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Home Explore Talking Carp Magazine - Issue 5 June july 2016

Talking Carp Magazine - Issue 5 June july 2016

Published by Talking Carp Magazine, 2016-06-21 07:52:43

Description: Talking Carp Magazine - Issue 5 June july 2016 - We are back bigger and better - Talking Carp!

Keywords: talking carp magazine,carp fishing,carping


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Ta l k i n g C a r p issue 5 - June / July 2016 Scott “Geezer” Grant Keith Moors Ethan Carper Mark Wozencroft Emma Smith Paul “Hobbo”


Hello…and welcome to the latest issue ofTalking Carp magazine.Thanks go out once again to all who keep thismagazine, your magazine, a continued success.The writers, the contributors, the advertisersand the readers. We thank you all.The carp world said goodbye to a real gent inJan Porter recently. A man who always had timefor others and was one who will truly be missed.R.I.P Jan.We have another bumper magazine foryou to readWith articles from our usual crew, and hopefully a few hints and tips to be learnt alongthe way.Keith Moors explains the underwater mechanics of light leads and free running tactics.“Hookpull” continues his fascinating look into his ‘making your own bait’ series andincludes a pic of a 42lb beast caught recently on his own bait…. Look out for that!The weather has really improved as of late, and there seems to be a lot of carp gettingcaught right now, particularly on the zig rig, and in this month you can learn how to zigfish effectively with our new “Ask The Team” section as Paul “Hobbo” Hobbs goes throughit step by step for you.On that note, if you have any aspect of your angling you are struggling with or feel a littleadvice could strengthen your game then feel free to email your questions in and we willput one of our experts on it for you. Emails to the usual address.Last month competition winners are announced in between these pages… is it YOU? Readthrough and find out!!That’s it for this month, so enjoy the sunshine, enjoy your fishing and most of all…. enjoylife.Until next monthTeam Talking Carp.Emails to [email protected]

INSIDE THIS MONTHS ISSUE.........• A Chat With…. By Scott “Geezer” Grant• It’s All About The Memories – Emma Smith• Food For Thought – Keith Moors• When It All Goes Right – Mark Wozencroft• Session Fishing – Ethan Carper• Big Waters, Big Session, Big Fish – Lee England• How Effort Helped Me Achieve My P.B – Joe Ashdown• Ask Team Talking Carp – Paul “Hobbo” Hobbs• Return To Farlows – Colin Taylor• Not Only Boys Can Go Fishing, Dad – Mark Faulkner• Winter Wonderland – Keith Desmond• Making Your Boilie Paste – “Hookpull”• Unusually Cold April – Gary May• Spring Fishing – Matt Whalley• The Quiet Before The Storm – Lewis Daynes• Honeymoon On The Ebro – Kris and Emma Swordsmith• Hardcore Carper Social – Daz Womack

A chat with........By Scott “Geezer” Grant

A Chat With…. Michael Baker by Scott “Geezer”Grant.This month I have something a little bit different for our read-ers. An exclusive interview with Michael Bakerowner of Galaxy Baits formerly known as “Darenth ValleyBaits”SG: Micky where did it all start for you?MB: It all started when I was only 4 years old in 1978. My Dadused to take me fishing over at Berwick Ponds, we would catchroach, bream, tench etcSG: So when did your love of carp surface?MB: That was in 1985 when I was 11 years old. I startedfishing “Tit Lake” on the Hornchurch estate. My goal was tocatch a 10lber but the best I managed was only an 8lbmirror.SG: When did you start using Darenth Valley Baits?MB: In 1996 my mate Danny Young took me into EssexAngling and we bought Marine & Seed mix with skunk oil. Myfirst thoughts were can you smoke it!!! But that wasn’t advis-able lol. Danny still remains a great friend today and it seemsstrange that the company he introduced me to, I now own.Danny is still using the bait after all these years. Of late he hasbeen catching plenty of fish over the Dagenham Chase.SG: Did the bait catch you any fish?MB: From the off the bait caught us loads of fish, whichboost-ed my confidence to try other baits in the Darenth range.

SG: Did you ever experiment making your own bait?MB: Funny enough I did! I used to use the Darenth Valleybase mix but couldn’t get the ingredients I wanted, to makeit as good as the bait I was buying.SG: How did it come about, where you managed to visit thefactory where Darenth Valley baits were made?MB: I was working in Barking in 1997 and went out tolunch. I was just walking about and stumbled across someunits and there was a bloke standing outside having a fag.I asked the bloke what they were doing in there as I couldsmell something. The bloke said they were making bait!!SG: What happened next?MB: I had a smoke with the bloke and probed a bit more. Iasked him what bait they were making and what the nameof the company was. To my astonishment the bloke saidthey were making Skunk and Geranium and the companywas Darenth Valley Baits.SG: Did you think the bloke was winding you up?MB: Yes, I couldn’t believe the bait I had been buying fromthe shop and catching on was being made inside, totallymind blowing.SG:How did you come to be good friends with the owners?MB: I went inside and met the owner and workers andstruck up an immediate relationship with them.SG: How did the relationship evolve?MB: I used to pick up ingredients for them and in returnthey would see me good with bait.

SG: How long did you help out at the factory before yougot to actually helping them make the bait?MB: At a guess I would say a couple of years, therelationship grew and they could see I had a passion formaking bait. I started helping “Shaggy” the owner andPerry with the bait making, and also learnt a lot regardingwhat good ingredients you need to make proper bait.SG: When did things change?MB: In 1998 Shaggy was moving to new premises inPurfleet. I helped him move all the equipment from the oldpremises to the new one.SG: Where were you fishing during this time?MB: I was fishing Bardag at the back of the Chase lakescatching loads of fish on Specimen Seed mix with Skunkand Geranium oils. Aveley lakes was my main lake but waspretty tough, I used to make my own bait with dvb basemixbought from Essex angling formerly known as Essexarchery, and had my first 20 (1997) it was also the year I metthe Mrs.SG: It’s now 10 years later and in that time you became veryclose friends with Shaggy and Perry so what happened next?I used to visit shaggy regularly at his mums in Raydons roadand have jams as we were both into our music, me a littlemore heavily as I was on tour with a band singing andplaying guitar through 98, 99 and finished august 2000. Stillplay in rock bands today.Perry would regularly visit me whist I was fishing inDagenham and we’d chat for hours and hours.

The years from 2000-2007 I went fishing very little as wasbusy with the bands but managed a session on a lake inFrance called Maleon with some pals in 2005 where I had myfirst French 36lb mirror on of course Skunk & Plum whichwas my favourite for years and I still use it now from time totime as it smashes France and has banked carp to 78.06lb.SG: So Mick how did acquire Darenth Valley Baits.MB: In September 2007, as usual, I rang Shaggy up to ar-range, when to pick my bait up from the factory. It was reallyweird when I think back now, as Shaggy just blurted it out“do you want to buy the company” As you can imagine I wasspeechless!!SG: Did you take him up on his offer?MB: Too right I did, I bit his arm off.SG: So did you take over the premises as well?MB: No, at the time I couldn’t afford to rent the premises.Because we had such a good friendship, Shaggy let me paythe purchase price in instalments and also gave me all theequipment and machines, as I just didn’t have that sort ofmoney.SG: What was the reason Shaggy gave the company up?MB: He said he was just sick of making bait and not mak-ing anything out of it. It’s a tough business and when you’reworking all hours for pittance it starts to take its tollSG: Can you relate to how Shaggy was feeling way backthen?MB: At the time I didn’t but I can relate to how he was feel-ing 100%. Its hard work, but making bait is in my blood andthere is

and there is nothing moresatisfying than making bait andhearing from anglers that arecatching on it.SG: When you took over thecompany where were youmaking bait?MB: In 2008 A mate of mine, atthat time, came in as an equalpartner and we starting makingthe bait in a unit in his mums back garden in Harold Wood.SG: How long were you at the unit for?MB: We were there for about 2 years, and then the councilforced us to move out as people were complaining about thesmells coming from the garden.SG: Where did you move the company to?MB: My partner moved the company in 2010 to a unit inSouth Ockendon just behind Stubbers, whilst I was on a fami-ly holiday. SG: Did the company evolve? SG: Did the company evolve? MB: No!!! Quite the opposite, debts were mounting up. My partner wasn’t helping with any repayments and it was all left to me. He also started to mess up customers’ orders, which again was left for me to sort out.

SG: How long did this go on for?MB: I had to bring the partnership to an end in 2012 or elsewatch the company I had been involved with for so manyyears go under.If checked, on companies’ house, both Galaxy Baits Ltd andDarenth Valley Baits Ltd are both owned by Michael Bakerso beware of the imitations on the market today.SG: Did you manage to clear thedebts?MB: Yes, I did, it took a lot of hardwork, I had a day job working forPlumbase, I was making bait in theevenings, with a group of fantasticmates, Jason Heapy (also helpedbuild the factory), Glenn Thoms,Joe Espin and of course lifelong friend Russell Briant thattook care of logos, packaging and clothing and built awebsite and is now Galaxy Baits creative manager of all arts.I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support frommy good family and a great bunch of friends. I thank youall.SG: When did you rename the company? And what madeyou pick the name Galaxy Baits?MB: After I went alone, I decided to rename the companyGalaxy as all the baits Shaggy put together had stood the testof time. I felt I owed it to the great man to carry on and putthe company back on the map.SG: Are you still working from the same premises today?

MB: Yes, I am, the warehouse has been transformed into a fully functioning bait factory over the past 4 years with a lot of help from a few of my goodmates and is capable of making 350kg+ per day. We steamall bottom baits and pop ups and wafters and have foundthat the catch rates increased as boiling does wash out vitalattractors on the skin of the boilies. We also still use real eggas is evident in some of our mixes naturally.SG: What baits are in your current range?MB: I still make the all time greats Blackcurrant andGalaxsea oil (skunk oil)The G which is the Skunk and Geranium, Galaxsea Plum,Blueberry etc,We are concentrating on the most prolific baits but have abook full of winners to be released as and when we arehappy, many lake records and PB’s have been caught onthese test baits including my French mirror PB of 57lb 12ozand Common of 41lb 12ozSome of the mixes to be released are old DVB favourites under different names and some will be brand new as mentioned above like Galaxy Bloodworm and Nut Job.

We can also make bespoke baits for anglers, where theyeither supply the additive ingredients, they would like added orwe can supply them for a small charge, per kilo.SG: So what is this medi-chlorian?MB: Now this is amazing! This ingredient has been designedespecially for fresh water fish, mainly carp. A close friend washaving dinner with family friends and after exchanging occu-pations, in light chat, was gob smacked this person,was CEO of the aqua cultural side of the massive company,that lead in aqua nutrition, in the world. After a 2-year de-sign plan of listing materials and inclusion rates, the amazingingredient was born and we named it Medi-Chlorian.On test on a lake in France, the results were outstandingand we have all been blown away. Growth rates speedily andhealthily, this has also been happening here in England andwe will have results in the near future, after a few years ofthorough testing on a fish farm.Our website is very soon to be completely updated givingcomplete summary’s of the results

and full accounts with blogs written by the lake ownersthemselves.SG: Apart from the baits you already do are there any newbaits coming out?MB: Yes, we have a couple of baits the consultants are us-ing at the moment, and will be looking at releasing one ofthe tested baits next spring. One bait in particular is alreadyproving itself in the field, The Nut Job, our head consultanthas banked both an English PB Common and French PBCommon on the bait.SG: You mentioned consultants; do you have any fieldtest-ers on board?MB: We do indeed and at this present time we are lookingfor fieldtesters to join the Galaxy Team.SG: What do anglers need to do if they want to becomea fieldtester?MB: Alls they need to do is either email me at [email protected] or message me on face book detailing where theyare currently fishing, and why they want to be part of theGalaxy Team. Fieldtesters get their bait at a reduced ratebut they will be using a bait we are currently testing. If theywant to use baits from our established range different ratesapply.

SG: Micky thanks for taking thetime to share the early days ofDarenth Valley Baits and whereGalaxy Baits has come from.MB: No problem mate, it’s been a pleasure, it’s nice that anglersup and down the country will now know, that Darenth ValleyBaits are still producing quality bait just under a new name.For a full list of our prolific baits please visit website you would like a comprehensive list of all our baits, pleaseemail us at [email protected]

It’s All About The Memories by Emma Smith

My introduction to carp fishing was over 15 years ago by my partner – the delights of spending the night under a fox 60” oval brolly with a re-covered sun lounger for a bed chair and a German styled sleep suit in the middle of February. No power packs forbivvy heaters back then – just thick socks and a petrol stoveto help try and keep you warm – I don’t think many girlscan boast that for “first dates” material!After a few sessions/dates in – our first holiday together wasa week away the following summer – surrounded by fishablelakes of course! From as long as I can remember, all ourholidays/breaks and birthdays have revolved around afishing trip as this has been some of the only time we havemanaged to get on the bank between our work. As the yearshave rolled on, I have become a more confident angler, butI still keep in the forefront of my mind that every session isstill a lesson.I remember spending a fewovernight sessions on my ownone cold January a few yearsago – just to a local club lake,but I was able to catch around3-4 fish each night I went, withcarp up to mid-20s every time– all with a good fight and all

showing signs of still eating healthily – for somebody whodoesn’t get much bank time, these nights were worth theirweight in gold.Due to work, I wasn’t getting down the lakes till dark,making it tricky finding spots, so I opted to plumb for spotsthe mornings after setting up – this way I was able to takenotes and put whatever bait I had left on a fewdifferent spots before I left the lake. I would always look forat least 3 or 4 spots around the whole lake – as it was a clubticket, you couldn’t really pre-bait as such as chances werethat somebody else would be in the swim when you nextgot chance to go – instead, I was taking time, finding a fewspots in different swims and trickle feeding a little bit of baiton each – this worked best as it meant I could then have achoice of swims when I got there after work – within acouple of visits, I had a list of fishable spots from each swimon the lake - all spots written in my little black book – just acase of having to turn up, wrap up, clip up and castI am not the most organised person to meet – usually latewherever I go, so a “note-taker” whether it’s a book and pen,or an app on your phone – can be so important, especiallywhen you want to make the most of the very little bank timeavailable – same goes with remembering and writing aboutthe type of venue/lake as fishing styles can be dictated by thelake itself – there are many lakes where high stock levels offish need baiting often throughout the session, to ensure thefish stay in your area and create competition feeding – otherlakes with low stocking tend to require a slightly moresubtle approach,

looking for a specific natural spot as opposed to making a feeding area. Making little changes to your fishing to suit the lake can be key in banking or blanking… As far as the seasons go, I am a girl who likes her comforts and much prefers warm sunny days to that of grey, cold wet ones – my fishing however, I think Ihave probably had more success where the weather has beendrizzly or windy – one such memory was playing a 30lberin absolute torrential rain – the weather only stopped whenI was leaving so at least I bagged a chunk and managed topack up dry!I like to see the change in seasons (which seems ever moredifficult to ascertain where one ends and the other starts inrecent years) – and especially being able to watch thebehaviours in different animals as they wake-up for the newyear ahead. Watching the fish and other animals around thelakes go through their silly season as the weather warms andtheir hormones take over - to the complete binge-out as thenights draw in and the windy weather cools temperaturesdown for the winter ahead.It’s obvious that our memories of events change as time goeson - you never remember quite how cold/hot/wet/windy, etcit was, just the session, the laughs, and (hopefully with anyluck) the fish that graced the bank.

Usually for me, the memories of the capture are more about the envi- ronment at the time. I always try to remember this as much as possible (and write it down too so not to for- get) – My UK PB common was caught on a sunny, warm day – my rig wasplaced in an 8ft marginal spot which had an overhangingtree sheltering it from the afternoon sun. Literally only arod length from myswim, I could watch thefeeding bubbles easilybefore the fish slippedup from the freebies tothe rig. First fish outfor me from this spotwas a clean 30lb mirrorwhich beat me up a lit-tle on the bank, so much so I needed a change of clothes –the common came less than an hour later on the same spot,again I was able to watch the feeding bubbles from my swimjust before she slipped up – I had got my rod, re-rigged and back out on the spot with some freebies consisting of mashed up pellet and boilies before finding some clean dry clothes to change into.

Sat on the grass putting my socks on I get a single bleep onmy spot – I freeze, 1 sock on, 1 sock off, I sat watching thealarm, the indicator, the line, the rod tip – looking for anymovement to jump on – nothing. I finish getting dressedwhilst watching the water intently, looking for those feed-ing bubbles. I catch a glimpse of some fine, pin-prick bub-bles right above my mark, and I find myself sitting besidemy rods staring to my spot. 10 minutes pass and nothing –perhaps the bubbles were from Tench? Perhaps I had beendone? Perhaps it was natural gases releasing form the lakebed? Whichever it was, I chose to come away from the rodsand have a look through my camera of the 30lber I had.Literally less than 5 minutes and the rod goes intomeltdown! I pick up the rod and the fish is alreadyheading for the middle of the lake! I grab hold on to thespool to ease the speed of the line stripping of the reel, oncethe fish slows, I start to reel in and try and get back whatline I can, directing the fish back to the bank. Jack gets thewaders on and carefully enters the water with the landingnet ready to perform his obligatory gillie duties for me butthis fish was not coming in quietly! We play tug-of-war foraround 10minutes before it decides to kite left out of jacksreach to some marginal reeds – the encouraging words I getafter this are “come on, it’s only a double – stop playing sillybuggers and get control!” bloody strong doubles in this lake– I’m thinking I must look like a prize plum if anyone elseis watching around the lake. I lean right over to get an an-gle on the line to strain the fish back my way, slowly the fishmoves back around and start to head back out to the island

in the middle of the lake. Keeping control of the line, butunable to get hold to reel up any more, I start to walk backup the bank – I see jack lunge forward with the net, then,my line goes slack – it’s in the net! I breathe a sigh of reliefthen, I have a quick look around, hoping no one else hasseen me play a double like it were a monster. I look over tojack whose still in the water, grinning like a Cheshire cat – “Ilied, it wasn’t a double – it’s the big common”! Jack had seenthe common as it went round by the reeds, so not toworry me, he chooses not to tell me what I actually had onthe other end – which, quite honestly I’m glad off! my UKPB common of 39lb on the dot. My UK PB mirrorhowever, was in complete contrast – although only a monthapart from each other - a sudden bout of cooler weather hadforced fish to find refuge in the warmer, weedier spots of thelake – this time, fishing on my own – I was just able to getover the lake about an hour before dark, I plumbed aroundin a swim which had more weed in front of it than water.I quickly set up my spots and settled back for the evening,when Jack came over to spend night in the back of the bivvy.The spots primed with mashed pellets and boilies.Shortened rigs placed tight in little holes in the weedresulted in one going off as a 4am wake-up call this timeproducing my UK PB mirror at 42lb1oz – I rememberhearing the bleeps on the alarm, very slow, single bleeps. AsI were playing the fish in – I stood there thinking “are therebream in this lake?” the take was so slow in reaction, almostas though the fish was half asleep itself – the rolling mistprevented me seeing anything further in front of me

than the rod itself so luckily the mirror didn’t put up toomuch of a fight. Again, Jack with his obligatory gillie dutiesgets to wade out into the lake to net my prize.Both of these captures were over 8 years ago, yet I rememberback on them as though they were yesterday – always tryingto keep these in mind – spurring me on to (hopefully) breaktheir PB statusTo me, it is more than just fishing – it is everything you seearound you which are (sometimes) taken for granted all tooeasily.As many anglers, naturalist and hippies alike would agree tothe following sentiment“Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but foot-prints…”

Food For Thought by Keith Moors

Having already written my bait.” This latter statement from memory but were still“introduction” and “look related to a fish which was feeding. I knew that I didn’thow clever I am” articles considered not to be the have time to change rigsI now offer you an article sharpest tool in the box? or go back for one of mywhich I hope produces food To my chagrin I didn’t ex- other rods, as the fish werefor thought and, just may- periment but allowed my- likely to have moved out ofbe, a different way to fish self to be convinced by the site by the time I got back,for carp. Hopefully you will magazine articles. However, so I flicked out the lightbe able to read through this several of us had been mess- lead. Pure luck meant thatwith an open mind. ing around with running it landed a couple of yardsI tend to scan the forums rigs .......... but only in the from the fish and towardsand Facebook threads and margins? I now ask myself the mouth of the bay, in thecan’t help but notice that the “why?” but there you go. direction towards whichvast majority of “experts” Anyway, in 1995 I was hav- they were heading. I lay thesuggest that it is necessary, ing a fair amount of success rod on the ground pulledessential or absolutely im- on Linear’s Manor Farm lake off some line and sat backperative that we should all and thirties were becoming to see what happened. Inuse heavy (4 of 5 ounce) slightly more common in my fact, it was probably twentyleads in order to hook the landing net. During a sum- minutes later that the rodfish. These leads must also mer evening I found three lurched, the line pinged outalways be attached via a lead thirties feeding close to the of the clip and the reel be-clip to make them “semi bank in the back bay. I crept gan to tick. “Bugger me I’vefixed” and to ensure that round with my stalking rod, hooked one” I thought as Ithey are lost on the take. complete with 1 ounce lead leaned on the fish. A shortMany years ago, through the on a run ring and, by laying scrap later saw a 32lb sca-eighties and into the early in the grass, managed to ley mirror go in the net. Jobnineties I also went down present three grains of corn done I thought and walkedthis route and I can remem- to them without disturbing confidently back to my biv-ber having a conversation them. All was going to plan vy. It still didn’t immediatelywith Joe Taylor in J&K until some heavy footed oaf dawn on me what had hap-tackle Bicester, about it. walked up to where I was pened and out went my 4The end of our conversation laying and asked “any luck ounce leads on clips, withresulted in us deciding that mate?” I struggled to keep lengths of lead core (obvi-we were getting less bites but my calm but needless to say ously attached with my ownhooking more fish. However, the carp and the intruder “Keith Moors Knot” lol)I still couldn’t shake off the were both and back into the alarmsmemories of tench fishing spooked and left the scene went my rods with the linewhere the lead “needed to rapidly. as tight as possible. I don’tbe free running” and fishing I was gutted and wound in think I caught any more thatfor cats on Claydon House the rod only to notice that session but I do remember,where the accepted philoso- the fish had moved to the later, sitting in the livingphy was that “if they felt any opposite bank of the bay, a room with Jan and suddenlytension they would drop the distance of maybe 40 yards wondering whether

that running rig would work phenomenon; fluorocarbon. On the 5th November ofon my “normal” rods. It had Unfortunately, the only one the following year (1996) Ito be worth a go and the next that I could find, even half banked my first ever Englishsession saw me fishing it but suitable to be used as a main forty in the shape of “Popeye”still with the lead core and line, at the time was one at 40lb 2oz which happenedheavy leads. I probably caught called “vanish” which, quite to be the first ever reporteda few carp on that set up over frankly was dire for tying to Oxfordshire forty. My luckthe next few sessions but then hooks or swivels so I had to with the rig continued atcame the next “step” in the use much heavier BS than I Acton Burnell and producedevolution. would have liked. However, several thirties as well as myI was back on Manor and I it worked. I lowered one into next forty. By now I was sowas testing my rigs. I had the margins and all that could confident with the runninglowered one of my “standard” be seen was the lead and the rig that I even used to con-rigs into the shallow bay to bait ........... fantastic for the vert my method feeders tothe side of my swim. I stood confidence. In fact, I placed running by pulling a loop oflooking down at it, thinking, a length of the fluoro, along braid through the middle and“that all looks good” when with a length of mono, in a attaching a swivel to the topthe realisation dawned. I’m bucket of water and carried it and that continued to worksix feet plus, the rig was in down to Peter Stone. I asked extremely well. Since thentwo feet of water and I could him to lift the line out of the I have continued to use thesee every inch of it. Eight feet bucket which he obliged and running rigs and have contin-away from my eyes and I can pulled out the mono. “And ued to investigate some of thesee the bloody knots? And the other bit please mate” reasons why they work. Thesehere I am expecting a big I chirped. When he fished investigations have helped tocarp to “kiss” it without being around in the clear water and prove that it doesn’t need thespooked. Another change was found the fluoro he was as- heavy leads either.needed but what that change tonished and swore that he I will try to give you some ed-should be was not immedi- would be switching imme- ited text in an attempt to helpately obvious. diately for his tench fishing. explain the reasons that thisPure chance led me to read Happy memories. Anyway, system works and the firsta fly fishing magazine which back on topic and on top of point to explain why thingsextoled the virtues of a new that it worked on the fish too. act differently in water is that it is 800 times more dense than air so anything moving through water takes on a to- tally different dynamic Firstly I will state

that I have found that all of side of your line or, in other so in front of a rifle placedthese suggestions work far words, when your line tries and fired under water (therebetter when you are fishing to move sideways. [I know it is a YouTube video of exactlyslack lines with fluoro main seems complicated but stick this) and the bullet wouldline than with mono and I with me and it will become be so effected by HDD thatthink it is the weight clear]. Now, there is an its velocity would drop so(sinking characteristics) of “opposite” force called “hy- quickly that it wouldn’tthe fluoro that add to the dro-dynamic slip” (HDS). reach you or hurt you. How-other forces. I think that the This is the force that yacht ever, if you were foolishneutral buoyancy of mono and ship designers use to get enough to try this in front oftends to reduce the effec- their vessels to move quickly a spear-gun, the HDS work-tiveness so please bear this through water and the same ing along the length of thein mind if you decide to try force that dolphins use for “arrow” would keep it flyingthis for yourself. Right, now acceleration. The slip moves fast and might just hurt a bit.the technical bits and I will along the side of the vessel/ “What has all this got to dolist out all of my component dolphin/line and, once that with fishing!” I hear you at the end of this arti- object is under way the slip Well, in very simple terms,cle. force in the water virtually the HDD adds weight toAny object moving within lubricates and almost en- your line when the fish triesa liquid has a totally differ- courages the movement. to pull it sideways or lift itent dynamic than when that Right, having got those off of the lake bed, and it issame object moves in air. down in type here is a brief this force that works to hookThe quick, simple proof of example to illustrate how the fish. On the other hand,this is to stand on the edge they show themselves. You the HDS “encourages” it toof a lake with a garden cane. could actually stand 10m or travel lengthways and thisPoint the cane out in front ofyou and “swish” it backwardsand forwards. It moveseasily and quickly. Nowplunge the cane down intothe water and try to swishit backwards and forwards.It moves much slower andis difficult to move. It even“vibrates” through the water.That lateral force workingagainst the cane is “hy-dro-dynamic drag” (HDD)and that is a force which willwork against any “blunt”object moving in water. Ihave written blunt becausethis force only works on the

phenomenon means that is HDD that tries to stop my line pulled firmly intoyou get good bite indication your line moving sideways the rod clip. Once the fishbefore the line is straight (or up) and HDS that allows has hooked itself and movedand tight. A little test that it to slide towards you and off I want the tension on theyou can do to help prove thereby moves the float. line to be sufficient to slowthese to yourselves is to cast Having got that out of the it down rather than allowingout a float rod and allow way we can now get back it to do four laps of the lakethe line to drift into an arc to using the lead simply to before I get out of bed.between rod tip and float. reach the fish so if you only Now, here comes anoth-At this point the rod acts as need 1.5 ounces to get to er benefit of using a lightthe fish while the float is the where they are feeding, why lead. During the bite, thebobbin. Pick up the rod and use 5 ounces and, potential- lead only needs to be heavysee how far you can move ly, frighten the crap out of enough to act as a guide forit before the float moves. I them with the splash? Also, the line to run through dur-bet it isn’t far plus I bet the by taking the length of line ing the initial stages. I be-line is still in an arc after the multiplied by its diameter lieve that it is preferable forfloat has moved. Before an- we can get a basic picture the lead to move and followyone starts shouting “that’s of the drag force. Let’s say the track of the fish ratherjust surface tension”, try the we are fishing at 80m with than form an anchor pointsame exercise but sink the a line of 0.35mm dia, this which might mean that I amline and let it go slack so that equates to an area equal to playing a fish, via the lead,it lays along the lake bed. a 6” square parachute being when the fish is actuallyNow move the rod and see pulled through the water. some distance at right an-how quickly the float dips. I don’t have an equation to gles to where the lead is. InEven on these occasions it translate this into the force fact, in the past, while using required but I bet it’s at least heavy leads, I have almost equal to a four ounce lead had to play the fish back to and this would be partly the lead before I was really, because of the shape of the properly, directly in touch. lead which, once moving, This leads on to the benefit would be subject to slip while playing the fish. With rather than drag. a light lead it doesn’t have If you have been able to the same effect as a heavy read the above with an open lead while bouncing around mind and have managed to as the carp shakes its head. get your head around how it I totally accept the benefit all works you should be able of “losing the lead” but, as to accept that the line has a lake owner, I also worry more effect on the hooking about the eventual effect of than the lead weight. I will all of these lost leads so my add here that, although I fish decision to use a light lead with slack line, I also fish avoids the need to lose it with a fairly tight clutch and while giving

me the best option to stay in direct touchwith the carp.Hopefully I have managed to explain myreasons for using light running leads with-out being too boring and here are the finerdetails.My first forty was whilst using a three ouncelead and I now use 1.5 or 2 ounce leads andhave continued to catch many more fortyplus carp up to a PB of 66lb 8oz. The mate-rials have continued to improve and eachpart of the equation has been amended until here, I have used it successfully on gravelI now use big, sharp (size 2) hooks (my pits, in weedy conditions, and in heavy siltcurrent preference is Solar 101) tied “D” rig as well as the tried and tested hard spotsstyle with Rig Marole CamH2o fluoro hook over baited areas.links and then through an Enterprise Snag I will end by saying that this isn’t an articleSafe, run ring and onto Gardner Mirage to show how everyone should switch to lightmain line. running rigs but more to say “try somethingI would hate anyone to dismiss this as only different and don’t assume that the gospelbeing suitable for my own shallow estate according to carp “experts” is the only (orlake and, while it does work extremely well even the best) way to go carp angling. Keep thinking outside of that box. Be lucky.

When It All Goes Right By Mark Wozencroft

It’s been a while since I have anglers out there, ones that I had never fished it beforeput pen to paper so to speak are polite and care about but I knew it had a goodbut I didn’t want to troll out where they set their traps reputation for its winterthe usual stuff that has been and then the others are catch captures. I turned up on theprinted in the magazines at all costs and don’t give a Sunday thinking it might beso here goes… my fishing hoot where they are fishing quieter as most of the week-last year took me to various or indeed if its within the end anglers would be pull-day ticket and circuit waters boundaries of their chosen ing off and after a circuit ofwhich let’s be honest can swim, so these have been the the lake and with heavy fogbe a bit of a nightmare at obstacles I have had to con- covering the lake to be hon-the best of times as you are front in my pursuit of my est I really didn’t see much,not only competing against quarry but I have enjoyed I stopped at a swim calledthe carp but the rest of the my time on these waters as the Top Dug Out where mycrowd that fish these type they bring their own chal- friend Kev Hewitt was fish-of water. I have found out lenges. My year started on ing and I was informed thatthat there are two types of the popular “Orchid Lake”, most of the captures were

from the swim he was in and rarely move unless there is a and to be super sure thatthe Alamo. Kev said he was lot of pressure anglers wise. my rigs were sitting pretty Igoing in the morning and There was a definite distance would use a couple of piec-advised me to drop in after they were getting caught at es of PVA foam and makehim as it had been doing so who was I to go against sure that every cast I hit thefish. Well I decided that to the grain, so out went my clip to kick out the rig be-get to the bit of water that rigs at twenty wraps and I fore it hits the water. I see sowas the hotspot then I would decided that a bit of grub many anglers not doing thisdrop into the new middles for the carp was in order in their fishing to eliminatewhich would give me access so I made up a spod mix of tangles, think about it if theto the middle of the lake, I boilie, corn and maggots. I rig is powering through theknew I would have to fish like to fish a smaller sized water with the rig follow-long to hopefully get a bite bait in the colder months so ing the main line tanglesand the bailiff confirmed 10mm boilies were the way are quite high even on stiffthat to me a while later forward with the same size hook length materials. Trywhen he was on his travels. pop ups on my favourite it in the margins you willMy thoughts were to fish hinged rigs but instead of see what I mean, anywaysingles for the first night as I using a stiff boom section I nothing happened duringdidn’t know how much bait was using a soft coated one the day but in the middlewas left out there from the as I was fishing over silt plus of the night I had my firstprevious angler and see if I I like to use a large size 4 bite and I could tell it was acould pinch a bite, anyway longshank hook with this decent carp on the end andthe night was quite unevent- as I feel the carp just can’t seeing as it was my first carpful other than a carp crash get away with it and I knew I did play it a bit gingerly butout over my rigs in the mid- it would sit nicely on the eventually it went over thedle of the night so I was still soft bottom. One thing I do cord of the net and when Ihopeful come the morning, like to do as well is sharpen lifted it out of the water I re-anyway Kev came around in every hook I use even if they alised that it was somethingthe morning just before he feel sharp out of the packet decent,was leaving and said for meto get my butt into the DugOut and with a bit of per-suasion I was soon pushingmy gear round to the swimhe had vacated, the windwas pushing into this bank,not that I’m really botheredabout wind direction in thewinter as in my opinion Idon’t think it makes a dif-ference at this time of year,as its more about locationas carp tend to shoal up and

so when I hoisted it up on thing I will say for the carp and my arms felt like theythe scales I was really hap- at Orchid they are really were falling out their socketspy to find out I had caught good lookers and the typical but nothing could take thata 33lb bar of gold common Oxford scaly stunners that huge grin off my its winter colours!! First anyone would be proud to Situations like this I like toblood to me then and I was catch, as I slipped back my feed little but often, sort ofover the moon. prize my other rod roared a match man style approachNothing happened for the off and I was soon latched which to be honest didn’trest of the night but I went into another hard fighting help when I was aching butto sleep with a big smile carp, when it was plodding I knew it had to be done toon my face. At first light I in the margins I could see keep the carp interested.reset the traps and I put a it was another lump of a I must of gone through 5few more spods of food out common and at just over kilo of boilie in that first 24and almost immediately I 30lb. I was walking on air, hours which is quite a lot incould see carp showing in so the rods were dispatched the winter but they wantedthe swim so my confidence again to the spots and a bit it so I gave it to them, andwas really high at this point more bait was introduced with only a few hours left Iso I put the kettle on to calm via the spod rod and as I was was sat on my chair drinkingmy nerves down a bit but putting that rod away I had my coffee and I even crackedthe kettle had not finished another take and this kept open a packet of hobnobsboiling when a rod was away on happening throughout to celebrate my productiveagain and after a spirited the session and soon I was session but the carp otherfight I soon had another one on ten carp, my back by this things on their minds and Ismiling for the camera. One time was starting to ache was away again

probably know him better as the carpheadbanger as his video blogs are legendary and well worth watching! What I will say is that he must be the happiest carp angler that I have ever met and is always laughing, fair play to him he did some excellent footage of my ex- perience on Orchid so check him out on all the usual social media sites including YouTube. Well I’m going to finishand this capture was the one that only goes to show it’s all there but look out for mythat made my session as it about getting your location next session on the bankwas another scraper 30… right and especially more so where I fished a water a bitbut I found out it was a new in the winter where they can more local to me and it cer-thirty for the water and as be held up in certain areas of tainly threw up some sur-such I had the honours to the lake. prises along the way as wellname it as is the custom The one thing I love about as a few sessions on the infa-on Orchid, so I named it fishing is the friends you mous “Linear fisheries”.“Wuzys” ..ok it’s a bit vain meet along the way that youbut why not? I have seen it wouldn’t normally meet income out recently at 33lb so real life, one of these peopleit seems like it might be one I met at Orchid was a guyof the big ones in the future. call Phil, people willSo mysessioncame toan endand I hadcaught atotal of13 carpand lost2 whilstotherson thelake wereblank-ing but

Session Fishing by Ethan Carper

I woke up at two in the bed and start to put on your I get a take and play a fish. Ifmorning, dreaming that my school clothes immediately you can have the confidencebite alarm was screaming and at the same time rush to play a fish in the dark, youoff…. then I thought, why is down stairs trying to get can easily do it during themy dad standing there say- your shoes on so you can be, “It’s your left hand rod out the front door withinthat’s going” …..and that’s thirty seconds? Well that is The whole experience ofwhen it hit me, this wasn’t what it is like the first few ‘session’ fishing is great anda dream, my left hand rod times you night fish, it was one that I am so glad I havewas screaming off with a for me anyway. the opportunity to do. I’vetake…I was actually night even fished a few ‘Socials’fishing…..!!!! The buzz of waking up to a with both Team Beechwood screaming take and playing Baits and Team HardcoreIt’s all about ‘bank time’ and the fish in the dark is a little Carpers, which, if I didn’tto maximise it, I night fish, strange at first but you soon night fish I would not bewell, I actually session fish get used to it and it actually able to do.for either 24 or 48 hours adds to the excitement of thewhich obviously means I fish catch. The first time I went My dad has session fishedthrough the night and I love night fishing was about four for many years and once Iit. years ago and it rained all went with him, there was night. My dad was first to no stopping me…althoughThe feeling of waking up my rods and hit the fish and the extra kit he now needsand literally ‘diving’ out of then I wandered out to play to take does give him reasonthe bivvy whilst trying to it if he could wake me with- to moan more (not that heget your jacket and footwear out shouting...!! Now it’s a needs a reason).on, especially in bad weath- bit different as I am used toer when it’s normally your session fishing and just get We often do ‘quick over-boots and then trying to on with it. Apart from the nighters’ which means ar-clear your eyes and get your- obvious things, like feeling riving at the water in theself awake enough to pick tired and the lack of light, evening and packing upup the rod and take control playing a fish in the dark early morning. We do thisof the situation is brilliant is more about the ‘feel’ and on places that are busy dur-and a real excitement rush. watching the rod tip to see ing the day but quieter inFishing days and in daylight changes in direction. You the late evening and nightsdoes not come close to what are more sensitive to when and we prefer this experience in the dark, the fish lunges or turns and It has proven successful onespecially when you have it is like you can feel every many waters and has givenbeen sound asleep just mo- vibration along the line and me the opportunity to bankments before. through the rod. It sounds numerous fish up to and mad but it really does make including my PB of 16lb 3oz.Can you imagine that when you more alert and it has The best single night sessionyour alarm clock goes off actually taught me to be I have had so far producedand you have dive out of calmer during the day when seventeen takes and saw me

land sixteen Carp to 15lb. my baiting needles, scissors, this means I do not haveI hardly slept a wink and it boilie stops, PVA and some to fish with the volumewas freezing. It was a cold other rig bits I may need. At ‘up’ on the alarms them-wet November night and the foot of my bedchair, I selves. In fact, my newjust as I got warmed up in keep my bait bag and tucked alarms, ATTS iW’s domy sleeping bag, I would just underneath, my main not have a speaker in theget a ‘take’ and it went on tackle bag. Everything is to heads and you have tolike that from about 6pm hand and I know exactly have the remote anywaythrough to 10am the next where it is so that I can eas- which is great for me.morning and I loved every ily locate it when needed. In The other thing you needsecond of it. I think the trick the summer months when to be organised with isto it is being organised. You the nights are lighter and where you are fishing to.need to have everything in- the sun is up early the night Casting to the edge of anside your bivvy in the right fishing is not too bad but in island or reed bed is noplace and you need to make the winter months with the problem in the day, butsure that everything outside long nights and freezing cold try that at night, evenis at hand too. and often very wet weather, with a good torch andI have a little ‘organiser’ although that can happen in you can be in all sorts ofthat’s hangs off the side of the summer here too, being trouble. Judging distancemy bedchair that I keep organised is very important. is almost impossiblemy head torch and mobile My bite alarms have a re- when you cannot see thephone in and then next to mote receiver that also sits flight of the lead and hittingthat, I have my table with nicely in my organiser and the same spot that you have lined up with a feature on the far bank is fine, if you can pick it out in the dark. I always pick my spots dur- ing daylight and make sure that I count the ‘wraps’ so I can ‘clip-up’ before every cast. This makes sure I get the same distance every time and this is where ‘feel’ comes in to it also. Casting to the clip during the day is fairly easy as you can see the lead in the air and you kind of ‘know when the line is close to the clip and you can get ready for it but I the dark you have to ‘feel’ the clip ‘hit’ and react

immediately so that you do With these two things sort- much easier and the buzz ofnot get the line ‘springing’ ed and counting the ‘wraps’, playing a carp in the deadback at you and dropping casting is fairly straight for- of night is great, although Iyou short of your chosen ward and I have had plenty am not convinced that thespot. I practice this with of fish from the same spots bats will not one day fly inmy eyes closed in daylight throughout the hours of to me…they are so fast but Ito get used to how different darkness. reckon there must be a deafdistances feel when they hit one out there somewherethe clip and I then let the Baiting is not easy but I tend and that will be the one thatrod move forward without to use PVA mesh bags with doesn’t know I’m there…itactually pointing the rod di- each cast and make sure I is amazing how many placesrectly at the lead so that I do ‘free-feed’ throughout the I have fished that have batsnot risk ‘cracking off ’. You day. I also use my spod rod flying about..!!!quickly learn the feel of the in the same way as my otherclip and how much to move rods and simply ‘clip-up’. I Session fishing is the bestthe rod. just make a note of the num- way to maximise your ‘bankThe other thing I do is pick ber of wraps for each rod…I time’ or the way to avoida feature that is higher up, now use the Fox Swim Map- the ‘crowds’. I am lucky thatlike the top of a tree or post per for this as it is easier I fish a syndicate water andthat is going to be silhouett- than using a pen and paper can come and go as I pleaseed at night against the sky. or my phone note pad, plus but if you have never done aAgain, I do this during the it looks cool...!! night, give it a go and I amday and as the light fades, I sure you will love it.make sure I can still see it. If you are organised and prepared it makes the fishing

STOP PRESS…STOP NEW personal best. I fol- spot works. The hassle atPRESS…STOP PRESS… lowed all my advice from just after three in the morn-STOP PRESS… above and after a few pho- ing, when I was tired and to’s and ‘high fives’ with my just wanting to get back inI wrote this article over a Dad, I re-chucked to the the bivvy, of putting theweek ago and just before I same spot. nine and half rod back out after standingsubmitted it to Talking Carp wraps and in-line with a tall counting wraps and ‘clip-today (9th May 2016). I did tree on the far bank…….. ping-up’ didn’t seem thata 24-hour session on my At 05:15 the same rod was appealing, especially con-Syndicate Water from 12:15, off again and this time it sidering I had just landed aSaturday 7th to 13:30, Sun- was a lump and yet another new PB but I was there today 8th May. NEW Personal Best. An- fish and I did everything IAt 02:42 on the Sunday, I other common carp but this needed to do and the resulthad a take from a spot I had time it weighed in at 25lb left me so happy. To put inbeen fishing since arriving 10oz and it was the best a little effort for such a hugeand after a twenty-minute feeling ever. What a wake up reward was well worth it andfight, I netted a lovely 19lb call and what a way to prove allowed me to be part of the9oz Common Carp and my that hitting the same ‘Twenties Club’...!!! So “Get Your Backside, Bankside” and give Night Fishing a go. Ethan Carper

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Big Waters - Big Session - Big Fish by Lee England

So the two-week wait was out as much as you can be- the first bit of prep was com-finally over, I received my fore going to fish it. Build- plete and I had a bait that Inew holiday card at work ing up prior knowledge is had total confidence in thatand wasted no time in a massive edge when faced was tailored to the advicebooking a week off ready with any challenge you’re I had been given. Next Ito hit up a couple of the unfamiliar with, and as I placed an order for 10 kiloSouth East big fish waters had only fished this water of ready cooked hemp fromin search of a new PB. First once, a 48 in the winter and ‘Deep Blue Particle’, a com-on the agenda was a 4-night blanked this was no excep- pany I had recently joinedsession starting Friday tion. I started by seeking and Jason had the deliverymorning and ending Tues- some local advice and it ap- sent to me on the quickday evening on the famous peared that 80% of the peo- along with another special‘Quarry’, home to some of ple I spoke to who had done request. Essex’s most prestige and well on the water, said theysought after fish dating back loved Krill flavoured boilies I had asked for the juice thatsome 40 odd years. With big and were also partial to a the hemp was cooked in toCommons and Mirrors to nice helping of hemp. I de- be sent to me as I had a planover 40 plus, backed up by cided to make a phone call up my sleeve. I received thesome stunning 30’s and mid to Jamie down at ‘NEB’ HQ order on the Friday a week20’s it was the perfect water and have a word with him before I was due to leave forto kick off what would be an about putting a twist on his the lake and on Monday I9-night long session hunting famous ‘Krill Punch’ boilie.  was out in the shed puttingchunks.  my plan I had concoct- Originally the ‘Krill Punch’ ed into action. I decided IThe second Venue I had Jamie retails is a contrast was going to feed a boilieplanned to visit for the re- bait, two colours red & light and hemp mix but want-mainder of my time was brown, with one flavour. ed the boilie in the mix tonone other than the ‘home Now, knowing how well be juiced up. I got a bucketof the 30’s’ as its now known, the bait has done over the and put 5 kilos of the ‘Spe-and a water that has been years I knew the base was cial Krill Punch’ in it andvery kind to me at times and there, but I wanted to tone I then added the juice thatbeaten me up on other occa- it down a bit as another bit was used to cook the hempsions. On Wednesday morn- of advice I had been given along with a small help-ing I would be heading up to was to avoid bright colours. I ing of salt and a splash of‘Suffolk Water Park’, again in asked Jamie to knock me up hemp oil. This was then leftsearch of some big fish and a custom batch of the bait in to sit outside in the garagea new PB and returning on one dark brown colour and for 3 days. Come Thursdaythe Sunday evening.  add some extra Krill just for night the boilies had taken good measure. As always the on a lot of the juice and wasSo the prep began. As with boss man obliged and within seriously soft although theyany session I plan on doing, a few days I was unpacking hadn’t swelled that muchit always helps to try and my order complete with which was an added bonus. Ilook into the water to find some matching Wafters. So drained the boilies and

mixed up the 5 kilo of krill Paul’s. My friend Danny same and it was obvious thatpunch with the 10 kilo Beckwith was in the swim, the fish had been holdingof hemp I had taken out and having kept in touch here for a while. Once Danthe freezer on Wednesday with him over the past cou- awoke, I helped to do thenight to defrost and there ple days I knew it was doing pictures of a stunning 21lbI had it. The ultimate spod fish. As I walked down the common before slipping hermix for the quarry. Well in stairs and got closer to the back in the water and themy eyes anyway.  swim I could see he had a waiting game commenced.Thursday night came and I retainer floating, meaning Dan vacated the swimloaded the van with all the only one thing. His run of around 11ish and I quicklygear, grabbed a couple hours recent form had continued set about moving in behindsleep and then it was time to and he’d bagged his 4th carp him. Knowing the spotsmake tracks. I arrived at the of his 48-hour trip. he was fishing I wrappedlake around 5am and it was Prior knowledge is up at the same distancesstill dark, so not wanting everything when approach- and prepped the rigs disturb the anglers that ing big waters like The Speaking with Dan he hadwere fishing, I left the head Quarry. My other friend had done quite a bit of bait, 10torch in the van and walked taken 4 fish the previous kilo of hemp in fact, so notto the top of the stairs look- weekend out of this swim wanting to overdo it, I de-ing down on a swim called and now Dan had done the cided not to put any bait out on the spots just a couple

of singles. I did however fortunately they didn’t and I the spomb clipped up andsend one rod long to the woke up to static rods much set about putting around 5corner of the island having to my disappointment. kilos of my hemp andseen a fish roll there whilst Speaking with the bailiff in boilie mix out on the areawaiting for Dan to pack up. I the morning whilst he was big enough for me to get twoclipped up to a nice hard doing his rounds, it turned rods on the patch. The planspot near to where the fish out that two fish came out was to bait a big area and sitrolled and I spodded 6/7 on the opposite bank to me on it, time was on my sidelarge spombs out consisting behind the island and one and I could afford to wait forof the mix I had been prep- fish down in the shallows the fish to move back ontoping all week. The first day which meant that they must me. There was no chance ofcame to a close without me have moved off my swim a move as the lake had filledseeing any further fish but during the night. up by midday Saturday any-I was confident in the fact way so this was the next bestall the bites the swim had So, it was now time to go to option in my eyes so Idone where between 12 and work. I got a marker out on redone the rods, fishing3am in the morning. The the area that I was fishing exactly the same as I did thedarkness started to set in and much to my delight it night before. and after dinner I settled in was as I was told, 9-foot-for the night hoping that the deep, silt pulling back intofish would play ball but un- gravel at 17.5 wraps. I got

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