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Home Explore Branch of the Future Update

Branch of the Future Update

Published by lasheosoba, 2020-11-13 22:23:58

Description: Branch of the Future


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BRANCH OF THE FUTURE (TOE Experience Centre) BRAND MANAGEMENT *DISCLAIMER: This internal document should not be shared

Background The world as we know is currently in a transitional state, especially with the pandemic still largely a factor in the way businesses are being run. It is imperative that we as a brand position ourselves for the inevitable. Also, in a bid to retain our status as pioneers in the digital banking world, the need has come for us to introduce a future-centric, Modern and technologically driven model of banking, which we call “The Bank of the future” This “Bank” will have no physical Tellers, Security personnel, Branch manager, etc. All these will be replaced with technology: We will be seeing features like: AI, VR, Voice Banking, Face Recognition, Biometric, robots, Virtual assistant (holographic display), Cardless & contactless cash withdrawal and deposit

Brand Positioning and Leverage This innovative and first-of-its-kind branch will attract the generation Z, who are the target market. With products like NextGen accounts, TEF Foundation, UBA Foundation, there is a lot to benefit from having this infrastructure. LEVERAGE 1. Banking Services: UBA 2. The name “Tony Elumelu Experience Center”: Tony Elumelu 3. Shared Office Space: Transcorp Hilton 4. Possibility: Event Hall: Product Launch, Galas, TEF Lectures, UBA Foundation events, etc

9 Features 6 4 7 5 1. Ultramodern contactless ATM Gallery 10 3 2. Leo & Ubot – Virtual receptionist and 9 1 5 2 Tour guide 8 3. Contact Center 4. Self-Service kiosks 1 5. AI Assisted Banking 6. Lounge 7. Private Banking 8. Debit Card dispensary 9. Digital Screens 10. Staircase to Shared Office Space on the first floor

INTERIOR VIEWS ATM Banking Contactless ATMs to cater for cash withdrawal and deposit transactions. LEO & U-BOT: The assistant and The Tour Guide A virtual assistant and tour guide to provide customers with information like what they can do and where they can do it. The U-Bot also escorts the customer to the station where they get to perform their required transaction.

INTERIOR VIEWS SELF-SERVICE Ai and Facial recognition powered Self-service kiosks to cater for customers performing transactions like Account update, BVN enrolment, etc

INTERIOR VIEWS Customer service points with Bluetooth feature that enables customers to connect their personal Bluetooth earphones to make direct calls to CFC


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