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Home Explore PES Solar Issue 30 2017

PES Solar Issue 30 2017

Published by stefann.perrigot, 2017-05-15 12:04:49

Description: PES Solar Issue 30 2017


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PES ESSENTIAL• T he Dubai solar schools programme, the poster boy the surface cleaning of the panels can take targeting around 50 MW over three quite some time and with it bring its own years of systems installed in schools b E conomies of scale ramping up very fast particularities. Access to the site, access to across the Emirate creating amazing price drops water, HSE issues, working at height and in the heat are all considerations that need to be• D P World phase 1, installing the region’s c Innovation and efficiencies which will made before planning out your PV system. largest distributed system over 51 prepare ourselves for the next wave of rooftops and 4 car parks with approx. system rollouts. The losses an owner faces on a PV system in 40MWp the UAE is actually higher, approx. 50% The main motor is, of course and especially more, than the system losses faced by a• A L Nabooda Automobiles solar lease for in this region, the continued drop in PV solar system owner, in say, Germany. the development of 6.7 MW of solar silicon prices. This is what clients want to However the inflow of energy into a UAE power to their new DIC facility hear and what grabs the decision makers’ based system is also double than the energy attention. We even expect further drops in that hits the surface in Germany, on the• Aramex new 3 MW system as an EPC quarters 3 and 4 of 2017, on the back end of condition that the panels are clean of course. purchase on their logistics facility the Chinese PV plant developments and as more volume flows into our region. Now these facts should not deter ownersAdditionally, rooftop solar projects create a from building solar, as a proper approach inplethora of new business opportunities, The increased activity in the R&D facility management, can easily secure theincluding: segment as the industry reaches maturity big benefits that solar can bring. Innovation can be seen in innovation on monitoring, is also moving very fast in this segment and• Component manufacturers, panels, inverters and PV cell technology. While it will not be long before solar powered invertors, combiners, measuring and the ‘plain vanilla’ poly-crystalline PV robotic cleaning will become the norm for monitoring systems, EPC contractors, panels keep on seeing a slow and steady solar in the Middle East. For now many electrical and mechanical contractors increase in efficiencies, there are also solutions are being developed and headlines regularly of new technologies experimented with but have not reached• Both local and international solar hitting the industry press announcing the large scale adoption yet. developers and financiers looking for next breakthrough. good investment returns. At the moment we still see manual cleaning No article on Rooftop solar in Dubai is as the run of the mill solution, which is• Solar System integration business with complete without touching on the issue being offered due to low labour costs, but now over 50 companies registered as of maintenance. as the industry grows and large rooftops contractors and consultants. get populated it cannot be imagined that The key element on O&M in our region is the manual cleaning, with all the associatedThe growth in the rooftop market is driven need for regular panel cleaning so they can risks will be the way a couple of factors: deliver the power they are designed for. As solar plants are not energy dense, a vast www.mesia.coma The continued push for sustainable expanse of space is needed to build them; solutions of which PV can be considered Anders Industrial Solar steam generation at RAM pharma. Picture ∏Anders52 PES Solar

+10% UPGRADED 1 Intersolar Munich 05/31 – 06/03 | A1.620 Intersolar San Francisco Operator 07/11 – 07/13 | German Pavillon5PER5FOR0MAN0CE 190Cells/h MW / year 3-4-5-6 Busbar ≥98 35 % Uptime m² Footprint 24/7 ProductionMORE MADE IN GERMANYTHAN engineering20 manufacturing photovoltaicYEARS www.m10-solar-campus.deKUBUS THE NEXT STRINGER Your contact person: Maximilian GermannEXPECT EVEN MORE• Highest material conversion yield M10 Industries AG• Up to 1800 modules per day (72 cells) Munzinger Strasse 10• Only 1 operator per shift needed and only to refill goods 79111 Freiburg | Germany• Non-stop production, even during ribbon exchanges or Phone: +49 761 4019 68 51 [email protected] maintenance / 10 MW more at same costs per year• Soldered cell matrix on a tray and contactless soldering for highest precision• All state-of-the-art materials processable (3–6 busbar; half-cells; PERC etc.) Located on the M10 Solar Campus the solar competence center Discover more at:

ASK THE EXPERTSA sunny outlook withCIGS and HJTRTP Selenisation furnace for an optimized CIGS-absorber formation The chase for higher efficiencies means that companies are developing and improving technologies all the time. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rinck, CEO at SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES, dropped in to PES to tell us about their new developments in CIGS and the new heterojunction cell technology (HJT). Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rinck PES: Welcome to PES Solar/PV SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES consistently magazine. Would you like to begin by expanded the solar business. Our goal is to54 PES Solar explaining a little about the background attain a leading position in the crystalline of your organisation and how you and thin-film solar technology as a machine currently serve the solar/PV industry? supplier as well as a development partner for new cell concepts. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rinck: SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES was founded in 1995 and In the thin-film solar cell technology, started with replication and sputtering SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES mainly systems for the media industry. Our focusses on the CIS/CIGS-technology. Here, company has over 8000 sputtering systems we distinguish ourselves through a in the market all over the world. In 2007, we combination of proprietary process know- acquired the solar company Stangl which how and our high-tech plant engineering was a leading company in wet chemical knowledge. In crystalline cell technology, we processing for solar & semiconductor. focus on heterojunction, PERC/PERL, IBC and certainly on all standard cell formats.

ASK THE EXPERTS Four carriers all transported in parallel through the systemPES: You are active in a number of process know-how and the relevant production equipment for the mainindustry sectors. How important is the engineering knowledge. This is demanded manufacturing steps. As you may know,Solar/PV business to SINGULUS and recognised by globally leading module there are different ways used to produceTECHNOLOGIES? producers, especially in China. With CIGS modules. customised and individually optimisedSR: Our solar segment is the most machines, SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES Our cleaning and washing machines andimportant business sector for SINGULUS intends to gradually gain an excellent especially our in line sputtering machines forTECHNOLOGIES. Over the last years, we unique selling proposition and a step by glasses can be used for all process variants.have developed and built several new step expansion of the product range within The SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES sputteringmachine concepts and manufacturing the CIS/CIGS factories to be built. systems are available with both horizontal asprocesses in the crystalline and thin-film well as vertical substrate transport. Thesesolar technology and introduced the We are also addressing the modernisation systems for development and productionequipment on to the global market. of existing production lines to achieve tools are designed to enhance the efficiency higher efficiency levels with our technology of thin-film solar cells, while cuttingOne of our main markets for PV is China. to manufacture PERC/PERL cells. A further production costs by using state of the artLarge state-owned companies are main focus, in the area of crystalline solar technologies. They can apply special layersencouraged to invest in PV and especially cells, is on production systems for high and layer systems on different CIGS-thin-film solar technology. These performance cells like heterojunction.companies recognise a lot of advantages We have a specially designed carrierby investing in CIGS-technology and they SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES is an transport system that allows loading andaim to participate in the growing, future engineering company and develops and unloading of the substrates from the samesolar market with their products. builds machines for economic and resource- side of the machine. We also provide the efficient production processes. The range of inline co-evaporation tool which is basedIn the past couple of years, our company use of the machines built by SINGULUS on the thermal evaporation of all CIGS-has acquired a high level of expertise in the TECHNOLOGIES includes vacuum thin-film related precursor materials. It is dedicatedmarket for CIS/CIGS technology, both in and plasma coating, wet-chemical cleaning to the deposition of copper-indium-gallium- and etching processes as well as thermal selenium layers in order to form optimum processing technology. precursor layers in the application of CIGS-thin-film solar cells. PES: We are interested in your copper indium gallium selenide solar cells We successfully developed the CISARIS (CIGS). Can you please tell us about your selenisation furnace for an optimised latest developments and their CIGS-absorber formation and have already technological advancements? delivered it several times. This is inline rapid thermal processing equipment, designed SR: Over the last years, SINGULUS for the CIGS-absorber formation on large TECHNOLOGIES has invested a lot of time area glass substrates. and money in the development of innovative 55

ASK THE EXPERTSGENERIS PVD inline sputtering system for solar cells Wet processing system for cleaning/edging of heterojunction solar cellsLarge inline sputtering system with vertical substrate transport and automatic carrier returnThe main features of the CISARIS include a Buffer layer deposition with TENUIS II, from CIGS-processes. Our systems work 24/7high uptime and mechanical yield as well as SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES is another and we also back this up this with oura fast cycle time which, in combination with promising development on the way to worldwide service network.the robust selenisation process, lead to a efficient thin film solar module wet-production capacity of over 25 MWp per chemical coating made of CIGS on glass. PES: How does the cooperation with theyear. The furnace can safely handle the Chinese companies GCL and CIE work?thermal processing of large glass The second generation of the TENUISsubstrates of over 1m2 at temperatures up production line has a modular cluster build SR: We signed a cooperation agreement into 600°C and beyond under a toxic and basis, which gives a significant reduction in August last year with the Chinesecorrosive gas atmosphere. floor space and the simultaneous one-side companies Golden Concord Holdings coating of two substrates. Due to this Limited (GCL) and China Intellectual ElectricHigh heating and cooling rates combined unique concept in terms of dosing and Power Technology Co.,Ltd. (CIE). GCL iswith excellent temperature homogeneity temperature control, the developers at one of the world’s largest companies in theduring all the process stages are the key SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES were solar industry; CIE has specialised in thefactors, which allow the formation of an successful in reducing the process time, development of high-efficiencyoptimal CIGSSe-absorber. For example, which has a positive effect and a heterojunction (HJT) solar cells.this furnace is used in the Avancis process considerably higher output in production.and also presents a major part of our The purpose of the cooperation is toCNBM order from China. PES: What are the benefits to your develop highly efficient heterojunction solar clients and the end users? cells. The function of CIE and GCL here isEarly in March 2017, we signed another to bring on the process technology andcontract for VISTARIS vacuum sputtering SR: Let’s answer this question in this way. manufacture the cells. SINGULUSsystems, as well as systems for wet We have already delivered many of these TECHNOLOGIES is assuming the task ofchemical buffer layer deposition with the systems to the market and they are working developing, optimising, building andbrand name TENUIS II with the subsidiary around the world: Germany, India, South supplying the appropriate productionof a major public energy company and Africa, China, and South Korea. So our systems for the manufacturing of HJT solarproducer of solar modules in China. The customers can be sure, that we have a lot cells. The three partners are consequentlyorder volume exceeds €20 million. of experience in providing excellent addressing the rising demand for manufacturing solutions for the different heterojunction solar cells.56 PES Solar

GENERIS PVD – Sputtering System for Heterojunction Solar Cells Evaporation, Sputtering, Selenization & more for CIGS & CdTe LINEX – Inline Wet Processing System for Crystalline Solar Cells Innovative Production Equipment for Crystalline & Thin-Film SolarCome & see us atINTERSoLaR EuRoPE 2017Booth No. a2, 360 Ask for Innovation. Call SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES mail: [email protected]_tel: +49-6188-4400

ASK THE EXPERTSModular buffer layer deposition system for CIGS-solar modules stages of pre-commissioning of the heterojunction cell line they immediatelyWe are delivering the first wet processing of 5,000 wafers per hour. achieved a cell efficiency of SILEX II to China within the nextweeks and are working further on the Our company now has also developed a We think that’s a perfect start and usually,development of more process steps with universal sputtering platform with the brand after an optimising period even higherour partners. name GENERIS PVD. The new GENERIS results are achievable. PVD system is a horizontal inline sputterPES: Can you tell us about the new tool designed for special requirements in PES: What makes HJT stand out fromheterojunction cell technology (HJT) photovoltaic high efficiency cell production. the rest?that you have been working on? A heterojunction cell performance of 22.3% was achieved in cooperation with a SR: Heterojunction provides promisingSR: SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES started research institute. results for the future. If PV companieswith the wet processing tool SILEX II, which decide on new investments, this is a goodwas introduced to the market at EUPVSEC The deposited ITO layers exhibit excellent technology for building successful solar2014. Since then has been intensive work on optical transmittance. Charge carrier cell manufacturing.developing the SILEX II system, for high- mobility and electron density are optimisedefficiency crystalline solar cells. In particular, to minimise free carrier absorption in the ITO Heterojunction is also very interesting forSILEX II enables the required processing film. Sputter damage to the amorphous converting existing production facilities,stages to be performed for heterojunction silicon passivation layers did not occur. from a-Si thin-film solar cell to thesolar cells, as well as the processing of production of the new high-performanceextremely thin wafers. Our company has With the GENERIS PVD sputtering system, solar cells. Several existing machines cansubsequently delivered over 30 systems, to contact layers can be deposited on the be adapted to the new cell used in heterojunction cell manufacturing front and rear of the Si-wafers without thein Europe, the U.S. and Asia. need to turn the wafers between coating PES: Speaking from a global standpoint, processes and without vacuum interruption. which geographical regions do youAt the end of March this year, SINGULUS Also, full area metal coatings, e.g. Ag, can anticipate being key markets forTECHNOLOGIES successfully completed be deposited within the same system. By SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES in 2017?the FAT of the wet-chemical process system using rotatable sputtering cathodes,SILEX II, which was delivered to Russia’s highest target utilisation is achieved and SR: In photovoltaics, China certainly is stilllargest photovoltaic manufacturer, Hevel offers lowest production costs. The the key market. But we see many emergingLLC, Novocheboksarsk, Russia (Hevel). GENERIS PVD system, with a modular countries around the world. The MENA chamber setup, provides a throughput region, South America, Africa, India andHevel is converting its existing production range from 2600 wph up to 5200 wph. even in Europe we see new investments inline for a-Si thin-film solar modules to the cell production. So it is a worldwideproduction of new heterojunction, high- PES: What sort of cell efficiencies has business and an equipment provider likeperformance solar cells and modules. The been reached? And what do you believe SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES has to beagreement concluded the supply of the to be achievable? present in all places around the world. WeSILEX II production system, for the have an international sales and servicewet-chemical processing of heterojunction SR: On February 21, 2017 Hevel Solar network and can provide solutions for eachsolar cells, as well as an extensive range of announced promising new results from the of these regions.chemical supply units and facility new HJT production line as it approachedinfrastructure for the production of commissioning. Hevel states that the PES: There have been significantheterojunction solar cells. The SILEX II upgrade of its cell and module changes in the political landscape, withsupplied is a production system that manufacturing facility in Novocheboksarsk BREXIT and Donald Trump in thetransports four carriers with solar cells in began in November 2016. Now on February Whitehouse, how do you think these willparallel, thus offering a capacity in excess 21st, the manufacturer and project affect the current trade agreements? developer announced that during the final SR: You are right; there are some changes in the political landscape. But with the ratification of the COP 21 protocol of the conference in Paris on December 12, 2015, about 195 states reached an agreement containing binding commitments for all countries. This signals the global community’s binding pledge under international law to limit growth in global warming to below two degrees Celsius. It also stipulates that the world must become greenhouse gas-neutral in the second half of the 21st century. The increasing global demand for energy and the focus on renewable energy are seen as the key market drivers in the solar segment. Global electricity consumption is expected to increase by 65% in the next two decades. Almost 50% of newly commissioned global power plant capacity now relates to power plants based on renewable energy. The renewable energy sector is driven by wind and solar. PES Solar

High-tech for the sunny side of life.BREYER CellProtect NEW: Energy saving system · No post-annealing · No interlayer filmVisions of today – solutions of tomorrow. Please use ourThe convincing extrusion technology for the production of low shrinkage website for furtherEVA and POE encapsulant film for PV-modules. information and special requests:BREYER CellProtect extrusion line BREYER GmbH Maschinenfabrikfor the production of solar encapsulant film Bohlinger Strasse 27 D-78224 Singen Germany Tel. +49 77 31 920-0 Fax +49 77 31 920-190 solarfi[email protected] Quality made in Germany ·

CORPORATE FOCUSHigh quality filmrequested forencapsulation purposesPES takes a look at the latest way one company is offering a A high quality and low-shrinkage film allowsway to save time, money and be ecologically responsible, by a smooth and fast laminating process. Theusing a new extrusion method. more shrinkage a film has, the more careful the warm up procedure must be controlledBREYER’s extrusion system “CellProtect” contributed with a share of 5% (6% in and could increase the laminating time.allows the production of low shrinkage EVA 2014); USA/CAN contributed 3%.encapsulation film at high production speed With the developed extrusion process of– on top - no energy consuming annealing In the same way the demand for BREYER CellProtect the first time it isand no interlayer film makes the production encapsulant material is growing. But there possible to extrude EVA film, as well aseconomic and energy saving. is a physical limitation in terms of POE, at high speed by keeping the production speed. Encapsulation film shrinkage low. The process avoids tension inPhotovoltaic (PV) systems are used to produced on regular extrusion lines has the film right from the start. Post annealingconvert sunlight into electricity. Energy will naturally a shrinkage which affects not only systems are therefore not required. In thiscontinue to be a catalyst for global the laminating process but can result in way the line also consumes less energy.economic growth and prosperity and the destroyed wafers and therefore creatingpower of the sun is at the heart of the waste and thus increased production costs. Encapsulant film producers can enjoy arevolution in renewable energy. The global higher profitability by using the newPV market is forecast to grow by a Especially if such lines are sped up in order technology since the output is muchminimum of 10% in the next few years. to serve the high market request, the higher. For the module manufacturers’ shrinkage becomes very high. The result is using such low tension film means thatAccording to a research report from that PV module producers are faced with a their laminators are more stable and canNovember 2016 by Fraunhofer ISI Freiburg, higher scrap rate of modules. Since the run as fast as possible. They will have theGermany, the Compound Annual Growth regular extrusion systems, using calenders advantage of trouble free productionRate (CAGR) of PV installations was 42% or cast rolls, are limited to a certain speed/ combined with more reliable and efficientbetween 2000 to 2015. Concerning PV output, BREYER supplies a profitable manufacturing. Therefore getting lowmodule production in 2015, China and system for the production of EVA and POE shrinkage film is of great interest toTaiwan hold the lead with a share of 67%, film and other gluey materials – The notable module manufacturers.followed by Rest of Asia-Pacific and Central CellProtect line.Asia (ROAP/CA) with 14%. Europe Due to the improved properties and performance this EVA film is about to set a completely new standard in the60 PES Solar

CORPORATE FOCUS ‘The benefits of POE are a 10-20 lower water vapour transition rate (WVTR) as well as non-yellowing, increased UV and weather resistance.’encapsulation film and its procedure during Glasslaminating. As well as EVA resin other EVA or POEencapsulants, such as POE can also be Solar cellprocessed. The benefits of POE are a 10-20 EVA or POElower water vapour transition rate (WVTR) Back Sheetas well as non-yellowing, increased UV andweather resistance. 61Furthermore, due to the specially designedsurface of the film, the PE interlayer is nolonger necessary. The rolls can be woundwithout PE film in between. The same goesfor carrying paper which is sometimes usedfor the manufacturing of EVA film.Regrind material coming from the edgestripes can be processed again. This savesnot only costs but also valuable resources.Finally the process can also be count as“green film production line”, since itsprocess saves the interlayer, the carryingpaper, has no energy consuming annealingsystem, a closed loop for the coolingcircuit, and works with a low temperatureextrusion process.TÜV Rheinland Germany has alreadycompleted the module test with EVAencapsulation film produces with theCellProtect system with success.A considerable number of systems weresold and installed successfully worldwide.

THINK TANKTap into the Golden Triangleof C&I Energy Storage PES hears from Stephen L. Prince, President & CEO at Younicos, about the adaptability and different complexities associated with the use of batteries by commercial and industrial energy users. Stephen L. Prince Despite being a relatively new technology, That sounds good - from 30,000 feet in the energy storage has already traveled a long air. But how exactly can C&I energy users62 PES Solar and impressive path on the road to address their energy needs through full-scale commercialization. It started with batteries? While individual use cases differ niche applications and the provision of very by geography and the specific energy specific ancillary services to stabilize the needs of each user, all fall within what I like grid. Now, however, batteries are being to call the “golden triangle” of C&I energy adopted much more broadly – making full storage: price reduction, extra revenues use of their versatility, which is a defining and increased resilience. Let’s look at each factor of energy storage systems. In fact, in some detail: it’s this versatility that makes them ideally suited for commercial and industrial (C&I) The first, and I suppose most obvious, energy users - with or without co-located, application of commercial energy storage renewable self-generation. is the reduction of peak consumption to avoid peak rates. Again, the specific

THINK TANKeconomics of this function vary with can also be utilized within Germany and Together both functions will reduce thegeography, but it’s safe to say that tariff North America. customer’s energy bill by at least 120,000structure and fluctuations make this euros a year, implying a payback of sixparticularly interesting in the northeast Together, these two parts of the triangle years, max.U.S. and some parts of South America. In already exceed GBP 110,000 a year inEurope, both the UK and the German savings. Still, this does not fully capture the Of course, if you include solar, you can addmarkets also offer attractive opportunities. value of the storage system for energy even more corners to your triangle. A C&IIn the UK, for instance, it is possible to users with critical loads who benefit from microgrid project, which we just installed incombine the optimization of DUoS increased site reliance, and are thus collaboration with Panasonic and Xcel(Distribution Use of System) with the shielded from risks attached to voltage Energy at Peña Station NEXT in Denver,so-called “Triad charging system,” as well drops or a sudden loss of power. Colorado, is a case in point. This projectas other supply charges. Thus, a 500 kW / combines a 1.6 MW carport solar PV100-minute system can save more than In Germany, the use case is similarly installation, a 259 kW DC rooftop solar PVGBP 50,000 per year. attractive. Under German law, “energy- array and a 1 MW / 2 MWh lithium-ion intensive” industries must pay additional battery system housed in four of our Y.Add to that the revenues from the second fees during “high-load” windows, which Cubes. This integrated microgrid enables aside of the “golden triangle” - the provision typically occur in fall and winter depending total of five use cases:of grid balancing and capacity services. In on the voltage level. That said, consider anthis case, the aforementioned system can industrial process with a peak load of 1.5 1. Solar energy grid integration via solarprovide annual revenues in excess of GBP MW: A 1.25 MW system with a 1.25 MWh smoothing ramp control and time-shifting70,000, by providing firm frequency energy capacity (i.e. a duration of 60response and participating in the UK’s minutes) allows the user to reduce the load 2. Grid peak demand reductioncapacity market - both through a third- to 700 kW during the high load/chargeparty aggregator. Similar revenue streams window, while outside that window the user 3. Energy arbitrage can market 1 MW for frequency control. 4. Frequency regulation 63

THINK TANK 5. Backup power for Panasonic’s network operations center. Of course, this all looks great on paper. But does it deliver? While it’s becoming fashionable to talk about the multifunctional, versatile nature of batteries, few are aware of the complexity of software and controls required to fully utilize the many opportunities batteries can provide. That is, in order to achieve all of the feats described above, the battery system requires sophisticated energy management software and advanced controls. As you can see from the graph, the system must be ready to deliver the “right” service or function at the right time. For a battery, that implies - among other things - that it must manage its state-of-charge (SOC) so that it can be discharged and charged as required. As we have maintained over the years, a key element in maximizing the lifetime of batteries is to keep them within certain SOC “islands” - what we like to call “feel-good zones” - as much as possible. This adds another level of complexity to the management of the system. Maximizing asset life and thus utilization, also requires a deep understanding of the chemical properties of different battery types from different manufacturers.64 PES Solar

THINK TANK Depending on where within our “golden66 PES Solar triangle” the battery system is best used commercially, not all types may be equally well suited. In fact, we know from the many cases that we have looked at over the last 10 years that - with the right software - battery type A may last up to 20 years handling one type of application, though it would wear out after just a few years if employed differently. Furthermore and, alternatively, battery type B may provide both services for 15 years. Finally, as promising as these numbers are, we know that the global energy system is undergoing fundamental change: change that is constantly disrupting entrenched business models while opening new opportunities. This means that any investments undertaken today should not irreversibly lock us into specific use cases. Instead, we must be flexible enough to adapt to changing demands, and thus to tap into any new opportunities that open up as the global energy transition continues to accelerate. This example shows perfectly what energy storage can do for C&I customers. However it is still important that clients partner up with experienced energy storage providers who know exactly which system configuration and capacity will best suit the client’s needs. This will ensure that the “golden triangle” doesn’t become, well, the Bermuda Triangle. If all of these dimensions and requirements send your head spinning - don’t despair! Any decent energy storage system worth its money comes with software that delivers services “à point,” optimizes battery SOC and maximizes lifetime. Identifying the right partner will help you navigate the market and find the optimal spot in the “golden triangle.” Stephen Prince, President and CEO of Younicos, is a transaction-oriented executive with more than 25 years of experience of growing and leading companies in global markets, as well as a published author and speaker with numerous industry awards. Stephen holds an M.S. in Taxation from Golden Gate University and a B.A. in Business Administration and Accounting from California State University Fullerton.

InitneMrSAsseuo2telna-a4inurc1dsh260a1t7, Future Proof Module Testing Station DE INMA ND FINLA • 120 modules / hour – 300 MW testing capacity • Combined IV, EL, and Hipot – Save floor area • Fully automatic – No operators needed • TÜV Rheinland certified A+A+A+ simulator • Accurate high efficiency / PERC module testing • IEC 60904-9 Ed. 3 ready spectrum • Automatic calibration and irradiance uniformity adjustment

ASK THE EXPERTSSolutions tomeet the needs Dr. Michael Fuß, CEO, MBJ Solutions, gives PES an insight in to the development of their spectrum of inspection systems, simulation and measurement tools. Asia is an important market to them. PES: Welcome to PES Solar. Would you have sold more than 300 inspection like to introduce your company and systems worldwide. explain a little about how you serve the solar industry? PES: MBJ Solutions offers a range of simulation and measurement tools, Dr. Michael Fuß: MBJ Solutions was inspection systems and more. What is founded in 2009 with the idea of building currently most in demand from the automated electroluminescence inspection market? Why is this? systems. The company is located in Hamburg, Germany. Since the beginning MF: In 2009 we started with the focus on MBJ has focused on the PV industry, to electroluminescence inspection. At this which we are supplying time the major goal was to increase the electroluminescence inspection solutions product quality. Over time we have added a for the module production process and couple of features to the systems: dark-iv Dr. Michael Fuß68 PES Solar

ASK THE EXPERTScurve measurement, diode check and cell PES: Please could you tell us more about With a LED Flasher a long flash durationdistance measurement. Most of these your LED sun simulator? can easily be achieved and the LEDs arefeatures were initiated by the customers to designed for several million flashes. Underincrease the level of automatisation and MF: We introduced our first LED sun normal operational conditions an exchangespeed. The trend to higher speed and fully simulator in 2011, which was integrated in of LEDs is not necessary anymore.automated systems is driven by the our Mobile PV Testcenter. At this time weongoing price pressure in the market. only used one type of LED. In 2014 we We have tested our boards in the lab with up developed the second generation LED sun to 10 million flashes at constant electricalPES: How has the increased interest and simulator, the second generation is a TÜV current. At the end of the test theuptake in newer cell and module certified, A+A+A+ sun simulator, with 6 degradation of the LED was less than 0.5%technologies impacted on your business? different LED types. The LED sun simulator of the initial value. This guaranties a constant became available for module production luminosity with a stable spectrum over theMF: The new cell and module technologies with the introduction of the whole product life time which is another bigare having a huge impact to our business. BackendSolution in 2016. advantage over the XENON technology.We had to adapt our image processingsoftware for the new cell technologies like Now in 2017 we are introducing the third 10 million flashes correspond to a life spanPERC or SMART WIRE. For the half cut cell generation with an extended spectrum. The of 10 years with a cycle time of approx. a new design is needed for contacting third generation solar simulator complies This result is an immense cost saving,the modules, for glass-glass modules fully with the upcoming IEC standard compared to the costs of a Xenon flasher’stransporting the module is becoming more edition 3. product lifetime.critical. We need to invest continuously innew designs and technologies, but at the PES: How does this technology differ PES: We would be interested to hearsame time the new demands provide a good from the more traditional Xenon about the MBJ Services Mobile PV testchance for new business. technologies used in the past? centre, how, where, when and why would these be used? MF: A well-known disadvantage of the Xenon technology is the relatively short life MF: Today the Mobile PV lab is mainly used time of the Xenon lamps. They are for the inspection of modules prior to continuously aging and must be exchanged installation on site. With the post shipment after only a few months. The resulting spare inspection (PSI) the quality of the delivered part costs, the personnel expenditure and panels is verified. This covers the higher operating expenses caused by the production quality as well as the logistic down times lead to considerable chain. For the EPC the post shipment maintenance costs of the systems. inspection is an essential test to ensure the quality of the delivered modules. The final Another disadvantage of Xenon lamps is payment to the module manufacturer will the relatively short flash duration. Due to only be made after this test. the capacitive effects of today’s widely available high efficient solar modules, Later, before the final acceptance of a PV significant measurement difficulties occur. installation, the very same now installed panels are tested again. This procedure is Our LED solar simulator addresses the usually requested by the solar park investor, disadvantages of the Xenon technology. to secure their new assets. Typically a 69

ASK THE EXPERTSportion of the installed modules are tested the measurements. On a standard testing PES: Speaking from a global standpoint,based on the specifications of AQL general day, around 300 panels can be tested on which geographical regions do youinspection level 2. one Mobile lab. For high volume testing a anticipate being key for MBJ into 2017? price as low as 10€ per panel is possible,Inspection after heavy storms with snow or which is very competitive for a test MF: Asia has been most important to ushailstorm damage is another important use combining the flash test and the over the last years and I do not expect a bigfor on-site lab testing. electroluminescence image. change here in 2017. India was a good market for us in 2016 and we see moreAnother instance where the Mobile PV lab PES: Looking to the future how are you potential there. We also see more projectsis useful is when a PV power plant is sold. It intending to stay one step ahead of the in Eastern Europe and Russia. Additionally,provides an on-site health of the PV competition in this measurement, PV we have a couple of good projects in themodules, giving valuable information to inspection and testing sector? US. With our new Backend Solution we seeestimate the real value of an asset. also potential in Europe. MF: As said before, we are continuouslyPES: You offer customised services as a investing in new developments. We want to PES: There have been significantmatter of course, why and what are the learn from and with our customers about changes in the political landscape, withcost implications? upcoming challenges in the industry and BREXIT and Donald Trump in the we are willing to adapt our technology to Whitehouse, how do you think these willMF: We have established a global partner the needs of our customers. This is the affect the current trade agreements?network to offer the testing services to the philosophy of MBJ solutions – Solutions tomarket. We also support our partners in the meet the needs. MF: BREXIT is a shame for Europe. Thenetwork and are often directly involved in freedom in Europe over more than 60 years is based on the idea of a united Europe and free trade in Europe. I hope and believe that the EU can survive without Great Britain. However, I am sure that EU and Great Britain will find a solution, to avoid a negative impact on trading with each other. The situation in the US is more difficult. As we have seen in the past weeks Donald Trump is changing the political rules so it is hard to say what will happen next. Donald Trump ignores global warming and he is pushing the US oil industry. His ‘America First’ will not allow PV module imports from the rest of the world to the US and I do not see that the US industry is strong enough to supply the needed PV modules to the US market. The next year will be difficult for the PV industry in the US. Maybe there is a little chance for the equipment suppliers because the US may want to strengthen their own solar industry. PES Solar


ASK THE EXPERTSBack contact is no longer aconcept – it’s provenExperienced in back-contact module manufacturing since PES: Could you begin by introducing2007, Eurotron is taking module manufacturing to the next your organisation and explaining to uslevel. “Back contact is no longer a concept. It is a proven how it serves the solar/PV industry?technology and our clients are currently in mass production,”says Bram Verschoor, Commercial Director at Eurotron. PES Bram Verschoor & Jan Bakker: Eurogroupcaught up with Bram and Jan Bakker, Technical Director at is a group of companies dedicated toEurotron, to corroborate this claim and learn why the solar back-contact module manufacturing andindustry is ready for back-contact modules. everything that relates to it. The group consists of Eurotron, Eurolab, and Eurotec. Eurotron produces equipment for manufacturing of solar panels and will be the topic of our conversation. Eurolab is a lab facility that enables testing of back-contact modules, while Eurotec is dedicated to general industrial technology applications. PES: Back-contact technologies offer an interesting ratio between efficiency and price. What are the advantages in terms of power generation?72 PES Solar

ASK THE EXPERTSBV & JB: We believe that back-contact even more today, ribbon thickness, width gain of between 1 and 2%. A power gain? Itpanels are the best way forward for power and quantities will always be constrained. may sound unbelievable. After all, ourharvesting. With a single Eurotron modules suffer resistance too. However,manufacturing line clients produce between The plus is that cell performance is their resistance is overcompensated by the10 and 90 modules per hour. Depending on continuously improving. In just a couple of optical behaviour of the module: lightcell performance, our largest production years performance rates have gone up from trapping through the glass and back sheetline generates between 200 MWp and 250 around 17% to a range of 22% today. combined with module materials which actMWp on solar modules, on an annual basis. However, resistance is the square of the as a reflector. current. If cell performance improves, it isIt would also be good to mention that not the voltage but the current that And yet there is more. Waver-to-cellseveral cell types are already available, increases. This means any boost in cell conversion costs are lower than those ofeven if back contact is a new technology: performance development will result in traditional modules as back-contact cellsMWT (metal wrap through), IBC additional resistance. It really is a pity. require less silver on the front of a cell. A(interdigitated back contact), as well as Millions and millions are invested in cell traditional cell requires silver-printed linesupcoming cell generations like HJ-BC development, only to increase resistance in to transfer currents; in back-contact cells(heterojunction back contact). As such, our the module. via transfer currents to the rearside of aproduction platform will support cells cell, resulting in a 3.5% drop in shading.tomorrow as much as it does today. Back-contact modules solve these Moreover, due to spacing, brushing, and problems. In a back-contact module, cell the outer edge a traditional module has aPES: Why do you believe back-contact currents are channelled directly to the dead area of about 11%. Back-contactmodules are the best way forward for rearside of the cell, where they debouch modules reduce dead areas to 7%.power harvesting? into a copper or aluminium conductive sheet. No restrictions are imposed on the Finally, the power output of a traditionalBV & JB: If you take a closer look at H-type thickness of this plain sheet: it does not module in the field will drop at about 1% forcells, you will see they have ribbons from block radiation or require bending. As a about every additional 2 degrees Celsiusfront to back. Current transportation means result, the module’s internal resistance is once temperatures have exceeded 25maximum ribbon thickness as the bend reduced to an absolute minimum. degrees Celsius. In the field, back-contactbetween cells may damage cells. Nor can modules have shown 4% lower operatingribbons be too wide, for they could reduce a Traditional modules typically see a temperatures (NOCT), translating to 2% ofcell’s intake of radiation. Although we have cell-to-module power loss of between 2 additional power harvest.gone from two ribbons in the past to four or and 3%. Our modules produce a power 73

ASK THE EXPERTSPES: What are the implications of production line within a few weeks. BV & JB: Absolutely! We introduced Eurolab:back-contact technology for the end user? a lab facility where material suppliers, Most module manufacturing lines require scientific institutes, solar challenge teamsBV & JB: If you convert a back-contact extensive tuning – a full month on average and customers are welcomed to test andcell into a back-contact module, you save – before operations take on full speed. develop back-contact concepts, in a strictlyaround €0.02 per Wp. This is about 6% During this month, facilities are paid for and confidential environment.less than what you would pay for a employees hired, but the investment doestraditional conversion. not pay off. Eurotron modules require as In addition to experiencing back-contact little as half a day of tuning. technology for themselves, clients cut backIn the field you gain additional savings as on the time they need to get to full-swingback-contact modules cover less space Our team installs a line, powers it and within production. Thanks to Eurolab, customersthan traditional modules. The result is a a couple of hours from start of production, can request certification for their modulescapital expenditure saving per MWh of a client is manufacturing back-contact solar whilst Eurotron is producing their equipmentabout 10%. And it may sound strange, but panels at full speed. and save up to a few months’ time!back-contact modules look better. There’sno accounting for taste, but most people PES: How is this possible? PES: We know that you have been activeasked, think that back-contact modules in China for a number of years already.look better than traditional modules. BV & JB: Eurotron is taking a radically How important is the Solar/PV business different approach to module manufacturing. in China to Eurotron?Back-contact modules, finally, outperform Our approach revolves around a line that istraditional modules in the area of accelerated made of several revolving carriers. Each BV & JB: China is Eurotron’s most importantlifetime tests. During temperature shock tests process step is assigned to a carrier and market for a number of reasons. Firstly,in particular, back-contact modules have happens simultaneously. communication with our Chinese customersbeen seen to perform three to four times is very pleasant. There is mutualbetter. This is a cost factor, as a longer Thanks to the mechanical precision and understanding, a high level of trust and alifetime will yield a reduction in levelised cost optical alignment with our camera systems, focus on the wellbeing of the other partyof electricity (LCoE). we can achieve very precise module – cooperation with Chinese customers is build-up. Because our lines are modular, fruitful for all parties involved.PES: What is the rate of production at problems can be isolated and identified atEurotron? the earliest possible stage. Because we can Furthermore, agility is a characteristic of adjust software settings remotely, clients the Chinese market. Generally speaking,BV & JB: Our highly educated mechanical, enjoy a high uptime. With our new approach, Chinese players are the ones toR&D, and software engineers operate at an we are pushing the market into an entirely incorporate new developments into theirextremely fast pace. In 2016, in just six new era of module manufacturing. businesses first. Their employees – themonths, we produced manufacturing operators of our equipment – are highlyequipment amounting to a combined PES: Have there been any key product skilled, and there is another interestingoutput of 1.5 GWp. Thanks to increasingly introductions or innovations at Eurotron factor to note. China once had the world’sstandardised equipment; we now install a since we last spoke?74 PES Solar

ASK THE EXPERTS ‘We believe that back-contact solar panels are the best way forward for power harvesting.’largest production market. This is shifting; PES: To what extent do China and Asia outages. Today, the number of suppliersthe country is becoming an ever-larger as a whole embrace back-contact able to provide back-contact cells is alwaysmarket for installation of modules. Not technology? increasing and our (potential) customers’long ago, China’s premier Li Keqiang reluctance to move forward with back-promised his citizens a blue sky in not too BV & JB: Supply of back-contact cells used contact technology is on a steeplydistant future. In order to fight smog, solar to be tight, if available. Asian customers downward slope.panels are needed – and China is serious were reluctant to integrate a back-contactabout this. system due to the possibilities of cell PES: There have been significant supply shortage and related production changes in the political landscape, with BREXIT and Donald Trump coming into the White House. How do you think these changes might impact current trade agreements? BV & JB: We are not politicians and cannot take a position in this regard. We can say, however, that we are not a friend of toll gates and trade restrictions. An example: Since the import restrictions for solar panels were introduced in Europe, prices of modules keep going. As a result, less panels are installed and the local installation industry is suffering. PES: Speaking from a global point of view, lastly, which geographical regions do you anticipate to be key for Eurotron in 2017? BV & JB: We would say that Asia as a whole and China in particular, are key markets for us. As well as Asia, we focus on the USA, Latin America, and Europe. Around 80% of our revenue is generated in Asia; the remaining 20% comes from other places in the world. 75

TALKING POINTCustom integrated PVfrom idea to marketWords: Menno van den Donker and Bonna NewmanIn a drive for even lower costs and higher efficiency, the manufactured solar cells or laminates, thephotovoltaic industry is hugely dominated by the standard SELL is equipped with tools and experts torectangular panels of 60 or 72 cells, optimised for design, prototype and test integrated PVinstallation in large fields and flat roofs, in dry and products of all sizes, shapes, colours, andaccessible environments. This has proven a good model for applications.utility-scale electricity production, but people want more. The SELL also combines prototyping withThis is exemplified by Elon Musk’s manufacturable. The best system design installation and testing in the relevantannouncement last year, that Tesla will choices for these products often require a environment where partners can engagemarket a solar roof tile, going viral; a novel module concept or set of materials. with their customers and target market todemand exists for PV elements integrated collect feedback and enhance theinto the environment around us—in ways Dutch energy research centre ECN has development process.that are efficient, economic, and beautiful. established the Solar Elements Living Laboratory (SELL) to work with customers to For many years, ECN has assistedProducts for varied applications like PV roof develop their custom-integrated PV products commercial partners in developingtiles, PV building skins, floating PV, PV on from the initial idea to market introduction. numerous PV applications from landfill tolandfills, and PV noise barriers are still rooftop. Based on this experience, werequired to be economic and Starting with economically and mass- have combined our knowledge and expertise into the SELL. This consists of four development steps universal to integrated PV applications: specify, design, build and validate.76 PES Solar

TALKING POINTFigure 1: Examples of PV applications developed with assistance from ECN. (a) Floating PV developed together with Sunfloat. (b) Façade PV developed together withSCX Solar, Wallvision and others. (c) Prefab roof PV mounting developed together with Unilin and Rebor.We work with customers and partners on and evaluates the costs and benefits. annual performance and manufacturingall applications, to deliver PV products costs of early-stage product designs.optimised for the intended environment. In the case of the PV noise barrier,In recent years, ECN with Dutch industrial thirty-one existing PV noise barriers were For the PV noise barrier, we calculatedpartners and local governments have identified and evaluated. To develop the electrical yield and performance with aused the SELL method to focus on solar Dutch PV noise barrier, the SELL visited model including orientation, ground albedo,noise barriers designed to line the roads and interviewed road authorities and and self-shading. We also constructed aof the Netherlands. companies active in noise barrier techno-financial cost model to analyse construction, operation and maintenance. various technology and manufacturingAll product development starts with options for the design.specifications: who wants this, what are the This led the consortium to choose aenvironmental and application-driven modular product that can be vertically The product design was adapted to ensureboundary conditions and what technologies mounted in any compass orientation. The minimal costs and maximum energyor materials should be used? size required, for successful adoption in the yield—consisting of bifacial Si-cells Netherlands and compatibility with typical encapsulated in 8mm + 8mm glass-glassECN and its partner Solar Energy noise barriers, is 6m x 1m and each panel modules of 3m length. Two of theseApplications Centre’s (SEAC) have should weigh > 20 kg/m2. modules are combined in one frame toconducted background assessments and realise 6m long products.published benchmark reports to facilitate this Product design at the SELL focuses onprocess. Each benchmark report describes matching market demands with technical Critical to this process is the hands-onthe current technologies and products features. ECN has developed advanced building and construction of the productavailable for a specific market application simulation models to facilitate the design prototype. The SELL includes an advanced process. Thus it is possible to predict both workspace in which PV cells or laminates 77

TALKING POINTFigure 3. Schematic explanation of the SELLFigure 2. Bifacial solar noise barrier module (a) as are integrated in (building) products of any between various stakeholders. To this end,specified, designed, and built with ECN for instal- shape, colour, material or size using our SEAC’s SolarBEAT facility is included in thelation along highways in the Netherlands. (b) Solar tools, methods, including 3D gluing, SELL, where a wide variety of buildingnoise barrier being installed for testing and validation ultrasonic welding, and laser welding, products are characterised and exhibited inin relevant environment along a highway. networks of builders and cell/module a mock built environment. manufacturers, and experience. In the case of the PV noise barrier, a living The prototype is immediately lab was constructed next to a four-lane characterised with power output local road and the product was extensively measurements, electroluminescence, studied for a full year. A longer mechanical strength measurements, demonstration system (200m) is planned in delamination susceptibility, hail impact or a follow-up project. accelerated lifetime tests, as well as various building standard tests. In addition to the PV noise barrier, multiple other products, such as PV facades and PV In the PV noise barrier development, a roof elements have been successfully prototype 6m x 1m PV noise barrier developed through the SELL approach. module was constructed according to design, which met all acceptance criteria The SELL supports our partners from the including passing four times the standard initial idea to market of custom-integrated IEC climate testing, with no measurable PV products with choice, informed design, performance degradation. building, and validation of both technical and commercial aspects. Validation in the SELL not only includes technical specifications but non-technical considerations such as response of the market and validation of the business plan. A Dr. Menno van den Donker and Dr. prototype is tested in the relevant Bonna Newman are senior researchers environment. Users and guests can be invited at SEAC and ECN, respectively. For to participate and comment on the prototype. more information about working with the SELL, please contact Wouter van A business model for the product can be Strien at [email protected]. created by initiating structured discussions78 PES Solar

RENOLIT REFLEXOLARThe cost-effectiveco-extruded PV back sheet NEW MATERIALS NEW PROCESSES NEW OPPORTUNITIESReaching new heightsin reflection & endurance.RENOLIT REFLEXOLAR 1500 PO is a new breed of co-extruded back sheet. It is ideallysuited for the construction of reliable and cost-effective 72 cells 1500 VDC rated PVmodules. Minimized warping, enhanced abrasion resistance and an increased outputare but a few of its many advantages. The new REFLEXOLAR back sheet is made fromspecially developed polymers, recyclable, halogen and solvent free. Thanks to superiorwater and acetic acid barrier properties, EVA corrosion is further reduced.For further information, visit:

ASK THE EXPERTSCalling all module makers… PES met up with Rogier Reinders, Global Marketing Director at The Dow Chemical Company, to learn about the positive effect the ownership of Dow Corning’s silicones business will have on the PV industry and the customers of both entities. Rogier Reinders PES: Welcome back to PES Solar/PV Dow Corning’s silicones technology and China magazine. Thanks for talking with product platform bring a highly80 PES Solar us. It’s been a while, so would you like to complementary and growth enabling new remind our readers about the chemistry to Dow that is aligned to the background of your organisation and company’s strategy, to go narrower and any changes there have been since we deeper in attractive industry segments, last spoke? where Dow is already a leader today. Rogier Reinders: On June 1, 2016, The This is excellent news for customers of both Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: Dow) Dow and Dow Corning. Bringing together announced the successful completion of the two companies will drive exciting the transaction to restructure the ownership opportunities for new product offerings, of Dow Corning. Dow is now the 100 increased geographic reach and expanded percent owner of Dow Corning’s silicones R&D power, to bring innovations to business, which had revenues greater than customers faster. This is also true for our $4.5 billion in 2015. solar industry customers.

ASK THE EXPERTSPES: You are active in a number of solutions are seeing the most interest RR: First, we love a challenge!industry sectors. How important is the currently? Silicon chemistry is well-suited to thesesolar business to Dow Corning? RR: Dow Corning® brand Electrically challenges. It can enhance performance in Conductive Adhesives (ECA) are products all kinds of interesting and unique ways,RR: We have heavily invested in our solar that come to mind. Our customers are and it helps deliver sustainability in solarbusiness to benefit our global solar leveraging the ECA benefits really effectively. materials.customers and to advance the industry. Electrical interconnection has typically We can use silicone ECAs as an example of been done with soldering, which is cost-effective production. Only a smallThe types of materials we offer range from time-consuming. ECAs are alternatives that amount of an ECA is needed per module.faster-than-typical frame sealants; create adhesion between two parts and They can contribute to higher throughput.sealants with higher instant green also conduct electricity. Our silicone ECA They also create a joint at a lowerstrength; silicone encapsulation for products have advantages over soldering temperature — providing a flexible modules that are more reliable and over epoxy polymer ECAs. Silicone’s This enables newer technologies, such asand have longer warranties; to electrically intrinsic reliability and flexibility are just back-contact modules with CBS, shingledconductive adhesives that are ready for some of the performance benefits. modules, and emerging concepts. It’sback-contact cells for hetero-junction cellsor for back-contact cells with a back- Silicone ECAs also enable modules with about better adhesion and improvedcontact sheet. very thin cells, which can save materials. connectivity, using lower-cost materials. The thin cells often can’t tolerate the heat PES: You say the durability of PVWe collaborate with customers to develop, used for soldering, but our ECAs bond at modules is by and large a very importantevaluate and test silicone materials for solar lower temperatures. factor for lowering the cost of PVapplications. All of our materials would We also have developed a solution to generated electricity — please expandinterest module makers who want to support back-contact cells using a on this.differentiate in the end market. And that is conductive backsheet (CBS). Our silicone RR: Long term performance is important inprecisely why solar is of relevance to ECA (Dow Corning® PV-5802 Electrically any industry — from automobiles toDow Corning: we see the opportunity to Conductive Adhesive) makes the cosmetics. Product performance anddifferentiate going forward. In addition to connection between a patterned metal foil durability can be what set different solarour Dow Corning technology, we know Dow and the cells. We have also been manufacturers apart. Consumers of solaris able to deliver polyolefin material to the collaborating to find successful energy, like municipalities and utilities, needmarketplace as an encapsulant, which I connections for alternative, lower-cost to know their installations carry the promisebelieve could be a strong alternative to materials for CBS, such as aluminum and of a long lifetime with minimal problems.ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). copper-coated aluminum. Standard EVA modules have a 25-year With advances in shingled cell modules, our lifetime. The glass-glass modules are not asPES: We know that you offer material silicones are a good choice. Silicone easy to make, but we see manufacturerssolutions across the value chain, what materials can provide the soft, flexible claiming a 30-year lifetime. With silicones,are you currently working on? What are interconnection needed in these structures. the latest ones we have seen are at 40 years.the benefits in terms of technology and PES: Currently there is a lot of interest in What does module lifetime mean? It meansto the end user? high-efficiency solutions and cost- a specification of 20 percent, or less, power effective production — how challenging degradation over the lifetime. So we areRR: We are working on all kinds of is this for you? seeing manufacturers using siliconesadvances with a variety of customers. A keypart of our current development revolvesaround boosting efficiencies and drivingdown production costs for customers.As a trusted technology partner with solarbusinesses along the value chain —including cell and module manufacturers,installers, project developers, utilities andinvestors — Dow Corning understands theirneeds for reliable, high-performance andcost-effective photovoltaic (PV) solutions.The great benefit of silicones, for example,is their amazing performance and durabilityin the toughest environments. We havedecades of proven performance — first inconstruction and electronics applicationsand now in solar applications.Silicones have long-term elasticity andflexibility. They are resistant to damage anddegradation from wet weather, ozone,ultraviolet radiation, temperature extremes,thermal shock, chemicals, oxidation andcorrosion. Silicones are resistant to agingand don’t harden, crack, peel, crumble, dryout, rot or become brittle like many organics.They exhibit excellent dielectric and strongadhesive properties. And we can modify themany great properties to meet a customer’sspecific application needs.PES: Which Dow Corning products and 81

ASK THE EXPERTSclaiming at least 10 more years of Cure Sealant) has performed exceptionally our solutions and collaboration withperformance under warranty than what we well in mechanical load testing. It Chinese players.had been seeing in the market. outperformed conventional glass-to- backsheet modules in hail and ice impact In 2012, we expanded our Solar SolutionsThe excellent performance and proven testing. And it makes panel installation Lab in the China Business and Technologydurability of silicones make them easier and standardized. Center in Shanghai with cutting-edge PVimportant for PV module makers to research and testing capabilities that supportconsider. When your customers need your With the mechanical, thermal, the needs of customers in Greater China.promise, your guarantee, our silicones can environmental and dielectric protectionhelp you deliver. offered by our encapsulant, a service life This facility is dedicated to improving could extend from 25 years (a standard EVA customer service by shortening thePES: Can you tell us more about module) or 30 years (a glass-glass module) innovation cycle that turns marketdouble-glass, or glass-glass, PV to a new 40-year service time (a glass-glass opportunities and new ideas intomodules with silicone encapsulation? module with our silicone) — with an annual profitable solutions.Do you see a big future here? power degradation of less than 0.5 percent. On-site laboratory capabilities includeRR: We do see a big potential for double- We have seen substantial commercial performing environmental testing, testingglass modules, and we’ve been working success with our silicones, but we don’t just new silicone encapsulation technologies,with customers to help reduce total cost of offer a material. We can be a customer’s testing new technology for moduleownership while increasing output. Some of development partner to solve challenges. installation, and optimizing solar modulethe top 10 module makers are either production processes based on newcurrently using silicone for making PES: Speaking from a global standpoint, silicone materials for modules or are considering it. which geographical regions do you anticipate being key for Dow Corning as At the same time, we have our eyes openWe’ve seen that using a new silicone-based we move into 2017? for tropical and desert end-user regions,encapsulant (Dow Corning® PV-6212 Cell as some of those geographies areEncapsulant) — instead of an EVA film or RR: We continue to see Asia as a vitally particularly well-suited for siliconeother organic encapsulants — can important and growing region. We have a glass-glass modules.significantly reduce potential induced long-term commitment to Asia and todegradation (PID), which is one of the major China. Dow Corning entered the China PES: Any final words?causes of cell inefficiency. market in 1973 and began manufacturing in China in 1997. RR: We are proud of offering so many PVThe encapsulant’s high transparency allows solutions and we are committed to thegreater light transmission, creating higher Regarding China’s solar market future of the solar industry. There are soefficiency. It offers greater protection from development, we invested in facilities, many exciting advances on the horizon.chemicals and moisture and is largely worked closely with Chinese solar Being part of the larger Dow — with itsunaffected by extremes of temperature, UV manufacturers and developed new strong offering in solar (polyolefins, forlight and humidity. cost-reduction technology. This year, we example) — will only make our relevance to are participating in the SNEC show, and I the industry greater.A new double-glass frameless bonding will give a speech at the conference aboutmaterial (Dow Corning® PV-8303 Ultra-Fast PES Solar

TALKING POINTHow digitalisation ischanging solarWords: Alison Finch Alison Finch As the world transitions to a low carbon reality and other forms of advanced electricity system, one of the key challenges communication, are fundamentally changing84 PES Solar is responsiveness. Traditional forms of the way businesses and societies operate. power generation provide a reliable base load that can be dialled up and down as When applied to solar PV, Industry 4.0 is needed. In contrast, renewable energy enabling the effective management of an generation is intermittent and cannot be abundant but volatile form of energy increased as efficiently in response to peaks generation, providing much needed stability in demand; the sun doesn’t always shine, the and reliability. The increase in the wind doesn’t always blow. responsiveness of solar PV, as a source of energy, is also making the industry more As solar’s share in global energy generation competitive. With the correct application of continues to rise exponentially, the smart technology and careful analysis, industry’s ability to innovate expands too, solar PV is well on the path towards a as large corporations continue to invest in levelised cost of electricity (LCOE), where it this sustainable clean energy source. can compete with traditional forms of Thanks to rapid innovations in the energy on a level playing field, without application of digital technology the solar subsidy. To achieve this grid parity, the sector is able to offer one of the most industry must commit to the long-term flexible forms of power generation available. digitalisation of solar, and continue to invest in making smart technologies smarter. Industry 4.0 Making solar ‘smart’ The world has seen a series of epochs: the first industrial revolution transformed Through the application of digital production with mechanics, Industry 2.0 saw technologies, ‘smart’ solar systems electricity enable mass production, and generate vast volumes of data, down to the Industry 3.0 drove forward the increased use individual panel level. When correctly of electronics and IT. Today, a digital analysed, these data sets reveal valuable revolution is firmly underway and is information. The application of complex considered by many to be the dawn of algorithms equips asset managers with the Industry 4.0. Smart technologies, including means to forecast with accuracy and make the Internet of Things, big data, cloud real-time decisions that increase energy computing, artificial intelligence, virtual yield, thereby vastly increasing the return

TALKING POINTon investment of each solar array. simultaneously increasing their return on voltage, ride through and reactive power investment and lowering operating costs. provisions, to bring frequency and voltageHuawei Solar’s unique I-V Curve Diagnosis is stability to weak such technology, providing solar plant In Lakenheath, UK, a 12.8MW PV plant usesowners and operators with the ability to Huawei FusionSolar® to enable fully Cyber security can significantly jeopardisework remotely, while monitoring their solar digitalised automated O&M. A balanced the availability and reliability of powerPV plants in minute detail. Each string and flexible infrastructure comprised of systems; as a leading ICT provider, Huaweiprovides granular data about an array’s multiple string inverters (rather than a few participates in international protectionperformance which, when aggregated, central inverters) ensures system reliability; standards to tackle present and futureprovides precise information about the one inverter failure simply cannot impact system vulnerabilities.performance of a whole plant. From the the whole array.comfort of their personal computer or smart Clearly, one company cannot change anphone, energy managers are able to scan As a result of Huawei’s string inverters and industry alone. Through the application ofeach PV string in real-time across multiple smart PV controller equipment, the plant digitalisation to solar PV, producingPV plants, identifying faults and the root generates higher yields, safely and reliably, higher yields and greater returns oncause of issues quickly and with accuracy. whilst reducing O&M costs. investment, Huawei hopes to inspire everyone in the sector.This real-time monitoring enables pre- Transforming the sectoremptive maintenance and removes the In addition, the company is building 15 newneed for expensive ad-hoc, laborious, Energy is perhaps one of the most complex ‘OpenLabs’ across the world, where theyon-site testing, ensuring owners and O&M industries globally, with deep rooted will work collaboratively with industryoperators are confident their solar plants players and systems, yet it is also partners to develop joint solutions in smartare always at maximum efficiency. potentially the industry with the most to cities, energy, finance, logistics, gain from Industry 4.0. As centralised manufacturing, and media.Huawei’s FusionSolar® Smart PV Solution generation models transition towards small-involves a combination of smart hardware, scale, scattered microgeneration, Looking towards the futurefrom the inverter through to innovative technology is the key to ensuring a stablepower line communication (PLC), with and responsive source of supply. Digitalisation of solar has the means tointelligent monitoring and reporting, using Investment in R&D is therefore crucial for overcome many of the challenges currentlytechnologies such as I-V Curve Diagnosis. the solar industry’s continued progression. facing the sector, enabling world-wide access to clean and affordable electricity.This complete solution optimises plant Huawei is uniquely placed to apply The move toward an Industry 4.0 is auptime and increases energy yields. As a experience in telecoms to energy, and as a welcome one, set to transform thedirect outcome, asset managers typically business is deeply committed to investing industry, but it will require a long-termsee much lower failure rates, thereby in the technologies necessary to enable the view, investment and collaboration. global energy transition. From natural Huawei is committed to progressing this cooling technology to preventative transition, rooted in a deep foundation in maintenance to integrated DC disconnect, technological innovation. solar technology must be at the cutting- edge of digitalisation to maximise energy returns. Over the past decade, Huawei has invested $45 billion in R&D and continues About Alison Finch to assign over 10% of revenue each year. Alison Finch studied Chemistry at Grid stability and cyber-security are also Reading University, then began her crucial to the successful digitalisation of corporate career as a graduate trainee solar. Huawei uses well-defined, advanced for the privately-owned American power electronics to provide enhanced grid Corporation, Mars. Over the next support, stability, power quality and decade, her roles there varied from increased grid resilience. Its FusionSolar® Sales & Marketing to Production Smart PV system supports complex, low Manager, in the largest canning factory in Europe, making petfood. About Huawei In 2000, Alison relocated to Melbourne Huawei is a global leading ICT and Australia, as Head of Integration for a network energy solution provider who large Dairy Co-operative and furthered entered the solar market in 2013, her expertise in Marketing, Human introducing its new generation string Resources & Value Chain Management. inverters with intelligent monitoring technology, to create a fully digitalised In 2010, Alison set up her own Solar Smart PV Solution called FusionSolar®. Installation business in Cardiff, UK and, as such, gained first-hand FusionSolar® is smart, safe, reliable experience of the Solar Industry, and has delivers higher yields, making before joining Huawei in March 2014 to Huawei the preferred choice for establish Huawei Solar in the UK. investors and developers globally. 80,000 of Huawei’s 180,000 Two years on, Huawei succeeded in employees work in R&D and during the grabbing the largest share of UK past decade over US$45 billion has ground-mount solar inverter market been invested in product innovations, and Alison has now taken on the always driven by customer needs. challenging role of Chief Marketing Officer, Huawei Solar Europe. 85

TALKING POINTSave thousands in solarPV management andadministration costsThe reduction in the Feed-in- In pursuing their efforts to address been lost in the solar PV industry since theTariff has created numerous operational costs, owners of large new FIT regime was introduced in Januarychallenges for the solar PV domestic solar PV portfolios, such as 2016,” said Karl Fernandes, nationalindustry and managing social housing landlords, local authorities operations manager at Goldfield Partnersoperational costs has been and investors face many challenges in Limited. “And we have seen the effects firstfundamental to the continued tackling the pressures to maximise the FIT hand. Installation and maintenance partnerssuccess of many businesses. revenues while keeping administration have gone which has added further costs to a minimum. administrative pressures on us whilst keeping operational costs as low as Goldfield Partners Limited is a case in possible. This is whilst growing our portfolio point. Managing a diverse domestic solar through acquisitions and still managing and PV portfolio of over 8 MW with 2,700 solar maintaining our current assets to ensure PV assets largely in the private domestic our customers are benefitting from the free market in a challenging environment comes energy generated from the solar arrays on at a cost. their homes and to maximise the FIT revenues for our investment partners.” “It’s true that many thousands of jobs have86 PES Solar

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TALKING POINT‘Goldfield Partners identified PassivSystems’ productsand services as a robust and powerful monitoringand analytics tool and has used its smart meters andassociated services on all installations since then.’Minimising administration costs job’ is an unwelcome distraction. identify and to iron out some administrative changes as well which further improved ourGoldfield Partners launched its solar From a cost perspective, FIT claims were success rate for FIT submissions.”programme in 2011, and was clear at the costing in excess of £2,000 per annum inoutset that it would need to implement man hours, not to mention the time spent Future Benefitsremote monitoring to maximise returns and when we could be managing remedialminimise maintenance costs. It is crucial works and supporting our customer base. Goldfield partners has recently completed athat the solar arrays work at peak efficiency The new FIT automation service has successful refinancing deal enabling theto recoup the investors’ expenditure. essentially removed any administrative company to acquire additional assets toGoldfield Partners identified input from us. add to its portfolio. Karl commented,PassivSystems’ products and services as a “These are exciting times for us and therobust and powerful monitoring and We receive communications from arto. refinancing has allowed us to expand ouranalytics tool and has used its smart energy outlining the key timelines from portfolio of solar assets and bring in moremeters and associated services on all submission to payment each quarter and expertise to the business. What is reallyinstallations since then. pretty much leave them to it. The FIT encouraging is the fact that income report we receive is concise and also has an online FIT management portal,“One of the reasons we selected easy to reconcile. As we are notified of so if we were to acquire large portfoliosPassivSystems as our metering and potential read failures well in advance of the with third-party monitoring systems we domonitoring partner was the fact they were quarter end, this falls into our business as not necessarily need to replace AMRalways developing the platform to deliver usual maintenance schedules.” meters. can receive the meteradditional features and value added reads from any meter read provider and stillservices. When we were approached by Using the automated FIT management automate our FIT claims each quarter.”PassivSystems regarding the new Feed-in- facility removes the need to have any manualTariff automation suite, it couldn’t have input for quarterly FIT claims. Meter reads Karl also mentions, “We are also lookingcome at a better or more crucial time.” are collated automatically via the PassivPro forward to upgrading our service to include platform 10 working days before the quarter the PassivPro O&M ticketing service whichIn October 2015 PassivSystems and its end to help capture any anomalies, will be essential as our portfolio grows. Thissister company (Licensed non-communicating or non-generating sites will provide us and our field basedEnergy Supply Company and voluntary FIT that may result in failed read submission. maintenance partners a transparentLicensee) launched a fully automated FIT This gives customers plenty of time to maintenance management platform. Wemanagement suite to help seamlessly manage any remedial works before the final can set our own KPIs within the system andmanage FIT registrations and quarterly FIT reads are submitted on the last day of the report on maintenance activity, peer-groupread submissions via the PassivPro portal. quarter to maximise returns. performance and key metrics that will ensure revenues are maximised and our“The timing couldn’t have been better for “There are additional benefits from the customers are benefitting as much asus. Growing our portfolio of solar PV assets automation which I hadn’t expected,” possible from the free energy that isis a key strategy for our business but I stated Karl. “Annual leave had to be generated on their roofs.”needed to dedicate far too much time in arranged around FIT submission timemanaging FIT claims each quarter. At the before automation, and the way PassivPro For further information, contact:time we were managing almost 3,000 FIT and interact I am no longerclaims across eight different funds. It was spending hours justifying meter reads with PassivSystems Limitedtaking between three and five days per screenshots for load factor failures.” Benyon House, Newbury Business Parkquarter to manage and reconcile. It may not Berkshire RG14 2PZsound a lot, but compiling meter reads, Simple switching processformatting spreadsheets, emailing back e. [email protected] forth, deciphering and managing read “The process of switching from ourrejections, sending screenshots for proof of incumbent FIT Licensee was simple and t. +44 (0)1635 525 050generation, whilst also managing the ‘day straight forward. It also helped us to www.passivsystems.com88 PES Solar

—ABB central inverter, PVS9801,500 reasons for lower LCOEABB central inverters are designed to secure low levelized cost of energy (LCOE) formulti-megawatt PV power plants. The PVS980 central inverters, rated up to 2,300 kVA,have a robust enclosure with a unique cooling system to ensure outstanding endurancefor outdoor use in the toughest environments. The high DC input voltage up to 1,500 VDC,high efficiency, proven components, compact and modular design, and a host of lifecycle services ensure PVS980 central inverters provide an attractive and sustainablereturn on your investment. To discover more, visit

PES ESSENTIALNew standardsin solar radiationmeasurementWords: Kees van den Bos, Director, Hukseflux Thermal SensorsDriven by the accuracy requirements of the solar renewable energy industry, solar radiationmeasurement reaches the next level. Sensor technology is improving, user access tocalibration is getting easier, practices for instrument maintenance and measurementuncertainty evaluation are now being standardised. Hukseflux Thermal Sensors, atechnology leader in this field, is actively involved. Kees van den Bos The weakest link PV systems, from 4 MW and up, are professionally monitored and treated as a90 PES Solar Until now, measurement of solar radiation financial asset. has often been the weakest link in PV system performance assessment. The Asset managers accurately monitor PV equipment used for this, pyranometers, is an system performance to optimise day-to-day optical instrument. Their measurement operations. The same monitoring data are uncertainty under perfect conditions is in the needed in order to have a clear understanding 2 to 3% range. However, conditions at a of the present value of the asset. solar power plant are frequently imperfect. The solar community has already been A major error source is instrument fouling, working on standard procedures for for example by dew, frost, rain or dirt. The uncertainty evaluation. The Working ASTM frequency of pyranometer maintenance is standard “New Practice for Uncertainty often low. To reduce the impact of fouling, Evaluation of Calibration and cleaning is essential, but it may not be part Measurements with Pyranometers and of the standard maintenance program. Pyrheliometers” is under ballot and is expected to be released soon. Recalibration, the most common way of verifying the true performance of the Examples of the recommended procedures instrument, is seldom done. The overall result are already available, in the form of of this lack of cleaning and calibration is a spreadsheets, via the main editors such as much larger measurement uncertainty than the National Renewable Energy Laboratory that under perfect conditions; typically no NREL in the USA and Hukseflux Thermal better than 5%. Sensors. See Figure 1 for an example of measurement uncertainty evaluation over New standard practices: ASTM and IEC the course of a day. In the past five years, the solar community The IEC 61724-1 Photovoltaic system has acknowledged that the low performance monitoring – Guidelines for measurement accuracy of solar radiation measurement, data exchange and analysis deserves attention. In particular utility-scale – was updated in March 2017. The new 2017

PES ESSENTIAL Figure 1. Uncertainty evaluation of the measurement of Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) on a sunny day, expressed in W/m2. The maximum GHI value around solar noon is 1000 W/m2. The different colours represent different error sources.version of the standard is fundamentally Figure 2. When pyranometer domes are covered with dew or frost, data is no longer reliable. New technologydifferent from the 2008 version. The scope developments implemented in SR30 (sensor on the right in the image above) ensure data not only defines the measuring systemcomponents and procedures, as in the Figure 3. Illustration of the significance of data availability: irradiance readings on a clear sky day with freezingearlier 2008 version, but it also aims to temperatures: new technology - heated model SR30 – pyranometer, traditional pyranometer heated andkeep measurement errors within specified ventilated, traditional pyranometer unheated and unventilated. Data were taken 4 December 2016 at Cabauw,limits. It does so by establishing “accuracy the Netherlands.classes” for monitoring systems.The new IEC 61724-1:2017 standard includes:• 3 accuracy classes, A, B and C, for monitoring systems, to be used in conformity declarations• Accuracy requirements for monitoring equipment (electrical as well as solar radiation) per class• Required quality checks (i.e. calibration and cleaning for pyranometers also) per class• R ecommended minimum number of solar radiation measurement instruments used as a function of the PV system scaleUtility-scale PV system performancemonitoringUtility-scale PV systems will be monitoredusing Class A or Class B monitoringaccording to IEC 61724-1. For example, therequirements for solar radiationmeasurement to comply with Class A are:• S econdary standard pyranometers for Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) and Plane Of Array (POA) irradiance• Instruments equipped with ventilation and heating against dew and frost• Instruments cleaned daily• Instruments calibrated yearly 91

PES ESSENTIALFigure 4. Illustration of the significance of data availability: unreliable data, as percentage of the total Figure 6. Additional SR30 features. The instrumentmeasurement time, due to dew and frost deposition events with different pyranometer technologies. Data tilt, also an important contributor to the measurementare based on a visual interpretation of pyranometer readings in the month of April 2016 at Cabauw, the accuracy, is measured as well.Netherlands. Results are presented as a percentage of total available sunshine hours for that month.Class B requirements are somewhat less improvements, at the forefront of these new Figure 7. The highest accuracy pyranometer calibra-stringent. However, Class B also has technology developments. tion is attained outdoors under the natural sun, suchrequirements for ISO 9060 instrument SR30 pyranometer, released by Hukseflux in as offered by ISO-Cal North America.class, as well as cleaning and calibration. January 2017, is designed specifically toThe implementation of an IEC 61724-1 meet the needs of the PV industry. It is the standard contains requirements for both,Class A or B monitoring system means that first pyranometer to comply with the new again depending on the monitoring class.the measurement uncertainty will get quite IEC 61724-1 standard Class A requirements.close to the ideal situation. SR30 measures solar radiation employing a Calibration is now available at multiple state-of-the-art thermopile sensor with black locations around the world: the Hukseflux• T he accuracy loss due to fouling will get coated surface and two domes. The outer organisation can handle instrument close to zero, and may otherwise be pyranometer dome is heated by ventilating calibrations of multiple brands in India, estimated from signal jumps in the the area between the inner and outer dome Japan, China, Brazil, USA, South Africa and irradiance after cleaning on a clear using RVHTM – Recirculating Ventilation and the Netherlands. These facilities typically sunny day perform indoor calibration according to ISO Figure 5. How it’s done. Heating combined with 9847 and ASTM G207. A further reduction• T he accuracy loss due to instrument non- ventilation between the instrument domes. of turnaround time and logistics costs is stability also becomes negligible high on the agenda. Heating – technology. RVHTM, developed byWhy pyranometers must be heated: data Hukseflux, suppresses dew and frost What’s next?availability deposition and is as effective as traditional ventilation systems, without the maintenance There is significant progress: with standardPyranometers in general suffer from various hassle and large footprint. See Figure 3 for practices of ASTM and IEC, instrumentmeasurement errors. Most obviously: their the overall performance. model SR30 bringing the price of ventilatedoptics, glass domes, get dirty. This results Domes free of dew and frost ensure high and heated instruments down and ain a badly defined condition. Measurements data availability. In addition to the highest reduction of calibration costs by offering itare no longer reliable. We then say that data measurement accuracy and data closer to the customer.are “not available”. See Figures 2 and 3 for availability, SR30 pyranometer offersexamples of what happens. remote diagnostics, including instrument PV system O&M and Asset managers tilt, and low total cost of ownership. expect measurements to be more accurate,In Figure 4 we see an example of the loss of Pyranometer maintenance: cleaning and reliable and at the same time moredata. Measuring with a traditional calibration affordable. At Hukseflux, we do not see thispyranometer, 10% of the data, as a Notwithstanding the performance as a contradiction; we do our best to makepercentage of total time, is unreliable. When improvements due to instrument heating this possible. Pyranometers such as SR30instruments are ventilated and heated, as and ventilation, pyranometers still need are proof of this.required in IEC 61724-1 Class A, the data regular cleaning and calibration. The IECreliability strongly improves. www.hukseflux.comNew instrument development: Huksefluxpyranometer model SR30New technology development was needed toovercome the drawbacks of traditionalpyranometers. It started with the wish tomatch the performance of externally ventilatedinstruments, without the disadvantages ofhigh power use. Remote status monitoring, anextra benefit for users, was on the research &development wish list too.Hukseflux Thermal Sensors, a leadingmanufacturer of pyranometers, is with itsfocus on R&D and engineering92 PES Solar

TALKING POINT Is storage changing Market development of PV storage the way we use solutions in Germany photovoltaics? In the beginning the new technology was There was hardly any awareness of storage systems in the met with scepticism from various market German market until the introduction of a federal subsidy players; however, the federal subsidy program for the usage of home storage systems in 2013. program was able to slightly compensate the high price level for end customers.94 PES Solar After around 5,000 storage installations in 2013, the installation numbers in the German market almost doubled in the years to come, so that by the end of 2015 a total of approximately 30.000 storage systems had been installed. This market development was initially carried by the first subsidy program, which expired at the end of 2015. More or less every second storage system was installed with the help of the federal subsidy system during this period.

TALKING POINTAfter a phase of uncertainty, a second Research, the German PV storage market The virtual integration of one storagefederal subsidy program was initiated in increased by around 25,000 new installed solution into a group of storage systemsMarch of 2016, to accompany the systems. For the current year the number of should allow both a sense of community asdevelopment of storage solutions for small newly installed storage systems is expected well as new marketing opportunities.roof-top systems until the end of 2018. to exceed 30,000 for the first time. Whereas there are currently only isolatedWhen taking the current market economically feasible concepts, the offer ofdevelopment into account, the subsidy Increasing offer of storage solutions in a so-called residual current contracts, whichbudget of 10 million euros per year was too limited market environment complement the autarchy feeling of thelimited to offer sufficient market stimulation storage owner, is already largely 2016 and the following years. For the first Today there are around 60 suppliers intime, the subsidy budget for the whole year, Germany, offering around 300 different End customers’ requirements in awas used up too early, by the fall of 2016. storage models in the private rooftop period of change segment. The storage system suppliersDespite that the half-yearly decrease in the originate from various industry sectors. For years decreasing prices for PVfunding rate is further restricting the Amongst them are inverter manufacturers, systems and diminishing feed-in tariffsattractiveness of the subsidy, these kinds of who are using their know-how to produce have caused a trend of increasingannouncements led to delayed investments storage systems. self-consumption of self-generatedin the coming subsidy period. According to electricity. Furthermore, analogous to thisestimations of the Bonn-based market and Furthermore, so-called system integrators development the expected return haseconomic research company EuPD as well as traditional cell- and battery changed. Whereas during the boom years manufacturers have their own products on of the German PV market between 2010 the market. The fourth and fifth groups are and 2012 private home-owners expected a distributors from the automotive sector, return of 5 to 7 percent, this picture has which are active as automotive distributors, drastically changed. as well as traditional utilities, which are classed as stationary distributors in the On the one hand, the combination of German storage market. At first glance it is self-consumption and feeding the remarkable that these suppliers show such self-generated electricity into the grid a strong commitment in a limited market, makes it hard to calculate the return and with restricted growth opportunities, depends on the expected development of whereas this shows the future high the electricity prices during the operating significance of this technology for the period; on the other hand, using a storage implementation of photovoltaics in the system makes the calculation of the energy market. profitability even more complex. While lithium-based storage solutions clearly Therefore, not only the investment- and prevailed on a technological level as operating costs of the whole PV storage compared to lead-based systems, new system, but also the field of applications technologies such as redox flow systems are and the revenue options change. While slowly establishing themselves in the market. until now a PV system is only being used The development over the last twelve months for feeding-in or for self-consumption, the has furthermore shown that additional expansion with a storage system services are becoming more and more theoretically would allow offering energy important as a feature to further differentiate market services. the product from the competition. These developments are reflected in the 95

TALKING POINTresults of EuPD Research’s “EndCustomer storage systems, which was made Although the share of utilities, which areMonitor”. This long-duration measurement available in 2013, the reaction of the actively offering PV and energy storageof the German market for PV and storage installers was restrained. Only 71 percent systems, is still relatively small, clear growthsystem displays the change amongst end of the installers offered storage to their can be seen, which further increases thecustomers. Whereas only 10% of the customers. The main concern regarded attractiveness of this industry as a new salessystems installed in 2008 or earlier were the technical aspects of this still rather channel for storage manufacturers.equipped to self-consume the generated unknown system component. The automotive industry brings along aelectricity, the share of systems increased Furthermore, due to the pricing there was further fundamental change to sales andto 100% by 2014. hardly any economic benefit for the marketing structures. Over the course of the customers. However, over the course of successively developing market for mobileIn this same period the share of time various technical product trainings storage solutions in electric vehicles, thecustomers, who invested in a system for a have led installers to feel more secure automotive manufacturers are also breakingtargeted return, decreased to around 12 to when it comes to handling and installing into the field of stationary storage.15 percent. This is reflected in the storage systems. In this case, the basic idea that electricstatement whether investing in a PV Additionally, due to technical mobility can only achieve the desiredsystem is seen as a safe investment. advancements and numerous new environmental effect, in combination withWhereas around 50% of the surveyed end suppliers the prices have decreased, renewable energies, comes into effect. Thecustomers acknowledged this in 2012, this which in turn has led to an economically automotive sector is therefore expandingshare continuously decreased to merely profitable usage of storage solutions. the current definition of a PV storage4% in 2016. The annual survey of installers, the system by adding features from the loading European PV InstallerMonitor, clarifies the box up to the electric vehicle. In this wayThe investments of end customers, unlike development of offerings for storage car dealerships are establishing showroomscommercial investors, are mainly systems in Germany and other European until becoming sales portals for themotivated by protecting the environment. markets over the years. The report shows renewable energy industry.Secondly, there is no financial aspect, that German installers have taken storage Further developments such as the so-callednamely the desire to reduce the external on board; however the lack of interest in integrated energy, which starts with theelectricity costs; however, this can also beunderstood as striving towards autarchy. other countries has clearly decelerated the integration of mobility, can already be seen. market development. The electrification of the warm water heatTherefore, the investments of private New players establish new sales supply and heating are inevitable stepshouseholds in PV systems are made less channels for end customers towards decarbonisation.due to a rational motivation for return, but With the establishment of storage systems With all these new fields of applications forrather for independence and autarchy. various new players came into the market. self-generated PV electricity, energyTaking this trend into account it is Today there is a tighter relationship storage takes up a vital role, as it makes PVunderstandable that the offers for residual between manufacturer and end customer, electricity flexibly usable when the suncurrent contracts are increasing, which alongside the usual sales channels via does not shine. And this, in turn, is thetheoretically cater to the need for autarchy. wholesale or direct sales, to the installer. fundamental premise of photovoltaics: to Additionally, the utilities, the traditional secure their importance as the mostThe financial approach in some of the contact for end customers for energy- important consumer friendly renewableoffers even suggests that the surplus related issues, are becoming more aware of energy source.generated PV electricity in sunny months their vital role in the new energy landscape.can be stored and used in the less-sunnier www.eupd-research.comautumn- and winter months.The role of the installers – gate keeperfor the market developmentA further result of the annual German endcustomer survey shows the importance ofthe installer during the buying process forPV and storage systems. Over the years,the recommendation for PV storagesystems by the installer has grown inimportance; whereas in 2011 merely 28%said the installer’s recommendation wasimportant, in 2016 nearly 80% followedtheir installer’s advice.Next to the importance of the installer’sexpertise, the market developmentdepends on the general offer of batterystorage. The introduction of storagesolutions in 2013 shows that merely offeringthe products does not necessarily create anew market.It is essential to convince the variousmarket players of these solutions, be it theend customer as the final decision-makeror the installer as the most importantmarket intermediary.Despite the federal subsidy program tosupport the investment in PV energy96 PES Solar

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TALKING POINTNext generationPV cell technologyThe solar cell technology PERC enables PV cell The success story of photovoltaics hasmanufacturers to decrease costs and increase efficiency. PES always been a technology story which isgets an insight on the state-of-the-art and next generation still being written. Numerous PVPERx technology from Mirko Meyer, Product Manager, Meyer technology options are available today.Burger (Germany) AG. The common focus of the PV industry is to drive production costs down whilePERC cell structure with AlOx layer increasing the energy yield of solar modules. Striving to reach this common goal has already made PV one of the most affordable sources of electrical energy globally. Beside this economical and the obvious ecological aspect PV is also very attractive because it can be rapidly installed at decentralized locations. The wafer to cell conversion is one of the key elements to get a valuable high quality PV system which is able to produce electricity at lowest costs. PERC: Lower costs and higher prizes An important result of the PV technology evolution is the successful multi gigawatt deployment of PERC (Passivated Emitter Rear Cell) cell technology into world-wide solar cell production facilities since 2015. PERC is an upgrade technology for standard Al-BSF solar cells which increases efficiencies by using aluminium oxide (AIOx) passivation with a silicon nitride capping layer. Demand for PERC technology is set to continue in the coming years. The reason for this continuous success is simple. The increased production costs are lower than the added value of the PERC cells and modules. Hence producers have a higher margin potential and can still offer PV modules which give their customers reduced kWh costs.98 PES Solar

TALKING POINTMeyer Burger’s PERC upgrade equipment Pioneer in PERC TechnologyStandard cell line with Meyer Burger PERC upgrade Meyer Burger shows 10 years PERC experience and has been a partner to the PV industry since the industrialization of PERC. It has shipped and installed a total of 18 GW PERC upgrades and new capacities, holding a market share of over 80%. Meyer Burger provides the right solutions to the industry with its SiNA®/MAiA® platform. Two Additional Process Steps Only A PERC cell line is established by introducing only two additional process steps into a standard aluminium BSF cell line. The first of these two process steps is the PECVD deposition of a backside passivation layer system consisting of aluminium oxide covered with a capping silicon nitride layer. After this initial additional step, the cell goes through a standard or an improved PECVD deposition of silicon nitride for front side passivation and antireflection coating. Following this, the second additional process step, the laser ablation, follows. In this step, one percent of the backside layer system is opened by laser ablation to create holes in order to contact the backside. Meyer Burger’s PERC upgrade equipment is called MAiA®. MAiA stands for Multiple Application inline Apparatus. Meyer Burger offers two versions of the industry-leading MAiA® platform, MAiA® 2 in 1 and MAiA® 3 in 1. MAiA® 2 in 1 combines the deposition of aluminium oxide with the capping of silicon nitride at the rear side. MAiA® 3 in 1 combines the same steps as MAiA® 2 in 1 plus the anti-reflection coating of the front side. From R&D to mass production Because of the excellent throughput scalability of PECVD with linear microwave plasma sources, PECVD reactors with small wafer throughputs of some hundred wafers per hour can be realized for R&D applications up to machines overcoming the level of 4.800 wafers per hour. 99

TALKING POINTIncreased module performance technologyThe total cost of ownership, calculated for equipment. Higher throughput further solution to achieve high quality solar cellsone PECVD process with linear microwave decreases the production costs. and excellent customer profitability. MBplasma sources in the equipment, has PERC strengthens the competitiveness bydramatically decreased in the last 16 years. Increased module power significantly increasing cell efficiency.In the early years of PV, between 2000 and Mono-crystalline PERC cells reach an2005, process costs started at several SiNA® and MAiA® systems come together efficiency of 21.5% which means an€Cent/Wp. Today they are between 0.25 with evaluated PERC baseline recipes efficiency gain of ≥1 % and an increase ofand 0.40 €Cent/Wp. which are supported and optimized during module power by 15 W compared to machine ramp-up. Compared to other standard cells.PECVD processes on equipment, with two solutions no additional wet bench oror three integrated processes, have even heating step is required. The market will demand PERL and PERTlower production costs than single process The Meyer Burger approach offers a The future potential of PERx technologies has yet to unfold as it enables > 23% solar cellMeyer Burger’s MAiA® PERC upgrade platform efficiency. Technology development at Meyer Burger is the continuous market focused improvement of the company’s innovative solutions along the entire PV value chain. As the market demands PERx cell technologies, Meyer Burger is developing two further PERx technologies with even higher efficiency. Besides its industry-leading PERC equipment, Meyer Burger also offers PERL (Passivated Emitter Rear Locally Diffused) and PERT (Passivated Emitter Rear Totally Diffused) technology. In a joint research project, Meyer Burger is paving the way to exceed 22% PERx cell efficiency. Integrated process development and market-ready equipment qualification characterize Meyer Burger’s in-house PERx pilot line. Meyer Burger offers full process qualification and material flow verification for p-type PERC and n-type PERL/T technologies in collaboration with recognized research institutes. www.meyerburger.com100 PES Solar

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