working to expand their nets of rev- whether from herders, assiduously to contain. enue collection to avoid yok- ing those that were already paying with multiple taxa- tion, adding that insecurity was among the problems hindering revenue genera- tion in the state, especially

6 | THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday,February10,2021 News Amotekun arrests cows over alleged destruction of farm in Osun Lagos govt warns engineers, developers From Timothy Agbor, Osogbo He said the farm was palace of Owamiran of Esa- responsibility of settling I am not after the Fulani but against building collapse destroyed by the cattle in Oke. issues with Bororo and Fulani the cows. I couldn’t find any- THE Field Commander of Esa-Oke town, Obokun Local herders and their host-com- body but I found cows. By Eniola Daniel Western Nigeria Security Council of the state. “Whoever that violently munities in the state was Because the palace doesn’t Network, code-named destroys another person’s present too. The farm have enough space, they THE Lagos State Amotekun Corps, in Osun Shittu said: “In Esa-Oke on farmland is a criminal. The destroyed belongs to a asked me to take some of Government has cau- State, Amitolu Shittu, yester- January 27, 2021, a farm was monarch invited us to a retired permanent Secretary them to the police. tioned engineers and devel- day, disclosed that the Corps attacked. It’s not the herders meeting involving the com- in Osun State who had invest- arrested no fewer than 28 that destroyed the farm. It is munity, other ethnic leaders ed his gratuity on it. “I later asked Oguntola opers in the state against cows for destroying a farm the cows that ate up the like Igbo, Hausa, Fulani and I Toogun to inform the herds- belonging to a former crops. So, I arrested 28 cows went there with my men. “There was no resistance men that we have arrested sharp practices that could Permanent Secretary. and moved them to the duringthearrestof thecattle. their cows.” “A man, saddled with the lead to building collapse. The new General Manager, Lagos State Materials Testing Laboratory (LSMTL), Lagos APC warns against Olufunsho Elulade, warned mayhem over reopening of Lekki tollgate that the agency would not By Seye Olumide leave any stone unturned to THE Lagos State Chapter of ensure that perpetrators are All Progressives Congress (APC) has urged citizens of hit with full wrath of the the state to disregard calls urging them to engage in law.  protests or activities that could lead to further unrest Elulade, who spoke at the in the state. LSMTL Conference Room, The state’s Publicity Secretary of the party, Mr. Ojodu, Lagos, yesterday, said: Seye Oladejo, in a statement, yesterday, also urged the peo- “As a civil engineer, I will put ple to be mindful of the rav- aging second wave of COVID- my professional experiences 19 pandemic, which thrives in an atmosphere of mam- making sure this agency is moth crowd, before heeding to any reckless call to protest. taken to greater height.  The party said its position “The primary function of was based on the recent call by a former Deputy National this agency is to have zero- Publicity Secretary of APC, Timi Frank, who said citizens tolerance on building col- of the state should troop out to protest the reopening of lapse. Our mandate is to the Lekki Tollgate Plaza, which was closed down in carry out tests on buildings the aftermath of the October 20, 2020 #EndSARS protests. and civil engineering and The party said the intention construction materials so of such call was to get the youths back on the streets Vice President Yemi Osinbajo (left); Ogun State Governor Dapo Abiodun and others during the VP’s registration and revalidation of his that we can confirm the sta- and to unleash further may- membership of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in his hometown, Ikenne… yesterday. hem on innocent people, bility, strength, as well as the who are still individually and collectively struggling to Tony Momoh for burial in Grailland tomorrow structural of any edifice. overcome their recent losses. “We need to create a data- According to Oladejo: “Our earlier position that the vio- From Muyiwa Adeyemi (Ibadan) ment issued by Mr. Akin 3:00 p.m. and 3.40 p.m. which can be collected by the base for all producers and lent and orchestrated and Sunday Aikulola (Lagos) Orebiyi, said that a funeral in The statement warned that owners afterwards. protest were sponsored is the sense of the Grail Message, manufacturers of construc- perhaps being buttressed by THE remains of former is essentially to help and sup- “no person will be granted The statement says there this renewed efforts to make Minister of Information, port, in love, the departed to entry once the Temple doors shall be no lying-in-state as tion materials in Lagos. All the state ungovernable.” Tony Momoh, who passed on fulfil his wishes for “contin- are closed.” with the social convention, in Abuja last week, will be ued joyful activity after earth- as, out of respect for it, the block moulding factories interred on Grailland, Iju ly death and ultimately for the It further stipulates formal human body is not to be dis- Hills, Lagos, tomorrow. attainment of his longing for dressing either in native attire played for exhibition and must be captured.  At every Paradise.” or Western clothes (suit with a spectacle. It therefore, According to a statement, tie for men; and for women, advised journalists who wish stage of any construction, yesterday, by Grail Movement Given the seriousness and dresses which when seated to capture for their stories the Nigeria, the burial would be importance, the occasion, it must go below the knees with arrival of the casket in Lagos we must carry out tests.” preceded by a Grail Funeral stresses, calls for absolute the sleeves covering the from Abuja to either go to the Hour of Worship in the decorum and silence by par- elbows), but indicates that airport on Thursday morning ‘Involving communities Temple of God on Grailland ticipants throughout the cere- both genders must leave their or do so as the hearse enters key to curbing insecurity’ at 4:00 p.m. monies, as these imply active heads uncovered as a mark of Grailland by 10:00 a.m. The statement also issued an participation in the worship, humility to the Creator. By Gbenga Salau advisory on adherence to veneration and honour of However, a place has been COVID-19 protocols and other God, the Almighty Father of Also, use of telephone, cam- designated for taking of pho- LAGOS State Governor guidelines required of mem- All, in all humility and hon- era or tape for audio or video tographs with members of Babajide Sanwo-Olu, yes- bers of the public and media our. recording or any other activi- the family by the fountains at terday, said that participa- who wish to attend the event. Consequently, intending par- ty which may distract even for the entrance of the Pavilion tion of members of the pub- Momoh is being accorded a ticipants are enjoined to a moment the course of the Gate to the Temple. lic in the security architec- Grail funeral in accordance arrive Grailland not later than funeral proceedings in the Photographs can also be ture of the society was criti- with his wish as an adherent 2.30 p.m. for admission into hall of worship or at the ceme- taken on the grounds around cal to overcoming insecurity of the Grail Message. the Temple fixed for between tery is prohibited. the Assembly Hall and the challenges. The Movement, in the state- Restaurant. Arrangements have been He said members of the made to secure the gadgets, community could identify and provide relevant and Osinbajo, Abiodun, Osoba revalidate APC membership in Ogun reach out to members, timely information on secu- adding that the APC is a grass- rity challenges, as well as From Terhemba Daka, Abuja • VP urges Nigerians to resist attempt to destroy Nigeria’s unity roots party with focus on the identities of strange faces or • Says party remains best to solve nation’s problems welfare of the people.  local perpetrators. VICE President Yemi Osinbajo has appealed to communities for justice, ed for kidnapping, banditry Governor Olusegun Osoba He, however, urged Sanwo-Olu, who spoke at Nigerians to resist any equity and fairness, adding and all other forms of crimi- officially revalidated their Nigerians to collaborate with the mass sensitisation of attempt to destroy the unity that the nation was stronger nalities. There must be evi- membership of the APC in the President Muhammadu members of the public on that the citizens had lived together than apart. dence that justice is being the state. Buhari-led administration in community policing at the and worked together for. done. its efforts to surmount vari- State House, Ikeja, said: “The The Vice President “We must resist any attempt Abiodun was registered at ous challenges confronting integration of community Osinbajo, accompanied by explained that security chal- to destroy the unity of this Ward 3, Polling Unit 1, Iperu- Nigeria. policing into the formal the Niger State governor and lenges being experienced in country. Our people have Remo also in Ikenne Local In his remark, Abiodun com- security architecture is a theNationalChairmanof the the country were not insur- lived and worked together Council, while Chief Osoba mended Osinbajo and welcome development and APC Registration and mountable. for decades, even centuries. revalidated his membership Buhari for going back to their it should be further encour- Revalidation Committee, While we must attend to the at Sodubi Primary School, respective wards to revali- aged with the keen partici- Abubakar Sanni Bello, made “We are in government at cries of communities, and Ward 7, Polling Booth 3 in date their membership of pation of all members of the the appeal, yesterday, during one of the most challenging thecriesof ourpeopleforjus- Obafemi/Owode Local the ruling party. public. Our administration the revalidation of his mem- times in history. The pan- tice, equity and fairness, we Council. He said the registration and in Lagos State believes in bership of the All demic has made matters can do so within this same revalidation exercise would ensuring and enhancing Progressives Congress (APC) worse, and we have also had union. Ultimately we are Osinbajo, who said he was be successful in Ogun, public safety and security as at Ward 1, Unit 3, Egunrege, security challenges that have stronger together than happy to be at his ward to adding that new members a critical requirement for Ikenne, in Ikenne Local stretched our law enforce- apart,” he said. revalidate his membership would be mobilised during economic growth and devel- Council of Ogun State. ment capacities all over the ALSO, Ogun State Governor of the APC, noted that the the exercise. opment and we shall contin- country. What we must Dapo Abiodun and former registration and revalidation ue to provide support for He said that the Federal ensure are prosecution of all exercise was important for strategies that will ensure Government would contin- those who have been arrest- the party to identify and and enhance qualitative and ue to attend to the cries of effective security for the lives and property of all residents and investors in Lagos State.”

THE GUARDIAN, Wednesday, February 10, 2021 News |7 South East Two die in clash over control of Name variation insufficient to disqualify me, says Ibezim tipper operations in Anambra By Innocent Anoruo The trial judge, Justice From Osiberoha Osibe, Awka plans by ASTA, backed by the GTDAN and SMAAS, the par- scene of the fracas, stressing Inyang Ekwo, had in the judg- state’s Ministry of Transport, that information they got THE All Progressives ment delivered on December GUNMEN have killed two to engage some contractors ties agreed to provide for from Ogbaru indicated that Congress (APC) candidate 4, 2020, barely 24 hours to persons, who attempt- in the collection of the tip- Stanley Nkwoka was alleged- in the Imo North Senatorial the by-election, disqualified ed to scare away sand min- per levy. the welfare of members at ly using his contact with the by-election last December, Ibezim for allegedly making ers and tipper drivers to state government to sabo- Frank Ibezim, has faulted the false statements/declara- enforce collection of sand at The latest fracas came when the fee of N500 per six cubic tage efforts of GTDAN and Appeal Court’s validation of tions in the affidavit and doc- Odekpe axis of Ogbaru Anaekwe, according to the SMAAS to collect the welfare his disqualification by the uments he tendered to both Council of Anambra State. witness, harassed and of sand payable by every tip- ticket. Federal High Court, Abuja. the APC and INEC. chased away workers at the The court held that evidence A witness said that bullets beach, who later mobilised per driver. The Commissioner of Ibezim was reacting to the before it showed that Ibezim shot at the leader of the for free-for-all, during which Police, who spoke trough appellate court’s unanimous presented falsified and enforcement team, Sunday the fatality occurred. The MoU, signed by the Police Public Relations decision affirming the judg- uncertified photocopies of Anaekwe (alias Otum) could The Guardian gathered that Officer (PPRO), Haruna ment of the Federal High his West African School not penetrate his body, the Ebuka Unekwe-led GTDAN’s President. Mohammed, said that clash- Court, Abuja, which ordered Certificate (WASC). prompting his assailants to GTDAN, who conveyed sand es occur at the beach from the Independent National Specifically, Justice Ekwo dis- stab and club him to death. from members of sand min- Davidson Unekwe; and time to time, adding that Electoral Commission (INEC) covered that the WASC sub- The other victim, whose ers to the end users, initiat- the police were already to remove his name from the mitted by Ibezim bore two identity was not immedi- ed the joint welfare ticket of Secretary-General, Jerry investigating the matter list of candidates for the by- different names: Ibezim ately known, died instantly N500 per tipper load. and would give details of election. Chukwuma Frank and by a gunshot. Ifejika; as well as SMAAS their investigation in due He told The Guardian, yester- Ibezim Francis Chukwuma. In a Memorandum of course. day, that name variation Senior Special Assistant to Understanding signed by President, Christopher should not be enough reason The court, therefore, held Governor Willie Obiano, to disqualify him; hence he that Ibezim was “not quali- Stanley Nkwoka, told The Mbaegbu; and Secretary, would pursue the case to its fied/eligible for nomination Guardian that Anaekwe was logical conclusion, as he had to contest the Imo North his colleague in the Obiora Chukwuma on June briefed his lawyers to Senatorial by-election, hav- Anambra State Tippers approach the Supreme ing made false declarations Association (ASTA) led by 17, 2020, specified that the Court. in the affidavit and certifi- Augustine Akaigwe, sup- cates he submitted to INEC ported by the state govern- welfare was payable for The High Court judgment for the purpose of contesting ment. followed a suit marked the by-election, and the irrec- every truck load of sand FHC/ABJ/CS/1229/2020, which oncilable conflicts in his According to the witness, was filed against Ibezim by names.” ASTA had, in the past few from the beach. Asomugha Elebeke. months, attempted to exclude the Great Tipper When contacted, Anaekwe Drivers Association of Nigeria (GTDAN) from col- and Ifejika contended that lection of the joint welfare ticket charged per trip of they were not present at the sand. Police suspect domestic violence It was learnt that GTDAN and Sand Miners in murder of ex-NBA boss Association of Anambra State (SMAAS), both duly Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State (left) and the French Ambassador to Nigeria, Jerome Pasquier, From Charles Ogugbuaja, on Sunday, his lifeless body registered with the when the envoy visited the governor at the Government House, Enugu…yesterday was found on the floor with Corporate Affairs of Owerri his head almost severed Commission (CAC) few from his body. A machete years ago, had resisted IMO State police command was also found in his office. says it is suspecting S’East PDP didn’t discuss zoning, says Okonkwo domestic-related violence in Speaking in Owerri on last Saturday’s murder of a Tuesday, the Police Public By Leo Sobechi winning the Anambra poll, declared that the party was ership meeting of PDP with former chairman of the Relations Officer (PPRO), which is a low hanging fruit focused on winning the some stakeholders from Nigerian Bar Association Orlando Ikeokwu, a PEOPLES Democratic for the party. governorship election with Anambra, at Government (NBA), Owerri branch, Superintendent of Police Party (PDP) aspirant for the best candidate irrespec- House, Enugu, did not take Ndionyenma Nwankwo. (SP), said they were suspect- the November 6, 2021 Decrying the “tissues of tive of his/her zone. any decision on where the ing domestic hand in the gubernatorial poll in misinformation” trailing In a statement made avail- governorship candidate of Nwankwo, 64, was mur- killing, adding that soon Anambra State, Dr. Obiora last Monday’s meeting, able to The Guardian by his the party in Anambra dered in his office at 43, details of the findings Okonkwo, has declared that Okonkwo supported the Dikeora Media Office would come from. School Road, Owerri, Imo would be unfolded. at no time during the stake- Rivers State Governor, (DMO), Okonkwo said his State, while his driver, holders’ meeting in Enugu Nyesom Wike, who urged attention was drawn to a “The meeting also did not phones and car are yet to be His words: “The killing of meeting did the issues of members to join hands and misleading story on an alter or cancel the earlier seen. the ex- NBA chairman is zoning or disqualification work for the collective victo- online platform hosted by a decision of the NWC, which The deceased had left home purely domestic.” of candidates feature. ry of the party. rival aspirant alleging that insisted that the focus of on Saturday for work, but he (Okonkwo) had been the party was to win the did not return. This led his The police, he added, were PDP stakeholders in the He stressed that the meet- excluded from the contest governorship election with family to organise a search working with other security South East stakeholders ing did not alter or cancel on the basis of zoning. the best candidate irrespec- party to look for him. agencies to arrest renewed met in Enugu State on the earlier decision by the “The South East Zonal lead- tive of his/her zone,” he stat- When his office was opened security challenges in the Monday to strategise on party’s National Working ed. state. Committee (NWC), which FUTO host-communities accuse VC of non-compliance with excision of land to them From Charles Ogugbuaja, 1982 had acquired 4,455 Owerri hectares of land, which as of today, were no longer Lawan, Abaribe mourn Abia lawmaker, Reps adjourn ELEVEN host-communities utilised by the institution, of the Federal University leaving the host-communi- of Technology, Owerri ties not to have settlement ancestral areas. (FUTO), yesterday, protested, Anokam recalled that the From John Akubo and Adamu House since 2015. Abaribe who represents Alliance (APGA) lawmaker urging the Federal agitation by the communi- Lawan said all his col- Abia South in the Senate, passed on in a medical facil- ties resulted in the resolu- Abuh (Abuja) and Gordi Udeaja lamented that the zone had ity in Germany. Government to step in and tion by the Ministerial leagues in the National lost a major stakeholder, a Technical Committee on (Umuahia) Assembly would sorely miss political leader of repute Speaker Femi direct the institution’s FUTO Land Matters, inaugu- the departed lawmaker. and one personality behold- Gbajabiamila, who presided rated by the Federal PRESIDENT of the Senate, en to all irrespective of polit- over plenary, said the authorities to excise about Government via the Ministry Ahmad Lawan, has ALSO, Minority Leader of ical affiliation. deceased would be remem- of Works and Housing and expressed sadness over the the Senate, Enyinnaya bered as a stabilising factor 1,000 hectares of land to later, Ministry of Education, death of Ossy Prestige of the Abaribe, has expressed sor- MEANWHILE, the House in the House. to resolve that the about House of Representatives, row and deep shock over the of Representatives, them. 1,000 hectares be returned saying his death came as a tragic incident. which reconvened yester- He said: “It is with a heavy to the communities, won- rude shock. day after the yuletide recess, heart that I announced the The communities, Avu, dering why all the peaceful In a statement issued in has adjourned proceedings death of one of our mem- appeals by the communities According to a statement Abuja yesterday by his as a mark of respect for their bers, Ossy Prestige. As many Obinze, Umuanunu, to the Vice Chancellor, Prof. issued in Abuja by the Media Adviser, Uchenna colleague, who passed on in of you are aware, he has Francis Eze, to effect the reso- deceased’s special adviser Awom, the minority leader the early hours of Sunday, been sick for a while and Ihiagwa, Ihiagwa ancient lution fell on deaf ears. on media, Ola Awoniyi, the declared the death is a per- February 7, 2021. went to London for treat- Aba North/Aba South sonal loss to him, describing ment last summer.” kingdom, Dindi Ihiagwa, Federal Constituency repre- the deceased as “a bosom The All Progressives Grand sentative has been in the friend, brother and ally.” Eziobodo, Ezeokele, Emeabiam, Obibiezena, Umuona Nekede and Okolochi, led by their Attorney/ Estate Surveyor, Chief Sam Anokam, in their protest letter in Owerri, said the Imo State Government in

TheGuardian Wednesday, February 10, 2021 8 Conscience, Nurtured by Truth TheMetroSection Govt silent on reopening Airport Road bridge one month after closure Burnt airport road bridge Cars plying one-way to work on the bridge and let said: “Very soon, vehicles will everyone continue with be falling from the bridge By Jesutomi Akomolafe As police, LASTMA turn alternative route to ‘industry’ their business? I heard that with the way policemen are over 50 cars have been chasing private vehicles on ONE month after closure ternative routes and tag had, on January 10, an- Some road users who spoke stopped here. I do not un- the bridge. You will see them of the bridge linking them ‘one-way traffic offend- nounced the closure of the with The Guardian on Mon- derstand this government. wait for private cars using Airport Road to Oshodi- ers.’ bridge following the inferno day claimed that the contin- Those whose car were seized one-way. Their activities may Apapa Expressway in Lagos, The closure causes logjams that occurred on the ex- uous closure and silence of paid something before they lead to devastating acci- road users have begun to on the busy road, even as the pressway as a result of an ex- the government on the state got it back.” dents. This is not good for us lament the continued clo- Commissioner for Trans- plosion from a tanker. of the road had forced many as a country.” portation, Dr. Frederic Motorists who spoke with to use one-way, using the Another, Abdulrahmon One of the road users, Goke, sure as the state and Federal Oladeinde, has remained The Guardian said the sordid bridge from Charity down to said: “They make life hard for said the road linking Daleko Government remain silent silent on the opening since state of the alternative Airport Road. Nigerians when it comes to and Aiye to Osolo Way was in on when to reopen the road. the announcement of tem- routes, especially Daleko- One Bolaji said: “On a nor- things that would benefit us. a state of disrepair and The major concern of mo- porary restrictions to vehic- Aiye-Osolo to airport axis mal day, we cannot pass If it is banditry, robbery and would get worse with the di- ular movements on the had made them drive here, but we are being forced things that would make life version of traffic to the axis if torists is bridge. against traffic (one-way) to pass this route when they good for us, it will take them the government kept the The Lagos State government from Charity through the have refused to open the years to find solutions. I am bridge shut. activities of policemen and bridge to 7&8 Bus Stop. road. What will it take them sure no test is going on “The closure is for our own there. They are just giving good, but we are caught be- officials of Lagos State Traffic the policemen a chance to tween taking the risk of ply- seize private cars.” ing one-way from Charity Management Authority Bus Stop and taking this Road users appealed to route. On a good day, Aiye (LASTMA), who often arrest Lagos State government to Junction is a bottleneck with open the bridge and also traffic at all times of the day. and seize vehicles plying al- warned on impending dan- The traffic jam there has now ger of chasing offenders on been compounded with the the bridge, as it might cause diversion with no informa- auto crashes, which might tion on when the integrity lead to vehicles falling off test would start or end on the bridge. the bridge.” An auto mechanic that works at the Ladipo market UK border force commends NDLEA for massive drug seizures By Odita Sunday ties. There have been huge area of training, infra- Bright Onyekachi, was seizures across commands. structure, equipment and nabbed last week with 3.30 THE United Kingdom The cocaine seizure at the intelligence sharing. We kilogrammes of the illicit Border Force of Europe Murtala Muhammed Inter- look forward to a more ro- drug. and International has com- national Airport was mas- bust technical assistance The suspect was arrested sive and for this, NDLEA in the subsequent phases on Monday, February 1, mended the National Drug must be recognised and of the project,” he said. 2021, during the inward commended. Accept my clearance of passengers on Law Enforcement Agency huge congratulations.” There has been a para- Ethiopian Airline at the E digm shift in the NDLEA arrival hall of the airport. (NDLEA) for its remarkable He further maintained since Marwa took over that “the result NDLEA is leadership of the ailing According to the Com- seizures in the last few recording is far above any agency. A few days after at mander, MMIA Command one organisation under least three cocaine cartels of the NDLEA, Mr. Ahmadu weeks under Gen. Buba our project across the were busted at the Murtala Garba, Onyekachi arrived globe. We must continue to Muhammed International Nigeria on board Ethiopian Marwa’s watch. work on our relationship Airport (MMIA), Lagos, an- Airways from São Paulo, to make sure that what is other trafficker, Ukaegbu Brazil, via Addis Ababa. Its Regional Operations happening in Nigeria con- tinues.” Manager, West Africa, Kris Marwa appreciated the UK Border Force for the techni- Hawksfield, gave the com- mendation during his visit Drugs concealed in phones to Marwa on Monday at the cal support it had ren- ect. The project has bene- dered to the agency in the fitted the agency in the agency’s headquarters in last four years. Abuja. “NDLEA has felt the im- pact of your four-year proj- Hawksfield said: “Since your appointment, there EFCC arrests nine suspected internet has been a flurry of activi- scammers in Benin By Waliat Musa Crimes Commission fraudsters in an early OPERATIVES of the Eco- (EFCC) in the Benin Zonal morning operation. nomic and Financial Office, yesterday, arrested The suspects, who were nine suspected internet arrested following intelli- gence received by the com- mission, are Okosun Godspower, Imo Harry Hamilton, Efosa Desmond, Odiase Aifuwa, Idoko On- akpa, Dogìo Samson, Okukoje Godstime, Onuigbo Julius and Os- amulu Sunday. Items recovered from them included laptop computers, mobile phones, a Toyota Camry car and a Luxus Jeep. The suspects have made useful statements and Gen Mohamed Buba Marwa (Rtd), Chairman/Chief Executive, NDLEA, receiving Mallam Modibbo Hamman would be charged to court Tukur, CEO NFIU during a courtesy visit to NDLEA National Headquarters, Abuja The Suspects soon. Hot Lines: 08098051884, 08033254636 and 08054641395

THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday, February10, 2021 |9 TheMetroSection Lagos demolishes, seals Banana Island buildings over infractions By Gbenga Salau The demolished site line. because it had noticed many became necessary because was a peculiar case because The enforcement team, led by residents were building prop- the state government felt the owner and developer SOME structures within Ba- erected facing the lagoon the Commissioner for Physi- erty without due recourse to there was need to do some- could not provide an approval nana Island Estate were were pulled down, while the cal Planning and Urban Devel- state agencies for approval. thing to halt the illegality. and clearance to reclaim land demolished and sealed by building was sealed and the opment, Dr. Idris Salako, The commissioner said: “The “The governor was here yes- before the metres he got from the Lagos State government gate locked. warned that the state govern- gradual takeover of the water- terday with the strong in- the state Land Bureau and yesterday over non-compli- ment would not condone fla- ways is a problem. In our mas- struction that land reclaimed Ministry of Waterfront. ance to the building laws and At 306 Close, a three two- grant abuse of the state ter plan, the regional highway beyond what was approved regulations. storey building under con- building laws and shoreline ought to pass through this should be demolished. We “They blew up their survey, All the affected buildings had struction was pulled down for route, but there is gradual en- would continue to monitor to this means more land metres earlier been served a ‘Stop not getting an approval to croachment on the way. ensure that building laws and were taken than what was Work’ notice by the Lagos build as the development en- “In terms of climate change, regulations are complied given approval for. And the 30- State Building Control croached on the state shore- gradual reduction in the ca- with; and it should even be metre setback the develop- Agency (LASBCA). When the pacity of the lagoon to flow voluntary compliance.” ment was to observed was not enforcement team arrived freely and the consequence the adhered to. Also, the property the spots, construction works state would be made to grap- Speaking on why the two- is under a high tension wire. were still ongoing on two ple with in the future. If there storey building was pulled In all, the development has buildings, while the others is heavy down pour today, resi- down, Salako said: “The build- flaunted all building laws in were just fenced land. dents in Parkview Estate, on ings that was pulled down the state.” At 102 Close, K Zone, a section the other side of the lagoon, of the lagoon has been re- would be in crisis because their Ayejunikanwa for burial late Deaconess Ayejunikanwa claimed with just the provi- community would be flooded. Reception follows at sion of a narrow drainage for This is because people built be- THE burial rites of Dea- water to flow. As a result, the yond what was approved.” coness Lucy Bolajoko Lubokun Comprehensive concrete and perimeter fence Salako said the enforcement Ayejunikanwa (Nee Megbon- High School. The event would towon), aged 97 begins on also be on zoom with the ID: FCT police deny arrest, rescue of 115 Police confirm alleged killing of February 11, 2021 with a Chris- 6073105824 and Passcode: year-one poly student by caretaker tian wake keep by 5.p.m at 61Cgy0. mothers in Abuja human milk factory No. 9, Araromi Street, Igbo- tako, Okitipupa Local Gov- Urge residents to report suspicious activities From Charles Ogugbuaja, Owerri taker of the Ezinwanne Lodge, ernment Area, Ondo State. making him to allegedly hit From Kanayo Umeh, Abuja ists. IMO State Police Command the deceased with a wood on Burial service holds on Feb- has confirmed the killing his stomach. The student was ruary 12, at same venue by THE Federal Capital Terri- While urging residents to re- of a year-one student of said to have died in a hospital. 9.a.m and at Christ Apostolic tory (FCT) Police Com- Church Oke-Anu Opposite mand, on Tuesday, denied main calm, law-abiding and Building Technology of the “The students had argued Police Station by 11.a.m. some reports on social media that they would not pay for alleging that the command comply with all COVID-19 pro- Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, the rent between March 2020 rescued 115 young mothers and January 2021 during the from a human milk factory. tocols, the command reiter- near Owerri, Anthony Chin- COVID-19 lockdown, but the caretaker, who insisted they FCT Police Public Relations ated its commitment to the weotito Emmanuel, by his must pay, locked the tap. Officer, ASP Yusuf Mariam, who dispelled the rumour in protection of life and prop- caretaker outside the cam- “The students had opened Abuja, said there was no the water tap with an object. record of such incident or op- erty within the FCT. pus. When the caretaker de- eration in the command. stroyed the water source, “To report all suspicious The command’s quarrel ensued, leading to the She noted that the com- caretaker hitting Emmanuel mand was, however, solicit- movements within your spokesman, Orlando with a wood,” an eyewitness ing useful information from said. members of the public to vicinity, emergency or dis- Ikeokwu, who confirmed the bust such a syndicate, if it ex- tress, call these numbers: incident yesterday, noted 08032003913, 08061581938, that investigations had since 07057337653 and commenced to unravel the 08028940883. To report the mystery behind the killing. conduct of police officers, call According to the report, the Public Complaint Bureau there had been disagree- (PCB) on: 09022222352,” Yusuf ments between the care-

10 THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday, February10, 2021

THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday, February10, 2021 11

TheGuardian Wednesday,February 10,2021 | 12 Conscience, Nurtured by Truth FOUNDER: ALEX U. IBRU (1945 – 2011) Editorial Conscience is an open wound; only truth can heal it. Uthman dan Fodio 1754-1816 Ranching, not free roaming, is solution AGAINST the background of rising ment of their life. securing the people and protecting important and flamboyant projects, tension being generated among Indeed, the law proposed by their welfare. Probably nowhere in that thought should perish. Sadly, ethnic groups all over the country fol- Ganduje can very well fall into the cat- the world has a government such as only about a couple of governors lowing incessant clashes between egory of laws envisaged under the Federal Government that super- have demonstrated their apprecia- farmers and cattle herdsmen, the Section 45 of the 1999 Constitution, in intends all the apparatuses of nation- tion of the situation confronting suggestion by Kano State Governor, furtherance of public order, public al security, abdicated its responsibili- their states and Nigeria; and shown Abdullahi Ganduje, for a federal law safety, public health, security and ty in such an appalling manner; as if courage to lead. It is no longer fash- to ban movement of cattle across other essentialities. In any event, gov- there is nothing at stake. ionable for governors to keep states deserves a deep appreciation. ernment, particularly the governors, It is most distressing that majority of lamenting their helplessness or that The governor, who is from the part of have the power to make laws guiding Nigerians are painfully coming to they do not control the agencies for the country where herding is a major various aspects of life of Nigerians, terms with a notion that if the law and order. They must take the occupation obviously is mindful of including indigenes of their states, Muhammadu Buhari presidency is bull by the horns, and act fast before the fact that the frequent clashes por- living or working within the states’ not a mastermind or beneficiary of the country plunges deeper into the tray danger, and a possible beginning geographical entity. the present national malaise, then it crisis. of an internal strife, the end of which In resolving the present crisis and is absolutely incapable of resolving As an addendum to Ganduje’s sug- no one can predict. tension, notable people have empha- it. The fact that some Nigerians are gestion, which he believes is the anti- No matter the divergence of views sized the necessity of not mixing up already taking laws into their hands dote to farmers-herders conflicts regarding what will constitute an criminal elements with the totality of to protect themselves in many parts and cattle rustling, all the governors enduring solution to the herdsmen an ethnic group. For instance, while it of the country is an impeccable testi- must agree on ranching as the way issue that has pitched sections of undisputable that the killer herds- mony to that thinking; and the presi- to go in enthroning a peaceful envi- Nigeria against other sections, it is men who have been widely fingered dent and his entire cabinet stand ronment for both farmers and clear that so long as herds of cattle are in using their cattle to destroy farm- deeply indicted. herders. When that is established, it free to roam the country, including lands, attack farmers, kidnap, rape A lot of damage has been done and will be easier to identify and flush on farmlands, it is a question of time and even kill their victims are mainly is still being done. But the country out killers and kidnappers who will before the bubble burst. Going by of the Fulani stock, care should be has not disintegrated. Therefore, it is then have no excuse to be lurking in recent incidents in many states, taken against inference that every not late for the government to wake the bush, save of course to perpe- including the interventions by the Fulani herdsman or of other occupa- up from its slumber. Given that the trate devilish agenda. Governor of Ondo State and Sunday tions is a killer or criminal of sorts. Federal Government has shown no Additionally, Nigeria can no longer Adeyemi (aka Sunday Igboho) in Oyo The task for all the governors, people inclination to be concerned about continue to run away from the chal- State, Nigeria has no time on her side who are being terrorised as well as the precipice in which the country is lenges of desertification, which pro- to resolve the matter. stakeholders representing the Fulani hanging, state governors must recog- vides easy excuse for roaming the Ganduje’s suggestion is fundamen- is to separate the whiff from the nise that their holiday is over. For the cows. The loss of forest and rich tal but it is far from being universally chaff; identify the real culprits and first time since 1999 when the coun- grasslands across the country can acceptable. Already, voices from the bring them to book properly in a way try started its current democratic dis- be reversed with a political will and Senate are indicating that such a law that will send the right signal to pensation, the governors are facing sincerity of purpose by the ruling would be viewed by some people as prospective other criminals. the real test of governance. class. Even school children can be unconstitutional, having regard to It must be pointed out that the If any governor ever thought that successfully deployed to achieve a the provision that allows every greatest danger facing this country his rule was no more than presiding holistic dream of keeping the coun- Nigerian freedom of movement, and today is not from the killer herdsmen over state executive meetings and try green and flourishing with vege- freedom to live anywhere in the or kidnappers; nor is it from the farm- sharing money to execute both tation. country. The discordant tunes must ing communities who have been however take cognizance of the fact complaining and now taking some that freedom, even those guaranteed practical measures to safeguard by the constitution, is never absolute; themselves. The real danger is the and is contingent on the rights of absence or near absence of govern- other Nigerians to peaceable enjoy- ment to perform its basic duty of Letter We all need mental evaluation in Nigeria Anything that’s human is men- In reality, something is fun- egory of people is in the tionable and anything that is damentally wrong with all miniature state of the mentionable can be more man- Nigerians, nay Africans. Nigerian, nay African popula- ageable. When we can talk Everyday in Nigeria is one tion. The majority of us are in about our feelings, they become day, one trouble! Leadership the cocoon of the first catego- less overwhelming, less upset- is bedeviled with selfishness ry.  Our mundane problems ting, and less scary. - Fred Rogers. and ignorance and follower- are not unsolvable if our cog- ship is bewitched by mis- nitive setup is critically exam- SIR: Wellness is the act of placed priority, unhealthy ined and honestly evaluated. practising healthy habits competition, and naughti- Nigerian leadership is the daily to attain more excellent ness. The stiff competition, offshoot of its followership. mental health. And also to instant gratification and How do you explain the achieve better physical results penchant for wealth accu- insane gathering of wealth and grow luxuriously to sur- mulation have beclouded and resources you do not vive in every complex envi- our moral reasoning and need in life, and at the ronment. With all due preference for what is best expense of the masses? What respect, we all seem to suffer for our health and everyday moral legacy are they leaving from cognitive distortions l i f e . for their children? How do and mental health in Nigeria. The Holy Quran explicitly people want their children to If I were to be President of the identified three categories of explain to the world how they Federal Republic of Nigeria, I human beings as:  got all the unexplainable would declare a state of emer- 1. Those who by hook or by wealth they have accumulat- gency on national cognitive crook, are in a penchant ed? These are all burning behaviour and healthcare search for wealth accumula- questions that should prod from day one. I would import tion and power. 2. Those who the minds of these politicians the expertise of psychologists have the insatiable quest for and their enablers. and experts on behavioural research and knowledge Expeditiously, it is more than health from recognised uni- acquisition. 3. Those who are necessary to trigger a collec- versities worldwide to do contented with their hum- tive mental evaluation of forensic mental health exami- ble beginnings and current everyone in Nigeria. nations on all of us, including comfortable positions. Yahaya Balogun wrote from the president.  Unfortunately, the third cat- Arizona, USA. 

TheGuardian Wednesday,February10,2021 | 13 Conscience, Nurtured by Truth Opinion Coronavirus diary (45) By Sylvester Odion Akhaine profit research organization IAVI, and the Holick, who has researched vitamin D confirmed with SARS-CoV-2 infection hos- latter acquired through the purchase of and leads the Bone Health Care Clinic at pitalized at a hospital in South Florida IN the last installment, I indicated I Austrian vaccine maker, Themis Bio- Boston University, observed that COVID- who were treated with ivermectin along would address non-vaccine cures for science. The reason for its action was the 19 patients who had adequate vitamin D with usual clinical care found a correla- COVID-19. It is precisely the subject of this failure of the vaccine’s immune re- levels had a lower risk of dying from the tion to lower mortality particularly in pa- part. The point should be made  abini- sponses that were lower than those seen disease as well as lower susceptibility to tients needing higher inspired oxygen or tio that alternative cure is an area where complications therefrom. ventilator support. Similarly, another developing countries with the political in people who had recovered from Ivermectin seems to be one drug that is study reported that ivermectin and doxy- will to do so could blaze the trail. Given being ‘repurposed’ as COVID-19 treat- cycline’s combination to be incredibly ef- the large ecology of medicinal plants, the COVID-19 as well as those reported for ments. Ivermectin is the active ingredient ficacious in SARS-CoV-2 clearance in cure for COVID-19 lurks somewhere be- other COVID-19 vaccines in early trials. in medicines that treat human and ani- patients with mild to moderate disease. hind the silhouettes of plants. The emer- The good news is that Merck is turning to mal diseases caused by parasites such as Confirmed COVID-19 patient from gence of new strains that might prove oral antiviral alternatives. The new focus mites, lice, and nematode worms. It has Bangladesh who were treated with iver- stubborn to be cured by what the vaccine is the trial medicines, namely, MK-7110 been available for these conditions for mectin “improved within 72 h, no side ef- researchers have put out underscores the many decades. Ivermectin is not com- fects were observed, intensive care importance of non-vaccine alternatives and MK-4482 that the company calls mol- monly used to treat head lice in Australia admission was not required, no deaths to curing COVID-19. nupiravir. Molnupiravir, which is being but other countries, including the United were reported, and all of them tested neg- Vaccine producers, such as Moderna are developed in collaboration with Ridge- States. What does this have to do with ative” Another pilot clinical trial to evalu- already broaching the matter of tweak- back Bio, is an oral antiviral being studied COVID-19? In April 2020 Australian re- ate the efficacy of ivermectin as an ing the vaccines to take care of new searchers published results from a labo- additional treatment to hydroxychloro- strains. For example, Nigeria, a develop- in both hospital and outpatient settings. ratory experiment showing ivermectin quine and azithromycin in mild to mod- ing country estimates nearly a billion The MK-7110 is an immune modulator could stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus from mul- erate hospitalized COVID-19 patients naira for the purchase of vaccines. If it and the company hopes to make public tiplying in animal cells, especially mon- proved to be more effective compared to were to deploy that amount to alterna- clinically meaningful outcomes. keys, under a microscope. A higher dose the administration of hydroxychloro- tive cures, the result would be outstand- of Ivermectin was used more than that quine and azithromycin in a controlled ing. Given the poor state of the country’s In another report put together by the used for humans. Although of interest, clinical trial. infrastructure, Bill Gates, the vaccine en- Healthline Editorial Team on October 27, the researchers warned against the con- thusiast, has recently adviced the coun- 2020, and fact-checked by Dana K. Cassell, clusion that it could work against COVID- The authors have, however, pointed to try to invest more in medical studies have revealed a link between vita- 19 in humans. More work, the report “its limitation which is that its applica- infrastructure instead of vaccines. Tell it min D and COVID-19 leading to a convic- stressed, needs to be done to determine tion is limited because of pharmacoki- to the marines. The country and its elite tion that it might help combat the virus. its clinical efficacy concerning COVID-19 netic difficulties such as low solubility. have joined the vaccine binge. However, This is coming on the heels of findings of and humans. However, a recent article by These difficulties can be overcome by for- researchers are already in the race for a new study in the Journal of Clinical En- Kaur, H., Shekhar, N., Sharma, S. et al. titled, mulating liposomal ivermectin or other non-vaccine cures of COVID-19. docrinology & Metabolism that exam- “Ivermectin as a potential drug for the ivermectin formulations with improved According to a report by Deena Beasley ined about 216 people with COVID-19 and treatment of COVID-19: an in-sync review properties.” In part 46 of this serial, I shall of Reuters, Drugmaker Merck & Co, has with clinical and computational attrib- examine the new strains of COVID-19. put a stop to the production of the vac- found inadequate vitamin D in the blood utes.” Pharmacol. Rep published January 3, cine candidate V590 and V591, the former 2021, indicates optimism in human trials. Akhaine is a Professor of Political Science a product of collaboration with the non- over 80 percent. People who had both A retrospective cohort study of patients at the Lagos State University. COVID-19 and lower vitamin D levels also had a higher number of inflammatory markers such as ferritin and D-dimer, as- sociated with poor COVID-19 outcomes. Besides, they stay longer in convalescence from COVID-19 in the hospital. Again, an- other small study he did, Dr. Michael F. Journeying on a rough road to nowhere! By Yahaya Balogun ignorance, ethnic chauvinism, etc., and it is a road to II. Adequate representation of all aggrieved geopolitical elements in the country as representatives. “The man dies in all who keep silent in the face of tyranny.” nowhere! III. Provide adequate security and jobs for all citizens. - Prof. Wole Soyinka. When leaders have failed in their moral and ethical re- IV. Rebrand a nation conscripted by the Brutish colo- sponsibility to protect citizens, all kinds of moral and nialists for their administrative convenience. THE ultimate measure of a country is how its leader- ethnic militias are inevitable, and they will be morally V. Mobilize every citizen to come together to heal the ail- ship and followership (ir)responsibly activate their justified to protect their people. Though I have never ing nation. cognition in times of national crisis. There is a complete subscribed to lawlessness and division or disintegration VI. Make a painful emphasis that: what we will lose will failure of leadership in Nigeria. Leadership is about re- of the country, but when a state fails to protect its citi- be more than what we will gain from the country’s dis- sponsibility resulting from accountability and conse- zens from the privileged invaders, the people have integration. quence. Sunday Igboho is a glorified new normal in the moral and willful justification to protecting themselves. VII. Amicable, mutual or consensual divorce from seem- nauseating and sorry lexicon of Nigeria. Whether Sun- Any act of intimidation and oppression by the state will ingly a forced age-long marriage of convenience. day Igboho is lettered or unlettered, filtered or unfil- be abhorrent to the entire and seemingly “banana” re- The current situation in Nigeria is purely a failure of tered, his crudest action is expected in a Hobbesian leadership, and the naughtiness of the followership. The society (i.e where life is short, brutish, and nasty) like public.  mutation of Sunday Igboho in our collective conscious- Nigeria. Sunday Igboho and his supporters see his ac- Meanwhile, what is good for the goose is also good for ness is a direct result of a dysfunctional society. Unless tion as a clarion call to Professor Wole Soyinka’s ax- the gander. If Inspector General of the Nigerian Police the leadership partners with the followership, and come iomatic expression above. Sunday Igboho seems a can order the arrest of Sunday Igboho, what of all the ir- together to douse geopolitical tensions, there will al- consequential child with primitive and maneuvering ritant Miyatti’ Allah leadership’s inflammatory out- ways be more of Sunday Igbohos ready to be sponta- stature. He seems in self-styled posture to be a repre- bursts of the past, and heinous crimes of Miyetti Allah’s neously evolved from our sociopolitical conundrums. sentation of a region hollowed out in the beleaguered invaders. Any forceful attempt to unlawfully arrest Sun- Inextricably, no matter the number of achievements contraption called Nigeria. Sunday Igboho has become day Igboho (though, I don’t know much about this President Buhari’s administration must have claimed, what I call an emeritus hero made on a platter of gold trending man) will be counterproductive. Sunday Ig- the insecurity, inequity, and unfairness in the system will by a pariah state. He should be encouraged reasonably boho’s order of arrest is a misnomer and diversionary further create a polarized nation, fuel chaos, unrest, and to wake us all from our nauseating slumbers. attention from the insecurity in the land. His arrest will hopelessness in the country. The current arrangement In a nutshell, every bold citizen of Sunday Igboho’s eth- garner sympathy for a man purportedly mobilizing to in Nigeria is fraught with injustices, ethnic jingoism, nic enclave has a moral and ethnic obligation not to be wake a sleeping government that closes its eyes to other and inefficient leadership. It is not sustainable develop- subjugated by the partiality of the northern oligarchs glorified and privileged northern militias and danger- ment, and the ineffectual Buhari’s administration on se- and its geopolitical enablers from the South. All Niger- ous herdsmen. The arrest of Sunday Igboho will further curity is claiming more innocent lives. One life lost is too ian leaders (including Buhari) from the inception of “na- threaten our fragile unity in Nigeria. Nigerian leader- many in a society bedeviled with nauseating contradic- tionhood” are to be blamed for the current strife in ship is known to excusing responsibility for irresponsi- tions. Buhari’s stance on safety is a failure that is nullify- Nigeria. The impending political and ethnic inferno bility and mundane. The leadership has always lacked ing the achievements of Bubu in nation-building. hovering over the country will not only consume iri- responsible priority to meet the yearnings and simple Sincerely yours, anything short of the itemized salient descent Sunday Igboho, it will consume the leadership expectations of the masses. points above in the interim, or an intervening time, is and rueful followership, altogether. Nigeria is danger- The following simple solutions are crucial, and should like journeying in our collective blissful ignorance on ously journeying on a road glowingly paved with self- be considered in a jiffy to resolve our intractable prob- the road to nowhere! ishness, deliberate indifference, arrogance and Balogun wrote from Arizona, USA. lems in Nigeria: 1. Restructuring of Nigeria with a truly national conver- sation.

TheGuardian Wednesday,February 10,2021 | 14 Conscience, Nurtured by Truth Opinion Niger Delta, Shell and the verdict By Matthew Agboma Ozah back here at home where they lost their lands, waterways and by extension the Federal government. occupation to crude oil pollution.   However, the most depressing thing about oil spill in the THE economic indicies laying bare before Nigerians today Indeed, it is welcoming news that some of the Niger Delta Niger Delta is not just the destruction it causes on the envi- reveal that the country is poorer than ever before and can- crude oil spills and degradation of the region’s environment ronment. It is the way people, especially those in government not fend adequately for its needs without borrowing. That is now linked and adequate penalty(ies) been pronounced circles and officials of oil companies echo a shadow accusa- might seem like the obvious consequence from the sharp fall against culprits. The few privilege communities that earned tion. They seem to lose all sense of good reasoning in their de- in not just the demand, but the price of crude oil interna- this ‘golden feat’ are, Oruma in Ogba local government area fense and distractive blame game. For instance, after the tionally. But most importantly, it is difficult to have a glow- of Bayelsa state, Goi in Gokana local government area of Dutch verdict against Shell, the Shell Petroleum Development ing economy because Nigeria’s government continues to Rivers state and Ikot Ada in Ikot Abasi local government area Company (SPDC) of Nigeria spokesman, Bamidele Odugbe- operate a mono-economic system rather than opening and of Akwa Ibom state respectively. After 13 years of legal wran- san insisted that it was sabotage. He said: “We continue to be- growing the economy through other sectors. However, none gling, the appeal court in The Hague ruled that: “Shell Nigeria lieve that the spills in Oruma and Goi were the result of of this makes much difference before the Niger Deltans, be- is sentenced to compensate farmers for damages”. The Shake- sabotage. We are therefore disappointed that this court has cause they have been rendered penniless and inactive for spearian literature in Merchant of Venice refers such ruling as made a different finding on the cause of the spills…” Rather decades from their traditional occupation of farming and “...a Daniel has come to judgment…”. What else are the Niger than possessing a marvelous self-correcting mechanism, like fishing by crude oil spill. This underlines the big challenges Deltans demanding if not justice and the need for oil com- the court advised that Shell’s parent company, Netherlands- facing the region and reasons behind its youth unending panies operating in the region to clean up the environment based Royal Dutch Shell to install a leak detection system on restiveness. Of course, there is every need to be restive since and be more careful in future operations. This is because oil the Oruma pipeline among others. It is disheartening to note the market value of oil does not reflect any value in the lives pollution is not just corroding the environment, it is corrod- that it is more appropriate for the oil companies to point ac- of Niger Deltans. Hence, the Niger Deltans are in constant ing the livelihood of Niger Deltans at every level. Just as it cre- cusing fingers at sabotage. By the way, who is the saboteur, is search for justice to address the lingering issue about oil pol- ates distrust between host communities and the oil it the host communities? This therefore makes the Dutch lution and their livelihood. companies, while it encourages youth restiveness to rise verdict seems to have a critical question whether it might be Pardon me to digress a bit by telling an old joke as published sharply. at all in Shell’s interest to obey the court ruling. by the Economist magazine recently. It goes thus: a policeman The efforts of the Dutch court in its verdict is commendable. Notwithstanding the negative comments towards host com- sees an inebriated man searching for his keys under a lamp However, the foot dragging before the ruling may make the munities, oil industry analysts, believes that the ruling would post and offers to help find them. After a few fruitless min- issue look like a new problem. But, in fact, it is a very old one. pave way for more cases against oil companies by host com- utes, the officer asks the man whether he is certain he Also, the judgment is an attempt that tried to explain what a munities seeking reparations for lost income from contami- dropped his keys at that particular location. No, says the man, free and independent justice system should look like and nated land and waterways in the region. Indeed, the Niger he lost them in the park. Then why search here, asks the offi- how justice should be dispensed irrespective of influence sur- Delta issue has become a matter that cannot be kicked down cer. The man answers: “Because that is where the light is” for rounding an individual or corporate organisation. No doubt, the road any longer. Much as the Dutch verdict reveals that years the story has been used to illustrate the simple point of the Dutch ruling is a much harder feat to achieve back here at the people from that region have refused to be taken hostage great relevance to social scientists, that what you find de- home due to governments, past and present interference and by the oil companies. As a lesson, it would be necessary for pends on where you look. The telling thing about this story insensitiveness to the plight of the Niger Deltans. Hence, the the federal government, through its institutions, especially with regards to the Niger Deltans is that, for much of their increasing cause to intensify emotions that results to volatile law enforcement agencies and the judiciary to fall along the sufferings and pains from crude oil pollution, they have since situations in the region. In a way the agitation for compen- path of honour in all their dealings with the people of Nige- 2008 narrowed their search for justice in faraway Dutch in sation and a clean environment now seems as a trial of ria, irrespective of region, tribe or religion. Netherlands where the lamplight is of greater focus than strength between host communities and oil companies and Ogun State: The legacy of a great future (3) By Tunji Olaopa to deploy a vast youthful population to an slogan of “building the future together.” This ruption are both fundamental variables that agricultural agenda backed by a huge indus- slogan has significant administrative and undermine good governance. The trajectory Continued from yesterday trial framework that can move Ogun for- governance implications that can improve of governance achievements which His Ex- ward. The establishment of the Ogun State the governance and productivity profile of cellency has proven in his first year cannot be THIS vision already indicates a significant One-Stop-Shop Investment Center (OSIC), Ogun state. I will highlight three. rubbished by the prevalence of corruption strategic ideology, which is further which later transformed into the Ogun State The first is economic collaboration. In Octo- and its debilitating consequences. fleshed in the ISEYA acronym—Infrastruc- Investment Promotion and Facilitation ber 2019, the Governors of Lagos and Ogun ture—Social Welfare and Well-being—Educa- Agency (OgunInvest) in 2018 is a critical struc- states were hosted to a business meeting to The last institutional template I am con- tion—Youth development—Agriculture and tural complement to Governor Abiodun’s discuss the possibilities of collaboration de- vinced will add value to the Abiodun admin- food security. The acronym therefore pro- PPP vision. manded by their economic and geographic istration is the urgent need to establish an vides a Yoruba cultural call to duty for the The second leg in Governor Abiodun’s gov- contiguity. Yet, this principle of contiguity inter-generational forum that will enable the governor and his team—it is time to work! ernance agenda is the reform of the civil serv- ought not to be restricted to Lagos alone. It state to harness the vast human capital re- And His Excellency definitely set out to work, ice to boost its capacity readiness to deliver ought to extend to the entire southwestern sources available to the state in education, guided by the intense discipline of the pri- on his vision. The reformer in me delights in region that borders Ogun state. These are sis- music, entertainment, industry, the private vate sector managerial dynamics that is mo- the Governor’s effort to erase the skill and ca- ter states whose economic profiles and cul- sector, science and technology, politics, pub- tivated by performance management and pacity gaps in the operational functionality tural dynamics mirrors those of Ogun state. lic administration, and so on. All these achiev- productivity indicators. This ideological con- of the MDAs. This is the way to go to trans- There is a lot to be gained in terms of gover- ers, heroes and heroines constitute a text for governance performance was also form the MDAs into world-class functional nance and trade agreements and partner- framework of intelligence and wisdom that hedged about with what the Governor called unit for governance successes. This reform ship. Indeed, as I see it, the DAWN the administration can call upon to backstop “strategic enablers”—good governance, se- consciousness is complemented by series of Commission ought to be a truly functional its policies and projections. They remain a curity, information and communication reform processes: rejuvenation of the M&E catalyst for Governor Abiodun’s vision of PPP. veritable bridge between what had been technology (ICT), infrastructure and wel- department, appointment of a director-gen- done and what is possible, especially in terms fare—grounded on the strategic pillars of eral for the Bureau of Public Procurement, The second institutional template for to- of youth development which is a significant agriculture, education, health, environment and a Statistician-General for the Bureau of getherness in realizing the objectives of Ogun plank in the Abiodun administration’s gov- and infrastructure. Statistics, and the putting up of the 2020- State is the need for a deeper attention to the ernance strategy. What is unique about Governor Abiodun’s 2022 Medium Term Expenditure Framework functionality of the Ogun state public service. Tribute vision and strategy? It is simple but brilliant: (MTEF). There is an urgent need for a rigorous and Let me end this keynote with a quote from he realized the comparative strength of And after one year in office, the Governor more focused reform implementation dy- Dwayne Johnson, the American movie star. Ogun state and he tapped into it to harness was able to say, with confidence, “We deliv- namics that will facilitate the capacity readi- According to him, “Success isn’t always about its capacities. Ogun state, as we noted earlier, ered on our promises to the people of Ogun ness of the public service to deliver on the greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent is strategically placed as the gateway into the state.” policy of the Abiodun administration. This hard work leads to success. Greatness will southwest and into Nigeria. And it has been And yet the job is not yet done, as His Excel- means that the reforms signaled by the Gov- come.” The responsibility attached to gover- naturally endowed with arable lands, as well lency recognized. In the next few pages, I will ernor—economic and public financial re- nance requires focus, consistency and hard as an industrial potentiality deriving from its outline the challenges ahead, together with form, public financial management reforms, work. I have no doubt that all these can be contiguity to Lagos, that promise huge re- the opportunities available for the Governor fiscal and institutional management reforms, found in HE Prince (Dr) Dapo Abiodun. I have turns. Given the fiscal limitations that the and his administration to tap in. etc.—require detailed implementational and no doubt that he is already laying the foun- Nigerian Constitution imposes on the state, “Building Our Future Together” evaluative mechanism that will produce tan- dation of a great future in Ogun state. His re- what best way to harness these potentials The Abiodun administration has three more gible outputs. There might be a need for a re- ward will be that no one will ever forget the that Providence has given Ogun state than years in its first tenure office. And these years form agency in the office of the governor to legacy that will come from his good gover- through a collaboration between the gov- are sufficient to generate the goodwill that take charge of reform matters and their man- nance agenda. ernment and the private sector? And who is will give the governor a second term to keep agement. Concluded. in the best position and with the vast experi- up the good governance work embedded in The third institutional component I will ur- Professor Olaopa delivered this piece as ence to realize this than someone who cuts ISEYA. The solid indication for this is the gently signal is the need for an anti-corrup- keynote lecture at the symposium organised his professional and managerial teeth in the demonstration of performance intent that tion framework that will serve as a critical by the Ogun State Government to mark the private sector? It therefore becomes possible the first year produced. This implies that the structural watchdog to undergird the ad- 45th anniversary of the state’s creation on the administration must take seriously its own ministration’s governance objectives and 3rd of February, 2021. Olaopa is a professor of projections. Political and bureaucratic cor- public administration and public policy.

TheGuardian Business Wednesday, February10,2021 CRUDE OIL PRICE UPDATE Brent crude: $61.12 | WTI crude: $58.35 FOREX MARKET UPDATE Interbank rate N380 | Parallel market: N480 Oil production still 300% higher than Nigeria’s projection From Kingsley Jeremiah, Abuja lenge of high production cost. I expect robust discus- MINISTER of State for sions and a realistic Petroleum Resources, roadmap to achieve the cost Timipre Sylva,  yesterday optimisation objectives,” he revealed that Nigeria still said. spends around $30 in pro- The Group Managing ducing a barrel of crude oil Director, Nigerian National despite the undulating price Petroleum, Corporation of the commodity at the (NNPC), Mele Kyari, also international market. asked stakeholders in the Although the Federal industry to join in working Government has been mak- towards reducing opera- ing efforts to bring down the tions cost to achieve the $10 cost to about $10, the current or less per barrel produc- cost for  Joint Venture pro- tion cost target. duction is 300 per cent high- Nigeria  reportedly has the er than the projected target. highest personnel cost Speaking at the launch among global operators, of  the Nigerian Upstream thus making it difficult to Cost Optimisation produce oil at a profitable Programme (NUCOP), in price of below $10/barrel. Abuja, Sylva put the figure Over  50 per cent of  opera- for joint venture production tors cash flow  reportedly at $20/barrel, goes to personnel costs. Traffic in the city of Lagos. PHOTO: FEMI ADEBESIN-KUTI and  Production Sharing Kyari said the current reali- Contract (PSC)  at about ty dictated by the global ‘Productivity drops as traffic congestion $20/barrel. energy transition and Oil price has been unstable demand erosion occa- for over two years, as the sioned by the Covid-19 pan- costs Lagosians N4 trillion yearly’ Organization of the demic has made cost opti- Petroleum Exporting mization imperative. Countries (OPEC), and its “It is in our informed inter- By Femi Adekoya allies had repeatedly cut est to optimize our cost of traffic congestion is networks, and implement as roads and ports that can supply to the market to production. The realities of CITING the economic N133,978.68 per annum for the Lagos Transport be controlled and managed defend price. Although the energy transition and implications of daily Masterplan that proposes price stood at about $60.64 investor choices are very traffic congestion in the those who own their vehi- investment in a multi- by the state to reduce con- per barrel yesterday, it had much clear to us. There is state, Danne Institute for modal transport system slumped into negative in nowhere in this world Research, a Lagos-based cles, and N79,039.40 each like waterways and seven gestion. 2020, on the backdrop of the where a less cost-efficient research institute, has said rail lines, and the develop- COVID-19 pandemic. operator can survive in its Connectivity and year for those who use pub- ment of the millionaire President, Chartered With Nigeria’s heavy today,” he posited. Productivity Report that cities so that residents dependence on crude oil for He called on industry play- Lagos State loses about N4 lic transport. The total loss won’t have to go the island Institute of Personnel revenue and without ers to adopt such measures trillion yearly as a result of to get well-paying jobs or refineries to process the as transparency,  collabora- its notorious traffic con- to Lagos is estimated at do business. Management, Wale crude, high cost of oil pro- tion, efficiency and shared gestion problem. duction means low revenue services to help in driving 14.12million hours per day The President, Lagos Adediran, alerted the pub- or losses, depending on the down cost in order to meet According to the Institute Chamber of Commerce price at the international the target.   at its virtual Transport and or N3,834,340,158,870 per and Industry, Mrs. Toki lic on the physical, mental market. Kyari disclosed that under Traffic Conference, the loss Mabogunje, explained that Sylva had insisted that there the NNPC operational is the economic cost of the annum.” Lagos is struggling to play and emotional effects of was a need for cost optimisa- theme for the year known of estimated 14.12 million a catch-up game because tion to keep the  oil as ‘Execution Excellence’, hours lost by Lagosians Lagos State Governor, growth has outpaced plan- traffic congestion on the and  gas  industry afloat in the Corporation intends to while commuting to work ning for decades, and sug- Nigeria.   achieve a contracting cycle every day. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, who gested the State agrees on state working population “Today’s engagement with of six months or less, which an operational framework industry stakeholders, would help create efficiency The findings reinforce was represented by the with the Federal and emphasized that law under the NUCOP, is part of and drive down unit operat- concerns by members of Government such that the resolve of this adminis- ing cost to sub $10 per barrel the Organised Private Commissioner for some federal assets, such and order is at the heart of tration to confront this chal- level.  Sector (OPS) on the ease of Transport, Dr. Frederic solutions to Lagos traffic Oladeinde, said Lagos was problems. adopting a multi-pronged Co-founder of BudgIT, approach, as the govern- Joseph Agunbiade, was of ment is convinced that the the opinion that the gov- state cannot spend its way ernment should prioritize out of congestion. data, innovation and dis- He explained that the ruption along with attract- strategy of the government ing massive private invest- is to modernise and max- ment to close the transport imise existing transport infrastructure deficit. doing business in the State, especially as it relates to DPR deepens floating LNG production with new licence the daily movement of goods and people. While presenting the From Kingsley Jeremiah, Abuja Plant to produce 176million Mcfd of gas Petroleum Resources, licence promised to abide findings of their research Timipre Sylva, had also by the terms of issuance at a public-private sector FEW years after the ities take place on the sea late the  nation’s  economy declared that aggressive within the 24- month valid- dialogue, the Founder and before the gas is shipped effort would be made to Executive Director of the Floating Liquefied directly to the market. and create jobs for unlock revenue and eco- ity period of the LTE from Institute, Professor Franca The Director/Chief Executive nomic potential of gas even Ovadje, explained that Natural Gas (FLNG) technol- Officer,  DPR, Sarki Auwalu, Nigerians, Auwalu as the the date of issue. long commutes between while presenting the licence government  had  declared where Lagosians live and ogy became feasible; the in Abuja, explained that the noted  that the licence was 2020 the Year of Gas. With this development, work, among other factors, milestone was a reinforce- Auwalu  also assured are a major cause of unend- Department of Petroleum ment of the promise a demonstration of the gov- that  DPR  will continue to Nigeria may become the ing traffic jams, adding and  commitment create opportunities and that it was unfortunate Resources (DPR), Monday, of  President Muhammadu ernment’s resolve to har- enable business for compa- second African country that the growth of Lagos Buhari to Nigerians to pro- nies by providing the regu- megacity is not leading to granted Nigeria’s first mote indigenous  participa- ness safe and reliable tech- latory tools of licences, per- that would leverage the increase in productivity tion in the oil and gas sector, mits and approvals for due to the state’s connec- licence for the production and  ensure that companies nology for the development investors.  technology after a $2billion tivity issues. come to Nigeria and do busi- The Managing Director of 176 million cubic feet per ness in an equitable way. of the oil and gas industry. of UTM Offshore Ltd., Julius facility being championed She said: “We found that Stressing the need to stimu- Rone, while receiving the the cost to individuals of day (MMCFD) of gas. The Federal Government by the government of FLNGs are water-based LNG, had  last year, put Nigeria’s Equatorial Guinea which uses modern tech- total gas reserves at 203.16 and  Ophir Energy and nology in the development trillion cubic feet (TCF), rep- Golar LNG.  of offshore natural gas resenting a marginal PFLNG Satu located in resources. With the initia- increase of 1.16tcf or 0.57 per Kanowit gas field offshore tive, natural gas would be cent from the 202tcf record- Sarawak in Malaysia, is produced, liquefied, stored ed in 2019. reportedly the world’s first and transferred. These activ- The Minister of State for FLNG.

16 THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday, February10, 2021

THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday, February10, 2021 17

18 | THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday, February10,2021 Business Policy inconsistency, capital control bane of FDI By Helen Oji economies, capital importa- that the low capital importa- things, we note that the achieved in the correspond- the conflicting policy tion into Nigeria has contin- tion into the country will per- aggregate of capital impor- ing period in 2019, and 42.4 actions, which, according to FINANCIAL analysts have ued on a downward trend, sist in the near term until for- tation from Q2-20 to Q4-20 per cent reduction com- them, have continued to listed policy inconsisten- dropping to its lowest level eign investors see policy (USD3.83 billion) was 34.6 pared to $16.81 billion deter confidence in the cy and capital control mea- since first quarter (Q1), 2017. action that increases their per cent less than the total recorded in 2018. Nigerian economy. sures as impediments to confidence in the stability capital inflows to the coun- “Looking ahead, we expect a capital importation and In addition, they said such and liquidity of the naira, try in Q1-20 (USD5.85 billion) Nigeria recorded its lowest marginal pickup in capital Foreign Direct Investment policy summersaults have and more attractive fixed- right before the pandemic capital inflows in the past importation given the (FDI) inflow into Nigeria. also made foreigners shun income yields, vs. peers. ravaged the global econo- four years in 2020, since recent uptick in yields as the economy in favour of its “True to our prognosis, capi- my.” 2016 when it received $5.12 well as our expectation of Analysing Nigerian invest- peers. tal importation dipped in billion inflows. further devaluation of the ment climate in its 2020 full Consequently, the total cap- 2020FY dipped by 56.7 PER According to the data currency which we believe year report, Codros ital imported into the coun- CENT to USD9.68 billion released by the Nigeria However, the analysts will support improvement Securities Limited said try declined by 26.8 per cent (2019FY: USD23.99 billion) Bureau of Statistics (NBS) at expressed optimism of a in FPI inflows. amidst the global search for quarter-on-quarter in Q4, according to the data the weekend, capital impor- marginal pickup in capital “For us, the major downside high yields in emerging and 2020 to $1.07 billion. released by the NBS last week. tation dipped by 56.7 per importation given the risk stems from the conflict- frontier markets, and given ‘In our Q2-20 capital importa- “To underscore the scale of cent in 2020 full year to $9.68 recent uptick in yields as ing policy actions that con- ultra-low yields in advanced tion report, we expressed billion from $23.99 billion well as expectation of fur- tinue to deter confidence in ther devaluation of the cur- the Nigerian economy,” they rency. concluded. However, it expects major downside risk to stem from FG urges China to intensify support for $5bn Mambilla Power Project From Sodiq Omolaoye, Abuja ticularly in the area of driv- ing the country’s economic THE Nigerian Investment and industrial revolution. Promotion Commission He said: “For a shared future (NIPC), has called on the to complement efforts and Chinese Government to drive inclusiveness, it is per- intensify its support for tinent that China ignites its Nigeria’s infrastructural big brother role in Nigeria development,  especially and drives the economic with the Belt and Road and industrial revolution Initiative (BRI), and the N2.1 needed for the largest black trillion ($5.792 billion) 3,050 nation. Nigeria needs China megawatts (MW) Mambilla to bring on board beneficial hydropower project.  and impactful investments Experts seek support for local technology production Chairman, Governing thatwillsupportthewomen Council of NIPC, Babangida and the large numbers of Nguroje, made the appeal, youths in Nigeria. Because policies that will aid people ment’s institutions to block a year such that there was no Tuesday, at the 50th anniver- any nation that invests in By Kehinde Olatunji strike again. Between 2017 sary to mark the diplomatic women and youth will turn like NUGI Tech, Rock Results revenue leakages. TECHNOLOGY and engi- Group to come together to Citing an example of how and 2020, we generated N5 relationship between around the fortune of the neering experts have sell Nigeria technology to the company has been billion for the school. The Nigeria and China organised country and further by the Centre for China improve the lives of its com- emphasised the need for the the world. using technological solu- statistics are there. “Our partnership with tions to help institutions “Since both companies are Studies, and the Chinese munity.” government to expedite policies that would aid local NUGI Technologies is strate- block revenue leakages, experienced at what we do, Embassy in Abuja.  While commenting on the production of technology, gically pivoting our move- Augustine said the Cross our coming together is strate- Nguroje noted that such a huge gap in trade volume to give Nigeria international ment into the tech space in River State University of gic because Rock Results has support was necessary due between both countries, recognition and strengthen Africa. This partnership is Technology (CRUTECH), been in business for more to the strategic importance Nguroje stressed the need NUGI and critical role the project for Nigeria to maximise the the economy. strategic to both companies, and a federal parastatal in years than They noted that this would the government and society the aviation sector were Technologies. When you would  play in stimulating potential of the African help the country to shrug off as a whole, as we seek to cre- some of the institutions bring experience and exper- Nigeria’s economy .  Continental Free Trade Area the tag of a consuming ate a solution that will that have benefited from tise together, you get the best The financing arrangement (AfCFTA) agreement in result, which is what we are for the  $5.8  billion project bridging the gap between nation to become a produc- impact our community and the company’s expertise. indicates that while China’s the two countries.  ing one.  the nation. “The school was always doing.” This was disclosed at the “Our ecosystem comes with going on strike due to lack Augustine added that the Export-Import Bank will pro- Director, Centre for China inking of a Memorandum of the capacity of creating thou- of payment of salaries. And partnership is beyond vide 85 per cent of the Studies, Charles Onunaiju, Understanding (MoU) sands of jobs beginning here we told them, don’t pay us Nigeria, as it is targeted at resources, the Federal said sharing of experience in between Rock Results in Nigeria in a few months. for one year, let us work. We ensuring that customer-cen- Government will cater for 15 policies between both coun- Group, a construction and Our focus in this partnership deployed our solution and tric ICT solutions are provided per cent of the joint project. tries would boost Nigerian civil engineering conglom- is to create value for every- we helped the school gener- across Africa and globally. Nguroje described China as a Government’s effort on big brother to Nigeria, par- poverty alleviation.  erate and NUGI one and to use technology to ate enough revenue within Technologies Limited, an make a positive impact in ICT solution firm. Africa and beyond,” he said. Market extends losing streak as index dips further by 0.13% The firms assured that they The CEO of NUGI would be deploying techno- Technologies, Ugi Augustine, By Helen Oji Niger Insurance, Japaul Gold ly. Also, total volume of trade logical solutions in the said the two companies have fell by 10.1 per cent to 305.928 transportation, banking, come together to bring tech- THE Nigerian Stock and Ventures, and Multiverse Wema Bank followed with a million units valued at agriculture, education and nology back home, and end Exchange (NSE) extended N3.952 billion, exchanged in utilities sectors, with a view the annual spending on losses to seven consecutive Mining and Exploration. 7.69 per cent gain to close at 4,969 deals. to ending technology technology importation. trading sessions, causing the Transactions in the shares of importation, which costs All-Share Index (ASI) to depre- Analysts at Afrinvest Limited 70 kobo, while Sovereign FBN Holdings (FBNH) topped the country millions of dol- He said: “The partnership ciate further by 0.13 per cent. the activity chart with 47.763 lars every year. will be saving Nigeria mil- said:  “In the next trading ses- Trust Insurance went up by million shares valued at lions of dollars yearly, as all Yesterday, the ASI dropped N351.057 million. Guinness Specifically, the technological solutions by 54.15 absolute points, rep- sion, we expect to see investors 7.14 per cent to close at 30 Nigeria followed with 37.245 President/Chief Executive being imported will be deliv- resenting a drop of 0.13 per million shares worth Officer (CEO), Rock Results ered within Nigeria.” cent to close at 41,510.16 take position in bellwether kobo. N732.329 million, while RT Group, Ifeanyi Okorie, said Speaking on the company’s points, while the overall mar- Briscoe traded 26.831 million the partnership would solutions that attracted the ket capitalisation value lost stocks. However, trades might On the other hand, NNFM led shares valued at N5.899 mil- advance Nigerian-based partnership, Augustine said N28 billion to close at N21.716 lion. technology that is interna- NUGI Technologies have trillion. be influenced by the direction the losers’ chart by 9.94 per Zenith Bank traded 25.075 tionally verifiable and certi- been operating for five years million shares at N651.002 fied. and have been impacting The downturn was driven of yields in the fixed income cent to close at N7.79, per million, and Sterling Bank the economy positively, by price depreciation in large transacted 19.998 million He said: “So, all the govern- deploying solutions in hos- and medium capitalised m a r k e t . ” share. NEM Insurance fol- shares worth N38.151 million. ment needs to give us is a pitals, schools and govern- stocks amongst which were; level playing ground, create Northern Nigeria Flour Mills Market sentiment closed at lowed with a 9.20 per cent fall (NNFM), NEM Insurance, par, recording an equal num- to close at N2.27, and Niger ber of 23 gainers and 23 losers. Insurance shed 9.09 per cent Champion Breweries, Linkage to close at 20 kobo, per share. Assurance, Morison Japaul Gold and Ventures Industries, and R.T Briscoe lost 8.86 per cent to close at 72 Nigeria recorded the highest kobo, while Multiverse price gain of 10 per cent each, Mining and Exploration to close at N2.75, 66 kobo, 55 dipped 7.69 per cent to close kobo and 22 kobo, respective- at 24 kobo, per share.

THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday, February10, 2021 19 Energy&Solid Minerals As Nigeria seeks solace in gas for transition, power challenges As oil hits $60 a barrel, the rhetoric from Nigeria is the need to be reminded of lag in demand fuelling uncertainty and preparation for a world beyond oil to avert a repeat of the year 2020 cri- sis. The collapse of oil prices to below zero last April shook many oil producers and jolted an energy sector to rethink strategy. For Nigeria, it was time to take the bitter pill and hedge the crisis with gas. With gas offering the resilience for tran- sition and increased electricity supply, the Federal Government’s decade of gas mantra appears soothing for a gas nation, FEMI ADEKOYA writes. LAST year, the price of West Texas crude fell to negative Fracking site $10 billion, this is ongoing. There are a number of gas- $37.63 per barrel on April 20, as sellers scrambled to based projects about $3 to $5 billion and some of them offload their May futures contracts before the next expi- low the same path as the power sector as this would are at the Final Investment Decision (FID) stage,” he stat- ration date — even if they had to pay buyers to make the have terrible consequences for our economy. ed. deal. The reason: with the pandemic bringing the econ- omy to a standstill, there is so much unused oil sloshing According to the NNPC, demand for natural gas by the He maintained that Nigeria as a country is currently in around that American energy companies have run out country’s domestic market, which currently comprises transition and not necessarily in energy transition, but of room to store it. mostly power and industries, would rise from 1.5 billion added that the country is not oblivious of the changes in standard feet per day (bscfd) to 7.4bscfd in 2027. the global oil and gas sector. The above scenario was not peculiar to American pro- ducers but also Nigeria, as the Federal Government had But the Corporation said it was making plans to plug According to the NNPC boss, Nigeria is at the moment in a desperate effort to offload and sell stranded barges this expected rise in demand with seven natural gas witnessing increased domestic gas demand in the of oil, offered oil traders huge discounts on Nigerian projects it christened the ‘Seven Critical Gas industrial and power sectors, leading to increased pro- crude oil grades below the $10 mark for the month of Development Projects (7CGDP),’ which would bring in duction and reduced gas flaring. May. about 3.5 billion standard cubic feet daily (bscfd) of gas in 2021. Kyari explained that the country is also witnessing Data from the Nigerian National Petroleum increasing household access to gas networks and natu- Corporation (NNPC) on government’s crude oil grades Speaking at this year’s Atlantic Council Global Energy ral gas in the main cities, saying that there are deliber- for sale in May 2020, showed prices as low at $1.51 while Forum, on the topic, “Delivering Energy Access in the ate plans to expand that access to rural areas. two of Nigeria’s banner grades -- Qua Iboe and Bonny Developing World,” Kyari noted that although the coun- Light -- sold at discounts of $3.92 and $3.95, respectively try aligns with the push for renewables, it is now He added that the Federal Government’s recent plan to Dated Brent. focused on using its oil and gas resources in developing aimed at deepening domestic gas consumption, led to infrastructure till when the commodities become less the advent of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Without refining capacity, Nigeria lacks the space to relevant in about 40 years. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), as part of the policy to store unwanted supplies at a time the cost of hiring deploy resources in the right places. ships to take its supplies to importers had soared He disclosed that Nigeria, with significant gas because many tankers are being used for floating stor- reserves, has approximately $3 to $4 billion projects cur- “The best of forecasts has said that in 30 years, we will age. rently ongoing in the sector, some of which have still have at least 100 million bpd of oil consumption. reached advanced stages, in the country’s effort to rev Indeed, the Group Managing Director of the NNPC, up production for domestic use and for export. “So, oil and gas will still remain relevant in the near Mele Kyari, had painted a gloomy picture of the Nigerian future, but transition is real. What countries and economy in the months ahead, appealing to industry “We are not a petroleum country in the real sense. It’s nations are doing is to move towards much cleaner fuel captains and Nigerians, to be prepared for very lean agreed that we have the 10th largest reserve of oil and a and this cleaner fuel is clearly gas and that’s why we as a times. significant gas reserve. Of course, what everybody company are focused on gas resources, making sure to recognises is the oil. supply the domestic market and create opportunities As projected at the time, the country went into a reces- for export. sion and continues to deal with worsening revenue “The reality today is that we have a country in excess of problems, owing to low oil prices. 200 million people. Seventy per cent of this population “So, what we see as an energy resource-based country is well below 30, with a growing middle class and one of is to utilise the available resources of today to create the With the uncertainty trailing oil exports and revenue the fastest growing economies in Africa. enabling environment for growth and prosperity in the due to the lingering impact of the pandemic, country and that clearly aligns with the reality on the PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC), last month, advised “More importantly, for us today, an energy deficient ground. Nigeria and other African countries to be strategic in country, over 60 per cent of our country is not electri- their energy transition plans, while exploring opportu- fied, poverty level is very high, extremely challenging. “We have significant goodwill and understanding nities in gas development. But so much is going on to see how we can reverse this across countries, nations and companies. For instance, trend. When you combine all these, you will see that as we have significant engagement with the United States Noting that much of Africa’s gas supply growth will a country of focus today, many things are happening in department of energy in the sense that we receive some come from Nigeria, PwC, in its Africa Oil and Gas Review the energy sector. support in our transition to cleaner fuels, so that we can 2020, themed: ‘Energising a New Tomorrow,’ added that develop our gas infrastructure so that we move away the positive outlook for natural gas, which is often “For instance, we are seeing investment in our energy from liquids to gas ultimately,” Kyari noted. termed the renewable bridging fuel due to its lower car- infrastructure, especially in the area of gas in excess of bon footprint, will see stronger price and demand recov- On the question of whether Nigeria can survive with- ery as countries move to rebuild their economies. “The best of forecasts has said that in 30 years, we will out oil, especially given the current crisis in the global oil market, the GMD explained that Nigeria was gradual- The report reflected the opportunities in gas export for still have at least 100 million bpd of oil consumption. ly moving away from its dependence on oil. Nigeria, noting that Africa consumes 63 per cent of its total gas production, predominantly for power genera- So, oil and gas will still remain relevant in the near “What does this mean for a country like ours, which tion, even though the continent’s gas exporting coun- depends on oil for cash? Obviously, we have seen how tries saw a total decline of more than six per cent in 2020 future, but transition is real. What countries and we can transit to something better for our country, so from 39.7 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) in 2019 to we don’t depend on that today. You may be aware that 37.3 mtpa in 2020. nations are doing is to move towards much cleaner fuel today, the country’s resources are mostly coming from taxes and those taxes are growing because population Available data show that Nigeria produces 49.3 billion and this cleaner fuel is clearly gas and that’s why we as and prosperity is growing and we want to get more cubic meters (bcm) of gas, with 24.8bcm or 50.3 per cent work done. exported to Europe and Asia. a company are focused on gas resources, making sure “As a country, we are facing the new realities and we Indeed, projections on natural gas demand in Africa to supply the domestic market and create opportuni- are moving towards the use of gas and also we are devel- show a gradual increase over the next 20 years with oping our resources as quickly as possible so that when global peak gas only expected towards 2035 and 2040. ties for export. So, what we see as an energy resource- the real transition comes in 30 to 40 years’ time, we will be in a position to say this is a developed country that Already, oil majors are reviewing their portfolios with a based country is to utilise the available resources of has taken advantage of its resources,” he stated. view to embracing transitioning to renewables. today to create the enabling environment for growth With nearly two-thirds of the continent lacking access to electricity, and most countries depending on expen- and prosperity in the country and that clearly aligns sive fuel imports, there are calls for increased energy spending and the need to explore hydrocarbons for with the reality on the ground. domestic growth rather than solely trading such. Given the global migration from oil to cleaner fuels, such as gas, the Nigerian economy is going to become increasingly dependent on gas and less dependent on crude oil. The gas sector simply cannot be allowed to fol-

20 THE GUARDIAN, Wednesday, February 10, 2021 Industry ‘Wrong policy choices cast strain on ailing economy’ Stories by Femi Adekoya Organised Private Sector (OPS), had kicked against the bor- on businesses, both formal and informal players,” it said in der closure, citing lack of strategy in the implementation the 2021 report. THE Nigeria Economic Summit Group (NESG), has urged and expected outcome. the Federal Government to always consider the implica- “Wrong policy choices cast a strain on an ailing economy. NESG Chairman, Asue Ighodalo, also urged the Federal tions of its economic policy choices, stating that wrong Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, the implementation Government to take more interest in promoting the coun- choices cast a strain on an ailing economy. of land border closure resulted in a decline in earnings from try’s non-oil exports to reap maximum benefits from the In its latest Economic Outlook, the Group noted that some non-oil exports. African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement. policy choices have a lingering impact on the economy even “This policy decision reversed the few gains made in the last if they are eventually reversed. couple of years and further exacerbated the challenges fac- Ighodalo said Nigeria needed to create innovative econom- The group specifically identified the closure of land borders ing the economy. ic ideas that could spur growth and prosperity. as one of such policies that ended up exacerbating the coun- “In addition to a sharp and consecutive increase in prices, try’s economic challenges. inflation rate rose from 11 per cent in August 2019 to 14.9 per He said the country should encourage non-oil exports to cent in November 2020. The economy has recorded consec- improve export earnings and reduce pressure on the exter- Consequently, the NESG urged the government to always utive trade deficits since the fourth quarter of 2019. nal reserves. liaise with relevant stakeholders, for a proper assessment of “The closure was a heavy policy decision that required the ”Nigeria is at a crossroads and cannot afford the business- prevailing situations, before taking policy decisions. input of the private sector, especially given its implications as-usual approach, which will only lead to further job losses, Recall that local manufacturers and members of the pull millions of citizens into poverty and worsen an already fragile economy. “Promoting non-oil exports will become an imperative if Nigeria is to benefit maximally from AfCFTA,” he added. The Group, however, commended the Federal Government for taking some hard policy decisions that would impact positively on the economy on the long run. “Nigeria has implemented some tough reforms in 2020, such as removal of fuel and electricity subsidies and a mas- sive programme on harmonisation of citizen’s data. “These must be consolidated with swift implementation of security reforms and sanitising the business environment, both of which are crucial in attracting investments into crit- ical sectors of the economy. “In addition, state governments must be given the legisla- tive and policy support to explore the opportunities and resources in their respective states. The urgency of these reforms must be prioritised, going into the next decade,’’ it advised. FG targets improved local production from 100,000 MSMEs THE Federal Government also the Chairperson, has expressed optimism Steering Committee, MSME in its ability to reach Survival Fund and President Muhammadu Buhari 100,000 small businesses, Guaranteed Off-Take Min. of Industry, Trade and Investment, Adeniyi Adebayo as it concludes plans to roll Schemes (GOS), said the Dangote commences feeding of malnourished children out the last two schemes Steering Committee for the that make up the MSMEs Survival Fund would sub- TO complement and boost Survival Fund, namely, the mit its reports to the government efforts in tackling the issue of malnu- est burden of stunted chil- nutrition, and that the first million malnourished chil- Guaranteed Offtake Federal Ministry of Finance, trition in Nigeria, the Aliko dren in the world, with a 1,000 days of a child's life dren in Nigeria and we know Dangote Foundation (ADF) national prevalence rate of offer a unique window of that for every dollar invested Stimulus (GOS) Scheme, Budget and National has initiated processes to 37 per cent of children under opportunity for preventing in nutrition, the nation as a reach and properly feed one five. under nutrition and its con- whole will reap huge eco- and the General MSMES Planning as well as await million children across the sequences. nomic dividends. country, commencing imme- The UN agency in a state- However, to reverse the neg- Grant. the second tranche of the diately ment on its website also ative trend, the Chairman of “In addition, we shall reach noted that an estimated two Aliko Dangote Foundation households of children with According to the govern- Fund, adding that the exist- According to the United million children in Nigeria and Africa’s wealthiest man, SAM and their communities Nations Children Fund suffer from severe acute mal- Aliko Dangote said, “We that contribute the most to ment, the purpose of the ing schemes were progress- (UNICEF), malnutrition is a nutrition (SAM), but only recognise nutrition as a the SAM burden with food direct or underlying cause of two out of every 10 children cross-cutting issue which security, cash-based interven- GOS is to stimulate direct ing seamlessly. 45 per cent of all deaths of affected is currently reached affects other critical develop- tions and livelihoods sup- under-five children, and with treatment. It added ment goals, that is why nutri- port, engendered infant and local production by While noting that the Nigeria has the second high- that seven percent of tion has become our core young child feeding, hygiene women of childbearing age focus. We want to reach one and care-seeking behav- enabling 100,000 MSMEs in scheme would give prefer- also suffer from acute mal- iours.\" the production sector with ence to products produced funds to produce post- in reasonably sufficient vol- COVID-19 lockdown stimu- umes in each State of the lus products. Federation, Katagum said The Minister of State, the product must be able to Industry, Trade and create jobs and have a mul- Investment, Ambassador tiplier effect on the sur- Mariam Katagum, who is rounding economy. Katagum in her statement ‘Why govt should replicate sugar policy in rice sector’ said: “The Federal Government is set to roll THE Group Executive Busari added that the out the last two schemes of Director of BUA Group Institute would also fill the and pioneer Chairman of through monitoring of the meeting chaired by Vice boosting competition. current void in critical areas the MSMEs Survival Fund the Nigerian Sugar Institute, backward integration and President Prof. Yemi Responding, Adebayo reit- of Nigeria’s sugar industry Kabiru Rabiu, has advised import substitution pro- Osinbajo in 2018. such as research, develop- component of the National the Federal Government to gramme that has seen sig- Addressing the Minister for erating the Federal ment and innovation as well replicate reform in the sugar nificant investments in vari- Industry, Trade and Government’s readiness to as technical manpower Economic Sustainability sector in the rice sub sector ous Cane-to-Sugar projects Investments, Niyi Adebayo, partner with private development to sustain the and other food industry sec- by private operators in the who was launching the insti- investors in sugar produc- industry growth. Plan (NESP) namely, the tors with growth potential. industry. tute, Rabiu noted that whilst tion in Nigeria, said invest- Also speaking, Kwara State so much intervention and ment already made by the Governor Abdulrahman Guaranteed Offtake Scheme Rabiu during the inaugura- Kabiru Rabiu also stressed successes have been made in apex government and the Abdulrazaq pledged that his tion of the Nigerian Sugar the importance and bene- the rice subsector, a lot more private sector in the indus- government will continue (GOS) and the General Institute in Ilorin, Kwara fits of the Institute on the could be done through the try was capable of creating to create an environment State, said the Nigerian Sugar sugar subsector in reducing introduction of a single thousands of jobs in agricul- for industrial growth, in MSMEs Grant. Two of the Development Council’s the skills gap in the industry coordinating body like the ture and manufacturing sec- partnership with both the (NSDC) supervisory and and attaining better tech- NSDC that can help the gov- tors. Federal Government and components approved coordination role has been nologies and techniques in ernment in formulating the private sector for the highly beneficial and is a sugarcane production and policies and monitoring On his part, the Executive benefit of residents of the under the Economic model that should be repli- processing. progress. Secretary of NSDC, Dr. Latif state. The governor said the cated in other sectors. He added that this will help Busari, said the newly-inau- state has the potential of Sustainability Plan (ESP) are Rabiu had recommended Nigeria move faster towards gurated Nigeria Sugar providing enough sugar- Currently, the NSDC coordi- the establishment of the attaining adequate rice pro- Institute would aid the cane for sugar industries in the MSMEs Survival Fund nates the activities of the Institute during a Nigeria duction, and processing ongoing drive towards the country. Nigerian Sugar sector Industrial Policy and whilst reducing prices and achieving a virile and com- and Guaranteed Off-take Competitiveness Advisory petitive sugar industry for Council (Industrial Council) the country. Scheme. “The Steering Committee approved the implementa- tion of the two Schemes in five distinct parts namely; the Payroll Support Scheme, Artisan and Transport Scheme, Formalization Support Scheme, General MSMEs Grant and the Guaranteed Offtake Scheme.

2021 21

22 THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday, February10, 2021 Customs intercepts N30b smuggled rice, vehicles at borders By Sulaimon Salau glers thought they could cash in to perpe- Apapa and Tin-Can Island port and 6,985 track, apprehend and prosecute, in accor- trate their evil acts. But the unit left them BARELY one month after the Federal with heavy losses as evidenced in the cartons of frozen poultry products, and dance with section 77 of the Customs and Government re-opened the land borders, seizures.” the Federal Operations Unit (FOU) of the 985 kegs of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) Excise Management Act (CEMA), those who Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), Zone A, said it Giving account, he said a total of 142,677 has intercepted foreign parboiled rice, used seizures of different items were intercepted were seized. are aiding smugglers by revealing the actions vehicles, textiles materials as well as Indian even as he vowed never to relent in making hemp worth over N30 billion being smug- the environment tough for smugglers. “The CAC who said his team arrested 44 of its men to them. gled into the country from Benin Republic. His words: “In the period, the unit inter- suspected smugglers stated that hard He said between November 19, 2020, and The Acting Customs Area Controller of the cepted and seized a total of 142,677 different zone, Usman Yahaya, said the contrabands items. 41,652 bags of 50kg smuggled par- times await the economic saboteurs”. January 31, 2021, the command made series of were intercepted from January 1, 2021, till boiled rice from Idiroko, Ipokia, Imeko, date. Iseyin, Igbo-Ora and Seme; 1,356 bags of 25kg He added: “We arrested 44 suspects in detentions and seizures amounting to a total However, insider sources have revealed that smuggled parboiled rice; 4,529kg of Indian the seized items came in through the porous hemp smuggled from Ghana to Islington connection with the seizures. We will con- Duty Paid Value (DPV) of N393,420,494. border points manned by Seme, Idiroko and worth N710million. Oyo/Osun Command of the NSC. tinue to re-strategize to ensure that smug- The Controller disclosed further that the “Others are 66 packs of Tramadol and According to Yahaya, also intercepted were other unregistered pharmaceutical prod- glers don’t have a hiding place. Instead of Command succeeded in sniffing out 20Kg of fake and unregistered pharmaceuticals ucts, 5,849 cartons of fake drugs, 266 units worth N51 Million along Ijebu-Ode, Ogun of means of conveyance and 218 used vehi- incurring losses, I will advise smugglers to Cannabis Sitiva packed in a 20Kg bag with State, as well as cannabis smuggled from cles. Ghana to Iseyin, Oyo state. “Also intercepted are, 1,660 bales of textiles embrace legitimate business and become duty paid value of N4,526,063, stating that the materials; 2,152 kegs of 25kg vegetable oil He said: “After the opening of the Seme bor- falsely declared at the other at the seaport of responsible citizens.” drugs will be handed over to the National der by the Federal Government, the smug- Meanwhile, the Customs Area Controller Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) for of Oyo/Osun Command of NCS, Adamu further action. Abdulkadir, said the command generated Other seizures, he said, include 3,052 bags of N4,896 billion in January 2021. foreign parboiled rice, 8 kegs of 25ltrs of each Abdulkadir said the command had fash- of vegetables oil, 60 bales of second hand ioned out new strategy code-named, clothing (Okrika), 264 pieces of used tyres, 8 “Operation Fish Out,” to nip in the bud, the units of Toyota Camry (2020 models), 1 used nefarious activities of smugglers in the Toyota Highlander (2019 model) and 10 units area. of motorcycles used as a means of conveyance He warned that the command would for snuggling of rice. Transport workers fault continued attacks at Gulf of Guinea The Acting Customs Area Controller, Federal Operations Unit, Zone A, Usman Yahaya (middle) parading the intercepted contra- By Adaku Onyenucheya bands in Lagos. THE International Transport Workers’ Nigeria woos investors to shipwreck recycling Federation (ITF) has blamed the Federal Government’s refusal to engage By Sulaimon Salau Waterschoot, and Director at Port of part of the government’s effort to develop critical stakeholders in tackling the inse- Antwerp International, Mario Lievens, said maritime infrastructure and diversify the curity in the Gulf of Guinea for the contin- The National Maritime Transport Policy they were also in Nigeria to promote new oil-dependent economy. Minister of State ued sea robbery and piracy in the region. being developed by Nigeria is already partnership opportunities, especially for Transportation, Senator Gbemisola attracting investors, particularly those from human capacity development. Saraki, said at a recent stakeholders’ vali- The ITF described the Gulf of Guinea as a Belgium, who are currently eyeing win- dation forum that the policy, when “bay of blood” following last week’s pri- dows of investment opportunity. Waterschoot and Lievens, who hosted approved, would lead to improved for- mate attack where a seafarer was killed Jamoh at the Nigerian Belgian Chamber of eign direct investment (FDI) inflow and and another 15 held hostage. Executive officers of Belgium-owned Port Commerce, Lagos, said their mission was enhance the ability of the sector to com- of Antwerp International hinted this during to discuss projects of interest, including pete at the international level. Following the attack, the International a meeting with the Director-General of the inland ports, and strengthen the relation- Transport Workers’ Federation cautioned Nigerian Maritime Administration and ship between the Port of Antwerp and Jamoh praised the long-standing eco- the Nigerian government and other West Safety Agency (NIMASA), Dr. Bashir Jamoh, NIMASA, particularly in the areas of train- nomic relationship between Nigeria and African leaders to beef up security within in Lagos. ing and technical support. Belgium. He highlighted the Federal the coastline. Government’s abiding interest in diversi- Jamoh said there were huge opportunities They noted that Nigeria’s proposed fying the economy, saying the develop- ITF Seafarers’ Section Coordinator for investment in wreck removal and recy- National Maritime Transport Policy was ment of maritime infrastructure is part of Fabrizio Barcellona, in a statement, said cling, stressing that the Federal closely monitored as it unfolded to see the economic diversification drive. governments across the region had failed Government was planning a coordinated how Belgium could come in with invest- to protect seafarers from armed pirates, wreck removal policy to drive investment in ments. He stated: “The National Maritime arms dealers and drug smugglers. the area. “We believe in Nigeria,” said Waterschoot, Transport Policy, which is being devel- who observed that the business climate in oped, is part of a wider agenda proposed Also, the ITF Seafarers’ Section Chair, The visiting team of executives had sought Nigeria could be difficult, but that there to build alternatives to oil. The maritime David Heindel, said: “Governments must an audience with the NIMASA boss to follow was hardly any country without its pecu- sector is consciously being opened for take immediate action to prevent more up on investment interests in Nigeria. liar challenges. investment by local and foreign investors seafarers being murdered in the Gulf of to build a sustainable blue economy. Guinea.” The Managing Director of APEC- A National Maritime Transport Policy is Antwerp/Flanders Port Training Centre and Speaking on the development, the Port of Antwerp International, Kristof immediate National President of Nigerian Merchant Navy Officers and Water Transport Senior Staff Association (NMNOWTSSA), Matthew Alalade, asked the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) to engage seafarers and seafaring unions in helping to proffer solutions to the incessant attacks. He blamed the continued attacks on the refusal of the agency to adhere to earlier advice given by the seafarers to nip the menace in the bud. Alalade queried if the tracking devices, C14 and drone recently acquired by NIMASA were not functioning, arguing that if they were working, the attack wouldn’t have been as potent as it was in the GoG. He said with the huge money on securi- ty to procure gadgets from Israel and the mega global security summit at Abuja, the country still faces threats daily at the waters as if the security is not there.

THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday, February10, 2021 23

TheGuardian Wednesday, February10 2021 24 Conscience, Nurtured by Truth GuardianTech Tackling cases of data depletion as challenges mount In this report, ADEYEMI ADEPETUN, writes that issues of data depletion remain huge in the telecommunication sector, even as the telecoms regulator begins forensic audit. 30 days, I discovered that TO actually look into the within a week, it had depleted challenges, and stem the tide, the NCC said it is tight- to 2G. Hardly do I Facebook or ening the noose against Tweet. Something needs to be cases of data depletion and done. It is not now that we wrong deductions of con- spend money anyhow, there is sumers’ credit through an no disposable income again.” ongoing forensic audit in- On his part, a Glo customer, stituted by the Commission Ikechukwu Mbakwe, said al- to ensure maximum pro- though the network offered tection for consumers. cheap data to customers, the This move is expected to quality of service has not ease the tension around ris- made it possible for him to ing complaints lodged by enjoy it. consumers against tele- “This is subtle corruption coms operators in the when you have to subscribe country. for data, your money is taken Danbatta Danbatta, at an event in but you can’t even use the Karl Toriola, MTNN CEO Abuja, noted that while HE Nigerian telecommu- consumer protection re- promotion, unsolicited mes- data at all. This is so pathetic,” by agencies under the Federal exact information, have to do mains a key focus area of Tnications sector has expe- sages and advertisements, he said. Ministry of Communications with the type of content the Commission’s regula- unexplained change in the A Smile subscriber, Judith in Abuja, last October. users consumed. tory activities, it has accom- rienced substantial growth account balance; the inabil- Nelson, said though the serv- Danbatta said: “The ‘illegal Teniola said typically, de- plished significant close to two decades since ity of subscribers to change ice is great, “but what I cannot deduction’ of subscriber data pending on where the con- improvements in this direc- the liberalisation of the in- tariff plans; call divert, call explain is the sudden deple- was not in the real sense of sumers are located, the tion through various initia- dustry started. barring, persistent data de- tion of data. Hardly do we get the word illegal and was also speed of downloads of multi- tives aimed at putting With over 200 million active pletion, and poor signal/no this from the firm before. But not as a result of any proven media content can be varied mobile operators on their mobile lines by the end of network are what sub- lately, it’s like they have been ‘sharp practice’ by the opera- and this means that data of toes to be more consumer- 2020, Nigeria has become scribers grapple with almost infected with that syndrome.” tors.” Gigabytes in nature can be centric. the largest telecommunica- on a daily basis. But data de- Abuja based, Ibrahim Abdu- “The reasons for the rise in consumed in a matter of Danbatta said through the tions sector in Africa in terms pletion has remained huge lai, said: “Services are ex- data consumption and deple- minutes to hours. For down- ongoing forensic audit, the of subscriber numbers and and painful to subscribers. tremely poor in Abuja, tion, which is classified by loads representing very large Commission planned “to one of the fastest growing Complaints by subscribers especially during the period some users as ‘illegal deduc- files or long conversations in- get to the bottom of why telecommunications mar- of lockdown. From my investi- tion’, include the advance- volving video interactions consumers are experienc- kets in the world. INDINGS by The gation, I discovered that there ment in technology, which over OTT applications that ing data depletion and the Guardian showed that are certain areas that enjoy has led to the rise in applica- provide virtual face-to-face possibility of compensat- FA corollary to this remark- complaints cut across all the better services in this state tions, updates and services meetings, more so if the data ing them for wrong deduc- mobile network operators, compared to others. For in- that leverage on this technol- compression is not adjusted tions, which may arise from able growth has been persist- including MTN, Glo, Airtel, stance, areas like Garki, ogy and advancement of sup- to limit the amount of data short message service ent consumer dissatisfaction and 9mobile Also, Internet Asokoro, Wuse, Maitama can portive data infrastructure.” representing the quality of (SMS).” with the quality of telecom- Service Providers (ISPs), in- be said to enjoy relatively Others, according to him, are the video streamed. munications services offered cluding Spectranet, Smile, good services, but places like increase in video-based adver- He recalled that during the “We have instituted and by the four existing GSM mo- Tizeti are not left out. There Maraba, Kuje, Jikwoyi, among tising content by social media stay-at-home directive, many we have insisted that de- bile telecommunications op- were also complaints of others, the services there are companies which in some home users have relied more spite the fall in data price, erators, which have been unauthorized auto-renewal, very poor. We need serious in- cases are layered on free serv- on virtual online applica- that forensic audit must go sanctioned many times over call drops, and illegal deduc- tervention from the opera- ices offered by the compa- tions and have inadvertently on and must be concluded infractions. tions. tors.” nies; auto updates of apps on noticed that data bundles and the outcome commu- This quality of service prob- In 2019 alone, subscribers Why data depletion persists the phone over mobile data that lasted for a period of nicated to the CEOs of tele- lem has been attributed to lodged directly 19, 777 com- network without any sort of time pre-COVID-19 are being com companies.” inefficiencies in the opera- plaints against service XPERIENCE of early deple- prompting or intervention by consumed faster during lock- While appealing to Nigeri- tional activities of the opera- providers to the NCC com- tion and rise in data con- the user of the mobile phone. down – this is simply due to ans to wait for the outcome tors, who, in turn, blame plaints portal, which both- sumption by telecoms In one of his interviews with changes in user behaviour. of the ongoing forensic ered largely on poor services. consumers are not necessarily journalists, the Nigeria Coor- Teniola advised subscribers audit, Danbatta said opera- Epeculiar features of the The Commission was able to as a result of ‘illegal deduc- dinator, Alliance for Afford- to seek unlimited data bun- tors will be made to comply resolve a larger percentage of tions’ or ‘sharp practices’ by able Internet (A4AI), and dle packages if affordable, or with whatever directions Nigerian environment in the issue. Mobile Network Operators immediate past president of seek OTT applications that are given after the investi- which they operate. An MTN subscriber, Segun (MNOs) but more as a result the Association of Telecom- are less heavy on data con- gation with a view to ensur- Indeed, the telecoms sector Olugbile, who spoke with The of varied factors. munications Companies of sumption. ing maximum protection is still faced with a myriad of Guardian, complained of air- This was the position of the Nigeria (ATCON), Olusola Commission commences for telecom consumers. challenges including fibre time depletion without mak- Executive Vice Chairman Teniola, said the most likely forensic audit cuts, theft, vandalism, site ac-ing calls or receiving (EVC) of the Nigerian Commu- causes without having the Read the remaining part of cess denial, Right of Way, notifications from the service nications Commission (NCC), this story on multiple taxation and regula- provider as to what the de- Prof. Umar Danbatta, during a tion, among others. These ductions were meant for. presentation at the monthly challenges have, to a large ex- Olugbile explained: “I briefing on Short-Term Key tent, hindered smooth opera- recharge N2000 for 4.5G for Performance Indicators (KPIs) tions, which have been passed on to the paying con- sumers. 9mobile launches 4G LTE in Ilorin, begins NIN registrationToday, billing issues, sales TELECOMMUNICATIONS firmed that 9mobile is “work- granting telecoms the li- Company, 9mobile, has ing hard to empower Nigeri- cence for NIN enrollment to Glo delights subscribers with Smartphone Festival Promo launched its 4G Long-Term ans with world-class data ease the pressure of large Evolution (LTE) network in the services and helping to close crowd turnout at the various ADELIGHTFUL Valentine ex- It explained that the promo stated.  city of Ilorin, Kwara State. perience awaits Glo sub- is open to subscribers who It added that, “they will also This latest addition to the 4G the digital divide. We are ex- enrollment centres of the scribers this year as the purchase two smartphones use the free data bundles ac- coverage from 9mobile will cited to add the historic city Nigeria Identity Manage- telecommunications com- from any of the GloWorld cruing from the promo to make it possible for Nigerians of Ilorin to the growing list of ment Commission (NIMC). pany, unveils another season shops, adding that it will run reach their loved ones to ex- in the historic city to join a cities already enjoying our 4G of its Smartphone Festival from February 8 to February press their feelings of love growing number of 9mobile LTE network. We are commit- Udovicic said: “9mobile Promo, which comes with up 22. and commitment,” customers across the country ted to delivering innovation will always seek opportuni- to a whopping 36GB of free According to Glo, “This offer Glo said subscribers will already enjoying fast and reli- and value while building ties to collaborate with regu- data for subscribers to share is our way of adding flavour have the opportunity of buy- able 4G connectivity for their world-class networks for our lators and other with their loved ones. to our customers’ Valentine ing different types of hand- smartphones. customers.” stakeholders on initiatives The promo, according to a Season’s enjoyment.  We ex- sets including iPhones, With this development, 9mo- that will enable Nigerians to Globacom statement, is pect that our customers will Samsung, Nokia, Infinix, bile’s 4G LTE will power digital In a related development, achieve their full potential. aimed at giving its sub- be engaged in a lot of online Tecno, Vivo, Imose and Itel, experience in Ilorin and accel- the telecommunications firm We are pleased to announce scribers a treat as they join activities before and around adding that “The subscriber erate Nigeria’s broadband has commenced the National the commencement of NIN the world to celebrate the February 14, so we decided to is assured of the genuine- penetration target. Identification Number (NIN) enrollment at select experi- yearly Valentine’s season make it easier for them to ness of the phones which Speaking on the launch of enrolment in Lagos and ence centres duly approved when people express their buy devices at affordable come with warranties and the 4G LTE service in Ilorin, Abuja at designated centres. by NIMC to help expand reg- love and affection with greet- prices for themselves and after sales support from the 9mobile’s Chief Commercial The telco in a statement on istration access to Nigerians ings and gifts. their loved ones”, Globacom manufacturers. Officer, Stjepan Udovicic, af- Monday disclosed that the de- ahead of the new deadline velopment followed Federal set by the government for Government’s approval the exercise.”

THEGUARDIAN, Wednesday,February10, 2021 25 GuardianTech ‘Nigeria digital identity project on course despite challenges’ AsNigeriastepsupthegoalofidentifyingeverycitizenwithinitsshores,theDirector-GeneraloftheNationalIdentityManagement Commis- sion (NIMC), Aliyu Aziz, during an online interaction with journalists, addressed a number of burning issues.  ADEYEMI ADEPETUN was there. Where is Nigeria regarding fortunate that a large number of citizens and legal residents reminder to the effect of the deadline. the National Identification Number (NIN) enrolment did not take advantage of those years to enrol for their NIN. Many people, rightly or wrongly, have alluded that NIMC and issuance? Based on the above, it is unfair to state that NIMC is slow in en- has gulped hundreds of billions of Naira since it started, THE Federal Govern- ment’s statement was rolling Nigerians. What you are witnessing is a sudden surge but with little to show in terms of identity card issuance, first made in 2018, upon the Federal Executive Council’s of applicants showing up for enrolment because of the SIM- and now the NIN enrolment. How much will you say has approval of the strategic roadmap for accelerating NIN linkage deadline. As with any complex national project been invested into NIMC so far? digital identity projects that is targeted to the entire population, there would be chal- The Commission has institutionalised accountability and using an ecosys- tem ap- lenges, constraints and unforeseen issues. The Federal Govern- probity in its financial dealings. All budgetary allocations proach. The target of ment is fully aware of the challenges and doing its best to and releases to the Commission can be verified from the year 2022 was on the resolve them especially in the area of power supply, broad- Budget Office of the Federation and the Accountant Gen- Aziz premise of band connectivity, awareness and sensitisation etc. The Com- eral’s Office. We should speak with facts and these facts are partnership with public and private sector agencies to sup- port the Commission in data capturing services and making mission is also collaborating with the private and public easily accessible to everyone. Since 2007 when NIMC was es- NIN enrolment centres easily accessible to the people. The Commission is on course to meeting the target of enrolling sectors in order to leverage their capacities and facilities for a tablished, the Commission has made it a duty to publish its all Nigerians and legal residents within a time frame subject to availability of funds and the ongoing pandemic easing cost-effective, faster and better coordinated implementation Annual Financial Statement and Audited Accounts. There, out. So far, we are making progress in this respect. As at now, the total enrolment and successfully-generated of identity services delivery. you can find total appropriated funds and actual releases to NIN is 46 million. You of course know that in late December 2020, we reported a figure of 43 million NINs issued. So, we NIMC has licensed over 203 agents - public and private sec- the Commission since inception. And on the issue of how have added an additional three million records between De- tor operators for NIN enrolment, to help fast-track enrol- much needs to be invested into the Commission in order to cember 2020 and January 2021.  The Commission is still ment in the National Identity Ecosystem project. Have working tirelessly to populate the database and has licensed have a robust identity database, it is not possible to sit and over 203 agents for the intervention enrolment drive of the these agents started enrolment? government. announce any figure. Progress has to be measured yearly, Federal Government’s directive last December on NIN-SIM linkage has brought thousands to NIMC offices nation- There are certain processes involved and conditions required with budget tied to necessities. This is how we operate each wide in clear violation of COVID-19 protocols. What should be done to stem this tide, given that NIMC still has just before a licensed agent can commence data capture opera- fiscal year. 1000, instead of the projected 10,000 enrolment centres in the country? tions. So far, some of the licensed enrolment agents have fully Additionally, the strategic roadmap for accelerating the First, the NIN-SIM integration is a policy of the Federal Gov- ernment of Nigeria through the Ministry of Communica- met the laid-out conditions which include procurement of digital identity project using ecosystem approach is a public tions and Digital Economy, due to the improper registration of SIM. So, the directive by the Minister of Communication enrolment equipment, certification of equipment, training of document on our website and has detailed the cost of regis- and Digital Economy to link SIM with NIN was in compliance with the NIMC Act 2007, and Regulations 2017, which stipu- enrolment personnel etc, and have started data capture serv- tering and issuing NIN to the population, scaling up the in- late mandatory use of the National Identification Number (NIN) as a valid means of identification for service delivery in ices. Some of the agents are at various stages of configuring frastructure, safeguarding the identity infrastructure, Nigeria. On the issue of the COVID-19 protocols, the Commission their devices, training of enrolment agents, and setting up of rolling out nationwide authentication services, providing works with relevant government’s agencies such as the Nige- ria Centre for Diseases Control (NCDC), and the Presidential enrolment equipment to ensure people, technology and linkages with all stakeholders for identity utilisation in serv- Task Force on COVID-19 to institute, ensure compliance with all Covid-19 safety protocols, and guard against the spread of processes are aligned with the standards and specifications of ice delivery amongst others. I want to encourage the gen- the virus within and around our office premises and special centres. It is pertinent to state that the NIMC received sup- the overall National Identity Management System architec- eral public including members of the media to visit the port from donors such as the Red Cross, Dantata, World Bank, Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy etc ture. From all indications, all of the licensed agents may not NIMC website to read and fully understand the project and for the provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Items donated include hand sanitizers, water dispenser be able to start at the same time; however, as many centres are what we are doing. buckets, hand wash basins, thermal scanners, disinfectants, face masks, mops, and information banners to raise aware- set up for operations, we shall be updating the general public What is the situation with the World Bank loan of $433 ness about the COVID-19 protocols that must be observed by applicants before, during and after visiting any of our offices. through our various media platforms. million meant for the Digital Identity Ecosystem project? The Commission will continue to do its best and comply fully with the set protocols on the COVID-19. Likewise, citi- As the regulator of the identity sector, NIMC has built in the Since the approval of the Strategic Roadmap for Digital zens have a responsibility to adhere and observe the Federal Government’s directives on COVID-19 protocols for their own necessary clauses into the MoU signed with the licensees to Identity project by FEC in September 2018, a lot has hap- safety and wellbeing. It is a collective responsibility for us all.  To reduce the crowd besieging our offices for enrolment, ensure timely roll out of enrolment operations and periodic pened with the Development Partners’ Board approval of the Commission introduced a number booking system which allows only persons who have been pre-booked for a performance evaluation for licence renewal. The issue of ob- the loans and the Federal Government’s approval of the fi- particular day to visit our offices; this system took effect from December 30, 2020 even though most applicants failed to taining a licence and not going further to fulfil the terms and nancing agreement between Nigeria and the Development comply by showing up anyway without booking. We also en- couraged NIN application through the pre-enrolment portal obligations of the licence is foreclosed by these time-based Partners for the funding to the tune of $433 million. on the NIMC official web page- In terms of enrolment expansion and extension, it is projected that by conditions. The funds, which will be domiciled in the Accountant Gen- the end of the first quarter of this year, 2021, given the speed at which our licensed enrolment vendors are setting up, es- Do you foresee the new deadline given by the Federal Gov- eral’s Office is subject to certain effectiveness conditions to pecially the Telcos, the existing 1,000 enrolment centres ernment on NIN-SIM card linkage being further extended, the Financing Agreement. One of them is the enactment of would have been tripled.  because as things stand, NIMC centres have not increased a Data Protection Law in Nigeria, which primarily seeks to Why is NIMC so slow in enrolling Nigerians? beyond the 1,000 you have, and it is clear the crowd that establish an effective regulatory framework for the protec- NIMC started enrolment and issuance of NIN since the year throng your offices may not be fully enrolled by that given tion of personal data, regulate the processing of informa- 2012 (over nine years ago), and our enrolment and registra- deadline? tion centres have been functional and open all year round to tion concerning data subjects and safeguarding their provide identity services to the general public. It is quite un- National Identification Number (NIN) enrolment is an ongo- fundamental rights. ing exercise. The NIN-SIM integration exercise is a Federal Gov- Furthermore, it is instructive to also know that not the en- ernment policy, and there is a standing Committee and tire $433 million is to be expended on increasing the num- Ministerial Task Force responsible to see that the tenets of the ber of registration centres and NIN issuance. Other policy are implemented to the letter. This Committee meets components that stand to be strengthened from the funds from time-to-time to review the progress and challenges of include supporting the usage of digital ID by building link- the policy implementation. So, it is their prerogative to either ages between NIN and additional key services; ensuring cy- advice for extension of the deadline or otherwise. It is not in bersecurity of the ecosystem; strengthening the the hands of the National Identity Management Commission infrastructure for e-government and digital signature; and to extend or halt the process. It is instructive to note that this linking civil registration with national identification policy was not just announced in December 2020 as many through provision of NIN at birth. have been led to believe. This Policy was officially announced in February 2020 by the Minister of Communications and Read the remaining part of Digital Economy. The announcement in December 2020 was a this article on Ekiti, Coderina partner on youths’ tech acquisition By Benjamin Alade program is scaled to all Firm donates robotics kits to 12 schoolsKITIStategovernmenthas schools across the state, in Elaunched Coding, Robot- nated 12 robotics kits to the 12 hands-on learning program order to ensure that no ics and Artificial Intelligence schools through sponsorship that inspires young learners child is left behind. education in public schools. from partners including SAP, to pursue a career in STEAM Chairman of the Board of DOW, Ford, FIRST and the (Science, Technology Engi- Coderina, Femi Niyi, hailed 12 schools from a mix of urban and underserved com- LEGO Foundation. neering, Arts and Mathemat- Ekiti State Government’s re- munities have been carefully Nominated teachers and stu- ics). selected by the government dents from the 12 selected solve to equip the youth Ekiti State Governor, Dr. Kay- with digital skills relevant to participate in training on schools came together in Ado ode Fayemi, speaking for the 21st Century Knowl- Coding, Robotics, Artificial Ekiti for two-days between De- through the Permanent Sec- edge Economy. Intelligence and Machine cember 17th and 18th, 2020 to retary, Ministry of Education, He said, “Coderina is quite partake in the inaugural train- Science and Technology, Learning. happy that the Ekiti State The training was delivered ing. A community of practice James Owolabi, emphasized Government understands by the team from Coderina was also created for the teach- the importance of skills such that when you foster creativ- Education and Technology ers to continue the learning as creative thinking, coding ity by teaching digital skills Foundation, a not-for-profit and sharing process. and AI as being important in to students or young learn- organization that leverages The 12 schools under this the future of work as well as ers, it improves them not technology as an enabler for pilot phase are expected to for entrepreneurship. only academically, but helps gender, social and economic ramp up to participate in the The Governor pledged his also to improve their critical regional FIRST LEGO League support for the initiative and and creative reasoning and change. The organization also do- Challenge; an experiential promised to ensure that the problem solving skills.”

TheGuardian Wednesday, February 10,2021 | 26 Conscience, Nurtured by Truth Politics&Policy Malami revalidates ‘PDP infighting in Ekiti is friendly tango’ APC membership, says Kebbi remains Mr. Kayode Adaramodu is a retired banker and U.K.-based policy and economic consultant. He shares his views on frontline APC state how to move Ekiti State forward with SEYE OLUMIDE THE Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Mr. Abubakar WHAT does Ekiti State need from its numerical strength Adaramodu Malami, revalidated his membership of the now in the areas of econom- and capacity for good gover- All Progressive Congress (APC) yesterday, ic, infrastructure and politi- nance. It is sad and regret- “Ekiti has remained a swing state since 1999, alternating Tuesday, February 9, 2021. This was con- cal development? table that their divergent tained in a statement signed by the Special opinions on how the party between two prominent parties. No political party has been Assistant on Media and Public Relations, TO stimulate the economy affairs should be managed able to stay in power for two consecutive terms. It is only in Office of the Attorney-General of the and support private sector degenerated to what it is, but Ekiti where power of incumbency has not been able to alter Federation and Minister of Justice, Dr. Umar growth, we need to ensure the peaceful resolution, the decisions of the electorate. It is also in Ekiti, ironically, that Jibrilu Gwandu, and made available to news- that infrastructural services which is imminent, is going two out of the elected governors since 1999 have returned for men. are efficient and reliable, to inject new life and stronger second term, years after their first exits. Today, another ex- According to the statement, after revalidat- from health and education to bonding in the party ulti- governor is pushing for a comeback to join the league of those ing his membership,  Malami was issued renewable energy, water, mately. I am happy to con- who had returned. I think these political developments are with a new APC membership card at Filin transport, security and the firm that my relationship attestations of the vibrancy and dynamism of the Ekiti people Mariya polling unit, Nasarawa 1, Birnin- voluntary sector, which gov- with all our leaders and party Kebbi Local Government Area, Kebbi State. ernment will need to actively members have been very cor- tence. ”state in terms of infrastructural develop. We need to prioritise dial.     While speaking to journalists on the exer- policies and programmes There are fears the soured However, of the two prominent development and people’s wel- cise, Malami urged party members and that will help in creating and relations have weakened those who want to join or rejoin the party to integrating more stakehold- the party going forward? parties in Ekiti, PDP is believed fare offer the party a clear come out en mass to get themselves regis- ers into the economy to tered in the ongoing membership revalida- address the problem of struc- It is erroneous to think that to be the only party where a advantage with the electorate tion exercise across the country. tural deficiencies in the sys- the APC is stronger than the tem, which has greatly erod- PDP in Ekiti State. The APC has ‘nobody’ can become ‘some- and the party is also populated He said the exercise required collective ed the trust that holds the always been on the loud side. efforts of all party faithful, with a view to sup- society together and under- Before now, the party prided body’ because of the opportuni- by very strong grassroots people porting one another to re-strengthen the mined productivity and pub- in its superficial popularity, unity among party members, enhance inter- lic confidence in government which it mistook for unquali- ties the party offers for people and the party is in the majority.    nal democracy and bring more meaningful and its institutions. We need fied acceptance. Most of our development in the country. Malami said to tackle the problem of members that we lost to to have a say in the manage- Since you’re a Diaspora man, the APC is proud of Kebbi State, as the only youth unemployment head- them in the past, which was state in Northwest Nigeria that in 2019 sur- on.  largely borne out of disillu- ment of the internal affairs of how conversant are you with mounted voter apathy challenges and sion and anger, are returning increased in number of votes cast from 2015. The Private Sector to where they rightly belong. the party. Just like in any gen- the grassroots?  Development Strategy (PSDS) Right now, people are very According to Gwandu, the APC-led Federal needs improvement in the deprived and dissatisfied, uine political party system, I am a thoroughbred grass- Government has contributed immensely investment climate and and as it seems, nobody can and remarkably done well in executing growth, particularly the get anything from the pres- party leaders often make roots Ekiti son. I began my ‘glo- development projects and programmes MSMEs, to help create jobs ent government without across the country and especially in Kebbi and support equitable distri- ‘belonging’. Their conduct is attempts to exert their influ- betrotting’ awareness and State. He said the Federal Government has bution of income among unambiguously charac- come out with numerous development ini- more people. We understand terised by selective patronage ence when major decisions are acclimatization experience of tiatives in Kebbi State including agricultural the MSMEs can directly help and pseudo-magnanimity. support interventions, road rehabilitation, in lowering poverty and inte- There is no doubt that they to be made. It is believed gener- Ekiti State from my infancy. For small and medium scale business support grating women and other are very skillful in raising the programmes. marginalized groups into the hopes of the ordinary man, ally in Ekiti that the PDP leaders my primary school education society. but Ekiti people have discov- With the support of the Federal There is infighting in PDP, ered they are deceitful. The encourage members to have alone, I covered the entire three Government, according to Malami, through especially between ex-gover- APC in Ekiti is not as strong as rice production, Kebbi State is among the nor Ayo Fayose and those they want outsiders to their say and many times they Senatorial districts of the state – top states that contribute to saving the gov- loyal to Senator Biodun believe. ernment N5b worth of rice importation. Olujimi, with former gover- What’s your assessment of also have their way. The local attending schools in Ilawe-Ekiti, Malami noted that Kebbi is not only an APC nor Sègun Oni in the mix. Is democracy in Ekiti State state but has the state governor appointed as this good for your party? since 1999 both under PDP governments in the state have Osi-Ekiti, Igede-Ekiti and Ado- Chairman of Progressive Governors’ Forum. and APC? He said in view of the development projects The infighting you alluded thrived more under PDP gov- Ekiti; and my secondary educa- executed in the state by governments at all to is a friendly tango, a com- Ekiti has remained a swing levels, Kebbu people are committed to sup- petition of ideas among peo- state since 1999, alternating ernments with elections con- tion back in Ilawe-Ekiti. Since porting APC and the Federal ple of like minds, and will between two prominent par- Government  achieve their objectives of soon be a thing of the past. ties. No political party has ducted as and when due. The then, my spirit, tentacles and bringing more development in the country. The magnanimous and com- been able to stay in power for passionate message of former two consecutive terms. It is opportunities and leverage are influence have never left Ekiti He said the party leadership in the state governor Ayo Fayose in only in Ekiti where power of would provide necessary support to ensure respect of the outcome of the incumbency has not been not the same in APC and people State. I have an unquenchable that members get registered before the end January 27, 2021 court case able to alter the decisions of of the exercise. plus the efforts of many of the the electorate. It is also in are well aware of this, especially passion for Ekiti State, my home- party leaders, especially those Ekiti, ironically, that two out Malami of Baba (Senator) C.K. of the elected governors since the youths.  All these have made land. The nature and circum- Awoyelu, Senator Duro 1999 have returned for sec- Faseyi, Mr. Yinka Akerele ond term, years after their the Peoples Democratic Party stances of my upbringing sim- (Ajinde Ekiti), Amb. Toye first exits. Today, another ex- Olofintuyi, Amb. Dare Bejide, governor is pushing for a the party of choice in Ekiti State. ply added spice and ginger to His Excellency Sikiru Lawal, comeback to join the league Chief Bola Olu-Ojo and many of those who had returned. I Moreover, the antecedents of my passion. others have begun to pave think these political develop- way for the long-awaited ments are attestations of the past PDP governments in the internal resolution of the dis- vibrancy and dynamism of agreement. I have had the the Ekiti people. The people privilege of engaging our are relentlessly knowledge- leader, Fayose, and Senator able about their power and Biodun Olujimi at different the opportunities that times and one thing that is democracy offers in terms of clear is that the two of them their ability to effect a change strongly believe in PDP and once they perceive any form they want the party to benefit of insincerity and incompe-

TheGuardian Wednesday, February 10, 2021 | 27 Conscience, Nurtured by Truth WorldReport WHO team in Wuhan says coronavirus source ‘remains unidentified’ AN expert mission from munity. China has strongly team of 34 experts believe the the World Health Organization (WHO) inves- rejected that possibility and virus originated in an animal, tigating the origins of the coronavirus pandemic in has promoted other theo- “but the reservoir host China says it has yet to iden- tify the animal source and it ries that the virus may have remains to be identified.” is unlikely to have leaked from a Chinese lab. originated elsewhere, Wuhan is the city where the WHO food safety and ani- including from the United virus was first identified, and mal diseases expert Peter Ben Embarek made the States. Liang said there was no evi- assessment yesterday at the end of a visit to the central The team is considering dence to suggest it spread in Chinese city of Wuhan, where a team of scientists is several theories for how the the city before the first offi- investigating the possible origins of the coronavirus. disease first ended up in cial cases were recorded in The first cases were discov- ered in the city in December humans. December 2019. 2019. Liang Wannian, an expert He also went on to suggest “Our initial findings sug- gest that the introduction with China’s National the virus could have been cir- through an intermediary host species is the most like- Health Commission, told culating in other regions ly pathway and one that will require more studies and reporters in Wuhan the before it was identified in more specific, targeted research. joint Chinese and WHO China. “However, the findings sug- gest that the laboratory U.S. expresses support for Okonjo-Iweala incidents hypothesis is extremely unlikely to as DG of World Trade Organisation explain the introduction of the virus to the human pop- By Silver Nwokoro Trade Minister, Yoo Myung- ulation,” Embarek said. hee on her strong campaign THE U.S. president, Joe Biden for the position as she also The Wuhan Institute of and the vice President, withdraws her candidacy. Virology collected extensive Kamala Harris have expressed virus samples, leading to support for the candidacy of According to them, Myung- allegations it may have Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as hee is a trailblazer as the caused the original out- the next Director General of Republic of Korea’s first female break by leaking the virus World Trade Organisation trade minister and the first into the surrounding com- (WTO). candidate from Korea to advance this far in the Director Dr. Okonjo-Iweala they said General selection process. brings a wealth of knowledge in economics and interna- Their words: “The United tional diplomacy from her 25 States respects her decision to years with the World Bank withdraw her candidacy from and two terms as Nigerian the Director General race to Finance Minister. help facilitate a consensus decision at the WTO. “She is widely respected for her effective leadership and “It is particularly important has proven experience man- to underscore that two highly aging a large international qualified women made it to organization with a diverse the final round of considera- membership,” they add. tion for the position of WTO Director General, the first time The Biden-Harris that any woman has made it to Administration also congrat- this stage in the history of the ulated the Republic of Korea’s institution.”

28 THEGUARDIAN,Wednesday, February10, 2021

THE GUARDIAN, Wednesday, February 10, 2021 | 29 News NDDC tasks oil firms Tension in Bayelsa communities as A’Ibom woos U.S. govt on delay of remittances bandits kill soldier, seize rifle on deep seaport project in Niger Delta From Julius Osahon, Yenagoa to escape imminent mili- The Guardian that some resi- locality. From Inemesit Akpan-Nsoh, Uyo tary invasion. dents have started fleeing He said over 50 per cent of From Ann Godwin, Port Harcourt FEAR of military reprisals the community for fear of the people had fled to neigh- AKWA IBOM State gover- over the killing of a sol- Unknown gunmen had reprisals. bouring communities, say- nor, Udom Emmanuel, SOLE Administrator of the dier in Apoi and Azuzuama reportedly killed the soldier “People have started run- ing however, that communi- has urged the United States of Niger Delta Development communities, Southern who was on official assign- ning away from their com- ty leaders were reaching out America (USA) and its Commission (NDDC), Efiong Ijaw Council of Bayelsa State ment at Apoi Community munities for fear of military to the army authorities to investors to partner with the Akwa, has cautioned oil is causing tension in the for a pipeline surveillance reprisals, because they have identify the killers. state in the development of firms in the region against localities. job on Monday. heard what happened to “We are under tension and the Ibom Deep Seaport. delaying their statutory other communities where have been restless since the remittances to help stabilise As at press time yesterday, The bandits reportedly such incidents took place in incident took place. We are He made the call when the and enhance security of oil scores of residents of the shot him in the bush the past,” the source said. peace-loving people and we Chief of Political and production in Niger Delta. communities had fled to between Apoi and are working with relevant Economic Affairs of the U.S. neighbouring settlements Azuzuama communities, Chairman of Apoi authorities to bring the Consulate in Nigeria, He sought collaboration and some to Yenagoa, the where an oil pipeline is Community Development killers to book. Brandon Hudspeth visited with the government of state capital, while those located and took away his Committee, Jepter Keme, “No indigene of Apoi can him yesterday at United States of America who have no relatives are AK 47 rifle, before some local confirmed the incident and commit such heinous Government House, Uyo. (USA) to produce a revised seeking refuge in the forests got to the scene. palpable tension in the crime. I believe that those Regional Development who carried out the dastard- Emmanuel, who was repre- Master Plan for the region. Community sources told ly act are not from Apoi sented by the Deputy Akwa spoke when a delega- Community,” Keme said. Governor, Moses Ekpo, said tion of the United States Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki (left); Enogie of Odighi Community, Prince Osaretin Akenzua and When contacted, the Public the Seaport was conceived Consulate in Lagos, led by Chairman, Ovia North-East Council, Scott Ogbemudia during a town hall meeting on farmers and herdsmen Relations Officer (PRO) of and programmed to be the the Political and Economic clashes in Odighi…yesterday the Nigerian Army 16 flagship of the shipping Chief, Brandom Hudspeth, Brigade, Captain Tonye, said industry, adding that it visited him at the efforts were on to reach out stemmed from its strategic Commission’s new head- to the appropriate quarters location, which is endowed quarters in Port Harcourt, on the incident. with natural draught and Rivers State. When contacted on tele- direct access to all parts of the phone, Spokesman of world including the U.S. “We have a good relation- Operation Delta Safe (OPDS), He pointed out that the U.S. ship with the oil companies, Major Olkoya, said he could had enjoyed a robust bilater- but sometimes they delay in not comment on the issue, al relationship with Nigeria paying their statutory remit- saying: “It is an operational since the nation’s independ- tances. The law says that issue and issues that have to ence, adding that huge they should pay three per do with operations are investment opportunities cent of their annual budget directed to the Directorate abound in the state for to the NDDC for the develop- of Media Operations in American investors to ment of the Niger Delta Abuja.” explore. region. Speaking, Hudspeth said he “But most of these funds are Obaseki cautions against politicising farmers, herders’ crisis visited the state as part of his often delayed. They should tour of the Niger Delta fulfill their obligations to From Michael Egbejule, Benin City ing that efforts were being axis. measures to check criminal region, saying it was a show the commission, as this will made to resolve the issues to “We have also had anxieties, herders in the area. of his country’s interest in the help in stabilising the EDO State Governor, provide lasting security to but I will call them specula- Igbinidu, the Iyase of N’ Udo oil-rich region. region because security of Godwin Obaseki, yester- communities in the state. tions on social media about and former Chairman of the region means security of day, cautioned against politi- Speaking at the Palace of the herdsmen being pushed Ovia North East Council, Community transmission oil production,” he stated. cising the herdsmen and Iyase of Udo, HRH Patrick from neighboring states Joseph Amowie, briefed farmers clashes in the coun- Igbinidu, Obaseki said: “We into this area and the Governor Obaseki and heads of COVID-19 second wave C’River plans COVID-19 try and urged nomads to are on a fact-finding tour to impending crisis.” of security agencies on the identify the criminal ele- some parts of the state to challenges of farmers and hits 90.4% in Edo quick response team in ments among them in the access the security situation Obaseki, who traced the herders and steps so far interest of peace. particularly as it relates to movement of nomadic taken to resolve the crisis. EDO State Government has UNICAL farmers and herders con- herdsmen to climate expressed concerns over He said this during a fact- flicts. change, appealed to On his part, Edo State rising number of confirmed From Anietie Akpan, Calabar finding visit to Udo, Ovia Nigerians to seek ways of Commissioner of Police, cases of COVID-19 in the sec- South West Council, where “As a government, we do managing herders and Philip Ogbadu, sued for ond wave of the pandemic, as THE Cross River State he urged the council leader- not believe we should politi- farmers’ conflicts rather peaceful co-existence among the state recorded 54 new Government has perfect- ship to re-introduce the cise security issues. It is than politicising the issue. the locals and cautioned cases and one more death ed plans to set up a COVID-19 weekly stakeholders’ securi- important that we get the herders to streamline their from the virus. quick response team in the ty meeting in the area. facts right and understand Responding, leader of operations towards ending University of Calabar (UNI- what exactly is going on. We herdsmen in the area sug- abuses, as well as destruction State COVID-19 Incident CAL), as over 45, 000 stu- Obaseki stressed that his had reports about the crisis gested investigation of the of livelihoods and economic Manager, Dr. Andrew Obi, dis- dents and lecturers resume administration would not or impending crisis on this killings and a database for crops. closed this during a virtual for full academic activities. politicise security issues, not- genuine herders as part of meeting of the State COVID- 19 Task Force, presided over This followed calls by the Delta to prosecute contractors over poor jobs by Governor Godwin Vice Chancellor of the Obaseki. University of Calabar, Prof. From Monday Osayande, Asaba Rebuilds high court complex lot of destruction usually Obi, who urged residents to Florence Obi on the state be cautious and observe all government to deploy a DELTA as such officers will be sanc- happen under the soil, the precautionary and safety quick response team to offer tioned,” he stated. measures against the spread medical advice, get feedback State found to be substandard. state would continue to of the virus, noted that the and monitor compliance He disclosed that Governor Aguoye informed that the risk of spread in the state was with COVID-19 safety proto- Commissioner for state government had maintain, rehabilitate, con- higher as community trans- cols in the institution as the Ifeanyi Okowa had inaugu- extended the Defect Liability mission has risen to 90.4 per institution resumes. Works, James Aguoye, has rated the Projects Period (DLP), which enables struct and reconstruct roads cent. Obi, who made the call Monitoring and Evaluation contractors to repair failed when she visited the threatened to prosecute any Team as a supervisory organ portions of any certified road across the state with a view to He said Edo State recorded Commissioner for Health, and approved the monitor- from one to two years. 54 new cases of COVID-19 and Dr. Beta Edu, yesterday, said contractor that executes sub- ing initiative of the Civil delivering on the state gov- one death has, in the last 24 the need to take pragmatic Society Organisations (CSOs) He said since the Igbide-Irri hours, bringing the total steps towards preventing standard road projects in the to convince detractors that it road project was enmeshed ernment’s urban renewal number of deaths in the sec- the outbreak of the pandem- was no longer business as in crisis, owing to alleged ond wave to 36. ic in the institution was due state. usual in the state. poor execution, the state had agenda. “We also recorded infection to the large number of stu- “The Ministry of Works will placed the contract on red MEANWHILE, Delta State of three new health workers dents the institution would Aguoye also cautioned field not tolerate a situation alert, and ordered that no with 740 active cases who are have to contend with. where field, zonal officers Certificate of Completion currently receiving treat- and zonal engineers, projects and the monitoring and eval- should be issued to the firm Government has ment in various treatment While calling for a more uation team will affirm poor except the road was complet- and isolation centres in the robust partnership with the implementation, monitor- road construction that failed ed according to specification. unveiled the rehabilitated state,” he said. State Ministry of Health, she specification test. Such jobs He said due to the fact that a said the deployment of a ing and evaluation team will not be certificated, even High Court Complex in Asaba Continuing, he said: “Edo quick response team to the has continued to record pro- institution would help com- against bigotry, financial that was set ablaze during gressive increase in the num- plement the institution’s ber of confirmed cases across ongoing efforts at tackling inducement and sentiments the #EndSARS protests last the state as community the pandemic. transmission of the second in the discharge of their year, barely after two months. wave of the pandemic has reached 90.4 per cent. duties. Chief Judge of the state, The commissioner, who Justice Marshall Umukoro, spoke in Asaba yesterday, said who unveiled the complex, the certificate of completion said court processes would would not be issued to any resume on Monday at the contractor for any project complex on Ibusa Road.


TheGuardian Wednesday,February10, 2021 | 31 Conscience, Nurtured by Truth TheGuardianSports CAF Confederations Cup ‘Rivers United will be ready to battle Enyimba on lovers’ day’ Enyimba and Rivers United will meet in the first leg of their Confederation Cup group stage qualifier in Aba…on By Alex Monye Enyimba campaigned in the his players are ready to sur- February 14. CAF Champions League at mount every obstacle on THE world over, February the beginning of the season, their way to success this sea- 14 is a day meant for peo- but they lost in the second son. ple to show love and care for round to Sudan’s El “We are not under any pres- their fellow human beings. Merreikh, which forced sure ahead of the CAF But on this year’s St. them to drop down to the Confederations Cup tie Valentines Day, two of Confederation Cup. Now, against Enyimba. But it is Nigeria’s biggest clubs, Rivers United must fight quite regrettable that Rivers Rivers United and Enyimba, their ‘brothers’ to gain entry United is contending with a will be on each other’s jugu- into the group stage of the Nigerian side at this stage of lar fighting for passage to the less glamorous the championship. group stage of the 2021 CAF Confederation Cup. Confederation Cup. Speaking on the impending “I know the game against war with Enyimba, Rivers Enyimba will be tough, they Pace Sports sure HiFL 2021 will be bigger, better than ever United Coach, Stanley have won the CAF Eguma, says playing against Champions League twice, By Samuel Ifetoye demic, but it witnessed the shown by the students and Stanbic IBTC and Nivea Men the Aba club on Valentines and notwithstanding their introduction of an e-invita- officials of higher institu- Day is an unfortunate devel- relegation to the PLAYERS, officials and fans tional where university stu- tions which are enough as are urging us to go on. We opment, which they must Confederations Cup this sea- of universities listed for dents, alumni and fans took huge encouragement for us confront in the course of the son, I believe they have the the 2021 edition of the part in a virtual football com- to do more. cannot wait for the kick off to championship. experience to pose a big Higher Institutions Football petition. “It is so interesting that this He said it would have been threat to us. League (HIFL) are in for great project started only four happen,” Fijabi added. better for the two Nigerian experience when the compe- Interestingly, the e-invita- years ago and we have made sides to meet at the final “But Rivers United is not tition begins across the coun- tional is still part of the pack- so much progress. Some of The organisers’ Head, stage of the competition worried. Our focus is to work try in April, organisers of the age for the 2021 edition the products of the competi- rather than at this stage. hard and win our games in competition, Pace Sports and expected to kick off in April. tion are already abroad while Content, Ikechukwu the NPFL as well as the conti- Entertainment Marketing The Director, Pace Sports and some others play in the elite However, Eguma  is not nent.” Company, has promised. Entertainment Marketing, class of the domestic league, Nwaguru, assured that the fazed by the prospect of bat- The outfit said yesterday that Sola Fijabi, said yesterday in the Nigeria Football tling with their more suc- The first leg of the tie will it has concluded plans to Lagos that the 2021 edition Professional League.” 2021 season would be hitch- cessful counterparts, saying hold in Aba on February 14, stage a special edition of the will be staged with due while Port Harcourt hosts HIFL, which enters its third COVID-19 protocols in a spe- Already, Stanbic IBTC is a free following the efforts put the second leg. edition in the fourth year. cial way. major sponsor of HiFL while “We are proud of how far we Nivea Men has also joined as in so far in planning. The 2020 edition did not have gone and we are also a new sponsor. hold due to the COVID-19 pan- inspired by the enthusiasm 52 universities are expected “We are really happy that to be part of this year’s event with 50 games to be played across 20 cities in 18 weeks. Africa Rugby appoints Grace Iyorhe to Women’s Sub Committee By Alex Monye According to a letter to NRFF pleased and honoured to by Chairwoman, Africa inform NRFF vice president, NIGERIA Rugby Football Rugby Advisory Committee, Grace Iyorhe, that she has Federation (NRFF), Vice Ms. Regina Hellen Lunyolo, been officially appointed as a President, Grace Iyorhe, has Iyorhe’s contributions to member of the Sub been appointed a member of Nigeria’s rugby earned her Committee. Africa Women’s Rugby Sub the position. “Her involvement in Rugby, Committee. the passion showed in the It reads: “Following the sector of Rugby and the func- While announcing the agreement of the Women’s tion she occupied in the great development, NRFF said the Rugby Advisory Committee, and diverse field of rugby are appointment of the former the Chairwoman of the Sub now rewarded and she  fully Benue Football Association Committee, Leadership deserves this new distinc- chairperson has shown that Training & Conferences, Ms. tion.” Nigeria’s Rugby is gaining Regina Hellen Lunyolo, is ground in African continent. Nilayo FC targets victory over Nnewi United as NNL kicks off By Gowon Akpodonor had been enjoying good tests, which gave the players ASthe2021NigeriaNational preparation ahead of the a clean bill of health, is a League (NNL) season kicks commencement of the sea- morale booster that has put off this weekend, players and son. the team in a positive mood ahead of the season opener. officials of Ogun State-based Olopade, who is the club pro- “We are glad about the devel- opment, anything contrary Nilayo FC have set their eyes prietor, said: “I will be in could have divided our focus, but thankfully, it has further on getting all three points Abeokuta to cheer Nilayo FC put us in a shape where we can begin our campaign on a from their clash with Nnewi on Sunday February 14, and I positive note.” United at the MKO Abiola am looking forward to a good On his part, General Manager of the club, Mr. Stadium, Abeokuta. game. We have done what is Lekan Kelani has expressed delight with the develop- Nilayo FC is in Group B1 expected of us, and it is left for ment saying that the clean bill of health was a result of alongside Shooting Stars of the players and their coaches the stringent measures that was put in place at the club in Ibadan, Go Round FC, Rovers to perform on the pitch. Our tandem with the global COVID-19 protocols. FC, Vandrezzer FC, Delta Force, target is to pick one of the Nnewi United, Stores, Giant tickets to the professional Brillars, Dynamite FC, Ekiti league at the end of the sea- United and Akajobi FC. son, and we have to begin on In a chat with The Guardian a good note.” yesterday, the Chief Executive Meanwhile, President of Officer of Nilayo Sports Nilayo FC, Mr. Ebidowei Management Company, Oweifie, has explained that Bukola Olopade, said the club the outcome of COVID-19

TheGuardian ‘Rivers United will be ready to battle Enyimba on Conscience, Nurtured by Truth Lovers day’ / 31 Wednesday, February 10, 2021 Yakubu Mohammed COVID-19: The unvarnished truth  AT the height of its first incarnation, about ity of COVID-19”.  - To take your routine malaria drug plus vita- SMS only: 08055001917 July last year when the coronavirus was COVID-19 is real. Many prominent and less min C twice a day. ravaging the whole world with deaths and its - Drink hot ginger tea mixed with garlic in the email: [email protected] stringent protocols, I had remarked, in one of prominent persons, leaders, entrepreneurs, morning and in the evening.  my columns, that it was highly risky to take ill scientists, administrators, professionals, aca- - Apply steam inhalation for 5 to 10 minutes, also cheaper than cure. For viral infections, the during the period. Every symptom, I said, was demicians, medical personnel to mention a morning and evening. prevention, which we accept is better and likely to be mistaken for COVID-19 infection.  few have died due to the current pandemic All these should be done during the course of cheaper than cure is usually done with vaccine I added that “this strange disease has appro- caused by COVID- 19 virus. It does not respect management of malaria in the tropics and flu prepared against such virus. The world’s first priated the symptoms of all known diseases position, economic status, race, colour, gen- during winter in temperate regions,  which successful vaccine against smallpox was devel- prevalent before COVID-19 civilization: malar- der as well as religion. Everybody on planet usually  last for four days. oped in 1796 by Dr. Edward Jenner. Since then ia, common colds, cough, aches and pains. The earth is equal before COVID-19. It does not take If the symptoms persist after such treatment, the method he used to develop that vaccine story was told of a woman who did not survive bribe to spare anybody, neither does it then report to the nearest hospital for COVID- has kept on improving due to advancement in a caesarian operation but her death was require connection or permission to strike. It 19 test. If the test is negative that is great, then science and technology.  recorded as COVID-19 case.”  does not require visa or resident permit to vis- you continue with your normal life style with- it or stay in any country. It has all the immuni- out neglecting all the precautionary meas- Vaccines have successfully been used to pre- This second wave, accurately predicted by ty in the world to kill, steal, maim, destroy and ures and your diet, which must be balance vent infectious diseases like smallpox, yellow WHO with gratuitous glee, has come with all ruin everything directly or indirectly. It can do with fruits and vegetables.  fever, measles, polio, etc. for many years now. kinds of variants that mutate at will like the and undo. Therefore ensure that you take all If God forbid, the test is positive, do not panic. These vaccines took between 8 -10 years to chameleon changing colour in harmony with precautionary measures to protect yourself It is treatable and not a death sentence. develop due to the available technology then. its environment. What is worse, this Corona and others as well as save the world from this The  doctors at Alex Ekwueme Federal As a result of this long period it usually takes to god has become more vicious and apparently invisible enemy called the COVID-19 virus. Teaching Hospital Abakaliki (AE - FUTHA) develop vaccines, scientists in various labora- more difficult to appease. Like its first incarna- This can be done by: Ebonyi State, Nigeria, can handle it provided tories in many countries and companies have tion, COVID-19, in its second coming, has Keeping safe to remain/ stay safe.  you report early. Also doctors in other teach- been working on various ways to improve and retained all its symptoms and its protocols.   - Wear face mask,  ing hospitals across Nigeria and other coun- shorten the time used for development and We entered the New Year only to be greeted by - Avoid crowded areas and activities,  tries can handle it too.  subsequently prepare vaccines.  the frightening morbid statistics of mortality. - Wash hands regularly with soap under run- Furthermore, COVID- 19 is not a scam. It has Yes, I understand the anxiety and concern of The harvest of death did not exclude the high ning water nothing to do with 5G-Electromagnetic people on the development of COVID-19 vac- and the mighty of the society. Even the -Maintainsocialdistanceof abouttwometers Radiation. Do not be deceived.  cine vis a vis the short period it took to come death of those persons who were known to be in any gathering. Let me also inform you about the new vac- out with current vaccines. Remember that battling with old age ailments was put down - Use hand sanitizer as often as possible.  cines. There is a saying that prevention is bet- emergency situations require/demand imme- to COVID-19, thus fueling the raging conspira- If you feel that you have sore throat, cough or ter than cure. I then added that prevention is diate actions. This happens to be the case of cy theories about the non-existence of COVID- stuffy nose, with or without fever, consider to: COVID-19 challenges, which requires immedi- 19. Or the dubious efficacy of the vaccines. ate action to save the world from the monster.  “Yes, I understand the anxiety and concern of people on the development of“ The countries and companies that were pre- Thanks to inappropriate communication pared and waiting for  pandemic to occur, strategy, today, the only death not likely to COVID-19 vaccine vis a vis the short period it took to come out with current employed their already developed new tech- be credited to COVID-19 must be the one inflict- vaccines. Remember that emergency situations require/demand immediate nology, which in this case is mRNA, based to ed by killer herdsmen or    the actions. This happens to be the case of COVID-19 challenges, which prepare vaccines against COVID-19 virus in less ubiquitous  armed bandits and the  maraud- requires immediate action to save the world from the monster  than 12 months. The vaccines have nothing to ing kidnappers who kill at will even after they do with human or animal genes or hereditary had collected ransom. Or those unfortunate Published by The Guardian Group, Rutam House, Isolo, Lagos Tel: 01-4489600 materials. None of it will change the way one travellers, who perish in road crashes. Abuja Office: Plot 415 Olu Awotesu Street, Off Idris Ibrahim Crescent, Off Obafemi Awolowo Way, behaves, looks or act. Also none of the vaccines Jabi District, Abuja. Tel: 08163413350, 09055922776 can cause infertility.  Despite all the conspiracy theories, assisted Advert Hotlines: 01-4489621, 08131036456, [email protected]; Circulation Hotline: 09093977291 oftentimes by officialdom, the truth remains All correspondence to Guardian Newspapers Limited, P.M.B. 1217, Oshodi, Lagos, Nigeria. I am pretty sure that the ministry of health, that COVID-19 is real and it is rampant. In the E-mail:[email protected]; NAFDAC and some other laboratories have all absence of readily available vaccines and Editor: that it takes to ensure that only safe, effective immediate cure, we must all surrender to its ALABI U. WILLIAMS . and validated vaccines are procured for protocols. Those who still doubt the existence ABC (ISSN NO 0189-5125) Nigerians. Regulatory agencies in other coun- of COVID-19 or prefer to leave blissfully in tries are doing the same. Therefore, if you are denial, must read what I regard as the unvar- 50 years and above, prepare your mind to nished  truth as told below by  Professor accept the vaccines for the purpose of immu- Ogbonnaya Ogbu of Ebonyi State University, nization.  Abakaliki:   It is really very unfortunate that after COVID- It is only through vaccination that herd 19 pandemic has terrorised the world for the immunity of the nation can be built and past 14 months, many people across the globe increase up to 80%. With that the spread of the still believe that  it is not real but scam. Before virus will reduce drastically and subsequent- I go on to talk about this critical subject mat- ly, life will return to normal. While the vaccina- ter, let me introduce myself. My name is Prof tion is going on  with the imported vaccines, Ogbonnaya Ogbu, I have been working with virologists in the country who are capable viruses since 1983  my third year in the should be funded to develop indigenous vac- University. It eventually became my area of cines with local isolates. Also other specialists specialization up to PhD and eventually who can prepare antiviral drug against COVID- Professor of virology. As a result, I know virus- 19  virus from the abundant bio-resources in es, how they behave in and out of living organ- Nigeria should be funded. Other countries are isms, I can also predict them, manage them funding and given research grant’s to their sci- and strategise on how to confront them any entists for the same purpose. I am very sure time they come for attack. The reason being that with time, COVID-19 treatment will be like that I have the background and competence that of malaria. to contribute on viruses and their negative as Prof Ogbu is of Ebonyi State University, well positive activities. This information is to Abakaliki. buttress and concur with numerous write-ups E - mail  [email protected]. and opinions on the subject matter  “The real-

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