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Social Studies Book 4_2078 Revised and Updated Edition

Published by sudin saqya, 2020-09-30 10:59:17

Description: Social Studies Book 4_2078 Revised and Updated Edition


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Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. What are the bad customs practiced in your community? 2 Match the following: offering daughter to the monastery Deuki pratha Untouchability marriage in an early age Child marriage offering daughter in temple Jhuma pratha discriminating people on the basis of caste 3 Read the lesson and answer. a. What is meant by child marriage? b. Do you think it is good to demand dowry? Why? c. What is Deuki Pratha? d. What is untouchability? Why is it not good for the society? e. What is the difference between Deuki Pratha and Jhuma Pratha? f. Why is it necessary to bring an end to such bad social customs prevailing in our society? g. What should be done to abolish the bad social custom of our country? Community Work Stage a street drama on any one of the social evil to create awareness in your locality. Social Studies - Book 4 51

4LESSON RESOLVING OUR QUARRELS Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n manage their own conflict. n develop positive feelings for each other. One day Smita, Anjali, Reena and Supriya were sharing their lunch with each other. While sharing, Anjali suddenly threw Smita’s tiffin box in the dustbin. This hurt Smita’s feelings and she got angry and started to quarrel with Anjali. Reena and Supriya took sides and started to fight. Binay and Sunil tried to understand the problem. They asked Smita what had happened. Smita told them that Anjali had thrown her tiffin box in the dustbin because Anjali did not like the food she had brought. Binay and Sunil patiently listened to the girls one by one. They came to the conclusion that the quarrel was Anjali’s fault because it was wrong to throw Smita’s tiffin. They told Anjali that just because Smita didn’t bring food that she liked, she shouldn’t insult and humiliate her. Sunil said, “You need to learn to adjust and compromise if you want to stay in the group. It is necessary to give love and respect to everybody 52 Social Studies - Book 4

in our group. How would you feel if somebody did the same thing to you? Would you feel good?” Anjali shook her head. “I would feel awful”, she said. Binay asked, “Now what should you do?”. “I should say I’m sorry,” said Anjali. Sunil turned to Smita and said, “You shouldn’t have quarreled either. You should have gone to the class teacher and told her what happened. Quarreling is never a solution. You should say sorry too.” Smita agreed and told Anjali she was sorry, and their fight was resolved. The girls never fought again. Human beings are social animals. We always belong to a group, community and society. We cannot survive alone. For this to happen, we need to have friendly and respectful relation with everyone around us. With our reasoning we can win the world but not with our aggressive attitudes. Always discuss your differences to maintain a friendly and respectable relationship with everyone. KEY WORDS Differences : a disagreement in opinion Fault : mistake Humiliate : make someone feel ashamed Patiently : calmly Reasoning : logic Note to the Teacher: Tension and conflict can arise at school and home because of superstitions, discriminations, social differences. Give different examples so that students learn to manage conflict and live in a group peacefully. Social Studies - Book 4 53

Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. Quarrels happen when two people disagree with each other. Share your experience of a quarrel that you have witnessed. b. What would you do if you see your friends fighting? 2 Write True or False. a. Misunderstanding can lead to a fight. b. Mutual understanding can also lead to a fight. c. Disagreement can be settled through discussion. d. It is good to take sides when your friends are fighting. 3 Read the lesson and answer. a. How did Binay and Sunil solve the problem? b. Whose side would you have taken if you were present there? c. Can you resolve a quarrel by just listening to one side of the story? d. What did Smita and Anjali realize in the end? e. Why do we need to have friendly relation with everyone around us? f. How can you maintain a friendly and respectable relationship with everyone? Project Work Identify your friends in class/ school/ community who have quarreled with each other and are now no more talking with each other. Bring them together and through discussions help them resolve their quarrel. 54 Social Studies - Book 4

5LESSON ELIMINATING SOCIAL EVILS Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n state why social evils should be eliminated. n discuss the ways to stop social evils. SON AND DAUGHTER ARE EQUAL DASSUECGNHDHOTOERL DASSUCEGHNHODTOELR END MCAHRILRDIAGE SON AND DAUGHTER ARE EQUAL There are certain social evils that are practiced in our society. These practices have been handed down from generation to generation. It is very difficult to get rid of such social evils which have become a habit of the people of our society. Social evils do not allow our nation to move forward. It hinders the progress of the country. The world has advanced a lot and we need to be able to compete with other countries in the areas of education, technology, science, etc. If we continue following the harmful practices, then we will surely lag behind. The first step towards the elimination of such evil practices is to be taken by the educated people of the society. They need to create awareness and let people know that the social evils hamper the development and growth of a community, society and the country. Social Studies - Book 4 55

Some people follow these evil practices without realizing their negative effects and some people simply imitate other people. It is very important to let them know what they should do and what they shouldn’t. The most effective way to raise awareness among the people is by organizing rallies. We can also organize meetings and hold discussions. One individual alone cannot bring changes in the society. Changes come through joint effort and participation of every member of the society. We can write slogans on placards, banners, pamphlets and posters, and paste them on the walls where everyone can see them. Leaflets, booklets can be distributed among people to educate them. Street dramas can be organized to help people understand the bad effects of social evil practices. If we follow these methods in a systematic manner, we will be able to eradicate such evil practices and the country can continue to develop. KEY WORDS Advanced : progressed or developed Eradicate : put an end to, stop Distribute : gave or shared Elimination : the process of getting rid of something Hinders : makes it difficult, prevents Imitate : copy or follow Lag behind : fail to keep up with others Rally : a mass of people making a protest Note to the Teacher: Encourage them to conduct a programme or prepare some slogans and posters to create awareness in them about social evils. 56 Social Studies - Book 4

Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. What are the social evils that are being practiced in your surrounding? List any two of them and write what you can do to abolish them. S.N. Social evils Ways to abolish them 1. 2. 2 Fill in the blanks. a. Social evils have been handed down ............................... b. ..............................hinders the progress of the country. c. Educated people need to create...................against social evils. d. One..............................cannot bring changes in the society. 3 Read the lesson and answer. a. What are the disadvantages of social evil? b. List the various ways to create awareness about social evil in your community. 4 Make a poster with a slogan to create awareness against any one of the social evils. 5 Prepare a placard with the following slogans. Treat sons and daughters equally Stop child labour Stop untouchability and dowry system Community Work Organize a rally in your locality to create awareness against social evils. Social Studies - Book 4 57

6LESSON SERVICE PROVIDING INSTITUTIONS Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n identify the various institutions serving the community. n discuss the works done by such institutions. A service providing institution is an institution that provides services to the society. Such institutions are the important part of our society. Let’s discuss some of the service providing institutions. Institutions Their Services Health Post/Hospital Provides healthcare, counseling, check- Post Office ups and medicine to the sick people Delivers letters and parcels to the people Electricity Office, or at offices Provides the basic facilities of Drinking Water office, electricity, drinking water, telephone Telecom office and connections and entertainment Cable TV office respectively Municipality or Rural Verifies its locals for citizenship Municipality office certificates, taxes local businesspersons, resolves disputes or quarrels of the locals. It functions as a local level Waste Management government. Collects and disposes wastes of a office household, offices, factories etc in a systematic manner, cleans roads and Bank locality. Gives annual interest on the people’s deposit amount, provides loan to its customers. 58 Social Studies - Book 4

The Police Station Provides security to the people, School/College investigates criminal activities, collects evidences against criminals and arrests them. Educates young generation of the nation. Bir Hospital Nepal Electricity Authority Nepal Telecom Police Station KEY WORDS Arrest : take into custody by police Criminals : people involved in bad works like stealing, robbery, etc. Deposit : to put money in bank Note to the Teacher: Make a list of organizations working locally and their function. Exhibit it in the class and discuss with the students. Social Studies - Book 4 59

Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. Write the names of any four institutions and their services in your ward. 2 Read the lesson and fill in the blanks. a. You will be taken to the.................................if you get sick.. b. security to the people. c. People deposit money in the.................................. d. The Rural Municipality or Municipality office verifies its locals for.............................certificates. e. Telecom provides us with.................................service. 3 Match the following institutions with their services: Drinking Water Corporation Investigates criminal activities Bank Health check up Telecom Office Various television channels Cable television office Provide loan Hospital Drinking water services Police station Telephone and mobile phone 4 Read the lesson and answer. a. Which institution manages our waste? What else does it do? b. What are the services provided by the police? c. Which institution is responsible for educating young generation? d. What are the services provided by the post office? e. What services are provided by the Rural Municipality and Municipality? Project Work Organize an educational tour to any five of the service providing institutions to learn how they function for the benefits of their locals. 60 Social Studies - Book 4

Let’s Revise 1 Categorize the given habits accordingly: Greeting our elders, trimming our nails regularly, using foul language, keeping your room clean, stealing, watching TV whole day, helping others in studies, bunking school, cheating in exams, going home works regularly Good Habits Bad Habits 2 Identify the practice that is being referred here. a. The so called high class people prohibit the low class people from entering their house b. The second daughter of the family is offered to the monastery c. The children are married before they are of legal age to get married d. Sending the girl child to the temple 3 How would you resolve these problems? a. Two friends of yours are fighting over a packet of biscuit. b. One of your friends has not brought his/her pencil today. c. One of your friends is bullied by your other friend. d. All of your class friends have crowded the teacher’s desk to collect their copies. 4 Write True or False. a. Social evils hamper the development and growth of the country. b. Some people follow social evils to imitate other people. c. The least effective way to create awareness is by organizing rallies. d. Educated people cannot help in the elimination of social evils. e. The social evils have been handed down from generation to generation. Social Studies - Book 4 61

UNIT 4 CIVIL AWARENESS Child and Women Rights Our Natural Resources Our Cultural Heritage The Participation of Children Students’ Effort Traffic Rules Rural Municipality Our Municipality Equal Treatment 62 Social Studies - Book 4

1LESSON CHILD AND WOMEN RIGHTS Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n list out the child rights and women right. n discuss the ways to protect their rights. Children should be able to grow and develop physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. For this to be possible, proper care and facilities should be provided to them. They need food, clothing, shelter, health facilities, education, protection and entertainment. All the children are entitled to these basic rights of children. Children are young and sensitive. They are dependent on their adults. The future of every child depends on care, facilities and opportunities they get during their childhood. Therefore, if children do not get their basic necessities fulfilled, they cannot grow up to become worthy citizens of a country. For the all round development of children, they should have the following rights: Right to food Right to clothing Right to shelter Right to education Right to good health and proper nourishment Right to entertainment Right to name and country These rights are called child rights. It does not matter whether a child is rich or poor, has parents or is an orphan, or is physically challenged or strong. They all have the equal rights. At present, most of the children are not enjoying these rights. Many children are not getting their rights fulfilled. Children in poor families and orphans have to work long hours as domestic helpers as well as Social Studies - Book 4 63

work in factories to earn their daily bread. There are many agencies working for the protection of child rights. For example, Nepal Children’s Organization helps the poor and orphan children by providing food, shelter and education. United Nation International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is playing an important role in spreading awareness about the child rights. Similarly, International Labour Organization (ILO) is working to abolish child labour. Women’s rights Men and women are equal by law. To uplift the condition of women, our law has given certain rights, they are: 1. Women are given equal opportunity and they are not discriminated on the basis of gender. 2. They have the right to good health. 3. Women are not subjected to any kind of physical, mental and emotional torture. 4. Both son and daughter are given equal rights to parental property. Hence, all the citizens of Nepal must be aware about these rights. KEY WORDS Emotionally : relating to feelings Gender : difference between the male and female Mentally : relating to the mind Nourishment : good diet Orphan : having no parent Physically : relating to the body Parental : relating to parents Rights : allowed by law Note to the Teacher: Discuss with the students about the rights they are enjoying. Also discuss the right of women with them. 64 Social Studies - Book 4

Sensitive : soft and gentle Torture : make somebody suffer Uplift : to raise or improve one’s condition Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. What rights are you enjoying at present? Make a list. b. Is it good to have child labour in your house or community? Explain why or why not. 2 Read the given news published in the Gorkhapatra and answer the questions. Prohibition of Child Labour in Carpet Factory Kathmandu, 3rd Baisakh (RSS), Government has prohibited keeping the children below 14 years of age in carpet industries. All the carpet industries have to take certificates of not having child labour in their factories. To implement this decision government has formed a committee on the chairmanship of the Secretary of Labour and Transport Ministry including the government and non-government representatives. a. What decision has been made by the government? b. What certificate has to be taken by the carpet industries? c. Why has government formed a committee? Who are included in a committee? 3 Read the lesson and answer. a. What do you mean by child rights? b. Are all the children enjoying their rights? c. What rights a child must have? d. Name some of the women rights. e. Which organizations are working for the protection of child rights? Community Work Identify the houses in your locality where a child below 15 year is employed as a servant. Visit those houses and aware the child and the house owner regarding the child rights. Social Studies - Book 4 65

2LESSON OUR NATURAL RESOURCES Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n identify the natural resources available in our country. n discuss the importance and method of their conservation. Natural resources are the gift of nature. The resources which are given by the nature are called natural resources, such as water, soil, forest and mineral. These resources are not made by us. Let’s discuss about the natural resources available in our country. Water Water is one of the most important natural resources. The main sources of water are river, lake, spring, well, rainfall, underground water etc. We cannot live without water. Water is used for various purposes. We need water to drink and for daily use. Electricity is generated from water. It is used to irrigate land and run an industry. Nepal is rich in water resources. There are about six thousand large and small rivers in Nepal. Gandaki, Koshi and Karnali are the major big river system of Nepal. Similarly, Rara, Phoksondo, Phewa and Begnas are the important lakes of our country. Forest Forest is also one of the important natural resources of our country. Forest is a large stretch of land having trees, plants and wildlife. We have different kinds of trees in our forest. They are sal, sisam, champ, etc. People get firewood from the forest. Furniture is made from trees. Various herbs are found in forests, which are used to make medicines. 66 Social Studies - Book 4

Forest binds the soil and helps to control soil erosion and landslides. It also causes rainfall. Minerals Minerals are substances found inside the earth. Iron, coal, copper, gold, silver, etc are some examples of minerals. Minerals are used for producing many things in industries. Utensil, cement, ornament, rods, etc are produced from minerals. Soil Soil is the upper layer of earth on which we live and cultivate. We grow crops, vegetables and fruits in soil. The more fertile the soil, the more crops can be grown in it. The development of a country depends upon how the country utilizes its resources. Natural resources are the wealth of a country. Therefore, we should protect and preserve them. We can help preserve the forests through afforestation. We can utilize our water resources by generating hydroelectricity. KEY WORDS Afforestation : to plant trees Cultivate : to grow plant Fertile : land suitable for growing crops Generate : to make heat or power Herbs : plant used for making medicine Hydroelectricity : to produce light from flowing water Irrigate : to make water flow onto dry land so that crops can grow Note to the Teacher: Teacher should discuss about the different types of natural resources. Students should be made aware of the advantage of natural resources and the ways to protect them. Social Studies - Book 4 67

Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. Name the natural resources that you use daily in your personal life. b. Name any two trees or plants found in your locality. c. Name any four birds and four animals found in your locality. 2 Read the given notice and answer the questions. Notice Forests are being destroyed day by day in our country. If they are destroyed, floods and landslides will occur and wash away our laagn rdicuanltdu rparloppreo rdtuiecst.ioI tnawlsioll wdeacsrheea ssaew. Tahyetrheewfeilrltbilee soil and the shortage of food, firewood, grasses, timber and herbs. It will have adverse effect on the environment. To protect the forest, we should not cut the trees wherever and whenever we like. We should conduct afforestation and make the people aware about the importance of forest. Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation a. Who has published the notice? b. What are the affects of destroying forest? c. What should we do to protect forest? 3 Read the lesson and answer. a. Define the natural resources with examples. b. What will happen if there is no soil? c. Name the various sources of water. d. List down some of the uses of water. e. Why are minerals important? Name any four minerals. f. What are the advantages of forest? Project Work Visit a conservation park of any district as part of your educational trip. Observe how our wild life and plants are protected there. Then discuss it in your class. 68 Social Studies - Book 4

3LESSON OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n identify our cultural heritages and discuss their importance. n participate in preserving them. Jagan Gurung lives in Damdame village of Kaski district. He is a student of grade four. He has finished his final exams and now has a month-long holiday. So, his father took him to visit Pokhara city. When they reached Bhimsen Tole in the evening, they saw a crowd of people gathering in front of the Bhimsen temple. They heard the sound of various traditional musical instruments. Both of them went to see what was happening there. They saw people wearing masks of various gods and goddesses along with colourful costumes. They were dancing together on a special music. A group of people was singing the songs. Jagan was very curious and asked his father, “What is this father?” His father replied, “It is called the Bhairav Dance”. Jagan enjoyed watching the dance a lot . A few days later, Jagan’s father took him back to Kathmandu. In Kathmandu, they went to visit the Pashupatinath temple. Jagan was very surprised to see such a big and beautiful temple. He saw the four beautiful silver doors on the temple. He saw a big statue of an ox in front of the temple. He also saw the river Bagmati flowing near the temple. Social Studies - Book 4 69

Changunarayan Bouddhanath Jagan was eager and interested to see other temples as well, so his father took him to Swayambhunath, Bouddhanath, Changunarayan and Budhanilkantha temples. After visiting all these religious places, they returned to the hotel. Jagan had a wonderful and enjoyable day with his parents. Jagan asked his father, “Are there any other temples like these in our country, Father?” His father replied, “Yes, there are many temples in different parts of our country. There is Manakamana temple in Gorkha, Janaki temple in Dhanusa, Muktinath in Mustang, Swargadwari in Pyuthan, Pathivara in Taplejung and so on. There are also many historical palaces in our country. Kathmandu Durbar Square, Patan Durbar Square and Bhaktapur Durbar Square are the important historical palaces in the Kathmandu valley”. Bhaktapur Durbar Square Gorkha Durbar 70 Social Studies - Book 4

The following steps should be taken to Renovation of Temple preserve our cultural heritage: 1. Our heritage sites should be renovated and maintained time and often. 2. Local people should be made aware of the importance of our cultural heritage site. 3. Municipality or Rural Municipality should pay attention towards the cleanliness of our heritage site. 4. Footpath shops, hotels, etc should be shifted a bit far away from the cultural site. Jagan was very interested in what his father was saying. But he did not understand the meaning of cultural heritage. So, he asked, “Father, what is the meaning of cultural heritage?” His father smiled and answered, “Ancient temples, churches, mosques, historical palaces, folk songs, folk and traditional musical instruments, idols, art, craft, ponds, etc are our cultural heritages. They are handed over to us by our ancestors. They are our identities. Cultural heritages are our precious wealth. They show our past. Many tourists come to see our cultural heritages. So we must preserve them”. KEY WORDS Ancestor : a person who lived in your family before you were born Heritage : things having traditional importance Historical : things or places belonging to the past Statue : a structure of a person/God Note to the Teacher: Teacher should ask the students whether they have visited some famous temples, monasteries, churches or historical palaces. Let them share their experiences in the class. Then the teacher can explain the meaning of cultural heritage and its importance. If possible, make them visit some cultural heritage sites. Social Studies - Book 4 71

Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. Name any two cultural heritages situated in your district. b. Describe in brief about any historical place that you have visited. 2 Match the following religious places with their locations: Janaki temple Pyuthan Manakamana Taplejung Muktinath Dhanusa Pathivara Gorkha Swargadwari Mustang 3 Which historical places are shown in the pictures? Write their names. a. b. c. 4 Answer the following: a. What do you mean by Cultural Heritage? Why should we preserve them? b. Name any four historically important palaces and write where they are located. c. What should be done to preserve our cultural heritages? d. Describe Bhairav Dance. Project Work Collect information (like who and when it was built, the story behind its construct etc) about any one cultural site. Share your information in your class. 72 Social Studies - Book 4

4LESSON THE PARTICIPATION OF CHILDREN Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n list the activities they can participate in. n actively participate in decision making. In the previous lesson, we learnt about children’s rights. In this lesson we will see how children can exercise their rights. We should encourage children to voice their opinions on matters relating to them at school or at home. Children can be encouraged to participate in activities like choosing the monitor, making school rules, competing in quiz contests and sports activities. The following conversation between a football coach and some players is a good example of how children can exercise their rights in the selection of the team captain. Coach: Today, we are going to choose the captain of our football team. I want each of you to participate and help me choose the best candidate. Social Studies - Book 4 73

Sumit: How can we do that, sir? We will accept whoever you choose as our captain. Coach: No, Sumit. It is important that you voice your opinion so that I can make the best choice. You have read about child rights in class. It is your responsibility and duty to participate in such activities. Bijay: Sir, how do we choose the captain? Coach: I will give each of you a slip of paper. You should write the name of the player whom you think is the most suitable to be the captain. Each of the players wrote down the names, folded the slip of paper and gave it back to the coach. The coach counted the names on the votes and Ritesh received the majority of the votes. He was announced as the captain of the football team and everybody clapped for him. They also discussed their practice schedules, timings and made some ground rules for the team. KEY WORDS Majority : the greater number Responsibility : the state of having a duty Slip : a small piece of paper to write something on Voice : express their opinions in words Votes : a formal expression of preference for a candidate Note to the Teacher: Encourage the students to show their active participation for different activities at school and home so that they can have great respect for child rights and use them well. 74 Social Studies - Book 4

Evaluation Exercises 1 Read the lesson and answer. a. If you are selected as the captain of your school football/ volleyball/swimming team, what functions will you perform? Write any three. 2 Write True or False. a. The parents should always make decision for their children. b. The child right allows the children to choose. c. We should encourage the children to voice their opinions. d. The children cannot practice their rights. e. A child must not participate in decision making activities. 3 Read the lesson and answer. a. How did Sumit and Bijay choose the captain for their football team? b. Did they show good participation while choosing the captain? c. Why do they think everybody’s opinion was needed to choose the captain? 4 Participation is one way to enjoy rights. What are the activities in which you can participate in. List any four of them. Project Work Like in the lesson, choose the captain for any sports team or the monitor for your class. Discuss in groups and vote for the best candidate. Social Studies - Book 4 75

5LESSON STUDENTS’ EFFORTS Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n list down the ways to keep the public places clean. n discuss the importance of cleanliness. Sakira lives in Chapagaun village of Lalitpur District. She studies at Bajrabarahi School in her village. The students of grade four and their Social Studies teacher conducted a cleaning campaign on Friday. Sakira also participated in that campaign. The students brought baskets, brooms, sickles, etc to clean Chapagaun area. The students cleaned the public tap, chautara, pond, temples, rest house, inn, road, etc. They cut down unnecessary grasses and plants. They collected all the garbage and put them in the containers. The students displayed posters with slogans like ‘Keep the surrounding clean’, ‘Don’t throw the litters everywhere’, etc in public places. The villagers were very happy with the works of the students. They also appreciated their good work. 76 Social Studies - Book 4

Asharam, the chairperson of the Rural Municipality, was very happy and impressed with the cleaning campaign organized by the students. He promised to soon appoint some sweepers to clean the village regularly. The students not only cleaned their village but also taught the villagers about the disadvantages of living in a dirty environment. The villagers have now learnt to keep their surroundings neat and clean. There are various groups of youth, Ama Samuha, students, etc to help keep the village clean. Every Saturday these groups cleans the village. The Rural Municipality office has placed the garbage containers in different parts of the village. The villagers no longer throw the garbage here and there. They dispose them off in a container. Now that, the village is very neat and clean, the children are not suffering from illness. All the villagers are happy. Thanks to the students for their good efforts! Would you also like to be involved in a similar cleanliness campaign in your locality? KEY WORDS Appoint : to choose someone for a job Campaign : set of planned activities Container : an item to hold things Dispose : to get rid of Sickles : curved short-handled blade Note to the Teacher: Teachers should teach the students about the importance of cleanliness. Ask them how they can keep their surroundings neat and clean. Social Studies - Book 4 77

Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. Would you like to participate in cleaning or sanitation programmes in your locality? If yes, describe about it. b. Who keeps your village or municipality neat and clean? c. Make a suitable poster or pamphlet to keep your surrounding clean. You can make it in Nepali or English. 2 Look at the pictures given below. Which picture do you like? Give reasons. Picture ‘A’ Picture ‘B’ 3 Read the lesson and answer. a. Make a list of works done by the students of Chapagaun village. b. Why did the Chairperson of Chapagaun become very happy? What did he promise to do? c. What changes have come in the village after the cleaning campaign conducted by the students? d. What are the advantages of keeping the surroundings neat and clean? e. What are the disadvantages of keeping our surroundings dirty? 78 Social Studies - Book 4

6LESSON TRAFFIC RULES Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n follow the traffic rules. n identify some traffic symbols. Many people live in cities and towns. They travel in various vehicles like bus, car, microbus, motorcycle, etc. Due to the large number of people and vehicles on the roads accident may occur. For the safety of vehicle drivers and pedestrians, certain rules have been made. Such rules are called the Traffic Rules. We should follow the following Traffic Rules: We should always use Zebra crossing, overhead bridges, subway to safely cross the road. There are two types of traffic lights. One is for pedestrian and the other is for vehicles. We should cross the road following the pedestrian traffic lights. Cross the road when the green light is on. When the light is red, stop and wait till it turns green. Before crossing the road, we should look right and left to see if vehicles are not coming. Only when the road is clear should we cross the road. It is best to follow the directions given by the traffic police when crossing the road. We should walk on the footpath, if 79 available. If not then we should always walk on the right side of the road so that you can see the traffic coming in the opposite direction. Social Studies - Book 4

We should not stop the vehicles wherever we like in order to cross the road. We should not take out any parts of our body like hand, head, etc from the windows when the vehicles are running. We should get on or off of the bus unless it is completely stopped. We should not play in the road. Young children should stay between their parents or guardians while travelling on motorbikes. We should not keep stone, sand, tiles, rods, etc on the road. Always look at the traffic signs on the road and follow them properly. Look at some of the common traffic signs. Zebra crossing Narrow road No horn No parking Turn right Cross roads Men at work No entry KEY WORDS Footpath : a road for the people to walk on Overhead bridges : bridges that are constructed overhead Pedestrians : people who walk on the road Subway : an underground tunnel for pedestrian Note to the Teacher: If Traffic light is available near the school, take the students to observe it. Traffic police can be called in the school to teach about traffic rules. If it is not possible, various traffic signs can be drawn to make a lesson more effective and interesting. 80 Social Studies - Book 4

Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. What traffic rules have you followed? Write about them. 2 Write True for the right and False for the wrong statements. a. We should not walk from footpath. b. We should cross the road from zebra crossing. c. We should play on the road. d. We should not keep tile, rod, sand, etc on the road. 3 What does the following traffic signs indicate? a. b. c. d. 4 Read the lesson and answer. a. Why should we follow the traffic rules? b. Why are overhead bridges and subway necessary in the cities? c. Mention any four traffic rules that we should follow. Project Work Visit a road with traffic light. Observe how the traffics follow the traffic rules for everyone’s safety. Afterwards discuss your observation in your class. Social Studies - Book 4 81

7LESSON RURAL MUNICIPALITY Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n discuss the formation of Rural Municipality. n describe the functions of Rural Municipality. Kanepokhari, Morang Dear Pratik, Thanks for sharing information about your town in your last letter. As you are interested to know about Rural Municipality, I am writing about it in this letter. Our Rural Municipal Executive is formed in the following ways: Chairperson Vice-chairperson Ward Chairpersons Four women members Two members elected elected from each elected by the Rural by Rural Municipal Municipal Assembly ward Assembly from the Dalit members from amongst or minority communities themselves The term of office of Rural Municipal Executive is of 5 years. To be a voter, one must be a resident of the concerned Rural Municipality and have attained the age of 18 or above. In order to be a candidate for the post of Head, Deputy Head, Ward Chairperson and member, any person must have the following qualifications: a. Should be a Nepali citizen b. Should have attained twenty-one years of age 82 Social Studies - Book 4

c. Should be included in the voters list of the Rural Municipality d. Should not be ineligible by any law A Rural Municipality is the main body that runs the development work in a village. A Rural Municipality conducts the following works in its area: • Distributes clean drinking water by constructing and repairing taps, wells, ponds, etc. • Develops transport facilities. • Constructs, manages and maintains the schools, parks, public toilets, health posts etc. • Take necessary measures to control soil erosion, landslide, flood etc. • Makes canals for irrigation. • Maintains cleanliness and plant trees. A Rural Municipality functions as a local level government. Hence electing the right person as the Head or member of Rural Municipality is very important. Everyone must vote to the most responsible person. Now I would like to take my leave from you. Will be waiting for your next letter. Bye Yours, Dolma KEY WORDS Ineligible : not suitable or desirable Voter : a person who has the right to vote at an election Note to the Teacher: Ask the students about the names and wards of their Rural Municipality. Let them discuss among themselves about the works of the Rural Municipality in their class. Social Studies - Book 4 83

Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. Name your Rural Municipality or Municipality: ............................... Ward no. you live in: ............................................... Name of your village or tole: ............................................... 2 Fill in the blanks. a. To be a voter, one must have attained the age of........................ or above. b. The term of office of Rural Municipal Executive is....................... c. Rural Municipality takes necessary measures to control ..........................., ..........................., ...........................and makes...........................for irrigation. d. The candidate applying for any post of Rural Municipality should not be ineligible by any............................... e. responsible for the distribution of clean drinking water in the villages. 3 Answer the following: a. How is the Rural Municipal Executive constituted? b. How many persons can be elected from the Dalit or minority community in Rural Municipal Executive? c. Write any two qualifications to be the candidate for Head, Deputy Head, Ward Chairperson and member of Rural Municipality. d. Can you give vote in the election of your Rural Municipality? Give reason. e. Write any two functions carried out by Rural Municipality. Project Work Visit your locality in a group of four and make a list of development activities carried out by your Rural Municipality or Municipality for the convenience of the locals. 84 Social Studies - Book 4

8LESSON OUR MUNICIPALITY Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n discuss the formation of municipality. n describe the functions of municipality. Pulchowk, Lalitpur 2077/01/10 Dear Dolma, Thank you for your letter and the information that you wrote about your Rural Municipality. I am happy to share information about my Municipality with you. However I too do not know much about it. So I took my Social Studies teacher’s help to get some information about it. The Government of Nepal can declare an urban area as a Municipality. There are 3 categories of Municipalities in Nepal. They are: 1. Municipality (Nagarpalika) 2. Sub-Metropolitan City (Upa-mahanagarpalika) 3. Metropolitan City (Mahanagarpalika) Our Municipal Executive is formed in the following ways: Mayor Deputy Mayor Ward Chairpersons Five women members Three members elected elected from each elected by the Municipal by Municipal Assembly Assembly members from ward from the Dalit or amongst themselves minority communities Social Studies - Book 4 85

The term of office of Municipal Executive is of 5 years. To be a voter, one must be a resident of the concerned Municipality Council and have attained the age of 18 or above. In order to be a candidate for the post of Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Ward Chairperson or member, a person must have the following qualifications: a. Should be a Nepali citizen, b. Should have attained twenty-one years of age, c. Should be included in the voters list of the Municipality, d. Should not be ineligible by any law. The Municipality conducts Lalitpur Municipality various development works. It maintains a record of population and habitation of its area. It provides fire-brigades services, builds bus parks, and maintains cleanliness in its area. Besides these, the following are the major functions of Municipality: • Approves the map of house and buildings. • Preserves and protects public taps, wells, ponds, cultural and religious heritages. • Constructs and repairs the road. • Establishes hospital and health centers. • Uplifts the condition of cottage industries and helps in their smooth operation. • Conducts afforestation programmes and other various social programmes. 86 Social Studies - Book 4

• To develop the education and sports sectors. • Maintains the sanitation of the city. This much for today. More in my next letter. Yours, Pratik Our Rural Municipalities and Municipalities Types Numbers Metropolitan Cities 6 Sub-Metropolitan Cities 11 Municipalities 276 Rural Municipalities 460 Total 753 KEY WORDS Category : grouping Habitation : place of living Mayor : head of city Note to the Teacher: The teacher can ask the students whether they live in a Rural Municipality or municipality area. Ask them about their ward numbers, in which they live. Discuss what facilities they are enjoying in their wards. Social Studies - Book 4 87

Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. What should be done immediately by your Municipality or Rural Municipality for the development of your locality? 2 Fill in the blanks. a. The government of Nepal can declare an................................... as a Municipality. b. There are.................................Metropolitan cities in Nepal. c. The Municipality is divided into.................................categories. d. the head of the Municipality. 3 Read the lesson and answer. a. How many types of Municipalities are there in Nepal? b. How is the Municipal Executive constituted? c. What are the works carried out by a Municipality? Mention any four. d. What are the criteria to be a voter in Municipal election? Project Work Interview any one member of Municipality or Rural Municipality committee. Ask them about their works and plans for future development of your locality. 88 Social Studies - Book 4

9LESSON EQUAL TREATMENT Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n discuss the impact of gender inequality in the society. n identify the various superstitions practiced in their community and fight against them. Sarita and Anuj were sister and brother. Anuj studied in class 4. Sarita did not go to school. She stayed at home and helped her mother with the household chores. One day, Sarla ma’am came to Anuj’s house to meet his mother, Sanu Maya. Sarla ma’am was a teacher at the village school. She wanted Sanu Maya didi to send Sarita to school like her son Anuj. Sarla ma’am: Namaste! Sanu maya didi. I always pass by your house and see that your daughter Sarita works all day and she doesn’t go to school. Why don’t you send her to school? Mother: Why do we need to send our daughter to school? She is a girl. When she grows up, all she will need to do is learn cooking and cleaning and take care of the house. There is no use sending her to school. Social Studies - Book 4 89

Sarla ma’am: You are wrong Sanu maya didi, we should send our daughters to school too. Daughters and sons are to be given equal opportunity to study. It is their basic right. Daughters are also capable of achieving many things in life. There are so many famous women who have done great job for their nation and for the whole world. If a woman is educated then the whole family will be educated. (Sarita’s mother realized her mistake.) Mother: Thank you Sarla ma’am for helping me understand the importance of educating my daughter. I will talk to her father and send her to school. Is there any thing else that I should know?” Sarala ma’am: Yes, Sanu maya didi. People are still discriminated on the basis of caste, religion, gender, status, etc. We should follow the example of Hari dai, who helps his wife Laxmi with her household chores. They both work together in the fields. He respects Laxmi and never treats her badly for being a woman. He also takes care of the children when Laxmi is busy. We should always treat people equally regardless of their gender, status, caste, religion, etc. There are different kinds of people living in a community. We should respect each other and live harmoniously. KEY WORDS Achieve : gain by work or effort Household chores : things that are done at home like cooking, cleaning, etc. Opportunity : a chance to do something Note to the Teacher: Discuss with the students if there is gender inequality in their home or in society. Tell them the ways to end the gender inequality. Encourage them not to discriminate anyone on the basis of gender. 90 Social Studies - Book 4

Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. Is there any discrimination between son and daughter in your society? How? 2 Read the text and write True or False. a. Both Anuj and Sarita went to school. b. Sarla was a teacher. c. Both sons and daughters should be treated equally. d. Hari dai never helps his wife. e. We should respect each other. 3 Look at the pamphlet given below and answer the questions. A health centre has been established in our village but people are not coming to the health centre. They are going to the Dhami- Jhankri for treatment. Diseases cannot be cured by Dhami-Jhankri. It is a superstition. Diseases are caused by germs. Only doctors’ right treatment can cure us. If someone falls sick, take them to the health centre immediately. a. Why are people not going to the health centre? b. Where are people going to treat themselves? c. What causes diseases? d. Who can cure our diseases? e. What lesson do you get from this pamphlet? 4 Read the lesson and answer. a. Why was Sarita not sent to school? b. On what basis people are discriminated? c. Why did Sarla ma’am come to meet Anuj’s mother? d. Did Sarita’s mother agree to send her to school? e. How is Hari dai different from other men? Project Work Make posters with a message to end discrimination between son and daughter. Display them at a public place Social Studies - Book 4 91

Let’s Revise 1 What Right has been violated here? ........................ a. A child who is homeless b. A child who is not fed proper balanced food ........................ c. A child who is not sent to school ........................ d. A child who has only ragged clothes to wear ........................ e. A child who is not given any name by his family ........................ 2 Write True or False. a. Electricity is generated from water. b. River water helps to control landslides. c. Iron, coal, copper etc are some examples of minerals. d. Soil is the substance that is found inside the earth. e. The development of a country depends upon the resources utilized by the country. 3 Fill in the blanks. a. We should always use............................, overhead bridges and safely cross the road. b. Always look at the............................and follow them properly. c. We should not play on the............................. d. We should............................on the footpath. e. When the traffic light is red, ............................. 4 Complete the given table. Functions of Municipality Functions of Rural Municipality 92 Social Studies - Book 4

UNIT 5 OUR EARTH About My District Dharan City in Map The Origin of the Earth The Structure of the Earth India: Our Close Neighbour China: A Good Friend of Nepal Social Studies - Book 4 93

1LESSON ABOUT MY DISTRICT Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n discuss the physical feature of their district. n discuss about the social life of the people of their district. Irsad studies in class four. His home is in Darchula district. Bajhang is in the east and Baitadi lies in the south of this district. On its north and west it is connected with China and India. It lies in Darchula Sudurpashchim Province. It is a mountainous district. Khalanga is its district headquarter. Mahakali, Chalune, Tinkar, Nampa and Kalagad are the major rivers. Byas Rishi Himal is the famous peak of this district. This district has diversified landforms like himal, valley, hills etc. The altitude increases from south to north. So the climate differs from south to north. In the north, most of the parts remain covered in snow. In the southern part the climate is subtropical. Mid-hills have a temperate climate. Paddy, maize, Buckwheat Farming millet, buckwheat, etc are 94 Social Studies - Book 4

the major crops grown here. Yarsagumba which has medicinal values is found in the high altitude of this district. Most of the people of this district are engaged in agriculture. Few people are also involved in trade and tourism business. Ghee, herbs, local carpets, wool products, Yarsagumba handmade clothes and other agricultural products are sold in local bazaars. Api Nampa Conservation Area is one of the major tourist attractions of this district. The pilgrims pass through this Api Nampa Conservation Area conservation area to reach Kailash Parvat. Other tourist attractions are Khalanga, Tapoban, Gokuleswar, Tinkar, Jaljibi and Himalayan peaks like Api Himal, Byas Rishi Tinkar Pass Himal, Nampa Himal, Jaskar Himal. People of different caste and religion live here. Majority of the people living here are from the Brahmin, Chhetri, Dalit and Thakuri caste. Sauka is the indigenous inhabitant’s caste group. Social Studies - Book 4 95

Sauka culture is also an attraction for tourist. People follow here Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam religions. Dashain, Tihar, Buddha Jayanti, Id, Christmas etc are major festival of the people. Dal, bhat, tarkari etc are the major food. Men wear daura- suruwal, dhaka topi, etc. Women wear chaubandi cholo, sari, lungi, shawl etc. People speak different languages like Doteli, Nepali and Lepcha. Most of the people speak Doteli language as the medium of communication among each other. Darchula is one of the least developed districts of our country. Lack of basic infrastructure, difficult geophysical condition, traditional agricultural practice, low literacy rate and population growth are the main causes of poverty in this district. KEY WORDS Altitude : distance up from the ground Geophysical : the features of Earth’s surface Indigenous : native Infrastructure : the basic facilities like roads, buildings Inhabitant : resident Literacy : the ability to read and write Pilgrims : a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons Subtropical : hot summers and mild winters Temperate : mild Trade : buy and sell Note to the Teacher: Take the students to a field trip. Ask them to write points on it according to their observation. On the basis of it discuss about the landforms and socio-economic condition of their district. 96 Social Studies - Book 4

Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. In which district and Province do you live in? 2 In the table given below, write the name of castes and languages of the people living in your district. Name of races Language spoken 3 Answer the following: a. Describe the climate of Darchula. b. What are the major occupations of the people of Darchula? c. Name the major religious and tourist centres of Darchula. d. What festivals do the people of Darchula celebrate? e. Why is Darchula the least developed district of our country? 4 Complete the information about Darchula and your district on the basis of the following points: Darchula Your District: ....... Boundary Types of Landforms Climate Vegetation Famous Places Agricultural Products Festivals Religious/Historical Places Major Rivers/Lakes Project Work With the help of an atlas, draw an outline map of your district. Insert the famous places and rivers/lakes of your district. Social Studies - Book 4 97

2LESSON DHARAN CITY IN MAP Objectives : After the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: n draw the simple outline map of their town/district and insert the important places like river, lake, religious place, trade centres, mountain, etc. Raksha : In my vacation where will we go baba? Father : I am thinking of taking you to Dharan this time. Raksha : Dharan is an unknown place for us. How can we manage there? Father : Before going to any new place, we must first find the location of that place. We should also find out what beautiful places there are to visit. Raksha : How can we know all these things, baba? Father : We can find all these information in the map. I have brought the map of Nepal to show you. Look at this map. Raksha : Oh! I can see Dharan at Sunsari district in this map. It is in the easternmost part of our country. Father : You are right. It is located in Province No. 1. Dharan Provincial Map of Nepal 98 Social Studies - Book 4

Raksha : My teacher has taught us that this beautiful city is located in the foothills of Mahabharat range. It is also the second largest city of Eastern Nepal. Father : Yes you are right. It is the gateway to beautiful tourist attractions of Nepal’s eastern parts like Makalu Barun National Park, Raja Rani lake and Gupha Lake. I will take you to all these places. Raksha : My friend Shreya who is from Dharan talks about Budha Subba, Dantakali and Pindeshwar temple. Will you take me there too? Father : I will. I will also take you to Bhanu chowk which is known as the heart of Dharan for shopping and to the clock tower there. Raksha : Where else will you Bhanu Chowk take me baba? Take me somewhere adventurous too baba. Father : I will. I will take you to paragliding and rafting there. Raksha : This vacation of mine is definitely going to be interesting. KEY WORDS Foothills : a hill next to a higher mountain Gateway : Entryway Paragliding : a sport in which a person jumps from a high place and uses a special kind of parachute to float down to the ground Rafting : a sport of travelling down a river on a raft Note to the Teacher: Ask the students to indicate their city/district in the map of Nepal. Tell them to draw an outline map of their district and insert major facts like river, lake, historical and religious places, mountain, commercial centres, etc. Social Studies - Book 4 99

Evaluation Exercises 1 Think and write. a. List the historical, religious and places of tourist attraction of your district/town. 2 Locate your district/town in the map of Nepal and draw it in full page. Insert the following facts on it. a. River b. Lake c. Temple d. Mountain e. Important places 3 Look at the map of Nepal given below and find out your district and colour it. Colour your neighbouring districts too. Sudurpashchim Province HUMLA k k Karnali Province DARCHULA BAJHANG MUGU BAITADI BAJURA DANDELDHURA DOTI JUMLA Gandaki Province N MUSTANG ACHHAM KALIKOT DOLPA k k KANCHANPUR DAILEKH JAJARKOT Bagmati Province KAILALI RUKUM WEST RUKUM MANANG EAST SURKHET MYAGDI BARDIA SALLYAN ROLPA BAGLUNG KASKI GORKHA Province No. 1 LAMJUNG k PARBAT RASUWA RAUTAHAT BANKE PYUTHAN GULMI DHAMNAUHKHOTATARI SUNSARI DANG SYANGJA TANAHUN NUWAKOT SINDHU PALCHOK ARGHAKHANCHI PALPA DOLAKHA PANRAAWSIAELAST CHITWAN DHADING SANKHUWASABHA TAPLEJUNG k KAPILVASTU RUPANDEHI NW KABHRE SOLUKHUMBU KL  BMAKWANPUR RAMECHHAP OKHALDHUNGA Province No. 5 PARSA SINDHULI KHOTANG BHOJPUR TERHATPHAUNMCHTHAR INDEX BARA International Boundary Provincial Boundary SARLAHI DHANKUTA District Boundary K - Kathmandu UDAYAPUR ILAM B - Bhaktapur L - Lalitpur k SIRAHA MORANG NW - Nawal Parasi West SAPTARI JHAPA Province No. 2 4 Read the lesson and answer. a. Where are Raksha and her father planning to go? b. Where does Dharan lie? c. Name the religious sites of Dharan? d. What adventurous activities can be done in Dharan? Project Work Plan an educational tour to your neighbouring district with detail information of its transportation, tourist attractions etc. 100 Social Studies - Book 4

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