& PLEASE TAKE ONE MAGAZINE Vol. 12 • Issue 11 • July 2015NutritionMental HealthDepends onGood NutritionEat well for optimum brain powerMilk: Healthyor Not?Does milk really doa body good?Scan to read Scan to readH&W digital H&W digital
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For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 3The Secret is Not a Secret! The science of weight loss is this simple...T H E Y E A R W A S 1 9 8 5 …Get your fat burning hormones working for you,ratherRtohnaanldagRaeinasgt ayonuwas the 40th president.GoldenGFARGigvEiareEllslo”ucnwosoenfaregscaufaaslstltclaobsftetoicooornmneyi!ndogoulflrariernadnsdotnCGwhteeohneottisyreSfc1itre,sant2t,rsse3.taeosrdoAnLtLoon4dFTRaVE.yE:opFtRioEnsE! !An8d59-223-2233 FREE DETOX GUIDE FREE CONSULTATION FREE SEMINAR FREE BODY WRAPLafayette truehealthsolutionsforyou.compenT HeEdYTEHAER YWE AARS W1 9A8S51…9 8 5 …I lost over 53lbs in the I’ve lost so much weight I’m You have the right to rescind within 72 hours any agreement to last 6 months. Dr. Miller’s just amazed. I’ve lost over invest in services that are performed the same day in addition to natural care is amazing, 45 lbs and I’m keeping it unbelievable and the best off. I’ve learned the right advertised free services.doors.Ronald fRoeradgiaaRbnoewntaeaslds&tRhneea4ugr0aotnhpawptrahesys!itdhen4t.0th president. way to approach food and“The GoldenAG“gTiharlelslo”Gnwooelfdrege–RnafAaosGsbgtciaobrllsselot”conownmoeefirnedggoafalfslrasietcronbadsentscdooonmtnweintehdgneotiylfrlraifceirrensandtntssde.oatnwsotehnnetoiyrnfcirTesVImnt.atsseme.daiscsooatnmioounncsh.T–Vh.Ieraelntehier offAnd Ande LaTfhaPeyAeLRattTefaOyFeTttHeE COMMUNITY ARE YOU DISABLED? HAVE YOU APPLIED FOR SOCIALFOR 30 YEARSopeneodpened Join us for SECURITY DISABILITY? ARE YOU CAUGHT UP IN RED TAPE?ts dooitsrTsdH. oEorLs.AFAYETTE’SH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION$ FIND OUT IFYOU ARE OWED MONEY $ pmAn experienced Social Security Claims AdvocateThursday, May 9th • 4:00-7:00 can help you: Join us for Join us for • By assisting you in filing your initial application.DinnerT4H:3E0-7L:A0T0FHpAmEYwELiAtThTFVEAio’YliSnEisTt BTrEyc’eSFarrar • Filling out and filing your appeals. • Gather medical and other important information to submit to Social Security.8TH 2A8NTNHIVAENRNSAIVREYRCSAELREYBCRAETLEIOBRNATIONCarriage Rides by Lexington Livery 5:00-7:00pmThursdaTyD,hiuMxriesaldayan9dy,tBhMa•nad4y:509:30th0-7-•7::0430:00pp0mm-7:00 pm • Contact your doctors to obtain a report of your medical condition. • By obtaining documents from your Social Security file and review them. • By presenting opening and closing statements at your hearing that will state how you meet the Social Security listing of being disabled. Dinner 4:30-D7:i0nn0eprm4–:w3Si0tihn-7cV:0ieo0lip1nmi9st8wB5irtyh–cVeioFalinrriastr Bryce FarrarSVP to 859-278-9080 by May 6th – Seating is limitedCarriage RidCesarbryiaLgeexiRnigdteosnbLyiveLeryxin5g:0to0n-7L:i0ve0rpym5:00-7:00pm For a FREE CONSULTATION of your claim call Patsy R. Hughes, Disability Claims Advocate, Dixieland BaDndixi5e:l3a0nd-7B:3a0npdm5:30-7:30pm 1-859-263-7780.dly RSVKPintodl8y5R9S-V2P78to-9805890-2b7y8M-9a0y806tbhy–MSeaayti6ntgh i–s Slimeaitteindg is limited SM Do not miss out on your 690 Mason Headley Road • Lexington, KY 40504 right to collect social security 859-278-9080690 Mason Hea6d9le0yMRoaasodn•HLexaidnlgetyonR,oKaYd 4•0Le5x0in4gton, KY 40504 ADR disability. Call today! w8w5w9.-L2a7fa8y-9e0t8te85L0e9x-2in7g8to-9n.0c8o0mPet www.Lafay©e2t0te13LeFwxiviewnSgwtatro.QLnau.afcaliotyymCeattree,LIencx.ington.comFriendlyNO FEE IS PAIDA B O U T O U R A N N I V E R S A R Y M O V E - I N S P E C I A L S !A S K A B O UATSOK UARB OA NU TN IOVUE R SAANR YN IMV OE RVSEA- IRNY SMPOE CV IEA- ILNS ! S P E C I A L S ! ©2013 Five Star Quality Care, Inc©. 2013 Five Star Quality Care, Inc.UNLESS YOU WINOffering Independent Living, Personal Care, Skilled Nursing Care
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From the Editor July 2015 & 5STAFF [email protected] WRITERS: Tanya Tyler that, like a classic car, need the you should look into creating a Editor, Health&Wellness Magazine right type of fuel (food) to keep us diet that enhances your well-being, Angela S. Hoover going strong. You’ll find plenty of instead of hampering it. As the old Jean Jeffers Dear Friends, hints and tips in this issue of Health TV ad said, “Try it – you’ll like it!” Jamie Lober & Wellness to give you a solid Dr. Tom Miller Nutrition is a vital component of foundation for eating well – advice Here’s to your health, our health and wellness. Some pithy that will not only help your body but Charles Sebastian sayings come to mind: “Garbage in, your brain as well. It’s a challenge, I Tanya J. Tyler Regina Walker, LCSW, BCD, CASAC garbage out” – if you eat bad stuff, know. It takes a lot of discipline to you won’t feel or perform at your say “no” to the doughnut and “yes” to Interim Editor COLUMNISTS/GUESTS: best. There’s also “You are what the apple. There’s no harm in having you eat,” which is self-explanatory. a doughnut once in a while, but if Dr. John E. Reesor Our bodies are amazing machines you want to live long and healthfully,Family Practice Associates of Lexington, P.S.C. facebook.com/HealthWellnessMagazine John A. Patterson MD, MSPH, FAAFP Follow us and share your Health stories! Mind Body Studio INSIDE THIS ISSUEWillie B. Ray – Art of Strength Kettle Bell GymDr. Kimberly Sears – Village Animal HospitalSAMPLER PUBLICATIONS: John Brokamp / Publisher Janet Roy / Director of Creative Services Kim Blackburn / Sales Representative John Hoffeld / Sales Representative ABOUT H&W From the Cover Features a proud product of 06 Mental Health Often Depends on Good Nutrition 09 Heavenly HoneyHealth&Wellness Magazine can be found Eat well for optimum brain power Divine liquid sunshine boosts energy, in 20 central Kentucky counties and benefits the body is distributed to over 90% of medical 08 Still Unclear if Milk is Healthy or Not facilities, including chiroprator’s, eye 10 A Recipe for Fat doctor’s and dentist’s offices. You Does milk really do a body good? can also pick up your FREE copy of Increasing obesity rates linked to eating fast food Health&Wellness at most grocery and Columns convenience stores as well as many 14 High Regard for Vitamin D 12 INTEGRATIVE MEDICINErestaurants throughout Central Kentucky. Sunshine vitamin can offset a number of illnesses Food is Your Best Nutrition Source For advertising rates and to find out 18 Combatting Food Waste how to get YOUR article published: 16 IN THE NEWS 23 ADVICE FROM YOUR LOCAL DOC Innovative ad campaign promotes ‘ugly’ produce 859-225-4466 Nutrition for People with Diabetes 20 25 Tips to Improve Your Healthe-mail [email protected] 30 PET HEALTH Getting better doesn’t have to be difficult Download the media kit atwww.samplerpublications.com Can Pets be Overweight? 24 Older Women Battle Eating Disorders© Copyright HEALTH&WELLNESS Magazine 34 FOOD: NATURE’S BEAUTY Adult developmental issues could trigger unhealthy2015. All rights reserved. Any reproduction of the behaviorsmaterial in this magazine in whole or in part with- Guava: Get a Sweet Taste of the Tropicsout written prior consent is prohibited. Articles 29 Blood Tests Have Changed Over the Yearsand other material in this magazine are not neces- 35 FOOD BITESsarily the views of Health&Wellness Magazine. 41 YOUR FITNESS COACH New alternative addresses fear of needlesHealth&Wellness Magazine reserves the rightto publish and edit, or not publish any material Benefits of Barefoot Training 33 Good Nutrition May Lessen Risk of Dementiathat is sent. Health&Wellness Magazine will notknowingly publish any advertisement which is il- Departments Healthy eating boosts the brain and other bodylegal or misleading to its readers. The information 26 Calendar of Events systemsin Health&Wellness should not be considered as 42 Medical Jobs from the pages ofa substitute for medical examination, diagnosis or 36 Nutrition and the Elderlytreatment. Health&Wellness is a proud product ofSampler Publications, Inc. Older people need to eat properly to maintain good health 38 Preserving Embalmings Are we trying to escape the reality before us? Magazine DIGITAL Read the current issue of Health&Wellness on your smart phone, tablet and computer:
6& July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentuckyMentalHealth body’s calories are burned.Often Integrative mental health practi-Depends tioners recognize the impor-on Good tance of healthy nutrition inNutrition the lives of individuals inEat well for their practice. Mentaloptimum health begins withbrain power learning more about the nutri- By Dr. Tom The tional needs Miller, Staff brain is composed of the brain Writer of about 60 percent by working fat, so it requires a diet closely with rich in fatty acids to maintain one’s per- the integrity of its cellular walls. sonal phy- Mental health and Individuals who are diagnosed with lower levels sician, a well-being is affected thought disorders, including psy- of fatty acids registeredby the biochemistry in the brain. chosis, tend to show higher levels of in the frontal dietitian,That marvelous organ on which we oxidative stress and cell-membrane cortex region of a clinicaldepend for so many important func- breakdown in the frontal cortex of the brain. A diet health the brain. In addition, individuals with 60 percent to 70 per- psycholo-PPILATEStions in daily life must have important with such diagnoses tend to have cent healthy fats, 20 percent to 25 gist and percent protein and 15 percent to 20 other mem-PILLPAALTCAEESC Eingredients in the chemistry of life. percent carbs balances blood sugar bers of an levels, providing the necessary nutri- integrative healthPPILLAATCEES ents for healthy brain functioning. care team. Vitamins B Omega-3 supplements may reduce and C may help buffer Sign up for 10 Classes, get a the severity of some forms of mental stressful life experi- illness, and some physicians, dieti- ences; with vitamin B3, FREE PASS cians and clinicians recommend fish these can improve the oil or other sources of omega-3 for regulation of key neurotrans- TO NEW WED. 9AM CLASS! symptom reduction. mitters in the brain. Also important With coupon. Offer expires 6/30/15. All human beings require a cer- is controlling blood sugar levels by tain level of zinc in their diets. The limiting simple sugars often available Form Good Habits with Us! body is designed to try to get rid of in junk foods and instead consuming metals, but some individuals with complex carbohydrates available in 859.266.3810 followuson: schizophrenia have toxic levels of fruits, vegetables and whole grain heavy metals. This condition makes foods.365 Duke Rd. Lexington • pilatesplaceky.com the body’s metal-removing protein, About the Author metallothionein, work harder, which Thomas W. Miller, Ph.D., ABPP, depletes zinc, a good metal that is a Professor Emeritus and Senior helps transform proteins into neu- Research Scientist, Center for Health, rotransmitters in the brain. Intervention and Prevention with the University of Connecticut and a retired In a similar way, niacin, or vita- tenured Professor in the Department min B3, in the diet plays a key role of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, in mental health. Some individuals University of Kentucky. with mental illness may not only be niacin deficient, they may also be Mental health niacin dependent. This means they begins with may need a niacin supplement to learning more function normally. Glutathione is an about the antioxidant that is produced within nutritional needs the body instead of being absorbed of the brain. from the foods we eat. Glutathione helps protect the body from meta- bolic wear and tear and is especially protective in the brain, a metabolic hot spot where 20 percent of the
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 7DON’T BE CONFUSED BY MEDICARE. EMBRACE IT.If you’re turning 65, or getting ready to enroll in Medicare for the first time, you may be confused about yourMedicare options. The time to take action is now—and StableView Health is ready to help you embrace yourdecision and make the right Medicare plan choice. $0 Monthly premium including HAVE QUESTIONS? prescription drug coverage CALL US TODAY! $5 Primary care office copay StableView Health is your local health $0 Annual routine physical plan. Call us for clear answers to your $0 Annual routine vision and Medicare questions. hearing exams 1-855-452-6405 $0 Fitness program membership TTY/TDD: 711Also Includes Visit Us Online At: Preventive dental exam www.StableViewHealth.com and two cleanings a yearStableView Health is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in StableView Health depends on contract renewal. The benefitinformation provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information, contact the plan. Limitations, copayments,and restrictions may apply. Benefits, formulary, pharmacy and provider networks, premium and/or copayments/coinsurance may change onJanuary 1 of each year. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. StableView Health is open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m to 8 p.m.;Monday – Sunday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. October 1st to February 14th.Y0113_2015_EMRACEPRINT1_All CMS ACCEPTED
8& July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentucky to those who drank less than one glass per day. It’s important to note this is merely an association. Of course, several other studies show consuming milk and dairy is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get the recommended daily amount of 1,000 mg of calcium for bone health. This leads the mainstream consensus to conclude that unless someone is lactose intolerant, people should continue to drink milk. The U.S. government channels millions of taxpayer dollars to dairy producers annually through indirect and direct subsidies and maintains dairy should be included not only in its dietary recommendations but also in school dietary guidelines. However, some people, such as Dr. Neal Barnard, believe milk is unnec- essary and even harmful for humans. Barnard references researchers who looked at more than 60,000 Swedish women who were older than 19 years and concluded there was no signifi- cant benefit to consuming more than 700 milligrams of calcium per day for bone health. Barnard maintains there is no reason for humans to consume cow’s milk; on the contrary, there are many reasons to avoid it. He says cow’s milk is full of fat and choles- terol and may increase the risk of health problems ranging from asthmaStill Unclear If Milk Is Healthy Or Not to certain types of cancer. He adds calcium can easily be obtained from plant foods, such as leafy greens andDoes milk really do a body good? legumes. Form your own opinions about milk and every other dietary issue because, unfortunately, there is quite By Angela S. mammals, they are bovidae and Yet it has been recently learned that a lot of conflicting information out Hoover, Staff humans are hominadae. Traditional milk is not as helpful to our bones there. Listen to your body’s needs and Writer wisdom has espoused drinking as was originally thought. A 2011 trust your intel- bovidae milk as healthy for humans review published ligence and intu- Humans are because it is full of calcium and forti- in the Journal of ition. Also, heed unique mammals fied with vitamin D, both of which Bone and Mineral Aristotle’s advice: with regards to milk are essential for building and keeping Research found All things in mod-on two fronts: We are the only mam- strong bones. Bovidae milk is also drinking milk eration.mals to drink milk throughout our a good source of protein that keeps doesn’t reduce The USDAlives and we are the only mammals one fuller longer. The USDA recom- the risk of frac-who drink another mammal’s milk. mends adults have 3 cups of dairy tures in women. recommendsAlthough cows and goats are both (milk, yogurt or cheese) per day. Additionally, a 2014 study in The adults have 3 cups British Medical Journal suggested of dairy (milk, women who drink a lot of milk may yogurt or cheese) actually have a higher risk of frac- per day. ture and a higher risk of death compared to non- milk drinkers. The study assessed data from more than Root Canal Specialist 61,000 women and about 45,300 • Compassionate Care men over two decades, and the data showed drinking three or more • State of the Art Facility • Delta Dental Provider glasses of milk a day was associated • Accepting Insurances & Care Credit with a higher incident of hip fractureDONALD L. KELLEY, D.D.S., M.S. • www.endocenterlex.com • (859) 685-1068 for women (but not men) and an increased risk of death from any cause216 FOUNTAIN COURT • SUITE 140 • LEXINGTON, KY 40509 for both women and men compared
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 9Heavenly including the ability to kill germs stored as fat as other sugars. Honey attack partly because of weather-Honey and reduce and eliminate infections. refuels the brain within minutes. related problems. Honey is useful for treating wounds Our honey supply may be endan-‘Divine because it has powerful antibacterial gered. Bees are susceptible to climate About the Authorliquid sunshine’ properties. It is used in hospitals to tmlwrchdDmi3SsCaneeiht0aittoonidsysoaeasiseerltoysdursnooelrcatee.ndcegersntcsaTde,’ddsreesryrod,imeoshuisobavfbCr.pceafbuneaeuTi(ensoykrcsedbCgdodulaitep5slpnadhnCalte,ar0ttoghapedogtrDptpyaesepeibop,ptoecu)relaaakrmpe,-rtsocmutfts-erlh,oanaetmntiomdinnmeetvrhahcemaeynsmUobpfenaaelristan,e-dHeonffnoefJLUreecieansveynitiilvnadseignhsr;ecsWaiaeittReyaslnNlod5f w0CisiiPtnahlWcusiatnseanMlaflfannStwSderCisNe.hrsHnhSieMtmtrfheeSliriysaresaoaWhtlnnamftigwetionuaaoelhasrrhbrrnizoTiwe&matisoiencsYeinasdute.eacejasrtaoe.h-ayarme’tsns...boosts energy, treat infected surgical wounds and tobenefits the overpower superbugs that refuse tobody respond to antibiotic therapy.By Jean Jeffers, Staff Writer In New Zealand, research has shown that honey is effective for healing and restoring infected and inflamed skin, from wounds to ulcers to burns. In the United States, we turn to honey to soothe sore throats and ease head colds. Honey has also proven effective against nighttime coughs in children when proprietary cough suppressants are less effective. Honey has no side effects; it is a pure substance. It forms energy in our duce enough food to Honey — how sweet it is! This bodies because it comes as a concen- feed the planet. Fruits is a pureglorious substance is the stuff secrets trate ready to act on our metabolism. and vegetables are of substance.are made of. It works metabolically to regulate prime con- our body all day and help us have a cern, but Honey comes from the work of refreshing night’s sleep. Honey has bees playhoney bees. The bees gather the raw a gentle laxative effect and supports a role asmaterial, nectar, very laboriously friendly gut bacteria, ordering diges- well infrom many flowers. These bees may tion throughout the day. And it also the pro-work 24 hours a day in loyalty to their boosts the immune system. duction“boss,” the queen bee. of cot- There is only one food sweeter ton, cloth- Honey is a wonderfully tasty than honey and that is the date. The ing, nuts,spread that has many benefits for the sugar found in honey may be reduced cosmetics, drugsbody. This “precious sweetener and to two forms — glucose and fructose. and pills, car paints,divine liquid sunshine,” as it has been The combination of glucose and fruc- and industrial lubri-called in “Honey, Nature’s Golden tose directs energy toward the liver, cants, says Havenhand.Healer,” by Gloria Havenhand, has where it is stored should the brain or Many areas of production are underremarkable benefits. It is said to the body require it, rather than beinghave healing and medicinal powers, ITS TIME, NOW! Home of Lexington’s Premier Board Certified BariatricianInitial Consult Includes: Provider Consult, Review of Medical History,& Body Composition Analysiswww.medicalbariatrics.com Photo by Earlane Cox Lexington’s Premier Board Certified Bariatrician
10 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentuckyA Recipe Ananya Mandel says studies showfor Fat as the research project “Supersize restaurants worldwide; some 14,000 over the past four decades consump- Me” has indicated fast food is at least of them were in the United States tion of food eaten away from home partially to blame. – and undoubtedly there are many has risen to alarming levels. It is a more today. fact that eating away from home may Obesity is regarded as a high-prior- lead to “excess calorie intake and ity health problem. It affects close to • Formerly, a soda at Burger King increases the risk of obesity because 36 percent of U.S. adults and is linked was 12 ounces. That is considered of large portion sizes andIncreasing to many long-term health conditions, small today. Now at McDonald’s, a increased ener-obesity rates such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, medium soda is 20 ounces; a large gy-denselinked to eating stroke, gall bladder disease, arthritis is 32 ounces; and a supersize is 42fast food and some cancers. ounces. Some interesting studies discussed • In the late 1970s, the U.S. in “Don’t Eat This Book” by Morgan Department of Agriculture reported Spurlock have shown the rise in children in the United States drank obesity among the world population nearly 50 percent more milk than could date back and be attributed to soft drinks. In 1999, children increased calorie intake, coupled with consumed twice as much sodaBy Jean Jeffers, Staff Writer a lack of adequate physical activity. as milk. One fifth of AmericanFast food spells F-A-T. Some facts and figures from “Don’t kids are now drinking soda at Eat This Book” are sobering: the age of 1 or 2 years.The emergence of fast food has • In 1970, there were around In her articleparalleled our rising obesity rates. 70,000 fast food establishments in “ObesityAccording to the National Bureau of the United States. In 2001, there were and FastEconomic Research, over the past 30 186,000. Food,”years the prevalence of obesity and • In 1968, McDonald’s operated Dr.obesity-related diseases in the United about 1,000 restaurants in the UnitedStates has risen sharply. Exposés such States. In 2005, it had about 31,000Over the past30 years theprevalence ofobesity andobesity-relateddiseases in theUnited States hasrisen sharply. Daycare Spots Open at CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER AT CARDINAL HILL HOSPITAL We currently have limited Hours of Operation 6:30a.m.-6:00p.m. openings in selected age groups, call today for more information. Providing Quality Childcare for Children & Families For more information, please call (859) 367-7260 www.cardinalhill.org • Follow Us On
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 11foods,” Mandel wrote. University notes that “larger por- Fast foods, Mandel Fast foods, Mandel adds, are typi- tion sizes encourage people to eat adds, are typically more and make it difficult to balance high in calories,cally high in calories, saturated fat, energy with physical activity.” The saturated fat, transtrans fat, sugar, simple carbs and salt. team also found fast food portion fat, sugar, simpleAt the same time, they are tasty and a sizes today exceeded government carbs and salt. At therecipe for increased weight. Research standards. same time, they arehas found the trend of larger portion tasty and a recipe for In recent years, there has been a sizes contributes to rising perceptible change as more fast food obesity rates. A team restaurants introduce healthy fare as at New York part of their menus. A representa- tive for McDonald’s says they have added yogurt to the Happy Meal and reduced the soda in it to a smaller size. The restaurant now offers an array of salads and some snack meals that are lighter caloric choices. increased weight.Amazing SmileDowntown Dentistry is the place to get anAnna E Newman DMD Saturday & Evening hours available 859.987.5550 Emergencies & Walk-ins Welcome 436 Main Street Paris, KY 40361 Childcare www.downtowndentistryparis.com
12 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentuckyINTEGRATIVE MEDICINEFood Is Your Best Nutrition Source ADVICE FROM HIPPOCRATES STILL RESOUNDS TODAY By John A. Patterson MD, MSPH, FAAFP, Mind Body Studio Modern scien- June 2011. The world’s best nutri- entific credibility of the USDA’s heart disease, stroke, diabetes, con-tific research is helping fulfill the tion researchers agree that the public nutrition advice, leading stipation, diverticular disease of the2,000-year-old admonition that USDA’s prior Food Guide Pyramid to recommendations that are not colon, arthritis and other inflam-Hippocrates gave to both physicians and its new MyPlate reflect undue entirely consistent with current matory conditions. There is alsoand patients: “Let food be your influence by powerful business lob- scientific evidence. HSPH’s Healthy accumulating evidence that wholemedicine.” bying interests, primarily from the Eating Plate is based purely on a grains can help you live longer and animal products industry, fast food critical review of the best scientific protect you against some cancers. Much of the world’s most well- businesses, food manufacturers and nutrition research without lobbying The USDA MyPlate fails to informrespected nutrition research is food processors. pressure by special interests. consumers that whole grains areconducted by the Department of a healthier choice than processedNutrition of the Harvard School of The USDA has a dual mandate to How does the Harvard Healthy grains.Public Health (HSPH), the oldest (1) promote U.S. agricultural prod- Eating Plate differ from the USDA’ssuch department in any school of ucts and (2) advise the public on MyPlate in educating consumers on Proteins – The Healthy Eatingpublic health (over 70 years). The best nutrition practices. Lobbying the four major food groups – fruits, Plate says some proteins are health-HSPH’s Department of Nutrition is by special interests weakens the sci- vegetables, grains and protein? ier than others. Healthy proteinsa worldwide leader in rigorous sci- There are several key components. include fish, poultry, nuts and beansentific research on the relationship (including soybean products suchbetween food and health. Grains – The Healthy Eating as tofu, tempeh, miso, edamame, Plate says whole grains (whole soy milk, soy flour, soy protein, soy HSPH’s public educational Web wheat, brown rice, whole “old- nuts and others). Whole grains aresite is The Nutrition Source (www. fashioned” oats) are better for your also a source of healthy proteins.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource). health than processed grains. Vital The Healthy Eating Plate advisesWhen you sign up for a monthly nutrients are removed in process- red meat be limited and bacon,email update, you will receive the ing to make white flour, white rice cold cuts and processed meats belatest scientific evidence to help you and “quick” oats. Your body handles completely avoided. The USDAmake wise food choices to promote these processed grains like sugar, MyPlate makes no distinctionhealth, prevent disease and use food contributing to our global epidemic between healthy and unhealthyas medicine to help manage many of “diseases of civilization” – obe-common medical conditions. sity, high cholesterol, coronary HSPH’s public nutrition missionis reflected in its Healthy EatingPlate, created in response to theU.S. Department of Agriculture’sMyPlate, which replaced theUSDA’s Food Guide Pyramid in Let FOODmedicine.be your
July 2015 & 13proteins. It fails to warn consum- and phytonutrients, both known is especially problematic for people are your best sources for nutritioners that frequent consumption of to have special health-promoting with diabetes. Our national obses- advice for living a longer, healthierred meat, cold cuts and processed and disease-preventing properties. sion with the French fry exposes life.meats is associated with cancer, Americans to excess calories andheart disease and lower life expec- The Healthy Eating Plate rec- unhealthy fats. USDA’s MyPlate Remember: Let food be yourtancy. ommends a wide variety of veg- also fails to inform consumers that medicine. etables to protect against cancer, whole fruits are healthier than fruit Fruits and vegetables – heart disease, high blood pressure, juices and fruit drinks for a variety ResourceAmericans are not eating enough digestive problems and other med- of health reasons, especially in chil- The Nutrition Sourcefruits and vegetables to promote ical conditions. It advises mod- dren. Harvard School of Public Healthhealth and prevent disease. eration in using potatoes, which www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutrition-Researchers agree the healthiest the body handles as if they were Fats and oils – The Healthy sourceeating plan includes a wide variety sugar. The USDA MyPlate fails to Eating Plate distinguishes betweenof fruits and vegetables, focusing inform consumers that potatoes healthy and unhealthy fats and oils. About the Authoron a rainbow of colors (dark green, are the unhealthiest vegetable It recommends the moderate use of Dr. Patterson is past president ofred, yellow, orange) to provide choice (while being the No. 1 olive, canola and other plant oils, the Kentucky Academy of Familyabundant amounts of anti-oxidants vegetable eaten by Americans) and limiting butter use and completely Physicians and is board certified avoiding trans fat. The USDA in family medicine and integrative MyPlate fails to warn consum- holistic medicine. He is on the fam- ers about the distinction between ily practice faculty at the University healthy and unhealthy fats and of Kentucky College of Medicine oils. It also fails to point out that and the University of Louisville a supposedly healthy, low-fat diet School of Medicine, Saybrook may be heavy on unhealthy, overly University’s School of Mind Body processed carbohydrates, a dietary Medicine and School of Clinical pattern that is part of our national Psychology in San Francisco and epidemic of obesity, heart disease, the Center for Mind Body Medicine diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis in Washington, D.C. He operates and other conditions. the Mind Body Studio in Lexington, where he offers integrative medicine You can be healthier and live consultations. He can be reached longer by making smart nutri- through his Web site at www.mind- tion choices. The Healthy Eating bodystudio.org Plate and The Nutrition Source at Harvard’s School of Public HealthYour new Lose the stress.home iswaiting just Love the savings.momentsaway fromdowntownRichmond,Kentucky.St. Andrews 300 Stocker Dr 494.9499$ $ $I N T R O D U ICNTTORROYD U C T O RY 595.995.9959$ $$$ I N T R O D U ICNTTORROYD U C T O RYPlace Richmond, KY 40475Retirement 1-hour1m-haosusramgeassage 1-hour1M-huoruardM® Hueraadlt®hHy ealthyCommunity (859) 625-1400 sessionse* ssion* Skin faSckiainl sfaecssiaiol nse* ssion*offerquality wwwwww.stsatannddrreewwssppllaacceeo.orrggresidentialhomes since With low rates on massages, facials and all our1992. 1-hour sessions, now’s the time to relieve your stress. Choose your offer and schedule today.St. AndrewsPlace offers HAMBURG NICHOLASVILLE RD MassageEnvy.coma friendly, 2200 War Admiral Way, Suite Convenient Hours · Franchises Availablepeaceful, Beside Sportsman's 116 Marketplace Dr M-F 8am-10pm, Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 10am-serene In front of Walmart 6pmand secure (859) 258-2200neighborhood (859) 899-2300for retirees. *One-hour session consists of a 50-minute massage or facial and time for consultation and dressing. Prices subject to change. Exclusively featuring Rates and services may vary by location. Additional local taxes and fees may apply. Each clinic is a member of the Massage Envy network of independently owned and operated franchises. ©2012 Massage Envy Franchising, LLC.
14 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentuckyHigh surprise, then, that during the winter evidence. What is known is that the taken to keep vitamin D in ampleRegard for months, when there is less sunlight, vitamin seems to help many things supply in our diets. While sunlight isVitamin D vitamin D intake becomes an issue and doesn’t cause any harm, so using the major source, looking for vitamin for many people. Because the vitamin it regularly can do nothing but help. D’s presence in many of the foods we‘Sunshine is used to combat depression, par- eat is perhaps the easiest way to keepvitamin’ can ticularly Seasonal Affective Disorder We derive most of our vitamin it active and keep us healthy. Theoffset a number (SAD), it is sold in mass doses in D through animal-based foods: egg bottom line is to eat more vitaminof illnesses months with less sunlight. yolks, cheese, milk (with vitamin D D-rich foods, get out in the sun more added), liver and fish. For this reason, and if you notice any symptoms thatBy Charles Sebastian, It is believed humans probably many vegans and people following a might lead you to believe you have aStaff Writer took in a lot more Vitamin D natural- plant-based diet suffer from vitamin problem with vitamin D deficiency, ly earlier in our evolution than we do D deficiency, and its supplementation talk to your doctor. This is especially Vitamin D has long been held in today. “Throughout most of human has to be made up elsewhere. People true if you are in any of the groupshigh regard for its use in offsetting evolution, when the vitamin D sys- with darker skin are also at greater listed above that are often subject tomany illnesses. These include dia- tem was developing, the ‘natural’ level risk for vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin low vitamin D.betes, cancer, high blood pressure, of 25-hydroxyvitamin D was probably D is essential for calcium produc-osteoporosis, kidney problems, multi- around 50 nanograms per milliliter or tion. Sore muscles, bones and joints Vitamin D isple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. higher,” said Dr. Edward Giovannucci, are often symptomatic of vitamin D mainly derivedWhile vitamin D is added to much nutrition researcher at the Harvard deficiency. People on steroids such through the skinof the food in the United States these School of Public Health. “In modern as Prednisone will often find they and exposure todays to ensure people get their rec- societies, few people attain such high have trouble with vitamin D because sunlight.ommended daily allowance (RDA), levels.” steroids can affect its absorptionit is mainly derived through the skin into the body. Also, people dealingand exposure to sunlight. It’s no huge Adult recommended dosages of with inflammatory bowel syndrome, vitamin D run at around 4,000 inter- those who have had gastric bypass for national units (IUs). It’s challenging weight loss, those suffering from obe- to overdo vitamin D, though too sity in general and those over age 50 much of anything can hurt you. Like years all may have issues with vitamin so many of its vitamin and herbal D; deficiencies with these groups are cousins, vitamin D’s efficacy for not uncommon. many of the ailments people claim it helps remains in question. While Rickets (bone softening) and many double-blind studies have been osteomalacia (bone and muscle conducted on the vitamin’s effects weakening), both huge problems in on the aforementioned illnesses, our not-too-distant past, have been most have yielded little conclusive diminished incredibly by measures
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16 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentucky MAKERS Exploring GM Bacteria to Anxiety Overtakes Detect Disease Cancer Rates Genetically modified bacteria may Anxiety is defined as constant and help detect cancerous tumors and intense worry or fear, and as many as 4.3 diabetes, according to two published million full-time American workers (3.7 studies. In one, E. coli bacteria was percent) have experienced it, according modified into a living sensor that could to analyzed data from the 2008-2012 detect tumors while living in a mouse’s National Survey on Drug Use and body for up to a month. The bacteria Health’s Mental Surveillance Study. The was modified to produce an enzyme that findings were published in a report by changes the color of urine. The other the Substance Abuse and Mental Health study used the bacteria to check for Services Administration (SMAHSA). glycosuria (sugar in urine) in humans. The data also found that nearly 13 The bacteria indicated glycosuria quite million American adults overall (more accurately: The urine turned red in 89 than 5 percent of the U.S. population) percent of relevant cases and of those, had an anxiety disorder within the past glycosuria was not present in 3 percent year. This makes anxiety about eight of them. The studies’ researchers are times more prevalent in the United working on liver cancer at MIT and States than all forms of cancer. UC San Diego and on diabetes at the University of Montpellier in France and Stanford University. Researchers hope bacteria sensors can one day allow doctors in remote clinics to easily diagnose and monitor the treatment of diseases.
July 2015 & 17 Herpes-Based Virus Shows Promise for Cancer Cure FBI Investigates Scientists in the United Kingdom Johnson & Johnson found a genetically created herpes- based virus is an effective treatment for Device skin cancer. The virotherapy raises life expectancy for patients with aggressive A surgical device made by Johnson & melanoma and has fewer side effects Johnson has been found to spread cancer than other treatments. Clinical trials in women. The laparoscopic power have been ongoing worldwide for more morcellator cuts benign uterine growths than three years in 64 centers across the (fibroids) so tissue can be removed; it is United States, UK, Canada and South mostly used in hysterectomies. The FBI Africa. The artificially created virus, is now investigating because evidence called T-VEC, is a modified herpes virus suggests Johnson & Johnson was aware that multiplies inside cancer cells until of these problems as early as 2006 when they burst open. After the cancer cell a pathologist alerted the company. is destroyed, the virus surrounds the Another doctor alleges her own cancer area and triggers a secondary immune was exacerbated by the device in 2013. reaction against the tumor. If further And a woman in California has a list of studies are as successful, the new drug 400 patients whose conditions seem to will be widely available by next year. have been worsened by the tool. Previous studies had shown T-VEC can benefit some people with advanced Lexington Branch Now Hiring! skin cancer. This new study is the first to prove an increase in survival. T-VECComLpeaxsisniogntaotne, BafrfaonrdCcuahsbtolNHmeizocoeadwm,raefeHfoyrhiodraueibnalceaglcatn!rhetrauisdtes lacks two key genes that render it CHo•••2e r4ro1thCimTHPohCrfeoauoFieromnsrueelomssererpndxmaohaatpirlabdteiNdeCkaClatfiateaaniyiuFtroyi,goeih,nlevl7r1mt&oeeshdduxSdpeaupraiasyspabyeNspyialaotaedriwtiutwedihevesreeoeeksksuperassyaides impossible to replicate in healthy cells, 859.543.CARE•• 85RM9ees.dp5iicte4atCi3oan.rCeReAmiRndEers(2273) (2273) thus making it safe for patients. So far, 400 patients have been injected with ApplyAopnplilnye!online!• Colostomy/Incontinence Care the drug every two weeks for up to 18 months. Other than flu-like symptoms RWviaeecsahCcecceakp,rtbeloaHnnkgo-dtemrarmfteocCrarmae aprjooelri.cccireoesd,miptrcivaardtes.pNaoy after the first few injections, there are no other side effects. Patients with Stage III additioRnalechsaCrgeaforr enigHhtsoanmd weeeCkeandrs.e.com and early Stage IV melanoma lived an additional 41 months on T-VEC therapy,(859) 543-CARE (2273) for a FREE personal consultation compared to 21.5 months without the www.rescarehomecare.com • Only 1 hour minimum required treatment. Additionally, 10 percent of patients had complete remission with no detectable symptoms of cancer. An unexpected finding is after the T-VEC therapy, the immune systems becomes capable of detecting and attacking cancer throughout the body. The scientists hope continued success of T-VEC therapy will lead to finding virotherapies for other types of cancer. Scientists have been looking at virotherapies for curing cancer since 1949. Although viruses are usually considered enemies of mankind, their ability to specifically infect and kill human cells is what makes them so promising for cancer treatments, says Prof. Paul Workman, CEO of the Institute of Cancer Research in London.
18 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentucky Voted Miss Mashed Potato 2014.”Combatting Food bananas for 29 cents aWaste pound; and canned vegeta- Initially, the ugly produce wasn’t bles selling two for $1. selling well despite the special aisle,Innovative ad campaign the “strange but lovable” advertisingpromotes ‘ugly’ produce The Daily Table’s stock is campaign and 30-percent discount. donated by food wholesalers Undaunted, the chain made soups and markets. The store also and juices for customers to try, proving ugly produce was just as sells prepared meals on flavorful as its prettier counterparts. a rotating menu. This move finally allowed custom- The recipes ers to get past the “ugliness,” and all change stocks of the ugly produce sold out daily in an initial rush. The supermarket traffic had an overall increase ofBy Angela S. Hoover, Staff Writer 24 percent. The chain now sees an average of 1.2 tons of ugly produce As policy makers, agricultural discount. The founder,corporations and farmers fret about Doug Rauch, is a sold in its stores.food shortages and starvation, the former Trader In May, the French parliamentworld throws away 1.3 billion tons Joe’s presidentof food annually. In the United who became unanimously approved a newStates alone, nearly half of all food frustrated by the law that prohibits large super-goes uneaten and is thrown into amount of nutri- markets from throwing outlandfills. This is not rotten food – it tious food thatis food that is still healthy to eat went into Trader unsold food. The law man-and/or is “ugly” and not aestheti- Joe’s dumpsters dates that these stores mustcally perfect. But two grocery stores because the food donate any surplus grocerieson two continents are combating was nearing its to charities or for animalfood waste, and one country has sell-by date. Some feed use. A part of a moremade it illegal for grocery stores to of the discounts at general energy and envi-waste food. The Daily Table for ronmental bill, this law will food that needs to be eliminate the country’s 30 kilos A new nonprofit grocery store, eaten quickly include a of wasted food per person annu-The Daily Table, opened in Boston dozen eggs for 99 cents; ally. The new regulations alsothis June. The Daily Table sells potatoes for 49 cents a pound; ban the common practice of inten-surplus and aging food at a steep tionally destroying unsold food by bleaching it to prevent people from Kentucky’s Leading because the donations change every searching for food in dumpsters. Hair Replacement day. Rauch is hoping to expand the The local politician who initiated Facility model to other cities across the the new law, Arash Derambarsh, country. will take his campaign to a United • Genetic Hair Loss Nations summit on poverty this • Chemotherapy In France, the country’s third November in the hopes other coun- • Alopecia largest supermarket chain, tries will adopt similar legislature. Intermarché, launched a campaign The parliament acknowledges this • Cosmetic Hair Replacement in 2014 called “Inglorious Fruits mandate will not fully solve the and Vegetables: A Glorious Fight problem, so the law also introduces 859.263.9811 Against Food Waste” to celebrate an education program about food ugly and misshapen produce waste in schools and businesses. It Hair Institute offers several surgical and non-surgical hair that grocers often throw away. also removes the best-before datesrestoration options, including Virtual Reality®, full and partial Intermarch saves these fruits and on fresh food. France aims to halveprostheses, hand-knotted wigs, and human hair extensions. vegetables from the trash by giving the amount of its food waste – cur- them their own aisle and selling rently 7.1 tons annually – by 2025, them at a 30-percent discount. The for a national saving of up to 20 campaign features seven clever billion euros. Of the 7.1 tons, 67 poster ads starring the grotesque percent is thrown out by consum- apple, the failed lemon, the dis- ers, 15 percent by restaurants and figured eggplant and the unfor- 11 percent by stores. In addition to tunate clementine. Messages on feeding the poor and hungry, reduc- the posters say: “The Ugly Carrot ing food waste also reduces CO2 In A Soup – Who Cares?” and “A emissions. For example, the United Hideous Orange Makes Beautiful Kingdom threw away 7 million tons Juice” and “The Ridiculous Potato: of food in 2012, which is associated with 17 million tons of CO2 emis- sions.- Laser Light Hair Therapy - Full Cranial Vacuum Prostheses- Surgical Hair Restoration Options - Enhancements and Integrations 1795 Alysheba Way Suite 7101 In the United States alone, nearly Lexington, Kentucky 40509 half of all food goes uneaten and is thrown into landfills.HAIR REPLACEMENT • HAIR RESTORATION • HAIR EXTENSIONSAMERICAN Professional • Confidential • Meticulous ®HAIR LOSS www.hairinstitutelexington.com COUNCIL
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 19 SPINNING Just one of many group fitness classesTHE workout facility you’ve been looking for!Only $30 a month. No contracts.HealthwoRx is operated by Baptist Health Lexington, but is NOT a rehab center or a clinic.It’s a full-service fitness center OPEN to the PUBLIC and staffed by exercise physiologists,certified fitness practitioners, registered dietitians and nurse health educators.Fun and invigorating group fitness:Spinning • Total Strength • PiYo • Yoga • Zumba • KettlebellsMat Pilates • Cardio & Strength • Pilates for Athletes • Barre FitPrenatal Yoga • Boot Camp • Silver Sneakers® • Qigong • Tai ChiHappy Baby Yoga • Legion Fitness ClassesConveniently located at The Mall at Lexington Green161 Lexington Green Circle, Suite B2 Stop byLexington, KY 40503 or call for more859.260.4354www.facebook.com/HealthwoRx info!
20 & July 2015 Challenge yourself to add one healthy habit a week.25 Tips to focus and self-control. Meditation is a great and regularly eating them could impact, low-injury exercise and itImprove useful tool in stress management. reduce your risk of Parkinson’s disease, can improve the brain’s resistance toYour as well as heart attack. Berries can help Alzheimer’s disease.Health 2. If you smoke, stop. The single you lose weight by creating a feeling greatest thing you can do for your of fullness from fiber. A diet featuring 7. Eat an apple a day. It may notGetting better health if you are a smoker is to quit. plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables keep the doctor away, but daily appledoesn’t have to Smoking has been associated with can lower your blood pressure and consumption has been shown tobe difficult an increase in incidences of lung, even reduce your risk of colon cancer; reduce LDL cholesterol. stomach and throat cancer, as well as berries have high concentration ofBy Regina Walker, LCSW, an increase in cardiovascular disease. flavonoids. 8. Pass on the alcohol. If you doBCD, CASAC Check with your doctor, who can offer have a drink, make it an occasional numerous smoking cessation aids to 6. Exercise. You don’t have to train thing. Even moderate alcohol con- Whether you are an admitted help you meet this important goal. for the Olympics or run a marathon to sumption has been found to increase“couch potato” or someone who receive health benefits from exercise. the risk of breast cancer. Red wineactively focuses on wellness, there’s 3. Eat a papaya. Phytochemicals Regular physical activity is associ- received good press some years agoalways more you can do to make found in papaya can assist in prevent- ated with lower cognitive impairment for improving cardiac health, but thisimprovements. Here is a list of 25 easy ing age-related macular degeneration. risk. Walking regularly is a great low- result can also be achieved by drinkingand effective strategies for making Papayas have also been found to purple grape juice.your health – both physical and emo- protect against heart disease because Body Mappingtional – that much better. they are an excellent source of antioxi- Weight Loss Chiropractic dants. The nutrients in papaya have Detox 1. Meditate. Research shows after also been shown to be helpful in the Pain and Injury Centerjust 11 hours of meditation (collec- prevention of colon cancer. Papaya’s Stress Management Pain relief now!tively, not 11 hours straight), practitio- fiber can bind to cancer-causing toxins Nutritional Counselingners had structural changes in the part in the colon and keep them away from Therapeutic Massage Health for a lifetime.of the brain involved in monitoring healthy colon cells. Occupational Therapy Chiropractic Care, Nutritional 4. Eat more nuts, including 196 W. Lowry Lane Counseling, Corrective Exercise cashews. The results of a study using and Spinal Posture Screenings lab rats suggest cashews could reduce 859-552-7630 the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Nuts are Dr. Rob Kennedy B.S., D.C. also great for your heart. In addition to TakeANewApproach.com 859-275-1962 being packed with protein, most nuts contain at least some of these heart- 340 Legion Rd., Suite #2 healthy substances: unsaturated fats, Lexington, KY 40504 omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamin E, www.cpiclexington.net plant sterols and L-arginine. 5. Eat more berries. They taste
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 21 9. Include more garlic in your idin, which has been found to inhibit contains all essential amino acids, absorption and thus reduce circulat-diet. Garlic has been shown to lower the activity of the enzyme involved making it a complete protein. Protein ing levels of cholesterol. An analysistotal cholesterol levels while improv- in making uric acid. Research has intake can increase metabolism and of some 27 seeds and nuts revealeding HDL cholesterol levels. Garlic’s revealed eating the equivalent of a help reduce appetite. According to that pistachios and sunflower kernelsantimicrobial activity is a result of pound of fresh cherries each day is a study, in comparison to wheat and had the highest levels of phytosterolsthe compound allicin, which is effec- highly effective for lowering uric acid rice, quinoa was found to provide among the seeds and nuts that aretive against common infections such levels. greater satiety, making it an excellent most commonly consumed as snackas flu and colds, Candida yeast and alternative for weight loss and man- foods in the United States.stomach viruses. Research shows the 17. Eat your oatmeal. Researchers agement.quantity of allicin produced in a sin- have identified a substance in oats 25. Socialize! Humans aregle clove of garlic is effective in killing called beta-glucan, which signifi- 21. Have a radish. The most com- social beings, and increased socialmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus cantly reduces LDL cholesterol. In mon kidney stone constituent is interaction has been associatedaureus (MRSA) and vancomycin- people with high cholesterol levels, calcium oxalate in the urine. Research with decreased levels of depres-resistant Enterococci. the intake of the equivalent of three has shown that adding radishes to sion. Additionally, the relationship grams of oat fiber daily generally your diet increases the excretion of between leisure activities or social 10. Get some vitamin D. If you reduces total cholesterol by 8 percent calcium oxalate. interactions to diminished risk forare experiencing symptoms of to 23 percent. Three grams of oat dementia suggests several mecha-depression, have your vitamin D fiber can be attained by eating about 22. Protect your mental health. nisms at work, including reducedlevel checked. Some studies show one bowl of oats. Additionally, indi- Having the “blues” every now and stress and enhanced intellectuala connection between low levels of viduals with high blood pressure who then is usually a normal aspect of stimulation. These social ties mayvitamin D and higher incidences of added oats to their diet had a signifi- living. However, when you have help protect the brain by building updepression. cant reduction in blood pressure as a lengthy episode of sadness and a cognitive reserve to compensate for well as the need for antihypertensive despair, it could be depression. lost brain cells or connections. 11. Eat your spinach. Popeye medicine. Contact your doctor immediately ifwas right! Spinach (and other leafy you experience feelings of sadness, You can make a big difference ingreens, including kale, Swiss chard, 18. Get adequate rest. Disrupted weepiness, thoughts of self-harm or your life by implementing a few smallcollard greens, etc.) has magnesium sleep seems to be linked to the accu- hopelessness. changes to your diet and lifestyle.that helps reduce high blood pres- mulation of amyloid plaques inside Challenge yourself to add one healthysure. the brains of people who are not hav- 23. Eat more oranges. Oranges are habit a week and see if you notice a ing problems with memory. Amyloid a good source of potassium, a min- difference in your health and how 12. Fight migraine nausea with an plaques are a characteristic marker for eral that’s essential for heart health. you feel over time.acupressure wristband. If you suf- early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Diets containing foods that are goodfer from migraine nausea, consider sources of potassium and low in Eat moretrying an acupressure wristband. A 19. Practice yoga or stretching for sodium can reduce the risk of high oranges.recent study has shown acupressure the sake of your back. Yoga sessions blood pressure and stroke. Orangeswristbands can be effective in reliev- were related to better back-related are a good source of folate, which can Oranges are aing migraine nausea. function as well as reduced symp- help protect against heart disease. good source of toms of chronic low back pain in the An important flavonoid in oranges is potassium, a 13. Add some ginger to your diet. biggest U.S. randomized controlled hesperidin, which has been shown toStudies have shown that ginger has study of yoga so far. Extensive lower blood pressure. mineral that’sa substantial effect on both the pre- stretching sessions were also shown essential forvention and treatment of motion to reduce symptoms of back pain. 24. Have some sunflower seeds heart health.sickness. In addition, a recent study and pistachios. Seeds and nuts arefound individuals with osteoarthritis 20. Add quinoa to rich sources of phytosterols, a typewho had ingested ginger extract had a your diet. Quinoa of plant chemical.greater reduction in knee pain com- Although thepared to those who did has more protein exact mecha-not ingest ginger. than all other nism is grains, and unknown, 14. Control your that pro- phytos-stress. Stress can tein terolsnegatively affect sleep, reduceleave you more choles-susceptible to teroldepressionand causephysicalchanges,includinghypertension. 15. Replacewhite rice withbrown rice.Studies suggestdoing so couldlower your risk ofType 2 diabetes. 16. Eat somecherries. Cherriesare especiallyuseful for treatinggout. Gout is a kindof arthritis linked to anunusually high amountof uric acid in the blood-stream. Bing cherries haveantioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory properties, in par-ticular a compound known as cyan-
22 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentucky 1775 Alysheba Way, Suite 201 859-278-5007 www.FPALex.comDAYSEVENINGSWEEKENDSFOR YOUR HEALTH Family Practice Associates has flexible day, weekend and evening hours that you can count on to accomodate your family’s busy schedule. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.WHAT WE DO ? OUR SERVICES Quality patient focused healthcare for your entire OUR PROVIDERS family in a friendly environment. Comprehensive primary care services for children and FPA has 9 Board Certified physicians with adults of all ages, including acute and preventive specialties in Family Practice, Pediatrics and Internal medicine. Medicine. We also have 3 certified Nurse Large modern office with highly trained staff and Practitioners with experience in family medicine. on-site laboratory. Secure online patient portal for easy access to your test HOURS results, medical information and communication with your provider. FPA offers flexible office hours Mon – Fri 8:00AM – 4:30 with Evening hours on most days. SaturdayFor over 30 years, the mission of Family Practice Associates morning appointments are available for sickhas been to provide preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic patients.health services with attention to individual need. We arededicated to giving family-centered care from birth to later LOCATIONyears in an affordable, high quality manner. FPA is located in the Hamburg area with easy access from I-75 and Man O’ War Blvd.
LAODVCICEAFRLOMDYOOUCRFor advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 23Nutrition for People With Diabetes MINDFUL EATING IS GOOD FOR EVERYONEBy Dr. John E.Reesor, FamilyPractice Associatesof Lexington,P.S.C. If you’ve been recently diagnosed have heard or believe, you don’t have butter or vegetable oil. or her about your diet. You can live awith diabetes, one of your concerns to give up sweets entirely. It is always • Trim visible fat off meat before full and active life (exercise is essen-probably is: “What can I eat?” helpful to reduce the sugar in your tial) even if you do happen to have diet. Start by cutting back on the cooking it. diabetes. Eating healthfully is vital when you number of soft drinks (including diet • Remove the skin from chicken About the Authorare trying to control diabetes. The sodas) and juice you drink each day. A native of Louisville, Dr. Reesor joinedbest type of diet to follow is one that Water is always a good substitute. and turkey before cooking it. Family Practice Associates in 2001 fromis high in nutrients, low in fat and When buying foods such as syrups, • Instead of frying, grill, broil, bake a solo family practice in Lexington. Dr.added sugar and moderate in calories. jellies and sauces, choose products Reesor’s goal is “to help patients live aYou will have to pay more attention labeled “reduced sugar” or “no added or stir-fry. long, healthy and prosperous life.”to your food choices, specifically the sugar.” When cooking, reduce the • When baking, use canola oil orcarbohydrates you eat, and make amount of sugar recipes call for by asmart choices in general. You will not quarter to a third. Be aware of hidden applesauce instead of shortening orhave to buy expensive diabetic foods, sugars that lurk in packaged foods, butter.which generally offer no special bene- including cereals, canned soups andfits anyway. You can design your own vegetables, pasta sauce, margarine, • Maintain a regular meal schedule;diet that incorporates mindful eating instant mashed potatoes, frozen eat several small meals a day.and a little bit of label savvy. dinners, low-fat meals and ketchup. Teach yourself to read labels. Following these dietary tips may A healthy, balanced diet will help you lose weight, which can beinclude a variety of good-for-you Here are some other suggestions very beneficial. Experts say losing justfoods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean for establishing better nutrition: 5 percent to 10 percent of your totalmeats (poultry and fish) and beans weight can help you lower your bloodfor protein. Choose brown rice and • Cook with olive oil instead of sugar considerably. It will give yourwhole-grain breads and pasta. Whole energy levels and mood a significantgrains are a good source of fiber. boost as well.High-fiber complex carbohydrates arecalled slow-release carbs. They help Be sure to talk to your doctorkeep blood sugar levels even because about your concerns and consult himthey are digested more slowly, thuspreventing your body from producingtoo much insulin. Be sure to eat threemeals each day and have a couple ofsnacks to keep your blood sugar at anacceptable level. Limit your intake of saturated fats,cholesterol, salt and added sugar.Healthy fats, such as peanut butter,ricotta cheese, yogurt and some nuts,help slow down the digestive process,so blood sugar levels don’t spike asquickly. Contrary to what you may
24 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentuckyOlder Women BattleEating DisordersAdult developmental issues couldtrigger unhealthy behaviorsBy Jamie Lober, Staff Writer negative messages about their bodies, psychological issues are changing. okay, they will be okay. “Culture says Eating disorders affect a whole the role of appearance in a woman’s In puberty you have new pressures if you control your body you will be self-esteem and the pressures from from other people sexually, socially, seen as a stronger and more powerfulgamut of people, though it is often the diet and fashion industries,” said academically [while] trying to define woman and feel more powerful your-unrecognized that older women face Maine. yourself and figure out who you will self,” said Maine. This often leads tothem, too. be in this world.” In mid-life, there are eating disorders. Women are influenced by this adult developmental issues to handle. “The picture that comes to mind is culture. “The pattern is that some For instance, you could be in a stable Anorexia it is more obvious togenerally adolescent or college-aged women had sub-clinical disordered marriage and then your partner leaves other people because weight loss isgirls, but we never think of someone eating and body image issues their you. Your parents could be aging or generally involved. But other eating35, 40, 60, 70 or older having an eat- whole lives and they erupt into big- ill and you assume the role of a care- disorders are invisible. “Without aing disorder,” said Dr. Margo Maine, ger problems in mid-life,” said Maine. taker, or you may be facing an empty noticeable weight loss, [women] areclinical psychologist and past presi- “Others had an eating disorder when nest. less likely to be identified by theirdent of the National Eating Disorders they were younger, got better and doctors [as having an eating disorder]Association. relapsed.” It is important to find ways to cope and are often seen as women doing with changes other than dieting and a great job controlling diet and food It is unclear whether the increase The number of older women exercising. “Women think if they get intake rather than someone who mayin adult women with eating disorders developing eating disorders for the their body under control, everything be overexercising for unhealthy rea-is an actual increase or just the result first time is small. “Mid-life is similar else will be fine, but it can slowly turn sons,” said Maine.of more people becoming aware and to adolescence because bodies are into an eating disorder,” said Maine.accessing help. “I think the genera- going through or getting ready for Culture teaches women if they look Doctors often congratulate womention of older women has lived with menopause,” Maine said. “The for keeping their weight low when
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 25they may actually have an eating disorder. “We have to be more As many as 13astute in the medical professions to identify eating disorders in percent of womenadult women,” said Maine. “Ask questions like how someone over age 50 havemanages their weight, if they have been trying to lose weight,what their [food] intake is and if they skip meals.” eating disorder symptoms. Women themselves can help in evaluating suspected eatingdisorders. “Women have to be honest with themselves aboutwhat pressures they are putting on themselves around appear-ance, weight control and exercise and how much time they aredevoting to thoughts about eating, weight control and exercise,”said Maine. If more than 10 percent of someone’s thoughts areabout what she is not going to eat or how much she will exer-cise, it could be a red flag. Eating disorders are usually accompanied by other issues.“The reason people develop eating disorders is because theyhave other issues going on that they are having difficulty con-fronting or solving,” Maine said. “They have to do something tosoothe the pain or distract themselves.” Just as all eating disorders are not the same, treatments areindividualized. “There could be individual or group therapy orsometimes medication to manage anxiety and depression,” saidMaine. Some women work with a dietitian. Most respond tooutpatient treatment, but some need residential treatment for aperiod of time. It is never too late to seek help. “I think the most importantmessage to give women is that as many as 13 percent of womenover age 50 have eating disorder symptoms, so it is important tocome out of the closet because you are not alone,” said Maine.“You can improve your life tremendously and get past the eatingdisorder; treatment really does help.”2 HAMBURG JOURNAL WWW.HAMBURGJOURNAL.COM JANUARY 2O12 Senior Retirement Community RRosoesMe MarayrCy C. B. BrookrsooPkslaPcelace WeR’eretirneomt eanlmt oLsivtinhgomineY. oWuer aHroemhoemtoew. nNOW LEASING1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Includes assistance with activities of daily living.Three meals a day, weekly housekeeping, concierge service and much more! Our rates are competitive and all inclusive. Enjoy 24/7 emergency NOW LEASING!Studio, One and Two Bedroom response by our well trained staff. Gracious Independent & AssiaspteadrtmRentsetairvaeimlabelne.t LivingGuardian Life Alert System is included for all new residents at no additional cost. Daily care is tailored toConveniently located on the Bypass inmeet the unique needs Conveniently located on the Bypass in Winchester.of individual. Winchester.Only minutes from Hamburg with easy access to Interstates 64 and 75.WetoincvoitmeOeynolyu minutes from HFaormmboruerignformation contact Linda or Rick at 859-745-4904bweitahpeaarstyofaccess to InterstatesA6v4eraangde7D5a. ily Caregiver Cost $240 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Independent Cottages859-745-4904our family! Average Daily Brooks Place Cost $75Enjoy your independence and let us do the work! We’llwww.brooksplace.orgtake care of snow removal, mowing, trimming and willeven make sure your air filters are changed regularly.Our fifth and final cul-de-sac is almost completed. Call
events26 &July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentucky Every Week Free Chronic Disease Self-Management ProgramJULY 2015 Chronic Disease Self-Management Program is an effective and free workshopOngoing Tuesdays for people with chronic health problems and care-takers. The program teachesPersonal Shopping Community Flow skills for managing a variety of chronic diseases. Session topics includeWould you help an elderly lady if it This weekly restorative class integrates techniques to exercise, use of medication,required no work on your part? Support gentle yoga, breathing techniques, medi- communication with family and healthcareSonja Ortmann, a dear Lexington lady in tation and wellness tips for all ages and professionals, nutrition, and stressneed of funds for medical costs. I provide levels of physical condition. 10:30am– management. The program meets oncepersonal shopping at reasonable rates, 11:30am. Donation only (great portion of a week for two and a half hours over sixwith at least 50% of your costs paid to all donations go to the Backpack Food weeks at Baptist Health Lexington Greenhelp Sonja! You pay nothing until I deliver Program at Ashland Elementary.) Inspir- location. For more questions or to enroll,your merchandise to your door. I can also ing, Educating & Supporting our World call (859) 260-5122 and ask for Chronicrun errands for you. Read more about through the Moving, Visual & Healing Disease Self-Management Program.Sonja at GoFundMe.com/helpoursonja Arts! Daily classes, therapies, workshopsand contact me for more information: & a great spot to host your next event! supportive group. Gentle yoga or mind- tions about the nurturing practice of baby-Brian, 859-206-4565 or 502-906-5019. 309 N Ashland Ave Ste.180, Lexington, ful movement, deep relaxation, sitting wearing. Extensive library of trial carriers!Email: [email protected]. KY 40502. 859-721-1841. www.cen- meditation followed by discussion. Cost (Open to moms and their babies/toddlers.) teredlex.com $5-$10/person, $2-5/full time students FREE. 3pm, Baby Moon, 2891 RichmondMondays Instructor: Dr. John Patterson, Mind Body Rd, Ste 103; www.baby-moon.org. Tuesdays Studio 517 Southland Drive, Lexington,Free Yoga Classes for Vets, KY 859-373-0033. Full details at http:// July 9Servicemembers and their Swing Lessons www.mindbodystudio.org/?page_id=1055Family Members Diabetes: What You Need Every Tuesday, starting September 30: July 3 to KnowEvery Monday from 9:30am–10:30am at 8pm–10pm at Tates Creek RecreationAgeless Yoga Studio, 611 Winchester Rd., Center, 1400 Gainesway Dr. $5.00 per Tai Chi and Hula Hooping at 6:00pm – 7:00pm at at Apostles AnglicanSuite 200. 859-303-6225. Pre-register person per lesson. Call for more informa- the Night Market Church, 200 Colony Blvd., Lexington,online at agelessyogastudio.com. Click tion: Glenn and Rosalee Kelley 859- KY, 40502. For people with diabetes and“class” tab to sign up now! Email info@ 233-9947; OR Peter and Robin Young Friday, July 3rd from 6-9pm at the Night interested family members. This courseagelessyogastudio.com for more info. 859-224-3388. Market — Join Centered at the July Night is not open to pediatric patients (under Market on July 3rd! We’ll have a booth 18) nor is it appropriate for patients withMondays Tuesdays with chair massage and aromatherapy gestational diabetes. A monthly education demonstrations along with holistic health series with topics including: Carb Count-Argentine tango Community Yoga Class with retail products for sale. We’ll be offering ing and Reading Nutrition Facts Labels,“Dance of the heart” Lauren Higdon FREE hula hooping demonstrations Checking Blood Sugar and Understand- and Tai Chi lessons in the dance area ing Your Results, Device Training, DiningPassionate and Romantic. Mindful and Every Tuesday 10:30am–11:30am at throughout the evening. Bring the entire Out, Foot Care, Healthy Coping, MakingMeditative. A uniquely transformative so- Centered Studio, 309 n Ashland ave suite family (and even your four-legged friend) a Plan for Physical Activity, Planningcial skill, art form and movement therapy. 180 in Lexington. This weekly restorative for a free & fun time with food, local Healthy Meals and Balancing What,No partner or dance experience required. class integrates gentle yoga, breathing vendors and more. For more information, How Much and When You Eat, ReducingMonday evening 7:00-8:30 PM. You my techniques, meditation and wellness tips call 859-721-1841 or visit Facebook.com/ Risks and Problem Solving and Takingdrop-in to any class- this is not a series. for all ages and levels of physical condi- centeredlex and Keeping Track of Your Medicine forCost $5-$10/person sliding scale. Instruc- tion. Classes may include chair yoga, Diabetes.tors: Dr. John Patterson and Nataliya restorative, yin yoga, tai chi, and more. July 4Timoshevskaya. Mind Body Studio 517 Perfect for beginners as well as experi- July 10Southland Drive, Lexington, KY 859- enced yogis! Donations-based class. Free Children’s Crafts /373-0033. Full details at http://www. Activities Yoga Nidra “Chant for Peace”mindbodystudio.org/?page_id=214 Tuesdays with Sounds Healing by The Fayette Cooperating Preschool will Margaret WaddellMondays & Gentle Yoga for Beginners offer FREE children’s crafts and activitiesWednesdays during Lexington’s Fourth of July festival Friday, July 10th at 6pm — donation Tuesdays at 10:30am at Centered — do- in downtown Lexington. The fun will begin based (pay what you can afford). NeedMELT Method Hand, Foot and nation based (pay-what-you-can-afford) at 10 a.m. and end at 2 p.m., just in time more sleep and relaxation? Yoga Nidra isBody Healing Class by Shayne featuring restorative yoga with seated or for the parade. Look for our tent in the the yoga of sleep and relaxation. Experi-Wigglesworth resting positions, and an optional sample Children’s area of the Festival! ence a comfortable and deeply healing of tai chi. Poses can be modified to be sleep-like state that helps with stress,Mondays and Wednesdays at 12pm - done in a chair and are suitable for all July 7 anxiety, PTSD, blood pressure and more.Discover pain-free living at any age! Enjoy body types, ages, and experience levels. While you are relaxing, listen to traineda gentle foam roller class to reduce pain, For more information, call 859-721-1841 Eat, Move, Lose Weight singer Margaret Waddell of Primordialinflammation, stress, anxiety and more! or visit www.centeredlex.com Support Group Sounding Music as she brings you intoMELT Method certified instructor Shayne a meditative state and uses the soundWigglesworth will teach you healing Wednesdays 12 – 1 pm, Lexington-Fayette Co. Health of her voice to promote a state of peace,techniques you can use for self care at Department PH Clinic South, 2433 lucid dreaming, and transformation. Thishome. All materials and rollers are pro- Mindfulness and Relaxation for Regency Road. Free weight-loss support is a donation-based (pay-what-you-can-vided. Perfect for all ages, body types and Health group appropriate for anyone wishing to afford) event, with suggested donationsexperience levels. Learn more at www. lose weight or maintain weight loss. Share ranging from $25 to $65 dependingcenteredlex.com or call 859-721-1841 6:30-8:00 PM. No prior experience of struggles and ideas with others. Held first on what you can afford. Learn more yoga or meditation required. Mobilize your and third Tuesdays most months. For or register online at www.centeredlex. inner resources for promoting health, self more information or to pre-register, call com or facebook.com/centeredlex care and managing the stress of caregiv- 288-2446. ing, burnout and chronic disease. Culti- EVENTS Continued on page 28 vate your innate happiness, peacefulness July 8 and compassion. Study and practice in a Bluegrass Babywearers Support group to answer all your ques-
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 27ONGOING EVENTSBluegrass Ovarian Cancer Call Mediline at 502-226-1655 or toll-free to have disabilities. All instructors practice sessions available for all levels.Support 800-242-5662 to register or for more certified through Yoga Alliance. For more Stress-Reduction classes based on information. Classes include: information, visit www.grassrootsyoga.org. Yoga principles and practical skills alsoExists to assist Central Kentucky women • Prepared Childbirth offered. Free parking provided for mostand their loved ones during diagnosis, • Baby Care For The Early Weeks ANAD Overcoming Eating classes. For information, please calltreatment and survival of ovarian and other • Breast Feeding Basics Disorders Support Group 859-254-9529 or visit www.yogahealth-gynecological cancers. Come meet with • “That’s My Baby” center.org.us the third Wednesday of every month at • Sibling Classes Free support group for people who want6:30pm at Joseph Beth Booksellers, Bronte to improve their relationship with food Mind Body StudioBistro Cafe meeting room. Cancer Classes and body image. Safe, comfortable place. Facilitated by Megan Roop, RYT, The Mind Body Studio is a service of JohnPerinatal Loss Grief Group The American Cancer Society offers supervised by Tina Thompson, MS, RD, A. Patterson MD, MSPH, FAAFP, Certified women undergoing cancer treatments the LD, Bluegrass Nutrition Counseling, in family medicine, integrative medicine,First Tuesday of the month, 7pm, Center opportunity to attend the Look Good... sponsored by ANAD. Introduction mind body medicine and integral yoga,for Grief and Education. A group for Feel Better workshop. This free workshop meeting on October 3 from 7:15-8:30pm Dr. Patterson specializes in stress-relatedparents who have experienced loss due helps women deal with the appearance- at Bliss Wellness Center, 2416 Sir Barton chronic disease and burnout prevention forto miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death. related side-effects of cancer treatment in Way, Ste 125. 8 week session Oct 17- caregivers and helping professionals.Contact Debbie Mueller at (859) 260-6904 a private setting. Each participant receives Dec 5 from 7:15-8:30pm. Contact Megan Mind body skills and lifestyle behaviors mayfor more information. a complimentary custom cosmetic kit. Roop 561-779-0290 for details. help prevent and provide safe, effective and The American Cancer Society offers affordable relief of chronic conditions thatCompassionate Friends Prostate Cancer Educational and Support Health Chats on Diabetes are often poorly controlled by conventionalSupport Group Classes called Man to Man for men with medicine alone. Our integrative medicine prostate cancer. This is an educational 5-6pm. Third Tuesday of every month. consultations, group classes, workshopsA support group for parents, siblings, and networking program that provides Nathaniel Mission Free clinic, 616 and coaching can help you meet youror grandparents who have lost a child information about prostate cancer and DeRoode St. Free. Sponsored by the unique health and wellness needs throughregardless of the child’s age or length treatments options. For more information Lexington-Fayette Co. Health Dept and UK experiential education to help you mobilizeof time that has passed since that day. about these classes, please call Kristy Healthcare. For more information, call (859) your natural healing ability by integratingThe meeting is the 1st Tuesday of every Young at 859-260-8285. For cancer 288-2395. mind, body, spirit and our relationship tomonth 6:30pm–8:30pm at Hospice of information 24 hours a day, please call each other and the earth. Visit our websitethe Bluegrass, 2321 Alexandria Drive, 1-800-ACS-2345 or go to www.cancer.org. Free Cardio Classes to schedule an appointment with Dr.Lexington. Also meets the 1st Tuesday of Patterson or see a schedule of classesevery month 7pm-9pm at Hospice East, Survivors of Suicide 9-10am. Every Saturday morning in the in yoga, mindfulness, meditation, Pilates,417 Shoppers Drive, Winchester. Doors month of February at Body Structure Nia, MELT, myofascial release and dance.open one-half hour before meeting times First & third Tuesday of the month, Medical Fitness Facility, 2600 Gribbin Drive, “Mindful, empowered self care is the heartto provide the opportunity to visit with old 6-7:30pm, Center for Grief and Education. Lexington. This class will increase your of healing” 517 Southland Drive, Lexingtonfriends and acknowledge new ones. For adults affected by the loss of someone heart rate and respiration while using large 859-373-0033. www.mindbodystudio.org. by suicide. Contact the Lexington office at muscle groups repetitively and rhythmicallySpouse Loss Support Group (859) 277-2700 for more to create a great workout. (859) 268-8190. Monthly Reiki Classes information or to register.Tuesdays 6-7:30pm. Hospice of the Taoist Tai Chi Society Turn your hands into healing hands!Bluegrass. A five-week support group Bosom Buddies Reiki is Universal Life Force Energyfor individuals who have experienced We offer classes in Louisville and Lexington. Learn to improve your mind, body,the loss of a spouse or significant other. A support group designed to meet the All classes are led by nationally accredited and spirit! Classes taught by RobertContact Lexington office at (859) 277- ongoing needs of women with breast volunteer instructors in a friendly and helpful N.Fueston, Reiki Master/Teacher and2700 for more information or to register. cancer. The purpose of Bosom Buddies environment. The meditative movements Acupuncturist, 17 years of experience is to create a safe and comfortable of taijiquan can reduce tension, increase and Member of The Reiki Alliance. Ap-Coping After Loss environment in which women diagnosed flexibility and strength, and improve proved for Continuing Education hours with breast cancer can receive information circulation and balance. To contact us, (CE hours) for Massage Therapist. CE’sFirst Wednesday of the month, 5:30- and emotional support during and after phone 502.614.6424 or e-mail kentucky@ for nurses pending. Register online at7pm, Center for Grief and Education. treatment. Meets are the third Thursday taoist.org. www.robertfueston.com. 859-595-2164.A brief educational program offering of every month 6:00pm at the Frankfortan introduction to grief information and Regional Hospital: Frankfort Medical Consumer Support Groups Ongoing Journey Circlehospice bereavement services. Contact the Pavilion, Conference Room C. 279 King’s (Individuals with a MentalLexington office at (859) 277-2700 for more Daughters Drive, Frankfort, KY. Illness) This circle meets the 4th Sunday ofinformation or to register. every month and is for those who are BRCC Volunteer Opportunities Every Sunday, 869 Sparta Court, Lexington. experienced in the practice of journey-Free Transportation to Cancer 2:30-4:00pm. 859-309-2856 for more info. ing OR are interested in learning moreScreening The Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center provides NAMI Lexington is a local affiliate of NAMI, about this ancient spiritual practice. Join a 24-hour crisis line, hospital and court the “National Alliance on Mental Illness” we us every month as we will be journeyingFayette County residents can receive advocacy, crisis intervention counseling, provide numerous support groups and on different topics that will be discussedfree transportation through HealthLink long-term therapy, and information and recovery programs for families and at time of circle. Please feel free to bringTransit, a partnership between Kentucky community referral to victims of sexual Individuals living with mental illness. drums, rattles etc. Questions or needPink Connection & the Lexington--Fayette assault as well as family members and directions or have questions? PleaseUrban County Government. Transportation friends. Volunteers at BRCC have the Low-Impact Aerobics Classes feel free to email/call me: 859-492-provided by taxi or gas cards to cancer unique opportunity to provide valuable 2109,[email protected]. Call (859) 309-1700 to arrange direct services to those impacted by sexual 6-7pm and 7-8pm. William Wells Browna ride. assault. Volunteer opportunities: Crisis Community Center, 548 East Sixth Overeaters Anonymous Line Volunteer, Medical/Legal Advocate. Street, Lexington. Weekly until mid-2nd Chance Ambassadors For more information, please call: (859) May. 2nd hour offers a variety of other Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is not a 253-2615. movement classes, including boot camp diet club. We do not count calories orLexington: a support/volunteer group and Yoga. Free and for adults age 18 have scales at meetings. OA is basedcomprised of organ transplantation Stop Smoking Class Series and above. Sponsored in part by the on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anony-recipients, donor family members, those on Lexington-Fayette Co. Health Dept. and mous. There are no dues or fees. OAthe waiting list and community members 5:30-6:30, weekly until April 17. Tates Lexington Parks and Recreation. For is self-supporting through memberinterested in transplantation meets the 3rd Creek Library, 3628 Walden Dr. Based on more information, contact Mark Johnson contributions. The only requirement forSunday of each month at Word of Hope the Cooper-Clayton method. $10/week at (859) 288-2391. membership is the desire to stop eatingLutheran Church, located at the corner for 10 weeks covers the cost of nicotine compulsively. Please go to oalexing-of Man O’War and Armstrong Mill Road. replacement. Call 288-2457. Yoga • Meditation • Stress tonky.org for meeting dates and times.Meetings begin at 4:30. For questions, Reduction OR are interested in learning more aboutplease contact Charlotte Wong, Education GrassRoots Yoga Classes this ancieCoordinator, Kentucky Organ Donor The Yoga Health & Therapy Center of-Affiliates Lexington office at (859) 278-3492 Chair yoga: 10:30–11:30am Tuesday and fers daytime and evening Yoga classesor toll free (800) 525-3456. Thursday. Hatha Vinyasa Flow: 5:30– with slow stretch, breathing awareness 6:30pm Thursday. Yoga Basics for Stress and relaxation training. Small classesCenter For Women’s Health Relief: 5:30–6:30pm Friday. Partial proceeds provide personalized instruction. NewCenter Classes from all yoga classes benefit the Latitude yoga students receive a series discount. Artist Community for adults considered Meditation classes and ongoing groupHeld at Frankfort Regional Medical
28 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentuckyEVENTS continued from P. 26 July 21 Send us your event listingsJuly 13 Eat, Move, Lose Weight If you are hosting a health-related event Support Group that is free to the public, list it here for FREE!Diabetes Support Group (Events that are not free to the public can be 12 – 1 pm, Lexington-Fayette Co. Health posted in our calendar for $35).10-11 am, Senior Citizens Center, 1530 Department PH Clinic South, 2433Nicholasville Road, Free. Sponsored by Regency Road. Free weight-loss support E-mail your event date, location, descriptionthe Lexington-Fayette Co. Health Dept. group appropriate for anyone wishing to and contact information to:For more information, call (859) 288-2446. lose weight or maintain weight loss. Share [email protected] struggles and ideas with others. Held firstJuly 14 and third Tuesdays most months. For more info. or to pre-register, call 288-2446.Health Chats about Diabetes July 256:15-7:30, UK Polk Dalton Clinic, 217Elm Tree Lane, Free. Sponsored by the Transitions:Lexington-Fayette Co. Health Dept. and Bringing Home BabyUK Healthcare. For more information, call(859) 288-2446. This postpartum-prep class will cover the essentials of newborn care. We’ll shareJuly 19 strategies, tips & tools for successfully navigating your new role as mom and dad.An Afternoon of Mindfulness, $38. Registration required. Baby Moon,Meditation and Deep Rest 2891 Richmond Rd, Ste 103; www.baby- moon.org.1:30 - 5:30 PM Sunday July 19thThe goals of this afternoon retreat are to: July 28slow down, relax the body, quiet the mindand open the heart, promote resilience Reiki Introduction & Practiceand emotional intelligence, preventburnout from work and caretaker stress, 6:30pm- 8:30pm. 2508 Wallace Avenue,bobilize your inner resources for healing, Louisville, KY 40205. Free. Those wholearn non-drug approaches for managing do have not Reiki training—come for anstress-related chronic conditions, cultivate introduction & to experience it. No experi-your innate happiness, peacefulness and ence required. Those with Reiki come tocompassion. Facilitator: John A. Patterson receive the Reiki energy & practice on oth-MD MSPH FAAFP, Mind Body Studio ers. Free reattunement to your last level of517A Southland Drive Lexington KY 859- Usui or Karuna Reiki® upon request if you373-0033, Pre-registration required. have your certificate. Contact JoAnn UtleyCost- $20-$40 sliding scale. Full details at at 502-777-3865 or [email protected]://www.mindbodystudio.org/?page_ net to register. More info at http://joan-id=1117 nutley.byregion.net. Saturdays Lexington Farmer’s Market Every Saturday at Cheapside Park visit the Lexington Farmers’ Market! You can purchase herbs and spices, honey, beeswax, candles, body care products, organic products, eggs, meats and fresh, seasonal produce. 7am-2pm. Not Aging Well? ARE YOU IN NEED OF A MAMMOGRAM? NEED FLEXIBILITY? STRENGTH? BALANCE? WOULD YOU LIKE A TAKE-HOME COLON CANCER SCREENING KIT? Sessions with Pamela Bolin, Aging Specialist Master of Science, Kinesiology, with years of experience can help! HAVE YOU RECENTLY BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH CANCER? 1 FREE Ultimate Fitness, Give us a call today! We may be able to help you! INTRO SESSION Inc. (859) 309-1700 www.kycancerlink.org With this ad. To schedule, Pamela Bolin MS NSCA-CPT Sponsored in part by: MAGAZINE call 859-508-8827 today. Aging Specialist P U B L I C AT I O N S PAMSFITNESS.COM &
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 29BTCOelhvosaetonrsdgtHheadeve test at $30. One drop of blood is all particularly at protein trails that were in the blood of patients with a bacte-Years that is needed for 30 different tests. activated depending upon whether rial infection. MeMed CEO says the Additionally, the test can be done at a their infection was viral or bacterial. results are “highly accurate, with sen-New alternative pharmacy with results received within Levels of a protein called TRAIL sitivity and specificity greater than 90addresses fear four hours. Theranos is partnering shoot up significantly in the blood of percent.” The tests results are availableof needles with Walgreens; Holmes hopes to have patients with a virus, but they drop within two hours for most patients. the new blood tests available at allBy Angela S. Hoover, 8,200 Walgreens in the United States. Lastly, this summer, HowardStaff Writer Hughes Medical Institute researchers Also in the last quarter of 2014, said a simple blood test can identify Big changes and new discoveries scientists discovered a way of deter- every virus a person has ever had. Withconcerning blood tests have been mining suicide risk, based on genet- a single drop of blood and $25, themade within the past year. ics, from a blood test. Postmortem VirScan test can detect the remains of genome scans of brain samples more than 1,000 strains of 206 viruses A major change came at the end of found that the brains of those who that are infecting or have ever infected2014 when college dropout Elizabeth committed suicide had less of a gene the patient. This is possible becauseHolmes offered an alternative to being called SKA2 and higher levels of the the immune system creates new B cellsstuck with a needle for blood tests. chemical methylation that affects designed to battle a particular virus.Afraid of needles herself, Holmes SKA2’s function. It is believed the Those cells make the antibodies thatcounts it among the top fears – includ- SKA2 gene plays a key role in our bind to and deactivate the virus, anding spiders and snakes – of many response to stress. Working with identifiable traces of these antibodiesindividuals. This phobia means some 325 living participants, the research- remain in the blood in order to attackpeople do not get preventative test- ers sought to predict whether par- the virus if it ever returns. Previously,ing. Holmes’ company, Theranos, ticipants had experienced suicidal antibodies could only be tested onedeveloped a blood-testing system thoughts via the blood test. Their virus at a time, but VirScan can searchthat requires only a single finger prick results were 80 percent to 90 percent for hundreds of antibody reactionsinstead of the collection of multiple accurate. Researchers plan to use the simultaneously. This test can helpvials of blood. Relatively painless, it blood test to combat military suicide, patients with undiagnosed diseases,is also cheaper than the typical blood which has a rate 50 percent higher such as hepatitis C, which can cause than that of the general population. liver damage, and cancer. The average person is exposed to 10 viruses and In the beginning of this year, has two antibodies for 84 different researchers discovered a blood test viruses, according to blood screenings that can differentiate between a performed on 569 people on four viral and bacterial infection, thus continents. determining whether antibiotics are needed or not. MeMed’s Immuno Bring in this ad for a VALID FOR FIRST VISIT ONLY Xpert test can eliminate overpre- scription of unneeded antibiotics complimentary POWER HOUR for viral infections while also getting needed antibiotics to patients with boxing or kickboxing fitness workout for you and a friend. bacterial infections. The Israeli study examined 1,000 patients’ immune Eight high-intensity rounds, three days a week, is all it takes to kick your workout response to their sickness, looking up a notch; to throw your life into overdrive; to take your self-esteem to new heights. Break free of the going-nowhere workout routines and rise to a new chal- lenge. That’s how you earn your TITLE.TELL US YOU SAW THE AD IN HEALTH&WELLNESS MAGAZINE 171 W. Lowry Lane / Regency Centre TITLEBoxingClub.com Lexington / KY 40503 859.26.TITLE (268.4853)
30 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentucky decrease. Or you may be giving your pet a few too many treats or not exer- cising him enough. In any case, your veterinarian can recommend a diet and exercise plan to help your pet attain the proper weight. What is an appropriate diet for my pet?PET HEALTH As with people, the best way to control your pet’s weight is to control Can pets be overweight? the number of calories he eats in a day and make sure he gets the right By Dr. Kimberly Sears, Village Animal Hospital amount of exercise. Your veterinarian plays a crucial role in recommending An estimated exercise routine, and weight. An aver- ribs fairly easily, your pet probably is the appropriate food and exercise 30 to 40 percent age-sized cat should weigh between not overweight. If you have to press for your pet’s specific breed and age.of all pets in the United States are eight and 10 pounds. A dog’s ideal harder to feel the ribs, he is likely If weight loss is necessary, a 1 to 2overweight, making obesity one of weight depends on his breed. Talk to overweight. As you are observing and percent weight loss per week is opti-the most common diseases afflicting your veterinarian to determine what feeling the ribs, look for your pet’s mal – the key is to help your pet losedogs and cats today. Being overweight your pet should weigh and the steps “waist.” If your pet’s weight is normal, weight gradually.can cause some of the same problems you can take to help your pet reach the body should become more slen-in pets as it does in people – respira- and maintain the ideal weight. der as you look from the end of the You can control your pet’s calorictory problems, arthritis, heart disease, ribs to the hindquarters. intake in several ways. Giving yourdiabetes, and many others. In short, Iwsemigyhpt?et over- pet less food is always effective.obesity can lead to a shortened life Your veterinarian will check your Feeding dry food rather than cannedand lower quality of life for your pet. You can monitor your pet’s weight pet’s weight during the wellness food can help because dry food usu- Pets generally weigh much less at home by feeling his ribs. Place your examination. If your pet is over- ally has fewer calories. Your veterinar-than people; therefore, just a pound fingers on the side of the rib cage and weight, your veterinarian can run ian may prescribe a diet designedor two can make a big difference. In press or rub gently. If you can feel his tests to determine if there is a medical specifically for weight loss and then,order to keep your pet healthy, it is cause. once your pet has reached his idealimportant to watch your pet’s diet, weight, a maintenance diet. An older pet may gain weight as his activity level and metabolism Can I feed my dog treats? If you can’t resist those “puppy- dog eyes,” try feeding your dog low- calorie snacks. Many dogs actually like fruits and raw vegetables, such as apples, oranges, carrots, broccoli, potatoes, and green beans. If your dog has trouble digesting raw fruits and vegetables, or if the weather is hot, give him an ice cube. It will be a fun treat without the extra calories! Treats for both dogs and cats are available at pet-food stores and supermarkets. Whatever the type of Working with animals requires patience, understanding, and, above all, compassion; both for the animal and for their owners FREE NEW PATIENT EXAMS (859) 252-4917 www.villageanimalhospital.net1801 Alexandria Dr., Suite 180 • Lexington, KY 40504
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 31Pets generally weigh much less than people; therefore,just a pound or two can make a big difference.treat you feed your pet, it is essential should you vary your pet’s regular young Labrador retriever might need Increasingly, people are looking forthat you consider the entire caloric diet. That’s why it is essential to considerably more exercise than other ways to interact with their dogs.intake for the day. This means that consult with your veterinarian about an eight-year-old dachshund with Activities such as obedience classes,you should not add treats to the daily your pet’s unique needs. heart disease. With your veterinar- agility training and competitions, fly-ration of food. Instead, treats should ian’s approval, you can embark on an ball competitions, and Frisbee® con-substitute for a small portion of the What is a good exercise program that won’t seem like tests are wonderful means of enjoyingdaily food. An easy way to give your exercise routine for work at all – to your pet, it’s play. your dog and socializing with otherpet a treat is to take a few pieces of my pet? people and dogs. And they are greatdry food from the regular meal and Exercising Your Dog forms of exercise!save them for a treat later in the day. Different pets need different amounts of exercise, so you’ll The key to exercising your dog is Exercising Your Cat Do not feed your pet table scraps. want to talk to your veteri- to start out slowly and then steadilyMost “people food” is full of fat, narian before starting While your cat probably won’tsalt, and other ingredients your pet your pet’s work- increase the length and want to accompany you on a five-miledoesn’t need. These unwanted ingre- out pro- intensity of the work- run, he may like to play games thatdients will cause him to gain unwant- gram. outs. Just like people, involve chasing a piece of string ored pounds and sometimes cause indi- A dogs that go from something attached to a string. Manygestion or diarrhea. Keep leftovers little or no exercise cats love to chase the light from aand scraps in a place where your pet to a lengthy or laser pointer. Cats in multi-cat house-cannot reach them, such as the refrig- strenuous routine holds can also play with each othererator or a covered trash can. will experience for exercise. soreness and may Most pets get the right amount even suffer from Whatever game you play with yourof fat, protein and nutrients damage to weak cat, don’t use your hand or fingers asfrom their regular food; ligaments. If “bait” or as the object of teasing. Suchtherefore, treats your dog is stiff games teach him that it is all right toshould be just or slow to rise the day scratch and bite your hands – a les-that – treats! son you will want your cat to unlearnOnly occa- after exercise, slow down. in the future. Also, do not leave yoursionally Hiking, walking and running cat unattended with yarn or string because he may choke on it, get it are all great exercise for your stuck in his throat, or become danger- dog, and he will most likely be ously entangled in it. thrilled to participate. If your dog is unable or unwilling to walk due to Take the time to exercise your pet stiffness or injury and is comfortable regularly, and feed your dog or cat around water, swimming may be a according to your veterinarian’s rec- good option. ommendations. Help your pet stay fit If you’d like to try something else, and trim to lengthen his life and your play fetch with a tennis ball, stick, friendship! or Frisbee®. Playing fetch or hide- and-seek with two or more people is another excellent way to exercise your dog. Tug-of-war is not a good game because it can damage his teeth and may increase aggressive behavior.For this reason, all the staff at • Wellness Care Plans • Radiology • House Calls We hope youVillage Animal Hospital have a • Routine Medical Care • In-House Laboratory • Hospice will feel thiscommon bond: a daily goal to commitmentgive our clients and their pets • Vaccinations • Surgical • Euthanasia from us whenthe most up-to-date and best • Holistic Care Services • Dental • Other services you visit, and come to trust us possible medical care • Ultrasound also provided with all of your pet care needs! Each one of our staff is committed to this goal, making Village Animal Hospital a wonderful environment to work in
32 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentuckyPack your bags... ...not your worries.For many, the challenges of caring for a loved one are part of daily life and taking avacation may seem impossible. Getting help is essential for your health, and yourresilience is critical for your loved one.Relax. Let The Willows at Citation & Hamburg help!We offer Respite stays for a healthier you!Call us today to book your loved one’s stay and enjoy a worryfree vacation for you and for your loved one!Health Campus Services:Personal Care • Short-Term Rehab • Long-Term CareMemory Care • Skilled Nursing • Outpatient TherapyFollow us on your favorite social networksThe Willows at Citation AT C ITATION859-277-0320 willowsatcitation.com & HAMBURG1376 Silver Springs Drive • Lexington, KYThe Willows at Hamburg859-543-0337 • willowsathamburg.com2531 Old Rosebud • Lexington, KY
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 33Good Nutrition cell life and neurotransmission. The 10 of which are considered healthyMay Lessen Risk of healthy brain requires an overall bal- foods and five that are consideredDementia anced nutritional intake. When that unhealthy. The healthy foods are balanced nutrition is not provided, green leafy vegetables, other veg-Healthy eating boosts the brain serious deficiencies may affect cogni- etables, nuts, berries, beans, wholeand other body systems tive abilities and produce symptoms grains, fish, poultry, olive oil and consistent with memory loss and wine. The unhealthy foods, whichBy Dr. Tom Miller, Staff Writer tually stall. Healthy eating is essential dementia. should be consumed in moderation, Good nutrition is one key to health for optimum brain functioning as are red meats, butter/stick margarine, well. The brain needs many different Some promising studies are cheese, pastries and sweets and friedand wellness. Nutrition is often nutrients to develop and function looking at diet and the potential foods.defined as the supply of food required properly. Nutrients such as choline for reducing the risk of dementia.by the body and its cells to stay alive. (found in egg yolks, liver and wheat Researchers recently report creat- Randomized controlled trials haveIt is also the science and practice of germ) and DHA (an omega-3 fatty ing a new direction in dieting that discovered the food components ofconsuming and utilizing food to meet acid found in fish and breast milk) could reduce the risk of developing the diets have many cardiovascularthat need. Nutritional science is the are particularly important for proper Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. benefits (Morris, Tangney, Wang,study of how the body breaks down brain development. According to a study published in Sacks, Bennett, Aggarwal, 2015).the food it takes in, repairs existing Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal Based on this research, the MINDcells and creates new cells and tissue. The brain also needs tyrosine, of the Alzheimer’s Association, Dr. diet appeared to reduce or slow theThis process is referred to as metabo- which is found in protein and vitamin Martha Clare Morris, research team onset of various dementias, includinglism. C. It produces neurotransmitters that leader and a nutritional epidemiolo- Alzheimer’s dementia, in the popula- carry signals between brain cells. gist with the Department of Internal tion studied. Morris concluded that The importance of good nutrition Antioxidants in foods and essential Medicine, Rush Alzheimer’s Disease even if the MIND diet is followed onis tied to the body’s ability to func- fatty acids help protect brain cells Center, Rush University Medical a moderate basis, it would still resulttion effectively. Food is the fuel that from everyday damage and age-relat- Center in Chicago, and her colleagues in a 35-percent lower risk of develop-helps deliver maximum power and ed decline. have merged two popular diets to ing dementia and/or Alzheimer’s.performance to all body systems. create the Mediterranean-DASHWithout healthy nutrition, the body’s The brain needs a mixture of Intervention for Neurodegenerative Research assessing the abilityengine will cough, splutter and even- vitamins and iron for cellular energy Delay (MIND) diet. of various nutritional supplements metabolism that promotes dynamic to improve a person’s attention, DASH (Dietary Approaches memory, reasoning and problem- to Stop Hypertension) and the solving ability has been inconclusive. Mediterranean diet have both been In general, it seems improving one’s shown to lessen risks of cardiovascu- general nutrition status can have lar issues and have also been said to some modest effects. A healthy diet slow or prevent the onset of certain does seem to delay or protect against forms of dementia. The MIND diet some aspects of age-related cognitive involves 15 dietary components, decline.
34 & FOODJuly 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentuckyGET A SWEETTASTE OFTHE TROPICS By Tanya Tyler, Editor/Writer Guavas may be (www.crfg.org), guava varieties dif- Guava breast cancer cells, although further found mainly in the fer widely in flavor and seediness human trials need to be done. Some tropics, but there’s (the seeds are edible). Depending people with diabetes. studies show guava leaf oil may no reason you on the species, the fruit’s outer skin Guava is low in calories but rich reduce cancer growth. Guava’s fibercan’t enjoy them right here in the is light green, maroon or yellow content helps protect the colon’suntropical Bluegrass. You may have when it is ripe. (Placing the fruit in in vitamins, proteins and minerals mucous membrane by decreasingto search a bit to find a guava, but it a brown paper bag with a banana and has no cholesterol. It has less exposure time to toxins as well aswill be worth it. or an apple hastens ripening.) The sugar than apples, oranges, grapes binding to cancer-causing chemicals Guavas are native to Mexico, inner pulp may be sweet or sour and some other fruit. It’s a good in the colon.Central America and northern with an off-white, red or deep pink source of vitamin A, which boostsSouth America. They are also found color. It is used in salads, drinks, eye health. It has four times the You can incorporate guava inin Asia, Africa, India and along the jams and jellies and even in certain level of vitamin C than oranges, your beauty treatment regimen. InMediterranean coast. They were alcoholic beverages. which are always championed as addition to eating the fruit to keepbrought to Florida in 1847 and the best source of this essential vita- your skin looking and feeling youngare cultivated there now. They are Guava has been used to treat min. A guava-and-orange fruit salad and bright, you can rinse your skinrelated to the myrtle and eucalyptus a variety of illnesses, including could pack quite a wallop for your with a decoction of its leaves. Guavafamily. The fruit is round, ovoid or diarrhea, dysentery, constipation immune system. Guava also has is good for you, inside and out.pear shaped. and scurvy. The juice of guava more potassium, which helps regu- The most common type is leaves has been known to cure late blood pressure, than a banana.the apple guava. According to toothaches, swollen gums and oral It can give your brain a boost, sinceCalifornia Rare Fruit Growers ulcers and speed up the healing it’s full of vitamins B3 (niacin) and process of wounds when applied B6, which can stimulate cognitive There are claims externally. The high level of dietary function. that adding guava fiber in guava helps regulate the to your diet can absorption of sugar, decreasing the There are claims that adding inhibit the growth chances of major spikes and drops guava to your diet can inhibit the and metastasis of in insulin and glucose in the body. growth and metastasis of cancerous cancerous cells. That makes it a good choice for cells. Guava is rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to inhibit the growth of
July 2015 & 35FOOD BITES been seen in at least 14 weed spe- thin. Hershey’s will stop using arti- cies and biotypes in the United ficial vanillin and emulsified poly- States. Currently, researchers have glycerol polyricinoleate (the latter thousands of tests underway in is used to replace expensive cocoa U.S. fields for new crops. As of butter to reduce the chocolate’sBy Angela S. Hoover, Staff Writer September 2013, about 7,800 viscosity). Hershey’s will also strive for more transparency in sourcing, releases have been approved for manufacturing and labeling pro- genetically engineered (GE) corn; cesses. It will work with suppliersSafe Summer farmers and help increase produc- more than 2.200 for GE soybeans; to source 100-percent certified andGrilling tion. But the ERS report found over more than 1,100 for GE cotton; sustainable cocoa and palm oil. these first 15 years of commercial and about 900 for GE potatoes. Of Additionally, Hershey’s will no lon- Doctors are warning about the use, GMO seeds have not increased those releases, 6,772 were for GE ger source milk from cows treatedrisks of cleaning grills with wire yield potentials and, in fact, the varieties with herbicide tolerance; with the artificial growth hormonebrushes. Metal bristles may stay yields of herbicide-tolerant or 4,809 for insect resistance; and rBST. Advocacy group GMO Insidelodged on the grilling surface and insect-resistant seeds may occasion- 4,896 for product quality (flavor or led the campaign urging Hershey’scould be ingested. Even though this ally be lower than the yields of con- nutrition); and 5,190 for drought and Mars to make their productsis not highly likely, it can wreak ventional varieties. Several research- resistance. Monsanto has the most without GMOs and to considerserious internal damage should it ers have found “no significant dif- authorized field releases with 6,782, environmental and health concerns.happen. With this in mind, here are ferences” between the net returns to followed by DuPont Pioneer with Prior to Hershey’s announcement,tips to ensure your grilling is safe farmers who use GMO herbicide- 1,405. Nestlé pledged to remove artificialthis summer. tolerant seeds and those who use coloring and flavoring from all its non-GMO seeds. Insecticide use on Hershey’s and candy products sold in the United • If you do clean the grill with a corn farms was down to 0.02 pound Other Chocolate States. And Breyers ice creamwire brush, be sure to rinse the grill per acre in 2010 as opposed to 0.21 Companies Heed announced it will also stop usingthoroughly afterward. pound per acre in 1995. However, Customer Demands milk from cows treated with rBST. herbicide use in GMO corn These developments are powerful • You can make the grilling sur- increased from around 1.5 pounds Giving in to years of pressure in reminders of the power of consum-face non-stick by cutting a potato in per planted acre in 2001 to more the form of Facebook posts, emails ers to manifest the change theyhalf and rubbing the white surface than 2.0 pounds per planted acre in and telephone calls from consum- want to see.back and forth on a hot grill. The 2010. Herbicide use in non-GMO ers and advocacy organizations,starch from the potato will create a corn has remained relatively level Hershey’s has announced sev-non-stick barrier. during the same time frame. eral upcoming changes to make its chocolate brands Hershey’s Kisses • Instead of using a wire brush, Furthermore, over reliance on Milk Chocolates and Hershey’suse a nylon brush or aluminum foil glyphosate has led to an increase Milk Chocolate Bars with simplerto clean the grill. When the grill in weed resistance that has made ingredients. It will swap geneticallyis off and cool, cut two lengths of crop production more difficult. modified sugar beet for cane sugaraluminum the width of your grill. Glyphosate is the chief ingredient and switch to non-GMO soy leci-Cover the racks with the foil and in Monsanto’s Roundup herbi-tuck down the edges; make sure the cide. Glyphosate resistance hasshiny side of the foil faces the racks.Fire up the grill and close the lid.The heat will do all the work foryou. Keep it on for about 15 min-utes; then turn off the grill and letit cool. Remove the aluminum foiland bunch it into a ball. Rub thefoil ball across the racks to remove Metal bristles mayany remaining residue, then rinsethe racks with water, wipe down stay lodged on thewith a wet sponge and let air dry. grilling surface and could be ingested.USDA ReportsConclusions onGMO CropsWe’ve now had 15 years of genet-ically modified (GMO) crops andU.S. farmers continue to see mixedresults, according to a Februaryreport from the USDA. The depart-ment’s Economic Research Services(ERS) is not characterizing GMOcrops as good or bad. Since themid-1990s, 169 million acres ofGMO crops have been planted inthe United States, encompassingabout half the total land used forcrops. Patented GMO seeds costmore than conventional seeds. Theprice of GMO soybean and cornseeds grew by about 50 percentbetween 2001 and 2010. The com-panies that hold the patents and sellGMO seeds say they make weedand insect management easier for
36 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentucky Nutrition and the Elderly Older people need to eat properly to maintain good health By Jean Jeffers, Staff Writer According to experts, malnutrition in the elderly may be an unrecognized health issue. Maintaining good health and recovering from illness make adequate nutrition necessary for older people. “No matter what age, the rec- ommended food for good health should be packed with vitamins and minerals,” said Ray Anne Best, dia- betic educator and dietician at Mercy Anderson Hospital in Cincinnati. “Whole bread, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy items, lean meat and Are You Injured? Are You Disabled?WE CAN HELPAuto Accident Injuries Motorcycle Accidents Nursing Home Neglect Social Security Disability Work Injuries / Comp. Tractor Trailer Accidents Wrongful Death Cases Long-Term Disability Personal Injury Cases
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 37other protein foods constitute healthy Unrecognized Health Issue,” appeared tions with side effects that negatively • Liven up dull salads by addingfoods for the individual. Having three in RN Journal. impact appetite, a slowing digestive nuts, seeds, kidney beans, peas ormeals every day with healthy foods Necessary vitamins and miner- system and even poor dental care black beans.promotes proper nutrition and helps als are essential to the health and all are reasons seniors fail to receiveensure good quality of life.” nourishment of seniors. Without a adequate nutrition. • Eat whole fruit rather than drink-While eating doubt, water ing fruit juices.healthy at any and vitamins Lifestyle may also have a role inage is important, B6, B12 and the reception of proper nutrients. If an older person cannot shop ornutrition takes D, along with Loneliness and depression may inter- cook, there are a number of ways toon a new mean- calcium, foliate, fere with diet, and so can mourning help them, depending on financesing in the care magnesium and the deaths of family members or and needs, including the use of homeof the elderly. While eating potassium, are friends. Divorce may leave the person delivery services, getting a neighborHealth issues and vital components in an emotional state where food does involved, signing up with homemakerphysical limita- healthy at any of the diet of the not interest him or her. Often finan- services, if eligible, or hiring a home-tions often play older individual. cial difficulties are the main culprits maker to do shopping and food prep-a role in elderly age is important, These vitamins hampering nutrition. Other lifestyle aration. People helping seniors obtainpatients receiv- and minerals factors could be lack of transportation adequate nutrients might try to:ing adequate nutrition takes on may be obtained to the grocery store or forgetfulnessnutrients. by eating healthy about to what to buy at the store or • Enhance aromas and flavors. Poor nutri- a new meaning foods such as a what to eat. Appealing foods may stimulate appe-tion negatively variety of fruits tite.affects 5 percent in the care of the and vegetables, The following tips for preventing malnutrition appeared in the online • Make eating a social event.to 10 percent of elderly. some good pro- article “Eating Well as You Age”: • Accompany the person to thethe elderly living tein and, yes, grocery to select food.in the commu- even some fat. • Eat nutrient-packed foods. • Take care of dental problems.nity; another 60 Yet many • Have flavorful foods available.percent in the times, the senior • Snack between meals. About the Authorhospital; and fails to receive • Eat with company as often as Jean is an RN with an MSN from theanywhere from 38 percent to 85 per- optimal nutrition. Illness may be possible. University of Cincinnati. She writescent living in long-term care facilities, part of the reason. In such diseases as • Get help with food preparation. freelance and is a staff writer for Livingaccording to Danielle Maher, nursing Alzheimer’s, the individual may well • Consult your doctor. Well 50 Plus magazines and also writesstudent, and Carol Eliadi, EdD, JD, forget to eat. Or arthritis may make Healthy eating as you age means for Christian Living in the Mature eating more natural unprocessed Years. She has a Web page and blog on foods. Other healthy eating measures line at normajean.naiwe.com. include:APRN at the Massachusetts College meal preparation and eating difficult. • Eating sufficient fiber. Goodof Pharmacy and Health Sciences Physical changes such as a slowing sources are whole grain cereals, bar-in Worchester, Mass. Their article, of metabolism, weakened senses that ley, beans, nuts, vegetables and fruits.“Malnutrition in the Elderly: An diminish taste and smell, medica- FREE LSGSPENCER HablamosCONSULTATION Español LAW GROUPFee Deducted From Settlement Kelly P. Spencer & Associates 252-HELP (4357) • 1.800.980.0207 535 Wellington Way / 3rd Floor • www.kellyspencerlaw.com THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT
38 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentuckyPreservative Embalmings director of the American Society of Embalmers.Are we trying to escape the reality before us? The problem, according to manyBy Charles Sebastian, dead don’t care about how they look sized by Blair et al. (1990), whose funeral directors, is that most newerStaff Writer or if they are buried in a coffin or a findings indicated there was a greater embalming substitutes don’t have Cadillac. Embalming for preservative than average incidence of malignan- the same effect as formaldehyde. Years ago, the bodies of deceased effects is made solely for the grieving cies of the haemopoietic and lym- The substance kills bacteria thatpersons were pumped too full of loved ones. Most funeral directors phoid system amongst anatomists would otherwise eat the body faster,preservatives, not allowing proper continue using formaldehyde as the and embalmers in many laboratories. and it creates cellular bonding, stiff-decomposition. While the usual dis- principle ingredient for embalmings, In addition, formaldehyde has been ening the body and encouraging itintegration and unavoidable break- claiming that nothing else comes declared a potential carcinogen.” to keep its shape. It even promotes adown of flesh and bone is unpleasant close to its effectiveness. However, flushed look in the skin, a rosy pallorenough, of even greater distress is the government now includes Every year in the United States that insinuates health. Some funeralthe lack of entropy due to body pre- formaldehyde on its list of Class I alone, in excess of 5 million gal- homes create better ventilationservatives. Pickled for all eternity, carcinogens. lons of formaldehyde are used for systems and raise some awarenesslooking good even after death – or at embalming, usually mixed with about safety concerning prolongedleast long enough for the family and In a 2011 article in The Journal other toxic chemicals to make a exposure to formaldehyde. Even so,friends (the parties really concerned of Animal and Veterinary Advances, cocktail that will give the illusion the increased health risk remains, aswith loved ones looking good post- researchers wrote about formalde- of life. The substance is injected many embalmers and funeral homemortem) – to have one last glance, hyde: “Concern has been expressed into the arterial system, replacing workers have higher percentages ofone last memory that will remind in relation to the occupational expo- drained blood. “An average embalm- cancer-related issues.them of the person in life. sure to formaldehyde by workers ing requires a minimum of 3 gallons in anatomical laboratories (Papst, of the embalming solution,” said Green burials use preservative It can be safely assumed that the 1987), and this was recently empha- Melissa Johnson Williams, executive chemicals other than formaldehyde. These are still a far cry in terms of Concern has been expressed in relation to the total preservation, longevity of the occupational exposure to formaldehyde by workers in preserved state and smell factor, anatomical laboratories. but they are getting better by the day. While this is wonderful, deeper questions about both old and new methods remain: What is it doing to the Earth and why do we need the illusion of the dead being alive? Death is, after all, a part of life. The illusions embalming techniques cre- ate allow us to escape from the real- ity of the fate of all.
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 39MEDICALCODINGcertificationFirst, Oldest & Best NJeusxtlyat rC2tls2ass14 years - 800+ studentsThe ONLY PMCC taught in Kentuckyby Patricia Cordy Henricksen, MS,CHCA, CPC-I, CPC, CCP-P, ACS-PM,AAPC Approved ICD-10 TrainerICD-10 CLASSES JULY 11–12REGISTER NOWwww.soterionmedical.com(859) 233-3900e-mail us: [email protected]
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YOUR FITNESS COACHFor advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 41Benefits of Barefoot TrainingTake your shoes off and get in shape By Willie B. Ray, Personal Trainer, Art of Strength Kettle Bell Gym 1301 Winchester Road #129 Lexington, KY 40505 Think enasnlabetNsAhrtaatouicarkrdnocrenesaognfc,lotreegsomdotsreuitsnofradettgvgbrreioaeeiotltinmisondtlgeysiyen.haenagdrotnfwtedoet, about your feet being in change in the orientation of the heelshoes all day long – where all the nerve end- changes the mechanics of the arch of the foot,ings, motor sensors, joints and bones in your subsequently increasing the curve of the lower turn causes back and neck problems. feet are constricted and rarely see daylight to back. Walking barefoot means the only heel Try training barefoot to experience the dif-feel the ground as you walk. In the introduc- you’re walking on is your own. ference and reap the benefits. As always, if Ition of his book, “Take Off Your Shoes and • Improves circulation. The motion of can be of any assistance to you, please feel freeWalk,” Simon Wikler writes, “Practically all your unrestricted foot when walking barefoot to contact me at (859) 221-4479 or super-shoes worn daily by men and women in our activates a number of muscles in the feet and [email protected] civilization have little relation to the legs, which in turn helps pump blood backshape of the human foot. Most adults’ foot to the heart, ultimately reducing the stress ontrouble would either not exist or would be the entire cardiovascular system and reduc- Yours in Health, Willie B. Raymuch less bothersome if properly shaped shoeshad been worn during childhood or, better yet, ing blood pressure.if those people had gone barefoot.” Going barefoot is The modern running shoe and footwear recommended togenerally reduce sensory feedback, apparently prevent deep veinwithout diminishing injury-inducing impact, thrombosis. resulting in a false sense of security that may • Increasescontribute to the risk of injury (Robbins and biomechanicalGouw, 1991). Nike released the Nike Free, a performance.“shoe that lets your foot run free on any sur- Wearing shoes thatface,” designed to mimic the effects of run- have arch supportsning barefoot. According to Nike, “Studies prevents the archesshow barefoot training leads to stronger feet, from functioningstronger feet lead to a stronger body and properly, and highnatural movement enhances agility.” There are heels cause chaos tomany examples of how barefoot training can posture becausehelp physical performance, specifically in kettle they compromisebell training. Evidence exists documenting the energy storage and Win a WEEK of www.artofstrengthlexington.comfollowing benefits of barefoot training: change the shape of FREE FITNESS • Increases the strength of the muscles the spine, which in 1301 Winchester Road Suite 129 | Lexington, KY 40505in your feet and legs. Running barefoot forces Valid for new clients’ first visit onlyyou to compensate for the lack of cushion by CALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR SESSIONplantar-flexing the foot at contact (Frederick, 859-225-34881986). It also increases the work of the foot’ssoft tissue support structures, thereby increas-ing their strength and possibly reducing therisk of injury (Yessis, 2000). • Improves agility and balance. Researchsuggests running shoes reduce proper proprio-ception and tactile sensitivity, which can bepreserved using bare feet on high-density foammats in gyms. Improved balance during move-ment results from these behaviors inducedby plantar tactile sensations (Robbins et al.,1996). Training barefoot is also claimed toreduce the risk of sprains by increasing aware-ness of foot position provided by feedbackfrom plantar cutaneous mechanoreceptors indirect contact with the ground (Robbins et al.,1995) or by decreasing the leverage arm andconsequently the twisting torque around thesub-talar joint during a stumble (Stacoff et al.,1996). • Improves posture. Barefoot training mayhelp reduce lower back pain because any
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44 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentucky Health&WellnessDigital is just a Click Away Read the current issue on your smart phone, tablet & computer. Scan here to view the current issue:
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46 & July 2015 | Read this issue and more at www.healthandwellnessmagazine.net | Like us @healthykentuckyYour Three Options in Estate Planningby Walter C. Cox, Jr. Attorney let the state dictate to your heirs 3. A will does not plan for inca- problems, is avoided. through the statutory will of pacity and if guardianship is You retain total control for as Throughout our lives, we’ve Kentucky. This option will cost the needed, both you and your fam-made many choices and have had most dollars, take the most time, ily will experience very costly, long as you live and are competent.many options to choose from. and be the most agonizing for your time consuming and humiliat- After that, control moves to whom-Should we buy a house or shouldn’t heirs. ing court proceedings. ever you named in your trust to takewe? If so, where? What size? What over when you can’t.extras? What can we afford? Etc. Option #2: Have a Will. 4. A will is a public document.Should we buy a car or shouldn’t This option seems benign People looking for distressed Your Estate is quickly distributedwe? If so, what brand, model, color, enough for many folks. It’s inexpen- property not only search to your heirs according to yourextras, etc.? I’m sure you get the sive to set up, it names your repre- foreclosure files, bankruptcy wishes. The person or persons youidea. sentative and it decides how your files and divorce files, but also have designated will settle your estate will be divided after probate. probate files. A will makes your affairs in the comfort and privacy of I am an Estate Planning Attorney These are all positive things. heirs fair game for unscrupulous their own home.and Estate Planning is the one However, there are four negative solicitors.exception to everything we’ve done things about just having a will: Option #3: Have a A Trust has a built in guardian-so far in our lives. It is a must. 1. All wills go through probate and Living Trust. ship plan if you become incapaci- probate is costly. I’ve seen fees In my opinion, a Living Trust is tated. First, there is no choice as to as low as four percent, but I’vewhether or not Estate Planning is also seen fees as high as twenty the best and most effective Estate A Trust is a private document.needed. That choice has been made percent or more. Plan. There are many myths andfor us by the Almighty. 2. Probate can’t settle in less than misconceptions that make some Living Trusts have been rec- six months and can easily take people think a Living Trust is not ommended to the middle class Second, our options are not limit- twenty-four months or longer. for them. Many people think a trust in almost every major consumerless as they were when we bought That’s an awfully long time for is just for the very rich, but nothing publication as well as on the “Suzea house, car or all sorts of material your loved ones to be entangled could be further from the truth. It Orman Show” on CNBC.things. in a court process not of their doesn’t take much value at all to choosing. It’s especially stress- require an estate to go through the www.waltercoxlaw.comIn Estate Planning, there ful for whomever you chose as agonies of probate. orare only three options. executor. [email protected] The advantages of a Trust are Option #1: Do Nothing. huge. Probate, with all of its inherent This means you’ve decided to Why a LWiviInLgLTrvusst.iTs tRheUBSesTt Option Have a Will (Probate) Have a Trust (No Probate)Probate is the system that removes the name of a A Living Trust is the fail proof way to passdeceased person from the assets. along your estate to your heirs without lawyers, courts or the probate system.• All claims, real or imagined, must be settled to the court’s satisfaction • Be in total control for as long as you live and are competent• Probate takes time . . . many months or even years • Eliminate court interference if you become incapacitated• Probate costs money . . . 4% to 8% of the estate value is not uncommon • Administer your estate yourself before you die.• Probate is public record including wills• A will is of no help if you become • Let your children do final settlement without cost or delay incapacitated • Keep everything private and reduce Please call 859-514-6033 or fill out this form for a FREE consultation in our office: excess taxesName There is NO CHARGE nor OBLIGATION to seeAddress what option is right for YOU!City, State, ZipPhone Please fill out form (left) and mail to address below:Age County The Law Offices of Attorney Walter C. Cox Jr. ® Spouse’s Age 2333 Alexandria Dr., Lexington, KY 40504 www.waltercoxlaw.com [email protected] Atty. Walter C. Cox, Jr. Rated AV by Martindale Hubbell for 30 years.(aarp) endorses LIVING TRUSTS • (smart money magazine) endorses LIVING TRUSTS
For advertising information visit www.samplerpublications.com or call 859.225.4466 | July 2015 & 47www.healthandwellnessmagazine.netyou!We want to hear from facebook.com/HealthWellnessMagazine @healthykentuckyDo you have comments, questions or suggestions for www.healthandwellnessmagazine.netHealth&Wellness Magazine? Share it on our Facebook page,give us a Tweet, or comment directly on the articles on MAGAZINEhealthandwellnessmagazine.net. &
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